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THB PIPPATOH .| TRPI»>»AT »tOM*IW ■.-MAT It. 18* Repwvt«(lM ••wtfccrn Con* The full W|H>rt of the proceedings of the Baptist Southern Convention will be issued in tb« WeMy Ditpufch next Thursday morning, at 11 o'clock, when any number of copies may be obtained at the counter ready for mailing- Persons leaving town liefone Thursday can have them sent to their address by calling to-day or to-morrow and leaving their address. PmIHM »f B«lll(«r*»ta»«llair The attention of the public being fixed at this moment upon the plains of Italy, in eager anticipation of the momentous even's which a day may bring forth, we take the opportunity to present such a view of the relative position of the belligerent parties, as we can make out from the impel feet tel egraphic dispatches which have thus far come to band. (The connection was inter rupted on Tuesday, and at this hour, ten o'clock of Wednesday, we have not receiv ed our files by the Anglo-Saxon and Ade laide.) TheTicino, rising in the Alps near the sources of the Rhine and the Danube, after spreading ont into Lago Maggiore in the upper pirt of its course, flows nearly due south, and enters the Po at Pavia. It is the dividing line between the kingdom of Sar dinia and the Lombardo-Yenetian posses sioa of Austria, the former lying to the west of it, and the latter to the east. The Sessia, a Sardinian river, flows in a parallel direction to the Ticino, and as far as wc can judge from the maps, about ten or fifteen miles from it. The Austrians, before they moved, were lying on the eastern side of the Ticino. The telegram says the Sardin ians are lying at Sessia, which seems to be a town on the western bank of tbe river of that name. The same telegram says the Austrians have crossed the Ticino, at Buffd lora, and moved in the direction of Xovarii. This town lies considerably to the south o»" that which is put down as Sessia on the maps, and if the report be true, it is very casv to see the object of the movement in question. We will explain it, according to our view. A railroad, commencing at Genoa, runs nearly due Nortlf between the Sessia and the Ticino, passing tbroagh the towns of Alessandria, Mortara and Novara, and ter minates at Arona on the Lago Maggiore.— At Novara it connects with another rail road from Turin. II the main body of the Sardinians lies at Sessia, the occupation of the junction at Novara, will prevent them from receiving reinforcements coming either from Genoa, or Turin. It will also, cut them off from Turin, to which Novara. is con siderably nearer than Sersia. The Sardi nian army will thus be isolated, and expos ed to destruction, while the capital of Sar dinia will be placed, in a measure, at the mercy of the Austrians. In order to pre vent such a catastrophe, the Sardinians will be compelled to fall back, in the direc tion of Turin. At Alessandria, a few days march to the south of Novara, the railroad from Genoa to Alessandria, and that from Alessandria to Turin connect, nearly at right angles, the Turin road running from that poiut nearly due west to Turin. It the Austrians should have taken possession of Novara, the French, coming bjr rail from Genoa, will, it is to be presumed, tak# the Turin road to Turiu, i! it be not already ! broken up before their arrival. In case ei ther of these catastrophes should happen, or if the Sardinians should be cut off from their capital, it seems probable, that they will retreat in the direction of Mount Cenis, over which the French are already said to be pouring. This would leave an Austrian force between Turin and Genoa, and of course between the French forces arriving at that point, and those now crossing the Alps. It would give the Austrians a central position and enable them to keep their vast army to gether in one body. We are however, only supposing a case. There is little doubt that the French Empe ror foresaw all this, and wiil send his troops with so much dispatch that the Aus trians will not be able to destroy the Ales sandria and Turin Railroad before they shall base passed. He perfectly understands the value of time, in military operations, and tbat is what the Austrians never did for merly, (according to the elder Napoleon,) whatever they may do now. There is one thing in connection with this subject, which we cannot understand. The telegraph says, "Tuscany has joined the Sardinians and French." If such were the fact, tbe strategical position of tbe allies would be prodigiously improved. But wc are at a loss to understand what is rneaut. The Grand Puke of Tuscany is a Hapsburg —a scion of the llouse of Austria. To shield him from the wrath of his outraged subjects, Austria, a few years ago, subjected Tuscany to military occupation, as she had repeatedly done before. Surely, the Grand Duke has not joined the alliance, which must be especially detrimental to his inter ests. P. S. —Since the above was wiitten, we have received our files. It seems to be true that Tuscan/ has joined the allies ; but this is the consequence of a revolt, which has driven the Grand Duke from his doininious. The Old Columbian. The well known Columbian Hotel will be r*-oponed to-day under new auspices, after having been very much modified and modernized. Mr. Josbi'm H. Crknshaw is the proprietor, and Messrs. Wtatt Cardwbll, formerly of Charlotte, and C. B. Lcck, of this city, managers. The old house has been considerably extended—the lodging rooms are specious—the furniture neat —and the whole establishment has an air of comfort and ease without pomposi ty of pretension that is quite inviting. It is with respects to that very important de partment of a hotel—the kitchen and meat depository—that the Columbian is especial ly commendable. For all the purposes of cleanliness, convenience and ventilation, no hotel is supplied with a superior apart ment of the kind. The managers are gentlemen well known. John Randolph *nce said of Col Cahuwbi.l that he "knew what's what as well as any man," and a man of that sort ought to knew how to keep a hotel. His young col league, Lock,is a whole team when he fires his mind and bis energies upon any object. They are both popular, and we expect to see the Old Columbian restored to its for mer good repute with the public. Yesterday the managers entertained their numerous friends in a very handsome man ner, aud there was a gay time. Such a lively beginning and such a demonstration of good wishes from troops of friends au gurs well. There was certainly steam enough gotten up on the occasion to keep 'he establishment ahead for a long time. It is an important thing for the prosper ity of a city that it should have good ho tels. A man's impressions of a city de pend verr mach upon how he is lodged and bow be is fed. Therefore we are gratified valuable addition to the good hotels of Richmond and cordially wish the old with its new conductors the high est oocorss. K Taufas.—Comtdy —The beautiful comedy of the "Serloas Family" U to be pi.,* atTbe thlau. to-night with a really flue cast, including u r . Gladstone m Widow Ifelmaloe, aud Jehuston as AmleMab Mark. The eompany at the theatre eooM not have a piece in which they can be dis tributed to more advantage. This Is the middle of the lest week of the season, aod we hope to •tight to eeea brilliant house where all will so eouu MdaikneM. The (arce of «oer Eastern Shore Is to be played to-night for the last time- T. Msbl'e, Ke< , formerly of of V* *7*" tK " o,n4t * <l b * Opposition of Norfolk, Va , for tfcc u.ju»« u f Dil«*ates. Rev klilibu Boooe of i i ■, fsrllf lo y». '" A YOU NO MAM KILLED BY LIGHTNING— Oimtil Cburt—Mnth OnyrtuioM) IHftrkt, dr [r or th* richkohd daily mmcc*-) lIAKMWRIOfcO. M«y 10th, IKS 9. A yonn* man by the n*m» of Thorn** Adam*, •on of David Adam*, twins n«*r Jennlng'* Gap, Aavntta county,—w*a killed by lightning, on Wednesday. tbe 27th alt. He «m torn* diaMncn from homo when a atorm »ro»», and he aonaht abetter In a barn. A «hort time after entering the barn, the lightning •track him, prostrating him on the fl»or. A young man who wa« with him «« also proetrated, bat noon recovered, and discovering the barn on Are aacceeded In putting It oot. Yonng Adam* lived 24 bonra after the oicurreuce. lie wa» about 19 yen/a of age. Circuit Conrt will commence hare to-morrow.— There are aeveral criminal c««f« to be tried, vis: A negro girl, who waa convicted to Ih» hnng, and granted * new trial for the burning of Gabriel Wood'* dwelling, and a man by the name of Craw ford, for the (hooting and killing of a man by the name of llarke. The excitement in this Congressional District continue* to increase a* the election approachea.— So engro*aed are the friend* of the candidate* in the aocceaa of their favorite*, that we scarcely hear anything about theGabernatorial election. The w heat crop I learn, tooka promising; our farmer* have juat finished planting corn. They have been delayed to aome extent, by the wet weather. Kockikuham. NORFOLK AFFAIRS. [CORRESPOKPISCI OF TH* RICBMOHD n»U.T DISPATCH.) NonroiK, May 11 lb, 1559. Naval Constructor, Stnuiel Hartt, E«q., died at hia reaidence in tbecity of Portsmouth, after an illnea* of about two week*. He wa* on board tho 111 fated steamer North Caroliua when she was burnt in Chesapeake Bay, during the past winter, at which time he caught cold, which i* supposed to have planted the aoed of death . A* a mark of re*pect, the huaine** of the yard ha* been suspend ed, and the hands employed therein will attend hiafuueral in a body. \ The steamship Southern Star, of the Paraguay expedition, has just arrived, aud i* now at the naval anchorage. The weather is damp and cold. Business brisk. We note an advance iu corn and *i>ur, csti'ed by the war new*. Theßev. Dr. Cumming*. formerly of thi* city, but now of Baltimore, will preach at Christ church thi* evening. The new hotel will be opened in about two month*: the proprietor requiring that length of time to got his furniture arranged. I'ESCCSSION. D*ap.—Nehemiah Smith, for many year* repre sentative of Mason and Jackson counties in the Virginia Legislature, died at Jackson C. 11., on the 28tb ult. Sestenoep.—A bitch of murderers were sen tenced in New York on Saturday. Quimbo Appo, for the murder of Mary F. Fletcher, is to be hang ed on the 2.1 of July. Jean Bosquet, known pro bably as "the man monkey," for the murder of Maltino de Santes, wr* sentenced to imprison ment for life. Michael Flynn, for killing F. Cut ting, is to be imprisoned ten years. Johu Glass, for the murder of Wm. Decker, was sentenced to be imprisoned twenty years. James Iliggius, for the same offence, suffers a like punishment; and John D. Pfromer, for causiug the death of Chas. F. Sturges, was sentenced to the State prison for four years. Ofiß EtsTER* Shore Cocsi.v.—The schoonor Polly, Captain Ilogue, arrived beiow yesterday af ternoon, with potato plautings from the Eastern shorn. This veritable captain is a remarkable genius, being, when "tu hum," editor of a weekly newspaper, and what is more, is his own composi" tor, pressman aud printer's devil, to eay nothing of his being the village school master, preacher, and general diguitary, besides having a wife and sixteeu children. He makes an occasional trip to Petersburg, Norfolk, and other place*, and usual ly forewarns his readers that tho next issue o: his hebdomadal depends very much upon the wind.— Petersburg (Pit.) Express. Foßeios News.—The following foreign items are by tho Adelaide: Bank of Englaud rates had advanced three and a half per cent. It bad been telegraphed from various sources tbat duriug tbe night of tbe 2t>th of April, 120,0(3 Austrians, under Gnilar, crossed the Ticino, in three corps, and tcok the road toward Novara: also tbat they afterwards blew up the bridge of Bud >ra. over which they hid crossed. This was sub sequently cotfirmed by an official announcement from Pari*, as stated yesterday. The King of Sardinia had issued nn inspiring proclamation to tbe army, saying that he regarded tbe ultimatum of Austria as an iueuit, aud re* joined to it with distain. The Baton Rouge (La.) paper*,of the 3d inst., announce tbe unexpected death of Rev. Wm. Crenshaw of that place. Contistid VoT BBS—Thefjl lowing names app< ar upon the poll of fc>. UAGKHTY.and are challenged by John J Fry. The Committee on Deputed HUctiots will meet Tills AFTEKNOO.'f, at 4 o'clock, in the Council Cham ber, in the City Uall; and much delay and serious inconvenience will be obviated, if tbe voters, who 3 names appear in tbe list, would anpear before the Committee,and have the question in regard to their right to vote settled: Monroe Ward. J P Thicker, D B Come, Dudley Oilman, Oliver Ciossmore. James Clnndening, C Uerbtird, A Mul ier. John F Frrsnsson, J Kc :he, James Hurley, 1' U K«efe, 1111 Milburn. L Cohen, P P Bland, Joseph Creamer. B He >d W H Davis, Jas E Tyler, \V Alexander, James ilichs, T B Halstead. S Tilson, P O'Koef. Jos P Vest, John Qroustow, W D Totty. Thos Griffith, Henry Wiujro, Edmund PHill, M P Trewaller Thos Blunt. Johu Collins, John Walls, TW O jloing. JobuTCrew, J»; Turner, Philip Kritr.T, Wm K Hill, ¥ P Kedlori. Wui Kinstrey, F Marshall, Pat Conner, F Bodien. A ritaiide, F FUudo, L Wagoner, K A Krengel, John W< Js, T Kierd<n,John Frey. Wm Uaukin.F Walbougli Mi clia»l Kerne, Terr< nee Cassidy a V hes Dooley. Chas Bantrv\ Kdward I avant, H Linwater, J Kelly, L gatter, UllarraeKon, %V Care, J M Finn, A Stroute, H Kischoff II Br )rn, P Fenesharker 1J Linkhanor. Jacob Bt-ier. George Marcus, William Maleny, Henry Oallaher, Daniel L'cokran, Jacob Burger, A Bchotts, M Doherty, Kd Carney, John A Roxenberger, Charles Niza. F Dignot, John Yekel, C Burgin, II Bluter.Pet )r Doyle, H Weiss, Jno Den man. Michael McCantt, P o Devlyshire, Michael Cullen, Daniel Hearty, W McCullf n, M Dngin.O C Mc.teill, Thos McDonnell, PMcMary.fA.l Aeglar, .1 no Maliony, JnoC McFarland, B Nagle, MC Knlp, Ml'.hael Burke, L Oellhamer, L Hil/.meyer, O Fro niir, J J Ouuenhaussr, L FCit'i, Chas Luding, Hen ry Noltiiig, L«wis riotaon, WmOu.ii, J Buschrr. Chas Keuna.M Bevan, (J< > Speaker, JosßtucKin- Icck, M Creigh, Daul Liudyaug, Juo ltoose, BM Jane, O Citti, Ilenry Tier joy, Carl, Jatncs Kafl'y, Kd Kenrfre, BP Bleiner, Jno Dooly, L C Gitti, 0 Lio'zhauer, 0 /.ehe, FDuukle J McDouough. Ed Oallaher. E Oermiilman, Thos Von Freeden, L'aniel O'Oonnall. Michael O'Ooner, A 7. >ppin, Thos Kilty, Pat Lahan, John K Gentry, Pat Wot Is, Adam Fish er, Thos B Ford, John Oriffos, Anthony Griffiths, Morris McCann, Benjamin An>«s, J H Kennedy, J B Englshright. K H Meatman. W B Ligon, Jas Dia mond, John Molft-tt, Chas J Fox, Martin Bhine, W Hntcbesnn, John Man, P T Talley, Valentine Friend, Michael llrannan, M J Wilsoo, WLandrura, W M Walton M fclnure, Wm Ilerchus. D McDevitt, Michael Nagie, Henry Krager, Jos Thomss. B 1 Cleaner, W H Linsdey, J LShackletord.Thos -Mark W Long, K Retimau, W H Duun, Henry Drver, 8 J Arnall, Thoma« L Lucas, Patrick Kinson, John M Gillespie, John H Holloway, T Blackburn, D O'Kerfe, A Kdwards, ¥ B Coan, G Martin, John Ford, Owen Callahan, Charles Lewis, John Jones, John Bowles. 8 D McC< jk. John Appleyard JAB Kenuedy, Felix Baughn, John Mackay, M Mnrphy P J'Ryan, Pat Kyan. Pat Ryan. Pat Macarthy, Pat McCarthy, Jjhn Sullivan, John Sullivan, John Sul livan, John I oyle, W Bethel, M Bethel, Hcrjamin Broach, J R Oodsey, W 8 Godsey, John Carry, Lew is bheppard. MadUnn tfarii. .1 C Courtney, C L Knglish, L McKenna, T W Pairo, M Ryan, WUClarke, W Booth, J Sexton J Fagan, John Doyle, M Murphy, J Shirlctk. R Mc- Namee 8 R Perdue, T V V oarr. 8 C Davis, R A Page, W Hutley. A Winke, D C McOorn, Jg Mi char.i. J Giblon. A Feldham. K W Opitz, R Bbutte F Muller, M Ferriton, J H Byrnes, BStone, W H Fuke, Dore, J Wogan, Jas Becker. H Ver brinch, KC Kerrigan. T Gillinghurst. J Baxth K H Ustertook.H Bhore, T Sullivan, J Clarke' F Brad ford, W R v an, J Dullard, M Mahonev, W J Bar tholomew, J Murphy, J Michard, W Giolin, K Stiff D B Farquhar, J Watkins, W B Thotaas Ruskell, J V Darracott. Jtffirwn Ward J K Burnett,J no Hagan, jr. F Collins. Henrr T Hicks. O Moll. W T B»rry, R H England Thos J White, W H Bethel W Coghill, Saml W J-kinner, W Brossenham, L Lichenstein. J Lichenstein Ml chael Haki. A Volaski. Pat McCanu Dauiel Kgan, K rtchaffcr. A J Johnson, Jas CQiumings, Jas Mar •h«f Jno Pendergstt.Louis Muller.A Kratz, A Leh man. M Bchardf, W Kgan, W Y Cavanagh. Hugh D«rtney M Find, A Bololari, Jno 0 Bmitt Jas Lilly. D D Sullivan, U Paul. Owen Gormau, O H Smitt, M Rarikiu, Thos Fiuney, ¥ With. F R Kelt?, 8 Shee hon, Hugh Folay, Jno Fridicuss, Jno Hews, M Cal lahan, J K Nngh. Jno Dvaney Peter Craven, H Bur keet, W Dellon.D McUonough, D Kavanaugh, Mar tin Ryan, Jos Bunfil, K Holzinr«r. Pat McGovern Jas F«gan, P Gary, C Kraute, Jno Tearney A Bar ncally, J BCalligan, Jas McOalley, G Weos, John Xaukin. Henry Beail, C CoDtiough, Jno UcMahoa. Jas Bigier, Jno Ciste, Jno F itfattley, JBo Connon Jno M< Laughlin. Thos Gingoin, Jas It Lyse, M Pila patrick, Thos Westomar, B Cohen, R J Mix, M Laz run Thos O'Conner.Pat Grace, feaml 8 P Lombard, R B Cialdock, Wm U Trier, T J King. Jno Oonner, J F >l-y,Mmon Coffer. W Bettis, Jnoohahan, Tim Bhohln, J Bjrry. M M Kgan, J Mahony C Corey, D Kjrau. James Roach, Pat. fchea, A Brill, Cbas F ''ar .er, John P Talley. L H Carter, Rots Campbell, y Blata, R Malone, M O'Coaner. 8 PearceCiark. .. oh n R Fletcher, T Dower. T McCough, F ft eagle J B Rankin, John Reynolds, H J Pi;kironey. Mick Ma-on. HOCermyer, John Bailey, Timothy Call hsu, M Kussell. Jacob Dopelson, LCohen. John Fagan John McKyory, John DuTel, John McKenby Tom B x>th. John Sexton, W H Clarke, John Jones' F Powell, P O Keefe, A J Berry, P Kaine, K M l.a ca%, Samuel Bgau, F Hyde, Joseph Hledd, John Joyca, Henrr Lemry. State or Vimiwia—City or Richmond, to wit: This day personally appeared before me James KUett, a Rotary Public fn and for the City and Btate afore Mid, John J Fry, and made oath that he 152* l#nto .HMWth# persooi above men med were not legal!r qualified to vote in the WaWlsofthatity of Richmond, in which they re- W?ffcI # iri ot f d / fo . r buperintecdeot of the Gaa P-4.Im'cJJI •lection la said city, for muni" Qiteu under my hand, this23th day of April, |8s». JAMBS KLLKTi', N P. B, 1 """"' A "" »"• »lr —You are hereby notified that before | uti4 o Vpu .ite tn« tovtr al -ImiL Very respectfully j u ur». JOUJI 4. fMV. TKLKORAPhIO NKWS. mm MAONKTIO TBLKORAPH MNEfl.l Ornci— No. 139 KaglaSqnare, Main it. j KKI'OKTRO f«R TH*»DWATCn. DETAILS OF FOREIGN NEWS. New York, May ll.—The steamer Persia, which •ailed from Liverpool at 10 o'olock, A. M . on the :toth of April, arrived to-day at noon, but doe* not bring news as lata, by several hoara, as the Adelaide. The details by her, bowevor, aro inter eating. The London Pott or the 29th, raya, there is still hope of peace, ri the lut English «Her of media tion is nnder serious consideration by the hinpe ror of the French, and if the Austrian* "• r » in from advancing across the Ticlno, a pacific settle* mentmlghtstlll be made. „ The following are the provision* of the Kusao. French treaty s* giver, by the London Times i. 1. Russia bind* herself. In the event of France being at war with Austria, to a*«i*t her sUhco. operation of her fleets In the Baltic and Meditor ranesn, and place ao army of 50,000 men on Austrian frontier. . 1 This, the Time* says, is directed ®hvlo n »ly •gainst F.ngland. It* existence i* proof that en* torprl*es which are than to l>e perfected, are *uch a* It wonld be in. P 3**ible for England to allow them to pass unchallenged- The Time* conclude* that the Russian ermy of observation Is to exu iD*nrrectlon among the Uung.r ans and 2. Provide*. in case Anstria invades Sardinia, that Russia shall declare war against her within fifteen days after tho violation of Piedmontiso ,o The Times maintains that "England need take nosctiTepartso long a* the war i* confined to Italy, but if France or Russia should attack Aua trirt In (Germany, or should Pm«.» be laid noder contribution, these treaties would become no less than a partition of Europe,and the first principled prenprTutioD would compel us to consider wheth* erweenn better defend onrselves on the conti nent, or on our own homestead. However much we may desire to keep clear of these complica tions, the existence of the great German powers is essential to our safety." Prince Cariaganu has been appointed Lieut. General of Piedmont during tho war. The Universities of Piedmont have been closed by Royal decree. The Sardinians had retirod to the west bank or the Palassea. The great mas* of the army, abont 75.0(H) strong, wan condensed abont the fortresses of Alesaaudria and Cnsale, with the second line at the fort of the Appenines, between Novaraand Tortana. The Turin correspondent of tho London limea does not think the Austrian* will reach that capi tol, as the country has been laid tinder water by means of canals for irrigation, and means had beeu taken to render the roads temporarily im passable. Tlie news that Tuscany had joined France and Piedmont, is confirmed. The Grand Duke of Tus cany refused to abdicate, but returned to Bologae, after throwing himself upon the protection cf the Five Great Powers. The Tuscan army is 16,000 strong. It is said that Victor Emanuel has beon made Dictator by the Tuscans. ENQLAXD. The English Channel Squadron, which has gone to the Mediterranean, ia to be immediately recall* ed. Four new ships of the line have been placed in commission in England. It is stated that the French and Russian Gov ernments have lately been procuring large sup plies of charts aud surveys of the English coast and stations, and of the English stations in the Mediterranean ; aud have, likewise, been engaged making large purchases of coal, irrespective of price or quality. It is also intimated that extensive orders for charts had been received from the Spanish Gov ernment. and the inference was drawn that Spam would throw herself in the arms of France. Twenty»seven gun boat*, with vessels of larger size, are building for tho Spanish Government, and it is suggested that Spain might possibly bo act ing merely us agent for others. Large quantities of gun* and ammunitiou are being shipped to Gibralter and Malta. Gou. Williams, of Kars memory, had been ap» pointed Governor of Caudia. FRANCE. A Ministry of Police is to be established after tho fashion of the First Empire. The French army of observation on the line will consist of 8 divisions of cavalry and as many of infantry. Eight steam frigates filied with troops, left Tou« lon on the 261b, for Gene- The French army on the slope of the Alps, will consist of 16 divisions of infantry aud 4 of caval ry. The inf.intry wore marched overlaDd. 14 out of 22 battalion's chasseurs are to form a part of fheatmyof the Alps. Genoa will be occupied as a base of operations. Another base will be established at Lonci, which will be strongly fortified and made a general de pot for all the troops that arrive on the Alpine passage. The French troops experience! much difficulty in crossing Mt Cento. Four thousand workmen were employed in cleaning away immense masses of snow. It was expected that by fie end of the week, there would he 80,000 French troops in Italy. A large operator in the Liverpool Exchange had been declared a defaulter. His liabilities is stated at A 600,000. 'i'be returns of the Bank of England show a de crease in its bullion of £411,000 in specie. LATEST. A panic exists in the London Exchange. There is intense excitement. Over 50.*tock brokers failed —some of them quite important. The discount market is dull— sasl£ were the lowest rates for 0 months paper. The London Herald, speaking of the English mediation, says that further attempts appear use less. The French believe we are anxious to reopen negotiations by meau* of a conference between En gland, Prussia aud Russia, to be held daring tUe short armistice between tbe actual litigants. The Times, and other morning journals, deny, authoritatively, that Denmark has concluded au offensive and defensive treaty with France. The Herald says that Parma and Modeuaalso declared for Sardinia. The Times of Saturday, reiterating it* previous statements, says the advanced parts of the Aus« triauarmy crossed the Ticino on tho 2<Uh, and took position iu the enemy's territory, and tbat the main army crossed on the LJth. By all accounts the Austrians have determined on vigorous movements. There can be but little doubt that they are desirous of striking a b:ow be* fore the French troops reach them. Tbe war enthusiasm was increasing in France.— Paris was in a high stato of excitement. The French were unprepared for so sud den a movement on the part of the Austriaos.— Tbey expectcd to begin the war at leisnre, and somewhere about the end of May, and although the French troops are being rapidly couveyed tj the North, they arrive there without the means of entering oh the campaign. The French government had received intelligence of an outbreak at A'geria, which would probably require the return of troops lately taken from there and sent to Italy, The Times says that nearly all the Knglish Na val Kngineers have their hands full of foreign orders. Up to last night, 142 members had been elected to the new Parliament, 112 of which were without opposition. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, Ac. Washinotox, May 11.—The National Democratic Committee, through Judge Smalley, its President, aud Hon. C. L. Vallandigbam, Secretary, to-day, agreed to call a meeting for the 7tb|December. The committee will name the day for the assembly of the National Conventioo at Charleston, which will probably be toward the end of April or early in May, 18C0. Commodore Shubrick having returned from Paraguay will resume his duties as member of the Light II juse Board. Several vessels late of the Paraguay exhibition will be sent to the coast of Africa. DEATH OF A NAVAL CONSntUCTOR, tc. Norfolk, Va., May 11.—Samuel T. Hartt, Naval constructor at the Gosport Navy Yard, died last night. He was bigbly esteemed, and in the epi demic of 1855 was one of most efficicent public met, of Portsmouth. There was a heavy storm last night withaN. K. wind. It is now changed to S. W. MASSACHUSETTS ELECTION. Bosto*, M»y 10.—'The returns of the vote yes» terday from one hundred aud fourteen towns, give 0,000 majority for the two years' naturalization amendment. The total vote on the question will probably not exceed 40,000. FROM BARBADOE3. Norfolk, Va., May 11.—The U. S. steamer South em Star, Captain Penuock, 12 days from Birbadoes has arrived. Atßarbadoes thesapply of flour and corn meal was light. Pork light. Molasses ad« Aanced. Weather dry audcrops suffering. Health improving. DESTRUCTIVE FIKE. Chicago. May 11— A fire at Oshkosh, Wis., last night destroyed six blocks of buildings, including tbeOsbkosh Hotel, the banking bouseof Killogg tCo , the Postofflce, *3. Total loss is probably near $1,000,000, upon which there is a snail insur ance. There li nothing left in the busiuess part of the town, except a grocery and on* hotel. THE SWAN LOTTERY CASK. Augusta, Qa., May *11.—The Judge yesterday decided the poiuts of law against Swan k Co., and proceeded with the trial. All day was occupied with the discussion of the admissibility of certaia evidence. [BICONB DISPATCH.] Acousta, Ga., May 11.—Thejury found a verdict against the defendants. The case will be carried to the Supreme Court. Northern markets. Baltimore. Ma* 11 —Floor advanced—Howard •SiVJ'tSJ?® B - •ctlf*-imlle tl 8001 «0; «£U» S® 1 , 75 Cjrß and 3c bicker; w hit* S; " »teady. Whiskey unchanged. «,HVMA —Noor —Flour advanced JOc; y?y». J P M.—Cottoa flat. Oorn— mixed bald As 96 Pork baormit—>iuhi SlfttAH7*«— "-a!*, wife Of Hon Pierre H died lu New Orleans on Wedueadav last, 4th lost. ' jg T • Co.'« Stum Oaixmt, 13» M *'° Portrait*. 25 c*nts to •?." Th* lar**«t and b ®J lt •*" r<in«ed Photographic Gallery In the Bt *"' F#f ties for taking «*> portrait* dally. 0T Rata A Co's new stria of pictures are pro nounced by crlilcs and others to beth® bMt of »ny taken In tha city. They are beautifully colond. clear in chemical cffect. and natural In positlon.- Beware of bunglers and old ftwlea In the an. «%. BICTIMOND THE VTHE. COM KDV NIOHTI hllt COMEDY NIGHT/ Last appearance but two ( virh W 0 GLADSTANB. {MrS WC OLADBTANR. Who will appear M,ho (WIOOW DELMAJNB { WIDOW DBLMAINB In the SRMOU* FAMILY 1 SERIOUS FAMILY/ Last night ot qTRRN pHORF. COUSIN ° Dr {SaSTKRN SHORE COUSIN Serious Family Polka) Be<ious Family PolkaJ n f nnr Both Pit Co* cast to the entire strength of our Rxckli.cmt Com pah t ta.DrsiRABLE Rwidinci roR Sam.—We lorite attention to the announcement that the residence of Mr P K White, on Church Hill, is to be sold at auc tion.on the 17th inst, under a deed ot trust. The house was builtentlrely by Mr Whito, for his own use. in the very best manner, without any regard to expense, and cost nearly $20,100. without the lot. He has put several additions to it since The same style of dwelling could net be built at this time for any less sum. With a small outlay upon the yard, the place can be made even more attractive and beautiful than it now is; the location being among tte most desirable in the city. The house is gur. rounded by horse chestnut trees, which take years to grow to any six's. Citizens of Richmond, or oth ers, in want of a good house, should attend the sale, and bid liberally, as such placos are seldom offered for sale. my 11—6t ia_WATKINB A PICKLEN. MORE NK.W GOODS. OUR ENTIRKLY KKW and ELKGANT STOCK of fine Fancy acd Superior Staple Drt Goods, is being regularly replenished by all the newest and handsomest goods brought into the country. Rich Colorkd and Black Docblb Jupk am> Volant Siik Robks, very cheap. Dress Silks, Bobe and plain dress Bareges, Poplins and Poplinetts. Spring Dress Goods, Men and Boy's wear. Elegant Laces and Embroideries K*w Sttle Mantillas, Shawls *c., a fim Stock. House Furnishing Goods, Linens and ShirtiNGS. Osnabugs, Plaid and Colored. Every article pertaining to the DRY GOoD BUSINESS, HEW AND VERT LOW. WATKINS A FICKLEN. my 6—ts lE9. Main street. ■ . g . g B3CBB! The Mabshall and Hbhby ® v -2k Ccm panies will ho d their regular month ly meeting at their room on 11th street, this (THURSDAY; evening at 6,' a o'clock _myi2—lt _ JAB K LEE, 8 Fair, Faib.—The Ladies of St. Peter's congregation have the pleas nrs to inform their friends and the public generally, that they are at present holding a Fair for the ben i tit "of their Church, at the Mechanic's Institute Hail.on 9th s'reet. And as they have ihemoitbeHU titul array of cskfcl and ornamental article* ever iffdred for sale at a Fatr in this city, they invite all to favor them with their pationage. niy.'>—ts Davidson's Exhibition of WONDERFUL P#NM«NSHIP AND PICTURES The most wonderful ipecimensof penmanship and Pictures the world ever saw. are now to bo seen at the Capitol, opposite the office of the Secr-tary of State. ft?. Hours from 4 to 6 P. M. Admittance 25 cents. my 3—lm* Annual Meeting.—The next Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Bail road Company, will be held in thedepot of the com pany, in the ci'y of Richmond, on WEDNESDAY, the Ist of June next, at 12 o'clock, M. my 3 CWMACMURDO.Tr. Democratic Meeting — Grand Bally of the Democia:y—The Democra tic Association will meet in the African Church, on FRIDAY, the 13th inßt. at 8 o'clock. Candidates for the Legisla ure will be nominated J RANDOLPH TUOKEK and O JENNINGS WISE and . therdistinguished sp»akers will address the Asscciatiou. L W GLAZEBROOK, Pres't. H U*cS*. } Secretaries. my 12—2t Contested Election for Bc psrintesdent of the Gas Works—The Committee of the Oity Council on Disputed Elec tions will meet in the OouLcil Ciamber «.f the City Hall, THIS AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock. All per sons whose votes have been contested, are requested to attend at the time specified. my 12—It N B HlLL,Chairman. Bounty land warrants want ed—i wish to purchase, immediately, FIFTY Land Warrants, as lollows. viz: twenty-five of "eO acres." fifteen "160'5," and ten "UK's," for which I will pay the highest market price in cash. JAS T.SUTTON,Jr. Pension Agent Aud Notary Public, Corner of Main and 12th sts , Richmond, ftp 25— ts VTOTICE. —A meeting of the Stock holders of the Hichmoml and Charlottesville Turnpike Company, is called, to meet at Ashland, in Hanover county, cn the 13'.h of this month. It is hoped that there will be a ueueral attendance,as we shall at that time have before us the question of granting the ri«ht of way to a companv t« ran her cars on our which the Directorv nave al ready led ilia gentlemen in'eresied in t.iat move ment to expect. JOHN B CRE.NSHAW, _ro yl 2—21 President VTOTICE.—A Box containing a large •L v variety of STEEL TAPri and 4 pair of small STOCKS, was tiken from our ship on the morning of the 4th instant, during the fire, at>d have be* n entiusted to the <\»re of some person unknown to us Any person having them in their possession will confer a favor and be rewarded by apprising us of the fact. my!2—2l* LQWNK3 *0(»0K. T AUER BEER, ■"-* PORTER, ALE, Ac. Ac. Your attention is called to a new establishment and tirm. under the style of DELARUE £ PEXKO NET, on Tth, between Br, ad and Grace sts. where they will keep a choice lot of LAGER BKiiR, POR TEK. ALE Ac., in kegs and bottles of all sizes, so as to suit families aud others. Also,all kinds of imported WINKS. LIQUORS, Ac. As wo keep a good article aud sell cheap, we expect a share of patronr ge, for which we return our thinks, and promiieto please all. P B—Goods forwarded toauy p*rtof thecity free of charge DKLAItIiK k I'KYKON'KT. my 12—3 m» VOLUME 6TH » IRVING'B WASHINGTON, JUST ISBLKD AND FOB SALE BY A MORRIS. my 12—2t 97 Main street. F)R SALE—A COOK, WASHER AND IBONRR, to remain in or near this city. Hav ing her husband here, I dtc.ine taking her with my ; family to Baltimore. JSD McADAM. my 12—it PURE AND RARE CHt/MIOAIiH and Pharmaceutical Preparations, for sale at MEADE A BAKER'S Prescription Store, 185, Main street, my 12 corner above New Post ( tfice. JBE leaves wanted.—suo ibs. Damask Rose Leaves wanted and received iu all quinti:ie§, for which the hi«he;t price will be paid by F JOHNeTON « BRO . my! 2 Druggists. FAMILY COOKING FRUN£S7^~A *- fresh supply family Cooking Prunes, at low Prices. a AN Ton I, myl2 next door Exchange Bank. PRKSH BANNANAS AND PiNE APPLES —10 bunches of ripe Bannanas • i barrels fresh Piue Apples. For sale at A AP.TJNI'B, myK uext door Exchange Bank. J (IA BALES NORTH RIVEfiliAYy daily expected. For sale by _i? 7l 2 R ft WHIfLOCK k SON. 75 000 F£ET SEASONED FIVE , j"*-'" Eighth and one inch Sycamore for ■ale by my! 2 R H WniTbOCK A SON. 41 000 FEET IS CH PINE BOARDS "XIjWWV landing. Forsalebv n»yl2 R H-WHITuOCK A SON. T^OFFEE. —326 bags prime Rio Coffee; VXi do do Laauayra do; 75 do do Old Java dc: 17 qr bales prime Mocha do. For sale by V'J 13 LEWIS N WEBB A CO. MEDICINAL brandy: —We ha v^ ITJ - cow a choice article of Old Brandy for medi cinal purposes. FISHER A WINSTON, _2pyl2 Druggist*. V/TEERSHAM PIPES.—A large aauort meat of Metrsham Pipes for sale by FISHER A WINSTON, my 12 Druggist*. V/f ASONIC EMBLEMS and DEVICES, Gold Key Stoies, Gold Watch Keys with en graved devices. Gold Stu Is, Enameled Btnd», White Cornelian Studs, Collar Button*. Sleeve Buttons, Ac. For sale by 0 GEN NET, myl2 Bagle Square. HOOP BKIRTB I HOOP SKIRTS !! — 980 more of those Extension Skirts just re ceived. to he .old at moat any P^e.^^ tpyl2 Mft Btotd st. Pall Ancortmeot of Ladies' and Children* Mantle*. Dusters, and Baglans ju*t received, to be sold cheap. 8 QOLD9MIT. myU 2M Broad at. pORSETS ! CORSETS !—687 French V> Woven Cornets jut received—to be ran off cheap. GjLDSMIT, ■y!2 Broad st. tl/HITE GREASE in Cans and Boxml fursalJb* FIBIUH » WINSTON, *».vU f prtltfglsU. DIED, Ob Tueaday morning, the llthlnttant, ft M Y4ft- BINGTON. in tha Slat year of bisJJHJ- Tha friend* »nd anjuatofancaa o». fo* Invited to at»aod hto!u«*rai, ftwn hU Mi Main "reel, between I3tb and 14th. Mr J W Denote,at 3 o'clock, on this (THURSDAY) * tSL&arlon, Ferry county, Alabama, papera plraae copy. Tusadav morntog, inth of jar. law. after an Illness o' a few honre. Mr* ABB* ALLIGRE. (wife of tbe late William Allegre.) In the 7M rear of ber age. Meek, aeotla and nor-nunln* In her manner*, ■he wa*beloved moat by tboee who knew her'beet. The grief of her children. th« affliction ®* hi kited br friend*, and 'he »Tmpathy of her oelgbtmrs, attest Ihetrue worth of the deceased, while and thoir hUh regard and for her memory, now that *he h*s depart, d for that blMt abode where the' Podcemer llvetb." Long will her rene rable form.hallowed In our memories br her n«- moron* act* of filial lore and kindne'l. be pretent to the imagination; ft r in her there dwelt "A* much p odnes* as could lire; A* much rirtne a* conld die. She wa* a riucere Christian, a cnnsisfnt member of the Presbyterian Chnrch. and died, m she hart long lived, with the blessed bops of the Chrirtian * will 'ike place, ™is ArTi*wooir. at« o'clrck. at Dural Street Chnrch The friend* of the family, and ihoeeof her tc n, (William B Allegre.) are inrited ta attend. At hi* father'* residence, on Broadatreet, on Tuef dar.atSo'clcck. PM, WILLY T LEWIS, infant ■on of Charles and Hannah Lewis, aged 2 year* and * month*. We lay thee In tbe silent tomb, tweet blossom of a day; We just began to view thy bloom. And thou want called away. Friendship and love have dono their last. And now can do no more; The bitterness of death is past. And all thy sufferings o'er. MARIWB IKTBIiLiaBMCIB PORT oir RIOHMON D—MAY r 11. 1880. IKgJI Water this day ( Thursday) o'clock. ' ARRIVED, Schr Nolly D, Haley, Boston, plaster. Kdmond. Davenport A Co. . Schr J 8 Millaou, Wilson, N 0, lumber, L W Gl»/9- brook. Slocp Margaret Ann.McCoull.Eistern Shore, po tatc s, to captain. SAILED. Bchr H A Weeks. Weeks. Philadelphia, vi* Port Walthall, coal, W D Colquitt * Co. Schr M C Hopkins, Malsbory. down tbe river, light. _ LOBT. LOBT COW.—B rayed from w my howse. on Clay, betwe n Ist and 2d in ft street, somo two weeks since, a pale red uua ».iuo 00W, not giving milk, ai d with c»lf. She may have had it since sne 1e... 1 will give a liberal reward for her return, or any information left atWr. Win P.Crutchtield's office, on the Basin, 9 °m,lUir« her - KMIEFTWICH. LOST COW.—Blrayed or stolen, Ojl 7* on the 18th of April, from my farm near New Bridge Chnrch, a largo COW, with dark nMes, white face, listed back, and brass balls on her horns. A liberal reward will be paid for her delivery to roe If htoleD, $25 wi*l be given for tt© conviction of the thief. myll—3t T J PIC^T- I 08T—Between the Exchange Hotel < and the first market, or In the market, a Dia mond M*sonic BRKA-TPIN. It is much valued by the owner. A liberal reward paid for its delivery at tue office of the Kxchauge Hotel. my 11-3'.* OSTTIOST I LOBT !—Between the correr of 31 and Marshall sts and the Theatre, a ladv's Port Mi nnaie, containing 8;» in gold. A suit'iolereward will bepsidf>r returning the same to ihe corner 31 and Marshill. t. my ii— 3" B T RINGGOLD. L OPT OR MIBLAID —A copy of (he plan of APAMV ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KIOHMOND Any iatoimation concerning it will be thankfully received, and a liberal reward will be paid tor its recovery. my 10 —tw C W PURCELI. A CO. X RICHMOND COMMANDxRY, NO 2. K T. ORDERS No 19— Sir K[»ii;hts: Attend a drill of your Ocmmanderv at the Masons' Hall, THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock. A prompt and full attend anf 9 is de<ii ed. Bv order of the E Commander. 7 JOHN F REONAULT. Capt General. Wm J Riddick, Recorder. my 12—It TTO. O. F.—NEiLSON EN CAMPMENT, No 2—The members of Neilsou Encampment No 2, 1 O O F will assomble at Oad Fellaws' Hall, 'iHIS AFTERNOON at 2 o'clock, to puy the last tribute of respect to our deceased Patiiarch, R M Yabbington. „ . „ „ The members of Excelsior Encampment. No 22. are invited to unite with tis. By order of the CP. my 12 —It WM J RIDDICK, Scribe. 1. 0. O. F.—The members of Friendship Lodge, No 10 1 0 0 P, will meet THIS EVENING, at their Hall, at 2 o.'clock, to cay the last tiibate of respect to Bro *». M. YARRIJGTON. The Proihers of Bitter Lodges are res*iectfnl'y in vited to attend. H 'a COOK. my 12—It* Secretary. , f ATTENTION VIRtfINIA KIFLJSB! Attend a recular Drill this (THURSDAY) eve ning, at Mili* ry Hall, at 8 o'ch :k. Byonlirof Lieutenant !u command. my! 2 F W HAGKMSYER. OS «FO& RENT — A desirable brick Dwellii.g on Adsms street. Union Hill, con taining T rooms, with closets and store-room and all necesiary ont-hou»e*. It l>as r» garden attached, and a pmap of excellent water on the premises. For terms,apply on the promises, or to my 12—fit* H H POWELL, on lfith St MOST VALUABLE AND BEAU- P»TIFULLY LOCATED PRIVATE RE«I DH...UK AND VACANT LOTS, os the orser op 3d a>d Cary Mreits, FOR SALE—At the r< quest of the owner, who r-sides in New York, we aro au thorized to sell the above valuable property, niw in the occupancy of Mr S C Tardy. The lot has a front on the east line of 31 street, of feet, and a depth of 130 fi !t. Besides lhe ground att ch< Ito the dwelling, there is about 11-0 feet of most beauti ful ground, which could be sold with or without the dwelliog, s' might be deemed best. The dwelling is sufficient fcr the genteel accommodation of a large family, is in good order, aud has many con veniences. Besides ample servants' apartments, there is an excellent stable and carriage house — Possesion given at the end of the y far. but the pur chase r to receive the lent from the date of pur chase. The particular attuition of the public is called to this property, as the 1< cation and neigh borhood are among tho best in the city. For t >rnn, Ac, apply to ui. my 12— lOt GOODIN A APPERSON. FOR RENT.—The Grocery Store la*>ly r?cupicd by Pleasnnts A Brother, on Main street, aSjoiniti" the Plough and Be>d Store of Wm Palmer, boa A 00. For terras apply to myl2-lt» WM PALMER. ■ FOR RENT—The upper part of the house, 2»9 Main street, over the offics of the subscriber. Posrsssicn may be had immediately my 12—ts JOHN G WAVT. S YOUNG MILCH COW FOR SALE.—Exnecting to go to the country in a short tine, I will sell my CoW. >r had bnt one calf, is docile, good-tem pered, and gives a fine su-tply of milk. Apply to my nn on tith street, nortii of Leigh, or to Thos A Dewitt. Etq. my 13—2 C E FONTAINE. SF 0R 8 A LE.—Two good MICH COWS for Bale low. Also, a Milk WAGON, nearly new, and adaoted to mo«t any purpose. Apply at my residence, Mount Krin. Henrico, or at Corinthian Hall, Main street. Richmond. P HORTON KKACH. my 12—it a for the msTßicr of~o7T LUMBIA.—The superior fast Mailing schr Randolph, Samuel Phillips, Mas'er, having the greater portion of her cargo eugagcnl aud go ing on board, will have immediate disparch. For remainder, apply to my 12--St W D COLQUITT A CO. TURKEY YELPEKS. — A Turkey Call, of my own make and BSwiM pattern, can be mailed to any state in the Union, by enclosing 91, to 8 SUTHERLAND, Oanmaker. my! 2 Richmond, Ya. U. 8. MAIL PTEAMBH'P FOR NEW YORK.—The Capt Skinner, will leave at 4 o'clock P M. FRIDAY, the 13ih instant, Passenger* are requested to be oa board before the hour of departure Tickets and berth* secured at our office, opposite steamer'* wharves. » , , . . , P:-wage to New York, *late room included, only $H. meals extra; steerage passage only $5 Passage to Norfolk same a* by the river boat* Freight received Friday up to the hour of I o'clk p M. unless a sufficiency be received piiortothat ''"'j'nslgnee* are requested ti send for their giKxl*. Freight forwarded to Boston at moderate rate* and with theutmo*t diapatch. my 12 —2t LUDLAM & WATSON. OUR ASSORTMENT of Ladies Shoe* consist in partfof the following. vi»: Side Lace and Congress Gaiter*, with and without heels; Morocco, Kid. Velvet,Prnnellaand Glove Kid Slippers, with or without heels; Morocco and Kid Boats, with and without heels; Glove Kid, Lasting. Morocco and Goat Buskins; Mohair and Velvet Toi let Slippers. The above, with various other style* of Boot* and Shoe* tea numerous to mention, for aaleat the very lowest price* at HARRIS A CO'S Shoe Depot, my 12 No 159 Mam «t. ATTENTION, PROTECTION COMPANY, No I.—Attend a HTM meeting of your company. at Mill JHpßtary Hall, on this (THURSDAY) night. ate u oloca. By order of V BOSSISUX. T It Commander. OERAGES, CUALLIES, ORGAN DISS. riTht'greatest bargain* of the *ea*rn.—CHAH A » , T, !" to the Ladle*, one entire counter Mf onahle Uiwi Gnods, from the lowest to the finest grades. We invito attention to them as they will be sold at greatly reduced prtces; v. ti cheap Challi**, Berages, De Lain** for children aud ladies ALSO.—IOOO yard* Bun Sound Valenelo* at 133% cta.lcheap at double the price. OHAB A GWATKIN. ■y »I Opposite exchange Bank. 1 IVI More of tkow Kztr* Cheap ' J *'Kmb. lUu4k»rchi«f< jiut revival at »c«U. A gr<*t B»r«»'u. a a«»LD«wiT. wylJ JW Btmml It. SPECIAL KOTICBB. Exoi* — Bt Tn»- oium-WA*§OW.77 Main street. Whltchurst's old Oaltory, haa received, bytha larop*. Mmoacopfc Vie** taken la Knaland, France. ItUj. »nd U>«" Hnlr L»nd, of landscapes, Groups md Statuary.— °lh* n t!rt rtX of PHOTOGRAPHS taken by WATSON fortl. Like w toe Ambrotypea for 85c. Photographa, life *!*«. colored, In o'l, or pattel, and crped from old Dagnerreoty pee and enlarged, ap 27—lf . MrFrioiAi. Noriot—The attention of the public to renoea'ed to the Mle of the Fixturea •nil furniture of (be Btar Saloon. In Lccnst Alley, to take piece Thto Day at 10 o'clock. my 12—It 1 B COOK, Anct. MP»Spboiai. Notici —The Attention of Ten miters and other* is requested to the sale of 13 yotiug well broke Male*, Horses, Cow». Ac, to take place at Earneat'a stable*. on IBth. between Franklin aud Grace streets, Thto Day at 10 o'clock. Bos advertisement. K B COOK, mr I>—lt Anct. yyCOMMISHORKBB' BaLR OT VALUABIiI Lacp, 1>« Miles East of Richmond, to take placs This Day. on the Premise*, at t o'clock, P M.—The particular attention of the public i* called to tbo sale of tba valuable landed property to take place Thto Day. Sea advertisement of Mossrs Robert J Davis and Wm T Yancey, Oom'rs, under auction bead. GODDIN * APPKRBON, my 12—It Aucta. AHD SHAWM At the CABH STORE of PIRKiNB A CO. CHANTILLA and FRENCH LACE BLACK BILK and STLK and LACE MANTILLAS BRBAGE STIaWLB and BUSTERS *B,Chean for Ca h. PFKKINBAOO, my 9-lwif No 141 Kagle Square. fgrDVPBSCiDKSTItn Basmainh AT THE CASH BTOREOF PERKINS A CO. No 141 Esgle Square. Very rich Double Skirt and Two Flounced Bilk Robea „ Two Flounced Berage Grenadine and Organdie Robes Rich Oreandie and Berages Dncal Plaids, Valentias and Chaliie De Laiaes marked down to 20 cts Fresh supply of those cheap Kid Glove* at 75 cts 7-8 Bleached Fhirting. very cheap at fid Best 7-8 Bartlet Bleached at 10 cts Extra 4 4 Bleached Shirting at 11 eta Best N Y Mills Shirting at 15 cts Rich Lscoand French Worked Set* Large stock ni w style Parasols Hio pieces fast coloie4 Lawns at 9d 30 pieces 4 4 fast colored Brilliants at 18 cts Best Knglish and American Calicoes at I lets Watch Spring Hoop Skirts my 9-lwif PERKINB A CO. ■o'TnißD Spiknpid Opbnino of DRY GOODS ! BREEDEN & FOX, Bboad STUIT, Open this day, MONDAY. April 18th. the most completo assortment of Goods ever exhibited by them. They invite special attention to a very at tractive stock of DRESS GOODS. which will beoffered at very reduced prices;among*t them — Barege and Grenadine Robes in great variety Silks, Bay adere, a deux vo'antes, some ontirely new style India and Foulard Silks, colored and black French Organdies and Jaconets Spring de i,aines, Challi de Laines De Chones, F.toile de Paris And maxt other new and beaut'fnl fabrics for Spring wear. Our stock of Housekeeping and Plantation Goods is very large. We have nought, during the past week, some large lots of the folluwing Goods, which we shall offer at very low prices. Irish Linens. T ible Damasks, Napkins, Towels. Linen sheetings, Ac., Ac. BREEDEN A FOX. my 3— lOtif 217 Broad street. f9*RIFaiOBqATORB. • REFRIGERATORS, cheap! cheap! WATER COOLERS WA TEH COOLERS SHOWER BATHS ICE CREAM FREEZERS ICE PITCHERS Persons wishing any cf the above articles, will find a large assortment, at vert low l'siccs. THOS A BUCKLEY, my 6— lm 137 Main street. fST Mantillas ! Mantillas i ! BREEDEN t FOX, Richmond. Open another large assortment of MANTILLAS thU morning. BURNONS, TALMAS. DUSTERS, tfUbTANAB, RAGLANS, And many other new and baaniiful styles in All Lace, Si'k and ilk and Nett; embracing all quali ties, from the lowest price to the finest grader. BREEDEN' * FOX. my 3—lOt 217 Broad street. 49-TO THE PEOPLE OF CHESTERFIELD.— ft beins understood th*t the office of COMMON WEALTH'S ATTORNEY, for the County of Ct>est< r fleld, will shortly becoiie vacant by the resignation of Alex'r Jones, Esq., I d>clare self f. candidate to supply such vacancy when itfccurs. ap 15—ta CHRISTOPHER. C McRAE. I^ANTED —A Wet Nurse, without in * * cumbrance Apply at this office. myl2—tf IJI7ANTED.— A Colored Boy, aged from 12 to 14 years, to attend light work, for the space ot two months. Waces i > per week without board. Icquire for Mr. Caljo, at Mr. A. Pizzini's, Broal st.. uetir 9th. my 12—2t* Vfy"ANT£L> —Immediately, a good, col * * ored Cxik. Washer and Ironer, for the bal ance of the year. AppKto Marshall a fitzhugh, m; 12—3t* Metropolitan Hall. Y^ANTED —A colored Girl, 10 or 12 * * years old, for the btlacce of the year, to at tend to a child. Apply to WM A CHARTERS, At the Valley Insurance Office, my 12—It* Opposite American Hotel. WrANTED.—We will give constant *» employment to two god and steady coat hands, if immediate application bs made to me at £S Jrtarn street. E CAPPS, my 11—3t* Tailor, Norfolk. Va. "ytTANTED —Every lady to know that " * Mrj KING'S Laundry for Fino White Goods, is now in opt ration Lace Curtain*; Laces; Embroid eries; Basques; CollarB; Sleeves; lufauts'|Robee; Waists; Baby l.iaen, Ac, Ac. No common washing done here. Lauudry on 4th street, Navy Hill. Ordeis can also be left at Vr King's, "Premium Scourer," Ac , on 10th B tre»t, between Main and my 11—Im IX7ANTED.—A good Cook, for a ooun try Hotel, towhom liberal wages will be paid. Apply to MITCHELL A FttRGUSON, mr 11— 5t No. 16 Pearl street. I*7ANTED—A WHITfi^VOMANTI^ Cook, Wash and Iron for « small family. A Gernitn woman pre'erred. Apply at CRAWFORD'S SALOON. On 10th, between my 11—2t Alain and Cary street*. YYTANTED—A gjoii Nurse, white or " black. None need apply unless well recnm mended. Apply at thisoflfc*. my ll— 3t ANTED—By a young man who can " * furnish satisfactory recommendations, a Sit uation in some mercantile house in this city. He baa been acting ns salesman and clerk in a dry goods store and grocery for some time past, which employment he prefers, bnt will be glad to get in a tobacco factory, or in other employment. Address R P J, through the Richmond Postofßce. my 10—5t» Y\TANTEI> —A colored Man, oapable of * * attending to a vegetable and fl jwer garden.— Apply to F afKARNS, my 10— 6t* lftth street. WANTED, TWO HUNDRED NE GROSS.—I want tohiretwohnndred negroes, to cut pine wood, for the Claremont Railroad, in Surry county, Virginia, which a liberal price will be paid, or will contract with a responsible party to cut twenty thousand (20,000) cords per annnm. For particulars,please address to HKLDKN « MILLKR, of fcichmond, Va, or to A A BEDELL, Cabin Point. Surry co. Va. in care of WilMam Allen, Ksq. my 10—ot WANTED— At the Carbon Hill Mine?, Vv a first rate CARPKNTKR, for the balance of the year, and one for a few months; also it plain Carpenter for a city job. a» ID—eodts JNO J WERTH. Agent. V\TANTED —A workman who under * * stands the Cabinet business, fjr general pur pjess, in a ware room. Apply to . KGATHRIGHT. my 10—3t Governor street. ANTED.—The subscriber wishes to ,;^PS rchM ?« there are any in market, a small HOUSK and LOT on any of the prlnc pal strertp. between 7»h and H.h.from »Hm to 1500. If any person has s?ch a ona to sell, they can tied a pur chaser by calling at this cttce. If it salts the par ties, I wi.l buy a small piece of gronnd. if I cannot get the house. my 10—3t* WANT E D.—Exchange on London wanted by my 9-ta KKNT, PAINE ACQ. TO HlßE—Colored hands to work on Material Train, on this Road, by month or balance of the year. WM N BRAGG, Snp't. Office R. FA PRRCo.. \ Richmond, 26th Aptil. i&W. / ap 21—ta WANTED—IO,OOO BILLB, 8 f«et loog, ' " ® inches diameter >t small end, to b»> •mootb lr hewed on both side* to a thick nets of (inchw: While or Ho«t OAK, elnar of all defects calculated to impair (treugth. To be delivered on the Hue of the Road, between Richuiood and frederickaburg. Tor further information apply at tht> office. WM N B&AUQ. Bupt. Office R. F*P R R Co. \ Richmond. April 28, leM».j ap 2d—U VX7ANTED—26 LABORERS, to work J * the *arttteviUe and Coalfield Railroad, in North Carolina. A"»plr to ap B—to* U. hAUNDRRB. on the Work. II7ANTBP.—2OO hancU to work om the £Lz*-l&£ ick7lL *- MftTyssi*'* no »-6m Oootractor Va AKyR R. Ablngdoa. ▼» \XTANTED—LANU SCRIP AMD WAB i . h market price paid fox LAUD BORIP and UANB WAR RATS, hj ap I*-1» nth at. oppoaHa Ila>W Y^TANTED —Two Girl*, acquaisted with | Brc«i] UP F re P* r * ltoM * Af»l? at 75 AMUBKMSMTB. QTASD DOWN THEHALLI *4«« noon ropraa WNOWt TRAIIf OP ARABIAN HOftSSS XYRH DPIVRM I* AM BMC A! Yankee Kobinson's DOUBLEeHOW, CIRCUS»nd THEATRE I The only eatab'Himent of the kind In the world. Over ISO men and hurai * are employed with thto mammoth concern. BIX LADY PCRfORMIBB in FIVIO LOWlff! Af The »par lons PaTiliion, erected on aa eatiretf new plan, will accommodate Bf«»r 3,000 Perianal Bo that fwch visitor can have a fair view of the STAOR AND RING PRK FORMA NCRB. Look ont for the creat moral Drama, entitled DAYS Of '76! For particulars, it* pictorial anl descriptive bill*. Will perform at PinUMOND FOR TWO DAY* ONLY. WE DyK SU A V A SD TIIURSVAT, Mat I*th arc 19m. Performance* afterncon and n'ght. Dour* opeo *t 2 and 7 o'clock, P M. AdmUteres 50 cents. Children aad lervanta half prce. jarRRMRMBRR-W The day and date, so do not confound any other concern wi'h this Mammoth Establishment. "WAIT FOR THR WAGON!" my 12—Bt UIOHMOND THEATRE. " Last appearance bnt two of the accomplish'd Ac tress, Mrs W C GLADBTANR THURSDAY KVRNINO, Ma7l2th, 1859. Will be performed th« fashionable Ccmedy of *he HRRIOUB FAMILY. Widow Delmaine, Mra W C Gladstane. Village Hornpipe, Miss Kate Pennoyer Cone'tide with OUR EASTERN BHORR COUSIN IN BICUMOt>D. A CARD.—Mrs I. B. PHILLIPB be*e leave respectfully to return her sir cere thanks to the public of Richmond for tb»ir generous man ifestation on the occasion of her benefit on M« aday night, so msrk"d by kindness that she avails her self if this method to express her deep app-f-Jation of It. and to assure them that no effort of hers, which gratitude can prompt, and labor make suc cessful. «hall re omitted todestrve a tribute so fl »t --teririg in every respect to an artiste. To the donora of the benati'nl present on the same occasion, sha wouid also express her sense rf their tribute, and thank tb»m fir their toucbirg and Übejp»e*«d compliment. my 12—H FAIRFIELD RACES. TUIMTdat. ■ ■■ T* 1 THURSDAY. MAT 12 Jockey Club Porse, 3 mile b«at». with the following entries: D McDatiicl enters ch hby Financier—4 jearsold —lf.O Ihs—dam by Z:ncranf e O P liare enters b c Two Bits- 4 jeara old—lCO Iba —by Kevenue. dam by Piium. Capt Jubn Bel'her enters b c Ashland—4 yeara old—loo lbs—by Financier, dam by Prism. GREAT MATCH RACE FOR SATURDAY, For »IUO aside, between 8 R Fondren's bay mare, ♦ years old. by Cbi'de Harrold. and Gen Green's bay mare Flyaway, by l oston. jr. 4 years old. tar Race come» i ff a: 1 o'clock every day. date fee.Kl cents my 12—It JOHN BELCHKR. Prop'r. vAN AMBURQH & CO.'B V GRAND Zoological antl Eques trian Cornuany, Will exhibit at Richmond on FRIDA Y, SA TCRDA J*, and HONDA Y, >l\y 20th, -let, and 23J, 1859. This Colossal Es' has been entirely refitted for the stason of ISMt. with new Okm», Porfwr uing Dens. Baggage W ftßoua, Richly Moum ed Harness, and Costly Trappings. The superb BAND WAGON,conveying P. NBUHGK'B PHILADELPHIA BIIASS BAND, will leed the MA GyiFICF.NT CO R TEGE In a Brilliant Peocission, through the principal streets—entering the city at lo o'clock, A >1, on FKIDAY. Every citizen should witness this Brilliant Dis play, got up at an expense of over Forty Thousand Dollars! VAN AM BURGH'S TRAINED LIONS, ROYAL AND BRAZILIAN TI GERS, ASIATIC AND BLACK LEOPARDS, PEFFOKME!> BY *l(* IMTRIPID Prof. L AlliGW O R T H Y. THR WONDKRFHL PERFORMANCES of the Monster ELEPHANT, Tirroo 8 A 18, nnder the direction of the accomplished K NABH. In organizing the IQUrPTRI AN COMPA NY. tbo Proprietors, with their umal liberality and i-ntorprise when catering for the amnacmeut of the Dublic, have called into requisition ike RESOURCES OF TWO «..) .TINKNTS, and have concentrated in ote BRILLIANT CON STELLATION a host of FRENCH, ENGLISH, and AMERICAN STARS!! Each starding prt-etuioeat in their particular sphere of action. THE TRICK DOGS ! RIDING MONKIES! ! EDUCATED PONIES • !! DR. THAYER'S QUADRUPEDAL WONDERS, THE ACT liS (i MILES: ! Anil the best Stud of RING HOtiSES in the woild. DR. J. L. THAYER, The Great American Clown, aid NAT AUSTIN, The Krg'i'h Perf)rnsing Clown, will enliven each Entertainment with rhaetc orifcl ual jokes, ex ngs, ct< ri»* and witicistns. *S. ADMISSION FIFTY CKNTS-Childreo and Servants 25 cents. *%. For a particular deecriptiorj of the several Performances, see bills, pictorials, Ac Doors open atiit'd 7 o'clock. P M. my 7-Ht C L WHEELER. Agent. jy£ECUAMCS' iiALL. Third Week—Continued Pucciss OF THE RUSSIAN WAR, AND FAIL CF elB&ETOPOL! OPEN EVERY NIGHT 1 Lately exhibited in Baltimore and Philadslobia to 160,0 X.i persons, and In Wsshinstcn to the entire population. This is a Colossal Dioramic Panorama, illuntrat'ng all the moat important eventsofthe late RussaiiW ar from iw commencement to its close. The r»pwen tations embrace Grand Military and Naval Rx viMYj, Battles, Shuis, Bomuardmxxts, tcxitraa CniES.TrRKIUC ON I.a.nd a>d Sea, Ac.. A. Thethrtllinu eflect of all these scenes being great ly heigbtened by the union of Chmii.htrt ard the most Elaborat* Machinery,producing t fleet* as "er before attempted in Panoramic exhibitioLS. Tbe illustrations are presented on SO.OOO FKKT OF CANVAS, Commencing with her Majesty, Queen Victoria, Re viewing her troops at Cnobham.and THK BRITISH FLKKT AT Sl'lTfa KAD. THE BOMB4.RDMKNT OF ODESSA. DKSTKUTJON OF THK FoRTS. Ac.. Ac. BILIBTRIA, 80 GALLANTLY DKFKNDk'D BY THK TURKS. KMBARCATION OF THK FRKNCH TROOPS FROM CALAIS CRON STADT. BOMBARDMK*TOF BOM ARSI'ND. CAMP OF THK ALLIKD ARMY AT VARNA. GRKVT FIRK AT VARNA. BATTLK OF ALMA. GRAND CHAFUKOF THK BRITISH GUARDS UPTHK HKIGHTSOF ALMA' BALACLAVA—CAPR CHKKB NkS*. Exterior and interior of the harbor of SEVASTOPOL—FORTIFICATIONS—SUIfB OF WAR.Ac .Ac. BATTLK OF BALACLAVA. DREADFUL TORNADO ON LAND SKA. BATTLKOF INK KRMANN! GRAND GUANOING SCENE I Terminating with the BCMOAHDMKNT AND OBSTRUCTION CF SEVASTOPOL. Admission 2ft cents. Reserved seats SOctnta. 19" No half price lor children, tUT Admission tor Colored tenons to Oallery, » cent*. Ncict — Parties ranreenre anr particular scat by applying at Uie Hall from 10 till U' o'clock, A. M., and 2 tiil 4. P.M. ttf Doors open at 7Si—to commence at H o'clock. K Grand Day Performance on SATURDAY at 3 o'clock. ap 31—ts DOVAL & NORTON'S "HORSE TON IC"—For improving the condition of Horsea and Mules, giving them avappeti'e and relieving them of Bots and Worms, Hm«l>otind, frurttitand Distemper, and all diseases to which a Hon* is»ob ject internally This "Hone Tonic" gives tbem aa appetite and a glossy coat of hair, and can be left or ai' >r the anitoal is improved, without h>» tail ing back to hia ttrat p< >r condition. It has tseu used extensively since it i introduction, about for yean ago, in this city and all parti of the State 'f Virginia. North Carolina, New York,and in almost every quarter of the Union—and the demand » si»a dilv lucreasiug. The Horse Tonic bai given universal satisfaction, as far as the subscriber has beeu able to ••••f** l ?'; It can be obtained of the principal druggists u> this State, and of F 0 Wells A Co. New fork. JAMES P DUVAL. Druggist. tnr 11 Proprietor and Manntacturer^ nOODS FOE MODRNINQ DRESSES— V* At MAILERT'd Chtap B*«n. Tarnartine Cloth, very Has and cheap fc a turner Bombasines, a b «rgain ''n&iiaStoUss Ladist having Mourning Goods to bay *|Mi Sad II to their advantage to calfat mLjUTe beton- tar chaalng elaewhste AOBPWC* MAll*a»T. _ FITTbH'S MERCCRY 60 AGES. * Mercnry and Water Gauges for Gasfift'rs and Machinists, ibr .ale at BAE «m DURE MOLASSES RDM—In fcr «!• b* IMQB pAT IN POET. DURE JUICE FOST WlW*— Ww4m ■Mi*"* M —"-*• I > A*G*» _ JjAVASSA