Newspaper Page Text
the latest news. From nnr HffclKl lirportfr. CnAM.oTTitsvu.LK, Aug. 3d, 1853. Mr'lfi Editor* —I visited the Univer*ity yeater , av 6vecirg, and hsvejtist returcd from Mootieel v bsr'n? bare'y tme to drop you a sine befo»e the ( | amandnr obligation* to Pr*de**or CBf« *• c p ftr ri§r-D, Ihe F«cu ?y »t th* Uatrer f-r-b:.t cblifcta# and polite attention to m»» vlie st thet Institution. The urw U»l!—• marnifi . j |. r jcturo totr.e liO feet in length i* now near c tr.p.ete. Th» Lecture room* (f >r the ordinary tranche* of Katural Philo*opny and Chemistry ) s - e n * *'•' complete. The main hall for public - Cli s; n* is *.»0 feet by 30. and i* '-he best and most r e f aot in the Union for rucli purpose*. Convention will meet to day at p M. There are now, before tha cara •»eer. ihre-> and four hundred atrarger* in town — t reined all night and untii 10 o'clock this morning; „ : c t-t • supposed wi I prevent many perton* « >m a mmc to the Convention. C !.:o free c- gro, who murdered bis daugh .r * riaed here and i* to be executed on the ; .Y-i • » it en'ess the Executive interferes to .. ftn ■ f rt*' J c-n birn.neitber of wh : ch it i* tup o s ■i he wiii do. There are now three free negro?B in the cettenced to execution on the game. d«y : one he--e, (Albemarie.) one at Abingdon and i_>ne in Cm!; vper county. T. Kentucky Election Locistille. August 1, P. M.—The follow ing returns of the Congressional election ia this State have been received : Inthijcity, which forms a part of the 7th Congressional District, Mr. P reston, the whig candidate I >r Congre?s, has 1250 majority, end is undoubtedly chosen. Mr. Wolfe, whig, is elected to the Senate. In the Ashland District, Mr. Breckenridge, democrat, is re-elected by a handsome m&jori ty. In the sth District the vote is very close be iween Hill, whig, and Stone, democrat, and ihe result was doubtful. Stone was elected in 1851, by 363 majority. SECOND DESPATCH. Looieville, August 2.—The returns from the lO'.h District indicate that Hodge, whig, is elected to Congress over R. H. Stanton. Later.—A despatch just from Maysville staiec that full returns have been received, and Hodge is elected. Leancier M. Cox, whig, ia also elected to Congress in the 9th District.— Both of these are whig gains. \\ athington Affairs. Wash i ngton, August 2—The report that the President would visit New Hampshire is incorrect. He has no intention of leaving the city. The classification of the Clerks in the Post Office Department, was completed to day. Scientific Convention Cleveland, August Ist.—The Scientific Convention, to day, elected Prof. Dana, of New Haven, President; Prof. Lovering, Per manent Secretary, and Dr. E!wyn, Treasurer. It was voted to hold the next session of the Convention in Washington, in May next. From Net# Brunxicich Bostom, August I.—St. John, N. 8.. pa* pers of 30iii ult., state that fires were raging in the woods near Shediac, and hud already destroyed a large quantity of valuable timber, l'lie hoy crop throughout the province would be light. The survey of European and North American Railway was actively going on, with the prospects that in a lew months the grading would be commenced. ESP Wm. Henry Welsh, of York, Pa., has been appointed private Secretary to the Hon* James Buchunan, the Minister to the Court of St. James. Mr. Welsh sails in company with Mr. Sickles, on the 23th inst., from New York. OP Capt. Hedden, o( the schooner Black Squall, of Tuekerton, N- J., was drowned at Locust Point, near Baltimore, on Monday ni»ht. Betij. Crisp and Wm Walsh were fight ing in Baltimore on Monday evening, when a woman named Ann While came up and Criap in (he buck, inflicting a severe if not a dangerous wound. Ann was committed to jail. nr t here is a widow woman in jail at Portland, Maine, for no other crime than that she could not meet her liabilities, incurred for house rent- E3P The happiness of the Pilgrims' ce!e fcration at Plymouth, Mass., was marred by a melancholy circumstance: Hon. Nathan Mitchell, Judge, of Boston, dropped suddenly dead at the house of an acquaintance, a few minutes after his arrival. [SEP The marriage bans of Alboni have been published it> Paris, it is said. She is to marry Count Pepoli. BP Gen Robert Armstrong, oi the Union, has nearly recovered from his late ssvere ill ness. Death of an Eminent Liberian.—Letters from Monrovia, Liberia, announce the death ol Hsliary Teage, one of the most eminent citizens of the Republic, and who had filled eeteral ol the highest offices in its government. He whs the editor end proprietor of the Libe ria Herald. The New York Commercial says he was one of the ablest and bast read men in Liberia, and his death will be a great loss to the Republic. Charoeu with Kidnapping.—A man named Benjaraan Whippe was arrested in Philadelphia, on Satuiday morning, on ihe charge ol having, about two months ago, ab ducted u black woman named Mary Jane Per r;gnn, 2o years of age, conveyed her to Mary land and «old her as a slave. It is stated that Dan Rice, ihe clown, ia about to take up his residence in Erie, Pa., w here he has purchased a dwelling lor $7,000. , . annual conference of the Methodist Lpiscoptil Church South, meets in Ciarksburg on the 124 th insi. Bishop Capers is expecteu to preside. ■ r .t! e *r is ' of lhe Times notes the eeath oi Kemble Jackson, a celebrated trol ling stallion, valued at $10,000. Health ok No*itqlk—The Norfolk Herald of yesterday states that Norfolk never was mora healthy during summer than it i« now fcnd hag been through the present season. A Geeat Haul —1 wo men have been arretted in Marshall county, Aia.. having ia their possesaioa *100,000 in counterfeit no tea on the Bank of Caoe fear. N. C., besides S3(XW in good money. K»-v. G. VV. Gilbert, formerly president of New ark (Del) Co'lege, and at one lime pastor oi ihs Hanover Presb> terian Church in Wilmington filed in Fiiiladelubia ou t^usday. A Olicton Mel.ean of New Jersey, has been ap pointed Uc;ted Sutet mail agent to accompany th# niaiie between Aew V'ork anu iian Francisco, salary «iOOO. * Dkath t! i)a Baow.v.—Tha venerable Matthew Brown, I>. i> l,r rnaoy years KreaHent of Jsterson Coii-v •. 1 u rutstiu.-g on Friday last. Or. i iiaa fcttaiLC-d to tfc-jripe £g* of.e'J. TELEGRAPHIC NEWB| — rtLAMHKiI'TKO FOR THSDAILT DISHATOM Kentucky Coajjrenn tonal Elections. Louutillk, Aug. 3 —It ha* now been defi nitely ascertained that the following memben of Congress have been elected: Messrs. Boyd and Breckenrii'ge. (Democra's,) and Ewingi Coi, Hodge and Preston. (Whigs J showing • Whig gain of two. Four districts yet remain to be heard frem. Arrival of the fcmcire City. New York, August 3.— The Empire City, from Havana, has arrived at quarantine, be low this city, where she is detained owing to the existence of yellow fever on board. Another Kaiiroud Calamity. Philadelphia, August 3.—A train of cars on the Belvidere and Delaware Railroad was thrown off the track near Lambertville, last night. Ten persons wete killed and fifteen wounded. THE MARKETS. Baltimore, August 3.—Sales of 200 bbls. Flour at $5 12 to |5.18 Grain steady. New York, Au; ust 3.—Sales ol 12,000 bbls. Flour at firm rates. A lot of 5500 bushels fine Wheat brought $1.31 to f 1 34. Sales of 35, oi>o bushels Corn at 78 cts., for yellow. tg*Thsre sre few thiugH which afford u* greater pJeaaure ttai>u »in,ngauwa to write a no tice of tte celebrated Hotd-md German Bitter*, be caa*e we are iu!,y conscicua wo are comerrine a public benefit, ana our heart tella us that by our noticea many have been induced to take these Bit ters, and been rtttcued from death by Dygpeoaia, Liver Complaint, &c, for the cure ot which it is eertain It is prepared and *cid only by L»r C M Jtckton, at the German Mediqine Store, Ho 120 Arch street, PhilacSetph'a. au 4—di.w-.iw It Should be (Jnlveranlly Kbowb— for it is ttrictly true—that indigestion Is tie parent oi a large proportion of the iaili diseases. Dyaen tery, uiarrhcea, cholera morbus. liver eomplaiat, and Eii.y othei diseases enumerated in the eiiv in spector's weekly catalogue of feaths. are generated by indigestion alone. Thin!? of that dyspeptics! think o! it, all who suser from disordered sto machs—sad if you are willing to bs gaidtxi bv ad vice, founded upon experience, resort at once (doa'i dMsy a aay) to HooSand » Germsn Bitters, pre pared by l)r C M Jackton, aj an alterative, curative, and invigoraut stands alone »cd uuap proached. General depot, i2O Arch etreet. Wo have tried these Bitters, and know that thev are excellent for the diseases sweaiSed above.—[Phila delphia City Item jy SO—d&wiw Citizens and ftracsero Viiiilag the city, who wish to have their Hai- ect in the latest and most approved style, should sail at the Hair Dressing. Shaving, Sbimpooing end Bathing Saloon, under the American Hotel. N B—Hot aid Cold Shower Bstbj cm bo bad daily, from half uast b A it to £.sa: oas» 3 F M, sad on fundf.y to li A lif. Single liath >5 cent*, or St* iinkeis for 51. Kc trance on 11th streot. GT Koss'* Nervous and la vtitomtlngCordiiti.—ia noiustaiiee has sclent contributed more to the comfort, health and hau pinees of mankind, than by the constant discoveries which are beinz in the vegetable kingdom. The productions of the earth abound cot in minerals alone of great value, but they yield plan's which contain medicinal properties, requiring great ex perieace in botany and s&»mis!r7. to naoarties ttcir true use. After * u.-; 6 vs.-: - t.a - . in imdisine, and msSiii; many cnemicai lasts oi me vegetable kingdom. i)r J. fc. HOSE. of Philadelphia, has discovered a property emona its variooatsro auctions, wnieh completely overcomes and tandues all nervous conditions of the system. Hit Naro voua C'crdJai uaay truly be coatidored one of tbe gnoidt st discoveries in the science of srecictne, and is believed to be equai to aav of Dr ito»9 : # r.tuer prepai&rione These who have used It, c&y its beneficial effects are almost miraculous in relieving the mind or body worn dewa by fatigue, care' labor or stedy. Price 50 eents. Sold by O A Strecker, A Bodekar, J B Wood, Purcell, Hudd &. Co, Anie &. Gray, Bennett & Beers A Duvai, R It Dure! it Bro, Who P Ladd, A Leslie 8 M Zachrisson, and by de&iers geaerally through out the country and State jj j_i NdTICK,—A. BODEiiER respectfully lnturma hi§ friends i.nd the public general tnai ho has removed from rJo 17 to No 10. immediately opposite his old stand, and that of Masara Van Lew Si Taylor, v»here he has opaoed with afresh and enlarged Stack of Drugs, Medicine:, Cheraieaio, Paints, Oils, live Stufis, Brushes. Fancy Articles. Ate: and as great care is observed in thrj selection of his Stock, purchasars raay raiy apon jblcL-iins everything pure f.6'l fiee tram adulieratioc. rnd at as lott sud accommocip-tinsr ?wm* at thay ct2 be bought anywhere it. tcj city. Ordare and prescriptions carefully and neatly put up, and particular attention pel a to toipcinii and packing. A BODEKEtt," " my iifj—ii Hia 10 islaJn SfaeiSt. FAMILY MGDICINEi—Wo ark particular attention to the subjoined cenitwata of Mr i W Otey.ot this city, who, in connection with hun dreds of others, cse Baker s Premium Bitters as their family medicine, and wfce- have £*e?er hnewn it to fail in giving relief when taken as dirfietod: Mr E Baksji—Dear Sir. I have used your Bit trrs iu ray family tor the test two or three years, as equal, as a iaisiiy medicine i» wut>out a parallel. My wife is subject to a pain tn the back and other affections, but generally tmds irnmeamte raiUf by the use oi yocr Premium Bitiers. Ana in my own case last Fall 1 w&s confined to my bed for two or three weeks with the Jaundice, with a physician reguiarly attending me; after he had given ma 36 grains of calomel, and finding no reiief, and having so much conhcence in your Bitters, 1 cams to tne conclusion tfc-»y would cure me. f sent my ser vant in haste for one bottle, ana w less tnan three daya it cleansed my whole system of the most ob stinate Jaundice, and I have been In perfect health ever since. I would recommend tt to families gen erally as a moat useful and powerful medicine in giving ton« and strength to the whole system. By his request. J W OTEY. Eenrico County, May 24th. 1653. Price 5C cents per bo ttle. For ;am bv Messrs Purceil, L.dd Ji. Co; Bennett k. Baerr, A Duval, Adie & Gray, Chat Hiiiscauga, aaa Drug gists generally throughout the city. Aha, by Todd 6l Christian, Petersburg; D ft Lyman, Lvashourg; £ <fc Toy, Norfolk; Br E Camra, Williamsburg. Orderssddressati to E BAKE,;, Richmond, Va, will raceive prumot attention. jy jj| lyfireitt cure of ft it eu m a 11« iu by Iluuiptoii a Vegeirtble Tiu turc C Dut»ict, Seuth Carolina, ) Janaary Sd, IMS. t Messrs. Mortimer k Mowbray—Gentlemen : For the last Sve years I have been a ssvere sufferer from Rheumatism, till s eiug your recommendatioa of "Hampton's Vegetable Tincture," 1 purchased a bot tle, and the lirst dose has so much relieved me, that 1 consider it but justice to give to the suffering world the result of the application. Mine was Acute Rheumatism in the back—so bad thai 1 was cjuined to my bed for the last six months. The lirst bottle act-d like a charm; the second restored strength to my poor afflicted back, and I am now as well and feel as young as when I was sixteen;! am ow seventy-four years of ase. I consider your Tincture the greatest discovery of the age; and poor, suffering humanity ought to erect a monument to Or. Hampton, who has saved thousands from pain. And you, gentlemen, have acted the part of public benefactors in disaemiaating the keaeßu which have resu ted froas your invaluable Tincture. I am a plain cotton planter, and have aevar written for literary fame; bat when my fellow beings are af flicted shall 1 hesitate, or throagh modesty, withhold any information valuable to my fellow mini Ba, if you consider this worthy of a plaae ia aay of yoar newspapers, jour are at liberty to make use of it. ■lvam Kasuuu.. Cholera Morbus, Diarrfc«a, l'«aeniery, and all diseases of the Stomach aad Bowels are oared by HAMPTON'S VEGETABLE TINCTURE. Asa cure and preventive, it has bees wonderfully success ful. It will bu found, on inauiry, that those who usa it have an exemption from those diseases so incident to the Stunner Delicate female! and children will And this a gnat blessing. It iias restored thousands to health. iiuuiptoii B TlnCttir#.—Call and get pamphiats grant, witli hiatory of diaaovery of thia wonderful Blood Purlflar, and see ssrttttaatoa of oar own aitizsca. of ftheauatlam. l>yspeptta, Karofala, Liver Coupiaiat. Gscarai W'sumn, N*rvoa«m«ja, ace, ate. mTßoli by UO&ViIOULk MOWBBAT, M Sal *aiß«nora; sad 3W Bread way. Haw Tarsc U A W*BC«UU aiatunaad; »r COOE.M k CO. rrederiokabart; O B J ONE* k CO, jfrUrtkME Ul b» Dnutuiata asaeiaUy. f®r kuttie ( kottie* for St aaj education. •f ( bnrfty—corner of Mtrsball and 4»J , Au'iiit rename studies on the'lßth boarders, for hosrd, tuition, bed and b«ddln» waaUaan*, p „ y sriii-anwaliv f„ , ri * »»n«n llHmrn»aa. Doctors' fee fcj n ,d ~ Day scholars, according to too branch*, th.. •may. uny *mT*iu.* to sdvsnce, from i 4 2 per qnart<»r. " 10 " An extra it charged in tho ornamental br«„.»,.. at Music, Painting, Flench and Embroider* f tuition and uso of instruments. ' or Letters addressed to fitter Rosalia Green St Joseph's Academy, or to Kt. Rev BUhou Mr'niit wi'l rm et oromnl attexUon. ■ Children of any religious denomination are ad mitted. on condition ot conforming to tbe general descioliaa of the school. bu 3 Jm* FjfKfi.—£ P. LEFEBVRE, A. the first of October next, succeed Mra M»'sd in the charge of her Boarding and Day School in Richmond, and Trill be prepared on that day to re ceive nupils si her late residence on Grace street. Mr Lefebvrevßs far seven years connected with Mrs Mead's School, and sufcseouently b cami t'rinclpal of tho Williamsburg Female Academy, tbe chara.n of which ho now resigns, to engage in a larger work in Richmond Ke proposes to conduct his school on tho same general plan of thai of Mrs Mead, retaining several of her tochers, (Mrs Bartlett, Mian Anderson,) and increasing ths strength ef the department of For eign Languages, by the aitistaiice of a resident Fiench Governess snootier auxiliaries. The memoera of tne famiiv wili form a ekristlan household, nnder thenarentai care of Mr and Mra Lefebvre. The School wiii offer everv advantage for the acc'sisitfon of a sound English eoucation, to which will be added the Ancient and Modern Lan guages, M'-'gic, Drawinr. <fcc, lerms, the same as :hose of Mrs Mead. Acply to K. P. LEFEBVRE A M.' a a 2— d&wtf Rihraond, Va. SGt'XaSUN VHMAL.U J>*TITUTE, FOR YOUNt* LADIH*. r exercises of the Southern Female Inttitute, -fi. iate of Fredericksburg, Va, wiii be resumed in the eity of Richmond. The course ef study will be collegiate. There wiii be three classes, junior, intermediate and Senior. Tee mode cf Instruction will ha by lecture#, and Di;x,r examinations upon them and upon assigned portions of Text Books. The apparatus belonging to this institution is as complete as any in the State, and the chemical and philosophical course wiii be fully illustrated by ex pt'rfmenta. The young !adie9 will be under the supervision of Mrs Gen Pegrsm. 'ihe session will commence on the first Monday in October, and end on the 15th July. TERMS. Tuition f0e5...... ...................£59 00 Modern Languages each (ertra) 20 00 (mo half payable on the lit day of October, the rest ca ths Ist of March. Graduates of this Institution are privileged to at tend the lectures free of charge For further information, address Mra Gen Pearam, Richmond, Va. Prof D Lee Powell, Leesburpr, Loudon, Va. Prof Robt J Morrison, Fraderickjburs, Va. B LEE POWELL, ROBT J MORRISON. Refer to tie following persons: A A Morson, Egg, Richmond, Lieut Mathew F Maury, of National Observatory, Washington; Dr Beverley R Weliford. Frederieksburg, Va: Dr Geo Fleming, Hanover, Va; Dr Willim Gwsahmey, Sing Wilii»ra, Va; Dr William Dew, king & v£u o en, Va; John Whitney, Montgomery, Ala; Thoa S Barton, taq, FredtrtcfrEbi.:'g, Va.- John M Herndon, Esq, Wa C Win?»on, Eso, Hanover co, Va. Mrs Gen Pegram will receive as boarders young -adies wishing to enter their institution. Vss 6ss, a French lady, of superior atta'nmenu. will board in the house, and thus aS'ord great ges to those studying jthe;' French Language. One of the Profetsi-rs will also bard with Mrs Pearatn. Tc.RMS. Board $200 00 Washing extra su 2—StawtOlft fjr'Frtehtfiii CanreiauN Wounds tn the Breast healed by Ilollownv's ('istwnt and Pli-B. —Mrs Mathews, of Bridge street, Southwark, after her e nSnement. had such a dreadtu! bad Dre»H, thit she eouid not possibly suckle the infant: four deeply seated cancerous sores formed in her left breast, wnfch defied the united exertions of several of the faculty to hesi. aad it was decided that the knife should be resorted to as offering the caiy chance of cure; this the pa tient positively objected to, and determined r n giv ing HoHowas's Ointment vad Pills a trial, tne result ot which has been most successful, for ali the wounds are now soundiy ceaiod. and shs is enioy iug the best of heaitr^. sold by the Proprietor, 224, Strand, (sear Tem ple Bar) Loudon, -nd by aii rfasneotabie 'vendors of Patens Medicines thicusnaat the British Kmcire, B -nd by thoaa of the United States, in Pots aad Bos es at 3VX ccnta, 87 r.uf'u, and 69 esea. Whole sale by the princiuc,! Drus Hoiisosin tho Uaiors. and by Messrs A B & u gAKDS, N.-sw York, rUR CELL. LiBD it. CO. .xxhtaond. Vs. Thera Is rery eucjic-rsfaia sztuxz is tajfe? tie larger sires. N B—Directions for Jha g*idsaia of F-sriaaU are aSixexi to eaea Pot r.r Ho*. j y <%) lw f'-MT" «>r»a». iiioiwn'tsii-iinmesse Hue< ce»i»Mart than &uU Pmmiii In in* City of tilcbittond r'sm tearifv to the remurk able cures performed by Carter's Mixture.—This great spriKy medicine triti uuri fyer of the blood is iow «>ea by hondrecs of grateful patients, who testify daily to tfce remarkable cure" performed by the matest of all medicine*. CAR TER'S SPANISH KIXTUSE. Necraliia. rheama tism. scrofula, emotions jn tae sain, liver disease, fevers, nloers, old sores, anectioca of the klaaevs. ais eases of the threat, emaie aamoiaincs. dulls and aching of the bemaa and joints, are speedi ty pus so flight by usiny this great and inestimable remedy. For all diseases of the blood, and as a spring summer medicine, nothing hei ye: Cesn found to ecmp&ro with it. It aieanaes the system of ail Im purities, acts gently and efflsiently on the iivar and kidneys, strengthens the digestion, fives tone to too stomach, makes ihe skin eletr ana healthy, and re stores the constitution. eafeebl&d bv disease &r broken down by excesses in yovtc. to us ensnne an d strength. For the ladies, it is iagomgarably better than ail thr. cosmetics ever used. A fewdoc6s of Carter's SMtUt Mixture wiii remove ail saiiowcecs of oomaieziGn, brine the roses mantling to the «heek, jive elasticity to the step and improve the caserai h36?ta la a re markable degree, bevond ail the medicines ever of. The large namber of certiflsites ef remc-rkabie carts performed on persons residing i> oar own sitr br the nse of Carter's Saanish Mixtsre. Is ths best tiVidance that there is no hnmbag about it. The srati. hotoi keepers, magistrates, physlsians sad »mbllc tnosi. wUi known t*the coramooity, ali edd tneir test'.oony to the wonaerfui eifects of this (ißiJu&i ULOQO PUR 1- FYER. Call and see » few an or ;Ss kajtr«>4<t aroond the bottle. Nona geccice cnlasj sigsee k £££IS, »rsjjista _ . . No 12* Main street, fcithmoa Soli by all Drmgjlsts in this uv/ tat etsawhere. rrlae a! »er bottle, or six battles for tls. as 1 Toeth Acfe.» tarsd by Ga?H«k dfc C watl.mey'B Tooth Ach« It U warranted to ccstaia nothing iaimrloas to tha taet.i. enc has never yet failed in s s'.agie iikum io ratisva la a few minutes. Bee the cerfHUtia of Br. £sku<s a practising Dentist ofthts sity. Mess as. Qaelice i Gwatbmbt : Seat.—l aava ussd nearly fifty ahlais si" yemr f jota Aaha Bat*ifU' and am highly pleased with Its geod b«e«u. It cer tainly wßi relieve the pain whea sacaea oy agencies; does net injure the leetn aad is exaaiiabt !or inflamed and soocgy Bns. 1 aoßslder it the beet artlole oaed fbr Tooth Ache, and rasoni mend it to Dentists and those affietad with aakla* teeth. Yonrs. resssatnuiy. . THOMAX H. EBMUNBB ■old by JEBHNETT It IEEM, rUJtCJLLZ., LABB |«mrally, frlaa U aa&ts. _ r#"ilsß»ertant io the Fubllfl.-EXPRESS »0* CAiaFORNIA. AND ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNION.—We are sre?ared to for ward daily, all desarlptions of Goods entrusted to oar charge; also. Drafts furnished for large or smail same, payable at every town or city in the United XiTT. dom ef Great and Ireland. Notes, Drafts, and oillg with Goods, eollaeiad aad grompt returns. Merchants and others, wlghiij 800 Is fro at ,k« Northern cities, will cocsalt their interest by aairu. sing the old established and rssponsibla Sxatess of ABAM9 fe 00, Ml* » . «. its ccuaiSTE'S FL HNitLUK FoXisHf, for giving an excellent pulish to furnilure For sale by E J PICOT A. CO au 1 HUOJKLAMU'M Ufc.K.*lAN MliTLlil-" Inker* Pr. miuen Bitters, and RichurJsou'a Sherry WiM Bitter* For aaie by 1 E J PICOT «fc CO Hi Rbl.- J na»e lor aire, tor tbTtmlaiice M. of tao year, a gojd Nurte and Hs use Serrac:. App'y to KD I) LACHO. ** i . _ WANTED. A youth, fbom thb country . . w J l ''Nation in the Grocery or Dry (roods SS 6 "- Tarnu T * ry A P y.??h£ I^ANTKu— By a aerson with a small tsmil* sn PieMe "PP'y "t thl« effice. W A b S"T 4 , «?««««•» DOW doing a safe wi h . «,?«!!?'r ,i e ' lrnil f cfobuinin ? » Partner The buftrpii !- or t thre ® 'Bonsand dollars — gage without i.t" 8 ," 1 any person cou'd en- K-ge witnout 1 isk of meßDli investeST Apply to 1 . «. Ai - LEN * CSOUCH, tu 3 intelligence and Agency Office, " , corner of Brosg and 9th (treeta ~ A ? ent ' en > a n of la atxieusto proem- ma oufacturiogbusiness, •ome mercantile Ü B P ' UUaI " in faclor;. f „ " ' lnt»ll ALLEN & CROUCH, au 3 S- nc * j~ Broad an! 9th Stra*., W '-aoltol, Tt Granite -tone n?' 'T*'™ or fbJir* a'ssage'and othe'r o^XMn^e^'fli(^^*'r*^'' have Wo 62 Exchange Hotel i*/ANTED—A Tin PlstTonTau ' ' ~??od Job workman. To sach a°onr° rke l wages ana constant employment will h« good aB 1 7t Fredericksburg Va A FHUNCII KULNU A who has been Teeching for several years ?n America, who will give all satisfaction about cana city and character, would like to find a situation in a private family, or in a boarding school P°° apply to M ile V. Mr Duquesne's gtreet - jy 27—1 m* Frieadmhto. HOW sweet is friendtnip when sincere, How sweet to hnd that friendship near, When sunk ln pain or grief ' To hear when we're with care oppress'd, Each sigh soft, echo'd in some breast That pants to give relief. E"en in friendship's joyous hour, E'en then we own fair'friecdahip's pow'r, Nor wish that power flad— For while we roam with raptur'd eyes, Each fleeting moment swifter flies When we 7 re by friendship ied. O would yoa through life's varv'ng scene, Still find a friend on whom to lean, On whom you can rely— A single dollar but enclose, ID send a recipe that shows To make the best hair dye. EF" ee advertisement of F. C. an 2 6t* W KYV VOLUMES OF BOUK S LIBttV. HlES—Norway and its Seen* ry. Comprisine the j jurnal of a tour, by Edward Price, Esq ; and a Road Beos for Tourists, with hints to anglers and sportsmen Edited and compiled by Tho. Forres ter, Esq —Sl.£s. >» hn's Illustrated Library. Ailred the Great, his Life and Anglo' Saxon Works—Bl 25. Bthn's Antiquarian Library. Diogenes Lsertiua' Lives and Opinions of eminent PhiiosLphers.—sl.2s. Bohn's Classical Library DeLoiioe on the Constitution of England, or an accouut of the English Government; in which it is compared with the Republican form of Gcvercmect and the other Monarchies in Europe. A new edition, with Life aca Notes by Macgregor—sl. Bohn's Standard Library Humphrey's Coin Collector's Manual, orGu'de to the Numismatic Student in the formation oi a cabi net of coins: with 155 engravings, a vjls—®2 50 Boon's Scientific Library. Specious of Greek and Latin Verse: chiefly translations. By Cnarles Kam Kennedy. Bohn London—Bl. ' Just received. For sale by JAMES WOODHOUSE, au Late Sash <fc Woodbouse. Eagle Squsre FOK sAL H. —1 have for sale a very desl r jgH.rabl;; Frajnea Hfeuse, on -26th street, contain ing fiva rooms, and other conveniences on the pre niZidi. The iot ironts 71 feet and runs back 132 feet. The :m'jrove«nents are a 1 new and in gocd orser. Terms, &c, apply to EDWARD D EACHO, " u 2 General Agent and Collector. 6jg» iM>it KbNT, ibe large Brica Tenement JEg near Howard's Grove, Istc-iy occupied by Mr B PPryor. Possession given immediately, Rem §150 per year. App>y to TOLER & COOK t&k FOK KENT,—That very desirable resi on Clay street, a few doors above Mr A Dais '1 here are about 7 rooms, with hre-plac s, kitchen, nvdrent in the yard, stabu and ail out houses, (,l! in perfect order. This is really a beau tiful and pleasant residence in a very retired a"d agreeable part of the city. Immediate oossession may be had. Apply to G A VV TaYLOR, aj 1» Next ab~ve. AVALCABLK WIBCOVEKY.—I hat which has long been sought for, viz: A Chemical L:i|iid Solder for welding Glass, Caina, Stone, Mar b'e, Alabaster and Ornamental Ware el every description. A! 1 articles joined with this valuable composition will become tirm end ready for use in five initiates after beiug joined. It will not disfi-5 gure or leave aoy color on ihe clearest giass, and is* not affected by aga. Full directions accompanying each vial. For sale by RK. DUVAL <*. BitO, m 3 Prut gists. Bank Square, Richmond. HARD DKINKIM^.—To those persons who use the msddy water irom the city hydrants— j they can be supplied with that which is perfectly clear by getting one of those Mediterranean Filter ing Stunea from CHRISTIAN Sc. LATHttOP, „ . 99 Main St. Pnce 81.25 to $2 00 jy 25 v OTICii-TiiKOUli FKbUiHl's.- J-V Od and after the Ist day of August, the freight on ai! articles trom this place, destined to any sta tion on the £ou:h Side Road, will be collected at this Depot. A. W. MiLLSPAUGH, aa 1 Gen'i Freight Agent R. <k D R. R. On FACSiAUfcS SCP.EkToK MOUNTAIN t)W LaKD, in store, Icr sale by au-a CRENSHAW Sc. CO. !> bite* IAN lifAN'j.-, lew iousiiiiama ar.d I for sale by fan 31 JOHN H CLAIBORHF-jj L> iif'lNKO JLKAF LAKD, in paiia, laadicg per iteamar, for gale oy au JuHN H CLAIBORNE. J A 'in* Kl V Kit HYUKAILIC CEMENT, dirsct fram the Jlanufactory.—looo bb!s of this celebrated Cement just received, and for saic oy au 1 ROBERT RANKIN, Sole Agent. iiiJAMS.—One caae iresh Vanllia * Beans, for sale lew by PLiICELL, LADD Sc CO, Druegistf, au 1 92 Main street ACOiYIPIifcTK assortment ot SPICES tor pickling and preserving, on hand and for sale by REEVE fc BLAIR, 'y -5 175 Broad street. (NOAjL. —A superior article ot Lump Antnraclte ) Coal on hand, suitable for Foundry purposes, i.c. ior sale on accommodating terms, by JNG W WRIGHT, jo 7 Dock Wharf. MACK AMU NUTMIifcrS, of prime quality, for sale low by PURCELL, LADD Sc. CO, Drngglsta, an 1 32 Main street. 4HHIM Prime Shoulders, warranted; stierces superior Family Hams, warranted. For sale by su CRENSHAW Si. CO. HOIJLINS' NEW EXTRA FLOLK.- SiUO barrels now looked for daiiy. Those in want, will please leave their orders 6U 2 CRENSHAW Sc. CO. Ptl>t;iPK AND HAVANA MEGAK3.— A large lot ot choice and oooular brands. For sale low by E J PICOT & CO, »u i D'Uggist. UKESEK Vl>tJ KETTLKs-Bell Metal and A Enamelled, all si/ea, for sale by C J SiNTON Sc. CO, jy 33 Sign of the Circular Saw, 71 Main st. FOtC SAL.E.—A vacant Lot on Leigh strtet' west of 2i street. Apply at this office, jy 30— te j\SH.K BISCUIT ft OH TKA—Tbey snr ' i'A pa*s anyttitig yet macutactured in the city; they era dt.liy at 4 o'clock PM. All that is required, is to try tnetn and you cannot fail to send Wil fALCONEK'd Bakery, jy • 171 Mn met. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. By Davenport. Allen & Co. riROCBRIES, &e., AT AUCTION— u On Thnnslay, Uth August, we will sell at 10 o'clock, at our Auction store, an assoitment of Groceries, viz : 300 bsgs Rio Coffee 150 do Java do 50 do Manilla do 100 bhds Molasses; Soap, Caccles, Bacon and Herrings Rectiflad Whiskey, H E Rum French Brandy Green a ß d Black Teas. Ciiars, 4c. Tebms: Lnder 9ICO ca.h; $100 and over, four months eredit, for app'oved paoer. DAVENPORT, ALLEN it CO , au Auctioneer*. By Goddln Gc Apperaon. SAL.B OF MO*»T Kj VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN THE COUV TY OF HENRICO AND CITY OF RICHMOND - By virtue of a decree of ihe Circuit Court of the city of Richmond, pronounced on the 2?th Jnnp 1853, in the suit cf Garland t Robinson azainst Robinson s administrator, fcc, the undersigned who was appointed special Commissioner for the purpose, will sell, at puDlic auction, on the premi ses, the followirg most valuable real estate, belong, ing to the late Poiteaux Robinson, deceased, viz on MONDAY Afternoon, tbe 15th August, 1853, 00 we ourtti side of tljrt Flank Ruad, about two miles west of the city of Richmond, the two be longing to the decedent, one containing 38 acres, the other about 61 acres. A further description is deemed unnecessary, as these Farms are well mown. Tney will be divided according to a plat an<} survey which can be seen at tbe office of the auctioneer in a few days. After which, will be sold La ,ame place, a tract of wood land, contain ng 88 acres, near to Desp Run Church, adjoining lands of Mr Samuel Cottrell and others. Also, -n- 'ot n««r Iba ,ald city, in Bowling Green, ad Jo**iug Chelsea. nt^n d ?i? » ol '°wing dsy, viz: TUESDAY after commnnJi August, 1853, upon the premises, near twl ' 8 . *t ? 93 feet of ground, in and line of / ? Richmond, fronting on the wsst ""d hni'nS * tree Ji running back to James River, 01 Mess?t nl, T £ Dorth aad ,outil b y tbe l8nd » bl dlv ded tn .° P ' Moncure * Co. This land will cause of 11 Purchasers, and is valuable be will ie oe°io.d part oflotVo 7tl which city, frontin»fi« ( „L -i? ln the plan ot said Rocketts Warehnifi> 0n . )c ,s street, adjoining abou* 190 feet ruatuDg back on Peach streel :srsi°°bis' ™£r ,n h " d v r,h?r,a?o d f w"", running back on Pear street about 100 fee" And on tbe following day, viz- on wirrmro DAY afternoon, the 17th August !8V? upon the premises, a mast valuable building f the norta side of Franklin, betw ean 2d and 3d su adjoining the residence of Wirt Robinson fronting ieet running back 163 feet. q '' One fourth cash, balance at 6, 12,18 and 24 months, for negotiable notes, bearing in eres? satisfactorily endorsed, and title retained t lMhe whole purchase money is paid, and a conveyance directed bv tba Conrt. vuuvcyacce li It .rj.dooi that so much really very valuable property is brought into market, and it is hoped that the attention of capitalists and ctaerswiil he directed to this sale. r-==> - t JCHN ENDERS, Special Com'r. 53 s " teale conducted by Goddi.v & Apperson Auu[B _____ » 30—dtds* ' »ALE AT AUC- U HON—The Engine of the dredee boat "Her cules," belonging to the James River and Kanawha Company, will be sold at Auction on Tuesday Afternoon, the 16:h August, 1853, [immediately after the sale of Poiteaux Robinson's real estate on Water Street ] iay about 6 o'clock. GODDIN & APPERSON, 8U Auctioneers. Handsome kemdknce on mar. SHALL AND MONROE STREETS FOR SALE AT AUCTlON.—WillbesoldonSaturday, the 13th day ot August, 1853, upon the premises, commencing nt 5 o'clock, that newly erected Framed Dwelling at the corner of Marshall and Monroe streets, now occupied by Mr Stephen N. Davis. The Lot fronts — feet, runs back about 150 ieet to an alley. The Hoaoa has 7 rooms, excellent brick Kitchen, and the whole premises present a neat and beautilui appearance. Tbe house is re markably wall built. Teems—One third cash; balance at 6 and 12 mcs for negotiable notKS, interest added, and title re tained till last note is paid. jy 27 GODDIN 4- APPERSON, Aucts. Im mediately after the above sale, will be sold that neat littlecottaae, < ont i-dnj six rooms, (with a w> !i ft I* Br In l r," ysrd ' ) on ,ha Ku,th ''d ' (I Marsnail, between Brook Avenu3 and MaditOi greets, now occupied ry Mr Jas. K. Lacev trout running Dact liO feet to Brook "Avenue. f „. One-third cash: balance at 6 and 12 uios. for negotiable notes, interest adaed, secured by a trust deed, or until iaet note is Jafl. aJ -i GODDI* A APPERSON, AucU By J nines ,i| Taylor. 7 BUILiDISit* jIuXS Ijy vi:i Tnv /th' a A * —Will besoid on MONDAY* Bth August, commitxiag at 4 o'clock " m T„ ' the premises, 750f about the mon ,<*. iOD in the town ot Fu.ton, fronUn" on th > e V"* streets, and well elevated lor building purpose! Property in 1-ultonis Improving in a rp degree, as recent sales indicate and Dert'm/rf" tog to obtain lots in that ve<-v fl »,sf£: either for investment with sn eyo to iuture° arf* vance lu value, or for building purtosw ,hn£?H avail themselves ot this opportunity aa . ther wiil rarely again occur y * BUch ani> - Tebms will be very liberal and will be mo^ *jy*9—dtd2 Bale ' JAS * TAYLOR?*'" Add ii i onai—Will be .old in addition irfhe above, 5 lots in Port Mayo, being a portion of ,£» real estate of which Edwin Wadaill, died seizrH and about 20 lot* in Fulton. ' Mlzc ®> " u 4 ~ qtd ' JM T. | 10.M.UISSI0NEK S SALE OITK k »T £bl ATE. In pursuance ot a decree of the Circuit Court ot the city of Richmond, pronounrpH on the 27th of June, 13.33, in the luit of Robert W Crump against Richard F. Bradshaw, I will Dro _ ceed to seil at public auction, on MONDAY, the Bth day of August, 1853, at 5 o'clock, P. M , on the pre mises, a certain Lot, piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the city of Richmond, fronting 25 ieet on the southern side of Baker street, (be tbe same more or less.) beginning at the distance of 175 feet trom its intersection with St Peters street, and running back at right angle* from said Baker street, 140 feet (be the same more or less) to an alley, it being No. 7 as designated in a plan and survey an nexed to a deed from David Judah, 6f Baltimore to A. A Hughes. Tkmj3 of Sale—One-third cash, one third at sixty days, and one-third at four months credit from the day of sale, and the title retained until the whole purchase money is paid. THOS. W. DOSWELL, S. C. R , Jy Commissioner. WANTKD —Room in my ttors to stow away the large stock cf Wry Goods which I will receive lo a tew wetka. in order to accomplish my desire. 1 will offer sach inducements thai no one will leave my store without obtaining the article called lor. My stock consist* oi Berege de Laines- Lawns, Gingnams, Beregea, Tissues, Gandolas! Bwiss H check, strip'd and cambric Muslins for dress es. Also, Bed Tick, Sheetings, Embroideries in large V ir Cicths; Napains; Towels; linen and sua rocket Handkerchiefs; Laces of ail descriptions: Hosiery of all styles. U you want bargains, don't delay a moment, but call at once at ihe stores of JACOB A LEVY, au 3 Nos. 15 and 59 Main Street j W '."S CO.MING.—I atn now pru »* pared to fill orders for afew thousand bush els of superior soft Coke, from the eelebrated Edge Diil Mines. The quantity will not be adequate to tbe demand. Immediate otder* wiil prevent disap pointment to consumers* SAMUEL P HAWES, North Basin bank, between 9th and 10th sts. au K i—2aw3w:f VIKUINIA HOUR*. HAVING made au arraugement with Bishop McGill, this House wiii continue open for the reception ot permanent and transient boarders un til the Spring. Persons wishing board, can Dnd several va.y desirable rooms by early application. au I—6t* - HULN. small No J Macxerei J 55 do gross Potomac Herrings 75 do do and trimmed Halifax do 40 haif bbis No 1 R>e Herrings S tierces Cod Fish For sale by [««3J JOHN H CLAIBORNE iw|/| rKI.nK WKSTKKN DInUUU SlOia. for sale by au i CKLNSHAW 4. CO, Bu!n B»ak. AUCTION SALES. THIS DAV. By Alexander >o« St Cm. TO ALL, AND WUO.ri IT iWAY CON CERN —The following list of Ptcktffe* will be aold Thursday, the 4th August, a ttwi' ocinc at 10 o'eloc*, at our Store, to pay charges incurred by Messr* Adams 6c Co'a Express: 1 Truck and Basket, Joa Fannin, Richmond, The atrical Clothing, Book*; 1 Trunk, D H***cn, Drum med A Wyek, Richmond, Clothing, Ac; 1 Parcel and Iron Plate, R J Kdwarda, Richmond, Bella; 1 Parcel, Mr Grinbam, N V, Music; 1 Parcel, P Gunnett, Rlcbrtoed, Blanket*, Clothing, Ac; 1 Par cel, Hon A Stevenacn, Klcbmond, Foieigu Book*; 1 Parcel, no mark, Surveyor*' Inairamem*; 1 Par cel, no mark, £boe for cmb foot; 1 Carpet Bag, no mark, Clothing, Ac; 1 Parcel, Rev Ja* B Taylor, Richmond, Bojk«; I Parcel, Mra Pool, Richmond, shawl; 1 Bottle. Cha* Harrl*. Montpelier. V;, Me dicine; 1 Box, U E Lowry, Lioerty, Va, Medicine; 1 Parcel, h M Ronald, Biackaburg, Whi«; 1 Parcel, John H Sfa, Lyrichburg, Medicine; lVsiice, J P Mann, Va, Clothing. Book*, *e: 1 Bag, C Rook, Haaaeil 4c Bro, Richmccd, Clothing, Jtc; 1 Box, H F YVeaifai], Buchanan, Medicine; 1 Crutch, C U Adams, Lynchburg 3* *3 ALEX. NOTT & CO. Auct*. By JKicbard Canthorn* £LO THING Ai ALiiiiON.-On TEL'RS , "AY, 4th instant, at 10 o'ciock, at my auction store, I will sell at auction, for caab, a Ijt of Cloth ing suitable tor the present season, consisting of linen and cottonade Paata; cloth, alpacea, tweed, linen and gingham Ccats; Marseiilca and Itten vests; %rhite and fancy chiita, Ac Ac. au 3— 2t * K. C-* I'THORN. IiAJIBBRT'S LOTTERY OFFICE, No. 3 North Calvert Street, BALTIMORE. T u „ (Oppoaite Barnum'a Hotel) P nrchMe ® r asleot Lottery Tickcia vitkt* . _ tlu ***** e f Virginia being now in violation of law, and attended with a heavy penalty on coi wcuon, the subscriber would respectfully solicit the orders of his irienda and othera who may feel R?c P hm(mri°fn PUrCbM t" H,?io S been a retident of Richmond lor upwards ot thirty years, and being pretty generally known throushout the t;ate, he deems it almost unnecessary to give ai.y further assurance that all butiness crnfided to him will be pi omptly and properly attended to. Package*, single Ticket* and sfcarerinalJ the Maryland Lotteries, for sale. tST* The printed official drawings sec* to respondents by the first mall. ' " ££** Prize* ca*hed at sight. Aadre.s THOMAS LAMBERT. my H ists Baltimore, Md. M()HTL>IOK£ : S BITTJSK COKfUAV ANLI BLOOD PURIFIER-Price,K Physicians of the first standing in the medical profession use and prescribe it as the most effective ALTERATIVE; AND BLOOD PURIFIER ever known; while va* numbers who Oad loog suffered from diseases oT complaints brought on by sedentary habits, exposure, indigestion, torpid state of the liver or impurities of the blood, now look upon this Cordial as most mysterious and magical in it» healing properties and restoring powers. It stand* prominent in the treatment and cure of Neuralsia. General Debility and Nervous Auctions, Dvspspsie or Indigestion, Less of Appetite, Acidity of the Sto mach, Nervous Headache, or Flow of Blood to th Head, Costiveness or Irregularities of the Bowels Pleurisy Pains or Misery in the Side or Region of the rTfVk 'u t " e r ? c J or Depression ot Spirits, Palpitation ofthe Heart, Difficult Breathing, Sinking Sensations, Prostration of tne Nervocs System, Cold, Chilly Sen sations, or Numbness ot the Flesh or Limbs, Difficul th« h ? Expectoration, N '« ht Sweats, Diseases o e»Be^oi r tC r k^H eCtU ' n . a v ° ( the Lun « 8 ' Jaundice, Die . u Sidneys, Derangement or Prostrate Con frS»rl»ri.i ga " B °,', Nature ' which cause painfn nlhtii /B especially with Females: producing or Sallow CompCo'r NerVOU4 3j ' tsm < Pai * iMortiinore'a Bitter Cordial Is purely vegetable, pleasant to take, and perfect!* nie to be used in any state of health, even by thZ most delicate female or child. OT" Price one dollar per bottle. W. V. Alexander it Co., Proprietors, No 1 Bar. Clay street, (Astor House,) New Fork. ,£f Remember that we sell at wholesale and retalS that most invaluable and sure remedy for Rheum*. tism in all its forms, either inflammatory, acute, or chronic, no difference how bad the case, or how long Dnlfvfh lI 1 * Mortirnore s RHEUMATIC COM POUND, which is a vegetable extract, tn internal re medy, preparea expressly for this one disease. It has already cured thousands who had long been cripples The evidence is most overwhelming and convincing as given by vast numbers of our most respectable «i --tlzens. Call and get a circular, and read the letters and cer tihcates of your friends and those around you who had long suffered, but who have been restored to per feet health by this remedy. For sale by PURCELL, LADD i. CO, sole Agent* for Richmond Di»*<II,»JTJGMOF CO-fARINER. SHIP-Tue firm of STARRETi 1 <x ?EaKj3, la this day diasolved by inutuii consent. Mr. btar rett having purcha«;d the iatert-at of h's panner, i* alone suthorizecl to eett:e the aflaira of the firm — Persota havit-g dsmands against Starr-ti Sear*, (il any there be,) will please present iiie tame for payment Mr. S-ara. in retiring, grateful for the patronage upon fha late Erin, iavftta hia trends to call upan Mr. Siarrett, whj will con:in;e the busi ness at th 3 oiG stand. GEO BTAkREI"I\ JAMES VV. cSLARS. Richmond, July 30th, 1853. GEORGE STARRETT, Dealer in Stoyen, Furnaces. Tin and Jflpann d Warn,« Bain fuiupis, I litem PuHi-b« 2iac, lead, fee., &.C , 146, Mam ktreet. " Richmond, Julv, 30ili 1653. Custom wo/is done to order at ahcrs notice, and warranted t» give satiafacti ans>t IAiU now receiving toe ue*t Lump Coai trooi tie Midk tbian pits, which i wL'l deliver at 20 cent* per buabe'; Mixed Coal from the sam • pita, at 18 centa per buahe!; Black Heath Lump at 2j cent* per bushel, payable on the Ist ol January next. Order! left at my cffiie on 14th atrset, neat Mayc'a Bridge, will be attenued to promptly. ®u2-2w CHASTAIM PA'RRAR. IJKOEMTKIAK feat extkaordi. ■- NAKV — Fbamc YVauule, the American Pe destrian. has unaei taken to walk 54 iiouii in *uc cession, wishout sleep or satin* down, lor a wager of «iOO This Hercule»n task" will commence on )!.. U M VI Aa s <th,leo3,at4,P.M ,in the Mechan. ca iiaij. rear of the Arbour, cor. of Mam and 12th tnUffh i « Pedestrian can be matched for 41000, hour- «h U m '* ea ' n hours, 114 mile each 15th ing-a n I t Uatc 'I'°1'° commance on or before the Boora open nigh; and day. Admission 12X cent*. f OUT OR STOLEPU WtH ntahl i '"bacrlber'a lot, on Tuesday mmmsxMa wo **'• • red and white Ball, abunt ona b aca acd • od « wo young C«w«, information about the .h otber * brlnd,e - Ao 7 ceived. *nd . be delivered t« the subscriber. 1 ' 8r * be g lTen au 2—6t WALDROP, the r»i,ir.i Depot. I uis FOKSAiTil—irrrr : . La ioi on the North a'daof n l .^" U " ui twfaatl, « 3rd and 4th streets, adjoining the ZJm ' » W Brockenbrough, Esq. Thl* lotfroaf?Kx %L 5 run* back 153 to an alley. '® e '» 2. A lot cn the corner of Marshall «„ j „ •treett, opposite the Medical Colle» Sfn fret and running baok 134 to an alley an r On this lot i* a carriage house and atabil 6 would be rented, *hould the lot not be aoM'«Tt!L the month. Aoply to a. au 2—dtHKhau 13 EJIOVAL.—The aubacriber ha* tbia day n ■IV moved from hi* former p ace of buatnea* Pearl atreet, to the large fire proof warefeoau*' r»T oeatly erreted on Cary atreet, between 14th and is»h •treeu, (Immediately above the auction (tore nf Davenport, Allen * Co,) where he will conti Bu _ the Hkoleaale Oraeery aad loanlMU. Bulat*a aa heretoiore. K. H. SJUNKER, Cary atraet. Auguat lat, 1553 a» Mi jVOTICK.—A fine Iw» florae Wa|sa aa4 1 ' llaraaaa, suitable either for a termer or negro trader, tor aale at a low price. Apply to au ii—3t» LEE A OVERLEY. fIVII NOTlCE*—Another lot ot Ihoee very large and fine mammoth Halea Juat r*~ cetveu. 'a hey are oetter than anyyetaeea. Call and *ee them, gentlemen, and remember <»r motto U, aa low aa the lowaM. au 2-3f LEE fc. (A'KRLET. DBNICOVIHKO B.MOKINO TOBACCO. A aup' y ol th • popeiar Smokia# Tobeeeeeee. au fitly cv. band and for aale, wholesale ana retail, by BENNCTr * BEERS, jr«s fla—jtm. yFJCIss. a»t- j cum.—Miityioe. Mace, Utujml O and Grata Pepper, Nutmega, Uiagar, AA |Mt received, and for aale by Slam, smith * coi* as 8 Cary at, adjoins# Colaaabiw Bofi|V'