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The daily dispatch. [volume] (Richmond [Va.]) 1850-1884, November 15, 1852, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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vol.. : i—NO -'1
• / A COWARDIN. Proprietox
i: II ' PiiU AS ANTS. Editor.
] i c t.irat \rp Falling front I «.
, «. T t! . HA> \N YF AD
.■ 4 .1 iiv -nr. u»—to the du-t,
.ps mi«i w»y ti. rf many sighs: j
. t \ hi. : a nx'i i, -:r ;st.
w 1 ; r y i. whe:e \\ -Liter 'it s.
-»• are falling In-at US —one by ow t
.' • kthern vainly and the sun !
' h vacant apace for centnriea. |
ca moui - hei s aat pine, «
a iL-iJ.-tr.ust, t. w' i above her '
i heats n more the voioe divine
Mar« • Is fi <' • oik, wh m Mornf brow
!• i i';,n t ■«:; rat tr mtie w» >t, i
r- .'..- r i d -tie—-.tid now
„• . : ■ ttie k'i >w» net wti.-re to re*t.
.• '• * • a* • o vTHP •! .
tV vi F.\ 1 K >! ( n (TRKS MADE j
» -iii% other 4 lpdiPinp ih.iu flnncp*
\ -ihlr T«nctu»**: AT Mhi)l
S(:o\ -Wth su t< st mony, nostron
• be trial ol this won
s \ eser • Tint ture.
j- . ... i.l \.. ;Ali.* .anv Co. MD. )
M •% 4. 5
• • • Dr" H m.ptou's Yegetable
I \ ' •» : t it I was taken sick
. . .! iv . ist. w.rh an affection f>f the
k : 1 was attended by four
sfornn re : h m t vv o months, all to m
1 bad *<<::.*■ • : ou , -de'-of tlie great
:!*s T::.ctnre !. >m one bottle which
.lichi".- j that I w 'iid take no more
; - ;;i - but try the Tincture;
% .n v< u 1 had not taken it two
i : it- w«-itul :ntluence upon my stom
. •.\'ii - » the i 11.- : i ie. and am now
, can eat any common diet
or vt..iei.ee or p:>. s-jure on my stom
or their fri< nds ;• d ;lj visiting me, to
• great virtue there is in this Tincture of
tsend you • eral certificates in a few
-• • .. from a young lady who has been
•r ?--omtw». i'.'e months, with a disease of
..y > i E W HALL.
• p rn rcy of the cure h it him. Still an-
Baku llvillf.. Allf.gany Co. Md, \
October 13. 18.3 J. 5
S - S •. happy to inform you that this day
;i '! • » i ■.i • t -ood health. l»y tlie use of
s 1 ' ind the blessing of God. I
. - ie my dail\ avocati »n? as usual,and
great d sin that the "afflicted should know tiie
»t ,ve pow -rs of the Tincture.
I .v. ith respect, vours,
T $tra~fgtr than F tion —No r need Despair!
i ! -•••'> 11 at ihi(j n'j ajicr in: rty-eight years of
then n * i il virtue in this wonderful medi
. | :. >rm the astonishii -z cures made by
Northampton County, April 13, 1852.
- Tyler vV Adair:
' if.-en : tllicted with at times, from
irffi vfL-.; : 1 \ :;1 be fifty >?•;<:* of age the I'lth
itli: the attacks were at times so severe as
.- I.* :pb*«s; I isave tried various remedies
i*ll • ft'-, t. Last October I was attacked in
• r>. sid» >. back, ai.d hips: 1 could not rest.
• U iriit : I coaid not Move any part ol mv body
» . is/g with pain . .1 this time I also tried ma
edit-s internal and external, without receiving
: 1 was i" 4 -! advised to try Hampton's Ve
rmcture: before I had taken one bottle of'
» • ! felt much better, and as I continued taking it
I gth coming into my back and limbs, and iny
1 tieiigthened and revived every way: I have
t \\. bottle*, and am much better than I expect
« 1 intend ?o use it whenever I need it, and
v • t :i,iaend it to the afflicted, believing it une-
K4 v. Vernon Eskridge, U. H. TV,
Portsmouth, Y.%, August 18, 1851.
M; ! F. Boush—Dear Sir: While I am in general op
l'atent Mfdirines, candor compels me to state
< * ! ve sre;it confidence in the virtues of Hainp
- Ves»'t hie Tincture. For several months past I
i «• d n in my family, and in dyspepsia, loss of ap
l •• ; i//ines>. and generaldebilitj', with entire suc
titr as iny experience extends, therefore, 1
•:; r ein recommending it to the afflicted as a
i efficient remedy.
i - it&pectfuliv, yours,
Chaplain in the L*. States Navy,
I! ipteu's Yegetn hie Tincture, oy its mild action on
I uiiuch. liver, and the kidneys, will cure dyspep
igh. '-*! •a. bronchial and lung affections, pains
• fiMck, side and breast, consumption, scrofula,
. : l-u:. go-,t, neuralgia, fistula, piles, bowel com
wi.rms. n- rvousdebility—with all diseases ari
- • 'im im;im blood, and is the greatest female me
»' • ver known
< id pamphlets gratis, and see certificates of
r • '<• by O. A. STRECKER, Main street, Rich
• (J. li. JONES Al CO., Petersburg, Ya.; Doctor
M .i 1 Fredei keburg ; M< )R 1 IMER MOW
i•;:V, B Jtimore; and by Drugsists generally.
■r:, 'I'll CtritK A Vii.',
f i on going to bed, and wrap up warm to sweat
A" Tfduriny til#- i • 4lit.
f. ♦-1 For n r oiil and cough, take it morning,
: -'2*-' on. » -veiling, according to directions
' >tt?e, and the difficulty will soon be removed.
. i - ifr i from tliir-i trouble when they find
"h vi j. !y en red. Person* afflicted with a
.->• . 1:. which" breaks them of their refit at night,
ad, by takii g the t berry Pectoral on goit<
i : • \ '; •be sure ot sound, unbroken sleep, and
i • ally re lr» filing rest, Great relief from sutter
• ! '• ; -• ultiiniitecure is afforded to thousands who
fcj tili» rr «i, bv this invalu ible remedy.
hV :♦* ngre» ; .h> effect in these cases, many find
> •-ui u ...—: to forego - use v.hen theueces
a * rit lias ceased^
K two eminent physicians in
Kaykttkvilll, Tens' . April lGth, 18.51.
v —We have giv en your Cherry Pectoral an exten
* ' i iii our practi< e, and fincf it to surpass every
' • • - vwe have for curing affections of the res
< ' ry organs.
and public speakers this remedy is iuval
' >. as by its action on the throat and lungs, when
t a--ma?! quantities, it removes ali hoarseness in
•* i-i'ur s. and wonderfully increases the power and
fle-v iiity of the voice.
A ' n> i- .--lie: !Iv much relieved, and often wholly
c by Cherry Pectoral. Kut there are some cases
b»>!;nateas to yield entirely to no medicine. Cher-
J > J'' turnl will cure them, if they can be cured.
l'.< i«-hit's, or irritation of the tnroaf and upper por
t »n '(i .r- i may be cured by taking Cherry Pec
? • :n small and frequent doses. The uncomfortable
oppn->-jon M>:.n relieved.
Dr Landing, of Brooklyn, New York, states
1 nave * t t!ie < berry Pectoral cure such cases of
Asthrr < and Bronchitis as leads me to believe it can
rarely full to cure those diseases.'
For Croup, give an emetic of antimony, to be follow
ed by large ai d frequent doses of Cherry Pectoral, un
t i i*- subdues the disease If taken in season, it Will
not friii to cure.
Whooping Cough may be broken up and soon cured
b\ t/if »i»e of Cherry Pectoral.
The Influen/.i in speedily removed by this remedy.
Numerous instances have been noticed where whole
t-tfiiilifK were protected from any s'*rious consequences
while their neighbors, without the Cherry Pectoral,
were suffering from the disease.
r turn the distinguished Professor of Chemistry and
Materia Medica, Bowdoin College.
J have found the Cherry Pectoral, an its ingredients
*>'."w. a powerful remedy for told*, and coughs, and
pulmonary disease■.
Ii rung wick, Me. Feb 6. J 847.
i>r \ i.« /jti/ie Molt, the widely celebrated Professor of
Su/#ery in the Medical College, N York city, say#:
ft jri v- s me pleasure to certify the value and efficacy
of Ay r'n Cherry Pectoral, which 1 consider peculiarly
adapted to cure of the throat and lungs.
< ut< *of severe diseases ujiou the lungs have been
• tected Ly Cherry I'ectoral iu such extreme cnu t um
» irar I the heli, t tiiul » remedy has at length been
' ' "1 !ti»i cau he de (tended on to cure the cough*. colds
auii which carry from our midst thou
fcj-.dnen ry year. It >» judged a medicine tii which the
»'ti>. '>-d iHa look with confidence for relief, and they
*>• * u.'i not fail to t:\ ail themselves of It.
i'repared t,v J C AVER, Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
i»o,(i , u Richiwomi hy PCRCELL, LADD A CO, and
- alltn< Druggists throughout the city and HUte.
oc i—dvin
» ' Oil'. loi ;hf cure ol Asiatic Cholera, Choici
el nil k t.«K hjiiuio. choter.t morbus, dysenterv, dinr
-1 . <k m. Mulfut pain. whether rheumatic or
i!. the rtOiHjglL lOOtt.f i:i■. nervous
tremens *pider bites, dyspepsia,
i • Mfrom u prodent eating, threttcoed niuirtion.
! • v -: iv. !■_ i-: >■(,;.festive chilis, a>;u'- and fever, burns,
i ii •*. \.c.
V . ;ng r;n'li bottle is pamphlet containing
. i. : tor it« use, in the various disease* for
u '• v rf 'c<mmended, as well as presenting many
*•*< ng testimonials.
. m medicine }*> •■ ■ t onlv efficient, but safe, [t is
;•*« (i ?»• many of the m< >r \iolei t diseases. giving
j; • v ost prompt rein ?. and if especially suited to large
t.rmn.es ms well as to travelers. The proprietor. there
to-e, iviiuM respectfully ahk the attention of the public
' it* claii : which are fouodedon more than twenty
v» :tr>' experience m ir.< use. and not on conjecture.
I? has already h» come a very popular remedy in ma
' > part® of the country, and is destined to he so wher*
e\ ♦ r it is introduced.
N\ »• uou\i -;»ecttul.y call the attention of the puh
i'.et »!hi !.»l!o\vinc, amongst many names of highly re
s; ' J»l- »nd w< :!-kr >wn gentlemen in diiterent parts
°* country, who have used it. and spoken of it in
high terms:
M..-. >e ( t aryiett. esq, h s<ex - Ja« M Jeffries,esq, King
Queen. N Alexander Dudle\\ esq. Kins and
Q •' . Va; R\\ Scl • ler, esq, Caroline, Va; Wilson
( Pe berton, King Wi iam, Va; AB Walthall,Char
-1 Ji< s\..le. \ a: Thos I) Quarles, Richmond, Ya: John
\\ Woods, Baltimore: Win $ Pendleton, Washington;
New ton Short, Kins William: Winston, Chest er
i:eid. \ James \V { ',<•*<. (ordonsville, \a; R L Cole
man. Richmond. Va; N B liiil, Richmond, Va; Thos
Starke, Kins William, \ a.
Amongst the many physicians who have used it, we
bes Nave to refer, tor the present, to tlie following:
DrJ-hnS Lewis, King William; l)r Win T Down
er, Kins W illi t: I)r Wm R J v iirkins, Northumber
land: Dr Richard T Hundley. Hanover.
We also ask von to read the following certificates,
a::d :«fer yon t( many more 111 the pamphlets and our
various advertisements:
in r«w.u. n f .* rrne *»*id Fever,
Dr Uu Yal—Dear Sir: I was promptly relieved, a
few yean* ago. of a \ iolent att-.ck of something like the
cholera. by taking a large dose of your Anti-Spasmod
ic. Sine-- that time 1 have frequently witnessed its
go .1 etif cts in other cases. About six weeks aso I was
- i tiering exceedingly from an attack of Third-day
A sue anil Fever. It had been increasing in severity
t«/r n» arlv a month. 1 determined to try your Anti-
S? »apmoiiic. and accordingly took a large dose of it just
before the time for the chill. It produced over the
wi. .if system a peculiar sensation of warmth, which
was kept up by repeatii -' the dose once or twice at
interv.iis of two hours. Though necessarily exposed
-nee. I Lave feit no return of chill. 1 feel confident
in recommending your medicine.
Very sincerelv yours,
(S nrri) " " " AMBROSE ACREE.
King William, July. 1852.
In 1 rr>rr<D, O* nr,mpi v « ami Spider Hftr*.
Dr Du Yal—[''Tir Sir: I have administered your Fa
m ly Anti-Sp smodic in several violent attacks of
• ramp and »ly- ry. I hav» applied it externally to
th-- bite rf a s. der. when there was an enormous en
larg nent of the 1 and intense pain—in all with
pert.M t succ« • I lia\e sold a great deal of it in this
ii- .fnborhood, and as far as 1 know, it has given univer
>al satisfaction. Ali wlm h.-.ve tested it seem to think
it Las no equal as a family medicine. I deem it due to
say that in n < of the instances aliud- dto above, va
rious remedies were used without effect.
Res tctfullv, yours,
(Signed) ' ' S W Y MUSE.
Manufacture.'. by P P DC VAL. M D. King William
f 11. Va. to wicMi all orders should be addressed. Price
t'2 1-2 cents and Si per bottle.
For sale in Richmond, Va, by Purcell, Ladd Co,
w iioiesale agents, and by Thomas McCarthy,. J Blair,
A Bodeker, and Win P L?«dd; in Baltimore by Canby
llat'. ji; in Portsmouth by Oariick Gwathmey, and
by Druggists generally. au6—Gtawts
It is a remark ible fact, that among the hundreds of
em:.- iit physicians w* •» have examined the recipe by
w ii< h B - Sai sapariila is prepared, not one lias con
demned it. but ali approve it, and commend it in tiie
1.-'ghest terms. Many j hysicians express themselves
strously in the belief that it is decidedly the best pre
paration of S; ,:j auiia that has ever been placed be- i
fore the public. Although there Hre many physicians
who feel a r* iuc*:ance to having their names appended
to the recommendation of ar.y particular remedy, not
withstanding they may approve ofilin the highest de
gi» e, there are others who frankly vield their support
in favor of a remedy which they "know is capable of
doing so much good in an adlicted community. As an
evidence, read the following from old and respectable
physicians, ofhigh standing ra the community in which
they live:
Louisville, July 13th, 1849.
1 have examined the list of articles that compose
John Hull's Extract of Sarsapariila, and have no hesi
tation in saying, that it is a safe and valuable com
pound. I would prefer it to any article now in U6e, for
the diseases arising from an impure state of the blood
or taint of the system. I confidently recommend it to
my friends as being a powerful Extract, and one that
I believe will cure all classes of diseases for which it is
recommended, if used according to directions. I be
lieve it to be a valuable succedaneum to mercury.—
Nav. 1 have my doubts whether, in the most violent
and protracted cases of Syphilis, accompanied with
Nodes Trophe, in caries of the bones, whether it ought
not to supercede any other remedy.
Honorary Member of the Medical Society Phil
What Dr. Owen, Druggist and Apothecary, of several
years standing, says about Bull's Sarsapariila :—
Louisville, May 31st, 1843.
Mr, John Bill—l have been, for a number of years,
severely afflicted with a Mercurial Headache and a dull
heavy pain in my liver. I used almost all the reme
dies of the day, especially the Sarsapariila prepared by
different persons. But all to little or no advantage,
until 1 chanced to meet with yours, three bottles of
which gave me more relief than all the others com
I therefore take pleasure in recommending your Sar
sapariila to the afflicted community as a superior arti
cle Yery respectfully yours.
Hear what I)r. Stapp, a physician wlio stands at tin
top of' his profession, says of John Bull's Sarsaparilla
1 have been using John Bull s Sarsaparillain a grea
variety of Chronic diseases, with the most happj
ellects, and 1 have no hesitation inrtcommendii:g it tii
the public for t!:e cure of Syphilis, Scrofuia, and all
Cuuuicous and (ilandulnr diseases.
l ours most fervently, \VM. STAPP, M. 0.
Lf.wispout, Ky* April titii, lii-li).
Let all who are suffering under the agonizing tor
tures of Rheumatism, read the following, and see what
may be done for them, if they will use the infallible
Uniontown, Kv., May 12, 1248.
Mr. John Bill—DearSir: For the last three ye ars
1 have been afflicted with Rheumatism of thefseverest
character. 1 was at times in the fin atest agony of pain;
1 tried every remedy 1 could procure tor the disease,
but found no permanent relief until I was induced to
use your preparation of Sarsaparilla, which has entire
ly cured me of Rheumatism, and greatly improved my
general health more than any mediciue I ever used. 1
have been free of pain for several months, and have
no doubt the cure is permanent, and 1 recommend it
as the best medicine in use tor Rheumatism.
Loudon, Ky., Anril 25th, 1850.
Sir—Permit me to address to you a few lines, and do
me the honor to reply to a request that 1 will make in
the conclusion of this letter, &lc.
I am a graduate of Transylvania Medical Universi
ty; 1 have practiced medicine in this wilderness coun
try about nve years, but owing to exposure to bitter
cold weather, I have been indisposed with Acute Rheu
matism about six months. After having exhausted my
skill in the treatment of my case, and deriving no bene
fit, I was induced to give your Fluid Extract of Sar
saparilla a fair trial, and accordingly purchased a bottle
of your medicine from your agent, Mr. George P.
Brown, about two weeks ago, and 1 must confess that
one bottle has entirely cured me.
£lt is my opinion that your preparation of Sarsaparil
la is decidealv superior to any otfier preparation now in
use, and I will take great pleasure in recommending it
to the afflicted as being a remedial agent, and I will ad
vise physicians to use it in their practice, &lc.
Respectfully yours, B. B. ALLEN, M. D.
Rev. E. W. Sehon—Rev. E. Stevenson.
Louisville, May 20th, 1849.
We have used John Bull's Sarsupanlla, and have
known it to be used, with entire satisfaction, and we
have no hesitation in stating, that we believe it to be a
safe and valuable medical compound, and calculated
to produce much good, and relieve much suffering; and
therefore would cneeiTully aud most earnestly recom
mend it to the afflicted. [Signed.]
DR.] JOHN BULL'S Principal*
ttl Fourth street, Louisville, Ky
Where applications for Agencies must bo ad
Fur Mle in Richmond hy
my 17— d3t«wwly Druggists «nl»* Asenta
Cj | f|/"| fcl.Otf. —<li e tlmu-auil l.ikeuessea
*£/ X •"/v/j hnve b-mn taken at O Ds
g::errean Gafieiies since the reduction f p;ic««.—
And we n w wish it understood hy ail that Osnorn
w.H continue to tsku fin® Sky Light Miniatures in a
neat case for $L Remember, tr.i« is the only place
wher* Sky Light Miniatures are taken for 81. To
those that think one dollar is toochevfor • g'>od
Likeness, we wcu'd only sty, call and get a Like
cess worth Aor |iO- Remember the place.
Oppodte the BaakJ, sign of tbe American FJ«gt.
W E ? ,IVK IN stoke for sat.e,
» » find invite citizens and visitors to the cit7 to
examine, a stock of CARI'ETINGsJ, RL'GS,
Ac , ot cur own importation, trom the manufactu
rers direct, and selections in person at the North
ern lactones. Ihe assortment embraces a "reat
variety of
Super English Velvets
do do Tapestry
do do Brusaeli
do do Three-Ply
do do ingrain
Extra American Three-Ply
do do Ingrain
Venetian fjr stairs snd passages,
of English and American manufacture
Clieneille, Velvet and Tutted Row, Mosaic, super
Cloth, Embossed and Printed Table and Piano
Covers, Floor Cloths, Poor Met*. &c
no S—dl2tw4t* RICHARDSON & CO.
In. Co, Richmond, let Nov, 1852.—The Board
ol Directors of this institution have declared a se
mi at nual dividend of 14 per cent, out of th» earn
irgs of the last six months: 10 per cent, thereof
payable to the stockholders or their legal agents, on
or after the 12th inst, and four per cent, thereof to
be passed to the contingent fund.
The transfer book will, as usual, be cloaed until
the 15th instant.
no I—d-'n!s Secretary.
HE attention of the ladies is respect! u iy caiied
. f J our extensive stock ot Drein (iooil.*, com
prising goods from the lowest to the finest qualities
at unusually low price 3. Also to the largest and
handcomes: assortment of ribbons, florences, satins,
marc.'lines, bonnet and mantilla velvet kept in any
store in the city and at less prices ; 100 drzen linen
cambric hdkfa at 51.25 per dozen, 100 dozen linen
towels at 81 per dozen ; needle work goods of all
k ; nda in great variety; alpacas, merinoes and thi
bets of all shades and cheap; flannels, white, red,
b'ueand yellow, very cheap; with r complete stock
cf Domestic Goods and Servants' Wear, to which
we again respectfully call the attention cf uurcha
CF" Persons purchasing by the piece or dozen
wou:d do well to give us a call.
no 2 193 Broad street
CO. may be consulted, confidentially, for the
treatment of the following diseases: Eruptions,
Sore Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, or en
largements, Syphilis, and all morbid discharges,
whether recent or chronic. Also, all those com
plaints termed female diseases. The advertisers
invite attentioE to thoir chemical extract of Wild
Flowers, which may be regarded as the very best
article known, to give tone arid vigor to certain
abused and debilitated organs, as well as to n-novtle
asysteir. shattered by dissipation or other cause.
Medicines securely put up, with full directions,
<.ud sent to ord»r. Post paid letters promptly at
tended to. Office on Franklin street, below Ex
change Hotel, and lirst door beiow Trinity church
"'•■h morn), Virginia " fe !)
and below cost, for CHch, a good stock of
P.- ady Made Clothing, stiil to be disposed of. Most
of the small notes will be taken for Goods. Call
soon if you wish togetjsome bargains in Cotling,
at the cheap store of P. DORNIN,
90 Main street.
Rent. oc 23— dim
8J IT.N Uecoved this w"7k,
£ large supplies of tine black Drees and Frock
Coats, black and rich fancy Silk and Velvet Vests:
black and fancy Fr- nch and English Cass Pan s;
new styles fancy Business Coats. Also, a large lot
of Gentlemen's Undoi Shirts and Draw rs, &e, ic
Call at the Mouej Saving* Institution of
No 102 Main street.
N B—Also, every style Over Coats in use, very
low. oc 29
THO !A* «fc Cfl4ltl.US KLLi.S iV CO.
HAVE removed their office to No. 108 Main st —
- Entrance on 11th straet, two doors above the
Exchange Bank, in the room formerly occupied a3
the "Richmond Library."
Being engaged in closing their business, they re
quest all persons indebted"to them to call and set'le
their accounts. ee 15- 2m
Obt OMI St i'l'l.*'.—CHitlS iUN & I.A
--0 THROP are receiving their second sujp'.y of
Goods, among them—
50 pieces Mi-us'aines at 25 cts per year, same quali
ty as those we have been selling at 37 j and 50c
30 pieces moie of those cheap Mous'.aines at 12: cts
80 dresses tine Paris do, at 75 cts, worth §1
Extra Manchester G'nghams for children
Rich Velvet and Cloth Cloaks
Velvet Ribbons and Galloons. Call at
no 9 99 Main street.
RAILROAD COMPANY.—The tilth annual
meeting of the Stockholders in the Richmond and
Danvi le Kailroad Cotr pany will be held in the city
of Richmond on WEDNESDAY, the Bth day <f
December, 1852. The Stockholders will have the
privilege of going to and returning from the meet
ing on the car.: free of ch , rge
P VAN DEURBEN, Secretary.
Form of a Power of Attorney to vote at a mtetivg of
the Stockholdare.-
Know all Men by these Pbesests: That
, the undersigned, do herabv constit He frid
appoint att jrtey (they or either of them) tor
, aud in name, to vote on all ques
tions that may be brought before the meeting of
th : Stockholders ot the Kiobmcnd at a Danville
Kaiir ad Comppcy, to be. held in the city of Rich
mond, on Wednesday, the Bth day of December,
1852, *r any tdjourned meeting thereof, hen by
ratifying all the acts of said attorney in the pre
misea, as fully as if were present, and
voting in person.
In testimony whereof havehervrto aft".sed
"No pr. xy shall be va'id for more than sis
months from tae d .t- thereof "—(Ex.ra.ct fiom the
4:h By-Law)
no 9—ritgP P. v P., Sec'y
AFOUTL'NG Foil !*1. —The receipt with
full instructions in 111* elegant and beautiful
accomplishment of inlaying and ornamenting Pa
pier Jtlachc, (whereby from #10 to $2u per week
may be obtained; will be forwarded to nil who will
enclose §1, post paid, to Messrs. SPRING & CO, 41
Second street Baltimore, Md. Numerous ladies
anrl gentlemen are now employed and realizing a
handsome income from this valuable receipt, which
is made so plain the instruction as to meet the
capacity even of children. oc2^—lm*
A Urge lot of Calicos, 6$ cents, worsh 10 cu ;
rich Printed Mouselaines, white and colore! Flan;
n?ls, Kerseys, Satinets. Gloves and Hosiery— to
gether with every article usually found in a Dry
Goods house; and if you want bargains, call on
No 2£5, corner Ist and Broad streets.
no 9—ts
CO.UMON EXFII KfSloN.—They are
certainly the most life-like Daguerreotype*
we have ever seen—s»say persona almost dally, or.
visiting our rooms We endeavor to make tn ?m
appear natural and life like, in portion, expression
and finish, and how far we succeed, we leave the
public to decide; and we are p eased to say that
many decide in our favor, daily We invite a"
who may wi«h Daguerreotypes, end the public in
general, to call and < xaiaine our Pictures, our se
lection of Oaaes. Frames, Lockets, Pins, and prices,
and after such c-xemiuctlon you thirk you can be
better suited else* here, we will think just a* much
of you as if you had patronized us. Unless we
merit your patronage we do not wish it
Daguerreotypists and dealers in Stock,
35* Main »t, Ilou*-) Richmond, scd
Sveamore s». fVter.sbur», Va jj 31
|\T©TICK.—All persons indebted to VV'M. H
it SNELI., are requested to make imn.ediate
men'.to me. JAMES A. SNELL,
se £7—ts Administrator of Win. H. eined.
rncTTOBACCG >i ANI kactlkekw.—
JL The tubsoriber solicits the attentioo of Tobac •
co Manufacturers t" hl> superior Presses aud Mills,
of every description. P. RAUM,
Eagle Foundry, Cary below Pearl street,
au 21—6 m
WANTJCD,—£SOO of "Banket the Union.'
TV bo 6—ts AND, PJZZINI,
INSURANCE -The Richmond Fir.
Association are cow prepared to issut
policies of Insurance on the above dt*
scription of risks on as reasonable tcraas as act
similar company, and respectfully ask a share ot
the patronage ot the public. Applications will b*
received at the office, No 223, corner of Main and
9tn streets, where the officers will cheerfully fur
n:sn all information that may be required. All
Ijsses promptly and libprally adjusted.
JAMES HOSHER, President.
John H. Bosher, Secretary. mh L 7
NOTICE. —The public are her--
iiu»jij^xjgL o y informed that the steamboat
AlitiLaiA »nl be taken ofl'the route via Port YVal
thai!, between Richmond and Norfolk, on Monday,
lst-Novembcr, for the purpose of undergoing re
pairs and being fitted for the win er. Due notice
will be given when ready to resume her place on the
line again. THOS. DOUAMEAD, Sunt.
Office R. & T. It. R. Co., Oct. a7ib, 1852.
J That I have now on hand, the
largest and best assortment
Boors and Shoes, of good quality, ever
offered in this city ; selected by myself ex
pressly for retail, both ot my own manufacture and
the best Philadelphia make. Among my assort
ment can be found something extra, to which I
would most respectfully call the attention of all in
want, as they will be sold low, by
Manufacturer and dealer in Boots, Shoes,
Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valices, &c,
se 2 No 127 Main street, Richmond, Va.
MKGWAKD, —St'ayed from Frank
lin street, between7th and Bth streets,
on the 4th October, a large Durham
COW, with black sides, white face and
white streak down her back. Any person giving
such informaiion at this officeas wilUead to the
recovery of the said cow, will ba suitably rewar
ded. no s—l3t
OF 1851—This is tbes«asonat wbich most per
sons are liable to take colds, from sudden changes
of the weather. To all who are troubled with a
cough, cold, orsach like sffliction, we recommend
the use of Mis. Daws' Cough Elixir. Mrs.
D is a re»id nt of Richmond—ti,e remedy which
6ee prepares has beeu fully tested in this vicinity,
and the benefits derived from its use have given it a
high character among our citizens. Its value
should, and we hope will, be more general y known.
For sale, wholesale and reu.il, by BENNETT A
YALE, and Mrs. A B. DAWS, Main street, aiid
BOUCHER Sc. MELTON. broad st, Richmond,
no 11
X BOY—The Lif! and Public Career of Daniel
Webster, including a brief outline of his Services to
the Nation, as Representative, Senator, aud Secre
tary ot St.-te. with a J summary ot his views on the
great National Questions ot the day, from the New
York Daily Times—l2c.
The Demociatic Review for October, containing
a Beautiful Steel Portrait of Gen. Frank Pierce.—Hoe
Tne Confessions of an Eton Boy, by C harles Row
croft, Author of ••Tales of tha Colonies'' &c. &c.—
Splendidly Illustrated.—lß7 pig s—sCc.
The First Step to Crime; or tne Bottle, Illustrated
by (,'ruibshank, c< mplete.—2sc.
The First Step to Fortune, or the Pledge, a se
quel to the Bottle —25s
Money, a Pliy by Bulwer—l2.
The Lady of Lyons, by Bulwer—l2c.
For sale by * G. M. WEST & BRO ,
no 6 Exchange Book Store,
yjl HOOL HOOK*, ST.vriONfcliY , iVc.
O For sale at tbe Bap!i9t Boosstore, No. 203 Main
street, a full assortment of School Books, Statione
ry, and Fancy Ar;icle3. Also, just received a Ro
notice of American History, by Joseph Bauvard,
with numerous illustrations, <fcc.; Edwin T. Freed
ley'o Practical Treatise on Business; also, Prize ill
says, Statistics, Miscellanies, 4c.; An Olio, po» me
by Mrs. Emily Judson ; the Days of Bruce, by
Grace Aguelar; Memoir of Alfred Bennett, by H
Hnrvey; Memoir ot George Dana Boaidman, late
Missionary to Burmah, by Rev. Alonzo King, with
an Introductory Address, by William R. Williams,
new improved edition; tbe Young Man's Friend
and Guide through Life to Immortality, by John
Angel James, with an Introductory Address, by
Thorn,ts I'eWitt, D. D; Near Home, with Anec
dotes and numerous Illustrations, by the author of
Peep of Day ; the Royal Preacher, Lectures on Ec
c'esiastes, by James Hamilton, D. 1).
Many other Books, ton numerous to mention.
oc I' 3 Depository.
WO TOBACCOMWT3.-500 lbs ot very su
jL perior rich black Tonqua Beans, estra flavor.
25 bottles London Oil Bitter Almonds. Also, Oil
Cinnamon, Cloves, Annise, Bergamot, Lemon,
Peppermint and Rose; with a large supply of ail
the Gums and Spices used in flavoring, ail of which
we sell on very low terms, and the quality supe
ro 2 Druggists, Main street.
FliATlfl) WAKG. —Castors, C»ke Baskets,
Tea Sets, and Waiters, of the richest and la
test styles. Also, Papier Mache G>ods, in sreat va
riety. Dressing Cases, for the toilet and for trav
eliing; Bronze Ornaments and Candelabras, Mantel
Clocks tine Tea Trays Just received aud fsr sale
no 4 137 Main Etrert.
r FLUTES.—P. H. TAYLOR has in store the
largest aud best assortm :Et of Musical Instruments
and Music to betound in the State.
Piano and „>ln*ic latere,
no 1 lOT Main street, opposite the Bank".
L'ANCY FliKS.—i would most respectfully
3? caH the attention of the Ladies, to my assort
ment oi r ancy Furs; consisting ot Black and natur
al Lynx Mali's, Mountain Martin, Cross Fox, Gen
ett, out! Coney do. A great variety for MUsrs and
Cliiidien oo.; AUo Victorines £: Cuffs, from low
priced to the Suest articel—which 1 ana disposed
lo soil ns tow a- similar goods can b3 purchased in
Nesv York.
• PEN. —A further supply received, in regard
to which the National Intelligencer says: "They
are constructed and manufactured on an entire new
principle, thereby embracing all the desirable e'as-
and every other pleasing quality of the quill
pen." His having been a prof asor ot penmanship
lor upwaids of thirty years would enable him to
study the delects and supply the deficiencies th-.t
have heretofore existed in the formation of gold
pens " For tale by GENNKT & JAMKS,
no 10 Eagle Square.
tDAiI TAK—t'onmiinption Cured.—
The most successful remedy i.ow in use for the
cure of Incipient Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma
Couehs, Sore 1 hroat, dueases of the Liver and
Kidneys, King's Evil, Telt- r, Dyspepsia, tic , pre
pared by Mrs B. B. Norris, Baltimo-e street,
Mes B. B. Noebis—Dear Madam : For several
years I have been afflicted wj:h trequent hemor
rhages of the lungs, attended With a pj>ifi!ul cough
1 tried various remedies, and had the best medical
advice, but without relief until I tried your Cedar
Tar, which has entirely cuied me.
Vours respectfuih, tiEORGE PARKs,
,-aratoga street, Baltimore, Md.
October 3J, 1852.
Call ar.d get Pamphlets containing certificates.
Bew are of counterfeits. The genuine arti
8> is for sale by
P HORTON REACH, 91 Main street,
Sole Ageut for Richmond, and
no 9 General Aaect for Eastern Virginia.
CHAS KaKkR, formerly ot ihe firm ol Baker
4: Tinsl-y, announces to his friends and the pontic
that fie has opened a store on Broad street, K0~99i
two squares auove Ihe old stand of Baker 4t lu"j
!• y, wtiere he iutends keeping on hand a large and
complete assortment of Groceries, as well as
Horse Feed of every description He will be
pleased to see all ha old fiientfs and customers at
his new stand, and any quantity •J* 6 * ,
Goods purchased at his store will be delivered m
any part of the city free ot Wrayage.
no I(>— ldm
Lack vklvkt ribbons,
ceived and selling at reducedpticea, by
no 11 63, Main street.
following thrilling account of an engagement
between a boa constrictor and a crocodile in
Java, is given br an eye witness :
It was one morning that I stood beside a
smalt lake, fed by one cf the rilla from the
mountains. The waters were clear as crystal,
and everything could be seen to the very bot
tom. Stretching its limbs close over this pond,
was a gigantic teak tree, and in its thick, shin
ing, evergreen leaves, lav a huge boa, in an
easy coil, taking his morning nap. Above
him was a power.'ul ape of the baboon specif",
a leering race of scamps always bent on m;s
Now the ope, from his position, saw a croco
dile in the water, rising to the top, exactly be
neath the coil of the serpent. Quick as thought
he jumped plump upon the snake, which fell
with a splash into the jaws of the crocodile.—
The ape saved himself by clinging to a limb of
the tree, hut a battle royal immediately com
menced in the water. The serpent grasped in
the middle by the crocodile, made the wai r
boil by his furious contortions. Winding his
fold round the body of hi 3 antagonist, he dis
abled his two hinder legs, and, by his contrac
tions, made the scale uud bones of the monster
The water was speedily tinned with the blood
of both combatants, yet neither was disposed
to yield. They rolled over and over, neither
being able to obtain a decided advantage. All
ihis time the cause of miscliit f was in a state of
the highest ecstacy. He leaped up and down
the branches of the tree, came several times
close to the scene of the tight, shook the limbs
of the tree, uttered a yell, and again frisked
about. At the end of ten minutes a silence be
gan to come over the scene. The folds of the
serpent began to be relaxed, and though they
were trembling along the back, the head hung
"lifeless in the water.
The crocodile also was slill, and though
only the spurs of his back were visible, it
was evident that he, too, was dead. The
troukey now perched h'uiself ou the lower
limbs of the tree, close to the dead bodies, and
amused himself for ten minutes in making all
soiH of faces at them. This seemed to be
auding insult to injurv. One of my compan
ions was standing at a short distance, and
taking a stone from the edge of the lake, hurl
ed it at the ape. He was totally unprepared,
and as it struck him on the side of the head,
he was instantly tipped over, and fell upon the
crocodile. A few bounds, however, brought
him ashore, and taking to the tree, he speedily
disappeared among the thick branches.
A Sure Marksman. Wc SiiJ in the "Auto
biography ol W. Jordan," the following con
cerning Lord de Tabley's shooting:
"Lord de Tabley was the surest shot I ever
saw in the field. His piece was rarely ever
raised but to kill, and twenty snipe in succes
sion have fallen in proof of his accuracy of
a ; m. And with the pistol he was still more
wondertul. The head of a swallow peeping
over a cornice of the old tower was a suffi
cient object for a bullet about the size of a
pea. A wagtail hopping and clipping on the
lawn was a gone bird if I asked for another
specimen of skill,though he wasoutof practice
since the time he fired for a wager of a thous
and guineas laid upon him by the Prince Re
gent, the evidence of the winning of which bet
w as teitified by a card with holes in the centre,
resembling the ace of clubs, and which had
been perforated in that way at the duelling dis
tance of 13 paces. He would have stood a
poor chance in a duel who ventured to meet
Lord de Tabley. The loading of the pistol
was a bit of minute science which amused me.
The gunpowder was carefully measured in
ramrod with a funnel end to receive it, and
smoothed off by a fine card; the pistol was in
verted over this, and being reversed, every par
ticle was deposited in the breech. The rectof
the loading was equally precise, and, as his
lordship never missed, 1 was brought to the
conclusion that three or four of the finest
grains of powder, more or less, made all the
difbrenee in hitting or missing."
Scene in a Fashionable Hotel.—[Din
ing Room—Yankee eating soup.j
Yankee: "I sa'ay waiter ! This 'ere soup
ain't so cleun as 1 have seen !"
Waiter: "Sir, I don't know what you
naeans by ?uch an insineration. I must go to
Carvin Knife about that."
[Waiter runs to head-waiter, and brings that
officer to Yankee's chair.]
H. W: "Beg parden. sir. Did you have
the honor of making a remark •respecting the
soup ?"
Y : "Wall did. There ain'i no use deny
in' that."
H. W : (Looking red in the face ) —"Sir
shall I have the pleasure cf sajing to the
Superintendent, that you remaiked the soup
i 3 dirty ?"
Y : (Throwing himself back in his chnir)
"Look here—you can report lo the Sewperin
tendent, ef you've got sich an officer over ye —
I sposed they had Sewperintendents in Sun
day schools, but I never heard of one in a
tavern before—you canjust suy tew him what
1 said to that linen jacket feller ti.ere—and
mind, now,ef you pervtrt the truth, I'll tench
\e that Gods of the heathen ure a vain thing,
in jest no time at all. Tell the Sewperinten
dent what I said, but don't yer lie."
S : "Anything the matter here, Thomas? —
Anything wrong, sir?"
W : " He says the soup ain't clean, please
sir ?"
Y : "That's a tetolal lie. 1 didn't say 'twas
dirty—l didn't say 'twant clean. I shouldn't
hare said anything about yer soup at all, et
that linin jacket feller hadn't poked a bill for
the dinner in my face afjre 1 began to eat. I
shan't pay in advance. He had mcre'n forty
things charged on it—more'n 1 could eat in
few fortnight. Had a lot of wine charged,
when I belonged to the Sons. What I bev,
I'll pay when the work's done. This house
was recommended to me for a fust-rate ttv
e's : "My dear sir, that was only our bill of
(are, designed simply to iudicale what dishes
may be called fur. Our prices for dinoer are
uniform.'' .
Y : "The deuce it is; well the fact is, 1 oidn t
mean anything agin yer aoup. What I was
agoin ter say is this, that the soap wasn t so
clean ns 1 hey seen: for yer see, when I wa«
traveling in Pennsylvania, they had seme aoup
at one tavern, so clean, that if yer akould dip
a white cambric handkerchief ioter it, twouldu t
grease it ?"
[Eiif, Superintendent and the "linin jack
et tellers," and great laughter from the com
C?' Wymin, the Magician, is giving enter
tainments at Portsmouth, Va., to crowded
13T Cbas. H. Coalson, charged with em.
bezzting the mail and abstracting money and
letters therefrom, at Savannah, has bean ac
py The overland emigration to Oregon
continues to increase with great rapidity. It
is estimated that ibis year's «mif ration will
exceed 10,000.
friend, and an old farmer, about the time that
temperance reform was brginnin S to ezerl a
healthful influence in the country, said lo hia
newlv hired irtan
' Jonathan, I did not think to mention to you,
when I hired you, that I think of trying to do
ray work this without rum. How much
m " r Ai! n .V st " lve - vou t0 do without?"
. : SH 'd Jonathan, "I don't care much
..SJW'W K' ye m<! what yon please."
. . t-irnaer, "I will ffive tou a
" illd » whhouT-
Agreed," (n d Jonathan.
1 he eldest son then eaid:
i" »ai
■ l 'F^r n % et SOn, a B,r ''P !l "r. then said:
Father will you give me a sheep, if 1 w ;il
do without?" Vt wm
' Vee, Chandler, jou shall hare a sheep also,
if you do without rum."
Presently Chandler speaks ag»iin;
"Father, hadn't you better take a sheen,
I his was a poser; lie hardly thought that he
give up the "good creature" vet, but the ap
peal was from a source not to* be easily disre
f' .U K* wa *' ,he de,non
henceforth banished from the premise?, to the
great joy and ultimate happiness of all con
A Jail Consumed by Fire.—The jail of
Randolph county, Ala., was set on fire on the
2Sthult., and consumed. It was subsequent
ly ascertained that a prisoner, named John E.
Smith, had escaped, and that the Clerk's of
nee had been entered, and two indictments
against him, together with the trial docket and
various important public records, had been
stolen. and an attempt made to burn down the
court house. All this occurred during a sin
gle night.
The rate in New Hampshire upon adopting
the Maine liquor law at the late election was
very light, many of the towns not voting at all.
Ihe aggregate in twentv towns was 1727
against the bill, and llb2 for it; majority
against adopting the bill 565.
Information from Liberia, via England, to
August, 1852, states that the b.irqut Ralph
belonging to the Chesapeake and Libe
ria, 1 lading Company. Baltimore, which sailed
-ironiwhat port on the Ist of May last, with
emi{;#ants aud store? for Liberia, was wrecked
at Cape Palmas, on the 19th July. All the
emigrants were landed and the crew saved,
but most of the cargo was lost.
France and Louis Napolkox.—lt appears
that Louis Napoleon's personal success in
Frauce wants no element of completeness.—
I'ne settlement of the succession affords food
for talk in Paris. It was generally believed
that the Senate would, on the 4th of Novem
ber, propose in general terms, the establish
ment of the Empire, hereditary in Louis Na*
poleon, with power, should he fail in issue, to
name his successor. It is now understood
that the confirmation of the Empire will ba
submitted to the popular vote. Indications
have a decided imperial tendency.
Licf.ru.—Among the interesting items o'
intelligence by the Canada, is one to the ef
fect that President Roberts has satisfactorily
completed with the British government all the
negotiations which constituted the object of
his visit to England, iie is to sail on the 20th
instant fur Liberia, in the British war steamer
Ge.v. Pierce, the President elect, arrived in
Boston on Wednesday evening, and attended
Madame Sontag's concert on the following
evening. During the day he was waited upon
at the Treinont House, bv a delegation from
the New York Democratic Committee, re
specting his visit to New York. He accepted
their proffered hospitality, and informed them
he would reply in writing, filing the day of
his arrival.
Deaths is California.—Among those who
have paid the last debt of nature in California,
is numbered Major Williams, who formerly
had the management of Messrs. Barnum, Lee
& Co '» gold mines in Virginia.
\M OKTl.ttOliK'g lIfIKUMATIC CO.il
great discovery i« bringing health and happiness to
thousand*. Rheumatism can be cured. More than oca
thousand cases of chronic rheumatism (of the worst
form of this dreadful disease) have been cured perma
nently, iiuri2g the past year by the use of a few bottle#
of this compound. Letters and certificates are daily
being received from parties of high standing, many of
whom have been cripples for years, from the effects of
this hitherto incurable disease, but who now affirm
that they are sound and well, made so by this great re
medy, which is a vegetable spirit—an internal remedy
prepared for this one disease alone, and this it will
cure in every case, either inflammatory, (acute,) or
chronic form. Testimony of the most undoubted cha
racter will be eheertuiiy submitted to the inspection of
all who may feel sufficiently interested to cail on the
proprietor*, at their Central Office, No. 1, Barclay St.,
Astor House, New York- One bottle *">, three bottle*
Sole Agents for Richmond.
no l .Proprietors, N. Y.
From the Geriuaa Mew Yorker Allge
m'iiip '/.fi'Mrttf, slept !), 1852.— ftueomauiin
Cured.—Mortirnore's Rheumatic Compound and Blood
Purifier.—Tlii* fireat remedy seems to prove a specific
for tins dreadful disease, in all its forms, and is bringing
relief to vast number* who ha\e long suffered. W»
have had personal knowledge of the virtue and effica
cy of this medicine for Mine time, and witli pleasure
refer to a most obstinate case of chronic rheumatism,
of long standing, which it cured. This case was the
wife of a wealthy merchant, who was for many jmui
a cripple. No expanse was spared in visiting the moat
calebrated springs, and procuring the treatment of emi
neut physicians. This was continued for yeara, bat
she only grew worse, and seemed a victim to ita with
ering grasp. All other remedies and efforts failed. Wa
were instrumental in inducing her to try thia remedy,
and, to our «nrpri»e and her great relief it cared Mr
completely. Some weeks ago we called and purchased
a bottle, at the depot. No. 1 Barclay street, and seat Is
a gentleman friend of ours, in this city, who seamed a
martyr to this disease. This one bottle cured him.—
There are numbers of other cases which have coma
under oar notice, cared bv this remedy. We Mm glad
to see the success attending the introduction of thia
medicine. Its tiinely use will save thousands from paia
and sudenng, and restore them to aoood and perfect
health. We believe this is the only remedy Know*,
which is put forth for this one disease alone, and we are
satisfied it will da what is claimed lot U—cure rtea
ms t ism is all its forms. no I—dtf
If uIMLAINhM AT 14 l>!l VUSTH.-
i 111 We have just received • case of Mooa afeaa at
12)4 e nt* /ex yard, which, wa think, are anyarlar
to any thing at that price In towa
do 13 Opposite tSwaa Tavern.
L.MNK WBIHKKY.—Oid Bourhaa and (Jama
r wh alter, in (tore and lot «aW by
\fOUMTAIN BUTfKK—A few keg* Jul re
iU craved by
do 13 FRY k. MoCAMDLMH.
1. barrel* far salts by .
an 13 FRY Jfc McgAMDliaH
ANTfcU, lit or eight Br«g«" Hikwi, «•
waon cooaUßt em p lav meat will be gl*t».—
Apply to JAME3 B. SSELTuM.

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