Newspaper Page Text
L . , ] 'The (Joveruot s letter tn the T.eoitiat\:e c *' evas area iptt.iird by 17 Documents : one of which only Z>M.. yet been prefented tn the public conf deration. Some of the/l- Documents are by no means intere/ling at t/se p relent time, lu the fuhjlance of feveral of them has already been communicated to the public thro’ other channels ; and as font e of them relate merely to private ami local concerns. Hence, in freaking of all the pa pers of this clnfs, it is fujfcient to make a n-err general and diftant reference.—There remain a few, however, which are calculated to convey forne original information on ftbjefts of general importance. All the papers of this clajfs, will therefore be prefented in their entire form. The Paper No. !—Is the public notice re quired by law of the rrfult of the Election of Ele&ors, forchoofinga l'refident and Vice Pre fident of the United States.” No. y—Contains the refignation ofWilfonC. Nicholas, and A. B. Venable, as Senators of the United States.—The vacancies thereby pro duced were filled by a temporary appointment by the Executive Council, of W. 11. Gilt s and Ardrcw Moore, which have been lately confirm ed by the present Legiflature. Thefe letters will deferve publication, both on account of the high character which their authors have acquir ed, and becaufe the event which they feparatcly announce is probably the mod intcrefting inci dent of their lives. A orjolk, May 22d, ISOt. Sir, When I pa (Ted through Richmond on iny 'joumev to this town, I Ihould have prefented to your Excellency the refignation of my feat in the Senate of the United States, had I formed the refolution that I have now taken. The Prefident of the United Stateshaving of fered to my acceptance the port of Collector of Norfolk, I came hither to decide, .after a more accurate view of the fubjeCt, what meafure I ought to adopt. The high honor that has been conferred upon me by my country, has never ceafed to be duly appreciated, with the fullnefs of gratitude which it fo juftly demands ; and were I not confcious that a fuccefior can readi ly he found more competent than myfelf to the duties of a Senator of the United States, nothing would induce me to afle permilfionto reiinquilh that refpeCtablc ftation. As it is, however, I truft that I lliall not be confidcred as abandon ing that affectionate attachment which I have always profit IT'cd, and will never fail to prove on any occalion, to my native ftate, when I enter into an office under the General Government. Let me entreat your Excellency to receive this as my refignation; and when you commu nicate it to the General Allembly, fuffer me to requeft them, fir, through you, to receive mv warmeft acknowledgements for their kindnefs, and to be afRired of my devotion to thofe prin ciples, which have drawn forth their fuccefsful efforts towards the effablifhment of our prefent happy fyftem of affairs. f have the honor fir to be, with the highefl refpeff and peifonal efteem, Your Excellency’s moft cbed’t ferv’t, (Signed) W. C. NICHOLAS. His Excellency John Page, Richmond. A Copy. Richmond, July 5th, 1804. S»iR, A variety of confiderations have made it neceflary that I fhould refign my lituation as a tor of the United States. You w ill pleafe to accept this as a notification, in order that the vacancy may be filled, if it fhould he deemed p if ary, by the Executive, before the next rr. .’ting of Congrcfs. I cannot help on this oc ca'it a, exprefling the great regret I feel on re lin ;niihing an office conferred on me by the Ge ^uia! Aflembly, before the term of fervice con ^k^^atpd. had been compleated ; but the great le:*gin or time that I have been in the public fcrvice, hasfo fardif.ibled me from attending to my private affairs, as to make this meafure ra ther a matter of ncceflity than of choice. Be pleated to accept aflurances of my high vk fpeifl, and believe me to be, with great regard, Your obed't ferv’t, (Signed) ABM. B. VENABLE. His Excellency John Page. A Copy. No. n—Is the letter from Mr. Monroe, which I has already been publiflied. 1 No. 1—Isa notification of James Madifon, /he Secretary of State, of the adoption of an /amendment to the Conftitution of the United States, refpeefting the manner of voting for Prr lider.t ar.d Vice Prefidcnt. This notification has been already publiflied. No. 5—Isa letter from the Governor of Maf fachufctts, with certain refolutions of the Lc giflature of that (late, propofingan amendment to the Conftitution of tlie United States.—Thefe ► are commonly called Ely’s amendments, and were publiflied foon after their adoption in June of the prefent year. Mr. Bidwell’s Speech in the fenate of Maflachufetfs, which was con cl nded in the Lift No. of this paper, was intend ed to expoTe the fallacy and definitive tenden cy of thefe celebrated refolutions. No. fi—Contains a refolution of the General Affembly of Kentucky, propofing a co-opera tion on the part of Virginia, with that itatc, Pennfylvania and the (late of Ohio, in opening the rapids of the river Ohio.—The bejl mode of caiTyingon the commercial communication be tween thi3 wjlern country and the ocean, is perhaps at this time one of the mnft curious and important problems in the political ccconomy of the U. S. Whether the expence of tranfpor tation through the Mifliflippi and its branches is greater or lef* than tlie expence of trr.nfporta tion through the waters which empty into the Atlantic ocean, appears to be the timpli fubjetfl of enquiry. All experimental refearches, which are intended to elucidate thi« queftion • Si every political meafure which is adopted to facilitate either mode of tranfportation. are consequently entitled to our rotifiderate attention. It is on this account that we copy at full length the pro ceeding* of the Kentucky Legiflature. Frankfort) 2M</ Alay, 1801. 3'*, In compliance with the trqiteft of rho T,e K'H itnre of this Hate, I have the iior.or of tranf mittingto your Excellency t) e in< lofcd rcfolu tion of the General Afleinbly, arid am, with high confulerntior*, Your Excellency*! mo,*, obrd’t fcrv*t, (Signed) JAMES GARRARD. Hi! Excellency John TVige, / Governor of Virginia, ) Richmond. A Copy. Stale of Kentuchy. In General /Iff mbty. Wllf,i!\AS it ij important to tlie citizens of this ftatc, and r the fcvrral fta'cs bordering on the river Ohio, and who depend on the fthanrv | f,,r the conveyance of their produce to market, that tf.c rapid* of the faid river ffiould be opened, fo as tn make it more fife for the T alfrge of vrfl'el* aft-ending and defending the* /aid river : Wherefore, P.efoln'tfl f Irianinto/fly, by the Senate fl',{f, k ’ ref nia\vt.’) That the Governor of this! ita’c be requefted to correfpond with the CJo-1 •■u.iy-t of tbr ftate* of Virginia, rennfylrania, j and Ohio, to nfccrt*::i what aUt^ncr car. Kc oli- * t oncd from thofe ftates i:t opining the npidsof tlic Ohio river, and the amount of the itims ei ther of thole Antes w i:l pay (if any) for that pur pufc : and the Oovernor w ill report the fame to the next Le«:Uaturc. Approved, December 9th, 18: 9. A true root front the original roll, IIAURY TOULMaN,Set Vr >f State. A Copy. (To be continued.) 15 u Sutfmitp. RESOLUTION exprelliveuf the fer.fe of Congref*of the gallant conduct of captain Stephen Decatur, the officers and crew of tiie United State.; ketch In tripid, in attacking in the harbour of Tripoli, and deftroying a Tripolitan fr’gati* of forty four gun*. Refulved by the F mate end llcufe tf Representatives if the foiled States of Atn.r'ua in Congrefs :fernbi.d, That the Prefiuent of die United States be lequcllcd to pre ient, in tht* name of Congrefs, to captain Stephen De catur, a Sword, and to each of the officers and crew of the United States ketch Intrepid, two months pay, as a teftimony of the high fensc entertained by Congrefs of the gallantry, good conduct, and Cervices of captain Decatur, the officers and crew of the laid ketch, in attacking in the harbour of Tripoli, and deilioying a Tripolitan frigate of forty four guns. NATHL. MACON, Speaier of tbe II at fc of Reprefenta.'ives. A. BURR, l ar-Prefident of the United States, and Prejidcr.t of the Senate. November 27, 1801. approved, THOMAS JEFFERSON. LAW OF THE UNITED STATES. AN ACT Making etn appropriation to fupply a deftienty in art ap propriation for the fuppcrt of government during the prcfnt year, and making a partial appropriation for the fame object during the year one thoufand right bun dred andfve. BE it enafird hy the Scute a-d Hcufe of P.eprefrnta tivej ttf the United States of America, in Ccngrefs aff.-sn b!ed, l hat to make good a deficiency of the appropri ation for the contingent expence* of both Houles of Corgrefs, authorifed hy an adl of the fourteenth of March lalt, the further fum of two thoufand five hundred dollars be, and the lame is hereby appropri ated. Sec. And lc it further enabled, That toward* dciraying the expence of firewood, IVation^ry and o thcr contingent expencesof both Houfes of (jongrefs, during the year one thoufand eight hundred and° five, the fnni of three thoufand dollars be, and the fame hereby is appropriated : which feveral films fliall be paid and difeharged out of the fund of fix hundred thoufand dollars referyed hy the a.'t *• making pro vifion for the debt of the United States.” NATHL. MACON, Speaker of the Iloufe of Reprcfcniatives. A. RURR, Viee-Pr.f dent of the United States, and P ref dent of the Senate. December G, ifiOf. APPKOVTD, THOMAS JEFFERSON. [ EV PERMISSION. ] B U K R & H A M ILTO N. // nrto tpeneJ at Mr. Hallam's Washington Tavern A NEW COLLECTION OF WAX FIGURES; ' ‘Jl'PEMOR to any in America; among which are i ‘ J a ftriking likencls and reprefentation of the late unfortunate DUEL, fought between Col. Aaron Bean, X ice-Prefident of the United States, and Gen. Alexander. Hamilton, wherein Gen. Hamilton is iupported by his fecond after receiving the mortal wo:. J, while Col. Burr is led from the field by his fecond—a finking reprefentation of the place where the duel was fought, upon feenery, which adds much to this ir.terefting reprefentation, &c.—and a number of selected FIGURES, cho&a from the bell rejec tions in America. iy M U S IC O.V /IN FLF.C.1N7 ORGAN. Admit tance.—„0 cents for tlicfirft admiffion— and no perfon is admitted the fecond, without paying half price—25 ccuts. December 6. ertf_ ASTONISHING INVISIBLE LADY. THE ACOUSTIC TEMPLE, IncompreLcnftble Cryftal, ar t rrRcfting Mirror, ^ Is now exhibiting in Richmond in the crof* ftreet leading roni the Main Street between the Eagle and the Union Tavern*, at the houfe lately occupied by Mr. PolLru, and fince by Mr. Warren, as the Profile Office. iilF. amateur* offeien-e and curious experiments will imd in tnis exhibition the nioft furprifing phenomenon that has ever been difeovered in acou ftics; the proprietor therefore prefume* to flatter him !elf that the enlightened and liberal public will honor his performance with the fame degree of applaufe which has fo uniformly attended it‘in Paris, London, Liverpool and New-York. ri u in. y phc.slsle Auricular i7. optical Tilufton, W hichprofefil i to expofe the pradiccs of artful imp furs, pretended magicians, and estorcifh, and to o pen the eye* of thofe who Adi foAer an ablurd belief m ffiyS,ivitebcs, conjurationt, demoniacs, 5cc. will ena ble the attentive obferver to form a juft idea of the artifices by which they impofed on tlie credulous and fuperfidious,m this and former ages ; and afford alfoto the fpedator an intereftingand pleading entertainment. Deft rip,'ion of tie Exhibition. In a temple, reprefenting thole where the Kgypti ans delivered their oracle*, is a fmail altar, and a ery f tal (asdeferibed by Dr. Deo, &c.) for confnltitig fpi rits. 1‘rotn t.i s proceed the oials for conveying ipief tion? and antwers. 1 he whole apparatus is uncon nected with fnrrounding objeds. A conversion may be held on any fnhjed—fmg ing. Lgghing.breathing, &c. clofe to the ear of the audience ; deforming their number, diets, motion, Ike. without any vifthlr interference of agency, and fo completely deceiving the femes, a* to appear to he the effed of magic. I he above wonderful and incnniprchcnfible exhi bition, which has excited the slfonifliment and grjti fied the cnriofiry, of.thc amateurs of fcience and the pu'He in general, in London, $«. is now exhibiting, with improvements, as above d< bribed ft*?- Honrs of Inhibition, from o o’clock till 1, and from ” rill (i, end from 7 till y in the e*ening. Admittance 75 certs*—Children 50. Nov. 4. (eptf/ T. SULLY, Portrait ot.d AH nature Painter. W PrC'IMFJW ofjiis work may he fcen at his rooms * y ahov* Omftnore & Turner's Grocery, Maut Strc.-t, Richmond. December 4__(eptf.) In u titirn fui?) tyAtotvA iiUuc, • T DUN HF.NRV h.* imported in the {hip Latova, .1 cap-on l htirftoti, from l .iverpool, a few fmail boxes of vvil effort -.| -l-4ths !K»bH l 'Nf N. purcha fej it: Dublin in July; »vhich, with fine old London p „ti. ul». A Tt.ik t\ WINK, in pipes and halfpipes, hr oiTej-s for fal* o- modetate terms. Nov. 7j eptf. broker's office. r | »•*'« t il. r tas ofemej m litder's Offer, tbbe/t, L tx Uni** Tuvan, artj mvrt tor tiountinr-boLfe oj j T1- n » «•/ Amnj Ltttbf. Ait buftnrfs ttnjij. J to bint, ■u'ilt be trurj -i.cJ yvitbjiri i fitr/ity. THOMAS NORFELL. OAAct 3. tf FALL GOODS. WILLIAM TEMRLE has received by the ./hip Edward and Charles, from London, AM EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT nr GOODS, ruitabie to the appronehing feufon. He expcih an ADDITIONAL SUPPLY, to compleat bis nfortmrnt, by the /hip Sally front London, and l.aiona from Liverpool ; which be wtlt tifpofe of on his nfual low terms. Sipt. 8. eptf ENOCH SULLIVAN, JEWELLER t3* HAIR-WORKER, (Firft door below the Eagle Tavern,) BF.OS leave to inform the public that he has for Sale, a PAS'uo.ijr.’ s assort near or JEWELRY & SILVER WARE ; yflfo, J rr i.XDSOMF SUPPLY OF Ladies elegant combs, pocket books, Scc. Dec. 8. ep tf. BURR MILL STONES, or AU SILKS ; and PLAISTER OF PARIS,of an excellent quality, rOR SALK, AS usual, *r WILLIAM DAVIDSON, near the Market. Dec. 4. W. COWAN, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, one door below the Eagle Tavern—repairs Watches and Clocks of every defcription, at the fhcrteft no tice. W. C. returns his grateful acknowledgements to hi? friends and cuftnmers, and hopes to merit a conti nuance of pad favours. N. B. He has sit hand a few good Watches, with a variety of Chains, Seals, Keys, &c. Which he will ditpofe of low for cafh. December 4.-fep if. EDUCATION. JWOOD has opened, at his room, formerly the fchool room ol Mr. Harris, oppouteto Mr. Cop land s, AN EVENING CEASS, from the hours of fcven to nine, for the arts of Drawing and Painting, and tue feveral branches of the Mathematics, including the higher parts of Arithmetic, Geography, Agrono my and Surveying. Evenings ot tuition Tuefday, Thurfdny and Friday. 1 he Students who attend are at liberty to devote the whole of the two hours to either of lilt- above arts and fciences, or to apply both to Drawing and Mathe matics, the latter heitig taught by leisure. I erms Two Dollars and one half per month, paid at entrance Nov. 21. (eptf j» Wifh to employ a man without a family as an n Afllftant in niv School at the Hot-Springs in the • county of Bath, who can come well recommended f*r j his fobriety, morality and integrity ; and qualified to ' teach Arithmetic and Surveying. Such a perlon will ! meet with encouragement by applying to the P.ev’d ! Mr. Blair, or Mr. Peter Tinfley, in the city of P.ich mond; Capt. John Beale, in the county of Botetourt, or the fubferiber at this place. FRANCIS CRUTCHFIELD. Hot-Springs, Nov. 21 (ep3w) FOR SALE—at Rocketts. rHF. LOT,and twoftory BRICK HOUSE, con taining three tenements, which the fubferiber purchafed at the fale of George Nicholfon, deceafed. Fhc lot is well fituated for a warehoufe, and the brick building for a bake-houfe, lumber-houfe, or Tobacco Fa<Sory. JOHN ELLIS. November 14. tf OATES’s ALMANAC—for iso5—Euhlifb D ed by Me firs. Davis if Courtney, may be bad at the Ojf.ce of the Enquirer. September 19. cptf SADDLERY. f OHN M‘ENERY, Saddler, refpeflfully in J forms the public in general, and bis friends in particular, that he has jufl received \an elegant and well chofen afiortment of Saddlery, Coach Mountings, n’hips, Spurs, ifc. cffc. Lsc. laid in under his own inJ'peSion, whereby he ts enabled to offer them on the mojl reduced terms. November 21. TOR ENT—For the enfuing year, J HE Mill IE HOUSE at Hanover Court houfe, together with the lots adjoining there to, that are nni attached to the Tavern, floe houfe is a very commodious one with all the necelTai v offices. M J Also, for rent, a feld containing about an hundred acres adjoining the premifes, well calcu lated for the cultivation of corn. The above pro perty will be rented Jeparately or together, as may bejl /nit thofe wtfising to rent. Terms will he made known by the fubferiber living at the Courtkoufe. BARBARY O. TilILMAN. Dec. I. WASHINGTON TAVERN. [TIE subscr iber ■’■as taken a leafe of this tene ment for a unnd.-r of years, and hut put it in a stale of repair which rentiers it not inferior to any in this City. Beftdrs the 'Tavern he has detailed L dUim, well ea/iirlated to accommodate thofe who are anxious of greater privacy than a tavern tefually affords. Thrf; tenements tdjoin the pvhliefquare, and are wit Lin t-uo hundred yards •(the Capitol. They have decididaJvantages over any ether boufes in this City, with refpeft to pure air and excellent water. He has C.'iOTi STAHtKt and a confant/apply of the hrj} roRSr.r. He tenders his fet vices to his friend, and thrfuMic, and ([tires theft, that no unlawful gaming, nor any other prnft-ee which might, in any degree, have ,s ten dency to defray tbt peace of hit bouft, will ever bepermit ted. EDWARD 11 ALL AM. Richmond, September 'JO. N O T I C E. I TIE office of Supenifor of the Revenue for * the Diftrid of Virginia being difenminued, and the- unfinilhed huftnef* of the f.iid Office transferred to me; the Colledors of the Hired l ax and Interna! Revenue, whvfe accounts have not been finally admitt ed and paid, arc hereby informed, that they are now reqeefted to call at my office,in the city of Richmond, Without delay, and pay the balances due to the United State*.— And thofe whofe lands have been fold in the diftrid of Virginia by authority of an ad of Congref* of the United States for non-payment of the Hired I'.ir, may redeem filch lands, by paying to no; within the time limited,the principal c oft sand fees as the law dired*. As mod of the abovementiored lands were fold in Dec. 1 no^.the priviledge of redemption will continue until Hecen ' jr next.. | The money received by me for the redemption of | the find lands will be returned to the purchafer, with | hiti-reft atth rate of per cent per annum on the ptirch ifs mot ey, to the day on which if may be paid WWW. JOSEPH SCOTT. Mir/hal V. D Tnly 7# u|wff4 NOTICE. ; A 1.1. perfect in Llt-d to the tat: fi.n cf T1UCHA- | NAN. DUNl.OP "df CO. ./ Pettr/hneg, RO BKR I POl.LOIv (5 CO. of Richmond, dW DUN* I.OP, POLI.OK <df CO. of Al.nuNjlei, arc herb, No*fed, t‘\'t 'yam-’ Dunlop, Lite .1 p.nlrrr in tbe above cancel re, b,•/ become per, bafer of tbe nvljlandinr debt' they will there fore be pi afd io male payntr:! .‘a Atr. fr'a Toutpbine refhdiny in Richmond, or tie fabfcribtr rc/idina in Peteijlurir, who alone are antbarijed to male eoliedliom and grant dif barges.—Suite will be indifci uni datei\ c>m: mcn.cdaeainjl all who do r.ot snake payment before the frjl •J February next. JOHN DUNl.OP, Attorney For J A AILS DUNLOP. Peterjburg, Nov. 15, 1 804. eptf J. TOMPKINS O ESPEC1 FULLY informs tbofe concerned,\ ■ ' that he has removed tbe books and papt rj of tbe late concern of Robert PoV.ok idf Co. and Dun bop, Pollok & Co. to et new Brick Houfe near | the Rajhi, and direct,'y to tbe Scab -Houfe. IF cere be has for fate, a few pipes of OLD COGNIAC BRANDY", of J'uper'tor quality. JJecember 11. L AN1) FOR SALE. iMIE SUBSCRIBER offers for fale a trad of Land, containing fix hundred and thirty acres, lying on Black Water, in Mathews comity, adjoining Mr. John Peyton’s, Philip Tabb’s and Hunley Gayles’* lands, well known by tbe name of the B.itrry Trail. The fertility of foil is equal, if not any land in the county. The fituation is remarkably pleafant and healthy ; the land is well w atered and heavily tim bered. On it there are three tenements ; the houfes are tolerably comfortable, and the fenc > generally good ; at one of thofe places there is a very good Peichand Apple Orchard, and die Battery itfelf is a moll capital Hand for a (lore and tavern, being ir :f way between Gloucefter and Mathews courthoules, and the inhabitants generally wealthy and punctual in their dealings. Ihe whole of the land being immedi- i ately on the river, where the belt fi'h and oyfters caught, renders it a moft defirable littiaticn. Any pm - fon inclined to purchafc will be (hewn the premiibs, and terms made known, on application to Capt. Janies Gibfon, at tile Battery, or GEORGE E. DUDLEY. Mathews County, December S. , #p2w NEAL NELSON, BOOT iif SHOE MANUFACTURER., MAIN-STREET, RICHMOND, AKLii Br>ots Sc * to any pattern or Lib- | on, equal in point of \Ia- I itRiALs and Workman* -Hie to any in generalufe. 1 JCV Imported Boots and ] SiioFs.of the firft quality i 2nd neweft fafhion, lor Lie. i Gentlemen at a dis tance, who ate difpoled to orvardme their ir.eafure, by paying attention to the annexed cut. can be fitted with Boots or Shoes as well as if they were on the fpot.A—the length of the Boot C—round the Galf.....B—the pitch of ditto.—D—round the heel and inftep.....E—round the inflep-.-.G—acrofs the bail of the foot. Fix the heel againft a perpendicular, and 1 flick a knife at the end of the great to<—fet down in ' figures the number of inches and quarters, in the dif- ' ferent mealures. June 30. epGm. PETER BELLETT, N’URSERY and SEEDSMAN, at WilHarrtf burg, intending to remove to the fhte of New York, offers FOR SALE, Li, NURSERY; con- , taining 20 acres of rich manured Lard, with about' 100,000 TREES, of which 25,000, confining as follows, are fit to be tranfplanted this feafon. b 41 Sort* of Apples at Gd. per Tree. 44 Do. of Pears 1/5. do. SO Do. of Peach 9d. to 1JG. do. 10 Do. of Nectarine 1f. to !/&. do. ' 10 Do. of Apricot \JG. wl/ do. ( 3 Do. of Quince 1/5. to sif. do. 19 Do. of Cherries 1/ to -i/5, do. IS Do. of Plumbs 1/5. to 25 do. ’ 4 Do. of Almond 3f. J do. : 5 Do. of Mulberries 1^5. to 4/6. do. 2 Do. of Figs 1/5. do. 7 Do. of Rafberry Eufht-s Lombardy and Balfum Poplars Currents, Goofeberries and Strawberries of forts, Grape Vines of forts, Artichokes and Afparagufs | Roots, together with a variety nt M-><ycri:’.g Ihrubs, Flower Roots and Seeds and Rofe Bulhcs, and a Ihtall quantity of Garden Seeds of this year’s growth. ALSO—may be had with the nurfery H Negroes, 3 of which are well acquainted with Gardening and Nurfery work, also—S Horfet, 5 Steers, -1 Cows, and the nurfery and farming utenfils, which if not fold by the 111 day of May next, will he fet up at Public fale on that day, until which time he will con tinue to fell I rees &c. &c. &c. on lower terms than ufual. Orders left with Mr. George Groenhow at Rich mond, Meffrs. John and Sam. Penifton at Peterl burg, will be duly attended to with difpatch. William (burg, Nov. 24. eplM. NOTICE. To Itfold to the bigbejl Udder, on the fourth IVtdn.fday in December next, a: Hanover Court-Houfe. ' I " HE Seat whereon the fubferiber now refute,, contain • >"X between three andfour hundred acre,, of valua ble farming land. Thi, Jituation combine, at man', r itu ral advantage,, a, n-nji ,n the county. It i, believed to be equally healthy with any in it, vicinity ; the neighbour hod opulent acd agreeable, and navigation almtf, at the door. ' It u peculiarly adapted to a projefjional gentleman ; bein'r ' within twenty mite, of the city of Richmond, fix ef the co irthmfe, two of Hanover town, fix of New-Cafle / and four of an excellent mauufeifluring mill. On thi, farm i, a very fpaeiou, dwelling houfe (fomewhat oat of repair,) but in tolerable good condition for the reception of a ' large and genteelfamily ; anew l Helen almof 'fnijhcd, a large barn in very good repair, and a mof excellent apple orchard with a variety of other /me fruit.—-The term, of re, r'ne,h,rt,cf,bt parehafe money pj,J B„ /£, Jay oj fale i one third, on that day twelve month, ; and the »- ' ther third in fix month,, from the period at which th- fe- i condpayment become, due. The bondi to bear interefi frwn ' the date, if not punctually paid; and a deed of trail ca the \ land, to fee are the payment, of the two tuft injla/menli. Any p,rfon who may wifi i, view the farm, will apply to the fubferiler, or in hi, abfence to M,ffn. Ian. Tone,, T’hn AnJtrftn, or Edward Hurd’ey, who rejidinea, the pnmjff. B.VJ HURST JONES. Hanover Ccunly, Nov. 14.-(Id,.) three dwelling houses TO BE RENTED. OhJF. fituate at the foot of Adams’ hill,and but a ftnalldtfbnrc from the Melons Hall, lately occu pied by Mr. Thomas Underwood; oti this lot there m a very good and well enclofcd garden, a well of ex cellent water and other conveniences. One other fituate in the alley between the ftreet leading to Shwkce warehouse, and that leading to Mayo’* Bridge, lately occupied hy Mr. John Rob bins. The other fituate in the hark ftrcct rear H.irri*’* Tobaccomanuf-K*.ory, and the Rock landing—having " garden w.-ii inclnfed, and at prelent occupied by Mr. Henry Tompkins. PofTcflimi of the two fir* dcfcrib'-d may he had immediately, and ol the cither oti the first o' January next. ' Apply r® JOSEPH CALLFGO. WHO HAS For SALE, A light Onchee, nearly new, with p'ated mounted harnef*. comph tc for two horfrv. lSth Oftoher. (eptf.) ! «•!'i eltt2 j w*)C •■ *■ __ ROBf^I JOI IJC.'TON i'now otwuinjj 3*! otjiw'cil felc&cci Affortrm nt of FA! f. <,• d FAS HA Bl. F. GOODS, which he will leil on moderate terms for I'afh, Produce, or -i a flmrt tree!it, by Wholefalc or Retail; among which akk: Superfine &. coarie cloths C'afli meres & coatings Manchefter and patent cords Swanfdowns & flannel* Role, point & didl'd blan kets Boys Morocco caps l.adics (liocs & flippers Steel backboards and col lars Oil cloths & oil flones Infh linens and brown Hollands Nov. 7. Rrflia and Irilh ftu-etinvrs German Ofuaburgs aiYj Tickieuburgs Chintzes, Cailicocs and Cimbrichs India Lutcllrings and bat ting Ironmongery Sc Cutlery Gun Powder and Patent Shot Looking Gkifici & Ther mometers Whips, Spurs, <Scc. &c. fee. Thtf JUST RECEIVED, a fresh assortment or // v/ T S a s o S H O /: S' Gentlemen’s New-York S Ladies’ fpangled |utr. and I.ondon manufac tured bit. & drab Rea- , vers, Caltois, and Ro- i rums. » ( Servants’ glazed, Camel’s \ hair and wool do. ( Youths’ & Infants’ do. Children’s Morocco Caps \ and trimmings. , 1 trimmed 5e plain, white , tnd coloured Kid Slip* and ties. Do. Morocco do. Do. leather do. Miil'es’ Kadd and Morcc i co Slips. Children's Morocco Slices. Gentlemen's fuperfitie , Shoes arid Pumps. Do. Suwarrow Boots. Son sale, tivo door, above the Fogle Tavern, by JUDSON Sc BURR. O.v ComicttMEtiT, One trunk Calicoes, Gillas, and siik Sc cotton Shawls. Two toils heft country refined Iron. December 4. t.*p 3. P. A. PETICOLA8 & HIS SON AUGUST, - / OFESSOFS OF MUSIC, RESPEL 1 . vil.L\ inform the Ladies and Gentle men of the city of Richmond and its vicinity, that they intend to teach MUSIC on the PIAXO FORTE o; HARPSICHORD. Orders, Loin Ladies or Gentlemen, left at Mr. Heifher’^L.e Rifing Suo) or at Air. Gambled dote' will he particularly attended to. b> P- A. P. TUNES INSTRUMENT^. 4.’ miniature painting-, s<*d fikenef •e*» warranted by himfdf. Dec. 1. 'ILkSGt /\ 1.1. perfons having claims a gain ft the eftate cf I a. Branch, deceafed, of Chefterfic.'d CCUtl ty, are requelied to come fonvaid and eftabliih them, that I may make provifion for paying the fame, bdbi* 1 make a clofc of my executorfiiip of faid eftate. Archibald Wai. i-hall, Ex’or. Chellerfidd, Dec. G. e'i'h St. THOMAS COURTNEY— r./rf’ojT. \7 FRk rdpeCtfully begs peniiiffion to acquaint the V public, that lie Hill continues to occuny the houfe on the Main-ftreet oppofite the Bank, and im mediately above Mr. Davis’s Printing-Office. He tenders his moft grateful acknowledgments to thofe gentlemen who have been fo obliging as to favor hun with tlieir cuftom; and allures then- and the public generally, that no exertion fhall be wantin-r to enfure .1 continuance of patronage. lO* 1 wo or three good workmen would meet with employment hy applying as aWe; and a couple 01 adaive lads are warning as apprentices. Dec. 1.- eptf CHOICE LANDS—FOR SsJLE. A DIVISION of the famous SauraTown Lands hn ' Vlng place between the heirs of Tame* Par^ Farley, Efq. dec’d. and Col. John S. Farlev and 7. r Mrs- Elizabeth Morfon, the fubfcribcrs, Ro bert 1 aylor of Norfolk, and Charles Duncan at Ros hn, near Peterfburg, are fully empowered hy the fa id Col. Parley and Mrs. Morfon, to difpofe of their pro portion, containing 12,832 acres, which are furveyed and laid off in eiglu lots, containing from £C() to °^00 acres, agreeable to plots in the polTcffioa of the ia.d I )uncan. I he four la; reft !o‘s are cf excellent quality, eac.. containing a conliderable proportion of i]le rich eft low grounds, which produce tobacco of the very firft quality, ns hR5 been experienced by or.e of the lubl.-rtbers, who (hipped it for a number of years. * nose lamia he on f an a...i Smith's rivers, in Rock ingham county, on the borders of North Carolina about 170 miles from Peterlburg and Richmond. At there are feldom mch lards for I tie, they mud he an objed to thofc who want to purchafe fuch as will pro duce fine tobacco, hemp and fnia.t grain. Or.a third cf the prite mull be paid in ready coney, or e ‘ i : twelve months, and ti e other third in two years, the ■ urchafer giving bond with unexceptionable fevuriry otaring inter* ft front the date if not pun<?ud'y p’iij h'hofc who wi(h to purchafe will be (hewn the hre'i . Cox, living at Leekfville, near Rockingham Court-Houfe, and the tenrs made known by ROBERT TAYLOR, or CHARLES DUNCAN. Peter/burg, Nov. 24. (.. tf Stifmanre agatttur five. 1 isn't* Fire OJjln'y Foxc't/iy May ], 1304. numerous and definitive Fires which have . happened within the period of thetwo laft years, in different parts of Europe and America, (more paftN cular in the towns of Liverpool in England, Gothen burg in Sweden, and Norfolk in Virginia.) render it proper to remind all perfons who poffefs ornnerty in the United States of America of the utility of iufur ance. I he I’hcrnix Office of London, is cn iuftitution fuf ficietitly known by the very huge and important loffen it has paid, in confequence of the ex ter five conflagra tions in the cities and towns of Apierica to fuch fuffer ers ashavehad the prudence to protedl their property, by infurance.—The Phtenix Company deeply regret that owing to theexpenf.- offeriousand continued Ioffes,upon the buildings and ftores in the timber towns, noakarati on nor remiffion on fuch riffs cunbemadcaf nrefent_. but the Directors hope from the increafe of 1,rick and ftnne buildings, and other improvements of ferurity. that the period is not far diftnnt, when they will be a* ble generally, to mitigate the rates, of inf,n ance in i ertr, America; and they confidently prefijme that the promptitude and honor with which they have uni formerly fulfilled their extenfive enzigemerts have unequivocally < ft Miffed the folidity, cr.-dit, and p.,cJ faith of the Company. ThePhanix Company grant infurances upon bun dings, goods and (hips, whiift in dock or in harbor, from iofs or damage hy fire, upon the moft mod-rate and equitable terms; and perfons defirousof fecuring their property by policies from this company, are re quefted to tranfniit fheir orders to theircorrefpondfcr.t* in Grant Britain. Nov. 3. cplCt. &V BILLS nr LADING, SHERIFF,' BLANKS BLANK BONDS, \fc. Ufa, FOR SALE AT THf8 OFFICE. Prmtmrr, . LN ALL ITS VARIETY, EXECUTED AT TKK OFFICE of the ENFfjJIlEIt.