Newspaper Page Text
THE I>I^ATCH, rv«MT aoiumrft-... * AT . ,n - *** v icMriiii Bpffwawof" Mankind, elthough compelled *> admit ♦be truth of BoTomon'* proportion, that there to no new thin* under the sun h., never become reconciled to ond,n which It teems to imply. *■ lh « desire of *H h«*rt». the gtmt object of pur .uitto univerwl matt. There to ft disposi tion to seek It in every phenomenon with which he to not familiar, and in every change which he does not exactly compre hend. Ja»t at thto moment, the great at traction is the position of Austria with re gard to the Italian question, which the whole world to discussing, condemning, .applauding, nnd wondering at, with as much fervor, nnd good faith, as though it were something absolutely new. So far is the present position of Austria from being nither strange or unusual, that it agrees entirely with her whole history in connection with Italy, ever since that coun try was laid prostrate at her feet by the tiaaty of Vienna. Within a period ot for ty-four years her armies hare occupied in succession, every State of that unfortunate land, with the sole view of defending these execrable governments against the people whom they oppress, with a cruelty un known to Kurope, since the domination of imperial Rome. Within that period they have occupied Tuscany for six years, Na ples for five, Modena and Parma for six, and the Papal states for five and twenty.— The petty princes who lie south of the Po, are welf aware, that let them oppress their subjects as they may, they will always be supported by Austria against any attempt to produce a reformation of abuses. They are equally well aware that were her form idable succor withdrawn, they could not stand one hour, before the awakened wrath of their outraged subjects. They know that they ndfonly may govern badly with out fenr, but that Austria will not suffer them to govern in any other way.— That thto is a fact, which admits of no dispnte, to apparent from the history of 1 tn ly, Bince the year 1815. When Austria re placed the long exiled King of Naples upon the throne, it was her first act to bind him, by treaty, to administer the govern ment strictly and purely upon the princi ples of Absolutism ; and, that there might be no possibility of a doubt as to the man ner in which this treaty was to be construed, Metteroich subsequently declared, at the Congress of Laybach, when it was intima ted ".hat it might be necessary to make some concessions to the spirit of the age, which was expauding in the direction ot Reform, that if the King of Naples himself attempt ed to introduce consiitutional government, the Emperor would make war upon him.— In 1822, the Austrian Minister at the Con gress of Verona, declared that representative government should not be established in any single Italian State ; and, in '.he same year, after the revolution in Naples had been crushed by the iron hand of Aastria, the Emperor Francis told the Papal legate that he was about to withdraw his forces from the States of the Church: but that, asked or not asked, he shonld take the liberty of coming back again, whenever he thought proper. These facts reveal the entire system upon which Austria is acting at the present mo ment. She is determined to allow no con stitutional government, no popular repre sentation, no reform in any of the Italian States. Compelled by circumstances to make Sardinia thus far an exception to the general rule, she has nevertheless neglected no opportunity to place herself in a position to crush that country whenever a conve nient opportunity may offer. Preparatory to this catastrophe, she took advantage of i the long interval of peace that succeeded j the battle of Waterloo, to increase her own means of communication with Italy, and to prevent Piedmont from establishing any •with France. It was obviously her object to throw the theatre of any future war as far as possible from Vienna, and to fix it in Northern Italy, or on the confines of France. The works which she constructed for this purpose are prodigious beyond all prece dent. They enable her to deluge Lom bardy with troops so rapidly, that resist ance may be crushed at once, before any auxiliary power can arrive to avert the blow. Design is apparent in all these ope rations—both in the care which she bus taken to multiply her own lines of commu nication, and to interrupt those prepared by Piedmont, even on her own territory.- Thus prepared, it is not wonderful that she felt herself authorized to use a tone of haughty insolence to Sardinia—to require that she should Bubmit to her mercy as a preliminary to any arrangement for a gene ral disarmament —to insist that her troops sboul&Jpe disbanded, and as a further hu miliaSte, that this operation should be su perintended by Austrian officers. It is in vain that D' Israeli and the tories that surround him, ascribe this whole com plication to the ambition ofNapoleon 111. — The world knows better. It ascribes it to tha trne cause —to the resolute determina tion of Austria to maintain in Italy the in fernal system which has reduced it to its present condition. A similar attempt was made at the commencement of the late Rus sian war. But it deceived nobody. The whole world saw, at once, that it was the desire of Nicholas to administer the "sick man's" estate before he was dead, and not a petty squabble about an old rusty key, that set the legions of the monarchs in mo tion. How the end may be, of course it is impossible to know. The position of Aus tria upon the Ticino with 200,000 men— the facility with which she can transport them to the other shore, where there are but 40,000 to oppose her—and the short distance of the river from Turin—offer her great advantages for striking a heavy blow at the opening of the campaign. But there are thirty thousand French troops at Tou lon, only two hundred miles off, and these can be transported to Genoa, whence to Tu rin there is a railroad, in twelve hours.— Heavy French columns lie, also, on the other side of the Alps; but for the reason that Austria would allow Piedmont to make no roads communicating with France, their ar rival must of course be longer delayed. The French, however, have this great advantage: As regards all Europe with the exception of England, they are all powerful at sea. Thev can land inlllyria, take Trieste and Venice, and place themselves completely in the rear of the Austrian invading army, cutting it off from the famous line of the Adige, estab lishing themselves between it and the Tyrol, and thus placing it, as it were, in a state of siege. Valnnteere for Sardinia. As a specimen of the spirit which per vades Italy, in reference to the coming war, it is stated that there may be found volun teers, in the ranks of the Sardinian Army the sons of the French Republican Minister Biiio; of the lute Papal Minister, Count Rossi; of the Venitian Dictator, Mania ;ot Count Sebregondi, tbe Austrian Mayor of Milan; of Prince Coesini, tbe Florentine patrician, and others, bearing tbe illustrious names of Italy. Asoujid Racks.—Tbe most active prepa rations are on foot for tbe approaching ra te# at the Ashland Course. Tbe place is looking very pv«ty. Many improvements bare been made, and there are few racing grounds that eaa at all compare with it for tbe commodiousness and appropriate ar rt®S««neatof tbe buildings. , Haas.—Tbe Austrian commander in-chief will probably be Baios Use*, who i» said to be the moet distinguished of all I tbe Austria* generate. I>S4»—Tfce death oI M. W.C l.irrable t* an* nonaeed Is tbe ladUaapilts Journal He we* e native ef Maine, ai<d r.earl* slats )*ers of age. Be dtanapoli*B«*t|||*j n * * th ' <"«*• la. j The congregation of the Rev. Mr. Conway of Cincinnati, said to be one of the richest congregations of Porkopolis, has lately di vided, and one division, the peculiar friends and adherent! of Mr. Conway, are about to establish a new and magnificent church— The denomination of the church is Unitarian, a creed which, however, allows such lati tude of opinion, that the nan.edoei not con vey any definite idea of what in any partic ular church is believed. We have the sat irfaction, however, in the present instance, of being informed as to what the new church in Cincinnati docs not believe, and of one or two new articles of faith which it has adopt ed. It does not believe the miracles of Chris tianity nor the resurrection of its founder, though it calls itself a Christian Church ; it does believe in abolitionism, and, while it does not believe in the Mosaic account of the creation, it believes that man was ori ginally a monkey, and has gradually, by a process which goes too much into detail to hear repetition, attained his present appear ance and character. This new doctrine is no doubt intended to inculcate humility upon its disciples, and a fellow feeling with all the varieties of the animal creation. It would be in harmony with the theology and philanthrophy of the new sect to adopt a symbolic statue of an ape, kneeling upon its altar, with the motto —"Am I not a man and a brother ? " In Germany, a new sect has arisen, and is increasing rapidly, which adopts, with some modifications, the Eastern notion of the transmigration of souls. They are said to hold that the wicked receive their punish ment by being changed, at the time of their death, into some animal, and that their spi rits continue to pass from animal to ani mal till their sins are thoroughly expiated. In this way the transmigrationists attempt to explain the sufferings and death of ani mals, who, according to their theory, have once sinned in the shape of men, and are now receiving the punishment of their sins. We have not heard whether the Church of the Ape in Cincimiati has adopted this idea as a part of its ecclesiastical plHtform. It is certainly worthy of its consideration. If the congregations were originally monkeys, they may be monkeys again, which would be an elevation in sense and dignity worth stri ving for, and they should give the most ear nest heed to make their calling and election sure. Tribute to Bishop Doane. —The death of this distinguished Bishop elicited one of those spontaneous and universal tributes of respect from his townsmen and those who knew him best, which furnish the best at testation ot his Christian and noble charac ter. The bells of all the religious denomi nations of Buriingion were tolled at his death, and at his funeral nearly all of the congregation were in mourning. In the funeral sermon, in the principal Episcopal Church, Rev. Dr. Ogilby truly observed that the best witnesses of a man's charac ter and life were those among whom he lived and died. A funeral sermon was also preached in the Presbyterian church of Bur lington, by Rev. Dr. Van Rennselaer, a distinguished Presbj'terian minister, in which he passed a high and noble eulogium on the character of the deceased prelate, re marking that he had lived beside him for many years, and his character and piety, and his honesty of purpose, were such as to merit the highest esteem. In a letter to the son of the Bishop, condoling with him on his loss, the reverend gentleman is said to have remarked, "The only enemy which ever triumphed over your father, was death." A beautiful tribute when paid by one of a different denomination of faith. Now Publication*. Life or J&mm Watt, with selections from bii correspondence, by James Patrick Malrhead, M A , illustrated with wood cut*. New York : D. Appleton <t 00. Tbia history oi a moat notable man in the scientific and mechanical world, is • well arranged, well digested work for the library, with a copious iudex. For aale by Messrs. Woodhgusb & Co. Napolioiuc Idsas —It will be recollectod by many of onr readers, that in 1339, the now Em> poror of France, then "Prince Louis Napoleon Bonaparte," published at Brussels, a very remark, able Book, entitled "Dei Ideu Napoleoniennejtt."— This book i* now published in Knglisb, into «bich it bat been translated by James A. Dorr, who de clares in his prcface that he considered fidelity to the original an especial duty In tbe performance of the task. Tbe book bas now gathered addl< tional interest from tbe wonderful career of its author since It* first appearance. In glancing over tbe translator'! preface, oar eye caught tbe phrase "world-drama," against which we most decidedly protest, a* one of those affected expres> ■ions which belong to a composite atyle of lan guage,originating in tbe North, and which cannot be too severely denounced by all men of good taste. Tbe word "ttand point'' is another of tbe family, which with us has ruined many a sermon; for we conld never give an impartial judgment of any effort into which it bad crept. F.»r sale by WoaDeotrsE k Co. Wmtminstir Riview.—We are Indebted to Messrs. Woodhous* & Co., agents lor tbe Ameri can Reprints of the Foreign Quarterlies, for tbe Wutminstir Riview for April. Report of the Baptist Southern Con* tion. The full report of the proceedings of the Baptist Southern Convention will be issued in the Weekly Dispatch, next Thursday morning, at 11 o'clock, when any number of copies may be obtained at the counter ready for mailing. Persons leaving town befoie Thursday can have them sent to their address by calling to-day or to-morrow and leaving their address. — 9 Hoanoke Valley Kittnsion. The subscribers in Richmond to this work are requested to call upon the treasurer to day, between 9 and 4 o'clock, at the office of Potts. Farley & Co., Cary street, to pay the legal requisition of $2 per share for en gineering purposes. Telegraph Squabbles.—At a late hour last night, we received by telegraph a lone statement from a Philadelphia news firm complaining of the injustice ot the Ameri can Telegraph Company, and the conduct of the deputed head of tbe Associated Press, relative to the reception of steamer s news from Halifax. As'the public are not inter ested in such matters as long as they get the news, which the Dispatch will always furnish them, we do not publish it. The Opposition Party of Richmond held a meeting at the African Church las t night, and nominated as candidates for the House of Delegates of Virginia, W vndham Robert son, Davi» J. Saunders, and Gustaycs A. Myers, Esqs. Thk "Explanation" in yesterday's paper referred to an article takeg from a paper published in unotber city, and of course not emanating from either the Baptist Associa tion or Convention. gS. Good Won, Low Prices.—lnform the people where it can be had, by advertising in the daily newspapers, andsucceas is certain. Kim g Co, the Photographic Artiste, have been in Richmond only about one year, and yet they do more business in o e week, than do ail the other Artists in the city e MBbined in a month. gfiT Bii« A Co'h prices are from 25 cents np to 28 dollars. All the varions style* of portrait* known in the art taken. Large size family group* and fancy caaes, at one-half the usual prices. Steam Gallery. 139 Main street. tW Bee Bass A Co's new etyle of Ambrotypes.— They are genu of the first water. Beware of imi tators. tar To have yoor likeness takes artist tolly, eaa. p'ey the ertlste. Baas* Co. Steam gallery Price is eeats to sa dollars. * Oe. are the only Artists lu the citv 01 «•» children e»e-—cone yrooe., of B«» a Co.. ISO Main street Heeled (illuA St Ladle? hHl!u a?}}* n u1 w lfrr"" f £B&r, tsss.-& «. TSLKGRAPftW SV)VS. VKR MAOTBTIO Otrtoi—No. 18t» lent* Bqw»e» f itrORTSU gQR Tllg "mgPAtTH. LATER FROM EUROPE ARRIVAL 0 r'tilKAN 0 LP 8 axon; The French Troop* Entering Sardinia—The Austrian Army Hourly Expected to croet the Ticino—Fourteen Day» of Grace Civ en Sardinia by Au*tria- Reported Ru*f>o £ French Alliance —Isouis Napoleon to Take Jhe Field in Person— The Militia of Eng land Jo be- t Embodied, <$c., .jv. Qcf.bkc, May 9.—The steamer Anglo- Saxon, from Liverpool on the 26th April, arrived here this morning. There had been no actual declaration of war, but the crisis still exists. aHM* L It is reported that an alliance had been formed between France and Austria. French troops are entering Sardinia. A French loan of 500,000,000 francs is announced - ... It is rumored that Austria has given Sardinia 14 days longer to consider the demand for disarming. A panic had been caused by the reported Russian-French alliance. Sardinia replied to Austria's ultimatum on the 25th of April, but the result is not known. Austria is expected to cross the Ticinoatany moment, notwithstanding it is reported that she has agreed to another proposed mediation. French troops were eutering Piedmont, and great warlike activity is prevailing throughout France. The corp legislatif met at Paris on the 26tb to receive the government statement. Count Walewski made a statement throw ing all the blame on Austria. The French contingent corps for the year is to be raised to 140,000 men. England, Prussia and Russia have all pro tested against the conduct of Austria. The alliance reported to have been enter ed into between France and Austria is said to be offensive and defensive. The an nouncement caused great excitement. The British Channel fleet had sailed un der sealed orders, it is believed, for the Adriatic. It is reported that the whole militia of England is to be embodied. The Sardinian Chambers have invested the King with the powers of dictator. The commander of the French army are announced. The Duke of Malakoff (Pe lissier) is invested with the chief command of the army of observation The London Exchange and Paris bourse were greatly excited, and had experienced violent fluctuations. French 3's Slbsed at 62f 90c. The German Diet had decided to keep the principal Federal contingents ready to march, and to arm the Federal forts. At a meeting of the French corp legis talif, Count Walewski read to the cham bers an exposition of the negotiations which had taken place, saying that if the Emperor made war, it would be because he bad been constrained to do so by the ag gressive conduct of Austria. Every pos sible consideration had been urged by France to avert the calamity. Count de Morny expressed the hope that the anticipated war would be confined to Italy. A dispatch received in London on the 26th, says that the Austrians would enter Piedmont that day by three divisions. [second dispatch.] The official Gazette of Vienna publishes a communication calling on Piedmont to reduce its army to a peace footing, disband its volunteers, and within three days to give a positive answer to these requirements, threatening, in case of refusal, to resort to arms. The French legation has orders to quit Vienna as soon as the Austrian army cross es the Ticino. A dispatch from Turin says the King and Chambers would attend a ceremony on the 7th of May, at the Cathedral, and the King would depart immediately afterwards for Alessandria. Russia had mobilized four corps d'armee, two of which are to be advanced towards the Austrians, and two towards the Prus sian frontier. The London Times of the 27th, speaking of the Russo-I'rench alliance, says, "It is most startling, changing in a moment the whole aspect of affairs. ' Gen. Neill left Paris on the 24th, for his command. The Patrie says the Emperor and Prince. JSapoteon would leave Wednesday to join ihe army. Four thousand troops had arrived at Toulon, to form a camp. The regiments which quitted Paris for the frontier, were most enthusiastically cheered by the people. The London Post complains that the pol icy of the English Cabinet forced France into an alliance with Russia. A dispatch from Vienna assarts that the French have clearly violated neutral terri tory. It is also stated that French troops had arrived at Genoa, and entered the Sar dinia territory. The passage of the Ticino by the Austrian troops was hourly expected. The Imperial Guard of France had been placed on a war footing. It is reported that the French Minister of Marine had sent orders to all the seaports of Frauce, forbidding the departure of any more boats for deep sea fishing, as measures are in preparation for enlisting their crews in the navy. The question of a regency for France, du ring the Emperor's absence on the battle field is being agitated. Prince Jerome Bo naparte and the Empress are spoken of to Flour in France had advanced 2s. per Sa< The Moniteur announces officially the following disposition of tb« French army : Marshal Magnan remains commander of the army at Paris, the Duke of Malakoff com mander of the army of Observation, Gen. Castellane commander-in-chief of the army at Lyons, Baron D'llilliers commander of the Ist corps d'armee of the Alps, Gen. McMahon of the 2d, Marshal Canrobert of the 3d, and Gen. Neill of the 4th. Prince Napoleon commands the corps of Pioneers. Gen. Bandan is Major-General of the army on the Alps. The vote of the Sardinian Chambers in vesting the King with the Dictatorship, stood 110 ayes to 24 nays. Victor Emanuel, it is positively asserted, will command the army in person. Austrian correspondents say the Prussian cabinet had received previous information touching Austria's ultimatum to Sardinia, therefore the continued faithful Union of Austria and Prussia is hoped for. Litikpool, April 27.—Cotton—Sales for two day* of (KXM) bale* including 2000 to apecniator*. Prices on Toeeday were easier, bat not qnotabljr lower - Some Circulars report a decline of % On Wed* nesday afternoon tbe market cloaed with a down ward tendency and a slight decline on all qualities —Orleans Middling Uplands A%. breadstuff*—flour buoyant at odaOd higher, ranging from 10 to 13a. IVheat buoyant and Sd higher—Southern 10al2*. at 2da3d higher—yellow 6s 3da6s sd; 7d. Provisions—Beef baeyant specula* tire demand and prices couslderauiy advanced.— Pork buoyant and ad vanoed 2V%<ftaior «ood. Amer ican bacon firm. Sugar steady VJoifee and Eioe firm. • _ Naval store* Boein tell at 4*. Spirit* Turpen tine firm at 48*. „ . , Money more stringent and active. cd the Bank of Bsglaad will advance Its rates ef discount. Consols cloeed at 91%d>2. TOOK MBXIOO. N.w Oiuahs ( May 9-The cos report* that the sfcx>p»of •W " Brook at MinatlUaa, en the 4thi Jaet.., with U. 8. MlnUter McLene, whole oaau oaotalviett to Qooeui Allea. MeUs« had e*dreeeed a tetter to Gov. Clampo again* t the charges aad protect* ef tks Mlsamiia flnnraia"* TON QKOBOIA LOTTBBY CAB*. Acetrm, May 9.-The caw against Swan A Co., lor luoery dealing, 1* progressing. Messrs Stephen s, Toinh. eaOaehsou, are retained for thedellieee. Two law pointa were ralaadon which •hedaleadaate moved to diecaes the indUtmept,— The J edge will decide It to«morrow. STILL LATSft ItOM ITOOFI. ARRIVAL 0# XH» ADKLAID*. ED nr TUSCAX y-COMMKR< IAL, «C. St. Johns, N. F., May 9.-Tbe«team«hip Adelaide, from Galwajr on the JOth April, arrived here this afternoon. , One hundred and twenty thouiand Aus trian troops had crossed the Ticino. [siOOND DISPATCH.] The reported crosMDg of tbeTicmo is not officially confirmed. No actual conflicts had occurred. The French were pouring into Piedmont. Tuscany has joined France and Pied mont. commmcui. Liverpool. April 30.-Cotton declined ?/♦•?«- prlcea Irregular owing'to contioental disquietude. At Manchester business ia almost entirely suspen ded Breadstuff*—All kinds considerably advanced. Provisions higher iud closed tendency! ~ . Consols declined to 89a89 1 v ■ **- The Btnk of England has raised ita ratea of die count to 3% per cent. Liverpool, April 30.—Cotton —Sales for the week of 30,000 bales, speculators taking 600 and export ers 2.500; all qualities declined V<%%- > Q no,at '"" irregular. Estimated salea Friday bales; market closed quiet—Orleans fair 7 H ; Mid dling Uplands Fair Middling 6*,; stock in port 4*21,000 bales, including 351,000 American. FROM CALIFORNIA AND FRAZER RIVER. St. Louts, May The overland mall, from San Francisco on the 15th April, has arrived. The bill form log the six lower counties of Cali fornia Into a new Territory,called Colorado,passed the California Senate—bad been sent to the Gov. ernor for bis approval. The Brother Jooatban brought down $100,000 In gold dust. The news from Upper Fr» River was very eocouraging, while the lower country was entire ly deserted. Laborers were not to be obtained at any price. NORFOLK AFFAIRS. Norpoik, May 9.—the new Hotel here, was to» day,leased by E.G. Newton, of Alexandria, \a. Mist Josephine Bunkley, (now Mrs Andrews.) the anthoress of a book detailing her escape from a nunnery, and the life in it, has publicly "re canted." A BRASS FOUNDRY DESTROYED BY FIRE IN BOSTON. Boston, May 7.—The brass foundry of Henry T. Litchfield, on Lewis street, East Boston, was burnt this morning, together with all its consents. Loss $9,000. No insurance. The Are was undoubtedly the work of an incendiary, as during the night tev era! nnsaccejsfal attempts were mude to fire other places. THE STEAMER ROANOKE. New YoBK,May 9.—The steamer Roanoke arrived here from Richmond, at 11 o'clock last night. NAVAL. N*w Yobk. May St.—An American frigate, nume ! unknown, is signalled off Sandy Hock. g®, WATKINS A riCKLEN. MORE NKW GOODS. OUR ENTIRELY KEW Ann ELKGANT STOCK of fine Fancy ar.d Superior Staple Drt Goods, is being regularly replenished by all the newest and handsomest goods brought into the country. Rich Colobed and Black Double Jupe am> Volant Suk Robe*. very cheap. Dress Silks, Robe anJ plain dress Bareges, Poplins and Poplmetts. Spring Dress Goods, Men and Uoy's wear. Elegant Laces and Embroideries Kiw Style Mantillas, Shawls *c., a tin* Stck-k. House Furnishing Goods, Linens and Shirtings. Osnabpqs, Plaid and Colored. Every article pertaining to the DRY GOOD BUSINESS. KEW AND VERT LOW. W ATKINS A FICKLKN. mj fi_ta IW. Main street. «r KICHMOND THEATRE. RE-ENGAGEMENT! nr rk-engagemsnt/ UI (MKBWC GLADBTANK (.MRS W C GLADBTANE Wbo will appear in the GREAT FRENCH PLAYI nf GREAT FRENCH PLAY/ UI J(,OUIBE DK LIGNEROLLE9 tL r Ulf EDK LIGNEROLLEB With the New LOCAL EXTRAVAGANZAI LOCAL KXTRAVAGAKZA/ UI /OUR EASTERN SHORE COUSIN I OUR EASTSRN SHORE COCSIN T „ /RICHMOND ln \RICHMOND WITH NSW LOCAL SCKNEB Representing/CAPITOL FQUARK View* of \CAPITOL SQUARE NEW POST OFFICE! An( , . NEW POST OFFICE/ Ana 8 /VIRGINIA DAIRY tVIRGINIA DAIRY EVERYBODY SHOULD SEE THIB M">ST SUCCESSFUL EXIRAVAGAKZA REPLETE WITH FINE MUSIC LOCAL HITS. Ac. Ac. M4BIHB IWTSLLI-3-fIJfCB PORT OF RICHMOND—MAY 9 185#. High Water thu day (Twsiay) 11o'clock. ARRIVED. Bteainsblp Jamestown, Parriah, New Yo:k, mdse and paisr nger», Lu<ilam A Watson. Steamer Beo P#a¥ody. Pritchaid. Baltimore, indue. Schr Jno Randolph, Phillip#, Alexandria, caal, VaTowingCo Sahr Claudis, Wiliums, Eastern Store, corn to Captain. *chr Emma D, Warren, Eastern Sherd, corn, to Cap'ain. .. *. gchr R P Waller, Lively, York River, com, to Captain tchr St Clcnd, Gwathuey, Smithfleld, com, to Ciptaiß Schr Jos Libby, Bpence, N C, shingles, Womble A Claiborne. Skos Now Packet, Gray, Bniithfield, miie, Wom ble A Claiborne. BAILED, Bark Virginia, Lowrey, tio, flinr, J Brnmmell A CD. Schr GalUgo, Smith, New York, mdse, DAW Currie. [bt tel*oraph.] Hampton Roads, May 9.—Arrived, Danish brig, Cere*. 100 days from Callao. PABB*»«iERB FIR STEAMSHIP JAMKETOWN, PAKMSH, Master from New Yoik : - B Barker, F Hoffooan, Jno Roberts. Chas Sibery. W ft McLary, 110 Wakelee, Mrs Dr Aylett, Miss Tiles. Mtss Adlsrd, Miss M Perkham.Mrs Green, Mrs B Murphy and 3 children, O Van Klayck 8 Hunter, W Graham, Wm Etherington, J J Kagle fon and lady, J R Marsh Geo Carr. Mrs Tatum, J M Freeman, Jr, W H Richards. 8 McKlroy. Henry Qaackniloss, Miss Bigler, Miss D lnglee, R G Mor ns and ladr, W J Noyes, Dr Gait, A H Wood, A R French, MissMorriss, lea Williams and sister.Mrs Everetiand child, and 19 steerage. Also from Norfolk :-L A Jacauehar, K Paret, H L Harrington. D Murphy, E bchmith.Fred Loog, Jot Walton. Mrs E A Taylor a».d child. Wm Bus sell, Wm Cherry, J M Pullen, D M Cohen. Charles Brown. Light Wabted — The follow- Ing appears in the Saturday's pro:eediugs of the Baptist Convention, now in session in this city: "QIIBTION OF OGI KTIST. " Mr ol Ala t offered the following: " Resolved, Xhat the President tender to the preachers of other denominations of Christians, ttie regard and respect of this Convention, and invito ihem to seats upon th's fl x>r. " Mr Bestor addressed the Convention lu support of his resolution. It was designed as an act of courtesy merely; not for the purpose of allowing others to participate in the deliberations of the body. "Mr Hurt, of Ya.. mcved to lay the resolution upon the table. The motion was negatived—ayes 12*. noes 190 " Mr Watts, of Ala., moved to amend the resolution by adding the words—' To witness the deliberations of this body.' He said he thought it an act of cour tesy due to those ministers who had offered their pulpits to ministers in this Convention. " Mr Wootfolk, ot Tenn .opposed the resolution — He hoped it would be withdrawn, and the whole matter sulfated to dr« p Do not, for the sake of an aot of courtesy, which is no courtesy, introduce a flreband which may cotsume us. Do not make a mere abstraction a test question which may distract and rend us asunder. He urged the Convention to said the question had taken a direction wh ; ch he bad never thought of. Thei* was nothing in ths resolution which conld admit at such an inter pretation. Ha would therefore withdraw it ••jt jrgs suggested that the mover could not with* draw it without leave of the Convention. - Mr Boyee. of 8 O. moved the previous question, but af.erwaras withdrew It. •- Mr J Dagg, of Ut, moved that Mr Bestor have leave to withdraw his reaoluion. •' This motion was carried by a largo majority.— The resolution was there op on withdrawn ' r Many la thla community are cartons enough to enquire how such an aot of courtesy, extended by religions assemblies, of some other denominations, to Ministers of the Baptist Church, could, whea reciprocated by them, "introduce a firebrand which might oonsume them;" or become " a teat question which might distract and rend them asunder " my 10—Itc GIVE PB LIGHT 11AM8.—4,000 Bchooley a celebrated ** Queen Qlty Hams, for sale by JONBB k OQ. T1 k .—l6O boxes Fresh Gunpowder Tea, just to hand and for sale by my* WM TAYLOR. pAMPBELL'B celebrated Scotch Alt, ms stars lokdom roMi>-ri«t> T ARD —A lot of very saperior N. 0. li Lard, far saleby my » POCTB. PARLEY k 00. Cary st. jjERIIINOB.—ICO bble No I Halifax u " r!, K^ VMAMffAL AMtroWMISL RlehmMi ■•rbcti, *«T She weatlter for Mm* day t bu i brickt ■ulMrninrfli Thf «k«tt haa fltrt rap- Mi*, and TWtotMiiii Improved astonishingly. Trade It VWy t»«l*t There la no nnmuXnOm»r Mob la aar branch of tuaJneaa. Holdata or nraan stulTs expect aoma advantage In caaa of war on the Continent. Tba latt h«i thowt an Improvlrg ten dency In grain and flour In tha British markets. We have no alteratloa In quotations, aava a slight advance la Bacon and Whisker- Other articles stand as last qooeed. Montr Is easy and Ixebange without alteration. •TOBACCO—Tha receipts of tobacco have incrtaaed fn the last few days—iand we to notice mora animation in the market, »Dh» l,l '« ht ■•'/*!! We quote Inferior lan $4 sfl<s'> V>: *ocd *» 50® 8 so- fine bright 17$*? inf*»ior leaf common and'iood stemming 9# 50@ll #"! flfl" noDknd good manufacturing *9 !*fel2 ( W: floe »15 @tt; tome few fancy bright packagts ti B®ao. fLOUß—There are no rec-nt as lea to shippers — To the trade we nnote Anpetfloe eomtrTTj Virginia and Tennessee) tJ&I-Vr. *xtra t7 Faml- Ir ®*@9; Ttnneaaee "nperflne in bags 97 per bbl of two bags: gxtra do $7 fe®7 80. , WHBAT—Crop neajrly »*h«nrted. Good to prime Bed itl 45@1 W; do White •( Ss@ «0. CORN—The rect-ipts are very limited. We con tinue to quote 9T@9l «t» per bushel. OATB—M@6O cts per bushel. HAY—gt per cwt. BACOV—The firmer with a shade ad vance. We quote prime Sides in<3inx cts.- do *honider»F@BK;i>lain Pant ll>i eta; bagged do 12 rai3 cf»; North Carolina Hog Pound 10 cte. OOFFBK—We quote Rio Iltf@lJcta aeto noallty and quantity; Laguayra 12@l2)ic; Java I.V2M6c: SUGAR—There It a better feeling In the market, without a change in rates W«qnoteCnhe7 New crop New Orleans (>\V • 11 Oirn«h»»a and Powdered 10Xc; A Coffee Bdo 9, l »c; Cdo 9C! FvtraT 9*4 centa. . MOLASSES.—fc ew Orleans covado jnc: Clared Cuba 2*c: Porte. Rico SsfljKw c. WHISKEY—We advance in quotations a snaae. Richmond Rectified 27,5,@2»3« cts per gallon. C ATT LP, AO. BEEF-Soma taleeof very flne 0»"le cwt nett. They were very superior, and the supply of Cattle limited We still quote per cwt D MUT% P 1?-W™ «3 SO t £*VJ^ nb in d(V LAMBS—g2 .'4 to t6 per head. Fat Lambs m ae ""v^AL—'alesof Calves at t"4 to gl3—or 12 eta per '^UOOa—For the retail daily cansumption f8 so to g9 per cwt nett. MONRY M ATTKHB—BXCH A NOR. North«°w N New York and Phila- netes and of the Bank of the -S taken by tho Banks are at a 1 are C Torth and n Sourh' Carolina Bank Note. X * cent. d GOl,D* percent prem. No prem. allowed for BILVER. _ TOBACCO—The following are the quotations of Tobacco at Liverpool April 23 : James River Leaf. ) faded in l ordinary sound.... }0 J « » middling.— I good to fine I Da t-tnui. iw short 1 middling -0 8 10 j good aDd fine J Keutncky Leaf. « 3 0 R 4 Stemmed 0 7 9 Maryland ....>0 ft 0 9 Ra i tin <fe, Mav 9 —Flour very firm, and held at a? no sMes. Wheat firm and hiaher—white ®l 70 (»»■ red SI m(a>\ 70 Corn firm—whiteßfi(g>B7; yellow Vrovisicns firm—Bacon "ides 'J>i; Mess Pork g|7V Whiskey higher—city i'.»; Ohio 341 f< tw Yobk May 9 —Stocks lower-Virginisfi «97!,; U S S'slu-IV Cotton very dull—sales insignificant F'onr a4vaLced lc—Souther ■ gfi.fii @7.10 Wheat 2(<vlc hieher—Southern white gl 9S. Com higher— w'nite '•"@95: yellow 94@'.'5 Beef firm—Western re packed <iirrsl3. Pork quiet—Mess tlfi 12. Lard heHvy,at2!f}ic. Fugar dull Turpentiuednil att:,'» @53%. Rosin firm at $1 6'.»@' 70. qolumbian hotel. This establishment will be opened the 12th of May, for the entertainment of the public. It is now thorough r< paired from bottom to top, improv ed in all respects, and ii in every way better suited to the comforts ot' its patrons than heretofore The main building is fivettoriet high,27o feet in length, and so arranged that you enter from the street in the middle of the honte, now fronting on Sho«koe Slip, instead of Cary street at formerly. It is airy, roomy,-convenient anl comfortable a* it can be — The chambers a e furniehed anew throughout, and have the best quality of BKDD^G. The Kitchens are admirably arranged, and have every convenience for the serving up ttparately the different Meats and Vegetables. Having engaged Col WY ATT OARDW ELL, for merly of Charlotte, aud Mr C B LUCK, cf Kich mond. who will devote their whole time to the man agemeni of the house forme. I feel confident wi'hthe facilities furnished them, that every thing can and will be done by themanrf their assistant t, to adl to the comfort of their guetl t Omnibuesee are now being built and will rcnto the different Depots, Steamers and Packet Boats, as soon as completed. In the meantime. Porters will attend with UacKS. JJS H CRENSHAW. Proprietor. From the above notice it will be teen, that, we the undersigned. haTe the management cf the CO LUMBIAN IIOTEo. We take occasion to say to our triends that we will bd exceedingly hsppy to re ceive them at the old establishment now revived i nl modernised, where no pains shall be spared for their gratification OARDWBLL my 10 —lm C B LUCK. TARM AN ON WILLS—Few Edition, at J RANDOLPH'S Bookstore and Bindery. CHEVALIEK ; or the probable lali in the value of <»old-125 , ,„ , MICH ANICAL anl Engineer s Book of Reference and Fisld Book— 2.50. „ „ „ . THK KIFLE, and How to Useit, By Hans Ruak.— 75 cents. . , TIIJS KANGAROO Hunters: or Advrntures in the Buah. Br Ann* Bowman—7s cent*. OWEN MKKIDJSIH b Poems (Young Bulwer)-7.1 cents. MEMOIR of Theophilus Parsons. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Maseachutetti. DAVKNPOST Dunn, a Man or Our Day; complete— *0 cents .... . _ JAKMAN on Wills, fourth American edition; by J O.Perkins. Two volumes. WtSTMINbTK l Review, for Ajril. LONDON Lancet, for May. INDIA Rubber Pens, a new article. PATENT Hneumatic Jnkatmd—l 50. IHJS Jealous Husband—A story ct ihe great master passion, Love— nay 10— It butter, r FRESH MAY BUTTKK, KKEBU MAT BUTTER, At Willi am tking'B. At WILLIAM TRING'ii. Mr 10-3t At WILLIAMTKINQ't*. REGALIA — The subscriber would most respectfully inform MAfONB. KNIGIIT TEMPLARB and ODD FELLOWS That having made arrangements with one of the largest manufacturers in New Y<.rk, he can turnish at short notice REGALIA, Aud all other articles suitable for the above Or ders at NKW VO3K PRICES! Samples of Brgalia, Ac, on hand. 4STTkbmBCAPH. *a-Ord rs attended to promptly. F BIN FORD. Dealer in Hats.Caps. Ac. 82 Maiu street, Richmond, Ya. my 9—d&cwlm VJOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—The Lvundersigned Commissioners, appointed by the County Courts of Hanover and Henrico, will re c« ive proposals, at the Meadow Bridges, on the 10»h day of June n-xt, at 10 o'clock, A M. for covering with gravel the c »nseways of the Meadow Bridge F.oad across ths Cbickahomiay, and f>r repairing the abutments of said bridges. About fO 1 ) cubic yards ot gravel will be required—to be hauled an average distance of half a mile. Perfons desiring to do this work, can apply to either of the under signed for further Information. KDW. BYD«OR, I Hanover THOMAS G. TURNER,/ UftQoT "' JAMBS T. REDD, Henrico, mj 10— lawtw . . \TOTICE.-In consequence of my BABH, BLIND AND DOOR fACTORY having been destroyed by fire on Wednesday morning last. I shall carry on my business at Mr W* H Yeatmaji 8 shop, (on Bth street, near Franklin ) for a few weeks, until I can get rebuilt at my old stand, 2Ki Main •TyV 3f J V CRAWFORD. OBAVY RECEIPTS OF CL.OTHING 11 Jamestown we are receiving direct from our own manufactory, a larae *bipm«nt of KINK BPBINO CUJTUIsa. embracing a great variety of Cloth. CMiiimere, Drapd'Kte. Alpaca, Linen and Marseille* Goods for MKNS, YOUTHS IB ROTS WKAR all of which la entirely now fashionable, well made and chMB. Call at "Head Quarter*." my 10 KKKN, BALUWIN * WILLIAMS DODEKER'B HORSE REMEDY—A ne- D T « r failing core for Heave*. Thick and Brck-n Wind.ColdaTOougha. Botta or Worms. By it* use. the Horae'i appetite i* imprevel: all derangement of digestive organ* corrected ; softening the skin, and giving to the coat a alick and ahinfng appear ance ; and may he used with perfect safety at all times, a* it cooUinano ingredient* which can Injure a hone, whether sick or well. Nor i* it neceaaary that the Bene be kept from work whilst using it. Prepared by my 10 A BOPECKR. pRENSHAW, QUARLES & CO , have .V J"?* op f? e< L . thol '" thlrd supply Of Hummer JJ rapping*; black Lace Mantlea; black Net and Silk Mantlet; Orape and Net Mantle*; White Barege Mantlea : Black Berate Mantle* »*rege 120 BROAD WUH, WATER COOLERS—A full asaortnaat " of Water Cooler*, of the beat make. To be BOtKLITM, T lO I>7 Main st. ULY BRUSHES—Pea fowl and Oitriok Bru *h«a Ju*t received at ■T 10 BPLKLKY'B. 137 Main «t. T INBEID OIL—Por salt in quantilioa *■* to rait pnrckaaer*, by "TIP ■ J PIOOT, Pro grist. jpAINT BROBHBB, of all kiads for my »0 1 i HQJT, Pmggiat. Qf| TUBS ohoioe Ooahen Butter; 60 » 00. pO*N—l2oo buaktlK Prims Wtlte (MR 11. on coMlgnmeut, for *alefron» v ease I. my 10—H* A MIUiSfAUUU. MARRIED. , In tWo flr*t Freakytarlan Oborcb. on Weftnaad"', Ibe 4th teat., far tha Ret. ifarriaon, Mr. W. WIRT HA MilßO*, mn of tha officiating clrgy man, and IMlaa IfM'l/Y F , eidtat danghter of Mr Win • F. Tay lor, of thia city. • DIBD, Monday tpornlng. »ih Inat. at 5 o'olock. f**AH ROARRTA, infant daughter of Daaiel T. and Mary C Mauek, agad 3 montb**nl 2 daya. The friend* and aeqnaintanraa »W rrg"»at«jJJo attend her funeral at bar father'* r«wd«n<», at Port Majn, thia moraine, nt.lor clock. . Farewell, awaet ohe. in beaVen. wnere thcu art Hhlnlnß txctr. I knew that ain and »orrow are Raolahed frotn thy brow, and thongh It were Woree tband»ath to part I yfcld thaa np to (lod. who hath taken tbee. my darling, to hia aver Bie*t abode. I girelhee back to heaven, »y pure And gentle onr; thy aandaof Ufa are numbered; Thy little race ia ran: and thon art joining Wow In the anthem* of the b'eat, in yon bright World of glory—the land of p*aca and net. • Of Conanmption, at tha reeidence of her unola, Mr K Rill*. Lnnenburg county. April iOlh, 18W, Mlm MOLIIR P HARRIS, aged 27 yeara Bhe lingered nearly eTevn month*, unncual patience in heranff-ringa and'?* a moat confident hope that to ber gain." H» r character combined all the vfri una tnat make a talthful and affectionate atetcranrilWeaJ, and though we lament her conaolta* «e thought, that the has anchored where ■.orin* ° JljiuJPetoraburg papera plea*eooyy. *_ _____ toBT , T 08T OE MISLAID—A copy of the L plan o/ATUMV ADDITION TO TH* CITY n , &riHMOND Any Information concerning It STll be Jhankfally received, and a llbarti re*ard W " l , b f ° r M " Trt ° TtTr c W PURCRLL AOK MA' LOST COW — Slfijed olr Btolen, on the IXth of April, from my II WL f ar m near Now Briacre Church, a large rTwwithdark Bide*, white face Hated back and braaa'batla on her bora*. A l'Wal reward will be n«?d for ber delivery to me. If stolen, $25 will be g?venfor the conVictlch ot the thief my 9—3t » J PWXyg. — O IT RATTAMON.\ uirhmond. May 10,1936. J ORDRRB No. XXXV. Companies A. and B. Kill attend a regnlar meeting and drill thia (TURBDAY) even ing at A o'clock, promptly. Membera will appear with muak< t, fatigue cap and belts. Officers with aide arms. ..... By order of < apta'.n*. WI. SATTKRWHITR. CO A. j JOHN 8 KADY, Co B.; J C R ATKweoSI} ,8t B<istts - my 10-lta v k WASHINGTON LOOGR. No 13,1 jM® Richmond, Va. May 10,18*9. / Jfej SONS OP MALTA ! ' " iii A Orand Conccil of the "Pons of Malta" will be held THIS ITVRMNfI. at 3 oVtock. at Co rinthian Hall, for th* purpoee of initiation, Ac — Also, at So clo< k, PM. Kvery member of Ihe ordor is commanded to be ready and in full regalia at the rail of the Bncrle. All Bona of Malta now 'ojonrniflK in thecity.are respectfully invited to attend. By order of the G 0. my 10—It e DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—The subscriber ofr*ra for sale the House at presrnt oscnpird bv Mm. It is situated on 20th street, between franklin and Grace, in an improving convrci-jnt tothebnsi ness portion of the city, ard in a verr healthy and p'.eßeaot location It contains eight largo and two small rooms, besides a bath room in the gecord story. On the premises are a two storr brick k'toh en, with a good cellar nnder it, arid all the nece»ss ry out houses, every portion of wh'ch is dry at all seasons, a goodcnlvert securing pertect drainage — The Bonne is supplied with eras tbrcnatbout, and having been recently repaired and painted, i* in omplete order. If desired, a long credit will be given to the rurcbaser For particulars, app'v to my t>—dts Til WYNNB. SPECIAL NOTICE—No Freight c«n be received after the hour of 10 o'clock THIS MORNING ■■Hi ior steamer Jambstowx my 10—It LUDLAM * WATBON. CORNS.—By impro par treatment, or the use of r remedin. Corns. Bnn .8 ' iom. Nails, Ac, not only be comes serions raaladv, bnt many a valuable life is annually lott. Dr BCHULTZ daily treats tbo most tronbleromo cases, white suffer'ng might >>e entire ly avoided b» early apniication to him Who would limp and suffer with Corns and Bunion*, when re lief may be obtained without pain, at small coßt, says the Whig. Office Wall Street Hotel, Wall st. my 10—lt« m THE HAVELOCK HAT THE HAVELOCK HAT THE HAVELOCK HAT An entire new st»le, made of Orass Cloth They are unsurpassed in beauty ard comfort, being the lightest and best ventilated HAT worn. Gentlemen In want of a real pleasant Pummer Hat would do well to call and get one. Other new style* also on hand. BTNFORD'B HAT 8TOR« BIVFOHD'S HAT STORE BIN FORD'S HAT STORE my 10—.'>t* 82 Main street, Richmond. ■ FOR RENT—A Brick Stable, on Franklin, tetweon Bth and 4i:h streets. Apply on the premises, or to my 10—It BUBTON A QREKNHOW. LADIES' HEELED CONGRESS with Silk G".er, of superior onalitv, just received and for paleclie»i> by my 10 MARCUS HARRIS. 183 Broad*t. r—T~l NEW ARRIVAL OF ELEGANT PIANO FORTES ■J 5 1| (1 B The subscribers fcavo just opeued J w \J * gome of the most elegant Piaor Fortes which they have ever rffored before Among them are two instruments of extraordinary excel lerce, combining the power and vibration of thf Grand, (without the cumbronsne**.) with the sweet nrsa and s'.lvery clearness ot the best square Piano Forte. They are substantially made, and supported with full iron frames, beautifully finished, and would adorn cr grace the parlor or saloon of any mansion. James wooduouse » co, Booksellers, Stationers and Dealer* mv 7—St in Piano Forte*. Richmond, Va. BOX~ MANUFACTORY.—The under signed having purchased thelntere*t of John A Bovyer, in the late concern of Bovyer A Burger, will continue the business of manufacturing ana selling tobacco boxes, packing cases, Ac ,on hi* individus' account. Mr. Booyer will remain with me, and at tend to the manofacturing di partment. my 9-3t» HENRY R. BURGER. RUPTU&E CURED FOR $S.—DB SHERMAN'S great radical CURE TRUSS can now be bad for only five dollar*. Every nirdical { manwhoha*examined thi*instrument, prononnces ltsuperi rto all others If desired, we will cheer fully refer to anr of the very tumorous persons who have been thorongbly cured by th'« Irass — Person* owning valuable slaves, thus af!l : ctrd. sbonld procure one. they being sojdcrable, and the che?4i)e»t in theend. We will send this .russto any part of the country by Express or mail. For the Trurs, or intoncation concerning it, ad dreg* C C JACKSON. No 17 Mainstret, Richmond, Va. Persons not knowing us, can send their money toany merchant or friend in this city The i rus* can be had al*o at Measra MEADE A BAKER'S and MILLBPAUGH A JOHNSTON'S, Druggist*. my 9— ly Vif ANUPACTUHER'S BUM-50 barrels superior, high proof article. For sale by my 9 WM WALLACB SONS. I7RESH MAY BUTTER. " Fresh May Butter Fresh May fcutter Fresh May Butter Freeh May Batter Fresh May Butter Fresh May Butter At WM. T. KINO'S At WM. T. KING'S At WM. T. KING'S, ft and s Franklin street 6 and 8 Kranklin street Near thi Old Maskit my 10—3t* M» thi OLP M arret. OA TIERCEB choice Hams, in can T au. just received. These Hams are from the c 'lebrated packing house of G A P Hogen, near Cincinnati. These gentlemen obtained the only medal bestowed at the last U 8 Fair for superior Champagne Wine, and in the opinion of well-in formed. experienced judges, deserved a similar award for their Hams. Missing t*»at. thev continue to offer them on their own merits, to which thev are very willing to coottue them. The average is from 10 tJ 12 pounds, and every piece warranted — For sale by my 10 R T COLT<SON A CO. ODE KE R 7 !? E XCELBIOR YEABT POWPKR—War ranted equal to any made, at only 10 cents a paper. Prepai ed and sold by A BODKKgR. _tuyJO No 10 Main st. NEW GOODB. SAM'L M PRICK A OO havs received a further supply of those cheap Baal Point Lace Collars Real Point Lace Bets Point Applique Lace Trimmed Hdkfs French Lace and Pucher Lace Mantles, all of the newest itvies Velvet and Net Mantles, new and beautiful Lacs BleeTes, new patterns And many other very desirable gcods for the sea ■on- my 10-3t QERVANT FOR HißK—For the bal ance of ths ysar, or by ths month, a GIRL 1« or 17 years of age, of good character and accustom ed to waiting in the house. Apply to wrCfcON PBTBBS', my 10—at Firm of Peters'. Martin A Co \,fKSSINA ORANGES AND LEMONB. —SO boxes fresh Messina Oranges; 50 baxes frevh Merslna Lemons, just received by steamer, for sale by my 10 LOO 18 J BOBBIBPX MOW OPENING — flutta Perch aaad l lr l T Rnbbcf "^'^tSkrlanjtb. KA BBLB. fre»h Ale and Cider, for sale tIU by JONBB A 0» WHISKEY.- 400 bbl*. A. C. Bher- V V mtß '( Whtsksy; 100 bbls Gihsoa's Moun tain Whiskey; AO bbU Apple Brandy: 100 bbls Not, : and » Mackerel, tor sals by JON IB ACQ. (ELDEST ESTABLISHED AGENTS OP FOBTCNB.-Ws wUI mail toauy person wish ing it. onr Meathly List of Uie splesidid DaAawars Lotteries drawn twiee a day, at Wilmtaatoa, Del. bp three smra OpmmlMloaara appointed bv the (Joveraor. Oaaitai Pniss Btoutwu down te $A (*».- •!, to » r »a of Paokacsa, Ac, ste moathty Uat. Address J CIsAJUL A 00. Mo IOC Baltimore sL my 7-3t» Bait) stare. Md WANTSB—LAHI) SCRIP AHO WAS ay 14— Iv uth at, opposite Goddln't iu"ll. griciAit Honom fgr In t« whom Anuom Woitt •fATI tWt fWTfIMIIT 09 A Uvt AfttA »Tf ABg or I Srrr«H!W- RnßTffAMrMff 00 . Affil 1»*. nmi Tnm * a»a*:-I ha** b*« •mitfej wtt'i Rheumatism at tlwi trow my twelfth rm. i "Hi n» nnr y*»n of the n»h of thi* month Tha M lo rrftder in help!"*. lhav* tried tarfcn* r*medf*a toWr bt? lie »ffrct. Last October I ww a/lacked T« ahouldere. »K|m. hac« aed hip*. I could set m K7 or night. I cou'd rot m«e «.r bo*y without crying With pain, it tblsthna I»lZ tried many famediesLM.Ml a*d e,ta/£T witT oat receivlnn any relief: I waa a« teat ad v|*m} i 0 trr Hampton'a Vegetable Tlrctare; b» fere I had take* one bottle of which,l Jolt much hotter and aal continued taking It I felt strength roraing ia to bit back « r d Umbo, and m* strtnarh strengtherad »rd rerlted every war. I have taken llv*Tx>«|«* and am much better than I ever expected to be I in. tend to nao it whenever I need It. and would re»o». mend It to the a ffl cted. believing It lobe nnt 1«a ed. tuv.Axm 1m>«l ftttrt MwOray ctMcrtimfr: G»nt*—Mra Kl'z tbetb Bagwell la a Mr of tha big heat reap*c«abitity,wealthy and Irdhwnttai-thJ cure ha her_ce*e apeak* volume* in favor of a,* wonderful Tin el are Several other neraone webava heard of bavederived trent banrflt frem lUntein our county. We nre entirely oot of the article and hare dally anxlou* inquirer* to know when we will receive another supply. We expect larr* *al«a of It from the preaant demand, and want yon lo sead a* a box aa aoon aa noaaible. Your*. Trim * A»a1« Anril l«th, Northampton connty Va & m»?.?itVoWfMW'.xfev 5 Baltimore, and by Druggiate aad Bhop-ksapen everywhere. . , *%_ SI per bottle; tlx bottls* for 16. my 10—dAwto HP" Perm Yiaks' Expbbiiici Wth Baa Riktoeativm —The ft Homing letter fr.m . gentlemah long and favorably krrwn in Beaton ao<l vir.lntty. who haa bad moat favorable oppoMuhltle* of l-rtnvHv'4 of what he write*, wiii we are *Qlre mi I*, fy the moat credulous: Waltham. Ma**. January 20. iaj» fuaßft W R Faoa* A Co : (*ntjr—l bate hr# n aellin* HRIMSTRKRT'S "Inimilab)r. Hair P*»to. bativ*" for three or foor year*. icitJi goarl mhtjar tinn and tureens I hare tried »»rku» other artir'ea In the market, (Ptge'a. Pockard'e, A *ery'«,Wn<*v, Ac .) lint your* has the deritlrd pttfirewe, aim na them all. I htrenfrer hetitat<>l to nc<intertill it for "V itcl»lm* to do. Federal tadtea of onr tnvn who ha<i been wearing folte ttmr far nrrrrol vjr, have laid it airide ard now have • f>dl un<l hirtmnnt h'-ati of hair of oritpnaJ shnti' avd rotor, prodnrnt by tit Hi 8 two or three bottle* of yoaraitfc l *-; and aheo by some mean* they have been indored to try «om«- thing elee, palmed onon th»m aa being mipertor. they haTealanoet inrort'Wy retnrned to the. dm „f jovr Hair Coloriogagaln. a* the only mtntnri* nnd reliableartieU; in nao— fttidlnn it I* a lotUlte orh. el* a* cheap a* any of the Hair (Ml* or Waeheewiih which the market i» flooded I am yonra rery trnly. I» B RMMONC. Remember, that theae vnparnUeM reonlta were pr idrce<i by Inimitable, the '>n ■ ginalnnd only rrli'iUt article in uae. Bold everywhere-Price snc a bottle. W 15 HAUAM * C<».. Proeriator., Troy. New y->rk. A Wisstd*, Agent*, Richmor.l. my 10—I2t» VALLIT Railsoud Ex. Taicsios.—lthas been ordered by the Presideet and Directors, that the Treasurer collect from each!«u»>- scrib«r to the entension, the legal of $2 psrthare, for the purpose of defraying the angi neerirg ex penses Bubscrib»rs in Bi< hmond, will pleaee call rron the I reasnrtr, TO I) AV. ll'tb m#t, at thetfßc* of Messrs Potts. Farley A Co, Cary street, inhere tie will remain between the hour* of 9 o'clock, A M, and 4 PM, f>r the purpose of receiving theabo»» requisition. K A WILLIAMS, my 10—It Treasnrer. pf M. 8. MEADOR may be found at the American Hotel. He bM some of thns* sr. PERB RA 7, "»RB, nwfe by Bag*haw. of Livnpooi. imported by himself, which have given the highlit satisfaction. He has also a small lot of 'tmr'rr POORS! KNIVES and SCISSORS, froai the »■* excellent manofactrrer. Ny 10- 2 • ■O*>SHAMPO3RINO WITH Showir BATH —GentWm«n. If you wi»h to get J " heads Sbarapoeurd with tool showi r b»th, I wcold advise jon to call at the Hair Cutting, Shaving, shampooningand Bathing Saleon under the Ame rican Hotel Entrance on lltb street. Single bath 2ft cents, or five tickets for $1. my 10 SV Visitobs to the Baptist Coivm no* ajtd Stbancirs I* TH« ClTt, are respectfully invited to call at the Photograph acd Fine Art Gal lery of Q W Jf INNIB. No IST Main street, opposite the Custom Honso, and examine the beautiful spe cimens on exhibition in every branch of Photogra phy—where the art can be seen in its utmost perfec tion. my » fgf Cheapest Goods ever sold in this city A «reat chance is nr.w tflVred to all in want of bargains—24 yards Tnntning Fiinge lor 37V,; 11 springs Kxtension Skirt* 7ftc; silk Neckties for grr tlemen 25c; gents' Uuder Shirts 2V; Mantillas sod Custers in great variety, at prices to suit thec!u*««t buyers; a large acfortment cf Wrappings for Mi««fs and Childrenof thelatfstdesiiint; Bonnet*; Ribbons; flowiTs: Ruches; Head Dre«*es; Drees and Mantle Trimm;ncs; Embroideries; Black Silks; Fancy No tions Ladies Tress Goods, Ac.. Ac. For the L>»st *nd cheapest Goods call at the Mantle Depot, S9 M«la street. Lmi») K SZIIKIKL. AHD SUiWCS At the CASH STORE of PBRXINB * CO. CHANTILLA acd FRENCH LACE BLACK SILK and SILK and LACE MANTILLAS BKRAGE SHAWLS aod DUSTERS fcS-Cheao for Ca<h. PBRKINBACO. my 9—lwif No 141 Kagle Bqusm. BAB(IAIH8 AT THE CASH BTORK OF PERKINS A CO, No 141 Eagle Square. Very rich Doubie Skirt and Two Flounced Silk Bo 1*" „ .. .. Two Flounced Berage Grenadine and Orgacd.s Kobes Rich Organdie and Berage* Ducal Plains, Valentiaa and Challie DeLaims marked dewn to 20 cts Fresh supply of those cheap Kid Glov»s at rtl 7-3 Bleached Shirting, vtry cheap at (A Best 7-8 Bartlet Bl< ached at 10 cts *xtra 4 < Bleached Shirting at 1 1 ct* est N ¥ Mills Shirting at 15 eta Rich Lece and French Worked Set* Large stock new style Parasols KX> pieces fast coloiel Lawns at <d SO pieces 4 4 fast colorod Brilliants at 18 ct* Best Knglish at.d Amtrican Calicos at I let* Watch Soring Hocp Skirts . , my 9— lwif PERKINS 4 00. JP^Tlicobice —'n Mass and Stick, of the best quality GUM ARABIC, for tobacconists TO>yi'A BEAN B—Aug astura, Black and Cryt talized OLIVE OIL, in glass, of new crop In .tore and for sale i-by^^ In M Blair A Co'* Buildirg, my 4-6 m Cor 12th and Carysts. I®*THIK» SPLBBDID OPBBIBG OF DRY GOODS BREEDEN & FOX. Broad Strut. Open this day, MONDAY. April l*th the most complete assortment of Goods ever ojhibited by them. They invite special attention to a very at tractive stock of DRE9B GOODS which will be offered at very reduced prices, amongst them — Barege and Grenadine Robes in great variety dilks, Bajadere, a den* vo'.aates, some entirely new style . . India and Foulard Silk*.colored sad black French Organdies and Jaconets Spring de Laines. Chnlli oe Laints De Cbenae. Ktoile de Paris . And MA3T other ntw and beautiful fabrics tor ("prinii wear. _ our stock of Housekeeping and Plantation Goods is very large. We have bought, during the past week, some large lota of the following Goods, which we shall offer st very low prices: _ _ Irish Linens. Table Damasks, Napkins, Towels. Linen stings. Ac.. Ac. my 3—lOtif >1T Broad street. ttg- Paxk* Poibdbxtbb, ATTORNBY AT LAW. RICHMOND, VA-, *111 practice In the city ef Rkhmoud aud in the sounds of Chff terflekl, aud wui. Office in Lisle's Building, oorne- of Main asd Uth streets. wO-Hm F BIQBBATOBS. R EFRIGERA TOKB, cheap' <h«ep' WATER COOL KI!S W'.t TER COOI ERS SHOWER HATHS ICE CHE A M FREEZE.!^S" ICE I'ITCH EMS _ , ... Pi'POM viihmi »of of th* above irtwW.* ll ' M . h*. Y-J -JVKIUv. my 6- 1m 13? Main street. Mr Mabtillab ! Mabtillab ! I lIRK&DBN A FOX. BtCHMOBP. tipen another large assortment of M ANTILLAS tsis morning. BORKOSS, TAUIAB. DOBTBRB, bIiIuTABA", RAGLANS. And maaj other new »M btautifol •***»? *51! Lace, Silk and * ilk and Nett: smbraciu* alljuaiv from the lowest price ay 3—lOt iH Broad street TO THE PROPLB OF CHKWKRFIBLP.— It being understood th«t the ufflw of 00**1 WBALTH*B ATTORN »Y. tor the COB»ty o*P_*», r _ Held, will shortly becoais vacant by the reslguet #a of Als**r Jones, Ksq.. I declare mtsell ». nuilWate KoBAS.^ CPALDmOS +jpgßm~ ROBKMARY AND CA3TOR OIL IO&KMAKY AND CASTOR OIL IS waaiuMW. WJ: hSfw uTtfi*. •^sssssssssr .mOMme i 'lTJd^"FlßU?ii ,i * wTmBIOB. aJd A FABR. *•»*• aylMMi