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The daily dispatch. [volume] (Richmond [Va.]) 1850-1884, April 30, 1852, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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v ? ()L. 2—NO 164
•V'\- ) \ ],y DISPATCH.
7-1: A COWAHDIN. Proprietor.
,jr<; ? k~F ;a> \ vh, Editor.
, „ ... tj » rsi. a *.f" > I sauarft, 1 month l< 00
; , .>-ti,.rUoas )75 j I 'do Bmoi»*h» 700
; .' 1 da 3 do 10 00
L .. '- ;75 , I do <5 do 16 00
* ,* , e » 275 I 1 do 1 year .10 00
I— — V i-nur ■•t'i v.* charged at the same
* '-.a.Ke a ; longer ad
*» , • ~r~ piruon. and payable inad
"r - ~j. ; M iv '* .--.sorted once a week,twice
*' •„> Uv. < » wi-ek. will be charged Stl
*, hrst u".t >r'.an. and 174 cents tor cacti
''f-y-r'tA .nartti'4 for2scents; Fu
| .^r r V:. A ci'-."-' D«atb«. without obituary or
f ,i ~it D 'is served to subscribers
' " 4 . „ i per vteir. payable to the
*-- '.. « \ & ; s Prt :-" .." u-.niag, $4 a year in ad
raK Wiiiinl.i DISPATCH
. ...... a .*• ■ t: :«y morning, and mailed
a ili3 'To Clubs, for 85 sixco
.i, rit > thirteen for 815 twenty co
i 'wenty -■«•• copies
| • ) >nh\ t>e c confidentially, for the
i -at ."•! '-he to.-.»•».nc diseases: Eruptions,
. ... ! «:..ijlar Swellings, or en
, a-,». Syph.'.s. «.. i all morbid discharges.
, t ,t receat or c'ar nic. Also, all those com
n , , r : :'d ferns.' diseases. The advertisers
■. .ttcouon to the.r chemical extract of Wild
I* . wr.ich may a-' regarded as the very best
I, • <ni«». to i.vc tone and vigor to certain
i . j sud deb litHted organs, as well as to renovate
: ;i scattered by dissipation or other cause,
y -,nes securely put up. with full directions,
i : te order. Post paid letters promptly at
-i to. Oifice on Franklin street, below Ex
f -,- Kote..and Srs: iaar below Trinity church,
p..\rnnnd.Vtrsinl* fe #
j[\ VOlJtt t.OODS WUKKK YOl'
} hUY Ti J .r. CHEAPEST.—To those who
i . ; nr. tiss* i)rv > j tods cheap, have only
me i> f ill, as i itn now selling Barege de
- ™t i.J and one shilling, spleudid Biocadc
1. i ~i dress Silk#. < "ve Shawls. Paris printed
j ~i:en, Frt ncb Jaonets, 500 Parasols of all
I- 1-. ;.)w:i? and Ginghams, French Wonted Col
\n v <'u:!s. Handker a: •:# and Sleeves, Sheeting
[ • .40 .::.he? wd j 1J cents, Lades Hose, 1-i
- fh.'e'.ing, Linen Sheeting, Bed Ticking. Irisn
[ .-. superior quality, and ill pure Linen. Swiss
i • j Mu - .n. Mull Muslin, Gl'jves, good quality
I ~; (>» e-iits. if. Ac
JACuB A. LEVY'S Cheap Stores,
~ : , i 15 and 5 a Main street.
| »iIs, r (JETT AM)KKsOA, UP H U .. -
fer of Governor ati'l Franklin streets, are
; t r ceivxg their Spring stock ot French and
i: ui fa per Hangings, Borders, Fire
■oiven- a;,u Certain Papers, making the
t - sud laost complete assortment wehavecver
i, » pleasure to offer. A large portion of the
t. ~ ili:.<-s have just been received from the best
. - ill Frauce i are of the richest and most
.14 :..l styies that are made. VVe have also ou
a s>e:i- ral asfjr:3i-nt of Upholstering Mate
i-. r-uruin (ioou- ri-ior Oil Cloths, India and
Matti.c, Wind ow Blinds and Shades, best
| i n-.ii '.i'd ..hui.A Mattresses See., all of which
- .<?. at a sat, 1 profit; and all work in our
to ou-ioiuaily, and executed.
I -.I.7)'' «
J* *>t t .Ua \, ar. .d Mi; osjpner, a owede oy
» birth. tanes jw pleasure in offering his ser
!•••:>t:i' itizei.s 3: Richmondand its vicinity.in
-■ 1.1 jry. > t;v.iiosn imj, and Sign*, and gives true.
•. ■ ill'; -atiafacrorv information, having made
: r.rnws :o Napr, • >n in 13i2, previous to his
wnwilin Moscow Lie can be consulted in mat
j „t Love. Marriage and of the future events of
i Mr S tias travelled throuah the greater part
! t *>r J, dun;..: the last forty years, and all
.la.- ende-vored to enlarge his knowledge
n igj. be ever heard or saw. He takes plea
. . -i-su r-- the he is willing to give the ne
fc--i . ink uiatioc io *il who wll tavor him with
iEf >:?—!.adies 5.5 -• «»nt*; for reading the planet
'i c ..:s; Ge:. . men 50 cents; for reading
le p an- • ■- full, 5!
• >:ed .hdiej ami gentlemen are also invited to
jfc> vines calculated according to Geomancy ; for
" >5 iz j3; Gentlemen i?,, in full, $5.
h . iffic is on .-"tc street, between Main and
s-y <«:••-et* second house from Main street. Of
•; e.rs!: -iu if o'SiOC.i in the morninjtill 9 o'clock
■-' '-veniiii; mh '27—-m*
( O.—tireut Desideratum for Smok
r*.—' iodersi »u-?d offer to the consumers of
« * Tobscco, an article which has been pro
i .iy a.l who jave tested it, superior to any
»"i«n -i tht feed for smoking purposes
• 'nar ye: j~?red to the public. The pe
i- s: . :7...,L;.ere of th? article which they offer, is
-a •• 't«a<:eo there is a concrete oil, Nicotine,
a, ; ve .iritieip es, and which i 3 eminently
>c<n.s The effett-t of this principle are disa
f note j. ! ?ss, upon the nerves and
v " <-ii The Tobacco offered by
i-:■ . .ed hat 5..-n entirely deprived of its
»«-,»!•.« i - o» rtiei whilst, at ibesHmetime.it
j. = all fra /ran* and aromatic qualifies. So
i v.. J p ha- :t been rendered that persons
.* - in. ',: can u->» it without inconvenience —
•** • adc.;!iuna: a vantage tnatitdoe* not leave
d ijutii--:.t od'jr so perceptible and
' in CJ«nl; rooms.
•.ay !'.t • '»ove ar: decan be found in any quail-
I •- 'it.X:<iETT &. BEERS, Druggist, 125 Main
- : be manufacturer*.
,( ! >*'o.''lY i> VVLAI.TJI.—FRANKLIN
' J;'' Hi Ws i' /RE.—The subscribers, Mer
■ wou'd-"-pectfu'ly inform ihe citizens
| .ni. ;.i! ~u I i,w .-jeinity that they have estab
>o. I .'S'i >iain Street, Richmond,
'Hi f ii jiiei: Phi-adeiphu Clothing Ware
*ii.-:- ihey i.ijw have ready f# r inspection
' ' ' ,r -est ,ni; iri lot suyeri'ir stocks of R»-ady
:.i> ill *~e :ty at rlichmond. ol the very
B '■ • «f*-i w i kmaaship, which we will
■t i;i 2i;; ii.» p-• ieos than auy other en
»haj< iit.. J tiie city
B - > :;e stocs of gentlemen's furnishing
H w:. a'-j -ii, >. Collars, Cravats, Pocket
R ' : "tt'h.eis,(il-jvi..- Suapen'iers, tc.
■, R. DECOU « CO,
■f. )—KJti Main street.
—The subscriber bas now in
>*'e '■ ai.d w.il tj" receiving per every arrival
pnu_. p|y o! new a;id deHirahle Dry
i -ii,i,racing every article kept in the best
snnient*. He wouid invite the atten
* public, his triends and the customers of
cote ru of Warren, Farias &. Brown, to
*in w exhibiting at the store of the lale
'• " " ( /3g which will be found
• iro( ev»-ry kind in large assortments.
' * Dress Goods
!• u.-.,i»hing Good*.
-*| ! iiniihus i.nd Su«BtiogS.
'•"> ' 'at,:iruf res,
uet. a complete and genera assortment.
141 Eatfie Square.
T'J l:\4i WEI777KMOWN.-1 hat LEV V
JD" H 1 ' Very ons in stilling cheap DRY
i.is -tick iS now complete, and great
I to all who will favor.bim a
V fit- Lame» at on>» shilling, Lawns at
• ••'.'"s at 6J, Ginghams at )2J,
' " » •'■birtiat & cents, worked Collar*
'' r^' ' : 'tf.her, worth >fouhl«! 'he money;
' "■ Para-ols, Barejies. Tissues. Greua
!J ". Por*lii,es. and other styles of
i. iee 'aai) Muslin Sleeves, t-h'-m -
• ii and c ttoe liandkeichiefs, 4c. Call
«' j u i *: of the ureat bat gain*.
201 Broad *lre«t.
J J si rtenved a large and beserifui
VJJCJj ! f'-ck of Trunk*, of all size*. Per-
S',»ii,, eJUt intending to purchase may save
> fi'. Z"! JU : y "y Talling at No 43 Main atreot,
■i. u! Uie loot, opposite G. W. GretterV
JO H N DC V AL, M D., o F K, N G M
QUEEN V A — a ha treatment of mot*
than twerit' d .ceases, to-wit: Asiatic Cholera,
Cholics of all kinds Spasms, Cholera Morbus, Dy
sentery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Infsntuw, Asthma,
Tetanus violent I'air, Nervous Headache, Nervou'
Irritability. Toothache, ilfneria. Hypochondria.
Rheumatism, Delirium Tremens, ."-pider Mitei.
Wasp Stings. Ac., Dyspepsia, Saint Vitus' Dance,
certain Obstetrical cases, Kits, sinking or conges
tire Chills, Colas. Coughs, Ac.
Accompanying each bottle is a pamphlet contain
ing full directions for its use, in the various disea
ses for which it i« recommended, as well as pre
seating many strong testimonials
This medicine is not only efficient but safe.—
Adapted as it is to many of toe most violent disea
ses. giving the most prompt relief—and especial'y
suited to large families as well :is to travellers—
the proprietors would lespectfully ask the atten
tion of the public to its claims ; which are founded
on more than tweuty r.ve years' experience, and
not ou conjecture.
Agents are supplied with pamphlets for gratui
tous distribution. Will the public call on our
agents, examine tar themselves, and gire the me
diciue a fair trial.
I deem it due to the public at large, but esoecially
to those at a distance, to state, that Dr. JOHN DU
VAL, the Proprietor of the Family Anti-Spns
modic, is a graduate of the University of Pennsyl
vania, as may be seen by reference to the Medical
Recorder, vol. 1, page 1104, published in Philadel
phia in 1818. And in further confirmation of his
claim to public confidence, in reference to the
claims of this medicine and the osmphlet accom
panying it, we present to the public the following
certificate of a number of highly respectable citi
zeiiSjofthe county of his long residence, besides
others of different sections.
WE, the undersigned,do hereby certify that
Dr. JOHN DUVAL has been a resident of the
county of King Sc. Queen, Vs., for some thirty
years; that he is a regular physician; has done
one of the most extensive practices amongst us,
and is fully worthy of the public confidences any
statement which he may make.
[Signed 1
Geo. M. Pendleton, Ro Courtney, W .i $ Nvnn,
Richard Bagby, Col. R M. Spencer, J i-tice <>f t.ie
Peace; Johu Bagby, Philip Bird, John Lumphin,
J. P.; Col. Wm. B Davis, Ro. F Stebbs, J P- Dr
S.G. Fannethroy, Sr., J. P ; Joseph Ryiand, J. P.;
Col Alex. Fleet, J. P.; Elder Wm Todd, Ro. Pol
iard. Clerk of King A Queen ; Johu H. VVatkms,
Volney Walker, Jas. M Jeffeiies, Commonwealth's
Attorney; Col Jas Pollard, J. P.; Hill Jones, Win
Boulware. Ex Minister to Naples : E. 8. Acree, J.
P.; Geo. C. Nunn, Jas. C Roy. San. R. Rvland,
Temple Walker, B. B. Dousiass, Gen. Corbin
Bi'axton. M. D ; Muscoe Garuett, Jas. Smith, Fran
cis W. Scott, members of the Virginiaßef. Con.
The above list of names couid have been en
larged a: discretion but it is deemed sufficiently
extended to secure the attection of the public to
the facts set forth in the pamahlet accompanyina
the medicine. The remedy is confidently submit
ted to the farther test of experience. Relying
upon its merits for public favor, he only asks for it
a trial.
The genuine article will have the initials of the
subscriber stamped on the mouth of every bottle,
and for each label the written signature of
P. P. DL- VAL, Sole Agent.
All orders and ccuimunic.itions addressed to Dr
P.P. Duval, at King William C. H., or to the Pro
priotor, Dr. J. Duval, at Stevensville, Va
For sale in Richmond, Va., by PURCELL, LADD
A: CO.. wholesale agents, and by THOMAS
gists generally.
Price 62V cents and #1 per bottle.
Manufactured by P. P. DUVAL, M. D., sole
agent. King William Court House, Va., to whom
all orders should be addressed.
The following certificate speaks for itself:
Buhges'Jstobe, North umber'and. April, 30,'51
I have used Or. I)isvaJ ? » Family Anti-
Spasmodic in a variety of cases, with the most
astonishing tucces3, such as Crapulous diseases,
Flatulent a'd Bilious Colics, and in one instance, in
the most dangerous of Colics, known commonly as
the ilial passion. Besides, I have used it in Chol
era Morbus, Diarrhffla, Dysentery, Dysmenorrhea,
and Menorrhagia, and also in those diseases when
there is an undue balance of nervous energy, such
as Hysterical Hypochrondiac, Slc. In a word, I have
used it in many cases, under my care, when an
anodyne or anti spasmodic was called for, and i
do, with much confidence in its value, recommend
it to the public as the m Jot certain and safe Family
Medicine of its class. [Signed]
fe2s—3tawly WM. R. PURKINS M. D.
With a Healing Balm we come to greet
THE action of this Liniment upon the human
organization is truly wonderful Its volatile,
penetrating, soothing and healing properties diffuse
themselves to the very bones. It enters into the
circulation of the blood, gives a new impulse to
the whole nervous system, stimulates the absor
tents and secretions, and thus assists nature to
throw off and rid herself of any diseased action of
the nervous chords or ligaments, making it equally
applicable to sores of auy kind, rheumatism, or
abundant reasons of its great efficacy in so many
different diseases- While it is perfectly harmless
to healthy liesh, skin or bone, itactsupo'n scientific
principles and FIXED LAWS OF THE CREA
TION. Tne large number of cases in which this
Liniment has proved its great value in the short
time it has beeu in Virginia, is sufficient to give the
greatest confidence, that its \irtucs are incompara
ble in the cure of Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains.
Burns, Wounds, Swellings, Broken and Caked
Breast, old Sores, &c.
Testimony from the Bouth.
Savan>ah, Keb'y sth, 1852.
Having beeu afflicted with acute Rheumatism for
isome time, and tried several of the most popular
medicines of the day, al3o under medical advice,
and received uo relief until I tried the MUSTANG
LINiMENT, and much to my surprise, I received
immediatk bklief; and I am confident, that by a
te v more applications of this truly celebrated Lini
ment. I ali i 1 be entirely cured ; and I advise ail who
are afflicted, to try the Mexican Mustang Liniment
(Signed,) A. FREEMAN.
Ship Masters, Read!
I take pleasure in giviig my testimony in tavoi
of the MUSTANG LINiMENT. I have used it in a
great many case* with satisfaction. I would par
ticularly recommend it to the notice of MASTERS
OF VESSELS, of all kinds, e.a surpassing all
other external applications within my knowledge
for Pains. Bruises, Cuts, Burns. Sores and Rheuzna
•.ism, &c. Jtc. LEWIS WARDEN,
From th" Savannah Republican ot December 20th.
1851, written by A. K. Moore, Esq.. recommends
the Mustsng Liniment ir. the following manner:
This medicine is now offered to the people of
Georgia Mr the first time. Our personal experience
enables us to recommend this Liniment to tr»
public with confidence, as we have felt the good
effects upon a sprained a,tele, which received great
benefit lrom one application, and has been almost
cured by the occasional use lot a week.
Sore ot 40 Standi ag Cared.
Pink Vallky, Miss.. Dec. 25th, 1851.
A. G. Bragg 6t Co.: The 9 dozen bottles Mustang
Liniment left five weeks ago, ai c all sold. Send
me HO dozen immediately. The Liniment baa per
founed some wonderful cures here. Doctor W
W. Neve) say* it i* the greatest Liniment in the
world. He bas a negro girl almost deaf and blind.
His remedie*did berno good. A few application*
of the Liniment cured her entirely. It is also curing
James Coy'* leg..which ha* t»een a running *ore for
forty >ears. It ha* not failed in a single case so
tar as it has been tried.
(pinned.) ARTHUR HAUSON.
We unlv s»k a fair trial of thi* valuable Lini
ment in the cure of Strains, Bruises, CnU, Gall*,
Scratches. Sweny, Pole, Evil, Fistula, Big Head,
Spa- in. Rin* Bone, Wind Galls. Cracked Heels, or
any wjund. stiffness, or enlargement of bone or
muscle in horx'*- We have many certificate* to
those cure*, and. therefore, am confident it will
give perfect satisfaction, and effect all we recoin-
Hi' nd for it. , _ _
A. G. HRAOG k. CO., Sole Proprietor*, St.
Lo iK Mo.
Sold by DruMtoU generally, and by
mh 12—eod6m ________________
R~~ ICE.-10 tierce* Rice, for *le by
New Oblhans, Feb'y 21st, 1851
Master Steamboat Pontiac
An Editorial Article
-,„„ rv . liver complaint.
And all
diseases ari-
sin# from a disor
dered Liver or Sto
mark, such as Constipa
tion, Inward Piles, Fullness, or
Bloodto the Head, Acidity of the Sto
mach, fiausea, Hear'burn, Disgust for
Food. Fullness, er weight in the Stomach
F - r uct<itinus. Sinking or Fluttering 'at
the Pit of the Stomach. Stemming of the Head, Hur.
ried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at tlw.
Heart, Clicking or Suffocating Sensations
tohen in a ly ing posture. Dimness of Vi
sion, Dots or li'ebs before the Sight
Ferer and Dull Pain in the '
Head. Deficiency of Perspi~
ration. Yellowness of
the Skin and Eyes,
Pain in the
Pack, Chest, Limbs. tfC., Sudden Flushes of Hunt
Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of
Kvil, and Great Depression of Spirits, can be et
tcctually cured by DR. HOOFLAND'S CELR
BKA I ED GERMAN BITTERS, prepared by Dr.
C. M. Jackson, at the German Medicine Store,
120 Area/ street, Philadelphia.
Their (power over the above diseases is not ex
celled—if equalled—by any other pi eparation in the
United States, as the curss attest, in many esses af
ter skilful physicians had failed.
Tnese Bitters are worthy the attention of inva
lids. Possessing great virtues in the reciification of
diseases of the Liver aria lesser glands, exercising
the most searching powers in weakness and affec
tions of the digestive organs, they are, withal, safe,
certain and pleasant.
Charles Robinson, Esq., Easton, Md., in a letter
to Dr. Jackson, January 9,1850, srfid—
"My wife and myself have received more benefit
from your medicine than any other we have ever
taken for the Dyspepsia and Liver disease."
"The Tenth Lesion." published at Woodstock,
Va., January 10,1850, said—
"A Grent Medicine."
" We have unitormiy refrained from recommend
ing to the public any of the various Patent Medi
cines of the day, unless thoroughly convinced of
their valua. Among those we consider worthy of
notice is the German Bitters, invented by Dr. Hoof
land, and prepared by Dr..Jackson, in Philadelphia
One instance in particular, in which the superior
virtues of this medicine has been tested, has fallen
under our observation During the last summer, a
son of Mr. Abraham Crabi'tl, of this county, was
ve-y seriously afflicted with Liver Complaint, ami
after trying in yain various remedies, he purchased
a bottle of the Bitters, and altar usinc it, was so
much relieved of his distressing malady, that he
procured another bottle, end is restored entirely to
The " Philadelphia Saturday Gazette," the best
family newspaper published in the United States
The editor 3ays of
"It is seldom that we recommend what are
termed Patent Medicines to the confidence and pa
tronage of our readers; and, therefore, when we re
commend Dr. Hoofiiand's German Bitters, we wish
It to be distinctly understood that we are not speak
ing of the nostrums of the day, :hat are noised
about for a brief period and then forgotten after it
has done it* guilty race of mischief, but of a medi
cine long established, universally prized, and which
has met the hearty approval of the faculty itself."
This medicine nas attained that high character
which is necessary for all medicines to attain to in
duct- counterfeits to put forth a spurious article at
the risk of the lives of those who are innocently
Look well to the marks of the Genuine.
They have the written signature of C. M. JACK
SON upon the wrapper, ana the name blown in the
For sale, wholesale and retail, by
PURCELL, LADD & CO., Druggists,
mh B—3tawl v 92 Main street, corner 14th
BROTHER, would respectfully remind their
friends, the Ladies, and ali others desiring pretry
Goods, at the cheapest prices, thxt we are opening
a large additional suppiy of Barege de Daines, Sat
in, striped and plain Bareges of the latest styles,
1000 pieces Ribbons unequa'led in the city tor orice
and quality. 200 more of those well known cheap
Crape Shaw's; Print 3, Jaconetts, Lawns, Ging
hams. and lots of other Goods, to be sold as they
were boug" t —at great bargains and great sacrifices.
Ladies, one and all, sure to call and see at wnat
prices we are selling Goods at, and you will cer
taiuly decide we are tbe cheapest of the cheap.
Persons purchasing by the piece or dozen, would
also do well to give U3 a c*ll.
ap 12 193 Broa-1 Street.
especially in CRAPE SHAWLS, at No 175
Broad street — Ths subscriber respectfully invites
the ladies and the public in general to his well and
carefully selected stock of Dry Goods, which he
recently bought in New York for cash, and which
he pledges to sail as cheap as any other establish
ment in the city. He is constantly receiving the
latest and most {ashionable styles of Dry Goods and
other Fancy Articles and Trimmings, purchased
for him by hi 3 brother, Isaac Rosenfeld, who re
sides in New York. The f. Uowiag are somo of the
articl's, viz: white, plain and embroidered Crape
Shawls; Bare ge de Laineg; Silk Tissues; Silk Poplins;
Foulard and "fancy Silits; French Slii* Mitts; Ja
conets and I.awns: Embroideries of ever J descrip
tion; great bargains in L C Hdkfs; Irish Lioens;
12 4 liren Sheetlag and Shirtings, of all sorts; Table
Diapers; Towliugs; Napkins; Prints; the best patent
Skirts; silk and cotton Hosiery, in great variety;
Mattings and Carpets, and in fact all other Goods
usually kept in dry good 3 and fancy stores; also, a
good assortment of Goods for gentlemen and boys'
wear, such as Broad Clo hs, Cassirneres, Linen
Drillings, Veerings, &c. <tc.
ap 20—lir. H. ROSENFELD.
101, Main Stbebt,
WILL her spring and summer styles of
MILLINERY on Tuesday, 27th April, con
sisting of all the newest importaiions, selected by
her for this marker, to which she respectfully re
([uest6 the attention o! her customers and the pub
lic ffetierallv. ap 23—2w
ijt _ ,UK». BKAMi having received
hi/.JQher Spring supply ot
*?J«*Mi3liiiery, respectfully solicits a jW*
call lrom her friends and the public—
generally. Her rooms are ove*- Heers &. Poindex
t-r's, and two doors beiow Mitchell & T>ler's, Main
street up 12—1 m
MK». M. A. LYONS having re-
Oi sljceiveri her spring supply of Fashionable
f||£Er Millinery, respectfully solicits a call from
her Irienas and the public at her new store,
No. , Broad street, one door from the corner
of 7th street. at) 7—lm
MERCHANTS and others who are dealing in
his line would do well to call on the subscri
ber, and examine hi* large stock of Plain and Ja
panned Tlb Ware, Stores, Pumps and Fluid
Lamps, with a great variety oi Fancy and
House-keeping Woods, at his large Whole**le
and Retail Stove and Tin Ware Depot, No. 6, Main
street, 3 loors above the old Market. Richmond, V a.
Tin Rooting and Conductors done at the shortest
notice, and as cheap and stood as any other establish
mew in the State W M. SEaRW WOOD,
H p 6 lm A Practical Workman.
fOK RJS.NT. an excellent Dwelling
jig House, wirh a garden attached, below the city,
oo tne road leading to atony Ru". For terras, ap
ply to TOLER fc COOK,
a p fi General Agents.
tFOR KENT—The upper part of the
bouse on Broad street occupied by
er*. Possession given the first of Aurii.
BROWN'S (iOLD FENS. —'I hey are admit
ted to be the beat and most eUs'ic in use. We
have them in gold or silver ea*es; aud also single
Pen* without the case. GENNETT it JAMES,
ap 15 > Eagle Square.
FINK •Heniie»»y"
Brandy, direct from the London Dock* to this
market, for tale bj
,p aa R. M. BURTON.
Every body was enjoying the Easter holi
days, so that news was completely at a stand.
The principal topic of conversation, was the
new expedition about to sail in search of Sir
John Franklin. It is to be commanded bv
Captain Sir Edward Belcher, who hoists his
nag on board the Assistance, and is to be ac
companied by the Resolute Captain, and two
screw steamers. A number of balloons are to
be put on board the veesels, which are to be
sent off mall directions with messages to Sir
John !• ranklm, in the hope that some of them
maj reach him. The following is a copy of one
Ol the messages:
"Despatched-—, by a balloon from her
S" ong 8 -Tv ° B ' Capt ' Kellett ' iu lttt
" I'o Sut John Franklin."
On the other side—
"Provisions left at Steering for I n .
tending to winter at ,or ,i n , he vicinl
A new feature is to be introduced in the ves
?ion M r lil '" Edward Bdebw's expedi
• Mr - t f re ® , ? er V uvin " been ordered to sup
ply several o» his harpoon guns, with a view
to enable the ofticers and men to kill whales
and other large fish, in the Arctic regions, foj
the purpose of using their oil as fuel. These
means, with the addition of Minic rifles for kill
ing birds or deer, will enable the enterprising
voyages to obtain resources hitherto unavaila
ble by any of the previous expeditions.
We learn from Paris that the capital enjoyed
profound tranquility, and that the observance
of the Easter festivities had passed off with
the greatest good humor and enjoyment on the
part of the population. One ot (lie chief fea
turts of the news from this quarter is, that M.
Emile de Girardin had received formal notice
of warning from the Minister of Police, on the
subject of the series of articles which, under
the title of Consereonn la RtpubHque, hud ex
cited a considerable share of public attention.
The lOili ot May is fixed for the grand re
view of distribution of eagles in the Champs
de Mars. All the regiments composing the
garrison ot Paris are to be present, and the
other regiments of the French army are to be
represented by their colonel and a deputation.
A grand fete will take place on the occasion,
and everybody seemed to think the empire
would tie proclaimed.
The emigration to the United States contin
ues on a large scale. A great number of ves
sels are loading at Havre for New York and
New Orleans, amongst which is the Mary
Sarah. This vessel not ha* ing obtained freight
in Rouen, came down the river, and was char
tered at §3,000.
A pnjeet is afloat at Havre for placing three
large steamers on the line between that poit
and New York, subsequently to workincon
junction with the steamers already plying on
that line, and which touch at Southampton.—
In return lor the gratuitous conveyance of
mails and despatches, the promoters of the
undertaking demand from the Fieuch govern
ment the annual sum of £ *0,000 (a million of
francs) for each boat employed. The project
has already received due deliberation from the
Havre Chamber of Commerce, who naturally
view it with much favor, and have resolved
strenuously to urge its adoption. The vessels
to be placed on the line are 10 be built at Havre,
and are to be of iron. They will be of 2,000
to 2.200 ions burden, and the engines of 1,000
horse power.
Despatches Irom the Captain General ofCu
ba, dated 12th of March, am ounce that the
entire island enjoyed the most perfect tran
General Noizagaray had taken the oath as
Captain General ot Puerto Ricu, and was to
enii Cor that island from Cadiz, on theltith.
Letters Iroiu Vich, in Catalonia, state that
the sanguinary bandit, F.I Bon, who has for
many years been the terror ot the wouutaitious
districts, has been secured, with one of his ac
complices, and the hostess ot the tavern who
had secreted him. Bon had already made
himself wealthy by his kidnapp:ug and ran
soming wealthy farmers; and might, if he had
liked, have :etned on his gains, but his thirst
of gold and love of adventure kept hiui in his
old haunts till he was taken.
In consequent of the adverse vote on Mon«
day last, March 29, which threw the ministry
into a minority of thirty-eight to llfty on the
Reform act, the Duke of Saldanha and all his
colleagues tendered their resignation. The
Uueen declined to accept ii, and authorized
the Priuie Minister to take any measures which
he' might think proper under the existing cir
distances. After an ineffectual attempt to
ind&ee the majority to come to a compromise
and nullify the vote, it was finally resolved to
adjourn the two Chambers to the iJOth of May,
when they are again to meet, >»nd continue
labors for two months. This interval will af
ford time for the elections to iili the vacant
seats, by which the administration hopes to
gain a little more strength. But an iitpres
sion exists that this adjournment is only the
prelude to a dissolution.
Portugal remained quiet, and it win not
thought ihat tranquility would be iuterritptcd
by the ministerial interreguui.
The nomination of a succesfor to Prince
Schwarzenberg was awaited with much anxie
ty. it was understood that Count ttuoi
Schauensteiu would be elevated to the impor
tant post, occupied by the deceased statertian,
with that of ihe Presidency of the Councj.—
It was reported that the policy of his prede
cessor, both domestic and foreign, would be
strictly followed by Count Buol.
The French Cousul at Trieste has, by ord.-*
of his government, taken down the escutcheon
heaiing the words, "Liberie, Egalite, Fritter
/lite," and replaced it by the imperial eagle!
The .Zolverein was to be opened at Berlin
on the 14th inst. There will be no regular
publications of the discussion, but the result*
will be officially communicated to the press,
to avoid misrepresentation.
The Empress of Russia is expected toarrive
here in the first week in May. Her Majesty
will remain at the hotel of the' Russian embas
sy only one day, and then proceed to Potsdais,
where apartments have been prepared tor her
in the palace of Sans Souci. After a fort
night's residence, her Majesty will set out for
the baths of Schwalbach.
The newspaper accounts from Hungary as
sure us, as a matter of course, that the Arch
duke Governor and lady were received every
where on their arrival with fereat enthusiasm.
1 have not yet heard this directly contradicted,
and in (he meantime, must be allowed to doubt
it. One circumstance has been related tome,
which proves, at all events, that the syatem
pursued in Pesth resembles to the letter that
adopted 1 in Vienna. A highly reapectable and
loyal merchant, while walking, neglected)
from some cause or other, to doff to the Arch;
duke Albert, who was paiaiug. He waa w»
rested on the spot, and put in confinement,
and there is no knowing wbat would have
happened to him but for the intervention of
his personal friend, the captain of the towu
and chief of the police, who assured the au
thorities it was ail a mistake.
By letters from the British African squadron
to the 19th of March, we are informed thai
Commodore Bruce has entered into treaty
with every native chief in the Bight of Benin
for the abolition of the slave trade, protection
of missionaries, &c.
Advices from Constantinople of the 27th ult.
are The Porte, acceding to the re
quest of Sir Stratford Canning, has consented
that Abbas Pacha shall exercise for 3 years
longer the right of life and death over the cri
minals ot Egypt. The power of pardon is to
he exercised in the name of the Sultan, whose
riehts of sovereignty the Facha is expected to
The overland mail from India and China ar
rived in London on the 13th inst., with dates
from Calcutta, March 13 ; Madras, March 13-
<iq 15; Hong Kong, February
• 1"f London papers publish t.e subjoined
telegraphic despatch :
The Burmese expedition consists of 6,000
troops, two vessels of war, and thirteen steam
boats. Additional forces from China were ex
pected. The departure of the expedition was
Replace from Calcutta and Madras on the
Uth of March. The forces were to rendezvous
at the mouth of the Cass, or the eastern
branch of the Irawaddy. The expedition
would probably proceed up the latter branch,
to avoid the resistance prepared on the route
by Kangoon, where 20,000 Burmese troops
were assembled. The British forces were in
tended to advance to Prome. Parties of the
Burmese had ravaged the frontier villages.
The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess Con
stautine were to leave Venice for Florence on
the 13th. l'hey are to visit Parma and Milan
and to meet the Grand Dukes Nicholas and
Michael at Monza, The French government
had authorised the removal to Chatillon of the
remains of Marshal Marmont.
It was stated some time ago that M. Moutin
hode Lima had been received bv the Pope to
present his letters as Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary'of the Emperor of
Brazil. It should have been stated that they
were letters of recall.
Seizure of an American vessel by the Dutch
—Suspicions of an attempt at a revolution
—Singular Story.
Advices from Batavia, Java, to the 27th of
February, are received.
The month has been marked with the usual
occurence of shocks of earthquakes, more er
less felt throughout the island ; but the fre
quency ot which has ceased to make people
unea-y—they having become an almost every
day matter.
Ajfew days ago, an American schooner,
called the Flirt, was brought into Batavia
Roads, in tow of a war steamer, from Palem
bang. The owner and all on board have been
m uie prisoners on a charge of high treason,
tor endeavoring to induce the Suitan of Jam
bie, or Djambie, to revolt against the Dutch.
The recent disaffection at Palenibang and its
neighborhood has greatly alarmed the Nether
lands government, which is well aware that
the natives have no affection for its rule. Ac
cording to the Dutch version of this treasona
ble affair, it would appear that the Flirt ar
rived at Palemhang, and that the owner, Mr.
Gibson, stated that he was on a pleasure cruise
as a man of fortune. After a short time, during
which the utmost cordiality and hospitality ex
isted between Mr. Gibson and the officials at
the station, the suspicions of the authorities
were excited, and a strict watch was kept over
the vessel's movements. The mate, or super
cargo, who is said to be of a romantic dispo
sition, was despatched by Mr. Gibson with a
letter to the Sultan ot J amine, written in the
Malayan language, and stating that if rhe Sul
tan wished it, Mr. Gibson would enable him
to throw off the Dutdh yoke, that there was a
large fleet of American vessels of war, which
wtMild assist the Flirt against the Dutch. The
mate travelled in a native dress to avoid suspi
cion, and when captured, the letter alluded to
was (bund concealed in one of his stockings.—
The matter caused much excitement here, a*
the accu*cd parties are to be tried for treason
able designs against the Dutch government.
SkkaTH.—-Mr. Cooper presented the mern<J j
i ial of certain persons holding claims against
Mexico, asking payment of the fame.
Mr. Brndbury introduced a bill providing
for holding the U. S. district court in the Dis
trict of Columbia, in case of the sickness or
other disability of the jiwdae.
Mr. Gwiu moved to take up the bill to create
a board of commissioners for the examination
and payment <v* claims against the United
States jrovving <5Ut of the conquest of Califor
nia; and the motion was agreed to. After
some debate, the bill was recommitted to the
Committee on Mft'vtary Affairs.
The subject of non-intervention was then ta
ken up, and Mr. Coop» r addressed the Senate
House -of Representatives.—Mr. Olds
asked leave to introduce a resolution calling
upon (he President of the United States for in
formation relative to the Gardiner, Mears, Hur
gous, and other claims against the Mexican
government; but objection was made.
After further proceedings, the House resolv
ed itself into a Committee of the Whole on
the state of the Union, and resumed the consid
eration of the homestead bill.
Mr. Browu, of Mississippi, spoke in its sup
Mr. Parker, of Indiana, defined his position
on the Compromise measures, and in reply to
Mr. Stephens, of Georgia.
Ladies' Waiscoats.—The fashion of waist
coats for ladiea has been established in Paris
and eeems to have been quietly adopted
without any of the opposition excited by the
Bloomer trowsera. A Paha letter in the Jour
nal of Commerce aaya:
The waistcoat for women becomes daily
more and more the fashion. White quilted
waistcoats are worn for morning dresses which
are made with tight fitting sleeves fastened at
the waist by gold bottoßa, and throe rows of
narrow Valenciennes lace, to match the collar
and jabot.
The Moliere waistcoat is buttoned to the
throat without a collar, small pockets very
long and square in front, descending below the
hand. The buttons are cornelian, agate, tur
quoiae, or simple gold greluts. The waiatcoal
ia accompanied by acolleretie gordotw, formed
of aeveral rowa of lace, jabot to match, and
deep ruffles reaching to the knuckles.
With plain ailk dresses, the vest is indispen
sable; the trimmings match those on the skirt,
bat it is lined with a different color. Tin
waistcoats an made with a pocket from which
the gold enamel chain paaaaa to the lowest
button at ths want, where it is attacked, and
descends with a multitude of trtaketse«spende«
> oa a ring.
A Strange Freak or Natcre.—We were
visited at our office, a few days since, by &
man named R. H. Copeland, native ofLaurenee
District S. C., but now residing in Hard county,
in this State, who presents in his peculiar or
ganization, a very remarkable natural pheno
menon. His right arm and hand and right lee,
are inflicted in such a manner as lo exhibit in
every movement the nature and motion of a
snake. The arm affected is smaller than the
other, its muscular developments different, sen
sation much less acute, and its actions alto
gether beyond the control of his will. The
motion of the arm seemed to be impelled by a
separate volition, or an instinct entirely its
own—the instinct of the rattle-snake. "The
•j ra< Li Cr movements is shaped to a con
siderable extent by external circumstances;
as any sudden noise, startling appearance or
the like, the arm sometimes suddenly forms it
,nt .* c °''— l^e hand darting from the
coil as if in the act of striking, at other times
the arm and hand have the movements of a
snake under full headway making his escape,
the limb preserving the peculiar tortuous mo
tioni of the reptile. At such times the rapidity
of the motion is truly astonishing. The action
of the affected parts is continuous. The mui
cles are never entirely at rest, though some
times the action is less intense than at others.
I he right aye has a snakish look,which it not
to be seen in the left, and in the formation of
his teeth the contrast is singularly striking.—
On the left side of the mouth, both in the up
per and lower jaw, the teeth are well formed
and regular, while on the right side, above
fang like*' are extreme ly irregular and
Mr.C. is now 46 years old, and has been
thus affected from the time of hi* birth. His
is one of those curious cases which sometimes
occur, in which the effects of intense fright
with the parent, are seen in the unnatural
organization of the offspring*— Charleston
NOTICE.—AII persons are hereby forbid
trafficking tn my bottles, as I will prosecute all such,
to the flail extent of the law, as my bottles are nev
er sold. They are marked T &C, and M McCor
N. B. All persons having my bottles in their
possession, will please return them to me as soon as
possible, as they are of little use to any but myself
• , am now ready to supply orders for Soda water
in bottles ; also, beet Philadelphia Porter and Ale.
All orders thankfully received and promptly at
tended to, either city or country.
a P —~ w 308 Broad street.
EiP'There are few things which afford us greater
pleasure than sitting down to write a notice of the
celebrated Hoofland German Bitters, because we
are fully conscious we are conferring a public be
nefit, and our heart tells us that by our notices
many have been induced to take these Bitters, and
been rescued from death by Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, A-c., for the cure of which it is certain. It is
prepared and sold only by Dr. C. M Jackson, at the
German Medicine Store, No. 120 Arch street, Phila
delphia. sp 26 fit
Husbands nod Wives, Attention!—
Hampton's Vegetable Tincttox —Extract fro®
James Harris, Esq.'s L»tter, Alexandria, Va.—Af
ter speaking of wonderful cures on himself, ha
says: "Mrs. H. has been suffering with the liver
complaint and from feelings of inability, constant
ly complaining, with weakness through her whola
system. She now enjoys better health than for
thirty-years, being entirely restored by the use of
Hampton's Vegetable Tincture." ' 1
J. Gbimes, Esq, Loudoun Co., Va.—Extract
from his letter: l, My wife has been for yean af
flicted with great weakness ; pain in the breast, aide
and back; palpitation of the heart, feebleness of the
nervous system, lots of appetite, complexion sal
low , the sight of one eye almost gone, the other
very weak. I am pleased to say, "Hampton's Tinc
ture" has restored her to perfect health. Her eye#
are as good now as ever they were."
Call on O. A. STRECKER and get a pamphlet
gratis. See advertisement to day. ap 24
. BTOnly 13 1-*J aad 35 eeata for 81l-
Hjbito and the Liver, the bent Par
j^tivePillhnowa—Da.ROSK'S RAILROAD
OR ANTI-BILIOUS PILLB are the beat Pills, M
thousands who have uaed them declare, for purify
ing the blood, carrying off ajl bile, and producing
a healthy tone to the liver They are erlM "Rail
road Pill*," tewwe they go ahead of all other Pilia
in their good effect.
Dr. Ross's celebrated Family Pill* fo r indiges
tion, Dyspepsia and Sour Stomach, are also in
great: demaj»d-price 25 cents, aad ior sale by Pur
cell, Ladd k. Co, Adie * Gray, Gaynor A Wood,'
A Bodeker, Bennett ft Beers, R. R, Duval O A
Strecker and J. Blair. Ja2l—ta
tyShssw' Picture* af Ladle* are su
perb gems ot the art. It Is totea wondered why
they are so superior to moat Daguerreotypes. The
reasons are obvioMS- His dell sal i prooeasis ao well
adapted to their delicate campteiioas, hs»es Ris
they are so bright, beautiful and fair. For ladiaa
dresses: plain black, dsrk plaid or striped will be
found most becoming. For children, select a clear
tJay, between 10 and 3. Copies made from Daguer
reo.'vpes and pictures of Ml kinds. A . large sad
choice assortment of fancy Frames, imported Cases,
fine gold Lockets, Fins, Rings, Seals. Ac., selected
expressly for Daguerreotypea, kept always on baad.
Daguerreotype Materials cheap, for cash. ♦
ap 22 151 Main street. Eagle Square.
CPTh* Fa*Js — Much has been said in th*
public prints regarding the virtues of Bogie's Hype
rion Fluid, and Beglea A mole, as being respective,
ly unsurpassed, the one for cleansing and regenera
ting the hair, and the other for shavteg and wash
ing. These articles have now atood the terf at the
strictest scientific investigation, and been used by
thousands of oar citizens, and are now pronounced
the only articles really worthy of a place at the
toilet. Sold by the inventor, William Bogie, 571
Washington street
For sale in Richmond by
ap 26—6t 175 Broad street.
Sy Every oae who has suffered with frost blttea
feet, rheumatism, ague cake, spinal affection, sore
ness of the breast, 4c., knows that M. G. Farrell'a
Arabian Liniment gives almost immediate relief,
when all' other medicines tail; and 1 we verily be
lieve if these same persons had a beetle of this ce
lebrated remedy, and coa'xl get no more, they would
not take fifty dollars for it See advertisement.
For sale by Puaccix, Ladd & Co., earner of
Main and 14th streets, Riehmcad, Va.
ap 26—6t _
Ts the Citizen* mi Richmond,
and St'raagere Visit lag the City.
If you wish to have your hair cut sad dressed in
the most fashionable and tasty mauuic, aad your
whiskers changed to a bwawtiful black <u brown,
then call at the American Hbtir Dressing, Shaving
and Shampooing Saloon, wader the Amertah Ho
N. B.—Hot, cold aß# shower BATHS tX ail
hours. Price 25 oenta, or five tickets for *1.
ap 12
.. E ron, , the,,orllolk Courier, April tf
" The afflicted are particularly blssaed to bavins
within their reach such a sovereign remedy for all
kinds of diseases arising frcm aa impure state ol
the blood,aa Dr. Hampton's Vegetable Tiacture has
proved itself to be. Seldom, indeed, <ssaehaa in
valuable remedy brought before the public to ao
cheep a form. We are aware that there am toon
sands of noetrama sold, all purportiag to perform
wonders hi the way of curiae disease*, but this
Tincture haa built for itself a solid tuuarfaHoa in the
public eoaddeace, and to the afflicted, it is s gees of
the first water."
The genuine article caa be obtained to Ibis etar el
O. A. STRKCKEB'S extensive Medietas Ware
house. Main street, who will give pamphlets grata.
See advertisement to today's paper.
Cf The Otoca ef «h».
•U;PhUadelphla Ledger, Salthoor* Swi. Baltimors
«M Myyqfl
Broad street, opposite^
>JV " ZT%to -1" a
ap 19

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