Newspaper Page Text
THE LATEST NEWS. Steamboat Erplotio* and I.ost of Life. PittcW'RG- Nov. 13.—The mail packet Buck'">o Hell'* exploded both boilers lasteve ang about 4 o'clock, in the locks at Beveily, '.'miles Marietta. No ladies were in ;"ti' '• The billed, as far as known, are John ttbour, <>f Pittsburg, produce dealer; Joseph l»n,ifls. engineer; John West; Edward Ath frton, ot Beverlv, Wm. Stull, a negro man ■. miied Butbr, and I'J others. The injured 4 , C,| t llahn, arm broken and badly scald \\ it:. Whisson, first clerk; leg broken and nti.i.nkb* mashed —lie will probably die; t ,;, .!, Stull; Joe Covey, leg broken; Edward ixwar and m:inv others. I'heh.iat was mpleb It to pieces. Even flue of one i collapsed, and the other boiler cannot . ; id ! The accident is attributed to the .< recklessness of the engineers, one of w tivis r: the safely valve at the time rf i \}>l smj. Tiie carpenter says he told , ; itie.-r there was too much steam on five !t s before the accident. •■1 H it. Murdered. I nit apm i hia. N v. I I.—A lady named T ivv.iv was killed by her husband on I . lav ; t Halltowi\ four miles from «. .N.J. She had sued him f>r u sepa- . , t ii'iiii e, and obtained a verdict in her '•>v r. li repn ret! t;> the Louse where she i and fm-i! a; h''r through the window. , ■ bail pa--e,l through her head, and she i instantly. i ten! of the Steamer City of Glasgow. l'n<i ad! i.phi k, Nov. 14.—Tlie steamship < : (J. .-go* arrived here at 5 o'clock this i:,oi)ii. fioiii Liverpool, bringing 103pussen r S..e sailed previous to tiie Niagara; and, it-- , brings no news. The Bishop of ,ii j; isantong the passengers in the Glas c S . Murder. Ti.ov, V V., N v. 13.—A negro employed < i- -li i.n r 1 tding at this place was struck 1 ad i i-.iav with a handspike by on" of . v. killing him instantly. The names :■ parties are not known. It appears ! n :ro rtljsed logo on shore when or- Jeed. Shocking Butchery. il i uday-bckg, Pa., Nov. 13.—Last night in named Jas. Shirley, residing between v . and freed nil, attacked his wife with a ,iet,and beat her brains out. He is sup - i to be in-ane. iceidcnt at the St. Charles Hotel. \1 \v Okleans, Nov. 12.—Mr. Purvis,the •agu'slu d ntchiiet t, who is building the St. 1 il lrom thescaffolding and was :i. mangled. It is feared he cannot re ' over. A Douhth i, Story.—A Boston correspon : 'it til the Woonsocket (R. i ) Patriot telis lis remarkable story about Jenny Lind: that ■ •nces have sprung u;> between her and i j-!• u 11cl, and that she has become fiie w liter gives; as his authority, lie ?•!>s, -I have it fom Sontag herself, who so* Lite i 111 the same city with Lind for several •inilh, jr. vim-'to comin? to America, and • - ted her mansion almost daily." Mr. VVhittimore, of the fir 111 of Bradley, \\ hitthnorr & Co., contractors for finishing rii.' Central Ohio R lilio id from Zanesville to \\ i.r c!.n<i, was killed on Wednesday last, at Xahc-iville, by a lever bur striking him nr.d :hr : wing him down an embai.knient, among >'k», a distance ot 20 feet. A difficulty between ex-Governor Jones and •.tie Hon. F. P. Stanton, of Tenn., was amicu iy adjusted. Captain Joseph W. Gray, of Berkeley coun na.s resigned ilia sent in the Virginia house . delegates. It is said that the President elect receives r, j bushels per day of letters, containing up p' niioiiH for ollice. Mi*-is?iprt Kkpudiation.—The voters of "•1 -issippi, at the recent election, decided in nor of a special tux to pay the "Old Plan r-' 1! u;k Hoiids." John W. Cmnegys, arrested in Philadel phia, on the charge of robbing the mail, was rraigned on Saturday and plead guilty. It is -• I he has made full restitu:ion. PllWl'E IN A IHJIfiiY.—A Shabby Gen ' J 1-"! Story, and other tales, by Win M Thacke A l.ieoi Vicissitudes, a Story ol Revolutionary :d - by ti P R James, Esq, author of Pequioills, It ■ F &.c—2sc r in a Hurry, by George Wilkes, bound in it eh- st-T, or the Merry D ys of England, by the author of A ov Lawrence, etc—soc i aptaiu R>d, or the Wizard ot the Sea, a Ro mance, by Prof lugraham, author of Latitte, Bur lon etc—sJc Waverley Novels, Boston edition, vol 14th—60c 1 he Ladies New Book ■ f Cocking, a practical sys tem ,r private families iu town and country, wish < i i.-i f ( irvh.g and arranging the table for pa: '■•>• Sc. A'so, preparation ol food for iuvahds and childien, by Sarah Josephs Hale, illustrated w ' -I num rous eacravings cloth—sl T Improved Housewife, or Book of recipes, '.v ■ ; e.;jrav,nif-, for marketing and carving, by Mis A 1. \\ ebster—7oc A i'i< „ti-'» on a Bex of Instruments and the .. i' oe for the uso of Guagera Engineers, Sea -)»• . an J Students, by Thos Kentish—7oc 'l ie M-»i*uf icture of Steel, containing the prec t. -e aiid principles of working and making Steel; t. iiund hook lor R'acksnhths and Workers in Steel fcud ii n, VYazonmakers, Die-sinkers, Cutlers and :aai.aia- tur< r» of File- nnd llardwa'e,-ol Steel and : i.i.d for men > 1 S ii nee and Ait ; by Fred - ck t 'vermaa, author of the manufacture ol Iron, i. r—7sc i sale by G. M. WEST & BROTHER, 0 i 16 14th street, under Kxcbange Hotel. Ul EE it W. RANDOLPH ht° (or ea e. Nov. 16tb, -N '■ Uickeas Hiusehold Words—Gets u.t No llrtii.-h Medico Review, per year—3 00 ' tapta'n Kyd or the Wizard of the Sea, r. R> i ice, by i'rui Intraham. 1 if" I Daniel Webster with • brief outline of his - 1- r Y uth, a home pastime, by Mrs Gil ••• ot tl. ■ ' lUthern Matr n — 50c V.'jiks with :h ■ Poets,by Mrs CM K rk i'ei trieg r Talcs and Poems for Youth, yw o Bourn ; plat h 62c • i [•..jii's r'lhoutthts, lor Young Men re i le li f -. by VV H Van 'oren—B7c . ■ Fruit ulnej; and Gouatosity, a Mi-- i y Mrs Tuthill -62 t! i l-'ab e L nd, a ci Lection «»f Fables ' . > i .icti, \V Oii urn.—si 00 ■ ■■/■- Si; L in and hij Marshals, an il'uslra te. • vo, e—&> oj a, aLe nd of the Ohio, by E Bennett, a ! i'rairii i i ti • 16 \ ' ■ WOKH, BV GP R JAMES.—A Lifr of "v.. uilwwt, i story of Revolulioaary Times, K Ja .i . author of Pcqui'iills, Fate, Wojd < in iiis;:;»ner, ic, 1 vo.—Sic , . . Kyd, the Wizard ol the Sea, '.y Jii In .. -y ;.,.rStory, by W U Tnackcraf— iJr by LEWIS f . SMITH, .N « spsjier and • '»ie.,p pook Ageut, B—lt Opvosito AmerieanHole!. /'A ' op ...d. St.;/- * * new and b n«Ufat pstteras of Gu Cufr •- • i' i dants, lira-keif, i A « .the: jppl> ol Gum Tub,' and Fixtures, ti- rt ,'e Hurt i 6 STEBBINg, DAItRACOiT A CQ t 'O l"f <».N YAUN.-Xtf'J bales •. s«or.« : Kvi i ■■ » eby I ■ DAVENPORT. ALLKN U I U 4/I I j s tXi \lt.— 13'J nags landing andt r ' ' DAVENPORT, ALLI-N &. CO, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS TK4NBMITTKD FOR THK DAILY DISPATCH LATKU FROM KI'EOPK. Arrival of the Atlantic. New York, No*. 15. Ihe steamer Atlantic arrived lieie to-day.-— She left I .iverpool on the 3d inst. COMMERCIAL MKWS. Cotton was depressed, and had declined nearly one eighth. Flour had advanced 3d, and \\ heat 2d. The Corn market remained unchanged. ENGLAND. No opposition was anticipated lo the elec tion of Speaker on the assembling of Parlia ment. About thirty vessels were wrecked in the recent gale on the English coast, attended w ill) great loss of life. The building used as a. manufactory of Phillips' Fire Annihilator, near London, was lately destroyed bv fire. FRANCE. A story was incirculation that an extensive conspiracy against the President Lad been dis covered in the garrison at Fontaiubleau. The vo* j upon the establishment of an Empire will probably be taken on the 21st and 22 J of this month. UELGIUM AND SARDINIA. The Belgian Ministry had been reorganized. I he Sardinian !V1 inistry had resigned. THE MARKETS Baltimore, Nov. 15 —-Sales of 4000 bbis. Flour at $5. Red Wheut, $1.07 to $1.09; wluie, $1.12 to $1.14 New white Corn, 68 cts; yellow, 70 cents. New York Not. 15.—Sales of 20,000 Ills. Flour at $5.37 to $5.62 for Southern ; 35,000 bushels Wheat at $1.32 for western white; and 18,000 bushels Coin, at 94 to 95 cents for mix* ed, and 93 cents for Southern vellow. I.A.UBiiltt'S UVFJl'li, I4ih Street, under Kacbouge Ilo:el, Drawn Ns ; f lie aware, i-.xtra, 14vJ ( Nov 13: ?<» 63 70 7J 31 M : ; 5 x-0 3d 16 5919 9 4ti. Drawn jios Delaware, Class 137, Nov 13 ■ 51 4:5 4o 24 ao '-6 57 13 4u 15 3i. b ' To-diiy —'1 hp Del4ware iStfcte Lottery, ('ias3 No 13' J. Cepita's: $25,000, 10,000, 4000, s3(w, 16 of 1000, &c. 75 numbers,l3 drawn. Vckeu $6 2 I if ' Abo a >::e Dollar I,otter> no 16 B.tUTll's JLOTA'iiKi umuil, Wall street, under the City Hctel, C:i ALK'rf OLD STAND. Drawn Nos Grand Ct iu iiuatej, Clues y 35 38 5S til 17 11 73 70 53 77 37 32 Ticket 1737 Ed, ®400. To d iy.—Bel Air 46. Capitals : 1 cf524,000,4 Ot'4'ioo,a ol 8000, 25 cf 600. 85 of 300, 223 ol' 115. 75 numbers, 13 drawn. Tickets §o—shares0 —shares iu pro portion Also, Fatapsco, '301 —Capital*: lof $3750, 10l 750. A;c. 75 numbers 12 drawn. Tickets 41. t! -> i'i SMITH <<KEt<OKY vV Mi RV, managers, Richmond, Virginia, Successors to J. W. Mmiry &. Co.—office N0.62 Main street. Drawn Nos of Delaware Lottery, No 137, Nov 13: 51 43 46 24 uO 26 57 13 40 15 31 8 To-day.—Capital: 525,000,16 of 10U0, 16 cf 501, Ale 75 numbers, 13 drawn. Tickets $5 To*morrow.—Capital: $35,000, 8 prizes of 3307, 4uU oi 100, Ac.c 7b numbers, 15 drawn Tick ets Sid. no J6 »*>ViiAVVU.% V, j< Mj'lCSi. Drawn Nos of Delaware. t\o 137, Nov 13th -51 43 46 24 20 26 57 13 40 15 31 8. To-day.—Delaware, Kxtia 118 —Capital $5,539. 75 numbers, !1 drawn. Tickets $1. Alto, Delaware No 139.—Capital $25,000. 73 numbers, 13 drawn- Tickets $5. no 16 CiiAKKE'S OKFICK, J4ili Street. Drawn Nog of Delaware, Esira, 142, Nov 18 :ty 65 70 73 aa za 35 v'j 3d 78 oa ia y 46 Quarter ticket 36 70 78, a prize ol &20 soli. Drawn Nos of Delaware, 137, Mot 13: 51 43 46 SI 520 26 57 13 40 15 31 a. Qiarter ticket 15 43 46, a prize ol £:iOO sold, no 15— 2t j « KKAT iiAttl, Vi> -s IN S.AUI *JT DRESS GOODS.—Mouslaine Je Laine at six pence, gotid styles for 10c, tine quality 20 to SO cts, rich patterns French (ail woo)) 50 ai.d 75 eta, so'id colors at Is. to 50 cts; French English and Hum >u Merinos: b'a;k, ma'oor, blue and puiple Velvets for wrappers; silk-warp Alpicn; tines: quality Bombazine; red, blue, white t.nd yellow Flanueis; Cloths, Cassimeres and Vtetings, Linseys, superior large size Bid Blankets and Quilts; IS 4 Hamilton Sheetings and pillow cafe Cottons; Indies' Under Garments, short and long sleeves; a large assort ment Silk Wtappers, v. "ry cheap; a c tap lot of negro lilausets and Kerseys; gentlemen's uttd.'r Shirts and Drawers, with a large assortment ol Staple aud Fancy D y (ioods, which we are selling at great bargains, tjr cash, at JACOB A. LEVY'S Cheap stores, 15 and 09 Main street. Dress Silks and Crape Shaw: ■. N. II —Farmers' and Merchants' notes taken ;t par, Mechanics' and National at par. no 16 jVj KW B'JttKS iS ABl'.NUAStii, lor sale 1 * at L L SMITH'S, opposite American Hotel Captain Kyd, the Wizard of the Seas, by J 11 in graham, author of Ltlitte, the Quadroon, ao, coni plete in 1 vol—priceooc Rochester, or the Merry Da\ sot England, bj the nu'.h ir of Auiy Lawrence, Statiii 'lu Ha i dtc — 50 cts A Shabby Genteel Story, by W M Thackerav — 00c Men's Wives, by W M Thackeray—sCc The Book of Snobs, by \\ M Thackeray 50c The Ye. low Ihush Paper*,, by W M Thackeray— The Palis Sketch Book, 2 Vols, by W M Thacke ray—s 1 I'll Volunteer, or the Maid of Monterey, a tale et th Mexican vVar, by Ned Buniiine—SOc* J he liivouao, or the Rival Suitors, by Max .vell— G< ntleman Jack, or Life on the Roa '—20c Lilly Hawsoc, or th-; Smugglers ol the Mill — SO Cts j be (iueiilla Ohitf, or Romance < f War—ooc Gallant Tom, or Perils of the Ocean—Ssc New-ipnperx. Mag ol Our Union, VVavority Magazine, Star Spai _ied Balint r, He m Gazette, Musical Woi'd, Atneiic n Courier, Golden Dollar, Uncle Sam, Yankee Privateer, itc, for this week. roll! | OSl',—Betwem my restueiice and that of Mayor Lambert's, 1 lost my I'oeUet Hook this morning, containing sundry papers and tiiL_, - two dollars of the following nous, a c., as Well lis recollected, viz : two twenty t'o'.t.r not.a ol Ex change iia k; two live dol >r notes of North Caro lina; -J one dollar not sofl'urce i; and 1 tw > dollar note ol the same, and eight collars ol bai k not re menibeie j, but think they were of Noith Caioiina and Purci li'o notes. The hnderot it will be suita bly rewarded it she Pocket Book and its comems be It It at this cilice. no 10—U RICHARD T. HUNULKY. S'£0 jLtX—From my n sidence.c jrner et Fiaiii liu aria -tu streets, jutt b fire t; o'clock o.i li-day t vmi.'it', a case ol SLMGiCAL I.NSl'iiU- MfeiN'i. .;ud two OVER CuA IS, cie bisok, the otharoiali h' color. Tut r : ; was a s.lver plate on it. instruiucnt cast- inuiked George V, Jr., K.'eamond, and each ii.stiumeti bore the l an.eof t-'tj ri i.ter,-'Lhaiiiere." J will pay a larg reward ;■ i h recovery ot ih'j Inetium tits, and sui'able coinneti -atioo it the Coats s:e rt turned t me. GEOftGE A OTiS Jr,M D., n is—o.* Corner Franklin and to jtreets. its Mountain, and 1 Sbo ! v Ji piim Rail Butter, ju = ! to hand, and tor toic t-y GSO> A HUM'I FY, •I doorsabo' eOid Market, nolo—St* Eiankiin str«ct. k-N ill Jt i« I'ft CO A!,.— ihe euoscrlber is no., recei. lug oy sciir J Kusltng, a cargo ol No. 1 Red Ash COAL, which he will deliver r.*. &:• 7o |.er cart iotd, if taken from vessel. Orders left at M atis Aleaacd-«r Nott ii C'o.'s Auciiou Store will receive oiotnpt alte.-itioe. no 15—(if P. C LARUS. Hiil HR i'A.UiEV iIA.US.—kO t-L... Ca, 1 sards Sc. Schuttes brands, receiving this mora iuk, for iiiie by cslO WILLIAMS A ESOTHKR. AMUSEMENTS. TH KATRB. ~ Me*™. TAYLOR * CLARKE, Lessees Mr. W M . WARD „...Bu g e Manager. TMb Evening, N»t. 16th, 1853, HONEY MOON. VV"" .....Mr Marchant Rolando Ward Juliana Mia« Susan Denin Vol,nte Miss Kate Denin Scotch Medley M l le Theodore To conclude with THE WANDERING BOYS.' THE SOUTHERN CIRCUS. W ROBINSON * ELDRED, PROPRIETORS. ILL EXHIBIT IN RICHMOND THURSDAY. FRIDAY and SATURDI" 18th. Uth and 20th of November. Ajuiission—so cents, children and servants half price. Tbe Proprietors of the Souther*. Circus have much pleasure and confidence in presenting their Company as it now staods to the Richmond public. !*ince they visited 'hi« city in the Spring, they have expended over Jrftttn thousand dollars iu makiii" tht« the most perlect establishment of the kind in the world Th't arenas of all Europe have been drained of tlie»r equestrian ability. The burning deserts of Arabia scoured foi intelligent and beautiful horse.* 1 hf> Theatres of this country and England have fur nished dramatic talent, and the Rocks of th« North ern Hebrides climbed to procure diminutive and cat ious performing Ponies. * 'i'be Southern Circus disclaims connection with any other. As it now stands, it is composed ot one hundred Horses and Ponies, and seventy-five Performers and Attaches. Among tne latter are all the Stars in tl« profession. During their stay in Richmond a constant succes sion of Novelt'e-! will be produced MASTER JAMES ROBINSON continues to lead the Male Equestrian exercises MADAME ROBINSON will appear in her superb acts upon the newly pur chased and hit til) trainnd Arabian Horse Jupite-- MASTi R JOHN wih introduce an act of horsemanship never before attempt- d by any perfirraer. I3P" Remember! Remember'.! Ri member !!!—We d" not come ou Friday, the 12th, but we do tome on Thursday, the 18th. THOMAS USHER L DMARBH, A«ent noil—tdf FOR A SHORT TIMil ONLV. WIJLL OPEN FOll EXIIiBTION, AT ODD FELLOWS' HALL, TL'f SDAY, Nov. 16th, Disbale'a Celebrated Original Paint ings of ADAM AND EVE ]N PARADISE, Representing the temptation r.n. expulsion, painted lor X, of Frai.ce These sublime works of A't have been exhibited in Europe and the Uni ted States the past twenty jears, to the universal drr.iraticn of over two m l ious of persons. Tue Agent respectfully informs the citizens of Richmond that these are tie same original Paint ings by Dili uft that were exhibited in the Cjurt Room in this city in 1835. A register of the names can be seen at the door. Open from 9, A M, till 10. P. M. Brilliantly il luminated evjry evening. Admission the whole week, 25 cents. Schools admitted on liberal terms Season Tickets 50 cents. A description will be given every evening, at 8 o'clock. no 11—ts rpOBACCO FIXTURES FOR SALE A A complete set ol Fixtures, in good order for manufacturing six boxes per day, consisting in part of two large size Flattening Screws, two do for sheeting, with mills complete'; four do for boxes; ;;iso, 8 s mills. 3 s do pound, do y. pound do, bauds, billets, stoves, benches, and every other article that is necesjary. The factory iu which these fixtures are, can be rented at a very moderate price, say about 5>75 per year. The above fixtures will be of fered for sale privately, until the 16th of Decembsr; if not disposed oi before that time, wili be sold at pubdc miction, of which due notice wiil be given. For further information apply to no I.3—Pic* PULLIAM & DAVIS. rfp WENT* Til Us AN s> BO LLA US 8 WORTH OF DRY GOODS AT COST, at No 176, cor ner of Broad and 6th streets lutei d ing to make a change in our business, we are now offering at prime cost, for cash, cur large and well self et-d stoek of STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, c.asLsiing of the usual variety kept in a Jobbing and Retail Store. Our entire stock has been bought *jr cash oul}-, at tue bestlNorthern mnrrkets and agjnts of trauuftcturers. Uivinu just received our second supply of Fail und Win ter Goods, we are enabled to show aa entire fresh and handsome assortment suitable for this season. We inviteotur fir-undo and thejpubiic generally to £ ve us a*i early call, as we are ctecc.mkicd to close wUt 8' OU O* ha d, a lew pieees double Ply Carpet, and a lot of ready made Servants' CLO l lil.'xG. no 15—c%r. J a-. M. ROSENBAUM i'UK HtiS'V, a brick House ou Marshall «fc-ll street, near Ist «tr> ot, containing about 5 rooms, %vith tiie usual out hou,es, &c , all it) first rate order, ai d is wnll adapted tor the acconiiiio dation of a genteel family. Apply to no 15 -in James m. TAYLOR. gtf™ 10K It KM', that Framed House on the east side of li d, betwesn Grace and 1' ranklia etre. t-, at J now occupied by Mr VV. S. Woodson. T lie house contains about 5 rooms, with many con veniences, Arc. Apply to n 13 -3t JAS. M TAYLOR. i HiMt. l i «Tk7 — ,L\ V his determined to ' ' reduce stock, ao-.i in onler to do so, greet y i tluce his prices. It is useless to enume rate t.,e prices and ttyles of goods, but in a lew words he .tys he has l!ry (locus ol all style® and qualities, and the pricus considerably le£3 than in othei stcres. lie has in view an object which ren t'ors it te cessnry to so.l oil his stock as. soon as pos sible So ladles, il you want to save money, give Levy a nail, and you will net be oi,appointed, but w'.li leave his store fully convinced that the cheap est goods are to be had o' AURAIIAM LEW, Ja , no 15 201 Broad street. rjVv\>.:»TV-r:s«;uT HUD<->. e IM.UK _L SiDfcS AND SHOULDERS, uow and winter cured, landing and tor sale by no 15 JOHN H. CLAIBORNE. A>»S, I.alTd AM) BREASTS.—S hhas and 20 tietces winter cured Hams; 5 t erces new do ; 15 do do Breasts ;io bbls do Laid, landing and lor saie by ro 15 . JuilN 11 CLAIBOBNE. i IKtIC li HA VA N A A>f> I ■RlNtHl'ii Vj CIGARS.—(to hand, a large and i mplete as sorttni ut ot tr.e trust choice and popular brands of genuine Havana and l'lincite Cigars. 'I hose who are fond of a fragrant Havana auti a " good smoke," should not tail to try those, at E. J PICOT'S. no 15 Corner opposite the Old Market. rniLAIA CLOAKS.—This new and beautiful L garment his ju»t l-een received, to which we would c 11 the attention of those who wish a novel style ol' our garment. The Talma Cloak ha 3 re ceived the highest commindati na from nil who have examined it tor warmth, conver and beauty Call *.t No IC3 Main street, and examine for yourselves. uo 13 HENRY 3IIAFEK & Co. 1.5 ( uiTlf KttM* M AiWUlsa iiti.A'i i ><'•'. £ sr&OMGI it ASH CHEAPER THAN lSiN —This bit:.- e is unsurpassed by i.ny other 1 r purity, li -'i =s d ilie cbrysikline cpi« ot tt e J. lly ui d<> wish it. B sue to y t tee Ambsr G lttine, which for rtreegth, s chneaa, and nhaapaart. • ntl> vailed. in it thin -nJ, Va ,by PIii'CELL, LAHB A. Co , i>ru r -2u ! . itia put up iti packages of 1 pound" eaci, wh iti aregn >-rtirlded into 4 i t parcils. holt r Vl'/.l 4VEII to arrive in u tew days per beg Xj it.iunjpoLd !rom l'rovlde ;co. Rhode Ul< nd— XVjO bushels Mercer Potatoes £0 barrels Apples S3 do C.der £QUO ctm;gi Oeto. s—for silo hy nolo 11. RANKIN. O'-yE iitksTitiiu" aaw» eutMa iZ\- GL'YRA Cul l iIE, landing per, fjr sale by no 15 JOHN H. CLA?BORNE. botßlEiS Ullll.S I>K.V MiW OU- I LLANS cl'C.Ai', tor sale by uo 15 JOHN H CLAIBORNE iVtHV lauding troui steamer Penn-;) Ivtni ■>, ati i. v baits Mercei Potato#', very fin-', a:id for sale by no 15 it. RANK N \l] HAL.H 01L.—5 ci-sks landing from tchr W He.n: i :o, for tule by no 15 (WILLIAM-? A I!R(JTHKR. oY*»Tfcllt UItOILLUM,—Ana «ui,cnsntjust to hand and lot tale at reduced prices by C. J. BINToN t CO , Sijß'.ftle Circ-'arjitw, 71 Maic street to li I AUCTION SALES. 11 iittb DAia. By Gearge J. Burner. 4 DMINISTR4 . Un'J SALE OF ELE- A GANT HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FUR! NITURE —On WEDNESDAY, 24th instant, com mencing at 10 o'clocu, at the late residence of Hugh Rileigh, decras»'d, comer of Franklin and Twenty- Sixth streets, [nn Church Hill.] wili be sold the entire household and kitchen Furniture belonging to hia e-tate. viz: Marbletnp Tabies and Sideboard, vcy elegant arm-Chair, Tete aTete and parlour Chairs, covcrcd wi'h Brocslette; S fia, Lounges, Ottomar.s maho gany Cnairs, Book Case and Library, gilt framed Paintings and Prints, parlor, chamber, pasaage and stair Carpeting. PIANO, made by Dubois and Stoddart, N Y., and nearly now, six and a half octaves; first rate cham ber FurnitHre : high post and Fre.ich Bediteads, >eatcer Beds find hair Mattrasses, marble top Wasa f lands, Bureaus, Mirrors, very elegant Wardrobes, and in lact, everj article of comfort, and many or namental goods for furnishing a house handsomely. £jp~TEBMS made known tee diy of sale J . . JAMES A SNELL, Administrator of Hugti Rileigh, deceased 16 GEORGS J. SUMNER, Auct E}' George J. Sn.nuer. Peremptory >a i,e of a laxge AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF RICH LY FRAMED OIL PAINTING^.—On Friday morning, the 25th inst, commenc fg at 10 o'ciocn, in the large room .ever the store of Eliaa Hale, No i'„ 6 Mi in street, will be gold tt auction, without re ttrte, a very large and valuable collection ot Oil I'aintiugs, in richly ornameated gilt frames. The greater portion ot this collection, is the private property ot a gentleman, end contains many beauti iui and costly pictures; atd as the conditions of the cons .gnu eut call lor a peremptory sale "to cover advances mHde by the consignee," the whole wili be sold without the least leserve. Ihe paintings wih be open for exhibition on W eiineeilay, th« 17ih iast, v/hen the public ii re spectfully invited to ctll and examine them. Descriptive catalogues will be ready ior distribu tion at the time. Terms c.~:sh. Sale to be conducted by no IS—dtd GKuKtiE J SUMNER, Auct. A IJJHMSTKATOK'S SALR OF HOlSti tiOLl) FURNMUKE, kc—Wiil be sold at public auction the Household Furniture of the late nirs Harris, ou Wednesday , the 17th of Novem ber, at 3 o'clock, P. M-, at tie house of Mr August, on Broad street, between Madison and Monroe sts. no 16—'I. BOLDEMANN, Adm'r. BY JAMES .M. TAYLOR. 'lIWO HOUSES .i>(» LOTS AND A 1 H H.EI-, VACANT LOTS AT AUCTION.— Will be sold on Tuesday, the 23rd November, s 5 o'clock, upon the premises, those two Framed Houses and Lots and two vacant Lots, situated cn the north side cf Marshall street, between 18tli and 19ih streets, near the resiiencj cf Mr James H Puindexter. The houses contain about 4 rooms each, with the usual cut-houses, and are in excel lent order, witli lots attached fronting 25 feet each, and running back 't6'J feet. Of the vacant Lots, the one at the corner of Mar shall and Ittth streets, fronts 25 feet; and the other two front 4'J ftet each, and run back ItSJ feet. The improved portion of the above property ii now rented at a gooi rent; and lrom its convenience of access to the heart ol the city, and its retired loca tion, the whole of it might be made to yield a band some per cent upon its probable cost; and this pro perty being beyond the co:poration iue, is exempt from city taxes. Tjcrms—One third cadi; balance at G and 12 months, with interest, the credit payments to be secured bj a tru6t deed. no 15 JAMES M. TAVLOR, Auctr. UNITED STATES .HAIL LINK. FOR NEW YORK VIA NORFOLK. Leaves Richmond regularly ceery Tmsdau afternoon at -1 o'clock. By the Klegant Side-wheel STEAMSHIP ROANOKE. The elegant side-wheel Steam -s^pLßhipLßhip ROANOKE, Lewis Parrish, ft* Coiiimander. will be ready to re ceive fieight to day (Monday) at 12 o'clock, M, permnt ng, and will continue to reccive it up to the hour of 1 o'cl ck, P M, to morrow, (Tuesday.) the lfith it) St. and wiil leave at 4 o'clock in th« aft rnojn of that day, by which hour passengers will please to be on board. Passage to New York, including mea's and tine state room accommodations, only §10 Stee rage passage, only. 5 This line has no connection with any other. Shippers will oblige ns by not sending any freight down this trip which is re t engaged at our ctiics, as the bulk oi her cargo has already been engaged. Shippers are req-ji st d to send in the name of their consignees as soon as their frei ht is down HO 15 LL'DLAM Jt WATSON. ~FOR BALTIMORK ANIFI'DILADIITi'HfAr" PER STEADIER r „ glT"" fc, tue BELVIDEKE, Capt (iifford, " nl h " receive I':eight tc uaj, ,y; at 12 o'clock M, weather permitting, ana will continue to receive it up to the hour of 2 o'clock. P. M. to-morrow the itith in.'t. to 15—"-t LUDLAM A WATS UN [3 ,f ' u STEA.USUIF PKXiV SYLV.-\MA. Capt Biiymoie, i-i now ■ ead; to receive freight, and will sail U'ednts* day, the 17th inst, atSo'csock A M. For freight or pajsa.-e apply to to 15 R. RANKIN. / HJFKiifc. (jiiNn.—Now reca-vu g jwr sclu %j Henrico, a full supp yof superior block tin C« ff-M? Urns, holding from 0110 to five gallons, which we fca'ervery i»w. C. 1. SINTON i CO, Sign of the Circular Saw. 71 Main street, no 15 JUsT received a splendid assortment oi ladies' Dressing Cabinets, spring-scat Tete-a-Tetes, Sofas, Rocking Chairs. See., which will bj closed out cheap. no 15 ALEX. NOIT 6c 90. CJTIEE AXITiiER NEW NOTE u CON WORCESTER'S PIANOS.-The New York Evening Postof July 15th. has the following: Wot eester's i ianos,- -A correspondent who does not seem to place implicit faith in what he reads in advi ltuements, asks us if Worcester's Pi inos are to be relied on. We answer emphati cally, yes. \\ edo not think Mr Worcester make?, cr would sell, a poor Piano at any price, and we have thi best authority—our own > xp«rience —lor saying, tuP.t, ia sweetness and duraLidty of tone, they are not surpassed. The Now York Commercial Advertiser of Jur.e ■j, 1852, says: '-Our preference, for many reasons, but especially because if the superior sweetness ol tore, 13 for Worcester's Pianos, We hare had one 111 uee for a considerable time ar.d we have nev*-r met with an instrument which plaas, d us so well. And combined with the superiority of toi.e and clegacce and Etr«ngth in the construction. We do net think any manufacturer surpasses Mr. Wor cester, if any equals him, in the most important features of a good piano." All iustrwa-nts sold with a full guarantee, and warranted to give iatislaciioj, ormon y returned A. MORRIS, Late D. inker & Morris, Publisher and Bookseller, no 13—3t DOdl£t>, BOOHS, Nt VV'Ml'Ai'KKsk AND li MAGAZINES—SI'tLL THEY COME. —Ro- chester, or the Marry Days of England, by the au thor tt the Young Cheval er, Atn.—sbc Aunt Pliil is' C.iUa, by Mrs Eastman No 44-i Littell'3 Livi: g Ago A Shabby Gen lot 1 Story nnd other Tales, by W 1:1 ihat^e:ey T.i Y iito; Cha:npion, or the Tory and Lengue i b Revolutionary story i f land and sea— 2 c Ti.e FotCet, by J V Iluntir.gtcn, aulh' r of Lady A>c :, ,vc. JoOOc.pks of he Winston Tragedy yet on Land price Isc i U'-' t ;ih Musketeer—2oc Coi i:j . Almasza — 25? <. lesson's.Pietori •!, Set Port, Weekly find Duly K. Y. Ht "ild, Ne-.v i'oik Spirit 1 the'li re , Police <1 Flag, lUm» r, \\ uvetiy, Pick, Picay iue, Salmtlty C urier, bit. Gozett •, Gola n Luiiar, Piiva .. lijcl-' Sam Bid Lantern, ail lor this i- eos, t witn every iliing in lh-- cheap pub ii aion, wholesale and retail THUS. H GHESHAM, 1 r a 1! tii« Northein D.i y and Week y News papers, Mag ifkies, 4c., UPj* Hi ad street N B—Another lot cf No 1 Violli.s, CuiUrs, Ac corti • i.s. Clarionetts, Files and lioiijes, just received and for tale cheap—the be. t iu ihe city. BiiKAtsi' l'itCtS>.-i cask) iruiu »t«3»mier, lor esit; by nr, 15 WILI.IAM3 & BROTHER to It U KM', that iIL-Urabie tiusiuc## ttand gsS No lfi, M .!a ttreat, r.t pr»-n lit occupied by Styaie. .u jiiveu the tat lie eemMr, 1852. App'ytn HKSitY C J£NK£, no ll—Sttwtl At Etiwlri Woriiau x Cot. AUCTION SALES. tjJTUM_I)ATa. ~ By Jw M Taylw. DUILDING LUl's UN UNION HILL AT AUCTION.—WiII be told on WEDNES- On i NEXT, the 17th inst at 4J o'clock in the after °A° n ' th« premise*, two building lota, situat ed at the north eastern intersection of 26ih and P •treets; each lot fronts 35 feet six inches, and ex r,e" 132 feet - These lou are well to building parpotea. rnrr?-b?t~[ J * e Wird CMh ' balance at four and eight the whoteL " d ,h ° ri£le relßined cntl! no 13 JAMES M.TAYLOR. Auct. SEXT m. I.™ the afternoon, upn the premises, at the risk and costs of the purchasers the *of, at a recent sale a lot of land situated on Union Hi!], neß r the re'si dence of Dr Str. cker, fronting 26 feet on the south side ol Short street, and running back 132 feet The sale wili be mate without limit or reserve Tehm3.—One-third cish, balance at 6 and 12 months, with interest and the title to be retained as security far tbe credit payment, no 13 JAMES M. TAYLOR, Auct. Market «„ar uhs or small FARM ADJOINING RICHMOND, FOR Rfc-NT AT AUCTION—On Friday next, the 19th inst., at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, upon the premises, will be offered tor rent from that day until th; Ist day of January, 1854, ihit small Farm known as ''Mansfield," situated north of and over looking the city, and withm a frw steps of the cor poration line The Farm contains about 30 acres of jood laud, which is well adapted for the cultiva tion of vegetables, &c. The improvements consist of a dwelling house and the usual out houses, and the premises are under s scd enclosure. On account of its great convenience to the city, this property is wormy the attention of those wish it g market gardens, ice Teems—A bond will be required with approved security for the payment of the rent quarterly, no 13 JAMES M. TAYLOR, Auctr. BY FULLIAiV iV i) »VI s, Auctioneers, Desirable klai, instate in the TOWN OF MANCHESTER, AT AUCTION. On FRIDAY, the 19tb day of this month, at3ii o'clock, P. M., on the prenrses, in the town of Msn cfce-ter, we will sell, without reserve, the following Real Estate,to wit: First, thj Teoeaient now occu pied by Mrs- Day, on Main street. 'Ill" dwelling has six rooms and a store, and cellar basement, kitchen, &c Seeond, a small Tenement in rear oi the dwelling. Third, the Dwelling House now oc cupied by J B Gill, Esq, being a two story h use with five rooms, kitchen, smoke house, well cf good wnter, and a tine garden. Also, a lot of Ground, containing I}£ acres, on the square next below the Farmets' Hotel The aforesaid property is sold oy order of the heirs of tfce late Walter C. Day. Immediately after, we will sell two Tenements on the street immediately ia rear of Jamej M Per due iSc Co'*. The whole of the above named property wi;l pay 15 ps-r cent, on what it wiil probably sell for There is not one vacant h .use in the town of Manchester Teems—One-third cash, balance at 6 and 12 months, interest added. no 13-tds PULLIAM & DAVIS, Aucts \ A LtABL E fl.Ot it I NOl UILLnt Aue V lion. Ert-<leriik«l>urj;,—The subscriber will effer for s .le, en S-uurday, Nivember 20th, (if not sold privately before) in front of the United Ststes Hotel, in Fredericksburg,at 12 M, his Beileinout Flouring Miil, near this p'ace, situated at the head of tide water on the Rappahannock river in a gof d wheat country, and where the fljur can be boated 1)£ miles to vessels, and the tine wheat crops of the Rappahannock brought up to the miil This mill isin tine running o:d-r, with four pair best French burrs, new bolting c;ofh», patent fl .ur pack ers, and iron machinery, the subscriber having ex pended fiiteen hundrtd dollars in pcifecting the machinery very lately. The flour from the mill has always stood high, and commands from 5l) to 75 cents over common suptr in New York, Boston and Charleston, SC. Freights by steamboats twice a week, and sailing vessels also al from 8 to lOcts. per barrel to Baltimore. Flour barrels to be bad on the spot, and the necessary labor for conduct ing the business on fair terms. The demand for extra fl-iur from Virginia, that is known to keep well for foreign shipments, renders milling proper ty in this section desirable to any one wishing to engige in a good business, where at the end ot the year there are no remnants or small accounts. The property is now lent! d for twelve hundred dollars a year, and in demand. Ins ired in the Mutual Co ior 9.0G0 dollars. Terms liberal, aud will bu in the j !vaeh ot'any re-ponsibleperson. Apply before sale day to noil—d2w JOHN F FICKLIN. yAl.t AT IttmK CO'l'i'At.K.-Uy virtue of" a deed of trust from Thomas Steers, dated !t»th day ot September, 1852, and of a deed oftrust from Thomas Stem s ami Mary Ellen iiii wife, da ted the titti day ol Octorer, 1852, both of which have been duly admitted to record in Hanover county court office, the undersigned trustee, appointed by said deeds, will proceed to sell, ou Thursday the ISth day of November, (if fair, it not the nest ttir day.) beginning at 12 o'clock at ROSE CUT TAGK, iti H-nover, t,';out 8 miles from Ricbmond, and not far from Central railroad, a!! the property in thesaij deeds conveyed, consisting ot the iarui known as Hosts Cottngr, sui ject to a 'ientccre on lbs SISOOJ and interes:, and to » file for the en forcement of said lim : also a go< d buggy tntl tim'- ness, a threshing machine, neni ly new, farming lui p!tments, a- ploughs, b of», takes, spades, Ac, a lot of cattle, cut hay, and straw, growing corn, ic; al so. for the balance of the pie?ent year, four slaves, Joe, and Rose, and at the same time biid be sold the household and kitchen furniture at Rose Cottsge. term to the real estate, made kuown at the time ot sale. As to the personal prt perty, caeh for sums of 20 dollars and under; for sums over 20 dollars, four months credit for appro red endorsed negotiable notes. do 11—dtd ■ Kit HOWISON, By Jauies .X. Taylor. POVtt VERY UEalt£.*BLE KfcrtlDE.N. i 1 CLS AT AUCTION.—WiII be sold on Tuesday, November2lk!,at 2% o'clock P M. upon the premi ses, those four very desirable brick houses and lots situated at the corner of 19th anci Broad sts. These houses are tinisUec in the most approved style, and are in excellent oder, containing about li rooms each, with brick kitchens ac.d the other usual out houses. The lotsfiont about 27X feet, and tun back about 132 feet to a 20 foot paved alley ; and all ot these houses are at present occupied by excel lent tenants at fair rents. i his propeity being pleasantly located wi'hin a few minutes wain of the heaviest business portion of the city, market, dock, ice, prsseats unusual ad vantages to those wishing residences retired, yet convenient to those points. Term-I—One-third1—One-third cash, the balance at sis and twelve mouths, witn interest and satistactorily se cured no 6 JAME3 M TAYLOR, Auct. By Wellington lioddia. T ARGK SAI.E 0» BLILDIMJ LOTS', Lax rockltts, for sale at auction Will be sold, on Wednesday, the 17th day of No vemb' r, 1852, upon the premises, ii lair, if iiot the next fair day, commencing at 'a»i; p.«si two o'clock P M, from iUO to 100 heuut'fully located lots, front in? on the eastern side of the illismsburg read, or the south line ol a continuation < f Nicholson St., and t ither side of several cross streets. Each .ot has a iront of thirty feet, and an average depth ti O" e tunc red and ten leet to an all .-y. iiifcse iota beine admirably located, ere valuable not on y r bui ding purpewa, but many ol them a on-i iu brick clny "'»»* excellent quaHty.— Tlw>elcta vewitkia thrM sqaaresi ttoa ••Ouirn* »u» .-''anJ," so that persons can at ail tunc. U- u »u en- v cl"»Vu an i coinloriable mode of t arc! to or f,any part of he city. The **;e will be m ;ae wi 1. ut the least limit or retOi ve,ao tiat capua uU und others can attend with the ss ; urance that eve rv let < ffered w!Upositively be sold , . T roii, ooe-tLird ca?b, bala- -e at four and eigot months, for negotiable uut»iuwect added, secur (Ji v a trust o: title ret •. ed. no 11—dtd VV GOLDIN. Auct ~ity JuHN K. 19. i'A V icwlill* H. j AND, II O V » b li o E D i'UttNITIiUE, iJ CKOt'J*. HOUs*. C'uVVd, A.C . AT AUCTION. Will b<? ca Friday, t'-j i&U m.t, U 11 o* c ;.,tk if lair, i. uot, he txt lair day, my tract of Uiid situated i.ith.; county of Cfce»terfi id, IB Killer Jjrom the city of Richmond, contai'.icg 150 acr«. snd within 3*JO vwd* ot theßi- Danvi.;.' KaiirOad The iojproTiroi- n:»art; cottfj.-tibie, atd toe land in ago 4 atais of cultivation. AUo, t'ue crop oi Con. Oau, liny, Fodier, lloutch jld Furai tu.e, a number o! y*ttng Hog», Milfh Cows, &c., X.c. Term* at «a!a. J. si DUV'Ai.L. tra'3 to tie conducted by ia>) II i> Payne, Aoct. no 3 2~ KHAI Lt» iJATfcS, 1. r (We by »> i,o 15 DAVKNI'OHT, ALI.KH fe CO. RIO COVKKK.-3jU bs,'.- tine quality lauS icg ana tor taie vy do li IDAVKNFORT, ALLEN 4c CO. AUCTION SALES. -— imo uaV. Wtt St Cm. g TTtMOKNING, ir*rl«* z* wUI *^«pSS IJCU°V?^°******l^ec-ifnmeoto -30 heary beaver Over Com* 01 P ,e ®? * od cut Dry Good* 00 dozen Tumblers Lot of House Furniture 1 large line top Counter, with manw article*. no 16 ALEX. NOTT & CO, Aoct> BY UtNLUP, nOMCIKK & CO. ' GROCERIES AT ALCTION.-On TOES DAY, I6:h iustant, c >mmencing'at 10 o'clock, we will ael! at our auction store a genera! assort ment ot Groceries, consisting in part ol— 90 hhds Sugar, part prime quality 145 bag® Laguyra and Rio Coffee 50 bbls New Orleans Molasses aLd Syrup 40 bbl* Hje Whiskey, part old and very supe rior quality Gunpowder and Pouchong Tea Mustard, C;gars. Indigo Tkbms—Under dli-0 cash, over #100, four menth* credit, tor approvt d negotiable paper. Sale without reaa'd to weather. u'JNLOP, MONCURE & CO, Auctioneers, no 13 PARTICILAR ATTENTION. By George J. >utoner. V E nu's »AI,E AT AL e ts Jkivi-Vwviv,.. t NU silvkr watch- u FANCY ARTICLES.—On ttth November, commencing at 10 o cli ck, at the Store No loe Maiu streeLup "aire, will be »o d a »ery est- nsive aasor.ment ot Fine Gold English Patent Levers, Horn the but makers do do do Detached dj, &c, do do do do Silver do do do do ao do And a large assortment ot the newest atvles of JEWELRY, consisting of Lsdies' and Gentlemen'# Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Kar Rings, Guard, Breast and fob Chains; a large assortment of Perfumery and Fancy Ar ticles, of every description, consisting of many ornamental and useful goods, never before seen in Richmond, til of which the public is invited to inspect the dtj previous to sale. Teems made known the day ot sale. GhORGK J. SUMNER, Auctioneer f?' The sale will be continue,l from day to day, until the whole consignmeit is disposed o4 no 8 By Alexander >ott A. Co. OUR EVENLNU .hacks will be continued until the season closes, commencing at seven o'clock, at which time we will sei! Irons the shelves, iu lots to suit purchasers, a good selection ol piece arid cut dry goods, hardware, cutlery, guns, pistols, gold «nd silver wa'ches, and clocks and time pieces of eveiy desciiption. Also a eeueral assortment of ftncy goods. ALE a NOTT ic CO, tiQ 1 Auctioneers. iHAKUtfAI/'fiMtS, — -■ S^4_LL.{WHOLES.* LK AND Mnjnl lllr "' DEALERS IN BOOTS, H O KS, TIItNKS, VALICES, CARPET BAGS, Ac—PEMBERTON 4c 15KO, 161 Main street, opposite the Exchange Hank, respect fully invite strangers vUitiug the citj, and the pub lic generally, to call and examine their large and complete assortment ol articles in the above line. Their prices will be found ti be as low »s those of any otner house, whether by the single pa : r, dozen or east:. The stock embraces— Gentlemen's Dress Shoes, Gaiters and Bootees Do calf, kip, and stout Boots and Bootees You'll** Pools and Bootees, oi many kinds Servant's Brogues, bourn: and-unbound Ladies' Shoes, Buskins, Kids, jeuny Linds, ice Ladies' black, bronze snd colo.ed Gaiters Buskins and Boot, es lor seivant women, various styles Misses and Children's Shoes, in great variety Travelling Trunks, plain Leather and tlair Trunks tsT All of which are'offerod at the lowest r*»es. PEMBERTON & BltO, 161 Main sr. Exchange Bank, Richmond, Va. se 17—3 m MFOR HEM' UK SALE, that very agreeable suburban retreat, known as the Cottage, immediately opposite Warsaw, tn the town of Sidney. The building ie of brick, nearly new, and contains four excellent rooms with every convenience, out In uses, Ac., with a well of ex cellent water in tbe yard. Ihi're are also two acres of land attuched in a hue state of cultivation, which, it p.operiy managed, will produce tom four to five bundled dollars in vegetables, Ac. To a good tenant, it wiil be rented cheep; and posses sion given immediately. For further particular?, aj-ply to JOHN H. SiSAYRES, oc 2t>— ts At the Columbian Hotel. a VALUABLE UH iiLLhX; HOLMKB FuR SALE —'lhe subscriber is authorised to seii that veiy neat and desirably loca ed residence on th° Kaat lice of 9th street, tearly ojpuaite to the C.ty Spring, now occupied t>y Mr* Alu G Car- t>r. '1 ha "whole premigeg a r e new and are Suiahed very handsomely. The house has four room*, with lira places to each. Alio, the large three at jry biick. Tenement en the North side uf Broad, be tween ;):h ana 10th streets, now occupied by Mr*. Mary B. Brackett The location of this liouie, to near the Capitol Squire, m d the bminess pari of the city, 'a edaiirably ad .pted to the proieasiouai or buiiie sa in n. Apply to no 13 It W. GODDIN UTv,Uf«, AC'COKUiiONts AftU FLUTES.—P. H. TA>!,ORhas in store the largest and b' «t aj»o:tm it of Musical Instrument* ai.u Music to be found in the State. Piimo iiiid .Xu»ir More. 10 I 160 Main street, opposite the Hanks. L'ANCV I't liH. —1 would most reapectluiiy J/ call the attention of the l.adie«, to my assort ment ot fancy f urn; consisting oi Kiack aud natur al Lj nx Mutts, Mountain Martin, Crosa I ox, Gen ett, «.ud Coney do. A grftat variety tor Misars and Childien do.; Also Victorines A: Cutfii, from low pr.ced tu the tih. st artice!—which 1 am I'ispoaed to sell ts low as similar goods cm b3 purchased in New Vork nos JOHN THOMPSON. AW. KAl'i".** I'AThNT NICHE GO lU • PEN.—A further supply received, in regard to which the National li.teuigencer says: "They are coiittrucleJ aad lnauuiactured on an '-Etireiiew principle', thereby embracing nil the desirable elas ticity, «:.d every other pleating quality of the quill pen His having been a prof asor ot penmanship for upwaids ox thirty years would enable him to study the delects and supply ti-e deficiencies that have heretofore txiated in the tormatioo of gold ptua" For tale by Ci.KNc.l A; JAM LU, no 10 Kagie Square. Pf,ATLJJ WAICK. —Castors, Caks Baskets, Tea Sets, and W'ai'.era, of the richest and la test styles. A!ao, Papier M&che Goods, in great va • riety. DreSiine Ca»< ■«, for the toilet and for trav »lliii j; B' jt.zc uri.umtnts *:.d Car dt labras, Mantel C iici* tiL. Tea T.aya Ju.l r* ceired. and for tain by LEWIS GiNTER, no 4 Main itrfet. j « KJL.J> CLOTHING HTOKt , 1 :i<& F >iai» street, Hfchmoud, Va.—T:i«»ub acribora would rtapeclftriij tail the attrition of the citizenaof iliciimoiid ai.d the surrounding country to their very large end w !! aeiecbd itockof iieady Made Clothing, ci.Uiistiog oj every atyie and quality for Fail and Winter w«r, all which we gar rautne t>; »«!1 low«r thin any <J. ode of tt» tame quality in thf city ot Richmond. We, therefore, in site al! who vruh to obtain a good art'cie at a very 10.v price- to give ua a call. AU >, a very select atock of tettttemeea' F Gooc». te •ib—iia K. DliCuL' tc CO. C Ua». It. lJarrcja. J«hn A. Bar sen*. HARREYS & BURGESS, lUtUijK, Bi«iN AND OUNAMKNf AL PAINTERS, No. Ifio, Main tTiMx.T, (hkajult orrossTE Ti:u Kxchanok Hank,; iliCHttuHD, \'a , VU lItKE tb«y wiU tcankitaliy r.ieejve and ™T promptiy execute aii woik animated to 11. tu ft. t!.—Order* iroia t'-e country r.*peciiuily eo- Kcib d. au 30—Am NOTICE.— All (jKM-iiu indi bted to the late Arm ot I'KAKii, BitADLEY & CO, either by Bond or op :;i aecuutit, are f-arneaUy requeated to eotno for *ard aod settle lh< :n, aa no longer foduigesea will be girfco. Th eeaccounu are of long ataaciag | acd iiiiu: \>-s aeuled. A:ao, al' pertona indebted to ua, *hoae account* are dua, are requited to at! tie th»« apeedJiy. for we are dot>muioa to have tk<*n atUled without delay. au 31—ta BRADLEY k. BROTHER, r/j tIHDH Mc'oCOVADO SUUAR, leeetnoTwd <JU for sale by BACON k. BAfcKfcRVILLE. so 4 La t;11ra ami Java culf tfk.-iot < agi rtesMsg tbl* for tale by u - ij KEY k. McCANULtm