VOL. 8-NO 20
~uw Proprietor
»f **"* Moonlwlti i2oy
.-4 THK <• s ®AX ® F VHLA N°*
sherd s in.iur.taio boy ye kuaw
" r !' k ng Casiies lar below —
—V. h \ sunbeams fl r*t 1 see
rit-'Titn: ravs rertlaia with me.
i'sM taew ui.uln boy
r v *;v r's native Von**? is h»re.
-i> ' 1 orifck its waters clanr.
< if. in the precipice it rear*.
■4y t s receive it. a» it pout a,
i airi the mountain b->y.
- n antaifi tops are all I owr
i' v ,,r the *t;>rtr.s around m"
v til >rthto south 1 fear them fel'
r. i r above my song they sweH;
I *:u he mountain boy.
! I ;h<'t mpe-u ncath me view
V-t a r >"l st»rd ':a'u *ir so bluf,
I Si, o v them wei! Hid bid them Bfct
i>.. uro my father « humtl cot,
1 am the icounta.a boy.
The tower b»'.'. once may toll bflbw.
vnd w*toh firt-s or th"«e hUl* ykej glow,
Tm n IT: the r»tik* am rig.
iir«r.<i »h my sword and sing raj
..v. »■ TTVVin T si** bov
w.vri lifrA,
J&\ CLOCKS, JEWEOHf. Jft. 4c
C- 3 jnndr Rnd L»pull(d
thoroughly, and on-reasonable
On Governor Street,
t Op«M»«ite the l)i»pntrh Oflftp- —-.
jTjr 3 Mj- cal R xpi. Accordeooa,
i(• engraved. Clocks attend<nl roTfcjayj 2
of t.~r i'i..tOffee. ; oc *X)— -
PIAn6«.—P. B. TAYLOR is
receiving eleiiaut anr
n VSI A lain Fiaro6 from the popu'ar ma
Si • * a » ners, Nunns <fc Clark.
These instruments received the great gold medal
yr ~t ihe "ffoilds Fair,'' London, 85l; a.d
t; , tve invariably received the jirit priu at the
Ax .can Ib-titute Fairs in thi« country. They
. ibinea'l the modern improvements with the
Metallic Frame and palt ttf over strings and are
r r rdei »>v recomro nded tor siccetmi l * of tone and
f it iturttbiiUi/, which quality will be appreciated
the country, where good tuners are seldom
t .ad.
P U. Taylor has so;i these instruments in this
c.' *or the »~>st seventeen yeais to the entire satis
, :.i not his numerous customers
* -' Old I lan «ti tak.'i. iu part pay.
P: no Stools and (the largest and best
( eitlon in the Sine Violin and Guitar Strings,
and Gaitara of the b»st quality, at low
. . res. P. H TAYLOR,
Piano and Music Store,
c»c 5 160 Mtiin st'eet, xoposite tbe Banks.
wtMSsBBSfc. r ' ? V DENTIST, practiti oner since
1842. having fully tested bis reduced
prices, o tires io m;>*e known to
t- ery person that he will continue permanent, the
J..:10w rig charges tor his services; with the assur
ance thf-.t hw operations shall be perf irmed better
than ureter hi* past exorbitant fees. How so? Be
cause be and his assistants are kept in full exercise,
and make more money.
Extract tooti. i! 5 * cents, Plug w:'h silver or tin 50
rc.itf; with .-'old 75 cents; Pivot Tooth 5"? 50, Plate
T- otta upper or lower si-tta 525. with or with
• *t slfj-al gums. Ac *>o 5
gtagaub DENTAL slltttlKON.-I>r
tffffiiftifeSk K-CdANi >LER, (tradunte of the
Baltimore College ot Doiisal Surge
ry,; offers his professional services
Sc fhe citizens of Riebmon.l and vicinity
l.tnce 145 Maia street. Eagle Square.
RKKEasscKs —Professor C. B. Gibson, Profeaeor
C ?. Jottuwon, B.ev. Dr. Howell, Rev. J. B. Taylor,
Kit. Ro. Rviand, A. G. Worthaui, it. D., aad Wos.
f. Butler, E-q , Richmond.
Pruft-83jr (J. A. Harris, Professor Thoe. E. B jad,
?r lessor W R. Handy, Prof G. O. Clone, and Les
tier NuNe I) I) 8 , "altimore. se 2—d6m
"*"'"*■* SHOES. Til NKS. VALICES,
Main street, oppoiite toe Exchange Bank, respect
fully invite strangers visiting the citr. and the pub
;« generally, to call and examine their large and
compiete assortment of articles in the above line.
Their prices wilt, be found to be as low as those of
any other bouse, whether by the single pair, cUne-n
<y- ,a~d The stock enibraos —
Gentlemen's Dresa Shoes, Gaiters and Bootees
Do calf, ki*>, arid stout Boots and Bootees
Youth's foots ani Bootees, ot mwy kinda
Servant's Brogues, boune and unbound
Ladies' . J hoes, Buskins. Kids, Jennv Linds, &c
Ladies' bia.k. bronze sad Colo ed Gaiters
3uskina Boot es for servant women, various
a( jks
Misseaaad Children's r'hoes, in ereat variety
Trunks, plain Leather and Hair
''Si" A!! of which are ofer^dl at the lowest rates
i'EMBERTON 4: BRO, 16! Main st,
Opposite Exchange Bank, Richmond, Va.
17—3 m
* T A itlKKi'fNw Ot Til ft «.Ol .\CIL.
l\. of t»ie ciiv of Richmond, held Fiiday, October
:2Hh, 185-', tb' l following was adopted:
.The cancil boing .-ati-stied tot the prtiti >m of
(jorbin Warwick a d ot ers are the petitions of
one fiur'.h of the treehulders of the city, doth on
the said riiitions
Kt.gvice, That a po'>l be and the fame il hereby
directed, to take Us ■ s nse of the frT» h' ld< rs of the
city on ttv-qu" tion wh« therthe council,ou ehaifof
taeciiy. rmv "-übsc ribe to the st ck of the Richmond
and Dan. .1 e railroad company, a company ineur
po.alej for i tvor«i ,-f inter al improvement in this
iatate, (part of wtich ii to b-cois rue'ed in orn< ar
the city .) ao amourt notPxe--edin«*>OOOo; th ttbe
r i .11 b-? i hurs-'ay, tire :2d day m Decem
oernexi a d tbs»t this resolution be published for
one rrton h and afterw-rds ut til the day of the poll,
Mi ft 'e-i-t f-v i l.i. .vLpa.<"r9 of the c "»
A true copy : WM P SHEPPARD,
no Cl'k C Richmond
A 5.1. 1.1.1. fiOi'Jlft, (tXCti f UNiKMt
liANK,) tali' n »t the marKet ratea for Dry
Qortii i U ROKENFJ-XD'cS, No 175 Broad st,
wbt-re the »■ »U*«t bargains will be offered tn <•' ery
, ; r . ch as KtwltißHi Cash m:re», F socb
British Mwiuos, plain sni rieured Alpaca,
l>\ks. t r.hruifl rips in geeal variety, Hcsit ry
•Tinves. Cue'nis'tles, Slot;Vt.'S, ' '►liar*, CarpeUi,
fttank u, Fit.liwis. Cloths, t'ssntnerr*, Satinets.
Ketsey*, l.in«i:ya.&c; Cotton Cloth f'oro 4 crrta to
H UOSKNFc.I I), 175 Broad street.
*jC 2-i— IUI *
CLilTHIiNti n fUKt, Itti
tialu Kirwt, lUchuvoiid. Vu.. —The sub
ncr.bera wou.d rr*S|>ectfuliy tall .heait' i tion of the
cit:z -iirhsiioud and the surrounding ciuntry
to\ery .ifa" -ud w1! selected stookof Ready
Made fleihitigt of ev<*y style and
quality for Fad 'in J Wioter w<«r, all whi<'h we gar
i hr lee to sell low* r than any Goods of the same
quality i» the ci-v of Richmond We therefore, iu
vite ell wixi wteh to obuiu a good ariMwe at a very
low priori to "ive us a c^li
Ait. j. h very Urge aud aeioct stock of geutiemens
Furou-hiug ftoods.
fee 25-&n R. r)K*<)U & CO.
IOHT. -<Ja tiuiiday «v< ninrf eveni; g tsst be
-d iwntatMC'irSHrol leigh and 6th s'reeUi and
\n Paul's church, a small Slack Port Wofroalr,
<"on!Hin>'»g a #i'l Bank of tb t Villeyuote, a «S
North *'arolinsi aote, B.itae <ilvet. not re
cti ,) an ► ijmtry receipta. The huder will ir
nihaM" n-WirJ&l by l*-a» it at th** utsoatcb of
fice* if l '¥t :;,c. "if y bon at to do this, the own
or would lb n* u :n to return tin P »'t Mot'iini di
rected to tnc ' Diejjatcii," through th" post l ifi e, asi
t;« value ft «o<ue remioixcinces coni»»cu.d wi'b
oe 30
i\T tsTI. K. —II p»isi«is icd«b"'d to WM M.
I* X>H» A 4k OO.or
6c SNKf.i., 41 ft ft nsa*e tm'^e'llswpay
.'neiit to irie. JAM KM A HNELL,
»«97—ti Adminiairator of Wa H. ijiwW
> tUIIV .V • ■•«!> WANTI'D.-A second
- J ii rs'l >m-, ba' little stt'd, preferred. Address
i>o>. 507 Post (HC'.e. «c Bft
RKV. ill. IK HOliK'S BO AUDI N<j
AND DAY SCHOOL, Corner «f Frank.
Iln and sth Street*, Richmond, Va.—The
next terra of th s Institution will commctice on the
Ist of October. The course of study will embrace
blithe branches pertaining to a thorough English
education, together with Ancient and Modern Lan
guaKrs. Last year more then 100 pupils were in
attendance at the same time, but during the next
tern the number will be restricted to 100—twenty
of whom will be received as boarders in the family
of the Principal. Charge for board, washing and
a.! usual accommodation*, for ten months, $220
as heretofore. Tuition in English, Irom 825 to
*40, according to the advancement of the pupil.
1 reuch. Spanish or Italian, $20; Latin, $15 ; Music
o« p«*r montii. The German Language will be
taught orally, or by the usual method, to as many
as may wUh to acquire it, frctoj charge.
Kev. J. P. SAKKORD will occupy the position
which was filled by the Rev. W. J Hoge last year.
Mr. Safford is a gentleman of varied and accurate
scholarship, and has had several years experience
as an instructor in some of ths best institutions in
our country.
Young Ladies from the country, as well as from
tb» city, are desired to be present on the first day of
Use session. It is often a serious inconvenience
and discouragement to a pupil to enter a class
which has made even a week's progress.
Payments invariably in advanc—one-balf on the
first of October, the oiher on the first of March.
All communications will receive prompt atten
tion. Address Rev. M. D. HOGE,
au 'J7—dAtwOm Richmond. Va
#!>hTKUCTIO> ON Til*, fi.
VOCAL MUSlC.—Profeimor Brandt
respectfully informs th- citizens ql Ricn
mond that he intends giving lnssonaJon thr* rftiuve
"mentioned instruments, and also in the higher
branches of Vocai Muaic, to commence on the loth
of Noven ber next.
Prof B. having had an experience of eighteen
years in the profession, and having successfully
taught in several of the largest Seminaries in the
South.now offers his services to the different Fe
male Seminaries, as well as to the citizens of Rich
mond generally, tar advanced scholars will have
the benefit of beins accompanied on the Violin
Professor Brandt is permitted to refer to the Rev
Dr. Jones, and to the Rev. Dr. Leroy M. Lee. All
orders received at Mr. P. H. Taylor's Music Store,
where references can be seen. no B—2w8—2w
DRAWING. —J. S. PERKINS having return
ed to Richmond for the winter, will give in
struction in the various branches of Drawing, as
Landscapes, Heads, Figures and Flowers. His sub
jects or models are by the best masters, and have
been selected with a view to attract and interest the
beginner, while they cultivate a correct taste, and
gradually lead the pupi! to a bold and independent
style of execution that will readily enable him to
draw from nature.
All lovers ot this art are invited to call at his
rooms (corner of sth and Franklin streets) and ex
amine his portfolios.
Lessons given at the pupils' residences, if desired.
Separate hours devott-d to young Gentlemen and
young Ladies at his studio, where they will be re
ceive d on the same terms as in schools.
At,!, SMALL BOY*.—ll. P. TAYLOR, Bth
street, between Grace and Franklin—My
School being exclusively for beginners, I give spe
cial attention to Reading, Correct Enunciation,
Grammar and Spelling; also to Geography, Map
Drawing, Arithmetic and History. Specimens of
my boys' composition *nd writing, may be always
seen at the Dispatch office. My Bale is peremp
tory, but as gentle as possible. Ec 9
Professor at the German St. Mary's Institute, corner
of Marshal! and 4ib streets, has the honor toinform
the public, that he will give instruction in German,
what regards a correct speaking, reading andwri
ting of that Ungnage. He will also give lessons iu
playing the piano, as well as in drawing in all its
branches. The daily instructions begin with the Ist
day of NewrjltwwiiJ, lauihCJti? o'clock P. M.
oc 16—lm*
CLOTHING, t!LO THlNG.—Selling off at
and below cost, for cash, a good stock of
Ready Made Clothing, still to be disposed of. Most
of the small notes will be taken for Goods. Call
soon if you wish to getjsonae bargains in Clothing,
at the cheap store of P. DORNIN,
SO Main street.
j^f'Storefor Rent. oc 23— d 1 m
Dl -SOLUTION. —Tne co-partnership here
tofore existing under the tirm ot L. &. M.
ROSE, is this day, by mutual consent, dissolved.
September 16th, 1852.
The subscriber, in returning his roost sincere
thanks for the very liberal pationage so kindly be
stowed on the old firm, begs to inform his old cus
tomers and the citizens generally, that he has just
returned from the North with an entire new stock
of Fall Goods, amongst which may be found
handsome designs in Silks Silk Velvets, Mouslic
do Laine, Cash meres, Merinos, Alpacas, and an ex
tensive assortment of crape, long, square and thib't
Shawls; also, a very large assortment of Flannels,
Blankets, Keiseys, <fcc. <tc., and almost
every article usually kept in a dry goods house,
which will be sold on the most reasonable terms.
oc 6—2 m 203 Broad street.
Itf Hoverbop street,
Have in store their Fall stock ot French and
American t-APER HANGINGS of every quality
and style, purchased from the best factories in tbis
country ana Prance, many of them very rich and
elegant Also, a very complete ai-sortment of cur
tain goods, cornices, gimpo, Ust'.i, corns, bunds,
window shades, in threat variety, w ndow blinds
curtain paper, buff Holland for shades, a ssperior
stock of floor oil cloths, coco matting, curled hair
and shuck mauiesses. leather beds, bolsters and
pillows, <,f the benr quality, with many other arti
cles, ia our line, all of which will be sold on fair
terms, and Paper Hanging end Upbotstering done
in town or country, at the short* st notice and by
the best workmen. seiti—3m
e/lttft i)UK!>M SUIT*.— Keceved this ww:k,
i large supplies o< fine black and Frock
black anii rich fancy ->iik and Veivet Vests;
bWek and Fr nch and Cats Can s;
new styles fancy Business Costs A Wo, a large lot
of (Jentiemeu'b Undei Shirts and Drawers, A.c, At
Call at the Uomj Savings iostKuUon of
No 102 -«mq aire.'!.
N B—Also, every style Ofer Coats ia use, very
low OO -29
TMMiWAf* A' Vil \U.I>KS KLLIH die Ud.
Ha VK removed thair office u> No. liS Main at —
Entrance on 11th etrnec two doors above the
Kschan».-e Hank in tic rixxn formerly occupied aa
the " Richmond Library.""
tieim: r,iijtivt*di »n closing their busm a», thoj !>e-
Quest ai! persons indented to them to c*'l aui ae'ifc
their «ec. "ill/»t« Sim
\bVV WIN rHK UOOUI.—I a.a io-l lu
reoffiptof «rco'd a.'M. rtmt-nt cf new Wlntrtr
Goods amont'st wbioti m*y be found a variety of
oeautitnJ Ctoibs, fuey and plain Caasiraerea, and a
rich lot of Cut Velvet Vestinjra, whi-:b 1 will be
baL»? to makenpin mv fc»ual*tv!e
Draper and Tailor,
no 1- 2«r I4th street, jt' xtb-'g-<-
hB away i.oui tt»r »ut»-
■J)«U rentier, about foo w»eks a«o. my negro
man VVARNFtt fie is a tolerably stov ne. r ;ro
tr-O'tttive feet ive or six inches bluh —has » very
tbort tool, a p/ea»ioi; coook«ao®e *i> -n spoken to
f not crosaed, and a remarkable sawli ear
veisre rather •...ail ai»d fail—Uts toit.rably biyh
cbwk bonea and r-.a.idf oe I give the
r«»n rd for tbe sale d» livery of Warner to me, io
K.iag William or to N H iCH lliii, in Richmond
■ «;3JV—dl4t fl B MISLH.
FoKtUnK COH 91 —I be r«*ipt w.th
fuH in»"« -tion* in tb i eleem.t ar.d ■eauti f ul
irpii-V>m ut of Inlaying and ornaonenting Pa
pier Maebe, (whereoy ffem 410 to $2 per week
may be obiidmd will tw» f >rw«rded "0 ail who will
eiieioae&l. if u> na'd to Messrs hPRINO It CO, 41
Heoocd street Baltiioare, »ld Numerous iadi •
j[»ntiera>'n «re 0"« employed and reahatng a
hruido m ■ iu'-. (n«#n ttu v tluahle receipt, which
io ma le so pUau b* the inatruolkMi Mto tue< t the
capacity eveu of ebiidrttu. oe 96—1»*
Main Mreet. Klehmaid, V*.
Wplcndid Scheme* for November. 1533.
Brilliant Lottery for Not. 13, 18A3.
#50,000 Grand Capital—2s prizes ol 10,000,
Grand Consolidated Lottery, CUss Y, to be drawn
at Baltimore on Saturday, November 13th 78 nam
tiers, 12 drawn.
grand capitals :
1 prize of. $ 0,000 I 194 prizes of $400
2-of. 10,000 1 dec, Ac.
Tickets $15, halves 7 50, quarterß 3 75.
Certificates of a package ol wholes $200. halves
100, quarters 50.
$35,000, 17,.>00, 7 500 !
Susquehanna Lottery, Class 47, to be drawn in
Baltimore, «Vednesday, November 17th. 75 num
bers, 14 drawn.
1 prize of $35,000 I 20 p-izes of $750
lof 17,500 10 of 400
1 of 7,500 I 10 of 300
lof 3,67 a | 100 of 200
Tickets $10, halves 5, qrarters 2 50.
Certificate of a package of wholes $100, halves
50, quarters 25.
$36,623. 7 ot t>,soe, 10 of 3,500 !
Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 29, to be
drawn st Baltimore on Saturday, Nov. 20th. 7<J
Nos , 12 drawn.
capitals :
1 prize of t36.fi.-3 I 20 prizes of §1250
7of 6 500 20 of 65t'
10 0f..... 3500 | 162 of 317
Tickets S10; halves 5, quarters 2 50
Certificate of a package of whole# $130; halrea6s,
quatters 32 50.
831,000, 8,146, 5 of 3,500!
Susquehanna Lottery, Class No 48, to be drawn at
Baltimore on Wednesday, N jv. 24th. 78 numbers,
14 drawn.
capitals :
1 prize of $3l.0"0| 10 prizes of 81500
lof 8,146 10 of. 1000
sof 3,509 I 30 of. 500
5 of . 2.000 1 30-2 of 287
Tickets #10; halves 5. quarters 2 50.
Certificate of a package of wholes §120; halves 60,
quarters 30.
SpletidH Lottery for Nov. 27th.
880,000, Grand Capital—4o 000, 23,665, 3of 10 000.
Twenty drawn numbers in each package of
twenty-five tickets
Grand Consolidated Lottery Z, to be drawn at
Baltimore on Saturday, Nov. 27th, 18r-2. 78 Nos.,
20 drawn.
I prize of. ¥80,000 10 prizes 0f....81000
lof 40,'00 10 of 750
I of 23,655 10 of 500
3of 10 000 100 of 40P
4of 5 000 1000 of 300
Lowe t2 No prize 850; Ist. 2d, 3d 4th or sth
drawn Nos 832; 6th. 7lh.Sth, 9th or 10th, $25; 11th,
12th, 13th. 14th or 15th, S3O; 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th
of 20th, 8.6. Tickets 832 : halves 16, quartersß.
Certificate of a package oi wholes 836 C; halves
180. quarters 90.
IJgr" Orders for tickets in any of the Maryland
Lotteries will meet the most prsrnpt and con
fidential attention, if addressed to
R FRANCE &. CO., Maaasers,
Or to C. W. PURCELL, Richmond, Va.
no 2
In. Co, Richmond, Ist Nov, 1852.—The Board
of Directors of this institution have declared a se
mi annual dividend of 14 per cent, out of the earn
ings of the last sis months: 10 per cent, there I
payable to the stockholders or their legal agents, on
or after the 15th .net, and four per oent. tberoof to
be patsed to the contingent fund.
The transfer book will, as usual, be closcd an til
the 15th instant.
no I—dtnls Secretary.
H E attention of th« ladies ia respecliuily cabled
to our extensive stock of Dress Goods, com
prising goods from the lowest to the finest qualities
at unusually low prices Also to the largest and
hand j omes4 assortment of ribbons, tiurences. satins,
nirciJiaglwilUWet and mantilla velvet kept io any
store in the city and at less prices ; 100 drzen linen
cambric hdktsat $1.25 per dozen, 100 dozen linen
towels at 81 per dozen j needle work goods of all
kinds in great variety; alpacas, merinoes and thi
"ets of nil shades and cheap; flannels, white, red,
blue and yellow, very cheap; with a complete stock
of Domestic Goods and Servantß' Wear, to which
we again r.-spcctfully call the attention of pur ;ha
Persons purchasing by the piece ;>r dozen
would do well to give us a call.
no 2 193 Broad street
CO. may be consulted, oonfidentially, for the
treatment of the folkiwing diseases: Eruptions.
Sore Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, or en
largements, Syphilis, and all morbid discharge*
whether recent or chronic. Also, all those com
plaints termed female diseases. The advertisers
invite attention to their chemical extract of Wild
Flowers, which may be regarded as the very best
article known, to give tone and vigor to oertait
abused aud debilitatodorgaEUj.asweiiastoreiH/vatf
a system shattered by dissipation or other cause.
Medicines securely put up, with full directions,
ind sent to order. Post paid letters promptly at
tended to. Office on Franklin street, below Ex
change Hotel, and first door below Trinity church
Richmond, Virginia f" u
tI-TER AND JOINER, thankful for the liberal pa
ronage which ha ha? reoeived during the last live
years, would inform his friends and the public that
he ts prepared to undertake BUILDINGS oi every
kind on accommodating terms.
Having u practical kuowk dge of tLe business, h
hopes, by strict attention to it, to give sakstaofcun to
all who may employ him.
Shop on Bth, between Grace aud Pranklin streets,
Ri bmond, se 13—dttJ
I jw> ||.ua. —<ne tbom«nd Likenesses
fjp x •" fUy have been token at OSBORN't? D«
guerreac Gaue'ies since the reduction f prires.—
And we d w wi'h it understood by oil that Osborn
wrfl continue to laken.it; -vky Light Miniature* is a
neat case tor $ I K*u*mber. t»M. is the only place
wb<r* Kky Miniatures arc token for Si. To
those that thiuk one doNaf is too ebeap for a good
we would only say, call and get a Lnte
ae«a worth ti or $10. Remember the plaae.
Opposite the Banks, sign of the Asoericsn Ptaas
J AS. A. iSNKIjL, Agent tor MiLLISON
BNKLL, fcas t«k«n itie stand Ko 29 west Mait
ttreet, Lately occupied by JllO. A. Swell &. Co., (uid
has just a p»rt, sd4 by Wednesday next,
will have iaebti'e new «f>ek of Staple and
Fancy Dry <Joodx, a:«i aoiic
tta ihs patronage <y tbo iriand* of tht; lito Brn» of
Jno A. Sneli it Co,, Barnea & SneU wwd Hugh
Hil-igh. oc ll l —U •
The "übucrtii'.r •oficJta tht» attention of Tobac
co Mariofwi"*"* f* hi" superior Prexses and Mills,
of e»ory d**cri|>tio«. P RAHM,
Ka Foundry, Cary below Peart street,
ao 21 —ft. a
I I a*n prepared tor maniac in tfte beat manner.
Mills and P«-*ses of every description. Orders oc
tidied. U. MAI DWIN,
noß— dlinw4t* No 148 Main St., Richmond.
HKK.KINti'*: 11 Kitltinail oW»
Painiiy Roe Bcrrmta
50 bbis No 1 babiaxUerrln(ja
50 do No 2 d<> do
In store and for sale low by A- B. LMK.
ma 10—u
II KMaVAL.—f M KOHKRT.idN, Merahaot
IV T&iV-.r, info ms his friends and 'he public tha
he has removed his Tailoring Establishment from
Governor street to the store on Mais s«e*t, next to
Meaais & Brother's, where h» will be
plmts»d to »ec-«nrnod«te tbem toe, Irt—ts
WANTSU-I'or toe Mits* >i Ue year, a
Colored Nurse, f irood character, for
whom. tr>«%ah|Uest price will he given. Apply at
ihit olflce. °
ANTKU7 • «'>-d €'o*K, W«»ber ud
v |jlK>*t C<»1) L.IVKH OIJL.—A Itoab »«p
--» pi, duvau
BO 9 M« 14S Mala oof MT iaA»t>
CO., Importers and Dealers in
Earthenware. China and Glass
\ I Mytf bave received by ships Empire
State, Sheridan and Forrest State,
from Liverpool, their fall stock of
Earthenware and China, direct from the manufac
turers making their stock iarge and complete; and
by arrivals from the nor hern cities, they are re
ceiving their suoplieg ofGlass Ware, both rich and
plain. Looking Glasses and Fancy Articles, well
adapted to the country and city trade.
Merchants visiting our city may be assured of
having inducements offered whish will induce them
to make their purchases w tb us
s?* Front Iron Building 101 Broad ?t
#MAH4* FOK BALU*—I nave re
ceived airect fri m London per "Prinre Al
bert," a veiy superior donble action
41 arp, I ondoD make. which 1 am anxious
to d:«pose of. This Harp has been fully tested by
Miis SULLY, one of our most successful and ac
complished teachers upon that inatiumect, and pro
nounced by her to be of superior tone and actior
Miss SULLY will take pleasure in showing the
Harp at her residence, on Ma shall, between sth
and 6th streets.
oc 29 O A. STRE^KFR
Main Street, have in store, and are recelv
in?, large additions to their stock of Drags,
.Medicines, Hnrsews' Instrumental
Paints, Oils, Dyes, Window Glass and
Fancy Articles, which they ofter feu- sale on the
moat favorable terras tj cash Had punctual dealer >
VALIO£S, Carpet Hags, &c—Having re
ceived most oi ray Fal l#t'ck of the aWe articlt s, se
lected by myself and pur' has* d of the manufacturers
for cash, I beg a call from my customers and the
public, flattering myself that 1 can off r them better
bargains and articl- s than ever, not withstanding the
rise in the boot ard shoe market. Among my as
sortment will be found Ladies' Gaiters, thick and
tnin sole, foxed and tipped, of various prices ; La
dles' Morocco Gaiters •cd Lace B»>ts thicfc and
thin soles; Ladies' Morocco and G >at Buskins ; Mo
rocco S'ips and Ties, &.C.. and an endless vari«tyot
iJentlemen's, Boys'and Children's Boots and Shoes:
Servants' Boots and Shoes, and a large assortment
of Trunks.
Sign of the Boot, just below City Hotel, opposite
19 Pearl Street, offV-r f>r gale, of direct
Importation, and American manufacture—
3000 dozen Tiible Knives and forks, every va
2000 dozen Pen »"d Pocket Knives, every vriety
100 do Razors of Rodgers, Wade 6l Butch
er, and Wostenholm's manufacture
200 dozen Scissors and Shears, various quali
2500 pair straight and fins twisted link Trace
300 doz Pad, Chest, Cio9et and Till Locks, as
100 dozen Stock Locks, assorted siz«s
50 do Htm, Knob and Mortice Locks, with
Brass, White and Mineral Knobs
200 dozen Rowland's, Ames' and other makes,
Spades and Shovels
50 dozen Hay and Manure Forks
300 do Curry Combs, of all qualities
200 do Axes ot Virginia's. Collies', SimJ
diod'i, and other's manufacture
100 dozen Hammers and Hatchets
200 Coal Hods. various sizes
2 0 Fenders, Brass, Wire, and Pierred Iron
15.000 lbs Naylor's and Marshall's Cast Steel,
square, round, and octagon shapes
1000 dozen embracing every variety and
size of Hand, Cross-cut, Pit and Milt Saw,
and FlaJ Bastard
150 Double and single Barrel Percussion Guns,
part fine quality
500 thousand G 1) Percussion Caps
Together with other articles kept in the Hardware
Merchants and others visiting Richmond, woald
find it to tneir interest to give us a call—which we
respectfully solicit- seal
ON ANY OTHER ROUTE—and still making the
trip in little over 2 and a half days to the WbiU.
Schedule for Comfort.
Leave Richmond daily, at 6£ A M ; and arrived
at White Sulphur in 2 and a half days A tri-week
ly line leave® Staunton for White Sulphur by Natu
ral Bridge, nn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
arriving at the White Sulphur in the same time.
Schedule for Expedition.
Those who are willing to eucouuter some night
travel for the sake of expedition, cau procure extra
Stages a* Staunton, leave at 4 A M. and reach White
Sulphur second day from Richmond, at IX o'clock
P M.
Between Richmond and White Sulphur Springs,
passing the Warm and Hoi Springs, 811 00
Betweea Richmond and Lexington, 7 00
do do Staunton, 5 00
do do Charlottosvike . 350
do do Lynchburg, 4 50
do do Culpeper C. Hocse, 450
Through Tickets
Can be obtained to New York and Philadelphia,
by Bt-*amshipa Roanoke, Virginia and Philadelphia,
jy 2 EH '•ILL. fuperintend''nt.
certainly the most lite-like Daguerreotype*
we have ever seen—so say persons almost daily, oc
visiting our rooms We endeavor to make th m
appear natural and life like, in position, expression
and finish, and how fa: we succeed, we feave the
public to decide; and we are p ea»«-d to say that
onany decide in our favor, daily VYe invite ail
who may wish Daguerreotypes, std the public in
general, to call and * xamine cur Pictures, our se
lection of Cases. Frames, Lockets, Pins and prices,
and after such examination you U-irvk you can be
better suited elsewhere, we will think just as much
of you ao if you had patronized us. Unless we
merit your patronage we do not wish it
Daguerreotypists and dealers in Stock,
35j Main st, (Mansion House) Richmond, and
fhrcMTKirp «t. Pptftf«hurp. Va t-v 31
Sts. iLKP will be ie«elved at
the Engineer's Office Staunton till the >4lhda% of
Nov, 1852. for ih* Grading and Masonry of fifteen
miles ot the Vir«in>a Central Rail R>>ad, extending
from Crawford's, twenty miias west ef Staunton. to
Panther Gap, a distance of fifteen miles in mile sec
tions. .
Proposa's will also be received for haulm; the
iron rails.chairs, spikes &c, axioss the mountain
fr m Meech Jin's river, for the road, from the weat
side to Staunton, a of Isfiiiifs ; ard hlw
for furnishing the ties, and laving down the »uper
atruciard. (Separate bids may be ose eJ for tne
The ties to be of White or Post Oak, eight feet
long, hewed on parallel aides to a thickness of six
inches wi'ha face of not iess than eight inches,
and the oark token from the ether s'des. Proposals
will also be revived f. r a bridge of eO feet span ft
word or iron, at Christian's creek ; alto ior depots
at Wavneaboroueh and Staunton. Plans «nd pro
filet will be ready from the £th to the 14tu ox rlo
verr.ber. .... . ,
Sattffuctory references will be required.
By order of the Board.
[Times. Enquirer and Republic* n. c py ] oc 4
Chaa. tt. Harrsw -Joho A Hyr*e*».
No. 165, Maw St»**t, (**»«.* opp-'irra
WHKKK they will th*nktu!£
promptly execute all work entrusted to
B Orders from the country reajjectfally so
Koto-d. w W - im
NOTICK.— All persooa indebted to 1* byte*
of PEAKS. BRADLEY * CO. either by Bond
or open account, are earnestly req to cr«rne
forward and settle tb-m. as no longer indulgence
will be given These account* «e oi long stanf tng
and must oe settled
Also, all persona Indebted to «u, whose •***«■
are dun, are ivtfoMte 4 to aettle them spe«d<l? for
we are determined to hava them s ttled without
An U«« r wi h BUiy Bowlegs,
Editors Delta:-I wag in Tampa Bay
wheu Billy arr ved from his northern tour, and
being desirous of knowing how he wu pleas
ed, 1 invited him to call on me the next morn
ing. Atthe appointed time, Billy arrived at
my office, and after giving h;m something to
drink—» hich ifyou should happen to omit,
you would be very sur« to incur the displea
sure of Billv—l asked him to describe his trip
to me; and he comm°nced. 'Well,' said Billy,
'in our trip frotn Fort Meyers to Savannah*!
saw nothing but what I had been accustomed
to see every day, and I began to doubt if all
the tales I had heara about the great cities
were true, but when I arrived in Savannah 1
thought to myself that the while people were
not sujh great liars, after all, and when I got
to Charleston and the other cities, as 1 pro
ceeded. I found ouc I had not been (old half.'
'I like the steamboats,' said Billy, 'when
ihey go on smooth water; but when they go on
the big water, they make me feel bad. And
the railroads, how fast they do go—you can't
see the trees hardly, but! think I bad a pony
before the war that could run with them. Oh,
yes! the railroads run fast; but I think my
1• iy could beat them. When I got to Wash
iiigion I saw the Great Father. I had always
understood that he was an old man, aa<l 1 was
surprised to see him look so young. The
Great Fatherbas white hair, but his chrtks
are round, like mine; I think he is about the
same age as myself. I told the Great Father
that i came there for justice, and I didn't want
him to suppose 1 came there to beg. 1 told
him he was a great man and I was & great
warrior. Oh, yes'l saw the Great Fathe ,in
the White House, I told him that no one could
scare tne from Florida; if I wanted to go, I
would, iff did not,l would not.'
'I saw plenty of squaws. They all looked
verv pretly, but they all locked alike. I went
to Sew York My God! what a big place.—
So many people and wagons.' 'Any children,
Billy,'asked 1? 'My God! don't talk—there
is nothing but children. I like Washington
better than New York,fjr in Washington you
have plenty of room to walk; ia New York the
road is full of people, just like grass. The
Great Father and everybody gave me presents,
but 1 couid cot bring half'
After he had finish* J about the journey, he
said: 'I told the Great Father t would see
tnv people, and try leave next spring. I told
bitn I wanted to stay in Florida this winter.*
He dislikes any one to question him about
the number of wairiors in his tribe. Someone
asked: 'Billy, how many have you in your
tribe?' ? He immediately answered—"My
self, five more, and old Abraham,' (the negro
interpreter)—meaning the delegation.
When ii was titnp for him to leave, he shook
hands, and said—'You must give nte aootnei
drink.' As Billy never lets an occasion to im
bibe pass, we were obliged to'pour out.' Af
ter visiting some uiore of his friends, Billy be
came .-'o unmanageable, that General Biake
thought it best to send him down to Fort Mey
ers. Just as he was embarking, a crowd path
ered round to see him. Some one said—'The
Cow-bovs will be after you, Billy, if you don't
tnove soon.' 'D—a the Cow boys!" said Bil
ly; 'one of my men can whip a dozen of them!'
Billy is very abusive when intoxicated, and
cursed every one who happened to come in
his way He was sitting down when the boat
left, and some one asked him to give the war
whoop; he jumped up, and gave some of tne
loudest veils I have ever he trd fro*n an In
dian. Billy Bowlegs is about five feet eight
inches in height, rather stou>, his e round face,
and an expression one never forgets. He is
said (o be possessed of more cunning than any
other Seminole Chief that ever lived. Gene
ral Twiggs tried severul times to entrap him,
but always failed. It is my opinion ha will
never leave Florida until driven oat by hj
army. I am certain he will not go next
s P rin s- „ M
You rp, W.
A Man Killed bv a Snakk.—The Lon
don papers contain accounts of a coroner's in
quest held the 22d October, on Edward Hora
tio Girlin?, killed by (he bite of the Cobra at
the Zoological Gardens. The jury went first
to view the body and afterward* to see the
serpent in its cage. Mr. Mitchell, the secreta
ry of ihe Zoological society, explained to them
the proper manner of removing thr venomous
reptiles, by means of a wire, which obviates
all danger in the operation of cleaning tne
cells'. The serpf nt was taking the water when
the jury called. It is shout five teet long, with
a Sat, broad head, and yellow mark at the back
of its neck.
Mr. G. F. Buriletr the surgeon who re
ceived the case, described the condition in
which the deceased was brought to the hoa
pita!. When first seen, he appeared uncon
scious and ver} His face was livid, and
his respiration very imperfect. He moaned,
but could not speak, and pointed ohisthro.it.
He was placed in bed, and artificial respira
tion and galvanism res ried to. Ni. stimu
lants were given, »« he was unable (O swal
low. The action of the h-art was kept up !>>
artificial resi iration lorty minutes alter natu
ral respiration hud ceased, but galvanism had
no f ff.-ct. There were ten small puuctuies 01
wounds on the nose—four on the right, and
six on the left side. The li.rgest was about
the sixth of an inch in diameter, and it bud
penetrated about the eighth of an inch, nearly
to the nasal bone.
Ttie lace of deceased continued to get more
and more livid, and af er ueaib it extended
down the neck below the clavicles. I tie post
mortt m examination diseased no unnatural
appearance < f the brain. The lungs were less
collapsed tnan usual, and at the tiai:k« con
gested an.) quite blacK. Trie deepest puncture
hud been constantly since death exuding «
ihin hloodv fluid.
B» the Foreman—We did not kpply any
thing to the wounds, a* the case was teolur
gone for it to have b'ennf service.
Th« Coroner remarked that the mosteertain
remedy would have been for soin- to
have sucked the woond Itie instant after tue
bite.it any one could have been found having
the boldness to do it.
Edward Btewart, who looks afirr the bum
ming birds ut the g»r 'ens, sai.l that he sod
deceased lrf< the gardens at si* o'clock on
Tuesday, and he retained stioitlv before six «u
Wednesday morning, w«* in the reptile room
with the deceased wti«D the a cidem hippeu
ed. A lntle afur eight o'clock he was going
out of Hie dcor with a basket of larks. !>•-
ceased was then by the snake glass. He lif.ed
up the glass, and lookout the"B >ceo" snake,
and held it up b* its oerk. W I'ness ran to
Girling, and ski , "For God's sake put *t ha-rk
again."' G'rluic liugned, and said, 'I a«»
inspired," mid then lilted tie snake on o aril
ness s shoulder, and let it run round his neck.
Witness said, 'For God's aake put it »«a| *
Girling then put the snake in, and then caiu
down tu where the "Cobra" *a<, and •■id.
'"Now l«»r the Cobru"
W tnes* again exclaimed, "F» G 'd*» stU',
leave off-what are jon about!'' D ''-en# -d
look the-'Cobia" out of the ca-e. and pat n
inside h's wai-Me tat, an I it crawls I * rofiml
from the right sids and ••>un* ou' at the l< f
•ids of his waistcoat. G.rliug drew it ou
and was holding the "Cobra" tk.
head and the middle of tbe body, whan it mirf.
a dart at his ftce. and he (witneaa) «&«* tbe
blood on Girling's nose, and Girling called '
oat,"Run for Hunt," and witness did so, and
was much frightened. When witness retard
ed he found the "Cobra" back in its case. He
supposed it must have been placed back tbera
by the deceased.
Trial for Murder in Kingston, Ca.—
Lanrence Henrattv, who was ind.cted tor mar
denng b.s wife on the 21st of September, was
tried in the Kingst >n Arizes on the l«t iost
and found guilty of,he charge. The prisoner
is an old man, apparently seventy years of ace
a pensioner and has lost an arm in service
r rom the following evidence given on the trial,
it appears to hare been one of the moat brutal
murders ever perpetrated. The witness stated
that on the —Ist of September, he went down
to prisoner s house, and found him beating her.
He was beating her out of doors; near the door
the deceased was crouched down, partly on
her right side, with her head before the pnson *
er s feet: prisoner had a scythe blade ia his
hand, which he held by tbe hilt or nib, with
the back ol which he was striking her oa the
head and other parts; he continued striking her
from the time witness could see them; heard her
twice saying, "Larry, Larry witness twice
begged prisoner ' for mercy sake" to stop, and
to put by the scythe; he did so; witness asked
if he might take her home with him, and priso
ner assented; asked her if she was able to go;
she answered "No!" in a feeble voice; witness
then tried to lift ber, but she could not aland;
prisoner then applied some very abusive epi
thets to her, and kicked her, as witness thinks,
on the upper part of the thigh; the witness then
took her ioto the house, the prisoner continu
ing to use abusive and violent language to
her; she was not able to sit up; prisoner stood
on the floor; deceased said , "Larry, I'm not
bad; you are bad, but you are the best of
your breed;" prisoner then repeated the offen
sive terms, nud made at her again; kicked her
on the side of the head, on the breast and ato
tn■ eh, three or four times; had a pair of heavy
old boots on; he then dragged her to tbe door
by the hair of the head; when he got her to the
door he could not drag her out head-foremost;
took her by the l«g, lifting it as high as his
knee, ami kicked her with violence on the low
er part of the bod); deceased moaned, bat ne
ver spoke afierwnids; after she was out doors,
he kicked her again repeatedly, mostly on the
bead; witness now dragged he'r into thehoase;
she was quite insensible, and almost dead; wit
ness saw blood on her head, and on the ground
before the door, when he first went down; pri
soner applied a disgusting epithet to her, say
ing, "You'll not get out of my hands this time
with your life;" she said, "Larry ! you're Song
threatening this—go on."
OOlee of Superintendent Street*,)
November4th Ids* >
ll shls will be roc»ived at thi* offioe until IS
o'clock on THURSDAY, the llth November, 1838,
fir toe extension of the Pronklin street city culvert,
from the western side ot 18th street to a point tboM
mid way between 19th and JUth streeta, (about 530
teet > Th>- depth will be from 10 to 11 feet to the
top of the bottom flag. The flat; (tone* are to be of
uard k unite not leas thun 9 inches thick, and to ex
tend thoroughly across and under the side walks,
which are to be 2 feet thick at bottom and 1J feet
(hick at top Its capacity will be 9 fe. t wide aud
3 feet ni t 'h, clear, and to be covered with strong
granite slabs, «nd all the maaonry laid in good oe
meat mo'tur. The contractor will be required to
oil in the earth over the culvert and remove the
surplus earth from the street as the work progTßSsea.
state the price per running foot.
The estimate was made at •"* per foot, and oe bid
hig tier than that will be entertained
| The pers nto whom the contract u awarded
[ most enter into oovenant with security, for the
prompt and faithful execution of the work within
ten days af er the date of the award, or his bid Will
be forfeited.
no s—dtd M. BATEB, Bupt Streets.
Sum 3QgggSji
On and after Monday, August 18th, 1899, a regu
lar Passenger Train will run between Richmond
and Moore's Ordinary, connecting at that point
with Flagg Sl Co s line of Stages Tor fhirkerllie,
Farmville, Halifax C urtbouse, Charlotte OoerV
house, Danville, Milton and Greensboro'.
Passenger* for Lynchburg will stop at the Junc
tion, and connect with Flagg & Co'a Line of Bta
The Train will stop fur passengers only at the to: .
lowing points:
Manchester, Powhite, Robiou's, Coal Field*, To
mahawk. Powhatan, Petersburg Road. Mattoax.
Scott's Shop, Amelia Courthouse, Wyaaoke, Jen
nings Ordinary, Uaytoaah and Liberty Church.
Leave Richmond every day (except Sun-Jay) at
1 o'clock, A M. Returning, leave Moore's Ordina
ry at 1:50 P M
Children over 3, and not over 12 yeara of age,
halt price to any points except the two first named.
Servant* travelling by themselves must be furnish
ed with two passes, so that one can be retained in
the office; and it nn U st be expressly stated on the
pHe* mat they are permitted to go on the Cara
A Freight train will leave Richmond every Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday. The Wednesday'*
Freight going only to the Junction.
h B—Tbe .-tage Itaves Moore's Ordinary every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 10:30 o'clock,
A M, arriving at banviile next day at #» A M, and
at Greensboro' at 10 P M, aud returning meets the
Cars at the same point every Tuesday, Thursday
and Satutday.
Thrfsagn ticket from Richmond to Danville, V*
Do do JO do Greensboro', 10
Through passengers not providing tiiemtehri*
w -n ti L ket«, will be corsiJ.-red as way pasaeoge-s,
and charged an increased rate of fare.
au a * tOHN H. OHBOKNK, flept.
,1 ji A hy _The quarterly abatement ol thfeoom
panv U lece v««f, ending latOctober
Uurina ihe quarujf *44 P Ik'* were tawed—pre
miums <m the same amount to ..•18.048 54»
f r ..m« on rene»ala, aao-e time M47&7C
Total premiums fcbS.&SM 3ft
Lo«ses paid during ihe. same time amount
tu .... 19,730 00
The aaaets of the company op to the same
date (lave ted in United State* and
No « Yrfc state btock.au:,> were. ..ftsß9 Bfto 00
Tnis company confine* it* to Lite ln
.ursnce ai me, a:d oeing o the Mutual plan, aft
profile acc-ue tor ttw benefit of theinaeted AM
tosaes pa-d Kuoetnaiiy, W) daya alter pr>>«< af the
deaiti ot th- party, or it will be advanced, dadect
ing the 6» daya interest
For turu*r information, call on the Agent, Mo 20ft
Mhiu street, squaie the Banks.
ocM ('UAS. WOHTHAM Agent
Mo vernier X 18M —1 have just received iroea
h > Nort'i, by the ateatuer rtoanuke, nay a——<
' f >.aut*:a' Dreaa Goods, which, having p*r
cf.asou fit cash, 1 oar .ffrthe I idles $re«t Mr
<lllll Alt wool French tanuattn oetainea, rich
sly e•; d-aaine food quality, to' Mto 5Bo; *1% vet
vets 30 inchea wide tor vi-itea, very cbo»e, French,
i g fh md Aov rieasi aaeriuoea: nch broeada si.aa
trom ft to #4 per yard; "lain aed changeable aVca,
hiaek 4 ha, a targe aaaorta nt oi silk via
i.e* verv eh-apt auleud'd assoruanot ot aiape
wis at ftt) in *50; «ooi quailv# na.ualia delate
• »t it) aud tic; Itnen eamnnc hd sa» aj r, Pr neh
*.<rh d eoltara «t ; rich Fan-fc em U» aide red
r.dkf* ooll«r» and Meema; go d q imity
irint4at«|«> l-JHc; w >ite, rtfl, aloe •»! y«Now
a tnuois, tied hiankew. Marseilles quiita. I* 4 *heat
•lig par. (ri'hliunos, cUtths. c«a<ime'« and fwHsil;
i,ii g .oawta, n large aiaortunot ■ f negro eioiSinf,
into «a aa *t yi. in*eys, hiaukete. Ac —
•it iu w<*ot ol good good* fjr a tit e u»nn-*y have
jnly to call at JAC IB V I.IVT'H
no 3 Cheap Mik More*t l&ftal SdMMaai.