Newspaper Page Text
v<l.. 3--NO 249 Tr£ 11 All.Y DISPATCH A. COWAJIDIN, Proprietor. H : W H, FL.GA3ANTS, Editor. \T *ND '' 'U!!«K> «* KINGS *T K ojsUIP LXPHEBB, pJilOtiKK AND JAMESTOWN. ' ; s AND INCREASED EXPEDI R '- Lf - TION. tc 4C rT- "S ' havingmadenewarrangement* I tlftbe at tii dispatchof theirExpMMby ,t r."b'w» iioanolte and Jamestown from U „ v, 2 tbev a -h to keep u bffow the public, >KN A. KlNti S POPULAR SOUTHERN v vpj' ;-»> *.§ fc.wnyt on hand tor th*i nccotrrnod®- tin : di, at the loweit rates and unpa- M>:«oi'patc..- th< ir Express leaving New York, i,'g' A * v d -.v. rod at almoat every point of \tr ie4. h n. and throughout North Carolina in fr' r, • l. *ri<" »t t rty per cent below theo'.d HUM BUG DNUPI LY. PA : .-IN A. KING'S faclllti' af r the expedition traß'iftat: freight and Package*, cannot be fcpAt twr.f ' x; ress company in existence, andthey dffvfjv r tui-'n, ther.-'ore. in the snape of hum! 'X. Imposition and monopoly. fi?* He eu" ' < order your goods by Partaen A-Kan « Express, No i Barclay street, New Ycrk. « pyßort**! -e<?,that all they promise, they will aitbfnllv fulfil M PaJ-KN a. KING, No 2 Barclay at, N. Y., and K aghrook ntre«t, Petersburg, Va. agents. V D Goner Norfolk, Virgin!* J VV Farmville, Va M W i&i'ey f redericksDure, Va We 1 iiaule"'.".".". Richmond, Va Geo rfcgby Lynchburg, Va Jas M.sor .....Charlottesville. Va John iatnpbeli — Weldon, N C 9 Ln Jutt Wilmington, N C 1J DTirrerV.V.V.V Ra'.eigh, N C Jam»al Reid Henderson, N C Turn « Stagings Warrentcn, K C SH Goidsboro', N C St irk Pierce iayetwilie, N C J H Wiitiield 1- N C Jara»« I Dut - Ridgeway, N,C C o- Littleton, N C je l.'-ini ADAMS & CO.* ISew TorU. X irginia and North Carolina STE AMSHIP EXPRESS, Fa V \ 17: D STATES MAIL STEAS!2aS, ROANOKE Az. JAMESTOWN. To and from York, R'chmond, Petersburg, fy:. 6rc. 6?c HAYTNG ••*' ted Hrrangemer.t* with the U. S. n>*:: 'i- . steamers from N w York to Nor folk t d Ri-.r.-i, ni f, i specinl Express jiri vlle|[e« < n it route, we are now prepared so reee'v- wd fird. m and from New York, mer chandise and ; s of every desciotion with dispatch and at tri-atly reduced rates. Our Express wi'i l«av« N-w York every Wed nesdey and S>.r ,ri<iy per splendid steamers Koa moke Jind Jartteyrown alternately. Goods will berece:? -J si :u.r New York office, 59 Broadway, until kail past 'i o'clock, P. M , on ths day of sail ing Merchants an j others ordering (rood* from New York, are requvcted to order by "ADAMS <t I'O.'S STEAMSHIP :MPKKSS" Ourinlnud Express will run a? heretof' re, leav ing N-w York and Richmond daily, in charge of •pecial Aii goods not marked to go via the inland route, will be forwarded by the Steamer Express. ADAMS Sc. CO. J. L McDONOURH. Agent, .Richmond NOTIt K. — 'Ixpr. »s uacjiat'es for Norfolk, Pe tarsbu'2 aiul eXcrimond, intended for shipment per R ;an re or Jamestown, wili hereafter be received by AD-'.MS & CO ,53 Broadway, who are the only auth . -'ieJ agents for Express privileges by Ihoae s:-!arash.-. s LUDLAM &. PLEASANTS, j/» 6—♦« 32 Broadway. New York. -d&ftS NKW LINE OF COACH & ES FROM STAUNTON TO THE HoT a»U vv HITE SULPHUR SPRINGS.—Vis itors to the Virginia Springs, and the public gen orally, are informed that the new and splendid Coaches of the HOT SPRINGS LlNE,which will be run tri weekly during the Springs season, will leave Staunton and the White "*u!phar for the Hot Syriu2B, r very Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at>d w. . leave toe Hot Springs for those places, on the t. .-mate days Tne night stand from Staunton and tie White Sulphur, will be a' the Hot Springs. will be conveyed speedily, comfortably, aud without travel. Fare from Suanion to the White Sulphur, ®5 50; to the Hot and Warm Springs, each S3 50; to the Both and Alum, S3 An »'Xtra Con -H will be kept at the Hot Sprinas Tho»e who w;,h to take this iins will remember to pay through on the Central line only lo gtannton. For seats, a;.: yat Woodward's Hotel,in '-taun toc. TH. GOODK. Hct Springs July 12, 1853. jy 14—2 m SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL. PAINTING. WITH many thinks to those who have i&fL heret-iure patronised me 1 would give no- that 1 am stiii to be touaa ai my shop, on Bank Street, where 1 shall with pleasure endea vor to exrcute. who neatness and dispatch, all work in my line that i may oe favored with. My friends and the r übiic generally are hereby solicited to give me a call. ~ LEWIS L MONTAGUE, jy 23—1 m* HEAD OI'ARTFBS OK FASHION A KI.K CI.OTHING. -tea THi-1 subscriber has now m store, a icnsl ■I iplendia assortment of Sarin* aua ianmtt Wtf CloUiiL! s ,of allaivles and auai!?y. -**- " ALSO, Every style of . ese goods of tae vffrv latest nst erns, which ce is arena red to !n»if to order at the •hortass noune Come and see for vaurcelf. E B SPENCE, No 123, mv 4 » rrer Mein ana Governor ««»eets. (COUPON L >NO* FOB HALE- 'JV 000 J DOLI. VIRGINIA AND TENNESSEE RAILROAD MORTGAGED SIX PER CENT. BONDS, INTf.KEST AND PRINCIPAL PAVA BLE IN NEW iOKK, AND CONVERTIBLE IN TO STOCK OK THE COMPANY, AT THE PLEAS- L'Rfci OF Tilt, HOLDER, AT ANY TIME TILL THE 3UT DAY US' DECEMBER. 1353. These Boucs are in sums ol eilUtlO fach, ir redeemable U ■ .3 years, and arfi a part of the 1o»d of one rnillif r. *va hundred thousand dollars, au thored by tne l egislature at its last session. One tniiiio-of *i„ li was taken by the Stale, and the wVle irr,p ! ' ,«cured by a deed of trust on the entire r ad an property ot the G-'mpany, for the punctual payn, nt of the interest, find the ultimate reoeaipiion t! '.he M nds This loan," with their oriijicti' of Three Sliiiloa, will be ex pendtd on the • id The road w attend from Lynchburg to the Tennessee Hi. a distance of 203 cu.fis, where it •will coßiiect w :ti i .her s rai-ar improvements ex t*cdln< to Meaiphis, on ;h-* Mississippi river, there by.aSordioj. »{<en the South Side tad l etersbarg and Noriolx Kailroads a.-« coraoleted, a ccntinu ous ti mmucicttion from Norfolk, Petersburg and ilichtcotd to .Memphis, it passes through that portion <4 our State remarkable for iu> ter iiitv, its aiiricuiturn! sr>d m nera! production tnd trosn ti- Isr/. %t,rt , -•> ta'ng business wlilch ■ already com;i.f.iid», «h ineiids of tho road are ranguine that it wi : cer u'y pay j wut _ if u>lt ouro.— 'ib- w * i» uoflcr coutta<*t. «>uJ vtili be by ' : Ist ol January, ] iZ'i. A copy uf the a. i >u u-i seen at our oflije, m-i any in loriratioE in : to the Bo&ds. eaa bsia^t.n application t j PURCSLL&.COT iy 18 -2m Richmond. EAT uAKGAINS IN s> X Nw. 13- Mnln Btre*t,—Tu<»ib»o.liber Icter iLi* <j i s») out his stock of Trunks, wW «f tec u jjp hi ati.'ii iow urines as ens ar» sul-* to all in wlfci Travelier« In «.»!>» ct fergs life *X>Bbks, aM <«. ticuiariy aolleivd to tali orl J. 0. GOODMAN, I*o lU4 Main atreet opyoaiw fcajjie Hcaan. _ . OiFiCT Y P1 r* K toot by 0 fit* DAVEM'O&T, & GO. J THE DAILY DISPATCH. Dissolution and COPARTNER SHIP—The firm of L D CRENSHAW & CO, composed of L D Cs*nshaw and J H Cbkn- SHAW, wa« dissolved on the l«t instant bv mutual content Thn CnmMlMlnn. Porwariilcv ■»«' Grocery Business. will bo continued in the Hme Fire Proof Buiid'nz, by Joseph H Cr»nshaw and Wm G Crenshaw, under the style of CREN SHAW & CO. The undersigned. In rething from the Com mission. Forwarding and Grocery Business, avails h'mself of the occasion to tender his sincere and grateful thanks to those who have so long and so liberally patronised him. It is with unfeigned pleasure and satisfaction that he can most cun scientlouslv recommena his brothers as every way worthy of the confidence of his friends; and he re spectfully solicits a continuance of ths'r favors in behalf of ftiessra CRENSHAW & CO. LEWIS D CRENSHAW. Richmond. July 1, 1853. C CRENSHAW'S NEW FLOUR MILL.— "■* The subscribers have entered into a copart nership under the style of CRENSHAW & FISH ER. for the purpose of conducting the Flour .Hilling Hußioe**, at Lewis D Crenshaw's new Mill, now in course of erection at the Tredegar Works in this eitv. As soon as the Mill is sufficiently adfaneei ,they will commence the purchase of Wheat, and hope to share a proportion of public patronage. Their office will be in the new building, on the north side of the Basis, corner of llth street LEWIS D CRENSHAW, jv 7—dim GEORGE D FISHER. V"KH iUEDJCSM-- STOM.K, No >7 Jiajn L" street, next door to Van Lew &, Taylor's — PATERSON &. JACKSON respectfully announce that they have taken the above named stand far the purpose of conducting ths Apothecary and Drug Bumlii?ns. They are in receipt of, and wi!l always on hand a large and complete assortment of fresh and genuine Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals Also, Paiats, Oils, Window Glass! Dye Stuffs. Perfumery, rsncy Articles, Chewing Tobacco, Sriars &c Our stock having been selected with great care by ona of the firm in person, from the most reliable Northern houses, Physicians and others may rely upon obtaining art'cles from us as fresh, genuine, and iree from adulteration, and on terms as accom mod sting ana satisfactory, asthsy can be purchased elsewhere. Prescriptions will be neatly and accurately com pounded, at all times of night or day. A share n! patronage is ssllcited from ourfrier.ds and the public generally, and no effort ™ili be spared to merit Its continuance Ric tcond. July 27. 1853—Ira FFil'r. t l'J'V iVATJtit WORKS, Ju ly'-trih, 1553- —Proposals wii; be received at this office until the 6:h dsy of August next, for furnishing ol six hundred and eaventy-2ve 16 inch cist iron Pipe, averaging in weight one thousand and iiity pounds each i'ipe, and 9 feet long; and uve hundred 8 inch cast Iron Pipe averaging in weight four hundred and fortv eight pounds each Pipe, 9 feet long. Also, thirty.four branch Pipes, averaging from Bto 16 inches fc diameter The con tractor will be required to Eub'-ct ail the pipes and bri-nshes to the hydrau'ic pressure oi throe hundred pounds to the square inch bsfoie delivery To te delivered in tne city of rlicfmond. The proposal stating at what time and in v. h«t acantities tney can be delivered, and the orice per ton of ~240 i!>s cash on delivery, or at 4 moiiihs time No cracked or defective pipe or branch will bs received. Any in formation in regard to the ab ve will rie given by the Superintendent of the City Water Wori«. JAMES L DIVIS, Sup't Richmond City Water Works. jy 2S—ds6thAu AN OHRINANCK, aai'-nding "An Ordinance concerning the Collection of the Assessed T<« :5;" passed June 13;h, 1853 §!. Beit Ordained by the Council of the City of Richmond, That :he 6th section of the ' Ordi nance concerning the so Action of the assassed tax es, 'passed Julb 24th, leiO, to snd the same is herenv repealed §2 The Collector eh«ls commence his collection annually on the tiret dey of July, or as soon there after ss practicable 53 The commission to be deductod by tha Col lector from the amount payab.e by hitn to the Cham berlain, as prescribed by the 9th section of the said Ordinance, aha 1 be two instead of three per cen fjm; and he shall collect and pay over to the 'Jharaberlain, a sum not less than 850,000, by the first day of September in each year. y i The 10th section of the said Ordinance is hereby repealed And if the Collector shall at any time iahto account, and pay oTer to the Chamber iain, as reauirtd by the 9ih section rf said Ordi nance as above amended; or if, in any year, the Collector shall tail to pay to the Chamberlain, ty the first day of September, a aura not less th»u a 50,000; or if, before the first day of November, he shall Jail to pay to tha Chamberlain sueh sum, as with what is paid by the tirs* of September will amount to 6120 000, the Chamberlain shall report the lact to the Council, at its tirst meeting alter wards A copy— au I—6i* WM. ?. SHEPPARD, C C. R. Nt>TICK. —The co»p3itnership heretofore ex isting under the firm and stviaofN VV NELSON <fc CO, whs disso.ved ou the 18th inat All pereoeg indebted to the iate firm ure requested to make payment to N W Nelson, who la alone authorized to receive nil moneys due the late concern. The subscriber thaiiitul tor me liberal patienase extended to the above tiim for the last five years, hopei by strict and personal attention to business to merit s continuance of the ume. jy 26—' m N W NELSON. SMITH, STOCK, I.AND • WARRANT AND GENERAL AGENCY, Office 14th street, old stand for many years occu pied by John H Clarke ai a Lottery Office. The highest market prices paid for old Virginia Military Laud Warrants aid Laad Warrant* underthe act of Septemuar 28. fesu. All outstanding Prize Tickets sold by Mr Clarke will be redeemed by the subscriber. M MARTIN SMITH, Agent. N B—Persons at a distance can obtain any inior mati jd relative to the old business, and have their orders faithfully and confidentially executed by ad dressing, post paid, M MAHTIN SMITH, General Agent my 31—d3>a Clarke's old stand, !4th st. / ii CuUHILL WM N L iGHILL AJ.COGHU.I. J. H.COGHIL.L, & CO, Wholesale Dealers :« Groceries and Provisions, and Commission Merchants, Fire-Prooi Brick Warehouse, San Francisco, California. Refers to Mr James Thomas, Jr, Richmond, Va; Me»srs puree!!, Ladd 4; Co, Richmond; Messrs ilarling, McKer & Co, and Mr J S Flastman, Bal timore; (J A Meigs, Esq , Cashier American Ex change Bank, New York; Messrs Ross, falconer, H>4 Pearl Street, New York; Messrs Page, Bacon .V Co, Bankers, Sau Francisco; Beverly C Zanders, Esq , late Collector of Customs, San F'rancisco. je I—'<m j'Vj O'i'i l e..—Hue oid uavaua ana Principe Ci n gars, to suit all trades; at wholesale and retail. lOucO El Neptunoßraud si>i>o Barranco do 7000 De 'a fljr Habana Brand 5000 El Leon do 45 000 EI Giciie do 14.0C0 Regalias do BJI.O Jenny Liad do 10,000 Blocmar do 40t0 Rough and Ready do fOCOO Venus do 9UOO Diana do 15 000 i'lincite Eagle do SCOO La Bueuoaja do 20JU l,a Vaceaual do SO'X) Ksculapio dj Betide* mmy olb«*r brands 100 nuuiercu* to men !ioi>; in «tcre and lor »sle on accommodating trtims AUo, a geiiellil asiurtmeEt of fine Tobacco, Sautf. Pipes, Tcbanco, Cigar Chsci and blioth rrtftic'es in this line <<1 bus!ne»«- No 164 Main, corner of' lOlb »treet, Ilichraond. J1 30—at- JAS A HARRINGTON. V*'t»Nr. CkJ'X f-iitOi. —juti'ti W EAVI£jS& CO.. erac&cal sum* Cutis>.-» A. &iuuu, South Sld«! ef thsj iwcfc &ear M*-?o s Brrig». We reruns thanks ior th« libera) ijairoaavti we nare rapsSTOd and iruii b» itnct wiejuon ijcu»lua»i, loocntaw taa cotad<«aa of tn«> It 13 ih'M iB -* i<3 C'jnvauicuco ul lußKEavTug efcur ' »■ '''b.ij. or p'.iicJ«iocai bu tneSg "wita ra»>, L S«'tL I£o b * Hubert » Vi »m wlma 1 may oe Com iL«I 4 . ffl ili?' 5 d **> uuleM el*«wh«N. en ' l>3-tf ' JOS MATo. ! I RICHMOND. F UDAY MORNING. AUGUST 5 1853. I.— .more PIANOS. —JAMES fiEBygffiwoODHOUSE, l»te Nash & Wood 5* 1 31 \'i ff hou * t '' has Just received a further » " * » "addition to his present stock of Piano Fortes. Professors, Amateurs and purchasers geneialiv, ap« invited to examine his stock. The elegant I ianos made by Chickering, Messrs Stoiiart ■t Co, and J B Dunham, can be found in all their variety of styles, at h's establishment. The extensive »tocx with wh'ch he Is constantly supplied, end the prices at which thev are offered, render it entirely unnecessary to send or go with to purchase Piano Fortes Old Pianos taken in part payment. Piano* tuned and repaired. su 1 SUNNS A CLARK'S »CSi«iag3eiANOS.-P. H TAYLOR, sole fj gg ff agent in this city for the sale of Pi -1 ■ m H "ano Fortes niad« by the above nam ed celebrated makers, is constantly receiving elegant and plain Pianos from their extensive and long e§ tablished manufactory. Their instruments received a prize at the "World's Fair, London, and several prizes »t the American Institute Fairs in this country. They combine a'l the modern improvements with the Metallic Frame and patent ever slrvigs. and arc confidently recommended for ticeetneei of ton', and trrtat durability, which latter quality will bo appre ciated n the country, where gjod tuners are seldom found. P. H. Taylor has aold these Instruments In thii elty for the last seventeen yean, to the entire satis faction oi his numerous customers Old Pianos taken in part pay for ne-w ores i he public are cautioned to observe that the title of the firm is Nunns a Clark Guitars, Violins, Accordeons and Flutes Alto, Guitar and Violin Strings of the best quality. P H. T. has in store the largest stock of new and standard Music to be found south of Baltimore, and is in the weekly receipt of all the new and faihion abie music of the day. A liberal discount made to schools and dealers. Piano and3lu»lc Store, 160 Mi'.tn St. au J Frießtlfcbh*. HOW sw<'et is friendship when sincere, How sweet to nnd that Jtiendship afar, Wh'in sunk In pain or grief— To hear ween we're with care oppresi'd, liach sigh soft, echo'd in some breast That pants to give relief. Even in friendship's joyous hour, E'en then ire own fair friaodKiip's pow'r, Nor wish that power fieri — For while ws roara wka rspiur'd eyes, £ach fleeting moment swiiter flies When we're by friendship !ed. O would yon through life's vary'cg scsne, Still find a friend on whom to lean, On whom you can rely— A single dollar but enclose, I'll send a recipe thai shows To make the best hair dye. Jgi?* See advertisement of F. C. an 2—fit* A If YiU.X UOOli-"*: AWT.-OS iiOODs! /*- Thssubseri ours have, within the last Jew nays, rece'ved iarg» additiors to their stock of che«p Dry G kxU direct from Auction, which will besolrl very low during the month of Augu't, to tnablethim to have plenty room for tbeir Fail Suppiy. They consist in part oi very fine and guod bi-ach»d Cot tens for shirting aid sheetings; t*i»h l inens; Fian ce!*; Tissing-; dark Prints; Baraga do Laities; Hocslins; black Silk and black siik face*; Bobbin Kdgings; O.mbrie acd Swies Edgings and Bands; S;ee?-3 and Collars; worked and plsin I'nen cam brie Handkerchief, silk M.tts; Ribbons; and, in fact, everything usetul acd desirabie, c»n bs hvtd at the lowest pricc, st J. MILLHISER Si BROTHERS. 193, Broad Street. N. B,— All of our Summer Drew Goods will be sold without regard to; including, also cur h«ndsome assortment of Ribbons. au & FL.ANDEHB ON THE LAW OF SHIP PING.—A Treatise on the Law of Shipping, by Henrv Fiandors—s4 50. A Commentary of Medical and Moral Life, or Mind aod th« t rriotions, considered in relation to health, disease and religion; by Wm. Cooke, M. D M. R. C. S.—SI. Vol. 7 Exchequer Reports; cortaiaing Welsley, Hurlstoce and Gordon's Reports— Just received and for sale by au > A. MORRI3, 97, Main street. WANTED —Koom ia my »tor? to stow sway the large stock of Dry Goods whieh I will reeeive in a few weeks. In order to accoaip i>h my desire. 1 will cffer such inducements thai no one wiii leave my store without obtaining the article called for. My stock consists t-i Fercge de I.sines; Lawns, Ginghams, Bereges, Tissues, Gando'as, swijs, check. strip'd and camoric Muslins tor dress es Also, B"dd Tick, Sheetings, Embroideries in large varietv; table Cloths; Napkins; Torrels; linen and silk Pocket Handkerchiefs; Laces of ail descriptions; Hosiery of ail styles, it vou want bargains, don't delay a moment, but cali at once at the stores of JACOB A LEVY, au 3 Nog. 15 and 59 Msin Street SIfiU.UKK BUAKIMMU.-'lte suosorioer, situated at Mechum's river, the present termi nus of the Virginia Central Hatiroad. has accom modations for twenty or thirty boarders. His nouse, beds and rumiture are entirely new; his rooms well ventilated, tne surrounding country healthy and delightful. Every exertion will be made to render his guests comfortable. Terms moderate, and made known on application. VVM GRAVES. Mechum's River, May 25th, 1853 mv -26— dtf MUm.. —liar lag tfokteu iny luuia, hi opring ithl, in operation, 1 am now prepared to iumiso Me*.;, eitner Bolted or Unbolted, of the best quality, made of best white aorn. on tne moat favorable terms. Apply to Jeter Lenwicn, a lew doors be low the Columbian Hoioi, or to me at the Floyd House. JOHN A. JETER, ap s—dta PEEL'S LONDON UKEEN (jIISGEK WINE, manufactured from French Grapes, green Jamaica Gingar, Sevilla Oranges, Citron, &c; recommended by tne faculty for Indigestion, Acidi ty, &c ice. This deiicious beverage nas become the greatest tavorite wherever introduced. It is equally palatable, more wholesome, and not hsiithe price of any other wine oi first quality A supply received, for sale at i. BLAIR'S, au 1 139 Broad St., opposite the Depot. f»IUCK 3IAKEUS, TAKE NOTICE | * 'ihit 1 am now prepared to supply all who are iu want with Cnarles Camels' Patent Brick Presses, Ciay Wheels, Moulds, dcc, samples of which cac be seen ia operation at John D. Quarle'i, Williams, Bon dc Kasiand's, and Glenn ic Jia-is' yards; said by these geull- men to be tne greitast improvement now extant For paniculars, apoiy au 1 ROBKttT RaNKIN. Afent. TDLEGANT AMD POPULAR PKEPA RATIUNS FUR THE TKETH — Odonttne, the i'eari Denti.'rlce and Roseat" Elixir, three of the most elegant, agreeable and effisacious dentifrices in use; prepared and sold by PIiRCELL, LADD & CO, Druggists, au 1 92 Main street. ALPACCA HACKS, DUCK FHOt'KS, jtc.—tt.K Jamestown, july 26.—we bare ta:s morning received a fine assortment ox black A'pa<ca Sneaa, white and tiro*n Duck Frocks; blunter * Ui>en Frocks, b jund; striped Union UriJl I-rcck«,ac; Uiugaam do; whiia Marseilles Vests; black l'aiian cord ac; English 6uk. 4tc. Cb.l at ibe Money Saving Institution «i KEEN, CHILES Si BALDWIN, No 10*2 Main itreet. N B New style white, biack and fancy rich em broidered and Siik Op«ra Tie*. jy 27 VIiK.IMA CH;iTKAL KAIJLUUAJ>— Piaster.—At a meeting of tbe Beard of IM rector* ol tbe Virginia Central Riilroad Company, c-u 15th July, 1663, tbe fallowing rtssiaoou was adof ted, vis: Kesolved, That ia not to be deposited on the Compfiiay'a ground until teady to tricfport it, unless the owner takes tbe risk U any loss skat may occur. A copy irom tbe Minutes of the Board of JNrec-> tors. J CiAK&KT'r. jy 23—2 m Secr^jary,- »lf(kc.-*ii lurama, toatiM ' ing of— Rcdeshetmer Llebp&n rnilaa Prtnoa Metteraiek's Yellow Seal Cqfctnet and iiparallng Moselle. of rtf o*B asportation, re eetved, and foe sals. _ _ __ Jgr y RMSOftTpM, THE DAILY DISfATCH. Richmond. Au«u»t .1, 1533. Ju.f w^r£ D ? T ? OF MR WEBSTER. SDafred of 1 after hi » recovery w&s de side and v. P /s :c i&ns approached his bed rhei.£klwtn,h 3W ?° und him » elf - "I "ke i« hu h«^T ly f wer f ThS: br!in of thfdyiSg f m^ l L 1 ap w \7 b X^ stately oak was p'eri.hing^a^he^op'^ method in the answer which th» . e , e D 0 ceived. One of the ladies prearmt, Webster better, did not beliere his mind wa, d"r in,, and, stepping quietly t. his bedside, him what he meant by saying he felt '-like ti. j«^d!w in the chnrch steeple?" Why Co»n«r.VZ. 7 delightful translation of one o/vincent tla poems, entitled The Jackdaw. 61 "! sen^ oa » copy of the versas, which soma af yoar readers ma? have forgotten, or never read, that they may p»rceive tne perfect htness and point of the replv —I CorrJ. pondence of the N Y. Evenie. p 0 ,t PJ ' |U)rre> - THE JACKDAW. There ia a bird who, by his coat, And by the harshness of his note, Might be soppased a crow; A great frequenter of the church, Where, bishop-like, he finds a perch, And dormitory too. Above the st*eple shines a plate, That turns and turns to indicate B'rom what point blows the weather; Look up, your brains begin to swim, 'Tis in the clouds—that pleasas him; Ha chooses it the rather. Fond of the speculative height, Thither he wings his airy flight, And thence securely sees The bustle and the raree-show That occupy mankind below, Secure and at his ease; You thiak, no doubt, he Sts and muses On future broken bones and bruises, If he should chance to fall; No: not a single thought like that Empiays his philosophic pate, Or troubles it at all. He sees th»t this vast roundabout, The world, with all its motley rout, Charch, army, physic, law, Its customs and its businesses Are no concern at all of his, And says—what lays he?— Caw' Thrice happy bird! I too have seen Much of the vanities of men. And, sick of having seen 'em Would cheerfully these limbs rosign For such a pair of win ft as thine, And such a h-?ad between 'em. Indications of Weather, as shows bt Animals, Insects and Plants —An interest ing paper was read at the recent meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, held at Cleveland, showing the possi bility of foretelling the weather, by observing natural facts. Migratory birds, in the spring, if the season is to be windy, thatch the straw and leaves on ilie inside of the nest, between the twigs and the lining; and if it be very windy, they get pliant twigs and bind the nest firmly to the limb, securing all the small twigs with their ealivas. If they fear the approach of a rainy season, they build their nests 60 as to be sheltered from the weather; but if a plea sant one, they build in the fair, open place, without taking any extra precautions. Snails do not drink, but imbibe moisture in their bo dies during a rain At regular periods after the rain they exude this moisture from their bodies, but are careful not to exude more than is necessary it a time. They are seen abroad about two days before a rain, when they as cend the stems of plants n«d the bark of trees. If it bn a lons and a hard rain, they get on the sheltered side of the leaf, but if a short one, they gel on the outside. Some species of these insects also change their color after a rain, growing lighter colored as they exude the moisture. The leaves of trees ire even good barometers; most of them for a short, light rain, will turn up so as to receive their fill of water; but for a long rain, they are so doubled as to conduct the water away. The Rana, Bufo and Hyla are alao sure indications of rain; for, as they do not drink water, but ab sorb it into their bodies, they are sure to be found out the time they expect rain. The Lc custa and Gryllus are also good indicators of a storm. A few hours before ths rain they are to be found under the leaves of trees in the hollow trunks. Washington County.—We see by the last Abingdon papers, that the court of Washington county —all the justices present—have autho rised a subscription of $4,000 to the Russell old court house road, authorized to be made by a recent act of the Virginia Legislature. Wash ington is the oldest county in the United States, that bears the name of the "Father of his Country;" and if devotion to the cause of inter nal improvements is a recommendation, she well deserves the illustrious title she bears.— The county subscription to the Virginia and Tennessee railroad, is $34,000; and the private subscriptions of individuals residing there, ex. ceeds $100,000. Frightful Accident —Sunday last, as Mr. John Fern ell, of Philadelphia, was about crossing a bridge, near Wheeling, in a buggy, with his wife and child, the horse became frightened at a drove of cattle, and commenced leaping, when Mrs. F. jumped out with the child. The horse, which was blind of an eye, jumpeH off the parapet wall of the bridge on the blind side, to the ground below, a distance of 30 feet. The horse was unhurt. Mr. F. escaped with the dislocation of an arm at tha elbow. C. VV. Pearson, oveiseer lor Leonard Roe* baugh, of Fayette county, Tennessee, was mur dered on the 25ih alt, Audy, a negro man belonging to Mr. R., was arrested under cir cumatances that left little doubt that he was tbe murderer. J.M.Trowbridge and Norman Oti?» sotfle lime sicce, secured the contract for dredging the Appomattox river to Petersburg. Some difficulty occurring, it has been gir eft to Mr. Trowbridge alone, who, the South-ai<?e Deq ocrat aaye, will immediately proceed to exe cute. The contract secrms to be one entered into on behalt of government, at Wasbipgtoo, by Col. Totten. N P Tallmadge, a man of prtfmirfence in kia day, is completely under tbe dalusico of the spirit rappera. He bn bean recency lec turing on the subject at Fond du Lac, tod took occasion to abuse tbe pra*s of fba United States, for its ridicule of tberappiags, ia tfi* me A bitter language. Talmir'b; Shockoe Hill, ) Thuridat, August 4fb, 1853. $ Messrs. Editors!—A travelling newspaper correspondent and ex editor from the North, arrived in your pleasant city, for the first time in his life, ia induced lo offer a few notes by the way, for insertion in your interesting paper. Wherever I go find the gentlemen of the presa foremost in the points of intslligence, courtesy and liberelity; and it is to them among the first that I am hence induced to pay my respects. I hare just ended a visit of nearly three weeks to Norfolk, with which place, in many respects' 1 was well pleased. After hastily looking at its capabilities, I am unable to see why it should not speedily become one of the marrmrth places of the country. I cannot see why,since it has been as greatlv favored by nature as Boston. I fancy that it its principal men bad a little more of the libeiality and public spirit which distinguish the merchant princes of the New England metropolis, it would do them no harm. Norfolk, however, is evidently looking up, in the best sense of the phrase. Aware of the ad vantages of her position as a stand point of de livery, so to speak, between a broad and fertile section of the South, and the Northern States, sne is gradually but steadily proceeding to de velop her resources, and to avail herself of her neb commercial facilities. In the single matter of shipping fruit and early vegetables to the Worth, she is doing an enormous businees.— One of her produce traders, I was told, had this season cleared the snug little sum of $5000 in sending early cucumbers to the North. A cool operation ait round, especially if they arrived and were eaten in the hot.est daya in June If newspapers always exert an enlightening influence, the good people of Nn r f o ik must cessanly dwell upon the acme of intelligence They have no less than five daily pape% all in full blast—some of them of pretty Urze size. Portsmouth, a close neighbor of Norfolk has one daily, and somebody, I notice, has just commenced the daily playing of a iiemo cratic organ there. In Norfolk, I paid my re 3pects at the sanctums of the Herald, Argus and News, and at the Beacon Reading Room, at each of which places I was received with a courtesy worthy of the craft. For nearly three weeks at Norfolk, it has rained almost without intermission. The old est inhabitants say that thsy never knew quite such an extensive wet spelf before, at this sea un of the year. Probably the people of that eiiy will be glad to enjoy the present interval •f pleasant weather. The new Mayor of Norfolk, Mr. Woodis, appears to regard all the laws as passed fir use, and none for show. He is quite courteous, but carries things with a Dretty rigorous hand. This course is acceptable to the citizens ge nerally. who regard their late Mayor, Mr. Stubbs, as one of the best of men, but not as having held a sufficiently tight rein in his man agement of disturbers of the public peace. Strong expectations were entertained about a fortnight since thut President Pierce would visit Norfolk; preparations were commenced to receive him, and both the heads of the peo ple and the good every day folks, were pre paring to greet the Chief Magistrate with fit ting cour'esy. It has since been ascertained that the President will not leave Washington at present. I came on in the steamer Curtis Peck, which your readers need not be told, is a fine, fast boat. We had a very pleasant company on board; among the passengers being Hon Henry A Wise; Col McCandlish, of Williamsburg; S T Sawyer, Collector at Norfolk, and fam ily, and Mr Hall, the noted and wealthy book seller of the same city. Respectfully yours, I>el Norte. Correspondence ef the Dlnpttch, Fredkricesidkg, August 3,1853 Messrs. Editors: Gentlemen —The Profsssors of the Southern Female Institute have determined to remove the Institution to your city, and the determina tion is a cause of general regret among our ci tizens. But we have not th« power to control their actions, nor are we fully acquainted with th« motives by which they are prompted.— Good ones they aie, no doubt, anu we feel happy to know that they have made auch ar rangements as will cause them to enter upon their labors in Richmond under good auspice:). We learn that they hive secured the servi ces of Mrs. General Pegratn, justly a favorite of your city, as a matron of tne Institute, and with the aid of a French lady of fine attain ments, Professors Powell and Morrison wiil undoubtedly conduct au educational establish* men! which has never had its superior in your city. We were among the invited guests iu tbi? place at the close of the last session, when the diplomas were awarded. The exercises were opened by a beautiful and fervent prayer from the Rev. Mr. Krebs; after which, Prafej. sor Powell, in some introductory remurks, ex plained the reasons why diplomas were consi dered necessary for those who had attained the necessary proficiency in their studies. The venerable Judge Lomax, after a few eloquent and feeling remarks, then presented the follow ing young ladies with diplomas: Miss Mary P Burnley, of Mississippi; Miss Mary A Gwath mey, King William, Va; Miss Bettie J Mason Falmouth, and Misses E IS Barton, EJ C Bat ton, E T Buggett, Mary Cunningham, A M Goolrick, Attawa Johnston, V S Knox, L F Rowe, Sallie A White, A P Whittemore, M L Whittemore, Ellen M Herndon, Catharine V Wellford, Lucy R Gtay and A S Gray, of Fredericksburg. It reqairesan attendance of four sessions, and per eel s.udies, to gain a diploma. Many youag ladies had attended only two'sessions, aud will receive their diplomat at the end of next year. Others had left before th# close of this session lor their homes, and, of course, were not entitled to such. We bespeak for this Institution the consideration of your citi zens. This subject has exhausted my paper, and 1 have only room to say that Mr, Worrell, engi neer elect of the Fredericksburg and Gordons ville Riilroad, having declined to serve, tbe President and Directors have put tbe superin tendence of the road under Mr. Latrobe, the eminent engiceer, whose efficient corps will soon commence operations. 1 hi; weather it hot, and many of our citizens are leaving for cooler quarters. Youts, Jtc. Esskx. BP* The Staunton Spectator, noticing the advent of the locomotive Frederick Harris in the Valley, remarks that it cioned tbe moon tain nearly a century and a half after txovernor SpottsM ood and his gallant band—the "Knight* of tbe golden boree aboe"— the discoverers of Augusta. Who know*, to says, bat what ia mother century, tha flying maeHne may light upon Rock Full ©apt A hundred years!— Why, our cotcmporary is Mold fogy. The fly ing machine will bff ia operAion, we conjee (Ore, before we die, aad we expect to visit bin in one. (Quarantine has been established at lateet datea at Natcbez, Misswehwn, to prevent ike yellow fever from reaching Met place, and ia ail tke towns oo the Mississippi, aaaitaTy me*- yuca were adopted w|k a atuulat riew, PRICE ONE CENT SPIRIT OF THE PRESS, lesterday's Whig ig .Imo.t , olire |, „ ke _ up w,,h the reply „ lhe Facnlty of the Medic.l College u»m city to the publication of sod dry physicians, and in vindication of dmr own conduct in the matter at iMae ~ \ Hamp<3en Syne r College.— 7 8 3~W " p, y aDd complete. Tfce Profeasors of the Medical De partment ask the Mastera of Hampden Syd*r to re-considsr and reverse their action. It w to be hoped that the parties will be able to heal incir d»Bßcnaionse The Timet drops politics for the day, and devotes «, colarana to news and miscellany. 1 he Mail has an article upon the character, talents and attammeats cf Mr. Rites, it is highly eulogistic of this distinguished states man. The Enquirer, like the Whig, is pretty much occupied with the publication of the Profeaaors of the Medical College. The Enquirer haa an article upon the affair, of Europe and |becOß . dition and proapecta of oar country. The En quirer still thinks there will be no'war oat of the present issue between Turkey and Russia - but it augurs from the popular discontents and the vagaries of Absolutism in Europe, there will be continued struggles between the peopla and their rulers, that will be deeply interesting to us. Telegraphic. —We have already announce ed the appointment ef S. Mowry, jr., a promi nent merchant of Charleston, S. C, as Presi dent of the Washington and Now Orleans tele, graph company. He is said to be a gentleman of energy and capacity. If so, wa trust be will show these qualifications by reforming the line between this city and Washington, which is in a most defective and feeble condition. I5F* Mr. Evere t, late Secretary of State, is generally known ns a gentleman of extensive information, and one who will not "speak with out book" on important subjects involving sta tistical facts. From a computation of his, it appears that the use of alcoholic beverages cost the United States directly, in ten years, $120,000,000; has burned or otherwise destroy* ed $5,000,000 worth of property, has destroyed 300.000 lives; sent 250,000 to prison, and 100,- 000 children to the poor house; caused 1,500 murders, and 5,000 suicides; and has bequeath ed to the country 1,000,000 orphan children. A personal difficulty has just been se> tied in Charleston, S. C., between Messrs. Alfred M. Rhett and Isaac M. Dwight. The latter in a publication in one of the Charles* ton papers aaimidverted upon the political opinions of Mr. R. B. Rhett, the father of Mr. A. M. Rhett, and Mr. A. Mi R. considered this animadversion personally offensive, and there upon published a cord which led to a chal lengefrom Mr.Dwight. Mutual friends inter fered and through their influence all the hos tile papers were withdrawn so as to leave the case disembarrassed with nothing but Mr. Dwight'a original article. Young Mr. K. then demanded of Mr. D. if he intended aay imputation or personal offence to Mr. R. B. Rhett in this article, and upon Mr. D.'s die claiming any such intention, the matter was honorably|settled. The Amaxon.—The Washington Republic gives a rumor that the Secretary of the Nary haa granted a two years furlough io Lieutenant Porter, of the Navy, wbc, it is rumored is to take command of squadron fitted out by emi nent merchants of New York and elsewhere # toaacend the Amazon river, and make explo rations preliminary to the establishment of commercial relations with the rich country drained by its tributaries. The Republic, al ludes to the story that Brazil-, who commands the mouth of the river, will resist the passage of the vessels, and says if they are resisted they will fight their way up. GF* The Staunton Spectator believes that the cars will not be put upon the railroad, be tween Waynesborough and Staunton, until the temporary track across the Mottntaia is completed, which will be in December. Burglary and Djispkhatb Fight with ram Eubqlabs.—The residence of Mr J \V Maury, fa Wt'mlngtoa, Del, was entered by twe tana Thursday night last. Two you a; men, aimed McNair and Nones, sleeping in the boose at tks time, were aroused by the noise made by die bur ners. Tin young men do mi with the robbers, who were athletic feliowt, and fired levari? shots at them After a desperate coofl'ct upon the stairs of the dwelling, the burg lars fl'd, and have not yet bun arrested. One is thought to be wounded. Astuka —Mr Samuel Landstreet, of Baltimore* s highly respectable merchant, furnishes the BaM mo re Patriot with a statement en the snbjeet of Ms experience in the use of the Inhaling apparatus fiar &*ihma, with which he hasbeena long tune tjlilctei. I; has benefited him very macfe, and he neoao mend« it earnestly to al! parsons similarly aflllpiad. NOTltiK.— ictendtaf to dinoectiuua buiiaca* in Hummana. all usoum dM ma «rttt M placed in toe hand* of M» Bdward D bach*, far collection, alter lit of July. All perioiu hokMa* eiaimi wiiui me will pieaae pr«w*'nt tbam to bttaa tor Mjmsai, anti all yeraeM indebted to aa pi cue znaae payment 10 him wttaoul delay. ja'X THOMAB E PACE. • IAUD 1> ttINK 1N G.-To ttacae jx-faoM wk* I 1 um tta» aeddf watef from the «lty hydrant*— they can ba supplied With MM which ia furheUf clear by getting one of thoM Mediterranean Filter ing Stoaet i rota dc LATH HOP, #> Main*. Pitas 81 39 to 43 00 Jj 25 I\j«TICK-TMftOC«Bf i' On an 1 alter the Ist day of Annuel, thafiuigM un all aruclas trotn thu aiace, dwiiued to imy mt lien on th) Sou.h Side Road, will h£_cultoc«d aft thia Dipot. A. W. MIL.LWAVQB, »» I Gea'l FwfrhMa—» * + *> U ttKH HI VMM, tti itUAVi'W CIMjiMZ, J direct from !*• of thia Ja»tly caleorated C»m«nt Jwt receired.aad ROBERT aAWKIW, BoldAtwl I/AlWui HKA**.—Vae cms tfesi* »aaiii* * Ca Dngltm, an I mfatoHpfr lILAfgP WAM« r < "y *lr?7 " rte^'or * tuiHuLsr* P Jj#j 198 *«■>•*•*•