Newspaper Page Text
the daily dispatch. TO ADVKKTlHKKS.—TbecireulatiuD •f the Dispatch is thsk jm of any other Daily paper in ti« city of Richmond. Il Is therefore greatly superior to any other as a Medium of advertising. HitBMOXP.VA.i Friday Maratag, Ms; itß, IM'2. \jg' Ue must positively request our adver tising friends to send us their advertisements as early as they possibly can. Our advertising is very heavy, and when the.v are received at a late hour they impose a heavy buidenon tbe THE WEEKLY DISPATCH For May 28, is now ready and for sale at this office. It embraces among other articles the following : Editorial.—Mr. McDonald and Justice; Tehuoniepec Treaty , Benjamin Botts acnin; The Committee of Investigation ; Another Diplomat in Hot Water; Twenty-second of May ; Champ I)e Mai; The Waverly Novels; Hon. John Barney and M. De Sartiges; In ternal Improvements; The Hulsemann let ter ; Jenny Lind and her Husband; Impor tant Political Movement; Mr. Wvlftff and M iss Gamble ; Smaller Artiel Miscellaneous.—Full reports of the pro ceedings of the Protestant Episcopal and Democratic conventions ; Proceedings of the Legislature ; Account of Faitfield races; For eign and Domestic news; Domestic corres pondence ; Latest News; Poetry ; Items, &.c. Price 3 cents per single copy; $1 per annum in advance. THE MAINE LKiUOR LAW. The comments upon the passage of ifcis law, by the Legislatures of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, are many and various. The advocates of the law appear to hail the event as the haibinger of a glorious time to come, while the opponents of if, are bitter in their denunciations. The New York Herald, among other evils, predicts the entire breaking up of •11 the watering places, hotels, &c. It says : "Already the people of Newport ore prepar ing for a general breaking up. The whole- Bale houses are selling out, because whatever liquors are found on their premises when the law comes into effect, will be confiscated; and the root beer and sarsaparilla men, and the manu facturers and venders of various drugs more poisonous than "Jersey lightning," "blue ruin," or any 6uch plain, simple drink, are on the qui rive, ready to make hay while the sun shines, and take the Bpare dollars and cents of the former customers of the rum shops, lea single number of a Newport paper, we find the following curious advertisement : MAINE LAW. Be it remembered that the reign of terror, Btave-jn-head, and tyranny, sanctioned by the congregated wisdom of our masters, is to com mence in Rhod elsland, and Providence planta tions, on Monday, July 19,1852. Now, there fore, in consideration of the high respect which we entertain for our numerous customers —in- cluding a large poriion of the worthy and con siderate Sons and Daughters of Temperance, we have the pleasure to inform them that we have on band an extensive end choicely se lected stock of pure liquors and delicious wines,"worthy of praise," and suitable for all the various purposes for which they are used— medicinal, mechanical, artistical, convivial &c. —which we shall coniinue to sell until it be comes a criminal offence, at !o« prices in quan tities and packages to suit the requirements of all sensible people for twelve mouths. We pledge the most strict secresy to all friends of the Maine law, who can purchase of us in large quantities, with peifect confidence, that they need not apprehend a plethora of friends and suckers during the famine. All respectable, honest poor people of this town, whose con sciences are not troubled with the most ridicu lous "humbug," shall have their w ants sup plied "'without money and without price," two days before liberty is surrendered to f«lly, fa naticism, hypocrisy, selfishness, and vinejar- reformers in this glorious land, w here naught but justice, freedopn, cheerfulness,and generositv should dwell. "Can such things be?" Newport Mav 11,1852. NEWTON BROTHERS. MAINE LAW. The subscriber is now prepared to supply, as usual, hotels, storekeepers, and private families, with bottled soda water, root beer, and sarsaparilla mead, a healthful and invigora ting beverage, free from all stimulating ingre dients, and in perfect compliance with the Maine law. All orders.left at the subscriber's will be punctually supplied every morning from our wagon. RIDER'S, 171 Thames street, DR. LANGLEY'S, root aud herb bitters, just received aud warranted fresh and genuine, by R. R. HAZARD f* CO., Apothecaries' Hull. GREEN'S celebrated oxygenated biters, a sure cure for dyspepsia, asthma and" general debility—a fresh supply this day received by C. G. C. HAZARD, Agent, next north of poet office. The next thing we shall have to record in relation to Newport, is a list of advertisements ofhotels to let," which will be taken, if at all, at a very reduced rent, and probably turned in to manufactories o' oxygenated bitters, sursa parilla.root be r, and soda water. There will be, hereafter, a complete social revolution among the watering plat es, hotels, railroads, and public places of resort in the two States of Rhode 1 stand and Massachusetts, caused en tirely by the tyranny of the new* Liquor Law." SINGULAR CONDUCT OF THE SPAN ISH GOVERNMENT, &e. ■ The Diaiio de la Marina, i:i Havana, and f the Cronica, in New Yoik. during the Lopez troubles, distinguished themselves by the bitterness with which they continually assail ed the government and people of the United States. One would have thought this a suffi cient reason for rendering them extremely pop ular with the home government; but it seems to have had the contrary effect. That govern ment has issued orders lor suppressing the Di ario, assigning as a reason lor the proceeding, this very bitterness against the United States. For the same rrason, not being übie to reach the Cronica in any other way, it has withdrawn the subvention foimerly given to it. 1 he cause of this proceeding lies buried in mystery, unless it be found in the following suggestions made by the N. York Herald. * T he truth of the matter is, we suspect, that the Spanish government has been lakine into consideration the position, destinv, and securi V of Cuba ; and that-under )Ue good gense and influence of Queen Christina, who iscon sidered the owner of that island—they are pre paring the way to dispose of the gem of the Antilles to the United States, at eighty or a hundred millions of dollars, or as much as they can get. They want to smooth the «ay to a good bargain, and are doing everything for thai purpose to conciliate the good feeling of the American people, and draw forth a high price from the American government. The sodden removal of General Concha—the arri val of anew Governor in Cuba—the suppres sion or disapproval both of the Diario de la Jturina and the Cronica—hitherto so vary aavage against the American people aud gov ernment—a r« all parts of the same grand Mheme, instigated by Queen Christina, for the parpone of retting the b«»t prmi tw Culm at M eirly dty. beautiful diplomatic has found out that ihe can make mow money by wiling the island than by the reveMe site could hope to receive from it hereafter. She has a number of very fine young daughters who want large fortunes; and the sale of the is- to the United States, for a hundred mil ns of Jollais, would enable her Jo marry them off to some of the princes and royal bloods of Europe, with great eclat and splen dor. Correction —In the article of yesterday, headed "the Waverly Novels," for "the true viliers" read "the two Villieis." George Vil liers duke of Buckingham, and favorite of James the firßt and his son, w ho was assassinat ed by Felton, and his son. George Villiers, al so duke of Buckingham, and favcrite cf Charles 11 were the persons we meant to de signate. In the same article we are made to speak of the "coarse and brutal character of Clianer hause,"&.c. The person meant was John Gra ham of Claverhouse, afterwards marquis Dundie ; one of the most remorseless perse cutors that lived in those bloody times. Scott has given :t romantic interest to the char acterof chh .execrable scoundrel, to which it is by no means entitled. Anniversary of the Presbyterian Board of Education. The Anniversary meeting of this Board was held in the Second Presbyterian church, Chatleston, on Friday evening, the 21st. The Hon. Judge Leavitt, in the chair. Prayer by the Kev. I'r. Scott of New Orleans. The Rev. Dr. Van stated very briefly that there were two departments in the plan and operation of the Bomd,tbe one, furnish ing aid directly to young men preparing for the Ministry, and the other, to render assist ance to Schools ind Colleges with the same object in view. That the number of candi dates under tbe care of the Board was 372, sixteen less than last year.—About 150 of these were in Theological Seminaries, about the same number in Colleges, and the remain der in previous stages of preparation. I here were about 100 Schools in connexion with the Board, 42 Classical Academies, seven more than last vear, and eleven Colleges under con trol of Synods, &c. The resources of the Board were a little larger than last year, amounting to about $85,000. The great defi ency consisted in the decrease of the nnmber of candidates. Several cases of small pox have occur red at Raccoon Ford, Culpepper county. Mr. J. W. Crittenden has fallen a victim to the disease. One day last week, thirty-six railroad in one train, came, inio Rochester, westward bound, all filled with emigrants. It is said that the tobacco crop of this sea son in Kentucky w ill be very light. The frosts and fly have nearly destroyed the plants. A grand tournament will take place at St. Louis during the summer. Who will be the Queen of Beauty ? It is said that every seven minutes a child is born in London; and every nine minutes one die?. There are 100,000 servants in London, and one tenth of these are always out of employ ment. There are six thousand children, it is esti mated, in California, and in eleven of twenty eight counties there are no schools. The Artesian well at Charleston, has been excavated to the depth of between 900 and 1000 feet. Sixty per cent, of all our foreign importa tions comes into the Union through the New York Custom House. Alt Ohio is tributary to St. Louis, to a large amount annually, for refined sugars and mo lasses.. The, Ohio Womens' Riehts Convention will meet lit Maseillon on the 26th ofMay. Another good time coining. Mr. Burki' remarked, ''Strip majesty of its exteriors, (the fi.s; and last letters,) and it be comes a jest. The Odd Fellows of Harpers-Ferry celebra ted their Anniversary bv proceesion, &e.ion Tuesday last. In Tennessee n man lias been condemned to five years imprisonment for marrying his niece. "I've buried my best friend," as the un dertaker said wiieu he buried the quack doc tor. Coward ice is the 'ice' which melts and runs away in time of danger, and is quite a different article, from cool courage. "The Blithdale Romance" is the title of Hawthorne's new work in press by Tickfor & Co. The scene is laid at West Roxbury among the Assoeiationists. The fifth annua fairol the Chicago Mechan ics' Institute will take place in the City of Chi cago during the first and second weeks of October. The admission of delegates from Colored Churches in the Episcopal Convention at Philadelphia, was denied a day or two since, by a small majority. I'here is a negro named Wood, in prison in Troy, IV. V., on a charge of grand larceny, who has two white women after him, each claiming to be his wife. The Catholics if Pittsburg are building a Cathedral to cost $130,000, with a steeple 339 feet high. It is to be 220 by 120 feet in size, and will seat 10,500 persons. Lola Monies wrote from Albany to her friend "Pick," in New York : "I will never stop at a Temperance House' again. It contains no thing but bed-bugs and Bibles." 1 he Lutherfins ot Illinois are making ar rangements to establish a college and theologi cal seminary at Springfield, far which $37,000 have already been secured. There is a younrr lady up town who s&vs that ii a cart w heel has. nine felloes attached to it, it's a pity that a woman like her can't have one fellow. An Army of Lawvers.—According to Liv ingston s Law Ledger for 1552, our country has 25,000 Isw vers, whose annual income is not far from $36,000,000. A good hit is dealt at the so-called "Native American'' faction by Pi of. Hannibal, of the New York Picayune, who thinks it a national that Aii:enca w a> discovered l»y u fur finer. The apple crops throughout West Jersey, it is said have never been more promosing.—— From present indications, if not injured" by frost, the trees will be literally loaded with fruit. Extensive preparations are making in Balti more for a general celabration of the Fourth of July, the City Councils having appropriated two thousand dollars to he expended in adding to the attractions of the public display. t ;„T« e 'M®® saeh usetts House of Representa -B,l a-v< "dopted a substitute for the mawLVSi IO P . ro L ecl ,he r, e ht of suffrage, flueoce i e n n vo«[ng. Ca ' P,o>er9 complish aspc°hpe d r diy "whh't can be done by twenty in the ordinary method are written in the sand-injuries on DIED, ' On th«B7<h inrt, at half part 12 o'clock. A. M„ WALLKR GARDEN NER, infant *on of John and Rebecca W. Gray.aged 4 months and 4 days. The friends and acquaintance* ot the family are ret pec t fally Invited to attend hi* funeral at his father s re sidence, No. 304 Broad street, without further notice, this morning, at 10 o'clock. £weet t>abr of God, the little lamb, Was born to die again ; Mow resting in the happy land, 4 Away from roil and pain. B. W. eiTAKKE, ATTORNEY ■OKAT I.AW AND NOTARY PUBLIC.- Pracrices in all the Courts of this city and the coun ties of Henrico and Hanover. Office, next to cor ner of 13th and Franklin streets. my 27— lm _ HAWKS K. SUTTON, NOTAKI isS PUBLIC —Particular attention paid tc writing DEEDS and other legal instruments Of fice in the Law Building. Richmond, Va my o DK.A. K. PETICOLAS o#er. Kjk h § professional services to the public ot Richmond and its environs When not in his of fice, Dr. P. may be found »t the Virginia House or the Medical College . mh Office on Broad street, between 10th and llltb, nearly opposite the City Hail a P_!i_ mt, H, t . tenders nl» to the public in the various branches of his profession. on 4tt Office in the basement of his dwelling, street, between Broad and Marshal door from the corner -— 'I hpre will De discourse* in the Univer •OST%alist Church on the six subsequent sab bath nights, as ta'lows: I. On the Day ot Judgment. II On the Second Coming of Christ. 111. On the Seccnd Death IV. On Hell . t . V. On the Sin against the Hoiy Ghost. VI. On the Dispute between Michael and the De vi! about the body of Moses. But few people are aware that the three first events herein referred to are past, or tast their oid notions of hell are without foundation, or that Ma thew 12, 31, 3- proves the tinal forgiveness of all sin, or that the dispute is yet going on about the body of Moses. ' He that hath ears to hear," &c my 27—ts f - NOTICE. —The annual meeting ui the Stockholders of the Richmond, Fred ericksburg and Potomac Rail Road Company will be held at the office of the Company, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the 31st May, 1852, at 12 o'clock M. ap 30 C. W. MACMURDO, Tr. NOTICE. —At a meeting ot the President snd;Diiectors of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Rail Road Company, held the 27th April, 1852, it was Resolved, That a dividend of 3J per cent be de clared on the stock of the Ccmpauy, payable on and after the Ist May next, at the office of the Com pany, in the City of Richmond, ap 30 C. W. MACMURDO,Tr. "The Best the Cheapest In the End."—This time out-of mind saying was never more appropriately applied than in tne choice of a Daguerreotype Picture. A good one, like wine, is rendered more valuable by age; whereas, a poor one is an everlasting eye sore, eapecially when placed ia comparison with the work of an artist. How often are we called upon to re-take the pale, sickly production of pretenders in the art who have nothing to recommend them but cheap ness. M. P. SIMONS, my 28 151 Main otrpet. Eagle Square. £ £-~ trvHil!) tit Ladies throng our Rooms for the superior and splendid style ot Da guerreotypes taken by the elegant patent process, which is, no doubt, the greatest improvement ever discovered in this most oeautilul branch of science. Our Pictures are acknowledged by the public and press to be the most beautiful and life like portraits taken in the country. Prices very low indeed for a superior picture. Rights for sa.efor any part of Virginia excepting Norlclkand Richmond. MOULSON'S Patent Process Daguerrean Gallery, my 11 No. 110 Main street PKIiSEHVK VOliK HKaLTH.- Nowis the time for Cholera Morbus, Dyspepsia, Bowel Complaints various kinds, Dvsent-ry and Bilious Fever. Persons subject to either, or all of these complaints, need not fear their attacks if they will but use a few oottles of Baker's Celebra ted Premium Bitters, the beat tonic bnd alter ative that the ssill and science of man ever yet in vented. These Bitters are purely vegetable in their comp,:siti.>n and entirely free from all those poisonous and nauseating substances that create a languor and nausrnusness of the stomach when taken; but having an opposite effect, they exhiler ate the system, sharpen the appetite, expel impro per secretions, create a healthljl circulation of the blood, and produce such a flow of spiii-s as of itself tencs greatly to relieve from indigest on and bil ious affections. They may be t»k- üby ooth sexes, in every condition o! life, and will be :ound an in valuable mrdicice for infants and adults To be had in Richmond at the Drugstores o" A. PODEKER, ADiE & GRAY, BENNETT A. BEFRS, PURCELL, LADD it. CO., arid GAYNOft & WOOD, Main street; H BLAIR, VVM. P. LADI and SEABROOK &l REEVE, pbockoe iiilL my 24—ts Keep your lilooii l*»re.—ln order to enjoy heahh during the approaching summer we would remind our readers that the "one thing needful'' is to keep the biood pure; and in order to accomplish tbis we know of no greater purifier of the blood to recommend than the celebrated Dr. Vegetable Tincture, which by its wonderful cuies has establishes, for itself a lepu tatioQ far surpassing any medicine known. We would respectfully cail the attention of the afflicted to another certificate oi the strongest character, which may be found in another column of our pa per, and woula also remind them tha: this medi cine is kept in our city by O. A feTRECKER.Maia Street, who is supplying the trade at proprietor's prices Call ana get a pamphlet gratis. my 26 Fletcher's flAlti TONIC, prepared by Jonn Johnson, has surpassed ail other preparations for the hair, it acts iiue magic in eradicating Dandruff and caring eruptions of the head, which is so prevalent among ctaicren during the summer season. But above is wonderiul in prevent ing trreyness. if yourhair is turning grey a few applications will prevent its progress, nor is there any preparation tor toe ha.rtnat is equal to Fletch er's in dressing hair, it imparts to tue hair a rich and healthy appearance, one or two application* a week being sufficient to keep st in a healthy state. No lady's toilet sr.ould be witccut a bottle. It can be riad as heretofore, by app.ying at R. R Duval's, Messrs Bennett 4: B- ers. Main street, and to Messrs Seabrook A; Reeve, Broad street, or at the Saloon under tbe American Hotel. NR. Njcharye for a trial. my2l The Greatest >priuj{ Medicine!— Carter's Spanish Mixture—The only t'u rifier of the Blood.—This wonderiul snd truly valuable Medicine has ueen tried oy a area: uiirn ber oi our citizens, and has performed more cures (some most astonishing) toau all the balance of the articles so extensively advertised pat together. It '•* 'be oniy ceitHSn nr. j unfai i(.g remedy ior MER CURJAL DISEASES it wiil cure Syphilis in the primary and aecundary stages, «.s c,n be testified toby hundreds of .rateiul patients whom delicacy torlnds naming in puiiic. For diseases of the LiVER it has nfver taued. It positively cures Scrofula and Eruptions of all kicds. B1 riches on tae Face, and roughness uf tbe Cuticle are in a short time entirely removed. Numbers of certifi cates trom gentlemen of the firs: reapectabi ity could be given, but as tee article is made in the county ol H-nrico. any one not acquainted witn the medicine can *»e yj<. maker in person, it con tains no noxious or hurtiuj srtio'les, can L,e given with impunity in any weather, and will be found the b«*t medicine ; c . r tfceSpring can be us.d or luis ever been tried. Call and see tt. 1 - air- et.•:>?-,£. H descripfic-ij and hi'tory of the tnedioine and a number ol Wonderful certuii.-otn persons y ju know. BENNETT 4; BEERS, Druggists, No. laS Main street, are the so.e Agents lor tie sale of it ic Richmond, who will supply Druggists and others tc sell again, and to whom aii orderVmust be addres* ed, as it must pass throagn their hands. my 4—3 m Let every ot,e weu cm* uui yet aged the eel ebrated Arabian Li. im-i.-t, go to the agtrnt, and he wiil furnish you with a pamphlet, gratis, contain ing much vaiuab.e information with regard to the treatment of ca:t!e, &c ; and it will al«o jjive you certificates of cures performed by If. G. Fan-ell'* Arabian Linim-ut. wi.ica h*ve never been equalled and which cures were <-ffccted after the lailure of the moat scientific physicians. 8 e advertise ment. my 19 jy Tie OBee ul ibe New York Her ald, Philadelphia Leaser, ffalt;rnor« Sia, Baltimore Clipper, and General l>epot for ail the Newspaper*. iJagaxfoes. and Cheajj Publication#, is at iUW broad .ireet, opposite ihe ilroad Strtwl Hotel, „ THOMAJS a. UHESUAM, *• lH General Agent. r— | j i.i| ud ti9 cent* for 81l- Sir.JS;,'*St^MiMRAiSioAD EsSpfcJiMfe "M^feSSSufcf 1 road* Pills," becau*? they go ahead of *11 other Pilli iD^r d Bo g »'Bc^b«tedF.n,n y PHI. for Indigo h„» itvsDepeia and Sour Stomach, are also ft deS-price 25 cent., and tor .ale by Pur fell L«dd & Co, Adie 4l Oaynor k. Wood Tttatr>,«,««» B«». *■*»«$ Streckerand J. Blair. J B - 1 M rSTDr. J. »• Kom'i siarftaparllla.— BLOOD PURIFIER.—Oreat Spring and Summer Medicine —This Saraaparilla compound U made from fresh Honduras Sarsaparilla. and being com bined with otber ingredients, renders it the very best Sarsaparilla compound made, ior purifying and enriching the blood, and to cure all skin eruptions and skin diseases. scrofulous sores, venereal dis eases and its bad effects in the constitution, dropsi cal swellings, rheumatism from the use of mercury, biles, old sores, kidney and bladder affections, cleansing the system Irom mercury, and raising up a weak and impai-ed constitution from any cause. It improves the appetite, enlivens the spirits, and as a summer drink in cold water, ii is a pleasant, useful and medicinal beverage All families should have a bottle by them. Quart bottles ®1; small bot tles 50 cents. For sale by Adie it Gray. Purcell, Ladd i Co., Bennett ii. Brers, R. K. Duval, Gaynor & Wood, O. A Strecker, A. Bodeker. J. Blair and W. P. LadU. my 18 Mexican .Mustang Liniment, Im provement, Progress, Growth.—These are now the order of the day. And the great desire for these, is the iroving cauea to the great advancement now in operation in the Medical world. New light bl*zes up and old practises and old mixtures are discard ed The fix new astonishing combinations in the Mustang Liniment enables it to penetrate flesh, nerve and muscle, and drive cut disease and assist nature to recover her lost powers, and become healthy, which is evidently the true cause why it is bo successful and why so many physicians that are acquainted with its virtues prescribe and re commend it. HP SEAYHEW' CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS — Prepar ed from the Matt obtained at the Rockbridge (Va) Alum Springs.— These Pills are cnnndently recommended ai having all the virtues of the water, and it many cases they are preferable. In derange ment of the stomach and bowels, or want of action in the liver, their immediate effect upon the liver and kidneys especially, entitle them to public consideration. If the patient be bilious they search out the bile and expel it from the system—unlike all other Pills, they may betaken with impunity, (irrespective of weather,) as there is nothing 11 them calculated to injure any one. In cutaneoui diseases and eruptions of the skin, of whatevei sort, they are a surerer "-ciy, and particularly effica cious in diseases sue as females are subject to dropsies, flatulency, &c., dec. These Pills may just ly be etyied an universal* remedy, as they are de cidedly the best in use for the cure of all diseases resulting from irregular habits. Alter their use has been con'inued tor a time, the whole syeterr becomes invigorated, and the patient is restored tc perfect health. They are care:ully prepared anc put up in vials of 100 at SI each. A liberal discouni will be made to Druggists. For sale by JOHN H. SEAYRES, Columbian Ho tel, Purcell, Lae'd & Co., Main street, S. M.Zachri6 son Sc Co., Druggists, Broad street, O. A. Strecker, Druggists, Market Bridge, Richmond ; James Cooke & Co., Fr *ierickcburg; Rushton, Clarke & Co. New York Dyott Sc Son, Philadelphia; E. L Stroecher <t Co., Macon, Ga; F.J. Sampson, Pow hatan Ct. House; N. T. VVatsios, Halifax Court House; G. H. Jones Sc Co., Petersburg- W. H Gilman, Wasnington, D. C. ; Walter H. Middieton, Farmville, Va.; H. G. Archer, Danville; Colemat Sc. Rogers, Druggists, Market street, Mortimer & Mowbray, Baltimore; and Druggists generally, wholesale and retail- fe 3 (Sfi - LAK(j£ TURTLE.—A very tine on" just received, will be served up TO DAY aud TO-MORROW, and will be ready at 11 o'clock. Lovers of good eating will please->ear it in mind, and call at R. W ALLEN'S, " Arbou- Hotel" and Restaurant. Families supplied. my 28 jp-i, FOR BOSTON and PORTLAND. POSITIVELY FiRST VESSEL—The su pefrj; fast sailing schr Leprelett, Read, com mander, having the greater part of her cargo en gaged, and go ng on board, will sail with all possible dispatch. For tialarce of freight, apply to my 28 ROSEmT RANKIN. —O I»OG LOST. —A clack and white SETTER PUPPY, about sis rn nth 3 old, anoweie o the came f Tip, was seen following some one ou the morning of the 2titb, from the City Spring, (tbe owner i.irg adj lining.) Any in formation in regard to hitn thanklu'oy received at this Office, or a: the store of my 58—2t* NACE & WINSTON. HAVING been Bppiin ei by the Court admin istrator of the personal property ol tbe late Mr Friedrick Reinnarot, 1 inform all tlose who have any claims against tee above named Reinhardt, to present their Li Is without tit-lay oth® undersigned my 23—It' JOHN C. HOYER. THE iifclltfs oi Jonn Wiight and Jarnes X Hedgers, who wereprtvates in the war ot 1812, in the regular service, and residents of the city ol Richmond or its vicinity. may hear of something to their interest by applying at tnia office. my 28—3t* r pO THE YOUNG .li£N OF RICH- A MOND.— 1 ifier to you an opportunity of the greatest importance, one that you will appreciate and value in your mature yeaiaand business trans actions I utter to y:;u a charce of acquiring a knowledge of Drawing, and the ait anu science o: Architecture, suited to every branch of mechan ical business—an otter to obtain those desiraole re quisitions—proportion, perspective and projection, i his opportunity is offered to you now. and will be continued only two munths linger. Tee second course of lessons commences the hrst day ot June (Tuesd-y.) and continued two courses. Lessons given in the day-time oi night. Those tnat may h;;ve doulits '.hat they cannot acquire a knowledge ot it, are requeued ts call at my office, two doors from Main, on 12:b street, and examine what has been done by otners who have taken ies-ons in s-veral bran at eg o! business. Y. u can then form an idea of its importance W. A POWELL, my 28—tit Architect and Civil Engineer. UY t.UvlD"s A V — i'ile » .baor.bers who cure still on hand a grtat variety ot de sirable Summer Gooes— Plain and checked Cambrics Swiss and Mull Muslins English and American colored Cambrics C and Cotton iiukla oireen and blue na.ege Mens' and Woniens' Paris Kid Gloves Irish Linens and D;eper* Brown Hol.'t nds tno Silesia* Fancy C&sslmeres and Vesting P.iin, figured Satin Vests .-.:s ana Mobajr Serges Fancy and Linen Drillings togetne- with a large assortment of Staple Good", wcich they offer at, end bek-w cost, lor "cash or apprjvtd negotiable notes a:* uiontns. THOS. CHARLE.- ELLIS & CO, nay -S—tit 106 Main street EAI TII |!L LOT OF t).«THB,CA». fcIMEK.ES, ANU VES'i'iNGS.—The .-uuscri. berg have j.;st received b beaurifui lot of Cloths,Cas simer. s, and Vestioge, which they are prepared to mase up with neatness an'l d'spatcb in snort no tice. RIDDICK BENSON, 22:n? 28—ts 110 Main street. VI AK*£lL,L,l<> VtSTS,—just receivrd. a beautiful lot ol Vests; tor saie cheap iUDDItK At liENSON. my 28—tt 310 Main street A>D f«l .U.tIER O fresh assortment of Spring and Summer Ciotn iiig jutt rtceived and for sale low, RiDDICK 4 BENSON my 28—ts 110 Main street. G'IOVES, !9ls»PK.\Dttt9, CoLLAhST, « & ; —Just received, a tecond lot ol Giove* Stitpeude-s, Collars. Shirts, Cravat*, Necktie*, icc ' ior sale cheap. KiDDiCK & BSNaON, * my as ts 110 Main street. WANTED— F or the balance < t tne y e«r, a good Cook, A aster, and Irontr; one wb . can come weU recommended, liberal wages will be jjiven. Apply at this Office, or to M BRANCH, my 28—31 Corner he'ow Old Market. MfrOK It tNT.—A very -arge and airy ROOM, suitable for a single Gentleman in the House occupied Dy Dr. Boldem»nn, next door •bove Centenary Cautch * my tie—3t POKT WINE, LEMONS, eiigiuh Cne-» t , ulc Whuki'j, rt.rch, Porter, Co.lon Yarns, fi.i tale by >iyv.'s DAVENPORT, AI.LLN A CO. DENTAL BCHHION—Dr R K. CHAWDUtR. (frtdaate oftix tlm>re CoiUga of Dwttal Swrge- IT n) offer* hi* professional services to the citizen* of Richmond and vicinity. Office 145 Main street, K»gi« Square. RiriUKCis.- Profeaaor C. B. Oibaou, Profca tor C. P. Jobnaon, Rer Dr Hewell, Rev J. B. Tay lor, Rev Ro. Roland, A. G Worth am, MD, and Wm F. Botler, Esq, Richmond. Professor C A Harris, Professor Thomas E. Bend, Professor W R Handy, Prof C. O. Cone, and Leater Noble, IX D. S\ Baltimore. my 28—3 m* ' FOR MltW VuttK. The splendid Steamship City of JaiifilUS.Richinoßd, vfircbell master, will be leaay to rtceive cargo on MONDAY next. Ship pers will be advised of the day of Bailing. Rates of freight are as follows: Flour per barre! 20 cents. Tobacco per box 14 ooxes Tobacco Tobacco• • *■" Measurement goods b cent# per foot. For freight or passage, apply to W. D. COLQUITT, my 28 Or A.S.LEE. (O.UI'AMON TO FRANK FAIU LEI'jH—This day published, the Fortunes and .Misfortunes of Harry Racket Scapegrace, illus trat?d Notices of the E.nglish P»ess. One of the most sparkling books of the season. The vivid pictures ofbold and reckless da-ir.g. and dashing adventure, it has never been excelled. The author has unrollel a glorious panorama, in which the p»lace and (he hovel, the prison and the home of virtue, are all presented in striking colors.— Critic. . . A spirited and popular romance, :rresist!b:y en cbfainiotf the attention of the reader by a series of the wildest and most exciting adventures, in which tragedy struggles wiih comedy, and the extremes of life are graphically depicted —Spectator This is an intensely interesting narrative of the career of 8 gay youth. Once taken up. the readers will not be apt to lay it down until he has rollowed the " Fortunes and Misfortunes ol Hairy Racket Scapegrace'' to the end. The chase after the Scape grace, that the author gives to the reader, is an ex citing and lively one —Dupatch. ITice 50 cents a copy For sale by G. M. WEST 4 BROTHER. 13?° Copies mailed (post free) on receipt of 50 cents my 28 RC. HOBSON, L bKCii £ U AND • CUPPER.—The subscriber always keeps a good supply of the best European Leeches, and will attend to patients at all hours of the day and night. Can be found n! the American Hotel's Hair Dressing and Bathing Establishment my S8 AT $1 50 FER JLOAD «F '15 J BUSHELS—For sale at the (ia« Work*, about '.2500 bushels of Coke, at ®1 5U per load in the yard, to be moved immediately to make room for new Tank. D. DENOON, Clerk, my 28—3t 'PO TilE LADIES.—CEMENT FOR SEAL- A ING BOTTLES.—The Ladies can find a full supply of Cement for sealing Bottles for Pickles, Preserves, Catsups, <fcc., prepared with great care, so that the air shall be entirely excluded, at my 28 O. A STRECKER'g. Familv FLOL'K, koe herrings, &c.—so bbls. superior Fami y Flour; 50 do extra superfine do; 24 half barrels Roe Heirings; 20 bales Mocha Coffee; 25 halt chests fine black Tea, receiving and for sale by my 2« FRY fc McCANDHSH. SCIENTIFIC BOOHS AT .UORKIS' 0 BOOK STORE.—The Family Encyclopedia of useful Kn"wledge and general Literature, contain ing about four thousand articles upon scientific and popular subjects, designed for instruction and amusement, by Jno Launs Blake, L> D Hana book for Locomotive Engineers and Ma chinists. by Septimus Norris, Civil and Mechanical Engineer Paper Hangers' Companion, by James Arrow smith, author of an Analysis of Drapery, &.c Assayers Guide, or practical directions to Assay ers, Miners, and Smelters, by Oscar M Lieber A Treatise on a rfox of instruments and tbe Slide Rule lor the use of Gaugers, Engineers, Seamen, and Students, by Thomas Kentish Grain Tables, showing the Talue of pound and bushels of different kinds of grain calculated in fed eral money, so arranged is to exhibit upon a sinsle page the value at a given price, from ten cents to ten dollars per bushel, of any quantity from one pound to ten thoussnd bushels, with other con venientand useful tables, by James L Elwood Practical Model Calculator, for the Engineer, Mechanic, Machinist Manufacturer of Engine work, Naval Architect, Miner, and Millwright, by Oliver Byrne my 27 Baptist book oki'o^itoky.—to SUP ERINTENDENTS OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS—The subscriber would now interna you that he has on hand a large stock of Books of the American Sunday School Union Publications for Sunday Schools, viz: Libraries No. 1, 2 and 3 of 100 vols ea :h, $10; Juvenile Library, 75 vol*. So; Village Library, Nos 1 and 2,84 vols. S3; Child's Cabinet Libiary, to vols. S2 50; Sunday School Hymn Books, 8 ctnts; Peiiny Hymns, 1 cent; Union Spellers, 6i cents; Union Primmers 2 cents ; Union Questions, No. Ito 12, cents; Union Con secutive Questions, viz : Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, each cents ; Child's Scripture Questions, 10 cents; Class Books, 5 cents and 8 cents ; Minute Book, 25 cents; Record Book, 25 certs, &c. Al-o, a large stock of American Tract Society's Publications, and of Religious Works—a full sup ply of all Denominational anc Stfcndari Evangeli cal vVorks. CHARLES WORTHAM, my 27 Depositary. aELLI.MJ OFF AT COST FOR CA-.fl. 0 The eubscribi-rs, interring to make a chance in their business, effer their entire stock of DRY GOODS at c ist for cash, i>nd respectfully ask ail persons wishing to purchase, to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident th-st a Better assortment of Dry Goods or one selectad with more care, was never offered at cost in this market. Our stock consig's ol the latest and most approved styles. Determined to close, we assure the public there is no humbug in this advertise ment. Do not forg.'t to call at i'o3 Broad street, between 4th and sth streets. my 27—2 m L. 4 M ROSE OELLiMi OFF: sEidJM. OFF::— 0 THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD—The sub scriber has dt-terminea to close tut his stock of Dry Goojs and >hoes by the isth of July, and in order to do so wdi oS ,'r the greatest brains ever i-tiered in goods in his line. Barete ue'Laines at 124, jfrJ. ~0 and 25 cents; Lawns at tO, 12 K cents, and hi.h-r prices; Collar:, at fj, lvj and 25 cents ; at 5 cents; j-hirtingat 6 cents; Sheeticg at fii and Cj; Hose of all colors at 12 1-2 cents ; Check atd Swiss Mus in at 12 12 cents ; Bedtick at' 10 cts ; Jeau= a; od; Gloves o! every detciiption ; Brocade) black and cttangeable Silks; Bareges, Tissues, and other styles ot ladies Dre3= G Kids, ail of which wiil be sold at the io\v-'-1 priced for Cfsr oiily. ABRAHAM LEVY, Jn , 11 y 201 Broad street. UIEVEtC I'iTC atK-.-We b*v~ recti v.-d a U further supply of Stiver J'itcaers- also, Silver Mujtard Cups which with our assortment cf»ilver CoSe> Puts, lea Pots, Sugar Dtsae*. Cream Cups, ice. ic-, makes our assortment complete. GtNNETT Jt JAMES, ' r ' Kaglf Square HA it ft It AND THE Atils.— .'JU.OQU num oers of Harper g Magazine are issued monthly, w„ich speaks volumes in its favor in a lew worus. June number just received—pjice 25a LitteL s Living ~ge. N j 419 A : the latest publications received and for sale at tne Eagle Square Bookstore 27 NASH & WCK-DHQUSE. Vl7 AVtKLtlf NOV iiLs,—An entirely new * * e.i'ton of the Warerly Novels are now pub i-:h:ng. Wh"7i <*■>i' w } r '>F- » an J toe cheapest A mencan eaitlon VVaverl y com pet«, part 1 now ready— price— 50 For sale at the Eagle Square Bookstore. m y NASH &l WOODHOUSE. \yA - TEO.— l hree decent colored boys as ap ?¥ prentices to learu the easiness ot Ha r-cuttino and sfcaviug Apply at tbe Hair dressing and Shat ltg saloon, on Wail sr., opposite she City Hotel » j y MORRIS ROSENBERG. t>UKK hWtET Ol L.-ii jara, 5 -taiious 1 eaca, original parages ol Sweet Oil. Sairant ed the lme.t m thia market. Tbia is cbesper than tE- Oil in jott es,and ol a niu:h supe r ior quality Imported and lor aale by - 7 O A. BTRECKER. I>UIA UIJNNY HA(J*.-5 biU^ bags, a very cheap article, suitable for grain or other purpose*, for sale bv my d7—lt LUDLAM A WATSON. FtAl'HtltA,-i tirtii suppiy iu *m*il ai*ed J- I ** received ant? for aa'e by mv '""-St LUDLAM it WATSON LK HON —tiu boxes, lor »a aby «ny davenport, allen * co AANAUKK'B OrPlCl ~ P. WORRIP A CD * Day, at U o'clock— Capital A7son* a. 78 oaaibera, 1 4 drawn Tickeu ii ' ~ At 4o clock—Capital 8i5,0«) 4c 7S 14 drawn. Ticket. §4 ' C ' 5 Drawn No* if busquebacna, Cluss•». 47 28 56 70 36 19 10 75 35 20 59 32 51 6« mt C. W, PORCELL. I»iMITH'S LOTTBHY Of Pi IK — No. 118 Broad Street, Staockoe HiV,,. F r »,i ericksburg Depot. Drawn No» of SasqurbtiQiia 22 • 47 28 86 7t 36 19 1 0 75 35 20 59 32 51 66 v Ticket 28 47 66, a t rize of 4700 reto-oH Far To-Day.—Md. Consolidated, Class* r.« itals : 1 of #1i>,000.4 of 2XO, 3 of 1000 Sof 'vi •> of 400, 10 of 300, 4c. 75 ouinber., 14 drawn baT lota. Ticktts $4—aha'?* in proportion. Also, tLe P&tapsco Lottery, 154—Caoital* t-f 87500, lof SHU, I of 1380. *c. 78 numbers 11 drawn. Tickets 42—shares in priportioo. ' my 24— I m UKfct.OttV <fc HAUK " *aeceaeor* to J. W. IManry Sc. C«„;»laii*- fcere. OS.ce, Wo. 62, Main Street. ; Drawn No» D«,aware Lottery, Class |l «»,.«. 43 29 46 6! 51 68 6 52 58 27 s'< 35 2 30 To-Day.—Capitals: 323,500. 7500, 400.» 32C0 5 prizes oi 14W», o o. 10 oi aid, n iSO, 239 of 10 : i, ate. 75 nuuisers, 13 drawn. Tick^ eta 85. nay 28 LA.»lBtK;'« ~ 14th Street, ncrier Eacfannge Hotel. Drawn No# Delaware, Class No 11, Mav 2fi • 43 29 4b 61 51 68 b 52 56 2? s<» 35 2 Jo Half 29 43 52, a prize of 81E0. LAMBERT For To-Day.—The Delaware' State Lottery Ciass No 12. Capitals: 823,500, 7500, 4QCO 3200 sof 14C0, &c. 75 numoerß, 13 drawn. Ticket* 85—' shares -n proportion. m 7 -TATHAM'* i, OTTER y OFFItIT WALL STEEET, UNCKB CtTV HOTEL, ' (Cualk's old atand.l Drawn Nob Paiap«co, May 26 • 8 41 :i 48 . 6 2 77 4'J 76 4 50 24 56 10 For To-Day.—Tlx- Consolidated 4. Capitals • §l?,t.00, 4 of -50C, 3 of 1000. 78 numbt rs, U drawn Tickets 84 Also, Small Fry. Tickets 62 50. my 28 VV. H. STATHAM SIKATTON'B Ot'Ucfc. Drawn Nob of Delaware No 122; M«v 27 • £8 38 54 40 '3 24 15 3') 41 25 5 Half Nos, 24 33 58, sold and ptil by STRATTON. For To-Day.— Delaware Ex No 12. Capital: lHp :3,500. 3 lcketf my 28 SI M MER WOODS AT COST.- We a7e kj selling oS at cost the most dt suable and well selected stock ». f Staple and Fancy Dry Good* ever offered in this market We invite all to come soou, as we mu t close ot! the entire stock by July We have D jict-stica of all kttda ; Irish Linens, and ail kinds of summer wear for ladies and gents, Lawns of the latest styles ; great bargains in Bertie de Laities; fancy Silka tr.d black d j; good Prints for 5 to 6±c; Gloves for ladies and gents, and kid do of all kiuds. WORD ; FERGUSON & 3ARRSDALE. my 26—4t harfeFTFTOVANUEI ~ Harpers mauazinu for jink. This number commences the third volume — Those of our subscribers whose jubacriptiots ex pire with this number, are invited to can and renew, and new subscribers will be welcomed. Single copies for sale ae usual at 25 cents, my G. M. WEST & BRQ. '|H> FHYsU'f A.NS—UfcDICINAL EX- A TRACTS.—Ia addition to the "Fluid Extracts" of'he Phß'iaaCv pOPia, we alsoprepaie tbe follow, ing valuable articles, wnich hive been extecsively used, and art favorably known ta the Medicinal profession : Concentrated Fluid Ext-actof Bucba Fluid Lx.. Kucha, Garret Seed and UvaCrei Do do Pareira Brava lodide of Sanapari] a ; Liqucr Ergoticte Tcese Extracts are prepared according to the most iece:it improvements in Pharmacy, and pre sentin a concentrated bud eiigitie lorm i t admin istration all the valuable medicinal properties of the drugs which tLey represent to thy exclusion ol their inert and useless cons itaenta ?URi ELL, LADD & CO., my 26 Druggists, 92 Main street. ADIE!»' liOODS.—We f.avt leceived a large and beautiful assortment of Drees Goods, purchased at the North for the cash, which we are now sel.tag cheaper than any other house in this city: Crape rihawie, plsin and em broidered; Barege de Lame, good qut'ity, at 12 cents; French Calico, 2H lnchei wide, last colors, fii cents . S. ks. t cod quality. 75cents • Rich Brccade Silks ; trie Ginghams ; ~JM Parasols of all kinds, it great bargain); French Worked Collars, 12?t cts . Lace Eleeves. Those who wish to bey the cheapest Goods ;n this city, call at 'iCO2 1 "heap Stores, 15 and 58 Main street. 5,C00 yards Lawns, from sixpence to the fin-it French my 17 Jk TO I'UE VOTERS OF Kit H Wt MoNl) nnd the Murrounding couutr), and itapir faniiiic* and friend*.—Not having tine lo call on you (personally, we adopt this mode cl sensing you, that we are yet car didates for your .favor and patronage. We have long been in your service, and hi pe we have familiarized ourselves with our duties, sod trust tbit we shall not on that account, be ejected frcrn office, especially so loni as wc coutiuue. to receive weekly, new supp..est ot handsome 8.-ots. Shoes, Trunks, and Carpet 3»t», and uem st out usual moderate yrices. i leu-so givj us a call at the Ladies Sa.ooii, 7 J Main street my 25 WHITE * PA".E I U.NE NO. H %Kt'Ert'S NEW .'IJNTH ** LY MAGAZINE.—The fifth volume Har per's N"W Monthly Magazine is commenced by tbe issue of the present number. The Publishers em brace tne opportunity oi renewing the express a ol th»!i' thanks to the p iblic and the press, lor the ext/u ir Lna y jeg.-ee t favor with wnich it* suc cessive nuai. -rs"havi o- en received. The edition now ccnsi-ts ! n.nety thousand copies. The publishers take the lioerty of u.vtasg spe cial utt-ntion to their Ed.tonal Department which is prepared by six of ta- ao.wt accomplishes i.tera ry gentlerue.i tl the country, and a »:■ expafte ul several hundred d i.'ars for * acn number. The pablis'.ers trust that it is not essary them to reiterate their assurances, t-at notcii'g shall ever be admitted to ihe p ige< o' the zine in :c« si giitest de..-r-e otiuuoive to tie ;e«cy to any mjral *est;meat. 1 hey will stendi-'y to exest jjpon the pubiis a heaitby icora. tofluecce and to ixepr -ve tje cbaratiter, as well a» pleasrr tte taste, of trieir I'hey w,!i a m to ir.u their Magazine a complet* repertory ol whatever is most useful and in thecarrent literary productions o! the day. Now .s tte time to tj'iacribe aJ this No com uiences a new v. -'a-. my 26 J. W, RANDOLPH, Aft. | 'IMIE NOTES, o: me -Haßßfar -1 torcm' Bank >f Washtngion Cuy auu i ( orporatioti of Frederick* ceivt-d at par «itk i'lTgnita Ka ik at ca. counter. C. •'» i'L'ftCELL A CO., my -0 t-.X' h ui- *' cl M .-ad-y, 24; ii l is" Benj M irr.s. 02 r':. o . wee 11 Mai a (.:ii f »•> ' * a (iold Walcb a;;«i (Tiuiu ; tti' ,x «• •' ;l , c tained ;J wDole wnbtac jnit-s.s J. » crsved on the icstde of tbe case. I w for the return ot the above to me, or any laftir®* tion toat may .ead 10 it- recovery. ►h* •* luHy rrc ivtd ai.d rewarded 10H.S AI'AMs. my 2f—.i.' On I>* tt. near Bro<>« Avenue. IVORY FANS. —J-ft received, a ol Ivcry F«:i*. raoi-ti.i: m ptUti from 1 to fa. A... .w.a wv o o.» *- ' J 37Jc per yard. Small tg'd Prints fcr chUdrt# Lace square Sbawt* ?oicis- Wmte and c I'd Silk f. r Mar.ti- a-' Lace and MtsJin Sleeve# ateJ Collars CHri-S'i'lAN tc LAIdHOP. my at; Ma o _ HAND*O.*IE UKWS OOOOS AT "■** DUCEIi PRICES —A aeaatiiul ai now sly e fi-Kia. suob as clßt rude « printed r rei.cti jauriins, J*!*"** 9 * ' eo t uf »d Lawns, wmte * mbroidertd Swiss Mus.-*. c do ncn r.gurea and plain Baregi s and B* i Laines &.c., wiii be cbeap at , D f»a> \VM. i- SwuW'S. m 26 aar> Broad street^ FuK HfcNT. iwone'sly built fj Housea, «iih *as pijie* street, b tween iitid aud o'd |*lbt.l«aot» BOUHS.-A IV fat popu !ar Tba. logical took»— « ) -JJSP '** """ •*<>