Newspaper Page Text
THE DAI.LI DISPATCH I'okkbal Ceremjhies —The funeral of the lite M. I" Taylor, late Mayor of Cincinnati, look in that ciiv on Fri iay last. An immense concourse of citizens, military com panics, and ci»ic associations followed the re mains to the vault in which they were tempo rarily placed for burial. During the mcring cf tne procesfion the full* were toi.ed atal minuie j.uns fired by the ariillery corps. Great Speculation.—The New \ ork Atlas * übiis-'ies the following: We are to!d that c,u rirg ibe pendency of the railtoad consolidation bi 1 ia tne legislature, the Hon. E I> Morgan, eenitor frcm litis city, bought, on h.s own ac . rouut the entire stock of the the Troy and jsch-nectady tailroad for fiMO.OOO. In less ti an ten days sfter he made the purchase the bill pused.'and he turned it into the stock cf t e consolidated concern for 500,080 ! thus te a zing a net pre fit of $260,000 by the opera- Alexander VV. Lawrence,|L q., of North CsJ linn, has been appointed professor of Mathe mttics in the Nary. His commission bears date July 20<h. Ha has be :n ordered to duty at the Washington Obseivatory. The National Educational Contkh. Tfcis Convention assembles in Pitts burgh ob 9th instant. Miss Kate irviue, an American, has commenced at Sheffield, in England, the ar duom task of walking eight hundred miles in as manv consecutive hours, for (i£ is said) a bei o! £500. Tkkes Destroyed bv Gas.—ln Salem, Lynn, Portsmouth, JNewhuryport, end other lilies where gee has recently been introduced, i- :s said, that valuable ornamental treea have leen desuoyed by the leakage of the gas pipes, livthe escepe ol gas from broken pipes, it has leen (ou:)d that all trees w.thin fifty feet of the leakage na»e h***" felled. A large meeting lias been iitld in Newfound. Lan J in favor of a free commerce with tiie Uni ted States. The anouncement tnct some of the American fishing vessels are armed eseites a good deal of attention there. Attempt to Commit Suigide —Charles J jaes, who, at the circuit court of Monroe coun ty, Va , on the 11 h ult., was convicted ef otea!- ing $'2,900 at the Sweet Springs last August, made an u successful attempt to hang himself with his handkerchief tied to the window shut* ter of his pr son room. The Channel cf Rio Grande—Ths Brownsville ( i'exas) Flag is advocating an outlay on ti.o part of the United States Gov e.nment fur the purpose of improving the channei of the liio Grande, it says that troops and ttipplies for atmy stations on the river are now landed a! Corpus Christ), find ta ken thence over ti.e or six hundred miles of s;erile Imr'f; whereas, at a cost of fr; m $50,000 to $80.0 Cli the river might be so cleared out as to enable steamboats to land ttocps, pio visions, &c i at the very bastions of the forts tiu'ing li.; whole year. The President has just completed a contract with Ciaik Mills fer the erection in Washing ton of a colossal brenze equestrian statue ol George Washington, according to the terms of the act of la-t Congress. The statue is to be similar in style to that of Andrew Jackson by the same artist. The co.itract is for $50, j)oo—that being the limit of appropriation— to be paid during the progress of the v,oi k, and the remaining $30,000 at its com pletio By the terms of the contract the work is to bo completed for the sum named. Yale (.T'-llegjc.—Professor, eeri., is succeeded by his son Proft-soor Sji'liman, jr. in the chemical department, and by his son inxluw Piofcssoi 1 Dana, in the department of Uiineralofrv and gooiosy. The Journal eajs that as Professor iVana is at present en gaged in preparing the repo."' of the Exploring Exoeditton for publication, Pipfrssor Silliman will take his place during the pi.f sen! winter. Consolidation or Cities.—An act pas*." 3 - 5 by the Sew Voik legislature, at its recent ses sion, pioviaes for the consolidation forthwith of the ci i?s of Brooklyn, W illiamsburg, and Bushwick. As we have heretofore aiaied, the population of the joint city is about one hun dred and fifty thousand souls. When consol idated; the name of city will be Brooklyn. "Dick, 1 say, why don't you turn that buffa la robe t'other eide out?—the hair side is the warmest." ,- Bah, Tom, you get out. Do you gupnose the animal himself didn't know how to wear bis hide? I follow his style." Tkbsible Death bv the Bite of a Mad Dog. Esmond Emmons, of Ricgeviile, Loiain county, Chio, was bitten by n mad dog. hi* own, in the nuinih of April. L*si Friday eveciag he was tak; n sick about 4 o'clock wheu his i'aud b-'came ia tl«t»ed and pained him much On luesday, he ci*d in the greatest agony, leaving a wife and eevs ral children. The wuund bad a lon ; tima bean healed, aid he had lest all leers of madness from the bite. He worked in field till 4PM, on Fri day, when the iralady mud-} its appearance. I'hy ■ician and friends were sent for His pains in creased, ana soon tis ravings commenced. It took several strong men to bold him At last, after four days ot tee most intense suffer ne, hsdied suddenly by the bursting of a biocd vessel, occasioned by his vi Sect spasms Ha was a yiuog m,n highly respect«d. and leaves a young aud interesting fa iti.y — [Cieive and Plain iea'er, July 29 Hon. Edward S anley, late member of Congress f>om Nor.h Carolina, is now engaged in the prac law tn San Franci'co KiUK. LIFK AND MA lit Ml INSURANCE —The Richmond Fi» * are now prepared lo issus " m 1,1 — policies of Insurance on the abo-ra do •eriptioc of risks on as reasonable terms as an} • : muar company, and respectrcliy aak a snare c; the patronage of the public. Applications will b* received at tne office, No 2£S, corner of Mian *n; 9th streets, where the offlcexs will cheerfully fu» dish all information that may be required. Ai I Mies promptly and liberally adjusted. JAMES BOSHER, PreaMeut lohs B. Boamtfc, Secretary m'o 17 AblK dc CRAY, DRIKIGISTd. 145 ST**rT, nave:n store,anaarereee!? ins, large additions to their stock ol Drug*. *• JUiiirißss. gnrpeona' Inwrrumenta, Palnta. Oil*. Dvca. Window Giaaa a*d *aacy Arucits, wnich they ofler for sale on ih« Burnt iMvorni>ii lernu to easn ana nunecuaideMiwi N liW AfOTMKLAttV AASUhtU iy' —Tne subscribiirs nave enuireo ata CI *''•'Partnership aud ta* r ;a tne atore tateiv oe lew d«,^ bl m Levy, Jr,-_H)f Brr*d street, s II". Me " r * B:Hpd,:D *»«"' for Painu. 0;u Lrs°tX n V« of f DTO «*' th»y cL> r™w i n L "f, ry - &c ' whicb jrenoiae, tavtog been to WMta t. us 1 q wr«r tu " < * i " P»rccc:*r att«atioi: wi 11 tte Dnid to tnn of Presolutions at all ames oi m, B t ? 3p Weresuecttßlly rouaeat a t*!i worn our o-d nat tixns ana ma puuac gpnor*<iy. PETER W. GRL're* ys R W APPERSQU K i MI.AI K. Dttiliiijlsrii J»3 Brad Htresit, hava on jhad asd are C4.r>suniiy racwtvm/ — Ro»«'s and J aye's family Car ter's Spanish Mixture, Bak-r'a Prerniutn Bitiers, IDcnskrasou s Eberrv Win:; Ki:t»j«. Ar,J)un Mtwtfctig Liniment, tc. Also, a ton aunrev ni Pn,:urn t Merrill's Yeast Pnwders so iusily bratad tor irahtaf light, swa«. and coosequentiy • it a" I? JQQ BBLI. fcMAIL LOAM tsLUAU, Jj 18 191 ** i *' I B STLQAL, ARRIVALS AT THK PRINCIPAL BOTBLB YESTERDAY. AMERICAN HOTEL—T S Watscn and Rawlings, Louisa. Ja« VV Harrison and l-vjv, Old Point; VV H Swift, New York; D \dnma, Petersburg; Col David Jones and F K Rives, de; Mr Porter. Mississippi; E O and \V A Adams, Dinwiddie; Jno L Scott, Richmond; Chas <i Field. Mecklen burg; E T Pace, Va; .1 L Smith end C B Jones, Petersburg; Jno B Chandler, Caroline; II G Alexander, Poitsmouth; SiM Thompson, do; G W Whitman. Phila: A T Sterline, Mil ton, N C; Dr A C Pierce, Ohio; Mrs Gardner and daughter, Nelson; A Duncan. Powhatan; Col D Sargent, Rockbridge; M F Smith, Bal timore; G Richards, do; Mr Holmes and lady, Phil*. CITY HOTEL.—C Spotswood, Vs; P H Brenner, Miss Branner, Shenandoah; Y Jor don, T H Havnes, Oranse; \V B Robertson, Chesterfield; R T Gooch, Louisa; L A Lamb, Charles City; G VV Andetsor, Petersburg; J VV Smith, Washington; T J Miller. Warren ton; B Ware, ludv. 2 children and servt, S C; J VV Andrew?, Atlanta; J B McGlimen, N C; VV Osven, Pa; L Moore, Henrico; J W'i son, Charles City; L F Cobb, iudy and svt, Va; R A Moody, Cuba. fcXCHANGE HOTKf.Hon Wm S Archer Amelia; K Thornton Halifax; W A Woods, Miss P Woods, Chiriott ; T Edmunds, Halifax; C O Sbd 'ord, Petersburg Dr Chester, 2 Miss C auoceys. Miss Cht«»eT. Ph la; C J Fox. Yoratown; G Jones and ladv. Mis* J Miss Tirr.bsrlaae, Cflarlo'tei rii!e; A W Dmstiv and 'ady, tt S Carr, do; D Shep h rd, Nashvil'e, Tenr; W R Dorman, Stauntor; W Carter, Caroline; S J Pendleton, Wil.Unburg; D 3 t'yer atd !ady. M T Dyer, s C Dyer. K T Dy «r, 3t Louts; W S Reid, Jr. L n hburg; D H Sniti, Hichinond; W T Carpenter, Hs»n<ver; Colonel N Blii-k, N E Binge. J A VV> riham, Petersburg; Dr H M Holms, lady, son and caugh er, S C; Mis (iibos. Miss Gites VV K Gibbs, E A Uibbs.Mrs E A Gibbs and >!iss J G Ellio'.t Mississippi; J S Gresn, Mils G een.G C Calder and servaat, Mrs WmCal der and Mt3' W P Calder, South Carolina; Thos H Christmas, A 1 aria fc C; P T Johnson, Salisbury; K C Marshall, Fautjuier; G W Bient, Alexandria; M M Pegues, M f si; D J Pejuss and 2 Misses Pe guts, Ais; D H Branch, le orsbnr-; J A Edmund son, W Garrett Memphis; J B Vs; G N McPhail, Miss McPhail, M is F McPaail ana ¥ A Msrcb, Fredericisburg. COLUMBIAN HOTEL—Wm T Morris, Fluvanna; L Vanfergrift, Charlottesville; R B Hudnall lsdy. Louisville; J L Walker, G F Nance. Charles City; J IS RoDertson, J WLane, .) P Yacghan, Amelia; R C J Scott, Mecklenburg; J VV Watson, Ricfimond; H S Hardy, Lnnaoburs; B S Nathiny and brother, Appo mattox; W S Orr, Peterstur»; '/ H Brooks, Chester tie'.d; A V Ward, W M Slater, Albemarle; J E Blank enship, Master L Bianton. A Blsnton, A M Child-ess, Amelia; C P Hesse, Buckingham: A C Tyler, Jeffer son; L R Davidson, Cha'lotte; F Berkedale, Keves ville; J H Daniel, Cascade; T Jackson, J Morton,.l H Reia, J B Spencer, A II Spencer, Charlotte; WinP Booker, Nashville; M McLaualilin, 111; R M Booker, W J Porter, FarinTille; J II Forbes. Buckingham: M S Johcs, W A Phillips. H 1) Carter aud lady, Amelia, E Keen. J M Yates, W A Burweil, Mecklenhurr; R Archer Harper, I'rince Edward: C i' Harpjr, do; C J Green, Amelia. J'A.N UK OF THIitUUMIKIMiSt At J. W. Kiißdolph's Hoolvwtarc,i'lainMt., YKSTERDAY 7 A ;>i. i laiiu j 0 P. M. 7* j 8J j ij:i MARINE NEW to. i J <) « r t> y hi v. a i on n . AKRIVED, Schr Lynchburg, Gotten, Irom New York, mdso to D Currie Schr John B?!!, Harm, from Eait Pfiint, plaster to Suis-!d«i x Somsrvilla Schr Lydia Has, Vc orb els, from New York, guano to VV r.-y ana hdmjads, Davenport a Cl. SAILED, Schr W'Lliam and Alcnzo, Wilburn, Wiiliams rndte Schr West over, Rogers, Boston, mJsa Mieasaar Virg ni», Teal, Philadelphia, tnd?e KiCHiUUNU -HA til4.ii,T. CO3BKCTED DAILY. FLOUR remains rs yeste day, -with srssll re ceipts dales old at >3"i to 5j ; to 5; for superfine aad > xtra family $6$ to 7. WHEAT—Tha market is active; aud jrood jan-piei in dexzianct a; SI 15 to i siO for red fand -u to t 25far prime white. COR.V—6O to 6.5 cents. GUANO—ScB'ce sad in demand at SSO to S'a. TOBACCO—The sales are .'arge at yeatenisj'» prices: a!! kinds ia djrnand. GROCERIES—The market i* well supplied with pirae Rio Coffee, Sugar, end aii other aruccs \S7'AU«4iN»» litiPKOVSL' FiKK AKfl f'j WATER-PROOF COMPOSITION ROOFS have, within the last tec years been applied tu twen ty-live thousand buildings in tne Un'.ted Slates and Canada, ana are universally recommended as pos sesb'ng »ne following qualities In a greater degree than an," other roofing material known, vii: cheap ness of con*'ruction, dun bilitj and perfect pro tection affair, situ? and water. Buiidiugs roofed with tms article are insured at the somes rates ol premium as those roofed with metal or slate. Richmond References— Messrs Wm Barret, Jno Waterhouse, John Dooiey, Smith ifc Harwood. C.M. WARREN & CO., OScea coraarKo.-th asd Baltimore street, Balti more: and ai Smith Ac. iiarwoed's. 85 Main street, Richmond. my 12—ianlm M lIiistRAULK CITY PKOfKHTY FOR SALE—i wiil sell the ilouae antl l.ot which are my residence, at the inteisection of Grace and 7th streets A particular oescription cf th.a property is unnecessary, as persons disposed lo purchase wilt, ot course, inspect it The terms of sale can be mace known un application to my self or to my son P V Daniel, Jr. jy 6—tawts P V DANIEL. PKVYs ?»ALU, — inoun who desire to purchase PEWS in St James' Church can do so by apnlying to the subscriber. H J CHRISTIAN Treasurer oi St James' Church. jy 23 —3awia V OTICK TO CUJEDlTOKS.—Tnecreaitors - ' of G M Lacman Al Co. are n'-rebv notified to pr isent their accounts, pbopa-bly aut'henicathd at our office, cornerof Bins and lUa streets This notice w-.1l not oo ci.utiourfd later than tue Ist day of September next; afur which date, tee accaunts ot »fce truit fund Will b; made up. preoarsiory to a dividend WATSON Ac HUGHEd, jy 27—2«w6w Trustees. HX'l'liKtS.—An assortment ol Gas VJ and other fixtures of large at,a aasiraalo patterns Those in want arc invited to sail ana examine our sloes. je*-24 STEB3INS, DARRACOTT & CO. GAS FlXTUiiiiS.—We art) receiving an ad diiionai sappiy ot Gai Chandalidrs and other fixtures, of new patterns. j* 24 STEBBINS. DARRACOTT & CO -fcilTK —A new supply ot tine * » While Vests, jast received and ior sale at No 112 Main street, by je 16 a MKRCHANT A: WEtSIGER. FAMILY FLUUU. -Mo . c "' un ? 4 a woope'a F unify and Extra fine Fiour in store, for s<ue by , „ , X McCAKDLISH, Ja, Ja *3—tt 138 Carv street I INIiK I) SAW Kills,—Ou nand, a nice lot oi J L:aet Lriferj. d MERCHANT & WfiISIGER. * Nnljj Mwin str«Bt. ißL«iv>rd HI ;< C HAKTOM'ij, 1(W Main Wreat, a case of Chip Uoen'-U and a caae ot Lawn Bonnet., verv coe«"- JyJ ' * —Found, Fiuit. sponge and Orao/e can \J ba bad as WM. FALCON£.K\S Sakarv, to »ur pass htv tu the city. j y 3 \\ UWttFITO ow^'iiua' and by UillS ' p: " m aCd Un °y>- ti " r«s«iveii m?:,i SKJST. ?*!«?• *• VF'T. ' iUkO Ct HA.ns.-auuietllßi very superior. For salt* Hy « o, 'AMES B SHKLTOM, - c '» r Broad aod 4th *tr. «u a«*. MttUKINUB icl bMlt tWU sii prime iauaily koa_a«rr.ugs,lor ulu by * ** KM MIKTtIN N tt * 1> H. *-!*« Oeuot in this f~ ! r * . u '" 08 ou "» tor tea recsimou or dn I " ai « e * ou Monday tha 4Ui Preiaiu W IU ta -Kuelvoa on lutsdoy for wav —— -n . , AW MIU.LaPADGH, a * CioaertM Freight Afoot. FOR KENT. SFOR KKYT OR l,KASif—The House and Btore North side of Cury street, correr of K'tn. between the stores of Mr D J Delaplaioe, flour lnsp»ctor, and Mr James P Tyler—to either of vihum application may be made, or to the subicri ber. I'»n»»«ion now or October Ist «'i 1 — lw* J. WICKHAM. "Jpi HOL't»M *««. Hfa.Vi', on Main, comer 2nd street. A new home, with 8 or 10 room?. Apjiy to LEWIS HILL, 13th st so i!—3t |f~ Vittt KKiM ) and posifssioii cun be hod in h few days 'he tw» tew framed T -cements on Franklin street, just »bov» the Exchange Hotel and ii.-*t door to the Bowling Saloon, suitable for uftlces, confectioneries,lrtilt stores. Ac Apply to EDW'D D EACEO, Jy 27 General Agent and Collector. fgg CITY HOTEL, JNitt. KENT AM) juilii. FURNITURE FOR SAl>E.—The subscriber, desirous of retiring from Botei keeping, will sell his lease on the Hotel, which expires Ist of March. 1655, and all the furniture belonging to the came! The Hotel is too well known to need any further description. The Furniture is all new, aiwi equai to any in the city, especially she bedding. For iurther particulars, enquire of W. Uoddin or the sub scriber. ' THUS M B ROY. jy 13—ditwlra A(\ nnn * KKT Canada white IvjUulf pine Boards indPlauk 40,100 teat Michigan do do 52,C00 feet i White Wood -.0 000 feet 1 inch do 15,C00 feet Ch*ir Piank fee; black Walnut Boards 3,000 teet Hickory fiaak. Landing this dav. For sale at fair prices and on accommodating terms by f jv2&]" BELVIN <fc PaKKER. NACK dc WINSTON, Grocers, Commiss'on and Forwarding Merchants, South east corner of C%ry and 14th, or Pearl streets, with two Gra nite Poets at the corner, will give their personal and strict attention to the sale ot all kinds of Country Pre duce. oartioularly Corn. Flour and To bacco. Thoy seep constantly on hand a large and well selected Stock of Groceries, Liquors, Wines, &.c, which they otfer on tha most iavorabifj terms to Country Merchants and the public steers!iy. They have on hand Virginia Lime of superior quality on consignment. { jy 19 /OKNTjLEMKN will find at the .Ueiropoli tun f«toro. an ajiortment of thin goods, adapt- d to thic hot weather, consisting in par: of— White Linen Drilling. some very suparioy White Duck, a nice article French Linens. Strioed ana Plaid Plain aad Striped Nankeens and Cottocidea Slii. tiau tiose, a large Ttn'ciy Cotton do do So Plain and Bordered Linen Hibuscw Alexander's S!ik sinti Sid Gioraa Sumsef C:ar=':», S:ls. La»?n snd Gin cists wjlcox &. betts. )e25 151 Eesle Square. DKi£»» uywii.-- a.l bractf!)* jtietiuce-l Prteet-. —We hire siiii on hand a large as sortment of Fancy Goods. emeu as— Plala, Btrip«i ucd faacy summer S3 Fancy Bereaee. Tissues -:iud Eeccaa. Organdy, Musiin* sad Lk-mis Inside ildk's, Collars and Mleeve* Lass Shaw'a, Points aud ScarSs Toi«tsar •with tha cetera! a«eort~i<?ni idunUy keat in a dry goods store. A.i of v?hich wa aie offer* lo* a; areauv reduced onctM DUDLEY &. JOHNSTCS, a IS Eagle Square. LICOUiCK, TONQI'A JBKAKESj ■&:«»— Xtteinuacriber now oners for sals — 3d cases F G Stick Licorice 15 " tf e.rracoa do 25 " F G Mass do 50 " Sandford'a Mass do 300 lbs superior y'ouqua Beans 15 bbl» Hoffmanns Rosendale Cement—on accommodating terms ay JOHN 4 ROBINSON, jy 26 corner of rarv and Vireinia streets !? U K SAXj Mb— »lrguiia ouiie ,u;por cous,ion,j Uu: t short date-* Jarces River and Kanawha Botidl Corporation ot Lynchburg do Corporation of Alexandria do IS shares Vs Central R R. Stoei: Richmond. Fredb'eiSi Potomac R&ilrosd Sioea in sums to suit uurcaasera. C. W. PURCELL & CO., mv 27 Deaiers in Exchange. Stocks. &s. r» H. Lti K, STOCK ana LAND WARRANT AGENCY. GoVKSSfCH STBSEI. Stocks bouaht and s«id oa Commission. The highest'prine paid for Land Warracu. f«old and silver WaniseJ. Prize ticket* la nil Lotteries sold la Lot teries under the m&naatfmanS oi R France &. Co , wiil be promptly oaid by me, and all laqairie* relative to tha business of it. France 6l Co., ad dressed to them at Richmond, will meet with pr rapt mi) i C. B- LUCK 8 IIJUTM AND DUAWEKS •>3 Genu'Gauze Merino Under ShirU and Draw era Gents' Ll«!e Thread and Cotton Under ShirU and Drawers Genu' Silk and Somzssr Merino Undor Shirts and Drawers Ladies' Gauze, Merito and Silk Under ShirU and Drawers Ladies' black and colored Silk Gloves Do do do Kid do, Alexander's Gents' Kid, undressed Kid, Dog Skin, Buck, Lisle, Berlin and Silk Gloves Silit and Cambric Umbrellas Also, bargains in ail stylet of Summer Dtss Goods, such as Tissues, Grenadines, Bereges, rich Organdies, Jaconets and Lawns, by CHRISTIAN & LATKROP, jy 23 99 Main street. Hp UK partnership heretofore existine between 1 BROWN & KEININGHAM, is dissolved by mutual consent. JOSEPH R KEININGHAM will la future be found at his £tore, 2?6 Broad Street, where be will ba giad to receive oraers from hU friends in any department of Book Binding or Blank Book Manu factuiing—adding the promise that his work shall be well done and at the lowest rate*. July Bth, 1353. J R KEININGHAM is biill selling bargains in Books and Stationery. *t No 226 Broad Street. A very pretty assortment of Fancy Articles just leceived and for sale low. Waverly Magazine, Boston Pilot, Gleaaon's Pic torial, and a number of other papers regularly re- Qflßfti- & 7 T involve, consist- XW lot of — Rudeshe'mer Liebpaninileh Prince Metternich's Yellow Seal Cabinet end Sosraiiag Moselle, of iuy own importation, re ceived, and lor sa;e. j v <, R M Bint TON. JCsiT IN SKAStiN.-iteoetvea at l, i.aii£« l fkAlane 1 u*tr li:,: iV Co'S suppiv ci tno i uiiowiDg ituill oi «snces: Ladies 81 50 Gaiter Boou Ladies' Morocco Slippers at 81 T.adi'-s' Morocco Ties at 81 Children's light colored tax'd Gaiters Sole Leather Trunks Iron Frame do jy 29 WHITE & PAGE. 73 Main «t. NOTll't. —Tae uua»».a'.rfijt:tl, trustees ior tbe creditors of Edwaid McDonald (ol the late iirm stvl' d McDona d i. Lycns) nereby constitute and appoint the said McDonald their meat to cou duct th i business, as MJotofjre couductud by said MtDona'.d &. Lyons. JOHN 8. CASKIE. iul-6t B 'WLING W. STARKE. 'PO Pl'littlASllKfl.-l wuuiO c« itio A tion of purchasers to my assortment if Som mur Clothing, which, as ?b« season is f»r advanced, 1 will sed at reduced prices HENRY SHAKER, jy 19 103 Main »t. cor l4ifa. j™ A it i it** in* spKi;uißi.a very reduced prices to make roi.m tor my Fal! imoortaiion. I solicit acalltrorn such as are in want of French, Chioa or while Granite DinDMracd 'iea Cfcts, Cut Glass Decaniors. Salvers, GobltU, Celeries, Wins or Lemonade Glasses. Jtc. Also t iar«e assoriuient oi ncr, lancv ariicles. tr ie JAS I> B I VANS. ) 17 west Main st W iilTh PtfUflK I:HI!VaT dVc — a CuOC pit-te assortment t;f tno above, c >o!prising Dicoer, Tea and T'i'et SeU: also cut and press«a Uiasa Ware, at low prices. F<>r sale at *u 2 BULKLEY & CO'S. UUfKUIOK CHJKWJNCJ TOBACCO.- Giiliam'a celebr*tad Win* Sip, C F Word'a Jtfouy Lind, ar.d other p pu ar crandi, for sale by ELAM. SMITH * CO, •* * Car/ at, adjoining Columbian Hotel. f ' KKAT NfIBTHEEtN TIAII, ROUTE.- VI New and Comfortable Mriie<in)e«. TWICE DAILY FROM RICHMOND TO NEW YORK. WITH TRANSFERS OF PASSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. THROUGH THE CITIES OP WASHINGTON. BALTIMORE, AND PHILADEL PHIA, FREE OF EXTRA CHARGE.—On and af terthelstof March, the following quick and cat*:- fortable schedules will be run over toe Inland route between Richmond and New York: Leave Rich tnond, daily, at 7 o'clock, A. M , and 9 o'clock, P. M.; arrive In New York, daily, at s*, A. M., and 6* p. M Faro «o Washington, is: claw scats $5 53 " " " 4 00 " " Bt.inmora lit " ....=7 CO " " u 2J " " 5 00 Between Baltimore az.d Philadelphia by rail road 3 00 Between Baltimore snd Philadelphia, by New Castle and Frenchtown line.... 2 50 BetweeaPhiladelphia and New Yors 3 00 For Ik ciass passengers, and 85 oil each for 2d class do. Besides the through and direct connexion named above with the main Northern Route, through tickets, direct, can be obtained at the Depot of the BaltJtnorr b Ohfc; Rc;lro»d Company,in Washing ton, for Pittsburg aad Wheeling via the Raiay House on the fallowing terms: Between Washingtonand Pittsburg— (Time 24 hours) ......§ll 50 Between Washington and Wheeiiag— (Time 32 hours) 12 50 ror through rickeis jo Washington and Belli more, or other information, aupiy at the ticket of lice. It Is deemed proper, in addition, to state, for th& iniormation of passengers, that four daily lines are in operation between Washington and Baltimore, by means of which the traveller who. through business or r>i£»«nr« ha« h«Hn delay«rti in Wash ington, has It aiwuTS in Mi power to proceed at s convenient hour (hrecfly on his journey to any point north of that place. S RUTH, Agent of Transportation. Office R., F. &. P. R. R. Co., J Richmond, Feb. 20,1852. J P. B.—The Night Train will not stop to take up o» put down passengers, except at the following sta tions: Cottage, Taylorsville, Junction, Chesterfield, Milford, Gianey's, Fredericksburg and Brooks'. N. B.—By order of the Postmaster General, no mail iram wili be run between Ricnmond and Washington on Sunday eights. to 21 S.R. FOR JfOKTSMOLTii ASiD OLD FOINT. m w In conscouenca of tha tc ißFnrir '■ ha £ team cost Augusta baring ro auirea muiv time than was anticipated, tea Com pany have chartered tne pleasant steamer J. 3. Coffe® to run "oetweun Port Walthall and tho above pieces, until ths Anrusta is completed. The OoSee wi'l be under tiia command of Capt Wm C Smith, tha former commander cf the Au gusta. so Ion? aad fsvcrebiv known to the h"avßi teg comtncmty on the Potomac and j aires rivers. The Cars running in connection with tco wiii leave vc3 Richmond and Petersburg Depot on Friday, iV.> !£S. tt 6 o'clock A is, aud on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday zisriung thersiiter, e! :he saina hour 0;i tb.j .literna:a 0:17.°.. vie: Tuesdays, Thura dsjs ana Sanircsys, the Coitha wiii leave Korfclk at dj A ft*, tettsinnjr sa Old Pofcat throughout the bathing season, aaa u >oo aiaereni Unsung* on the river. Fare heVsrrssa Richmond aid Nctfuli, Old Paint, Ctu . 82 00 Fare between Kicoracaa sad Grove Wlswf,. 1 50 Meals oat,.. .... ... ....... 50 Children over tru-ee Tears ana cot over tweiva Servsr.u 1 50 Servants to any point oa rna ~vc: 1 00 'fadS. DQDAMtSAD, Superintendent of the R. ii. f. R. R. Co, 1553. ja33 S's-oia i'siergens-a it-icbinond t© the Wblto Sttlphcr Tiiroush tn tr.-j) HE Virginia & Tcancasoe liaiiroad Cr.mpuny 2 } <"-y ].r< T'.:r,: quickest, safest and cheapest «onia. wltli ;sicre«.sfco lacilitics never before, oii'ered by any iine to tha :r-veiling public visiaag Virginia epna^i. Passengers leaiing Richraond daily at 6 o'clock P M, (Suudays ezcepttd) bj Messrs. Boyd, Edmood & Co '« line ot Packets v/ith experienced command er-—or the uezfr mornici: at 7 o clock, by the Dan ville Railroad, meeting passengers ieaving Peters burg at 7 o'clock A M. tae sarcs morning at the junction of the Stuth Side Kailroad. will proceed to Rice's Station; where they will hud a line oi new and superior Troy (Joachea. hns nurses and esoe rienced duvers Ju readiness to convey them with the most possiDle disoalca, wlii reach Lynchburg efirly in the evening, in tima to nave a good nig it's rest and take the Cars of the Virginia 4: Tennessee Railroad at 7 o'clock A M. next morning to Bon sack's. a distance of 47 miles in two hoars, in ooa section vriih Farish ct Cc.'a old established il-w oi Stacea so weii known to the traveliing public for their saiety and dlspatcn, weil supplied witb new Coacnes, excellent horses, accummuaating ag«nts and drivers ready to con ray them to the Mountain Hjuse to supper, and alter a comfortable night's rest, to the White Sulphur Springs beioro 10 o'clk next morning, tne second day alter leaving Lynch, burg Returning, paisencers will le*ve the White Bul- - crptca> R-* owuc. aaa o mroi oprmst 8t 6 o'clock P M. and arrive at the Mountain House to supper, leaving next morning at dv.y iiaht, breakfast at Scott's, arrive at Bonsack's at 4i o'clock p M—and Lynchburg at 6} P AJ, leave Lync'nbure same even ing by Packet at S o'clock P M, for Richmond, ar riving the eecona morning, at 4 o'clock A M—or by Stages at I.l'A A M—or from 2 to 4 o'clock in the morning, and Southside Railroad to Petersburg and Danville Kailroad to Richmond, arriving samt eveiling oto o'clock. Kates of fart from Richmond and Ps- tsraoars. 3y Bovd it Edmona's PackeU. from iiisi moa'd and Va &. Tean Railr<tad to Wnlts Sulphur Springs...... ....................£9.00 to Sweti Springs B.OQ By D«nville Railroad irotn Richmond and Sou lb si de Railroad from Peteranarg aad stages to Va Sc. IViaa Railroad to White Ssi onur Spnnsc.. ........................10.50 to Sweet Spring*... S.K) THOMAS SHARP, j v It—tf Snot Trano't Va A Tenn R R NOTICE-RICHMOND AND KAILROAD—On and aucr me ist oi July, the following charges will be made on the articles specified beiow in lieu of the rates on the present tariff oi Freight; "3 s » Q h- ZL o ►— c 05" c ST ® 5*3? 01 of "w "a -a -5" : • : ° CO C-® ■ -3 ■ — "5 "<< : 2 : s 5-3 •T3 ; ~ ~ ■a»a • o • o '-'- ' o ' 3 ia is ia ti 14 15 20 6.6 cnurn 18 18 25 7 2 WysnoZu 18 21 30 7.8 Kaytokaa 20 24 35 8 4 Meherrin....... 22 27 40 9. Key sviiie ...........24 30 45 9 6 A. W. MSLLBPAUGH, General Freight Agent Richmond. June 27th, 1853 Je 28 W*w-arrrr77» KIiIiULAU LINK OF llj p lllrtfcl I "jl F<>« LYNCHBURG— jjfavuiit W«an«naai»Bnd hnturoßVi -The Cuu&l boata CLINTON. Capt Don V.d, una UNION, Captain PlunkMt. i»-Hve on Wraaendn;!- DES PATCH. Capt Cook, and BELLE, Csyt Johnson, l*av> .Saturdays* To# above boe.f* leavea re ?;u!arly aa tney are aavertiaed. Freight received or tfcn 1 at all timei except on Saturday« after 2 o'clonk. ALFHED 8. LKE, , t , ig U North Sidfl of Batln. Fto» KU«UJSNOT SPRfNGS- passenger train wii! leave Richmond t-vei'y 5.A luTIiJA Y. via tnrther notice at 5:3t) P M Reluming, wili arrive nuob sucoesaive MONDAI, at B:,i0 rt'U. at Richmond. h i J.H. OSBORNE, tfnpt. nuu TUB MAIII. —Lyn's Katnalroa, Bar r rs'g 'iric aphertrus; Jsyoes' Hair Tontoi Bache lor's U>ii Uje; Phalon's Hair Dye; Ox Marrow Pomatum; Scar's Oil; Maeasssr Oil, For sale L GRUBBS *. APrBHtON. Jy VUN'n iiATtiAl U(»n. tor tbe imwui and ii omimilishcifciit of tne Hair, and preventing lis falling off or turning grey. A full supp f tust f ceived and for saie by &EEVE Al BLAIR, jy 15 Druggists, I 7& Broad street TKA. TEA.—Ouupowder, Young Hyaon Bhi end Imperial Teaa.o! all gradea, f>r at,!eby JAMEa ti aHELTON, jy 22 Corner Broad and 4th (trneta VTOHTHUHN HAY—iWObalei Not the ro Uay, * for aale low at the wharf, by Jy 16-u A 8 LEE. Pinky point pavilion.—7hi> agree* c.e batnic ** place, aatj CU:*;* rsirc»t for tfcmg is search OT i>**iuL. ana rational o'ea*ur*. n a vine been tnateo dv tne nnaetiiftM, vnio a vif w u< iij«» war eha.e of it. if .uroesafut In ht. »tjoru 10 areommo date the oubiir. will bg oo«Kied tor toe season on Wednesday 15tb J urn Ma-:y ana venea taiurt)vemenii r-»e beea re cently made, oa'cniat -d to promote the com!"rtof visitor*, ami nothing shall be omitted by tne tiro prietor and hi* famiiy, which can the lenst •attraction to bu guetts Parents and their chili drrn will find the comfort* of home in atnoie Dro vision, wnilft tn>: nevotee of fishing mav come as sured. iliHi »very s i -c°t«%ry arrangement for hi' accommodation in the wtv or n.cioii ooau anr !BC£ie, with proper ptsob. to wait oa him wnlist ts&zased in his captivating toort, baa been fully ir.ado In addition, a seine wi:: be aaiiv drawn tor the itccommc aauon of ion mace an j tne aiku»-.a:eni ot visitor*, whilat a hrat rate band ot music will 9« in raunness. anv anq meht. for tne arous«m«nt and recreation of those woo mav caii i: into service. Visitors from Klc'mn«'> r "i e"d Frederick.Durg can reach the Point on Monday, Wednesday and Satur day of e»ch week, by mean, of the steamers Pow hatan and O.ce la. which touch at Acuia Creek on :ho.e day., and returning. can rescn the ereek on Tuesday, Thur.dav and r naey of each week by the same boat, in time to connect with the regular mail tram of tnose cays. The term* of board at the Point will be 82 for a single day, §1 50 r-er day for three day., and lew than a week, $10 per week, and $30 per month.— Children end eervants half price. A. no public ceiebradon is cocremoiawd on the 4th of July at tut- Point, visitor., unor to mat date. may come with every assurance that their comfort and oulet will not be disturbed by any aaseinblas-e of a boisterous character. " " WM- W. DIX, Formerir proprietor of the Fountain Inn, Light etreet, Baltimore. Piney Point Pavilion, Md., ) June 6th. 18& i. j J* 7—U ifigiiuKicws! uoom JiiWs: STILL. V3T TfiEY COME.—A W OSBORN. the Daguer saaa Ar-.ut. 17a Mais Street, opposite tne Banks, stlli continues to take those life-iike Pictures teat ha. given turn such a ru.n of the last fit' teen moctha. Mr Osborn wiii guarantee to make ane pictures of children In two seconds of time.— Those that have tried at other Gaiieries, tcd failed, sre respectfully invited to call Price, very low.— Come and «eo. Wtork' Stock! Stock!—OSBORN i. pre pared to iumistt Daguerrean Stock, wholesale or retail He oa. constantly en hand every .iee, Star, 40 Plate., Camera., Head Ke*u, Mercury Bath. Gailding Stand., Coating Boxes, Wood Vices; Peck Patent Plate holder.; Color Borea; Cotton Velvet and Silk Velvet Case., all .lees; Jerny Lind, Papeir Maahie and every otiier style of All klndi of Chemical., Also, the Patent Stereoscope ©Rae. cheap for caah. A W OSBOUN, je 18 Sign of the flags ef ail Nation.. GESVIUK SALAIUANiiXR. SAi'JS The subscriber is now receiving a tub assort rnsnt of "S C Herrics's Wilder'* Patent Salaman der Safes ." (Hours otnors are genuine but thoaa made by Herring.) is is Saws have stood the test of a thousand fires. too': tsa premium at tne World' 3 f air, a:;c will taka it everywhere. The subscriber beta? A sent for the Stale o! Virginia, is prepared to have taern manuiactvuea to oraer, of any size from 83ft 'to aicoo. All merchant*, brokers, banks, moused men should have a Herring's Patent Sala mander Sate. Call at 135 Cary street and matte a selection. & SStcOAHDEISH, Jz, jy 7 136 Cr.ry street. LOST, LOST, IOjT-me suoeenber, a green figured Morocco F®cket Ho ok. with a steel clanp. containing one £50 no.e ou the Bsni of Va, and two So notes ou the ssma Tlank. a S-i 5!! goia piece, ana one otaer note, th» number of dol lar* I do not remember. It eiso contains a resaipt given in rnv name and signed by Harwoeti, the SSncriti' of Hanover; and also a letter written mo ty ter John Hughes. totelaer with c receipt from the Sheria of King William, dated March fcu? 30th, 1853- A iineral reward will be paid to the finder, if left *t this o#e« ft i i —ts O ICiiMOHU ANB PETE2SF.CRG J4-V RA(LROAI)—NOTICE.—The public are here by cautioned aeainai any parties wiio may adver tise to carry gooa* or merchandise Dy Erpress be tween Richmond and Petersourg, as no privilege has or will be given to run an Express over this Road The Company's Freight Trains run between tne :wa Biases dallv THOMAS DODAMEAD, Sua't. OSce R. & ?. R. R Co, ) July lath. 1853. I A JUL bifULL ItOi s H. P. TAYLOR, au IjL street, between Grace and Franklin—M; bchool tor oeginners. 1 give ape cial attention to Reading, Correct Enunciation Grammar aiid Spelling; also to Geography, Map LiTKvrmi. Antnmetio and Hitwry. tspeslmens ol my boys' composition and writing, may oe always seen at the Lnspatch office, 'sij Rate is peremp tory. out hs irentie as ooss'ble oe 9 gfl| MPaiNU i am JuUtotMow in receipt of my spnu« stock ol iiVmwili Lrocxu. consisting of Bats. Cava. Boots, Shoe*, i ranks, Carpet Bags and Umbrellas. I deem it aeealeas to panieuiariae; iafsce it so *ay that cr.j a toe* comprises sii toe new atvH-i ck «oods, and irom tne most auprovea manufacturers ot «il the Hortoera cmes. to wriien I invite the attention ol sorenasers. uanag isysn teat cc 3h;qs (bail be •pared to alease tbata. JNQ THOMPSON, ap S No 87 Main street ONLY Ko£* A FKW IMVn LU.SIybU; SELLING OFF FOR LES 1 * THAN COST OUR ENURE STOCK!! —On hand yet, !adi«a' Vack colton Hose 6c, soid at 12c; waite Hoie6e; boy's mixed and unbleached Socks; c'niidrens' while, mixed and alate colored Hose; also, faacy Sucks and Hose very low; white cotton Fringe at 3c; S st rate Scissors at 6c; Knives Sc; crape and berege Shawls at one halt their valas; white ar*i colored besi kid Gloves 33c; Swiss end cambrte In serting at 6, it and ll'c; hdgiogs do, verv caeap; yard wide black Siik at SI 05. cost 31 S3; some very good Silk tor 75c; b'acs and blue Alpaca, very cheap arid very beautiful Goods; brown and white linen Table Cloths 2 yards wide, coßt 60s, at 40o; yard wide French Calicoes 12c; Lawns at 6 and 12c, worth double that; Beregea 16:, worth 250; dark Muslins at 10c; green and blue Veils 25c; black Siik do 35c; lailisa' colored and black silk Gloves 16c; also,lisle thread at lf?c, cost 2ic; linen i'iaper 940 a piece; B*yiie'a best Net-dies 4c; dotted Swiss Mus lin 16c; Collars, Capet, Bands, iia Ac. Call early, as we are compelled to vacate our store WECHSLER <fc COHEN, au I—ts J9I. corner Broad and sth streets. PIUVATK PIiACTICK—Dr PLUME A CO. mav bo aonsulted, confidentially, for tht treatment of the following disease*: Eruptoca oore Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Sweiiinas, or e& lurgements,Syphiiu, and all morbid discharges wnetner recent or tnroiua. Aiao, ail those coca oialnu termad female diaaaiea. ine advertiser! invite attention to tnoir cnemlaai extract of Wflc t lowers, whica may be regarded as tee very be* article known, to glva tone and vigor to ceralt soused aud deoilitate well hs torenoraW « system (nattered by aiMipaUon or o'.asr cause. Mediates! securely put ut>, with full direction*, ana sent to oraer. Post paid le:tera promptly at tended to. C'SSea ou Franklin street, beio-* E* ehange d-otei.and firrt door below Trinity ehurea Ricamond. Virginia no 15— dA w AT AND BELOW COST.—l>aly for a few day* iasger.—A» lam force Ito cloaa in a low daj», lu order ui.l tuy store may be tho roughly repaired by the itt ot September, 1 would respectfully call tae ntteuSon of tart publio to the tact that 1 i»B»a a good aa tor true a tot Dry Good« on hnnd yet, which i am determined to ran <4T betora cloning, a* 1 intend to re-open on the lit of Septem ber, with an euiire new alock of Fall and Winter Dry Good*. Callaoon If yoa wiah to secure bar gaiua. ii KO3KNFELO, jy 85 175 Broad street FAST HOKMK AND ttCbU V r oH. >CTY;iALK —The Horse ta six yeara uid this apiing— sound ana kind, aad a api*)odid dnvei— never had a whip behind him, an J warranted tree from ail taulu. Witn a UtUo practice could be made a 3 oitaate a*j Alao, a light Huggy and Haraeas, sold for waot of nte, sad ot a credit ol 90 dava for good paoer Apply at MR. JSAKMK3T3 HTiBLt jew—a 3TOKA*.K, niomauk.—The O BsTinf rwiird th« cuaiom house l.tunb. r lianas, on Ista atroet, In rear oi our Auction and Cooualaaiuaßio.-e. are prepare d to roceiTt ail aad evftiy kind of Gooaa on atorags, ami oa reaaonabiß u-rtui, insurance can be ederiod at th« lowoat ratea. aa aw ouildUg !a fire projf Every a'.t- nuon win ixt paid to the receptlou aad oeurvry ot all jpmaa uauuauu to as my ati—ta AIJCXAHURR NOTT it CO. oiLKAJvu a*AV JacS. jtlklitiHu PUIUTM AND WUWt.iB.-W9 nave rtcoiTed a fine aiock ol Bit* and t.auaaMertao anirta lirmiri, juat the thing tor thi. Cmli asd aw them *» 8 MfcKOHAK 1 tL WlvlSiOEit 3, )• ' * Ho 119 Main atraßt. OATS. — 12tHJ buaheia superior Oata, now c hand, tor aala by Jj U A9BSUI BAH Am. PPf^|' A BELVIH ha.jn.t reoc-iTed from ff 3 f f yi® o celebrated manufaetotia* of B *. ■ ■Mown Kunn sit Co, Gilbert & Co., aod Burns, a number of tbeir elegant t PIANOS, with a!. the modem Iraprovfiinsnt*—aM as ittej comi from manufacturer. who .laad be. rivalled, their tons and durability cannot be mr. pt sued—whiob he wii! tell low. He alto hu on band a large lot of FUKNITI'RR of bU own manufacture made of Ros* wood VVai nut, Oak aad Mahogany. m&oe up : n the best rtyle-" and tor workmanship cannot be surpassed )n thi* or the Northern market!, being all nssje by and not by machinery. £ 7' > UNDERTAKING—He .till keen. a largo lot of Coffin, and will give hi. individual attention to a]] order, left at his Warehouse, where be can alway. He f onD<l ap23—dacta J A BKLVIN. .t * fj9jg£P£i!fo AKTIFICIAL TEETH— GREAT AND IMPORTANT IM UIS3aJPROV£MENT.-The under.'™*! have purchased the right to use Dr. Allen'. Patent Improvement in the mode of in»ert. ing artificial teeth, which i. one of the greate« and most important inventions ever made in thi. branch of the Dentist', art The improvement con.i.t. in the employment of a metal superior to gold in purity, and in the com plete union of all the teeth by • .iliciou. compound, which at the same time forms the mo.t beautiful and natural looking cum, and tilling up ail crevioe. and irregularitie. and and rendering it impossible for the teeth to become unpleaaant to the wearer by the accumulation of particle, of food or other substan ce 3 between them. No other moda of mounting artificial teeth is comparable to thi. in any respect. Person, wearing te>'th (ln»erted in the ordinary way, and not giving satisfaction,) a re invited V) try thi. invention, which they can do at but little addi tional cost. We .hall be pleated to .hew .peelmen. of this kind of work, to any per.on. who will call at ow office whether they artificial teeth or not. WAYT <t MAHONY Denti.U, njy 17—dtwti Office. 209 Main street. co.paktmkksuj P Sol TlCE.—The .übscriaer. have thi* day entered into Co partnership for the practice of Dentistry, under the firm of McCONNELL it BURTON. Tbrfy wiH practice in the office now occupied by McConneit, on Main street, between &th and 10th .treet. JNO McCONNELL. iy 6—lm* W LEIGH BURTON. A HEALTHY conditioa ot Mouth tali through 111e,by Db aDDISGTON, "graduate of the Baltimore College of Dentai Surgery," practitioner since 1841. He inserts Teeth on the latest improved princl plpg jy 20 feST)T3 'fatNKS, TULNK^.-lThe has on hand the largest y vimd best assortment of Trunks, Va- Carpe; Bags and Ladies' Bon net Boxes, t'aa!c*n ba found in ;hj city; to which he would must re»p«ctfj !y call the attention of all In want as will find the ass trt nent good and tae prices low. ALEX HILL, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots. Snoes, Trunks vaiices, Carpet Bags, &c, <fcc, No li 7 Main street, Richirotid. Va. jv 25 B«| MAXai AND iluoi». M Frcrc fifteen to twenty per cent saved 'M by buying from J. H ANTUOM If, Colum bian Hotel Building, Richmond. Moleskin Hats, of best quality S3 50 Do do seeocd do 3QO Drab Beaver 3 50 Fashionable Silk Hats 2 50 Fine calfskin sewed Boots 3 50 Congress Gaiter Boots 3 25 Opinion of the Fmsb, Frsmtht FincarJe Democrat, April i, 1853. "By the way, wo would say a word for our friend, John H. Anthony, Columbian Hotel Buildit><«, to those going to Richmond, and wanting, on lauding there, to brush up a little, just think of the finest kind of a Hnt for S3 5'J, and hue caiUkln sewed Boots tor £3 50 He promises to do this, and we know he can, for wa saw nirn do it. ap 15 Qjjß&Sp CARRIAGES, CARRi t#fejSfe~The subscriber nas on hand, at hi* Co&cn mailing establishment, on Lombard Alley, between Main and Cary, (13th and 14th streets,) near ths Columbian Hotel, Coachet, Cnariottoes, Barouehes, Buggies, with and without tops, and Sulslej. all of his own maze, of the material# and worzmacshlp—all ol which will be sold sslow st good work oi tne kind can be in the city ot Rich mond ; and respectfully asks a call from those la want of any article in the Carriage line, as I am de termined te maze to order and sell at the lowest prises possible; and ail work icld, that is sew, wu ranisd. ap 4—6<>m MICAJAH MANGUM. YyOOii KOR *<AljK.— ine utirtng Tf » large quantity of Wood u> d spoie of, has hun« It convenient to take a yard for that purpose. Hi* yard is on Brwad street, opixiaite Brooke Avenue. Orders for Wood may oe left at the storei of O. G. Herring, Esq, Messrs Reeve & Blair, ja*. B.Shelton, Esc,or at the yard, which wiiliaoe* V7ita procnyt attention. Ho has on hand about 700 cord superior seasoned Oak W cod. wmsn ne will soli at taa price >a lw —ts JOHfc i. REEVE. CttbAK 1AU —uouriumpawa t;ur«d. — I Tee most successful remedy now in use for the care oi Incipient Consumption, Bronchitis, Astama, Coughs, Sore Throat, diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, Xing'* Evil, Tetter, Dyspepsia, Iks., pre pared by Mrs B. B. Norrii, 343 liaitimore street, Baltimore. Persons afflicted with any of the above dUeaaoa, who may douot the efficacy of the Cedar Tar, are requested to call on the Agent, who will prodoea numerous testimonials of Us great healing potrer from private citizens, and a number of the medical faculty The medicine Is yet In its laiancy, andW destined to supercede ail others in the cure ol dis ease:, for which it is recommend ;d. Call ana get Pamphlets containing certaioatea. ISF" Beware of counterfeits, lea genulutt artt ik) is for sale by P.HORTOci KF.ACH,9I Main street, Sole Agent for Richmond,and jy 3 General Aaentfor Eastern Virginia, DK. GORDON HAKKIS, GRADUATE OF CAMBRIDGE, CLASS 18.-4 _ FOCNDKa OF TIIK JLI BALIIMORE LOCK INFIKiMaRY, No 31 son h Gay M., Opp jsite the Excnange Building and Post Offlca. reqjiing medical or surgical aid, by JL applying to lir H., may secure siuiial treat meat and advice, while ail communications will be secredly ahieidad by the of proleasionxl ho nor. Aware of the difficulty with the public to dlscH mlaate in a newspaper advertisetueat between tha gouuine and skiltul physician and the sftuiious pr& tensions ot the designing and dangerous quack, Or H will cheerruny give, when applied tj, such pri vate references as will fully aatisiy ail who requ.r« his services BEWARE OF NOSTRUMS! Avoid the Patent Elixirs, Compounds aad Cor dia.s, advertised to cure all persi/ua uauer varied forms oi disease. As the constitution aud habits of individuals dlf fer, raason teacaes the same rem -dy cauuot o« suited to all alite, and that disease can ociy be sate ly aud effectually eradicated by a Judicious applica tion oi proper remeaiea. ATTr-NIION INVITED A practical expeiier:ce oi over tfo yeara *nabiaa Dr 14 to insure a aouad and speody cure in a cer tain claa* of uiKUrt. which bare 100 long beflQ yielded by regular phyaiciiiisto toe band*oi qaaca try. He may be consulted eiiaer 1A p- fujn or by letter. Persons a: a Olatanco cared at home by aJdn»- •ioga letter to Dr GORDU.N HAiiitio, xia.U-n*re, Maryland All cjtnraanicabon* confidential. Rfroediea aeut by mall or expreaato any part of tiie United dtate>. }***— -tan* VKLLIMU OFf AT COST, AT J'UK *3 tKANIiUN CLOTHING slUttfc —We »Ul now sea at coat tae balance ot t»ur Susnuier Cioia ing, to make room lor our fail atij winter caving jet a largeaud wt-il ataoru-d atoca of Sum tner Good* on hand auca aa *.pacea and aipacca luatre frock aad ieck GoaU; browu and bud' linen Coata; graaa ardduek Jicen Uo«t», whtt» Uaeu drill aud check and air-ped liucn fsiiU; white, budf and fauoy Marseilles and itneu WsU; aiao, a lar 4 *w as sortment o< au(S!net caaaluiere Paijia, Igethcr with a ia:g>-stock ol geutltßwut'iurnUhmg Goods; soma due g«uae merino uacer J?ftuu~ai Uio frauktut, t« Mkta an cel. jy u-ta H. DKCoU A CO. *i if ilt'fc — i a-i fioa»ueul aud Uincura ol >•»=■ H Oliver tliil Railivad C»oiyau), naro declared a dividend ot »i* per cenl— out oi ina pioata ol uw laai sis monUia—pajrabie on the n< »i day ot AujuM D d V\oOi.. h!DviiS, jy ]4—3w 'I'MWlft ■V AVV tAJC He* r s I'uf fait.-1 ma amen i* piovealavaluab o toriai Kooiu*. Uacepaevery particle 02 dual and d j mar aa (rum the bouie. for aaleby JAS L> 3 fiVAMa, jy & UT *«ii Mite A