Newspaper Page Text
■ fH K w K 0 r* * Tt*r«*aw B»T*t*«.-Beyon<ll the /|g{j;.E m tfcUr •lorninft . lk# lit lodeed' See ho* th 'y ro flv>( , i ntid leave «rj Wf®»e£. «f' ht aß^* f 'lM with »" ,r ,M "' B, *°' 'S& *<«" "time theoiaL Lock at the great j«t« for the ««■ > and listen to the rlMt nr> eho» *TJt?L 0 r »b- ahull flonrleh of de. they Me* »P « r ,j # down on the sand, While ,|«ep breath o 1 p „|| o eer. These great light with which » MD( |tlT* to kind* IhMr attendants kWK (UU j cmn not feel ibo delight in killing n ' M ' K oX • «•' »— elephants, «y eywpaW . „ (t mutt be ad ?Z?!. I <* t^m ' *• °« r ««P «uied dangerous playmates. "kooDlec," or s',w 'wi S;> <«• v nl s* MUd , v ,r ..,Urderer«,'--be*aU *»««<* » ng. rrtm mahouts. or other attestant*. One fc <rtwecie, "Si with a speckled fore heed and p. Is auiity ol tho murder ot no lew than tb" «•«% fortnnale netiTee. The magoljceot which belonged toßlr Hugh V heeler. £ off by .he S«n«, and wa, op to usbj the R<j*h of Farruokebad. died a few day* * , immediately after carry ingaome officers « • , He was a fine courageous creature. and bM traok and forehead bore mark, of the claw, ot more than , one tiger which had chsraed him ami then been , "»-f* •?A:™* I BffSwr "™' : ' lo««l .. .. <"•" "° U, \ tf'JSS'i'h.C'i • >ho t>hkli>of fciseje, as he gulped toe loal down and gsre * gentle sigh out of hie proboacii, nrorliimed che Sybarite I need to take groat de lectation in observing the cr«a<nres at the bath in theii*er which fl )w« by our camp. They came down In flies. trumpeting gaily lu anticipation of the treat, and floundering in the wa'.ers of the Doom tee, like «o many portly Rrnxellert erjaying the pei-eoup of Oslcnd. Kach takee a long, deep drink, potting hie proboscie into the water, and then discharging the contenta of It, when Oiled ».y unrtion, into bie caTernon* mat. IlaTing fho* Sited np a wrinkle or two in hi« aide he de posit# bim*elf bodily in the etream, »o that one aide lice cot of water and the tip of bis proboecie 1* kept above the surface of the air. Oa thie ex posed island the mahonte labor diligently, waab* ins the beaat and rnbbiag him wltb herd broehee, clcatiihß hie eare, kneadtug and ehampooing him, while tUp riaehyderm emits little sqoeaksof satis faction. Tvhen on« aide,is done, the elephant torus on the other, and ha ie rery angry indeed if he do»s not get his fv!l sbsrc of manipnlation. [William Kuseell. Kkqlish Politic#. —The bubbling and boiling of the political caldron it Ruing cc 'b OVoat Britain nod Ireland with the almost cnersr*, tfht it in too early to predict the result. I-Ard Party's friends nre taking the field with great vigor. Mr. Roebuck, in bis address to his constituent*,holds some verj plain language. He asks tliim if they would lon. Ule the care ofa cotton mill to one who lfnew ntt thlng about cotton or markets or trade? ami then asks them whether they think that the care of an Empire like Great Britain is h much easiar pioceof Loslness tbau the oversight ol a mill-foil of spin* ning jennies? He exhorts the middle classes to ed» ticato themselves and their children for the l.*uti nru of government Just as caretnlly as they would for any other business. Dipartcu or W. H. Sxwari* ro» Euu >rs—Wm 11. 9ew»rd left N. Y., on Mondsy afternoon for Eu rope. The Senator made two short addresses—ooe on board the Josephlue, to his New York friends; the other to the Brooklyn delegation, ou board the Alida, both of which steamers accompanied the "Ariel" to Sandy Hook. Mr. reward said the oc casion was not a fitting one for the discussion of political topics. Sad thoughts at partiug, rather than exciting ones, stirred his mind, lie might never return —bat the great questions of justice and humanity might bessfely lef. in the bauds of the American people. A noticeable iucident was the prominent figure Tom Hyor, the fimous ••rough," cut on the occasion, llu sat cheek by jowl with the distinguished Seuator ou the way down the bay,aod tbe two were not above crack* ing au ocasional joke with one another. Preston King was ono of the party, and the course of his speech alinded to Mr .So ward as " tbe coming tnau" to succeed Mr. Buchanan. Church Riots is <}iib*c —The y tebec paper* giv* some lengthj accounts of disturbances at the ele;- tion of rt»logales to represent the congregation of tne-CatheJral iu the synod to De convenod — The disorder Is charged upon tho"Lay Association," a body organized fjr the purpose of opposing the vl-jw»ot lite bishop and c.ergy in ri'gard to some measure of churcu government. Iu ft Peter's Cnurcti. after tue voting had proceeded Or a short time, a m*'j named Simp«on- was objected to as a voter, when he vowed that hJ would vote or " shed his last drop of blood " The Rev Mr. Hamilton was Josu'.tei, and the moating adjourned in contusion, the church p*rty s'cnring the books, Ac. In Bt Matthew's Chapel the moo was equally violent— sluiigshot, steel knuckles, Ac, beiug secretly intro duced by the rowdies, who arc said to havebeen em ployed. Tne chairman, though a minister, was dragged from his seat by the mob, and pretty rough treatment threatened, hut lie was fortunately res cued by a few irieiids. The Mayor is ctiargod with winkumat tne disturbances, aud allowing the po lice to look en without interference. Tbe Mercury •ays the reta t of the voting was i:> majority i. r tbe church candidates The friends of the Lay Associ ation violently assaulted the miuisttr, bis friends, and tne unpopular ■■ indvl »tes iiunted them through the streets, thraateuei their lives, tore up and com plete'y destroyed the poll aud wrecked the Chapel to some £tJ worth of damage Ona of the candidates, a most unoffending gentleman, owes his life to some of tbe police, who risked their (.wain rescuing hiui. A mob threatened to pull his hoosu down, aud he has been told that if he is ever caught by the miscreants, his life shall be taken. The Mrrcory calls earnestly upon the clergymen so rudely assaulted to take legal proceedings agnnst tbe assailants, aud thus vindicate thecaute tf soual order and religions freedom Thi Arsr&iA.N Limi or Dxrxsox — All accounts agree that the Austrian army is well officered aud abundantly provided with the munitions of war — The two great lines of Austrian defence, says a ro cent writer, are the line of the Mincio, and the lint ol the Adige. Of these two the former is the strong est; It is difficult, indeed, to conceive anything stronger. •• Tu* Minclo, Virgil's river—'smooth-sliding Min- CIUS, t'rowned with vocal rendu'—runs with n deer> sluggish stream right across the plain of Lombardy from the l N»ttoa» o! the Lagodi Uarda.on tbw north, to tbePooii tbe south, just where u issues from the lake is Pri>"«cheira, a fortress always formidable, but by the tffji " of the last teu jears, rendered almost imprognab A t fb*> other extrt mity of the line of defeuce stands Man cua—situated in the midst of marshes, w.'iicb in a fow years can be con verted into a lake by t*l« simple inauagement of a few daim and sluices., thus strong by natural position, has bee. - ' tretily strengtheue<i by art. it is practically its earth-works defy artillery, its swamps arc raortal with malaria. For a weaker torce to enieavc T, lu face of a stronger force, to Diss the linaot the M incie with i'esaclieira on one flank, and Mantua on the other, would be amvng the moat hassrdous of l tilitary enterprises; aud yet, until the line »f the Mi ocio is forced, Aus tria remains strategically ihe mistress of Lottibardy. Tho line of the Adige resting oa tb e »ast entrenched ''amp of Verona is at least equally t. trocg. Tbe coin man'tof the Austrian troops will Ue Tolve upon Gon ural Hem" A* Editor IJt M Ti«ht Placs—"Old Tom Dryer," editor ot the Oregotnau. and member ol the Oregon Legislator.), says the Mariposa Gazette, has at last fot what his abusive toaane has earned lout - he account of bis sufferings is pecnliarly gra; ihic : "Lasater immediately repeated and repeat'* that we were a liar and a blatkgsard, whereupon we did take our inkstand from the desk and hur ed it in his face, intending it as a rebuke for bis gross iuaolts. More than half an hour had intervened, when, as we were quietly passing down tße princi pal street, Water a»ized us by the throat, s.t the same time planting a heavy blow up in o or tore head, ami lushed us into the door of a atoro.whe re we both fell upon some upenod shoe boxes, Ussl er on top. still grasping our throat. After a few Mo' »s he inserted me thumb of bis right hand into* -* leit eye, and forced it almost entirely from its sic jet. At this time, by a desperate or supar-human enort, we released his grasp from the throat, and nls ti iumb frem the eye, and fell flat upon the floor, then semed us by tbe hair, and attempted to . gouge our other eye oat, which we prevented by to roing our f»ce close to the floor and lacking onr f °g" and pressing our hands close to several fruitless efforts thm right eye. he then commenced.POM«»K « »" back of the bead with bis flats. The only »id and comfort we bad war*, the T«ll of- Gne him hell," "Dig his dimned ajesout, bo in, La s*t*r,"Ac. _ BUMMJ6K AttKANGE f mbnts.-rkduckd rates.- <rsC«IP Tfcp United States Mail S leauiers ■MflMBHi 3f MKSTOWW. Capt., and Skinner, will carry i>aaaongers to aad from vfr«ißi» « reduced rates Thf TAMHSToWN, Capt. Parrish. leaves Rich - -5 ,«rr TUESDAY att*rnoon at 4 .yclock, Citv Po&t * "» T K k WEDNESDAY ft i« o>3dok. noou. lor New York, arrtvinit there day. aud in tlnse to connect with the line and North. * Rl»AWOK*,Capt. Skinner,leaves Richmond vriuaY afternoon at 4 o'clock. City Point Mnrning at 9 o'clock, and Poriamouth same ?!TsninL for New Yoik, arriving next morning. SsSiwtWQ. the JAMsiSTOWW leaves New York fJunMer 13. North River, every SATURDAY atter- M 3 o'clock,for Norfolk.Peteraburgand Rich taking freight for each place. KOaNOKI leaves New fork from Pier 13. Hlver every WEDNESDAY 3 fvtoek for Portsmouth, Petersburg and Richmond, freight for each place. taking m»#u r at*B. - State Room included, between Nor (oik and New York $6 00 - 4 t4J Paasacu State ftoom included, between, Kich ■iSil, Petersburg and New York 8 00 Htaeraee Passage ' "0 •aasace State Room taciaded, between Lyuchbarg and New Yar>..-»..—-. ;: -- 13 00 Paaaag* betweex Rkhtuond and ftodolk same as by the river sU-arners mw Meals fIFTY CENT* extra. and spleudid sveamer YORSTOWJI will soon be put upon the line at the same rates aa above, 4 WAT«ON m~ ao ir, bill! **Tn« m« y«*rt oome.ttieoM om'i jpne," tjL The** w»re tbc ward* 1 Mid, 4NB*AijßfUnn up to u*> it come, I did not go to bed. Boon tw«4ve Cel.ok Uie town clock told! TbOUht I, tb»« be thie: 'fiW*.SSisStt&fr, Bo yiUlliiK out »r wMch, I lotk'd, AtdaofwraMlp I fcwud It wanted ret tea mleau* mora tor lite (Ad r>*r to »Up 'rowud. On thto I ontila Dot h«3»Wi fcel ma" tun Tie* ror»«r *ud tub *uuet«, oppo rtto <—»cli«n Hutot. mh l? im #BLB. Applt far udt by inj 'OM9S • 00. ' 1 rmANCIAL AND OOMMKRCIAI,- RltliMmi ■wketi.Majr 10. Fl^Oß—The f rolgn n»«i end the improvent«ot ' fnptice* In New York, have added flrmneoe to the . market h«re Shippers offer tT r» tor *o«1 utraieh'. ' brandaJfup'rfloe; but holders demand »7 SO We ' «uote Superfine 7?A to7.V) for mixed to chol<;e 1 dralrht brande. > WHBAT-Nochange—the HtUa arriving hard ly » j«i«tHytr|r quota'lob*. Good to prime Bed SI i\ to i.'ft;d.> Whl.e 1.,VW0 i.fio. , t.OKN—Market prrttv Srm Sale of a <*rf« o4 90 , c« nu. We quote 90 to 9A cent* jwt bu» hel. ' northern Wairke«e-[ Br T«i««un.] , BiLtivrtt May 10—Flour excited: Hew«rt end . Ohk> S7 Wheat active, choice white IW(#J.— Com advanced 2c—rellowSN>®',ioc. Proviaforg ac ' five and higher. Bacon aides Mesa Pork (7)4; 1 Whiskey quiet, at 30. | t N*w To»*. May 10 —Stock* dell and lower, Va «'■ , Mlea vraterday of 20 oon Va fi's. s6O, at '.17.and . do 97 V Cetton very dull—sale* for thrw , i <ia»s, of 1.000 balee, quota t'one nominal. Flour vanced rocvv-: ntate is tows «>; Ohie $7 i;<i#7 ,m> 1 .-oathern Wheat advanced Hont h. ern White Si »<4i 9.5; Weattrn Hed II ftV H n wo te C>rn higher—mixed »t, whiu ,<|\ yellow V(X<m Sugar stead); Off.e Srm at Us. — Turpentine Arm at 53. Komn Arm at 170 kir« buoyant, at V. • »«■»«»»«- luce CONDITION OF VIR(«NIA BANKS. MKROHANTb' AND MBCHANICb' BAN K i ! •_ „ Whmukij, May 2.1 My. ') H»!»*t A.Wm,Governor, Ac . Ac. ihs tpe ■ >aor of enclosing herewith n nartfrW stateme. n « < ti l .' oD ° f B V k * nf ' br*r";h es Also,. tor lhe 1 u » rter thus <*ndiair » r»"PCCinjllj > % end as. . fwtr servant. _ R CRANGL 8. pres't. rttrly Xt, tf thf Merchants' a nd Mtchar,• iet' Kink tf WhttMnu ami branches, this lit day tfJtml. Pomeatic bill. V Inland bills ot eXchaDge 86t.745 13 Loans toDirec tots. V w „ Flocks owned b. ' the Bank W.iM 2S Ileal estate — 'I,* 1,13 '' 5 ' Backing honses.. WM|»W Bonds and mortg Vtes - 5X.62.1 *.»l Protest* -r , 97 Jirpensesand aala ne * —-ly: ■■ ■■■■ 4,<lS 41 Due by banka. Jw ~471 64 fcotos of other »"d checks. -41,3i2 24 Virgiuia Bonds 5? Loin AIM H 765.317 59 #2.743.013 67 Capital stock *7*5.2(»i <« Circulation — 1,521.21s 00 Dividends - 2,122 00 Discounts and exchange. - 2VHIS 1)5 Contingent fund. - - >3 019 70 l>epoaiten and certificate* ' 29S mo e« Due to banks - 25,763 15 $2,743,013 67 nf the oogrtgitr. A !>p the MrrrJuinfs' I ttrul it'chanics' Hank <if Wltrelino. including its [ hrunchts-lhr outstanding d'ht dm thr. said Jiunk I, ami branches, thr Discou-t. ' Domestic and In } tattd Hdls (if Esrfuxnof.. Loa ** to Directors, Specic. I, fhrcidtition and l'cpositcs, . *" the Ist day of each 'j month if (Quarter ending ist day <if April, 1859. ' | Feb'y Ist. Marc h Ist. April Ist ' Circulation . 1,431 ,»P3 00 1.495.7 17 Ml 1,521,215 00 ' | Denotes. . . 262,?4 299 2«7 3 »9 «1 2<M,"V, ,><i I Dr.tto '*"nk5.29.270 97 21 3S.' 4t 2"i,7')3 15 A g g r eiate due by Mer chants' and Mechanics' Bank 1,722,5* % 1,777,470 VI 3,84.,,858 -83 Domestic debt due to Mer chants' and Mechanics' Btnk $r<,|,i2oSßS 1671,663 42 V> Inland billsof Exchange... fe79,870 04 931,633 70 ,864,74513 Loans to Di rectors 19,5019J IS 269 00 22 %>OO Notes of other U%uks and Checks 65,751 '5 74,427 91 41,272 24 Virginiabonds 20.00000 20010 00 M.mM line bv other Banks 256,94598 311,53310 366,47164 Outstanding debts due Merchants' and Mechan ics' Bank. .. $1,906,496 61 $2,027,518 03 J2,023,126 26 Coin 316 509 07 3H3.1T6 0U 325,473 71 We, th« undersigned. Directors of the Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank of Wheeling, certi fr the fors gomg statement to be correct, to tbo best of our knowledge aud belief. R CRANGLE, J GOODING, ! GEORfIK T TI SGLB, J 0 ATCHISOr.'. A P WOODS. I, 8 DELAPt,/ .IN. JOHN K HOP S.INS. ViruiMA—Ohio CotNT, SS : l ersooally appeared bnfjre the subf criber, a No tary l'ublic in and for the connty afor essid. Robert Crangle. President of tbe Merchants' *nd Mechan ics' isank of Wheeling, who. bMug duly affirmed, de clared the foregoing to be ajust and t rue statement irum the bookuof tne said Ranks, and i rum the state ments lurnislied by the Branches, aci lording to the ht>sr of his knowledge and belief. Given under my liaud at Wheeling, this 2d day of May. 18£9. WM i> Qll ARKIEK, it otary Public. MONTICKI JjO BANK,\ CnAEI.OTTXSVILLI. Va , April 28, 1859. i To the Hon UxNRY A WISE. Esq.. Governor of Virginia: De»r Sir—Enclosed p!eas»> find statement of the condition of this Bank totte Ist instant. Very respectfuHy, B C F.V.ANNAGAN, Cashier. Comparative SUitemenl of the. Condition of ths Maw ticeUo Bank, April lit, 1850. LiAßiLtTixa: le.W 1859 Capital nock $314,41.0 00 $27 4 7UO CO Virginia 6perct Bonds 20,3(10 00 M 6(lii in Contingent Fund 20.ft« «l 23.196 2S Circulation 291,799 01 1:9,615 Circulation cn hand.... 41,320 230,935 00 Deposits 30,038 91 £7 617 80 Certificates of .Deposit 2.15H 00 28,79* K< Due Ui Banks 5,»?6 42 00 00 Discount and Interest... 3.1&7 45 1,854 55 Exchange 317 96 40 44 $717,199 74 $621,673 9S ASsits: Virgii'ia 6 per cent rUate becuritie* ...$292,374 00 $237,374 00 Premium on State Securities 8,120 91 2.32S 67 Real Estate, Bank Building aud Fix tures.—. 9.303 07 13,290 60 Bilis aua notes Dis counted. 238,006 25 219,733 68 Protested Notes 600 00 I'.o 00 Stocks and Bonds Purchased. ..._ 00 10,550 fO Due from Baulf... 80,619 43 33,i89 42 Incidental Expenses 349 77 313 05 salaries 1,150 00 1,075 CO Cash—Gold 59,375 00 00 eilver 1,290 26 3,567 56 Coppers.. 00 2 73 Noted of this Bauk 00 41,520 00 Noiesot oth er Banks. 9,400 CO 8,771 CO Cb«« k s of Other BkS 7,563 05 19,599 23 77 637 31 103,569 51 $717.199 74 $621,673^3 Monticbllo B**k,) E Charlottesville. April 1. issy. /g We, the undersigned. Directors of the Monticello Bank, have examined the above statement aud be lieve it to be correct. N H MASBIK, President. .IAS LORBA.v, V W SOUTH ALL, JNO W.IOD.JR, F K NELSON. STiiror VlßOlHlA—Albemarle County—to wit: This day, BC Flanuagan, Cashier of the Monti cal'o Bauk. personally appeared before me, tho undersigntd, a Notary Public in and for said coun tr, aud made oath that the foregoing statement of tbe condition of the said Bank Is correct to the beat of his knowledge and belief. Given under my hand this 28th day of April, 1859. JJHN H 8188, Notary Public. To His Excellency, Hsnkt A Wish, Governor of Virginia: Dear Sir—ln conformity with the requisition of the act of the last General Assembly of Virginia, which went into effect from and after the Ist inst, 1 hereby certify to you tbat the Monticello Bank will redeem its circulation when presented at tbe Bank of the Commonwealth, in Richmond, on the terms required by said act Respectfully, NH MASSIE. President. CBARLOTMbVILLE, April 2, 1859. LAKGE ADDITIONAL SUP PLIES ELEGANT FANCY Day GOODS. THOS R PRICE A OO are now selecting from the most recent Importations many new and elegant Fancy Goods, portions of which aro already in and others on the way, to which they invite the at tention oftheir friends and tho public. Elegant Lace Mantles Black Bombasines Do Silk and Lice do DeGrenadine and Popli- Rich Lace Points and net rhawls Col'd Crape Bareges Kml-riideiiea in variety Do andßlk Challies Brus-.ells and Point Sets Pine Apple Cloths Dj do Collars Rich Organdies and Robes Honiton and Maltese do Do Barege Robes Hoisery,'Gloves, Mits, Ac Col'd Lawns and Jaca- Gont's and Ladies' Meri- nets, vd, is, Is 6d. and do Veitti higher And a large and general selection of beautiful Ens Ush and American Prints; Black and White Prints- White Cambrics; Irish Linens; Sheetings; Servants' Goods; Cotton Diapers; Linen Docks, Ac. all of which are at the very lowest rate*. T2 T B PRICE A 00. UOBE — 800 pair Girls' »ad Boys' Hose * .—Will open on Monday morning, a laige lot of Girls' and Boys' Hosier*—a splendid article Also a fine lot of Ladies' whit* Hose, for a nine pence the pair. Call at M AiLkRT"S, my 9 41 Main street. 0~ LD CHAWDBLUKti and GAB fix TO** MADE GOOD AS NEW.-Ihe Sobecri Mr t. Prepared tor» gi ld and re-bronae Chandellefa ■ Tsf^ re * in style. Ail kinds of 1715,0 i» the best manner. pr^'^tto.ST o Uy ,ollcUea '" 4 willreceire NffiTL-i'? "s«ir»op"- . '•AWilßlit vUAL». for ffrklttM >,a MlB-IW MW MBLDRN k 00. QAM*> •Qgw. au IB " BPBINQ BTOCK. |H HJLTB,CAPB AND BTRAW GOODS. H AHILTOK IT BOUCHER. We beg leave to Mil the •Mention of onr c*»to tm, and the publlo generally, to the fact tn»t we feavejnet returned from the North with onr new WOCk °HAT 9, CAM, AND STRAW 9«( M, constating of the T»ry la teat stylee. We are now prepared to offer a much larger, better Mid cheaper lot of (UU and Oapa than ever offered In th* mar ket. We Invite the public to call and •lock beforepurchaalng elsewhere, ae ww wHieeii a* cheap. If not cheaper, than any other like esta blishment in this city. „ . All we ask is a trial^ WUTWo «» Waln^ N B~»fne SILK HATfI made to orderat the shortest notice. ap P-im HI THB HAVKLOCK HAT JUk THK HAVEI/JCK HAT TDK HAVBLOCK HAT An entire new st»le, made of Q»m» CtOT* They are unsnrpamxd in beauty ard TOmfort. using tie lightest and beat Yontllated HAT worn. Gentlemen in want of •reiki Hummer list would oo well to call and get one. Other new styles also on h " nd ' BTNFORD'B HAT STORB BIWFOItD'B HaT BTORK BINFORD'W HAT BTOHB m r jn st* 82 Main street, Richmond. HEELED COWGKEBB with Silk Ooer, of »nperior cualltr. just received and for sale cheep br my 10 MARCOS UAHIIIB. IH3 Broadst. MDIEB r HEELTED GAITERS ji jo Ladies' Heeled Oaiiers at 1..W Ladies' Heeled Oait'ra at 1 Mi Ladies' Heeled Gaiters at t Ladks' Heoled Gaiters at 1 Vi Heeled Gaiters at l.flO Tte ereatest I nrgain of theatason, at my 10 MAKCLB H A*- RIB, lH.t Broad «t. MEW BTYLEB 81' RISC. AND %'MMKR GOODS. Jnst rtceiv«-<l a treah supply of HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS, comprising all thenewpgtand latest styles of Hate, Caps, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Straw Goods, viz.: Ladies', Misses' and Children's Flats,of every va riety ami quality Infants' Turbans of the lateet styles. ALSO. Vonns Gent's and Youths' nats. And of fhe most fashionable styles—which will be Bold on the moat favorable terms. A call is mostresjmctruHy eolicited. RO, L. DICKINSON, Pccceasor to Biaford, Dickinson A Weisiger, my 5 No 78 Main at. "in FiKE'f peTk AUk PJKE'S PKAK PIKF.'d I'KAK PIKK'S PfcAK PIKK'S PKAK. Ne # Style Hat.jaat received and for sale at No lfi~ Main street. _ 'JiyT-lw EbLSTT A WKISIGKR. a Great deduction in kii fflT THR PRICK OF HATS AND BOOTS.** HA —From 15 to 2<» per cent, saved by buying VkhV from J. 11. ANTHONY, Columbian Hetel building. Moleskin Hate of best quality, 8 50: Do, second Quality, 3 (X»; Fashionable Bilk Uatf, 2 !H); fine Calfskin Sewed Boots, S SO { Bo«it*. 3 2.">: Fine Calfskin Sewed Shoes, 2 25. J. H. ANTHONY has made arrangements with one tf thebest makers in the city of Philadelphia, to supply him witk handsome and substantia] Calfbkin Sowed BOOTS, which h« will sell at the un precedented low price cf THRKE DOLLARS AND A HAI.F. oc 23—d tvti J' Mi Lisa & aON'B BOOTS AND SHOES.—Jnst received a fresh supply of Miles A Sou's drew Boots and Oxford Ties. JNOCPAQK, JR. my 5 93 Maiu slreet. FRENCH BOOTS AND~SIIOttfT Another case of the above from Milt s, consisting of Calf Dress Boots; Pat Leather Dress Boott; do do aud calffchooe; do do do Congress Gai ters JOHN (J PA'i IS, .18, m 'y 5 93 Main street. LADIES' aHOES. — A large supply of all kinds of Ladies' fashionable Gaiters, Slippers'and Shoes, just received at No 93. m, 5 JNO C PAGE. JR. LADIES' MOJCOCCO lifcfcL mmP* 2 *? KD BOOTS at 11.50 and $2.—Just optned a beautiful lot ol the above, at mj a WM WALSH'S. ~~BTrmn citizens or hich- a gferit i ; gffl MOND, and strangers visit- Sg kii\l\ j tig the city, will find at CLARK'S.fto7S Main street,* " a large assortment of Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters of every kind and price. Among them are front's fine Boots, patent leather and calfskin Gaiters, Oxford Ties, aud Pumps; ladies' Gaiters, Buskins. Slippers, Ac; misses' Shoes and Gaiters of every kind and quality; servants' Shoes, ninde strong and good; also, children's metalic tipped Shoes, which cannot be worn out at Ihe toes. My stock of Travelling Trunks is very large and cannot bo excelled; and I am determined not to be nndcrsald by any one. 1 buy them in large Quan tities from the manufacturers, acd my facilities for selling cheap are such that 1 atu sure I can meet the views of any roasouablo purchaser. Strang* rs, citizens aud friends, if you want any Boot J, fchovs or Travelling Trunks, I* sere aud give me a call before purchasing, for 1 know I can suit von both ats to quality and price. JOHN CLARK, No 75 Main St.. ap3o-2w Richmond, Va - H ATS, OAFS and SI ft AW UOODS The subscriber is in receipt of a splendid Rpring stock of the above articles, which he offers to his customers aud the trade in general on the most reasonable terms. Boys and Children* FANCY GOODS in great va riety, at prices to suit the «:osest purchasers. ap2s-lm JKFirRY MASON, No 1117 Maiu st. ~ JOHN DHOLE*, and Cap Manufacturer and Whole- VjlK sale Dealer in HATS, CAPS, FURS, ThIMMINGS, AO. I have now on hand a complete and extensive aa sortmeiitof everything ia my lino, adapted to the SPRING TRAD K, to which constant additions will be made during th* season .... ~ , My experience and facilities have enabled me, on this occasion, to offer tbe LARGB"T, and in every way the most COMPLETE STOCK. Of GOODS that has ever be*u offered in Virginia. 1 would ask the particular attention of my cus tomers to my stock of STRAW GOODS, wi.ick for variety and exUint cannot be surpassed JOHN DOOLEY, mh 7—ts Main Richmond. V a. R" ICH NB W DRESS GOODS— SiCCOND SUPPLY We invite attfntion to the following elegant stock it Dress Goods, purchased by one of our firm at unction, Ac, aua will be sold at unprecedented low prior s: Two Flounce J atd Double Jupe Silkßob#s Elegant Bayadere andChcue tiiks Rich Organdie and Jocouet Robes Elegant Kobea a't"«n:qne Rich Print d Bareges »n i Gla"» Poplins Crepe Jlaretz and Harege D' Laines Hlaci;. Challie, Tamartine »iid Mourning Ducals QXBlnck Silk Mantillas French a<id Kiiglisb Prints, Ginghams, Brilliants and other styles of Drew Goods. For novelties in all styles of Dress Gotds, enquire at No 143 Main street. A K. i'ARKKR A CO. NEW GOODS. SAM'L M PRICK A CO have received a further supply of tho«o cheap Boil Point Lace Collars Real Point Lace Seta Point Applique Lace Trimmsd Hdkfs French Lace and Pucher Lace Mantles, all of the newest styles Velvet and Net Mantles, now and beautiful Lice Sleeves, new patterns And many other vary desirable gcods for the sea son. my 10—3t 1859 Having enlarged and refitted my store, I beg leave to say to my friends and the public generally, that 1 am now prepared to show one of tne largest and best assorted stocks of Die r GOODS that I have ever had the pleasure of exhibiting in tbiscitv, comprising a general stock of Stapieand Fancy i)ry Goods. A choice and rich assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of the newest deaig'is, viz: Black and Colored SlLila BERAG b.N SH ALLIES. ORGANDIES. MUSLINS, LAWNS, MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, Ac. Also, a splendid stock of CLOTHS, CASBIMERRS AND VESTINGS, of every grade and quality, for gentlemen and boys' wear, a large supply of HEAVY STAPLE GOODS, for Servants' wear. Also, a magnificent assortment of Bleached aud Brown SHIRTINGS Irish iiINKNH Linen SHRETINGB Brown and Bleached Cotton SHEETINGS Beside* many other things, too tedious to men tion—all of which haveiw- u purchasad within tbe last week past iu Philadelphia and New York, on the most favorable term«, and will bn sold cheap, for cash. Call and see, and examine for yourselves, »t No 29 Main street. . mb J4—dAcw2m JNO L BMITHFR. IVOTTCE — LARGE STOCK Of DRY QOODR. AT AND BSC LOW COST. With tbe view of engaging in other pursuits, I have determined to close my present business, and shall front this day forward, offer the whole of my large and well assorted stock at cost, and all un seasonable and past stylea mncb below. Also, my store, so well situated for business, for rent, as toon as the goods are disposed of. Having recently received my spring and summer supplier, the assortment will be found very good in all staple and Fancy Goods; bat my determination to leave the business, being settled and firm, 1 will atonce procted to sell ont everything and invite purchasers in tb* city and country to avail them selves of the present opportnnity to get their sup pUesat from to to 50 per ceut below the usual market prices. MANN 8 VALENTINE, J«, No 99, Corner Broad and 9th at*. ap?B—tw Near Oapitol Square.. CJPLENDID STOCK i ¥ MANTLES.— Black Bilk Mantles and Points Silk and Lace 4o A variety of Kaglans aad Dusters "Black and White Berage Ekawls Raglaua, Dqsters and Beruons Chi d rati's Be rags and Marseilles Dasttis Borage and Orgaudie Robes •lack llernani and Barege do fcumatr Mourning Goods in every varietv fro» tfc* best makers ' ' OIIKISTIAN A LATHROP • NMaia tt. BOAAPiy npHBTtJiIfITALL HOUBB, 1 ttfcAGHBAD STRUT, DANVILLE. VIRGINIA. With new *«re visitor* that no effort" Will be spared to pronow their comfort and fee reepoctfaUr •elicit • trial. Tb eTU NBT ALL ttO??#B la also the BTAGB Of f TOB. and oftr omnlbnses *I''always be in readl neaa to carry *^ , !^4?ALTBRM j M WAL&KR'f Pioftrtetora. tsll-lrd WTBIHM™*) UCRROW'b D BELIABLB MEDICINES, ro* THE RAPID AND IFFICTCAL CU*« OF tCKOFULA SYPHILIS BHBUMATISM.DYSPEPSIA ULCEROUS AFFECTIONS, NERVOUS HEADACHE ERYSIPELAS. OL'JKRS, FISTULA LIVER COMPLAINT DISEASES OF THE WOMB CHRONIC COUGHS AND COLDS CHRONIC DYSENTERY, SCARLET FEVER FILES. GENERAL DEBILITY GLANDULAR SWELLINGS CHRONIC FEVER AN J AGUE MERCURIAL DISEASE. FEMALE DISEASES And all Dirt oft it a arising from an impure State of thn System. or occasioned by IMI'R I'D EN CE IN LI FE. In offering thin medicine to tne nubile, the pro prietors wish it to be distinctly understood by all, thatlt dois not rank among the so called quack medicines, or any of the new upstarts of the day, but as a truly great and wondermi remedy, whose extraordinary curatite powers are authenticated by men of highest respectability and of est integrity. For more than ten year* has BUR ROW'S RELIABLE MEDIOfNti Hood the test of oxptrfeuceinNorfolk ana vicinity.peformingduring that time miracles in the way of cures. Cases of the most obstinate ottl inveterate diseases have been tnoronghly and permanently restored to health by the nse of this medicino, alter having been pro nounced incurable by the moat eminent physicians in tbis country and Knrope. Tbo proprietors have in their possession thou sands of certificate from the most influential aud discriminating, rrho have not only allowed their names to be introduced as witnesses or the efficacy of this medic no. but who are willing, if addressed *poh the subject, to correspond with the afflictcd, and rbus satisfy them of the truthfulness of what is here asserted, before a dollar is txpended in pur chasing it. Some persons may doubt the efficacy ot this medicine far the reason it Is recommended to cure so mft'.iy affections, and which, to the skeptic, mar appear impossible far any one medicine to do. The reison why this preparation cures so manydis etses, is because it is a RFGENEHATOR OR CHANGER OF THE WHOLE HUMAN SYS TEM thoroughly purifying the blood, and remov in« all morbid obstructions, which cannot be de nied are the true source!) of all diseases. All that is asked for this medicine is a fair trial, which wiU a-surediy convince any oneot its extraordinary ef ficacy in curing tho various diseases for which it is recommended. The following persons, lining in Norfolk va, and its vicinity, have certified by saying: Wo take pleasure in recommending BURROW 8 RELIABLE MEDICINE f-jr tbo cure of all diseases for which it is recommended, assuring the afflictod that it will do for them all that i.s represented. W W Lamb, Mayor, Nor- Rev Thos II lime folk Wm B Rogers, ESPq Finley F Ferguson, ex- # W Hail, Esq Mayor Ed Delany, Esq EnraT Summers, do John W Lee, K»q Hon 8 S Stubbs Peter Henneberry, Esq Bon Jos T Allfru Kader Bivgs. Esq Rev Robt Gatewo»d C W Grandy. E>q RevOEernard Maj Thos J Corprow Rev Mr McOee Jas Y Leigh, Esq K A Worrall, Ksq I O Gardner, Esq Chas Harris, Esq Dr M C King itobt Rhea, Esq l>r C F Martin J M Freeman. Eeq Warren W King. Erq Ed Portlock, Esq King * Toy, wholesale J lluualdeu. Esq druggists Woodside Dorney, Esq Santos, Wa'ke A Co, do Big (ieorgo. Esq M A tantos A Co, do J H Bpratley, Esq L W W ebb Thos Hall, fcaq Dr K C Robinson K H Currrier. K»q Dr Geo W Peete D D Kiske, ex-Mayor, Thomas Brooks, Esq Portsmouth MASONIC AND ODD FELLOWS' CERTIFICATES: Norfolk Lodqz, No. l. Norfolk, Bept 6th,18A2. Dr 6 IsCßßow:Dear Bir—lu compiisuce with vour reqneit, we, the uudersignod, would cheerfully itate that nr attention was called to the deplorable condition of a stranger in the alms house of this city who bad been treated by the ph vsicians oi that institution for Syphilis, without emictiug a enre; aridbr the order oi the Masonic of this city, (of wfiich this stranittfr was a brother.) we directed ycu to administer your Reliable Medicine, aud that after he had taken it a few weeks, he was pro nounce! cure!, and left Norfolk apparently a Well man. Respectfully yours. FINLKY F FERGUSON, PHILLIP I COHEN, SIMON STONE, W.M D SEAL, Masonic Committee. Washington Lodgb, No. 2. I O OF. Norfolk. July 2i>th, 1858. Dr B Burrow: Daar Bir—ln compliance with your request, we inform you fortfca benefit of the public, Ihata brother of our Order (John R Jasper) was reported sick while a stranger iu this city, and incoDiiequeCce of bu destiiuto condition, bad teen removed to the Hospital, where ho was found by a committee of this Lodge, suffering Ircm a disease termed the Scrofula, or King's Evil, and iu so low a state as to be prououncid ny the attending phyti cian incurable. On reCummeudßtion of a brother, be was induced to try your K< liable Medicine, and iu tbree weeks ho was declared cured, and lott tais city for New York, and in cur opinion his restora ticv to health was caused solely by tho uso of your Medicine. Giveu under our hands aud sea! of our Lodge, the date above written. JAMES H RANSOM, N G. K Cn AMRErniT*. Sec'.v A Terrible Case of Scrofula nf Tivlve Years' Stand ing, Cured in One Month. Norfolk, July 19,1852 Dr. B. Burrow : Dear ?ir— I am uuder gn at obli gations to you for effecting a cure of that dreadful diseaso. SCROFULA by yourßiLMSiL* mzdicins. The disease had baffl d the most skiliul physicians, and 1 bad taken at least one hundted bottles ot i<ar sapftrilla. Ac , without the least effect. I was in most deplorable condit!on-jwrt of my neck ulcera ted to such an extent as to leave the wind pipe exixmd; indeed, life was to me a burden I had given over the idea of ever finding reliei. until recommended by one who bad been similarly affiled, and was cured by your medicine, I was induced to take y-ur preparation, and although I had been afflicted over twelve years, yet, in the short space of thirty days, I wasentirely cured. I aru now in good health, and have been ever since. The cure was re garded as a miracle. Yours, very respectfully, JOHN WEBB. This is to certify that John Webb appeared before me thigiiay. and made oath to the above statement. I am well acqa*intod with Mr John V. ebb, ho id a respectable citizi-u of this city. WILLIAM D DELANY, Mayor of Nertolk. \a. Norfolk, July 9, 18f<2. Norfolk. Jane 1,1853. Dr. B. Burrow: Dear Sir—Justice to your Medi ciue and gratitude tv yourself, impel me to wake the following statent.*ut: My wife haviox teen in alow atato of health for several years, was considered in a Uopeltss decline The I'cct medical advice was pro cured, and the physicians could only confirm our worst apprehensions, by pronouncing the disease Pulmonary Consu- irtion in an advanced stage, and that treatment could be simply palliative, as death would soon relieve her from tuilorn.g. Recourse was had. at a last resource, to the advertised reme dies supposed suitable to the cage, but without the slightest improvement. She had become so much emaciated, that her intimate-friends could not recognise her. An acquaintance who had been relieved by your medicine, and had witnessed its beneficial effects on others, so strongly urged atrial of it, that 1 was induced to procure severai bottles, which she began takingaccording to the directions. I believe she had used about bottles, wfcpn she becamealartned by ageneral breaking out over the whole body and head, of sores and ulcers, and ascrib ing the cause to tho medicine, declined its further use. But feeling convinced this was a favorable sign. I prevailed noon her to continue Ita use, and I had the satisfaction of feeing the ulcers heai without treatment, her cough subsided, she gained flesh and strength estomfhingly, and it affords me infinite pleasure to inform you that she is perfectly restored and neverecjoyed better health. I have used your medicine in other cases that have occurred in my family, and my confidence in its curative powers re main unimpaired. Most respectfully and truly yours, J ODBNHALL, Late Prot. Norfolk M. Ac&domy. Norfolk. May 12,1R54. Dr. B. Burrow: Dear Sir—in compliance with your request, I cheerfully state that 1 have seen the moat remarkable success attend the administration of your reliable medicine, to patients in the Norfclk C\ty Alma Uonse, and my opinion is. it should be speedily introduced in all hospitals and charitable institutions. Respectfully yours. CHARLES JOHNSON. Late Sup Norfolk City Alius House. Ifsjpacewouldadmit.wecotiJda'd ahuudredsuch certificates, signed by part'** w«ll known in this coromnnity.but from their unque&tionsblecharacter we deem 1 he above sufficient. Our medicine is no "Northern catch penny hum bug," but is the result of a long life of care study, and attention, and. although it has been kuown, and appreciated in Norfolk for the ten years, we have never introduced it to the public at large, because of our earnest dosir* to bring it to such perfection, before «l oing go that it might stand the test of popular opinion. Having perfected all onr ariangewnts, and hav ing approximated the nicest point of perfection in its combination and preparation, we now give it to an aftlicted world, with every confidence and a firm conviction, that it will meet the wauts cf the afflicted. Prepared by J W BORROW A CO.Practical and Analytical Chemists. Norfolk, Va 00 For tsile In Richmond, Va, br Purcell Larld A Co; John W Garlick; Waring A /earce ' ap 16—lm ».b. Bkuarou, a. naraii faiF raxwxiis iißHiwe. DBIDGFORD A CO., General Commit ilon ari Forwarding Merchants, on the Dock Itoomooa. Yi. • Vj ILLINER Y GOODST—The Ladies' L*-*- will please bear in mind that at GOLDSMIT'S they caii procure Bonnets. Ribbons, Flowers Ru ches, white and colored Crapes. Uonuet Frames. Laces, Kdimgs and Footings, aud in fact ever* des cription of Millinery Good'at low prtees * 0 * GOLDBMIT, my 8 28.\ Broad street. MOT ICE.— ~ j gUML'NT'B OFFICE. R A D R R. \ BiaHMoitD, April 2*th, IMS. / On and after the is day of May, I*9, guano and JJher artificial manures will be transported over the Richmond and Danville Railroad, as per freight tariff of September the 15th, 1856. Tis: at 11 oents Per 100 lbs to Danville. C. CAMPBELL. _»P 27 Superintendent. /"J. RAIN CRADLES.—We have on hand and are now receiving Grain Cradles, mad*by MILLS, of l«ul*a. We think than «he bast Cradle now made, and can confidently rec in mend them Unarming WArr * tM) . tTAMS.—4,OOO gofcooley.t oelcbrated II Queen Otty Bams, for sale by JON SB A 00. \rcw OPINING — Gotta Peroha and ■OMOMWW CARPI. D°* y. HoUoit consign® *nta of Totacoo. Grain, nn<l oth*r Produce, for which the beat m«A»t P«oea will b« o< taL OOm 9« Virginia street, nw 0«T« - TOHNN. GOUDON ft BUN, ** 14th street, near the Exchange Hotel, Offer tor Mle a Urge and fnl I Moment <rfIROH comprising HWBBK 8, AMKiIIO*N UAMM JKBU. PERU HAMMERED ENGMsH AND ENGLISH KEFINED. English, Arueri.|an. and lr^e tloo Russia Sheet Iron. OAI.VANIZBD BMKBr IRON—Hoops,Ban fl and Scroll Iron.rellned Plough Iron andriongb Plates Also-Tlnplate of T»rlon. Rlzea Tor Tinners end Manufacturers. SHEETAND BOLT COPPKK, Sheet Zinc, Spelter and the Metals tiftually »old in thii marKet. ap I—tf E OGLEBION * COMMISSION MERCHANTS. And Dealers in Wln«. , trMt , M j—tM Richmond. \X7M. dATTLER ft CO., I v IMPORTERS AND DKALIR* 111 OILS, PAINTS. VARNISUKd AND WINDOW GLASS. BRUSHES.-We received by the late steamer a large supply of Painters' and Artist# Brnshea, of superior quality, to Which we call the attention, of our customer*. 17 r OUIB J. BOfißlliOX— JLd Manufacturer of Double ReSned STEAM C Ait WES, and Wholesale Dealer In DOMESTIC AM» PORBIGN FRUITS, FRENCH CANDIES. CI & ARB. TO UAC JO, Ac, ie. Five-stcry Blllldlng, No SO Main street, oppoeite K " U '" o °*Sb B «O»D.TA. TAMES 1). BROWNE'B v ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS, 9th street, next to the Mechanics' Institute. Iron Railings, Verandahs, Balconies, Chairs, tees, Ac; also. Grating, Vault and Cellar Doors, and every other kind of Iron Work, for ornamental and building purposes, manufactured at short notice. Particular attetion given to enclosing Burial Lots in the city and country. ja 24—lam T a. Blackford, J • GENERAL FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Parkersbnrg, Va. N W Va. A B A 0 R K. RXFIR3 TO Samuel Ayres A Son, M Blair A Lo ( Richmond. J Stewart Walker, Bicnmoua. Barksdale A Read, Particular attrntion paid to forwarding manptac tured TOBACCO. mhm—di.m WOBSS. JOHN W ."~D A VIEB t rBAOTICAL BTONB CUTTER AND MABOS, Main street, bvtwnen Bth and 9th sta., Sichlsond, Va. . . Monuments of anysizeor design, made to ord«ii OT the best Italian or American Marble. I respectfully invite the attention of those In want, to my stock, wnich is the largest and best finished assortment of MONUMENTS, TOMBB, HEAD Pl*- OKH and MANTLES, to be fonnd in the city. First Premiums awarded by theVirginla Agri cultural Society, and Mechanics' Institute. ao 26 jy£ARBL£ WORKS. hogeknaTmillrk, practical marble masons, coitssa or 6th and maik sts. We respectfully invite the attention of those in want, to our stock on hand, which conai*t3 of the largest and b«»t tinishod assortment of Monniueuta, Tombs, Head Pieces. Mantles, Ac, to bo foiled iu the city. Monu iients ot any size or design, made to order, of the test quality, Italian or American Marble. The only premium evr awarded by the Virginia Mechanic* Institute, on Marble work, awarded to John T ttogers. e 25—3ui jypRBLE WORKS. JACOB V7>CENT, MANUFACTURER OF ITALIAN AND AMERI CAN MARBLE MONUMESTS, TOMBS, HEAD PIECES, <fc., Of every Style or.D'tigH. The public aro respectfully iuvitod to call at my Yard, between sth ani Bth streets, oh Main, and ex- Mine my Wjik, which cannot be excelled by any other establishment North or South, which I will sell as low as any establishment In tnia city or elsewhere. mh I —3m O H. OHALKLKY, Dealer in Leath • er, Shoo Findings, Oii, Tanners' Tools, 4c., and Importer of French Calf Skins 13th street, be tween Main and Cary, lichmoud, \a.. is now in re ceipt of a large and excellent stock of goods apper taining to his which he invites the atten tion of all iu want, esthoy will be sold VERY LOW FOR OASH, or to >unctua! customers, mli 2—<l3mAcwly O 11 OHALKLKY. 18597 HP ill NO GOODS. 1869. rtOQGETX & ANDttHbON—Dea'ers in Paper Hangings, Mattings, Oil Cloths, Curtain Goods. Window nhadcs. Beds. Mattrasaes, a.c, .cor ner of Governor arid Franklin streets —Have re ceiwd a large and well selects stf>ck for the SpriDg Trade, to which they invito the attention of buyers, intending to offcr such inducements Ij purchas-rs that great bargains may be realized. We are also prepare.! to execute Payer Hanging and Upholster ing iu the city or country, promptly, by the best ap 4—3 m T0 COUNTRY MERCHANTS. STONK WARE AT FACTORY PRICKS — MXv V' have on hand, of our own manufacture. a very lirge assortment of superior quality Stone Ware, which we aro selling at our Factory prices, consisting of Jugs, Jars, Pitdbers, Churns, Spittoous Covered Butter Pots, Milk Fans Cork Jars, (air light.) Water Coolers, Water Kegs, Chimney Caps, Ac. Merchant* will please ca 1 and examine our Ware before purchasing elsewhere, and buy at Factory prices, at our Pottery,corner of I2tli and Cary st», mh 17 KaKSKB A PARR. tNfiW CLOTHING.—DARRA COTT, HARRIS & CO., successors to Mer chi.nt. Weisiqir A Co , are receiving one of the large-it and best assortments ofßeady Made Clothing ever offered in this market, having been manufactured Dr THEMsiLVJis, and for style, Quality and lit, cannot be surpassed Also, Youths and Boys' Clothing of every kind and quality, suitable for Boys from four to sixteen years old. Furnishing Goods of every kind, including their celebrated "Golden Hill Shirts " ot superior quality, ani fit guaranteed, which will be sold at the very lowest prices 1 Call and examine them. DARRACOTT, HARRIS A CO.. ap 16 112 Main street. UOBLNSON'B MANIPULATED GOA IV NO HAS EIGHT PERCENT. OF AMMONIA AND FORTY FIVE TO FIFTY PER VENT. OF BOJSE PHOSPHATE OF LIME —The under signed, having accepted the agency for tha sale of Robinson's Manipulated GUANO, ask the attention of agriculturists and their agents to this superior fertilizer. We guarantee a perfect uniformity in the quality of this arti :le, aud that it is in all cases one-half best Peruvian Guano, one-halt fine ground Done and the best Phosphatic Guano. The machinery used is now and ot the most ap proved description, and from tbe manner in which the Guano and Bone are mixed, being ground toge ther so that every particle of each is brought into the closcst contact with tbe other, ensures a fnll appropriation cl both in proper proportions by iht growing crop. We refer to the annexed report from Dr. Bickell, showing tho value of this Fertilizer, both for quick and permanent result?. It is put up in good bags, weighing ab»ut 150 lbs each. Price, $50 per ton of uuoolbs. No. 83 SiCOND Btrkkt,\ Baltimore, Jan'y 2a. 1559. j REPORT OP ANALYSIS Of Robiuson's Manipulated Guano, for Francis Robinson, Esq,of Baltimore city. A sample of the above, which was taken at yonr mills, was found, npon analysis, to be capable of producing; of— Ammonia 5.3 l per cent. and to contain of Bone Phosphate of Lime 45.82 per cent. The above proportion of Ammonia and Bene Phosphate of Lime is known to be most proper for concentrated manure. Both theoretical reasoning and the rosultsof numerous practical experiments have approved of it. An application of 2UO lbs of this article will snpply more of Bone Phosphate of Lime than is required by any crop, thus leaving a c -nssJerablesnrplus of this valuable nutriment in corporated with the soil after croping, and will iur ntsh a-efficient Quantity of Ammonia to act as a nutriment and stimulant. Cms JitCKKLi, Ph D. For sale by E H SKINKKR A CO. fo 22 2*-imif Sole Agents for Richmond, Va. OTEAM SAW MILL—LUMBER RAW. KD TO ORDER.—TIie subscriber having the «ntire control of one of the best BTKAM OIKCU LAR SAW MILLS in the State, located in Virgin Pine Forest, near navigation, will contract to fur nish at short notice; in good order, anil on reasona ble terms, Building and Railroad Timber, sawed all sizes and dimensions, and respectfully solicits or ders tor this description of Lumber TRUMAN A PARRKR, Wholesale awl retail dealer in Lumber, Mahogany ja 8 and Bhlngles of every descrij tion. PITY DRUG STORE.—CIIAB. 8. DAW- SON, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, corner Main and 15th streets, has at all times on hand, and receiving weekly per stoamer, a large and welt i,v lected stock of Medicines, warranted fresn and pure; Perfumes; Brushes of all descriptions; Brown Windsor Soap, Ac Lewis' Pure Lead; Liusoed Oil Colors ground in Oil Window Glass; Potty; Madder Indigo: Quinine; Begars Fancy Soaps; fine Teas only Matches, Ac. Suitable tor eountry trade. His retail department Is complete In all its varied branches. Manufacturer of the celebrated D'Orsay Cologne. Sampson. Ac. )a 10 OELLING OFF, SELLING OFF, at and O bflow cost, |5> 0 *or» of Window Shades- Brasses. Cord* and Tassels; Floor and Table Oil Olotb. all width*; Fire Screen*; Wall Paper; Curtain Band* and Cornices, at less than the original cost. changing my businsaa. and wish to avoid taking them toauctiou, great bargain* will be given, a* the K0 «li must be sold. Call and secure * P*' r ,.°'. m r Ooia which are vary beanti ft". Don t forget the place, i3u Broad street the old established Dry Good* and 8 h»de LUpot of roh 22-3ra 230 Broad rt * b#tWMD 34 * nd 4UI sta POTTON AND WOOLEN WABTE , c, packing steam engines and lo tuniotives lam prepared to furnish railroad earn panics and others, with the above artiste, of sup* mm quality, at very low prices. JM» l»-ts A » LRU, oa the Pock tpOß SALE CHEAP—A nqobil hand x Bprlna Dray and Harwaa. Apply « this aSoa. •P#-4a IBSPEAKOS. ~ riuo „, BOCIBTY [Actual Capital, $2,600,000.1 Agency at th* Office of the virglula Fire and Ma rino Insurance Company, Mo 131 Main*treet. Rich- Dr Jno 8 D COLLIN, Medicftl Bxarainer—Office at the office of Dm. Gibson and Cnilen, south aide of Franklin itreet, between ftth and 7tb streeta. fe2-t* W L &JWARDIN, Agent. ANUATTAN iVI mi Tnmr OABtt CAPITAL AND ACCUMULATION. sssWp cannot b* withdrawn »«%JWSS&kt. J" tDT , c S^^l indicate* a state of society wherehlgh moral feeling and commercial confidence exist. r Ixmw«l—JUH BLAIR BURWfcLL. omc i» M«. B macmobbo , At n . d« >9 —Am Richmond. Va. CIBBOLDTIOWB, fto. poTpAMNERSHIP N OtTcE —The V undersigned have this day associated them selves together under the firm and style of POTTS, &St!SkS r . B 2»#"srarwiffigaa* BUSINESS In the city of Richmond. They have taken the new and spacious bnilding, two door* above Sam'l Ayer* A Bon, and nearly op coaite the Columbian Hotel, on Cary street, whore they will keep constantly on hanu a full and cem plete stock of all such good« as are usually foitpd fn the Grocery line, including Coffee, enffars. Mo lasses. Bacon, Liquors, Ac, 4c, Ac, to wl Ich they beg to call the attention of their frien-l* and the trade "'speciaf attention will be paid to the sale of all kind* of Produce, on which liberal advance* will be made. I RANK POTTS. RICH'D G FARtKY, ILKNRY S WCLMAMB, JAS B MARSHALL. Richmond. Ja Ist, 1869. PARTNERSHIP.—The uudereiga vy ed have formed a co-partnership, under the firm and styl* of WILLIAMS A ELLIOTT, for the purpose of conducting a general fIARDWARK business in the city of Kichmond. They have taken the well known Hardware house ofThos A Rust, 67 Main street, where they have opened an entirely new and complete stock of HARDWARE, CUTLKRV, Ac., And hope, by strict attention to business and mod erate prices, t® merit the pntrormar* of the public. P RICHMOND L WILLIAMS, Late with Van-Lew Taylor £ Co. W V ELLIOTT, sp 13— lm Late with Smith * Haiwood. DISSOLUTION Oif CO PARTNER SHIP— The Co-Partnership ->f STEARNS A THURSTON in this day dissolved by mutual con sent. FRANKLIN STEARNS will settle up the outstanding business of Stearns A Thurston. FRANKLIN BTEARNB, ap2—ts PHINEAS THURSTON. pO-PAETNEEBHIP NOTICE.—I have v this day associated with me in co-partnership WM BKKNT. of the late firm of Gretter * Brent.— The busings will be conducted under the drm ot F STBABJSiCO. RICHMOND, January 1, 1859. THE UNDERSIGNED hvre this daj associated tnomaelve* together under the fljro and btyle of JOHNSON A TKUBHBAiIT. for the purpose of conducting a General Grocery, Commis sion and Forwarding Business. They have taken tfco large granite front house on Cary street, tor nwrly occupied by J.M. Conrad, second dcor above Virginia street. . . , They will always keep on hand the best assort ment of Groceries, Liquors, Ac., which they will rumish to the trade at the lowest prices. By strict attention to business they hopo fo receive a liberal share of patrouage. B. J. JOHNSON, Late of the firm of Dibrell * Jclinson. BAT. TRUEUE ART, ja 4—ts Late of Danville. Va. Pi* NOB, Jkc. firstpremium grand gtvTr:«AXn SQUARE PIANOB. — Grand N R |TK Hand square Pia-jo Forte Warerooms. « » « B • General depot of foreign and Ameri can Mfl»!c. Musical Instruments, and all other arti cles belonging to a Musical Warehouse, bj GJKHLt A 00-. No 231 Broad street, between Tfiird and Fourth streets, Richmond, Va. The undersigned, at the request of many Southern triends, havees t.iblisheU and opened in Ficbinoud. No. 231 Broad street, between 3d and 4th sts , a PIANO FORTH WAREROOM, where iu addition to our extensive stock of PIANO FORTES, wo offer tor sale e general assortment of FOREIGN AND AMERI CA.* MUSIC, of the tnsst popular composers. Mu sical Instruments of all kinds, and those articles generally which appertain to a first class musical establishment. Seminaries, Academies, institutions of learning, Ac., will find it to their advantage to deal with us, as wo are prepared to sell music, Ac., at Northern prices, and they will thus save the freight between this city aad the North. The busi ness will be conducted under the name and style of G.EULE A CO. A guarantee is given of every instrument for five years from the time of purchase, and the privilege of exchange within sis months alter date of sale la accorded. All orders will be promptly and faithful ly executed. Our terms are moderate, and a liberal discount will be made for cash. Tuning promptly attended to. Old Pianos taken in exchange and hired at low rates. The public are respectfully invited to give ns a call betVre purchasing elsewhere, as we ate deter mined not to be undersold. fe 25-d3m GJSHLS A CO , Richmond, Va. TO GUITARISTS.—P. H. TAY t©2 LOR has inet opsnpd an additional supply of ?§* MARTIN'S UNRIVALLED GUITARS,which are unequalled for fullness and sweetness of lone and beauty of fini«h. Italian Guitar Strings, Gu itar Instruction Book.*, and Music. PIANO AND MUSIC STORE, ap 27 I S3 Main »t., above Post Office. ASHLAND RACES. SPRING MKBTINQ, 1859. The Spring Meetin* over this conr*e will com mence on TUESDAY, 17th day of May n*xt, and continue throughout the week. Kikst Dat—Post stake for all ages, four mile heat* $200 entrance; $100 forfeit. »if*,o added by the Club. Cloeed on lstinst.Withfoar subscribers,viz: T * TW Dog well. John Hunter, R II Dickinson and James M Tavlor. SrcoND Day—Fir it Race-—Sweepstakes fr>r three year old colta and fillies $200 entrance. $100 for feit. Closed on Ist inst, with the following entrtea: Thomas W Doawell enters ch c, Kxchtijuer, bj Revenue, dam Nina, by Boston. W H Gibbons enters b f, Crinoline, by Financier, dam Miss Mattie, by Umpire. John Hunter enters b c, by Lexington, Jam by F M Hall enter* gr f. Faith, by Childe liar-old dam Fidelity, by Priam. Second Race—Same Day.—Jockey Club parse, J.VpO, three mile heats. Thibd Day—First Race — Sweepstakes for three year otd colts and fillies. $i:<o entrauce. Uall for feit. Mile heats. Clos»d on the 15th March with the following entries: Thottas and James T Posweil enter sorrel Alloy, by Griff Edmonson, dam Virginia Payne. M Harvey enters #rey liiley, by Red Eyo. dam by Arthur Tavlor. Secorul Race—Same Day—Proprietor's purse, $200 Two mile beats. Fourth Day—First Race— Sweepstakes for three year ol'l colts ana fillies, out of ciares that never produced a winner. $1(10 entrance. Half;forfeit. Milo heats. Closed on the 15th March with the fol lowing entries: Thomas Doswell enters sorrel Alley, by Revenue, ( dam by Bailey Peyton, (B Handjlph's ) James M Taylor enters b c, by Financier, cut of Emancipation Mare Also, L c. Admiral, by Commodore, out of Priam Mare, and she out of Virginia Oraves. F M Hall enters bay colt, by Register, dam by Prince George M Harvey enters sorrel colt, b'y Jno Blunt, dam by Andrew. Second Race—Same Day.—Proprietor's purse, $150. Mile heats—best three in Ave. Fifth Dat—Handicap race for service ef plate, the value of $3no. entrance <50, to be added to the stake. Second horse to save his entrance, provided three or more start. Three inilo heats. Nominations for the above mentioned Colt Stake*, closing 15th March next, to be addressed to NATH'L A THOMPSON, Sce'y Ashland Jockey Club. Ashlard, Hanover county, Va, Jan 26. lits. ja 27—2awtMlo*td CLOTHING " 9J SPRING GOODS AT URAD QUARTERS, ■■ . Cbrner Main and 13ih streets. The subscriber has just returned from Mew York, with the largest and uiost fAshlonsble stock of Goods he has ever had, selected by himself in per son, with great care, with special reference to the retail trade. Abetter stock of Cloths, Casaimcre* and >estings, canuot be seen In this city. Coats Pants and Vests of every imaginable thape. color and quality, embracing all the new styles. Also a moit magnificent stock of Furnishing Goods, such Super Silk Lace Neck Ties Blk and Fancy Silk Neck Tie* Pocket Ildkh, Cravat*. Stocks Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Glove* Suspenders, Sock*, Ac. All In want of Goods, really fresh and deairable. either ready made or snt to measure, would do well to give him a call before purchasing elsewnere He has in his employ the best of Cutters and Werknen. B B SPBNCK, ' 2 Corner Main and 13th street*. p D. YALE & CO., rVf.l3O Maim STRUT. REFRIGERATORS, FIRE AND WATER PROOFCEMENT PAINT, For Roifs, the be*t article for the purpoae in use. Lightning Rods ot the moat approved kind. Pumps of all kind*. Hydraulic Kams. Lead and I ron Pipe, all rise*. Portable Gas Works pnt np In town and couutry. Hotel and Family Cooking Range* and Stove*, all tiiei. All kind* of Plamblng and Gaa Fitting done to order. ALSO, Roofing and Guttering. Usating public and pri vato builaiugs in all the various way* known in modern improvement*. a* 2*— 2m ERICHTEB'B B&EWIRY, • CORNER BROAD AND7taBTB From this day I will sell BO&LBD LAQBR BRJCR, vis: Qnmrts, Pints and Half Plat*: Quarts, per do*. a, 7 * Pint*. p»r dos. 9 ! 75 M Half Wat*, per doe " i;:;;™ 115 P'vtkeaia boi*i wd'd*Uv depot la the city ire* of charg*. X , assortment ok Sffi.Kr.nuxr'' rsssss#- "" m Broad itiMt, BMLKOAMi **■ HfIHWSPaTRRBVt>RfI BAIEIOA March until th« Ist of September \ and accommodation train* on thtajwja *}•'}J*» Richmond and Pet«*bwg on MONDAY w *DKJI* DAY »nd FRIDAY, at « o'clock. A *. ** A Wahgenients have b«en made by thi« J*P* for the prompt and punctual forwarding »®J *•'* ery of ul Prod uc«,6ood*. or other «rticl»* offrmgbf designed for transportation either way,» D - *.*" l Kichmond and point* between Petersburg WW, *• leigb, Ridgway, Ore*n*boro, Bail»bury, and Char latte, North Carolina, at low rates, wlthoat a»< charge fur for warding, storage, Ac. AH ,Q ™ * I ciea aent to Richmond, ahould be consig»«® •"'J plainly marked, 'To the care of the Freight Agra to the Kichmond and Petersbnrg Hailroad, at Petota bnrg," br whom they will b« promptly for**™!" Aa to the rate* of toll* on the Romi • on J™ " v* Unbare, which they require to be ■ repaid, mm* a* Raleigh, Information may be ha 3 at the Depo of tbia Company at Office R * P R R Co,l . . , March 7.18 M / . VIRGINIA AND fIHCi9f3RTK!<NIfIBBB RAILROAD. PftMtager iralos lem s Ljncbbiirjr u tHf * l I/™ F - M. 1 hronthTick?tafrom Lrhchburg: to the WIW *t * Dal ton. ~ 10 SO Montgomery. «** 25 Chattanooga 20 10 Grand J auction W *• Atlanta «... ... 2' f> Mtmphia..— 3° Huntsviile. 24 sft Mew Orleans --jmmmb Freight Trains leave Lynchburg daily .. oXcepted) at 1.30 A M. F r«- ?*Ti t tr&usported tbrohgb from Lyacbbtirg to the following narced place*, at the following namtd rates per 100 pound*. Ist Clan. 2d Cla**. 3d Cla%. Knoxville. 10 90 $0 73 *>57 Daltou and Chatta nooga. 92>i 74 !A Nashville 1 25 1 00 *> Tuscuffibia. 1 3H 1 09 87 Mem phi*. ....... 155 124 n __ J"0 8 H "ILL, o«T>eral BupeHnt°»vl< it. liytjcfctinrg. March 4th, 1C59- m!l «— >&*-l£Z2& "THROUOH TABUr OF mSBmOBBM FR EIGHT from Richmond to Mvm phi*, aud intermediate point*: I" > Vli I-9 Fbom Ricn*oirD TO j | g "I j * ? \k M m zl£ I s First Claw. 1« >2" 1tiI! wfl 71 S««cotid Ciae*. 1 '2 I W 1 15 ! i 27 ' i <2 Tbled C!w 1' 0 ftf< 95 102 Il> Special Oiaeg 232 2 3>i 290 I 3 16 |3 V ~ The rates Wt-et of Kaoxville will not go intu ef fect until after the completion of tha Cleveland Branch Railroad, which will be abont the Ist o Shippers of through goods must senl dnpllrate ticket.-", Kiting the marks, weights and de*t\aation ol good*. Send to Cox's Line of Boat*. . * -A S LKK. on the Doc*. N. B —Good* from Northern cities shipped through at reduced rate*. A. 8. L. fe 10—ts __ VTRUIXIA I ICNIUAL RAILKOAU. s&mmsm caA Z 9 J or gPKINO ARKANOK.VIKNT. Trains loave Kichmond twice dally, (Snndl^^ n'gbt» excepted ) For Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Ac., ?iz : at fi.2o A M, and 6.15 p. M. I»a«erK»rs for i. H AHLorrrsvitLX, Btaustojt, Cot inotow, Ac , tuke tiio 620 A M irain. tare to Waabinitlon, $•> w " " Baltimore, 7 i«t " " Philadeiphia, *50 " " New York II 50 BAG'}AUK CHRC&SD THROUUII. Through Tickets sold to Pitt*i>urg, Zaneaville Cincinnati, Louisville, fit Lorjs, Chicago, and all important points West. Passengers go through without detention. TIIOS DUDAMKAD, apl2—t* General Miperintender.t. [ \ RATES, FENDERS, FUJI BITS OF SHOVKL3.TONO9 and PORKRB.-I ±are *-» ■ale an elegant assortment of nil kinds of Qrnt'-*, inclnding every stylo of Fenders, Bnmiser Piwe«, hacdsom »nd plain seta of Shovel*, Tongs and Pokera. Seven different size* of coalscuttles, cinder Shovels. Are Shovels; handsome Stand* for Shovel* and Pokers: Blower Stauds;Ura<<sand Iron Footmna'.; ar- Brick; tire Slabs and Jams; sets of Soap Btonr> for setting ap Orates; Tavern and Chnrch Bells, of sweet tone. Builders, housekeepers, and otb'-rs In v ant of any of the r.bove articles, can be supplied at the lowest Northern prices. I am manufacturing all kinds of Brass and Iron Works of the above de scription, at »nv BP.liI, and BKABS FOUNDRY, sj«l GRATIS and FKNDEK MANUFACTORY, No. .-a Maiu *tr«flt, batweeii Bth anci vth street*, wnt side, Richmond, V*. •a 16~dly 8. D DSNOON. N- OTICE TO" rOBACOON*BTB AND MRHCIIANTS.—Made to order, TOBACCO SB"!?, " any size. As 1 litTe on hand a lares Stock ol gtod material fur this ptircov, I would M elad to furnish trom !s.f*o to2o.i*»'t Se/stliisseas<'n. I have also for salt. FLOUR BAKRKJ-a and HALF BAHRKLS, suitable for flour,sugar, plaster, Ac. R OUARY 81icp corner fith and Cary sta. N B —Cash paid for BARREL TiMJIER. rah 18 —3;n* RICHMOND, April 18. TO THE PCBLIO.—I have this Jaj constituted anil appointed BAML H JKTKU my igeut, by deed duly recorded in the office of ths Court of Hustings of llie city of Richmond, to con duct for me, and in my name, a General Commis sion aifl Forwarding Business. ap 20 —1 m* FUAN3 A JETEK. In conformity with the foregeing, I will conduct,at my old stanl. on Cary *tre»t, two doors below »ne Columbian Hotel, a General Com missionnnd Forwardiug Bulnesa. 1 shall givprr.y nndiviiied aid personal attention to the sale of tve ry kicd of country produce, such as Wheat, Com, Klonr, Tobacco, Ac, and by strict attention tn bu siness, I hopo to roceivo a liberal share of pntlie patronage. SAM'L H JETER, ap 20— lm* Agent for Frans A Jetir dpU> CARRIAGES, CARRIAGE?. The subscriber has eh hand, at Ma Coach Making Establishment, on Lombard Alley, between Main and Cary, (l3tli and 14th streets ) near tho Colombian Hotel. COACIIKS. CHAKI'i- TKE3, BAROUCHES, BUGGIES with and without* tops, and SULKIES— all ot hi* own make, of ;b« best materials and workmanship—all of which *II be sold as low as good work of the kind c»n be the city of Richmond, and I respectfully ask a mil from those in w*ntof any article in the Carrlixt* line, as I am determined to pake to ordrr and to 'ell at the lowo"t price* possible; and all work sold, that is new, warranted tnh 7—am MICAJAH MANGU M. tJOHN E. DOLIERTY respeciful ly informs his friii.J and the pub'ic that he has opened a MfcKCHANT TaILOKING ESTABLISHMENT, on 13'h, between Main »nd Cary streets, wh-'re ho warrant* a* good Gar ments, and at as reasonable prices a* tan be had anywhere. All he asks is a trial. mh 15— 2m REUTHE'S PATENT _£><Z ANIMAL TRAP-This i»g*nfon* machine has no rival It tha Arid Y mm sL >t nil, to Uicompared with It, tor the capture of wild animal*. It m *o small thft one can carry it in his racket. stUl't is capaMe of killing a b*ar. The/ are of three (Af ferent aizos. and will ttfcctnaliy operate «d, Minks. Wild Cats, Foxes. Wolves, Bears, Ac; tliey call also be ate las Pistols. For sale by JAMES Walsh. Gen lmp<rter, ap 28—1 m 7 dwrs above St Charles Hotel m RICHMOND AND «MtBEgBES!BffrETitRSBu KG ram ROAD-ISfPOKTANT M>TICSTOTKAV*LK <S. By the new mail arrangeineuts, on and aft«r Mt>N - OAT, April I£. the trams ou Ibis road will leave Richmond at an earlier hour than formerly, the morning train starting at 4:25 instead of 4:63, and the atternoja train at 2:40 insteid of 2:». For details,see regular advertisement. ap 16— Im TJI WYN**' ®" ,p ' t / —n —■ TURPIN, ROPER & MCP **- I ' RAY, UNDERTAKERS. Governor street,between Main and Franklin, Rich mond, Va. Keep constant! v on hand all kinds of reedy-made COFFWSAND METALLIC BURIAL CASES. mil 23—ly z —r. —-1 WM. Q. BALLIE. WM V CHANDLER,JNOTBALLIK. on der the firm of WM Q SALLIK * oO..Caih!c*t Ma- IIMAJII KiHMTUKk Deai.erh, have on hand a g.*xl assortment of Furniture, both of lh»lrown mamt factory and Nor'hern. We respectfully solicit • call ftv rt t»>o*e who may want anything in our line. UNDERTAKING. We w'H also pay particular attention to theUcder taking business In all it* branches, keeping con stantly on haud a large assortment of Metalic Ba nal ('a*?s, ami Mahogany and Poplar Coffins. OrtVis frcm the country toilette',, and will be promptly attended to. WM A SALLIIS k 00. my ' -3m Franklin at,between rthand 14tn. AX— HORSES FUK SALE—I hate lust returned from BVtimore. where I selec ted a lot cf young, mund, gentle home*. »ultabU» for draught or Mddle purpose* Thoae in want will srWe m« a rail. N C MPSUOMBItf. n»T 4-ta Judst, between Broad and Brace. MR. EDITOR:— promised in my Ust adTertise-*X2iv uieni that the 'Peoplo" should hear from me again, "ao now I blow my horn."' I have studied aatr-oo my ainc* m j last, and And that the star of my dm tinr atlll routes oo: and thoae who know IIAU AN'H JOHN, know th »t ht> haa the faculty and Ind'-fati Sable aplrlt not to let the dowofalla »f lite to canse Im to despair; but "pnah along, keep rootle*." for the world ii but a bubble, aad he that ha< t»> much lead on hia ainker will surely be a goner; therefore t offer to »h*> pnblic of my own saaiititac 'ure. BCtKHKJ* 811 UK IKS, ROUKI WATS aud I.igtit CAKKIAOIH—aII aa itood aa can ba made.— I hjwealaoHOßSES. MULU.Ao.Ao . for aale-ln , anything under the suu, and will barter and trade for eren old sho> soles. AH yea ha*« to do m to give him a call on isth street, where yon will fl »d hl» sign unaldo down, tbera yoa will And MAGAN 8 JOtl»s, In TWn Crt*k .Ya/v>n tffT You snail hear from ma tor J« writing * romance of my own life mh M—daw & new carriage mand- F AOTOK Y. CORN BR OF »TU Ai* r> mtUAUof RB rre.-lfhe su b*orib« havi*gh«d w v«a*s>r*c'i'*l etperience in the oianu CAR RI AIMS in *ome of the larg'st "*• ! * in the North and ftosth. ttAtter* himself * fully able to manfactare the »o*« . * well •* the plainest style o* CARRf' foand in the State Poe*e*>iag « if!! in hi* buduttsa, he la enableJ io * er prU-es tiiM.oau be a«>r<lrf by «/V- Meba* bmw oahsud.of htoowomMi'"'* *0 y a IKS. wit* ana without topi, RO(&A rr* i.\ m.. W " " ry k>W p JOHN DOB*. A DAM'S EXPREtiS ** Has* wotrrt tbetreßee !?tad < «