■s. J
^^^fr******"*—***1—^—iPB—*■—mam^mmmmmmmmmmmwh—mMinwn^wt— a r ^
RICHMOND, (Tirginia) Published b/RITCHIR £s? WORSLEY, opposite the Post-Office....At Pive Dollars per axnpm.../^ noihcmc.
Number 31.] WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22, 1804. [Voiumf !.
I. The Enquirer will appear twice a s
week....During the feflGon of Congress v,
and the Virginia Legillature, either a s
third paper or a fupplcmentary half- y
flieet, during the week. s
II. Terms of payment five dollars
per annum, in advance.
III. AnvER’l'isEMBNis,from thofe who s
do not fubfcribe to the .paper, Humid y
lliey not exceed a (quart in length, s
lliall be inTerted for /event f-five cents ''
the tirfl tunc,//iy cents for each time y
during three weeks, and for every ad- S
dition il infertion thirty-three cents ; ^
long ones in the fame proportion. s
IV. Subscribers fhall have their ad- S
vertifements inferred for j/ty c nts y
the firfi. time, and thirty-three cents S
for every additional infertion. £
Bank ofj^otomac.
7b all nvbnn tbefe frefctiti Jball cone, or in any -wife con
cern :
BE IT K.?JOWN, And it is hereby proclaimed, that
rue the fubfertbers, afToci.it ing together have formed a
company or limited partner (hip, and do mutually a
gree with each ether, and hereby bind ourfelves to
condudt the bufinels of the company under the name
and llile of*4 The Preficlent and Directors of the Bank
of Potomac,"’ and conformably to the rules and regu
lations herein after fpecified. And by tl.tfe our funda
mental reticles of nflociation, wedo covenant and a
gree, with each other,that w<?,Stall perfons,who at a
ny time hereafter,^tiay tranfadl bnfmefs with faid
company (hull he bound and concluded.
Ait rici e 1. The cooartnerfiiip fhail be, and con
tinue for the term of twenty one years,* from, and af
air the opening cf the fubfeription, itnlefs a charter is
former obtained : but the proprietors of two thirds of
the Capital Stock of the Company, may by their con
curring votes at a general meeting, to be called, for
fhat exprefs purpofe, diffolve the fame at any prior
period : ProvideJ, That notice of fuch meeting and
its objesfl, (hall be puhiifited in one or more of the A
lexandria ncwfpapt-rs for fix month* previous thereto ;
and if the Prcfidunt and Directors at their firft meeting
after the election in the laft year of the aforefsid term,
or two thirds of that l.odv, (hall concur in the opinion,
that it will hr proper ai b expedient to continue the co
ptrtnerfhip for u further limited term not exceeding
twenty* one years, they "tall have power to decide on
the fame, and fhail immediately make known their de
cifion by publication in the feveral Alexandria news
papers. And the Prefident and Directors are hereby
anthorifed at any time to apply for, and accept liich
dim ier as may he .greed upon with tlie concurrence
of nine members of that body.
Art. it. The cap.t.il flock of the company (hall con
fi(t of Five Hundred Thoufand Dollars, money of the
United States; to be divided into lhares of One Hun
dred Dollars each, and to be paid in the niarner fol
io.vi”.p, tn it is to fay ; twenty dollars on each fiiare
ro be paid at the time of fubferibing, thirty dollars in
ninety days after the opening of the fubfcription,tweil
ty live dollars in one hundred and fifp* days thereafter,
atui tiie remaining twenty five dollars in two hundred
and ten days ; and a failure to make punctually any
payment after the fir ft, (hall incur a forfeiture of all
that ftiall have been previoufly paid on fuch fttare.
Art. 3. The copartnership ftiall tranl'aiM its bufine.fs
rn the town of Alexandria, or in Virginia, within one
m:le therefrom, Provided, a charter fhould at any time
be obti.ned from the State of Virgitiia ; and (hail
commence its operations as foon after the payment of
til.’fecund inft.ilinent as circumflances will permit.
Art. •!. I’he luhfcription fjaull be opened in Alexan
dria, on Wednefilay the fifth day of September next,
for the whole flock of the company, under the di
reiftion of
I'..Jha Jaunty, Ctrthberf Pone ell,
Wul’atm htzh' ^Jj, William flart/corne,
i Lomas Snssann, ‘Thomas Ponvell,
Charles Lee, Jacob Hoffman,
J°fcph PitlJie, James //. Hooe,
William Hot/rtsw, Robert Fos/na,
Phincas Jar.ney, James Keith, Juni
James Patton, .„..„
or a majority of them. And the conimifiioners afore
faid, fhall open the fubfeription hooks at ten o’olock,
A. M. and they fhall continue open until four o’clock,
P. M. and fhall remain open between thofe hour3 for
one day at lead, and for the term of three-days unlels
fooncr filled : And if it fhouid happen that more than
the flipulatcd number of fhares fhouid be fubferibed on
the firll day, then the Commiflioners aforefaid are to
apportion them among the fubferibers, by deducting
from the higheft ftibfcriptions, until they are reduced
to the proper number, or if more perfons fuhfcribe than
there are (hares, the commifiioners are to cad lots to
. decide to whom they fhall belong. But no peffon or
perfons, bodies corporate or otherwise, (hall be permit
ted to fuhfcribe on the firfl day of opening the books,
for more than twenty (bares; and if the (lork he
not aii taken the hrd day, the hooks fhall remain open
on the fecon.l day, on the fame terms as on the firll ;
hut if the fubfeription be not filled on the fecond day,
then the Coinmiffiotiers may permit any perfon orper
fons, bodies corporate or otberwife, to fuhfcribe for
any number of (hares until the whole number is com
‘ plete. The Commifiioners after having decided to
whom the (hat es may belong, will iffue receipts to the
different Stockholders for the monies received ofthem
at the time of fubferibing, which receipts with theori
ginal fubfeription, fhall he deemed good evidence of
the quantity of flock to which each fubferiber fhall be
entitled iit this company.
x\rr. i he attain of the company In ill be com!u<5le<]
by twelve Directors, arid a Prefident, whofe place if
chofe i from among their number, (hall be fupplied by
tli.it body ; and fix of the directors with the prefident
fh.dl form a board or quorum, for t ran ladling all the
bufinef* of the company ; ordinary difcounts may 1>«
done hy the Prefident, and any fivj of the Dirctfors
In cafe of his fickncfs or necefTary abfence, his piace
may be fupplied by any Diredlor, whom he, hy Wri
tmg under bis hand may nominate' for that purpofe
, Pr m cafe of his not making fnch nomination, the ma
jority of the board may appoint a Prefident to adl du
ring his abfence ; and the Diredtor* who may be ap
pointed at the firft election, (hall hold their feat*' un
til the fecond Monday in November, one thoufand
c.dit hundred and five, and the Dir'cdtors from and
after that period fhall be elodted for one year, hy th*
Stockholder* for the time being, and each Diredtor
fhall be a Stockholder at the time of eledtion.and (hat
cede to he a Diredtor, if lie fhould ceafc to hi
a Stockholder, and no Diredtor of any other
Bank fhall at the fame time lie a Diredtor of this Bank
And the number of vote* to which each Stockholdei
fhall be entitled, fhall be in proportion to the flocl
he may hold, as follows: For one (hare and not ex
ceeding two fhares one vote each, for every two (hare*
above two and not exceeding ten, one vote ; for eve
ry four fiarc* above ten and not oxceodiug thirty, oiji
vote; for every fit thare* above thirty and n*t ex
ceeding (txty, one vote ; for every eight fbarcs above
lix'.y and not exceeding on* hundred, one vote ; and
lor every ten fhares above that number, or.e vote ; but
tio perloii or perfons, bodies corporate or otherwife,
Ihall be entitled to more than fifty votes, and no
Stockholder flea'l be permitted to vote except at the
Til'll election, who has not held his Hock for thirty
days prior to the election ; and all ftockholders fhali
vote at elections by ballot, in perfon or by proxy,
which proxy, in all elections after the firlt lliall be
made in lueh form as the board of Directors fliall ap
/\rt. o. /v general meeting oi tne hock routers oi
the company lhall be holdcn oil the l'econd Monday j
in November in every year, (except the prelent) at
iuch place as the board of Direiflors fliall appoint, by
giving four weeks notice in one or more of the news
papers of Alexandria, for the purpofe of eleifting Di
rotSorv for ilie enfuing year, who lhall take thair leafs
at the hoard the lucceeding day, and immediately
proceed to elect the l’relideut: But for the prefent
year,for the more immediate organization of the buli
iiefs of the company, the eledlion fliall lie holdcn on
the fecond Wednefday in September next; under the
dire‘51ioii of the conunillior.ers appointed to receive
Art. 7. The board of direiflors are hereby fully
empowered to make, revife, alter, or amend all fuch
ihilcs, orders, bye laws and regulations for the govern
ment of the company, and that of their officers, fer
vants and affairs, as they, or a majority of them, fliall,
from time to time, think expedient, not inconfiftent
with law or thefe articles of aflociation, and to ufe,
employ and dilpofe of the joint flock, fluids or pro
perty of the faid company (ftibjeifl only to the reftric
tion-. herein after mentioned) as to than, or a major
; ity of them may feern expedient.
Art. 8. All bills, bonds, notes and every contrafl
and engagement on behalf of the company for the pay
ment of money, fhall be figned by the preftdent and
counterligticdor atteftedby the Calhierofthe *ontpa
ny ; and the funds of the company lhall in no cafe be
held refponlible for any contradl or engagement wliat
! ever uiilefs the fame fhall be fo figned an% countertign
t ed or'attefted as aforefaid.
Art. 9. The ^books, papers, correfpondence and
hinds of the company lhall at all times be fubject to
J the infpection of the Directors.
j Art. lu. The faid board of Directors fhall have
; power to appoint a Caftiior and all other officers arid
i lervant* lor executing the bufinefs of the company,
I anti to eftablilh the compenfation to be paid to the Pre
fidenc and all other officers and fervants of the compa
' ny refpcctively, and which, together with all other ne
; ceffiuy expences, lhall be defrayed out of the funds of
1 the company.
; Arc. 11. A majority of the Directors fhall have
p.’Wer to call a general meeting of the Stockholders
, l°r the purpofe relative to the concerns of the company,
giving at ieaft C weeks notice in one or more of the
newfpapers of the town, l’pecifying in fuch notice the
. object or object* of fuch meeting.
Art. 19. The (hares of capitnl flock at anytime
owned by any individual Stockholder fhall be transfer
able on the books of the company* according to fuch
rules as may conformably to law, be eflablifhed in that
behalf by the boardcfdirectoisj but aii debts actually due
and payable to the company (day s of grace for payment
, being pall) by a Stockholder requefting a transfer,
muft be fatisfied before fuch a transfer fliall he made,
unlefs the Board of Directors fliall direct to the contra
trausicr oi not it in uus company
(hall be ccnfidered as binding upon tbe company, un
lefs made in a book or books to be kept for that purpole
by the company, and it is further exprefsly agreed and
declared that any Stockholder who (hall transfer in any
manner aforefaid, all his Hock or (hares in this compa
ny to any other perfon or perfons whatever, (hall
, thereupon ceafe to he a member of this company; and
1 that any perfon or perfons whatever who (hall accept
a transfer of any (lock or (hare in this company (hall
thereupon become and he a member of this company,
according to thefe articles of aflbciation.
Art. 14. It is hereby exprefsly and explicitly de
clared to he the ohjedt and intention of the perfons
I who affociate under the name or firm of “ The Prefi
dent and Directors of the Bank of Potomac” that the
j-'iut (lock or property of the faid company (exclufive
of dividends to be made in the manner hereinafter
mentioned) (hall alone be refponfible for the debts and
engagements of the faid company ; and that no perfon
who (hall or may deal with this company, or to whom
they (hall or may becomein any wife indebted, (hall on
any pretence whatever have recouri'e againfi the fepa
rate property of any prefent nr future member of this
company, or againfi their perfons, excepting the offi
cers and fervants of faid company in regard to the
faithful dife!large of their refpc&ive duties in the con
dmfi of the affairs and adininifiratioii of the funds of
laid company ; but all perfons accepting any bond,
bill, or note, or other contract of this company, (igned
by the Prcfident and counterligned by the Cafliitr of
| the company for the time being, or dealing with it in
any other manner whatfoever, thereby refpedlivtly
| give credit to the faid joint (lock or property of the
(aid company, and thereby rcfpedtivdy difavow ha
. ving recourfe on any pretence whatever to the perfon
. or feparate property of any prefent or future member
i of this company, (excepting as before mentioned)—
And all fuils to be brought againfi this company (if a
i ny (hali he) (hall he brought againfi the Prelident for
| the time being, and in oafe ol his death or removal
I from office, pending any filch fuit againfi him. mea
I fairs tu-aii be taken at the expence of the company for
; fubftituting his fucceftor in office as a defendant, !o
that perfons having demands upon the company may
I be prejudiced or delayed by that event; or if the
periun Cuing (hall goon againfi the perfon firfi named
a defendant (notwithfianding his death or removal
i from office) this company (hail take no advantage, by
I writ of error or otherwise, of furh proceeding on that
i account; and all recovery had, in manner aforelaid,
, ib.ill he condufive upon the Company, fo far as to ren
, der tfic Company’s (kid joint fiork or piopertv liable
; thereby, and no further; and the Company (hall im
I mediately pay the amount of fuch recovery out of their
| joint (lock, but not otherwise. And in cafe of any
(nit at law, the (’'efident (hall fign his appearance uji
j on the writ, or lilt: common hail thereto ; it being ex
j pr*f»ly underftood and declared, that all perfons dea 1
! in;; Wirfi faid Company, agr»c to thefe terms and are
| hound thereby.
/\rr. i •>. uivictena 01 ttie profit : r>: the Company,
I or (-.» n. irh of laid profit* a* fhall be deemed expedient
■ and proper, (lull b : do Ure,| b ill y.*.*rly in the firfl
I e/eeh ii May and Novemb* r, iti each year; flip a
m unit of htrh divi lend fhall, from time to time, be
■ determl: et! by ?h • Hoard of Dire<5lnr% nt a mretin»
. hold for that ptirp ft, ar<l (hull in no cafe exceed the
amount of the n* I profit* actually acquired by the
Cotnp.uiy, fo * ha*- th-.- „;ipi- .1 lV.,.k ,.f tin- fa id Compa
ny Pi .11 nurerbe impaired by dividemK; but the !>•
rciiton fhall be id lilierty to retain at lea*! one per
cert upon the capit al a* a fund for future ct>P*int(rn
1 .i »n tr.r - r.:j il.ii__i_•>.
ful’v and knowingly, itij! or dr-!are arty dividend
whiili HipH imp i. tb- laid rapifal ftork, ;.!! d ? I)i
rnfiors prrfertt ar rbe mv.r.i or drcl*rir.£ «f f.iid di
vidend, and cenf"T-ir.g thereto, £. *11 be babie in their
iridiv:du.d catmr*ti»sto ti»e •ntr*- any, for thr i»m«ent or
proportion oi faid ' <ni‘ai i\ ><•'■, fo divided the
laid I)ir«*(9on • .» id * nrh Diiv^t. * *v o (hVd V pre
fer! at ti e maVirv it- dee* >rinv in d dividend, fhali
be deemed tor,---. »i ere to, unWs hr find
immediately enter in writing his diffem on the minutes
or the proceedings of the board, and give public no
tice to the llockholdcrs, that inch dividend has been
declared. , y
Art. IT. Thcfe articles of agreement flic 11 i;e pt:b
lifiicd in two newfpapers in the Town of Alexandria,
for one month ; and for the further information of all
perfons who may tranfaA bufuiefs with, or in any
manner give credit to faid Company, every bond, bii),
note, or other in liniment of c«* 'tract, by the effect or
terms of which the Company may be charged, or held
liable h>r the payment ohmoney, lhall fpecially declare,
in fucli form its the Board of Lirectors (hall pteferibe
that payment fhall be made out of the joint funds of
the Bauk of Potomac according1 to the prefent articles
of afibciawon.aud not otherwifr : A copy cl the 14th
article of this aiTociation Stall to' Inftrted in the Batik
Book of every perfon depofiting money, or other va
luable property with the Company for fafe keeping,
or a printed copy lhall he delivered to every fuch
perfon, before any fitch depofit (ball be received from
him. And it is hereby exprefslv declared, that ho en
gagement can legally be made in the name of faid Com
pany, unlefs it contain a limitation or rellriction to the
effect above recited ; and the Company hereby ex
prefsly difavow all refponfibility for any debt or en
gagement, which may be made in their name, not
containing a limitation or rellriction to the effect a
10. i nc company man m no eaie nc owners
of any (hips or veflTels, or directly or indirectly be con
cerned in trade, of the importation or exoortation,
purchafe or fale of any goods wares, or merchandife
whatever, (bills of exchange ard bullion only except
ed) and except fuch (hips, vefi’els, goods, wares, or
merchandife, as ihall be truly pledged to them by way
of fecurity for debts due, owing or growing due to the
laid Company, or purebafed by them to lecure fuch
debts fo due to the faid Company.
Art. 19. If any vacancy (hall at any time happen a
mong the Directors hy death, reiignation, or othtr
wil'e, the refidue of the Directors for the time being,
(hall **lect a Director to fill the vacancy.
Art. 20. The Company (hall not purchafe or hold
any lands, tenements, or other real eftates, other than
what may be necefiary for the convenient tranfuctior.
of its bufinefs, uulcfs fuch lands, tenements, ar.d real
ellate6, Ihall have been bona fide mortgaged to the
Company,by way of fecurity,or conveyed »o it in fath
faction of debts previoufly contracted in the courfe of
dealings, or purchafed to fecure debts contracted with
or due to the laid Company, and in every infiance in
which the Company may become owners or claimants
of lands, tenements, or real eflates, the Board of Di
rectors are empowered to fell or dil'pofe of the fame,
in fuch manner as they may deem beneficial for the
Art. 21. Any number of Stockholders, not lefs than
forty, w ho together Ihall be proprietors of five hun
dred (hares, may, for any purpofe relative to the in
ftitution, at any time apply to the Prefident and Di
rectors to call a general meeting of the Stockholders ;
and if by them refufed, the laid number of Stockhol
ders, proprietors of not lefs than the number of lhares
aforefaid, (hall have power to call a general meeting
of the Stockholders, giving at lead 60 days notice in
one or more of the public newfpapers of the town of A
iexanuria, I pecilying in fuch notice the objector ob
jects of fuch calL
Art. 22. Immediately on the diffclution or this aflo
ciation, prompt and effectual meafures (hall be taken
by the Directors then exifting, for doling all the con
cerns of the Company, and fir; dividing the capital and
profits which may rvinain among the Stockholders, in
proportion to their refpective filtered?.
In ivitnrfs ivbtreoj'—
tit?’ Notice.-THE Commifiloners above nam
ed will open the fubfeription Book, at the Court
Houfe in the town of Alexandria, on the 5th of Sep
tember next, agreeably to the aforefaid articles of allo
The payment swill be received either infpecie or the
notes of the Bank of the United States and its various
branches, or in the notes of any of the Banks, from N.
York to Norfolk, inclufive.
Auguft 8, 1804. 3t
THAT a Petition will be prefented to the
General Aflembly, at their next Seflion, for the
fale of the Glebe in St. Mary’s Parifh in Caroline; &
the inveftiture of the intereft of the Money, thereby
raifed, in the prefent Incumbent, fo long as he may
continue to a<St as fuch in the faid Parilh.
Caroline, Auguft 1ft, 1P.04. [ewSm.]
HAS taken (as a temporary rcfidence) the
houfc lately occupied by Doftor Adams, oppo
fite the Bell Tavern, and intends to combine the
TICE OF PHYSIC. He is now opening a part, and
expetSs to receive by the next arrivals from Philadel
phia, the balance of a frelli and very general ftipply
of MEDICINES, and other articles in the Apotheca
ries Line, which will be fluid on the Inweft terms.
ftv" Orders from the country, Recipe*, &c. will be
carefully attended to.
June 27. [eWCm]
The following Six J logs he ads of
nr.n- lying, .n Dytr.cr’s 1Y<uc Houfc, will t)C
fold according to Law :
1 soo, January loth—Judith Kelly,marked I. K.
No. 5, Grofs 1111, Tare 114, Nett 997. 1901,
January 9th, do. do. do. No. 10, Grofs 1199,
Tare 113, Nett 1077—January 23, William
I)igga, marked W. D. NO. 17, Grofs 110.-,,
i Tare 120, Nett 1045—Do. John Brent,
j marked I. B. No. 21, Grofs 10S3, Tare 137,
J Nett 94G—January 30, George Brent mark
j ed G. B. No. 25, Grofs 1179, Tare 140, Nett,
j H)33. March 13, Spencer George, marked 8.
j G. No. 43, Grofs 1059, Tare 106, Nett, 94G,
Wm. MEREDITH. 5 l,,JP^ors.
May 19.—iaw.3m.
RICHMOND, MARCH Tlil 2tfTH, 180-1.
i And
ITIH defend mt, Luca* Snllcvan, not having
entered his appearance and given fccurity accord
ing to the juSI of Afferrbly, and thk rt.les of this con.t,
ind it appearing to the fhtisia&ion of the court, that he
is not an inhabitant of thi* ronmry : on the motion of
the plaintiff, by his council, it i» ordered, that the laic
defendant do appear here on the firff day of next Sep
te.fiber term, and anfwer the biil of the plaintiff, ant
that a copy of this order he forthwith tnftrrted in fotni
newfpaper in tlie city of Richmond, for two month'
fuccefli vely, and potted at the front door of the Capi
tol, in the faid city.
A Copy—Toft#, P. TINSLEY, c. c.
}< iy 2 '- eW2n\
’ tv Sills o- laving, sheriff, blanks
BLANK BONDS, tr*o. *Vc.
i r I^IIAT beautiful and well improved TENE
j *. MENTonthe Hill, now occupied by Mr.
Benjamin Mofby. This property lies near the
Capitol, in a healthy and agreeable neighbour
hood. Terms of fale will be made known by
applying to
July 18. [eWtf.J
VIRGINIA, to irir :
Ar a Chaucerr Dm iticr Oa kt itnr.n at Din ror to
Capitol, in tub Ctn of Hiiliamsiium., tie 12/1
day of fi'ly, 1804.
(laxt-in Laxifesn, ffcth Delnnry and Sally Lis
wife, and Zacbariab Delaney—... Plaintiffs.
ac At tier
EHJba Curler and Elizabeth Li' wife, late Eir
zafnlh I.unsforJ, widow of I.ewis Lunsford
deceajed, Harriet Lunsford, Hiram Lunsford,
Maria Lunsford and Darius IV. Lunsfvtd,
children and co-heirs of the fail Lunsford,.Defeild’ts
II appearing to thefitisfatlioa of the Court, that finer the
enter-rig of the order in this caffe, on thefrf day of fuly
one theufand eight hundred and t bre.-, in the w» ds follow
ing : “ The defendants upon whom an attachment for their
** contempt in net anfwsring the hill of the plaintiffs, hath
“ been relumed executed, fill failing to anfkv r the fame,
“ the Court, on the mo'ion rf thrplaintiffs hy their tc-anfel,
“ doth title their hill for confeffed, and will proceed at a ft
“ ture day, to decree the mattes thereof, uniefs the [aid de
“fend Anti on or before the tenth day of the term next after
“ lley jhali have been ferved with a copy of this order,fhexu
“ caffe to t be contrary," iue defendants Love rente zscd tbern
felves au‘ of this Common stealih, ft that they cannot he fer
ved xuith a copy of thefaid order, on motion of the plaintiffs
hy their . ounfel, it is ordered, that the feud defendants do ap
pear here on thejirf. Jay of the next term, and nifti er the
hill of the plaintiffs, and that a copy of this order he fortu
witb itsferied in fume nextfpaper of the city of Richmond,
fur txco months fucceffively, and pofed at the front door of
I the former Capitol in this City.
A Copy,
HTHE I III S T VOLUME is ready for SubfcriSers
J. at the Book Store of Vm. PRICHARD.
Richmond, Auguft 18, 1804. t.p«T.
IP OUR excellent Piano Fortes, for Die at Mr.
William Prichard’s Book-Store, on mode
rate terms.
ALSO—feme New Music, confiding of Songs
and Piece! for Piano Forte. Blank Music,
Paper and Books.
| A few very good Field Drums and Fifes.
Auguft 18-3t.
Hre have received a small additional O/hfilj of
a fuperior quality, which we offer for falc
by the hogllicad mid quarter-calk.
Gibson iff Juffersou,
July is. eptf
5th Circuit, Virginia Diftriirt,
May .SO, 1804.
John Lloyd and John Hanlury, furvivistg partners*
of llasslmrys and Lhyd, Plaintiffs :
John Buchanan, Archibald Brice, Robert Wef and
Elizabeth Carter his wife, Meux Thornton and ^
Precilia his wife, Henry Perrin and Anna his ttj
wife, Samuel Anderfon and Jus; set his wife,' John *
AD Keand, Willis AD Keand, and Alexander Af
Keand, children and dc-cifces of John At * Keand, 5
deceafed, and James IVatt, executor of Alexan
der AD4Robert, deceafed, who was executor of ' 1
the faid John AT1 Keand, deeeafd,
ROBERT W EST is appointed guardian to
Alexander Ad*Keand, an infant defendant in this
suit ; and the cassft coming os: by eonfent of the parties to be
beard on the bill and amended bill, the answers of the de
fendants, replications, the will of John Ml Keand, a
for if aid, and the proceedings in a frit at law in this court
brought by the complainant, agaiuf the defendant Watt as
executor aforejaid, which judgment was obtained at the
December sefflon 1801 •• WiibrAVRSjn, it is Tsrt.kRr.D
J\n OktsJtRBD, That Edmund Randolph, Willnm
A7ilch. ll, Robert Pollard and Edmund W. Rootes, or any
two or more of them, do er.pofe to sale at public auSiion,
together or separately, the lot and ten-sssent in the proceedings
mentioned, now in the occupation of William AD'Cay t
and the small tenements and ground thereunto belonging,
w hich adjoin the tenement conveyed in trujl to the defen
dants Buchanan and Brice—after the time and place oj
sale Jhall have Leen advert fed four weeks in one or snort
of the Richmond newspapers ;—the terms of sale to be
one third in eafl', as:.tthe remaining two-thirds payable in
inf atm aits with legit inter ef from the day of sate, thefrf
Sifalmestt to be paid twelve months, and the second in two
years from the day of sale : the purebas rrs to give bonds
f-r the said two infalments, and in default of payment to
b' again soil by the faid comwijp,otters,or any two of thens,
far ready mor.ey, fir the payment of the balances that rray
l - due Jeers: the respefliv pureb tiers ! Ann IT is CVR
'-ni-on.i ii, that the said commijpor.ers who may
alt do from the proceeds of the Jalcs hereby frf dntflrd,
pay ur.ti the complainants, their agent or attorney, three
thousand one hundred and twentyfve dollars, thirty-on'
cents, with interf on two thousand two hundred ana
ilwenly-tw 'j dollars, fsxtyfr cents, part thereof, at f;vs
\ per tent, from the fxteentb dry of December, one tbosfanu
eight hundred an! one, tl balance appear,::— to be due t‘si
complainants by a fatement among the exhibits, and the
ef- of t!. is suit ; and the surplus, if any, aft r il-dutltny
the charges of the sale, to be brought into court, subject tc
such order as may hereafter be mad: eon:: ruing the same ;
tle monies ff raifrd by the stile to be applied to the satis
faflion sj the debt d-te the complainant: : Ann IT n rVR
in n ORnrurr, That t ub of the co -miffoneri as ma,
aid convey to Ire p.trehascrs si conformity to the t-rms oj
this decree, and that they mute r-j’oi I of their pro ceding
to thr court.
A Copy—Tefe, JAMES Bl.AGROVE, n. c.
Richmond, Au^uft 13th, lno4.
/.V pursuance of tbffirrgoi* r d-c-rt, -w' /tail -xp.fi !■>
talc at pttfdt auDiott, the Lot, T .- ’-ml , (iron nd 'S' Pro
perly therein mentioned, on th, I 9th day of the next month,
rn tie p, t-ife, in the city of P. .hmord.
The ftritifh Ship JE ANNIE,
OUN COWAN, tmftcr; now
ii _ at City Point j will be ready to
, - receive Tobacco in a fev. days, and
having par; of her rar^o engaged, will fail by the firfl
proximo. Fin’ terms, apply to the captain on board
to Robert t< All. n P' link, « Co. Richmond, or to
V’ho offer for fate on hoard faidfkip,
Peterfturg, Ajj-jII 6. tlfb;p
agretnr.vPt, the partm-iO.;.-, ,.f SHANKS
* * ‘-2* Ml* A l will a it on the Lfl iliv of Avjuih
H’ofe o whom *ht fiou flam’s indebted will pte.de
exhibit *•!> r atvtnri'.s, that arr.ingeit'Otns may be
nu.de for ti'.-hr d.ijharge. The debtor, of the firm
are dvf,ed to make immediate payment, as delin
quents xv. 11 le .ndifcritnir.a'e'y filed. Thofe concern
ed will make opplication to Coi in ATR.ir
Msuichefler, Auguft 15, 1601.
t'XPEC rS tlys fall a very gept ral afiortmeot
, u ‘»OODS, and intends to coutine** Lufinefs in
•he Itoufe now occupied by Shanks &. M‘Rae. All
thofe who have beeu heretofore pu’i&ual, are foheit
xd to continue their dealing*.
Auguft 15. ep3w
A if A ICES Boots Sc Sheet
i-'-l to any pattern or falh
ion, equal in point oi'Ivl.'
tfriai s and Wukhman
siiu’ to any in general ui‘e.
fy* Imported Boots a- d
Shoes, of the firft quality
and nos ell folh.icr, for IjIc
. *. Gentlemen at a dif
tares, who are difpofed ro
forward me their meafnie,
by paying attention to the
annexed cut, can be fitted
svith Boots or Shoes as well as if they were on the
fpot„..a—the length of the Boot.—C—tour.d tire
Calf.....B—the pitch of ditto.....!.'—round the heel and
infleo_E—round the iuftep.G-s-acrofs the bill cf
the foot. Fix the heel again!! a p. rpeudicular, and
llich a knife at the end of the great toe—let down in
figures the number of iiiches and quarters, in the dif
ferent meafures. June M. epGm.
F O R S A L E,
IN Powhatan county,on Appomattox R’vc'-f
where it is navigable, known by the name of
IrFCauPs Quarter, containing 120 acres: tits
land lies about four miles from the Court Iioufe,
and is well adapted to the culture of Tobacco,
fniall grain and corn. Samuel BToodjc.n, who
lives near the land, willflj. w it to any per fan who
may wi/h to purebrfe.
If it is not fold before the \Jl of September next,
• Tfall fell it upon that day to the high." bat'd, r,
at IToodfon's Tavern, near thepremrfes.
Richmond, May 30,1804. [ 1 rwta a.
K o T I c e.
r'HE office of Supervifor of the Revenue for
the DiftriCi of Virginia being difeontinued, and
the unfinilhed bufuiefs of the faid Office ^rai'shirred to
me; the Collectors of the DireCt Tax and Internal
Revenue, wliofe accounts have not been finally adjufl
ed and paid, are hereby informed, that they are now
requefted to call at my office,in the city of: .’rhmondj
without delay, and pay the balances dtie ! • the United
States,— And thofe whole lands have been fold in the
diftridt of Virginia by authority of aji a«5t of Cmgr.-fa
i of the United States for non-payment of the DireCt
j I ax, may redeem fuch lands,by paying to me within
; **le time limited,the principal cofts and fees as the law
I direCts.
I As moft of the abovemenroned lands were fold in
1 Dec. 1802, the priviledge of redemption will coudnud.
until December next.
The money received by me for the redemption of
the faid lands, will lie returned to the purcliaier, with
intereft it the rate of 2,3 per cent per annum on the
purehafe money, to the day on which it may he paid
Marihal V.D
July 7- • ep— tf,
WANTED to hire or pttrchafe, a Wet Nurfe
without a child of her own. Enctuire of the
Printers. Auguft S.—if
On September \5tb, JVJLL HR SO'.D, in Cbar
lottcpviHe, to the Ligbrj! bilJ-.r. for C.iJ
rT IIE TRACT of LAND I png on the crfl
1 fide of Rivanna, over ag-iuilt" Citation efvil'o,
containing ab nit GOO acres, with a n ;w commodious
DWELLING HOUSE. Two rears of a leafe un
der good reflriclions have to run after t!iis. Thg
land is all of the South-Well Mountain quality ; and
though much injured in parrs, is in general ftill very
good, and all reclairnable. 'I'he fale proceeds froin ;•
deed of truft to indemnify again ft lofs as fecurity and
hail, which was executed in December, 1802, by
William Bachc, of Pennfylvania, to
THOMAS M. UAXnor ptt.
j'jiy 2.7. eptl5.c«p
On liberal terms, by the Subscribers,
1 *IF. HOUSE and LOT near lh? River
I Bank, at prefent in the occupancy of Vlr. John
Taylor, and diftinguilhcd in the plan of the rity by the
number 8, the property of the eOate of Ra trick
Wright, dec. which, if not difpofed of j i iv * iy hefer**
the fir ft day of September next, will on ihrt day, at i
o'clock, in the afternoon, he foi l on the premiA-*, for
one half catti, and the other half on a ci cd.t of n;> days
for an approved etidorfed note.—An indiiputchle title
will be made before the Money is received.
J’j'y 18. eplS
ON the fero'^d Tburfdat in September, twill
Ik run fir, »oirr the Seettfille tonrfe, tb. JrjCklif
C'i‘1, Pi'Oir. of f. ICO—three tni/e h rtt.
The day after, the Purfe of the Proprietor of the
Crurfe, of fs. .50—five mite b ah.
Weight* a* follow :
Aged Ho fee, I !|!| the.
S x Veeri Old, 128
fiv 1 ear- to. 117 M‘”Z Cf " -V
tour \ or, .h. I0n A owed-o the.
Three Yearj O, 90
U'm. AP.t .11." S’cn'ttary.
A'guy II. epfSw—Timt
tr 111.1 a m tp. m r r. r%
n'AS jufl received, by the fhtp Peh-rrn />.•**»
London and York Pure from b -^,,-r 3
Suitable to theJ'afon, which he nail; el y ,f
the tfual terms.
Rubmond, May tub* tf ( ( j