Newspaper Page Text
—~ ffUj DI&P aT('H^ THI WJMB BP*AK!N* AND TIIK DKAF HKAR* INO. Oae ef ihe w—dere'elthe •«* ****'* iss*- 25 "» Mob : . ~ . |. ltor , into e room where a W jhr«y or forty boy., «>x and foarteen yeew, wee tweea tba e*ea e» ,x pre tars on the black writing S"r£X? eSd he was very gUd to re board. The tether -l<l woold celve visitor*, * r ,w > fl ( .| # ,ncy to which hi* pnplls of the prenewncy we '„ ,|j Tb« bo]» flrs tea 11 edn p looked clo~ly JL lips while the letter told him to htaWuH-rly anddtotiactly, and with very correct aoeeotnatloo.aod satd — I rmtM* and th* teacher requested m* to ask Tli Sotaa'uestlon. 1 did to, merely moving the Jp-'ef utteHogJoy and W Hef«runt™ T rsp P |U 0 'thi'te«n year* and a half " told by the Uacher, he a*ked me "V as before, from A rhe'£y repeated "America," and taking a piece of chaik wrote upon the blackboard. "Von have come from a great distance and mn»t have *en a great many wvages, who were very W imnng ell the time I had been conversing with the teacher, he giving me Informatien about bis sopils, aod requesting me to question them, without ever having a sospiclen that I wet talk ing with a deef man and listening to a dumb on?, •ad should have remained in this ignorance, had not the guide, after he had permitted me to enjoy my error for a quarter of an hour informed me that the teacher* a* well a* the pupils, had been born deaf, and, until within the last five years bad never spoken a word. Two of tbo boy® stood opoo A platform, it the teachers raggeetion, and held a conversation with each other, and then wrote sentences on the board and reed them In a lond and distinct voice.— Another boy was called up and handed a book, which I opened for him at random, and from Which he read two or throe pages rapidly and without th* slightest hesitation, and with a really musical, agreeable voice. The popils, of conrse, receive the idea intended to be conveyed to them through the formation ©f the lips, end once or twice, when the tescher was speaking to tbem, they made a motiou signi fying that they did not folly understand him. aod once one of them drew him to the window, w.iere the light played fully upon bis lips while be was altering quite a loug seutence Of course tbey can have no idea what a sound is, aud the ouly difference I noticed between their utterances and those of other children was that the m xlulations Were not always correct, and some of them kept the voice at the ssme pitch while speaking or read ing an entire sentence. But so perfectly cau tbey in terpret the movement cf the lips, that when placed so that they could not fee the side of the teacher's meutb, they understood htm eti dently as well as when looking directly •t his lips. Be perfect, indeed, was tlie whole exhibition, that had I dropped In acci dentally without knowing where X was going, the last place I should over have suspected my self to be In would have been among the deaf aud dumb children. It was in this room alone, I learned from the teacher, tbat spoken language was emplojed, aud here no slgos were used, the children being taught their lessons either by speech or writing, aud the smartest and most capable children are placed here. I remained tftere an hour, and a crowd of strange suggestive thoughts came over me as I left. Where, after such an exhibition as I had witnessed, conid bouuds be put to the results of patient labor; where can be placed tbe limls of possibility? I doubt whether the good Abbe L'Kbee, who founded tbe institution, ever dreamed tbat io eo short a time tbe truths of tbe text from St. Mark, which his inscribed over the chapel altar, "11 a bfin fait touts* ch'.srs. 11 a/ait enUndrt les tour<li ft parler hi mwtt," wonld hare been so lit erally verified as I had seen it dnriog my visit. Th* Morpht TmtimoiuaL.—The following des cription of tbe Bet of chessmen, which is to be pre. sen ted to Mr. Morphjr upon his return heme from Europe, appears in a New York paper: Tbe white pieces are of solid silver, and the black pieces of solid gold, standing upon bases of cornelian —the metal being covered, iu all cases, with elaborate and delicate workmanship. Tbe Fawn*, Bisbops, Queens, Kings, are all human flgaref, the Knights are horses rampant; tbecis ties are elephants, each with a boudah upou his back, surmounted by a spread eagle. The white Pawns are Gothic belligerants, with clubs and helmets, and are dressed in skins, with horns of the animal projecting from their beads. The black Pawns ar# less barbaric soldiers, armed with the shields and short swords of the Kotnau Irgion ty. Tbe Bishops evidently belong to the church militant, being stalwart warriors, with elevated ■words, bucklers, bolmets, and even a pair of Mer cury's wings. All tbe royal personages bear globe* or bat's upou their heads in place cf the crown*, which lie unused at their feet. Upon theabieldof tbe white King is seen tbe motto. "Libarty." The cbeas board is a slendid piece of workmanship, and artistically lolaid with ebony and mother of pearl. The border is mad* of silver, •n<l will exhibit at each corner,: encircled In wreaths, tbe letters "P. M.," tbe initials of the greatest chess genius that over lived The sides of the border are chased and beaotifally designed. Paul Morpht —Morphy, the American chess champion, at last accounts, was beiDg feted by the London players. He again played eight games simultaneously, blindfold, his adversaries being very skillful men. He won two, aud the other aix games were drawn after seven hours play. Mr Morphy was on the eve of leaving for Amer ica. Ameeican BiPtisr Publication Society.—This body held Its 3otb anniversary in Thursday last. The society has issued,during the year, thirrytbree new publications; 419,000 copies of books, pamphlets uud tracts have been publish ed, making 32,642,M0 pages lamo. The total nam* ber of pages printed since the society's organiz i tlon is 340,600,000. The list of Sunday-school li brary books has been increased, within a few years, front thirty six to two bnudred and two. The receipts of the Missionary Department are $18,887,34; which is an increase of $4,816 17 over the like receipts of last year. Tho total receipts for the year are $80,239 76; being an increase of $19,663 64 over the total receipts of last year. The ■ales of books and publications daring the year amounted to $32,635 66. The receipts in the Mis sionary Department, for the same period, were $18,837 34. Daring the past seven years the col* por tears have distributed 185,536 volumes, and 2,« 167,137 pages of tracts; 212 libraries have been given to poor Sunday Schools, and 161 to needy minis ters. Busied Alive—A slognlar circumstance, says the Albany Knickerbocker of the 27th, came to j lighton opening a vault atta:hed to one of our burial grounds on Sunisy last. The body of a fe male, who was deposited therein for dead, some two months since, was found, on opening the cot* flo,lying on her side with one hand t under her head. From this it ia evident that tbe womon was alive when piaoed there, aod, awakening frotn her trance In which ahe had faneD. eDdeavored to extricate herself. This was Impossible, the cover was not only screwed down tightly, but the space was too contracted te allow even an effort. It was evidentjhowever, that the unfortunate w.mau be came convinced it this fact, and concluded to die. ShT therefore took the eaay poature to which she 1-t The thought that thev had bnried her while yet alive set her alnoat eraaed. The body was that of a wbo formerly resided in the Bowery. The and mother of the deceased had just ar rived from the old country last week, and were brought to the vault to see their child The scene K related aa heart-rending. Xnnutma Irctdint.—Col J B Baldwin, of gtannton, who wm a candidate fur Judge, at the mH t election, and Wm J KoberUoo, tbe Judge •loct, are warm personal friend*. We bare heard that aa soon aa Col Baldwin, became aatiafied that Mr Robertaon waa elected, be aat down and wrote him a letter of congratulation, couched in very complimentary terma. At tbe time of tbe reception of tbla letter, Mr Robertaon waa ouder the belief that Col Baldwin waa tbe aacceasfal competitor. So. In lien of writing bis friend an original letter of congratulation, he look hi* let tar to him, eraaed bla own name, wherever it occurred, inaerted that of Col Baldwin in it* plaoo, and returned It, otherwiae unchanged, ex cept tbe (iguature. So tbey ara even, each one being equally complimented by the other, and •ra water friend* th»B [Blue Bulge Republican. Naval I**«Uia«»CE.—Tbe U 8 frigate Sabine, mod U B sloop-of-war Falmouth were at Monte video, March 16, aod were to sail in a few days for tbe West Indies. Also, at Montevideo,same date, U 8 brigs Balobridge, Perry aod Dolphtu. IT S »learners Metacomet aod Atlanta repairing. Tbe atore ship Supply sailed March 16 for Ne« York, and was seen by Spanish bark Emily, April 15, with loss of frretopaaat and maintop gallant maat. • WaiAf Botum M Chicago.—The Chicago Demo erat says tbat Monday last was a day ot great ex< citement among the wheat buyers of that city.— Th*yW«r« raged until dinner time, at which time over 92,000 bushels had changed hands at an ad* vaaoeof four cenU ou Saturday's prices. The sell ers therefore realised a profit ot $3,000 on the day's lMfoaTunr «o Ciuit Mwum-Ui* advice* from the groondnwt diatrtcta on the Coaot of Af. nea, *aye there tea great deficiency in tbe yield oftht* crop U U»cee and Senegal, and aiUembia H Uaunpuaed the crop will not exeoed 0 ton*, or 600, MX) boebaU.ngoiaet 14,000 iom, or 1.060,000 bu«bel* la*t year. Prfceaon Mm aoaat had advanced oomiAerably to aonaaqaoneo. KOK-IM o* 4 Yowa Oul —A girl named Car* ley, living in Mlddletown, Orange eonnty, M. w York, on frlAey tut, committed .iictde b/toktog artonle, being involved In a family difficulty. A* Out ft 'inannaJk /Uabblican bed a call a few d»jre •inc . , fiuia « •übtcriber. li*. lag in Southwestern Ueogla, who droppd la to u« in advanee ** O.HNT irmm gumn vf Pinwrmii o»wjn« - A of the Newark Dally! tuer »»•: "A Princeton correspondent.Jo hi* ot lut w*k, rsifcr* to ex <Jo*ero° r * until hitthe oldest ItTlnjK .<radn«t" •Mb Col lege of New Jersey. being fW y sar* old i.a mtateke; for H l»well»*own *" inn Watklns, of tile Mne class (17'»2) I* ■ in rermrllte, V*. He I* eald to able «eo. end I. M lee.t 67 y«n «*>• *• »»■£ rer been tn public llfe.except in «Hooee 01 i» of Vlr «|« , "j^ bn, n b (< *j n * 7lfeh«p Ilobert were J . little volume containing the ttere le i«bllehe«l a letter from bl« yonng friend ILobarr advising ttudy lew. 7bl. letter, in print, we. ehown to Mr. Waikin* sixty y<nr.t after It m Written end my informant *tatee that 'he wm woelbly effrcted by the porneel.'" Ptr>*fi»t or MnMOStun rott J*FA!».—The clipper ship Surprise sailed for Hong Kong, Chi na, from N« w York, Saturday afternoon. Among hete passengers were the Iter. Rictiard Walsh and wire, Kev. 8 R. Brown and wffe, lUiv. Q. F. Ver» beck and wlft>, Dr. 8. B. Simmons and wife. Mr. Francis llall, Mr. Oeery, two Mlmm Brown, Ml** Adrian and Master Brown, ml**ion<ariss to Japan, sent ont under thoauspice*of the Reformed Dutch chnrch. Thk OrwtT 7,h.*do!» Cosvixtiow Rwrcrin *t Home.—ln the midst of ths excising war news from Korope, we find a little pa-agrapb in the London Herald, Lord Derby's organ, replete with interest to thi* country. It announces categori cally that the treaty lately made by Sir Wm (lore Oaseley In Nicaragua Is not accord! )g tj instrnc. tlons, will not be ratified in England, and that that gentleman has been ordered to retnrn to Ni caragua and make a new treaty, inclnding the se curity of the Transit ronte and tho reces*ion of Morqnito to that republic. M**so*.—The directory of the Roanoke Valley Rtilroad have changed the nsme of the depot at tbe junction of the Kaleigband Gaston Road, to Man /nn. This is a compliment to Dr. O. S. Manson, of Towcesville, formerly of Kichmond, who is a great friend of th« Valley Head, aud is now energetically soliciting snbscriptions to extend said Road to K«ysvilie. Noeth Carolina Ball Roox.—'-.Miss, can 1 have the pleasure ot dancing with yon the next cotil li »n ?" "Well, I don't know—" "Kaeaged, perhaps V "Well, ef you must kuow, I ain't qnilo done chawing mi/ ratctum !" Amothcr Victim.—o. 11. Reynold*, of Sionx City* lowa, one of tbe sufferers by tbe late disater to tbe stesmer St. Nicholas, died at Memphis, Tenn., Saturday morning from tbe effects of bia injuries, thereby sdding another to the already long listof victims to that dreadful casualty. Bf.QUfSTS —We learn from the Christian Intelli s geucer that the late Mrs. Aun Sherwood, of i'oufhkeeosie, N.Y., made the following bequests : Bard of Foreign Missions of the K. C. Church, £1,000, American B ; ble Society, $'2,000: American Tract Society, f'2,000; American Colonization do., f.1,000; Female Uuardisu Society of Poughkoepsie, f 1U0; Five Points House if ludustry, $100. Death of an Knolish Bishop.—The English pa» pers record the death of the Kt. Rev. Dr. Bethel!. Lord Bishop of Bangor, the oldest prelate on the Episcopal bench. Tbe vacant suit is worth £4,50u per nnunm, with a patronage of eighty-one liv ings, the aggregate annual value ot which is £23,000, with ether gifts. Bisuop Janes a Free Mason.—According to one of the Western Methodist pupers.Janes, during the recent noisy conference in Texas, bad, in tbe hour of extremity, given tbe Masonic sigu, wben the rabble dispersed, and the conference was permiU ced to close its session. Stow in Northern California —A letter from Gibsonville, Cal , dated March 14th, sonvey* tbe intelligence tbat the anow at that place is ten feet deep on a level. In several towns in tho interior the inhabitants go from houg f to house throngh passsge ways cut under the suow.fifteen feet below tbe surface. A Gineroi'? Gift.—The Boston Journal states that Hon. Wm. Appleton cf that city has made a donation of $5,00!) for tbe purpose of establishing Pastors' Library in connection with the First Con« gregational Cburch in North Brookfield, The Fishkries. —The Alexandria Gazette says:— Many of the tiisbermen at the different landing! oti the Potomac, will probably close operations this week, unless ait extraordinary run offish should take place, wUich is not now expected. Some few have closed already. Tbe season has been a fail* uro. Six of tho midshipmen implicated in the late "Tar and Feathers" affair at tho Naval Academy, have been dismissed from (be institution. MM U'JUJJa. RICH NEW DRESS GOODS—" i* SISCOND SUPPLY. We invite attention to the following elegant stock rf Dnxis Goods, purchased by ouo of onr tirm at anction, Ac, aua will be sold at unprecedented low prices: Two Flounced ar.d Double Jupe Silk Robits Klegant Bayadere and Checo eilka Rich Organdie and Jaconet Robea Klegant Kobe* a'Tunique Rich Print d Bareges aud Glace Poplins Crepe Marotz and Barege D' Laines Black Challin, Tamartiue and Mouruiug Ducals Black Silk Mantillas Black Silk Busters Black Barege Dusters. French and English Prints, Ginghams, Brilliants and other styles <X Dress Gcods. For novelties in all styles of Dress Got ds, enquire at No 143 Main strett. A K PARKKR * CO. 1859 BF * lN g£Si B B UMMIfi MB£)9 Having enlarged and refitted my store, I beg leave to nay to my friends and the public generally, that I aui now prepared to show one of the largest and best assorted stocks of _ 1D X V GOODS that I have ever had the pleasure of ei hibiting in this city, comprising a general stock of Staple ana *choic/antlrich assortment of LADIEB' DRESS GOODS, of the newest designs, vis: Black and Colored SILKS BJERAG KS, "■"'■Wanm-M, SHAWLS, Ac. A 't?LoTHB?KREB AND VEBTINGB. , of every grade andquality.for gentlomen aud boys supply of HEAVY STAPLE GOODS, for 8 aI»o! a m»gnifit»nt iMsortment of Bleached and Brown bttlJiTlfllUo Irish IjINBNH Brown and Cotton SHKETINGB Besides many other things, too tedious to men tion—all of which have beeu purchased within the last week past in Philadelphia and New York, on the most favorable term<, and will be sold cheap, for cash. Call and see, and examine for yourselves, at No 29 Main street. mh 24-dAcw2m JNO L BMITHFR. VjOTICK — JLI LARGE STOCK OK DRY QOODO. AT AND BBLOW COST. With the view of engaging in. other pursuits, I have determined to close my present business, and shall from this day forward, effer the whole of my large and well assorted stock at cost, and all un it aionable and past styles much below. Also, my store, so well situated for business, for rent, as soon as the goods are disposed of. Having recently received my spring and summer supplies, the assortment will be fonnu very good in alt staple and Fancy Goods; but my determination to leave the business, being settled and firm, I will atonce procted to sell out everything and invite purchasers in the city and country to avail them selves ot the present opportunity to get their snp ptiesat from 20 to 50 per cent below the usual market prices. MANN 8 VALENTINK. Jb, No 99, Corner Broad and 9th sts, ap 26—2w Near Capitol Square- QPLENDID STOCK or NEW RICH DRESS «OODS, At THE CASH STORE or PERKINS * CO. By recent addition to our entirely new stock of Spring and Summer Dry Good', we are prepared to offer to our customers and the public, an assort ment of ELEGANT DRESS GOODS, in Silk Robes, Be; age Robes. Grenadine Robes, Pine Apple Cloth and Organdie Robes Rich SUks 1 f Mourning Silks Bereges I | Bayadere Valeatias Orgaudies „ th I Lawns and Ginghams Frerch Jaconets \ J. 1? i Challie De Laines Black Silks j I Poulede Chevres Black Bombazines | Ducal Plaids Black Challies J [ Plain Ghaliies Rich French Collars and Sets Valencienes and Honiton Lace do Cambric, Linen and Pique Collars and Seta Black Crepe Collars and Vets White do do do Fresh stock new style Parasols MANTILLAS—In Silk, Chantilly and French Lace Wbite and Black Berage Shawls and Dusters Light Colored Cloth ana Mohair Raglans Large stock of Housekeeping Goods Bfii Cotton and Liuen Goods, for servants All selected with gr< at care and attention tor the best hetall Trade—unsurpassed In prices, quality anrl'st? h-s. We are retailing best Cotton Shirtings, Sheet ings and Calicoes, at factory prices. PARKINS * 00'8 New Cash Store, 141 Eagle Square, ap 21-WM THR CHEAPEST GOODS 1H HiCH- A MONO can be found at JUiKPH BTRAUBK'B, ft 0 27 Main *t. Bich Lawn*; Jaconet*; Organdie*; Bobea; black •ltd colored Bilk*; Mantulaa; Dmler*; Berage*; De Lalnea. Ac, at aatontehinc low price*; Twiated f ilk. Mitt* from 2ft eta and higher; Thread Clove* 6'« etc; brow n Mnea. for men and boy*' wear, at 12!4. worth ct# i *-*ten«ion Skirt*62', ct*and upward*; Stella ">•»'« at half tbeir valoe; Cambric, Swiaa and <jb*ck Mnaltn from 10 eta aed upward, worth duut le the money. tsfeas Sgg*agSißli .i<* uimob yvsaffi?"' "*• »» Broad Mrait. i MAW, IB JH HAT&.CAPS GOODS. n amilTOH A BOUOHKR We be# leave to call the attention of o«r cMt£ more. an I the publio 'ur R ew here Jn it roturned from the North with our new stock « CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS. con«t* tin* of the wy Jete*t •tylff- We •« now prep* red to offer a mnch larger, bettor aod cheaper lot of llat* and Oape than erer offore«ltnthrt mar ket. We Invite the public to cell and "amineour sto< k beforepnrchaainn elsewhere, ae we w»iee» ee < heap. If uot cheaper, than any other line eaia HI .hmentlnthUclty. .. All we ask IH a No N B—Fine SILK HATS made to orde^at .the shortest notice. ap M lm jn 4 NEW STYLES St'RING AND < SUMMSR (iOODS. Jnst n celved a tresti ""''P'L.'jf. niVUM HATS', CAPS AND STRAW GOODS, comprising all |he n< wjst and latest *t» le« ofHats, Cap*. Ladies', Misses' and Children* Straw Good*, Misses' and Children'* Flat*.of every va riety and quality ...... Infants' Turbans of style*. Yonng Gent's and Youths' Hat* and Can*, of the m«»t fanhionable styles—which will be eold on the mc it favorable terms. A call is moat respectfully solicited. KO. L. DICKINSON, Scccessor to Binford, Dickinson A Wetaiser, my 5 No 7i Main »t. Ifl PIKE'S PEAK «Jlfc PIKB'B PRAK PIKK'S PEAK PIKK'S PkAK l* IKfc'ri PKAK New Style Hat.jast received and for sale at No , ICT Main street. _ . 1 .n T 7_i« KLLETT A WBIBIGER- LADIES', MISSES' and CIIIL- BOOTS AND SHOKS.-We have on hand a large and well selected . Ladies' Misses' and Childrenß' Boots and Shoes, both with and without heels, which are very tine and pretty, embracing most of the different styles now in use for dress purposes. And we have also had made expressly to our order, a first rate assort mejjt of Ladies. Misses and Children! Shoes for con wear, which are made fully as good and.aub rtantial, as Shoes can be made, and are soft ana peasant to wear. Calland«*th«nat^^ felO No 113 Main street. , j§ MILES & SON'S BOOTB AND ■ snoKf.—Just received a fr«h supply of Miles A Son's dress Oxford JMes. mv.l 1 93 Main street. FKENCH BOOI'S AND SHOES. Another case of the above from Milrs, consisting of Calf Dress Boots; Pat LeatherDresa Boott; do do aud calffhoes; do do do t ''" y 5 Kt Main street. LADIES' SHOES. — A large supply of all kiuds of Ladies' fashionable Gaiters.Blippers and Shoes, Jll jV^e AGK.-la LADIES'~MOKOCCO HJCiL. KD BOOTS at 11-V) and $2.-Just op«ued a beautiful lot of the above, at WALgH .g ——w^r^TljlT l zEN a OFIUCin B W?I. ■ M0 Kn . unH Strangers visit- ■ r "tt\Ts>l»lins the city, will tind at ilhilll II n l| I Mill l NoT.i Main street,,r\, a large assortment of Boots, Shoes, and every kind and price. Among them are gent s fine Biwts ritent leather ami calfskin Gaiters, Oxford Tics, aud i'nmpfc; Indies' (laiters. Buskins, Ac- misses' f<hoes and Gaiters ot every kind and duality; servants' Shots, niade strong and good; hlso. children's metalic tipped Shoes, which cannot be worn out at the toes. . . >ly stock of Travelling Trunks is very large and cannot be excelled; and 1 am determined not to be undersold by any one. I buy them in large quan tities from the manufacturers, and my facilities for selling cheap are such that 1 am sure I can meet the views of any reasonabio purchaser. Strangers, citizens nud friends, if you want any Boots, Sbcvs or Travelling Trunks be sure and give me a call beiore purchasing, lor 1 know I can suit you both aH to quality and price. JOHN CLARK, No 75 Main St.. ap 30-2w Richmond, Va' m~ HATS, CAPB and STSAW GOODS. The subscriber is in receipt of a splendid rpriug at.ics of the above articles, which he offers to his customers and the trade in general on the most reasonable terms. Boys and Children# FANCY GOODS in greet va riety, at prices to suit the closest purchasers, r.pb-lm JEFifRY MASON, No 107 Main at. JOHN DOOLET, Hat and Cap Manufacturer and Whole sale Dealer in HATS, CAPS. PURS. TRIMMINGS, Ac. I havenow on hand a complete end extensive as •ortmentof ev-Tjrthing in my line, adapted to the SPRING TRADS, to w hlch constant additions will be made during My experience aud facilities have enabled me, on th is "occasion, to offer the LARG£*T,Md in every way the most COMPLSIK STuCK Of GOODS that has ever be-n offered in Virginia. I would ask the particular attention of my cus tomerstomy^ck R o^ woooDg , which for variety and extont cannot tnh7—ts Main street, Richmond, Va. PUNOS, &G. CHICKKRING pianos' — ESfeSBSSANOTHER LOT of these sphudid has just been receivod. II » I U » We have now as fiue an assortment of Pianos as can he lound in any of the lar«e cities and at lower prices. Prices hare, the name as at the factory, from $225 to $1000. In this Ist, we have also the much admired Jftns df nftix. and the new A Scale Circular Action, which for volume and beauty of tone nearly equals the Grand. To these new kinds we solicit tlieattention of Professors and Amateurs. The Thalborg Grand is still on hand for sale. Orders from abroad, with reierenoes, will bo punc tually attended to. Drawings of Pianos, with the prices, furnished free of charge. The instruments from this factory have universally carried the Jir/t medals, diplomas and awardj, over all competitors, in all Finn where they hove been ex hibited, in Europe, and America.. The .first profess ors, mechanics and judges qf both countries, are unan imous in awarding them, the highest rejection. War ranty givun for any length of time. Warerootns—North side of Broad street, near 9th, and at Habljston A Bro's.No 169 Main street. ja 29 NATtt'L CAKUBI. Sole Agent. i| FIRBT PREMIUM GRAND SQUARE PIANOS.-Grand 1 J M n Rand square Piano Forte Warerooms. w • m tf "General depot of foreign and Ameri can Music, Musical Instruments, and ail other arti cles belonging to a Musical Warehouse, hi O.EULK A (JO-, No 231 Broad street, between Tuird and fourth streets, Richmond, Va. The undersigned, at the request of many Southern friends, have es tablished and opened in Pichmond. No. 231 Broad street, between 3d and 4th sts , a PIANO FORTE WAREHOOM, where in addition to onr extensive stock of PIANO FORTES, we offer for sale a general assortment of FOREIGN AND AMERI- A« MDBIC, of the most popular composers, Mu sical Instruments of all kinds, and thoso articles generally which appertain to a first class musical establishment. Seminaries, Academies, institutions of learning, Ac , will find it to their advantage to deal with us, as we are prepared to sell music, Ac., at Northern prices, aud tbey will thus save the freight between this city aad the North. The busi ness will be conducted under the name and style of G.3SHLB A CO. A guarantee is given of every instrument for five years from the time of purchase, and the privilege of exchange within six months alter date of sale is accordcd. All orders will be promptly and faithful ly executed. Our terms are moderate, and a liberal discount will be made for cash. Tuning promptly attended to. Old Pianoa taken in exchange and hired at low rates. The public are respectfully invited to give tis a call before purchasing elsewhere, as we are deter mined not to be undersold. fo 25—d3m O.3SHLB A CO , Richmond. Va. jafc TO GUITARISTS.—P. H. TAY IKxLOR has just open-d an additional supply of 7S2*MARTIN'S UNRIVALLED GUITARH.which are unequalled for fullness and sweetness of tone aud beauty of finish. Italian Guitar Strings, Gu itar Instruction Books, and Music. PIANO AND MUSIC STORE. ap 27 188 Main st.. afrove Post Office. dEIX MR. EDITOR:—As I promised in my last advertise mem that the 'People" should hear trom me attain, "so now I blow my horn." I have studied astrono my since my last, and find that the star of my des tiny still moves on; and those who know HAGAN'S JOHN, know that he has the faculty and indefati gable spirit not to let the downfalls of life to cause him to despair; but "push along, keep moving," for the world is but a bubble, aud he that has too much lead on his sinker will sorely be a goner; therefore I offer to thepublic of my own manufac ture. BUGGIES, SULKIES, ROOK A WAYS and Light CARRIAGES—aII as good as can be made.— I have also HORSES, MULES, Ac., Ac . for sale—in fact, anything under the sun. and will barter and trade for even old shoe soles All you have to do is to give him a call on 16th street, where yon will fi ud his sign upaide down, there yon will find HAGAN'S JOHN,in Tbion Greek Ration. J®" You shall hear fruin me again, for lam writing a romance of m» own life mh 2*—d3m new carriage mahu- FACTORY. CORNAior 9TH AND BKOAD' STREETS.—I hesubscflLf having had 19 f bearanufectu ring of CARRIAGES in some of the largest establishments In the North and South, flatten himself that he is fully able to manfacture the most fashionable s* well aa the plainest.tyle of b! found in the state Possessing various advautSKea in his business, ha is enabled to sell his work at low? •f°K rd6d br otbe " <» the trade. He has now on hana. of his own mannfartnm n/vi ap r-lm» JOHN DQEH TU,4I>iW » ROfJSlt & MUK T» AV (k».n, n rrfn.« OJJDHBTAKKHB, ' ttovernor street, between Main au<j Franklin, Ric h PIZZImT ~ .. P" 01 hand tbe large*! %ad frieheol «oefc of frultt, Nnta, Preaorref, Ac, and continually ■OJJUttM. ooXSmM—Mrs. PHIPPKN, on Bmi JD street,batwean 9th a»d lothetwls.hw btow front room orarlooWhg the Capitol bin for ■ fcrolly, whtch to vacant, hho can commodate several young mn wltkKartf. M Her Boo«e to eantnl kid aPte«w«t tonatioo. *ho hopaa those In want of board will *!*• l*ar a call. ap 9—lm THE TUJSfiTALL HOUBI, A CRAQHR4D BTRIBT, DAN VILLI. VIKMWXT With new furniture. and wiwly repaired. wa »*■ »orn Tin tor* tb»t no effort. will be «Paf«l U> promote their comfort, ud w; rMpectfully ■olicita *rta}._ TheTUNBTALL HOCfIM to mho tbeBTAQ* Of f 108, and onr omniUneea will alwar» bai* t«*di nee* to carry tlM?) J M WALKER.'}- Proprietor, fo 11—lyd w T BIMMONB. j 1859 BFKINO _J RADE - 1859 CLARKBON. ANDERSON A 00. No. 106 Main Street, Xichrnond, Virginia, Importer* of Hardware. CuUery. Gun*. Anchor Bolting Cloth*, and Agent* for rorbaaki J'"i l '\ celebrated Scale*, are now in receipt of Steele of English, FrenchGermanandAmerican Good*, to which they ait tho attention of such city and country merchant* a* bnjr for ca*b, or pay promptly at the end of *U month*, all And it to their advantage to txataine their 'jf** be fore purchasing in tliis or any other market, aa th«r will Tint. nnrter ■old- 1 PWILB&CHEK, • BOTTLER, AND WHOLJSSALB DBALKB UA OK RDG BR,_A UK, POaTKR,*.C (Office ob 18th, between Main and Cary 'to.) SPRING AND SUMMER SEASON. Thankful for ttao liberal patronage and confluence In my establishment, from all part* of the Com monwealth and State at large, I take pleasure to state, that I shall sell during the Spring and Bum ""'iofruo laoi* gjjJJj, Alt and PORTER, at the same prices as heretofore, vis: Quarts, per dezen.-fl 75125 ets.a doe allowed by Pints " " 100 J return of bottles. Half pints, per doz, sj—extM charge for bot- Trastine by prompt attention t- orders, and of fering always the best article, to share astiU grat er part of public favor, and give general satisfac " Goods for the country packed in barrels, and dej lifered to any Railroad Depot in Town, tree 01 Ch i a am'still A cent for the sale of Jacob Seeger's Baltimore LAGER BEER fs «know son, corner 4th and Franklin, or at my store, will bo promptly *tH'Pde<l to. mh 18—am jr\ hT CHALKLEY, Dealer in Leath* yj» «r Shoe bindings, Oil. Tanners' Tools. Ac., anduf French Calf Skins. 13th street, be tween "Sain audCary. lichmond. Va .is now in re cast ofa large and excellent stock of goods apper y,^^^% ?naCtUa ' Cn^ e c"HALRLKY, 17 RICHXER'S BREWERY, Jli. CORNER BROAD AND 7TH BTB. From tliin day I will sell BOTTLED LAGE3 BKKii, v.'z: Quarts, Pinto and Half Pinto. Quarts, per dor- $1 75 Pints, per doz. - 1 00 Half Pints, per duz SO Goods for'lie country packed in boxes and deliv ered to any railroad depot in the city free of charge, ap 1 .'—2 m* VIRGINIA SAVINGS BANK—CIIAR V TEREDBTTHE LEGISLATURE OP VIR GINIA—CAPITAL 100,000 DOLLARS!- Mouer re ceived on deposit, in snms ot flvo dollars ana up wards, on which interest tho rate of 6 per centum per annum is paid for sums remaining six montiis or longer; for shorttr periods, interest at the rate of 5 per centum. The whole jsiut stock bound for the depos its. Deposits received and certificates issned by the Cashier, T B STARKE,at the store of E B Spence, corner of Main and Governor sts., Richmond, Va. SAMUEL 8 OOTTERLL, President. T B STARKE. Cashier, mh 3—3 m C WALTHALL. Secretary. OPLENDID STOCK OF MANTLES.— Black Silk Mantles and Points Silk and Laco do A variety of Kaglans and Dusters Black acd White Berage gliawls Ka«lan?. Dnsters and B»rnon,n Cbi dret's Bt-rageand Marseilles Dnsters Berage and Organdie Robes Black Ilernani and Barege do tiimmer Mourning Goods in every variety— from the bpst makers CHRISTIAN A LATHROP, my 9 'J9 Main st. OB SORE to go to JACOB A. LEVY'S. D 15 Main street, if you have any Dry Gocds to purchase. He has now in store a large and well af fected s'ock of goods, all of which will be sold at i-urprisingly low prices. Just to band, 50 do* India Rubber Combs, best quality at Wi ct«, worth 25c: r OOO Cambric and Dimity Binds at 25c. worth .Vic; white cotton StcckinKs at V'j'e. worth 122-tC; bl ck Elastic Belts at. 10c, worth 12i,c; Twilled Linen Tow els. only 10c.worth 12}* c; flue Swi»s M< uslin Collar at fOc, worth Si; excellent white Brilliants at I2j»c, worth 25c; Marseilles frrftrt Bosoms, onlyl2' 2 c,a very cheap artiel<; great bargains in linen Cam bric Hdkfs, anda l kimlsof Dry Gcodscaa ceitaiu ly b3 had very cheap, at LEV W. Rnn PARASOLB, VERY CHEAP — Willopvnon Monday morning. 5C«t splendid Parasols, of *h9 latest "tyles, to be sold lower than ran be purchased elsewhere. Call early and you will be sure to get a good bargain at MAILKRT'S. my 9 41 Wain Street UOSE.—Boopair Girls' and Boys' Hose —Will open on Mocday morning alaige lot of GUls' and Boys' Hosiery—aspl<<ndid article Also, a tine lot of Indies' white Hose, for a nine pence the pair. Call at MAILRKT'ri, my 9 41 Main street. OONNET RIBBONS —Becciveda lot of Bonnet Ribbons, which will be sold low. J Oil ft SON A liARWOOD, my 5 No 77 Main st. HOOP BKIRTS.—We respectfully call the attention of the ladies to our large stock of Hocp Steel Extension Skirts, which we are ot tering at very low prices, JOHNSON A HARWOOD. my 5 No 77 Main st. Dress goods, ribbons, &o. 10 cases Plain and Printed Bereges, Crape de Challi&s and Do Laines, la blacks atd aasor'ed colors 20 cases Printed Lawns and Jaconets, of new and beautiful styles 5 cases Black and Second Mourning, of new and beautiful styles 5 cases Jaconet. Cambric and Gingham Robes 10i) cartons new stjles Plain Gros de Nap, Brocke and Fancy Bonnet aud Trimming Ribbons 2000 Paris Berage, Stella and Cashmere Shawls and Mantillas, comprising a full and complete stock, at greutly reduced prices Theiego:xj« were purchased at the recent pe remptory auction sales in New York, arejust land ed and will be sold cheap. my 4 KENT. PAIN 18 A CO. "ROBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUa A* NO HAS EIGHT PERCENT. OF AMMONIA AND FORTY FIVE TO FIFTY PER CENT. OF BONE PUOSPHaTE OF LIME—Vlib under signed, having accepted the agency for the sale of Robinson's Manipulated GUANO, ask the attention of agriculturists aud iheir agents to this superior fertilizer. We guarantee a perfect uniformity in the quality of this arti :1«, and that it is in all cases one-half best Peruvian Guano, one-half fine ground Bone and the beat Phosphatic Gutno. The machiner/ used i« ne». arid ot the most ap proved description,and from toe manner in which thu Guano ami Bone are mixed, being ground toge ther so that every particle of each is brought into the closest contact with the other, ensures a full appropriation ot both in proper proportions by the growing crop. We refer to the annexed report from Dr. Blckell, showing the value of this Fertilizer, both for quick and permanent results. It is put up in good bags, weighing about 150 lbs each. Price, $50 per ton of 20001bs. No. 83 Scoond Street \ Baltimore, Jan'y 2a, 1869. r REPORT OF ANALYSIS Of Robinson's Manipulated Guano, for Frakcis KoßiNson.Ksq.of Baltimore city. A sample of the above, which was taken at your mills, was found, upon analysis, to be capable ol producing of— Ammonia 8.31 per cent. and to contain of Bone Phosphate of Lime H5.82 per cent The above proportion of Ammonia and Bene Phosphat« of L:me is known to be most proper for conceutrateil manure. Both theoretical reasonine and the results of numerous practical experiments j\V e ®PP ro¥€ *! of An application of a*) lbs of this article will of Bone Ptiosphat' of Limethaii isrequirod by any crop, thus leaving a considerable surplus of this valuable nutriment in corpora ted with the soil after cropiug, and will fur nish a sufficient quantity of Ammonia to act as a nntnmeut and stimulant. Chas Bjcrill, Ph D. For sale by EH SKINKER A CO fe 22 2Xniif Sole Agents for Richmond, i'a. DINE ARTS.—Messrs. W. dAXTLER . * 99' hsve the pleasure to inform the art lov ,^ 1 V^ t v Mr t V OK . , ? L J KR ' accessor to Qou- P'L~ , ' M tllls consigned to us a assortment of plain ami colored gSSphS 1 ™. s> HTHOGR AP&a and PHOtc£ &?tfi v*/ wi| l be on exhibition and offered for sale oa Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tues day, the 18th, lath, list and 22d of March, only. stre ? |3 i or iL uu l^e collection being samples onlv, intended for exhibition in the Southern States, dealers lnentjcravings and the public in general are respectfully Invited to visit us dsring thj£ !h£e «*J'i °,™ er to have an opportunity to Examine and select from the whole collection. A I arga assortment of the engravings will be kept oyus in> future, and orders for others promptly at tendfd to. Particular attention is called tothe Photographs, as the most beautiful specimens of that art ret ex tent. WM BATTLER * CO. mh 18 Artists'Bupply Store. 143 Main st. fILIVE OlL—Superior quality, for TtT " bscco Manufacturers, for sale by BRL?IN * MILLER. my 9 Corner Pearl and-Cary sts. Millinery goods.—The Ladies' will please bear in mind that at OOLOIMIT'S they can procure Bonnets, Ribbons, flown*. Ru chss, white aad cotsrod Crapes, Bonnet frames. M GOLDS MIT, my » m. Broad street. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Udiss' Dress aed ManUUa Trlmmioasjust re oatved. to be rua off cheap. K GOLDsMi'I la l » Brosd street. G*o& SALE CHEAP—A second band Apply at this office. 1 CAMP*. D OWI ««».*««■ , obtained. _ . _ •auOAceoa Virginia (treat, near Gary. la .— VOHM N. QOHDON A SON, «» 14th atraet, Mar tha Jttobango HotaK Offer for sale a large and Pall %Mortm.*"L<& IRON comprising SWHWK'B, AMRKToAN HA«MBk«£ P*KU HAMMER*!) MOI.UH AND BNOLIBH RKrINBO. imiwr tlnn RoMia Bheet Iron. GALVANIZED BHEBT I BON—Hoops,Ban dand Scroll Ftojwn Iron and Plough P Jaw* A '*°rJ'? 1 , ' t S^|Sgr AND •ileafor Tinner* and Manufacturer*. BH*KT «nv BOLT OOPPKE, Sheet Zinc, Spelter and the aetata mnail y *oid In thl* market. * p •- gSOLEBTOM * HTBKBA OOMMIBBION MERCHANTS, And Man in Wine*. "««s*• PMr , street, ne I—to WM. BATTLER A CO., v V I*ro*T»M*ltn DMIJMIW VTIVDOW OILS, PAINTS, VA QLA»B WINDOW RRrmHRS —We received by the 'at* rtawucr a SSKS'fii&S I wuSi'»? call the attocUonM onr customers. .—— F 0018 J. BOBSIEUX— I j Manufacturer of Double Refined BTB AM CAW DISS, "DOSUBSTIO FRUITS. DOMEtiiU "VSljkoh CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACJO, Ac, Ac. TAMES D. BROWNE'S ~ J ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKB, . oth utreot next to th© Institute* Iron Raiting** Verandahs. Balconies, Chairs, ♦am Segals#. tf rating, Vault and Cellar Doors, and Ssr otherkind of Iron Work, for ornamentaf and Lotfiii the city and country. ja 24—12 m I g. Blackford, J • GENERAL FOaWARDING AND COMMISSION MKKCHANT, l'arkertbnrg, Va. N W Va, A B A 0 R R. RIFIR3 TO Samuel Ay res A Son, ) ?Stewart Walker, Hictawrf. Barksdale A Read, J Particular attsutiou paid to forwarding manufac tured TOBACCO. dfim _ WORKS. JOHN W~"bAVIB8, PRACTICAL BTOM CUTTER AND MAEOB. Main street, between Bth and 9th (to., Riohxosd, Va. Monuments of any size or design, made to order of the best Italian or American Marble. I respectfully invite the attention of thoae In want, to my stock, wnich is the largest and beat finished assortment of MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD PIE OE3 and MANTLES, to be foand in the city. 4ES»Pirst Premiums a warded by the Virginia Agri onltaral Boci«sty. and Mechanic*' Institute. M X jyjTARBLE WURKS. rogero^HLLEß, PRACTICAL MARBLK MASONS, ooßsea or 6TB \yt> main svs. We respectfully invite the attention of those in want, to our stock on hand, which consists of the largest aud best finished assortment of Monuments, Tombs, Head Pieces, Mantles, At, to be found in the city. Monu neots of any size or design, made to order, of the befit quality, Italian or American Marble. The premium ever awarded by the Hrtfinta Mechanics' Institute, on Mutble work, awarded to John T Rogers. e 25—3 m YJARBLE WORKS. JACOB VINCENT, MANUFACTURER OF ITALIAN AND AMERI CAN MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD PIECES, <tc., Of every Sty)f. or Design. The public are respectfully invited to call at my Yard, between sth and rtth streets,on Main, and ex amine my wark, which cannot be excelled by any other establishment Nor;hor South, which I will sell as low as any establishment in this city or eioewhere. mh I—3m 1869. SPRING GOOD?. 1869. r\OGGETT & AN DISK SON—Dea'ers in Paper Hangings, Matting*. Oil Cloths, Curtain Goods. Window Shades, Beds. Mattrasses, Ac, ;cor aer of Governor and Franklin streets—Have re vived a large aud well-selected stock for the Spring Trade, to which they invite the attention of buyers, intending to off>>r such inducements io purchasers that great bargains may l>e realized. We are also prepare! to execute Paper Hanging and Upholster tug in the city or country, promptly, by the best workmen- ap ♦—3m QOEP.HAVE'B HOLLAND BITTERS. D I;OKRHAVE'B HOLLAND BITTERS BOEKIiAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS BOKRUWfc'B HOLLAND BITTERS B-.KKItAVK'S HOLLAND BITTERS BOSRIIAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS BOEP.HAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS BOKIIHAVii'S HOLLAND BITTERS BoKRHAYE'S HOLLAND BITTERS The celebrated Holland remedy tor DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, 1,1 V K R COltti'LAl!**. WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVEH AND AGUE, And the various affoctforuj comsquent upon a <1)»- ordered STOMACH OR LIVEB. Such as Indigestion, Acidity ot the Stomach, Ooiieky Pains, Heartburn. Lost of Appetite, Despon dency, C«stivenosß, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved nighly benefl cial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prettared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Proteesor, Boerliave. Because of its great success in most ofthe European States, its in troduction into the U. Statts was intended more espe cially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great success among th«m, 1 now offer it to the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It Is particularly recommenced to those persona whose coiisitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms ot dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it tinds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling »ud quickening every nerve, raising up the droop ing spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and figor in the system. NOTlCE.—Whoever expects to find this a beve rage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, k will prove a grateful aromatic cor diil, possessed of properties. The great popnlaritjcf this delightful Aroma has Induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing. Be not porsuaded to buy anything else until you have given BOERUAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS a fair trial. One bottle will convince yon how Infinitely superior it is to all these imitations. Sold at Si per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the SOLE PROPRIETORS. BBBJAJMN PAGE, Jit, A CO. MA2CUrAC?CBI»9 PHARMACEUTISTS AND OHBMIBTS, PITTSBURGH, PA. 4VPold nesiiy all the Druggists In this city ie 14—dts INFIRMARY OF THE MEDICAL COL LEGE.—This Infirmary is situated at the corner of Marshal! and (Jo! lege stFeets, in an elevated and healthful position, convenient to the railroad de pots, hotels and other cent.-es of business. 11 is fur nished with every arrangement requisite for the successful treatment of diseases and Injuries, and for the comfort of the sick. All persona requiring Medical or Surgical aid, except the insane and those laboring under contagious diseases, are admitted into the institution. Lying in women are also re ceived ard carefully attended to. Private rooms furniahed when desired. The patients are under the charge of the Profes sors of the College who visit the wards daily. The charges for Board, Medical Attendance, Nursing and Medicine are tor Per week. White Patients. $6 Colored " $9 Private Rooms 7 to SIS In addition to the above rates, incases requiring • Operation, by agreement with the pro prietors «f the Bellevce Horpital, a small fee is charged for the operation, varying from $2 to £30, according to its importance. The particular fee in any case may be ascertained by application to either of the Attending Burgeons or the Resident Physi cian. All charges payable on the removal of the pa tient. Attending Burgeons—Profe. GIBBON, PETIOO LAB and WELLFORO. Attending Physicians—Profs. TCCKER, OONWAY Resident Physician—JUNlUS MIOHU. M D. Steward—V M PARRIBH. „ President—L 8 JOYMEB. M J>- . k Persons in the desiring to sendl patients to the Infirmary, may address either the President or the Resident Physician. j»6—ly A VIRGINIA REMEDY.—Mre. DAWS' •fiOOCGH KLIXIR, one of the best known reme dies for Coughs and Colds, has been in use in Rich mond and its vicinity for the past fifteen or twenty rears and has always proved efficacious in Coughs and dolds. The fellowfng certificate was voluntari ly given fcy Rev. Mr. Wilss in 1864. ' * Bowuao Oaaaif, Cabouhil March 38, l&M: Ma. O. 0. Wxitaa— Dear Sir: I lake pleasure in informing you that "Mrs Daws* Cbuch Elixir," 1 purchased of you. has acted like a charm upon m* little daughter, when she had the V\ hooping Cough very bad. I have used it also In cases of Colds, at tended with severe coughing, and in ersry case the same happy results have been produced. 1 regard this preparation Man excellent medicine,and la my judgment no tally ought to b« without! u P eaH; VaJomt ** oh * rch ' Bonth ' Tor sale by Mrs. A. B. Daws, Fisher * Winston. Millspaugh * Jehnston, J. W. Uarlick, 1. J. Plcot! A .floSeKr »nd dhas. D. Yale. o<T» CH3R KIDNEY AND BLADDER AF lor all Diseases or Complaints of the Bladder. Kid nsys. Drt^sy, Gravel. Sleets, Leucorrhcea or Whites, Crinary Complaints. Obsu-uctlens. and all Diseases Organs, whether of a constitutional origie, or from any outer cause, of long or short duration ■ It is prspareJ by a Chsmlst, containing m Msr the world. Persons who havs suffered for years and could scarcely walk, have keen cured by using on* or two battles. mono, rtiertbiirs, Norfolk, ami outf tivoi in tit date. IWOEAJfOI. nUOH§ INT rlalrioMtMM)* Wpxii. No 131 Mala itra*4, Rich fl D CCLLEN, Medical Examiner—Office MlSSllKiSii<»o<)iir*%, TOtlL 0A» ounftjgv I^OTIIOUIIOft. 0 T Wsfru, B*reUfy. • rrhe practice of Lt?s Ihbctumo*. in any country Indicates a state of society where algh moral feeling and commercial confidence exist. —Jenkin Jwnt* _ <(%.Mt»icAL Fxaminib —Da BLAIR BUHW*LL. Oftco 167 Main street. . & B MACMURDO, Agent, do 29—fim Richmond. Va. * DISBOLUTIO2VB, *u. "rvIBBOLDTION. — The co partnership heretofore existing betwoen the undersigned nnder the name ofBuVYKR « BUHUKR, is this day dissolted by Qntn4lc3uSent. Allclalnsagainst the concern will be presented for payment to HEN RY R. BOKGKR, *ho alone is authorized to collect the debts due the concern. Jfl3N A BOVYER, . a»utr R PCROKR. Richmond, May 7.h, 1859. m> !>—3t* pO-PARTNERSHIP NOT IC E —The nnderaignad have this day associated them selves together nnder the firm and style of POTTS, FARLEY A CO. for the purpose of conducting a GROCERY, COMMISSION and FORWARDING BUSINESS in the city of Richmond. They hare taken the new and spacious building, two doors above Sam'l Ayers A Bon, and nearly op posite the Columbian Hotel, on Cary street, whore they will keep constantly on band a fell and com plete Stock of all Bli£h goodi as are usually found Ih the Grocery line, including Coftee, Sugars, Mo lasses, Bacon, Liquors, Ac, Ac, Ac, to wl ich they beg to call the attention of their friondsand the trade generally. Special attention will te paid to the sale of all kinds of Produce, on which liberal advances will be made. FRANK POTTS, RICH'D G FARLEY. HJCNRY.B WILLIAMS, JAB B MARSHALL. Rlcbmop**. let. 185§. pO PARTNERSHIP.—The uudersign- ed have formed a co-partnership, under the firm and style of WILLIAMS A ELLIOTT, for the purpose of conducting a genoral HARDWARE Business in the city of Richmond. They have taken the well known Hardware house ofThos A Rust, 67 Main street, where they have opened an entirely new and complete stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Ac., And hope, by strict attention to business and mod erate prices, to merit the patronage of the public. RICHMOND L WILLIAMt*. Late with Van Lew, Taylor i Co. W V ELLIOTT, ap 13— lm Late with Smith * Hat wood. DLSttOLUTIUK Oi? CO PARTNER SHIP.—The Co-Partnership "f STEARNS A THURSTON is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. F.KANKfcIN STEARNS Will settle up the outstanding business of Stearns A Thurston. FKANKLIN bTKARNS, ap 2 —ts PHINKAB THURSTON pO-FARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—I bave thin'lay associated with me la co-partnership Wll BKKNT. of the late firm t>f Oretter A Brent.— The business will be conducted under the flrta ot I SIISAR&S&CO. K STEARNS, ap 2—l» WM bKKNT. — ' RICHMOND, January 1, 1859. •pHE UNDERSIGNED h»Te this day A- associated themselves together nnder the fit m and style of JOHNSuN * TKUEHKAttT, (or the purpose of conducting a General Grocery. (Joramis sion and Forwarding Business. They have taken the large granite front house on Cary street, for merly occupied by J*.M. Conrad, second door above Virginia street. They will always keep on hand the best assort ment of Groceries, Liquors, Ac., which they will furnish to the trade at the lowest prices. By strict attention to business they hope to receive a liberal share of patronage. B. J. JOHNSON, Late of the firm of bibreil A Johnson. BAT. TRUEIIEART. ja 4—ts Late of Danville. Va. gPARTiTACADEMY LOTTERIES. (AUTHORISED BY THE STATE OF GEORGIA.) 10 B« DRAWN AT AUGUSTA, QEORQIA TO TRE PUBLIC.—As the meiiibs-ra of onr firm have, by way of purchase, De«ome the owners of the grants chartered by the States of Dela ware, Kentucky, Missouri, and part of those in Georgia, under the management of Messrs Gregory * Maury, ot Wilmington, Delaware, wo have deem ed it expedient to chani(e the name of our Urn after January Ist. 18&9, to that of WOOD, EDDY * CO., who will have tbe management of the Sparta Academy Lottery.anl the others as above namtd. Wo have endeavoud to tiansact all onr business with integrity .and we can mnui<> the public that the patronage heretofore bestowed on us is well ii*>aerv mg of being tnunfei red 7~ f>cr snccoaaors, WOOD. EDDY A CO. Very respectfully, _ 8 A CO. MAGNIFICENT SCHEME. The following Bchem* will be Irawx by WOOD, EDDY ACO., (Successors U> S fWAJf A Co,) Man agers of tho SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTERY, ol Georgia, at Auginta,Gv,in public,as follow*: OLA&a 19 draws on ffATURDAY, May th, 18*9. CLASS 20 draws on SATURDAY, May 14th, lrtW. CLAHB 21 draws on SATURDAY. May 21st, IW*. UI'ASS 22 draws on SATURDAY, May 2Sth, 1869. TO BE DRA WN 01V Tim FLAN OF UINGLE NUMBERS FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FIVE PRIZES! 50,000 TICKETS! NKARLY OS* PRIM TO IVERT WISE TICKITS. JHAGAIIFICENT M( UE.IIU. 1 prixe of. $M>,nwi \ 1 Priae ot.. »1,.W0 1 do 20,«*J 50 ot 500 1 do 10,0*101 100 do 400 1 do 5 <**> 100 do 300 1 do 4,0001 100 do 150 1 do 3,oiK) I 100 do 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZE*. 4 prizes of 9400, approximating to $AO,OtM prize, are $I,SOb 4 prizes of 9300. approximating to $20,000 prise, are 1,200 4 prizes of 9250, approximating to 910,n00 prize, are 1,000 4 prizes of 9225, approximating to 93,000 prize, are 90C 4 prizes of 9200, approximating to 94,000 prize, are 800 4 prizes of 91S0. approximating to 93,000 prize, are 600 4 prizes of 9100, approximating to 91,500 prize, are 40G 6000 prize* of 930 are 5,4 M prize*. amounting to tsan.nne Whole Tickets, »li>; ll&lves, 15 Qaartera, $2 90; Eighths 51 25. PLAN OF TIIE LOTTERY. The bombers from 1 to 5(>,0(i0, corresponding with those numbers on the Tickets, printed on aeparate slips of paper, are encircled with am-lltin tubes, and placed in one wheel. The tirst 457 prizes, similarly prided and encir cle<l, are pieced in another whee-l The wheela are then revolved.and annmberis drawn from the wbeel of Numbers, aud at the same time a Prize is drawn from the other wheel The Number aud Prizo drawn out are opened and ex hibited to the andience, and registered bj the Com missioners, the Prize being placed against the num ber drawn. 'l'hi« operatijp is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. AfPftoxiMATiox Prizu. —The two preceding and the two succeeding Numbers to those drawing the first 7 Prizes will be entitled to the 28 Approxima tion Prizes. Forexample:—lf Ticket Number 11250 draws the fto.oOU Prize, those Tickets numbered U24«. 1124'>, 11251. 11252. will each bs entitled to $400, If Ticket No 550 draws the $2U,i«*l Piize those Ticketa numbered 548, 549, 551,552 will each be entitled tos3,t>, and so on according to the above Scbemo. The 5.000 Prizss of $30 will be determined br the last figure of the > umber th it draws the $50,0<i0 Prize. For e*amp!e; if the Number drawing the $5o t»>o Prize ends with No 1. then all the Tickets where the Number ends inl will be entitled to $20. If the number ends with No a, then all the Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $20. and soon too. Remember that every Prisa ia drawn and paiable in lull without deduction. gVTho Managers' Printed Certificates ef packa ges of 10 tickets, will be sold at the following rates, which ia the risk : Certificate of package of 10 whole ticketa. $-0 10 half - " " 10 quarter " JC M " 10 eighth " io la Ounon Tioxm ok unnrioita. ■nelose the money to oar address tor the Ticketa orUrad, onreceipt of which they wW be forwarded by first mail. Purchaserscan have Tickets ending la any figure they may designate. The List of drawn N urn t*rs and Prises will be aaat topcrcliasers immediately after the drawing. In future our Single Number Lotteries will draw every BATCRDAY the yea" Our three Number Lotteries are drawn dally. Address orders tor Tickets or Certificate* In the above fc'chemes to *WD, EDDY * 00, Augusta, Qa., Or WOOrf, EDDY * 00. Atlanta, Ga.. Or WOOD. EDDY A 00. Wilmington. Del. 49* A list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the Prize that each one Is entitled to, will be published after every drawing in the following papers—Augusta MotnU Register, Nashville Uatette. Aew York Mute ly Ihxy Book. Richmond (Pa.) Dispatch, JhMing (Mitt.) Clarion and JVetc York Herald. CD- YALE £ CO., • 13) Mam Bruit. REFRIGERATORS, FIRE AND WATER PROOF CEMENT PAINT, for Roifc, the bsst articie for the purpose In use. Lightning Rods ol the most approved kind. Pumps of all kinds. Le*4 ah 4 IronTiM, ili irftM. Portable Gas Works put up In town and country. Hotel nnd Fnmily Cooking Ranges and Stovss, nil ataas. AU kinds of Plumbing nnd Una Fitting done to order. AUO» Roofing nnd Guttering, Heating pnbilo and nH r*OTTON AND WOOLEN WaSTI— ckianlngand packing steam engines nnd In jyyiL _ A H LH».on tfcs Dm*. A®f M ' 8 UPKiaS OOMPAMY «• NlHl gatßasgggsl zgg&ggssgß Richmond ui points m««m Petersburg tad k«- y eaajtcrM:" twg," by whom they will b« prgmptlyforwardH Asto the ratesi of toil* on the RmAt wrath «f p.. t * r £ ll . r f'» t » te . h «br.r"»ntr« to >rnik),Mhi s rfeo^a!* wrxs »•» Offlc® ft * P II ft CcU March 7. IWV* / «h 9—ts KC—o—o VI HQ IN IA AND PHWEgTMNIMU BAILROAh rassenger 1 rains leat » Lynchbnrg dsily at 12 w p M. IhrouiihTiekettframLyhehbnrg to the follow ing nsmed places: Knoxvlile..... $14 2ft I Nashville >2K irt. Dalton. is 60 I Montgomery 29 tt Chatunooga *' 101 Grand Junction » «« 1 Atlanta. 21 W | Memphis v> u». HantsTille....._.v„.. 24 J6l Mew Orleans 44n9| Freight Trains leave Lyncbbirg daily (Srndarii excepted) at 130 A M. ' Freight transported through from Lyschbnrg to the following named p'acas. at the fnllowiag luily | rate* per 100 pounds. lut Claw. 2!Cl*ss. MOW Knoxville... SO 90 SO 73 «n «j Dal ton and (Jh^tA noon. 92* tt ** Nashville. 1 25 1 no m Tuncmubla......... I 38 1 09 47 Memphis. —— 154 124 1i» K O GILL. General Superintend) nr. Lyyhburg. March 4th. 1H69 rob 4—::« i THROUGH TABIFFOP &■■■ FREIGHT fromßtehnond toMem phia, and point** . I I 1 ill 7 a ? rI 2 2 /bom Richmond to ktj 3 •= ' 5 e 85 j 3I I ! « « zI g a First Class..... 121 120 1 4311 «0 175 Second Class.. 1 12 1 08 1 IK | 1 27 1 43 Third Class - 1' 0 6* 9} i 1 02 115 Special CI Mi 2 *2 *. S< 2 90 J S 15 * % The rate* West of Knoxville will uot go Into ef fect until after the completion of the Cleveland Branch Railroad, which will he about the Ut of April. shippers of throngh goods mnst send duplicate tickets, giving the marks, weights acd destination of goods. Sen Jto Cox's Line of Boats. A 8 LEE. on the Dock. N. B —Goods from Northern cities snipped through at rednced rates. A. 8. L. fe 10—ts Baa— KO li cs - 1859. TU PAS!* KMTEHSOT) rN G NORTH.-NBW AH-, RANGEMKNT-«-IMPORTANT TO TRAVKL-J LEKS-THROUUH TICKETS AND THOUdII CHECKS GREAT NORTH'SRN ROUTE —Carry ing the gi-cat United htate* Bill. day uighc excepted) between Richmond, Alt-*..,!- dri.'i, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and all Imp rtont points W»t,H via Aojuia Creek aud Washington, over the Kichmoati, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad, to the Poto mac Rivnr 7ft msli's; and by spluudid and co*nf»rta ble Steamers. thence to Washington,fifty-live miles, in all 130 milos in 7 hours; being a comfortable and perfectly safe rate of sj«jd. Hours of departure— A M, and 6 45 P M. B AGO AUK, under charge ot Special Ar«m(», KT CHECKKD THROUGH H to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New Vork Through tickets can be procured at th« following rates: To Washington, $3 50 To Pittsburg, 111 no Baltimore. 7.00 Oair'>, 32 .'A Philadelphia, 8-Vi Louisville, £■>1 *1 New York, 11.50 Dayton, 2215 Cincinnati, 22.50 Decatur, 31.75 St Louis, 32 50 Jolfersoaville, 24.75 Columbus, 20 25 Newark, 1v.25 Chicago, 28 no Rock Island, 37. rm Indianapolis, 24.00 Vincennes, 2«on Zana*Yille, UN Passengers breakfastand imp at Ashland and dsn* on board tha comfortable tttcacners between Acquis Creek asd Washington. tST For further information, apply at this office Broad street, aheckco lliil. JAS B WINSTON. Geb'i Ticket Agent Sam'i RPtn, Boperintcndast. Orric* R.,*\ A P. R. R. Co.\ Richmond. Jan 21, 1859. / j* Jl REnraG£SSB9KJ CHANGE OF BCHEDULK. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. RICHMOND and DANVILLE RAIL tiOAD. On and after Monday, March 28. 19*9, the Mai! and Pa&xnger Trains cn this road wiil run as fol lows: l.eave Richmond dally (Sundays in«l«d«d) 5.3*1 A M,for Junctioh, Pristfi. h»"t ville, b.vtoo, Chattanooga. NSshVille and Mem phis, Tttin, Atlanta, Ua, and Mantarotn* ry, Ala- And daily (except Sunday) for the Junction at "> tt P M, after the arrival ot the Northern trains - Leave Richmond daily (except Sundays) for ban ville, Va, and Ureensboro', N V, at 5.30 A M. RETURNING Leav« Junction (Bnrk's) daily (Sunday Included) at 2 .TO A M. and arrive in Richmond at '>.40 A.M- Leave Danville daily, (except Sundays) at 7 1» A M, and arrive in Richmond at 3.30 P M. •JL-Tbe ar.ovo trains connect both ipayt with th» Bt.uth-Side railroad tiains at the junction, to and from the Southwest, and with ih*» Va Centrai au<l R F A Potomac railroad trains, to and from tt.s Aorth. Through tickets sold and baggage cherk-d through to tbe above points; also, to the Virginia Springs For through tickets, and further information, ap ply at the t'eket office of the Richmond and Dan ville Railroad Company. 0 CAMPBELL, Sup't. Richmond and Danville R R Co, \ Richmond, March 23, J mh V> VIRGINIA. (EH 1 HAL RAILKOAt)' CHANGE Ol hours. SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Trains l ave Richmond twice daily, (Sunday nights excepted.) For Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Ac., viz : at 6.20 A M. and 6.15 P. M. Passengers tor CHARLomsriLU. Stachto*, Gov ixitos, Ac , take the 6 30 A !*1 srain. Fare to Washington '0 " " Baltimore 7no " " Philadelphia, - »SO " ** New York USD BAGGAGE CHECRMD THROUGH. Through Tickets sold to Plttaburg, Zane*vill«. Cincinnati, Louisville, ct Louis, Chicago, and ah ( important point* West, Passengers go thiough witfcont detention. THOd DJI'AM BAD, _apl2—ts General Superintend*-'' p RATES, FENDERB, FINE SETB OF VJ SHOVELB, TONGS and POKRRB.-I havsfor sale an elegant asaortmeßt of all kinds cf Grate*, including everv style of Fendera, Bamaier Piece# handsoiu »nd plain seta of Shovels, Tongs and Pokers. ?even different discs of coal Scuttles, cinder Shovels. Ore Shovels: handsome Stands it r Shovels and Pokers; Blower 3tands;Braati and Iron Foonraas; are Brick; fire Slabs and Jams; sets of SoapStoneicr setting up Gratea; Tavern and Church Bella, of sweei tone. Builders, honsekeep«>n, *nd others in want of any of the above articles, can be supplied at tbe lowest Northern prices. I am manufacturing ail kinds of Brass and iron Worki of the abeve de scription, at my HELL and BRASS FOUNDRY, and GRATE and FENDER MANUFACTORY, No. Z» Main street, between Sth and 9th streets, Wost si 4*. Richmond, Va. an 16—dly S. 9 DBNOOff. jVTOTICR TO TOBACCONISTS AUD MERCHANTS-Made to order. TOBACCO KEGS, of any aise. Aa I have on hand a largo stock of good material for thia I would be glad to furnish from 15,(R0 toan.UOo B<-«s this seta's. 1 have also for sale FLOUR BAHRKI-B and HALF BARRELS, auliable for flour,angar. plaster. At. R O iiARY Shop corner 6th and Gary »ta. N B —Cash paid for BARREL TIMJSRR. mh 10—3 m* rTcHMOND, Ana lit. TO THE PUBLIC.—I h«ve this constituted and appointed SAML H JkTSK mj 4 gent, by deed duly recorded in the cfliceof the Court of Hustings of the city of Richmond, to coo duct for me, and in uiy name, a Gener*l Coma"*' slou au 1 Forwarding Business. ap 3>~i m a FRAN'S A JETKR In conformity with the foregoing, I will conduct, at my old stand, on Gary atreet, t*° doors fc dow the Colombian Hotel, a General Coo mission and Forwarding BuMuees. 1 shallgivsni nudlvi fed and persnnalattenticn to the sale of eve r/ kind ef country produce. such as Wheat. Cora- Flour, Tobacco, Ac and by strict attention to sines*, 1 hope to receive a liberal share of put!" patronage. SAM'L H JBTw. ap 20—ltn* Agent for Frans A J»t*r _ JL CAHHIAGEB.CA&RIAGW IbE=s9& The subscriber has en hand, at his Conch Making establishment, on Lombard Alley, between Main and Gary, (13th and 14th streels near the Columbian Hotel. COACHES, OHARIv VEEB, BAROUCHE*. BU(jUl«8 with and wtihool tops, and SULKIES—nit of his own make, of ih* best materials and workmanship-*ll of which * he sold as low as good work of the kind can t» <■> the city of Richmond, and I respectfully ask a cait from those In want of any article in the CarruU" line, as I am determined to make to order a* l "* sell at the l*«re«t prices possible; and all work <*>»• that is new, warranted „ mh 7—»m MICAJAH MANGU*;^ IJOHN B. DOHBRTY ESTABLISHMENT. on 13th. between and Cary streets, where he warrants*S geoditg, meats, and at aa rsaaonable prices as earn anywhere. AH he asks is a trial. mk IV-*»_ DATBMT TOKB SHIRTS BUkVhirte Merino Wool Shirts and. Drawers Hosiery of all kinds and prices Linen ani Jeans Drawers ittHM&dtri aud ColUn* f • ft feUA, * ot. POTTS, rARLKY k 00, »~u ttjojtajA. asar»f ««• sM® advances"" ad*';* rooalmsseti^. Y Nor** jn 1 JAB B MABAAALL, Late of Peter»h* w '