Newspaper Page Text
THE LATEST NEWS. 1 ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER BALTIC. Ftfar Dap*. Later f*—r. Europe. New Vww.Joly 2S.—Theateamer Baltic has arrived with. Liverpool date# to the 14th inst. The Europa arrived at Liverpool at 10 o'clock P. M-,oiH«ae llili. As far as heard fun* 117 ministerialists. 190 opposition, and 42 neutral have been elected to the British Parliament. The Pacific mail steamer Thames arrived at Southampton «»n Saturday with $1,400,000 Australian gold. The Government of Franee has exempted the clergy fe*»m taking the oath of allegiance. A riot had octwied in Piedmont between the people awl »he -troops in which many on both sides wore killed. The Bt Igtnii Cabinet has resigned. 4UIKKTI. Livi RFit«C,jul>" s4.— The sale* of Cotton {luring the four days have ht-eftrf'l,ooo bales, ot whi< h speculators-took 1,01)0. und exporteis 4,(l00 bales. Price® were steady at fijd.for fair Orb for middling ditto, £>{<1. for Uplands 5Jd. U.r middling ditto. Flour had declined 6d.a9d.—Sales of West ern ('anal at liJs. 6tU, and Obio ot 20s. Wheat had declined 2d.a3d. Corn was in fair request at 31s. 43i!. tor yellcw, and 28s. Ski. for white. Provisions were fitin. Lard scarce and wanted at in kegs, Bacon was slow' ot sale. Coffee steady. Rice inactive. Su£;ir onclmiig.'d. Sales o! Linseed Oil at 295. In the Loiidon Markets, Cora '3 one sliil ling lower. Disgraceful Riot. A disgraceful took placa in Baltimore last Saturday night, terminating about 7 o'- clock on Sunday inoru'ng, between two par ties o! men, one iiniliitg "rom the' New Market engine house and the other from the united company. They met wrarthe intersection of Howard ai d B<iaiopr. streets, raced each other up and now®, am* made use of muskets, pistols, stones, bricks a»d such other danger ous missiles as were at hand. Th»£un gives the following results of the liot: During this affray, a fellew named Richard Hititon, received a pistol bail in his arsi, which caused a flesh wotuxl of rittle consequence; a man named Walter Spark?, who t&wrahs" for (he New Market, was tlso wounded by a pistol bail, which struck on a line with the tip of his nose, and immediately under his eye, the ball penetrating: inside, and creating a ve ry dangerors wound. He was, shortly after wards, remoced to the Lombard street, inf.rma ry. The fight was renewed with increased vigor and fury between the hours of tour and five o'clock, &t t e close of wkich, about? o'- clock, a most lamentable affiir occurred. At that hour. Mr. P. J. Baitholow, proprietor of the Globe liiu, accompanied i>y one of. bis boarders, Mr. F. B. Didier, of the fir»R of Didier & Bro., inerchnuts, proceeded to-die corner of Baltimore and Howard streets, (or the purpose of watching the progress of the "oanle. 'I'bey bad scarcely revolted the place, before a ball from a pistol whizzed through the air,and struck Mr. Didier in the face, ju*t belcw th • eye. He cried out be. was shot; whereupon Mr. Bartho'ow conveyed liitn to the yard of the hotel, and thence to an upper apartment where he now lies in the most dun gereus condition. • Late and Important from Mexico. New Orleans, July 24.—A Mexican ves sel of war from Vera Cruz, has arrived at this port for repairs. The folio wing items of news were received by her. The line of telegraph from Vera Crua to the city ofMettico has been completed. A pro nimciauiento had been put forth in one of the tow nscf the State of Vera Cruz, bui the effect was ofi trifling nature, and troops were out after the rebels. The State of Sonora has pe titioned the Government to aboHsti duties on articles of consumption. A petition wan also presented for a call of an extra session of-Con gress to settle the Tebuantepee difficulty, and to consummate the treaty of Guadalosspe Hidalgo. The Government is opposed to the petitions. The Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs has fixed the 9th of July for closing the con tract with the cotnpanv making the best efforts to open the Tehuantepei route. Our latest dates are tc the 3d inst. El Siglo says, on authority, tkat Colonel Sloo's proposition is withdrawn. Mexico and Sardinia are about to make a treaty of friendship and commerce. The Go vernment of Guatemala has impoaej a great many restrictions on the press. Vet**.?! Destroyed by Fire, B'istok, July 25.—The ship Reciprocity, of Calais, Maine, from Mobile for Liverpool, with a cargo of cottcn, was destroyed by fire at sea on the24th of June. She was insured in Bos ton fur $75,000. The officera and crew were saved. The Crops—We regret to learn (says the Columbia South Carolinian,Jthat the caterpil lar, or army worm, has been very destructive to the cotton plant on some plantations on the river below this place. A few made their ap pearance pome weeks s<nce, but have spread with rapidity over several hundred acres. The rar~ w t!'c-nine »fctier>. src s:«I.l n la the most luxuiiant that ha\e been ruised for many years. Henry Clay's Obstquit* in Rochester. Rochester. July 23.—The obsequies of Henry Clay, under the direction of the young men of the city., were celebrated to-day. The procession was large, and embraced the milita ry and a large number of civic societies. The streets were crowd"d with people, stores gen erally closed,and tnary buildings were hand- Bomely draped. It was the largest procession and the most general turn-out ever witnessed here. APPOINTMENT BY THE PRESIDENT. Hy and with advice and consent of Senate. John P. Ki ntiedy, of Maryland, to be Secre tary ol the Navy, in the place of William A. Graham, res : gtied. iMuKtiEK AND Ah rests —Mr. Jas E. Hous ton, a p'uuier of Mcintosh county, Geo , was recently murdered bv' ''is own slaves. twelve of whom huve been arrested and confessed their guilt. TheGaray Grast —As r npw phase in the Gnr iy matter, it is said Mr. Hargous has filed with this government u claim for damages arising out of the retu ul of Mi lico to recog nize the validity of the Caray title, amounting to the snug little sum of about forty millious of dollars. AfPLfcTON ts fut»t i.Aii L.lliilAlCY OK THE BEST /.UTHußri—The Discarded Daughter, or the Chilli'. a of the Isle, a Tale of the i;h.*shpeske, bv E;ama DEN SoutUWirth, author Ot the Deserted Wde.tShunnoiidaie, ic, in 2 vols— 75 ci-nts A Jyirne7 to Katmandu, or the N*>paulese Am bassm.' ir st Home, by Lawrence Olyphaut—soc New Carrii-ature, Heat riorry to Dis app()'n» You, Pierce, Bui the Peopld Wish me to Take This Seat, Presidential Chair, Ate—price 12 ceuti Just received. • very !a-ge sapplr of the Life of Hcott and also the Life of Pierce—Bß cents ActiHi's Trial—lß cenu. For sale at the Ex change Bookstore M w , aT BKOTHKR VV i T ,. NUl ""' ""•"St »Vs.i3u" Collector it<i Qtwcril Agent, 13tb ulstd* jjf telegraphic mews. TtAMBMI-mP tJR THf. t>A»,V «HM A >tH iMlttowl toy ike Baltic. New V«huc, July; 26. ' The Bakia brings the following additional •item* of European news : ' »FRARCE-W.nolher coup d'etat is expected in Firanee, m (he approaching fete of tfeet-lluh of August. 'Ilia rumoaed that a number «fexiles, -Victor Hugo amons4hem. will be permitted to return to/France. !fhe President has pardoned 90 political prihorrrs. The Chateau Bisey, belonging to the EXiich ■eesol Orleans, and properties vl'iDe Joinville •i»d-St. Digiet have been seised by the gown went. Jk'ssiA.—»The Emperor of Ruesia has gi*en fiotiee that competitors of all countries Key send productions to the great Moscow, but Ktkls that those who do so nx*£t Conform to the laws of the Empire. Austria abb Turkey.—F iendiy relatione have been re-establish, d between Austria a at' Tuiiey. m The ilxtridltiea Cane.—Attempted Res* cne. New York, July 26. The case of4C.i : ne has been postponed till, next AVednesday. A mob, composed of Irisln men, attempted a rescue, but a police force,| consisting of H)0 aimed men, repulsed the as-'j sailants, and lodgnd the prisoner in jnil. BALTIMORE MAKKJBTS, July 26. No wales of Flouc. Red Wheat, 85 to 88 i cts; white do., 88 to 92 cts. White Cork 63 j ct->; yellow 60 cts. IMFMKTANT TO FAidHkßK.—The sub scrioer having purchased of Mr Peirpoirit the right of manufacturing bis celebrated Seed Se parator and Slra* Carrier, invites all who are in want to call aud examine the cheap and sim ple machine belore purchasing elsewnere. PHILIP RAfclM, Eagle Foundry, oa G-ry, between Pearl aiid 13th streets. je 12—2»w6w 2,50# KJEtiS OtfC DOMINION NAILS. High w. fry, manufacturer, now offers to the r rade contrac tors, and others, tke first lot received.of these ejaperior Nails, comprising all sizes of Nails and Spikes, t so, box lining, fenee fiu ishingand Scoring NaiJi. The box end 'iniucJJails are the exact.pattern to suit tob-cco manutactu rers. The quality of the Kails of this brand wjll bs warranUd and they are confidently off. r--d as fully equal, if not superior, to any Nails ever before sold in this market. ApplyJc jy9—2taw4w VVAI S TRIPLETT, Agent Vf OST DESIKAIiIE PRIVATE DWEL i*l lino in '-Marshall place" for SALE.—The subscriber is authorized to sell tifat most desirable Tenement in "Marshall Place,'' now in the occupancy of ur B. Gibson. This is justly regarded oa one among the moat desirable fenenoents for a genteel family to bt found in this city. For terms, apply to jy 12—2sw2w W GODDIN. PKKL'VIAN (il \N(), —I am u w prepared to deliver to customers, Guano in large or small lots. My stock is of late importation, aud war ranted to be of the very best quality. jy 9—law4w HU(iH \V FRY. £FOH KENT, on 15rook Turnpike, oppo site the residence of Win. Sh dds, within 10 minutes walk of the kcfld.ok£rtad street, a Brick Housej nearly new, containing 6 rooms, with a store-room, brick kitelsen, stable, carriage house, and a well of delightful Wbter in the yard, with a garden of about an acre, in nioe cultivation, and a -]uantityof choice fruit makes it equal to a country residence Poctcssiou given beiwet n 15th and 20th July. Apply -to T. C WOODDY. Ai: T D. Quarles' Dry Goods store, No 229 Broad street. jv 3—l«w'?w* ITAI.IABLE OWELXIN't; dc filllll- V INO LOTS ON 7th STREET, NEAt THE CITY SPRING, FOR SALE—The subscriber is authorized to sell the Real Estate now in the oc cupancy of Mr John A. Mosby. framing 200 feet on Seventh »treet, opposite to the City Spring ancl Grove It may be divided into fiv--? lots of 30 feet etch fend one of 50 feet, upon whioii there is a com fo; table dwelling housd for a small family They are all improved with ornauieutaLand fruit trees, and trtii their plea.-arit and healthful situation, wiil compare favorably with most lots jiow offered for sale. Hydrant water and gas may be introduced into desired. Apply to je 28—STawlm W GODDIN. Auctr. VOTIC'K. — Ibe Co partnfifhip nereiolore es L v Uting under the nxine and style of Herring Si Shelton. is,'his day dissolved by mutual conseui— The name ot the lirm will be used by lotk parties in settling the business.* Persons having claims againit the fiiaa will pre Bert them for payment, and those indebted will please come Icrward and sett'e. GEOkGE J HKRHING, JAS. B SHELTON. July 24, 1852. 2awßt The underpinned will continue the grocery and commission business at the st..nd formerly occu pied by rlerring & Shelton, where he will keep u good assortment at family groceries and solicits the patronage ol the Iriecd® of the former firm n:id the public generally. G. J. HERRING. No 125 Broad street, opposite Fredericksburg De pot. jy 26—2awfct July 24,1852. rpAKK CAKE OJ? YOUIt BOOKf AND J. PAPERS.—During .the last we k, several stores and dwellings have been entered by talae keys, and tue Iron Sa'e of the old kin<J cut open ana ribbed of contentsl To merchants and bu siness men, theie's no thought more satifactury —. that th"wf.'c'irs cf :h» nfaht. and amid the ravages ot tQe cowl gratiou, to know and be satUned th it their valuaWe books and mo ney art- beyond tne reach of the d/jsperado or des truction; and io the promotion of this c ntidence. nothing has contributed so much as the imp.ove uients made by Silas C. Herriog in die Salaman der sat.s; one of which, at least, ev«ry prudent man snoulj have upon his premises. Cali and examine. We have on hand &U sizes, with powder and burglar proof locks; and at the tactory urices, delivered in this city ire ot charge, jy 26—fit PRY 4 McCAND IsH, S' le A ents tor Virginia- STEA.USHJP KOAi\OK£. UNITEU STAT KS MAIL LINE. FOK NEW VOKH via NOBMILK, Leaving Richmond every Tuesday ot 4 o'clock P M The lioaaoUe, Capt Parish, ' r, ' aa y to receive freight this lay. at 12 o'clock, M and will .oa HHHBStir ur to recr ive it up to the hour of 1 o'clock, P &1., tomorrow, Tuesday, the 27lhinst, and she willleare a; 4 o'clock. P. M.. oi hat day. Passage to Nsw Yolk, including meals and stnte room accommodations, only. HO Steerage passage only b»lf price. Berths ee.urcd at our office trom a plan of the Bt iv 26 2t LODLAM & WATSOW. TKA>Si'(>KTATiO.N J. JiHEi. TOR BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. «pw» The Belvidere, <-apt. Z C Gif- will iee>ivefreti{htiortUf above 12 o'clock, M . and ooi.tinue to re ffitupti the hour oi l o'clock, P.M.tomor. Tv , 76-af y ' JUly !l WATSON fjTT* PUB JPHII.AOBI.PHIA ANU <ZJsZfi.CAPK MAY.— l'ba inagniticeut steam -Bmpl™«ylvanla leave, for the usJal, on' Wednesday, 28th lust, at lio clcck.FM. We land passengers at Cape May both going and re tU^l_^ t,P ' yt ° MAYO A ATKINSON. HAUK CHANCE FOB AN INVEST MENT.—A sale and well established business (partly will be sold entire or in part Large profits can be realised, and business can be extended to almost any extent. For particulars und leasonsof selling, address Richmond, Post Of fice, Box To 4. Jv 2ft—'w Joiiknbynak coACMittAHikita WANTED. —Blacksmith body-maker and trim iner. Liberal wages will be given for good work men. Also, 3or 4 boys to learn the business, be t Ween the age of 14 and 10 years Nona bat moral and industrious boys will be taken. 8. R. SVLLIVAN. Charlottesville. jy 85—3 c »,».castasa.,: •vs.*. the • a Jl-< organization ia traly-wonderftil Ita volatile, paa-trating, soothing and-fenaling properties - thae.:selvea to the very henes. ft enters into the ctesclation of the blood, fives ■ new impulae to the- whole nervous ayateer, stimulatea the abaor • teste and secretfcna, aad* thus assists mwi to : thai r off and rid hemetf«f any diseased action of the nervous chords or Ugacenta, making it equally anjtfoable to aores of an* kind, rheumatism, or PA*'« IN ANY PART THE BODY, giving abundant reasons of ita ftcat efficacy in so many ddEfcrnt diseases. While it 1a perfectly harm'eaa to-healthy flesh, skin or bane, it acts upon scientific principles and FIXED LAJVVB OF THE CREA- Tlktt!. The large numbet of eases in which this ha* proved its great value in the short time it has been in Virginia, is sufficient to give the confidence, that ita virtues are incompara bl»ic. the cure of Rheumatism, Bruises, Sprains, Bute,-, Wounds. Broken and Caked Breast, old Sores, fee. Teitiaaay froai the Seath. Satsmi tH, Feb'y sth, 1852. Having been afflicted with, scale Rheumatism for some ;ime, and tried several of the most popular medicines of the day, also nnder medical adviee, and reoeived no relief until i tried the MUSTANG LINtI&kNT, and much to my surprise, I received istMSfejATE belief ; and l aii confident, that by a few more applications of this-truly celebrated Lini ment. I sha 1 be entirely and I advise all whe are att cted, to try the Mexican Mustang Liniment A. FRKEMAN. Ship Maatera,rSead! New Orleaxc-, Wb'y 21st, 1851. I take pleasure in givi ig my testimony in favo» of the kUsTANG LINIMENT. I have used it in a greafcaatny cases with satisfaction. I would par ticularly recommend it to the notice of MASTERS OF VESSELS, of all kinds, as surpassing all otukb*.ternal applications within my knowledge for PuiE£, bruises, Cuts, Burns, Sores and Rheuma • tistn, fee. fee. LEWIS WARDEN, Master Steamboat Fontiac. An Editorial Article \jFram the Savannah Republican «t December2oth, - l»3i, written by A. K. Moore, Ksq.,. recommends V the MusUtag Liuiment ir. the manner: This • jßr-dicine is now oflered to the people of i Georgia fer the first time. Our personal experience .-eniLiles us to recommend this Liuiment to thf public with confidence, as we have ielt the good -eifects upon a sprained ancle, which received great tr-cnetit Irorn one application, and has been almost tured by the occasional use ior a week Swe*l 4.0 years' Standiag Cured. Pink Vaw.ET, ,Miss., Dec. 25th, 1851. A.G..Bragg &. Co.: The 9 dozen bottles Mustang Liniment left five weeks ago, a>e adi sold Senci tw: 30dozeuimmediately. The Liniment has per formed sooce wonderful cures here. Doctor W W. Nevel say i it is the greatest Liniment in the world He has a negro girl almost deef and blind. Hit remedied did her no good. A few applications of tt.e Linimest cured her entirely. It is also curing Juntos Coy'aJt g, which has been a running sore for forty years. It has not failed in a siiiglecase so far at,it has been tried. (Signed.) ARTHUR HADSON. HORSES AND OTHER ANIMALfv We only ask a fair trial of this valuable Lini ment in the c'jre of Strains, Bruises, Cute, .Galls, Scratches, Sweny, Pole, Evil, Fistula, Big jtlead, Spavizi, King Bcce, Wind Galls, Cracked Heels, or any w.aucd, stiffness, or enlargement of bone or muscle in horse.. We have many certificate 3to those eairee, and. therefore, am confident it wiil give perfect satisfaction, and efiect all we recom mend far it. A. G. BRA6G iL CO., Sole Proprietors,-St Louis, Mo. Sold by Druggkfcs generally, and by NJKCELL, LADD, & CO., Druggists, mh 12 eodfim A HIE as. <UUA Y, APOTHECARIES AND DRUGGISTS, P««. 147 iUain street, "{ieltmont!, Va., have now cu hand and offer lor &ale, upon the best terois, for cash, or on the usual eredit to responsible dealers, a large and varied as eertment of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Glass Df'e Stuffs, eunsUtkig in part of— IjC'O lbs superior indigo 2900 lbs Madder 2000 lbs Extract of J/Qgwood 50 kegs super CayUonate of Soda 30 bblsEpsojn Salts 10 bblsAlum 5 bbls rehued Camphor 30 bbla Chipped Logwood 15 bbls Redwood and Camwood 20 bbls Venitian Red-and Spanish.Prown 2wjo lbs Giue— Anierictn, Irish and iss 500 boxes Wiudow Glims— Amer ican 40 boxes prime Castile Soap 4$ boxes Starcii 2500 gallons Linseed Oil 200U gallons Lamp Oil 350 Caskets Sweet Oil 20,000 lbs White Lead 2000 iirs Red Lead Liikarge 12 oils Varnitnes 1200 lbs Gum Arabic 90 bbld Blake's Fire aod Weather Proof PWnl 25 bbls prime Castor Oli 30 bbls Spirits of Turpeutkie 200,000 Cigßfs—Havana and Pricglpe 125 doze?i infallible Yeast Powders 1 cask Mace; I case Nutmegs IPO mats Cinnamon Together with Ginger, Allspice, Cloves, Pepper. Cream of Tartar. Flowers of Sulphur, Copperas, Braztlletto, Nicaragua Wood. The u.-ual assorfueiit of Patent Medicinee, a large variety of Fancy Articles, and a carefully selected r.tck rf f uit K.'witi'aei mh 16 ADIE & GRAY, No 147 Main st. OfSt MANSION HOlfeK »UJI KKJNT.—j ■53 The *übscr ber having tanen the FLOYD J UUUSE, offers torrent this dou-e on Main Btreet, No. 35)4. It has nine rooms, and a kitchen with two rooms, and i<s wels arranged (or a Boarding House having been recently repaired and painted Possession can be bad immediately. Price 8275 Applv to JOHN A. JETER, jy 21—Ira* Floyd Home. MFolt the Store No. a 8 Main utreet, at present occupied by L. as a cuthing store, decidedly lie best stanain th»cit7 of Richmond. The balance of the stock ot clothe g will be disposed of at cost and under. Any person wishing to rent the receive all the n.-ci-s sary information by applying on the premises to L HiNEMAN. r ' J -: r "' « [rnni? rb fnr » n fj t ;y ! (J w ; ti t doming they uee>j, us I aui relu .g low. jy £» HOUSE FOR KKMT. —A small Tene ■ftsi rneut on Leigh street, near 3rd, cau be had in ttfr-w days. It will be rented for til-- balanc of the year, with the privilege of using the hydrant tUi the tirst ol November without charge to the renter. TOLER & COoK, jy 21 General Agents. MFOit a desirable tirick Residence 0(1 Main street, suitable for a small family. It is next 4cor to Capt Wra M. Fulton's residence.— Possession may be ha 1 ! immediately. Rent £-JSO. The present occupant has the usual »ariety ot Furniture, kitchan u ensi.a, etc. Stc., which wuutd be sold on good terms. Apply to # TOLER ft COOK, jy 15 General Agents. FOR ttE.^T—The small brick tenement on "iOtb street, near street, now pitd oy Mr. a.imuel P Mountain, is lor rent. Pes session ceu be had in a few d iys. Rent, #75. jy 2*2 TOLER 4 COOK. Geneial Agents. SFOK HlSr*T. two uewlv bunttnree story Houses, with jras pipfl* on Mai:; street, b tween 2nd end 3rd struts Apply to my 26—ts W. GOD DIN. ">.iv FOR BKE-ttfcN.—The A 1 Bremen *js§gbarque WIEUAND. lor Bremen, is now ready to receive cargo at City Point, and will load with dispatch. Tor balance ot freight or passage, apply to jy 15— lOt SCHAEa, KOHI.KR fc CO. IMSH.-No 1 iiiackeiel, in wnole and hall DDIs." ' a-dkits; 1(H) bbis Liaiitax Herrines. j y 2« JOHN kl. CLAIBORNE. ~ HIULKi'S OFFICE, OPPOSITE THE OLD MARKET. Drawn Nos Delaware, Class D, drawn July 24th : L >we-it prise S2O. 73 67 64 51 28 60 6t l 5 4U 75 71 62 65. Whole ticket Noa oi) 64 67, a prise of 93,500 returned to the Managers tor want of a pur chase.- by HURLEY. jy 26—2t B ACON.—A few hhds clear Sides in store, fur s^eby jyg6 JOHN H. CLAIBORNE. CA>DLE».— AlewboXoa Jackaoa's Summer Candle*, for sals by WS6 JOHN H CLAIBORNE. I CE' ICBJJ— S o4l ® bushels tor saie on aceom -1 modating terms by the -übacriber, at his resi dence. on Uw Three Chop Road, (right fork and continuation of the Plank Road,; Smiles beyond the residence ol B. W Greea. Esq J, GEO. Q. EXALL. AMUSEMfcNTft. Tfc* CdckniM N«r _ aad tpan RSH3^^s£L*t."- thrir Grand Voeal and ®«®». Hluatrating the tioea,Mi the above evening, and w«£T *a perfoaned by them for the past tea tears in .ii , pr c,tle * of Europe aad America, and '•tely at ihe Italian Opera Hooae.NewYork. i.^^" 0 ' 6 to Conclude with Gam* from the Italian Opera*, giving imitations of Jenny Und ftalvi, Beneveritano, Marmi, Sanquirieo, LorfnL fee! fee, in which the wh >ie Troupe will appear. Atelaln- Only 25 cents. lcors-op n at halt pact 7—to commence at a quarter pair 18 o'clock. Jy 27 9. 3. SAWFORD Manager ODD-FELLOWS' HALL - The Celebrated isew urteaae Opera aad Ballet Traaye WILL GIVE THEIR DRAWING ENTERTAIN MENTS THIS EVENING. PKOGK AIUME. Overture Hoi man and Bud. Opening Chorus N. O. Troupe. Bones' Tripto the Wcrld'* Fair.Collins. Khtty Darling .....Lynch, Otf to Charleston 8 S.-Sanford. Massa is akepirg in the cold ground Kainer. Operatic Chorus—Lost Child, by the author Karanagh. White Cat and Black Cat Sanford Chorus fro*: Semiramide Kavena^h. Scotch Dance Master Sanford. Ballad—Write to Me Ljnch Banjo Solo Vonbunhorst Song Rainer. Lucy Long, (in character.) Collins. Hungarian Solo, (in costume ).. Herr Liebenstein. Violin Solo Lile Bull Wyatt. To conclude witn the NKW BUHLESQUK os iMaretzek'a Italian Opera Troape. S S. SaNKUKD, MariHger and Director. ADMISSION— 25 Centa. Doors open at 7 o'clock—Concert to commence at 8. jy 27 M HALOAT TH£ SLASH L'OTTA«E —Tne friends aid patrons of the undersign d are hereo> notified that ou THURSDAY NIGHT, the 29th of" tee present month, the o.asti Cottage and grounds will be brilliant!/ iiiu minated for their reception, ani a Band of Music provided for the amusement of all disposed to " trip nn the light fantastic toe." Kefrefehmetitis adapted to the season will be furnished at city prices. A train of cars will leave the Fredericksburg Rail road Depot precieely at 8 o'clock, P M., (the change on whicn will be but 81 for each person to aDd from the Cottage,) end return about 2 o'clock in the morning, thi-8 placing within the means aad en gagements of all a .delightful opportunity for re crealion. jy 20 ANDREW PIZZINI. P. S—Those who may find if convenient to go in the rxcursion train, will have ihe privilege of the mail train at 9 o'clock. P. M, A, P, Book.-., book.*, books!.— j ust receiv ed at the Baptist Bookstore: Farm-re and Planters Encyclopedia on rural affairs, Cyclopedia of English Literature, by Chambers; Information for the People, by ditto; History of Virginia, Lip pencott's New Edition; Chamber's Miscellany ot Useful ano Entertaining Knuwlfdge, 10 volumes; Sacred Mountains, by Headley; Sacred Scenes and Characters, by ditto; Chamber's Commercial Dis courses: Hume's History of England, 6 volumes; Annual Scii nlitic Discovery, or year's bock of racte in Science and Art, for I8~>2; the Errors of Modern Infidelity. illustrated and refued by S. M. Schmuck er, A. M ; Morton Montague, or a Young Christian's Choice, &c. &c., by C. B. Mortimer; Manual ol Politeness, Book of Politeness, Home Scenes, Sto ries for Youna House-keepers, Woman's Trials Daughter's (jwd Book, LetUrs to Y< ung Ladies Parlor Lexi"on, the Wives, or Loet and Won, Se neca's Morals, and all of the.novels of Grace Agui- Ja'. and Charlotte Elizabeth which inculcate "the best religious sentiments. For eale at No. 203 Main street jy 26 CHAS WORTHAM LAItKABKE'S PATENT J PREMIUM NIAGARA JET StIOWKR BATH FOR COLD OR Warm WATER —This shower oath is one <>f tne most complete articles ol its kind ever offered to the public, inasmuch at a great and important improvement is obtained over all others, by throw ing the water upon tne body withou' wet ting the head, unless at the will or the pleasure of the bather, but a greater point is gained by being able to bath with warm water, which no other Shower Bath is adapted to. There Baths are neatly finished, and are suitable to stand ,i.i a chamber or any part ol the house As a proof of the superiority of "this Batii over all > it is sufficient to tay that it was awarded the premi um at tke Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, and tbe Maryland Institute, Baltimore, tb« on:y Bath that ever took a premium at the above Institutes. The above Hath cau be seen at the House burnishing Store (the sole agency for Richmond") of L. G.'NTER, jy 24—lw 137 M«in st'eet. FOR SALE—A valuable Form in a healihy and good neighborhood, con'a nma fifty acres of cleared and thirty of wt od land, about live mtles ! frou. theci'y ot Rici muad, half a mile from the Richmond andF rede nek- burg Railroad anda djoin \ ing the residence ot Francis Staples and others.— (in the Farm is a good Framed Duelling H,,use. Stables for horses and cattle Ice House, Well of ■excellent water, and Orchard ol two hundred Fruit trees, w<-ll selec'ed and of the choisest kin.'s, and a Vineyard of three acres of the finest Grapes, which will vield this season, at least, one thousand gallons ot it is enclosed with a new fnca, and presents inducements such as are seldom offer ed to purchasers in this neighborhood For terms, apply to Joseph Doei Singer, No 200, next door to coiner of Broad and 3d streets, Ricn mond, Va. jy 24—fa JOSEPH DOERFLINGER. J TALK ABOUT LULL TIMES.— Some dealers are in the habit of putting on a doleiul face, semi annually at least, about tbe dull season. Perhaps we may do so, too. wacu vv- .j..u ! 1, _t ej ioiji! ao we adheie to our present mode of business, we don't ex pect to net time. We take dull times by the fore lock—lot we are deteimined to makes the " Laiies' Saloon" the place for bat gains at all times. Tbn«. in July and August, we offer cu." large and varied summer stock at such rates as induce those who call to purchase. Our assortment of Ladie-', Children and Misses' Shoes of various kinds is yet good, and Trunks. Bonnet Boxes, &c., and to fami lies supplying themselves at this seas.n, we make a satisfactory discount. WHITE 4; PAGE, 73 Main street, jy 24 3 doors below Oooley's bat store. RAZOItSS.— We have just opened another lot u! toose cntivalled Amtiicau Razors ; and our friend,, who hnve been waiting for tbera ran cow be supplied. Every liszoris warrant d, and the moi.ey i*iil be rei'unced in every case wfcere they do not give satieiactu n. For sale by C. J SINTON ft CO., Only Agents for th's city, Sign ol the Circular saw, jy L' 4 71 Maiu ttreet i> OOFIMi SLATh-I am piej arefl to exe lA/ cute with piempinecs and dispatch, al! or ders ectruate.l to u,y charge f.jr the above article. Sample? m-»y be scej a: my office. ROaERT RANKIN, jy 24 Corner 22d «nd Water at«. F- ROTEC'f YO(jR lilVUii AVDPiWP. EtiTV—l 1-avej i<(t roenved Irom the ni»nu faciurers a turtner supply oi Alien's ft lliurbert's fire and six narrrl Revolving Pistols. Also, single sell cocking Piston of ex ery description. Now that tli.- ajtastin and rogue are in oar midst, l< t each and every eitixen procure for him self one of these Pistols, which can be done by calling at No. 60 Mam street. JAMES WALIH, jy 21-3t Buccessor to Thomas Tyrer. a J OU(. LOBT.-O" Sawraay evening, instant, a small Pointer PUP, seven » etas* oiu, liver colored and white. Any one who win return him to this office will receive a hot ral reward, btsides nany thanks jy 24—Jt* | Osl —oo S3 fd June, between Mra Li Phillip's. Main street, and St. Paul's Church, a gold BHEASTPIN, in the shape ot a lise*ard. It may have been dropped in an Omu'.bus, between Mr. Pratt's i tfire and St. Paul's Chuicb. It found by any parson »uo sees this, they will con fer a tavor, and Ifiequired. receive reasonable coin. pen.atl .n lor leaving it at his offi v. jy '4—lt* gk i ttSAt' But) i Jusi iect i*«u nu ■uth?r i»t ot those light French ca f stitched Boow, at only 9it. at WALaH d, Sign of the Big Boot, No 43 Mam street. jj*» AUCTION SALES. >UrUKE lIAVH. *T VSLLIKfiTON «OBDIN. VnCIBLK UMAMt WT4TB FOR JLj*Ut AT AUCTIOW-WiH be told on THURSDAY. 89th Jaly. 1858, eounateneiac at half P*. J? o ®?' •» undivided moiety of two lota of on the west aide of l?th or Valley at«h- distance cf 44 feat from on tairt itm/* ~* aw Merahaß street,and running """"-lin *ree« son thwart I y 44 feet, and •Hey, •««iy ***** ** with a street Which i» to the ** "** Company, ■» Central KaHroad «f*«"e b T the lots in this city which pretendnUT to merchanta requirina UHrt wishing £££*» ° r _ Capi b "Iter the sale of the I» a <*'ediat»- ■o. 31 on the east side of said stn« ™ *°t£ * lot tiller, of Messrs Steam, SJ&^ oit front of 25 teuton 17th or Valley 120 feet to a street. which is 30 Team—Ote third will be required to be Mia upon the execution of the reed, and the residual fcier months. Interest added aecared by a trust deed, or the retention of the title by the Auction eer!,•' option of the purchaser or purchasers until the whole purchase money is paid. By or der of the Agent of the heirs at law of :he late Win. Nekeijia. W- GtlOuM, Auctioneer, jy 26 ( O^MIB6I«INEttiSsILBOKAHOUSE * AND LOT ON CHITRCu HILL—In pursu ance ot a dfcree of the Circuit Court of Chancery lor the coonty of Henrico, pronounced on the 17th day of June, 1852, in the case of Wooldridge vs Hargrove, et als, the undersigiwd actine as Com missioaer under said decree, will prceet d to sell at Public Auction, on the premises, on Saturday, the 31at day ef Jaly, 1852, at 5 o'cioc*. P M, tbat lot ot ground with the tenement and appurte nances attached, on Church Hill, corner 25th and M streets, owned and formerly occupied by John D. Hargrove. Terms—One-fourth CBsh; the remaining three fourths at 6 9 snd 12 m >titaa, respectively .interest added: the purchaser to give negotiable notes for the deferred payments, and the title to be retained until the purchase money be paid and a conveyance directed by me Court. R R. HOWISON, Com'r Sale conducted by W. GODDIN, Auct. j> 30—!aw3wdtds BY JAMES AI. TAYLOR. LtDIBER.UOU.SK ASD LOT, AT KOCK ETTS, AT AUCTION—WiII be sold, < n Fri day, the 30th inst, at 4J o'clock, P M upon the premises, the lot, situated on the North'side of Rocketts street, at its intersection wita foplarst, fronting about 70 feet on which stands a Urge building, at present occupied by Mr. J«hn Wasiey The location of this property being convenient to the principal w&arves, 4cc, is very desirable tor a house or factory. Tehms —One-third cash; balance 6 and 12 mouths, with interest, and secured by a Deed of Trust. JAS M TAYLOR, jy 23 Auct. _ KOlTli FKO9FB.4L. ' TIMORE fO NEW YOhK. Puj»cti s cio ti ing to New York, hy taking . assage to New Cattle via steamer to Frenchtown, will be taken from New Castle by the Independent line of steamers which ieave Philadelphia every day at U o'clock, A M-, (Sunday'* excepted.) and in New Ynrk early on the following morning, as fol lows. On Mondays and Thursdays, steamer Peuobscott Captain Whitaker On Tuesdays and Fridays, steamer K< nnebec, Captain Sandford- On Wednesdays'and Saturdays, steamer Dela ware, Captain Seymour. The above are first rate sea steamers, and com manded by experienced captains. By this route the heat and dust ot railroad trav eling are avoi led. A tine view f the Delaware Bay, Cape May, and the New York Bay is had, making the route a very interesting and pleasant one. Fare from New Castle to New York tl 75 " '• Baltimore to New Yoik.... 4 OJ T. CLYDE, Agent, jv 24—2w 34 S V. narves, Phil*. ALIABhK LAW BOOhs.-WokKS ON CRIMINAL LAW, lor sale by A. MOR RIS. late Diinker Ac Morris. Whreler's Criminal Law, reports of Criminal Law decided at the City Hall, city ot New York, with notes and references, by Jacoo D. Wht ele-, Counsellor at Law, 3 vols, evo. Barbour's Criminal Law, a treatise on the Criml nal Law of the state of New York ; and upon the Jurisdiction, Duty and Authority ol Justices of the Peace, and incidentally ot the Power and Duty of Sheriffs. Constables. &.c.. in Criminal Cases, ly O iver Lorenzo Barbour, Counsellor at Law, 1 vol, Bvo Aichibo'd's Criminal Fleadings, 1 vol, Bvo. Russe! on Crimes. 2 vein. Bvo. Roscoe's Criminal Evidence, 2 vols, Bvn—new ertition. jy2l ' |' 11K FOiiJiUtVIMU BOOKS), PAPERS 1 ic„ can be <ad thu day ot 'iHOs. H. GKE SHAM. 109* Bread street. i HE aRT JOURNAL tor July, containing three steel eugravings of the finest style of art —price 75c BLKaK HoUSE, part V, t-y Charles Dickens, witn two fine illustrations—price 12c BLACKWOOD for July A lew more copies stiil ol THE DISCARDED DAUt.HTLR, by Miss South Worth. author of Re tribution, &c. LONDON LABOR AND LONDON POOR, part 20—12 c ALL THE NEW BOOKS of the day, as soon as published GLKASON'S PICTORIAL for the present week, a splendid number, only 10c T. H GRE^AM, *y 24 Opposite Broad Stre>-tHot»l. *11 ffciC WAKAJib.It HOA*UH.K, 1 a fuitOfr »up,iiy of the Canton HI aid Hots, for gent.emen, of a »upenor quality. JutiN THOMPSON, jy 21 87 Main street. J At KSOM'S CaMH.Ks.-8J boxes superior Summer Candles f « r s«le by jy 24 At,LEW b CO LL.VtHif.KU AM) CLAKii-llsUnU. GAR.—Lovenng'a and Swift's, in store and tor saie by _ ■ jy 24 WILLIAMS & BROTHER. Oitf Eli AM> casks genuine Londou Porter and Scotch Ale, for sale by jy 24 WIIL'AMS ii. B'iOTHfcß. lAti.AU, PtPPEH, AM) Gil. GtR, in s'or« and fur tale by jy »4 WILLIAMS Sc BROTfIER. p OIL.—"JO bbu cheap Paint Oil for tale jy ?4 D < VKN'PORT. ALLEN ft CO. AILXOAD OlL..—'M bbls, ifcCK'vea ana lor **i« by j y 24 FRY ft McCAN'iLISH. JljPiiJtlOß NEW FLOI'U-luUi.fu.rreU, O io-iamiiy uso, for eaie t>y jy 24 FRY ft McCANDLISH. I JiK—bOO ca*k> Itrcklsnd Lime, jUJI .cceir d ex scfcr Mary Wu*, and for sale a* 1v24 Ro3fc.ili' 'V ' vro. 5 BI'KAK HOl-B, by Dicxens, jj Bla kwood's Magazine,foi Ju y, jyo.) Eag'e Square. All, Si A>i» SFiKKS.—iUOU keg. nails and Si-ikes, for sale t j close accounts It <t DUNLOP, MONCIiR®: ft CO. KAbT fUVVDKKH; Aluataid; Blacking. Indigo, Cayenne Pepper, Caatiie Sosp, Ac, for saie by W. M. DADE, Chemist and Apttaeeary, Jy 21 Wear the Old M*rfce». Qitn k.Ati V fLuIM BAUHKLs, u> t)UU good order for sale by WM. FALCON*.*, je 29 171 Main atroit. JiOCMTEtt sl'Al.Es, uisupertor quality, lor t sale by C. J. e-INION ft CO.. Bign oi the Circular taw, jy 12 71 Main «f»H. WliAi.K Oikj t oiuait* Cutfoesugar, *u3 (Owe, receiving ana lor sale by jy H EDWIN WORTH AM it CO. LlH.AivuOUfci ,UOLA»»«.», i.Attl> O OIL, Whiakey. Coal Pu Oil, N E Kutn, Karl Starch, lor aale by qr Si DAVEMPOR"*. AI.LF.K ft CO At OK ttlsAt', a Coutioriabn. uUusa ut«r oar Mora. Possession girm Ist Aa*aat MART * MOSES, jy 81 0 Mate street s —. I I I!" 1 . . AUCTION dALfe:*. I HIH |>»\ % •Y WILHWBTOW fl—>lH. - *QUsm*U LOTS M TnvZ&JPJtJZ* «*»««* AMD MICK JvmkSß »5fS3? "}* SaSSS?* sdfSs gy^ T yfyi a -* *«*• *«*"**»>, •«* «rtltoe nf4tfc rtreet, atv to Arch «|r«t Tfciuo—Ocetbi 4 euh; balaace at I aad It ■osthe far negotiable Met, Interest aAM, Hmi by a trust deed, or thie withheld iy 89 W. GODDIH. Awetr. BY ÜBOIwB J. BCIMCK. A »!M*ISTKA*OII»B MLK »f ICS AT AUcnon—o« tdrsdat aftkrmoom, the97rh instant. at & o'clock, will b» Mid at awl& without reaerve, at Carriage'* MUI, a quantity «f T*^ g * e>UU! of B*' RICHARD SEDGSWICt, a, u . J Adm'r of E M Newbeni, Mi f** to *« coador-ted kr M 583 GEO. J SUMMER, A act n ., * T «—■«■ J. »PlKtt. AT ACCTIOK. ®t 10 o'clock, at th« the i7th itfl|| Kianklio .il. 8 d Baker, «* will be sold M * * M« buataaiai of GpSg,.ES&jr£*ZJ'*•*•? Family Groyne.. Boou. **"*>* Shop and other fixtures two wtokth* fiszSi Bhjw """• Sale conducted oy GEO. J. SUMNER. __jJ ** Anctioiiper K". K W««Dt.AW« *UtV*R aA *^- Al#r i 1 '■* «»d Eveilu Oaaibu ' ■-- ■ mwa-.d efettant four Omnious wiu tnm. and a'ter to day, be ran between the city and WooA a W m !f 8 ? t 'D e *i? ng the at y *»**» at 6 o'cto£ u ?''. paMin ? U P Main »treet to Ae Ameriean Hotel, thence «p9ih aad Broa street* to Brooke Avenue, tc., over a fine road aad bimi fs , rss„ Wot '"* w » *""*"»»"•■S The 6 o'clock morning Hn< is deafened particu larly f _>r geutlemen with their families to take a pleasant morning ride, remaining at Woodlaw* about an hour— getting a fine couutry breakfast If they wish, or giving th<-m time to stroll ab i«t a wojle, aad return tj tie city by i o'clock 1 he evening line will leave the city at 9 o'clock, and return between 7 and 8 P. M. «•■»»»» The carriage will always be found ia perfect or der for ladies and gentlemen. The horse* quiet and gentle, and guided by Tom, so well known aa a skilful and experienced whip. Fare etch way, m cents. p " r,l " s wishing to go out, by g vlnjr timely notice t° the a river, will be taken fiom any jwrtwf the city tree of extra charge. jy &)—dts c n aLLKM. 'An NOTICE —lu coiisequeaea of U the course pursued by some Druggists 10 lha tale of my Medicine calculates to detract frrm tbe interest i 4 my regular agent*. 1 hereby authoriaa my agent in Rich mood to reduce the price ottba tire t0 75 Cent * Pef bottle > Uutil '"rther m- o®°''' HOKTON KEACH, 91 Main street, U the ..nly a. thonaed agent for Richmond and East ern Virginia, for the sale "f the Tar, by wholesale or retail. r P'imphleU distributed gratuitous by all n agent*. * Jy 8:1 BR. MORRIS. Ai.tIAiUMKA.-ihe undersign* a havmcpur' chased ol Mr William J Whitlow hisioterert in this iavoiite Restaurant, begs to inturm hi* ii iends and tbe puDlic generally, that he is prepared to lurnith them with all the " drlicicirs if tha season," and bein? determined to spare no effort to please,he respectfully solicits their patronage JOSEPH W. BARLOW. Richmond, Jute 14»h 183*2 The subscriber having »<na out the above estab lishment to J. W. BAkLOW, bega to ufer hia that) Its ;o bis friends tor the liberal patronage be stowed upon him whilst proprietor of the mom, arid respectfully asks a continuance of th'ir favosa tor the new proprietor. WILLIAM J WHITLOW. Richmond, June 14th, 1853. jj FIVE DOLUBS RfcWARD.-lUn 1»» Irom tue hubsciiber'« Factory, on S3i June, a negro man named LEWIS, tb« p>operty of Mra. Wate, and hired of Mr. George Wate. The said n<-gro I* about 45 ye<trs of age, of low a' at u re, black, and speaks quick. Tii»- above reward wUI be paid for his deiiverv at my Factory, opposite the Dim ville Kailroad Depot, Jliebmond. jy2?— :w* J. 8. WALKER. TO Ttlu; li'lliSlSAS U* The bouse formerly conducted by M-asra. White <fc Smith, a* an EaTING HOUSE, oa Maiuscreet, opposite tbeVa. and Fiimeis' Bank*, and n-xt door to Mr Sutherland a Gun Store, will be •p»-n t d on We!ne*it-y whcjre everything ia tnatiine ran be had on the m ist acc nunodatiag teims. The pree-nt proprietors hope, by aC OM app icatioi. to busim-si,, aud a diep isition to piease, to merit a large auare i f public patronage jy 3(—6.* 8s UNDEdS & WOODBOW. MCs IOAL liNfsTlfU v 'tNT?>.—Vioiioa, Violaa and Vioiltcelio*. Flatea, with from ll* 8 keys, Ciarionr.tu, Flageoletts, Fifea, Aeeordnotm, ltmiiui and German Guitar and Violin Pt rings, tte. FiAN .jS KtPAIKED—I harp ged the Sd: vieee or one thoiougri y experienced in toe manufactory ana repair oi i'iaiios, and can assure fiithfui work and moderate charge*. Wanted tu employ, a Cabinet Maker, or other good worker in wood. A white lad. 14 or 16 y*ar* ol ag •. wt-il recvimended, might also apply. CHEAP UMBKELLAB.—Suk, scotch Giagham ana Cambric Umorellaa, of the beat manuia.ture. I'mbielias covered with good Am risan Giagoam, .0 $1, and with the best Scotch Gingham and ttw, p-opoi Otnably low. « WM. KEITH, jy 2"— im« 200 Mai a street L.A>U, «cc.,FOK MALK. THE subscriber has for aale 117 Acre* «f J,and, 6 mile* below the city, 300 l wbich are cieared, ana the ba.aace In original *row£> ol fin* «uu oa*. tie la willing to (Utile It lli^•tnaiar farm*, if desired. Al*o, for *ale, setfaai good .Unlea, young and geatte, Dirt Carta, and on* two borae -pria* Wages, with nr.w harnrsa. Afl the above property wul be on r. aaooahla term* by appljirg to the under*igned, at toedlaaa* Mill, <laiu street, Kocketts. jeStt—fit" DAVID B. HBARP. WOGl), COK.K AM) CUAh.—The Mk tcrioer is prepared to furnish WOOD, COU or COAL as ch> ap as can be bought la town Va a at Danville Depot—office oa Pearl jCmM, opposite Albambra Hotel, and immediately under dtetsrs i'oler at Cook. Lump Coal §3 per load. ■y 33- 'iin THOM%B FOSTEt, a 'AuuaAbA V*Ai^'iftO.—Fv-r baiauee of vX ills year, a Colored MAN, to attend gardaa »nd market. Apply to BIGGEH dt PACE, at tha Ua..jeu, near Buchanan cpiii.g, or to TUOMAd M. VALEMINE. at toe roat Office. jy ai—la W AATJSB *«s FtBtHAsK, a aecowt- V* hatiU iron Ca-at. Apply at this office. jy 1" W.-».Vl'ni> to UHU t *untLtllaß«tli«f, to wait ia More. k jv 14 a. M. ZIMMEaM4IU wlftAtloN WAN t'Kl),—Two rmpectaX Ariel* (jiirls with situations aa Chamber uiaida a lid Hcuse servants. Apply to IV O A sTKECSEK * | >AHt*fc:vAjts.ltfc.- Wtuuto, two good CA»- FfcNTEKa, to work at tha hoaae ot MM Stewart, on the Brook Apply «• Ms premises, to , i iT«t-lw» GEOBGE MACK. ' - »um aiOMoccu qait£l| Mis tea ana children. Just i>wN<C <- »o, wioasa and black, with bine, jreaa aad drab uting Uaiters.lor cbiidran. ktcvfirct they wa at No 4.> Mam strtet sign of the Big Boot, Jo* Mf* tMs City Hotel, opposite side, at Jy*> W ILWL> DMa dagai. iMßtug hadtoraajb jyai 4t Dt/»LOP. MOWCOai <k OO^, s> uavtlM, *i» IV - Taaaa troaMwoM aad WMM jMk quickly a radicated by ostag Ito Vatate U ■■>«!■> o-iimaq-" jW K* tar's j,* SI 7 DAVEKPORT. ALLCV * i UtHm-IWtS'l'"** B«o uaaa, >«»» V iaa. lot aaie by jj M FIT * jNCtfMm