Newspaper Page Text
• V J*MLk7 :'$&■■ m» . I ^H ■::4‘ f;/r‘3 ■-j> -' ■.*.-* ■ m. - Hi * I «* ' > CONDITIONS. J I. The Enquirer will appear twice a h week...»During the feltton of Congrcfs ^ and the Virginia Legiflature, either a S third paper or a fupplementary half- N fheet, during the week. S II. Term* of payment five dollars S ! per annum, in advance. vj i III. AovtfRTI skmknts,from thofe who S do not fubferihe to the paper, ihould ^ they not exceed a fquare in length, > lhall be inferted for feventy-fme cents h the firft time, fifty cents for cadi time ^ during three weeks, and for every ad- x ditional inlertion thirty-three cents ; ^ long Ones in the fame proportion. S IV. Subscribers (hall have their ad- S vertifements inferted for fifty cents ^ the firft time, and thirty-three cents X for every additional inlertion. h DISSOLUTION ok PARTNERSHIP* BY agreement, the partnerlhip of SHANKS t3* M-RAF. will c(jfe on the hill day of Augull. Thofe to whom the firm (lands indebted will pleafc exhibit their accounts, that arrangemetns may be made for their dilcharge. The debtors of the firm are defined to make immediate payment, as delin quents wili be indilcriminately filed. Thofj concern- 1 «d will make nnplicatinu to Colin M‘Rae. SIIANKS Is* IvI'RAE. Manchefier, Augull 15, 1801. THE SUBSCRIBER EXPECTS thin fall a very generat afTortment ■*—1 ot GOODS, and intends to continue bilfincfs in The houfe now occupied by Shanks & M‘Rae. All thoie who have been heretofore punctual, are folicit ed to continue their dealings. COLIN M‘RAE. Augull 15. ep3w FOUR DOLLARS REWARD. STRAYED OR STOLEN, ON OR ABOUT THF. FIRST OF JULY, A LIGHT BAT HORSE, luppofed to be . 7- ^we‘ve years °D, four feet eight or nine inches l»:gh, (lout made, bob tail, particular marks not recol lected, having been in niy pofl'ellion but a fhort time —!nd when mi Ted a very fore back. Any perfou de livering faid horfe to me, Hull receive the above re ward- . ^ JOHN DIXON. Augull ljtfc, ] 304. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 5th Circuit, Virginia Diflrid, , May 30, 1804. Jo,.-n L.oyd and Job,, Ranbury, fmftving partners^ V Hanburys and ldoyd, Pbiitfiib : AGAIKST t JnhnR-f Archibald Price, h->berl ti'eft and ^ Elizabeth Carter bis wife, Meux Thornton and Z, \ Frstilla bis wfl, Henry Perrin and Anna bis 7? txife^fiamu l A tderfou and Jan net bis wife. Join > M'Keand, Willis M'Keand, and Alexander HP-., children art devifees of John M'Keand, Sj dceeaJcd, and James Watt, executor of Alexr.n M'Robert, deciafed, win was executor of tit fad J dsn M' Keaxi, Jeer j fed, Defendants. J D QBER.T WES I is appointed guardian to Alexander M'Keand, an inf inf defendant in this ( spit ; and the caufe coming on by confent of the /unties to be ueard on the bill and amended bill, the of the de- \ finds,,:s, replications, the will of John M'Keand, a- j for faid, and the proceedings in a fuit at law in this court | brought by the complainants again/ the defendant Walt ns ' executor aforejuid, which judgment was obtained at the 1 December sejjian i 8‘.) 1 .• WllURnuPON, IT If DSCRKno 1 or. njiRtn, That Edmund Run /cloh, William j Mitchell, Robert Pollard and Edm.- ! W Rootes, or any ' two or more of them, dr exfiofc to sale at public assllson, 1 together or separately, the lot and tenement in the proceedings I mentioned, now in the occupation of William M'Cay ;\ and the small tenements and grand thereunto belonginfr, j * »t-£r4Z> adjoin the tenement conveyed in trjfl to the defer- ■ dants Buchanan and Rr,cr—after the time and place of, sale fbdl have been advertlfcl four Weeks in one or more \ t <f tbs Richmond near,papers ;—the terms of sale to be •ne third sn eafb, and thr remaining two-thirds payable in usJUtments with legal inter J from the day of sale', ticfirjl . snficilment to b-paid twelve months, and thr ircon.1 in two year, fro,n the day of sale; the purchasers to <rive b.nds | for the said two infa’nrnts, and in default of payment to' be again sold by Pm /aid can mi [/loner-, or any two of them, I for ready money, for the payment of the balances that may ' e due frr m the respeftive burcb ts:rj : Ani> n is PUR- ! TKHH. oxnratro, That the said commoner, who may' ah? do fro n the pro. - J, of He fates hereby frll directed, • fey *sto the i-omfi’jtnani , ibair avert fir attorney* three * thousand o- Ij-.dndiud and twenty-five dollars, thirty-one' cents, with infreft on two thousand t-i-o hundred and, fair,tty-' deHart, fixh/fix sen's, part tier.of, at five \ per m the fixfe. ,th day of December, cur thoufin.d eight hundred and one, th- balance appearing .to be due the complaininti by a fi it. went ary on-r f!, exhibits, and tie', tofis of this ssist; and fi. - -.-ml,,,, if any, after J diDiir | the charges ,y the sale, to h- h ought Into mart, sub,ell to such oni -r a ■ may h rerfi-r hr made co tc.rning the"same ; J the moniesfiefi rofid by the tab I, be appdhd to *be rati,- I fafliou of ’he J the ranplainants : Akd it is fva Tt'BP. t,n „****, That rail <f the eemmif .-nw tl* may\ aft .ortviy to t!r pair!*, r, fr. ronformi'r to t-': t - — - this decree, and that they m-tir r-pori -f their preceding, to the court, " . 5 i A Cgy—r.fie, J'AMt 7 h r.Afit, ORE, o. c. k'cf'.nior.rf, Aligufl I'.'h, JfOI. IN (urtunm of the. Acre, tv Jh ,H »•/.»/,/„ > trie at pt.Ui nut hon, th- Lot, T if- fir, GroinHz? Pro feriy tier.P, met.. W, n, the 11 // ,hy 0/ the nrrt « «* U* trr"’if 1 ■ h fit' .it. «/ nnmf. li> 'WNn ra ynri. v it. IVILL!AM MITCHELL. r POT.LARD. EDMUND H\ ROOT EH. l.rCMTfl) flf.ACKING. H ’TCE’r imprc-' d 'Toning liquid b! cling for . * -boot e and fn .« h and.ili lev her that requires tu b,.- kept black, is uniVerf.tlly allowed the heft CVtr offered to the public, it never corrod i nor crachr. the leather, hut renders it fuft fmooth k beautiful to the laft, anil never foils. j?l*< k mo rocco that has Juft it* ftien^th is ftftored e* qual to new hy the life of this blacking. To prevent counterfeit, the direAion* on eve ry bottle w,!! l.e Agnrd J. 'T ice in writing, with out which they arc not genuine. Sold In Richmond at i.dmard Hallo,.,'. Groterj Store. ~_July gs. tint H’e haw rrrrivrd a small additional fupbliof MADEIRA WINE, OF a fupnior quality, which wc o'F r for file by tlic hogfheid and quartet-caA;. Ih* * Gipson y*.prFR-oN. July is. eplf 7.v COUNCIL, Avcvst 11, 1804. J T is advifcd that the names of the Comntiffi X oners appointed to take the polls lor the election <>! Prelideut an J Vice-PreliJent of the United States be pnbhmcd in the Virginia Atgus and Enquirer in Rich mond ; in the Norfolk, Petcriburg, i'rcdericklburg, Alexandria, Winchjher, Staunton, Lynchburg and Lexington papers, with a notification that the ;»m nnifinns have been lent by poll, and a requell that the gentlemen appointed inform the Clerk of the Council whether or not they have received their commiiltons. DANIEL L. HYLTON, C'.HHK OH TUB CoOttKIL. !>■>• Ill pttffuance of the above advice of Council, 1 am imlructed by the Governor to requell the feveral printers therein named to publilh the lame, together with the advice of Council of the 111 of June Lll, ap pointing the Cominiinoncis therein alluded to ; and that the CointnilUoners will be pleated to comply with w hat is requelled of them. SAMl. COLEMAN. Cltrk to the Jixe..itive. Ik COUXCIL, Jvke 1, 1804. PURSUANT to an ad of die General Aflembly intituled“ An ad to amend an ad intituled ::i id. lor appointing Electors to choufe a PreGdent anu Vice PreGdent of the United States”—It is adviled that the tollowing perfor.s be appointed and conimiftioned in the refpeCtive counties, and corporations of Kicn mond, Williamlburg, and borough of Norfolk, for the purpose of executing the laid law, viz. Accomack. George JLayfield, Parker Barnes, Robert Walker. Albemarle. Nicholas Lewis, Rice Garland, George Divers. Amelia. Edmund Harrilon, Thomas Randolph, Da* nici Hardaway. Amber]!. William S. Crawford, Landon Cabell, Jo el franklin. A fgujia. John Coalter, ChcGey Kinney, James Coch ran. Bath. Samuel Vance, John Wilfon, James Laird. Bedford. Chriftopher Clarke, Charles Clay, Daniel Pegram. Berkley. Erafnms Gant, Joel Ward, William So merville. Botetourt. Thomas Rowland, John Moore, Alexan der Patrick. Brooke. John G. Young, John M‘Cormack, and James Blair. Bmtf-wick. Dr. John Claiborne, Sterling Rufim, Aa ron Brown. Buckingham. William Perkins, jr. Matthew Branch, Anthony DebrelL Campbell. Jolm Dabney, William J. Lewis, Archi bald Robcrtfon. Cumberland. William Daniel, James Deane, John Hatcher. Caroline. John Hoomes, Daniel Coleman, James Taylor. Charier-City. John Bradley, James Walker, luhn Coigin. Chariot:.-. Quin Morton, Thomas Spencer, William I.. Morton. Ci-eJkrfcM. Thomas Goode, Uaac Salle, Thomas II*--.I • »» aituii>. Culpeper. Joiiu Shackleford, Mofcs Green, John Roberts. DinnviJdie. Edward Pegram, fen. Thomas B. Ro bertfon, Wilbamfon Coleman. Elizabeth-City. , George Wray, Auguftine Moore, fen. Thomas Jones (Pembroke). Ej]"ex. f ut.ft.tll Batiks, James Evatu, Sthrelhley Renuolds. Eawjuier, Gallavtis 3. Horner, Auguftine Jennings, Richard H. Pootc. Fairfax. Thompfon Mafpn, George Summers, George Graham. Frederick. James Singleton, John Smith, Robert Mackie. Franklin. Henry Calloway, Mofes Greer, Benjamin Cooke. Fluvanna. John Quarles, John Napier, jun. Mat thew P. Haden. Cloucrjfer. Matthew Anderfon Thomas Eaytop, Richard Baynham. Goochland. Nicholas M. Vaughn, John Mil'cr, Doc tor James Carter. Grayfon. Philip Games, John Filder, Enoch Ofborne. Greenbrier. John Kippers, William H. Cavendifh, . Lynar Mims. Greenfville. Lewi* Dupree, jofeph Wilkins, Francis Hill. Halifax. Joint B. Scott, Berryman Green, George Carrington. tiamfjbire. Olborne Sprigg, Francu Murphy, John Higgins. H. incur. Nathaniel Pope, William Pollard, Thomas White. Hardy. John L. Sehon, George Slump, Henry Ju dea. Harrifou. John Webfter, John G. Jackfon, David Hewes. HrnrLo. Nathaniel Wilkinfqn, Elilha Price, Wil liam Young (Brook). Iftnry. Jofeph Anthony, George Waller, jun. John Alexander, jun. IJl-rJ-lVioLt. John Barber (Everitt’s Bridge), Ema nuel Wills, Andrew Woodley. yjines-City. John Ambler, Champion Travis, Wil liam l.ightfoot. JcJ.rfcn. Ferdinands Fairfax, Jacob H. Manning, George Hite. Kunan ria. John Reynoios, Morris Hudfon, Charles Ven able. King if Queen. Richard Brooke, John Holkins, Thomas Roane. Xfr George. Tlieodofiu* Hansford, Stephen Hans ford, 1 aurence Berry. X iVltliarr. John Roane, jun. Philip Ay Jett, Hardin i .ittlepage. Lamjier. P ic* rd helden, Martin Shearman, Wil liam Kirk. I. r . Berjamin Sharpe, Peter Pulkerfor, Jolhua Ew ing. Loudoun. Albert Ruflell, Revd. AmofsThomas, John I .ittlejohri. Lruifi. William O Gallic, John Poindexter, Tho mas Mefiwetl **r. Lunadiurg. Waddy Street, Jof'-ph Yarbrough, Chrif tonher Robin Ion. Mad-fon. Abraham Maury, Elliott Ruche*, William Mallory. Mufcn. William Sterittt, William Owens, John MCalfah. MaVlt-nu James S. Park, Hunley Gale, Thoma^ JJrooke. MecH rinfg. Richard Kunion, Mark Alexander. William Munford. MidXJx. 'Ehoma. Roane,Thomas Mufe, William Btigar. Moroogalia. William John, David Scott, jr. I’.nos Dougherty. Monro;. John Byrnfide. William Graham, Bei jamiti Hall. .**■#*> i aywr, James P. Pri-fton. Narftmtnd. Jofiah Riddick, Richard Yarbrough, Jofeuh < iodwin. ‘ N.n-Krnt. William ChambcrUyne, Edward Parke, John .Senders. Northumberland, Thomas D. Downing, Hicrqnu Opie, John H. Tallin. A crfitb. Arthur I-ec, Daniel Bediuger, James Lla 1 mire. Northampton. C deb l'ilher, Hczekiab Pitts, William Fiiher. Notto-uuiy. Freeman Hopes, Edward Bland, James Jones. Ohio. Thomas Evans (mer.liant, Wheeling,) )ohn Mills, Jofeph Tomlinlon. Orange. Robert Taylor, James Barbour, Bclfield Cave. Patrick. Samuel Staples, Gabriel Penn, William Carter. PrnJhtMi Robert Davis, Dan el Cunito, John Sbvein. Pitifylvama. Ilaae Coles, W:i‘iam TtatnbU, jofeph Carter. * Powhatan. Richard Crump, Samuel Pleafalro, jamt-s Poindexter. Prince-EJevarJ. Archibald M‘Robert, TarIton Wood fon, Thomas Green. Primer/,*Ann. John Hancock, jr. Jeremiah Plummer, Lemuel Cornick. Prince-William. Matthew Harrifon, John Spencfe, William Lcr.ton, Prince-George. Benjamin Harriton, George Rufiln, and Thomas H. Cocke. Randolph. Robert Maxwell, Edmund Hart, John Carrence. xviLiiAiu joarnes, r.ze&i<M Lsevy, Vincent Branham. F: (bridge. John Bowyer, James Caruthers, John Ley bourne. RocLingham. George Houfton, Benjamin Harrifon, Jacob Rife. RuJJJl, Nathan EUitigton, Andrew Heybourne, John M. Arfton. Southampton. John Taylor, James Gee, Henry Blow. Spotfylvania. David C. Ker, Hugh Mercer, John Chew. S. ford. CoL John Cooke, John T. Brooke, Tra ves Daniel, fen. Surry. Nicholas Faulcon, William Boyce, Lemuel Bailey. Suffer Benjamin Wyche, Jolm Cargill, William Maflenburg. Shenandoah. Philip Wdiia.ns, Jacob Rinker, W. H. Dulaney. Warwick. Richard M'Intoih,Thomas Camm, Wil liam Digges. Wajlingtoiu Francis P reft oil, Claiborne Watkins, Ro bert Prefton. W.-ji,nor eland. Alexander Parker, Samuel Temple man, Stuart Bankhead. Wood. Herman Bianerluifet (Marietta), John Stoke ley, James G. Laidley. Wythe. John Montgomery, John Stonger, Jofeph Kent. York. Dodor Augufiiue Smith, William Howard, Robert Nelfon. TazeiveU. David Ward, Iienry Bowen, Samuel Bard. IVilliamJharg. Robert Saunders, James Semple, Lit tleton TazewelL Norfolk Borough. Robert Brough, Thomas H. Par ker, Richard H. Lee. City of Richmond. William IXi-Val, Ccorge W. Smith, John H. Fouihee. — J I WISH TO SELL IIE PLANTATION whereon I now live, containing about 800 acres. It is n ctm-.:rA j ent and handfome fixation, lying on tbe bank of Rapp ab an nod river, in Rffex connty, with every convenient houfe j »efjfary for a family, all in tolerable good repair. I tbiok it ufelefs to comment upon the beauty .seed convenience | °ftl* fixation, and tbe fertility of the foil, as I fuppofe no perfon will pur chafe until be views tbe pretnifes ;—I I fall only fay, that for all tbe qualities above mentioned, i If‘l‘Pef it to be equal at leaf to any feat in tbe lower ! part of tbe country. | I will tike wife fell my MILL, with 38 acres | of Land adjoining it. Sic lies about three nr four miles from my houfe. I will fell her with tbe Plantation, or [ by bcrfslf with the land that joins her, as may befl fait tbe purebafer. She funds upon a very good frcam.fcldoru | ever wants water, and is now in good repair, being lately j re-built, with Bolt ing Cloths, and a Cotton Cin fixed to go • [ by I am ready to treat with any perfon fur both or cither of them, and will male tbe payments as cafy as ■ pojjible, and pojfcjfon given at Chriflmas. W. GATEWOOD. I Aug if II. ,$3T„ AT a (JUARTEV.LY COURT CONTINUED AND HELD i roil PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY, MAY TUE 2Ja, 1804. j WILLIAM WHITE, & Co. Plaintiffs AGAINST THOMAS GIBSON & ROBERT 7 _ r ' B. GIBSON, $ Defendants. /A' CHANCEKr. r pHE defendant Thomas Gibfon not having entered his appearance and given fccurity accord ing to an adl ol the General Afftmbly and the rules of [this court; and it appearing to the fatisfadlion of the I court that he is not an inhabitant of this ftatc : on the motion of the plaintiffs, by their counfcl, it is ordered, that the faid defendant Thomas Gibfon do appear here on the firlt day of Augull court next, and anfwer the plaintiffs’ bill; and that a copy of this order he forth with inferted in fome one of the public newlpapers printed in the city of Richmond for two months fucccf fively ; and. alfo polled at the front door of the court* houfe of this county. A Copy. Telle, BENJAMIN WATKINS, n. c. 'eS'Jrn—16 v/iuuiVUivJi nuusiiS « LOTS. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR OR RENT, r I HAT handfome BRICK TENEMENT in 1 which he at prefent refutes, beautifully fituated on Shockc Hill, a (hort distance from the Capitol, in a very healthy and agreeable part of the city. The houfe (built of the best materials 8c quitencw)is 3fj by 37 feet, two story high, in which are feven good rooms and a ten foot paffage the whole width of the houfe, with convenient ciofets, and a cellar inferior ♦o none in tins city ; attached to which are two half acre lots, one or both of wliich may be had with the ! houfe. ALSO, FOR RENT OR LEASE, A fmall, neat, two-ftory BRICK TENE MENT, (in the neighbourhood of Mr. Thomas Ru tiierfoord) containing five good rooms, pifiaio s, clo frts, 8'.c. 8cc. with the requifite out buildings, aud 3 good well of water. and for sale, Several handfome unimproved HALF-ACRP. LOTS, eligibly fnuated on the Hill. f'r A great bargain may be had in any part or tne Whole of the above property offered for fate, and libe ral ere'it given for the greater part of the money.— For further particulars, apply to SPOTSWOOD LlPSCOMBE. Jwiy 2L_«S—tf Wants a Gtuation as an OVERSEER fur the enfuing year, A MAN -ud>0 can come nve/l recommended for ‘ * Horiefty, Sobriety, Indttjfry and Experience. Ap ply t9 the I'rinter, hereof. Anguft \\. tSVtv ty BILLS or LA rtf Nr;, SHERIFF, BLANKS, BLANK BONDS, Wn. \fn. eor aai.f \t this office. *' nmm ^^ ***• m FOR GLASGOW, 1 T£*Z>-\ The Hritijh ship yEsiNXIEy te* I OHN COWAN, mailer; ik.w »' at City 1’oilit; will he ready to *~ - '*^*-,v* receive "i obacco in a fiw dav«, ai d having part of her corgi, engaged, will fill by the fit it proximo, hor terms, apply to the captain on board to Robcit Allan PoMok, Sc Co. Richmond, or to Buchanan pollokl. IVbo offer for fale on board faidf/tp, TEN THOUSAND BUSHLLS LIVERPOOL STOVl-D SALT. Peterihnrg, Auguit G. tl.Sep NEAL NELSON, BOOT o SHOE MANUFACTURER, MAIN-ITKEET, RICHMOND, Makes Boots & shoes to any pattern or fafli ion, equal in point of Ma te rials and Workman ship to any in general ufe. tT Imported Boo I s and Shops, of the foil quality and new eft fufiihui, for fale. , . Gentlemen at a dis tance, who are dilpofed to forward me their meaiure, by paying attention to the E annexed cut, can be fitted with Boots or Shoes as well as if they were on the fP°t -A—the length of the Boot C—round the Calf—B—the pitch of ditto.I)—round the heel and inltcp—E—round the inftep._..G—acral’s the hall of the foot. Fix the heel againft a perpendicular, and ftick a knife at the end of the great toe—fet down Li figures the number of inches and quarters, in the dif ferent meafiires._June 30. epb’m. ADVERTISEMENT. On the 6th tiny of September next, at the Inte dwelling Loufe of Copt. John Hedges, dec. on ! Cbippawamjic, near Dumfries, WILL BE SOLD, on a credit of twelve months, at pub lic fale, to the bighefl bidder, rT WO TRACTS of LAND, fituate in Prince J- William county, containing about twelve hun dred acres, of good quality, well timbered and impro . ved, and a large proportion of it low ground; fuitable ’for meadow. Alfa, about 25 LIKELY .SLAVES, | :ir:d the other perfonal property of the eftate of the faid Hedges.-Bond and approved lecurity, toge I ther with a mortgage on the land fold, will hp requi red of the purchafers. The land will be fold in tradls or lots, as may be most likely to produce the best price. SE I'H BO 1 FS, "J Executors of 'John i ISHAM F.. HEDGES, 5 Hedges, dec. Chippawamsic, July 5, 1S04. eStds—21 SCHEME OF A LOTTERY, rr O raife the sum of 5,000 Dollars, for the A benefit of the Female Charity School of Fre | derickjburg. 1 Prize of 5,000 D. in 5,000 D. 2 1,000 2,000 1 500 500 1 e.«ro 250 5 ICO 500 10 50 500 2750 S 22,000 lit Ticket having a blank drawn to its number after 3,000 lOO 1 4,000 2tX> 1 5,000 300 1 6,000 500 1 ■ 7,000 1,000 1 JLaft drawn Ticket, whether blank or pri2e 2,000 34,850 j Expenses of drawing, 150 Sum to be raifed, 5,000 j 2,<,6 Pnzes 40,000 D. 5,224 blanks _ | 8,000 Tickets, at 5 Dollars each, is 40,0(H) i In the above Scheme, it appears there are not f.vo 1 blanks to a prize, anil no prize fubjedit to a deduction. ’ The Lottery will commence drawing on the fuft j Monday in October next, and continue until thedraw ing is finifhed. All Tickets drawing prizes will be paul within thirty days after the drawing is conclud- ! ed, and all prizes not applied for within fix months 1 after will he confidered as donations to be applied to thepurpofes of the I.orrery. The Managers deem it unneceflary to fay any thing by way of inducement to jierfons to become adventur- , ers in this Lottery, as the charitablepurpofe for which ' it is intended, will it is hoped inlure a fpeedy fale of the Tickets. Tickets to be had of the Managers and of Mi1. Buck, the Treafurer of the female Charity School. FRANCIS BROOKE, JOHN MINOR, P.OBpRT PATTON, JOHN CHEAP, % JAMES STEVENSON, * 1)AP’ID C. KER, 5 IVALTER GREGORY, IVII.LIAM S. STONE, ROBERT S. CHEIV, HUGH MERCER. * t * TICKETS in tbj afvref.iid I.tttrry m.iy hr hr.d ... .., t ■ tvr £\rv, jvt>n L), / . ///*,’ the AVic John Bu, and Air, simlrriv S/cvin fon. ep—3w AUDITOR s-OPFICE, 10th Auguft, Iscd. r\ MIE Comtmfptnrrs of the Rlferine are re I i/ii jirtl ft fenJ, a- fo-n after the 1 r>fh rf September at pojfti'lr, hy fo/l to I'dt O ffice, a f.if »f grant eel to Afer,-bants in tbeh refptllivr countin or com potations. SAMUEL SHEPARD, Auditor. WALTER POTTFR, BOOKBINDER iff STATIONER, Main-SiRKtT, Richmond, r THANKFUL for tire encouragement he has re* I crived ftnee commencing tninnefs, hopes by Ms ftrift attention, and faithful execution of all orders which he may be favoured with, to merit a further continuance of Patronage. He has lately received a frelh fitpply of STATIONARY, mid has now on h ’.id a large affortinent of BLANK &. RULED Books. \'r Merchants accompt BOOKS, ruled to any I pattern, and HOOK-BINDING in its various branch es, executed with neatnefs,accuracy and difpatch. June 27. fe\V«w] I.OW FOP. (ASH, OR ON SHORT CREDIT, Dim! from Pi nin ?tou's Mnnufaelnry, Phila delphia ; L o A f s it q a n, an excellent quality, either by the hogf '<.* head, barrel, cr Angle loaf. The fiipply w*41 ht regular and large. /I/.SO—BAR IRON, by the ton or finjrh bar: IRON CASTINGS of various kind., by the ton or Angle piece, among which arc a few tons of "0 and 60 lbs. weights. MJCAJAH DAVIS. 4th of 7th mo. »ro4. feW6m] it- 1 -V nrvR-».(W^,. I , NOTICE. v virtue of u 1>, .: ,J „j- err old to os Ay VJ If'no-ft, of H.-uovrr ,o.t> IV, fob Me Ac •,?< of (.tiles Terrel!, Fc’or of the A’. t». lie'Hiiaw I'-sooluf^de.i ' [ ; vriu. hk exposed to^ale I T iLbi-ff Aid';-, fa e;.A. .ttmty at Cel. CiooJjtfj Tut -ucrtt, I. tie Ctunty of Jlanoixr, «.« Saturday ,Uc Sib iluy <J F.pmrh. r text, the TRACT OF LAND, if'teuton the fad 11 o- If.n t ext refdrt, in th. tp£e- erd ,f HMover Comity, or ft much thereof at fall f >#1 far* la the Actum : dee lief,id Executor, at J In tin . ■ ttt <it* tendiug the ft ujl, by ** D/iyin HVLLOCK.: aAn r IR A.fJEuiji. K txARF/i t' 1 July 3). 1801. (ej> b 6ft.J rover n h:t< Ui'rence. TRANSITED 12C.M I.ATfc FRENCH PAflEvS EXAMINATION GF GEORGES. Ft t raft from the regiflry of theJftcial and crh.n~ val Tribunal oft be department of the Sri nr * fitting at the Palais Jr juftice in Par is. This day 13th Ventols 12th year of the French Republic -Before us Jacques Alexia Thuriot, Judge of tfie criminal, Special 1 rihunalof the department of the Seine, inilituted by order i,f the citizen Pr< li detit, dated the 16th of the pi 'em month to hivefiia. gate the laid confpiracy ; aflilied Ly Andre Etienne Freinyn, Regifter ; appeared a man who w as arretted from among the number of theft- concerned m the Confpiracy againtt the FirII Conful, ard the fi.fety of the country, having been conduced tliither bv a de tachment nf the military, commanded by Citizen Jean Bander, captain of the fecond regiment of tna municipal guard of Pari*. 1 he laid ap; oarer having been requelled to declare to us his name, age, conditi on and place of refidencs—Anfwered Georges Cadou dal, aged 35 yr-rs, without habitation or place of reii dence. (J. HoW long have you been at Paris f A. About five months pad I came here, but the whole tune that 1 have been in the city does not e.r ceed fifteen days. (f. \VJiere have oeen your lodgings ? A. 1 will iiotdifcocer them. Q- Why do you refute to make it konwn ? A. Beeaufe 1 will i.ot add to die number of vic tims. 0. What induced you to come to Paris ? A. 1 came hither wuth intention to attack die Fiift Conful. Q- What was the defigned method of attack ? A. By force of arms. Q. Where did you expeft to find that force ? A. Throughout France. Q. There :s then in France an organized force at your dipofa! and that of your accomplices ? A. That is not to be underftood by the force above mentioned. Q. What is then to be underfioed by the force vo» fpeak of ? ' A. A reunion at Paris. Q. Where does this reunion exift ? A. It is not yet organized, it Would have been as foon as the attack had been definitively concluded or. Q. What was then your project and thm of the cox> fpirators ? A. To fix a Bouibon in the piece 6f the Firft Con-, ful. i/. v* iif) wn^ niT* oouroon ceugnatea i A. Charles Xavier Staniflas, ci-devaat Monfieur acknowledged by iia to be Louis XVIII. <2- What role wu to have been played during the attack ? A. A role which one of the ci-devant French prin ces (who was to be at Paris) had appointed. (2- 1 he plan then was concerted and was to have been executed in conjunction with the ci-devant French1 Princes ? A. Yes, citizen judge. (2- Haye y‘>'« thep conferred with the ci-devant Princes in Lngland ? A. Yes, citizen. Q. Who was to furnilh funds and arms ? A. I base had a long time funds at my difpofitioi: \ arms 1 had none. *2- Was not Pichegrb concerned in this confpiracvf A. 1 have no knowledge of any fuch thing. <2- Was ut»t Moreau. A. I hare never feen or known him. Q- Have you had any corrcfp-mdcnce with Piche gru ? A 1 have feen him two or three times in London, but never have fpoke to him concerning the defign I have now to make known to you. <2- Have you not travelled with him in France, and have you not feen him in Paris ? A. No, citizen, I have neither travelled with him; nor feen him at Paris. <±. In what part of Paris was you ancfled to-day ? A. I know not the place, only‘that it was faid to bd near the Odeon. Q. What tratifpired at the time of your arrefl ? A. 1 was in a chail'e and when one pf elemcd hinv2 h-'h to arrell me, 1 was provided with two loaded pil tols ; 1 fired twice; after the firll fire on a man who held the bridle of my horfe, I left the chail'e, another man ran after me, 1 fired a lccor.d time, and was ch.ii~a id with killing the man, I know r.ot whether it vAm fo. Q. What motive could have injured you to fire on a man ? n. i ne r.cccmry oi lti'r*aeience. Q. Wm it not from conviction that it wrt impo{»tblfc your plans fhould remain undifcovered, and that you might be kept out of the reach Of the Arm of iufw tice f A. I fired without fttfle&ion. What is become of the piftofs f A. I do not know, I believe they are loft. (J, Why were you provided *ith thole two piflol# * A. For my peridnal fafety. A poinard was fnown him, having an ehotry handle, tip’d with filver, the blade of four edges, anti gift ; a fdver Iheatii, dec. lie was called on to declare if he knew the faid poinard. A. Yes, citizen ; I had it when arreflrd. * y. Was this poinard Slide in Lngluitd ? A. Yes, citizen. Q. H ive not all the chiefs of rhe fuch poinards ? A. I know no other chief than myfelf. Have you not for your drtineflic, I.ouis f»je„t * A. I have no doMeftic. U- I’he officers of the foldiery concerned in the con fpiracy, have they hntilar poinards f A. 1 know no fiddiers of the pirtendud Conrpirary. (J. Inllcad of an attack by forre of arms, was it rot with a poinard of this nature, feconJed by the corfpi rafors, that, you prnpofed to aflaflinate the Firfl Con fol ? '*• i niwiuinoKM.KCttnmi vntnarm* linethole of his own gii u d. (£. V" JS no* a uniform provided for t1 of. 0f tp . cniifpiraters who fhotild aiTctnble and end dv, ,ntJ was not the toc«in of civil war to l»e founded? /f. I have ordered no uniform, if others have done it, that is nothing tome. I ohferve to you, ;< proof that I did not wuh to engage in civil war, it that 1 [to exe r.'e the p’an at Paris; when at the faint tire it was poflibie for me to have armed the .iua -tie againft eacii other in other parts of i’rsiwo