Newspaper Page Text
Number 32.] SATURDAY MORNING, AVGUST 25, 1804. , . ^ L « \J L L M ^ J * s > ^ CONDITION S. 5 s s ^ I. The Enquirer will appear twice a > week....During the feflion of Congrefs ^ S and the Virginia Legiflai ure, either a S s third paper or a fupplcinentary half- ^ S ilieet, during the week. v ^ II. Terms of payment five dollars S v, per annum, in advance. s III. Advertisements,from thofc who S ^ do not fubfcrilre to the paper, fhould ^ S they not exceed a femare in length, s ^ fliall be inferted for fen>mty-Jror cents ^ ^ the firft time, fifty cents for earn time < h during three weeks, and for every ad- S ^ ditional infertion thirty-three cents ; ^ S long tint ", in the fame proportion. e ^ IV. Subscribers ihall have ad- s v, vertifements inferted for fifty cents ^ S the firft time, and thirty-three cents h ^ for every additional infertiom N V FAIRFIELD RACES. N Monday the lft of October next, will be run for over the TajRfield Course,a Sweep ftdee for Coirs three years old, two ntiie feat*. Seven Cults are entered at two J-.undred dollars each, and the fubferiptiou dofed. Weights, agreeably to the rubs of the Jockey Club. On Tuefday, the 2d day of O<9oher, the Jockey Club Purl'e of 400 Dollars, will l>e run for, four Mile . Keats. The following day, the Purfe of the proprietor of the Courfe, three Mile Heats, i weichts as'. Aged Horfes 133 lbs. 6 years old 11<!8 5 year#old 1! 8 4 years old • 106 3 years old 90. Makes and Geldings allowed three pounds. Richmond, Auguft 13,1804. NOTICE. ^j.7 k virtue nf a Dr/d nf Truf executed to in ly f’ <h x ) IVetodfon of Hanover county, for the 1 rut ft nf Gbilet ’Terrell, Rtf or oft' ■ ? it. Will; a uc Dcurlaft, dec. Jl _ WILL BF. EXPOSED TO SALE W To the btgbefi bidder, for ready money at Col. Goodall't Teu vern, in the County of Hanover, on Saturday ibe titb d:y of September 'next, the • TRACT OF LAND, IPlereon tie fai.l Wdo'rm none re 'dee, in tie upper end of Hanover County, or fu much thereof at fall be r.eefaty to tatiify tie belun. e due tie fid £ xeeator, at a If, tic .ft at -1.eab tj tie trnjl. Ly DAVID BULLOCK, anil FREDERICK HAP.PK,,\ '4Wuf,< July 31, 1804. (.p 8 Sept.) SCHEME Of A T.MTTH1Y % - - --/ TO rn'ifc tie si:-a of 5,000 Dollar', for the h'r.rjli rf ike b'e m'e Charity School of I're ierickfbitrp. 1 Prize of 5; ■ tO D. is 5,000 D. 2 1,000 2,000 * 500 ,'yx) . I 250 , 250 i> 100 500 lo 50 500 2750 S 22,(Mo 1ft Ticket having a blank drawn to it* number after SfiOO loo 1 4,000 200 1 5,000 300 1 500 1 7,000 1,000 1 Laft drawn Ticket, whether blank or prize 2,000 31,850 F.xpenfes of drawing, 150 Sum to be raifed, 5,000 2,77G Prizes 40,000 D. A 5,224 Blanks 8/xx) Tickets, at 3 Dollars each, is 4O,0no 1 hi the above Scheme, it appears there are not two blanks to a prize, and no prize lubjert to a deduction. The lottery will commence drawing on the firti Monday in Otftober next, and continue until theiraw ing is fiuilhnd. All Tidkets drawing prizes will he p'-id within thirty days after the drawing is conclud ed, and ail prizes not applied for within fix months after will be confiderfcd as donations to be applicd'to the purpofes of the Lottery. Tlie Managers deem it unneceflary to fay ary thing by way of inducement to perfons tobccomeadventne ers in tills Lottery, a* tj}e chart table purpofe fer which it is intended, will it is hoped inlure a fpceiy falc of the Tickets. Tickets to be had of the Managers and of Mr. ruck, the Treafurer of the fern a!.- Charity School. FRA.VC IS BROOKE, -> 'JOHN MtIVOR, HOB APT PATTOFf, jnn v ctJRtv. :< 'JAMES S.fEVE/VSO V, i * OAK ID C. b F. ft, f « IVALT Fit GPL lOPY, WILLIAM 7. STOKE!, robhrr s. cm:w, HUGH MERCER. */ TICKETS it, the if.-, f, ■/ r fad { in f.i.lm md, o" appUcnl < <> to /. • p. •». fobn D. Blair, i ibe Rev. form D'jclnnjit and Mr. Andrcel• Sfev, i; . | f-n. tp—;lw | TUNSiiU/L’s P ATEXT THRESHING MACHINE. rJ 'I Hi advantage* to be gained by/a-mers, by .1 s-pplyitqc lorrw < ' parts to Thredimg Mn f tiiitie., which liavr greater velocity, adequate llrer.gtli, and greater rheapn* •"» thin htriv r?o, ar.d :«;>pli abit* to any nachnitry, an univcrhdly ...lowed to he very great. W1J.LIAM TUJfS'r.tLl, hu> obtained a J’atent for fitch imprnvemema; and v/ilV- t*> benefit the pt.blic on the rtoft rnafonahle term-. I)oir rU an l individuals may he now a"co.mhodafctd with Ma tliiuen and patent rights, by applying in perfon or by I ’tter (p .fi paid) to the paten' s, W illiuu Twjijli, at tb S-.i'nn T 'Kern, Jl\ .vn/f. N. B. A Mill'Wight anJlron Worker for the re fpeifJaVi- parts, are wanted—.ipply at>;.h >ve. Thefo rjacliine1- will bull Clover ami thfefti Rice. Bu.k Wheat See. pr.• erred free from grit.—Counter feit* will b * dealt w'.Ji a» the law diredt*. | 1; 11 . eW—tf SPRING GOODS. /F 1L LI A M T E M 1’ L E, HAS jujl receiv'd, hy the Jhlfl Rebecca from L„ rlon and Ter. hire f'om Liverpool, , AN ASSORTMENT OF GOOES S citable to the fe>i/o , i<*;)ich be j/M fhjpoje of on the ufrutl lertr.j, Kitbeaond, May 9th. if (1) VIRGIN Is! : .dr a high court or cHAirc&Kr,nor-nrx at my c.Ji‘iror., i.v ms cm or xichmowd, 5th March, 1 796. RF.TirF.RN Mary Ruffin, executrix, and Herbert Clai bcrue, James Ruffin and lillliasn Ruffin, executors of Robert Ruffin, an.! James Ruffin, IViiiiam Ruffin and St. t iiny Ruf fin, firojeentinj in their o-jl’/i behalf, Pltffa. a wo tv imam macim, ijaac r.ic is ana jy ancy his IT’ft, William Gerund John Gee, Deft?. i f IIS caufe, which abated as to the pled at if Man' Ruffin, by her death, came on the fifth dm of March, in the year of oar lord one tLoufar.d ftven hundred and ninety fix, to be heard on the bill, an fivers, exhibits and t eliminations of wit n.jjes, and was argued by eounfil .* c:i co/if dera tion whereof, the court doth dii eH one of its Com ■niffsoners to Jlate an account of the payments made, if any payments were made, towards dif rbarging the debt, hiteref and charge4 intended to be fecured by th, indenture in the bill recited, and alfo to examine the bills of credit a Hedged to have been tend, red by John Jones, or. behalf of the defendant IVHlium Mac Jin, on the ninth day of December, in the year one tboufand f.veti hun dred and eighty one, in order to difeo-ver whether fuch bills oj credit could be legally tendered at that time, and the Commijfioner is empowered to exa mine the Plaintiffs infolemn manner, and require their acknowledgment or denial of fuch payments, and tender and to report the matters, as they Jhall appear to him, to the court, fating fpecially \fuco as to him Jhall feem pertinent, or by the par ties Jb'HI be dejired to be fo fated ; and the bill is difmiffed, as io the defendant John Gee, who hath by his anfwer difclaimed any title to the land con veyed by the indenture aforefaid. si Copy, Ttfe, PETER TINS LET, C. C. CO MMISSIONER * j -O FFICE, Richmond,May 23d, 1804. The parties concerned are deft edtatzVe notice, that I have appointed Triday the twenty-third day of November next, for carrying into ejfe3 the within Decree, upon which day their attendance is required at my office, with their papers and ac counts ready for examination. (eS—sw) Wm. Heir, M. C. \ ADVERTISEMENT. On the Gth day of September next, at the late dwelling houfe of Copt. John Hedges, dec. on Chippttwamftc, near Dumfries, WILL BE HOLD, on a credit of twelve months, at pub liefa/e, to the bightjl bidder, 1 Vv O TRACI'S ot’LAND, fituate in Prince V illiam county, containing about twelve huu di ei acres, of good quality, well timbered and impro ved. and .1 larve pronr»rrirtn Ilf ,t 1 ..Ml urnnnrl. fnit'ihln for meadow. ‘about 25 LIKELY SLAVES, and alt the other perfonal property of the eftate of the 1 vid Hedges.-Bond and approved fecurity, toge ther w:tti a mortgage on ,the land fold, will he requi red of the purchalors. I he land will be loid in trails or lots, as ni..y be most likely to produce the best price. Si. 1 11 EO I 1 S, 7 Executors of John IS HAM E. HEDGES,) Hedges, dec. Cltippawanisic, July 5, iso-1. cStds—21 VALUABLE HOUSES & LOTS. THF. SUFSCRIPFR OFFERS FOR SAIF OR RENT, j 'T’HAT handfome BRICK TENEMENT in which lie at prelent refldes, beautifully fituated on Shocka: Hill, a lliort distance from the Capitol, in a very healthy and agreeable part of the city. The houle (built of the best materials & quite new) is 22 by 27 feet, two story high, in which arc fevon good rooms and a ten foot paiTige the whole width of the houfe, with convenient clofets, and a cellar inferior to none in this city ; attached to w hich are two half acre lots, one or both of which may he had with the houfe. ALSO, FOR RENT OR LEASE, A final!, neat, two-ftory BRICK TENE MENT, (in the neighbourhood of Mr. Thomas Ru therfoord) containing five good rooms, paflagrs, do lors, &c. with the reqtiifite out buddings, and a good well of water. AND FOR SALE, Several handfome unimproved HALF-ACRE LOTS, eligibly fituuted on the Hill. IT A great bargain may be had in any part or tne whole of the above property offered for fale, and libe ral credit given for the greater part of the money.— For further particulars, apply to SPOTSWOOD LIPSCOMBE. July 21. eS—tf AT A QUARTER! Y COURT CONTINUED AND HELD TOR PRINCE CD WARD COUNTY, MAY THE ViiD, 1 SO 4. WILLIAM WHITE, & Co. Plaintiff*. AGAINST THOMAS GIBSON Sc ROBERT 7 „ r , u riTiijAv r IL'Iendants. — — •——j IN CHANChkr. defendant Thomas Gibfon not having J entered his appearance and given fecurity accord ing to an i.«5l of the General Aff.-tnbly and the rules of th'senurt; and it appearing to the fati* fad ion of the court that he is not «n inhabitant oftlnsflate: on the motion ol the plaintiffs, hv th*-ir count'd, it is ordered, the I id defendant J'liont.i Giblmi do appear here on the firit day of Augull court next, andanfvver the plaintiffs' bill; and that a copy of thh order befourth with infer ted in fonie one of tile public nowfpapei s printed in tiic rily of Richmond for two monthsfuccef h viy; and alio pofled at the front door of the court koufe of this county. A Copy. Tci>", , BENJAMIN WATKINS, n. c. W’m—1 ♦; i wish to srrx I I ■ T) PI. A NT AT ION wbcrron I H'lv five, i -I containing abort %'V) at res. it ii a r-ry connyli nt ar t i aadfant f.'-iati-in, tyin ’ *« the lull ej kapiaioi, j /•*./ rh’rr, i.i FJf'* louaty, ivitb r ry tut rental* Loaf \ v C'Jjary for o fn/r’y, all /•> tlUra'ilf g . d repair. J tu !n * »'/ vfclfje to CO*o,t>■ rt ipon l/j, hrwty U'HtC i ir • / c cfthe phmtinr, and t* fertility <-f the foi', w / fuppf I ftp prrfoa -rill par .bafe until be -arrive tie pretnifre f—/ fbr.1 tit 'y fay, that for,','. it, yialtliu eet, n:me*li< vc,/, 1Jafp'Je it to hr equal Jt i"ji to any put in the ItrUU• port of the corn try, f will tikfwife fell my MILL. With i)H ntrtt j of Land adjoining it. Sit Hu ah at thr-o o> f air iri/ i | /yon loufte l wilt frit far tvi.l it. Purgation, til !y brtfelf -aith the lain! that i'litu /•■#, at a ey Inf fall ibr puhtl refer. hbeJkrndt up. i a-vr : '"at (hear-,ftldon. \ •vet mint - O':offr, a yd l nolle ly good repair, being iaitly 1 et-in.ilt, ii it! bolt ing (jlotbt, and n Gotten Cun J,ted to t try lOtilrr. T am rer. / to treat with any perfou J r bo'b nr tit/jtr of them, atu, if I in Ale the prya.enti ai e fy u. j poffibity and P'jfeJjlon give* a* Chrif-ie1. V/. GATEWOOD. 4ra A li.. efi.iut FOR GLASGOW, . The Rrltlth Ship JFAKS'TE, &V t OHN. COM'AN, matter; now ** at City Point; will he itv.dy to a.'>Cr~XT'Tla - receive Tobacco in a few days, ?i.d havmg part of her cargo engaged, will iuil by the firft proximo. For terms, apply to the captain on board to Robert & Allan Pnllt.k, & Co. Richmond, or to BUCHANAN V POLl.OK. Urbo offtr for faU or. beard f\idjbipy TtN THOUSAND BUSHELS LIVERPOOL STOVF.D SALT. Peterfburg, Augtift c. tlSep NEAL NELSON, LOOT C5* SHOE MANUFACTURER, MAIN-I1KCET, RIC'OIOXD, MAKES Boots & Shoes . to any pattern cr fafh ion, equal in point of M.t trrials and Workman* ship tt> any in general ufe. U' Imported Boots ard Shoes, «>f (he ltrH quality and newef: fafr.ion, for fale. Gentlemen at a dif tance, v ho are (hfp°fed to - forward me their mcofurt, -L_jCr> by payiPS attention to the _ annexed cut, can he foted with Boots or Shoes as well as if they were on the fpot--—\—the lengrh of the Boot—C—round the Calf~...B—tile pitch of ditto_D—round the heel and inftep^.ME—round the infiep..~C—acrofs the hall of the foot. Fix the heel againH a perpendicular, and llick a knife at the end of the great toe—let down in figures the number of incites and quarters, in the dif ferent meafures. June 30. epfim. DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP. BY agreement, the partncrfliip of SHANKS 15* M'RAE will ccafe on the ltd day of Augud. '1 hefe to whom the firm Hands indebted will pleafe exhibit their accounts, that arrangemetr.s may be. made for their difeharge. The debtors of the firm \ are delired to make immediate payment, as delin quents will be indiscriminately ftted. Thofe concern- ! ! ed will make opplication to Co ion M'Rae. SHANKS Uf M'RAE. Manchefter, AuguH 15, 1801. » THE SUBSCRIBER EXPECTS this fall a very general afTortmcnt i of GOODS, and intends to continue bufinels in the houfe now occupied hy Shanks & M'Rae. All thofe who have been heretofore punctual, are folicit J ed to continue their dealings. COLIN M'RAE. AuguH 15. ep3w FOR SALE, A TRACT OF LAND, TN Powhatan count r, on Appomattox Riven where it is navigable, known by the name of 1 M‘Caul’s Qpiarter, containing 420 acres : this ■ laud lies about four miles from the Court Houfe, | and is well adapted to the culture of Tobacco, •fmall grain and corn. Sanuut IHoodfon, who Fives near the land, wiilfhew it to ctnyperfon who may wijh to purchafe. \f it is not fold before the \fl of September next, ■ I flail fell it upon that day to the higbejl bidder, at Jicodfon’s Tavern, near thepremifes. JOHN F. PRICE. } Richmond, May 30,1804. f lawtaifstina. -,-----:- i I NOTICE. I' I HE office of SuperVifor of the Revenue fort , the DiftnCl of Virginia being difeontinned, and . the unfinifhed buCnefs of the faid Office transferred to i ine; the Collectors of the DireCl Tax and Internal I Revenue, whole accounts have not heen finally adjull- i ed and paid, are hereby informed, that they are now j j retjaefted to call at my office, in the city of Richmond, i without delay, and pay the balances due to the United , i States.—And thofe whofe lands have been fold in the 1 ; di fit iCt of Virginia by authority of an ad ofCongrefs ' °[ the United States for non-payment of the DireCt , 1 ax,may redeem furh lands,by paying tome within the time limited,the principal cofts and fees as the law . direCls. | As ntofl of the lands were fold in Dec. 1802, the priviledge of redemption will continue 1 until December next. The money received by me for the redemption of the faid lands, will be returned to the purchafer, with interefl at the rate of 25 per cent per annum on the purchafe money, to tht day on which it may be paid to me. JOSEPH SC’OTT. Marfhal V. D Ju,y 7. ep—tf, A WET NURSE. WANTED to hire or purchase, a Wet Nurfe without a child of her own. I'.ncjuire of the Printers. Augull 8.—tf CASH SALE OF LAND IN ALBEMARLE. Or Sipifmbr.r 1 .ill), I’ 'LL S'] SOLI}, In Chut* lottepoille, to the IdgheJ} bidder, fur Cnjb, ''f^HE TRACT of LAND lying on the erift i- fide of Rivauna, over againil Charlottefville, containing abaut 000 acres, with a new commodious! DWELI.1NG HOUSE. Two years of a leafe un- • rlcr good reftritSions have to run after this. The ; land is all of the South-Weft Mountain quality ; and i though much injured in parts, is in general ftdl very ! good, and all reclaimable. 'Jhefale proceeds from a j deed of trull to indemnify again ft lofs as feenrity and j hail, which was executed in December, 18oot m. t William Bathe, nf Perttifylvania, to THOMAS M. RANDOLPH. Jnly 25. «ytl58ep FOR SALE, • Or. fiber at terms, by the Subscribers, 'I HE HOUSE and LOT near the River; 1- Bank, at prefent in the occupancy of Mr. John j Taylor, anil diftingnilhed in the phut of the city by the ! number 8, the property of the ellatc ’of Patrick ; Wright, dec. which, if not difpofed of privately hefore the ftrft <iay rtf September next, will on that d'iv, at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, he fold on the premife*, for one half cafh, and the other half on a cre.i.t nf 'jo «lays, for an approved indorfed note.—An indilpuubla title : will be mad* before the money is received. PROSSER & MON PURE. Jtil£ 18. epIS Pi A'NO FORTFS <S MUSIC. T< OtTR excellent Piano Fortr«, for fair at Mr. JL ^'/it.LiAM I'RiCHAHo’# Eook-dtore, on modt r.iio te jf/,SQ—ftanp Nrw Mo«f, oonftfting of Bonos :'ft hm.f for Piak.o Io?.Te. Bi.ank Music, Pain.* and 7iones. A h"v» vc:y good Iiilo Ducm* and Fites. 1 y.—-St. LIFE .OF WASHINGTON. r 1 HE FIRST V01.VME i' rtady forRuLf 'iLv:-* -1 at tlic Book Store* of Wat. PRICHARD. Richmond, Auj,uu 18, 1801. «ptf. IVe have received a small additional fnbph ,-,f MADEIRA WINE, ' OF a fupcvior quality, which we oFer fer fale by the hogfliead and quarter<aC.. Crcsott ii? July 18. cptf SCOTTVH.LE JOCKEY Cl.UH. ON the Jecovd ThurfJa) in September, <zvill if run fir, t.-vtr the Scottvi.'/e eaurfe, itn jOCaaIT Ct.VB Pnss CJ £. 1QO—three mile beats. The thy after, the Putf of tie Proprietor of the Coorfe, of £. 50—toco mile hat,. \Veights as follow : ■Aged Horfcs, ! -5 lb,. * Six Veers OU, 12a Five Veer, do. 11 ; Mares It? Geldings Four Tears do. 106 allowed S ii,. Three Tear, do. yO If ARCHER, Secretary. Aupsf 11. ep,5iv—27« UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 5tii Circuit, Virginia Diflridt, May 30, iso-1. John T.loyi end John Hanlury, farviving partners'} < of Hanburys and Lloyd, Plaintiffs : A G.HNST John Buchanan, Archibald Brice, Robert IV H and Elizabeth Carter Hr wife, Meux Thornton and ^ Precdln hit wife, Henry Perrin and Anna his wife, Samuel Andcrfn and Jamnet his wife, John > MKeand, Willie, nn-> Alexander A1‘- '' Kcand, children ar.d devif. es of Join jM ‘ Ideand, deceafJ, and James Il'att, executor of Atexan- ^ dcr 1*14R-vert, dcce.f d, who was executor of * * the faid John Al'Kcar.d, deceitful. Defendant*. J ROBERT W E.>T is appointed gp.tardian to Alexander AI'Kcar.d, nn infant defendant in this J suit ; and the eaufe coming on by coafent of the parlies to he ’ heard on th» hil! „nd amended l ill, the answer, of lie dc- i fondants, replications, the will of John M'KianJ, a- I forejaid, and the proceedings i.i a fail at law in tbit court brought by the ecrplainantt againjl the defendant Il'att as exetuicr cf ii) efhid, which judgment nfius obtained at the DecemL-r sejpon 1891 : JVherFUFON, IT it DECF.r.ED Atrn OUGJV.2D, That Edmund Randolph, Mitchell, Robert Pollard and Edmund IV. Routes, or any two or more erf them, do exfife to tale at public autlian, together or separately,the lot and tenement in the proceedings mentioned, new in the occupation of IVilharn AliCay ; and the small t.xements and ground iLereunlo belonging, which adjoin the tenement conveyed in trifl to the defen- ‘ dants Buchanan and Brice—after the time and place of , sale flail Lave been advert fed four wee As in one or more of the Richmond newspapers ;—the terms of sale to be ' •■‘e third in cafe, and the remaining two-thirds payable in ' irfalments wish leva’. int. ref from the day of sale, the firft to befd’J twelve months, ar.d the second in two ' years from the day oj sale; the purchasers to give bonds | for the said two inflalments, and in default oj payment to be again sold by the faid comirijfoners, or any tiro if then:, * [of ready money, for tic payment of the balances that may ^ ds e from the respective purchasers ; And it is TVR THCK 'JAUSb.etu, That tee said ecu.J.. iff oners neho mer aci uo from the proceeds of the file.' hereby frf dirrfltd, pay unto the complainants, their agent cr attorney, three thousand one hundred and twenty-fve dollars, thirty-one cents,•with Interef on two thousand two hundred and twenty-two dollars, fxiy-fx cents, part thereof, at per cent, from the fxieentb day of l) .enter, one tboufand C'ght hundred and one, the balance appearing to b: due the complainants by a f .dement ameng the exhibits, and the cofs of this suit ; and the surplus, if any, after deducing tt.c charges of the sate, to be brought into court, subjcB to such order as may hereafter be made concerning the same ; .he monies frf raifed by the sale to be applied to the satis fait ion of the debt due the complainants : And it IS FUR THER ORUERF.D, That such of the CutKmiJfcners as may •D convey to the purchasers in conformity to the terms of this decree, and that they make report of their proceedings to the court. A Copy—Tefe, JAMES BLAGROI'E, d. c. Richmond, Auguft isth, 1804. IN pursuance of the foregoing decree, we flail expo/, to I sale at public autlian, th Lot, Tenements, Ground \Sf Pro- j pet ty therein mentioned, c.n the 1 it/6 day of the next month, , on the premifes, in the city of Richmond. T 1'U £DitTUND R4NDOLPII. IVIL11AM MITCHELL. ROBERT POLLARD. EDMUND IV. ROUTES. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. LONDON, May 29. SPANISH SUBSIDY. Letters from Cadiz of the 29th uit. Hate a circumttanee which ought not to be patted over in lileiice, and yet it is not tfafy to fee how the evil can be prevented, without canting a '• faimice in a commercial point of view. The greater part of the annual fubfidy paid by Spain to France, is carried h<.me to England , by Britilh men of war from Cadiz, and from; England remitted in hills to Hambnrgh, where* it is paid to the French agents. Within thefe ! two mouths, the following fums are dated to have been flopped on hoard the following (hip*., 1 on account ot the French government, though ■ nominally configncd to merchants in London, i viz. by the Diana, 500,000 dollars ; by the Mon-1 mouth, 4no/ 00 dollars ; and by the Orpheus,* 6-10.000 dollars. i his is the only fife mode the Spaniards have . nr fending their filver to France, which coufti- j tuteu the greater pait of the remittances, and as it is attended with great advantage. The dollar •t Cadiz is worth only four lbillings and a pennv,; and in L uidon, at the time thefe particular re mittances were made, their value was about four (hillings' and tiir.c pence, which yields a p tin to the French of about 7 per cent, after j paying freight, inl'urance, and con.million. JWNf 19. The Prince of Wales h r, lately entered with form- earmfinefe into the polities of the time;.— In ti e lie,ufe cf com non:., Mr. Sheridan has dr t i.inii, that His Poyal hi^hiitf* feels no Icnti ny.ntg of hoftility, no prejudice, no perfonnl tiflih'’ nor any principle of exciuiion toward: any public rharufter, whufc exertions rni-lit hi u ft I" I to the country ; and at the dinner t:ven at Carlton Iwiifr, or. Sunday he took occafii.11 to remarV, “ that he trufted the event of Friday'* difili*in would be eonfidi red by his friends, a: propitious tending lo a more hrm and effrdent adminiftration hereafter, than as a temporary triumph of party fpirii.*' W> received at the Hague news from the Cape ol Gued ilope, which announce* that the — • - - * r rrr'1 f adrhivaL Linn's and K.trtfirk ! jrl united t?cir navd torcts, Mid * :!et! together to attack LVv« Ion. IMPERIAL PARI.IAM 1 N’T. iicusr. of comr*• ok*3. June la. DFFEXCE BILL. Upon the queftion h- i g put for the third reading of the defoorr bill, Mr. Pyre fa id that at tirR, he t bought this ••ill had a tendency to eftabli.ii that worft tee vieso! dcfpotifm, a military Government. The cattle which h tl be< 11 ictrodt.i < d •.efteroay, and the opinion of ,i majority of the lion! .howe ver, had induced him to alter his opinion, I ; he Hiould not now oppofc the fui tf.* t J. ! of the bill. Mr. Grcr.viile fated that he wan eonvinc d that the arguments which had been adduevd, to prove the inadequacy and inefficacy of the mes luiv-, remained alrnolt cr.tir?ly unanP.wivtl. In reference to the words which had been fopp-. led to have been uttered by him or by the. lb gentlemen who adted with him, he found it duty to fay fomething. It was not the clarac ter of his mind to cavil about the pr exile words that might have been ufed by himfelf, or by his frifcnds. He, however, did ftate in the •noft un equivocal terms, that nothing ever did fall fro nr the lips of him, or any perfon conned! ed w ith hii l, which could juftify an opinion that thve ever entertained the mult diftant iSca of any vine man being competent *nthc talk of laving the nation, uin’> r (he prefent ciicuniftanees. He never did imagine, that his Right Honour;;! !e Relation could have urged a claim, to f< rm fuch an Adrr.iniftration as the prefent, on the ground that i.e hf-d advanced. lie c .uul only view the prefer.* fituation of his right horr. rela tion with pain :>.id regret. It was univc'rlally underftood, that a ftrong and efficient Adinini ftration, compcfed of all the principal ; of talent, of weight and influence in the coun*T\', was abfclutely neceffary at thp prefent Ciilir. The Chancellor of the Exchequer hegged to remind the houfe, thr.* in his alluiion tofhc opi nion formerly delivered with refpedt to his per conduct, by llie tight hon. gentleman who had juft (at down, and his immediate conneift! °ns, he did ncit fee any tiling tending to induce an idea that fuch a declaration precluded thcfc hon. perfons from forming a judgenv ut of the character of any Government that might lie in cxiftence ; but, as far as related to himft lf, l e thought lie had a light to feel fotne furpiife that after fuch an opinion as thofc gentlemen had formerly pronounced upon him—an opinion which could only proceed from excels of partiality—they lhould, the moment he had returned to office, enter ir.toa fyftematick point ed oppolition. At fuch cppcfitioti be nuift feel altonitiied, when iic coiku to his recollection that it proceeded from thofc who, not many months fince, declared that his appoint.Ti^nt to the head of the adminiftration would be fuffici ent to remove the inefficiency of which they then complained in hisMaj.fty’s government. The right hon. gentleman was, t o doubt, at li berty to riifchint the llmtinrenf nlcribed iol.i.-i feif and his friends, but until he had fo difeiaiin ed it this evening, he was fore there wau fearce a man to be found who did not believe him to have uttered the precilc words referred to, and to have fince atfied irtconfifterttly with thofc words. However, he was aware that the hon. gentleman and his friends were at liberty to withdraw the opinion of him which they were once nleafed to cxrsrefs. Mr. T. Grenville repeated, in explanation, that neither he r.or any of thole connected with him had ever faid of, thought that the appoint ment alone of his right hon.relation would, un der the prefent circumftances of the Empire, he enough to Jaftify cor ft K nee in any adminiftrati on ot which he might f irm a part, or to urge him and his friends to decline oppolition to meafures cf government. Lord Temple faid, that in what he hail men tioned on a former occafion, he meant to ftate, that hia Ivilh was for an adminiftration compre hending that defeription of talent and confe qlienee which ftiould deferve tiie confidence of pailiair.cnt and the country; and whatever might be ms conception of the ahililie f |,m right lion, friend ; v hatever degree of perfonal regard or refipedt for his principles and charac ter he might entertain, he never did cv n imi nuate or feel that his introduction alone to an adminiftration, formed from the parts of the late miniftry, would have the chief that he defircd. Of the vigour or ahilitv o,’ tliofe component parts he always freely expr fi fed hia opinion ; and he begged it to lie recol lected that he ftated l.isob edtionto the efficacy of that adminiftration even’ at the time When it had the full lupport of the right hon. gentleman's con life! ; of Ceurfe he never could have thought the mere l’ubftitution of the right hon. gentleman for ;t particular member of the cabinet, would entitle it to the confidence of parliament, or to hold out in the prelent crilis a confiding profpedt to the country. Mr. in the Bi-nifh Iloufe of Commons the ) sth June, on the fubjeA of the additional force bill, in reply to the ion . of Mr, Sheridan, Lord Temple and others, of the <>>> politior., ftid--As to the argument, that the Ad inmii'lration is not worthy of confidence, I am at a lufa to conjecture upon v bat ground it reft#, Th.g, its firft itieafure, fun fy cannot be lac dftnfe, fori* lot’s, to an object upon which ail p« ribas of all pntivo and <d] (left riptions wire agreed*— There nruft then bt fome thing awkward on n fortunatt in the manner of bringing it forward, if it. bt the eaufc of this lof» of confidence. It isa tic licit# thing to fpeak upen the formation of th^prefciit Mmiftry ; but with reg ml to ihe queition of a more or kfs extended a.ltnmiftra tion, I believe I may appeal to the Hon. rleut! • man oppofjtc (Mr. Fox,) whether in a coi verl.i tion which I had with him upon (h. I bjedt, he rlicl not admit, that if the Aduii..iftra‘ ion not conli.hrttl cdicicnt and comp, u-nt to it s pi r pofc, ml that it confequci.ily bicarnc right to remove it, that it was the province of the Home to change : but as to who is to be the Minilb r in the place of the pcffon removed, I ,d! »!. • , f lon. Oentlcnvn w ether he did rot at! • - fuw time f.iy, that he knew hi* duty too w !1 to i giUtc that queflioii in the Iloufe? We!!, tin. , what is to bt done to obftrufit the Mnikctf Why, hecaule his fiwt me n fur e b a •.;< <• d ■: ., th.t is to be made a lubiec: >>'. ninpi. and •»is io to be a him to him ft ire ti r lint th< ’ . * n ■' broad enough, . ' I f. •ottake it ( ) I ft-' tijc oi, wui pa ft v itb hi incrcafet. i jokdj. f will i. v 1 itaiid this bint, and 1 do -time tot. Lum Cr'en