Newspaper Page Text
THE LATEST NEWS. THE CRKSOENT CITY AT HAVANA. IN IKRKSTING DETAILS. We have already briefly announced the cir cumstances attending the recent arrival of the Crescent Citv at Havana. The details below „;>■ he read with interest. Nr*v Ch' 1 *>. —The steamer Cres- Pit Cm readied her tvhurf ear y this tnorn- V;, c imports having left Havana on the morn - tin ;V! in-t. A- she whs about approach - the p«>!t, »'• her passage from New York, a ~, t , : ,me alone-tide and enquired it either j: Potter or William Stnitli were on board. >»•:< iM.iruied that Lieut. Porter wus not, t 1 u-er Smith wr.s. The pilot then deelin ; -Wr.'S the ship into port. Uivenport, who wns in comntanj of . lf . ~ ,«ri. h- ntvi'i, paid no attention to the .... ,k« • tie pilot, and taking the responsi upon himself, fona brought the ship to ,: r ciiorsce The Captain of the port short v ~i:, r.» rds »loiigside, and on being 'v'orme that Purser Smith was on board, sta t-J tiiit i.o communication with the shore •*-:>u.d he allowed until lie had had an iutrr •,v with the Captain General, and returned > the vessel. On h - re'urn he told Cspt Davenport that ....vis of the Captain General were that mads and regu'ar passengers for Havana * ; ! ,i he allowed to laud, but that no one else ■a Ihe \•etmilted to come on shore. Capt. i)a*enpo!t thereupon exhibited to the Captain : the port a Setter, which he stated he had re ■»ived irom the American Coustil, in which ai-suiance given hini that the late difficul •v had been fully settled at an interview be *■,-on Jtnisie Conklinp, the American MiuiaUU, <ini the Captain General —the former having Mttaed the American Consul to that eff.*ct', except that 1 ""L t ij|flr"" r or Purser Smith w j3d not he i:l»wfflTi>cotne on shore. i'iie Captain . f the Port remarked to Cap •um I)avenport that it w as a mistake—that the fficuhv wu!l not settled, but that the mails .r.i passengers this special time would be al .-iwed to land. Should Purser, Smith, howe ver, teiarii in the vessel on her way from New 'tileui.s to New \ ork, she wouk 1 , in no case, i allowed communication with the shore. The Captain of ihe Port further stated that -hi Spanish Minister ot Washington had vvrit ; ■; to the Captain General, informing liitn, on m irity i f the American Secretary of Slate, •:iu! Smith should positively not be per ri'.ted to go out in the steamer again to Hava Captain Davenport replied that Smith was a : .vate citizen of the United States, and could _o «iiere or when he pleased, without uny .. i dratice or interference t-fthe U. S. Govern ment. The captain of the port then had another In terview with the Captain General, previous to a ; ich he gave the officers stationed to guard >.e vessel permission to land the passengers tiongsid- • Captain Davenport, however, would not al low them to come on board until he had been t .-prised t a (he American Consul had been fully informed of ibe condition of affairs. The captain of she port heie returned with the per mission from the Captain General for all tue passengers and officers of ths vessel to land, with the exception of Purser Smith, who would not be allowed to come on shore under any consideration. He further reported that, should he return in the vessel, she would be immediately ordered off". Captain Davenport then wrote to the Ameri can Consul that the passengers might do as ifaey pleased, but us Lieut. Porter had been iurbidden to come on the island, he, himself, would not land. Judge Conkling, on receiving this letter, came on board and held a iong conversation with Capt. Davenport, in the course of which ihe former said that he hid received permis sion, in his transit, to land, when a portion ot the passengers went on shore, aud others re mained nn hoard. Mr. M orales, of tlie fiim of Drake &, Co , consignees ofthe Crescent City, then made his appearance and said, by authority, that if Purser Smith would address a letter to the Captain General, denying the changes which hail been brought against him, the difficulty would be setlli-d. To this Captain Davenport replied thst he would, under no circumstances, permit any ofthe officers under him to address any com munication upon the subject, to the Cuban au thorities, Lt. Porter having on two different oc casions disavowed the chargers. The Crescent City then run up her fl ig and took her departure for New Orleans. further California Items. We subjoin some additional items by the gteamer Star of the West. Messrs. Gwin ifc. McCorkle, members of Con gress, had arrived out. The news from the gold mines was cheer- The California papers are filled with the names of overland emigrants who had died.— Several parlies had arrived in Oregon in a dis tressed condition. A train hud arrived at nora, which left Independence on the 9th oi May. J.C. Spi tigers arrived at Sacramento on the 14th. Mr. Warwick, late of Lancaster, Pa., was rubbed of ail his gold between Sonora and Co lumbia. The clipper S. S. Bishop cleared for Phila delphia on the 11th. Hon. Mr. Boone, L".S. Consul at San Juan, came passenger in the Star of the West. Sa,\ Francisco Makkets. —The markets are firm and tending upwards. Flour firm and held at a high figure. Provisions more ac tive. From Oregon The steamer Columbia had reached San Francisco with Oregon dates of Oct. 10th.— Gov. Guinea had made a demand on the com mandant of Vancouver's Island forgovernment stores tor the relief of immigrants. Or. Mc- Laughlin had sent on his account for 1,000 bbls. flour, and the Island J1 ills aud Alleu McKin ley, had each sent (or 500 bbls. The weather was good and produce abundant. The steain ti Joi.n P. Flint had been lost. Massachusetts Election, Boston. Nov. B.—The returns continue to sl.ow large Whig gains since last week, but it is probable there has been no choice of Gov» emor by the people. The Legislature is in doubt. 4 W. KAI'F'S PATENT NICHE GOLD /*-• I'tN.—A I'urther supply received, in regard to which the National Intelligencer says: '■'fhey are constructed ar.d manufactured on aa entire new p.'intipie, taereby embracing all the desirable elas ticity, *nd every other pleao;r:g quality of the quill peu Ha having been a professor of penmanship bjt upwu'dt ol thirty y.ars would eunbie hiai to stady tue defects and "supply the deficiencies that have herettfore existed if the tormatioo of gold pen a " For aaie by (iDMNLT & JAMfciS, no 10 Eagle Square. BL'l'K WHEAT CAKES IN SEASON.— Kabbii's Yeast Powder lor making buckwheat cakes, ate., n»e, far sale oy VVM. M. i»AD£, Cbemiat and Apothecary, no 10 Main street, near Old Market. BKITISU LI'STKh, Ijrceani'g stoves, He, lor sale by VV. M. DADE, no iO Chemist, Main street, near Old Market I'ARfcß, —email intone ol Cneap -A Liquor Cases, tor sale by no 10 1U M. ZIM >IKRMAN BANJOa AND VIOLINS.—Fine tone Musi aai Coods of every description, for tale by no 10 K. M ZIMMERMAN. IJJ.AJU KAW niiiHS.—A line assortment I plsid raw bilks, just received per Koanoke, for M> by C. HAUTWtLL ic CO, uolV Oppo»iieSw«« Tirerg. telegraphic news ■•r 1 " ■ , , —. TKAWaiiMITTKt) FOR THE DAILY UISPATOB UaimnchuHiMtK Election Boston, Not. 9. Clifford, w hie, for Governor, lends Bishop, democrat, 22,000 votes, but the free soil vote defeats t|)e choice bv the people. Three whig# are elected to Congress—in the remain ing districts no choice. The complexion of the Legislature is doubtful. Presldeutal Election. iUt timokk, Nov. 9. Some further returns have been received from North Carolina, which render it probable that Pierce, has a majority of 200. Tennessee has gone for Scott by 2000 majority. THE MARKETS. New Yobk, Nov. 9. -Sales of 12,000 bbl«. Flour at firm rates. Grain steady. Kaltimorb, Nov. 9 —Sales of 500 bbls. Flour at $1.62. Grain unchanged. BTKAT-iONN BFFlcfc, Drawn Noi ot .M 4*« 132 Nov Bth: 17 40 6 J 77 7 4.) 13 58 33 22 26 73 3 Drawn M<rs Delaware, Extra, 138, Nov 9 • 43 *2 :<4 77 76 14 44 27 55 3fi 5 60 10 78. Ticket Nog 5 27 44, another sold ai d paid by _ _ STKAfTON. To-Day.—Delaware, No 134. Capital $35,000.— <5 numbers 13 drawn. Tickets $iU no 10 SMITH'S LOTTKki' OFFICE, WaU Street, under the City Hotel. ** C'IALK'S tii.D .STAND. Drawn Noa Washington County, 50 • 57 25 4i> 47 12 70 15 4W 45 2382254 52 !», S3OC; ttcktt 25 57, $75. To DftsK—Su quehanna. 46 —Capitals: 1 of $31),50y, 19 of 30(t0, T(W ot 1000 100 of 400 7e rmuibers, 12 drawn. Tickets $10—shares in pro portion. Also, Pat»psco, 296 —Capital" . 1 of €8">77, 1 of 4000, lof 2000, 1 of 1000, Al.c. 75 cumbers, 15 drawn. Tickets $2 50. no 10 SMITH UHKUOItV «Sk JlAt K\\ " Mnna»;er*. K'chmond, Virginia, Successors to J. W. Maury & Co.—office No. 62 Main street. To-Day.- Capitals: (535,000, 3 prizes of 10000, 3ot 500j, 25 1f 1-UO. 75 numbers, 13 drawn. Tick ets 810. To Morrow —Capital: $21,536. 78 cumbers, 15 drawn. Tickets $o. no 10 LA '.IIiKStT'S, OFFFce" " 14th Street, under Exchange Hotel. Drawn Nog of Delaware, Class 132, Nov Bth: 17 40 60 77 7 43 13 78 33 22 i 6 73 3 To- Day—The Delaware titate Lottery, ulass No 134.—Capitals : £35,000, 3 < f 10,C00. 3of 5000,2045, 2000, 25 ot 1200, Ac. 75 numbers, 13 drawn. Tick ets 10 dollar*. DO 10 ( 'JLOTHS Ft»lC LAUJfcS' tLOARS.- Clothe of all colors tor ladies' Cloaks Velvets do do do do Just received per Roanoke, forsa'eby C. 11 ART WELL & CO., no 10 Opposite - wan Tavern. 'MO I'iiK I'tliLttl, —The subscriber has X takeu the Powhatan House, in the eity uf Richmond, ai d is iirepared lu < atertaia in the best pianoer Members of the Legisis'ure and the travel ling public generally. Having thoroughly repaired and newly ar.d handsomely furnished this weli knowu and popular Hotel, p!er.santly and conve nientiy located on Broad sad Governor streets, near the Capitol and City Hell, he feels assurtd will be enabled to give satisfaction to those who may lavorhim with ttjeir patronage. R. F DARKACOTT. Powhatan House, Nov. sth, 1852. no B—tf pKbAT BAUiiAINS Tn CALICOS.— vJt a large lot of Calicos, t i cents, worth 10 cts ; rich Printed Mouselaine», wh.te and colored tUu nets, Kerseys, fcatinets, ijloves and Hosiery— tu tether with every article usually lound in a Dry Goods house; and if you want bargains, call on W. I'.OOTWRKiHT, No 285, corner Ist and Broad streets. no 9 —13 HBUAU TAlt—Consumption tilled.— *J The most successlul remedy now in use for the curet.l Incipient Corauiiiption. iirißciittis, Asthma, Coughs, Sore Throat, dueases oi the Liver atid Kidneys, King's Evil, Tetf r, Dyspepsia, dtc , pre pared by Mrs B. K. Noriis, 343 Baltimore street, Baltimore. Mas. B. B Noebis—Dear Madtiu : For several years 1 have been afflicted with lrtquent hemor rhages of the lungs, attended with a paislul cough 1 tried various remedies, ai d had the be3t tn«di( ai advice, but wituout relief until I tri-?d your Cedar Tar, which has entirely cured me. Yours respectfully, GkORGE PARKS, 127 .-aratoga street, Baltimdre, i»d. October 3d, 1553. Call and get Pamphlets containing certificates. Bp Beware ot counterfeits, Tie genuine arti cle is for Bale by P HOK'I'ON KKACH, 91 Main street, Sole Agent for Richmond, and no 9 General Anent for Eastern Virginia; ObOUNU Stir"!*!. V.—CHRISii.iN La ij THKOP are receiving their second supply ot Goods, among them— 50 pieces Mousiaines at 35 cts per year, same quali ty as those we have been exiling at 374 and 50e 30 pieces mure of tnosecheap Mouslaines at 134 cts 60 dresses hue Paris do, at 75 cts, worth #1 Extra Manchester G.nghams fur children ALSO. Rich Velvet and Cloth Cloaks Velvet Ribbons and Galloons. Call at no 9 99 .Uuin street. H LI.V ( tI.NVIMJII).-Ail Wmi now Vl,i" ted Levy's store during ihis !a 1, have heen ful ly convinced that he is really selling cheap. How could tb>»y be otherwise, wn>'n they tee that he is selling h:e goods so extremely low i Mouselatnes at 10, la ana higher, alpacas at i 6, merinos at US, hdkls at 6, collars at ti.shirtiag 6, Irish linens, quilts,bli n kets, shawls, gloves, hose, dan nets ot ail colors, and all other articles in his line will be itfcred at the lowest prices tor cash If you want to save money the place to do it is at ABRAHAM LEVY. JifS, no 9 3'Jl Broad street. N B—Kid gloves, white ui.d colortii, a! 50cents. They are going tast: cull early. A L wUPKttIUU JAVA COfriiri,—W c'uiall Bags, tor sale by no 10 DAVENPORT. ALLEN <fc CO. MAOKIKA WINES.—33 Qr Uasis pure im ported Wines, for sale bv no 10 DAVENPORT, ALLEN & CO. 350?® I'* sLtJAUS » tor sale no 10 DAVENPORT, ALI EN ec CO. LOST, on daturday night last, a pair or GOLD SPECTACLES in a red Morocco case. Ihe returning them to this office, will be very liberallv rewarded. no 9— 3t 4 r Superior Calabria STICK LICORICE aCoat, tor sale by no 9 BACON BASK.ERVILL. IJAMILY AND tXTIf a Jt'T.<«L K—JuO ' bbls, sundry brands, superior ariicle, lor sale by no g FKY & McCANDH^H. I^AMInY ilA.»ls> —to bbls sin a: prune turns, J/ receiving per steamer, for sale by E0 3 WILLIAMS «*• BROTHER. ASTIL.ES UK PAKI, or Pans Loungers, for tae alleviation aud cure ot bronchiUs.hoa/ae ness, aud ail other diseases of the threat, for sale jj" ALEX DUVAL, , 0 g No 155 Main corner 13th st. P" liI.HJ DKY SI DESM AN O HUE A MVS.— 15 hhdssides; 15 tierces Bretsts laniing per steamer, for sale by uo g JOHN H. CLAIBORNE. C>UOM ME I.Tiv- I'C uK tiltoL M> PKP« ' PER.—Black and Cayenne Pepper, and I-amily Mustard tor sale by noB |JOHN H.CLAIBORNE. FOU BALK.-A Pciosle rilave, about 40 year» ot sfe, and her five children —three boys and two girls, whose ages range from eighteen to t jur years Apply to R R HOWISON, no 6—4t Trustee, Law Building. ABLE CITJ-KKY.-Hc aers X tous and other celebrated manufacturers fine Tubij Cutlery, in sets 51, 53, 53 pieces, to which the at teutiou of purchasers is called, for sale by R. M. ZIMMERMAN, no 8 Corner Main and lWih streets. OL.E IjtoA'l'UKH.—iOj sides Sole LeatHei, for sale by no 9 EDWIN WO.'ITHAM tt CO. N MAILROAD "*> Stockholder. In the Richmond and Sj ui n » d C ,?,"P"i wln be held t» the city Qf Rlcbnwd oa WEDNESDAY, the Bth day of . Stockholders will have the prinlefe ol going to and returning from the meet ing on the cars free of charge y, , ** VAN DtURSEN, Secretary. °J* Powr of Attorney to wuc at a nutting of tie S ockkolderi: Know all Mkn bv thkse Pustrri: That —-■ , the undersigned, do hereby constitute and * l>po " lt ~ T • ttor< * e y (they or either of them) tor 'i* 0 10 D4me t to vote ou all que#- u. ifi,™, 1 ? be i ,ro L u « ht before the meeting of the Stockholders of the Richmond and DanSillr H«ilr< ad Company to be held in the city of Riih mond.oo Wednesday, the Bth day of December, 1B&2, «r any .d,ourned meeting thereof, hereby ratiiying all the acU ol said attorney tn the lire ruiaea, as fully as if were present, and v.ltlag to person. In t-.timony whereof have hermito affi red ■— hand this day of — 1832. No proxy shall be valid for more than tix m.mthslrom the date thereof "-(Extract trom the 4th By-Law > no 9—>t6D P. v P.. Secy. W » tora youth just arrived from Ire * itnd ol a good reputation, between 15 and 10 jeara of age, who writes a good hand, can keep boots, and wno is willing to make himself general ly u?e:ul. a situation in a wholesale and cjmmia sion enab'uhment, or in a retail store. Board and c othlng are a<l that would be required for his ser v.ces for the first two years. Please apply to Mr. * ■ *' at Richmond Christian Advocate Umce, 158 Main street no 9—3t* CLCLitlilßßsj.— We have al ways on hand Pickled Cucumbers, in vinegar and spiced for table use, in barrels, half barrels, gallon or hundred which we will sell very low for cash. We tell tbem by the gallon at only two shil lings. Those that are in want of a good article, will please give us a call. HULST <* KI.vG, no 9—2w .. old M»rk«t IJHIJIE FKiiSil BtTTKK*—A tow A bj steamer, aNo 1 article, for sale low for cash by tho pound or keg. HULST <fc KINO, no 9 ~ :{t Old Market 11ACCAHOM AND VKRittll'fiLLl. j-f A V", e have juet received per schr Orianna, trom New 1 ork, a fresh lot of the best Italian Maccaroni and Vermicelli, and selling it at nine pence per pound, for cash. HULST <fc KING, DO 9—Old Market. r£°AKDINO.—Two gentlem-n, wuh their aJ wives, can be accommodated with BOARD in a private family on Grace street, within a few mi nutes walk ol the business part of the city. Address '• R B through the Post Office. no 9—3 i* I ATTENTION, 81.l fcS. A Parade in front of the Capitol on WEDNES DAY EVENING, November 10th, at 3 o'clock, "■ in winter uuitorm. By order of the Captain JNO II FREEMAN, O S. THE STEAMSHIP VIRGINIA, rapt Tin Teal, is now ready to receive freight, and wilt continue to receive up to the hour of II A. M., Wednesday, the 10th instant, and will sail at 12 M precisely. Passage to New York in Ist cabin and fouud..s9 00 Uo Philadelphia do uo .. 800 Uo U" secoud do .. 7 CO For freight or passage, apply to no 9 R. RANKIN. M FOR KENT.- i' artota dwelling, consist ing ol 5 rooms, with privelege of kitchen, situated on Main street, private entrance—suitable for a small family without incumbrance. Posses sion given immediately. Apply at this office no 9—3t* MUhMKAIU t F it 1 f hT «£ DENCE FOR SALE.—I offer for sale the very desirable private residence, situated on the coiner of Marshall and Ist streets. The dwelling is new, comfortable and ennui idiaus, and contains eleven rooms, to which is attached a large nitchon, smoke, wood and coal houses. The situation of this property rendvra it •esirable as a private residence. For terms apply to W. BOOfWKIGHT, no9—lm Corner Ist and Broad Sts. a FOR KENT.—A Stick Stable with tnree stalls and a carriage house, on Grace street. Address D. G. F. through the Post Office. no 9—3t* fOK KENT, on Pearl street, the lowtr l§H£ Tenement, formerly occupied by tis as a re ceiving and forwarding h use. Has three good rooms and a cellar, andwi 1 make an excellent store house. Possession given immediately if desired. — For terms, apply to •> NoRVELL, JONES 4; EGULESTO*, no 9—lw No ii Pearl street. O StTTKK DOGS.—Two beautiiui nuns, ot imported stock—equal to any thing in tnis country, for sale at The Arbour—cai! Bt once if you want something genuine, no 9—3t " it VV ALLEN. VIRGINIA MACJif VVA.-HINU FLU ID— i hese who wish to v-ive. the hard rubbing on washing boards, the loss ot lirn aud -'wear and tear" of cl thes consequent of sucii a method should u»e this Fiuid. Once used and its utility seen, it will never be tiven up. For sale in tiott;es, or by the pl'it or gal:on. at no 9 E j PICOT'S Drug Store. BOOKS, jiaua/INLS, Nt: v/SPA PERS AND PERIODICALS l'jr sale by I'. ii. ORES HAM, 103 >4 Broad street. London Lancet for November London Punch Knickerbocker Maaazine for November The Spanish Musketeer The Democratic Review, containing portrait oi General Franklin Pierce Conf»-tsions ol an Flton Boy The Parlor and Cabin, or Saves and Masters Aunt Patty's Scrap Bag, or the Mothers: a ta«s ol love and jealousy, by Mis Hentz Flag, Banner, Waverly, Arthur's Gazette. Sam, Privateer, Courier, Carpet Bag, Jtc. Jtc., all tor this week Jonathan's Pictorial for Christmas and New Year, a beautiful pictorial sheet—price 6c All New Books received as sooa 3s pub lished. Books, Newspapers and Magazines mailed or de livered free of postage ar d at puMlsheis tirices. THOS. H. GRESUAM, Agent for all the Northern Daily ana Weekly News papers and Magazines N. ii.—A line assortment of Violins, Guitars, Flutes, Banjos, Accordeor.s and Fifes ou hand, for sain on the most accommodating terms no 9 t~ T.ASDULXI'I'U VAMII.V t LriJl K, /• for sale by uo S WILLIAM F.GGLESTON. OLU JAVA AMIJ COSTA HUO CO*- FEE, tvr sale by no 8 WILLIAM EGGLESTON PAINTfcID ULCKhis AMU Till-., tor sals by no 8 WILLIAM EGGLESTON. I.>K AFPLK I til i'ATlo V f X.M-ll AND GOSHt-N CHKESfcI, tor sale t>y no 8 WILLIAM EGGLESTOH. CQA TILUCE J. I'HESU 'niO.tlAS -O*JyJ TON LIME receiving, for sale by no 8 S. McGRI.'DFR &'sONS. U. L PtllliriAM ijige' Hndiug Irooi scl* Ooean, tor sale bv no 8 S- McGRUDER & ?ON3. A.NTIiKAI'IIh tl)Al„—Landing at Rock etts, tiOO loua superior Anthracite Coal, at $.>i per ton of 2000ibs,ii taken iirom the wharf JOtiN W WRIGHT, oc 19 I)ock Wharf. C~ _ lUAVINW DISH ' US, Tureens, i4a»*wnoat Cake Dishes, Cyster Broikirs, Slc, for sale by no 8 R. M ZIMMERMAN. W r A.">iTfei».—%500 oi the "Bank of the Union." do tits AN 11, PIZZIM. BL'CKWHEAT, in 23 pound bags, lor sale oy uoB WILLIAM EGGLEBTON. BTIEKCKS i'RIMK NKVV MICE, for sale by no 9 BACON BA3KF.RVILL. WAM'tO, a situation as seamstress or House keepei, in a respectable family, by a young lady. * no 9— 2t* BUCK WHEAT.—UOO t<ags !;ir sale by no 9 DAVENPORT, ALLEN a CO. Klsus sfUitli.Nti POMfutiii, I v/Cf best quality, tor sale by no 9 DAVENPORT, ALI.EN L. CO VKW JtlC'E, fresh Rnisins, Buckwheat, Cofiet i s hu/ars, choi -e Hiianish Clears, for f by uotf " DAVKNi'URT, ALI.EN St CO. At/O* hhds urime, for sale by no 9 EDWIN WORTH AM * Co. FLASTKtt AND L.lJlfe,ior * sale by no 9 EDWIN ORTHAM 4. CO. fiTUt AMI to, Sole ay 1 no 9 EDWIN WORI'HAM L CO. s * at AkllliJßlin XVnm M, i« _ tII 1 Messra. TAYLOR A. CLAKAfc\ j.. » Mr. W. M. WARD TM. BrmmtOr N«v. 10th, lMj) _ . TMB WIFE. ft **™ W M Ward [f*»r4o G 9 Marchant Marram Miaa Susan Denla Danoe Ouding M'lrt Theodore. WANDEKINti BOYS. "*■' Susan Dec in J uttin. Hi£i KateDenin Lubm......... j Winan* A. TURNER iTCOTS MENABBRIB & tIRCIS COMBINED, f °^ IN,NG TIIE largest AND i/.iPXFnU* THE MasT SPLENDID AN/ MALS IN THK WORLD, many of which were trained and exhibited by the celebrated Van Am burg tbrougn the principal cities of Europe ana America. The Equestrian Troupe is without its superior in the known world, among which is that cdebra ted ai* horse rider, N. B. TURNER, also T. V. TURNER, WARD. LIPMAN, DaLACY, Masters EDWIN 1 Ac • Ac., and that Clown of »il Clowna, J. W. MYERS, whoae daring act of turning a somerset over sixteen men, ten horses and (be elephant, the largest in the Uni;ed States, astonishes every person who ha* seen tliia almost incredible pertormance. Will exhibit in Richmond FRIDAY and SATUR DAY, Xatember 12th and 13th, 1852. Day Per formance on Saturday, at 2 o'clock. P. M. Doura ojien at half past 1 and fcalf past 6 o'clock. Perloimaoces commence at 2 acd 7, P. M. Admission 50 cents; children and servants half P ric » no 1— 12t i HiVKIN STOBE FOB SALE, » » •wxl Irfnte citizens and vi.itors to the city to examine, a large stock of CARPETINGS, HUGS, &.c ,ol cur own importation, from the manufantu rera direct, and selections in person at the North ern tactories. The assortment embraces Agreat variety of Super English Velvets uo do Tapestry do do Brussels do do Three-Ply do do Inerain Extra American Three-Ply do do Ingrain Venetian far stairs snd passages, ot English and American manufacture Choneiile, Velvet and Tutted Rugs, Mosaic, super Cloth, Embossed and Printed Table and Piano Covers, Floor Cloths, Door Mats, <kc no B—d!2tw4t» RICHARDSON <fe CO. MFOK KENT, for the year IHoiJ, or tor a term of years, that large House and Lot in the town of Manchester, commonly known as the old Farmers' Hotel. Its size and locality, near the ci ty, make a desirable place to any gentleman who might wish to open a boarding school, or it would suit veiy well two small families. All necessary repairs will be put upon it. For terms and partic ulars apply to Robert D. Ward, attorney at-law, No 63 Main street, nearly opposite the Ci'y Hotel, no 2—lm* Kl> WA 111),—Spayed trom Frauk ffgj lin street, between 7th and Bth streets, the 4th October, a large Durham ™™™^®® B COW. with black sides, white face and white streak down her back. Any person giving such information at this office as will lead to the recovery ot the said cow. will be suitably rewar ded. no s—l3t «■*. FOR KENT OK SAL.E, that very ■'•ijj agreeable suburban retreat, known as the Cottage. immediately opposite Warsaw, in the town of Sidney. The building is of brick, nearly new, and contains lour excellent rooms with eve y convenience, out houses, &c., with a well of ex cellent water in the yard. There are also two acres ot land attached in a tine state of cultivation, which, it properly managed, will produce! om four to five huudred vegetables, Jcc. To a' gcoi tenant, it will be rented cheap; and posses sion given immediately. For further particular.-, apply to JOHN H. SEAYRES, oc 26— ts At the Columbian Hotel. MFOK KENT, a rinck Tenement on Grace street, west of Madison street, now oc cupied by Mr Bowers. Possession may be had im mediately. ilout 8250. TOLER Jc COOK, no 4 General Agents jV EH BOOKS, iHA(j.4/i.NE!i, AND i. i N tIWV-PAPKRR, just is.aed and for sale at SMITH'S Newspaper Depot, opposite the Ameri can : The Spanish Musketeer, a romance of military life in Cuba, by Lieut Murray, 25c Apoleton's Mechanic's Magazine for November, i 25c Confessions of an Eton Boy, by Charles Row- | croft, 50c Gintiemsn Jack, 25c Love's Sacrifice, a play. 12; c Gallant Tom, by the author ot Yankee Jack,2sc I Mike Fink, a legend of the Ohio, by Emerson j Bennett, 25c Lilly Dawson,or the Smugglers of the Mill, 50c ! The Coquette, by tin author olMisserimu3,2sc \ The Flag of •. ur Union for the week ending Nov | loth, contains the opening chapters oi a new nov- j e.etie • t interest, entitled Marion's B:'iga,je, or the Light D/agoons. by D: J H Robinson, author of Re- ] bei Spy, Ruined Abbey. Ac. Now is the time to j subscribe a year, 6c a copy. VVaverly Maga- , zire, Musical World. American Courier, StarSpac g!ed Banner. Home Gazette, Yankee Privateer, Go!- | len Doiiar, Uncle Sam, Carpet Bag, «stc, *U tor this j week. ' no » | POR COLD WEATHER.—Having just re a turned from cur second trip Norta, with a large assortment of Ov t r and Business Coats, Pauts and Vests ot the newest stjles, which have been introduced since the early part of the season, we are now prepared to show the most complete assortment to be found in the city, which we intend selling very low Come to the Clothing Emporium No 103. Main street. no 9 HENRY SHAFER Jt CO. EW AND INTERESTING BOOKS— for sale by JAMES B. GIBB, 53 Main street, opposite City Hotei. A Practical Treatise on Business, or how to Get, Save, Spend, Give. Lend, and Bequeath Money, with an uquiry into the chances of success and causes of failure to business, by Edwin T Freed ley. Romance of Natural History, or Wild Scenes and Wild Hunters, by C W Webber, author of \ Shot in the Eye, Old Hicks the Guide, Aic Night :u a Block House, or Sketches ot 3>.rder Life, embracing adventures among the Indians, Feats ot Wild Hunters, die. by Henry C Watson Life ot Lord Jeffrey, with a selection from his | correspondence, by Lord Cockauro, 2 vols i The Motmons, or Latter-Day Saints lathe Valley of the Great Salt Lake, a History of their Rise and Progress, Doctrines, due, derived from personal ; observations durina a residence among tiiem by L.eut J VV Gunnison, oi the Topographical Engl -1 neers- A Treatise on the Adulteration of Food aud ; Drink, with plain and simple directions for detect- I ing them, by M L liy rn, MD, Graduate ol the Lut i ver»ty of the city of New York- oc 23 Richmond ?»tove works.-Dealers in Richmond and throughout tlie State caa be supplied from these works with— Pretniuqj a>id Air-tight Cooking Stoves Air tight Cor! Franklin and Wood Franklin Par ior Stoves Factory, St ops at;i Coutting Roc- m Heaang Stores Fhzted Box Stoves. &c, See Also—Fronts and Grates, Fenders, Iron Ra..:ng?. &e. in great variety Pi&in'and ornamented House Castings, made of sup* rior material. and trt pLiehed workmanship Tue retail purchaser would do wrli to our Stoves in preierence to ih>' muss of Northern tr-Jfh wiu. wbicti the mar Mot is denuded ; some ot wmch will not stand a single winter without requiring tnore repairs than the original C4)»z of iht Hon our Stoves have been gotten up with a particu lar regard to the Southern trade —being inaie fuj* -2J per c"!it heavi* r than tnu»e made at tae fccrt.* I —c* -uperior material* ana warranted ot *s good wcr^manship Messrs Ensign it and C D \ a e, keep a t<i»» assortment ot our Staves, and thoy asay *'»o be uad irotn Messrs D 1 C R Weder, F Hetfley. Main 'street; M S Cooper, Cary street, and & Bc^es, ! Hr ,'^li t 4^ t ' BOWERS A SNYDER POFFitE, ttI'GAK AND TliA.-30u bui v-' Kio and Lag a) ra Ceffe*; 100 bo*e* and bar rel* Loaf and Cru*hed Sugar; "JO bat chest* floe B'ack Tea; 5 do do extra fine Gunpowder d>, alao, T.iunera' and Mac&inery Oil; Butter, Ac, Ac, lor *^ b g FRY A McCANDLIftH. Fancy CAHS. fantb.—O« baud • sue aaaortmeat ot Fancy Caatimere Pant*, of good ,B^ t ' Mldta ' , t'merchant it WFJSIGKR. as: AUCTION SALES. I rUTURE DA Vs. By AiaaNerKm 4c C*. * STAT * aT AUCTION.—On ** TOESDaY, the 16th inatant, at «P M, we * pnblic auction, on the premises, House north aide of Main atreet, County Court Houas. The Lot fronts 18 feet> runnlD S back<J4 feet morj or IT.?®* lMjf e««b; the revafalw at 3 «nd 6 payment bti ® reteined ODtU ** —22i£ ALEX WOTT b. CO, Aucts. p »*e»P«rt. A lie* gt <;•. G THURSDAY E inb A T AUCTION.^On 1 h ln,t *nt. we will tell at U Ti": CBr * St ° re ' " Oro 250 bb's Coffee Sugar 200 pac'sgen loaf and crushed do 300 bags Rio, Java and Lasuayra Cofltae 400 sidea Sole Leather ' 50 bbls Herrings 2GO boxes Window Glass 100 boxes Tumblers Cheese. Starch, Oil Brandy, Whiskey, Wines, iic itc. ALSO. 160 packages cf superior Green Teas, of late In spections ALSO, 300 000 Cigars, of ditJe ent qualities. Tebxs-Under SIOO cash; $100 and over fuur months' credit for approved paper. DAVENPORT, ALLEN * CO., ao 6 Auctioneers. BY J A MEW M. TAYLOR. \ fcote VERY DKSIKAIiLE UEBIP£;A> ■?CE3 AT AUCTION.-W.ii lm m* at"?Jf o'clock P M uuon the previ ses, those four very desirable brick houses and lota situated at the corner of I9th and Broad sta. These houses are finishec in the most approved style, and are in excellent order, containing about 11 rooms each, with brick kitchens and the other usual out houses. The lots front about 27X feet, and run buck about 13*2 feet to a 20 foot paved alley ; and ail of these houses are at present occupied by excel lent tenants at fair rents. This property being pleaiantly located within a few minutes walk of the heaviest business portion of the city, market, drck, <fcc, presents unusual ad vantages to those wishing residences retired, jet convenient to those points. Terms—One-third cash, the balance at six and twelve months, witn interest and satisfactorily se cured no 6 JAMES M TAYLOR, Auct. BY DL'NJLOP, -MONCI'RE Oc CO. Groceries, «stc.. at auction.— On FRIDAY, the 12:h lOo'clock, we will sell at our auction store a general assort ment of Groceries, Ac, consisting in part ol— 106 hnds Sugar, part prime quality 225 bags Laguyra aco Rio Coffee 50 bbls Coffee and Clarified Sugar CO bbla New Orleans Molasses atd Syrup 75 bbls Rye Whiskey, part old and very supe rior quality Gunpowder and Pouchong Tea Mustard, Cigars, Indigo Tebms—Under i 100 cash, over ®100, four months credit, far approved negotiable paper. D'JNLOP, MONCL'RE Sc CO., Auctioneers, uo 6 By Wellinctou lioddin. SMALL FAR.Yi, about 1 mile east of Kichmoud, on the rand lo ii!ak«y , s itIHK Will be sold on Thursday Afternoon, the 11th November, 1852, upon the premises, commencing at 4 o'clock, the desirably located FAR >1 about one mile east of Richmond, now occup ed by Mr W L. Montague, near to Mr John C Knautf, Charles R Hunt, <sc, containing between 8 and 10 acres. The land is in a high of improvement, and is ad mirably adapted to the purposes of a market gar den. The improvements are all nearly new—consist ing of a dwelling containing 5 rooms, 3 ot which are newly paperea and painted—and many other buildings, such as barn, stable, iu\ The whole premises are well enclosed, an-' are in good repair. Terms accommodating, and made known on the day of sale. ' W GODDIN, Auctr. no 3 BY JOHN R. r>. PAYNE, sulesumii. Land, h oiiseho iTdfurnituue, CROPS, HOGS, COWS, dtC . AT AUCTION. Will be sold on Friday, the 19ta in»t., at fl o'clock if lair, it not, tne next fair day, iny tract >t land situated in the county of Chesterfield, a miles from the city of Richmond, containing 150 acres, and witiiiu 300 yards of the Richmond and Danville Railroad The improvements are comfortable, and the land in a good state ot cultivation Also, the crop of Corn. Oats, Hay, Fodder, Household Furui ture, a number of yeung Hogs, Milch Cows, &c., &.c. Terras at sale. J. S DUVALL. Sale to be conducted by Jno R D Payne, Auct no 3 XJOTiCK. —dy virtue or <ui execution to inedi i* reeled, which issued from tae c.rcuit court ot Frederick county iu the name oi John B. Collin, survivor of Sheppard &. Coliia, agaiua: the estate of lleury St. George Tucker, deceased, in the hands of Jmn it. Tucser, nis administrator, to be admin istered, 1 shall, on theßrst day of November hust ings court lor the city ot Rlcnmond, at tae City Hall in the said ci'.y, between !be hours ot i I o'clock A M and 4 o'ciock P M ot the same day, proceed to sell, lor cash, about 700 c-jpits < f Tuck er s Commentaries in sheets or »o many thereof as may be sufficient to pay and satisfy said execution, the same having been levied on by me oa the 4th day ul Ociober, 185'J, as belonging to the estate oi the said Henry St. George Tucker, deceased no a—dtd JNO Mlr-RGI'SSON. Sgt C R. AND AtiL'K is promptly andperma neatly relieved by the use oi the india Chola gogue. an unfailing remedy tor Fever and Ague aaa other bilious diseases. The aenuiue India Cholsgogue is tor sale by PURCELL, LADD St CO , no 8 Dr»gg:sts, 92 Main street. P _ Kl-MK BAlO> SIDES.—IO hads just re ceived per jte&mer, for sale by co a Wli LIAMS & BROTHER. 'A>tA«Stu tow tierces juh re / ceived tor sale by aoi WILLIAM? & BROTHER. N OTICE. —or. aad alter SAiURuAY, tae dJtii instant, the Man Traia ot the Central Railroad will stop atthe Junction long enough tor passengers to get breakfast. oc E. H. GILL, Supt tUKTs?. S»HIKTS>. —a. Mercaant A: Weisi ger. have on hand a hoe assortment of Shirts, White and rancy, of every quality. Call an J see them. S- MERCHANT St WEISIGER, no t> 11- Main st. Tl'lllTt BK.tAL Bs«s ior V* sale by „ no 6 DAVLMPORT- 4LLKN & CO. 1~»1\K Ct'T VELVET VtsTS.-s. MhR ' CHANT i WFIIBIGER have received a oeau iul 'ot of iaacy Cut Velvet Vesta,ot the best quality. S MfcIRCHANT *. WKISiGLR, no No 112 Main street W. 4 CO., > fl MERCHANT TAILORS. 3A Broad St , Opponu R V F- R. R Depot, ■ ■ Have received their Fall axw Winter Goods, unbracing the latest and scost Ushiocable styles. They respectfully request a call trom their customers and the public AueatKn w cauit?ci to superior assort sieu: ol ready made dothing, wtuca cannot ?o**i biy fail to pi ease -joth as regard* styie iai price, oc 4—3 m mtiKLAT BtUl CTION I» m THE PRICE Of HATS, CAF.» ANiJ ■ BOUTS —In bay:a/ yourHau ana 3oott, i-j ligbtt-jHead Quarter* J. H. ANTHONY, Columbian Hot . corner, where Mo«s*kir. HoU of beat quality filing at...... —. — -—43 SO Second quality .. 3 00 Silk Hat* i f ti»a Uu*tia*a;ja 2 3.) Fsae CalUk'n aew ed Boot* 3 50 with an utortmeut of C'.oth, Pluau. aci Oil silk Cap*- S >fi Far aad Wool Ha'.«. Silk, Ging iisn aad Cotton L'mbrellaa. at low pro»*. *ei» ««r\ BAKU A l.N*: BAKt.AIN*: 1 OK mLJ CHIMA, CiiOCKfcRY A GLASSWARE, N*. «1S Broad Hrreet.—Tneaubacrt ber ia now rec-^.T:*f aome har.iiotne China Tea :v»tt, elegant Chioa and Bohemian cut glaaa Toilet Bottl»'«, with a great tsany other nice Fancy Articia*. He ke. always on hand a supply of whiiij, blue and mulberry Granite, and common Crockery-Ware Country order* carefully packed and aent to any part of the city free of charge, all at much reduced price*■ K. L. HICKSuN, 1;JU0 doim beat quality and common Tuaklert. >eai COAL nT OIL, ia barrel*. lor »aW by oc 30 EDWIN WORTUAM * CO. AUCTION SAl.ks ATTBNTIOX. Br G«wr C e j. SaaMr , VMS :,|i* "AS: («. JBWBLHT AMD PA»CY WEDNESDAY, 10th . TlCLg *^^ 10 o'clock, at the Store Mo. 106 !T ? * stairs. wlli De told a very eitfnsTe —iir««i3 Fine Gold Eo*iiah Patent Levera, fro» the Imtt maker* do do do Detached da, kit, da to do Silver do do do do And a iarre assortment of the n»weat Mjlm JEWELRy, consisting of Ladies' and Gentlemen > Breast Pint, Ficgff Rlam Ear Ring*. Gaard, Breaat asd rob Chain*, m iarge assortment of Perfumery and Faocy ir- Uciea, cf every description, c..u»:*ung of nuf ornamental and mcful goads, never before in Khhxaona, all cf which the public if iavtaf ?o in-peci the d«y previous to aaie. Teaas made known the day ot sal*. GEORGE J. feUMSER, Auctiuwet. ty The saie will be continued from iav •» act;] the whola coneiirnmeat is ditso*ed of. no 8 ° By Wellington Goddiu. T^'m 1 T ?f!? :MK «V» UAMBL . m AT AUCTION-WiM to ber ,h AY att " niuon . lOti V-*' u P°n the prmiisea, com men cm *at 4 o eicck, two orick -tenements on Gamble's Hd. aton ed oii ta<? West lint; ot 3a street, between CWaod bjrd streets 1 hese tenements are located in a very irawau* flM't ol the ett>. hud cash baiaiwe «|3 and 6 mouths, Ur negotiable note. tote re* •BdeiJ, scored by a trust aetd. no 5 w. GODDIK, k-<~ r HULsKUULU lie KirtUb.N hummß TIRE AT AUCTION—On Wednesday <%m iU h ia.c, ac 12 o'clock M., we will sell at M«mm Betts i. Kdroondsou's j«ii, corner ot 17th and ilruMl streets,a general assortment ot Houaehuid m. kiecto en Furniture, consisting -it Beau, Badsteaa, C&jutm, VVnshat &uds, Cooking Uteas ils &», die. Tenwi cash. By order of owners. no6-dtd. PULLIAM & PAVifl. JL«ti By Alexander >«tt fa. OLH. LVKNINi* will be coacaiti uniil the season closes, couiineucw; at » m» o'clock, at winch time wo will sell irotc tbe in lota to suit purchasers, a g>>od selection j £aecA and cut dry goods. n«rdware,cuUery. gum, p.lois, gold aud suver watchea, and clocks nua time ot every description. Also a teueral aaeoruiwot «f lsncy gooda. ALEX KOIT ec CO, ntl ■ Auci i>n»vc«. ,tl OttTl.tlouk'S KHKt.MATIt: CUM POUNL» A,NO BLOOD H.'KIHKK — Tfcfr great discovery is bringing health and happing to thousand*. Rheumatism can be cured. Moreciwaaaai thousand cases of chronic rheumatism (ot th» aiqa& form ot this dreadtul disease) have been curtnl nently, during the past year by the use of afew '- **iwi ot tills compound. Letters and certificates ue Jma tr being received from parties of high standing, tuuir of whom have been cripples for years, from the rtnrraaf this hitherto incurable disease, bnt who now that they are sound and well, made so by this gnala*. medy, which is a vegetable spirit—an internal —prepared for this one disease alone, and this u win cure m every case, either lullaiumatory, (acute,} «r chronic form. Testimony of the most undoubted ufca racter will be cheerfully submitted to the 1 nip*/: sue of *11 who may terl sufficiently interested to call aa tin proprietors, at their C entral Office, No. 1, Burrlav at, Astor House. New York. One bottle $.">, tltrae 1 it'll— «"> PURCELL, LAUD V CO, dole Agents for RiuhsnonA. W V. ALEXANUHR fc CO, "o 1 proprietors. N y_ F rom the Ueriniin Aew Yorker AJige lueine Zeitung, .Sept 9, 185^—Kh. nmotum Cured.—Mortimore's Rheumatic Compound lud »H Purifier.—This great remedy seems to prove a foi tins dreadiul disease, in all its torms, and is iinuflaa relief to vast numbers who have long suffered. ISS have had personel knowledge of the virtue aud <-9k»- cv ofthis medicine for some time, and with pleaam relt-r to a most obstinate case of chronic rheuiti*ussß oflong standing, which it cured. This case was itas wife of a wealtny merchant, who was for maov yon a cripple. No expense was-pared in visiting tiie mutr. celebrated springs, aud procuring the treatment uleasa nent physicians. This was continued tor year*, hot she only grew worse, and seemed a victim toils wick ering grasp. All other remedies and etforfs taik*. W* were instrumental iu inducing her to try this and, to our surprise and her great relief it cnr-*d bar completely. Some weeks we called and pu.<xiuMMt y bottle, at the depot, No. 1 Barclay street, and vu'. d» a jjrntleiiian friend ot' ours, in this city, who «r-eoie4A \ martyr to this diseMte. Tin* one bouk cwed — There are numbers ot other cases wiiich nave cxto&m under our notice, cured by this remedy. We are fiats to see the success attending the introduetiea of Lim medicine. Its timely use will save thousand* tram par aud suffering, and restore them to sound and |n ilf health. We believe this is the only remedy knew*, which is put forth lor this one disease aJone, xad wew satisfied it will do what is claimed for if—cure rham matism in all its forms. u > '—4ff H<J. i'AUKtliJi'S VEL.t.UUATItm • ARABIAN UNIMKNT i* well known tupea sesa the moi! wunde: fully healing, penetrating aa4 stimulating properties and by its m nf fectiug curea, which previously had re«i*t<d at . tttt-r medicine*, adißii:i.«te:ed by the nut rafldfC ph/*iciau*. ha* paced it far bey lid any ainiiar ne n.ejy ever introduced to the people of til..' I'uitaC riatea. it atia.ulatea the abiorbeut* to iteri**e< action, and tjua enable*nature tu tiirowuj dueaan — it penetrate* to 'he bumt, adding strength vid aa tivuv to 'be muiclea—it it powerfully an< Jjrne not thereby allays uervous irritation, producing a da lightfuily pleaaing ««.iMtion through the wtnk Irame. O» to it* remarkable anticepuc p wpe*- tics, it purities ati i neutralize* that p jisonous, <-«* roaive principle which render* old ulceroui uwm to oirficult to neai: it tii< retoreia peculiarly aaaplatf to their speedy cure This Liniment, from 1U pe netrating acd strengthening qualitl**, ha* >«■ toucd to be a specific for l'araljei* or Paiiy, WM»- • welltng* and ;iaea*ed joU<t*, and in tact all -am* pikiuti involving the muscular ayst-m it haseunad ca*e» of 1- heuuiataui cf twenty ta thirty yeasfe (landing, and aliactiui.* of the spine whereia Ukc entire spinal column uaa *o crooktd and diftorterf, that the patient cou'd not walk or atand witaoac artificial support. Numerou* cane* cf Pal*y Bar* been cured when the flesh had withered, nothing but the dried *kin and bone, and the ihaMi 1 totally without use or feeling. For children ! croup it is ot inestimable value, rubbed and 'jatlurf j over tae throat ana cneat. If applied Ireely ottto chest, it never tail* tu give relief in the irveo® cough* attending Consumption. Aathma and It Leai* weuua* speedily—wiil cure Scaitiheefc Mange, etc Pauter* and Farmer* will Ila4 its most valuable medicine to be applied to Hor*e*ae< Cattle for Sprain*, Bruitea, Lauienea*. trtrfl" .Sweeney. Ury Shoulder, Wound*, Born*. Cbate* or t>a i*. Hardened Kocts on the flesh,«*. Look Out fmr Counterfeit*. The public are cautioned agaiuat anuiher mi» terftit, which haa lately mace ita appear*:.®*, oaf eJ W. B. Farreli'a the moat dim geroui of all the counterteita, becauae hi* me name of Farreli, many will buy It m good taife. without the knowledge that a counterfeit trxiiu. urf they wiii peraapa only diaco»er their error wlmk U»e tpuriou* mixture baa wrought ita e*il r-frrtm The genuine artic eia manufactured only fry E. G. Farreli, aoie .nventor and proprietor, aid artiia tale Druggiat, No 17, Main atreet, Peona, lJ:nut*,lft waom a* application lor Agenciea muat to aA dr<-i*-d. Be aure you get it with the iettera H. &. be lore far: ell i. thua—H. ti KAttKKLL'6— a: jaature oa the wrapper, all ottiera are coutM* teita. For sale in Richmond by PURCELL, LADD * CO, M*;b atreet, aud ty regularly authorial A genu throughout the United State*. Price i 5 and 50 centa, and $1 per bottie Ageau wanted m every town, Tillage aud baariK in the United i-utea, iu wnich one U not already ■satablUued. Aiidreaa H G. Farrell a* above, ac companied £ood reference aa la character, ht lity, fcc. no UlmiWutW AUlllMtsmiUKM NOTiCB.-AtfMV sons harm# claims against the estate at r*A usux Robinson, dt*c*-a»ed, are requested topteaae prupfriy authenticated, to me undersigned* admin latratui: ana atl persona indebted, ai« Ma quested to make payment ,to him accordiaffg, with '*» Utile delay a* possible* JOHN ENDEfcS. A ianiuslratur P. Roblaacn, dewnasid. oc 23—iui BIjOC'K TIN tiOODS.-Now opes** t new and assortment of Block Itn Codec Urn* and ttreuue* Do do dteak and Oyster Dtihe* l>o do Coffee and lea Pol* Boilers, Buckwheat Plate*, Shavian JUtmm Imperial aad P.aia Dish Cover*, «e. whvc* was oJfer at reduced pnc*s. C J SIHTOW 4c CO, do 6 Siatn of ti** Circular tUw, 71 M*i* au BIiKAWT PUCtB-* lew cask*, per steamer, (or sale by noe WILLIAM* k BHOTUWL OI&ANUKS— A lot ol W*M Ipata OrugM jak received tor **le by 1 do 8 WiLLIAMsS k BRQTUrtL