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The daily dispatch. [volume] (Richmond [Va.]) 1850-1884, August 06, 1853, Image 1

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VOL. B—NO 250
ISeTX COWAKDIN. Proprietor.
=1.,. p,.V noXDM FOH BALK—UO-OO©
p . ;A V:'C;INU AND tfnnksskk
S;v' vun M hk. and convertible IN.
are in ,u,ns 1)1 * ltW ° P * ch ' ir "
rot.i msb «■ 'years, *nd are * p*rt of the loan
I or" :rsi: - Bvh hundred thousand dollar#, au
thr • /• A' ? t*-' Legislature at it# last session. One
!r: which W«« taken by tfce State, and the
w j3, amp-" fecund by a deed of trust on the
f.f • r .a.i s:; I property of the Company, for the
P»v:: ens of tbe interest. and the ultimate
r,.deal- uen fcl th.i Bond#. Thi# loan, together with
taXr .rwicCapital of Three Million, will beex
iX'nJt'd i»D the road
The roao w. 11 extend from Lynchburg to the
Teac#»#••-' line, a distance of 205 mile#, where it
w c. ;.nect with other s'mi'ar improvement# ex
teeing t.» Memphis, on tb* Mi##i«sippi river, there
by a3>r Hps. wnea the South Side and Petenburg
w ,i S-itf.t.t Rat.roads are completed,® continu'
, > c rr.tr.:.l.Cc. . :i Irom Norfolk, Petersburg and
Richmond, to Memphis. It paste# through that
■ u>jd of oar State remarkable for its fertility, it#
iuiicuitura: a.sd mineral productions, and from
It- ,»rge and .. vexing business which it already
c mrr.rii.ds, friends of the road are sanguine
that ;t wi; ct ruiniy pay : per cent, if not more.—
lb whole « <rk is contract, and will be
completed by the let ot January, 1855. A copy oi
tfce niu.t, „• "an i o fen at our office, and any in
toraiat.. nin ;• :d to the Bond#, can be had cn
application to PURCELL Ac. CO,
iy 2m Richmond.
iV Tfc- »übu\-.:»-r» nave, within the .'ast tew oar*,
r -cj y-a .art i. ii.tior.it ) their stock of caetp D.-y
G txit cireci i.-oni Anc'i a, which will be sola very
lew durk t> • month of August, to nibble thm to
r testy i :n for their Fail Supply. Tney
Co* *t in ; very fine and good beached Cot
t n» rorgbin . t a: d sheetings; I i'h Linens; Fian
ce*: , lark Print*; Ber >ga da l.airjes;
Sio-jfl.rif; tiick Silk and ttack silk Lacet; Bobbin
EJgiSi.'*; Cfc:£»c»i>s a a S»i»a Edging* ar.d basal;
S.ee- sand Colia-s; w rgei s.nd pisin I'ueu catn-
Handli' rcbir -a. silk M Its; ilibbcns; and,in fact,
e~ ryti:;ng uiv.ui acd d s.rabie, caa bs n»d «-l the
iowu.t r 'rice, st
J, allLLlilSiill & BftOTHKRS.
323, Broad Stieet.
N. 3.-4". cf our Summer Dress (roods will be
* .d vriiheut r- sard to p ice; including, a'.gj our
h»ndtoin" as»>. ttrea* i f ttibboni au2
WANTiiO- ti..» .in la uoy »tor 3 to stow away
the !b.-g» stock >.f !iry Uooda which f will
r-e ivu i ; a • w vrr At. in order to accomp.ish my
d* site i wi_. .r; reueh inducements that no one
wi i leave my .-i- without obtaining the article
ca.ied for. My t. ck o mists rf Herege de I.aines;
Lawvi, Uisgaama, Uereges, Tissues, G indoles,
fiwiis, check ctrjp'd ar.d ciimoric Mualias tor dress
es AWu. H d Tick, Sheetings, Embroideries in large
varieti; tat - < :.ths; Naukins; Towels; iinen and
ti. i Pocket V ■- .-romels; Laces of ail descriptions;
Ho 6. ;xy o; til e a. if vou want bargains, don t
dciay a moment, cut call at orce at the stores of
au 3 Nos. 15 and 59 Stsiu Street
OL'.iiijAltuiNU,—iue suascriDer,
Ij aitastec Kt Mecnam » rirer, the present termi
nus of the Virginia Central Railroad, has aceom
moaaUone lor twenty or tnlrty boarders. His
house, beds and furniture are entirely new; nia
rooms we : vtmiiated, the surrounding country
healthy ana delightful. Every exertion wi!! be
male to reLder his quests eornfortable. Terms
moderate, ana mace known on application.
Mechutii's Rivpr, May 25tb, 1853 my ii6—dtf
M JS/tii.— gutieu lay rnihs, at spring Hill,
!*i in operaLou, i am now prepared to furnish
Meal, :ner Boutd or Unbolted, of the best quality,
made ot ~o«t white aorn, oa the most favorable
terms. Apply to Jeter A: Leltwich, a few doors !>•»•
iow tae Colono bian ttoiei, or u> me at the Fioyd
so s—dts
WINE, manufactured from French Grapes,
greeu Jamaica Ginger, Sevilla Oranses, Citron, *c,
recommended by the faculty for Indigestion, Acidi
ty, Ac Ac. Tb'.a delicious beverage cas become
the greatest lavorite wherever introduced, it is
equally yalaiabie. more wholesome, and not half the
price of any other wine of first duality A supply
received, Jor sale at ' J. BLAIR'S,
au ! iii 9 Broad St., opposite till Depot.
-S lhst i am now prepared to supply all who are
in want with Ccatles Camels' Patent Brick Presses,
Cay Wheels. Moulds, ice , samples of which csn
be seen io operation at John D. Qaarle'a, Williams,
t in A h&vlaud's. and Glenn &. Davis'yards; said
by these gentl- men to be tne greate.t improvement
now estacl For particulars, apoly
the Pearl Dent;! rice and Roseat- Elixir, three of the
must elegfcnt, agreeable and efficacious dentifrices
in use ; prepared and sold by
PURCELL, LADD A CO, Druggists,
au 1 92 Main stieet.
<lc>—Phß JaMESTOWN, JULY 26.—We
cave this morning received a fine assortment ot
biaea Alpacca Sacas; white and Dro»n Duck Frocks;
i'ihuier's Lioeu Frocks, br und; striped Union Drill
ji-rockvoo; Grata Gingham do; white Marseilles
\ clack l'alian cord ao; English Suk, Aic. Cai)
at the Money tuvtaa Inatitution ot
No 102 Main street.
N 8 New style white, black and fancy rich em
brt/idari>d and Silk Opera Ties. jy 27
* Planter. —At a meeting of the Board of Di
rectors oi the Virginia Central Railroad Comuany,
on loth July, 1853, tho following resolution was
aduj ted, viz:
Kesalved, That Plaster is not to be deposited on
the Company's grouud until leady to transport it,
unless the owner takes the risk of any loss thai may
A copy froas the Minute* of the 3oard of Direc-
jy —2m Secretary.
IjtikMKii Wl?«Jii».—aii invoice, •ooaisl
>i mg of—
Prince Mettcrnieh's Yellow Seal Cabinet and
Sparkling Moselle, of my own importation, re
ceived, aiij tor Sije.
; Jy '■> R M BURTON
CO.. uracucul Stone Cutter* Sc SS&sota, South
■ide of i;i*i li'.Kt* ceer Mayo » Bridge. We return
Banks for trie lirierai oaivouaire we received
nud trust bv strict attodcion to business, ;o coatinut
K* ""»nt tne cuniideuce <<i uhj ouolic. jy 13
tae convenience of those having either
B ctfi:iai <»r professional bu iness witn me, I
pvc thliei; the office Utely occupied by Robert G
■cott I«o <o 13th Hreei, whera 1 may be seen trout
B tiil so clock io the day, unless elsawhere ea
ca fW.-iat business. JOS MAYO.
B. street, oeiw.ea (..*ce and Frankiln—Mv
,or Dcgmnerc, i mve sp.,
attentSoa to iie&au j, Corroet Knuucuiticm
BumaiAr speutug; ais<j to hl&p
ftawinj. k 11.litiirtiic! and History, fcpoeiiat us u,
By ooy» oc.-uco»iuoa nad wrlaii?, may t>e mwavi
Bk; at the. J.'ispatcn office. My tide is perein'p
mry. out an vr.z'.xi h* u< <tir»!e <>c 9
B AMD DRAWEtUS —We have received a fine
Lek ol Silk -.ad Gauee Merino Shirts and Drawers,
■st too tnmt ior tni« w-itner Call and sou them
Me If No 112 Main street.
|| A l»f*e lot oi choice and ootulsr brands for
Be low oy E J PI COT A CO,
Remaining in the IMrhitioiu! Font Office
on the sth Aimtin. 18.53.
HP - " Persons call in* for Letter# tu thi# Li#t will
please gay they are advertised.
isr Offise hour# on Sundays, hereafter, from 8
to» A M, from 4 to 5 P M.
Ahem mn Mary Ashberry mi## Mary
Augustine mrs i ucinda Allen tniss Mary Ann
Alexander mri Jas
Burton mri Susan Baird mn E Jane
Belknap mrs Maria J Burk miis Sarah C
Burton mr» Mary A Bonnie mis# Nancy A
Boyd mrs Maria L Brown miss Mildred V
Bee mrs Julia Burch mr# Mary D
Baker mr# Jane C Be#i mi## Julia A
Bright mr# IJarristt Blanken#bip miss E V
Bridgewater mr# E Bailey mr# Eliza J
Ball mr# E F Bulitsu miss Annie E
Brannan mi# Eliza
Cole mrs Sarah E Cardozo mi#» Mary E
Chick mr# Mary A 2 Carrineton miss LizzieG
Chapin mrs Margaret H Cole miss# J F
Clarke m:« Margarett Corcoran Eleanor
Chalx mr# Emily Claik miss A
Croley rai.i Sarah Clark miss Ann Maria
Couplan Susan Crump Rosatta
Drewry mr# Mildred T Dexsy mis# Zslla 2
Davis mr# Mary Do#»ey miss Octavia
Davis mr# E.iza J Dabney mis# Fannie I
Easton mrs R C Ellington mr# Martha
Kuoank mrs Nancy England mis# Mary F
Elii# mrs M M Eiiis miss E F
Franklin mrs Rosa 2 Forbes mils Elizabeth
Fauikner miss Martha Fry mrs Charlotte
Griffith mr# Maiy Gordon mrs Elizabeth
(ioode mrs Mary C Giiiiam mrs Elizabeth
G»ry mr# Mary C Granger mrs C A
Gait mr# Mary B Grover mrs A VV
Gordon mrs Mary E Gilliam mrs Sarah C
Gresharn ta.ee Roberta Gathrigh; miss M L
Hardesty mrs Sarah Harrington miss C
Harmon mr# Nancy A JJenery miss Johanna
H iwardmrs Sarsh Hobson miss Martha F
Harrejs mrs Sar-th Hanvay miss Margaret
Harper mis >1 M ~ Balien miss iriary
Horn mis Eileit H ule uuss Mary S
Harrison mrs Kliza lii.l mis» Martha
Henlr mrs Doiiy Howie mies Naacy
Hail m*s Ann L Kiliiatd miss Reaecca J
Harriu>tou miss B
Jacob mrs Lucy J jalenny miss Illen
Joces m.es Allie Jones m;ss Virginia 3
I Jones mssj Aus M
Xirby mrs E F Kemeaiy miss C
Renuedy mrs Martha R King Lucy F
Lorginotti cer6 L Louis miss Rebecca A
Lecnler miss Mary A
Moore miss Sarah Miles mr# Sopha
Moore miss Rebecca 2 MounUastle mrs E
Atoore mrs A Mundla mrs L li
Mosby Saran Matiiag Eliza F
Mann mis# Sailie B Mitchell mis# E J
McGianne m : s# Virginia McCihmaa mr# Mary A
or Louisa McAUster miss Jane S
Napier mrs Sarah J
Preston mrs Rachiel i'ion miss Nancy Ann
I I t mbaiton miss Addie Page miss Sarah
| t-ugr. miss Harriett f riddy miss Virginia
Perkins miss Julia Ann Puckeit mrs Frances R
Price mrs Betsy Packer mrs Mary
I Pollard mr# Caroline N Pricj airs £Jnry S
Roane Katy Hitman mrs Nelly
Rice mis Catharine Roganni miss Bettie
Rnymond mrs E A R jganni miss Marcelleni
Rom 3 mrs Judith R Ra den mis# Margaret A
Richardson mrs M E Kopar miag Nannie R
Reeve mrs Martha C
Smith mrs Annie Sharp miss Eliza E 2
Swank mrs Bertha C Smita miss Jane
Kultivau mr# G E Steele miss Margarett
Shoemaker mrs Indiana Semple miss Mildred
cmith mrs Mary A Slaughter miss Miry E
Swcin mrs Mary A Still miss Maria E
Strong luig# Pauilne Simons mils Mary A
Smiih miss Anna Steel mis# Nanry
Street miss Celeste
Tlllson mrs Harriett H T igman Nan-y
Trolinger miss D A Turner Sarah P
Tyler Lucy
Vanrile miss A C
Wingfield mrs E A 2 Wittingham mis# E C
Waiaer mrs H N Waldrop mi»s Julia A 3
Wall mr# L A Woody miss L Ei
Woodson mrs Margret Watts mis# MarthaS
WadoymrsGT Wilson miss Mario E
Wa'kics miss C E Watkiua miss Sailie D
Wiiiiams miss CA Walser miss Jane C
VViiAgion miss Henrietta
Allen Andrew B Anderson Robt W
A cherGea B F Aphley Kichard
Anderson Edmund Aston Ssml
Armstrong Geo W Ambers William
Atkinson Geo Alien Win
Archer it CoJas W Alsop Wm P
Anderson Rev Josephus Anderson Washington 0
Anderson Jocn H Adcock Wm F
Armstrong Jobs 1' Allen Wm
Adams R J
Bragg W NjJ Rourn Jno H
Bu> russ A Bailey John M
Brummer Chas H Bowles Jno
Bosber C M Buckley Mictae!
Bault Cinrod Bowler Minor
Burcb David C Bray Michael
Boyden Frederick Butler R P
Bowen Geo W Booker R M
Brotherton Henry Bowers Satnl C
Bai y John Boyd S D
Brown John H Boez Tncmas H
Brashier Jno Beishaw, frcland & Co
Uoakman J Barrett Thomas
Brittou James Baptist Theodorici
Braekett Joseph Bjwis Vernoa
Burke Jno 2 Boswald Wm
Burnett John H Brows
Bur'on ! Jobn H Bust Wiiliam
Bowles James E Booker Wm H
Brians Joseph Booker Wm
Bucw ell J B Baldwin H W
Carlis e Amos Conner Lewis
Capps, Rose ec Allen Louis
Caraddock Mr Cavin Michael
Coiken Archiba'd Carneil Mordeioa
Cuainungs Amos M Cir:er Merrill
Currey C D Carter M W
Craven Frtncis Calhoun Rev P 5
Chalkley G Cannon Patrick
ChesiiiieGW Curtin Patrick
Culver G H Coy Pleasant
Carter Jr liili Caucher R
Carter Heary Clarock Riohaid H
Cutler H H Children Stephen
Carter iiarwood Clarke Saml
Cnandler Henry Carter Teas W
CieigaJuo Collin* Timothy
Clarke limic P Connor Timothy
Cunningham Jno Conner Thomas C
Carry Jno Crow Thidieom W
Cannon Joseph T Chadick Win T
Crewdoa &, Co / S Crow Was F
Cooper Capt Jno T Cain Wm
Cannon Jostepii S Cook WmH
Cooler Capt J G Clarke Wui H
Carter Dr J G 2 Cuming Wm
Cooner W 8 CaiterE
Carlton Garrett Cnwioy Joseph
SSrW.B H Clarke «*ml
K"„"; a T J -" 1 ' ,
Drinkaru D 8 Devlne To
Uemasu r. Ueo E D.nah'oa P.i,l£ k
Duke Geo Doberty Patrick
Duke Goj W Dock Robert
Dern lie Dry Dome* Sjlveater
l)nDgurb. m Henry DarU Wm
Domin Jamei T Dcyle Wm 2
Donnovan R Dulin Wm G
Drought John Dunn Wm A
Embrey B G 2 Ewel John
Easton David Elam J S
Evan* David 2 Englebrght John T
Enbank G VV Englifh Wm L
Earnest G L 2 Eeglegton W H
Eddins Joseph Easton Jas B
Ford A H Foster J W
Fountain PZ2 Ferguson M M
Fisher C B Freaman M C
Fisk Chas B Farriton Nicholas 2
Frances Geo Ferguson Wm J
Ferguson R M Ford Jas P
Gates B J 2 Gardnar J B
Green B F Garret John D
Goimon Dennis Gay Jas J
Goodman J L Ginett Richard
Gardner J Goosh S D
GibbsJ H George W A
Gordon Dunbar Graen J W
Grave# G S Granger Wm
Hodge Harper M M
Hudgios a G Harnis Nat
Hobson Albert Haws Paul 2
Hongeiy &. Dsrrit Hoit R A
Hunt Daciel Hargrove R T
Holman Edwin Hand S T 2
Hughson Fred Hooper T W
Howe G A Hickok Timothy
Huht H A Hall Tho#
Horney J M Har wood Wm F
Hoffman Sam'l Harrig Wm
Howie John G Hockaday Wm A
Harford Malon Hammond U H
Hennlog Wm Hall W C
Hall John O Henaing Wm J
Hob ion J A Harrison Wm
Harrison Leacdar Humphrey Wm
Herbert Wm
IvesJessee Joseph Franei# P
Johnston Andrew Jeffreys Jamas 2
Jtcksun Mr Johnson John M
Jsckson Cain Johnson Peter H
Jordon Mr Johnson R W 2
Jacob Cabei Jones Rev Thos H
Janicae Eurine2 Johnson W E M
Johnston Francis Johnson & Co W R
Kel'ey3usan Kelo-loha
King Cyrus King Isair
Kennedy Dennis Kna,>p N B
King George H Kneeiand W C
Levy Ash Lock John H
Leatherw.-od B B Lewis Lucian
Little Benja M &. Sons
Lanaiey Chas H Liitie Montgomery
Ladder C*pl Chas Lipscomb Newton
Lindsey C D Lynch P
Lewis J W Latham R G
Larry James Lewis Richard
Lord James Leonard Tho#
Lindsey T John Leacuck Tho#
Leeds jFredk
Macfarlaa John Mehony Franci#
Mason G J Meeha John
Maynaid Randolph Malljry K Charles
Milier G VV Montague B Henry 2
Mitchell John Moore T
Miller Henry Moore D Sam'l
Mitchell Rev Francis Moore H John
Mason S J Moore P Andrew
Micknemara Edward Moore Patrick
Malone Festu# Morris E'drldje
Museke Henry Morrice Pat
Martin James Morris J James
Mann T John Mose'y jame#
Maynar L Moss D George
Marshall Richard Moss R Wm
Mead Edwin Murpby F A
Meade Mr Muse Neilson
Melvm Charles Myues S Samusl
McDowell N Saauel McCleary Jeremiah
McClaning Wiiliam McFredrick John
McDonnell Michael McCarthy Dennis
McCcrmicx Jas MeCabe Denis
McKinny Luke McDowell J Wm
McCarthy Jame# 2 McCarly M Wm
McKanna L
Neagle David Newman H
Noel Jas M Neal G D
Osbora A VV Otis Jos
Parker Ambrose Potts JuoFC
Pollard Beaj Parker Levi
Paimer Charles Page Wm
Pate F Phiilbs Miles T
Porter Edward E Pase Norman
Pleasants Geo D Phillips Richard D
Pearce Geo A Perkins Root F
Parker Geo H Pollard Robt J
Poindexter Henry P Phiilips Saml
PowailjrJ A Psarajan Dr W A
Poindexter Wm H
** ,
Quail# xtenry Quigly J
Randolph E D Rives John
RockerG M RcdfordJohn R
Reid Geo W 2 Reeve Marcu#
Reddy Jno W 2 Ryan Martin
Riordan James Reynolds Michael
Rose Jos Redi rd Wm Nicholas
Rusodi John Ryan Pierce
Robinson Jos Ryen Timothy
Rock Wm
Sjms Col Starcoz N A 2
S#.e A W Stephenson Oscar
Sears Andrew Saunders O B
Sims Alexander Safford Norman
Smith Charlos S alii van Patrick
Shnauber Christian t-imoc Phil
Sprailing Davii Stopas Peter
Saunders Demetrius Spriggs Robt H
Shinnies Edmond Smi a ll u 2
Smith Henry H Sadler Rich'd S
Stirling Hugh B Shackelford Saml D 4
Scaer. Henry Ssaples Thos A
Schmiedeke Henry Sheahan Timothy 2
Smith Jno K Sbaldrake T E
Schweide Juliu# Steers Tho#
Swan John Schlick 1 heoiiore
Swank John Summers W W
Simon Matt t>later Wm
Sharpe M E Snipe# W V
Sulavan Martin Seay Zachariah H
Thomas A Themis jr James
Thompsoa A S Thompson Jame#
Turner A Turner James
Timberlake A B Taliaferro R C M
Totty B VV TncniHS Richard
Taylor G VV Tobein 'ifa >mai
Torpia J S Toler Thomas
Temple J A Topp W
Timbeilske John
U ater Wm Van Glahan A
Vaughan James T Voeg-.e C L
Watkin# C A Wiily M C
Wiisoa David Woodtll Newton
Witte D Walking Phil
Williams E 3 Waldrop S G 3
Whiiiock F T Warren R
Wulff F Walton R W
Wooddy G W Wa.-e TM 2
Weil# tt T Wright TC '
W»thovre J A Weodara Thoma# 2
WinfreeJH Woodman W
YVaJorJasE Wood Wm d i
Wear Joseph Woodet Win
White J H Wuiiams W H
Wood John Wallace Moody 2 (ser-
Woi dson Josiah L vant)
Wade W H Wegg on A H
Young Jntham D Zoiiicktfffl Wm H
Yoaug Taomas
L And F 2—no it>9—G E O
an 6 THOS. B. BIGGER, P. M.
5 c*»ei No I fruu««, in jjiui jira
a j coxa* tre«h K.aian»
5 bone* Macca onl
5 boxa« V«ra«eelli
5 D»g» Palm Nuu
3 bag* WeinuU
All freah and Dion, jut recalled sad for (tus by
au 5 Mo 71 Main (treat.
Kichmond. An«ast 6, 1833.
Front our Special Reporter.
Charlottesville, August 3.
The Temperance Convention of Virginia
convened this day, at the Town Hall, at 3 P.
M., and organised by the appointment of Mr.
Lucien Minor, of Louisa, as Chairman pro tew
pore, untii the regular organization of tbe
Prayer wa3 offered by Rev. Mr. Tinsley, ex-
Chaplain of Congress.
Ou motion of Mr. James Alexander, of Al
bemarle, a committee of five was appointed lo
nominate officers.
The names of the following gentlemen were
reported, whereupon ttiey were unanimously
elected, viz:
Messrs. J. Alexander, Dr. Dindel!, Gam
bell, Boston and Tilden.
Mr. N. A. Sturdivant, of the Southern Era,
was appointed Secre ary pro tempore, to re
gister the names of delegates from the different
The following gentlemen reported them
selves as delegates :
Albemarls.—L R Redd, Dr Wm H MeGuffij, S Fl#V
lin, Ja# Alexander, T J WertenDakar. R S Ne tan, G
A Btnngsr, A rindion. Thos Baiiard, R O Bart#aa'«.
A H Cleaver. Wm Wertanoakcr, Ja# Don.ld, Jno B
Minor, G J Manoin. T W K -ncricn. J C Wyati, Wm
D Davl#, Rev Js# Fife. N c May, Rev B E Gibcon,
Jbo S Ca##m. CM Brand, Jas Brand. Rsv J A Broaa
us, B H McG-uder Rev J 3 Tinsiey, J R Aoell. Eu
gene Davis. DOT Davi#. Wm A Roiers, T M Wing
field, Rev VV'alka.- Timberlaks, Rev B a. John#on, R
B a(ocn. Ed Smith. Rev Wm P Firish, A Brook, C
\V Andrew, A J Word, D VV Kinaria*, J XV Bran a,
R N Tries, Wm VV M nor, O » Alien, ti VV Ddwscn,
R Tarpln, W Brand, Dr. J:iA Foroes.
Auxusta. —H Ripsiee, Samuel £ Ciarke. Jm York
shire, Wm Ca«man. J f Rogers, Dr R H Gimbell,
Jobu Churchman, E M Castling.
Appomaitox.—il J rainier.
Amelia.—F R **rrar.
Campoe l—G VV Tuornhill.
Ciarke.—Rsv t jsaaca.
Culoeper—D A Girnett.
Cnanes City.—K M Walker.
Cnariotte. —Rev A S Fiesnman.
Caabe-iana.—Jas t;ex;ndsr. (alternate.)
Dnwiddie.—VV A Aiams, E P Scoit. R H Braneh.
Fiuv-.nna — RT Divis. OS Bol
ton, Wm Clark, ¥ J Clarke, H VV Janes.
Fairlax.—A L Brent, Gso E Tnrall.
Fridjrlck#t>urg.—VV o G.lman, B B Wa:ran, C H
Hiory.—VV T O Fotit-lne.
Jetferion.—Rsv VV F a peek Re' P. Fietchar.
Lvasrbsig—A J B Tuden
Loolia.—S H Friday, Wm Reynsias, L Minor, L D
lerrel', * V\ 7 Jen?#. T R Dunn, J S Bamsass.
Monongalia—S S*l;friad.
Neison.—E L War-en.
Or>nae.—D H Wilis, Dr J L Jonas, B C Johnson,
Rev H M Liaoey.
R Sluaond C:ty.—Dr P Trent, O F Weisiger, N A
Sturdivant, Gso Woodfin.
R jckar.oge—Maj J T L Preston.
Rockingham.—Dr William-, VV M Hscdrick, Rev
D Fe>te, JiS M.usm, E F Williams.
Snenandoaf.—J 'hn Perkins.
Snoiuyivania—Wm P Powell. Thos L Smith, J M
Qv.seuberry, Jno A Goraon. Dr D B Dmaell.
El;z ueth City.—L.Minor, and N A gturaivant, (al
The committee on Nominations reported the
names of the gentlemen lollowing for the offi
ces designated below, whereupon their report
was accepted und the proposed nominees unan
imou;?l/ elected :
James B. Minor, of Albemarle, President.
Major J. T. L. Preston of Lcrxington, Rev.
VV. '1 itnberlaUe of Albemarle, Wm. O. Foun
tain of Henry, Kev. P Fletcher of Jefferson,
Dr. Peteilield Trent of Richmond, Vice Presi
A. McDonald of Lynchburg, Dr. J. A.
Forbesot Albemarle, anu N. A. iSturdivant of
Henrico. Secretaries.
The President elect, on taking the chair,
made a very short and appropriate speech, in
which he made an apology (as is sometimes
done) for appearing in publtc, on the ground of
having little acquaintance with addressing
public assemblies. He considered the magni
tude of the Temperance enterprise to be such
as to call upon every man, having the true in
terests of the community at heart, to rise up
and support it. A crisis had arrived in the pro
gress of temperance measures and movements,
which demanded action —vigorous action—and
he was happy to say, that from the high cha
racier of the members of th : s Convention, ihe
various exciting topics which were likely to
arise during the discussion, would undoubted
ly be treated in the spirit of candor and forbear
ance. We have arrived at a crisis demanding
the aetion of every true friend of man. There
was much difference of opinion as to mea
sures, and the clashing views of different per
sons would perhaps ba best brought to har
monise, by a free and candid discussion. For
thi3 he looked, in Ihe fullest confidence, thaf
the action of the Convention would be of such
a nature as to promote the cause of tempe
rance and the general welfare of the public.
Rev. Mr. Tinsley, ol Albemarle, moved the
appointment of a committee lo prepare busi
ness for the Convention.
Mr. Minor, ol tbe State Central Committee,
moved that it consist of seven persons; where
upon the chair appointed Rev. Mr. Tinsley,
L. Minor, A. F. Speek, J. T. L. Preston, Kr.
Tilden, Dr. Trent and Dr. Gatnbell.
Mr. H. Magruder then proposed the follow
ing rules ot order, which were adopted :
1. Resolved, That no member shall speak oftaner
than twios oa any question, nor more ccan 20 min
ntei etch time, wi.houc cna unanimous consent oi ihs
2. Tnat ih« concurraoce of 10 members shall b# suf
ficient to sustain a car (or che prev ous qu«atioa.
3. Taa; whenevsr damaaied oy 10 mambsrs, any
qiesr.'-c shall oe determined by county ceiegation»,
e cii count? rear-seated bsmg allowed the same vote
a) in t ie Horse of Delegates.
4. That tn a:l other p»racuurs. fha einve->tion will
be governed dv tae rules of tae House ot De egates,
u rar as they ars applicable.
Rev. Pattison Fletcher, of Jefferson, made
en enquiry as to the iate of the memorials
which bad been prepared in pursuance of a re
solution of the Convention held at Staunton in
August last. He stated that he had not heard
what had become of tnem, but believed that
most, if not all, the political papers in tbe
Slate had opposed then.
Mr. Sturdivunt, in reply to the question of
the reverend gentleman, said ihat_ the entire
plan had failed, not from any dereliction from
Juiy on the part of the Central Committee, but
because the Subordinate Committees, in the
diSVrant counties, had failed to do theiis.
stead of forwarding the petitiou3 to the Cen
tral Committee,so that they might bs brought
to bsar en matte upon the legislature, they had
consigned Mem to the tender mercies of iodi
vidual members, upon whom they exerted
about the same tflVel bs drops of water upou
mill-atones cr the rams upon the grauite of the
hills. They caHje in a few at the time, and
the first batch were referred to the Committee
on Finance, and finally sent back by thj chair
man as containing mailer bevond tiiseomprti
sion. Thence they were sent lo the Committee
on Court# of Justice. Other petitions, as ihey
came in from time to time, were inid on the ta
ble, or under it, though, at the same time, it
was believed that two thirds of the legal voters
of the city of Kicbmund were opposed to the
liquor traffic, sume members didn't like to
present the petitions at all, but held them at
arm's length, us it tbey had a bad sineil, or as
if tbey dare hardly touch them with a pair of
longs. One man was in a great quandary for
a long while, whether lo preseot a pstitiou at
all or not, though signed by oaa third of the
population in his disiriot. He was in doubt
whether this was a specimen of more of tt»
same sort to come, and feared, that in case he
.should present it, that he might give serious
offence to the other two-thirds cf his consli
luency. In this dilemma be received a second
petition, signed by nil the ladies and children
in his district, and he at last presented it. Now
these petitions neTer had, and never were ex
pected to have, much effect upon the legiala
ture. They were intended to exert an influ
ence elsewhere among the people. But tbe ef
feet of (he petitions was, in a great measure,
lost, from the manner in which thet\were ore
sented. They fell into the hands of Tym, Dick
and Harry, and tbey fared, of course, teTom,
Dick and Harry happened to feel on tab sub
ject ot rum drinking and rum selling. L
Rev. Mr. Fletcher of Jeffer#cn, called on %) e .
gates to (tate, during the absence of the com«
tee on resolutions, the condition «n4 prospects |i
the causi in their saveral couaieg. He would s:at®
for JeSer#Oß county, that In purraaneo of a circular
received from the Sttta committee, a eounty central
commifee had been appointed In Chariestown. and
in 5 or 6 other and separate parts of the cotmtv;
■bat many petition# had been sent in to the coonty
s«a:ttee, and by tVen forwarded to the State coa
mittee. Cur expectations in procuring names
were more than realised. We could, 1 have no
doubt, haveobtatned much more tban a majority
ot tbe names ot all th? legal voters, even among
those who are lntemoerate and who have been con
sidered as the opponents of the temperancs cause.
We could obtain a majority in our county, as 1
think, for a prohibitory law. We have within tae
re ir, had two public discusaioni, in which, of course
we met with opposition Among our opponents
were some distinguished Individuals, among them
were Andrew Hunter, Esq, and Hon. Henry Bad.
inger, M. C. However, we believe that we have
nothing to fear from tbe conitquencea, as the
oitizan# on hearing the discussion, decided in our
favor. We certainly feel encouraged in our cuunty,
and intend ta persevere until our objects shall be
Mr Adams, of Dinwiddle, stated that In hi# eoun
ty, onc9 'amed ss be.ng thegreatest drinking county
id tbe country— the cause of temperance is gradual
ly progressing. There is certainly a great decrease
cf intemperance A la r ga majority would cow,-n
my opinion, vo e for a prohibitory law, a Maice or
rather, a Virginia Liquor Law. At tho last court
but cne, all tbe liquor-shops (sonoe 14 or 15) wete
denied Ile uses exe -pt two, which escaped on the
ground that ihey were also taverns. Tliere are
aaiut thirty drunkards among as, wuo may occa
sionally bi- seen on court dnys, reeling and stagger
ing about, but most, if not all of them would go fur
a prohibitory law.
Mr. S E. Clarke, of Augusta, stated that several
meetings bad been neld in that county during l«st
Spring— that a large qaantity of resolutions had
been passed, du* noth.ng remarkable done, exceot
ik) election of two democrat# to the Legislature.—
We can poll 1200 temperance vote# out ot some
3303 or 40C0.
Mr. B. H. Priddy, of Louisa, regreited that he
could state out little as to tbe progress of tempe
rance in that county. Has been ao much confined
at home shat he can give little d finite iuf jrmatioa.
Sons: of the people there are doing all they can,
but i# not able to give any accurate report
Mr. Brent, of Faiifax, said that the friend# of the
cause, were not now as lukewarm a* tbey were a
years 50. The people s«em to *tand ia need cf
#jme further enlightenment on the nature and tea
dencie# of the #o callsd Maine law. A good feeling
prevaits among tbe peopie on the subject or tempe
ranee, and on the whole, the prospect# are that the
ca ise will gafn ground, with proper attention on
the part of its advocates.
Rev Mr Sigfried, of Monongalia, said that hi* lo
cality was so isr distant frooi Stauct in, that proba
bly the p- ople bad not interested thewse v s,or sy in
path Led with tbe operations of the conventional
that place in August last, as ihey otherwise would
We however, said tbe Rev gentleman, held a con
vention "oa our own hook ' at Fairmount Our
own egios, a: 1 am aware, has teen scandalised in
years past. Wniikey has rolled up year aHer year
oy the river, when the water was high enough, and
when that failed, it has been rolled tn by railroad
We h»ve been somewhat ac'lveand sen: numerous
p ititi: ni io tie Leg sisrave, but until now(iince the
explanations wntcu I hav« heard to day ) serer
knew what had become of them. The truth is,
tne men were not tnere The Legislature was
afraid. If we look for success, we must make the
Legislature, and then the Legislature wiii make the
Law We recognize this ss an undeniable fast, and
have mads it the ground of ourceurse and deter
mination In our section of country. Six or eivbt
of tne Nortnwestern counties have refused to grsnt
iicenaes a'tugemer. Harrison county was cne ot
taese. There, in full oourt, all iirenso# were de
nied. At tne iast session the vender# tried sgam
again taeir plan# were vetoed, whereupon the rum
fJlki assembled ana barnt the presiding magistrate
(who had given the casting vote,) in effigy. I was
giad that it was dona, as it roused him to the na
ture of the subject and the character of the subject#
hs had to deal with. Tne effect of that demonstra
tion will not be icst, and it has already cs led out
tssny men on the side of temperance woo had
before been inactive. I h»ve recently heard from
the Commissioner of the Reveaue, that in the
eastern part of our county there las large majority
for no lisenie. By the way, I w.'sh to disabuse the
public as to the character whlsn has gone abroad
concerning t&e r.var M mongaaa. For yetrs Unas
borae a baa name, but 1 can assure the public t-at
us current is of pure coli water and not alcohol
The people of the Xorthern counties are with us io
ihemesiures which will now come up for discus
sion, and will be found the fast friends of prohibl
torv legislation. Shortly before leaving, au old
man. a tavern keeper, enquired wbetner I was
coming to thia Convention, to which I answered in
tietifi mative. He knew that prohibitory legisis
tion would be proposed, snd said he would heip by
paying something towards expenses Hs sa'.a -1
sell woiskey, but abominate the buaine##, Wnen
you go the Maine Law, Igo it." I can aaaure the
Convention that when prohibitory measure# iha.l
be brought before the people, the North will be
ready with their vetes.
M r Alex McDonald of Lynchburg, stated that he
could give no special lnf rmation as to tne atate oi
tae tern jerar.c- cause in that city, buttbinks tost he
ia saie in saying tkat it ia a# prosperous a# in any
pirt of the State. Toere are manr t ifi;ient work
ing men in Lynchburg. Our delegation i# amall,
oily two wnen we expected at lea t a d"z*n. But
1 know that they are with u# in heart, if not in
perioo. There are over 4JO Son# of Temperance
and many temperance men in Lynch*urg.~ It i# In
my opinion prooabte that a prohibitory law would
pas# in that p.ace bv s large majority at this time
Wj have a large number of groggertes—a lew of
wh'oh are iicenied—but mostly unlicensed Thev
sell to slav ia, a great number ef which are em
ployed in the tobacco factories, and the evil oonsj
quence# are dally to be seea. Manr of the colored
population are degraded and brutalized oy intoxi
cating drinks obtained irom these places, and as 1
am informed ay manufacturers many va cable
nsnds are lost every year. A strong sentiment pre
vails in Uvor of pronibiting the traffic.
Mr Wm Hedriek of Rockicghim, said that he
was not prepared to state definitely tte condition
and prospect# of the temperance movement gene
i«liy, hi#ciuatv being very large, and in a great
degr»e mount an au#. In the valley, the c sum ia
steadily on the increa#e. We are ready to ipesi
out on the lub ect cf prohibitory legislation. At
the county court in May last all aopiicatioc# for li
censes were obtained by one msjority We feel
encouraged to br.ieve that our etfort# thu# far have
not beer, ia vala. Still we need the right #ort oi
effort; we need to hare the Maine Law tairlv and
fully presented to t-epeosl;, in order to csrry a
•imi.'ar measure Tae geat.eman oaly spoke of his
own pan of !hi county.
Mr A 3 Pieshman of Charlotte, arid his coooty
was toe cradle the temaeraaoe causa in Virginia
At tinns the cease kmm fijarisßiog, and tosn
«e*io to hsve vanished out <•! sigh , but
uevertb iki* teniperaace is o» a* firm a basil a»
ever To« d»U .jf ,he p«ropl*dwire that lawaicv
tiag d-luks sa u:i oh djos a*a( with, aad at watt
one fialt um rotors are oppos* to licenses. If uus
Conventi n wih prosvat siawtblas whioa pr >mise.
to s*-enr ß that retail, C&arlolte will aaacdu* it.
Col F>nu ce uf Hoary, aaidthat his cjaoty was
far up among toe moua aiss sad that lae t
sum m iverar-nt cootsasasad ihsrs at a later
D'rijd than lo counties W IW east W® cot op
peiiti 'U* SHQi ,hem to tae Legislature— out u»v
ware thrown uuder the taole "e sailed a Con
vend n.aod resolved hat we woakl not vote tor soy
man tto.asa ha wuu'd p*d«e himself oublieiv aiuwr
to ooposs licenses, or go in favor 01 e prohibitory
law ' Tear* was a •erae opuosiUan srravad
against as, ss we e*peeUd, eat we era aelsnaijM*,
to light it otjt, and at tkeaext election for djiovnt*,
w:il «>nd a man of oar own creation, woo will re
gard our wlsie*.
Genl Cocke of Fiavana*. area's amid load ep
oltnie, and said th-.t h» nocud not *peik ss deSn'tn
ly u he wished. uhe had only b»a to the conaty
about fjur month* durlnz the past year. Toe
coaaty it divided by the Rivanna River, an 3 be»
tween that and the Jamsa River no license* are
granted. On the other aide liquor i» aold Thsre
i* crime on the lai'er tide, bat none on th ? other —
Indeed, if the *:a:i*.i;* of the two portion* of the
oounty were pub'ished, hey would furnish • pow-
Inl argument against the liquor traffic WheneTOT
effort* hare i*»»n maae, th-)j hive been triumphant.
The people have become more induatrioua and
more moral. We have held a meeting in which it
wa* resolved to support n» man for any office—and
eioecially f jr delegate— who i* not oppoaed to li
cense*, and iu favor of proh'.Diiijn. Tnat humbug
that "Temperance had nothing to do with potiMoa,
ought to be done away with People talk a* though
gpoiitic* had a cioss connexion with, and an exclu
kve rigntto all the drunkenne*#.
sit* Sturdivant of Richmond, taii that in raitard to
ijSmparinee, Richmond waa ih .bauaer.pot iTvir.
it wa* the *troo| hold of th* wh sXey intereM.
zninifemorei larga quantities of in toxic t
n"Wk '> a ' d "11* mora. Toe James nvar. u far
*■ P? re water, and toen 1a chinged into
° wm*k*y. T«t the clt zasa aie heartily
° A'l acres tnat it woald bo beat to
extarmmm the m»*>rab e doggine* where the no
cfßflßate. But we can't do without the l:quor
trattic tn Mfccjoid. Our merchin'.* mu*t keep li
quor*. the country) will have it, aod
will not do <nkne*a waere you caanot procura i*.
Yoo ma'. reitarranta, kc, Wiero it i*
•oid. How com the ,piak r, doies tea, fcc., get
tnr ugh .heir bißu, without liqnr? How atauer
home under the 1<» 0 f lawa whiah they rtnodTrt
winter? The trad3»fa: too reapeotable to be aban
rionea. Thar, toa, *«niv«t hwe importi ag housat to
iarms a the DiSt of £>»itad 7, gin and wine i«r t>e gu-
Dernatonal tcaasxoii, tho members won't call
on him. He might get efaw, pernajs. or tse bellea,
and soma few devoted aufcuns, bus not a great num
ber. Ths internU and o»*mal heat must oe kept up.
and nothin; eae but li<i<4c will doit. Then, too,
same rich sens* o:cur, in "kith honorable member*
aretrandlid home in wheel tarrows br watchmen.
We nave got toe liquor traffic faj R chmocd, ana tno
w.r*t of it i*, we can t get rid * it. Members from
the country who nave ltd up u fceef and mutton at
hom*, come to Richmond, toey ii»re iivi u-.on fish
and r.yitera, an! «et *iak, and takj no medicine but
brandy. Inw a fellow, not long aj®, no: much over
4 feet high, a Drint?r, who deeiarea tnat hefcre tho
Maine liqjcr law should be enforce* in Richmond,
he wouli point his bayonet and moulder cis mustot
to re*i3t. Toe fellow ha i learned to drink while
at work op on ths debates o. the convention.
Therj it mush to conte'd .g' inst is Kichinoid. Wo
have tocur» on a contest with all tneliquo seller an
tas State. We have as sh ewd a se* o dealers as saa
be found anywhere. Two Yankees, who had been
cha-ed out ol Boitoa by tne nrohibitorv law, came to
Richmond to make Virginia got out their ad
vertisements in In oarers, eirculared hasd bills, 4tc.
Weil, tae friendi of temperance la t vear • ata
tistici, and on examination, found "that there were
from 400 to 600 liquor shopi, lor the moat p it unli
censed, tn uih the police can't see them, even with
with t;e he pofgiasaes Thesjcietyec oidingirient
out an agent to oiitriDU e temperance tracts in t:esa
places; a d the ageit, who was a good man, but a lit
tle "weak in toe garret," among other places, called at
the Yankee shop, dropped a tract, ana got into achat
wth ths pr jarietora. He afterwards d'aeevered, «bat
in some n lai-coun able way, one .ftnalrillaor metirm,
resdiuc "Wil s s.na Lombard, Wine and Liquor deal
ers," cad been inserted in each of h s remaining stock
ot tracts. Ths liquor dealers are a sarewa tot. Stearns
ii Bmmtnel, dlstiilera, have changejl she brand of tneir
casks, as theartic esold by them ha ' become *a me An,
• hat nobod 7 wo"ld buy it. Same cf tni* vile stuff wss
f jund recently in a lin fla.k wi,ich was taken from tbo
poc«et of a man who wis arrested m Alexandrii,acd in
the mo-ning. the stench of the whisksy waa 10 abom
inable, that they had to open the door* acd window*
of the Mavor s olfie». T □ ere s mare capital inveated
in tae business of manu<ic:uring an ■ sel.ina 1 quor in
Richmond ta3n inali the .est o: the State. Bu, never
theless, ihee.il m'gh: be abated if the city alone
eould m-kean independent decision. It is the country
that uphold* the tralli;. As in the fable of tne man
who had agre'd to drink the ocean dry, he d d no . un
dertake to drink also the river - tlowing into it; so the
temperance men or Richmond co Id doawav with the
rum traffic, were it not from he u loeasini stream*
that tie poured in upon the city Tom all par:s or tho
State. Your merchants will buy liq -or, and siy they
must have it, or lose their customers. The consequesco
is, that the traffic continue-, and everv mo ning'a sun
peer* in upon a dark a:d oingy Mayor's offiee, whe a
a e couec ed "ne wretched v.ct ma of drunksaaesa.
Tha country rails in th:s evil upon il:, and it
although a :ar;a major, ty of our citixeni are in favor of
prohioi oiy legislation.
Rev. J. S. Tmsloy, from ths business rmmittoo, pre
sented the tcllow.ng report and resolutions, wmch
wsra received and ordered to lie oa the table for dis
cus uin duritg the evening *'.*sion, and aaked xeave to
continue in session, wnicn wa* granted:
committee's at port.
Yaur eommitt e, to whom ~»&s raferrad the fctisaeaa
of the Convention, beingaeep y and solemnly imorese-'
ed with tae conviction hi. the time ha* come when
it i* both orictic .ble end Decenary >o call Into requi
si .ion other matruaaentalitiea fan those wnicu have
been used heretofore to aid the fri.no a of himaaity in
viraima, in the suppression oi ihe s»le and making of
iatoxiaa ing liquors, wouia most respeet oily recom
mend to the Convention the following resolutions,
lit. Iteaolved, Th t a law ouj't t> be p-ssad. abol
iahlng and prohibiting throughout in Virginii, the
manufacture and sale of intoxicating liqaors except for
meiicinal, mechanical or sacramental uses; with pro*
visions calculated to rn.ks the law effect* •!, espe ially
providing tha such liquor, whtn ke;t for sale contrarj
to law shall be destroyed.
Jnci. iteao ved That it is exped ent to cliculate for
s.anatur s in thseomng fail and winter, petiti as
aski g the Legislature to pass inch a lair at is a bora
mentioned 4
3rd. ilea jived, That the said law' before taking ef
fect, should be,submitted ta tne voters of tae State at
the polls, and be approved by a m jor ty of them
Maj Preston of Rockoridge, presented tne following
with some minor cnaogaa, as a suoatitu'e tor the reso
lutions reporied by the comiiiittee, ana after some dis
cus ion as to the propriety of holding a night suasion,
the Convention aojuurned to meet at 8 o'clock ihla
Rasoived, 1. That thi manufacture and sale of into*-
ica-.ing ormka, 'a, in ail itsbearinfa,.! egitunata (ab
ject for legislation; t-at the Legislature have the Dov
er to prohibit its entire o e, and in effecting t'is, to
cause all hqu:r to be destroyed which may ba found in
the possession o ao; ona coairar/ to law.
2. Tnat in oar opiuien, oublic sentiment in Virgnia,
upon this surjeet, is much in advance of the provision*
o our Cade and that Additional leg rlation is required*
m oraer that the laws of tha laaa may represent the
will of the people.
3 Ii ia tae sense of fhlsCoavention, that the lice***
laws of Virginia sluuld be repealea, am a law enacted
th.t snail utterly forbid the manufacture for sale, and
the sailing »f alcoholic liquors x:ept for medical, sa
cramxntat and m.-ctaiiicai pur.oses. and providing 1 for
the seizure, confiscation and destruction of alt Uquor
ottered for sale i* violation of such law. And ftirtnei
tnore, that the detail* of said act should b eo arranged,
aa to reodtr its en orcemant e J v ana practicable.
Provided, that a majority of tha peoale «.f Virginia
■hall have, at the polls, previously indicated their de
s re lor s'lch an enactment.
Provided further, that in the meantime, the Legis
lature shall be laemonauzsd to pass a taw, providing,
that ia any ccunty or corpo atioa of the Common
wealth, and upon the petition of twenty five or more
voters there f, the sheriff of s»>d coantr shall, at the
t'me of the next en-ulng elec'ion cf del-gates to tie
O mirl Assembly, open a poll at east precint for tb«
urpos« oi reco ding the voiea of tha quahned voters,
for or against the granting of lieense by the county o;
corporation cuu r ta wi bin said county cr corporation,
for the etle cf intoxicating liquors, and reqi r eg said
courts t j rej ct apoliaati us Cere tor. Ana if th* ma
jority he tn favor of granting licaes \ that It be left en
tirely to tne aiacietloa of 'he -ourta io grant or refuse
thorn. Said law t> cm.aia a eroviaion to: the seizor*
and dMtinctt in of all i.qacrs offered for Mi* la viol*,
tion of said statute.
should tha authorities here'.n contemplatsd d-cide
to graot lasesse, taen it sbalt be r. quired that all par
sou holding messes. en ail give boud an i secant v
usd~r adequate penalties, that toev will sot tell intox
icating iquorsto any minor, any eo!ored paraoa. or
any notorious drunkard, and that era seeking renewal
I lens as, shall beooliged to make ath tnat may
nine n.t ao.d to any eaab persons daring tbs preceding
4. Tint'all perssns obtainins llsense to sell le'oxi
eatiug liquors, slipnld be requt-ea to give boa ■ aed M
enr,t * lh ' c th*J wil] be responsib e lor all loss or daw
"wca, by verdict of* i jan, op £s*&tLLLiiA4
eea cesasioned by t eu fSma.
3. Taa-there baaspointed by tbeC a<raStst*Coa
m ttee, for the general superviaioa mt t-e works een
tsmplated by the Convention, w ose dot rit shall betd
procure, a* t-r aa mey may be able, toe appoiatmaat
t>f s'.aaaing com:mt.ees in tee diffuent eoaatie* aed a
corpor»tioaa, <nd perform auea othe» aefs as the exi
gacsies of tiie oaose may reqa re; and leethef, taat MM
aud county and corpora io • eomnuUae ae 'Qi|aea>ed
to cauaa Uke suojea'. to be Uw*>n«biy d acaaawt Men I
UM people in uu.rveap.ctiv ooaaties a d corpara
ticn aad br aMM m tt* '«•uvaiiat* twmmm
rieh 'and If a caUsboa'd e sai dsi ta■ tbe C ntral Cow-
Maj. rreatoa made a pawerfal elart U tsvo* of tua

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