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The daily dispatch. [volume] (Richmond [Va.]) 1850-1884, August 16, 1856, Image 2

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* I**t»r4«y Mmrmf a, A***" »•'
IT' * Fite Oarra«»a la
We havaeaasslaed with great b
pM te tba fled. I. behalf rf V
Meiri David R Atcbanon, Wm. H
J. Huford—namea wbleh will be a anfleteat gaar
autee te the Southern pnWle
they mey make. The pamphlet gives a
a«>»nnt ef the outrage, and
*t»otltlonlsts ia Kaaaaa apoa
logSonthera rftiseaa I« show.that,
testimony under oath. give*
-tonal Committee, the Free Soil partyln Kan*.*
hare aecret military erganUatio.O. which the
member, are ban* by the »
resist tbe law*, and obey their leader* In all eases,
not excepting even murder and trea*>nLarge
bedlea of armed men are anbelsted and kept to
aether by their aid societies for Be other object
than to make foray* npon the country and drive
Bou'bern men from their homes It waa by men
of this (Inscription that the horrid murder* near
(Msawattamle, oa Pottawattamie Creek, were
committed The bodies of six of the vletlms were
foned, and four are misting. Of the six, one was
AJ)«« Wilkinson, Esq., a member of the territorial
Icfrudatnre and postmaster at Shermanvllle. Ac
cording to the «worn evidence of his widow, he
was dragged at midnight from a alck bed, and from
tbe aide of a alck and imploring wife; and for no
other offence than being a law and order man, he
wa*. within hearing of hi* wife, Jlayr/i alive, hi*
mst and ran cutoff, hit tc&lptorn from hi* head, and
ifitn tuibbcd through thf heartOn the same night,
and by the same abolition band, Wm. Sherman
and brother, and Mr. Doyle and two sen* were
murderpd ; one of the Doyle* also had bis finger*
and arms cut off before he w*s finally dispatched !
These outrages have been preceded and follow
ed by others of a like character, all undoubtedly
in pursuance of tbe policy which has dictated the
notices lately given In all the disturbed districts
by armed marauding bands of abolitionists to the
law and order men of their respective neighbor
hoods to leave the country immediately on peril of
death. "Under such notices,' - says tbe appeal before
us, "our friends about Hickory Point, and on Potta
wattamie and Rock creeks have all been driven out
ef the territory, their stores have been robbed, their
cattle driven off, their house* burned, their horses
stolen, and in some cases they have been assassi
nated for daring to return; some too of these out
l eges have been perpetrated under the very nose
of the United States troops, who all the while as
sert that all is peace and quietness, and that they
will aff.ird ample protection, without the necessity
of our banding together in armed bodies for mu
tual defence. Among many others of our friends
•bus driven away, wo might specify the eases of
Messrs. Hargous. .Toues and Owens, of Hickory
Point, whom twe hundred IMted States troops
stationed within two miles of their homes have
been unable to inspire with a sense of security.
Morton Bourne, a most exemplary, quiet and unof
fending man of onr party, living within eight miles
of Lecompton, the capitol of the territory, where
,fuite a number of troops are stationed, was lately
driven from his home by a band of twenty five anr.
Ed own; who robbed htm of all his guns,five saddles,
tbree horses, the blankets from bis beds, and over
fifty dollars in money. The thieves gave him
twenty f° ur hours to leave with his family, and
threatened to kill him if he ever returned, saying,
they Intended to serve all the pro-slavery men in
the neighborhood in the same way. Mr. Bourne
is still out of the territory, and though anxious
about his property and desirous to return, yet be
darrg not do so; although as often as he appplles,
the troops and the Governor assure him that all
in quiet, and that he shall have ample protection;
but he knows that unless they remain constantly
about bis house they cannot keep marauders and
murderers away. This ease is specified not for
its peculiar enormity or hardships, but because it
is a fair type of a large class of such cases, and
because the undersigned have all the details from
Mr. Bourne himself, and know them to be strictly
true, Indeed one of us assisted his family in their
flight the day after the robbery."
This plain and unvarnished picture of the atro
cities committed by the abolition party in Kansas
ought to awaken the attention of the whole South
to the decisive contest in that Territory. Tbe
question is one which concerns the whole South,
for it is a matter of sworn evidence before the Con
gressional Investigating Committee that, It Is the
design of the abolition leaders to use Kansas for
the overthrow of one Southern State after an
other. Judge Matthew Walker, a Wyandott, an
irreproachable witness and most reliable man,
testified before the Committee, that before tbe
abolitionists selected Lawrence as their cer.-
tre of operations their chief roan and acknowl
edged loader in Kansas, Governor Robinson,
attempted to get a foothold for them In the Wyan
dott reserve, near the jnuctlon of the Kansas and
Missouri rivers; that in his negotiations for that
purpose, Robinson finding it necessary to commu
nicate their plans and objects, divulged to Walker
<whoru bo then supposed a sympathiser) that tbe
abolitionists were determined on winning Kansas
at any cost; that than having Missouri surrounded
on three sides, they would begin their assaults on
her; aud aa fast as one State gave way, attack
another, till the whole South was a'bolitionised.
It ii generally believed that the Northern aboli
tionists are now raising large bodies of armed mer,
under military organization and discipline, to be
surreptitiously Introduced Into the Territory for
the purpose of driving out the peaceable inhab
itants and overwhelming the law and order party
at the decisive election for a Territorial Legisla
ture on tbe first Monday in October. They are
endeavoring to inflame the Northern mind by false
accounts of Southern outrages invented by men
who are hired to go to Kansas expressly for the
purpose of fabricating and writing such stories
f>r tbe Northern journals. The appeal before us
Invokes the South to aid Its children in this mo
meutous straggle; to send out companies of agri
culturist* to colonize Kansas, with means for their
for a reasonable time ; and aot to de
sert its own cause, and ita own Future, which are
to be settled on the Kansas battle groand.
The True Mea «f ih« North.
■\Vc were bsppy to we the d'stlnrtlon so clearly
and broadly drawn in a lata able speech of Mr.
Toombs, in the Senate, between tbe true men of
the North and tbe fanatical, nullifying, dissolution
and civil war party which ia bow trying to place
John C. Fremont in tbe Executive Chair. "When
these free soil Senators," said Mr. Toombs, "tell
me that they alone represent the opinions of the
Xorth, tbat the national men of that section are
condemned and outlawed by their constituents, I
tell tbem Ido not believe it. I have beard their
*hriek« before. 1 know there Is an unconquered
and unconquerable body of patriots at the North
who repel with scorn and contempt tbe impndent
assumptions. I know tbe Senator fiom New York
(\lr. Seward) represents a party there, if the two
or three tactions who elected him nay be called a
party. I know the Senators from Massachusetts
were lawfully elected by the proper authority to
represent tbat Btate. Tbe othy Black Repubti
cans a«d FreeeolWrs too have lawful commissions
t'i for the States which they represent. Bat
tiMwe commissions give tbem no right to apeak for
other constituencies whom they do not represent;
and while I admit their SeaatarUl equality is this
h >dy. 1 iopk with eon tempt upon their tnsntfrt at
*«®ot to patai themselves off upon the eonntry as
the North, as the rightful and true exponent* of
Uto opinions of mm% than half of the —
ftMwbealeeetha of the North who fought
for public liberty seventy five years ago; the men
who have stood by the esautry ia aii its trials; the
iMta who have uniformly opposed the factions that
have attempted, from time to time, to tear down
Uto Very pillars of the Constitution; the men who
hwre withstood their deaanciationa and resisted
»h sir eflbru to gala a sectional msjority by ayptala
to every passion that Muld arouse their pride— «P
--peal* to tk«lr courage, appeal* to Ignoble Uwt« far
place, plunder, and power; when J aeo »«
•till standing true, I know and fee) that this great
country la aafe; that theee appeals will not b« ll*
tened to, that they and thair authors will be des
The distinction hart drawm by Mr. Toombs
ongbl always to be kept la sight by Southern
speaker* and the Houtbern pren. It la due to
tboae Northern men who are tree to the country
and the Conatltntlon that their fidelity and moral
courage ahenld be aa fnllv recognised and aa warm
ly applauded by Southern men aa It la detested and
denonnced by abolltlonUta and free soilers. These
men are fighting the battle* ef the Sooth in an
enemy'a country, and, it ia npea tbem alone that
we can rely for the preservation af the Union. If
the wortt come* to the wor*t, we »ball And multi
tude* of Northern patriot* with their muskets on
their shoulders defending the Constitution and the
Union In the itreet* and field* of the North It 1a
bat juat and right then that the Sonth should refuse
to confound the whole North with the miserable
faction of Black Republican*. We are unable te
aay whether a majority of the people of tbe free
*tate* are abolitionist* or not—that must remain for
the conteat in November to determine. But of one
thing we are eertain—that the friends of the Union
if in a minority of number* in the North, are a
minority which embraae* the groat mas* of the
moral worth, tbe intelligence, and "the sinews of
war" of that section, —a minority with sufficient
moral and material power to pat a hook in the
noae of the abolition levlathlan and crush bira
in a hand to hand struggle, if he dare to provoke
that desperate contcst.
Mr. Jefferson.
Notwithstanding Mr. Jefferson protested against
tbe restriction of slavery, and lired and died a
slaveholder, the New York Tribune is eternally
quoting his authority on the side of abolitionism—
It is elearly of the opinion that, if Jeffereon were
now living, be would vote for J. C. Fremont He
would also, bo doubt, became a regular contributor
to the New York Tribune. If we should say that
Rufus King was an ultra champion of slavery, we
should come as near tbe mark as the Tribune in
its mirrepresentation of the character of Thomas
Jefferson. Be content with slandering the living,
and let the dead rest in peace!
We are indebted to Hon. J. M. Mason for an In
teresting pablic document.
School Master MurderedAn atrocious
murder has just been committed in Florence,
Ala. A correspondent of the Mobile Morning
Hrrald, thns furnishes the particulars :
A schoolmaster had a tame sparrow of which he
was very fond, and he had warned his scholars
that if any of them kiled it, they should die by
his hands. By accident, or intentiona'ey, one of
tbe boys stepped on the bird and killed it.' Alarm
ed at tbe threats of the master, the boy was afraid
to return te school; but tbe master tranquilizcd the
boy's mind, and begged bim to come back. He
did so, and alter the lessons were finished, be took
him into a private room, and strangled him. On
the boy's father hearing what bad occurred, he
loaded his gua and went and shot the school
master dead.
Grain in the West. —The receipts of grain
at Chicago for August promises to be among, if
not tbe largest ever known. From all parts ot
the West but one account, it is stated, is received,
and that an exceedingly favorable one, for grain.
The quantity and quality are alike good, and the
addition to the wealth of the country by tbe har
vest of 18 jC can be estimated osly by millions of
A BIG Fee —Mr Ferrle, of this city, who re
cently established his legitimacy in the conrts of
New York, and acquired property left by his mo
ther to the value of $100,000, had agreed to pay
his attorneys, Messrs. Chase Sc. Ball, of this city,
twenty per cent, in case they gained the suit for
him Consequently they pocket tbe snag sum of
*20,000.—Cin Com.
Sale OK Potatoes.—The Louisville Courier
states that the crops throughout that region have
proved very short, almost an entire falure in some
localities, owing to the drouth, and pricos rnle
high. On Monday a contract was made for the
product of an entire cropof some hnndred and fif
ty acres at the rate of $3 per bbl., to be delivered
in tbe fall.
Labor IN Australia—Advices had been re
ceived at Liverpool, from Australia, to the 2d of
May, reporting that much complaint was made of
the want of labor, the trades having combined aud
obliged employers to reduce their working hours
from leu to eight, paying tbem, nevertheless, ou
the ten hours' scale. Female servants were ex
tremely scarce, and much wanted.
Ark ansa." Election—Returns have been re
ceded from 24 counties in Arkansas, which show
that te tbe House of Delegates 05 democrats and
10 Americans have been elected, aud to the Senate
20 democrats and 5 Americans. Conway's (dem)
majority for Governor is nearly 10,000, and both
of the Congressmen are democratic.
Naval—By the late arrival from the Isthmus of
Panama, we learn that the United S'ates ship In
dependence, for whose safety some fears have been
expressed in tbe newspapers, had returned to Val
ACCIDENT —David Mt'Bride, a youth, at Cbarlef '
town, Ya, had an arm shockingly mangled on
Wednesday evening, bv a threshing machine His
i>rm was entirely cut off below the elbow, and the
flesh stripped off above it. His recovery is doubt
New York Whig Convention.—The N Y.
Whig State Convention, on Thursday, adopted re
solution opposing Buchanan and Fremont, and
endorsing Mr. Fillmore. Delegates were appoint
ed to attend tbe National Whig Convention in
The damage by the storm in Baltimore, Wed
nesday, is estimated at $100,000 V.
A fisherman recently brought into a
sworofish, which, when dressed, weighed 300
Tbe Cbeltebam Examiner says the will of the
late bishop of GloucexUr and Bristol was written
on half a sheet of letter paper.
Cumner, the great cricket player, committed su
icide in London on the 26tb nit
The total coinage of the San Francisco mint for
the quarter ending lit July, was $11,314 PIH 53.
Tramont Temple, Boston, has been secured by
a religious society there as a free place of worship.
Ob the !Bth inat.. at the Peoond Baptist Church, hv
theße*. Baall Manl». Mr AUOLPHUS OARY to
Mi** FANNIE WHITE. a))of thu city.
At the residence of P. B Jones. F»q.. Orange co..
Ob the 14th inat., ELLA, only child of Charle* E. and
Jessie K. Snodgra**, sgad 9 months.
The friend* of the tarn It ere requested to attend
the funeral, from the let Preahjierian Church, (Rev.
Mr. Moore's,) te-day, at 5 o'clock P M.
On the I.Sth init.. ALMFDI BRANNAN. young
est daaghterof Miehir) and Elizabeth Braonau, aged
2 yeara 1 month and 15 day*.
The fuaeral will take place a- her father** residence,
corner of Sth and Ryrd street*. this morring. at 10
o'clock. The friend* and acquaintance* of the t&rai
ly are requeued to attend. •
On the 14thin«t. MART ELIZABETH. dsughter
of Jos. W. and Msry J. Witmore, sged 5 years. 10
months snd 20 days.
funeral will take place this morning 16th inst, at
Sycamore church, et 10o'clock.
At the residence of Mr. James *. Horner, in this
city, on Monday night. Mrs MARY HORNER, for
merly of Chesterfield, seed 70 yea re. »
HELMS, who was coedemed by the Circuit Court of
Marshall Conntr, to Hve years' imprisonment In ihs
Penitentiary for burglary, escaped therefrom orr the
night of the Ith December, 1154. and ie still at large,
therefore i do hereby efier a reward of Four Hendred
Dollar a, ie lien ef the reward heretofore offeree, t >
any person or persons who shall arrest the said Eliaa
Helms, and deliver him Into the Penitentiary near
this oity; audi do moreover require all officers of
the Commonwealth, civil and military, aad request
tbe people generally, to use their best exertions to
•roeara the arrest ef tbe eeid Helms, that he may be
beoogbt to joe-ice.
( > Given voder asy bead as Governor, and
< IMb under the leeerr seal of the Commonwealth
yesMWt.** * Ucl "" <>B^tW * of August, in the
Kiiee Holm is ahont 29 years o'd. five feet six erd
• '"ehea Mgb, li|ibt complexion, black bair
>Tr » an Id—3a»3w
pereims win bare an ee port unity of
rSWiiifi* wtUl »«•••»» of the beet leo
<>»*««*. ia iota of 61 aad Mpieces,
1,0 '» the ci.anee. and most be
•old to cleeebtiMaeea, by ZIMMf KM AN.
REPOItTBn F o K Tit E >> I w PA T C 11.
Wa'RKDTOK, Aug. U—Th« Hon** bill tn r»"
Igibnrmr Vermont for wpew taeunad tn 1838-"V,
to prmrrvt the neu traittjr laws, wag ptmd.
Mr. Wilson lotmdnewl a bIH to Mevn to actual
Mrtttern. beaeflta resulting trma grant* af land to
railroad*, i»o*rviag to then lb« alternate tactions
at #21 per acra.
The cousldaratiou of tha atril appropriation bill
wit reanmed.
The eivll appropriation bill wu amended by ap
propriating 1730,000 forth* Capitol ntniioD, and
#500,000 for tha continuation of tbe Washington
The Senate then took a recast of two hour*.
Lcrning SctMion —Mr. Bayard's amendment ap
propriating #.">OO,OOO to the continuance of the
doiaeof the Capitol waa adopted
Mr. James' amendment providing for two prin
cipal and two assistant Examiners in tha Patent
Office was adopted.
Home.—The Hons* passed the Benate bin regu
lating tbe diplomatic and consular salaries.
Fifty thousand copies of tbe tariff report were
ordered to be printed.
A bill was passed appropriating #200,000 for a
naval depot at Brunswick, Ha
The Senate bill regulating tbe compensation
was amended by allowing #6000 for tbe extra ses
sion (instead of #3000 each for the short and long
sessions.) The books for tbe members to be paid
for from their c<ynpensatiott.
A bill for the appointment in the army of 21 sur
peons and 8 assistants was passed; al*o, a bill for
the surrey of the southern boundary of Kansas,
and the Senate bill amended the fees, costs, and
general expenses of the jndielary.
The Ocean Mail Steamship Bill was considered.
The House adjourned action.
(•overnorshlp of Oregon.
Wabhisoton, Aug 13.—Gen. Lane, delegate to
the House, from Oregon, has been offered, and de
clined the Governorship of Oregon.
Revolution at Sr. Domingo.
Nmv YOKK, Aug. 15.—Advices from St. Domin
go, fttatfß that a revolution was progressing,
growing out of the terms of the Spanish treaty,
which favor the desrendats of Spaniards, who be
ing the most numerous, dcaire to boiat the Spanish
flag against tbe will of the citizens. The soldiers
were hastening to the Spanish Consul to get re
gistered as Spanish citizens. Great excitement
had arisen, and all the tribunals and pnblic build
ings were closed and business suspended.
The President and cabinet were threatening to
resign, and the foreigners and liberals were look
ing anxiously for a government vessel to protect
The liberals say the Spanish flag shall never
again be hoisted on the I<land. The Spanish
Consul is opposing the ratification of the Ameri
can treaty, and threatening the American Con
Accident in ilie Arabia.
llaMkax, Ang 15.—The steamship Arabia ar
rived here to-day trom Boston outward bound.
She leaks considerably, having strnck the rocks
twice yesterday in a thick fog near Mhoal Island.
She will remain here to-day to ascertain theextent
of damages.
Colllnlon la Boston Harbor— Five Uvea
Boston, Aug. 15.—A yacht was sunk in the ha'-
bor yesterday by a collision with the ferry boat.
Ten persons were on board, of whom five were
drowned. The following are the names of those
who lost their lives : Mrs. 8. Erving, Mrs. Samuel
llobinson. Miss H Greenway and Misses Mary E.
and Mary C. Hamilton.
The Unlo on the Lahn.
BUFFALO, N. V. Aug. 14 —The effect* of the re
rent lako sale are beginning to be beard of. The
propeller Troy, hence for Grand Henri, is ashore
at Bois Blanc Island; the brig Arabian, from Os
wego for Chicago, in ashore at I'resque Iale; the
barque Great Went was dismantled, and forced to
put bark to this port.
The Ytllsnr Fever nt Charleston.
CHARLESTON, S. C, Aug. 14 —The Board of
Health of this city report two additional deaths,
but no increase in the number of cases.
[second dispatch.]
Charleston, Aug. 15.—There bay* been no
new cases of fever here, and no apprehensions are
felt ef an epidemic.
Mailing of the 11. M. Frigate itlerrlmnr.
Boston, Au*. 14 —The I* 8. steam frigate Mer
rimac sailed from here at 10 o'clock IhU morning
for New York.
Washington Affaire.
Washington, August 15—Tbe Cabinetlias not
ordered the discontinuance of the Kansas prosecu
lions for treason.
It is said that the President has appointed Daniel
Ratclltfe assistant solicitor of tbeCourt of Claims.
There is do truth in the rumor that Secretary
Dob'in is to succeed Mr. Mason at the Court of
AxoTHEft British Shipmaster Returning a
Fugitive.—The Charleston Standard of Thursday
has tbe following :
At an early hour yesterday forenoon, the Pilot
Captain Burke, of this port, was
hailed outside the bar by Ihe British ship Warbler,
from New Orleans, for Liverpool, fifteen days out
Tbe Warbler had on board a negro, who was not
discovered by tbe captain for some six or seven
days after tbo sailing of the vessel. The negro
was placed on board the Charleston, and on the
arrival of the latter vessel at her wharf, yesterday
evening, he was lodged in tbe guardhouse to await
an examination.
Heavy SUIT.—Dr. K. L Cow per, of Wur frees
boro', N. C., Has commenced suit against the Wil
mington and Weldon Railroad Company for ®20,-
000 damages, fur an accident which occurred to
hiui near Wilmington, la»t year, in which one of
his legs was rendered useless by being crushed in
a collision between a freight and passenger car.—
Tbe most eminent counsel in North Carolina are
or. gaged.
Charles Iliggins, recently of Petersburg, em
ployed in the Navy Yard at Norfolk, died in the
watch-house there, Wednesday night, from excea
•ive drink.
NUivl'JihtiN ICE.—7OO toon pure North
ern lcF., just received trom hocki&nd Lake,
AHAKK C' HA N V K.--tor iinle, a first
clr»s RKSTAUR4NT, in a central part of tha
ci'y, doing a good bnsiarss; sold ou aecount of ill
health of proprietar. Foi further information,
address 8. B . fbronsh the post < fliei. au If--It*
£ lognes, Fancy Soaps, Tooth and Hair Brushes,
Peail Dentriticfs and every article requisite for ths
Toilet, at UL'VAL & NIJRTON'B Drug Store,
an 16 Corner of Main and l«rh sts.
AKUALIJNINK .—For Impnriln* to tbe
eves a most brilliant and sparkling hne, so much
in vogue among the beauties of Andslutia. For aale
au 16 Diuggists, tOthsnd Main sts.
O sparkling aad iey cold as it flows from our silver
lined foautaing, through a patent refrigerant draw
pip*, and drank daily by thousand* at our store, corner
Main aud lbths'reets Our Cream Syrups ae pre
pared daily from fresh, tich cream, aad tbe ripest
fruits, smong which are essence of an hundred pine
apples; do ef Lemon Grove; do. Strawberry Bed
and Sperkling Hock Nectar,
do. small Shoulders: 5 tierces best quality sugar
cured Hams. For sale by
13 sala by
an 16 WM. WALLACE k SON.
,>iwi llliliH NO. 1 tIL'T 11 lilt KIN <»S--
For »:tle by
IUU EL—Fir aale by
lIiJiUriIKLINU »rJ€ItH.A lull us
A ■orlrnent for «ale by
m Ifi 4tb and Franklin atraeta
iHtA'fAKII of aNi»»rl«r qrntl-
in botflo*, tm« ; l pirk**e« and ba k for a*.• by
au V> 41b »»d Praa«'in «r*.
r »(l .P"''?-. mtIUKDNWS kamTTy
WHlfchy.—6 b' If. Cl-mn'a Mountain VVhi*.
ky i 75 blil«. "OW By*," »»ri«ua bianda Kor aal«> hy
lt A V u 1 i WtObf-A choice lot j««l rfffl*-
mJ ed and for aal* by
»" I" 14 Pearl atraat.
I AGt'AVKA t ut-VKK -100 U**m prime
U green Lajraayra (offrein (tore and for aals by
an ifl 14 P*ari aunt
INIKT WINK.—I# qr. rnlu Far* B*r-
I urtj 2S da> foil Wl»a 5 l'»do Madana
Wtni Pai aal* by
lUU 3bto. Sptrm Caodlea; M do. Talloar Caadlc*.
For aal* by
*u ic WM. WALLACE k BON.
tW Itatlcinn* Wathw
tka lilacs* of tbe Pasfr, there wj« bei no «*««"#»
in $jeai#nr« Meeting ll^ota,TO-MOHROW, (Lord's
day.) The Chareh will meet in the afternoon aa
nsnal to commemorate die Lord'# Sapper,
•n I«—it* _
marine Nki>va
fORT or EICHMOHD, An 15.
ItMwr Pocahontas, Jonas, Baltimore, mdze, Lad
''steamer Virginia. Booms, Philadelphia, tail* and
piiMOfe r a, ti. E. Tattle.
Sehr VVm Coiqoitt, Davis, James *i*er, wheat,
Warwick It Barkadale.
Schr. Snian, Refers, No w York, mdae., D. fc W.
C 'Behr Barrow, Portsmouth, iron, W. D.
Colquitt *c Co.
Schr Tbomii Conner, C r ump, down the rivor,
'"ttchr. West over, Rogers, Boston, tndae., D. k W.
Boston, Am 13.-Arrived, schr. Oanges, Clarkr,
Yntrico River, Va.
f O.ST—Onihe 14th ofAugNst on Ciorern-
Li or ■treat, iffy FREE PAPERS. Tbay were in a
'arte pocket hook. I will give a suitable mwird if
lefts' this office. POLLY SCOTT,
an 16—It* A free woman of c 'lor.
LUST.— A Memorandum sail Account
Book, containing aeveral accounts, tickets and
o'hsr papers of little value 10 any one but the owner.
The finder will receive thanks, and couipeosstioa if
renaired. by leaving it at this office.
an 16-11* SHARP k OHF.STERMAN.
IOS»T BOY.—On Ptuntiuy eveuiag la»t it
J colored lad, ahoat eight yeare old, named WIL
LIAM LEWIS, left my'houSß and has not since been
heard from. He speaks very slow, b&s a sprightly
•ye, is quite dark, and remarkably shrewd for bis age.
Any in formation concerning bim, left at the Dispatch
offics, will be tbankfuliv received.
au 15—2t* A froe man of color.
LOST— J»ly FKKt PAHMK!«, between my
h.uae and th« Firnt Market. The tinder will be
rewarded by leaving them at this cilice, or with my
an 15—3t* .* free woman of color.
I OST-B'JO KKWAKD--On Wcrtnrs.lMy.
Li on Frauklin s'reet in the neighborhood of tbe
Old Market, my POCKET BOOS, containing about
obi hundred and forty-five dollars, mostly in twenty
dollar notes, Virginia mon>y. Tbe above reward of
twenty dollars will be paid lor its return to Mr Rich
ard H Barnes'. JOHN T. GATES,
sn 15—2t*
rfiSix / —\ Sllftl.lL. OYrVI'KKS.-A lot ot
/ O,J fresh bHELL OYSTERS just received
from York River. Pickled <>ysten»ud
'flgr Crabs received daily from York River.
au 14—St* Locust Atlev.
i'Olt Kii.NT.~Tke «-oinnioi!i«u» and
K9 well arranged Tobacco Factory, now occupied
*4. by Mr. O. W. Harwood, situa'ed on Ctrr (tract,
between 17th and lfth streets. Possession givin on
the tirst of Jajuary next. Apply to
an 16- -ts UTF.4RNS fc BRUM MEL.
hQUAßE—Expecting to mn»e shortly into my
new house, corner of 3ih end Grace (treat*, I wi.l
•eli, on accommodating term*, that largo and excetd
>»<'? pleasant residence now occupied by Die, en
Orace street, two doors above St Panl'a CI uroh ; er
te avoid a removal, and remain where 1 have fcuad
it ao pleasant, 1 will acil the new houie, (which isTtry
sisnilsrly situated,) and give longtime for a large [tit
of I he purchase money.
an 16—eo4t B. B. MINOR.
• UFt 1« tin AMIO'i IJKK ftOU.tIM TO
RENT —Two very desirable cflicesin the Law
Building for rent —double rooms separated by a
glass door, accessible rind pleesaat. One has been os
cu[ led bi Mr. Horn igoa for many years. Also, several
ether rooms suitable far armories, for lodges, and lor
bed rooms. Tenaits will have tha u*e of convenient
wa'er closets Rents low.
Also, a highly desirable residence tor sale.
App'y to ». B. MINOR, in the Law Building, or to
au 16 -eo4t Will OOULDIN. Agent
FUtt HbM—lw« dares od .tlnin
Ml street, nesrly oppoiite tha uew custove-house
-W- aud post office. Apply to
au 16 - eod3" R. N. HUDSON.
COMPANY, NO. 5-Attend ft called
r*) meeting ef your Company at the En
gine Hoase on THIS EVENING, at £J
o'clock. Ky order of the (foreman
»o IB—lt* W. H. STY W ATE ft. Pec'y.
FIRE COMPANY', NO. 2 — Atrend a
Called Meeting at vonr Engine House
tti&fimMon THUS (Saturday) EVENING, at
o'clock, it is requested that every member should be
present. 8y order of the Commander
Rii 16-H* .r GIBSON. Pec'v.
-XX . r t'Ki/.ttNflKK CU.Au O- At
tend & called mestiag of your I ompaay,
the Pn<ine House, THIS EVENING,
■ w W— at 8 o'clock for the *1 -c'ion ef Foreman.
Be order. R. E. BLANKKNSHI P,
aul6—lt Serretarv
M|r\ (iI.ASW, I tll>A AMI HAltiil-
Jn/ENWARK.—Having taken tbe s'ore form
erl; occupied ky James Ktii-.i, *• aie cow
receiving a new and splendid assortment *f
Kluirt and ffo'ar L,amp,i, Csndlelabras, Loeklog Glass
as. Table and Mantle Ornamenfs.Brilanniaand Plated
Ware Tabla Cut'ery, Glsss. China and Fa thenware,
in s-ts sod by tba pieon ; all ef wbiah wa will sell at
the lowebt market rates
Orders sent to ns wi 1 he fsi'h*u'ly executed, tie
hast ariicles furdis.isd, and particular aitentinn paid
to i acking. TAYLOR * CO..
an '6—dim 117 Main Street.
fj^ut;uAi , it)i>.-.uis. iii. t;. HICK win
■J opan a School, the Ist nf *epteinbe r on iMstreft,
between Clay and Leigh Hating taught in this city
2" years ago, and afterwards in a Western Seminar?
with her Misbaud. Rev. W. B. Rice, and for the last
15 years in Lynchburg. with great sntis r ac ton to Her
patron', she bopes to men t and receive the same now.
Her mode of ins'ructiou is thorough, adopted iothe
ngss arid cnpac'ties of her pupils. Her discipline is
parental and systems'ie.
She will give instruction la most of the higher
English branches, also in Latin, leiuis per gt-asi n
»f ten n onlh<, payable quarterly:
Beg'noera $'5
Rnsi nents if) (Ml
Kngli'h Branch's 25 '<1
Higher English Branches, including Latin.... S<> 00
Peisons wishing to see Mrs Rice, will please sell >t
Mr. John M . Royal.'s, on7th street, between Ciay and
Le : gh in 8 -d'2t
Rev. JOH\ WILSO.V, A. M, Principal.
This institution, which has beeu In succeastol ope
ration for six ya' i. will eoinmenea Its next session
on WEDNESDAY, the 3d of September with iu
rreasrd advsntsg s for the comfort and imprkvrment
ot its popils.
The coorea of instruction is systf mstic ard eotipre
her.sive, embracing all the b'acchrs of a thorough
English education, together with (he ancent and
modem Ltnjunses, Muile, Draaing. Peiating. he
The Institute is in orptrated with Collegiate row
ers, and when the full course of study is completed
grants diplomas.
All the departments aie under the Wireetion ef
tesrbers of experieace and skill in their profes"OD.
and the boarders, «lu reside in the Inst'tote, »iil he
under the csre of the Principal and his lady, at all
times, snd will receive all secesaary aid and atten
tion. Parents am assured that, while we eh ill pre
seive index bly thst discipline essential to the proper
development of the mind, and the formation of a true
wemasly character, onr pupils shall also receive *p«.
eial instractioa in regard to their narai na' deport
ment and tbe proprieties ot' sacisl lifa, and have our
best efforts to enable theic to spend their Lime at
aefcool pleasant as well as prr.fi ably
(I'rr Session of Ten Month» )
Board, ligh"s. fuel and washing. .sll#
Tnition in all English branches 40
Music on Pisne, wiih use of ins rument .SO
Modern eaeh 20
Ancient Langusges. no ex'ra ehsrge.
Payable—One-half at the beginning of the session
the ruhrr Ist of Febiuary
GF For Circulars, or further information, address
the Piincipsl , n i,s_] 2t
AUtA I'A fltl(Kh..PlMeri with thebrai
Steeling Si'ver, and on the best Albata Ware and
warranted to give aenaiaUion te pn'chaaera, by
« »nb-enber offers for aale, at his Lumber Yard, on
tbe Ceeal.
74 bbls TAR, in good order
baled hay
And a general of LUMBER.consisting
in part of the following: leeh Hard Pine Boarda; 3
Hi 1J and 2 inch Ho; But>]ith*r<na , bri|rM tod
wide; Dressed and Un4re»t*rf Fleering; Heart Garden
Rails; 3*o, 4xo and 4xß Heart dsantlteg; 3xl do , all
Alee, a lot of euperior Heart Btep Plank, Jolat
hhingiea, and other articles ia lite Lumber
line. - |
He keaps al-o cocs'antly on band. th« best OAK
and PINE WOOD, all of wbjch will be s Id 1 w
an 16-gt C WALTHAM-.
MUi having claims s««usattbe aetata of tbe late Hoa
ry W. Mbarpe, dee'd, will pre seat them to tba under
signed for pa> meat without delay, and thuee tod bted
to his eetate will come forward and make payrueur,
as it ts desirable that tha e*taM sbould be wuund up
at aaearH day. W. GODDIN, Ex'r of
an 18—law I m tIEWRT W. ■HA«PW dee'd.
VAUCt FL.OUM —KeceiTlnc tor a. I#
by aa IS J~J FAY.
r»* Offl*« bonra o» Sondayi, h*re»fter, from 3to 9
A.T, «5 fr» < * * ? ft-
Abriit ( mn G Add am inn Sarah
A.-<ami mil P ▼ A*'»*'■ *>>« L
Arrooa mn J Attluira hi in L t
Ab.-arm mil J f
Bnittn nri Hiec; Snrton nl»« C
rtoo»r*« mrt Hartley mi** K N
Baker am E* Bonn mi-Fanny
Bluat oin B L Bwui «m U M
Sraxtoa mr> L 2 Bra»i mitt H A
Rurton mil M i Hirtwa miai L
Batlar mri Molly Boun min M
Brown mri Poify Brirt mi* 8 F
Barfoot mri 9 A BvogiuriiSC
Briici bum A IS Uruwa mill W W
Cocknn mri Clark• mri S K
Coke mra R C-aoihaar mra S B
Cre» mil F Coop»r ralfli R
Cbildi mri Q Criwfjrd miiiS
Campbell rariS Collioi mli* Mary
C»rr tori J II Clarke mm M J
Cbadler mn M V Cater mm J C
Conauray inri M B Crump uiin A R
Cox mra M A Callegan mils Ami
Carry mra B B
Dancan irn M A 2 Dunoan mi«e Sne
D*vii mri Martha T>a*ia inn* Mrdaltna
Dixon mn M J D-»y «»*' Roberta
Davii nin Anna
Ellett mn M A Kllett miaa B A
Eacho min D
Fori min V A Calaber nori B M
Ferd mn H A Friend m>s Chai
Flournoy ror* S F i» ale mn
Kluno«ry mi*« Ann
Olbion min 6a* Oillwle mri Anneftt
Gilbert mim Emily Orahaui bei/i «l mrs Ann
Goudail miu Anua B
Haley min Bar*h K II ickidaT mri Martin A
Hi*gtn* min Va T Hitching! mri Mery
rioyt iii'n Mary Ellea Hames mri lan"
Harris mill Mary A Hueli mri Henrietta
Hopkim mm Marv S A Hnriaon mri Hannah
Hayrn mill Joaephin* H«rriion mri Sally R
Hawkim misi Kaunte Hymtn mri S
Harm mn P Hix mri Mary F,
Hadgini mri Mary A V Hencerua mri Lucy
Irby mils Josephine 2 llliugiwortli mri E
Jonei min Agnea B Jchnion mn Flenor
Jon-i min Ann B Jo. nsonion mri .Indith
Jenkini min Mary L Johnaon mra J ice
.luhnmn mim Nancy Johnton mn C
Jcnei uiu Sarah f
Karnna mri Bridget Kelly mri C F
Ra[ haa mri C mra Mury R
Lary mn Susin Lucas una Rebec:a
Landun mi«« Fanny
MoiebT mri Sarah W 2 Merchant mri ReN«y
Maaon mri Ma'garet A I Martin m>a Mary A
Medclecott mri Mary II Mih reiia Isedo
May ho mri Nancy Miller win (Jaasie
mri Maria C Mnrtln miw Anr.:i
Moffiby aiTB isJixa O A*:filet«D Klien ' *
Miuter mrs Be'.tiu B Mhyo mias l uay
Milei mri Ann M Miller uiiia Jauo
Uitton mri Arcanda R miss Mary J
Martin Anaa £
M«Caii«ter mri McKenaett mr* B
McGruaer mil l<ahella McClenaahan Fhu?S»
MoKioney mri Luke (ilaTe)
MeDonnell mriCath M«rt-«e mi»a A K
McCarthy uiri MiLeiuare mias Rebecca
Nimtno rnri N R Nance mlsi E J
Niven raisa Jane
Oliver mil Judith A
Powera mra N Pbillipi mUa M H
Paya mr« L PolJard wiaa Maty Elua-
Pattcraan inn H zabeib Kllen 11
Puwil! mra A Po#ell miss L ti
Prjor mra B' B l'erry miss L
Perry mra B /'atenoa miaa Lacy
Petta mra A R J'araky miaa P K
Pendleton mra A Pollard wjl#b Poll*
i'ar««na oniaa MK Pendlrton iniaa Carolina
K -
Reardiu mra H Kiekord m'i B
Kandalph una K Kotausju uiiia Ellea 2
Rauiaay inra V N
Sutermra Mary Bhnpard ian Catherine
Huilivua mra ilnds ting etoo uira Ann
Sativan mrt Johanna Mattery mia« Car
Timbliek rmii Mary Tay'»r mra
Yeller mia Mnrv S Tyrwt »i«« MaboU A
Tbomaa mra i's r ae'ia Toomba .uiaa Mary June
Talioao mra Loviia Tu r mr miaa Kiuros J*as
Tharoa n.ra Aim Toinbii* miaa Uoltia L.
Warrea mra Sarah Watssa miaa Hebecca
Wrieht mra flnaan Wtber mim Mary
Wolf mra Mnry W Wataon n>ta« M A
WoodVird mra Joaeph'a Wa«!« rniaa India
Wjihama tnr* Be'a«-jr Wallace uiisi laabella
Wade mra Eiizßbe.li
Anderson A W Andersoa Rev J Armstrong I
As'oa C A Alvis J 8 Aldington A J
Antony D Arnell 8 B
Blankirsklp A Burroughs Panl Brown Henry
Butler A Baugh P BootwrightJ 8
Barnes Brauton R Blair J 1'
Baker A J Brown R 2 Ball J J
Blackburn A KJr Bruce R l*ra»g J N
Brown A * Baikina R leiryJos
Briggs A B Brers R B.ilpiaJL
Bethel Carter Brown 0 Bigg Jaa
Burton I)C 801 l T G Bru:en J C
B atinan David lie'gar Thes Bil urs L VV
B iroett F F Blnnt W lirigss * P
Rdms Rarbresk W L Brit
Blackbn-n I Bane oft W Bell eol Wm
Barryham B B Ballot Kobt Bargees VV W 2
Beers Henry Baker Was Bat erl.y Pete.-
Biesen Henly bluckborn W O Browa ULi
Cosby Albt Curtis T K Carve'lo .1 F
Coleman A Collins T U Cut'on Jus
Carter K F «. larke R .1 Collit.s J C
Ciniks Divid Crittenden W A C«I« J W
Crancler David Copland W Casonß«v T
C&rnpo 6VV CiandalßevW Chanel r Petor
Chandler Henry Cburke VVa>h Criddoek L VV
Clarke llt-nry Canibgton Hon f hildrey Bta
Ureas J VV C Cooper 8
Carothers J 8 Clarke VV
Dillnrd VV A Deeo'n R L Drew VV B
Ilnck Arch Denon Roht Dhon H
Dndley A H Davis R L DilksJ H
Davis Barton Da*>nev Virginias Driaeol Jne
llrewry GM Dasis U A U rsn Jno
Dickin»on H W Devis VV H Dan ton J 0
Dei ion Rult
England A V Fdmsa Js« Ellis las or A
t.aton A B Fagen 8 Fddins H H
Kdwards Beni Ellison T H lilts 6am
Eubank O VV
Fiedier Horace Fowlkes VVn> Franca J M
Kiayser J T For.t A J Folk# K J
Frost Jne Ford Andr-w J 2 Fiauk in Win
FilieldAC Fieeman Fred
GipfThoe Oorid.o H Guenent M S
Garnett T S Gordon Frank Garnett L»wi«
Green S S Gregory E J Gnerrant Morris
Gtbb Thos Gulch Conrad Jb»
Goald 8 A GitesßJ tiallaghsr Jeo
Goirg R T Gill Andrew Gat e wood J T
Gardner R E GiimewadA Oo'dunJno
G.bsou R H Gibbs A C Gnffia J VV
Gorman Rd Gtody VV A Gatiatt J P
HiggiasWrn Harviile J F Hudson Kdw
Heater W C Hsves Msthew Hieit" Gottca
Hill W R Heinswor-.h M M Hulacher H%ary
Hooper W M Hartal M Harns Hsaiy
Hallowsv ' erne H*ni, Nurd} ke t Haxt Jonathan
Hardy VV T , Co Hea'h J VV
Hawkins W W Hniie R L JUrrts J A
Holiowsy Wra Hill R M Marrisjn J W
llassrr C Harrison Rsnd 2 Hnrhee J S
Hshort A HillTH Horn* J
Mener Pastor Haywood Thos ll«niy J W
Hnteheaon H M Hi oper T W Hart J H
Hetshausr Cbas HudgioeaolT Hsals.l VV
Hof kins J W ileal} Wb Healii J P
Harlow Jack.on
Irvine CP Ihler J F
Jones Abm Jones Sam tones J VV L
Jefferson Johnson T M Jackson J F
Jones CE Jonas VV A Jacobs.lno
James DL- Jester W D Johnson James
Jones H N Jacob* VV Jainea Dr N R
Korse Tim Karr Jacob Kiefer J J
Knight T A Keaa Geo Klin J A
Kanerd Sebaa Kelly Rev D C Klnnsird Jaa
Losgtist Hugh Lipecnmb O W Lubley S T
Larry Jaa Lengthy FII 4 Lyons Thos
Letsfeld J#o-jH Luiy Fridolin Lindaey Rev \V
Lugnot Morri* Lea fc. Davis Lindaey VV
Laxford Jaa Laa C C Laiham E W
Lam bard 3 P Lnudram A L Lugnot O R
Msrston B A Morgan 8 D Medley (1 C
Miles A W Moebv B F Miller E R
Movntcaatle A H Meredith Sam Mathews. Oey It
Morse C Martin Thts Co
Mtnsy J W Murphy Thus MitebeU I D
MaaonJas Morris Tho* Morgan C R
Mok lei J F MoaiagaaThi* Ma«i> uj Ku
Mmrts J M Ma'liews Thus Mows C
**eeeby Davtd Mat he we TC Matbews Jno
Mailer M A Mead VV B Murphy Jno
Mitchell C « Mayo OmWI Mottey Pat
M»r4hil! Ahl«r 9U; PleMWt
•on (ctlorad) ' * r *<
McMvwnSem .
WcAiltauiVgor, Me »,tnvfK»» M.tJA? ft.®
McCo-njtek eapt S*e9parr*-> j«. M eM
Wrn McN*B4ht«» D M.vv'vr
McGorera P«t 3 « •»■ " ■"WrubThn,
Jfichoti* JBo lfnl'on it Oraat N»nmh. ■
KWboUaO- 5K7?
Nelton —&&*., -WK.
Pon.rd r n Pa» W B „ „
f-H.rd Tho. Fglwr Oaenf roI!lt S"
Pa*a» Pred Pope Nam 'j'f*"'
PolUttOe. Pjwell T B JW™ j
P*ttj(Uo raters Wro Perkins J 1
Powell H h Patteraon T R P U w« 1} £
Rn».t« c W R*e c*pt Or Rab»rd« I.
Riley O S Robert aon Rd a
Rich.iea.fM Riarea Tbo. Radfarrf ii *
RoMn«»n J R Roir.ndWc l!°
Riglaml J A Rag ao W R RttoillaaJtSj
BiwrwnJaa PhcMr O A fhartle MUk
Bnrth R P Smith f fchab M??
Hainder* VVm Hftnormn ¥ J In
Shopp.rd W H ft abb. K R Brni'h l£ r»>
Stiandera W A Satton R T fit Clair 1n *
Sneed Wt-ltr Himpaon 1: C'erk Scott iaa
Him Rabt 2 Bhepper»on B»»i *ha>.k> i„„ ,
Saltan Pat Ftaari Hob / fl S R , n d'„ , *
Shay rat Stone A A > Stewart Jn«.
t!ea:» Oacar tfejman M S *
Trier W U Toi.r J Talreate T a
Tarr Wmi Thomataon J T Toddy Rnhi
Tyler VV N Tall'y 0„ n , Tyle K II
Tedori* VV Taylor C K Toward e»l J
Taylor W H Turner C B T?larJ k
Taylor TL Trackmeyer c A
Vickcra Thoj Yaujhaa J D Vanahsn J T
Vaaa Petimor*
Wflkerwn T 0 Woodwurd R B Walton IT
Walker A R Walken P. f, n- r ' T
Whit-ll B a Wick. Sam Waltae J-
Wa'kir* R'nj W s |,h Waiter Wj|, orj j y
Worabam r. W„riierThoa Weymouth J P
Weber C Whtt. Tho. Wilki n », , »
White O A Ware Wm W -1
Walker J Witaon W m
Weymouth Ed Wmtberly Wm
aTs a w
B " ' fi —lt TIIOS. B. BIOGKR, P M
\ Y A :--Twr.' h
« f cure the service* or a QovsrneM capabl»of taarh
iijt tl;oro>iglily the primary tranche* of an Knili.h
Ednc»iion. Arp! ; CHi:'a will nive r-fTencef«od*t<.rm.
A nonlbera lady ooJy will i>e received The whnol
i* for t.h« b«nelit of ray own children, hot ( W i | tak*
foyr little girls and a amall hoy. who will he lncat>H
aa my own. Zl< plaatt'ion i* three mi|« h,j ow
iMnncbeaiei, and u remarkably healthy: lint if nerea
»Ary, the a»teud»Dce of uio.t excellent pbjalcUn* can
be procured in au hour.
T«*ms— Including.Taition, Bosrd. tc . #IS0; nne
half pnvahltt in advance, acd the t> lance on !be iir»t
of March.
Add.en Col. S. BASSETT FRENCH, car* of
Mo Kinney At Dupny, Richmond. an td-lm
IVANTB!)--A Whitr W'oinnn, to co«l> nnd
" wnah tor a •uia!l family. Appiy at tbuofiica
Btl ifi —It*
WA.NTfciI.A IMU <J <I<KKK.—»\ unirtTn
yoarg maa who uoderatand* the drng bnio«t< m
it* vari ,n« brauchee. Apply by letter to 'BAYLOR,"
through the p»«t office. in 16„] W
VyjINTKO-A Kood Ctak, either white nr
'» oolored, one whj caa • wa*h and iron Anr.'y
aa 16—fit* Cor. n f franklin and Madiaona'a.
VI/AN i'JiU, K.UPI.U k he *a»-
T T *criber i» tirepered to do any anount of ploaftii
iog that may ba wanted to be done, be it email o'
large: be has good Uimi and experienced ploaghmeu
Ha solicits a ceil from ihnas 'hat mav have «iich
vro'ktodo, naauring them that the work nhiii and will
be done, and at moderate pricea. Ordera left. al the
store of J. VY. Beveridge will b * a'tendel to
li/ANTKO-A MII.I.GH - (In irhVea*
» » »"ke charje »f a -Stream Mill in the rity. ana an
dera'aail* the nianafact'jrinj of Flonr, tbit caa conn
weil recommended, will receive a goodaallarv
an 13—te ' .rj^FRY
WAVI'KP, STOKAUU -he run »tor><
from 15 000 to 20 COO buaiela of grata la the
u: par part of our tiouaa. It being perfectly dry and
eiry end tho Central Depot uud Deck, make* it
very deairabie a* ajUrae* ll'im*.
a* Corner ef Franklin and Union a'a
V%/AN'» tiU. A fc I V I A T I ON.—A y«.iiu«
t »• Lady, qealifi <d to teach the fallowing Orn*
naen'e.l !>rtricb«r Drawtig Mnrioohmnoatia Paintiot.
Ureciau Painting, Leather and Needlework, i» deatr
on* of obuiaiug a eHoatiea in a Colleg* nr School,
either ia the elty nr ono'ry, er abe wenld be willing
to f*knrla«e"!a in the varioua e«h-v>la to teaeb fith"
or all of the above-named branchea. and if deairid
wonld in .t/net iu the r'agtfab banehe* Porfuih'r
Information addreaa K 0 J box £58, Richmond,
Va An early application i« deaired.
aa 12—lm*
"y ~% \VA VI KJ> -Tm ni •• «Tin tTTy n »»w
jfll eetlee. able-bodied TwUNO Mr'N, forth*
/ £jß) United Diagooni A de'acbmeot of
f " 1 Oft will leave f>r the Sonth Western fron
tier on tr.e 20th ef tbp preaert month For farther
inforan*tioDj»ppiv at tho ''Mounted Recrni-inf Ren
d-zvotw." Franklin *rreet, ojpoaite Metropolitan
Hail, between So'olock, A M-, and 6 P. M.
B. H. JIOBBRTBOS, lat Lt i Dra'n,
Jy 2?- -Ira* Pwrcmiting C Slier.
,lM bU, Cl.hjaK.-WnMedliy a wh«l«-
aale Dry Houa* an experienerd eatty
Cle k, who write* a S-at rate hand, who la we'l ar
qnaie'ed wl'b the bnsinew, and ran bring geed ref
ir»ncea. Aftdreaa ' Drv Oeolg," through the rt'tt
OtFce.ln hapdwriflag ef arplicant. »" 7
TvaVTTio MKUUUiiM .Wanifd to »MrT;
* v for the balaiee of th» vear 4 noya and 2 Men,
for.which a liberal erice will be giv a.
au 7—'a LARD'S k SHINF.
WAA'J'liO- l'n tC'ttKK.—'l tai«»'il»»<rlbrr
» » wishoa to enu>loy a middle a#*d 'o
take »-har*e of a Bclo-'l ©f «niull l>oy« and firU iJt
the enaait.g year. Add €§■ J- A. «• «
bq 5- -1 cu Jeteravi'le, Ameliaccoaty, Vi^
WANTED--WET NURfK.-.A hfnltliT.
▼ * renteel yonng woman to act in the ab«»vii e»-
rmcity, will ha rendered comfortable with liberal
wage»e -on-withont incumbrance preferred—ay *P
plication to this office. >f| '
■\V .\ > t'ii.U..iL A<»n ." I »nh»« »ib«r »*
ff (axiiiu* t* pnr h»»« fiaj» 'n larte or «m»U qoio
lirisn, f..r wbieh th* hi«h'«t cuh prieo will be r«« "
He esn Hlwayt be founl »t bia ftore, on i"tb ftreol,
bttween Brtid and Marshall
Rrfora by permhioi, to J- M. Conrad, '*1"
V M »r, Thro Junei 4l Co i Wm Hurler ?*}•> * M
M-.-i >». T M»orf t fn. |T gl-lm
It'AM'fcli «l ™to
*» hand, w lay Track m: the line of the Kiebmonf».
Froderlrkeburf and Potom'ie Railroad, •bout t'birtl"
a«T«a railoo from Riahniond Apply •' 'hj" °®**'
WM. N. fiSAtiO, Sop's-
Office R F.*R.R.r#,l . ..
E'chmotnl 'n|T n. 5 .)* ' -
I»Pkk VKKMI" nKKMI I»A A*k ( |
JL ttut)T—Wa rv f.'d |enoine »nd iweet- J®«'*
ee;red and fo' »»lf br ... . ~
iiAIDLiUIf & ROBINSOV. Cbe-oifU,
an lfi 4'b and Fr»nklio»"
|,n;ilTPUHv»hir..l«inw '«»»•'
V burn froeSy.»»ed oanrot 6o Wtwn oot. rriee i*i
o«nt» por box. Kor »-le b»
»n ;« 4 b and Fra«k!l«
81. J il.ltN Ct.AKb» -►• f
,y ! " by ww. vi-alt-atf. > "o* _
l«,»om Hm.br. *" r .
ni«hM Ch»mc • -.km. «p &>»d " d
P»T'r Puunc" *>wi Rouen Moi.e, e»d «' ndow ,'
of unfile cod double tb>oknr»». in *r»«t *§r.« !•—
f,«h «iiH'lj J«« reeled .»<H£r
Arll«U' md r»ioter«' ."npp'T
an '6 l 4« M» ■ Hif**
T»7.Ti K -Wrh«*e••»»»■<
I) > lot of bUck PiU Ho«« for "I" »« «•"
r >, rir . r. hakt-vh-i. *
• OL.OKfc.tJ »lI.K .«*> VlufcM-: -I
' silk Mact'a* fw »»le at *»ry •?» P' '•'* rn
• » " fi ° _ ~
|)A I..UKTI'W HA Ml I. V t i.Ot »t " f* 1 '
1 »httit ni«*. for «il« bw * *•
<~i II H.\ i«b -1 r»» »*i« I* H*" r »
0 Whe» , Tob*oeo»»d Com, on»w»*« -
.■i 13 3 1 — -
1 •; iwin»« KAUI *
Oil, IB >tor« »f d for ky
an .6 W^HATW**.
j"I k (I7m I'of .N im A M«KI I *J* A>»'
I U.IHIU rAKNCH Willi''* /IWC,<»rfK°j 4,4
UOT F., **.
l%Mimttvivo hk'icT.-*J«•"! Jtf
I*l Piece. N..t, S, 71 Md 9 J wd. kCO
■ a 16 Kn 141 r—W %*•***. -
TtWT'wJAiviKti- tM SKTipiS *«p*
«f Ftnar, tQ bbl» old Pl»»'. II|V
>n IK WM. WALLAC** W" 1 :,,
UCICA.I tut Pu'klitft «rnil kl«4» «•* •**
©*£» <iu»lry, fcr.4.l, f y p|f^
VJ tie* »lil tin toll p»ek*|tr» of v<nU»W
bf |.» l«| B J riCOT_
e<tr» for lb* K«v»t »nd Agu». '• W V 2?J,V£
ror M k by * J FK»T,
»u 16 Dni|r*-

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