Newspaper Page Text
.THE DISPATCH. __ THURSDAY MOKWtMQ MAT 19. )W». NOHTH.WBST*RH BASK Of VIRGINIA,} VimiM, ▼ a., April 30tb, l»M»- f ÜBOH A. Will, Stq., Oavaraor of Virginia: Bm—l tan tta to aortas* tl»« <j«*r»crly report of this Bank and Wi th t r2f«c», D. LAMB, Csshlor. StATttHKTof ths Condition of the Nortb'Wsstern teak of Virgin*. loclsdisg jtt Broocboa at VoMnt, Nrtmtarf owl M«#«»lll*i o» ibo lot dar ol April, lV *Uh a Comparative Itatfint of tbo aane for tbo Corrsspoodlsg ported of tbo praoadlnf ysar. April I,IBM. April 1. ISM. TVynaatie Debt. K8.360 M OJS.MM) 57 AWteof Kwbaaga, 4W.09T 03 4C3.830 6# SSS&SK 5 ®- SffS 'SUSS 9^£S^T i 126,619 27 114,1MJ 7T D«o b» otkor Bsaks aod Baakoro, lU.MS » 01.608 92 Notts of Va. Banks, 28,816 00 19,429 00 Kotos of other Basks, aStST I*'1*' 41.T83 87 Sl.OTfl 27 Oeio. 188,059 21 1i6,4<14 82 Kxpoass Account, 6,3Ji> 82 6 847 $I.«T4,HW 18 8,001,766 22 CaDital stock 998,100 00 9M,«M 00 717,441 00 676,895 00 l>ae tO otlior Bank* aad lU&ktn 86,,,3 33 38,443 36 ~ ' 247,803 07 307,048 42 Oontinceot Pond, 5y,150 82 106.894 46 Discount Aeconnt, 18,260 94 M.WS 16 Collection and Prank oa Account, 1,468 83 2,002 01 Kent Account, 1,696 20 In transit, 6.318 17 378 62 $1,074,106 16 2,001,755 22 Ptatuibot Exhibiting tbo Aggregate Debt das by the North* Western Bank of Virginia, Including 4ts Branches, tho Outstanding Debt duo lo said Bank, its Discounts of Inland and Foreign Bill* of Exchange, its Loam to Directors, its Specie, Circulation aad Deposits, on the first day of each month of tho quarter ending April 1, 1869. Jan. 1,1859. Feb. 1.1559. Circulation, 702,049 00 707,524 00 Deposits, 236,304 18 252,130 43 Doe toother Banks aad Bankers, 41,812 02 20,127 C 3 In transit, 4,043 12 1,318 89 Aggregate Debt due by Banks and Branchss, 984,208 32 981,100 05 A (SITS, vie : Loans to Directors, 50,316 9* 60.225 72 Other Domestic Debt, 842,204 46 854,631 17 Bills of Exchange— alt payable In the Ual« ted Btates, 492,562 39 468,215 49 Dos by other Banks aad Bankers, 135,040 96 147,532 32 Baak Notes, Checks and Certificates of Deposit, 75,323 65 67,723 58 la transit, Outstanding Debtdus to tho Bank and Branches. 1,695,448 39 1,578,328 28 Orsxa A skits, Tlx: Coin. 199,031 88 188,149 49 Stocks of this Bank, at Kr, 25,000 00 25,000 00 r Stocks,valued at 31,494 68 31,494 58 Banking Houses and other Real Estate, valued at 123,99: 48 123,999 48 Total Assets, 1,974,972 33 1,946,971 83 Excess of Assets over Liabilities, per above siatemont, 990,764 01 965,870 88 Rxpbxsxrtiso : Capital Stock, 867.100 00 BGB.IOO 00 Contingent Fund, 87,627 80 89,638 41 Earaings, 36,036 21 8,132 47 $990,764 01 965,870 88 Mar. 1,1859. April 1,1859. Circulation, 689,689 00 717,441 00 Deposits, 249,397 10 247,603 07 Doe to other Bank* and Bukrn, 30,876 7 8 25,773 33 Jo transit, 6,318 17 Aggregate Debt doe by the Bank and Branch es, 975,962 88 097,135 57 Assirs, viz: Loans to Director*, 49,363 45 47.539 00 Other Domestic Debt, 855,459 20 885.820 53 Bills of Exchange— all payable in the United States, 473,619 19 498,097 03 Dae by other Banks and Bankers, 129,983 40 115,553 85 Bank Notes, Checks, aod Certificate* of Deposit, 87,387 52 70,598 87 In transit, 499 51 Outstanding Doe to the Banks aod Branches, 1,690,342 27 1,618,609 28 OfHßft Assists, tic : Coin, 168,525 50 168,053 21 Btock of this Bank, at par, 25,000 00 25,000 00 Other Stocks, valued at ;<l.4tf4 55 31,494 58 Banking Houses aod other Real Estate, valued at, 124,007 98 126,610 27 Total Assets, 1,945,370 39 1,965,770 34 Excess of Assets over Liabilities, per above statement, 069,407 51 971,640 77 IUPiMEsmG: Capital Stock, 868,100 00 868,100 00 Contingent Fund, 89.202 SO 89,150 82 Etrulngs, 12,104 71 14 389 96 $969,407 51 971,640 77 Circulation Outstanding: Ap'll,'sß. Ap'll,'s9. Ones, 839 834 Twos, 306 302 Fives, 307,835 463.705 Tens, 226,245 220,380 Twenties, 25,020 15,020 fifties, 16,650 11,200 $576,895 717,441 The undersigned, Directors of the North.West ern Bank of Virginia, certify the foregoing state* meats to be correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief. W CAMPBELL, HENRY MOURE, J W PAXrON, JAS PAULL, ZH JACOB, M H HOUSTON, Wheeling, April 22, 1860. Ohio Coebtt, ss: Before me, Hiram D. Brown, Notary Public, for Ohio county, State of Virginia, this day, in my ■aid county, came Daniel Limb, Cashier of the NorthaWesiero Bank of Virginia, and made oath iu doe form, thai the foregoing statements are correct and true, to the best of his knowledge and bslief. Gives under my band this 21st day of April, ISbU. H D BROWN, Notary Pnblic. BANK OFTHITvALLKY IN VIRGINIA, 1 Winchester. April 27, lasy. j To His Excellency, Hikki A Wise, Governor of Virginia: Dear Sir—l enclose statements showing the con dition of this Bank, on the Ist day of April, ISM. aud Ist test. \ ery respectfully. Your obedieat servant, Ji M BuitftT. Cashier. Condition of the Bank nf tht VaUry in Virginia, In cluding it* BraacJui, April 1, 1858 Specie. - »• $405,<88 47 botesol Dunks incorporated by the state lo».7oe 83 hoies o%bauks incoiporated elsewhere 1.5,6 00 to a* from other banks. 4 a,052 45 jtotee disc-tinted 2.009.1 is to inland bills discounted. 330.3*1 so V irgicla Treasury nolea. 40 iUW) tJO Bond account.™-. ............. 26,7i7 16 Block purchased to secure a debt.......... 8>0< », (HJ Real ealate.. .. 74 016 74 Uvinmonwealth of V irginiw. 1,655 zi $3,442,750 07 Capital stcck 1,215,000 00 Notes in circulation. „ 1 .690,200 »• Dae to other Dasks. 72,716 86 turpins 1uud........ 131,805 71 Di5c0unt................ 46,611 e7 Deposit* mouey - 266,7(3 7a Iu Uaaslta betweec. bank and brancaes.. 1V.652 35 t,442,750 07 t \mditim of tht Bank qf the Valley »» Virginia, In cluding U* Branch**, April 1. JBS»- Specie...... 382,532 il Notes o> baulk* incorporated by the state. Sft.jteJ 75 Notes of banks incorporated eUewher*... *J. 77« 01 Due from otuer banks. - - M rvotes discounted £ 9 Inland bills discounted —— —• Virginia treasury note* Bono account 'I'ULW't "JUL <Kt block purchased to secure • debt....... ••J® u W Atai estate _74 07vj#v 33 Capital slock - 1.2i5,uw 00 s iu circulation. 1,374 440 50 Do* tootlts* barts- - .. 261,016 KV Surplus fowl 133,7 V» 04 l>*MMUnt. • - 40.W0 n i>« posiussouey 424 2i» o3 state meat and And it correct i BJBINBKRKY. I DW BARTON, WwMsI.LON, W MHwLUDAi. Vtb..iau, yatonirt Colhtt. tct: •fbisday Henry M Brvat.Oastiier of the Baak of the Valley in Viralala, personally appeared befr>re the subscriber, a Justice of the Peac* In aad fot the o.'«inty a format.!, and uiade ■ nth that the fbmcoina »Ti»il»it« the ttU« condition ot said Bank on the let tns' made np front the book* of tbeeeld Bank «nd the reports frnm the several Hr<tnches thereof, to the bee: of htokaovrlcdce and belief. . . Given under my hand, tbU*7 h <ta» >>f ipr1.1859. 010 W WASP. J t' ACADEMY LOTTERIES. (AUTHORIZED BY THT STATB OF GEORGIA.) DRAWN AT AJUOBTA, OEORQIA. TO in PUBLIC—As the members of oar firm have by war of por.-haee, oeaome the owner* of the grante chartered by the States of Dala ware, Kentucky, Missouri, and part of those in Georgia, under the management of Meeara Gregory A Maury, of Wilmington. Delaware, we bavedeem e;t it expedient to changti the name ol our firm after January Ist. Itsiy, to that of WOOD, EDDY a CO., who will have the management of the Sparta Ar<*l<<i>y Lottery,and the ether* a* above named. Wa have eaoeavored to transact all onr business a ith iotegrity,aod we can assuie the public that the patronage heretofore beatowed on ua is well deserv ing ot Ik*ior transterr.<d to our successor*. WOOD. ICODY A CO. Verj respectfully, S * 00. MAGNIFICENT BCHEME fhe following Schema will be drawn by WOOD, KDDY A CO., (AnccMsor* to S. Swaw A Co j Man agers of the SPARTA ACADEMY LOTTIfKY. of Georgia, at Augusts, public, a* follow*: CLASS 19 draw* on SATURDAY, May .th, l«». CLASS ao draw* on SATURDAY, May 14th, 1859. OuAfrS 21 draws oa SATURDAY, May 21st, 185 P. or.A»B 23 draw* on BATURDAY. Mar 3dth. 1559. TO BE DRA WW Off THK PLA}f OF SINGLE NUMBERS. FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HDNDRIDANS FIGHTY-FIVR PRIZES 1 50,000 TICKETS! kkaklt otis runs ro stekt rink tickets. nAGNIFHEiir S4 liK.UK. 1 prise of. (.'jO.txM 1 Prize ot $1,.V0 1 do 20,000 50 Prizes ot seo I do 10.000 II*) do 40ii 1 do 5 msi lot) do 300 1 do 4,f0.i 100 do 150 I do a.eoo ton do lno APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prlzesoi »MJo,approximating to»50,000 prise, are 91,600 4 pm- s of $300, approximating to $30,000 priae.are 1.20 C 4 prists of $250, approximating to 910,000 prise, are 1,000 4 price* of 9225, approximating to 95,000 prise, are 90C 4 prizes of 9200, approximating to 94,000 prise, are 800 4 prises of 9150, approximating to 93,000 prise, are 600 4 prizes of 9100, approximating to 91,500 prize, arc 400 5000 prizes of $X are 100,000 5,485 prises, amounting to 9320.006 Whole Tickets, »lt>; Halves, (5 Quarters, 92 50; Kighths 91 25. PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. The numt«r* from 1 to 50.000, corresponding with those numbers on the iickets, printed on separate slips of paper, are encircled with Bint 11 tin tubes, aad placed in one wheel. The first 4J" Piizss, similarly printed and encir cled, ace placed in another wheel The wheels are then leTotved.and a number is drawn from the wheel of Numbers, and at the same time a Prize is drawn from tne other wheel The number and Prize drawuout are opened and ex hibited to the audience, and registered by tbo Com miesiciers, the Pri/.e b*iug placedapaiust the num ber drawn This operatijp is repeated uuiil ail the Priz-* are drawn out. approximation Prizei.—The two preceding and the two succeeding Nural«ers to those drawing the fir»t3 tTizas will be eutitled to the 29 Approxima tion Priz-is. For exampleit Ticket Number 11280 draws toe 950,(100 Prize, those Tickets numbered 11249, 11249, 11251, 11252, will each be entitled to 44U0. If Ticket No 550 drawa the 920,000 Piize these Tickets numbered 548, 549, 551,552 will each beentitled t093J0, aud so on according to the above Scheme. The 5,000 Piizos cf $20 will be determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the 950,000 Prize. For examp.e; if the Number drawing the tso,(*iO Prize ends with No 1, then all the Tickets wht re the Number ends in 1 will be entitled to 920. If the nr.mber ends with No then all the 'tickets where the Number ends in 2 will beentitled to 920. and soon too. «S- Uemeuiber that every Prize is drawn and payable in full without deduction. aarXhe Managers' Printed Certificates of packa ges of 10 tickets, will b« sold at the following rates, which Is the riBK : Certificate of pack«go of 10 whole tickets, 980 M " 10 half " <0 " " 10 quarter " 30 " M 10 eighth " 10 la CiDIRIBQ Tier ST j OK OSBTIFICATM. Enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they wtfl be forwarded by first mail. Purchasers can have Tickets ending in any figure they may designate. The List of drawn N umbers and Prizes will be sent lopurchasersiramediately after the drawing. In ioture our Single Number Lotteries will draw every SATURDAY throughout the year. Our three Number Lctteries are drawn daily. Address orders for Tickets or Certificates in the above Schemes to HOOD, EDDY A CO, Augusta, Ga., « Or WOOD, EDDY A CO, Atlanta, Oa., Or WOOD. KDDY A CO. Wilmington, Del. list of the numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the Prize that each one is entitled to. will be published after every drawing in the following papers —August* Constitutionalist, Mobile Register, Nashville Gazette. New York Wet'c ly Day Book. Richmond (Fa.) Dispatch, Paulding (Mist.) Clarion and Netu York Herald. WILBACHEII, ' • BOTrLER, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN L .IGKII BEER, ALE, PORTBR, Ac, (Office ob 18th, between Main and Cary sts.) SPRING AND SUMMER SEASON. Thankful for tho liberal patronage and confidence in my establishment, from all parts of the Com monwealth and State at large, 1 take pleasure to state, that I shall sell during tho Spring and Sum mer, my iOTTLED LAGER BEER. CHE AM ALK, and PORTER, at same prices as heretofore, viz: Quarts per dozen, $1 751 25 ct«;adoz allowed by Pints, " " 100/ return of bottles. Half pints, per doz, 5 j—extra charge for bot tle*. Trusting, by prompt attention t-orders, and of fering always the best article, to share a still great er part of public favor, ana give general satisfac tion. Goods for tho country pocked in barrels, and de livered to any Railroad Depot In Town, lree of charge. I am still Agent for the sale of Jacob Scegei's Baltimore LAGER BEER, aad Bandelet's XX PAL, 15 ALK, the superiority of which is acknow ledged by everyjudge; and I contiauo tJ recom meud both articles for their puroness aLd beneficial effects to invalids. <a|~ Orders left with Messrs. Dtiv-il A Norton, corner 10th and Main Bts. Messrs Laidley A Robin son, corner 4tb aud Franklin, or at my store, will be promptly attended to. mh I* —dtJl rvm KIDNEY AND ULADDiiR, AF " FROTIONS.—HARTS BORNE'S GREAT BUCHU COMPOUND, for the rapid cure of all Kuneyaud Bladder Complaints. This Concentrated Compound Extract of Bnchu is the best K«medy in the World lor all Diseases or Complaint', of the bladiar. Kid cejs. Dropsy,Gravel,Gleets, Leucorrhoeaor \Y bites, Urinary Complaints, Obstructions, and all Diseases and Woaknoea-.s of the Sexual Organs, whether of a constitutional origin, or from any other cause, of long or short duration It is prepared by a Chemist, containing no Mer enry, and is pronounced by medical men to be not only tbr best, but the cheapest Bncbu Compound in the world. Persons who have suffered for years and conld scarcely walk, have been cured by using one or two bottles. Large Bottles. $1: small Bottks, 50 cents. Sold by FISHER A WINSTON, and all Druggists In Rich mond, Petersburg, Norfolk, and other tewns in Vir ginia. 12—3 m LA PERLE AND KUBIB CHAM PAGNES — The undersigned have been appoint ed sole agents for the United States am) Canada, for the sale of the CHAMPAGNE WISES of Mtsars. J acquis, Qoiru 4 Co.. at Chalons sur-Mnrne, Trance Wo present their Wines to the public under two brands, namely : LA PERLE and RUBIS. The "PERLE" Wine is of exquisite flavor and fruity taste. The "KUBI3" is a fins Catlnet Champagne, of a beantful ruby color, which is natural to the wine and is mad* from Grapes of the choicest selections, fur sale at wholesale in Richmond, only by DUDLEY A CO., rah 3 72 Main st. 1859. BPRINQ TRADE. 1859 DOBERT J. DSN NY, Dealer in Hard ware. Cutlery, 'tools, Ac, embracing every va riety of articlos adapted for Builders. Machinists and Housekeepers, No 205 Main street, above tho 8 now in store the largest and most oomp lete stock of English,Oermaa ana Am»rican Hardware, I have evernal the pleasure to offer, and respect fully invite all in want to examine tho same before purchasing elsewhere. Mr goods are fresb, and naving been purchased exclusively for cash, I am nrenarod to offer them upon the lowest torms. >ARMIN«» IMFLKMCNTS HOUSti KUItNIfHING GOODS * BUILDING MATKKIALS TO 'LB OK ALL KINDS I have also the Agency here for the Baltimore Bell and Brass Works, and am prepared to furnish Steam, Water and Gas Cocks, Steam Whistles, and Brass Work generally,at short notice. Orders carefully and promptly attended to. ROBERT J DKNNY. mh 22 205 Maip st, abovo the Banks. rnHE Cheapest and most fashionable Childrens' Carriages Bird Cages Water Coolers _ Ice Cream Freesers Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets Cut ana Moulded Glass Ware Table Cutlery and Tea Trays Looking Glas«ea Wooden snd Willow Ware Faiicy Goods of every description A good deal of our own importat'on.and al«ofrom New Vcrk aactious. You get goods really at auc tiou prices at SOHAAP A GO'S, °P 2* Corner Hroa l and 3d streets. 008E.—800 pair Girls' and Boys' Hose J —Will open on Monday morning, n large lot of Girls and Boys Hosiery—a splendid article Also a line lot of Ladies' white Hose, for a nino pence the pair. Call at MAILKRT'S y 41 Main street. OLD CtiANDEUE&¥ AND GAB FIX TURKS MADE GO'»U At NEW.-lbe Snbscri -1 Imt U prepared to r» gild and rn-brouae Chaudellers and (lwsr»*lnraata a superior style. All kinds of Ga» f rriaa executed In the b«st manner pr^p.'atUntUm 60 " 11117 #ol,ciled ' aud receive « «V* with V J Barees. 216 L Main street b«»w.«n Mb and 9tb. [ap26—lm«] jACGB F BARNES TVIVIDSMD NOTICE - : ~ MBBC «ANTt' INSURANCR 00., 1 ~ .. , Hicbmond. 4th May ihm r The Directors have this day docUrZda I*,mLa Of Hx par <11 fit tie capital stock Slotk n ,l'tfcisoira.»id altn the i;.:) l ,7n? ,r It profit* of the last six mouth*, reaei vin« a snt ni of sevau and a half par oeot £i * * wtpltts ' n, » •-«»* J u Montague, i?sc'r. ~ bays, cjup». «CK>T» «q H bfbYng" stock. "jj[ HATB.GAPB ASD STRAW GOODS. lIAMIL.TOK JTBOUCIIEB. Wc beg l*»?e to call th* Attention of nur cu«to mm, and tho public generally, to the fact Ipm we bftTejnnt returned from tho North with our new utook of IIATB, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS, con«latiQ«c of the nry Intent styles We are now prepared to offer * much larger, better^ano c»ww*r lot of Uata and Oapt than ever offered in tbi« inar ket. Wa invito the public to cUI and **•»»«»• J*! stock beforepnrchutin* elwwhere, s* *•*!'■??' s* cheap. If not cheaper, than any other liae «•-» bii»hm*Dtinthis cltr• „ .. All we a*k I. a BUUUHW N B—Fine BILK HATS made to order, at the shortest notice. ap P-iw mTHK HAVIfiLOOK HAT TUB HAVBLOCK JJAT TUB HAYKLOCK HAT /n entire new «tile. made of ORiM CWTH Ther are unsurpaMcd In beauty ard comlort, being tno lightest and best ventilated HAT in want of a real pleasant fammsr liat would do well to call and get one. Other new styles also on hand * " BINFORD'S HAT STORJ BIMFOHD'S HAT STORK BINFOBD'a HAT STOKB mr ifv—st* 82 Main street. Richmond. LAL)lbB' HEELED COHOREBB with Silk O'tor, of superior nnalltv, just received and for sale cheep br mr 10 MARCUS HAKKIt. 183 Broad St. LADIES' HEELED GAITERS AT Ladles* He«le<l Uaitets at 1.50 Ladies' Heeled Gaiters at I 50 Ladlei' lletlcd Gaiters at ISO Ladies' Heeled Gaiters at 1 5 1 ' LadiW Heeled Gaiteis at l.fiO Tl s area-est 1 argain ot thes««wjn. at mr 10 MARCL'S H A • RIB. IS3 Rroad st. |[| £i£W bfilis SPRING AND 'SUMMER GOODS. Just r»ceived a tresh snoplrof HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS, comprising all th« newest and latest sty les of Hata, Caps. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Straw Goods, viz i La-lies', Mioses' and Children'* Flats,of every va riety and quality ... Infant)' Turbans of tho latest styles. ALSO. Youdk Gent's and Youths' Hats and Caps, of the most fashionable ntyles—which will be sold on the most favorable terms. tt . A call is most respectfully £'«SS INSON> Pcccessor to Binford, Dickinson A Wcisiger, mj 5 No 78 Main st. lm PIKE'S PE<\K M FIKS'S PKAK riKß'd PEAK PIKE'S Pt.AK I'lKfc'd PKAK Vew Style Hat, jast receivid and fcr sale at »o 167 Main street. . ™. lOlfll ,n n, T 7_iw Ef.LETT A WKISIGER. ~ a ""griSAT REDUCTION IN 81l t ft THE PRICK OF lIATS AND BOOTS.*** Ba —From l l * to 20 per cent, saved by bnvina from J. H. ANTHONY, Columbian Hotel building. Moleskin Hats of best quality, 3 sfr. Do, second quality, 3 00; Fashionable Silk Hats, 2 S); Fine Calfskin Sewed Boots, 3 50; Congress Gaiter Boot?, 3 2ft; Fine Calfskin Sewed Shoes, 2 25. J. lk. ANTHONY lias made arrangements with one of the best makers in the city of Philadelphia, to supply him with handsome and substantial Calfskin Sewed BOOTS, whichi h«rwill sell s£ the un precedented low price of liIREE DOLLARS AND A HALF. oc 23—d &wt* » MiL*;a & bon'B boots and ■ rtHOES.—Jnst received a fresh supply of Miles 4 Son's dress Boots and Oxford Ties. JNOO PAGS, JR, mv <i y:i Main street. Jj'BENCH B(JOIB AM> BHUbS. Another case of the above from MiKs, consisting of Calf Dress Bco's; Pat Leather Dress Boot;; do do and call shots: do do do Congress Gai ters JOHN C PAGS, JR. c ,'y 5 93 Main street. LADIEo' SHOES. — A large supply of all kinds of liatlie'B , fftehionable Gaiters, Slippers and Shoes, just received at No 93. jjjy j JNU IrAviii, »»• ■IK >tK CITIZENS O* KICH.- g MOND, and strangers visit- H Si>Wlinx the city, will flat! at l Alain street, - ■ a large assortment of Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters ot every kind and price. Among them an- gent's nne Boots patent leather and calf skin Gaiters, Oxford Ties and fmnpt; ladies' Gaiters, Buskins, slippers, Ac; misses' Shoes and Gaiters of every kind .ma quality; servants' Shoes, made strong aud good; also, children's metalic tipped Shoes, which cannot bo worn out at the toes. My stcck of Travelling Trunks is very large and cannot be excelled; aud 1 am determined not to be undersold by any one. I bnv ihera in largo quan tities from the manufacturer!, and my facilities for selling cheap are such thai 1 am sure lean meet the views ot any reasonable purchaser. Strangers, citizens and friends, if yon want any Boot), fcboes or Travelling Trunks. and give me a call before purchasing, for X know I can suit you both as to quality and price. JOHN CLARK, No 75 Main st, ap 30—2w Richmond, Va- HATti, OAFS aud ttTftAW GOODS. The subscriber is in receipt of a splendid spring stock of the above articles, vhich he offers to his customers and the trade in general on the most reasonable terms. Boys an 1 Childrene FANCY GOODS in great va riety, at prices to suit the c.osest purchasers, ap 25 —1m Ji£ F s RY MASON, No 107 Main ot. m" JOHN DOOLtiY, #mj Hat and Cap Manufacturer and Whole-Msga sale Dealer in HATS, CAPS, FURS, TRIMMINGS, Ac. I have now on hand a complete »nl extensive as sortment of everything in my line, adapted to the SPRING TRACK, to which constant additions will be made during th« season . My experiencear.d facilities have enabled me, on this occasion, tootfer the LARGK J T, and in every way the most O'JMHLKTK STOCK OF GOODS that has ever offered in Virginia. 1 would ask the particular attention of my cus tomers to m 7 stock of _ STRAW GOODS, t wiich for varlsiT and extent cannot be surpassed JOHN DJOLEY, mh 7—ts Main street, Richmond,> a. Dili Quoi»a. DICH DRESS GOODS— 1\ SECOND SUPPLY We invite, attention to the 'ollowin},- elegant stock »>f Dress Goods, purchased by one of our firm at auction, Ac, ana will to sold at unprecedented low prices: . , Two Flounced ard Double Jup? Silk Elegant Bayadere andCheue silks liich Organdie aud J»conet Robot Elegant Robes a'i'unique Rich Print d Bareges mil Gla-.e Poplins Crepe Maretz and Batege D' Laines Black Challie, Tamartine aud Mourning Ducils Black Silk Mantiliaß French ar.d English Priuts, Ginghams, Brilliants aud other styles Dress Goods. For novelties in ail styles of Dress Goids, enquire at No 143 Main street. A K PARK BR A CO. -NEW GOODS. SAM'L M PRICK A CO have received a further supply of tho?e cheap Heal Point Laie Collars Re»l Point Lace bets Poiut Applique Lace Trimmed Hdkfs French Lace and Pucher Lace Mantles, all of the newest ttyles Velvet and Net Mantles, new and beautiful Lace Sleeves, new patterns And many other very desirable gcodsfor the sea son. my '°~ 3t Having enlarged and refitted my store, I ben leave to say to my friends and tfce public generally, that I am now prepared to show one of ttte largest and best assorted stocks of DRY GOODS that I have ever had the pleasure of ei hibiting in this city, comprising a general stock of Stapieand rich assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of the uewest designs, via: black and Colored SlUi.*3 uRGANDIRS, MUSLINS, LAWNS, MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, Ac. Also, a splendid stock of cLoTHS. OABSIMKRES AND VEBTING9, of every grpde atitJqnaUly.for gentlemen and boys' W Atarg« srpply of HEAVY STAPLE GOODS, for Servants'w<ar. . . Alw. a msgnifloent assortment of Bleached and Brown fcHIRTINGS Irish UN EN 8 Linen SHKKTINGB Brown and Bleached Cotton SHEETINGS Besides many other things, too tedious to men tion—all of which haTe beej purchased withia the last week past iu Philadelphia and New York, on the most favorable terms ® D< J wl " be sold cheap, for cash. Call and Bee, and examine tor yourselves, at No 29 Main street. mh 24—dAsw2m JNO I, SMITHFR. QPLENDID STOCK i>F MANTLEB.— Black Silk Mantles and Puats Silk and Lace do A variety of Kaglans and Dusters Black acd White Berage fehawls Raglans. Dusters and K-rnoris Chi dren's Berageaud M irseil'esDusters Berago and Organdie Robes Black Hernaui and Barege do tummer Mr urning Goods in every variety— from the best makers CHRISTIAN * LATHROP, in y 9 »v Main at. T ARGE ADDITIONAL SUP PLIES J-4 BLEUANT rASCT DRY POOPS. THOB R PRICE A OO are now selecting from the most recent importations many new and elegaut Fancy Goods, portions of which are already in stick and others on the way, to which they invito the at tention of their friends an* the public. Elegant Lace Mantles B:i* :k Bombazines _.n° Bilk and Lacodo DeOrenadine and Popli- Rich Lace Points and net Shawls C il'd Crape Bareges Embruideiies in variety Do aud Blk Cbailiea Brusaells and Point Sets Pine AppleOloths Do do Collars Rich Organdies and Kobas Honiton and Maltese do Do Barege Robes Hoisery, Gloves. Mits, Ac Col'd Lawns and Jaca- Gsnt's and Ladles' Mori- nets, «d, is, W 6d, and no Vsats higher And a large and gsueral selection of b«sutifnl Bug l<sh and Atnorican Prints, Black and Whlta Prints: White Cambrics; Irish Linens; sheetings; Servauu' Goods; Cotton Miaaers; Linen Ducks, Ac, all vf which are at the very lowest rates, my 2 T K PRION * CO. JJOARDIBr®. rpHET UN ST ALL HOUSE, 1 CRAGHBADBTRfIt, • DANVILLE. VIRGINIA. With new furuitnre, ud nf*'T rwp«lr»d. w» »» ?on< vMtors that no effort* will be .'J!?? 8 their comfort.and we rwpectfully JSa'nr. The TUN STALL HOUM in also tbe STAGE OF FICK, »nd our omnibuw* will always, bojn mat mm to carry jHMsenger* to and from U» wpoi. A G WALTKRS.I . J M WALKER, }■ Proprietor*. fo 11—lyd W T SIMMONS.) RUEBOW'B BBUABU! MEDICINE*, rom th« **rn> asp itmctcal cv £*HOTVLt SYPHILIS BHBOMATISM. DYSPEPSIA ULCBBOUS AFFECT I^B ' NERVOUS HBADACHE ■RYSIPELAS, ULCERS, FISTULA LIVBR COMPLAINT DISEASES OF THE W)HB < 11RONIC COUGHS AND COLDS „ CHRONIC DVSENTERi. SCARLET tE\ER I'ILES. GENIAL DEBILITI GLANDULAR SWkLLINGS CUKONIV EEIER A*if AGUE MERCURIAL DISEASE. FEMALE DISEASES Aud *11 Diseases arising froia an Impure Btate ol the System, or occasioned by IMPRUDENCE lit LIFE. In offering this me<)icin« to tne p J7?* prietors wihh it to be distinctly understood by ail, that it does not rank among the #o#c,llLe0 # c,ll L e ? K medicines, or any of the new upstarts of the dar, but as a tm'y great and wonderful rem f£ y » **}ose extraordinary curative powers are , a, by men of highest respectability and ot the ToW}Kh,™i?£l*n!cm^pfis experieuceiu Norloik ana vicinity.peforroingdurmg that time miracles in the way of cures. Imh ottne most obstinate and Inveterate <li»t asea have been thoroughly and permanently restored to health by the use of this medicine, alter having been pro nounced incurable by the most eminent physxians in this country and mi rope. Tbe proprietors have in their possession thou sand* of certificates from the most itinuf ntiul aud discriminating, who have not only allowed their names to be introduced as witnesses of the efficacy of this medic ne, but who are willing, if addressed Upon the subject, toco-reepocd with the afflicted, aud thus satisfy them of the truthfulness of what is here asserted, before a dollar is expended in pur chasing it. Bomo persons may doubt the efficacy ol this medicine for the reason it in recommended to cure so many afljetiong, and which, to the skeptic, may appear impostaible for any one mediciue to do. The re.son way thin preraration so many dij; e-i».'fi, is because it is a RLGhNERA T>OR OR CHANGER OF THE WHOLE Hi MAN SYS TEM thoroughly purifying the Mood, and remov ing ail morbid obstructions, which cannot be de nied are the true sources of all diseases. All that is asked for this medicine is a fair trial, which will avsuredly convince any one of its extraordinary ef ficacy in curing the various diseases for which it is recommended. ~ , „ , .. „ , The following persons, living in Norfolk. > a, aad its vicinity, have certified by saying: We take pleasure in recommending BURROW S RELIABLE MEDICINE for the cure of all disease# for which it is recommeud»d, assuring the afflicted that it will do for them all that is represented. W W Lamb, Mayor, Nor- Rev Thos Hume folk Wm B Rogers, Esq Finley F Ferguson, ex- >V W Hall, Etq Mayor Ed Delany, JSsq Ezra T Summers, do John W Lee, Esq Hone, 8 Stubbs Peter Ilennebcrry, Esq Hon Jos T Allyn Kader Biggs. Ksq Rev Uobt Qatewoid C W Grandy. E q Rev 0 Bernard Maj Tho? J Oorprew Rev Mr McUoe Jas If Leigh, Esq R A Worrall, Esq 1 O Gardner, Esq Chas Harris. Esq Dr W C King Kobt Rhea, Esq DrC F Mar'm J M Freeman. Esq Warren W King. Erq Ed Portlock, Epq King A Toy, wholesale J Bunaldeu. Esq druggists Woodside Dorney, Esq Pantos, WaiKe A Co, do Sig George, Eaq M A fcantos A Co, do J R Spratley, Esq L W W ebb Thos Hall, hsq Dr E C Robinson K H Currrier. E»q Dr Geo W Peete U D Fiske, ex-Mayor, Thuniau Brooks, Esq Portsmcuih MASONIC AND ODD FELLOWS' CERTIFICATES: Norfolk Lodok, No 1. Nohfclk, Sept 6th, 1852. Dr G Burrow: Dear Sir—ln compliance with *our reqnest, we, the undersigued, would cheerfully state that ur attention was called to the deplorable condition of a strauger in tbe alms house of this city who bad been treated by the physicians ofihaß institution for Syphilis, without effecting a cure: aud by the order oi the Masonic Lodge of this city, (of wnich this stranger waa a brother,) we directed you to administer your Reliable Medicine, and that after ho had taken it a few weeks, he was pro nounced cu<el, and left Norfolk apparently a well man. Respectfully yours, FINLEV F FERGUSON, PHILLIP I COHEN, SIMON STONE, WM D SEAL, M asonic Committee. Washington Lodok,No. 3, I O OF. aoftFOLK. July 2dth, 1858. DR B Burrow: Dear Sir—ln compliance with jaur request, we inform you benefit of the public, that a brother of our Older (John K Jasper) was reported s:ck while a stranger in this city, aud in consequence of bis desti:u*e conditioe, had leen removed to the Hospital, where he was foil/id by a committee of this Lt-dge. suffering from a disrase termed the Scrofula, or King's £vil, and in fo low n stite as to be proauune-.U oj the attending physi cian incurable. On rcccmmenftation of a brother, be was induced to try your Reliable Medicine, and in three weeks ho was declared cared, anti lett thiß city for New York, and ic our opinion his rc3tora tio> to health waa caused solely by the use of your Medicine. . ... , , Given under oHr hands aad seal oi our Lodge, the date above written. JAMES H RANSOM, N G. E CiiAMBZPL.VIN*. Sec'y A TerribU Case qf Scrqfula of Tuvlve rears' Stand ing, Cured in On* Month. Norfolk, July 19,1852. Dr B. BUKaow : Dear cir—l am uudT great obli eatio'JS to ycu for effecting a cure of ttiat dreadful disease. fcCKO* ULA. by your rsliable mhdici*». The disease had baffled the most skiliul physicians, and 1 had taker, at least one handled bottlesof Sar sapariila, Ac , without the ieast effcct. I was in tbe most deplorable condition-part of my neck ulcera ted to such an extent as to Uave the wind pipe exposed ; indeed, lite was to me a burden 1 bad given over the idea of ever tjuuing relief, until recommended by one who had been similarly effected, and was cured by your medicine, 1 was induced to take y ur preparation, and although I had been afllicted over twelve years, jet, iu tbe short space of thirty davß, I wttsentirely cured. lam cow in ge>od health, and have been eversiuce. The cure wao re garded an a miracle. Yours, very respectfully, JOHN WEBB. This is to certify that John Webb appeared before me this day. and made oath to the above statement- I am well acquainted with Mr John Webb, be is a respectable citizen of this city. WILLIAM D DELANY. Mayor*of Nerlolk, Va. Norfolk, July 9,1852. Norfolk. June 1,1893. Db. B. Bkibow: Dear Sir—Justice to your Medi cine and gratitude to yourself, impel me to make the following statement: My wife ha>irg been in a low state of hoalth for several years, was considered ia a hopeltss decline The l ess, medical advice was pro cured, and the physicians only confirm onr worst apprehensions, by pronouncing the disease Pulmonary Coneu. iptiou in an advanced stage, and that treatment could be simply palliative, as death would soon relieve her from suOoriEg. Recourse was had. at a last resource, to the advertised reme dies supposed suitable to the case, but without the slightest improvement. She had become so much emaciated, that her intimate friends could not recognise her. in acquaintance who had been relieved by your medicine, acd had witnessed its beuelicinl effects on others, so strongly urged a trial of it, that I was induced to procure several bottles, which ehe began taking according to the directions. I believe she had used about three bottles, when she became alarmed by ageneral breaking out over the whole body and head.of sores and ulcers, and ascrib ing the cause to the medicine, declined its iurther use. But feeling couviaced this was a favorable sign. I prevailed upon her to continue its use, and I bad the satisfaction of seeing the u'cers heal without treatment her cough subsided. Bhe ga'ned flesh and strength astonishingly, and it affords me infinite pleasure to infirm ;ou that she is perfectly restored and never eujoyed better hoalth. I have nsed your medicine in other cases that havo cccurred iu my family, and nay confidence in its curative powers re main unimpaired. ftlost respe;tfully and truly ycurs J CD art HALL, Late Frot. Norfolk M. Academy. Norfolk. May 12,1854. Dr. B. Borrow: Dear Bir—ln compliance with your request, 1 cheerfully state that I liave seen the most remarkable success attend the administration of your reliable medicine, to patients iu the Norftlk Ckty Alms House, and my opinion is. it should be • speodily introduced lnall hospitals and charitable institutions. Respectfully your.*. CHARLES JOHNSON, Late Sap Norfolk City Alms House. Ifspace would admit, add a hundred snob certificates, signed by parties well known in this community,but from their unquestionable character, we deem 1 he above sufficient. Onr medicine is no "Northern catch penny hum bug," bnt is tbe resnlt of a long life of care, study, and attention, and. although it baa been known, and appreciated in Norfolk for tho past ten years, we have never introduced it to tho public at large, bee tuae of our earnest desire to bring it to sucn perfection, bffore d oing so that it might stand the test of popular opinion. Having perfected all our arrangements, and hav ing approximated the nicest jKiiut of perfection, in its combination am) preparation, we now give it to an afflicted world, with every confidence, and a firm conviction, that it will meet the wants ol the Prepared by J W BURROW A CO.Practical and Analytical Chemists, Norfolk, Va For sale in Riclimoud, Va, by Purcell, Ladd A Co; John W Garlics; Waring A Pearce. ap 16—lm ».b. esicarou. ■. coram nn niiun uniuti. DRIDGFOBD A CU, General (Jornada- D slon acd Forwarding Merchants, on the Dock, itoiMits. OAUMERS, ATTENTION.—We wiehto J/ call the attention Of the farming community to oar stock of Agricultural Implements among which will be found A lien's celebrated New York Reapers, which is verr simple, strong ami durable. Also, tbe "Harvest Klug." ac<i Calawell's Virginia Reaper, manufactured In King and Qaeen county—a very superior article.. Caß mj t Corner 13th and Gary at*. CHINA, GLASS AND BAKTH EN WARE—O B TAYLOB, 117 Main stroet.U now in receipt of his spring stock of goods, mostly of his own importation, embracing a great variety of whit* gilt, and deoorated China; white Graniteand bine printed ware, of the beet quality and shapes; bine edged CO and Dipt Ware, selected expressly for tbe jobbing trade; Out ana rre»eed tilass.of a variety 01 styles and quaiitius Also, plated and Brtttanuia Ice Pitchers, OMtors. Spoous and Forks. Also, a fine assortmont of Walters, Table Cutlery. Japanned Ware, Ac., Ac. He feels assured he can sell goads as low as any jobbing bonseat the North. An examination of hts stock is 1 y solicited. mh lt>—»n NORWOOD COAL —thlß fcighljpopu lar and excellent 00AL. tor «*•»*» and far u»ce,salt! by the subscribers at their omce on the Ba'lii IfnnK ><'twe»n »th and l«th greets. M , IS 2m MCSELDKN aco. . i ti mf — .nil mumtmmm» caipb. Solicit consignai ents »f Gr»tn. «nd otfc<K Prodne*. fbr which tbe bott marltet prices will b« pb «U Office on Virginia strsot new Cary. wAm* . tohn Is. UOKDUN h bON, J 14th Street, near the KXchangs Hotel, Offer for sale a large and full assortment of IRON comprisingßWKUS'B, AMKRICAN HAMWEHKU, pTK P OHAMM«BKD'ENGLISH AND KNGLISrf RKVINBD. JCoglish, American. Russta Imlia tion Russia Sheet Iron. OALVANIIhD BIIKBT IRON— Hoops,B»n«i*n<l Scroll Iron.reflned Plongh Iron andflough Plates Alao-Tia-plale ofvarloos sixes for Tinners and Manniactarera. SHEET AND BOLT COPPER, Sheet Zinc, Spot tor Mid the Metals osually sold In this apt ti 17QQLE8TON & FITZGERALD, Ej OBOCBBB AND COMMISSION MSBOHANTB. i-0 «r«t. n0 j_tt Richmond. VI/M. bATTLER ft CO., » * IMPORTIRS DXALIM 111 OILB, PAINTS, VARNISHES AND WINDOW QLASB. BRUSHES.—We received by the late steamer a large supply of Painters' and Artists' Brashes, of superior quality, to which *• call the attention of our customers. m IT f OUlfl J. BOBBIEUX— JU Manufacturer of Doable Refined STB AM CAN DIBS, and Wholesale Dealer in DOMJbTIC Atm FOREIGN FRO ITS, FRENCH CANDIES, CIGARS. TOBACCO, AC, Ac. Five-story Building, No 80 Mftin street, opposite Richardaon A Co, _ fe 2fl—Bm BIcaMQND. VA. TAMEb D. BROW.NE'S O ORNAMENTAL IKON WOEKS, 9th atroet, next to the Mechanics' Institute. Iron Railings, Verandahs, Balconies, Chaisr, Set tees, Ac; also. Grating, Vault and Cellar Doors, and every otber kind of Iron Work, for ornamental and building purposes, manufactured at short notice. Particular attetion given to enclosing Bnrial Lots in the city and country. ja 24—12 m I G. BLACKFORD, o. general forwarding and COMMISSION MERCHANT, Parkersborg, Va. N W Va, A B A 0 R R. RIPSRS TO Samuel Ayres A Bon, 1 M Blair A Co, 1 Rirhmond J Stewart Walker, f-tttchmona. Barksdale A Read, J i Particular attsnUon paid to forwarding manufac tured TOBACCO- r.h 24—dfim fefA&aLA WORKS. JOHN W."dAVIES, TRAOTIOAL CJUTTER AND MABO3 Main street, between Bth and 9th its-, lUohmosp, Va. Monuments of any-:izo or design, made to cnlst of the best Italian or American Marble. I respectfully invite the attention of those la want, to my gsock, which is the largest and best finiabeo asiortmeut of MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD PIB OSS and MANTLES, tc be found in the city. 43»First Pretolumsawarded by the Virginia Acr!- enltnral Society, and Mecbaoicfc' lestitnto. ssß< jyjA&BLE WORKS. " ROGEUxjTmiLLKR. PRACTICAL MARBiiE MASONS, CORNER OF 6TH AND MAift BTB. We respectlully invite the attention of those In want, to our stock on hand, which consists of the largest and best finisbei assortment of Monuments, Tombs, Head Pieces, Mantles, «c , to be found in the city. Mouu nents of any size or design, made to order, of the best quality, Italian or American Marble. _ _ ._. The only premium ever awarded by the Virginia Mechanic? Institute, oa Marble work, awarded to John T ttogers. e 25—3 m |yjARBLE WURKS. JACOB V*I>CENT, MANUFACTURER OF ITALIAN AND AMERI CAN MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD PIECES, <£c., Of every Styk or Design. The public are respectlaliy invited to call at my Yard, between sth and 6tn streets,on Main, and ex amine my work, which caauot bo excelled by any other establishment Norih or Sonth, which I will sell as low as any establishment in this city or elsewhere. mh I—3m OH. CHALKLEY, Dealer in Leath • er. Shoe Findings, Oil, Tanners' Tools, Ac., and Importer of French Calf Skins, 13th street, be tween Main and Cary, liebmond, Va., is now in re ceiptofa large and excellent stock of goods apper taining to his business,to wbich he invites the (men tion of all in want, as they will be sold VERY LOW FOR CASH, or to punctual customers. Dih 2—dSmAowly O H CHALKLEY. 18597 SPRING GOODS. ' 1869. & AN tJbKSON —Dea'ers ia L/ paper Hangings, Matting-', Oil Cloths, Curtain Goods. Window shades, Beds. Mat trasses, Ac, .cor ner of Governor ar.d Franklin streets —Have re ceived a large aud well-selected stock for the Spring Trade, to which they invito the attention of bur ers, intending to offer s-ich inducements io pu-cha»rrs that gr-.iat bargains may be realized. We are also prepared to execute P.iper Hanging and Upholster ing in the city or country, promptly, by the beat workmen ap 4—3 m TO COUNTRY STONE WARE AT FACTORY P.iIOES - We have on hand, of our own mannfacture. ■mi a very Urge assortmtnt of superior qaality Stone Ware, which wo are selling at cur Factory prices, consisting of Jugs, Jaro, Pitchers, Churns, Spittoons Covered Butter Pots, Milk Pans Cork Jars, (air tight.) Water Coolers, Water Kegs, Chimney Caps, Ac. Merch»ut« will please ca 1 aud examine our Ware before purchasing elsewhere, aad bay at Factory prices, at our Pottery, corner of l-'th and Cary st*. mh 17 KfcESKE A PARK. tNEW CLOTHING.—L'ARRA COTT, HARRIS A CO., successors to Mkr chent, WElstoer. A Co , are receiving one cf t he largest aui b°st assortments of Ht aUy Made Clothing ever offered in this market, having been manufactured bv TiiEMsiLVES.and for style, quality ami tit, cannot be surpassed Also, Youths and Boys' Clothing of every kind and quality, saitable for Boys from four to sixteen years old- Furnishing Goods of every kind, including their celebrated "Golden Hill Bhirts " of superior quality, au 1 fit guaranteed, which will be sold at the very lowest prices! tt«W C.ul and examine them. DAKRACOTT. HARRIS A CO.. ap )<> l! 2 Main street. OOBINSON'S MANIPULATED GUA IV NO HAS EIGHT PERCENT. OF AMMONIA and forty five to Firry per xjext. of BONE PHOSPHATE of LIME— ilie under signed, having accepted tho agency for the eaie of lU-bii'Bon's Manipulated OUANO.ask thu attention of agriculturists and their agents to this superior Fertilizer. W« guarantee a perfect uniformity ia ths quality of this arti;le, and chat it is in all cases one-half best Peruvian Guano, one-half fine ground Bone and the best Phosphatic Guano. The machinery used is new and ot the most ap proved description, and from tfco manner in which the Guano and Bone aro mixed, being ground toge ther so that every particle of each is brought into the closest contact with the other, ensures a full appropriation ot both in proper proportions by the growing crop. We refer to the annexed report from Dr. Bickell. showing the value of this fertilizer, both for quick and permanent results. It is put hp in good bag*, weighing abcat 150 lbs each, rriee, $50 per ton of 2000 lbs. No. 83 Second Btr«et,\ Baltimore, Jan'y 26, 1659. J REPORT OF ANALYSIS Of Robinson's Manipulated Guano, for Francis Robinson, Esq, of Baltimore city. A sample of the above, which was taken at rour mills, was found, upon analysis, to be capable ol producing of— Ammonia 8.3! per cent. ana to contain of Bone Phosphate of Lim9 ............45.82 per cent The above proportion of Ammonia and Bone Phosphate of liime is known to be most proper for concentrated manure. Both theoretical reasoning and tho results of numerous practical experiments ha»e approved of it. An application of 200 lbs of this article will supply more of Bone Phosphate of Lime thau is required by any crop, thus leaving a c msiierable surplus of this valuable nutriment in corporated with the so!: after croping. and will fur uish a sufßciont quantity of Ammonia to act as a nutriment and stimulant. Chas Bickill, Ph D. For sale br K H BKINKKR k 00, fe 22 —Bole Agent* for Eictamond, va. QTEAM SAW MILL—LUMBER SAW. ED TO OHOKIU—The subscriber having the entire control of one of the beet BTKAM CIIHCU LAR HAW MILLS in the State, located in Virgin Pine Forest, near navigation, will contract to ror tish at short notice; in goed order, and on reasona ble terms. Building and Railroad Timber, sawed all dizea aud dimensions, ami reepect fully solicits or ders lor this description of Lumber. TKUMAN A PARKER, Wholesale an! retail dealer in Lumber, Mahogany ja 8 . and Shingles of every deacrii Hon. piTY DRUG BTORE.—CHAB. 8. DAW SON, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, corner Main and 15th streets, lias at all limes en hand, and receiving weekly Per steamer, a large and welt se lei-ted stock of Msuicines, warranted fresh and pnre; Perfumes; Brashes of all descriptions; Wlndow'oi**;'Puttr: Madder Indigo: Quinine; Segars fancy Bows; fine Teas only Matches. *c. _ • Suitable toreountry trade. Ulsretail department is complete in all its varied branches. Manufacturer of the celebrated D'Orsay Oologne. Sampson. Ac- )aIC CELLING OFF, SELLING OFF, at and IJ below cost, $5,0.0 worth of Window Shades; Braises Cords and Tassels; floor and Table OH Cloth, all wifths; Firescreens, Wall Paper; Curtain Bands and Cornices, at lee* than the original cost. As I contemplate changing my holiness, aud wish to avoid taking them to auotlou, great bargains will be given, as the goods must be sold. Call and secure a pair of rar Gold bhades, which are vary beauti ful. _ Don't forget the place, SSo Broad street, the old established Dry Hoods and Window Shade Dn«ot of M (JOLDKN, 230 Broad st. between 3d and 4th «u mh 22-3 m pOTTON AND WOO LBN WABlE for cleaning gad pack lag steam engines and to omuotivee. lam prepared to foiniah railroad com panies and otters, with the above article, of supe rior quality, at very tow prices. ap tl-u A H LEE. on the Dock^ CK>R BALB CHEAP—A ««Mad hand fprlng Dray and Uam mm. Apply at this office, •p a—ta — [|- tfnm.. :n». .LL! i.!U—- LJL-ggjgg IRBURANCI. Fvaahos Booumr OF LONDON, [Actual Capital, $2,500,000.1 Agency at theOfflcoof the Virgfula Wr#MidMi»- rltie iosuraace Oompiu>, A>oi3i nI Dr d jNO 8 D COLLIN, Medical Kxamlner-Offlce at the office of Din. Gibson and Cnlleu, south Me of Franklin street, between Mi and 7U»«treetJ. fe]-ta W L OuWABDIN. Agsnt. IV4AMHATTAN iu LIfJB INBURANCJI YQRiL CAM OAHTAI A»jjAWOllOLATIOll. Deposited with the Comptroller curitf of *11 Policy-holder®, _ Dollars,.which cannot be withdrawn 0 T Secretary. "The practlco of Ufa Ijhorawoi. in any wnwrj Indicates a state of society where high moral fueling M ' U B HACJIDMO. AMI de 29—« m Richmond. *a. D-IfiBOLUTIONB, pOTARTNERiffiFFdIc IC E—The ?|KgK*Si.Mi^'°3rfei£2si« BUBINKBB in the city of Richmond. The* hare taken tne cn* and spacious building, two doors Above Para'l Ayers * Bon,and nearly op posite the Columbian Hotel, on Gary street, where they will keep constantly on hand a full and cem plete stock of all such good* M are usually fosnd in the Grocery line, including Ooffi>c, liacon. Liquors, £c, Ac, Ac, to wl jen they beg to cail theattention of their friends and the tra<!e Special attention will te paid to the sale of all kin is of Prodace. on which Übera advances will be made. FRANK POTTS. w RICH'D G FARLEY. HKNRY 8 WILLIAMS, JAB B MARSHALL. Richmond, Js Ist, 1899 1 C-'O PARTNERSHIP.—The uadersign- J ed have formed a co-partnership, under the firm and style of WILLIAMS * KLLIOTT, for the purpose Of conducting a genera] HARDWARE business in the city of Richmond. They have taken thowell known Hardware bouse ofThos A Rust. 67 Main street, where they have owned an entirely new and complete stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Ac., Acd hope, by strict attention to basinest and mod erate prices, te merit the patronag* of the public. P ' RICHMOND L WILLIAMS, Late with Van Le-\ Taylor & Co. W I ELLIOIT, ap 13—1 m Late with Smith A Ha? wood. IBSULUTiOri Of OO PAttT.NER SHIP.—The Co-Partnership '•f STEARNS A THUMSTON Is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. FRANKLIN STEARNS will fettle up the outstanding business of Thurjtoj^ ap 2—ts PHIKEAB TIIURbTON. NOTICE.—I have J thisdav associated with me in co-partnership WM BRENT. of the late firm of Gretier A Brent.— The busings will be conducted under thp firm ol F STEARNS ACO. ap 2 —ts " WM liRKNT. ~ — RICHMON D, January 1, 1859. rpHE UNDERSIGNED have this day A associated tnemselves together under the fitm and btyle cf JOHNSON k IRUEHEAtvT, for th« purpose of conducting a General Grocery, Commis sion and Forwarding Business. They have taken the large gTanite front house on Carr strcot, for merly occupied by J.M. Conrad, second door above Virpitiia street. They will always keep on hand the best assort in f-nt of Groceries, Liquors, Ac., which they will furnish to the trade at the lowest prices. By strict attention to business tbey hope to receive a liberal scare of patronage. B.J. JOHNSON, • Late of the firm of Oibrell A Johnson. BAT. TRUEHEART, ja 4—ts Late of Danville, \ a. PIANOS. &o. ■Mi" " FIRST PREMIUM G RAND BWCS3??3gg»\;) SQUARE PIANOS. —Orand It 5 ill H ffand square Piano Forte Warerooms. II " I 1/ "General depot of foreign and Ameri can Music, Musical Instruments, and all other arti cles belonging to a Musical Warehouse, bi O JOHLK A CO-. No 231 Bread street, between Third and Fourth streets, Richmond, Va. The undersigned, at the request of many Southern friends, have es tablished aud opened in Fichmond. No. 231 Broad street, between 3d aud 4th sis, a PIANO FGKTE WAREROOM, where in addition to our extensive stock of PIANO FORTES, we offer for sale a general assortment of FOREIGN AND AMERI CAN MUSIC, of the meat popular composers. Mu sical Instruments of all kinds, and those articles generally which appertain to a first clasa musical establishment. Seminaries,Academies,institutions of learning, <*c., will find it to their advantage to deal with us, as we are prepared to eell music, Ac., at Northern prices, and they will thus save the frt'tent between this city aud tho North. busi ness will Ik) conducted under the name and style of G-EULE A CO. A guarantee is given of every instrument for Sve years from the time of purchase, and the privilege of exchange within six mon.hs after date of sale is accorded. Ail orders will be promptly and faithful ly executed. Our terms are moderate, and a liberal discount will be made for cash. Tuning promptly attended to. Old Pianos taken in exchange and hired at low rates. The public are respectfully invited to give us a call tcfore purchasing elsewhere, as we are deter mined not tc be undersold. GJSULB * CO, Richmond, Va. '1U GUITAKISTd.—F. tt. I'AY- UmlzLOK has iast opened an additional supply of 72* MARTIN 8 UNKI VALLKD GCITARM.whIch are uuequaiied for fullness and sweetness rf loue aud beauty of finish. Italian Guitar Strings, Gu itar 1 nstruction Books, and Music. PIANO AND MUSIC STORK, ap 27 183 Main st,. above Post Office. ASHLAND EACES. SPRING M"EKTING, 1559. The Spring Meetin i over this course will com mence on TUKXDAY, 17th day of May next, and continue throughout the week. First Dat—Post stake for all ages, fonr milo heats $200 entrance; $100 forfeit. *IIKO added by the Ulub. Closed on Ist inst.with lour subscribers, viz: T t T W Doswell. John Hunter, R H Dickinson and James M Tavlor. second Day—First Race — Sweepstakes for three year old colts and fillies $200 entrance. $100 for feit. Closed on Ist inst, with the following entries: Thomas W Doswell enters ch c, Exchequer, by Revenue, dam Nina, by Boston. W H Gibbons onters b f, Crinoline, by Financier, dam Miss Mattie, by Umpiro John Hunter enters be, by Lexington, dam by Glencoe. F M Hall enters gr f, Faith, by Childe HaT'old, dam Pidelity, by Priam. Stcorul Race—Same Day.—Jockey Club purse, $500, three mile heats. Thiri> Dii-ZVrri Race —Sweepstakes for three year old colts and hllies. $150 entrance. Halt for feit. Mile heats. Closed on the 15th March with the following entries: Thou as and James T Doswell enter sorrel Alley, by Griff JCdmoason, dam Virginia Payne. M Harvey enters grey lilley, by Red Eye, dam by Arthur Tailor. Second Race—Same Day—Proprietor's purse, $200 Two mile heats. Fourth Dat— First Race — Sweepstakes for three year old colts and fillies, out of mares that never produced a winner. $100 entrance. Half forfeit. Mile heats. Closed on the 15th March with the fol lowing entries: Thomas Doswell enters sorrel Alley, by Revenue, ■ dam by Hailey Peyton, (B Randolph's ) James M Taylor enters b c. by financier, cut of, Emancipation Mare Also, d c. Admiral, by Commodore, out of Priam Mare, and she cut of Virginia Graves. F M Uall enters bay colt, by Register, dam by Prince George M U*rvey onters sorrel colt, by Jno Blunt, dam by Andrew. Staond Race— Same Day .—Proprietor's purse, $150. Mile beats—best three in five. Fifth Dat —Handicap race for servico »f plate, the value of $300. Entrance $50, to be added to the stako. becouit horse, to save his entrance, pr vided three or more start. Three mile heats. Nominations for theabove mentioned Colt Stakes, closing 15th March next, to be addressed to NATH'L A THOMPSON, Sec'y Ashland Jockey Club. Ashland, Hanover county, Va. Jan 20, 18ty. ja 27 —2awtM lOAtd ICLOTHINa. BPRINO GOODB~AT HBAD QUARTERS, (Xtrwr Main aiul 13th streets. The subscriber ban just returned fn>m Hew York, with the largest and moat fashionsble stock of Goods he has ever hail, selected by himself In per •on, with c»r«. with special reference to the retail trad* A better stock of Cloths, Cassimer** and Vrating*, cannot be Been In thin city. Coats, Pants and Vesta of every imaginable shape. color aud quality. embracing all the new stylos. Also • most magnificent atock ol furnishing Q-xuls, such Snper Bilk Lace Neck Tisa Blk and Fancy Silk Neck Tie* Pocket Hdkfa, Cravats, Stock* S*hirts, Collars, Drawers, Glove* Bu*pender*, Hock*, Ac. All in want of Good*, really freak and desirable, either ready made or ant to measure, would do well to give him a call before purchasing ulsewtiere. He has in hi* employ the beat of Cutters and Werkaien. K B 81'KNCK. ftp I Corner Main and 13th streets. dTyals & co., • 13) Main Imn. RKFK ITERATORS, KIRK AND WATER PROOF CRM KNT PAINT, For Ro >fs, the beat article for the purpose in use. Lightning Rods ot the moat approved kind. Pump* of all kind*. Hydraulic Ram*. Lead and Iron Pipe, all lite*. Portable Qaa Work* put up in town and country. Hotel and Family Cooking Range* and Stoves, all site*. AH kind* of Plumbing and liu Fitting done to order. ALSO, Roofing and Guttering. Heating public and prt v%t« buildings in all the various ways known in modern improvement*. ap 2ft—2m i? BICHTER'B BREW KEY, " ... WRMItBIOAD iHDmm. 4 jfj®® day I will *ell BiVTiLkD LAfiJBB •BKK, v*: Quart*, Pl»t» and Half Plats. H » -gcgjsSEjrSiMKsaiSK ifU) TONS AMERICAN "COMPANf'S ***■' GUANO—First analltr, lauding for **ls by I my 71 BACON * BASBKRVILL. | unaoAN,** «■■■■ BlCHMOinr AHO ialWK3B!?gTlißiiirt)iw RAILROAD. »n<l accommodation trails trn IhlMoait *111 Im?* Richmond and Petertbar*« MONDAY WBDNMIC IjA* and FRIDAr, at 1 VdocX. A M i*tSd Jf # o'clock, m before. ' Arrangrnwaw have boen made by thU for the ptompt and p'ificttui ST»;V! ery of au Produce,G"od», ticks r'freight. rlos ; gned for tramporUtlon (.Itber way.) between Elcbmond and point« between Petertbnrli and k§> leigh, Ridgway, Greensboro, Pallsbury, sod Char lotte, North uamllna, at low rate*, wjtbotit a- r charge H fcr- Ac. AH .nth arti cles sent to Richmond, ehonld be cottftgaed «t>4 pltin'u ntarM, 'To lhe ears ot the f ratehf •* ! the Richmond and Petersburg Kailroa4,»t Fettrft bOrg," br whom they will be proiuptly forwarded. As to tne rate* of toll* on tbe Roods totith M Fe tersbnrg, Which they require to be prepaid, as far as Raleigh, Information may be ha 1 at the Depol of this Company at Richmond _ x TH WYNNE, gup't Office R A P R R Co,) March 7,18 W. J mh »—ta 1 VIRGINIA (SSHt'E'ilS: SI. IhroughTicketgirom Lyhchburg to the follow ing named plucet: RnogvlHe. ,»14 »I Nashville .»» )• Da I ton lf> «) Montgomery. nS6 Chattan00ga.......... 2b 10 | Grand June Uon M «• Atlanta....... 21 60 I Memphis 30 00 Hnntsville....... U 15 | New Orleans 44 00 Freight Trains leave Lynchburg daily (Snndaya axcepud) at 430 A M. Freight transported through from Lynchburg to tho following named p'ftcee. at the foliowiag named rates per 1(0 pounds. lit Class. 24 Clasa. 3d ClMa. Rnoxville 10 90 90 73 K» 57 Dai ton and Chatta nooga. 92J< 74 lt» Nashville. 1 25 in «1 Tuscumbia. ! 3d 1 09 <B Memphis. lii 1 24 1 oo B H GILL, General Superintendent. Lynchburg. March 4tb, \V>9 tih 4—3 m THROUGH TABIrF OF RmUHH FB EIGHT from Richmond to Mem phis, and intermediate points: 4 2. <& 5 m * — s 3 * > ? 3 1, Fbom Richhoki) to g • s I ta g & a_ First Class - 121 1 20 I « 160 1 7» Second Class. 1 12 108 I 18 1 27 1 42 Third Clas' I'« «« 96 102 115 Special Clans 232 8 3-- 2 90 3 16 3_3? The rates West of Kaoxville will uot go Into ef fect until after the completion of the Cleveland Branch Railroad, which will ba about the Ist of A ?hi l ppcrs of through goods must sen* duplicate tickets, giving the uiarks. weights and destination r ot aoods. Send to Cox's Line of Boats. A S LKB. on the Dock. PI. B —Goods from Northernoitles sitipped through at reduced rates. A. 8. L. fe 10—ts VIUGIMIA i.BNIRAIi RAILROAD. caA Z°J °* , SPRING ARRANGEMENT. * Trains leave Richmond twice dully, (Sunday nicbts excepted ) For Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, viz: atfi.2oAM.atd 6.15 PM. PaaseDg rs for i hahloitisvills, STAUXTO.t, Cot inotos. Ac , take the tiifOAM tram. Fare to Washington - f« " •* Baltimore - 7no «« •' >50 •• >• y 11 50 B4GGAGR CUKCKfcD THROUGH. Through Tickets sold to Pittsburg, ZanesvlHs. Cincinnati, LouUville. St Louis. Chicago, and all important points West. Pass-infers go through without detention. THO* DjDAMKAD, I _ap l2—ts Gereral bnperir.tendent. p RATES, FENDERS, FINE SETS OF u SHOVELS. TON'iS at;d POKERS—I have for •ale an elegant assortment of all hind* of Grates, including every stylo of Feeders, Simmer Piece*. ht»nd*ou) mi a piain sets of Shovel*. Tongs and Pokers. Seven different si7e* of coal Scuttle*, cinder shovel*. Arc Shovel*; handsome Stand* for Shovel* and Pokera: Blower Stand*; Bras* ami Iron Footman*; are Brick; fire Slabs and Jama; set* of Soap Stone for setting up Urate*; Tavern auci Church Belt*, of sweet tone. Builders, housekeeper*, and other* in want of any of the above article*, can be supplied at the lowest Northers price*. I art manufacturing ail kinds of Bras* and Iron Work* of the above de scription. at nr BKI.L and BRASS FOUNDRY, and GRATE and FENDER MANUFACTORY, No. 224 Main stvoet, between oth aud 9th atroeta, Wf *t eide, Richmond, Va. aa lft—dlr 8. D DKNOON. IVUTICE TO r<>BAC(IONXBTB AND MERCHANTS.—Made to order. TOBACCO KE'IS, of any siao. As I have on hard a large Stock of good material for thin purpose, I would be glad to furnish trom IS.flfO toat.iKHi Riga this season. I b*"* also fur s*le i'LOUR B AI'.RKJ rt and HALF 3 AiIRKLS, suitable for flour, sugar, plaster. *e. a ogary Shop comer fith and Caiy st*. N 8.-Cash paid for B AP.RJEL TIM*KR. mh I#—2m» RICHMOND, April li, li-W. r PO THE PUBLIC.—I have this day A constituted and appointed SA ML H J KTKR my Igent, by deed duly recorded in the office of the Court of Hustings of tie city ot Richmond, to con duct for mj, and in my name, a General Commis sion and Forwarding Business ap 20—lm* FP.AN3 A JETER. In conformity with taß foregoing, I will conduct, nt mr old stand, on Cary strfet, two doors below the Columbian Hot. 1. a (icM ral Com miesionand Forwarding Bu lueea. I shall give my undivided and pertoaai attention to the gale of eve ry kind ef country produce, such as Wheat, Corn, Plcur, Tobacco, Ac. and by strict attention to bu siness. I hope to receive a liberal share of publia patronage. SAM'L H JETER, ap 20—lm* Ag> nt for Fran* A Jeter CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES, The subscriber ha* en hand, at hi* Ooacti Making Establishment, oa Lombard Alley, between Main and Cary. (13th and 14tli streets ) near the Columbian Hctel COACHES, OKAHIo- VEE9, BAROUCHES, BUGGIES with andwiibout tops, and bULKIKS—aIIot his own make, of the best materials and workmanship- all of which wll be sold as low a* good work of the kind can be in the city of Richmond, and I respectfully a*k a call fromthoaeic wmtofany article in the Carriage line, aa I am determined to make to order and to sell at thelowe t prices possible; and ail work eold, that i* new, warranted mh 7—am MICAJAH MAN&UM. JOHN E, EOilEßTYespectfhl n ly informs his frisiid and the public that he st# ha* opened a MERCHANT TAILORING —LSfc. ESTABLISHMENT, on 13th, between Main and Cary streets, where he warrants a* good Gar ments, and at a* reasonable prices a* can be had anywhere. All he ask* is a trial. rah IS— 2m REUTHE'S PAT £NT AMMAI. TRAP— Thi* iegenion* machine ha* no rival m the fleli y it, tor 9 the capture of wild animals. It i* so small th"t one can carry it In hi* pccket. stiJ";! is capable of killing a l>ear. They are of three li ferent si7-s. and will tff>c f uallj- operate on Bat", Minks, Wild Cats. Foxes. Wolves, Bear*. 4c; they can aiso be used a* Pistols For sale by JAME* W iLSH, Onn lmpcrter. ap 28—Im 7 doors above St Charles Hotel. | | >t m I RICHMOND AND s@F'Be' l iSjE 3S «PPETKRSBURO Ri 1 I ROAD— JJTPOKTANT NOTICE TO T*AV«LKKS. By the new mall arrangement*, on and after MON DAY,ApriI li. the train* on thi* toad will leave Richmond at an earlier hour than formerly; the morniug tr+in starting at 4:25 instead ot 4:56, and the afternoontrain at 2:40 instead of 2:85. For details, see regular advertisement. ap It—lcq T H WYfiNK. , TURPIN. ROPER 4 MUE RAY, UNDERTAKERS. Governor street, between Main and v 'ranklin, Rich mond, Va, Keepcon«tantlv on hand all kind* of readv-rsade CO FFiyS AJV D METALLIC BUM AL CASES. mh 33— ly r- r. -) WM. 0. HALL IE, WMF niANDUKR, JNO T Sit LIE on derihettrtnofWMG SALLIK * CO.,Caw*** Ma ksbs asd Fi'RMTtiit Dealers. have ou hand a good assortment of Furniture, both of their own manu factory and Mori hern We respecttully solicit a cail frctn tHoee who may wantanyth*ng io onr lino. UNDERTAKING. We will also pi> particular attention to the Under taking ') sines* in all ita branchea. keeping con stantly on hand a large sssorttu'-nt of Metaiic Bu rial oj»3s. and Mahogany and Poplar Coßu*. Or.'fis frotu the country solicitrd, and will b* pron p'lr attended to. _ WM G SALLIB A CO. my ' KraDklia «, between t 'th and l<t^_ HORSES FOR SALE—I hare «53lAjnst retnrnetl from Ba'tiwore, where I »e!e«- ted a lot of young, aonod. gentle horaes, suitable tor draugbtor saddle purpose*. Tho*e in want will give me a rail. N C LIPeCOMBB, my 4-la 2nd at, between Broad and Grace. JOJL MR. EDITOR:—Aa I *V_ promised iu my last advertise- JCSS ment that the •'Pfopl*" should bw from nsa*aiu, "so now I blow my horn." I have studied astr «*>■ my *iuce my last, and find that the star of my dos unv aliil move* on; and those who know HAGA*'» JOfIN, know that he has the faculty aud indetati gable spirit not to let the downfalls af lite to caaso him to despair; but *'pnsh along, ksspmoving, for the world is but a babble, and he that has much lead on his sinker will sarel/ be a g<*ner; therefore I offer to the public of ay own manutac tnre, BUfMISB, SVLIIItt. ROCK AW A?I and Light CAKRI AGRA—all as good as can be made.— I have also HOR*K4, MULI&, Ao.Ae for sale-ia feet, anything under the ran, and will baitei **« trade for even old shoe sols*. All yon have law •* to give him n call on Mh street, where his sign ursidedown, there yon will And HAGANIS JOU.n, iu TWn (VsrJk yatiom. . BJTYon shall hear from me agaia, for 1 an» writing a romance of my own lite mh dOjL NIW CARRIAGE MAHO - experience in She aNMMCtaicin* « CAKRIAV&S in some of the l*rg*st establish"' »«• iu the North and floath, flatters himself thaii he te fully able to maufacture the most > * well as the plainest style of CAkK/JUMS. found In the State Possessing vwrkws advaat- ges 2?ir.'s ''£. which he will *eU at very low »"**.,, M */%* ap KT—lt* JOB* POMB. A DAM B IXPRiBa COMPANY called or atu) deuvwwi F»BB trf charge J® 1 ?*" B«e i*» »»-«•