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FOB lift AWD JAM. FOR RENT—ON CHDRCH HI LL ■I »n<l |»o«a*«titt> gl*w» IwmndlAtAlj-.oneot tho#e erected And Well finished brick tenements. 1 door from i<*ieh on Jftth s«reet. nearly Apposite the Church Hill Bakery, containing « rooms with drr And airy basement, mi table fer the accommoda tion of a considerable sine family: garden attached *-\d well c.f witter on the premises. per annum !>l■«>. Applv to JAMRS'M CARTER, mT *_»s Opeoeitfl Exchange Hotel. m RtK)MB AND CELLAR FOR RENT. Three handsome Rooms on i 1 floor Also, one Wee Collar in order. Apply at 17? Broad „1 Vt below A.'h. my 7—l» «F(«H SALE —A nicoikQd contcn ie'it Framed Tenement, inst newly painted. w| h a f>rty t xit lot eitrA. ittnAted on 2A(h street. V nion Hill A bareAin may hehai by early appli cation on the pr» mis<». or to 8 S CLARK, at A Morris' Book my."-ood2«* Store, 97 Main street. 41 A MOST f>EBIR ABLE SUBURBAN ® R*SIDRN(« AND SMALL MARKRT vTrM B*LK—The aohscriber offers his l>.«Au'ifnl place, ontlrove street, for sale. It con t*;ns 22 *cres, in A fne state of cnltiTAtieu. The Hon«e is An Italian Villa, new. sood siy.e And hoAvi 1* ovnAmente.l. There is a lar»re new lUrn. Car ris* > Ronse And other convenient o«t bull ding*, larire OrchAr<l of chaloe fruits of varions kinds. The 1 --Ation is pertectlf healthy, and to persons d >Hiff bwsiness in Hichwond. or wishing to reside r.."At th» city, offers an indncement rarely to b%, met wltß V,i terms, * ?.aprW at the corner of Main and r;-*t streets, dnrins business hotirs, or a* mv res . | ; »T>c» on the premises. L S tQtTIRK. »P is— Stawts «FJR BALE—A House and Lot a( the comer of Maple and Poplar streets, noAr the V ik Hirer Railroad, in Kockett*. For further !r f rmati.oa. app'y to W H CRAlfl. *r ?! ts Stall No?*. Old Market. BFDR RENT—Lawyers' and Doc tors' '>fft.~e* and Lodginu Rooms, on 12th street, in front of Bank St., by my S-ts J\Q A BKLYIN. SHODPE FOR RENT —For rent, and po«w-.«ion giten immediately the Dwell i on fi'h street. Ivtween Clay and I.elali, rontain trs rooms, with kitchen and all necessary out t -•es. formerly occrpied by Mr KMcOruder — Apply to DAVID LAMBERT, at KJmond, Darenport A Co'*, my 4—fit or to Mrs StroJjia. ■ FOR RENT —For rent, ,md pos #es<i n glrenli'nmedlately, a House with font rooms. Kitchen and C >a!hon»e in the yard. It is «'(us;ed near Mr.'*• t'r'er s. on Union Hill. To a s >,>d te-»snt the re,at will be low For terms. Ac, Apply to RO B LYNF Aitent, Office in basement Metrop<.)litan Hall. my 4 —tf «Bj FOR RENT.—To a tenant. ] --r for rent mr desirable und commodious r-.xiSenr". situated on Hr.»Ad strt-et. between »n(t 7lh The house has All the modern improvement?, * k ►*! t-rick kitcb«n an i other necestary outhrnies. For terms, apply early to T B HUMPHREYS, Jeweller. Ms.a st. opposite St ChAries Hotel. Ap ofl-tS BF'JR RENT—The following de scribed property, belonging to the estate of the !ate KichArd An ierson. viz.: Onf t« ■ st ry brick hons«> on the West Bide of 2d street, between Maiti»nd Franklin. Tin third story of the brick house on Shockoe S'-e ir. which Messrs. Watkins A Tralme.have their ff.CB. f fie second and third storii-softheadjoininii bouse, or. S'.:p in which Mr. John M. Sheppani ► his (Bee. Apply to JOHN <5 WILLIAMS, or ANDREW .DUNSTON Ihe brick warehouse Adjoining the one on the - rn r of i 'arr »iij *>'eventh streets, occupied by Mr Tanl KimbroOft Also, she bouse on the corner of Main and 7th «---«ets, occupied by Mr. Michaid. l'oesessiou to be Sir»n on Ist July next. ap 2S—l» f* FOR TENT—The Dwelling now 5 occupied by Mr Nolting, on Bth street, beyond L- «!i. It his 7 rooms besides store room and i set, s&s in each room and 2 story kitch en. and hydrant is the yard. Possession can be •ai m about 2Wt e»i>. Rent Apply at J C COUitrNEY'S ap ?■ - ts 3 3. Broad street. ■ FuR RENT OR SALE—on Union Hill—aud cussessl n given on the lit of May 1-' <,t*o iii«t aad ccmfortatiie frame tenements with k basement*, containing four r. oms each, with -sary cor.venitnces. garden attached and a well i { most excellent water on the premises Kent flSd r- r a:'cnm. Fur terms apply to ED flf 'D. D. KAUHO. 14th street, Ne*r Exchange hotel. KoR HIRE—A Carpenter for the balance of the y-ar ap 2*j-ts dsa FOR RENT.—The three story Hp! P.rick Tenement, No. 74 Main st, recently oc r«ipied by Larus A from its central location, a itry desirable business stand. Possession given iinraediatuy. Apply to VAN LEW. TAYLOR A CO., ap!2— im or E D Kachq. SFOR RENT—Three verj desirable ROOMS over our store. JOHNSTON A WHITING, ap 11—ts Corner 4th and Broad sts. FOR SALE.—The place on which 1(0 I tesfde, containing about THIRTY ACRKS of LAND, well improved, within one mile of the Market. H LOFLAND. »p f.—fim ■ FOR RENT—A large and commo dious residence on Church Hill, adjoining the re«::;ence of John L Ligon, Esq. on t»i-r i .*th aai 27th streets. It Has all the modern imp- T »ments, and every fixture necessary to make » r~e leuce conifortabls desirable. For further pirticulars aad terms, apply to UKO H JRWETT. Agent and Collector. ap2—ts Office 18th st. betw Main and Frank'in. gg HOUSE UN OUVbttNOH STKJtET Kl RENT—For rent, and possession given on tne Ist of April, the honse on th? west side of Go vernor stre-t, now o.cnried by Mr. F. H. Cowling, hii h ijoiuinz the oorner house in the occupancy of Mm«tj Dogsjett A Anderson. Apply to Samuel P. Mitchell, ani Andrew Johnston, Executors ofWm. Mitchell. Jr. mh If—1» fm FOR KENT—And possession given 3 the 15th of April next, the very eligible (USE. on Bth,between Grac» and Franklin »ts, n or occupied by Mr Richard HiU.jr. It has seven e - d n«mi>. with an out-kitchen and large lot at- Uched. For utmi, Ac., apply to P M TABB * SON, Att's, mh 14—ti Under Exchange Hotel. RUNAWAYS." Af RUNAWAY—FIFTY DOLLARS !pjk RHM'ARD.—Runaway from my jail, thi« Jk day, my negro man JOHN, about 25 or 26 Viff ii y4rs old, perfectly black, good teeth, very lis-iy,' fr-c* loor 11 inches hi«h. He may be trying t 1 Middlesex coauty, from whence ho came. nxh li-t* BENJAMIN DAVIS. i ARMORY MONTGOMERY GUARD, 1 A May 9th, 1859. / P A call meeting of this command will A »rike fi'.are et Miliiary Hall, to morrow (TUES DAY i evening, at 1 o'clock. As business of impor tance will te lasd be'ore the meeting, it is impor tant that everj member should beproseutand punc tual at the hour appointed. Members will come prepared to pay their quar terly dues. The r*gul»r we>kly drill will take place imraedi -1» *t er the tran»action of btis'ness t»ergf-auts will hi particular in notifying their re ►P'clive squads By order of the Captain my 7—2t JM) McDONALD, O S. (ARUOBY it I. I R(>UES, \ May 7th, 1559 J Parade at your Armory on TUES DAY next, loth instant, at i o'clock A M, in full . w utnnier Uniform, I>RKSS CAP and PLUME— Arms aud Accouti , «"*"'nts in order for in«pection— to celebrate th* SIXTY-SIXTH ANNIVERSARY fit the Chirps. Ball Cartridges will be furnished at tfje Armory. Sergeant* will summon their squads By order of W LMaul*. Comd'g RO A TOMPKINS. Ist Sg't. Honorary and contributing members intending unit.- with us are requested to be at th<- Depot of tti? Hr hmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Rail road Company, at 10 o'clock, precisely, as thetrain leaves for Ashland at that time my 7—3t * ATT ENTION ! MILITAKY -Get A TournHiforrs cleaned by "KING." the Ex r Serg't Major of Dragoon Guards, and TBtMlt m Jt f from Baltimore. Mir< ha!ct Tailor's work done. Also Oentlemen's Clotting, an it atiould be.qnirk, »«-ll nod cheap. WOrriCE—on 10th sueet, between Main and Cary. my7-3t*_ A I M P O R TAN T PUBLIC SSBBk NOTICK. J W DENNIS, No 116 Main »t eet, Richmond, Va, has on hsnd, oi • will make to order, every description of Kaddles and Harness, and «>very article usually kept in his lun, whii U will be if>ld from 10 to 25 per cent l~s» than the itsu*! pricos Cash dealers are parti cularly pq'i'.sted t<« call before buy;n>[ elsewhere, the above i tr cenl&ge may certainly be saved. my ts fA LA hUE dTUCII FURNITURE AND MATTRESSBS. Yoti will tiud at HARWOOD'S i * Governor street. Richmond, The most extensive and laigos' assortment of Fur niture and Mattresses in the city. He is selling at very low prices Von will find bis Ooods made .if the best materials. Examine his stock before buying. mv »—2t* _______ £piaciiPAL CONVEN- IN NORFOLK—RETURN T CafcTS —por tub of jhtiod9 who wish to atU-nd the Episcopal Ojuvtution which lueets in Norfolk, on the l«h lost Return Tiokets wfll b* ssld at the office of the Richmond and Pe tersburg Railroad commencing on the 16th inst, and the tickets will be good lor a return trip until the 2*th inst. Fare for the ronnd trip $5 25. Trains leave dally (Snndars excepted) at 4 25 A M. ««»r 6—ll _ TIIQB U WYNNE. Eupt. pOFFEE 6 JGARB —160 bbla B. D. W. , * Go's C Coffee Sugar, receiving this morning it* sale by LEWIS N WEBB A C ). QUERD'B COD LIVER OIL JELLY. — Beware of imitations This Jelly contains 85 l*-r cent of the purest oil, and is approved by tbe York Academy of Medicine By its judicious romt.toation at is rendered nuobj«cti'jnabl» to the most delicate, while i s beneficial effect* are increas ed. PEN FOLD, PARKER A MOWER. _ Agents, New York. **" tor sale by W. PETERSON, and Druggists generally. my.6—l2t V v. * c. tt: BUTTON. »uA™*'» , 8 ,mwmioN MKROUANTB ' >'/.va ne a Adieu wines. rißaiNil rrws- KEYS, rUJABS. rfr » v J ' I *' iHiift atiii o*ry o«Tum». ■i ■lulu J mm akwuhrhw. Richmond THBATRIT — n,,rht °U&lSsB2f of ,h# hw "' Ht * * c GLADSTANK wo. Sf^L R .I INtKO - ****• '*»• V* r r°f h WUtß* Mr. ,le W(ri»roll«, Scotch St.AS|>h»y, Mk* K.U>„„ BO y„ OonciiO. « COOTHr V'aH AMBURQH ft CO.'B GRAND Zoological and Eques trian Com pan v. Wi'l exhibit at Richmond on FRWA 1" and SA TVS DA J*, M*y 20»h and 21 it, 1559. Thl«(Vlr*»Al Establishment hu l*» n entirely r»f,tted for the season ot wy. with n»w C* a 'l Performing Don* Baggage Wagons, Richly Monnt rd Harness, And Costly Trappings. The superb BAND WAGON, conveying I*. NKI'HKK'O PHILADELPHIA BRASS BAND, will load the MAGSIFTCEXT CORTEGE In'* Brilliant Pbockskion, through tlio principal streets—entering the city at In o'clock, A M, on FKIDAY. Every ciltren should witness Ihii BrllliAiit Dis pi Ay, g >t up »t An expense of over • Forty Tltcusamt Dollars! VAN AHIBIiRGii-9 TRAINED LIONS, ROYAL AND BRAZILIAN Tl> OURS, AFRICAN, ASIATIC AND BLACK L KOPARD 8, pntFORMES «T Mi* INTRIPW Prof. L A N (i W U R T II V. THE VOTOMtm PERFORMANCES of tbe Mounter ELEPHANT. TI P POO S A 18, nnd.r ,h« direction of the Accomplished FRANK An el. In organising the FQUKSTRIAN COMPA NY. the Proprietors, witli their u»Hal liberality and enterprise when cateiingfor tlie amiftoment of the public, have called into requisition the KKFOURCftH OK TWO CONTINENTS ' n OLP BRILLIANT CON STELLATION. a best of FRENCH, ENGLISH, anp AMERICAN . . BTARS! 1 Each starding prt-?n;inent in their j articular sphere of action. THE TIUCK DOGS! RIDING MONK IKS! 1 „„ EDUCATED POMES: !! DR. THALER'S QUADRUPEDAL WONDERS, the acting Mulesll And the best Studcf RING HORSES in the world. DR. J. L. THAYER, v . T< Tt » , ?- <l £Vx- t A " loril 'an Clown, and X*AT Al MJN, . ,T he Engli<h Peifirming Clown will enliven each Kilter (moment with chaste origi nal j®Ke«, scngg, stories ,acd wilicisms. — iS-SSSESa;;,"" o'f D<H>rs open at 2 and 7 o'clock. P M my 7—l3t C L WHKF.LKK. Agent jyjECHANICS' HALL. Third Week—Continued Success OF THE RUSSIAN WAR, „ .», - a ND FAXL CF teiß A.STOPOL! ~ . . EVERY NIGLTI Lately exhibited in Baltimore and Philadelphia to lAO.OOO persons, and In Washington to the „,. . . _ , population. This is a Colossal DiorAinic Panorama, illustrating alltlieniostimp.irtantevsntsofthe late Russian War from us commencement to its close. The repreeen * ocs t f nit,rac * P«and Militart and Naval Ks- WLWS, Battlss, BUQES, BOMII\RPMF.NTB, Hcrsiko ■tL E3 ;T l^m IFIC £j uß>fß cy a»d Bxa, AC., A . i J e ®^ Sc . t "tall these scenes being great ly heigbtened by the union of Chemistrt and the most ELAnop.AT*MAcni.\£RT, producing eflecisnever in Panoramic exhibitions Xhe illustrations are presented on 50,000 SQUARE FEET OF CANVAS Commencing with her Majesty .Queen Victoria Re viewing her troops at Chobham and THK BRITISH FLEKT AT RPIT&PAD THE BOMBARDMENT OF ODESSA ' OT. DESTRUTION OF THE F<''RTS Ac Ac SILISTRIA, SO GALLANTLY DEFENDED* BY THE TURKS. EMBARCATION OF THE FRENCH TROOPS __ * *■(.'M \j A lj A J S. EX; 2 M BAR DM R TOF BAM ARSU ND. CAMP 4JFTHE ALLIED ARMY AT VARNA GREAT FIRE AT VARNA. * Aa * A ' BATTLE OF ALMA GRAND CHARGE OP THE BKITIBH GUARDS UPTHEHEIGHTSOFALMA! BALACLAVA-CAPE CHERS NF.SE Exterior and interior of the harbor of BE\ ASTOPOL—FORTIFICATIONB—SHIPS OF _ __ WAR, Ac, tkc. „„„ BATTLE OF BALACLAVA. DREADFUL TORNADO ON LAND A' D SEA BATTLE OF INKKKMANN' Terminating with CUAJSUIN « SCENE! BOMoARDMENT AND DESTRUCTION OF «W A CTHIIAf vr SEVASTOPOL. *£ Admission 25 cents. Reserved seats 50cents. Mo half priceforcliildreD, centT* A(,miss ' on for Colored Persons to Gallery, 25 NoTICI -Parties can secure any particulsr seat by and Vtifl 4 P°M m 10 tiU 12 o c!ock> A - M • tar poors open at 7.^—to commence at 8 o'c'ock. JW-AGrand Day Performance on SATUHDAY at 3 o'clock. ap 21 —ts flHiPPiyo. FOR THE DIBTRICT OF C(£ -tsailtLHMßl A ; —Tb» superior fast sailing schoon er Ms.-iI.MA JANE,' «m Phillips, master, having th« Krcatffr portion of hf-r cftrgocDsaKed and going on board, will have all possible dispatch. For bal ance of cargo. Apply to i'T '>-■'* W D COLQUITT A CO. FOR 4IKEMEN—'l'he A 1 Bremen SSBbarque AMARANTH will beat City Pjint. in about trn days, and load lor the above Denied port For freight or passage, applr to my'J-."it SCHAER, KOHLER A CO. -amnifc FOR LYNCHBURG—TO LEAVE r, UK a DAY —The Canal Boat LITTLE TENNESSES will leave aaabova- For freight, apply to WM P COX, at the Shed, my 2t Dock street. U. S. MAIL STEAMSHIP J A M EBTOWN. for New York. Paseor.gers ire reonested to b<* on before the hour of departure, TUESDAY, the loth iDst, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Tickets and beiths secured at our office, opposite steamers' wharves. Passage to New York, iecludicgstateroom, only Meals extra. Steerage passage only $5. Passage to Nortolk the same as by the River ste mem. freight will be received on Monday, and tip to the hour of 12 o'clock. M. Tu°«day, unless a arffiriency be received prior to that hour. Consignees are requested to send lor their Roods to day. Bt ston Freight taken. Shippers may lely on this route being the most eipooitious, and rates moderate, my 9 —2t LUDLAM A WATSON. FOR PHILADELPHIA S.EVERY TUESDAY.—The ANo 1 dteamshin CfTY OF RICHMOND, HRSfiSßvCaptain 7. Mitchell, is now ready to receive freight, and will leave on TUESDAY, May loth, at 10 o'clock, A M. For freight orpassage.having superior accommo dations, apply to H B TUTTLB, Agent, Rocketts. Freight through to Boston, via Philadelphia, by s'cnm, at onr usual moderate rates, and with dis patch. my 7—3t NOTICE TO BHIFFERB PHILADELPHIA ON C B A i;k —Until further notice, the Steam Ship Company will iunbut one steamer per week, having Richmond every TUESDAY and Philadelphia every WED NESDAY Ji E TUITLB, Agent, _n»y 7—3t Itockett'. DENTISTS' CARDS GEO. B. STEEL, Dbbtibt, Office and Residence No 231 Main street,between Btti aud 9th, Richmond, Va., is prepared to insert t<>eth from ojte to a compute hct. npon the at mospheric pressure principle or othtrwifae. Also, to fill, extract and regular Teeth. All operations performed promptly, and in the very best manner. An experience of more than nine years enables him to guarantee satisfaction in every instance, my 4—fit gmm DR. H. CLARKE, Dbhtist, Door from Vomer <fWi and Franklin Strtrt.%, Is prepare! to perform all operations known to the profession, including the Regulating, Pilling, Ex tracting and Inserting Teeth. Having adopted the Galvanic Process of extract ing teetn, for some time past, can offer to bis pa tients the fnll advantages of this valuable discove ry. Teeth inserted in any manner now successfully used. _ «P IV—lm* a- .K FAIRFIELD RACES will commence on TUBS DAY, the 10th of Hay, 1899, ftßd continue four day». Fimt Dat—Tomdat, Mat 10th—A Swtepitake for cults and fillies, three year* old this spring, ont of mares that have not produced a winner upto the time of clotlng. flOOentrance. *80 forfeit. Closed oa the Ist of April, with the following entries, to LIE Fondren names b f, by Bed Eye, dam by Imp Margrave. . . . 2. DMcDanicl names ch f, by Boston, jr. dam by imp Trustee. 5 John Belchor names ch f, by Red Bye, dam by Tobaeoooiat. 4 James M Taylor names b c Admiral, by Com modore, dam br imp Priam. ft. James M Taylor also names b c, by Financier, dam by Brooks' Emancipation Mare. 6 IB Hall names b c, by Register, dam by Prince U forge 7. 0 Green names bo, by Griff Ednmandeon, dam by imp Priam GBBAT MATCH RACE FOR SATURDAY. Far fIOOO aside, between 8 R Fondren's bay mare, 4 years old, by Cbilde Harrold and Gen Green's bay uuue Flyaway, by boaton, jr. 4 year* old Mr Race comes off at 1 o'clock every day. aa. Qata fee 50 cants. my 9-31 JOHN BILCHEB, Proprietor. ft*! MUtt HFILMAI^ to«K,» iricstDt-xrg oa^/Vj? 9 »p y—iw Bttww® rth mm at* ttrMto. FRINCH MILLNBar —M| madams soir *B5 MAttv BTBMKT "'SnsßsjSaS^^sfflt. and Now .n,I c 0 , 5p I , r'*' fro « p «» pr^°° nn,r7 M#rcb * nU applied »t who'r-ale — M SERVANTS FOR HIRE AND SALE. CH)R HIRE—A strong, healthy toub* J«0 M ANU FACTURERS OF TOBACCO. DRAULI H prepare to furnish IIV- Retainers Are neOMMrr. but oach Press -'^vwss the head of the press. The cylinder is bAudod with wrcujht iron hoowi And secured in rosition on the Ilea.! by bo.ts and dowels The joint is seenred bt a packing of leather. .ndU-rubber,or other »uita ble mAteriAl. and an iron plate. Thi. de«:ription is necessary to wArn fcll persons from using a cylinder niAde by pArtiea wr.o have no rlßht to the improve ment, as such use Is An infringement ol my natent. All pet sons interested will please addreao W H BAXTER. Petersburg, Va. T'O ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. We, the undersigned, have now in use one of MrWmH Baxter's HYDRAULIC PKKHBKB. as used in flattening tobacco, and have no hcsitancy in pronouncing it a complete success, and our pre sent Intention h to convert a nun her of our present presses into the kind inventtd by Mr Bnxter. All Mr II asks is a trial of his invention, and asks no par if t dot s not p -rform all he says. We would be glad to show its working to any of our friends at our factory on Perry street my 6—3w* 4IIL.MAW.LVON A BRODNAX. DOCKBRIDG E BATHB. —1 his favor it e Aa watering place will be open for the reception of visitors on the Ist day of June next. From th -so who have tried the virtues ef the water, and who know the character of th» accommodations iu point of attendance* tare andjlodging, a continued patro nage is confidently expected, while it is hoped that theraridly growing refutation of th<* balhs, and the facility ot access to them, will largely extend the list of vni'.ors during the coming season. The gentlemen's bath is 4U by SO feet in size, and that for lad us 2.1 by 90. The water is bigt.iy carbo nated, and contains a variety of salts of mineral in gredients, among them Iron aud Magnesia, 'i he bathing in this water has been prononnced by many persons, of long and varied experience, to bo the most delightful and invigorating that they have evertried. lthasprovwi especially and curative in diseases peculiar lo females. The Central llailioad runs within nine mile* of the Baths, and visitorsl*a\ing Richnioudor Alexindria in the morning, reach here by suuset the same day. A daily liueol stage*connects with the Railroad at (ieshen depot. Tbe North River, which runs through tbe grounds attached to the Baths, affords facilities for boating an't fishing, and.the neighbor ing mountain* sflird excellent hnnting ground— The undersigned pi oini»es to spare no these and ali other icspt-cts, in promoting the amusement as well a* c.mfcrt cf his guests tie has leaded tbe property Irorn the Bath Company during the pre sent year, and it will be under bis exclusive man agement ?.nd control. Tkrms-$2 per day, $10 rer week,and f.12 per mouth—4 wee as to the month. Children and ser vants half price. Reference may be had, amoegst many others, to his Excellency Henry A Wise, Esq., Governor of Virginia, John Maben, and RA raine, Esijs, of Kicnmoud, Col F H Smith, Superintendent ot the Virginia Military Institute, and Rev Win 8 White, D D, Lexington. my 5— 3md WM JORDAN. OSBURNFB DOUBLE VARNISH PU> TURFS <>*l* rnes Double Varnish Pictures Osbnrne's lhmhle Varnish Pictures Osborne's Double Varnish Pic ur s Osborne's Double Varnish Pictures Corner above Hostoltlco Corner above Pcstoffice Corner above °ostottice Osborne's Double Va nish Pictures Osborne's Double Varnish J'ictures Of home's Double Varnish Pictures Osborne s Double Varnish Pictures Osborne's Double Varnish Pic.urts Corner above fosuffice Corner above PostcfHce Corn r above Postctfi.ce Osborne's Double Varnish Pictures Osborne's Double Varnish Pictur * Osborne's Double Varnish Pictures Osborne's Double Varnish Pictures Osborne s Double Varnish Pictures Corner aoove Postoffice Corner above Pos'oflice Corner above Postiflke Osborne's Double Varnish Pictures Oslmme's Double Varnish Pictures O home's Doub'e Varnish Pictures Osborne's Doulle Varnish Pictures Osborne's Double Varnish J'ictures Corner above Postoflice Corner above Postoffice Corner above Postclfice Osborne's Double Varnish Pictures Osborne's Double Varnish Pictures Osborne's Ihmble Varnish Pictures Osborne s DmMe Varnish Pictures Osborne's Double Varnish Pictures Corner above Postoffice 4 orner aoove Pvstomce Corner abive Postcfiice Osborne's Double Varnish J'ictures Osborne's JJouble \'arnish J'ictures Osborne's JJouble Varnish J'ictures Osborne's Ikiuble famish J'ictures Osborne's Double Varnish J'ictures Oorner above Postoflice Corner above Postoflice Corner above Postcfiice my 6—lm _____ QTEPHJSW OilibDßEt, 0 PRACTICAL TURNER AND BOX MAKER, Ncar Haxall'b Mill. Richmond, Va. All kinds of Sawing and Box Making executed at short notice, and on rtasonable terms. my s—lot* I§s97water coolers. 1859. /GARDEN ENGINES, PUMPS, VJT and all kinds of tin ware. The subscriber is prepared to iurnish the trade, p.r.d the | üblic generally, with nil articles in the above line, at short notice and cheapest rates. CHAS H LANGLEY, ap 13—lm 13th, between Main and Cary. B~ DTTES, BUTTEK.—I hare made ar raugemects in New York to receive twice a week by steamer, superior fresh made ORANGE C lUNTY BUTTEK; those who have left orders me, can now be supplied. Also, a well selected stock of Family Groceries, low for cash. SAMPSON JONES, Agent, ap 26— lm* Corner of Main and 9th sts. VIOTICE. —I hereby authorise, connti *■* tute and aproint ALBERT MILLSPAUGH my lawful agent to conduct and carry on % general Gro cery, Ship Chandlery and Commission business in this city. All transactions must be for CASHonly. WM TAYLOR. RICHMOND, April 26. 1£59. ap 28-2 w A NTHRACITE COAL.—We are prepar il. dd to receive orders, either for immediate or f(k tnre delivery, for the best quality Hed and White Ash Anthracite Coal, (egg size,) for family, and lump coal for foundry use. Coal sold by us will i» variably b* wsishbo. BAM'L P. HAWBK A SON, my 2—lmlf 18th street, Sonthside of the Dock. pEAS, BACON, LARD, &c. 1 400 bags Red Peas 800 prime Bacon Hams 50 Regs prime Lard to bales Cotton my 9-1* »nd tor sale by }& c pANNILL. HERRING'S PATENT XX FIR PI PROOF SAFE^. We have now a good a-wortment in store of these invaluable Safes, stcured with Hall's Patent Powder Proof Locks. . - No merchant or other person bnviDg valuable ac counts. Coupons, Jewelry, Money, «c.. Ac., exposed ssflsr 1 "tns»nst« m y 7—st A cent*. TV/fORE NEW GUODS. —I am just optn iVX ipc my second supply of Spring Goods, con taining new and desirable styles of Ladi'>s I)rose Trimmings Ladies' Tra.ellln* Bags; Lad fea' and Children?liair Nets; Maria Posa, Plrcolomlnl style; an assortmentof Fans, such as has never been wit nessed before; Cotton Braids. Frtrgea Bnttons.Ac. in great variety, all of wh'ch I am able to offer, at Tp'f^lmV ° W PrleM - 8. HTBSH.ym Broad ,t_ CLAVE INSURANCE— , a ,„ nv O SLAVS INSURANCE. ALBKMARLE INSURANCE COMFY OFYA. \ 11. W. HANCOCK, Medical Examiner. KNOWLEB k WALFOBD. AgenU. This Company insnrea for one or more years.— Losaes promptly paid at our office in Rchjnond. my A—st KNOWLEB * WALFOBD. TAMEB RIVER CEMENT.—IOOO bbla " James River Cement, for sale by . my 6—4t KDMOfiP. DAVBiWPOBT * 00. gEGAR AND TOBACCO BTOBB. Th» subscriber hit in store a fine supply of GI GA B", SMOKING TOBACCO. OHJtWINU TOBAC CO. PI PBS. PIPB STEMS. and the nioftl variety of goodi Kept ia tack aatablUhmecti, which be will ■ell low for CMh. FRANCIS tfTAUDE, Importer end Manufacturer of Cigar*. Ac , No 168, my7-3m* Broad street. DABKBTB —The largest assortment ia O Richmond. Artist*' Material* aud Brushes. Picture#, frame* and Looking G!a*ee*. PortmoDnaie* sad Pocket Book*. l adle*' Satchel* and Bags. Window Shade* and Fancy Good* A »1~. ""««•«•«„ t m % my 7— ire* >10 Broad afreet. rpHB BCB3CBIBBB offeis bis services X a* AUCTIONS*®. to the cit<ton*uf Richmond and the public generally pledalngbis particular nEws,' avv'jss'Ksn^« ** "" J H MM* AtTGTiON BALM. * By Goddia £ Appersoii. fjOlf MIBBIONBBtFBALE OF VALU tdni'r and ala, Moetoy a wrn'r ri and "t*. J awe* U aunt vi licti. n.,i'« ™ ' •'•.Uloo.b'. adm'r „ r «d X "I a decree pronutiLCed '- •*■-'- a .' jV *heCircuit ucurt it the cuy of tbe I9tb day of febrnary, Jels. lie nwtarm.Md 1 OumiMintoncri of the Mid Uwut, wiU»,s^S'^ P M. nut, the next .«ir dakv »o Z»Ti mf IJc auction, on Ih«> premise*. the MluWinjd wjs» vat aus ran?S~S "ssrsays:JSs Uontdin tbe proceedmga in Mid lwo ;« u » l WMU at «iidts moothS from the day of a»ie, for watch the purchaser &7.1 «l*enegotiable uotea, well endorsed, Bank of Virginia, In the aaid citr; the utle of thl ptoperty to be retained until the ui'T Pwd, and a conference olte ?ted biTthe tS?nr? AMUknW JOHNbIOJi V„ ' „ THua W UOaWKLL }Oon»'ra. P B—Oa the Lot deecribed in the loreg'in* adver. tin nient,there ia a large namber of Builcfinirs oc cupied lor stores and ether parpoaea. brim mvn raole location, it ia regarded aa among the moat »*l uable real eatate on I) roan street, it iin talt Into lota and tenement, ot rations rizw, *c£din2 to a p!at and inrvey to be exhibited at the ilme^i m; lor KW VJ be pa ' l the paichaaen — L"J UUDX>lft A AfPAttMjß. Alict<! By Bichard Caul horn, AucU P R E 8 H AND~ttEABONABLE DRY *■ GOODS AT AUCTI IN —On FRIDAY 13th in •tant, at my atote, I will «|| » i- rß e natt of e * B °r < dTT consisting m E?I . Lt<®ttnnade», of vtri-'us at?lea and nttternt- Printed Lawa Handkeichio g, Cotton df French Boson 8, Linen Fronts; 25 d»of white and lancr col. oied Miirte, Fhirt Collars—stock of a counitT dea. let-. To which will bo added the atock cf acmntrv NTnkVn CO ii ~tati" ii ?? rt of Vesting/ Nankin, Maraeillea, Llnßeya, Mouslius Cbatliea Swiss aud Jaconet fanslins.Lawns—a large assort' of fane, i nit o"*'0"*' K l <,K ' nKR ' Trimming, and all kinda °V?r. C .' P, t,on ': Blo'es, sewing silk, Ac . Ac. Mxty days credit for approved negotiable thuSum'rMh!" 1 " ° f fl " r d ° laraßndnndtr - Under _51Zj n J ' R OAUTHORN. Anct. By IhoniasW. Koesee, Auctioneer. (Office corner of 12th and Cary ata ) IJOUBES FOR BALE AND LOTB FOR Nv oJ??v T i^ T AUCTION.-Will be sild on WED- N afternoon, the 11th iust.. at 5 o'clock ihe Jramed Buillings on the corner ol Frankinand 7th streets. AW °. The unexpired tease of the Lots on which they ,tftßd IA THjH W KEEHEE. m y 10 Auctioneer. By E. B. Cook, Auctioneer. riOOD WILL AND FJXTUREB OF V* bTAH SALOON, AT ACCHON -On THURP PAY, 12th instant, at 10 o'clock. I will seilatthe Mar »<nloon, on Lccust Alley ne ar Main street all 'he jUock. Fixtures,Ac.coutaincxl in embrw ifg iheuuual variety, together with all the ''ookirg lltensiis. embracing » very largo and (oa v tnient Cooking Range. Atter whicb.will be sold the good wi'l of tbe estab li'hineut. The position of this stand to the business part of the city, inducements to any person wi-hing to embark iu this lin >of but>inusa, rarely to bt> met wiih. E B COOK, f'T 10 Auctioneer. By E. B. Cook, Auc t. PRINTING OFFICET AT AUCTION— A- The proprietor intending to close his present business, will sell on WEDNESDAY, 11th instant, at 10o'clock, in Lisles' Building, cornir of M*in and 11th streets, all the materials andstcckin said Oflic", embracing over 150 varietiei of Type, for Plain, Fancy and Ornamental Printing, frem 20 line Pica, to the small* st sizs commonly used. The larger portion of which is entirely new. OnoeK cellent MACHINE JOB PRKHS, Rugglcs' late pa tent; one of HOE'S CAKD PRESSES and ethers all in good order; a Urge number of Cases and Chaws, with every material fjr the dispatch of work in neat and beautiful style. —ALSO.— The stock on hand of Black and Colored Inks- Plain and Enamelled Cards; rich Embossed Gold Show Cardf; Billet. Note, Letter and Can Paper; Kuvelopet; a lot of Law and Commercial Blanks. sc. Ac. The Office will be sold entire or in parcels to snit. made on day of sale. Sale conducted bv E B Cock, Anct. After the sale, the office will be rented to the highest bidder. my 3 WAHTD "y^ANTED —By a young man who can * * furnish satisfactory recommendations, a fit nation in some mercantile house in this city. He has been acting as salesman and clerk in a dry goods store and grocery for some time past, which employment he prefers, but will be glad to get in a tobacco factory, or in other employment. Address R P J, through tho Richmond Postcffice. my 10—5t» "IX/'^NTED —A colored Man. capable of " * attending to a vegetable and fl >wer garden - Apply to F Si'EARSS, my 10—6t» 15th street. TV'ANTED.—A situation by a reepecta bl» YODNG MAN, in a rotoii Grocery, H«t,or Khoe store; best of refercncss given. Address Boyd, through the PostCflice. my 10—2.* WANTED, TWO HUNDRED NE * * GROWS —I wanttohiretwolinndred negroes, to cut pine wood, for the Cl&remoat Railroad, iu furry county. Virginia, which a liberal price will be paid,or will contract with a responsible party to fit twenty thousand cords per annum. For particulars, please address to SELDKN A MILLKR, of Hichmond, Va, or to A A BEDF.LL,Cabin Point. Surry m. Va, in csre ol WilHam Allen, Fsq. my 10—fit WANTED—IMMEDIATELY.—15 or 20 GOOD HANI).'*, to clean Bricks. For such, good wages will b-paid. Applr to SIMMS A PLUMMKR, on Main. my 10—2t* Batween 7th and Bthsts. XXT ANT ED.—A situation as BAR * * K EKPER, iu Tf>wn or a compe tent man Address XY Z , Post Office, Richmond. _niy 10—It* IXfANTED —A workman why under * * stands the Cabinet business, fjr gen ral par pufß, in a ware room. Apply to E GATHRIGIIT. my 10— 3t Governor street. "\X7ANTED.—Four gotd journfymen ' * CARPENTERS to worn on a ar*t class house in the country. For further particulars, ap ply at the office Of John A George Gibson, corner t 'ary and fith streets, this morning, btftweeu the liours ofßaud 10o'clock. my 10—it ANTED.—The subscriber wishes to purchase, if there are anr in market, a small HOUSE ANP LOT on any of th» princral streets, between 7th and B.h, from $14W to 15C0. If any person hag srch a on» to sell.tney can find a pur chaser by calling at this( If it suits the par ties. 1 will buy a small piece of ground, if I cannot get the house. myin—3t* W ANTE D.—Exchange on London * * waDted by my '.i-ts KENT, PAINE A CO. WANTED —TO JOURNEYMEN CAR RIAGE MAKERS—Wanted t-> go to Geergia. a goad SMITH and a good BODY MAKER. Ap ply within next three days at Di'patch Office, be tween the hours of 4 and 5 in the afternoon. my 9—2t* Y^ANTED— Information of JOHN HA * • N AN, native of Fernioy county, Cork. Ireland. When last heard from, he was at Ashland, near JiiYhmood, Va. Any information concerning him thankfully received b» bis brother, Gl<> F '4*4*. Stalls No 110 and 112. Marsh Market, Balti m<4*. or left at this office. M D. my 7—3t* WANTED, TO HlßE—Colored hands ' ' to work on Material Train, on this Road, by month or balance of the year. WM N BRAGG, Bnp't. Office R. FA PRRCo.. 1 Richmond, 2fith Api il, ISM>. / ap 16—ts WANTED—IO.OOO BILLS, "8 feet lon^ * * 9 inches diameter at small end, to be smooth ly hewed on both sides to a thickness of 6 inches: White or Post OAK, clear of all defects calculated to itrpair strength. To be delivered on the line of the Road, between Richmond and Fredericksburg. For fnrtiicr information apply at the office. WM N BRAGG. Bnpt. Office R. F k P R R Co. 1 Richmond. April 28, 18M.J ap 28—ts WANTED —26 LABORERS, to work * * on the Fayettevllle and Coalfield Railroad, in North Carolina. Apply to ap B—2m* H. BAUNDERB. on the Work. I*7ANTED.—2OO hands to work on the » * Va. A Kentucky R. R. Also some good 8 ton* Cotters. Address WM. 8. SMITH, no 25—6 m Contractor Va ft Ky R R. Abingdon. Va Bounty - land warrants want ed— I wish to purchase, immediately, FIFTY Land Warrants, aa follows, viz: twenty-five of "80 acres." fifteen "160' a," and ten "120 V for which I will pay the highest pricei^c^ Pension Agent And Notary Public, Corner of Main and 12th sts, Richmond, ap 25—ts V/ArCHBB, CLOCKS, £» at COST.— Contemplating ma klnar a change In oar bnaineaa wa wUI cI«S oat ear present stock ot MLT SILVER PLATED WABB. AT PRIME COST. jtl , All thoM tadabtedto ■* tie up. VOEOELE * WEIDKMEYER, mk l&— NoMMalnst^ m LEWIS HYMAN, EW Who Sale and Retail, re- informs the public that haU last rsturned from the North with an *IMMJt sortmeut of EnglUh.Bwtos «d fmsric« WATCH *». tha moraments ofwhkh canaeibe ledtor clea, with Pratillian KSH? GlMaea. whleh wlll be wld as low a. any Watches and Jewelry repaired br afcUMwork men, at a reasonable price and at abort notice, mh 11—Sn ABCfIOB BALBB. tVTVMM Pir* Bj in™ H. * N*AT aaror-HHiBxHT oa our < aoulhalde of Utay hM L«T» u.J? ? c * ? n th * and a dam a* Unit Broaka Arcane Mr Alexander U Woodaos uecnpancy of Tbei ItooM baa ftrooma with rloaeta brick kiirh en and water npon tbe irrratiM ■•ten feet. and rnna u> Br^ke' Th * lot ftoßt » « T*e*» —One-fonrih caab; the balance at a i9.«i IHmonthi fc.r negotiable notea,with Interaat and atenrrd by a ini»t deed. " aaoed JAMK3 U TAYLOR k BOtf. m * w Aactionwra. MBAT BBICK TEN EM BUT ON MADI iinw 0 w!iT BB0 °" AY IN UK AT AOC- N f? v , npoll th# Premiaea. on WBD SJS aJL'Jfl* ~,h ilwUnt - at sxo'clock PH. a Stfi* Tenement on Madiaon atieet, immedl lhlllou,e formerly known aa Clay renting at $125 per annam. rooro " "" d » '«> KP«d ortar — ,jt " fe#t »n i rnaa back 80 feet. ix , " fourth caab; the balance at 6, 12 nod cnJSS^ r _ I !? to 2' tb intereat added and «- r s rt tfewl . T * XPa {nT "-M K> b« Paid by th ® 5" reh aaef. JAJJ M TAtLuR * SuN. my 6 Aoctloneers. N«a«« TENEMENT on clay, AUCThIN^-w1 AH n M WB«T, IFOR SALS AT WKUNEsfItV (h""i .if npon the prcmi«es, on o'c'MkPti 1-" I,h '"•t«nt,c«mmenciDg kts tiMMuth aM:«r Bew'yencted Brick Tenement, on =ffa , Es2L2r&** r °. ra,l » m street, and op i? re#l P e ®®e of Peter Doieon E§o arranged "with Te ro ? mg - cinreuient and well of w«tS »2S. CfnTeniencee. and a well s; w sssraytyss'ia.aatf "™ u Tiems—One-fourth caab: the balance «i £ n £r^^iwsssSiSKW!i-a n, yfi JAMKS M TAYLOR A SON, Aucts. H^Ffv i ND LOT 0N north side will FOH ® ALE AT AUCTION-We will sell upon the prtmifei. on WKDMiaDAY the VerVdL>ahirHH^T nCinKßt 6 o'^k.PilS lIBMB.J-4 cash, the balance at A. 12 and '*mo-ih« added,™nd se my 3— t ,i JAS M TAYLOR * SON. Auctioneers. r PRDBTEE'B SALE OF REAL EBTATE cfadM^ 1 ? 0 00 •AT AOOTION.-By vlrtu, SEctAate in. t tT ° f B "S«!!Sin»S; 3 "°8??" h . W nd bf wh , er «on«ia Keck resides^ u — » «■ JAS M TatlorA SON, J /„ B C* TAYLOB - OSygmVBEBM BALE OF VERY TV OPHminn B p Al ESTATE IN THE COL'N- S l ?~W~viSS'feS^ ©state, situated on or n( «r the Decn ?nn Tiimn^l X Ue ' fr thecir^rßichmJnTwn e « ffin toirtt? f,roperty of theUte 48 t wr« ne .^ii ,l " ed "I OL V OATK " containing & miS from the on th * "*»• »**>« J S ?i,«a Portio £° r ? h8 "CHANTILLA" Tract, lying on the lurnpiko, immediately opposite the homo •rtfvataaMe 2 " < 'i acre9 '"P° n which there are* vainable joe nonces, ana an ice pond. This land is in a high state of improvement. w^£.V a ? t clled -PKWDLKTON." containing the city of Richmond. ab ° Uts * mileß from There are valuable improvements on this tract anrtTviinahi 8 f wo i liDg ho i lße . new barn, stable! atatfTof imp^cfvem°ent CU5e Th " land ta iail « wd J? 1 ?' tra S' °f, '*nd in mediately opposite "Pen dleton" and called "HORsKPEN," which is alto ?? „ e i r I, i.f < U? d «£ nd n P° n which there is a great deal of valuable timber. Such an opportunity is seldom presented to per •ons desiring to purchase real estate, in the vicinity of the city of Richmond. A map and survey of the »a*d land will be made, and can be seen at tbe officecf Jag M Taylor A ton, ic hmond; and the land will be sub divided into lots, to an it purchasers .h^io P «I?2? 8 1 . (1<38irin,? 1° make inquiry abont the T«^, P rT" r ' t ro . r *f er red te Messrs James M. nf «h™ ii °l either of the undersigned, one prenii°os' K M ' dutcheson, resides near ths "j'rd of the purchase money in cash: and tht residue in two equal instalments, atone an<i two years from the day of sale—the credit payments Jillfw ne « ; ° ti » ,>!e notes, with interest ad -1« n.ii retained till the whole purchase OourtT " conve J acee diiected by the I? Mmo to seed a crop of r?»)T„ »'Ji )0 ? st . 83ipn of earh tract wili b « deli vered at the end of the present year 11 o'clock" A M° mmen€?> Bt lhe " Toll date" tract at An^oi WBdnCted br Jas " B M Tailor 4 Sox. ALEX'R B HUTCHEBON.I JOHN A HtJxCHBSUN, In . J B YOUNG, ' VCcm'ra. HUGH M HUTCHEBON, j nPRUBTEEB BALE OF~ VALUABLE RESIDENCE, AND VACANT LOTS MM CUURCH'HILL. ATTEtECOK .. Q RACE and 28th Ma—B» virtue of a deed J'jHh 1 *t f rom Philip K White and Haunah J.hiswife » U t T '- {(OT tbe beLeht of John Enders)da / .r Februar /.'««, recorded in the Clerk's . of Henrica County Court, and being re rj.iir._d by the beneficiary therein, I shall proceed to of f f Pr r em, r;i. on T UKaDAY, the 17th day of May. if fair, if not. the ne*t fair day thereafter at .j* o'clock, PM. the Keal Estate in Mid deed, consisting of the valuable brick Residence on Church Hill, at the corner of J? IJtJ'?*"' 8 ,' an<l aO T ' n l^e occcpancy of «i i,i • te. It contains ten rooms, and is finished entirely through from the basement to the attic, and suppllsd with gas. Attached te the nrnse is a lanre brick kitchen with fonr roorr §, gta nle, carriaae house, and other out-houses. The Lot fronts on Grace sireet 62 feet, and runs back 165 feet. Also, two handsome vacant tots adjoining, front ing each 63 teet, and running back I#s feet. "i'eof the real estate, wiil be sold the entire Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting ot a superior assortment, a description of which will be given hereafter. Also, a cow and heifer. Perms.—For the house and lot, one-flfth cash; the balance at 6,12,18 and 24 months, for negotiable notes, with interest added, and '©cured by a trust deed. For the vacant lots, one-third ca»h: the bal ance at 6, 9 and 12 montns, for negotiable notes, iuter< st added, and secured as above. Taxes and insurance for 1859 to be paid by the purchasers. For a more perfect description of tbe above pro '* made to in - 1 Advertisement oi Mr PK White, in the Whig and Enquirer. A plat of the property can b« seen at the office of the Auc tioneers. JAMES A BKDDON, Trustee. Jas M Tatlor A Son, Auctioneera. ap 8 UNEXPIRED LEABE OF THE MAR KKT FARM KNOWN AS 'TALAVERA " IN HENRICO, AND OPPOBITK THE HKRMiTAWE TitACT, AT AUCTION -We will aril, upon the premise®, on FRIDAY, the 13th day of Mar. at 12 o'clock, M. the unexpired lease (to terminate dn the 3ist day of Decerning, 1*61) of TaUvera, a Market Farm in Henrico connty, on Broad street contin ued. aud opposite the Hermitage Tract. There art V 8 acres of superior gardening l*n«l at tached, which is now in a good state of improve ment. And producing the choicest vegetables of the season. The improvements are a Framed Dwelling with soven rooms, kitchen, and tbensnal oat-hnildicgv After the sale of the lease, will be sold all the Farming Implements, two tons Super Phosphate of Lime, Ac. The rent to be parable on the Ist dayaof July, Oc tober, January ana April, in e%ch ycfir during the continuance of the lease. Possession to be had immediately, my 6 JAh M TAYLOR * BON, Ar.cta. VALUABLE FABU IN HENRICO » COUNTY, AT THE TK&MINI7B OF THE WB.-*THAM PLANK IIOAD. AT AUUTIuN.-The subscriber'* business in the city renolrlng bis un divided attention, will proceed to null. iipoe the prem'Ree, on W&DNKBDAY, the ?sth day of May, If fail, if not. the next fair day tlif rafter, commen cing at 1)* o'clock, P M, bia Farm, ntnattd in Hen rico county, at the terminus of the Wontham PUnk Road, adjoining the lands of B Yf Oreen, Thomas Dickens, aud other*. It contains H4 acres of highly improved land; abont 4*» acre* have been seeded in wheat, and 20 acres wall set in clover. Forty-five acres of the land is heavily wooded, and the balance is ready f.»r cultivation. The improvement* are, * new Framed Dwelling, with 4 room*, passage and closet, two negro quar ters. a large barn, stable, carriage house, Ac. Any person wishing to purchase a teally valua ble (arm, convenient to the city and in a good neigh borhoood, would do well to examine the premises before the dar of ra'.e Tirmh—slo(o cash. $800 at ft months, without in terest, and the balance la four equal annual Instal ments, at l.i, 3 and 4 years, with interest from the Ist of October ndjVf jr negotiable not**, with Inte rest added. by a trust deed. The have the privilege of seeding acrop of wheatln the Fall, aid fall po*se**k>n on the Ist January, I§6D. ™ JOHN W C4RDWBLL. tele conducted byJia M Tatlok * Bob. Aucto. my 6 By Chat. T. Wort ham & Co. A UCTION BALENEW ORLEANS BU OAK.-On WBDNHDAY. May 11,18 oar warehouse, on the Dock, commencing at 11 o'clock, A M. we will sell— l£f> BHDS. PRIME TO CHOICE 1 NSW ORLBANB SOBAB Tumor Rali-AU rams under •!«•. caA- over my 6—tds A action *•»•. 159b»ga4amaged L aooountcf u* derwritew. for caah. pHAMPAONE WINES.—IfMt * Otat v> don Imperial Green Seal, flnarta: *s««sa. Oah Bsssessifes my» Oonm f*rl and Oary eta. Avcnoii tnT.if mmmi By OcddiiTT ApptwKm. " T7" ALU ABLE ARFiIOHLT ATTEAC ▼ TIVE FABM. TWO Mil l* WIK Of KTOH MJND. MM* tfB&TBAM PLAN* CUN T AINIKO 144K ACRBB, F >B BALB ATAOCTI'IM. wilf be sold «i nacrfoQ on the THURp. PAT, the l*th dejr t»f Me j. 1899, commtsetnm et 4k o'clock, p M,lf fair. If n&. the n*xt Iktr di'. tt,. valuable oountry Mi located as abeve, and recently owned by Mr U B Divtlneoa It foiMm acree by rmalnrnt. it will be sub-divide! htu smaller pat eels to suit purchaser* To the manaon honse then will be attached 3) seres. The iaiprove menta ronaist of a large and bandrorae r«al(tiini.a, ooutnlnlng 10 rooms, baring long purzis in front and end, finished In the b*«t modern style, with marble mantles, and folding doors to tbe parlors •ad dining rooms There are ample accommoda **??■ f °** lkr *e number of servants, and a most n- Mllent Barn, dtable. Tobacco Urnee, Overseer's Cot soil Is red clay, and to regarded of char^S 1 *7lfc 5' T.* kl °* ,oto c nrtderntlon the In fr£M. th * Us «"«»mul shmobtry j&tß^xELaugs&gst «. uss.r'- T, s o tsftisaats;« r J*RUBTEE'd SALE of' V\LUABL* TBAnT CF Wf OD La?ID CoNTAItIXn wit/ * „ 0* THS WfllTl O AI _ w' trn " te ? ,n * <*■<■>■> deed or tr»*t from John Otey and wife, dated 24 November. ISM d«f» rrcordod in Henrico count* conrt, i shall »t the jt qu<»st of the creditor named in thesaiddeed prorord to set! at on th« premises on TH 0 Hi". OA y.the 9ih day of Mar. K'.VJ. at 17 o'clock M If fait, if not. tbe next fair day, the tract of land Icca ted as above, containing 3fil>< acres adi ,inin> th. lands of Messrs John Fisher, H?nry"'t.mofe! A O Hobson and others. 1 M Zlbe soil, lor the most part, i* excellent, an* there is on the tract a large parcel of timber and pine WO "U • Tikms: Knnnghincash to defray expense* of sale and to pay ofT * note of $10Vt, with interest from Mb Mar, 18'9. and as to tbe residne of the proceeds, oe such terms as may bo announced at the hoftr of Sniff. 4 Taxes for 1&59, to be paid 1? the parchaeer m J 9 w (iOODIN, Trustee. A BEAUTIFUL, TWO afORY PRI 7^« r JU 5 - ID J ! L NO ON UKI3S HILL. AD JOINING TUB RESIDENCES UF Da O A wn^' 081 ?!* AND DAN'RL VON GROVING,— Will berald at auction, on WEDN KSDAY, IMih May. in>j, at 5 o e.osk, P M, on tno premises, the beauti ful residenc located m above It hu beon built within the last few years, by the owner, Mr A Ly- W <V fhegiucly of the designer to com bine the bountiful with utility—of which the hand j m * Porchon and the numerous closets give abuti- P.root The building is wnrcnwl by one of Chillier sbest hot air furnaces. Adjoining .he main -111 * f aal e* e brfc * Mtchen. two stories high, with a cellar about eight f»et pitch The kitchen {« supphed with one or Mott's patent Cooking rotaes*' ia a we!l of fiue w *ter on the pi * wh.vhl!?!? ."J from * D r P"t of the premise*, whichjcoll tains about an aero of ground, beautiful- walks, with ornamental irees, frnit Sf h F . rr ' flcwers. and a kitchen garden. Is one most extended and not snrpassed by any m neighborhood of tiichraond. T« rmi nmlo known at sale. Th« premises can bajnapfcted at any tini*. and wml?*. 1 ?. *1? applying to Alb Ly brock, nt Wm Battler A Co s. No 142 M%io street, or , , a Meaars GODDIN AAPPER3ON. »P 16—2i»w3w4tdtd POM MISSION EES' SALET OP BEAU •y TIFUL BUILDING LOrS IV BYDNK-Y.—A* Oommigfiorers appoluted. by decrees of the Circuit if.? °1! . T°f Richmond, pronounced on th* 13th and lsth May. 1838, in the case of" Borden, gusr dian, ajaini?t Anut-rtou," Ac., we sball sell, at pub lic auction, on t*c premises, on FRIDAY, the !3Mi May ft o'clock, P. M., if lair, it not. the next I™ r ' following very desirable building lots I?' h .? to * n , of Sydney, via: Part of lot No 24, fronting 90 feet on the north side of Elmwood street. rnnnit'K back on the east line of Calvert street, 12ft feet, to an alley 10 feet wide. Also, part of let No. 65, fronting ISO feet on the east line of Harvle st. running back on the north line of Federal street 120 feet, to an alley 10 re«t wide. chl>Hori OreßoiUßlOti W '" ** ,üb " divideJ to » uit pur- One fourth caab; balance at IS, 12 and 18 mcntbs, far negotiable notes, interest added, and ti tle retained till all the purchase money shall be ful ly paid. The taxes for 1859 to be paid by the purchasers. RO."COE B HRAIH,\ n , ap27 LEWIS GINTER, /C°mrs. P. B. On the following day, tinder the same decree, will be sold a Bouse ana Lot on Ohutch Hill, on the "est line of Lfith, between M and N streets,fronting feet, rnnniug back 132 feet. '■terms as above 11 B HK4TH 1 ap :s LKWI Ji OINTBR.j Commissioners. DEAUTIFUL FARM of BJXT Y ACREP, " IK M'LKB BELOW RICHMOND. ON THE NEW CENTRAL ROAD FOE SALE AT AI'CTION —Will be sold at anctlon, on the premi ses, onWKDNE-DAY, the lith of May, 18-19. com mencing at o'clock, the beautiful Farm located as above, adjoining the lauds recently owned b» Messrs Ellis « Peers. About half of the placets in woods, the balance open land, in a high state of improvement. There are on the place several One springs The improvements cosaiat of two dwell ings, one of which l< a mast excellent one, having 6 rooms, br sides barn, kitchen, Ac. The place is new in the occupancy of Mr Isaac e.harpe, who will take pleasure in showing it to those desiring to view it Terms—One-third cash; balance at 12 and 18 months, for negotiable notes, interest added, secur ed by a trust deed. The taxes for 1 V>!» to be paid by the purchaser. GODDIN k API'RRbON, ap23 Auctioneers. Immediately after the above sale, will be sold a lot of 12 acres of land on the opposite side of the r >ad,suitable fjra Market Garden, has on it a fin* spring Tien9—the same as above. fIODDIS k APPERBON, my 10 Auctioneers. VALUABLE TOttAW,U factory on * TBEBOUTH SIDE OF CARY STREET. OPPO - THE GAS WOHKB. FOR SALK AT AUC TION.—WiII be sold, on MONDAY, the 16th May, 1>59.0n the premises, commencing at o'clock.? M, the Tobacco (factory located as above, adjoining that now occupied byMesirs Cex A Turnley. Teems—One-fourth cash; bal&n>s at 6, 12 and 18 months, for negotiable notes, interest added, sfcr ed by a trust deed, or title retained 'I he taxes and insurance for 1859 to be paid by the purchaser, my 7 GODDIN A APPKRSON, Ancts. DEACTIFUL. ON THE . , OF MARSHALL. BETWBKN *<'U?HER STRBETB. FOR HALE AT «VV'— l 901,1 on TUESDAY, the 17th Slay, 18,>9. on the premises, crtmaieucing at 4 o'clk, a most brauniul Building Lot located aa above, ad ji JiniDg the residence of Mr C Ogden It fronts 36 feet, runs back lCftfcet to a wide pat ed alley. This is a very baadrotuo lot. m^ffh , . # "f ODe " fou r! h vs Mb: bal »nce at 4. 8 and 12 months, for negotiable notes, interest added secur ??, V r n«fd«<».or title retained. The taxes tor !So9 to be paid by the purchaser. T? GODi>IN k APPKRBON, Aucts. OHERIFF'B BALE OF VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE IN THB OITY OP RICH MON D.-By v.rtue of order* of the Circa,i Court of the city of Richnaond. of the IMb ItbroArf 1859 in two suits ol:Wa A Bradley vs Hall Neifeon, i will at public anction, on the d remit pes on MA TURDAY. April 23d 18-'-9. at 4 o>l£k "Vthe Real Eatate therein described, belonging to Hall Neilson, A slip of Q round, at the corneref 7th and Arch streets, fronting ab< ut 10 foet on the west line of 7th streot. running back on the *coth line of Arch street about 240 teet, and bounded on the south by the lot of A Warwick. A Lot fronting 30 feet on Byrd street, and run ning back about 163 feet, adjoining the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Depot. Ail that Land lying on the east and west sides of 9th street, between Haxall's canal and James river, fronting 140 feet on the weet side of 9th street, and running back 130 feet, more or less, to the Htcel Works property, and tronting on the east side ef yth street 136 feet, and running back 360 feet to a point about 10 feet wide. The lot west of 9th street, adjoining the Steel Works, c*n fre anppMed witb writer from the river, for manufacturing purposes, cnafell of abiut nine feet, as ascertained by Mr. John Couty, Civil Bngi neer. Plats of said property can be «een at the Sheriff's office, and will be exhibited on the day of sale. TiMti—One-third cash; the balance at 6 and It months, for negotiable notes, with approved en dorsers, bearing interest from the day of sale, and title retained until the whole purchase money Is paid, and a conveyance ordered by theOonrt. The taxes f,r ISM to be liMers. ap9—lds Sheriff Oity of Richmond. g%. POSTPONEMENT —On accountof Inclement weather, the above sale did not tske place a* adver tised. The property will be sold on SATURDAY, tho l»»b day r.f May. The sale will positively taks place If the weather is (air. *p f'OMMI9PIONERB' hALE or 130 AC IBS VALUABLE LAND. ABOUT ONE MILK E\BT OK RICHMOND.-Br virtue of a de cree of the Circuit Court of Lynchburg, at June terra. 18J8. in the case of Oeo w Warwick Ac, vs Adolphus D Read. Ac. the uadersianed will, at 4 o'clock, P M. on THURSDAY, the 12th day of May next, upon the premises, proceed to sell a part of the Tract of Land conveyed by ths said A D Bead by deeds ol trn»t to Joseph Mayo and tdward Y Cannon, aad to the undersigned and C Dabney The said land Is in the county of Henrio, east of the city of Richmond—about two miles froai the Old Market House and one and a half mile from the depot ol the Richmond acd York AiverSnUrond adjoins the lands of John Poe, Reuben Boyd, Dick enson and others, aad baa boon divided Into seven small forms, as described in the plat of the same by Jos J Pleasants, in the possession of Messrs Ooddln A Apperson. Tho undersigned, at the time above mentioned, will sell the lota Noslt, Vand 10. desig nated on sal J plat, containing about ISO acres, awl will subdivide them if desirable. The land is well wooded and watered, and its healthful location, aad nearness to Blchmond render it Tory desirable to persons doing business In the city, who may wish to have convenient country seats. Tho torn* of credit will be made known at ante. ap ft—towtlMAtdtds By B. B. Cook, Auctioneer. T?IFTEEN YOUNG, WBLL BBOKB " MULBS. AT AUOTIO#.—OnTHUBSDAT, IMB lost., at It o'clock, I wBI noil, at Ernest's Stable*, oa I IMB, between draco aad Praaklln strente, fifteen yeaag. well broke Mnisa, perfectly gentle nad rntt- Tbaae mnlso are aacb aa shoaM ccautaad tka at tention of farmers, ttaijtsp. and oCbani wanting nsy t Itwotig. DLACX BlLU—Op«>i>s tkis mm- O ingalotaf Btaekftfts, froat New Yo«B,at to c«to«i».. A^b-Bton^ • nsy 7—tt 31 Mala stmst- QBID POTATOES—3OO boakele O New Jersey Moreen and California Eesd Mt toee, for sale by „ _ my V-tt QBfBABB. ** Amt - F^g%£»2L^wqo.^SSS -»*' ALIX MOW. A-a pos THS PUBLIC—Tit followißf M*. •rjpnWMMd b, ..*«*«* " nay aerana interfere wtthntCmwL In the discharge of K datv. or fetter ilmaTk gine House; os. tf aay miaor. er rtlml meddle with the eagiJW, aTiatni. .TP**' inbefore mentioned, be stall, tf freeTbeSedbTttl Mayor not leas tbanfive, noramiC tweatJ St lan; and if a store, be paatohad wttZSlaSi exceeding thirty-nine. Una bee IS Tie Principal Bnalnaei iball esssi snob commander to detail annually one er mer* men tar police duty, and shall aeetgn o»e totßouSmnmlsf tbe soaad. Tbey shall eoaeitnto tbe Ore potloe and it shall be their special duty to maintain order da ring fires, aad to keen tbe ground clear by nto acroes tbe streets or otnorwlee, to protect nniasslj from fire and pillage, to street and oommK to tbe cage all persons wbop-rsiet ta laterfcrtsg with tin firemen, after dae admonition to deatot therefromJk> report to the oOcets in command, all rtotottoaa ef J» w or of the ordinances of tbe cky. aad to eXeeate his orders lach policeman, while oa daty, *a 0 wear a star r n his breast. Agents of insurance companies, by an piling to «StdQS& JZV&ESSi*. MOTHre PATIRT ANIMAL TB4P.—This inasatoaa machine baa an rhral in fS7S3S * %*tall,tobeoojnpared with It. tor ii ,i. , captnie of wild anlmato. at to •o th» t one ceo cerry It in hit pocket, etffi H is capable of killing a bear. Tbey are of IMtlB ferentslass. and wiU irllT i ansl. M inks. Wild Oats, foxes. Wo?vei. 7SSrJS W can also be need as Pixtols. For satoby JAMKB W aLBU, Onn unpertor np 23—1 m 7 doors above St Charlaa Botel. l&a|gBB RICHMOND AND Site T^Trl^TiS Kicamonl at an earlier boar tban formerly, tbe morning train starting at 4:23 instead of *•«* aad the afternoon train at 2:40 insteed of £A 6. ' For details, see regular advertisement. ap 16—! m T H WTMHI, fiapt. -z WM. G. BALLII, Vlf f MmaZSSBESf OHANDLBB, JNOTBAIXIB, na <ier tbeflrmorWMQßALLla * 00., Cakmt Ma- KtBS AM) Fcrwitdui Dbalhm, have on hand a good assortment of Furniture, both of their owa mana lactory and Nor hern. We respectfully solicit a call from thoee who mar want anything in our line. UMDRRTAKINO. We will also pay particular attentkm to the Under taking liuslness in all its branches, keeniag oon stently on hand a large assortment of Metods Ba nal Cises, and Mahogany and Poplar OoAas. Ordere from the country solicited, aad wOl be promptly attended to. WM Q RALLIB * 00. my ft—sm Franklin st, between 13th aad 14th. >il RECEIVED. RECEIVED.—Tha ■* New Clothing Store of B BBOHBB, No tt ',[ # Main street, has received a second supplr Hi of Spring and Summer OIiOTHR, CtHl- MEKKB. FANCY MAKBBILLBS and IILK VKbTINGS, which I will makeup to order of tha I<ateet Style. I keep alsa constantly onhaad a largs stock ef FAbHIONABLI KBADT MADB Oli'jTlllNO for Men and Boys,and OBNTLBMBN'B FUHNIBHINO 000DH. wtlch I will sell very cheap. My friends and the nnbll: are invited to examine my stock. Don't forget tbe number, a Main street. P B—Wanted—Handa to make Onatoia Panto.— Apply to B BBOHBB. my 4 —6t" <Kaa AORBEB FOE SALE—I hara tiC2syjnst returned from Ba'tlmore, where I aelec ted a lot of young, sound, gentle horses, suitable for draught or saddle purposes. Those la want will give me a call. N C UPBOOMBB, my 4—ta 2nd et, between Broad and Qrace, 0 " , c" v is'liVima oomVAFT. I PIECTIOH NOTlCß.—J?*Sa'aua>l electir n of seventeen Directors frr I Ills "nnMi pr. held at the Cempatur's Offlce. on the Sd Umlwß , the following gentlemen were duly .elected ferth* ebfcuing year: W L Oowardia Tho*§ Sainton Joseph Allen Cfaaa W Purcell Horace L Kent Jos P Winston William Palmer H A Claiborne A lex K Parker Patrick Onllen Jam«* A Inloes Geo W Smith J K Wads worth Bick L Winston W iillam Beers John N Gordon* Arcbiba'd Thomas * And at a subsequent meeting of the Board, W It Cewardin was unanimously re-elected President. WILLIAM WILLIS, J*. BeCf. •New Directors. my 4—lw SALE OB LEASE.—A number of *- LOTS on Grace and Broad streets, admirably adapted for stores and dwelling booses. They ora located in an improving part of the site the Fair Giounds. For terms, which will l>e accommodating, aj.ply to Dn BBOOCKS, At his offloe, Belviu'a Block, 12th. fronting Bank strtet ALSO-For rent, half of Pew No IS in 8t Pail's church. my 4—las* POUND— On Mondnj, (he 2d inataat, ft GOLD BREASTPIN, with a gentleman's like ness in it. The loser can obtain the sasM br de scribing property and paying for this advertise ment, at this office. mj 4—to OREAM ALE—Read Brothers' Troy Cream Ale—lam in receipt of another snap ly of the Above desirable ALB, In whoteand half bbls. which I can offer to consnmers with "oaMence, ana at reduced prices. 1 shall keep up the supply by regular arrlvalsby schooners and steamers. Try it. LOUII J BOhUKJX. mv 4—lot Wo 80 Main St. VfR JAMES MURPHY h»Ying par i'A chased my SOAP AND CANDU FAOTOET on Fianklin street, rear of St Charles Hotel, for the purpose of ctrryitg on the same buslasss, I re commend him to my friends, customers, and the public in general. EDW Mc4DAM. Richmond. April ?Bth, 1859. ap 30-10 C* OA VINO purchased the SOAP AND •I* CADDIE FACTORY from Mr EDWARD Mo- ADAM, I shall continue to carry <<■ the same, and hope, bv strict attention to business, to merit a con siderable portion ot the nnblic patronage. 1 have on hand every variety of SOAPS, and cordlaby in vite my friends and the public general ly to give ■* a call. All order* promptly Attended to. ap an-iot* JAMBS MCBPHY. DA PT 18T CONVENTION.—DABBA- U OOTT, HARRIS * 00. would particularly call the attention of itrMien visiting Btchtnoad. da • ring the Convention, to the large and bMOllhl as sortment Spring and Vnmmer CLOTHiNO, Mil fectnred by themselves; which, for quality. Styls, at acd mien they think can't be bent. Ifcey will tnke great pleasure ia Showing their good* to MT ■ona wishing to bur. All they ask i* a call, feelfl* confident that to snow will ho to sau. For iztra irducements, call at No 112, oa . „ DARKAOOrT. HABRi* A 00. my S Successors to Merchant. Welsiger A uo. NEWFRBSH QRABB BUTTER.—We l ' hare made arrangements vfth How firkM rrmen for a regular supply crtbelr chofoe BUT TKB, fresh made, thl* Spring, vflkich we will soil at New York Oity price*, with onr it* iHßniis* of freight. We will he supplied regularly by mrr steamer, and can oertainlr fnraiah an saslsa m ar ticle. and an cheap, to oar family drooers, na Ikey can bny in hew York. WM WALL AO! POMS. aplK—imlf Cor Cary and Pearl stt. Richmond. CMITfcR.— 60 bble. sweet Newark Cider ' jnst to hand and for sale by my !> WM TAYLOR. nORSALE—THB BTOCK, FJXTUBBA, " Ac, of a well located drag store, doing a good retail, prescription and coantry hw*ln>*a. AdJreee Box No 2H3, Post l/fflce, Richmond: or it this oAoo. sp 26 to LTUBB, AA SJ'OKMS. FKLLOWn. StiAFIS, d>. for sate by WILLIAMS * MLUOTT, my 6—ftt ft Mate it f IFB INBUBANCS, iryg Ibscbabob.— " Inauranoe token oa a single IHb tm tW to »»,000 Dr A Sneed and Br St Oea Peachy, Medical AA- T OsTt half thaprsmiums required la cash. rarod to pay nearly half ol hi* prralunt my 7-M «l Psart steilt, riOBHBN BDTTBB — <0 keft choiee VI Ooeheaßatter, Porsnieby my 7 MajMUB A PLBABABTB. QILK AND LAGB MA II V LIB.—A O satenrttd stock ti Silk aad Lace imllM. Potato aadDaston.Bc, for sal. tow my 7—>t M Mate ttosal. B. THOMPSON'S CILBBBATBO BYB WATBB; Btekefs Byy Bliss ■! MBsßolPt mOKES: