Newspaper Page Text
VOl- 3--NO 21 f I DAILY DISPATCH jy •> A. c j v Proprietor. HUGH R. Pljii AS ANTS. Editor \ I T { U N THO TtillTf*. 8* 1 O WHITTIER :*«th rtv spring, with all it" flower., i: « the Summer", pomp and .how, t \ ;i j \ ;!umn in h i b.jwer*. ,» wh'.t'.ng for the Winter's scow. ; - ito, so cold «r,d gray, vn 1".: • ra of myself thnu art \ iso the E-irth did s, em ti say. J . : S. r . c jhall warm my frozen heart. ;s . n~.- wintry sleep with dreams 0> wanner sun at.d milder rain, \ l,' » hear the sound of streams \ ..i song i f me? ry birds again ; > t'r. >u fn m whom tbe Spring hath (one, t whom the flowers no longer biuw, \\ he st*n iest Slighted and forlorn, ! Autumn wniting for the snow; •• N i hope is t! ir:e i f sunnier h-urs, r.y winter .-ha!! n > more depart. No (j-'ic; -■ thy wasted Sowers, Nor wa r m» thy tr z»n heart." aTA UKETIMi OK THE COI'NCIL, A !ti e ci.v ! Richmond, held Friday, October jr.:. . • .. t' !,> f< ■ " if 1 -.' whs adopted : . ci unc i being satisfied that the petitions ef Wa' and ot. er. are the petition* of . t ..rib < t the irti holder. of the city, doth on tsf m j petit, r.s • :. That a poll be and the same i> hereby , , , i:. to Uk' 1 Uie sense of the fret;holders of the V ontr.e que-tion whether the council, on t ehaifof : < »t\. msy subscribe to the stock <<f the Richmond *..i iism.; e railroad company, a company incur •st' d : r a work i t internal improvement in this ' 'tof w rich is to be constructed in or near ;s,. i t v , an amount not exceeding $50,000; tint the :,;uf of ib* poll be Thursday, the2d day ol Decern r i,fat. a - d that this resolution be published tor L , ir. :.:h a.-.i afterwards until the day of the poll, a! > t two newspapers ot the citv. A true copy: WM P SHEPPARD, Cl'k C itichmond. ill, ".UALI, NOTES, (EXCEPT UNION ;1 iiANK.j tasen at the market rates far Dry is. at li ROSENFELD'S, No. 175 Broad it, the arrate»t bargains will be offered in every t, ' c'e —j-cch as Mousiaines, Cashmeres, F ench aai Bri'ish Merinos, plain anj figured Alpaca, - is Embroideries in geeat variety, Hosiery. , v 9. Cremisettes. Sleeves, Collars, Carpets, Blank- ts. Flannels, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, vy», Linseys. itc . Cotton Cloth from 4 cents to fine-t. H ROSENF£LD, 175 Broad street. PIIA iKLI.N CLOTHING STORE, 13* I Main ftreet, Kiehinoud, Va.—The sub - would respectfully call the attention of the wa M l -i camond and the surrounding country r very argeand well selected stock of iteady Made * lothiog, consisting of every style and ! r r all and Winter wear, all which we gar :a:.;--e ', seii iowtr than any Gods of the same m tne city of Richmond We, therefore, in al! who Wicu to obtiiiu a good art>cle at a very » price, to give us a call Ain .. . very large and select stock of gentlemeDs' !ig Goods* •<>26-2(3 R. DECOU <fc CO. (OsT. —On Sunday evening evening last be- J tw- • n the corner ot Leigh and Bth streets and I'i jl's church, a small black Port Dlonoaie, nta.mng a £10 Bank of toe Valley note, a N tli t'arolina note, some silver, (amount not re i-i t--ijanti sundry receipts. The finder will V ,:<ttlv rewarded by leaving it t»i the Dispatch of- It not «iiiictent-y honest to do this, the own -r would thank him to return the Pott Monnai di t;> the "Dispatch," through the post offlse, as t j valuec for sotne reminiscences connected with : oc 30 Chut). U. Murreys. John A. Hiirgtxwi. H4RREYS & BURGESS, HODi,K, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, Nu. 165, MaIN STKEaT, (NHARLY OPPOSITE the Kxchangk Bank,) Richmond, Va , W' HERE they will thankfully receive and promptly execute all work entrusted to m NB— Orders from t h e country respectfully s«- •)ted. au 30—3 m YOTIC'E,—AiI persons indebted to the late firm -1 cf PEAKE, BRADLEY k CO, either by Bond ipen acccont. are earnestly requested to come *ard and settle tht m, as no longer indulgence w.l be firen. These accounts are of long atancing &ud must se settled. Also, all persons indebted to us, whose accounts ' * due, are requested to settle them speedily, for * - are determoKid to have them settled without au :il-ts BRADLEY &. BROTHER YOTlt K.—i take tbis method ot informing the - ' citizens of Richmond and the public generally -«! ta- ~r :a f John M. McLeod & Co. is no more, l.irewu.n si] persons from crediting the above ■■!«• d firm. WM. C. DREW. ! alto f, re warn bH persons from pajing any : rifv due the above firm to John M McLeod. i».' 27—:15N* WILLIAM C. DREW. J ! I r('irK<<«S(»B CEI.KBKATKD HKitt -1 * EDY hOR BLIND AND BLEEDING PILES -Aarrrroda safe, sure and mild remedy tor i'i.i-c, Praia pros Ani, and all other diseases ol the turn. One box will convince the patient of its d and native properties r'rice 4 oz. 0.-.e dollar, 2 oz. per box. Prepared by W. HUTCHISON, Amsterdam, etourt County, Va. lur »a!e in Richmond by Purcell Ladd & Co, ve i t"o and Adie & Gray. se 29—dly a FOR BALE. —The H use and Lot,cor of Franklin and 4'u streets, at present 0c ...-ei by Capt R M Nimnio. The lot fronts 64 i on Franklin and runs back 120 feet on 4th ;: *-et. to a 15 foot alley. "or terms, which will be accommodating, apply R. M. BURTON pANCV Ft;HT«.--i'wouid moat respectfully * caii the attention of the Ladies, to my assort ' 'it of i ancy Furs; consisting ot Black and natur |* -ynx Ma So, Mountain Martin, Cr'tsa Fox, Gen -1 U.rid Coney do. A ureat variety for Missrs and 1 ildien o. Aiso Virtoriue* tc CuSs, from low I- 1 ' d t'l the finest articel—which I am disposed 1 »• it iuw as similar goods can be purchased in ] * York JOHN THOMPSON V!> I Tck.— ABBA O. EANES and Sis •" !<'s reopecttuliy solicit the attention of the * -uf Hichmond to tb»ir ftluntua- Maklng.- tliey have recectiy moved to this city, toey 1 • J 'l be happy to accommi date th<? ladies with r neat sewiDg and good fitting. I'ricea accom ■datiu.. They will be found on Broad street, over H. Fit kin's shoe store. oc 19 —lm* ( '!)! '!. i i>7( O J7tM7"«Vc.-Ayer s Cher y ' ' Pecforai, Mrs Gardner's Halsatn • ""Siw's Ci.ugq Syruo, Wild Ch-rry, Jayne's and ®c's and various articles tor Colds, ughs, ic. For sale by SEABKOOK & REEVE, no 2 175 Broad street. !V tJTI «'E.—A!! persons indebttid to WM. H *V N I.L JOHN A SNEuL t CO. or BAkNEd ■ SNI'LL, are reouested to make immediate pay -ftilto me. JAMES A. SNELL, »e27—te Ad minis! rator of Wo 11 ■ See*! [ UiHT U'AMIK WANTKW.-A second U h»;id on-, bat little used, preferred. Address jx o<»7 P.M Ofice oe 25 | A FAN Nli lI~TOI IiETTK H B T H .—Just '* opt-ned, a beautital assortment of the above ol k io»t elegart styles. Also, Japann d Slop Paila, Vater Fail*. Foot Baths tw. , A GINTER'S House- J "'lushing Store, 137 Ma!n st * rI'ONKA B FANS.—Asoialt lot of prime qua i -1 ty lor sale by 4LEX DUVAL, ino t No IK MdUi comer Pith st. '' iiA'l'li E H llkl HHE«, A r c.—A tine as ►ortu.ei,t of the above, suitable for furniture astera, A'ao, Hand Dusters, Scrnb Brushes, A eulng iircshos, 6iC at GINTFR'S u 1 JS7 Main »t. Llit t: *111 FKLNKhT jTsi landed for sale by, JUAN PIZZ'NI, w i® Next c oor to the t jtcbange Ikak. THE DAILY DISPATCH. EDUCATION Rky. M. I». IKMJK'H BOAKITFVT AND DAY SCHOOL, c orner of Frank! Iln nnd sth«treeta, Richmond, Va.-The next term ot tb .Institution will commence on the n.l i e,oh * r - Tbe C " ur ««' "udy will embrace an the to * thorough English education. together with Ancient and Modern Lan guage.. Last year more then 100 cupl), were in attendance at the .ame time, but during the next f'"V ° nU n'u er Wlil b " restricted to 100—twenty of whom will be received as boarders in the family ot the Principal. Charge for board, washing and " iual «ccommodaUon«, for t. n months, 8220 as heretofore. Tuition in Engluh, irom frS, to f- ' »CCording to the advancement of the pupil trench. Spanish or Italian, #20; Latin. 815 ; Music! «. per month. The German Lannuage will be taught orally, or by the usual method, to as many as may wi-h to acquire it, free oj charge. Kev. J. P. SAFFORD will occupy the position which was filled by the Rev. W. J Hoge last year. Mr. Saftord is a gentleman of varied and accurate scholarship, and has had several years experience as an instructor in some of tha best institutions in our country. Young Ladies from the country, a-; well as from the city, are desired to be present on the first day of the session. It is often a serious inconvenience and discouragement to a pupil to enter a claw which has made even a week's progress Payments invariably in advance—one-half on the first of October, the other on the first of March. Ail communication, will receive prompt atten tion. Address Rev. M. D. HOGE, au 27—d.fcw3m Richmond. Va ®INnTRL'CTION ON THK l'i- ANO FORTE, HARP, GUiTAR, AND VOCAL MUSlC.—ProfetiMnr Brandt respectfully informs the citizens of Rich mond that he intends giving lessons on the .hove mentioned instruments, and also in the higher branches of Vocal Mu6ic, to commence on the 15th ot Noven ber upxt. Prof. B. having h«d an experience of eight«en years in the profession, and having successfully taught in several of the largest Seminaries in the South, now offers his services to the different Fe male Seminaries, as well as to the citizens of Rich mond generally, lar advanced scholars will have the benefit of beina accompanied on the Violin Professor Brandt is permitted to refer to the Rev Dr. Jones, nnd to the Rev. Dr. Leroy M. Lee. All orders received atMr. P. H. Taylor's Music Store, where references can be seen. no B—aw DRAWING* —J. S. PERKINS having return ed to Richmond for the winter, wiil give in struction in the various branches of Drawing, as Landscapes, Heads, Figures and Flowers. His sub jects or models are by the best masters, and have been selected with a view to aitract and interest the beginner, while they cultivate a correct taste, and gradually lead the pupil to a bold and independent style of execution that will readily enable him to draw from nature. All lovers ot this art are invited to call 8t his rooms (corner of sth and Franklin streets) and ex amine his portfolios. Lessons given at the pupils' residences, if desired. Separate hours devoted to young Gentlemen and young Ladies at his studio, where they will be re ceiv> d on the same terms as in schools. oc4—3m* A Li, SiMALLBOVS.—Ii. P. TAYLOR, «th street, between Grace and FraDklin—My School being exclusively for beginners, I give spe cial attention to Reading, Correct Enunciation, Grammar and Spelling; also to Geography, Map Drawing, Arithmetic and History. Specimens of my boys' composition snd writing, may be always seen at the Disuatch office. My Hole is peremp tory, but as gemle as possible. oc 9 [YT OTICE FOK VOLNii JLAUIES AND Ll GENTLEMEN—MR. JOHN REINHARDT, Professor at the German St. Marj's Institute, corner of Marshall and 4th streets, has the honor to inlorm the public, that he will give instruction in German, what regards a correct speaking, reading and wri ting of that language. He will also give lessons io playing the piano, as well as in drawing in all its branches. The daily instructions begin with the lit day of November next, from 3 to 7 o'cluck P. M. oc 18—lm* CIL.OTHING, C'LOTHlNU.—filing ott «t ) and below eost, for cash, a good stock of Ready Made Clothinir, still to be dispose of. Mo»t of the 8 inn!l note* will be taken for Goods. Call soon if yon wish to get | some bwrgains in Clothing, at the cheap store of I'. DORNIN, 90 Main street. Rent. oc 23— dim Di -MOliLiTlOft'. —The co-partnership here tofore existing under the firm ot L. & M. ROSE, is this day, by mutual consent, dissolved. September 16th, 1852. The subscriber, in returning his most sincere thanks tor the very liberal pationage so kindly be stowed on the old firm, begs to inform his old cus tomers and the citizens generally, that he has just returned from the North with an entire new slock of Fall Goods, amonast which may bs found handsome designs in Silis Silk Velvets, Mouslin de I.aine, Cashmeres, Merinos, Alpacas, and an ex tensive assortment of crape, long, square Rnd thib t Hhnwls; also, a very large assortment of Flannels, Blankets, Kerseys, Linseys, &c. &c., and almost every article usually kept in a dry goods house, which will be sold ou the most reasonable terms. MORRIS W. HOSE, oo 6—2 m 203 Broad street. IMH><JKTT dc AM)KKM)N. UPHOLSTERERS AND PAPER HANGERS, 10 Governor htreet, Have in store their Fall stock ot French and American PAPER HANGINGS of every quality and style, purchased from the best factories in tbis country and France, many of them very rich and elegant Also, a very complete a»sortment of cur tain goods, cornices, gimps, Us#els. cords, bands, window shades, in great variety, w udow oiinds curtain paper, buff Holland for shades, a superior sto'.k of floor oil clothe, coeo matting, curled hair and shuck mattresses, feather beds, bolsters and piliowß,of the best quality, with many other erti cles, in our line, all of which will be sold on fair terms, and Paper Hanging and Upholstering done in town or country, at the shortest notice and by the best workmen. se 16—3 m rtUlTs.—Receved this week, r large supplies ot fine black Dress and Frock Coats, black and rich fancy Silk and Velvet Vests; black and fancy Fr nch and English Cass Pans; new styles fancy Business Coats Also, a large lot of (iecii-men's Under Shirts and Drawers, 4tc, &c Caii at the Money Savings Institution of KEEN, CHILES 6t BALDWIN, No 102 iwain street. N B—Also, every style Over Coata in use, very low oc '29 THOMAS ik C'H AIILKS ELLIN & CIO. HAVE removed their office to No. 158 Main st — Entrance on llth straet. two doors above the Exchange Bank in the room formerly occupied as the ■' Richmond Library." Being engaged in closing their business, they re quest all persons indebted to them to call and sen le their accounts se i - 2m (V| fcW WlNfkS CiOOOS—I an just in Ll receipt of second assortment of new Winter Goods amomist which may be found a variety of beantiful Cloths, fancy and plain Casaimereo, and a rkh lot of Cut Vehrf t Vestinxs, which I will be happy to makenp in my usual stvle WiLLIAM HOLT KICHARDSOM, Draper and Tailor. no 1- 2w Hth treat, opposite xrhmgo. A,)d\ HKWAUO.—Ran away irom tbe sub qp JhvJ scriber, about foo weeks my negro man WARNER He is a tolerably stout ne«ro a l, out five fet t five or six ioebes high—has a very short foot, a pleasing countenance when spoken to. if not crossed, and a retnarknble small ear His eias are rather aruall and full—has tolerably high cheek bones and ro»nd fsee I will give the above reward for the safe delivery of Warner to me, in King William, ar to N B &.C. b Hill, in Richmond Va. oc 30—dl3t « B MH LS. FOitTUNK FOH |1.-lh« receipt with full instructions in thi elegant and beautiful accomplishment uf inlaying aud ornamenting Fa pier VI ucbe, (whereby fr. m 410 to per week may be obtained will oe forwarded 'o all who will enclose9l. fx st oaid to Messrs ftPHING CO. 41 Second street Baltimore, M i Numerous ladies and gentlemen are now employed aid realizing a handsome income from thi- valuable reoeipt, which is »iade ao plain bv theiostnicOcu a. to meet toe capacity even of children. oc 2*— lm* RICHMOND. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1852. R. FRANCE Ac CO., SUCCESSORS OF F. MORRIS 4 CO., Mala Htreet. Richmond, T». Splendid -Scheme* for November, 185*2. Brilliant Lottery for Not. i:j, 183*2. 850,00 C Grand Capital—2s prizes ot 10,000, Grand Consolidated Lottery, Clsss Y, to be drawn at Baltimore on Saturday, November 13th. 78 num berg, 12 drawn. GSAND capitals: 1 prize of. $50,000 1 194 prize, of .S4OO 2i of 10,000 j dcc, Ac. Ticket, glo, halve. 7 50, quarters 3 75. Certificates of a package ot wholes 8200, halve. 100, quarters 50. 835,000, 17.f<00, 7 500! Susquehanna Lottery, Class 47, to be drawn in Baltimore. «Vedneaday, November 17 ih. 75 num bers, 14 drawn. CAPITALS : 1 prize of. 83".,000 !20 prizes of. 8750 1 of 17,500 j 10 of 400 1 of 7,500 I iO of 300 1 of 3,67g | 100 ot 200 Tickets 810, halves 5. quarters 2 50. Certificate of a package of whole. $100, halves 50, quarters 25. 836,623. 7 ol 6,500, 10 of 3,500 ! Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 29, to be drawn at Baltimore on Saturday, Nov. 20th. 7d Nos, 12 drawn. capitals: 1 prize of 836,6*3 j 20 prizes of 81250 7of 6,500 j 20 of 650 10 of 3 500 j 162 of 317 Tickets $10; halves 5, quarters 2 50. Certificate of <i package of whole. 8130; halves 65, quarter. 32 50. 831,000, 8,146, 5 of 3,500 ! Susquehanna Lottery, Class No 48, to be drawn at Baltimore on Wednesday, Nov. 24th. 78 numbers, 14 drawn. capitals : 1 prize of 831,000 I 10 prizes of 81500 lof 8,146 I 10 of 1000 5 of. 3,500 | 30 ot 500 5 of 2,000 | 302 of 287 Tickets 810; halves 5, quarters 2 50. Certificate of a package of wboles 8120; halves 60, quarters 30. Splendid Lottery for Nov. 127 th. 880,000, Grand Capita!—4o,ooo, 23,655, 3 of 10 300. Twenty drawn number, in each package of twenty-five tickets Grand Consolidated Lottery Z, to be drawn at Bahimore on Saturday, Nov. 27th, 1»52. 78 N0.,, 20 drawn. GRAND CAPITALS: 1 prize of. 880,000 10 prizes 0f....81000 lof 40,(00 10 of 750 1 of 23,655 10 of 500 3of 10 000 100 of 400 4of 5 000 iOOO of 300 Lowe 12 No prize $50: Ist, 2d, 3d 4th or s'h drawn Nos $32; 6th. 7ih.Bth, 9th or 10th, £25; 11th, 12th, 13th. 14th or 15:h, $20; 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th or 20th, $16. Tickets $32 : halves 16, quartersß. Certificate of a package of wholes halves 33". quarters 90. JJJp' Orders for tickets in any of the Maryland Lotteries will meet the most prampt and con fidential attention, if addressed to R FRANCE & CO., Managers, Or to C. W. PURCELL, Richmond, Va. tin 2 Dividend notice.-umce va. p. <v m In. Co, Richmond, Ist Nov, 1852. —The Board of Directors of this iasritution have declared a se mi annual dividend of 14 per cent, out of the earn ings of the last six months: 10 per cent, thereof payable to the stocHho'.ders or their legal agents, on or after the 15th inst, and four per cent, thereof to be paesed to the contingent fund. The transfer book will, as usual, be closed until the lSth instant. THOS M ALFRiEND, no I—din 15 Secretary. rjT HE attention of the ladies is respectfully caiieU A to our extensive stock of Ureati (<oed.«, com prising goods frotn the lowest to the finest qualities at unusually kiw prices Also to the largest and handsomest assortment of ribbons, florences, satins. . marcitines, bonnet and mantilla velvet kept in any store in the city and at less prices ; 100 drzen linen cambric hdkfsat 51.25 pet dozen, 100 dozen linen towels at Si per dozen ; needle work goodiof all kinds in great variety : alpacas, meriooes and thi of all shades aud cheap; flannels, white, red, blueand yellow, very cheap; with a complete stock of Domestic Goods and Servants' Wear, to which we again respectfully call the attention cf purcha sera I'W Persons purchasing by the piece or dozen would do well to give us a call. J MILLHISER &. BRO, no 2 193 Broad street P' "ttIVATK PICA ('TICK. —Dr PLLME & CO. may be consulted, confidentially, for the treatment of the following diseases: Eruption* Sore Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, or en largements,Syphilis, and all morbid discharges whether recent or chronic. Also, all those com plaints termed female diseases. The advertiser invite attention to thoir chemical extract of Wild Flowers, which may be regarded as the very besi article known, to give tone and vigor to certair abused aud debilitated organs, its well as to renovate a system snattered by dissipation or other cause. Medicines securely put up, with full direction*, and sent to order. Post paid letters promptly at tended to. Office on Franklin street, below Ex change Hotel, and first door below Trinity church Richmond, Virginia fe S Al BHKT L.. WfcWT, HOUSE CARPFW TER AND JOINER, thankful for the liberal pa- which he has received during the last five years, would inform his friends and the public that he is prepared to undertake BUILDINGS ol every kind on accommodating terms. Having a practical knowledge of tLe business, h hopes, by strict attention to it, to give satisfaction to all who may employ him. Shop on Bth, between Grace and Franklin streets, Richmond. se 13—dtlJ ift | /tn 91.0U. —Uie thousand Likenesses qj> A have been taken at OdBOKN'S D» guerrean (Jafieries since the redaction f prices.— And we n w wish it understood by ail that Osborn wrtl continue to take tine Sky Liuhi Miniatures in a neat case tor ®l Remember, tni. is the only place where Sky Light Miniature* are taken for $1. To those that think one dollar is too cheap for a good Likeness, we would only say, call and get a Like ness worth sor $10- Remember the place. OS HORN'S, Opposita the Banks, sign of the American Flat's. J AS. A. SNELL. Agent tor MILLISON WNEijL, has laien the stand No 29 west Mhlij street, lately occupied by J no. A. Sueli & Co., end has just recurved a part, and by Wednesday next, will have .neotiie new stock of Staple and Fancy f»*y tiooun, and m«*t respectfully solic its the o> the friends of the late tirms of Jdo A. Snell a: Co,, Barnea & Snell and Hugh oc 11—ts TO TOBACCO IHANDP4CTVKBRS.- Tbe -übscriber solicits the atrentiou of Tobac co M*nuf»«tw**m t" hi'superior Presses and Mil's, of every description. P RAHM, Eagle Foundry, Cary below Pearl street, an 21—fioi 'PO TOBACCO tIANUFACTCKEKS.- I I ana prepared .or a>a*inj.' in tne best manner, Milts and Presaes of every description. Orders »o bcited. * U. iiAi DNVIN, ocß—dlmw4t' No 148 Main St., Richmond. KKUIiSU*: HKKIUNUSI—2S twit oWs family Hoe Herrings 50 bt>k No 1 Halifax Herring* 50 do Ni> 2 do do In store and for sale low by A. B. LEE. au 10—ts L> EMOV*L.-K M H,OHh.KTd*iN, Merchant [V Tailor, info ma his friend* and the public thn he has removed his Taitonnc E*tat>li»bm«oi from Governor street to the store on Main etret t, next to Messrs U Brother'*, where he will t>e pleased to accommodate them oc 18—1» WA.NTKII-f or tne t>HUui;e <>f uie yt ar. * Colored Xante, of ;»ood character, for whom, theghighest price will be given. Apply at this ortee. nc 6 UrA>TKO, a |(»d Cook, Wnsbsr aud vl Irouer.f rthebahncf-ofthevear tptH to oc"27—>• It". PiCKK'T. COU 'HVKK OIL.-A aup* O ply just received fur sate by AI.EX DUVAL, no 6 No 153 Main curn«r iilib at. Office af Superintendent streets, I November 4th. 1952 > OTIIE TO STONE JIASONS.-Propo- wul be received at thi. office until 12 o'clock on THURSDAY. the Uth November, 1e52, for the extension of the Franklin street city culvert, from the western side ot 18th street to a point about mid way between 19th and 20th streets, (about 530 feet ) The depth will be from 10 to 11 feet to the top of the bottom 9ag. The flas atones are to be of hard granite not less than 9 inches thick, and to ex tend thoroughly across and under the side wails, which are to be 2 feet thick at bottom and 1* feet thick at top. Its capacity will be 2 fed wide and 3 feet high, clsar, and to be covered with strong granite slabs, and all the masonry laid in good ce ment mortar, fhe contractor will be required to till in the earth over the culvert and remove the surplus earth from the street as the work progresses. State the price per running foot. The estimate was made at 82 per foot, and no bid higher than that will be entertained The person to whom the contract is awarded must enter into covenant, wi'h security. for the prompt and taithtnl execution of the work within ten days the date of the award, or hi. bid will be forfeited. no d—dtd M. BATES, Supt. Streets. [V E W COMMISSION HOUSE.—The .üb i* .cribers have entered into co partnership under the firm of PKNDI.ETON & BROTHER, for the t: ansact on of the Commission Business in TOBAC CO, COTTON and PRODUCE GENERALLY and have taken Warehouse No. 120 Smith. Wharf, Baltimere, Md. S R. W. PENDLETON, * P. P. PENDLETorf? Baltimore, August 16th. 1852. Refer ences: Kagh Jenkins it Co., Baltimore. F. W. Brune &. Sons, do. Wm. Wilson &. Sous, do. Edwin Wortham i. Co., Richmond. A rchb'd Thomas & Son, do. Hugh W. Fry, do. Rhode. St. Oglebay, Bridgeport, Ohio. John Cincinnati Gordon it Co., Louisville. W H. Bartless, Cnarleston, S. C. Otis J Chafee, do. do. James McCullogh, Pittsburgh. Brown i Kirkpatrick, do. Z. Chafee, do. D. Lamb, Esq., Cash'r N. W. B*nk. Wheeling. S. Brsdy, Esq., do. Mer. <fc Mech. do. <io. James R. Baker, Wheeling. Josiah Sibley, llamburg3, S. C. K'.nry A. Bchroeder, Mobile, Alabama. A L. Gaines, New Orleans. oc 12—t w6m Lots on lnion hill, fou salk. As the agent and trustfe of THOS. H. BLA KF.Y, I will" sell, privately, in lots containing one or more acres each, to suit purchaser*, eigltt or ten - -es of the land now owned and occupied by the said Blakey. These lots are bt autifuliy situa ted on Union Hill, fronting on the road leading to Blaiey's Mill, about amilemula half only from the old market. Terms accommodating. Refer to John Shore,or to the subscriber, at hie office No. 71 Main street, up stairs,over Messrs. Sinton Al Co. au 9—3tawts I. R WATKINS MUAIKY AMI AIAHKhT F.VKtI FOK SALE.—For sale privately, a pretty little marKetand dairy Farm, about li miles from Rich mond, embracing 15 acres, beautifully undulating, and well adapted to the cultivation ot every variety cf vegetables. The soil is of clay bottom and very susceptible ot improvement. It is a fine situation for tbe ice business, and has on it an excellent ice house. The improvements are new and substan tial. The dwelling is of wood, two stories high, containing six good rooms, with a finely s aded piazza in rear, and a porch in front. It commands a beautiful *iew of Richmond and the surrounding country, and is altogether a healthy, improving and desirable place. A great bargain can be had if early application be made, as the owner is desirous of selling in order to remove to the lower country. For term?, apply to W. (JODDIN, or WM GOULDIN Semi-weekly Whig and Enquirer copy for i)i"- month. no 4—2awßt* In Henrico Ceunty Court, Oct. 6, Ift.jJ. TH K Justices of this Court having been summon ed to attend on this day to determine whether or no* the 33rd station of the 198 th chapter of the Code ot Virginia, which prescribes that ''if a fne negro shall sell or barter, or cfier for sale or barter any agricultural products without having® certiti cate in writing from one respectable white person of the county or neighborhood, of bis belief that he raisec or otherwise came honestly by the same, such products 3hall be forfeited and the ne?ro pun ishfd with stripes, and that any white person who shall purchase or receive in trade agricultural pro ducts of a free negro who has not such certificate, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor," shall be in force in the county of Henrico. Tae Court this day pro ceeded to consider the same, and it is the unanimous opinion ol the Court that the section aforesaid shall oe in force in the county if Henrico and the same t* ed accordingly. And it is further ordered that this order be published twice a week for one month, in the Daily Dispatch and Richmond Daily Enquirer. A copy Teste. JAMES ELLETT, CH. C. By a subseaueut order of the County Court of Henrico, entered on the Bth October, 1352. it whs di rected th*t the section mentioned in the preceding order, should cot take effect in said county uotil the 6ih dsv if November next. oc It—-iawlm JAMES ELLFTT, C. H. C. LIiMBEK, L.LMHKK. —in addition to our general assortment of seasoned White Fine Lumber, we have, in our yard, over 3 >0,000 feet of efason»d White Oak and Button Wood Board**, suitable for tooacco boxes. Purchasers would do well to apply to us, either personally or by letter before purchasing elsewhere. TOME ic hIN EH ART, «el3—2aw3m Port Deoosite, Md. IT 1» AN OLiD FKOVLKB THAT " T;ME IS MONEY ".and a great drs! of time and money too may be saved by the citizens of Richmond in quest of rich SIIKS, MANTILLAS, and other Dress Goods, bj vii-iting tne Metropolitan Store, 151 Ea gle Sq iare, as tne prices will be tound low and the assortment good. oc 2-J WILLCOX & BETTS. VI ORK NttW (iOOOS.—THOb K. FttiGE i-'i at CO. have just received new style® Cloth and bilk Cloaks and Mantles B'ack Velvet Ribbons Rich Furniture Prints Lace Berthea Black I.ace Mitts, and many other articles. ocl4 is FB>DKK>, FKNDhRJH.—Ot brass, bronzed mid wire. Nursery Fenders in great variety: folding (ire Soreens, &c Alto, Andlrt»n«. Fire D"g, Cinder Shovels, Biower Standi, 4tc, at GiNTEK'S, 137 M in st. no 4 NfcW UKfcMS liOllUn. —A lar*- and tiand s> tn-t assortment ot Mousseiaines. Ca»h meres, Merißoes, Toplins, icc for sale cheap at no 3 WM J 9WORES. N B—Also a large variety of Velvet Ribbons • other Trim <nings. VW£ET UHANUES, received, tor «u.> O by JUAN PIZZINi, ne il Next door »o the Exchange Bank 4WtT NtliSE.-We have a healthy youw: woniMn, who, in consequence ol the death of her only cliiki recently, w ottered fur hire as a wet nurse. TOLER ii. COOK, no 3 General Agents. PKNDKKS AND F'KB IKONS. —Brass a green with brats mouldings, bro zed and Nur sery Fenders. suitable lor city arid country Are ulac' t; brass head polished and kitchen Kirs lrobs, assorted, in prices from 50cents in §7 50. Also, a good assortment of polished and brass head Poktir-. for sate by cc 19 VAN LEW «fc TAYI.OR. UOCBE4 AND LOTS FOR dALfc—We of- H ler for s *Je adjoining improved ou, in the ravine leading down to Valley street, trom near Howard's Gro*«. The houses h*ve about tour rooms each, and • re in pretty good repair. For a bargain apulv to us. TOLER it COOK, no 9 General Agents. ]>k£Sh hull butter .-Just recetved'j T a sou!' la very nice Holl Butter, for sale by GEURGK J. H► RUING, oc 30 Opposite Fredericksburg Depot. fHE DAILY PISPATf!M Ml VOICE IS FOR "PEACE." FRO* PCSCH. Cock a-doodle-doo !—-"In the name 0 f the French nation—l mean the French emoirp I ask and pray for peace! We wan! 7 !! What are armies? Necessary evil.; Wh«. is glory ? Golden smoke!" Something alter this fashion speakß Louis Napoleon at Bordeaux. An owl in a holly bush is a familiar object of the gravely ridiculous; but the owl is beat en. Think of on eagle in an olive tree! The soaring, carnivorous bird, that, instinct with glory, smells the battle from afar, ao'l cleaves the air, to come pounce down upon the dying. Beak and claws red and wet with blood; and gorging, gorging its belly full. But this is all over. The eagle gives up a tiesh diet; and, forsaking its rocky high place, will become even as domestic poultry. I he eagle will perch, and no doubt doits best to coo in an olive tr*e—living upon olives as a pollparrot eats shelled almonds. After all, it is natural that the man tired of gunpowder—especially c.f the civic sort that made the glory of the 2d Dec.—as he nears the throne should desire to sit still awhile and rest himself. And will he not have beesabout him—a very swarm of golden bees—all sug gestive to the Imperial mind of industry, and rewardful labor, and sweet content? And, therefore, and from tha very bottom of his heart—(if it has a Ljttom; though, from the profundity of the sympathies attributed to the man by a truth loving Church, we doubt if the bottom has ever yet been fathomed)—there fore does Louis Napoleon hunger for peace. "Crook me that Imperial sword into a sickle; melt ipe those firelocks into plowshares: con vert me those helmets of the Imperial Guard into bee-hives." These must be the thoughts, the aspirations of the man that, like a newly bruised eye, is fast becoming very purple. "But how"—certain inquisitive people may ask—"how about the steam navy ?" "To be sure. There is the Napoleon,capa ble of transporting 5,000 troops." "Ves; and the Austeriitz, first-rate man-of war steamer, with broadside weight of metal that can spinier up Gibraltar? What are these and others on the stocks for? All for peace?" "For pence," replied the Emperor. "Built, purely, for voyages of discovery. To discov er the Gardens of the Hesperides—(aside, 01 the Gardens of Folkestone) —to trace the source of the Pactolus—(aside, or the source of the Thames.) \es! I cry peace—peace is my mission. And so believing, how I yearn to plant the olive in the Tower of London, or the forecourt of Buckingham Palace." FROM MEXICO. By yesterday morning's mail we received our New Orleans exchanges of the 3d and 4th in stants. The Picayune contains, in detail, the Mexican news of which we have given a tele graphic outline- It relates chiefly to the ex tra session ol the Mexican Congress and the impeachment of minister?; yet there are some other items of interest. The city of Mexico was in a continued state of alarm. Tbe Uni eersal of Oct. 18 says: Spies are making their harvest from the cre dulity and fear of the Government. Last night the roof of the palace was filled with all the munitions of war necessary to resist an attack; the sentinels were doubled, watches were set, and all the preparations usual under the pres sure of fear or danger were made. Useless precautions; every one laughs at these steps. The Siglo of same date says that the explo sion of a rocket-bomb in the Plaza de Armau the night previous, alarmed the government and the police, and would probably give rise to new arrests. New papers, of an ephemeral character, qjl directed against the government, have been 3tarted in the city of Mexico. The usual amount of pronunciamentos had been is sued, of a nature so miscellaneous that we can with difficulty define their purport. The con dition of Mexico is in no measure improved, a fact which is well illustrated by the follow ing paragraph from the Universal: The situation of the frontier States is daily more and more deplorable, and instead of a de cided and efficacious assistance, they receive only a sterile compassion. The enthusiasm which some time since existed here in their fa vor has subsided. In (act, nothing is done, no thing is undertaken with resolution and energy to remove the horrors to which those States are a prey, and the efforts of lew good citizens when they are not destroyed by the indolence of others, are ruined by opposition from those who should most support them. From Texas.—We find in the N. Orleans Picayune some additional items cf news from Texas. A man named Monroe Black, in Grinals county, shot a man named McGoffin, because of the refusal of the latter to lend his wagon to Black. The San Antonio Led ger states that Dr. Lucian S. Duval, surgeon of Shaw's Mounted Rangers, was compelled, in personal defence, to kill a soldier of the Mounted Rifle regiment, United States Army. The San Antonio Western Texan says that a rumor has reached that city that two of the citizens, whe were driving in some mules from Monclova, were murdered on the Alamo river by the Indians. The Auslin City Ga zette is out in a long article against Mr. Sec retary Conrad's letter, refusing to recognize the companies of Rangers recently called into service by Gov. B>*ll. Figititk Slave Cask.—We have already noticed the case of G»orge Bordley, who was remanded ro the custody of his master, by com missionei lagrahani, of Philadelphia, a day or two since. David Paul Brown appeared, on behalf of the abolition society of Pennsylvania, to defend the fugitive. In the course of his remarks he said: "1 am not here to pay that the law shall not have its way. The society which I represent do not deserve the reproach that they are hos tile to the South. Nor do the people of Penn sylvania. The assent employed in such caeea (meaning Alberti) may generate opposition. It may also arise from the persona mixed with the case, but, where a claimant produces five or six respectab e witnesses to prove the identity of tbe fugitive, the society will not throw further obstacles in the way of the claimant." The identiiy ot the fugitive being clearly es tablished, be was remanded to tbe custody oi his owner, and a certificate granted. Not the slightest disposition to iuterfere with the decision was manifested by those present. P. T. Barnum and H. D. Beach have form ed a special partnership with a cash capital of $40,000, for the publics! on in New York •>' an illustrated weekly newspaper, intended to be the beat m the world. PRICE, ONE CENT. Homicide—A fatal affray occurred in Spa I tanburg, 8. l, ? Dear Cross Anchor, on ihr .224 ulr., resulting id the death of Mr. Samuel Ge«- iry, by a pistol shot from the hand of Mr. Jere miah »troud. Mr. Gentry survived bnt a brea*. '"tpk th T b#U havio « penetrated h » breast. Ihe altercation arose on a farm be gging to Isaac Stroud, on which Laogdon SSS-- 8 ; n ofs »mue!Gentry, resided,about Mr S?° ° ""P* o ' °1* Payment cf rent. putiMd?nf' e bro , lberof Isa9c - had been de- Samuel r yOO lhe proceeds of the farm.- Lingdon an^"," 0 ' h j pren,,ses " i,h hi * sist bv v«i ." '•* Ba 'd, attempted to re : v.olence the object of the warrant. Tuesday a"',"' 11 ®' v 01 teilow, who had been ende.i * no,or, °u« a fight, firs, in lhe f",», fc'L" 8 .'° ?Ct iol ° Second, was very danYem l ?. , .° d "Vt* !° cut in the side by a voun°- ma/h.'.K and Swidorf. He struck the Tatter, whin" he T° l a knife, and, to use the expression uf a witnesT cut him all to pieces. uaen. A State Fair was recently held at Macon Georgia. There were five hundred and thirty exhibitors, and the receipts amounted to aer eral thousand dollars. The display of aniaiaU was the largest ever known in Georgia and manner!" 5 PBBSed ° ff ' a ,he a,oßt "'"factory The papers tell us that Mr. Webster three days before he died, had his cattle driien £ o his mansion, that he might, as he stood ia the door-way, take bis last bok of the noble animals in which he took so much pride. Thackery was to have left Liverpool for Boaton in the Canada, Oct. 30. P ooatou fornia 11181 dl)ear ' tile act °r, it insane, in Call • Mr. Baring, of the firm of Baring, Brother* of London, Is coctmed in New York, by illness. Concord, N. H„ voted Tuesday not to ace»ut th« city charter. Yeas 4 Id, nays 48J. Somebody shrewdly remarks that one half cf the reports and two-thirds of the bosoms that yoa ran against are talse. ' When ia a blacksmith in danger of raisin? a row shove L. P bßt ' Whe " he * .. named "Joe," in Cincinnati, ran aw fly on the .6th ult. with the wives cf two other men — mere ia mouopoly lor you. The typhoid fever is raging with extraordinary violence in the South of France. The novels of Sue, Sands, Souillie, Scribe, and Duina), are interdicted in Spain. The Prince Governor of Warsaw, has given no » ticethat the property of the relugee Poles abroad, who have not accepted the amnesty, will be cotfia cateu. Col. G M. Grouwd, U. S. A., indicted, for the killing of Msj jr Johps, in Florida, last June ha* been tried and acquitted by the Florida authorities. Lord Lldon, says the London L'xnminer, was a very gieat lawyer, a very small politician, and ao philosopher at all. T—Gov. Cobb, of Ga. ( hasappotn tf d Thursday the 23th of Novembur, as a day at public Thanksgiving in that State. The residence of the Misses Lang, at Camden, 8 C., was destroyrd by tire on Tuesday last. It wa» partially insured. An ingenious individual in Texas, has ju«t inven ted a strengthening plast-r, which will enable jam to "take up" anything from a tour mouta's note to d oogshcsid of augar. S >mers, indicted with Ann Hoag for the murder ot her husband in Dutchess county, N. V., baa bees tried and acquitted. The woman, it will be recol lected, waahung a few month* since. BEAL'I IFCJ , NKW MUtilC tfUU Pft* ANO, for sale by HARROLU it MURRAY— The Old Log Hut, by the author of Ben Bolt —23c Katy Darling's Farewell tn |Pnimill (1 nsiiifcl song) —38c i Ctnnot Sing Tonight, by Stephen Porter—Sfib Gentle Eva, very pretty—3Bc My Alpine Home, a choice song by Wallace Ms Toe Ballad Singer, by Linley—3ec Old Folks at Home—2s Variations on the Same—3Bc Daylight on the Sea, arranged aa an ewy Icsscw —12c Fancy Polka, by Kleber—2sc The EUena Polka, do —25c All new Music received aa soon aa published. Any piece will be sent by mail, poat paid, when or dered. oc 30 PUK6TOM & .MKHKILL'S INKAI.LI. But, YEAST POWDERS —Just received,ooa hundred and twenty-five dozen of these intallibto Powders, which have, after a long trial and severs test been 1 mud to be superior to every other article ot the kind for making light and wholesome bread. They are a great convenience, are always ready, aui sure to act: the d ugh requites no standing, but is ready to bake as soon aa mixed. They are a'so peculiarly adapted to the making of Wat Sea, Muffins, Buckwheat Cakes, Gingerbread, Dump lings, &c. For sale, wholesale and retail, by <> 27 ADIK & GRAY. U7 Main street PKhItKKVEI) KKl'ITn.-l have a amail lot of Preserved Fruits, air tight, and preserved to their own juice, just as fresn as when they were picked. Housekeepers will liud theat fruits /mat suited to their wants For sale by no 4 O A STRF.CKER. LKVI'H Venom, hat, »isi>e, Ant mmd i 3« Hoarh Destroyer.—Th? above arttoto jusi received from the manufacturers, with tul di rections for use, and tor sale by SEABROOK it REEVE, no 2 175 Broad street. ttECONO & LA iJ THROP are receiving their second supply of Goods, among them— 50 pieces Muusiaines at 25 cts per year, seme quali ty aa those we have been selling at 37J and 50e 30 pieces more ol those cneap Mouslaines at 124 «• 60 dresses tine faris do, at 75 ctt, wot lb $1 Extra Manchester G nghttn* for children ALSO. Rich Velvet and Cloth t.'loahs Ribbon* and Galloon* Call at i'o 9 99 .Wain street. FULLY CONVINCKU.-aii »&„ nave rid ted Levy'* store during ihia fa 1, bare been fiL iy convinced that he is really aelUog caesp. How could they be other wiae, whi-n they »e« that be I* telling hi*good*ao exiremely tow» H—irtliinra at 10,12 aud higher, alpaca* at 18, merino*at 25, udJtf* at 8, coilar* at 6 (hirtiag 6, Irish linen*, quilts, blin ked, *hawls. gloves, tUnneU ol all c >lors, axf all other articles in his line will be offered at the Jowrit price* tor cash If yon want to save money the place to do it is at ABRAHAM LEVY, JR"B, no 9 -JOl B rued it rest N B—Kid gloves, white and colored, at SOceatu Ther are going tmt call early. A L ltU.»iO>D, VRKUKKICKSBUHW * AW I) POTOMAC KAILRO/D — HoTiCE — Tbe departure of tbe morniui train going NorA, trora aud alter tbe lat day of Movecnber next, wflr be at 7 o'ciock, a* formerly; the night train at 9, ti M • THOMAS 13 HARP, SmfX ocß3 HI GUKAT KBDU CTISN IN A JILTUt: PKiCE Of HATS, CAPe AND ■ BIK>TB —In buying yoar Hats and Boots, (• rignttoHead Quarters, J. H. AN THOMV, (Columbian Hot corner, where Mole*kin Hats of beaiqoa'ity are felling st ....#3 SO Second quality 300 Silk HsU of tae latest fashion XSO Fine Caittkm sewed Boots 3 SO Together with an as'ormeut of Cloth, Plush, and Oil Silk C**»s; 9"ft Fur and Wool Hats, Bi>k. (Hat ham and Cotton Umbrellas, at lew o'-■•'*« Y ,t> bbi* *inan pmue otias, r receiving per stesmer, for «sie by no 8 WILLIAMS * B&OTBUU