Newspaper Page Text
THE DAILY DISPATCH. Hatirlur Mmlnf, Marc* 14. I*3T. Tke Borgho Hacrr or Chloeae *ui a r Cane The New OrUan. I)«lu publtabe. * letter from Tbotna. Aflleek, Kaq, oL MiaaiaalPP l . wbo »»» cloMiy atudied this plant, and watched the result* of the various experiment* made, from it., fir* to traduction to Franc. to thU Ume. He think, it poggtbU that it may .upplant the .agar cane, but think, the .ngar growing State. cannot lose. even If that be the re-uit, a* It wiU yield more sugar then, than farther North, betides attaining a rMtiy larger growth. The South will have an ad ditional advantage In iU .npply of machinery, perfectly adapted to the purpose, and it. tho> rough knowledge of .ngar-making. Mr. George Wilkin. Kendall, of the New Or |MQ( picayune, write, a letter to his paper on the aame anbject, from hi. plantation, near New BraunfeU, Teza. He ha* made partial expert menu with It. culture, and .ay. that of it. pro pertle* for the production of .ugar, be can a. yet My nothing ; he only know, that it taate. like the common .ngar cane, and U fall of juice about the time the first head, ripen. He adds that as a green fodJer, it beat, every tbing that grow.; horse*. iheep and bogs are inordinately fond of it, and ao full are the .talk, of saccharine matter, that they mu.t be both nutritious and nourishing. Mr. Kendall .ay. it .tands a drought better than any thing he has, and does not seem to require rain after it U once up. Putonm'a monthly. This periodical, of late year, moat unfriendly to the South, ha* a tirade In it. last again.t Southern literature. It I. replete with th? same spirit which formerly dictated tbe question in Great Britain, " who reads an American book }" America once depended for its literature on Eagland, and the South ha. too long in like maanei encouraged the literary ware, as well ai other notions of the North We hope, however, that the day of this depen dence la drawing to a close, and the many indie* tlon. of that fact, aud of tLe ability of tbe South to produce a literature of it. own, afford, no doubt, the real clue to the savage onslaught of Putnam. We have no desire to bandy epithets with the writer cf this Magazine. The spirit which in spires bis usault is one simply of malevolonce.and it utterly reckless of truth and reason We prefer that the South shall answer him by work* Instead of word*, and our thorough con fidence of her capacity to make such au answer, enables as to look with couipoßuro upon all demon strations of spleen and hatred. We may, howev er, be permitted to ask, if the South be as intellec tually lmbeclled aud physically impotent as this writer represents, what must be the condition of the North, which, according to Free Soil jour aalists, is in imminent and constant danger cf "Southern aggressions ?" A Champion of Freedom. The late explanation by the Paris Conatitution nel of the secret convention during the Eastern war, between France and Austria, puts au tffec tnal quietus to the pretension of the former coun try to acting in the late Russian contest as the ebamplon of freedom against despotism. By this convention, it was agreed that if Austria would assist France in the struggle with Russia, France ahonld assure the security of the Austrian Italian possessions against political agitatioa. Austria finally declined the proposition, but, if she had been willing to accept, Napoleon was ready to plant his heel npon the last spark of Italian liber ty. Having trampled upon freedom in his own oountry, he waa equally prepared to crush it out In every other part of Europe. We do not pretend to deny that the present military depotism of France, having at its head the wisest and moct energetic monarch of modern times, is a more suitable government for the French people, who Appear utterly incapable of appreciating or pre* aerving a free constitution, than a republic. — But then It is absurd to set up for such a man tie character of a champion of liberty The war with Russia was simply a war between despots fcr apoils, which, whatever its termination, could in bo way advance the liberal cause in Europe. The Leopard and ihe Chesapeake. The Charleston Courier publishes a highly in teres ting account, by the only surviving officer of the 111-fated American frigate Chesapeake, of the unfortunate encounter with the British frigate Leopard, which had so important an effect in rousing the heart of the nation to the war of 1812, Many accounts have appeared of this transaction, but tome new light is shed upon it by the present authentic statement from a most respectable and reliable lource. Among other interesting facts, it appears that the Chesapeake had but one gun ready for action, and that she was only able to lire that one gun a single time. The battle was, therefore, literally a one-sided affair, and ought to bring no discredit on the memory of the comman der, or any of the officers of the American vesstl The Naval Court. We are happy 10 understand that there is aproi pectthat the Naval Court now in session at Wash ington, will probably restore many officers who are unjustly treated by the Reform Board, and will alao close the door against the unworthy and Incompetent, who were cast overboard by that tribunal notation. The impression seems to gain ground in well Informed sources, that the principle of rotation will be applied by the present administration to the great official berths, both foreign and domestic. The custom houses of New York and Philadelphia, the principal offices at Washington, the foreign ministers, «fcc.,it Is thought, will all have a touch of rotation. It is not considered probable, however, that the subordinate clerks of departments in Washington wiil be affected by the proposed changes. The Niagara andAllssissippl, These two vessels, which are to be Bent out to Mtist lu laying the Atlantic telegraph are among the most magnificent steamers in the American Nary, The first is a propellor, the other a side wheel. They will be assisted by two British ve* Ml*, probably of the same magnitude. A much better business this for the war ships cf the two nation* *han pouring hot shot into each other. AIIVEHTURESAND MIS-uONART LABORS IK SE VERAL COUNTRIES IN THE ISTERIOR OF AFRICA, FROM 1b49 TO lfes6, BT T. J. Bowkn.—This vol am# U indued by the Southern Baptist Publication Society; Charleston, 8. C. Mr. Bowen wii a mis slooary to Central Africa, and in bis little book, in a rather hurried a-1 cursory manner, adds some what to the limited knowledge we have of that Uttle known part of the globe. For aale by Woktham &. Cottrell. Theatre.—To-night, the beautiful play of "Willow CopM" will be brought ou*. at the theatre- Mr. Boniface sustains "Luke," one of bis very best characters The faroe of the "Village Lawyer" will conclude the performance, the inimitable Jef feraos taking the principal part, in which he fairly convulses the audience. The Foreign Mails, by the steamship Kangt t jo, which arrived at Mew York Thursday,contain ntthing Important. A letter from Shanghai, Hate* that the Mandarin Shy, the Qovernor of Shanghai, had died suddenly. The lower classes Mooted the Europeans of hU death, and for two ** Prions disturbances were apprehended, but *?}** * *• ot the French and English •Wfi aad the energy of the commandant of the Tartar troops, tranquility was maintained. Ac •"««« »o the latest accounts the town was Iran qui. • taSwßSsas sszsse- * ta •-- TKLfiaRAPItIV MtWN. MtPORTKT> FOR THR PATL Y DISPA TCB- TKKUIUI,K KAi I.KOAU ACCIDENT. SIXTY PERSONS KILLED Toronto, c* , March 12 —The train which left Toronto this afternoon for Hamilton on the Great Western Railroad ran off tbe track at a bridge at or above Hamilton. Tbe locomotive and baggage ear passed over lafely, but two car., containing 1120 paasengers fell through. Between .Ixty and eighty pa.iengers are .opposed to be killed. Among the killed i. Samuel fMmmernion, bank er; Mr, Street, a millionaire of Niagara I 1 alls, with hi.ii.ter and mother-in«l*w. Thomas C. Macklln U also reported killed. Many bodies have not yet been taken from the water, and but few names are ascertained. Of those who escaped all are more or le.a man* gied. Several Americans were oft board. The cars fell forty feet. The excitement here i. terrible, and Parliament immediately adjourned [SECOND DISPATCH.] TORONTO. March 13-4 P. M.—The train bad from 75 to 100 passengers on board, all of whom were from Hamilton. Toronto and tbe adjoining towns, and composed many prominent citizens. Only 15 have been taken from the wreck alive, and five of that cumber have since died. Tbe engine and tender pitrbed headlong into a can*!. The baggage car and two passenger cars are a complete wreck. Fifty corpses of men, women and children are laid out in one house, and many have already been recognised. Nineteen other, lie in one of the company', bnildines, and but three of that cumber ha. been identified. Action of the Menace—Death of R Naval Captain—Kea^nßtion* —Confirmations, &c, Arc Washington, March 13 —The Senate, to-day, adopted tbe report discharging the Committee on tbe Judiciary from the consideration of the peti tions si vei so to the admission of Senator Came' ron, of Pa. Mr- Berjamin's report in fsvor of taking testi mony ia the case of Fitch, of Massachusetts, aud Bright, cf Indiana, was debated without action.— After an Executive session, the Senate adjourned. Mr. Philip Clayton has been confirmed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and John S. Cunning ham Purser in the Navy. Comptroller Whittiesy, of the Treasury Depart ment, has resigned. Capt Smoot, L T . S. Navy, is dead. Lt. Conner, of the Navy, has resigned -1 be case of lit. Brashear is under examination before the Naval Court of Inquiry to-day. [By Western Lint, No. 80 Maiii street.] The !»bow Id Northwestern Virginia WYTHEVILI.E, Va-, March 13—8 P. M.—lt is snowing heavily here The ground is already covered to the depth of four incbeß. CHRIbTJANSBUHa, March 13—8 P. M.—The snow here is about tour inches deep and still I'aJling. Central Depot, March 13—8 P. M.—Snowing rapidly here, and about five inches of it already on the ground. Salem, Va., March 13—0 P. M.—The snow here is about six inches deep, and it is still falling eavily. Lynchburg, Va, March 13—8:20 P.M.—lt is snowing fast here, and the earth is covered to the depth of two incbes. FaRMVILLE, Va., March 13-8:20 P. M.—The snow here is three inches deep and still falling rapidly. Junction, March 13—8:20 P. M.—lt is snowing fast here. The ground is covered to the depth of (our inches Petersburg, Va.. March 13—9 P. M—The snow here is about 3 inches deep. It is fine, but falling very rapidly. Confirmations by the 17. S. Senate Washington, March 13.—The following con firmations were made by the Senate to-day. Hon Sam Medary, Governor o? Minnesota, and Mr. Anderson, Governor of Washington territory. Theodore Bailey. Hugh G. Purviance, Wm F. Lynch, Henry W. Morris, and Francis B. Ellison, to be captains in the Xavy. A M l'ennock, G F Emmons, Ed Middletor.Mo ses T Hnnter, G H Scott. D McDougal, and C F Mcintosh, to be commanders in the Navy. De Grass Williamson, W E Fitzhugb, T Ab bott, B P Doval. C H Cufhman, O F Stacton, W II Chcever, II A Adams. Jr, Geo Brown. Chas E H»wley, B B Taylor, W H Ward. R S May, Jno W Dunning. Hudson M Garland, J W Shirk, Jes see Taylor, Jr, Jas G Maxwell, Henry Erben, Jr, Francis E Sheppard, F P Pelot, E P McCrea and E C Stockton, Lieutenants in the Navy. G P Turner, cf Virginia, 2d Lieutenant in the Marine corps. Adam Ramsay Lieutenant in the Marine corps. Delavan Bloodgood. of New York, assistant Sur geon Navy, vice Dr Kane. Telegraphic Kent. New Orleans, March 12—The advices by the steamer Kangaroo, received this morning at New York, were punctually received here over the Na tlonal Telegraph line, the dispatch passing direct from city to city without any stoppage- Arrcat of nn Alleged murderer. BLOOMSBURG. Pa., March 12—McKim, the murderer of Mr. Norcross, ar Altoona, was arrested yesterday by Aaron Wolff, at tbe Long Pond North Mountain, Luzerne county. He was brought here by his captor and at midpi'erht placed in the Columbia county jail Mr Wolff had a revolverin hu hand when he made the arrest, and the prisoner surrendered without resistance. the way hither ho acknowledged being the man that trav elled in company with Mr. Norcross. Loss of the Ship Ponuuylvunlr, &c« Nfcw ORLEANS, Wednesday, March 11, 1657 — The ship Pennsylvania, hence for Havre, with a cargo of 2000 bales of cotton, was recently totally lost. The Pennsylvania was a new bhip, and was owned at Kreeport, Maine. The steamer Texas sailed to day fjr San Juan, with 250 recruits for Walker. Gen. Uornsby was among her passengers. More Definite from Nicaragua. New York, March 13.—The steamer Empire City, from Havana, has arrived here. The N>ca raguannews already published by the arrivnl of the Black Warrior was brought to Appiuwall by officers of the British steamer Trent, who ac knowledge that partial successes have been gained by Cols Titus and Lockridge over the Co3ta Ri can forces stationed at various points along the San Juan river. Postponed —In consequence of the snow, Miss White's reading is postponed till Monday even ng, 16:h inst. iiichuiond Markets, Itlarch l-jth, FLOUR—No transactions to-day, end market very quiet. We renew quotations «6S7i®«6SO for superhoe to shippers. * XSSA^-, Markn at fo " r "'r quotations— $1.3538140 for good to prime Bed; $1.45u>5l SO for good to prime White. CuRN-Tbe market is still verv firm, with light receipts Small parcels as high es 80 cts., and roost holder, a,k above 7.i els, at which rate large lots are readily disposed of. Northern Markets. New Yo»k, March 13.—Klcur heavy, thoosh .in,, what active-Stateiß; Southern *6 oi'aii 90. Wheat nominal Corn firm Stock, active—Va 6's f9'J; sa'm yesterday of $5000 Va. b's at *92 changed 1 * 0 "' Mlroh 13 '"" Market * generally un- f h,.rrh nn o r " 6y,erian (R<5V f)r Moore's) Church, on Saboath morning, the I5:li i nit, at li to"aft M fMeud,and a «S»»;ntances no invited 1-1 Ai --400 butci) ot prim* Mo the in Hay V cargo ot school*r Ann Elm for ir.le to ti iire. by ml, H-3t* MARK DD'^NEV 1 aud sUW.tIKH NTi>t;K JoDl OK READY MADS CLOTHING.-I am now in receipt of the largest fnd mo«t desii able stock of bi'RING and SUMMER CLOTHINI* 1 have ever opened (at mv n« w store), a fall assort* ment of sues of Black Cloth Dress Krocks; Business Casnoiere Krooks. (choice good«); Black and Fancy Csssio.ere P«nt«; Satin, Rich Figured, Twilled Grs.i adin« auks. Farmers Satin. Kaccy Castimere, Faner and White Marseilles Vests. H n , D " a0 # OD "AN, No. 119 Mainotreet. N. B. Desirous of reducing my wintsr stock ssioir pomble, these in want will fieri «uch goods st s»tu fsctory piicss |mh)4| J. I>. fj I<A|MII,Y t -io blila Ifeve a ridge s Cream Ale, for sale "h 1* ANDREW AK'TONI. tomligeatol tir or. smoke-house tins moning for sale at Baltimore prices to doaleit, for caih by mfa 14 WILLIAMS k BROTHER. DhI'INKU LAKU—A large aad complete supply (©or owe manufsctnre) in ever, style of packing. For sale by 1 ' "k 14 WILLIAM* k BROTHER T.? QVA ?. K S Pcarw.o* T * Squares with and without turned beads, laise and email sites, for sale by »K ,s WM - 'I**™* k CO, lnhl4 U2 Main strset. ]VKW CHOP OHLKAN9 l 3 * !# by X J 1 - BKINKER kco, mh 14 Cary street. j MARKIKD, In Norfolk, on the 4th of Kebnierj. kr th§ R«*> Mr. Jordan. Mr. CORNELIUS CHERRY, of Nor folk, to Miaa MARTHA J. ORURBS, of Richmond InthisclMr. on the 12th inst., by Sev h P. Le doe*. Mr FRANCIS PETIT and Miaa ANNE MA JORS. !_ HPKCIAL. N«Tlt'K«. OT Protection HuiMlnf Fnad Company An adjourned meeting of thla Company will take piaca this evening. (SATURDAY.) a'7s o' their room. (Lea k Bailey's tfiice It la ve-y dasi rable >h»t there abotild be a full rnpreaectation, at mat'e-a of importance will be acted upon mh 14—It E P See. rf Meeting of the Alumni ol the Medi cal College of Virplnlo. -•There will be a meet tat of the Alumii of the Medical Collete of V irgi nia on MONDVY neat 16th instant at SJ o'clock, in the Chemical Hall of the College building. Ad ad dress and £-ssays will bi reed. mh 14—2t* „ MT Special Notice.—The Mutual Bfoofli Life ißsoaancß Company makes anautl divid«nd» of THi«TT-rivi per cent. and paye them while the intured i« living, thua helping fcim to pay over one third of bii premiums. Were tli" company to retain the dividsn 'a until the death of the insured they cou'd a« wall aiijrd to cav from 7t) to 80 pe r cent as 85 per cent. now Dividend! paid to January lit, 1857.. $857 fif7 57 lioesea bv death " 11 14 •• 1,516 534 60 Capital in reserve fjr future losses . 2 484 5i3 18 *4 "48 554 35 No company in the United Statei haa more capital for the amounta at ri«k. B. W KNOWLEB, Agent, Pffise at "Stationera' Hall," No. 21 Pearl at. mh 14—55 • |y Black Books nod (Stationery — Oppotite American Hitel. Tha subscriber wculd resreetfuliy invite the at tention of merchants and others, to the varied and extensive asuortment of LETTER and CAP PAPERS ENVELOPES, of all sizes and qualities BLANK BOOKS, of various s!z<-s COMMERCIAL and other NOTE PAPETSB INKS. INKSTANDS, LETTER FILES, fce. Which he hai jilt opened. Persons wanting any thin* in thit line are invited to call Especial at tention paid to the Ladies' department. P. B. PRICE, nh 14—It Bookseller and Stationer. VT A Public IWeeling will bo belli nt Blue Bird Hill, in the house formerly owned by Fa uiond Anderson, on third streot, TO-NIGHT, at 7 o'clock. All tue candidates aie invited to attend, mil 14—It* t'tTNotice -The rnndldulcii for llic vari ous municipal offices are exoer'ed to meet at the Broad Street Hotel on SATUIIDAY evening, at 8 o'clock, to discuss the prominent topics of thedav. Plenty of room will be furnished. Tile public are invited to attend. mh )4— It* iUAKI.NK IMTKIJiICEMII. Port of Richmond, March 13—High Water Gi o'clock ARRIVED, Steamer Belvidere, Jones, Baltimore, mdse, Lud larn Si Watson. Schr. Gallego, Smith, New York, mjse., D. 4t W. Currie. Schr. Charm, Etarr, Wilmington, powder, E. Wortham Jt Co, Schr George Bar'oe, Bennett, Baltimore, Pig Iron, H. W. Fry, manufacturer. SAILED. Schr. Mary Adeline, Jenkins, dawn tha river, light. Schr. Courier, Marshall, down the river, light. Schr. Minnesota, Baker, Boston, mdse., W. D Colquitt It Co. V?IVK DOLiLiAHSI KEW'AKI).- -A youth F about 18 years of age, on Monday last obtained a Rifle, worth fifty dollars, upou the of Mr. P. W. Taylor, out of mv sii&p. No. So!> Broad street. As the R'fle within the appointed tirae was not re turned, it was found that tha order wks forged.— The above nsrned reward will be given to any person who will help to arrest the forger. T*e barrel of the Rifle bears the nauie of C. E. Grohuwiid, Boston, in silver On the pstchbox was a lion, on tho.trigter guard a bear, on the lockpiate an alligator, engraved. C. E. GKOHNIVALD, mh 14 -St* No. 200 Broad street. LjUNK AUTS' KXHJBIfIOJi. —A large JL assortment of c'.aisic, rare Engravings, by the most celebrated old masters as Morghen, Lonjhi, foschi, Wil'e, Woollet, strange, Rsmbranof, A. Durer, and others. Among which are : Raphael, Transfiguration, engraved by R. Morghen Ruben's Deicentfrom tlie Crots, engr. by Cltstini Raphael, Madonna delta Fenda, engr. by Toschi Ds la Roche. St. C«c:l, engr. by Faister Tit'an, Venus, engr. by Strange Salvator Rca», Betisarius. engr by Strange Donsenichino, St. John, engr. by Muller. Connoisseurs arß r»spectfully invited to examine those choice I'oitfolios. For sale, for a short time only, at * V. IUN DBERG, Picture Store, 194 Main street, mh 14—6t* Between 9'h and 10th. STBA.U IKON WntLtL.fl, -J3O .Hnln at , nenr Seventh — Tbe subssriber is lov pro pared w- th increased facilities, to manufacture all kinds cf IRON WORK, inch »sIRON RA'LING, VERANDA QS. STEPS, VAULTS and CELLAR DOORS, GRATINGS, 4rc., ko. ORATES knd FENDERS, and aii kind of House Work, and Job bing done oa reasonable terms. Cf Particular aitention given to the enclosing of CEMETERY lots, Railing. kc.. for the country, so mude as to be easily put up. A call solicited, inh 14—6 in GEO 8. LOWNF.S. SKLUEN it .HILI,f.U, Corner I'earl ami Cary Streets, Have now in store the larg»st and best assortment of old Wines, Liquors and Groceries, which they ever had the pleasure of ctfering to purchasers.— Theirstock consists in part, viz: MADEIRA WINES —Blackburn's Old Reserve; Old South aide; Blaod»; Oliveiia Reserve. Alss, low grade and medium Madeiras. PORT WlNES.—Cockburo's Old Crown: Sande mae'e choice, and very old; Burgundy and Celt* Ports. StiERRY WINES— R-yal Pale, veiy dry acd delicate; Amontillado; Pemartiu'a very tine old. Also, medium and low grades. CLARET WINES.— Ciia:eau Beycheville ; Cha teau Margaux; Chateau Larose; Chateau Lafitte; St. Ju ian; St. ISstephe, kc , kc,kc n HOCK WINES, various brands; Sparkling Moselle, CHAMPAGNE WlNES.—Rnicart, Pere et Fils Premium Wine; Max, Suiaiue k Co.; Ueidsick k Co ; and Chas. Heidsick. Sweet and Dry MALAGA WINES, and low prised Wines fir cooking. Bfl ANDIES —Otard, Dupuy k Co's variety vin tages, inoludintthe finest imported Hennessy, Saza rac, A. Seignette, J. J. Dupuy, Edgar,\c., kc , ka ; medium grades and Amsrican Brandy. Holland Gin; Jamaica Sum; Havana Cigcrs, fine quality. Olive Oils, for Tobacconists, acd sublime quality for table use. Sardines; Preserved and Race Ginger; Raisins; Al monds, &0 . Itc. TEA— (Jueen Chop Gunpowder, finest imported. AUo. tneJium and low priced, English breakfast Black T»»; Oolong Powchong ko.. kc. CANOLES.—Patent Sperm, Solar, Adamantine and Talli. w. SPICES—CIoves, Mace, Cinnamon, Pepper, Ti m»cto, h c . &C. GROCERIES.—Bug\r, Coffee, Molasses, Golden Syrup, Rice. Lard Sa.t. Bason, kc . kc., kc Buckets. Brooms, Cords, Lines, Wrapping Paper, Writing and Letter Paper, together with a gene ral assortment of goods in their line, all of which they will sell at low prices, for caah, or oa tbe usual terms to punctual customers irh 14 1 JCOKI4H, mi ll's, OHjS, &c.»J«at 1J received from the importer*— 2T,0 boxe* ORANGES, In Na. I order 50 " LEMONS 65 '• BWKET OIL !scshi GUM ARABIC 50 ' STICK LICORICE, P. kS. band, For eale on the molt ascomm _>d»rng term» N. B. DICKINSON, rah 14—3t* No. 3 15th street. I)AKTICULAK NOTI4JK.—The aiibacri* X ber having had hi* store enlarged, inform* hi* friends in tcwn*nd country, that he is also making laige and varied additions to his stock of Medieine*, Fancy Gocilt, Ate , &c , and feels confident that In oan offer superior inducement* to those in want of any articles In his line Particular attention paid to O'der* from physicians in the country, or from formers. Pre scrip' ions carefully and compjucded (elect and reliable medicines. JNO \V. GARLICK. Apothecary and Druggist, Market Place, mh 14 —4w * Franklin street. WTILL TIIKV I O.Yltv—Auulhcr nodibe ►*-? thiiu supply of Landreth'a superior Girden Seed received by express, and for sale at the Drug Uto-e of the subscriber. Early York Cabbage Seed; Large York do ; "arly and Late Drumhead and Plat Dutch do.; Caulnlswer; Early Turnip and Long Blood Beet; Alparagna; Large Marrowfat Peas, ho. lie. JNO. W. GARLICK, n-h 14-3w Market Place. Franklin street |>OUK~. hTATIONKRI AM) illlSlC, 13 FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE -1 he sub 'rrihers are supplied with a large stock of BOOKS, STATIONERY, music, musical instru ments, and Fancy Goods, adapted to town end Ccontry Trade, to which they invito tha attention of wholesale buyer* • mh 14 • 8t IAMES WOODHOTTBE It CO. (1 t A NO. AM) UK BL'Hi;»N NUI'KU PHOSPHATE— EDWIN WORTHAM k CO.. are receiving, and ltive for *ale Peruvian Guano; Meaiean Guano; De Burg'* Super Phosphate of t"— mh 14 DU PtfNT's PUWUKU-Uecrivlii per schooner Charm, 5.6(H) kegs Da Post'* Sporting and Blasting Powder For safe by "'h U EDWIN WORTHAM A CO. I*** JJl'tKKlt.-iiiO inulaipriiue tirewu ** Java Ctfloe, in store for *ale ty ah 13 JC. tt. BKINKER k CO, Cary gt. AMOHIWWITH. I BATHE. MATL'KDA Y, M«reh 14th, IB9T. The Great Play, in 5 acta, of the WILLOW COPSE: LUXE Mb BONIFACE. w .'Mr Jefferson. Hcm,.'. Miaa Devlin. To ccuclnde with the VILLAOE LAWYER. Scout Mr. Jefferson. i hiss FANNY MORANT Will enpear M"n<»T. " MRS E- L mCKEKSON Will give her CONCERT and EXHIBITION of WAX AND NEEDLE WORK,. ON MONDAY EVENING. AT/ METBOPOLITAN HALL, Auiatel by her INFANT CHILDREN. XWAdmiaiion 50 eta.; Children h*lf price—each parchuer of a ticket will be entitled to a chance at two splendid WAX BASKETS, valued at #15. mh 14 —2t UALL. •JjThe public i> respectfully informed that the grsat ACTRESS, VOCALIST AND DELINEATOR, EMM 1 STANLEY, will appjar at the shove Hall, for a LIMITED PE RIOD, commencing TUESDAY, MARCH 17TB, in her wonierful MONOPOLY LOOUE, ENTITLED THE SEVEN AGES UK WOMAN AND POLYMETUS. TlrlirusH rrnti. To be obtained at the principal Hotels and .Muiic Store* find attbe Hsll. Doors open at 7, to commerce at 8 o'clock. SHERIDAN CORBYN. Jr., mh 14-U Manager. QIiASS ULOWIMU. THE GLASS BLOWER in the Basement of METKO POIjTT AN" HAT/L, Will make a present of a splendid Orn»m*nt tn the visitors TO-NIGHT. It is 4TREK OF PARADISE, of beautiful colors made entirely of Glass, worth fifty times the price of admistion. XW Tickets 25 e*nts; Children 12J cents, mh 14—It* W B OILLIARD. Prnp-i»tnr. lIALL. Bv request positively two lost nights, FRIDAY, 13, SATURDAY. 14. GRAND PERFORMANCE SATURDAY After noon, at So'o'oek. Adm'snion, children 10 cents. To embellish the marvellon" series and to testif/ his gratitude to the citizens cf this city, M- ADONIS Will give, on his two last evenings Soiree a Bril liante COMBOLA, OR GRATIS GIFT, Kor which a number will be given to each visitor thus giving all an equal chance, to win a prizs from the following articles: FIFTEEN WINNING LOTS EACH NIGHT. Aglnh Gold Watch, lani?s Bracelet, Bmoch. Ring. Baiquet, Fob Chains, Ratticules, Ear Rings, Po/t Monnaies, Horse and CarrHge. he. ADMISSION, 25 cents; children half price; 19* ct«. mh 15! - 2' |J AK.MORY R L. 1. Bi.UKS, ) l» Ma-ch 14. 1857. { fil OFFICJKKrt, ATTENTION -There ill will he a meeting of tha commissioned nrd non- officers, at the Armory, on this TURDAY) evening, at 7$ o'clock. Be prompt. The regu'ai-drill of the company will be haldon Monday-night nest. By order of Capt Fbv. mh 14—It E. C CRUMP. Orderl 7. ii attention, iutfCHAMt: (<i;ar o— B Attend a drill and meeting of your company at fiJLAFAYETTE HAIL, on this (SATURDAY) AL, Evening, at 8 o'clock. By order of Lieut. Alvis. mh '4 —It* EDWARD FELVKY. O. f>. L ATTKNTION, IjIiAHP OFTIIK itl& heTROPOLIS.—Attend a meeting and dri'l of yoor nicompaay this (S ATURDAY) evening at 1 o'clock, iii at the Armoty By crdeiof Capt. Dimmnck. J. W. WYATT, O. 3. IT B - -Every member is requested to be present, as business of importance will be tian«seted. »ih 14—It J. W. W . O. S. «FOK Kb. NT—A Mitmll House 011 Union Hill, contaiting three rooms aod a kitch •n. Apply to mh 14—2f B. RRJKh. • FOR KKMT -At Uockeitt. near the tin City Gas Works, a convenient Cottsge House, containing 8 or 10 room., and Tour Acres cf land, level and M«hlv fertile, suitable for a Mar ket Garden. Rent moderate, and possession given immediately. Apply to W||. T. KING. tnhl4-St 6 and 8. Franklin street. lAVfiIJJM) (KIIU It K !*T.-The House on Graoe, between 27th and ?6th streeis recently'oceupied by W. Gill, Esq , adjoining Mrs Shelton's. It has 4 rooms. Kitchen, itc., with a large gardes and yard attached; also, a well of food water asd beautiful shade trees Possession at once mU 14—4t TAYLOR k WILLIAMS MfrOli ttKNT—A Ueairiiblcitbrcestory new brick dwelling containing seven rooms, with ess and eity water on the premises; briok kitchen with three rooms; and neccsiary cut build ings; s'tuated tn Cley, near 7th street. Immediate possession can be had. Apply to t. A J. CLOPTON, Agent and Collector, No. 8 Wall street, rob 14—6t Under St. Charles Hotel. K K N T -A three story Brick Dwelling, oostaisg 10 rooms, two large store rooms, two story brisk k'tehen, Gas aod city water on the prsmists. Urge 8.-iek stable, and all ne e'saary outbuildings, si'satedon Franklin, between 23d and 24th streets. Th-j whole premises have be*n thoroughly repaired and in perfect order, possession can he bad immediately. Apply to E A. J. CLOPTON. General Agent and Collector, mh 10—Iw UrderSt. Charles Hotel. FOH PHU-aubi-I'IUA... TWICE A WE? K—The A. No 1 Steamship PENNSYLVANIA. BUmSßmuMtml Capta'n D. Teal, u now ready to receive freight, and will leavo on MONDAY March 16 r h, at B o'cloek A. M. For freight or ptasage, having snoerior aroommo dsti°ns, apply to H. E. TUTTiiE, Agent, mil 14—2t Rocketts j£\- VIGILANT KIKK (IOJIPA NY, NO 7—The regular monthly meet ySSSE ing of iliis Company will he held at the New Engine House on this (SATUR DAY) evening the 14th Inst., at7J o'clock promptly. Every member mus* be present. By order of your Commander. mh 14—It GEO A CHARTERS. Be^. OA1S! OATS!:-On liand IO snd for sale, a splendid assortment of Seed OttM . which has been selected with care, consisting cf tbe Ir'sli. Mountais, Black and White Also, a splendid lot of White Oats, in the Dock, which will be sold st prices whiah eannot fail to riease. Those in want, will call and examine for themselves, at the Old Market Gianary and Feed Store, corner of 17th and Fraskiin streets. mh 14 — 3t* JAMES THOMAS. I<UK RKST.-'fbeHiibirriber, ex r recting to be absent from Virginia the greater portion of the present ye&r, is desirous of rentier cut the farm upon wbich hs resid's. containing about one hnndrrd aorta of open laul, adapted to the growth of oats, corn and vegetables. The subscriber would require that possession cf one shift rf thesnid open land be surrendered in time to se«d a eros of wheat, end that full possession, if rsqnired, shon'd hs given at Christmas. The dwelling ani cut hcuaes in sood order; and the rent will be msde »es? to a good tenant. JOSEPH BERNARD. mh 14—dlaw3w* OltAMibw - -A lew Ibousitad line Sweet MARTINEUUE ORANGES for sale by mh 14—2t* w. D COI.QUITT k CO. tMVK DOLLARS KKU AKD.-Lort or rolen from the lumber house at the Curtis Heck's wharf, sometime between Saturday the 7th and Thuriday, the 12»li inst., a Urge Colored Crayon Sketch, in a gilt fame Tht fi'.der will receive the *bo»e rewurd by leaving the ssme at 203 Mainst mh 14 -3t CHAH E. WORTHAM. /'LNPOWUKR AMU B I, A i; K TMAVI ' ■ choice Quality Rice and Java Coffee. Kor sale b* mh 14 DAVENPORT. AI.L»'N k CO. LUNtY Tilts, CKAVATh At*-We In- X vite attention to our spring stock of plain end Fancy Btocks. Cravats, Scarfs, Ties, 4e , a* embra cing really choice styles in great variety, mh 14 KEEN. BALDWIN CO. I'Ml Mi flliK VbHTN.-Ue are In re cfiptofuloc of Silk V'ctti of superior 'juality, •eited to the tenon, to which we a*k attention. ml> '4 KEEN BALDWIN k CO. OLI VH 01L--50 basket*. r«r eaia by mh 14 DA Vs-NPOfIT. ALLEN k CO. VV I'AfJiK—l,ooo rruma large »» and tmall paper For sale by "> DAVENPORT, ALL*N A.CO■ FRUITB..'iUO b«xea Ihtally * Pranes, glase jar* and glaa* top* ; Sot> fane* »o**» Figs, naw crop; 50 bojto* Preserved Glnrar, la pot*. Porialeby n 'h 14 ANDREW ANTONI VViNwuW ANI> FItITUBK ULAIM 'O" 0 boxe* of taperior Window and Pic'ure Glas* In *i*a* varying from 6*B. np to 36«50, (irrrgo. jar ti*»* out to orderj for tale in qaantitle* to rait I Ut* rn'cha*er, by WM. BATTLER k CO , Mala street. I CANDIDATKM KOIt OFFICE. (f At * Meetln* of ik« Council of the City of IMchmooS, held on Monday the 9tb day of March, 18.57, tba following paraont ware appointed Comoiiaeionere and Condnatora (or the Charter Elec tions, to be held on Wednesday. 'be l»t day of April in the present year; and tba following plaeea desig aated for holdin* s»'d r lections, viz: for jeffkksok WARD. CommiiMumtri —Joaerh Brummell. C. B.Hi'l. Ed A wmiih. George E. Badier end Pettiek H. Baticr. Conductor—Peabea T. BeaL , . liece of holding Electio&a— Hall OT«r the Firat Market. FOR MiDISOK WARD. Commit'ioneri —Geo. W. Giiham W W Crump, K. J. Smith, U*o. W. Randolph and £l;sha Shopper son. ® Conductor— Cadmui C. Jobnaoii. Place of boldina EleeHcna—'-»ty Halt FOR MONROE WARD. Commiitiontrt -Tboi J. Kvana, Lewie L Barnea, Daniel Traeheart, Jamea Thomae, Jr., and Thcmaa Barbam __ _ , Conductor—George W. H. Tyler. Place of holding Electijn* - Lajy'f ihjp, corner of Broad ecd F„uibee a'.reeta. Tefte: mh 13 - tde TUOS. LAWBON, C. C. R. tr City Gas Workii.-The undfmi*ped offera bimje f »• a cardidete for re election to the office of SUPERINTENDENT OK THE OAS WOKKS Having erected all the maehi lery at the New Gat Worka, end condujted the whole of the operatii n« at both the New and Old Worka daring the pait two yeara, in a mtnner which ha trtnta ha» been aatia factory to hie fellow citizena, be reapectfnlly eoliclta their votea at the election in April mh 14- -tde T- H. WYNNE. OT Th»s f/»Ilowlo« TlrUet will be support ed at the April election, in Monroe W,^ F£)RM Fcr Mayor-William Taylor. Cou monweaßh's At'orney—Jno. H Ol»mer. High Conatabie—Jamea P. Tyier. City Sergeant—M. M. Lip»c< inb. City Collector—John H. D:ggo. City Aisesaor—B. N Davie. City Ganger—B«mpaon Jonea. Bupt. of Streeta—M. Bitea. eupt. Water Worka—Jamoe L. Davta. Fnpt. Ou Worka -Th )». H Wynne. Manager Poor Heme- John Pearce. Heni»ter Water W orka—M. L. Btratton. Grain Mead»rer—Jaa. B. Gibb. Cactain Niyht Watch --A. Wilkicaoa. Mtiubert nf Council. Jldcuibcrt of HutUngt Court. D J. Baunderg. Jamea Bray Thoe. C Eppea. Ch'.a. C. Ellett. Sarouc! D. Denoon. N. C. Lipsoomb. Chn». Dimmock. John M. Murray; John L T<ite. C. P. Word. ioh 14—It* Following Ticket will lie ported in Jefferson VVaidby MANY VOTERS. For Mayor—Wm Taylor. Commonwealth's Attorney—R. T. Daniels. C'e'k Hustings 3oward. High Constable—Fr»d. Builer. City Sergmnt—Thos W Doswell. City Collector—J A. Hob;>n. City Assessor —U. M Millar. City Surveyor- T. M Lidd. City Gusger—Rieh'd Kok SuDt. Streets—M. Bates. fupt. Wa'er Wor|fs--.iaa L. Davis. Hupt Gas Works - Tho*. H. Wynne. Manager Poor Home—Johu Pearee Pegister Water Works—M L Stratton. Grain Measurer—Jas. B. Gibb. Caof. Night Watch— A Wilkinson. Members of City Council. Members of Hunting) Court Kiohard O Haikins, Richard D. Sanxay, John W. McKiel, Geo. A Pearce, Thos. Hardgrove, Chas. Millspaa^b, Andrew E. Ellett, Geo. E. Sadler, N. R.Hill. Jas. B.Hoyster, mh 13—2t* W Superintendent of Streets.— Indepen- DEST Candidate.— Kellow citizens : I offer my ser vices es SUPERINTENDENT OK STREETS to the citizens of Riclmond, independent of party, at the ensnirg election. I will, if elected, have your streets cleaned of all obstructions your walk-ways repaired, the gas pipes aod water pipes repaired ia due time; during the spring snd summer keep two carts in esch ward to clean the city, without cost to the citv or citizsns, and will furthermore attend in person to the iut#*es( and welfare of the citv throughout. JOHN BLAIR YARRINGTON. Enquirer and Whig please copy. mh 7—law3»v* KVlHnriison Ward — C ITIZENS' TICKET FOR CITY COUNCII.MEN : Dr. Conway, J. A.Cowardin, Win. G. Paine, George Whitfield, Thomas R. Price. The above ticket will be supported by the irer chan'o and working men of Muiiion Ward for the City Council. TAX PAYERS AND REFORMER?, mh 12—St* B?" Jfllfriiiii Ward - Thi> subjoined tick *t will be cheerfully *upported by the vot*rs of Jef feiasn Ward, at the April Ward election : FOR CCUNCILM KM. R. O HaaVins, JohitH Graenor, N. B. Hill, Alfred Inioe*, O. P. Baldwin. M*NY REFORMFRU AND VOTERS mbJ2-3t* OF JEFFERSON WARD. Ctl AI JtiNt received a superior lot of L UMP COAL. Price $5 25. delivered For •ale bj J. W A«CHE«, Office lately acccpied by S. P. Hawea. mh T i—St "Vol HH.—Hull Inland. l>ittl<- 9bnd Hole il IsI.AND, JotDllt'S I iLAMO, Bi U SHAD HOLS Island. Litx'b Eddy Island.—l do hsreby for wun any persou, or persons from trespass ng, or making use of any of the absve nan,ad Islands, on any proteneei whatsoever. JOHN BR3CKF, 12. 18.57. mh 14—eoflSi* Ul HLUD HIHI.II) »IL.- An ither supply of that superior strong boiled Lln seedlOil, Just to hand and for sale low, by WM. SATTLES k CO., " i'> 14 142 Main strset. A'I'KNT PAINT Oil. — 3 bbla superior ind cheap raint Oil, suitable for outside painting, for sale by WM. SATTLE R i CO , r ih 14 142 Main strset. J~~ I fVViTT'* WHITE I.KAH.-5000 lbs. I>ur«, and 50110 lbs. extra in Oil, in full, half and qui irter kegs, for sale by WM SATTLER k CO., ja?il4 142 Maio street J- VCf KHi'KI V'AU. —4-4, iiuilTi v/hife an t colored Mattings, to which a call is so liost?d from all in want, at mh 14 C. HARTWELT/8. 115 Brrsd st. p HAKTWKLJ., 113 llroad street, lo *« niw in receipt of his stock of Bpring and Sum mer DRY GOODS, comprising rich acd beautiful Drts s Goods of every description ; also, a complete assortment of Housekeeping Goods, to which be in vit( s a call frem all in want of such, assuring them bargain". mh 13 pUKVViAN AMU Mh.\ IJI'A.NU. A Also, Agricultural Salt, for sale in lots to suit pu r clia>er«. CRENSHAW & CO. BoL'llMJ BOSK, STEAM PACKING Ac —A large stock of every variety always on hanr? and for sals by mh 14 WILLIAMS k BROTHFR. (■* i»"VhK Tliuolliy. Herds (jmw, ■> Orchard Grass, and ilanaall Grass Seeds, in store, for sale b»/ CRENSHAW k CO. JAIiUKHF.KK.piit up ln x tiottl«H lor inm -A llyuse. Vlnts $125 per dczen; Quarts 42 15 Orders left at Mr. O. A Strecker, Messrs. La'.dlty k Robinson, or at my store, No. 2(3 Main street, will be promptly attended to. P. WILBACUER No cbargo for cartage. tub 7 JAUKsllA's fc.AA ivI.MOU BITTKUS.» Read and pay attention to the following certificate from a well known and diitinguiabed citizen, and aes how highly be apeaki of these celebrated Bitteis, now so much in vogue: "llr. R. H. Jackson —Dear Sir: My mother-In- Isw, Mrs. Arms trong, has been afflicted with Dys pepsia for some sixteen yetra Not finding any per man>int relief fro the variwua recnediea used, sbe was induced to fc y your 'Excelsior Bitters,' and it affords ine much pi j&surs to testify to theii beneficial results. She can nt w enjoy her food with a relish to which she was a str. .nger previous to the nse of your valuable inerile.tna Ulto. W. Wil»v." VIKIiI.MA Hl'Bll feJLLKK-CHIL DREN CRY KOK 'T — Thie preparation has been used for years, a "d it* i*opularity Is daily io ereasinjr. a* it* great vii -ue* a* the only successful Worm Destroyer becomes more knov/n it lacocti dently recommended by f bysicsar* and others, as 'he safest, best, and mo*t pleasant remedy f re* palling worirs in uso. It i« eaiM.*ly taken by obil drati, and will prove suedes*-t *1 wben all the ordinarp nauseating vorm seed oil [ reparations fall Prepared only by E. J. f U ot, and sold by Drogglsts generally. mh It r r« tub CITY vtlA UK.-We are re- A oeiving, per Helea R. Co iper, from Liverpool direct, and are bow opening the following choice style* of Good*, via : Brilliant** whir* and print *1 white and b *ek and grey Print* Pain black Pripts, finest imp '"ted Checked Mo*lin*. a fall eseort. »««t Tape and Satin-atriped do \ ictona Lawn*; Cordelette Ski «ln« Bonnet Cord*; Linen Duok Drill * Jaeonet Mutlln*; Cambne do, - on*own"fmportat*jn~ 4rr,V " # ' W# ht " 'wt*e »iuU.5 Victor!* Lining* Farmer*' Drill* * £ottoa Hoee, in great variety •*? e f,* mh, oide'e«l Muelias *pl»ndid new etj le Gingham* IlilHtliONli Muslins MohairlfUtnrM aed De Rage* 'ilk and Cotton G ore*, is variety WM*'k Ui •i" 6 * l ? 1,U » kc Which wacffbrto tho tr.H at a *mal« tdtuet. 1 KCNf. TAI U * 00. . o*noiDA*M romo7wtrmT mm HTTo tli«< Voter* mt thn ( Ht nf lSZi' MORP.-I r««nw,foHT Miimnei mtc'f date for tin r ffi-e of city GRAIN MfTltlH/; •olieit yeor votea at tha -n»tilr>» mh 10-dtde* RICHARD H KIHBROUCB Voter*. liTftiitrtlvf §r p f . Tr—ln aoawer to your T«ry fl -tferin* e «U of ' diiT, I will rimpfvetMa th*t I am * e»n<fl-<v« ?*„ , office of CITY "ER.OF.ANT, * teoar of a nomination by tb« Democrats promi»e. If elected, to t<rtt tot whole , the falthfnl di»ch»r«« of |r«dati»« tj Very raapeitfnll* yonra fca mh 12—dtd EDWAKU G. RA7«*LING* the Vetm »f ih« City nf hi,.i mono.—Eel low-Citizen*: I mort , noanee myaalf a candidate 'or the offioe of si'PrV intenoknt or watkr wo*k», your aunport at tbe ecuioc e'ectio». If row,u' m*. I will diaeha'gealltha datiea appertaining tA ,i. ' office fait l -folly and promotly. " gto lt ' oeo ' oiw^;... cST many preening: applleationa made tome la private . declare myaelf a candidate for the above office a-* hav, read in the Dupatch of thi. nwr-ln* a mm/! ca'l made noon roe by many voter»toth»ea>»ie.ff I therefore dec are rajwlf a candidate aaaicfor r£ ' ffice, the dutiei of wbich 1 believe I the aatirfaction of the pobiie: iad I promi.V in ,h ' event of mv election, to bring to the nerforman,-. r my uuMe# all the .kill, en-r«y. and indu.vy of wbV» I am capable and to diacharge them without (ear f. vor, or affection. omj » lS * ~, A er ? raipectfuily, your fellow e i>i z . r mh 12 ~ td 'AMES P. TYLER. tr To tfc*> Voters of the fit* of Rlrhmard I am ac*Ddidate forlheofficeof CITY SKROEAN r at .he •nio.n* Bprin* elec*l'<n, satjeet tothe eal! r,f a nominating Convention of the Deuiocratis na-tv To those wh 3 may not know me, and who wi.hed >o „* ,n theur by quantisation and f •- ne«g for office, retoectfaliy big ieave ta aav. tbv i hay<* hsd lon* experience in the dutiei of Sheriff' and have ever bsen a Democrat. ' fleapeitfn'ly, mh ll—tde HEN&Y R. JONES. IV A t'nrd-.1 ntn wlill n rnndhiate f>r »V office of CITY SERGEANT, nad m, t r e .p, et fullv i">!ic'ttlie aniiragei of mv fallow TUOMAB V. DUDLEY. VT To the \oifvn ot the City of Kich. MONO.—Thankful for pan fivori 1 a c aia off>r n.v. ielf a caudidute for the oiiice of CITY COLLFi TOR JULIUS A. UOBBON nih 7—dtda* KW To the Voters of the City ot Itl, bmonrf. The undersigned respectfully announi!»«to the Vo ters ofthe City, that he is a eaudidata for the off of CITY SERGEANT at tUo eaiuiri,; Municipal ul3cti3Q, and would be pleased to raceive their suf frages mlilO—tde* JOHN H RICQARDSON. tST To tho Voters ot th« Clfy of HI -li. MOND—I am a caudidat* for re-election lofbertfi-i of CITY GRAIN MEASURER, and respectfully •olifit your vote* at the ensuing chater electi >»s mht>—lm B. GIBB. It?" To the totem ot ttic rllr of Kidi mono —1 very respec'.fully announce myself a can didate for re election to the office of OIfY A9i»s. 80R D It. MILLER mh 6- -ta ** A t the • o I icita ti o a of numerous friends. I announce myself as a candidate for the otSce of CITY GAUQERa the approaching tl«c. tion. Respectfully. fa 3—2awlstlidr.« ALFRED T WILLIAMS. Grocer, corner nf Broad and 3d sis. TV To the Voter* of Klo'inionri —In r*. plyto tha call of many of mv fiieDds, aid.'urpent solicitations of many warm friends irre spective of party, to announce myself a candidate 'or the CITY COLLECTORSHIP in the approach iog election, I hava only to say, that some men a-e born great, and achieve grf-atnfss, and tun •) have it thrust upon them Not beins very n'ce ia such matte s, I have a sort of Hobton's choice be tween the three, i f upon any ef "these tides in tha sSa'rs of men" I am now afl, it i j known to'ha public, that for some years past, I have been either go : ng. going, going or sine, and therefore cai have but little difficulty in keeping pace with the progress of the age. Having thus clearly define! my pesition, I shall maintain it with all the inflexible firmness in- bv a ttue devotion to tlis best interests of the country at large, u"der the auspicesof the democra'- ic party. Afrer the election my latitude and !ors;- tudc in tne official world may ba known by a refer ence to the polls I n whatever * he combustions movements of the day mayrssult, accept gentlemen, for this manifestation of jour favor, the aisurarce of mv highest regard. Your friend and fellow ei'izen. me 6-tlstA JOHN H. DIGGE3. ET i nquirer and Whis r.ooy. tST To the Votrrn or the City of Klch. mond —I aeain respectfully hdtioiioc* myigll a rau didate for the office of MANAGER OF THE POO* HOUSE. mh s—tde* JOHN PEAftCE. rw To th» Voter* ot the C'ly of Rlfh mosd—l ara a candidate for the office of HI9H CONSTAB LE. and reipectfully solicit juar \o!n at the April election. mh s—dtde* WH. B. OAINEB. r?" To the Voter* of the City or Klrh- Mono.—l would re»prctfully announce iny«#!f at a candidate for the •UPERINTENDENCY OK TH>; POOR HOUSE AND SHOCKOE H1 LL BURY INO GROUNDS, and earneatly *olicu your vote*, mh 4-dtd* JOHN TALMAN. W* Kor Assessor..*At ihe solieltnHon of h namber of fiiandf, I anncujce ciytelf a candid*.* for the above office, pledging mvaplf to my frl!ov.- citiz«n« that if elected I will di»charee the (intisi of tha office feithfally. ROBERT BRIUtiS. mh 3—dtde' BTTo the Voter* of the Clt* nf Klch mono.—l am a candidate for the cffi?e of CITY A33KBSOR, and respectfully solicit your vote* at the ftpril election*. mh 3 —dtde* 8. N. DAVIS ty City 4»nnger.— Hhvlpk dlnrhnrfif<l the dutit s of the office to the sat (faction of all far as I know.) I respectfully announce m»«-lf a can dldate f->r re election to the office ofCITY 04UU ER mh3—l« RICHARD FOX. QTf'nrd "-linving been ' Inspector ol the Ga» Work*" in tbi* city for nearly four yesn » large number of citizens have called upon me_ to otfer myself a* a raodidate for the office of SUPER INTENDENT, which I now do, and respectfully a»i the voter* to itu:aic me. roll 3—tde JOHN H KNOWLEB. WTo the Voter* of the City of HI-ft mono —I respectfully arnouner mv*elf a candidate for le-elaction to the office of High Cocatable, and solicit your support. mh 2—tde FREDERICK BUTLER. rS*" C'tty HerMeunt —Id conformity to the expressed wiahea of many of my friends. I announce myieifas a candidate for tha office of CITY SER GEANT, and if itahonld be tha plaafU'-'iof my fei low citizen* toeleet me, I promiio to ducaarj# tha duties to the beat of my ability. fa 26—1 m GEO. W. WILEY. OT To he Voters of the City ol Klrh mono.—Tha numerou* personal application* to hi*, by my fellow-citizen*, from variou* part* of the oltjr. to present myaelf a* a candidate for he office i f M AYOR, and tha very flittering raanife*t»:io.* of confidence in my ability to perform the duti»*of inat tru*t. a* expressed in a card ilgned "Many Voter* of the three Ward*," prompt* rue to respond. hy re turning my*incere acknowledgment* for lbi*« «*• preMlon* of that confidence. ttnd by announce* my»alf a candidate for that office. Sh»uid it ue ihs pleasure of my fellow-citizeo* to eonfer the oifi:e upon me, nothing thill be wanting oa my part t» ln*ure a faithful discharge of it* datie*. fa 25—dtde WM. TAYLOR- IV To the Voter# of tSii> I'ltT •' M ind —I»ni» candidate tor the office U(lAl > MK ABURKR, and mpeat.'uliy •oltcic jour at the ne*t Aptil • lection. fe £}-dtde' WILLI*MM WATTS. OTTo the Voter*of the tUty of Klrhtuoo I reapeatfuily announce ro»««lf * candidate tot r* eleciiau to tl-e office of CI TV SeJJOSANT * there are in many candidate! in the field »t 1 ** r ' the rfSoe, ail that I can ask lia fair field, op*" *** free fiibt. MARTIN Mi-RKDITH LIPSCOMB • 10-dtde" OT To the Voter* of the CHr «ff, MOHD.-l ana caadidtte for the ortiea ofCU» UAUO'<R. and napeot.'illy colieit your roSrairj at tie nei*. April election. SAMPSON JONtS. fe 4—iid. f|T To the Voter* of Klehmond.— I W»' appearance* indicating that there »lii 80 P 4 ", nomination* at the approaching Spring elect!'®*. 1 Main preaent u>v*elf u a eandida'e for the o*e# °J CITY BKRUJCANT 1 make thla aneouoeaaieot ear ier than I intended, in anawer to the many »•* quiriea aa to whether 1 intend to be a fJtfER W. ORUBBB. feJ~dtd tW The Nntlerelgfoetl. i« the of many friend*, irrespective of political I**"?*' •p etfully preeenta hiroaelf aaa candidate f"< floe of CITY BKROKANT. and aolicita the claae* of Richmond generally to give him their Ja 15-du __ ED- »■ OAY OT To the Voter* "of the mono.—l am a candidate for the ofllo* ofCITY OK.ANT, and roapMtfttily aolWit ywt M«rM«* u u aaxt April clectioa. Ja 7—U THOMAS W. DOIWSLL W K« UUy ttorceaat.—The eeheeHhe raapectfuily •■■oo**** himeelf a Caadidate <** ■* o«Mof CITY O£ftOCANT, at theawning .Kl-4*