1 H K I>l SP AT clot , (ho counter of copte# m *? } ■ jvrsons leaving town rmdy for h#ve lIIMU pent to their M-JV »' 'o-moTow «»d leaving their address. Th# f> r aaeo*Hniita» Alliance. H,e most startl ing event conneated with the prctont agitating crisis in Europe, is the ftllUuce, Xtffenstve and defensive, of France and Russia. It, at once, changes the entire *s[>eot *f affairs—places tho formidable power of the great Eastern despotism upon tlte flank and rear of Germany —neutral- ises the assistance its several States way be disposed to offer to Austria—and leaves that power to battle it out in the best mariner ii can, with the forces of Imperial France. As regards the number of combatants who are to engage in the conflict, the parties are now more nearlj equal than it was suppposed they would be before the arrival of the Anglo Sa*ou. If it be true, as the telegraph says it is, that the French had already been )>ouriug into Piedmont, before the Austrians had crosifed the Ticino, the latter will cer tainly meet with a desperate resistance upon the very threehhold. Oa the Sardi nian side of the river, with anything like an equality of force, we entertain but little doubt that the allies will b mBXf SilS" J "• IlMvr Fa»cc on a Riilmad Co*p*i»t.—A Tom*t .Wprit —V p«para tbe particulars of ft fraud by Jam#* N. Dubola, • young clerk 19 yeara old, on tbe llamiltou and l)»ytoo lUtlroftit Company, tn Wboaa office he wm •mployed. lie presented ft check for J7OOO, bav» tag tbe genatne nlgnatnre of tbe Proaldent of tbo Company, at ft bank ftndrecelved tbe money, with which he departed. The (Halite «ay» : The manner In which the check wss procured, (the signature of the President being gmuinr,) wee is f >llo»s: Mr L'lbirameUieo wae In the habit of siguing • few checka In blank In the usual book, for use by the Secretary aa tliey should be wanted. Oa Saturday he left two pages, or tlx checks, thus signed, and the book was deposited In the usual place. The Company bad recently had printed a new book of checks, which had not boen usedjand from the back of this book Dubois had cut three pages or nine checks, npou which he bad doubtless been experimenting upon the signatures. W'j?" he had succeeded in copying tße signature of the President with satisfactory accuracy,and oppor. -unity offered, as it did on Saturday, » ft « 'be Secretary bad left the office, be cut from tbe j«- cond page of blank checks the car.fnlly pasted in its plsce the cbcck which e had already prepared bimsel., h*d attached tbe aame of Mr. L Hommedlen. This process gave him tbtgmuive signature of the President. As every check was printed across the fare "None good unless countersigned by the Secretary," it was necessary to f>rge the signature of Mr K 11. Short, which was done, though not in a manuer to escape detection, had it been subject ed to scrutiny. _ . Thecheck was preaeutcd on Satnrday afternoon and paid, and tho forgery was uot discovered un til Tuesday afternoon, tbe book not having been used in the mean tithe, when the pass book was taksa to the Lafayette Bank to be balanced. Lp on making inquiries. It was ascertained that young Dubois had not been at the offlce since Sat urday, nor at his usual boarding place, and the forgery was at once traced to him. Fnrtber in vestigation developed the fact that he had not ouly perpetrated the crime we fcave described, which he must have had in contemplation for some time, but that in bis subsequent flight from the city, he bad taken with him a young lady about eighteen years of age, the sister of the wife of a very respectable citizen, to whose grief we will not add auother pang by giving publicity to her name. The guilty partner in tho flight of the young forger, is said to be handsome and well educated, and until this affair, had borne an irreproachable character. She had been a resideut of the city about six months, having came from New York city to reside with her brother-in-law. As soon as the fact became known that they had left tbe city the telegraph was brought into requisition in every direction, in hopes to intercept them bo fjre they got out of tbe country. Young Dubois is only about nineteen years of age, and had been in the rmploy of the Kailroad Company for the past eighteen months, during which time,his conduc', so far as the officers had any knowledge, had been above suspicion. lie was prompt in his attention to business, and bad the entire confidence of his employers. lie was oue of the youngvst clerks In the offlce, and was generally employed in assorting and couuting the caucelled tickets. llis habits and associations wore supposed to be Rood, although sinc« his flight It ha* been ascertained that his morals, when not under tbe eye cf his friends, were not of the strictest. In addition to his usual apparent correct deportment, ho was a regular at tendant atChristey Chapel, and was the Librarian in the Sunday School. His punctuality,ln attend ing the school had beeu so marked, that bis ab sence on Sunday iast excited much inquiry, but no suspicion was entertained that it was voluntary, or tbe result of crime. Shonld the money not be re. covered, the loss, will, we presume, fall entirely upon the Dank. A GnosTtr Procession. —Tbe Sons of Malta in Louisville, turned ont in procession at midnight last week. Tbe Journal says: "Long flloa ot brethren clad iu gowns and cowls; banners of tbe order; the appropriate symbols of the Maltese Cross; knights in aruior; heralds la tabards with peunoned trumpets; patriarchs ciad i»i religious Testments; the Grand Council of Ten; and the glare of numerous torches made tbe sceno very impressive, while a fall band played the midnight march of the order, which bad been to Malta what the Marsellaise is to France. Tbe lateness of tbe hour prevents a full description of this mystic array of cowls and helmets, but it was Very imposing, and attracted crowds of spectators at every available point." The Patient and Long Suffering Mxn —A husband's idea of "an attempt to ptovoke a breach of the peace," was recently explained in a Cincinnati police court, by tbe statemeut that his jealous wife struck bitu three times on the bead with a stool, knocked him down twice, and threw a panful of dirty water in his face; wbeu be eu« deavored to explain, she bit him with a skillet, aQd damaged bis countenance very severely. Woman as a Farmeb.—We learn from a South» ern paper that tbe incst extensive plantation in Louisiana is managed by a woman—Mrs. A. E. Flint. During tbe last year she raisod 1,800 hoss bwads of molasses, aud 400 bales of cotton, —tbe largest crop produced on any plantation in that State. If the women can beat us In farming,what can't they d j, when there is a will. A Domestic Woman.—The Vevay (Ind ) News gives au accouut of a lady who visited that town for tbo first time oo Thursday last, though she has baen living witbiu four tulles of it 45 years; nor has she ever visited any other town, city or vil lage. Mr. Sickles is reported as staying very (jnietly at the residence ol his friend, Capt. Wiley, in Washington. The frost has cnt cff the champagne crop of this year in France to ouo-eighth. ft is not pro bable, however, that that quantity of so called cbampaguo will diminish. *JUDißijuble Residinci for Sals.—We invite attention to the announcement that the residence of Mr P K White, on Church 11 i 11. is to be sold at anc tiori.on the 17th init, uuder a deed of trnet. The bouse was builtentirely by Mr White, for his own neo. in the very beit manner, without any regurd to expense, and cost nearly $20,000, without the lot. He has put several additions to it since ■ The same style of dwelling could not bj bailt at this time for any less sum. With a small outlay upon the yard, the place can be made even more attractive and beautiful than it now is; the location being among the most desirable in the city. The house is sur rounded by horse chestnut trots, which take years to grow to any eizs. Citizens of Richmond, or oth ers, in want of c. good home, should attend the sale, and bid liberally, as such places are seldom offered for sale. my 11—6t Iff Ribs A Go 's Etiah Galljit, 13V Main St.— Portraits, 25 cents to 925 The largest and best sr. ranged Photographic Gallery in the State. Facili ties for taking 400 portraits daily. Kg" Rich A Co.'s new Ptyle of pictures are pro nounced by critics and others to be the best of any taken in the city. Th ey are beautifully colortd, clear in chemical tfleet, and natural in position.— Beware of bunglers and old fogieß in the art. BI3HMOND THEATHK. Another New Piece) Another New Piece/ To-Night /Mrs W C GLAD3TANE as \Mr 3 W C GLADiTANK Agnes de Vere,\ Agnes de Vt>re,/ in the beautiful play of f A WIFE'B REVENGE with \A WIFE'S REVENGE. OUR EASTERN SHORE COUSIN. OUR EASTERN SHORE COUSIN. L'.cal l-'c9nes, Wit, Hamor, bongs, Duetts. Everybody Is delighted with it. «-OHEAP CARD PRINTING.—The DISPATCH JOB OFFICE being now supplied with TWO OF RUGGLES' FABT CARD PRINTING PRESSES, is prepared to furnish thisdescription of work cheaper, and with greater rapidity, than auy other establish ment in this city. The largest stock of CARDB in the city can be found at this office. n. Diad Bhot roa Bid Bcu.—This is not one of the Mineral Washoe heretofore used to destroy Bed Bugs, butaomething as much batter aa tbe railroad car than the old stage wagon. Being a vegetable extract, it does not evaporate rapidly aad waste, but retains its destructive qualities for a long time, presenting a bed of instant death te those noxious tormentors of our nightly rest. Sold by All the Druggists. ep 20—WA84w* 19L WATKINS * fICKLENf. MORE NIW GOODS. OUR ENTIRELY NEW ahd ELEGANT STOCK of fine Fancy atd Faperior dtaple Drt Goods, is bring regularly replenished by all the newest and handsomest goods brought into the country. Rich Coloebd and Black Doublb Jura abd Volas* Bus Kobbs, very cheap. Dress Bilks, Robe and »laln drees Bareges, Poplins and Poplinette. Spring Dress Goods, Men and Boy's wear. Elegant Lace* and Embroideries Kiw Btils Mantillis, Shawls *c., a riirs Stock. House Furnishing Goods, LINBKS AND SHIBIINOS. Osxabvos. Plaid and Colored. Every article pertaining to tbe DRY GOOD BUSINESS, KIW ABD VJCBI LOW. WATKINS * FICKLEN. my 6—ta ltt). Main stbskt. PLACK LACE M\N TL E 8 AND " POINTS.—CHMIA GWATKIM 1* opening this morning some really choice Laee Mantles and Black .-il ' •°? ne verv high c .at. but ranch lower Price*. Bayer* are reapectfnllr invi ted to call and aee them, a* they will be for sal* thisraorn ng. Cats I GWATKIN, my il—it Opposite Exchange Baa*. TVVIDIND NOTICE—JtXCU ANUK ~ HOTiL —The Bowd of Director* of the Kx ciutOMe Hotel OoiiMur htn declared a dividend of three per real oa the cepital stock of Mid Ooutpan?. MjalMe oe deouutd at the otßoeof Henrr O Oennor. H'HK4C« li KMKT, President. H«Wt Q OUHMH, fcc*7. ax u—4l Till FaIR /T THII inrmmi —Ii JT * r .sr ♦h« M«cH, n »c*' Institute, b»l arra SlwrtTT arc forth the admirstlou of all. Art »«> I oin*rr well repn-onted; Picturesof Mllet.t<*■«! # eusr**rn*«, colored and plain, be aim iteain- St RHaabeth; and the bunilng or the ill-frted »U*m or Anstrla, from descriptions giveri of it by ao T witness, attract the general »«en«on. Flo*i Wiver and plated want c M t • siWery jheen over the Hail, and the ingenlcns and delicate bndtwork olf the la dies, such as embroi'lfredpianoand tjhweo r, *r., elicit the pr alse or all. Add to these, whlchpieM* the ere. the refreshment themaelTe* to the palate. .Jl lon n*er m vltlng department to attract the mere Kjanaer. m well as the friend of piety and gent ladies who attend the tables, spare no exer tions to render their enterprise ■nccessfnl. fne scene Is enlivened by the line mnsic of ths Arm rjr IHnd. The fair Is creditable to the reputation or the city. Who has (tone, will go-who go. fray 11—ItJ VISITOR. A Miitiro tr th» Dbmoofatio Cm* of Sidner and Oregon Hill, will be held this (WKDNBSUAY) evening, at Mr Patter- Non'p, on Orecrcn Ilill. Cna«taia WhH« and R A Mayo, K/qm., ar© expected to addroM the meeting. The Opposition csnlwates for th« penate and Hou»e of Delegatee, are invited to prey»nt, as e^e rr srranßemen* will be made for a fair ditcuwion. By order of the Chairman of the K*—ts »—Davidson's Exhibition of wondkrfol pknmansiiip AND PICrURES The most wonderfnl specimensof Penmanship and Pictures the world ever saw. are now to be seen at the Capitol, opposite the office o{ the Secretary of State. Honrs from 4to P. M. Admittance 2S cents. my 3—lm* Annual Mbbtinq.—The next Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Rail road Compauy. will be held in the depot of the com pauy, in the city of Richmond,on WBDNKBDaY, the Ist of June next, at 12 o'clock, M. , Ny 3 0 W MACMDRDO.Tr. I FAMILY JOURNAL. 1 A GREAT NUMBER. ('ontentn for tho we(k ending .«lay 14: I PAULINE. OR THE SECRETS OF THE CHATEAU; a thrilling Komauce; by Alexander Dumas; translated especially for this Journal, and beautifully illmtratod—commences in this number. N B Tim exciting and startling romance is fully equal to "MonteChriito." or tho "Memoirsof a i hy sician."by thesameanthcr. 11. MY FIRST CASE; a Leaf from a Counsellor's Note Book: t>y John « Williams; an interonting story tt" Circumstantial Evidence. 11l EDITORIALS; I. Can the Sonth support a Literary paper? 2. Thu Harper's Ferry Armory. 3. War in Knrrp«. IV. EDITOR S TAME V OCR < HESS < 'OLI MX VI REVIEWS OF NEW BOOKS VII yE W YORK CORRESPONDED CE. VIII LITERARY IX TEL LI OEyCE. lA' WJT AND HUMOR X GEORGE STERLING. OR A II C.S HAND'S VESGEAXCE; an intensely interesting Morj; by Percey oamttt, Esq.; written expressly tor the Fa mily Journal. -IV. DIED FOR LOVE; a pathetic sketch; trans late I from the French of Chas Nodier, for the Family Jwurnal; bv Delta Jill A STORM AT SEA .VIII. "A Message from tho Dead;" a tbrilliug story; wri'ten especially for the Family Journal; by l'ercv Garne't, *>q. ,171' LADIES' PORTFOLIO, filled with charm ing letters fr«m tt>« Fair Sex AV. ANSWERS TO COR I. ESPONDEXCE. A'VI ORIGINAL POETRY .Till QUILLS AND SCISSORS, Odds and Ends, Ac , Ac 0W N#w is the time to subscribe to a Family, Southern Literary paper. The Proprietors respect fully solicit compai ison with the papers published North of Mason and Dixon's Line. They feel aksured the universal verdictwill be, that The Faxilt Jour nal is equal to any of tkem. Subscription $2 PO per annum. Two copies 3 00 " To be liaa in Richmond at I, L Smith's, Main St., W II .laivis, Broad street, J W Evans, Pearl street, and of a'l periodical dealers. WILLIAMS A MOORE, 114 West Baltimore street, my 11 —St* Biltimore, Md. TNDISPENBA B L E S.—Receiving per New York stealers s'me choice Goshen and Orange County tuttcr No 1 English Hairy Cheese Prime New and guear Cured Hams Fresh Pickles, by the gallon or jar Tom tto and Walnut Catsup Fresh Pine Apples and Peaches, in cans Cauliflower aad M'xed Pickle. *c With a complete assortment of Family Groceries, Wines and Liquors, which I am selling at rrli.es that cannot fail to please the most economical. J P KAVKNAUH. my II No 172 Broad street, below 6th. TEAS—xtecti?ing to-day, 25 * boxes choice Family Bre»kfa»t Teas, embracing thefiilowing grades. 4c: Young Hyson. 62 to 87 cfs per lb Fine Imperial. 7.1 c's to $1 FineGnopowder. tS2ots to $1.25 J P KAVENAGH, Family Grccor. and Dealer in Teas, Wines. Liquors and Segars, my 11 172 Broad street, below 6th _ JT— w CHANGE OF HOUR OF £g&338ml STARTING —The at«amer GLKN (VA a, uapi Z C Qiffort). win ou and after the 16th fmtant. leave tte Wharf at Bccketta, tvery MONDAY, WKDNE3DAY ao.i FHIBaY Morniuga, at 5 o'clock, (precisely,) for Portsmouth and Nor folk, and return each alternate days, except SUN DAY, leaving Norfolk at tbe same hour, 5 o'clock, A. M. my 11 K 0 HASKINS. STRAYED from the Subscri ber, on Tueadav 3d of May. two COWS, »■ *i? i ifBL f| i " a large red Cow, with a large white spot lu iicritorehead, about i or 9 yearsold, tneother a brindle, 5 or ail years old; they both have horna and are mar ki d in the ears, though the mark* are not recollscted. A liberal reward will be paid for their delivery to rue, or any information so that 1 can get them. They both give mil*. JACOH WOODSON, Upper end of Broad street, my 11—3'.* Opposite Brooke Avenue. $5 REWARD.—Strayed from yP*H| my residence, on Nicholson street, ■■rl —ntm p "" lr °"* on Tuesday, the 2A!h Apii;, a W Hli'ii hcIFFAIO COW, with black ears cropped, and a slit is both ears She had a brass bell around her neck when Bhe left. A reward off." will be paid for her return to JOHN McDOWELL, my 11—St* Nicholson street, Kocketts. FOR LYNCH Bl) RG—TO IaHUHBIBAVE THURSDAY.—CanaI Boat JAVIKH J IKbY will leave a? above. For freight, apply to WM P COX, at the Shed, my 10 —2t Dock street. !,// SPECIAL MEETING. — RICH rvjl MOND FAYETTE ARTILLERY will at teafl ft meeting at your Drill Koom, on SUM WEDNESDAY evening, May 11th, at 8 o'clock, in full uniform, with side arm*. By order of CoINIMMO, my 11—It* O.tnaianding. ■ FOR RENT—The Tenement on Broad street, between 23d and 2ith streets, now in tho occupancy of Mrj Capt John Davis. Pos session given 15th July. my 11—law3w WM OATLIN. POUND—GoId Band, on the 229 th April, F at Mechanics' Hall, with initials. Tbe owner cauget it by calling at JOHNSON * HARWOOO'B my U—lt Store. Mo 77 Main street. PUBLISHED THIS DAY? I GEO M WEST, 145 Main street, Pnbllshos this day, a new and complete Rusineas Directory of the City of Richmond—price 92 my 11—It __ 1TAY.—1634 bales of Northern HAY, A carK o of schooners Olaremount and Daniel C Higgins. For sale—to arrive—by my 11—at MARK DOWNEY. HPHE COURSE OF TRUE LOVE -i- NEVER DID BUN SMOOTH; by Thomas Bai ley Aldrich Also, the following Books: FROM Wall street to Cashmere. A journal of Ave years in Asia. Africa and Europe; comprising visits daring iwi, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. to theDanernora Iron Mines, the "Seven Churches," Plains of Trov, Palmyra. Jerusalem, Seringapatam and Bnrat. By John B Ireland. 1 vol, Bvo, lanilin, elegantly illustrated; S4. ERIC; or.Little by little. A tale of Roelyn School. By laward W Farrar; 1 00. NAPOLEONIC Ideas. By the Prince Napohon Lou is Bonaparte; 90 cts. THE Wife and the Ward: or, A I-ife's Error. By Lieut Col Money, author of "Twelve months with the Ha"hi BaxouM;" 1 25. THE R»tlad of Babie Bell. By Thomas Ballsy Al drich; Tie , HIGH Life in New York. By Jonathan Blick. Esq 2 vols, 12mo; paper, '. 00. THE Jealous Husband. A story of the heart. By Mrs Annette Marie Millard, author of "The Compulsory Marriage," Ac; 1 25. HOLLYWOOD Hall. A tale of 1716. By James Grant, author of "The Romance of the War," Ac. I vol, 12mo, illustrated; 125 Forsaleat MORBIS' Bookstore, my ll—2t 97 Main street. A A MEXICAN QUANO. for sale br my 11 K H RKINKRR A 00. HOBENOALK CEMENT, in fine order, ■tV lor aale by my » ■ H 8&1N&ER A 00. T IME, in good ordor. for Mle by my U K H SKINKBR A CO. VTAVABBA GUANO, for sale by ' *•" my 11 B H PK INKER t CO. OLOWiSR POTf—FLO WEB POlS— r FLOWCK POTd—* large aMortueut. it all «?ia«, o'oQr w»q m*nnr*ctur*. climo' at KKB£RB A PARR'S P.ttiry, ®1 '1 Corner of 12 th and Carj «U. ICARRISD. At Bell grade. Pittsrlranja efontr.■ JJ» May 3d. 1859. by Re* O O Chaplin. Mr WM U rUJ YKAR. formerly of RlchmondjW JH* youn(Wt daughter of the late «M »thanlel Wll •on. Om the Mh Instant, by Elder John M. Bntier, *r. JAMBS DICKINSON, to Mlm MART A DICKIR BUN.aII of this city. % DIJBD, On Tue«d*». 10th of May, WALTiR FLOYD. son of Benjamin I. and Rllen H Cocke—aged 2 *«**■• The friends and acquaintances of the family are requested to attend hi* fnneral, from hi; fatbert residence, corner of * and 2>th streeta, to-day (May 11) at 4 o'cloek, P. M. PORT Of KIOHMOW D—MAY 10. 1M». High Water Oiit day ( Wedwviay) 12 o'elect. ARRIVED. , . Shin Trenton. Csiit Thompson, from Liverpool, 231 Marc™ withsaltto E Worth am A 00.. and Iron, to order. BAITiKD. „ , , Steamship Jamestown. P»rrish, N«w \ork, mdse "isasasw^AS^-«--^ Steamer City of Richmond, Mitchell, Phiiadel phla, mdse and passengers, H K Tnttle (Br) scbr Midway Bsile, Morlne, Halifax, fljur, Womble A Claibone. ... u. Pchr Allan Downing, Rice, down the river, light. Bcbr M 8 Patridge. Galagao, do do do Bcbr Circassian. Hatch, do do do Bchr Job Francis, Hicks, do do do ~~' wAO^a WANtleD—Every lady to know that » * Mm KING'S Laundry for Fine White Goods, is now in operation Lace Curtains; Lacee; Kmbroid erieti; Banques; Collars; Sleeves; Infants' ;Kobti; Waists; Baby Linen. Ac, Ac. No common washing done here. Laundry on 4ih street.'.Navy Hill. Orders can also be left at Mr King's, "Premium Sciurer," Ac , on 10;h street, between Main and Gary. my 11—lm TX7ANTED.—A good Cook, for a coun * * try Hotel, to whom liberal wages will be paid. Apply to MITCHKLL * KitROOSON, my ll— 5t No. 16 Pearl street. IJI7ANTED-—K WHITE WOMAN, to * » Cook, Wash and Iron for n small family. A Geimtn woman preferred. Apply at CRAWFORD'S SALOON, On 10th, between my 11—2t Main and Cary streets. IX7ANTED—A Kurse, white or * * black. None need apply unless well recom mended. Apply at this office. my ll—3t IX/"ANTED —By a young man who can ** farnish satisfactory recommendations, a Sit uation in some mercantile house in this city. He has been acting as salesman and clerk in % dry goods store and grocery for soma time past, which employment he prefers, but will be glau to get in a tobacco factory, or in other employment. Address BP J, through the Richmond Postoffice. my 10 —51* 117" AN TED—A colorcd Man, capable of * * attending to a vegetable and fljwtr garden.— Apply to F SfKARNS, my Ift—6t* IMb street. \XTANTED.—A situation by a respecta * * l»I-> YOONG MAN, lu a retail Grocery, Hat,or Shoe store; beat of reference given. Address Boyd, through the Post Offlco. my 10—2t* ANTED, TWO HUNDRED NE GROES —I want tohire two hundred negroes, to cut pine wood, for the Clareraout Bailroafi in Surry County, Virginia, which a liberal price will be paid,or will contract with a responsible party to cut tweuty thousand (20,000) cords per annum. For particulars,please address to SELDBN ft MILLKR, of Richmond, Va, or to A A BEDELL, Cabin Point, tjurry co. Va, in care of William Allen, Esq. my 10-ft , WANTED—IMMEDIATELY—IS cr »» ?o GOOD HAND*, to clean Bricks. For such, good wages will be paid. Anply to SIMMS A PLUMMER, on Main, my 10—2t* Between 7th f.nd Bth stg. "117" AN TED—At the Carbon Hill Mines, ** a first rate CARPENTER, for the balance of tho year, and one for a few months; also, a plain Carpenter for a city job. _ . ap 19—eodts JNO J WERTH, Agent. VyANTED —A workman who under- * stands the Cabinet bnsinass, fjr general par p jees, in a ware room. Apply to 1 K GATHRIGHT, my 10-3t Governor street. VVTANTtD.—The subscriber wishes to * * purchase, if there are any in market, a small HOUSE LOT on any of the principal streets, between 7ih and Bth, from $14W to 1500. If any person has srch a one to sell, they can find a pur chaser by calling at this office If it suits tho par tit s. I will buy a small piece of ground, if I cannot get the house. ' my 10—3t* WANTE D.—Exchange on London wanted by my 9-u KENT, PAINE ACQ. WANTED, TO HlKE—Colored hands ** to work on Materia! Train, on this Road, by month or balance of the year. WM N BRAGG, Sup't. Office R. FA PR RCo.. 1 Richmond, 26th April, 18'9. / ap ,?6—ts WANTED—IO,OOO SILLS, 8 feet long, * * 9 inches diameter at small end, to b* smooth ly hewed on both sides to a thickness of flinches: White or Post OAK, clear cf all defects cilcnlatcd to Impair strength. To be delivered on the line of the Road, between Richmond and Fredericksburg, ror further inforoiaticn apply at the office. WM N BRAGG, Supt. Office R. F A P R R Co, 1 Richmond, April 28, I£69.jap 23— ts WANTED—2S LABORERS, uo work * * on tho Fayetteville and Coaifield Railroad, in North Carolina. Apply to ap S—2m* H. MAUNDERS, On the Work. W" ANTED.—2OO hands to work on tht " * Va. A Kentucky R. R. Also some good Stont Cutters. Address WM. 8. SMITH, so 25—6 m »Jontractor Va A Kv R R. Abingdon. V» WANTED—LAND SCRIP AND WAR * * BAN TS.—The highest market price paid for UND SCRIP and LAND WARRATS. by GEO BAGBY, ap 18—lm 11th st, opposite Goddin's Hall. V^ANTED —Two Girls, acquainted with '* pntting up preparations. Apply at No. 7S Broad st. ap 1 UOUNTY LAND WARRANTS WANT tJ ED—I wish to pnrchase, immeliately, FIFTY Land Warrants, as follows, viz: twenty-five of "80 acres," fifteen "160'5," and ten "ISO's," for which I will pay the highest market price in cash. JAB T. SOTTON, JR., Pension Agent And Notary Public, Corner of Main and 12th sts , Richmond, ap 25—ts BEST BARGAINS The Beat Bargains The Best Bargains In Dry Goods In Dry Goods In Dry Goods At JACOB A LKVS'B At JAOOB A LEV i '8 At JACOB A LEVY'S IS Main street 15 Main street my II IS Main street f ARD—The subscriber has removed Paint BhOp to sth street, near Broad, and nearly opposite 8f James' Church, where he will be glad to see hiafriends who have House, Sign, or Painting of any.detcription to demand will guar antee satisfaction in price and workmanship — Orders addressed through Post C£B:e. box .'>67, will receivo attention. my ll—lt* E W ALLEN. QODA WATER.—Icy cold, sparkling 8od« water, flavored with the choicest syrups made lrom freth, ripe fruits. All who desire a' really good glass oteoda water, can And it at W. PETERSON'S. Buccessor to Alex. Duval, m T " liJ Main street. POLLOCK'S REMEDY FOR DYSPEP- A BIA AND CHRONIC THRASH.—Thia Remedy has stood the test of years, and ia esteemed an in valuable medicine for the certain and spe»drcare of the above distressing diseases Prepared und sold by W. PETERSON my H Druggist, 155 Main street SILVER SPOONS; BILVER FoßKsl tr .*" T * r ., I ' aiI £!': Wiver Sugar Spoons; Silver Fish Knives; Silver Pickle Knives and Forkf; Silver But ter Knives, some of them of new patterns, very massive; Silver Pie Knives; Silver Cheese Fcoop* L Tnr t,,. re ' erT ® POODf; Sliver Berry Spoons, and other Silver Goods. A beautiful assortment now ready, for ralo by 0. 0 EN NET ' my II Eagle Square. DHECMATIBM AND GOUT.—"Rev nold's Specific," tbe celebrated English reme dy,for these diseases. Is an almost infallible core — A fresh lot of the geniMtteKnelith article for sale by LAIDLKY * ROBINSON Apothecaries and Chemists, my H 4th and Franklin street*. (GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS.—wi v*are in receipt of »ome tery flop brand, of reil table H.v.na uigar.. which to three who wUh a really delicicn. article at treasonable price cannoi fail to give tatiifictioc. LaIULKY * BOBXNSOM, Chemiat-; my" Uh Mid franklin tta. DUBE KEBOBINE OB COAL OIL^I We are now prepared to .upply a perfectly nun and reliable article of Coal W which do£ S* ■moke. ucolarleH and has very little imell LAIDLBY * HoßlSßoN._ohemi.ta. T ^ r ®* Cr ' Pti<>nan,lcOßlllr ' buaineM. A J*""* 00 deairing to engac* in SfSsssKsr PNOLISB ftOKLßS—Croaa a BlMk: W . S QCUI ? b^t ttooHHk Oauliflower, B?ack Walnut. French Bean., Whit# Onion*. Caper., French and Bpani.ii Olive, ja.t received fre»h, for LbIJIB J BOMIkUX. No 80 Main atr**. Fd I half chests fresh GDNPOW *JXJ BBR TK4B, landing and for Ml* br »y» uoi bay bn port. jpEABL STARCH. OOM ARABIC, ~ Safety Fu»e. Port Wine, to bond, Beaton and - gFIOIAL ttOTIPW ML Griat Exoitbmibt — Bt Tms h*aTJT-WATBO!*,77 Mala rtrest. WhlUbur*t'*old Gallery, hu .by the *nn^. Views taken to Knaland, Franc®. It«ljr,M»d w« Holy Land. oflaodscspe*,Gronp*aud Statuary — beat stylo of PHWHIKAPHI token by WATAON for 11. Likewise Ambrotyps* for 3»c. Photograph*. life •!*». colors. In oil,or pattol. and crped from old Dafinarreotypea and enlarged, ap 27—If Pbbmicm Bittbm bsve created finite a sensation with our citizen*, aa we aea and hear daily of person* that have used them and recommendlrg them to other*,** If only medicine In the world. We would calthe at tention of merchant* «r Vrfcf w niTr bhh L to be mindfal of BAKER 8 PREMIUM BITTERS m yon will ne*er lose t cn*tomor after tbay ba»e once tried them. It baa performed m or* re ms r {• c ***; than anr medicine ever di«eo*ered. It can be nwl by all *exea with perfoet safoty. Being portly veg etable. It stand* onriTaled for tbe core of Dyspep ala. Cold* Congh*,Chollc.Nervous Affectlona. Gen eral Debility, Ague atd Fever, and Nervoos Head ache. aa thousands of certificate# hare already b»«n furnished tbe proprietor of thla taluable medii loe for the abeve complaint* You can be aopwlled br all th« principal Druggists In the cltr of Kichmond, and elsewhere in VirgTnU and Wortn Carolina. Ppmial Notiob —The Attention of Printers is respectfully requested to the sale of the Printing Office and Stock of over ISO varieties Of Type, for p'aln. fancy and ornamental printing, to gether with 1 excellent Rngglea late Patent Ma chine Job Press, 1 of Hoe's Card Presses, and other*, all in good order, to take place ib Lisle'sßnildin*. corner Main and 14th streets, this day. at 10 o'clock, my u E B COOK, Auctioneer. Notice. —Cbas T. Wot- Tntx * Co call theatteutien of dealers to their sale of Newt-rlesns Sugars, at their warehouse, on the Dock, THI3 DAY,at II o'clock, AM. my 11—It 19" Four Yiabs' Expibiihci with Hath R*storativis — The following letter from a gentleman long and favorably known In Boston and vicinity, who has bad mo»tfavorable opportunities of knowing of what he writes, will we are sure satis fy the most credulous: Waltham. Mass.. Jannary 20.1R59. MxssßS W B Ba«as * Co : r.Vn/j-1 have Been gelling HBIMSTREET'S "Inimitable Hair Hwt» p\tive" for three or four rears, vith g<'»l tvfufae tu,n and tuccess I have tried varicus other articles in the market, (Page's. Pockard s. Averv s.Wood s, #c .) bnt yours has the dfcidfd prtftrrnct ami ne I haveneiw hesitated to recommend it for all it claims to do. Several ladies of our town who had been waring fahf. hair for srvfral wan have laid it aside and now have a full ami luxuriant head of hair of nriginal shai/t and color, produced by using two or three bottles of your artie'e; and when t>y sonic means they induced to try »>nio thioff else, palwed npon them a« beinß superior, they hare almost invoribly returned to the nsoof your nair Coloringagiin. aa the only mrnforvmt and reliable article in use-finding itis ntml'tt> artt rfy, aa aheap as any of the Hair Oils or Washes with which the market is fl'joded ■ *» ""»• W '""'iTn >»UON>. Remember, that, these nvparaltrUri results were produced by HEfMPTRKEfS Inimitable, the ori ginal and only reliable article in nae. Sold everywhere—Price sflc a bottle. W E HAGAN k CO , Proprietors. Troy. New York. B&.FISMR k WINSTOS, Agents, Richmond. my 10 —12t* faf M. 8. MEADOR may be found at the American Hotel. He has some of those SU PERB KAF.'tRS, made by Bagshaw. of Liverpml imported by himself, which have given the highest satisfaction. He has also a small lot or >uper:or POCKET KNIVES and SCISSORS, from tbe p«m excellent my 10— 2.* with Snowu BATH —Gentleliien. If you wish to get y ur hsads Shartjpooued Writh thel shower bath, I wrnld aUvise you to call at the Ilalr Cutting. Shaving Shampooningand Bathing Saloon under the Ame rican Hotel. Entrance on lHh street. Single bath 25 cents, or five tickets for $1. my 10 Sfßf VISITOaS TO THB BAPTIST COSVEN tion AXD STBASOBR3 ix tre Citt, are reapectfullv invited to call at the Photograph and Fine Art Gal lery of G W MINNIS, No IS<7 Main street, opposite the Cuctom House, and exani'ue the beautiful spe cimens on exhibition in every branch of Photogra phy—where the &rt can be seen in its utmost perfec tion. my 9 CnKArxsT Goods ever sold in this city A great chance is now tfifered to all in want of bargains—2l yards Trimming Fringe for 37)«; 11 springs Extension Skirt* 75c; silk Neckties for gen tlemen 25c; gents' Under Shirta 25c; Mantillas and Dusters in great variety, at rrir** to suit the closect buyerp; a large assortment cf Wrappings for Misses and Children of the latest designs; Bonnets: Ribbons; Flowers; Rcches: Head Dre«ses; Dreps and Mantle Trimmincs; Embroideries; Black Silke; Fancy No tions; Lndies Dress Goods, Ac., Ac. Ft the best and cheapest Goods, call at the Mantle Depot. fi9 Msln street. [ray #] R kZKKIEL. i/SSf Wb are authorired to announce RICH'D L JONES th« Opposition Canriidate to rep resent the county of Chesterfield in the Legislature of Virginia my 9—ecst* MANY VOTERS. AND SHAWNS At the CASH STORE of PERKINS k CO. CHANTILLA and FRENCH LACB BLi. CK SILK aud t Sll.K and LACE MANTILLAS BERAGE SHAWLS aud PUTTERS *®_Cheai> for C'a 'a. PSKKINB * CO, my9-lwif No 141 Kagle Square. BABOAIMS AT THE CASH BTORE OF PERKINS k C'». No 141 Eaglo fqaare. Very rich Double Skirt and Two Flounced Silk Itobes Two Flounced Berago Grenadine and Organdie Robes Rich Organdie and Berages Dccal I'lai's, Valeutias aud Challio De Laines marked down to 20 cts Fresh supply of those cheap Kid Gloves at 75 ctf 7-8 Bleached f birting, vtry cheap at 64 Best 7-.k Bartlot Bleached at 10 cts Extra 4 4 Bleached Shirting at 11 eta Best N Y Mills Shirting at 15 cts Bich Lace and French Worked Seta Large stock new style Parasols 100 piece* fast colore-1 Lawns at 9d 30 pieces 4 4 fast colored Brilliants at 18 cts Best English and American Calicoes at II eta Watch Spring Hoop Skirts my 9- lwif PERKINS A CO. Thibd Splendid Upbniso or dry goods : BREEDEN & FOX. STRIET, Open this day, MONDAY. April tsth. the most complete assortment of Goods ever exhibited b) tlicui. They invite special attention to a very at tractive stock of DRE?-Twc mileheata. D Mc Daniel enter* b b Don Joan, # year* old— 1 U Iba— by Ulencoe, dam Larknees. ■O Oraan enter* grey mare Bag!!**, 4 year* old-yr Tbe—dam Hi»y Eagle. John Belcher enter* John L, 4 year* 01d—97 lba— dam by Qlencoo. t M Hall enter* Fate. 4 yeara old—« 7 lba- by 0 liarrold. dam Fidelity by impPriain. GKEAT MATCH BACB FOB BATURDAt For $l<"0 aside, between 8 R Fondren'a bay m'ar* I year* old. by Chllde Harrold. and Gsh Great's bar mare Flyaway, by Beaton, jr 4 year* old. tar Race come* eff at 1 o'clock every dar. M, tate fee 5t np at an expense of over Forty Thousand Dollars! VAN ABBUROU'3 TRAINED LIONS, ROYAL AND BRAZILIAN TI. GERS, AFRICAN, ABIATIC AND BLACK LEOPARDS, PEEFOKMED nr *«■ IXTEEPiD Prof. L AHOWURT H Y. TIIR WONDERFUL PERFORMANCES of the Monster ELEPHANT. TII'I'OO HA 18, under the direction of the accomplished FRANK NABH. In organiz ! ng the kQUESTRIAN COMPA NY. the Proprietors, with their maal liberality and enterprise when catering ior the amii*»ment of the public, have called into requisition ilie REFOUKCkS OF TWO CONTINENTS, acd have concentrated In one BRILLIANT CON STELLATION. a host of FRENCH, ENGLISH, *!«i> AMERICAN STARS!! Each standing pri-aiulnont in their tnrticnlar sphere of action. THE TRICK DOGS! RIDING MONKIES!! EDUCATED PONIES ! !! DR. THAYER'S QUADRUPEDAL WONDERS, THE ACTING MCLESt! And the best Stnd cf KING HOHSKB in the world . DR. J. L. THAYKR, The Great American Clown, atd NAT AUSTIN, The Erß'i»h Perf'Ttning Clown, will enliven each Enteitaii.tnent with chute origi nal jafees, senks. «t* rie* m d witici«ms. *3. ADMIBPION FIFTY CESTS-ChiMrea and Servants 25 cents. •3. For a particular description of the several Performance*, see bills, pictorials, 4c tff Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock. P M. my 7—lit C I. WHEELER. Agent. MECHANICS' HALL; Third Week—Continued Succcsg OF TUB RUSSIAN WAR, AND FAIL CF »£BA.&TOPOLI OPKN EVERY NIGhTI Latoly exhibited in Baltimore and PMlarfvlphl* to 160,(KM) pereons, and In Washington to tfte entir# population. This i« a Colossal Diorainic ranurrtma, lllhsttatim all the most importantevi-ntsofthe latoßftpsiati War frcmits cimmencembat toitsclose. i'be ry applying at the Hall from 10 till 12 o'clock. A. M„ and 2 tiil 4. P. M. Mr Doors open at 7.S—to comroenee at S o'c'ock. AST*A Gran 1 Day Perfirautnce on SATURDAY at _ ap 21—ts _ LOST. """"" T 08T—Between the Exchange Hrtel and the first market, or In the market, a Pis mond Masonic BREASTPIN. It is n uch Talnrii by the owner. A liberal reward paid for its delivery at tiie office of the Exchange Hotel. my 11-3t» r OST I LOST I LOST !—Between tie " corner of 3d and Marshall sts and ths Theatre, a ladi's Port Mcnnaie. containing $70 in sold A suitable reward will b* paid far returning the Mine to thee-ruerSd and Marshall. my M-3t B T RINGGOI I) f ObT OR MISLAID—A copv of ibe " plan of APAMV ADDITION TO THE CITY OP RICHMOND Any iafoimatloa concerning it will be thauklully received, and a liberal reward will be paid for its recovery. ' my 10-ts C W PURCELL A C<>. »LUBT COW —Strayed or Stoltn, on the iPtb of April, from my farm near New Bridge Charon, a large dark sides, white face listed back and brass balls on her borss. A liberal reward will be paid for her delivery to me. If stolen, $25 *111 be given for the conviction oi the thief. my »-3t T J MOOT. T PROCLAMATION—BY THE GOV- A VERNOR OF VIRGINIA. —Whereas, it ias bt en certified to the Executive, that at aD elrcti n held lor a Jndge of the supreme court of appeal" '• r the third section, to supply the vacancy ccca> on«J bf the death of Green B Pamofls, late Judge cftsid court, WM J ROBERTSON, Km . ha* been duly sircted according to law; luretON,!, Henry A Wise, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virgins, do hereby preclaim tha tame, and declare the b>hj Wm J Robertson to be ane or the Jndg«s if »*ia conrt. for the term prescribed by iha Constitution of thi« ''ommonwealtn. Witnesa Henry A Wi»«. our *ai4 Governor, f, u > this tenth Jay of May, AD, !W, and io tte i i 3d y««ar of the Commonwealth. 11 K.N KV A WISE By Governor. Q r »o.« w MvnroKD, gee of the C mmon h. iay n—u ACARI> —To tbb Cmztaa or Rk'«- vond.—A* I intend to ramove from this city