Newspaper Page Text
gicjpnat) tup-til. TUEBD4T IW-^wuftW-'^iHSSLiJS Verr Considerate. 1 TB^NnwYorhTi-ri.-tn^*-^;/-^" 0 ; s happy about tho future of the South. When , , their murderous onslaught upon the quiet , uoDntaUon of Knrpsr*B Fsrry. It went off nl- , moat lavo a fainUug fit in visw of the terrible , dangers to which we weresxpoeed from the , probable repsuuou of the foray, at some fu- , tare Usae, under better auspices for the ns- t aniiaata. When Bnowu was to ho hung, it be- , canto desperately alarmed, lest bis execution • ahouM cauas va to toss casts In tbe eyes of the t ualveraal Yankee nation. When Vicroa ■ Htoo perpetrated hie ridiculous diatribe, ■ couched unJer the pretence of an appeal to , Amt-tuT to apare the Ufa of John Bnowu, iv a vicarious agonies for the Soetb. writhing, as , It supposed, under the terrible castigatlou , wsredUtressiug to behold. Wnen the Legls- , latere of Virgiaia reiuasd to pardon stb •t-BBBS and Hablbtt, nnothor nt of terror , came over it, lest we should be regarded as ! worse than ths Saracens, who, it seems, did I -not hang the Crusudere-the prototypea of the Mnrper-s Ferry culpriu-wben they caught them. At present, it is laboring nnder a lit of np prehension more serious than any by which it has been bsretofore exercised. It bus dts covered that the maaufactures of Qreat Brlt nin lv commerce, tv welfare-nay, iv very existence, depends upon the Southern States of this Union. Far from seeing in this fact, a future of unclouded prosperity for this re gion. It cna see aothlng on i clouds nnd dark ness' The abortive attempt of Jon* Bbowh, It appears, has aroused Qreat Bri tain to a sense of the danger to which she must be inevitably and continually exposed, as long as her pros perity—nay, the very existence of her Govern meut, depends upon the existence of slavery in the South. Parliament has inquired into tbe -fhatter. Gigantic effbrU are to be made to introduce the culture of cotton into nil lac tropicul possessions of England, ludia ia to be tried, the Oape is to be tried, Sierra lJbn* is to be tried, Borneo is to be tried.— Beyond the"limits of the British rule, Brazil is to he stimulated to fresh exertion, and Cuba is to be encouraged to throw her weight into tbe scale. A horrible future is banging over tbe nn fortunate Southern States, in tbeeventof Eng land'a success iv these eflbru. They are not, it aeemi-, Hks Eagland. Even though the cot tun crop should be cut short In the Southern States by the success of the efforts continual ly making iv England and the North to'excite insurrection among onr negroes, and England should thereby be plunged into a gulf of mise ry aad ruin sucb as tbe imagination shrinks from conceiving, yet there is n strength in the composition of the race that will enable them to triumph eventually even over this calami ty. But for va poor creatures of the South in the event of Englund-a success in her en deavors to get rid of her dependence on us, or of successful insurrection among us—there is no hope. There is nothing in our characur to mil back upon. The countrymen ot Wash ixotoh and Jackboh—the descendants of the men who conquered at tbe Cowpens and King's Mountain, and New Orleabs—tbe brethren of the daring pioneers wbo marched with Cl auk to the Wabash, and added au em pire to the Union—are a poor, weak, nerveless, mean-spirited race, unable to help themselves, while all the virtues and all tbe talents have lied to the camp of the Lynu shoemakers, who are ready to cut tbe throaU of their em ployers for the bread which they arc no long er able to afford them. The countrymen of the Sum*»'B*B aud the llickuans alone retain any of the genuine spirit becoming free men. The countrymen of the Bhookm aud the Edmi j-d --bobb are wretched creatines, whom it were a waste of words to describe as men. The mise rable South, it seems, does not even kuow what a catastrophe is pending over it. ltdoes not kuow that Great Britain is moving bea ■ven and earth to get her supplies elsewhere We pass over the insolent affectation of pity for the South which runs through all the.-* hypocritical essays. Ths South must be fallen tow, indeed, when it can regard them with any other feeling than unqualified contempt. But when the writer tells hU readers that the South has taken no note of the efforts which Great Britain ia making now, and has beeu constantly making for tbe last quarter of a century, to rid herself of ber absolute depeud. eace upon the cotton States of this Union, he tolls them what Is altogether inconsistent witb ths facta of the case. Tbe South knows well enough that Great Britain would gladly do without iv cotton if she could; but it knows enough of tbs cotton culture to be perfectly aware that she never can, and never will ren der herself Isss dependent than she U now.— Nor will the Siuth feel nny alarm at this new ecstasy of tbe Times when it learns that tbe principal deiwudence of Great Britain for ef fecting this great object is, not upon Brazil, or Cuba,or India, or tbe Oape; but upon the country Dr. Livibohtow has found, measur ing sixty miles by twenty, nnd lying two hun dred miles from the sen-const, tbe Intervening region being tbe most fatal to European life of any yet discovered upon tbe face of tbe globe Especially calm does it feel when it reflects that thu cultivation of this newly-discovered valley dependa upon tbe same race of people -who are now Buffering the island of Jamaica to return to n state of nature, end that there Is no means of compelling them to work- Should it even become no longer profitable to cultivate cotton, there urea plenty of objects to which the South can devote lv labor, aa tbe Times will be apt to learn if it will only take I tbe trouble to inquire what is producing the general strike now raging all around it. extraordinary Profits of Southern Manu. i fartares. i The hut annual statement of the Eagle Cot- . ton Manufacturing Company, Columbus, (la, j ■els forth that their factory began operations , In l*-38, but, soon after, a disaster to the dams j caused a loss of seven months' lime; added to . which, tbe difficulty and delay ia procuring ( mmnj teaching operatives In a community where ail had to be taught, might fairly place the operations as beginning in 18-5.1, now seven yean. Notwithstanding the drawbacks for the • first five years, by Insufficient water power, AX.— ' The Company have earned and divided iastoek-!! tI3BfOOOO HaveearaaTand divided in cash K>;iW 00 And retain endivided profits -. *M»1 BO Making total earnings, in seven years, .(alter having paid prior to Ist Feb., US--, aa interest account of *~*• 0* 5i.'«116,«11 30 Ths ciimtMi haa doubled ns suck, now amount tag v. ♦277,000. I pout his ft has the past year de clared* dividend Oft* per cent .0r.... *f4l.fiflo 00 And reserved for contingencies.. 6,bdl M , §£0 211 9U . The first in vestment having been ft 138, Ma); the ' dividsßdof the >sar WM olio, and., niiwoili < ____E__s,_ ,, L_ I *i JS-W c *- > - tal '" T ' tutu **° t *- e BtoekhoMsrsone-halt ot tttetr investment ." The rOBOft asserts that tbe business wilt hereafter di !&**•• ****■ *** ****** •***• tne actual in VWmmmmm** Melther water power nor real estate are as costly ns at the North, nnd from the following paragraph It would appear that the mnnufhe larerasscape commissions and irelghu to a very great extent: "The SBUuund for our goods continues quite eaualtoMUf ability to seßßl..aad all senlenahle goods art sold before made, while our sales ureal. moot i-rrlu-t (•**/» for cask. " la eouelaai-B we weaW rsaußrk. tliat we be-on a Bear tear ander asom fcvuraah. prospects than aar for several tears past aad ths mors arueerat* msna ef raw malarial with tbe active demand for our genus, give ns high hoses ol even iaareaasd 9t.mtitW' T Wtm hue euernUve the eaee is equally favor nbhf. In the bttrtßde of W N,the climate is much aajhier than lb the IhUtnde of « N., con. musntly Ins wnmiß guea fo fuel aud clothiag. Than, Bfjnlß, us*>*/tehpun are snore ahunaant sad cheaper %» Oeotffat than In Wew Eagtnnd. Hants coaatitate aaother taaportaat element mi eapense to the opefayitvea, and rual estate aahuH he ahsnpir In a sfaii-sly seiUed country, ■husjndlsg U the use* lauTrber, than In the slaaumffsf niniliined Meat* B* ÜbtsrhT -tin dwnsjtgtßßaai, Mbt WasMnf ton AVearr tmiiiiiii Use ouSnien that there will be hunmV a_rnuun*B_rnm_H a_ra"__- au_rnuunu* _r_nf nuu__rffnu_rn_ra'a_L mnu_rn_a__a_rßaa__a_ *uuunh*-aal nemeerjau. by their bypocrlUsa. *auuTanßßS v ßt« hlnuf fJamtas peasants mater nsV ~p9&m\m)sWmwm**Wwi m ****** m **^**^ The One Fer Cent. Tax—lts Mistery lathe Ac letter below from Mr. Ro«|b»t*bu", vin* dicatea the House of Delegates new what he ta very correctly consider, tbe fair Itaforence from J the remarks of the 2>. - j-*e«c*, quoted by him-- The wrltsr was minted more, iietbAps, thun by „ anything else, by ths idea (which, in the an- „ 5 of the Mouse, might very naturally have bsc-n , «neeenrsM ■■llrlllllil !■ »" ■ on without deliberution and debate. and be « W moreover, looking more particularly to • thTnurprialagmajortty against the proposi- , Hon i" the Senate, and the remarkable con trust presented by ths attitude of the two , Houses on the subject. He waa not himself acquainted with the facts now presented by 1 Mr. Robbbtbow, and which vindicate tbe 1 House from the remarks alluded to. Bnt does I not the vindication convey or juaJfy a grave I accusation agalnat the House as a deliberative i body, for pressing with such haste a measure j so important in its and of such un- j certain and vital consequences I I To tub Editob op ths Ditatch:— Noticing ( tbe signal defeat of the one per cent, tax in the , Senate, your paper of this morning contains the folk-wine.: "We do not remember, a similar case a case wherein a measure of public policy ol the moat important character, paassd by the House ot Delegates, alter elaborate debate, waa defeated in the Senate by such a vote ss this." The impression conveyed by this paragraph '■-i am satisfied, unintentionally-but is misleading and unjust alike to the House of Delegates and to the opponents in it of the one per cent, merchants tax. With what follows in the Bame para* rapn of your paper, it imports that the measure has "attained popularity" in the House alter full con sideration and discussion. Now, what are ths tacts t . The amendment to the tax bill proposing tins im portant measure of public policy, as you juntly de scribe it. and unsettling the very foundations or our syßtern of taxation, was not before the Home three hours before it was put to the vote. It is understood only to have been projected the even ing previous to its introduction, by an informal conference of perhaps three members of the House and one of the Senate. It came from no commit tee. underwent n.. previous investigation by one, was never printed, and was pressed to an imme diate, vote on the --round of the House rap.dl> thinning, by members leaving for their homes. it was introduced by the Chairman of ths Finance Committee, late in the morning session of March I.lth, in Buhstitution of the measure recon-mentfeu by the committee; was instantly assailed by my self, earnestly and ab'y seconded by the meinlreis for Petersburg, Portsmouth and others, (but with tho admitted disadvantages of coping, un.-repared, and at a moment's notice, with a great and totally new question of public policy.) and was put to the vote in ths evening session ol the same day, and adopted by a vote of 66" to 41. I immediately oilered an amendment, postponing the operation of this clause of the bill, so that it should not affect licensee issued the i-resent year, which was adopted by the House the next morning. This feature of the bill again underwent discussion when the bill came up on iv passage, but it could only be opposed then as a ground of rejecting the tax bill altogether. The bill was in fact, for a time, lost; but two or three gentlemen, changing their votes, saved it, though I do not believe, still, it could have passed the House except for the intimation made on the floor by the patron of it, that those acting with him would introduce important modifications ef it in the Senate. . 1 wish to say that I concur most heartily in the value you attack to the able discussion it elicited I from men practically acquainted with these sub jects. No one is moie sensible than myself of the indispeusibleness to sound legislation, on mercan tile attain, that merchant! should be consulted, and cone owes them more obligations than I do. I have thought this statement due to myself, if not to the House, to correct the erroneous impres sions your remarks are calculated to convey. Windham Robertson. ». .. „r h.i.*:iti.4i l March 2l», 18**0. The Legislature. The aWamtnj yesterday, passed a large num ber of House bill--, including the following, uf local tud general character, vi/.: Authorizing tbe Midlothian Coal Miniug Company to con struct a railroad from their miucs iv Ohtatei' ileld county, to a point on James Iliver, be tween Warwick and the town of Manchester, and regulating taxes on Hesarees. The Senate refused to Insert in the latter a tax or. oysters, and struck out the word-bond" in the bill, thus making all goods subject to taxation, un less dirertly Imported from foreign countries into the State. The resolution respecting the pay of the S'Jth Kegiinent of Militia was inde fliuttly postponed. Certain portions of the Governor's message respecting the ripariau rights of owners of Potomac Hiver lands, was referred to a select committee. Tbe Senate agreed to meet at lv o'clock hereafter until tbe close of the session. The House of Delegates pastt-d an act pro vldiugfor the furuisbiug of Mayo's Guide to tbe Clerks of Courts and tbe Magistrates oi the Commonwealth; also a bill amending an act increasing the capital stock of the Kemps ville Canal Company. A resolution, providing bow a portion of the money donated to the Covington and Ohio Railroad should be ex pended, was rejected. The bill eouceruinga work-house in the city of Richmond, was amended so as to provide punishment tor re fractory subjects confined therein. The "Briiitia Boy" in England. Mr. JonM C. Hbbsan, alias the * Benicia J Boy," has become an object of much interest in Eugland His name has even found its way into Parliament, a member having called at tention to certain petitions, praying that steiw might be taken by theGroverument to prevent the "Great Mill" between the Boy and his English antagonist, Ton Savers. Ministers were asked what steps they intended to pur sue in the matter. The reply was that the Chief Commissioners of Police would take steps to prevent the fight within the Metro politan Police District, but no pledge could be given as to tbe steps which would be taken be yond that limit. So that, outside of London, the two champions may pummel each other without let or hindrance. The national char acter which it has beeu attempted to give the affair will increase the inSerest which English men of all classes feel in a t-jiarring exhibition. Probably, half of Parliament will be present, for there are no more ardent admirers, and few more complete proficients iv " the manly art of self-defence," than the noblemen and gentry of Eugland. Fatal Akkair.—On Wednesday last, Mr. Wm. H. Berheley, of King and queen county, Va., having heard that Joseph Broach had cir culated a slßHderous report about one of his daughters, waited upon Broach aud demanded a retraxit, or the name of the author. Broach positively relused to give either, when Berk ley drew a five-shooter and inflicted a wouud which terminated the existence of Broach about one hour after he received the ball.— Berkeley Immediately placed himself iv the custody' of the proper authentic-. Th» Wbcat Cbop.—The reports of tbe con dition of the growiug wheat from nearly all »arts of the couutry are favorable. Iv uo Quarter*- are there other than nattering ac counts thus fhr, unless weexcept the lat* --own wheat in a part of Kentucky. Moiiilb Mbdical Coi.Liton.-The Mont eomery (Ala.) Mail states that the State Treas urero. Alabama has paid to the order of the Pmhtent of the Medical College in Mobile #_u,oou, uppropriated under the hue act of the Legislature. Dr. Dlckersou was shot and killed at Selma, Ala, on the tilth inst., while n spectator to n street aJfray. The Jail of Taylor county, Oa., was burnt on Tnesday night. ML Miss Jsbbib Hi.iiiT, ths popular danseuee. •a agaiß on the boards ot the National. Ou the oc casion ol her return she was eneorsl thies bliss. -•«e.M_a*< En hi us Times. _ ■»_• Fbotoob a r-us and A mbroty pcs sa --passed by __£_• _S____. w -« Mrl ip.•■-»•« the smallest up to hie nme, eoh*red in Oil, A-tturtil and India Ink, are una* snd ealaVgeS m enyUred ******&**^~_ U r— r mvSsr Mh. AILBUoMBTUa-TBB. A BlUl TIFIJ L EhTEtTAINMEN'r! TWO BIM?KffDID*iJ»ABIAB. ■nth trees, vad oa their iornmr repremauuoß * •'WaOAf.IJfIBJr'PEAIBg. Mf-ntt^^ ■-g-ifvn f' .t'-jran-J-i- ..'jitj a, _.? .*_Lg ■__■■*_. ...j-j. UAJ.HEM rußp tape. inr*** m * i mM'm IA «%. tjUchntesnt Markets. Mure*. 8". a* There areaoehanjiss ta onr quotathnas sinsoeor * hwt!savS3U Rio Cones •* l^»»J>*:^.- ° SreßßosaTsfitb auction sales. The sprtac trade I has iucreeajtil in activity. , v aa "hs one nor cent, tag -ar* merchants* .ales, was. tb on .Saturday, defeated in the tJenate by a decided rs voW-SS-toY Ths tax Mil is still under constds- a ration, and thoufthsnorts may l* made to incorpo- tti rate tn it some new leature with reference to iner- a chants' tax, we have no doubt that it will be left a where it has been for some tuns. „ P The proposition to repeat the Bank Note tie- « demption Taw is still unsettled. The fen ate op p poses ths rspeal wnieh was paased by the House-, a and ths matter was referred to n oommitteaol tt StfiTwo WrtS 1W To 9 tf g * tior. the minimum capital of 6»M,M> tmimt ""*»» « Company, on th«.mutual h principie. is -u.t «■ samied jmder a"v irutma Life v VirginiaLetiiiature. entdled the Virwm'a V liu-iness men and respectable cintmns. Ths char Mr id the oompaay rsunsfee if »J**mt !*•»»■» in ili»secur tiesef slavshoMtas Statee. *»"•'■." tata »f taeeon t»ny are to be devided amongßttl c si.*aholder«"and the insurers upon an equitable S Brupte Under tins soms*«..aMsmr*sy pass for ln-mrii.ce in it. will 1* retained in the bouth. Therens n.change t« inone> -natters or ex- t chan" The earns sun* and .teady conditio,-, ia ? these alia ra that has prevailed for the last two t ears "til continues, fhis even crswdtosu ?s attributable, in a food decree, to the fUnk. note ( ftonsmiruofl"Law. widen it ts proposed now to re- J "**r%«AOCO -The breaks of Tobacco have not * lw« rutPaSs fo! the last week and ~arg ( of the freak* are lugs and interior '«*£;. *« b £f 1 to quote the inferior .trades lugs, , *3ir4 • eood *4rs«r»Jt»*»" inferior leal «i *«, good sKutf^ood*and fine stemming *8«rll>. ;no fine manufacturing in market yer FLO UK .-The stocks on hand are limited, and lin'ders and shippers tire, as they have heen for I the time for a too wuie apart in their Mtrade. 8 p- i pers would pay »« 25 tor Kood .>uperfirie: but hob- Srs demand *B SO. at which sales to the home for prime ReoTlJWsTfJl 53 for prime White. Receipts light. CuRN - Market quiet and little doing, we quote 7ft»tl*icts. per bushel. ■ CORN glEAl..—Wets, per bushel. OATS.-Market dull at 40 to 45 cts. per bushel. Stock.n^ased. oteS;wto BACON.-Market quiet, with a fraction of a con cession. We quote prime Hides ocrs plain Hams 12c : sugar-cured KXoths.; T.Mlif's suuar-curod 15c. C()KFKE.-We quote Rio ISKuHe.; Lanuayra Ua 15e : Java 16«17c ; Mocha 1*;. Market firm. .•-■IUiAR-J.-New Orleans 8 to 9 cents lor choice; Cuba 8 to B'i cents-none in market; Loal 11-rll« cents ; Crushed and Powdered KPiall cents ; Lot fee Su-tar: A 10 cents; B *% cents; C '-***<**S* cts; Kxtra C 9' * cents, as in quality. Better lecl inein the market. _ . ~ MOLAB*-!KS.-iNewOrleanss2ff6scts.; Culm Mus oov-ado. in bills.. 32-t37>» cts.; English Island, 37*4 qU.; Ochenhousen's. 28. _ .„._„, WHlSKEY.—Richmond Rectified 244*25 cents; i F. ftearns k Co.'s Malted Rye Whiskey, new. fgl, i old. $1.50: other grades, prices as to quality Irom 60 cents to $1.60. Market not so buoyant. CATTLK. &r i BEE I*.-Last quotations 53.25t0 g«JB if ross. i PHEEP.—g*J< to 86-50 gross for Sheep of good 1 ,Uaht> MONEY MATTERS-EXCHANGE, i Northkrs ExcHANOK-0n New ork and Phila . delphia atO)hj prein. .'«.., ~ ■ Such of the Stock Bank notes and of the Bank of - the Valley, as are not taken by the Banks, are at a i discount of >ih»* cent. ■ «».*«• 0 The notes of the Trans-Allephany Bank are 25 V ? cent, discount. Bank of Kanawha, no sale. 8 North anil South Carolina BanK Notes SOX V 8 cent, discount. — — - B The notes of the BanK of Weston and the Bank ~ of M anassa, 15 per ct. dis. * GOLD and SILVER X per cent, prera. r Northern IWurkets. IBv Telei-kapul ii New Yobs, March 26.—Cotton depressed-Up „ lands middling lie. Lower grades almost unsale a able. Flour heavy. Wheat heavy-Southern nom inal. Corn lower, and nut-ted at .o«gt.9c. !*cw c mess pork firmer; ptime uuchanged. -Turpentine ,1 heavy atssWaTc. Rosin lower at «lnuagl.«.— Rice firm. Other articles unchanged. Baltimoui-. March 2ti.-Flour firm at 65 "5.— c Wheat active-white *1 mogJLse- red il-hto - ftl 41. Corn firm at 70a72c. I'rovisioiis steiuly 1 and dull-bacon sides 10c; mess pork »"••»• $18.25. Whiskey dull and lower, and quoted at 220. | f MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF RICHMOND, MARCH 26. j High Water this day (Tuesday) 8 o'clock. Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, New York, mdze. aid Basseu_e*B. Ludiam k. Watson. Steamer Belvidere, Travis, Baltimore indite, and passem-eis, D..V W.Gurrie. Pchr. Marshall, Chichester, New "iork, mdze., D. 4V W. Currie w ~ „, ~, , . Sciir. Tunis Bordiue, Maxwell, Philadelphia, coal. Wirt Roheris. Schr. Ceo. W. Gnce, Palmer, Baltimore, guano, Schaer, Kohler A Co. -. Schr. Planet Mars. Geogaeuaa, Baltimore, mdze. W. i). Col-iuiit <k Co _ Schr. Keiidrick Fish, Wall, Boston, D. W. Colquitt A Co. ... Schr. leader, Heart, Baltimore, guano. Bacon -V Baskervill. _ _, Schr. R. IL Burns, Reddish, Baltimore, suano. Bscon h Baskervill , Schr. Racer, Pearson, New _ork, t-uauo, Baoon & Baskervill. Sdir. Win. Fravser, Seward, Baltimore, guano, E. H. Skulker A Co. . Schr. Clara, Smith, No Point, Lumber, Phillips A Co.sßjaa ' _ _ ~ . . Schr. Havre de Grace, Fields, James river, lum ber, L. W. Glazebronk. Schr. Rebecca A Harriet, Sparrow, James river, I wood, to captain. Schr E_chan**e, I arr, Baltimore, ftuauo, Dean, Holwoii A J antes. Schr. Josephine, Waterbury, New . ork, guano, Crenshaw A Co. Steamer Virginia, Kely, Philadelphia, mdze. and pansen-rers, H. E. Tutt'e. __. ■ Propeller Echo. Snipes, Petersburg, mdze., A. S Lea Schr.'Susan,(Br.) Long, Halifax, flour, Bucoa * a t_.kt*rviil Schr. Sarah Woolford, Harris, down the river, ' Schr. Ly nnhaven. Passapae.down the river, light- Baltimore. March 25.-Arrived, sciirs. Hill Carter, Fisk, Norfolk; Mary Adeline. Jones. Pe (ershurg CI d. sohr. On On. Cater. Richmond " Nrw Yohk. March ai.-Cl'd. senrs. Jauis»towß, Latowrette. Petersburg; Fleet Wins. Douglas, Rappahannock- Arr'd.sshrs. H. A. Weeks, Avery, Ricimiond; Galleuo. Smith,do.; Otter Rock, Jones, Norfolk. pekSteamship Jamk«tow*-j. Pap.- Rtsn, master, arrived from New York»jth March : W A Royce, Wm. Bnchnnan, Oeo. luompson. H. W Norman, Wm Lee. Wm. W. Ward. J.J. Whiteliurst. John P Andrews. Ho 0. r itz*,erald. Jamas B Smith, Chits. 11. Bosher aud la iy, Mrs. N H. Chapman and child, A. Parity ,"•. R Bailow. Isily and child. C. Terry, D. R. Nuiinally. Jaa. GludhitLJ. R Johnson Chas. Ellett.Wm. HeCal loch. Miss Mary Partington, Levi Phillips, Miss Morse, 11. C. Martin, Henry E. Smith..!. D. Fer gusson, 0. J. Duning. aiisb Amelia C. Rot. J. C L. Gaynor. J. G. Worcester, Miss A. V. Keene, .1. I. D. Cullen. A. Y. Drap-r, Miss A. G. Yaaoay.Mra. Anna M. Wells, L. 0. Wilson, V.J). Raymoi.d, Wm. Ureen, J. C. Buchan. N. J. Kinslie, U. K. Howard. ...... , ,_ , Also, from Norfolk :.I. C. Nichols, L «'benoor fer and lady, G Kneler, E. A. Barnes, J. W. Ben nett, .Miss L. C. Manning, Miss R V. voting. Messrs. (.Jlies, Otey, Smith and Warwick. a*p-__Sa» THE "DISPATIH" STEAM I'OWER PRINTING OFFICE, Corner af M «i n and Thirteenth Streets, Richmond, Virginia. This Establishment, (l-eing the most complete Pnntery 111 the South, both as regards lypes, Or naments, Ac. and the latest and most approved Machine Presses,) is daily turning out the finest job printing, SUCH AS PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS. BILLS OF LA DING, CHECKS, Ac, AS WEf.I. AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES ♦ HANDBILLS. Particular attention ziven to fine work for Banks, Public Offices, Insurance, Railroad, and Transpor tation Companies,Toltacoo Factors, Ac. THE DISPATCH CARD PRESSES. These new Machines, lor Cards, Bill-Heads, Small Circulars, Labels, Ac, are capable ol turn ins off 1500 impressions per hour, thereby enabling the patrons of this establishment to ontain thu description of work at the shortest possible notice BY Prices reduced in proportion to the increase n*_ Printing, in various colored BRONZES and INKS, executed in the blithest sty le ot the art.- Iv this branch of the business, the proprietors can safely challenge competition. I>R. T. S. MICHAELS can be found at the "Carbon Hilt Miaes," Henrico county .alter the 12ih inst. mh K— Ot* ■ . 1 NOTICE.—The annual meetins ol afOStbe BANK OF THE COMMON WEALTH will be held at their Bankim- House iv this city, ou the sacind WEDNESDAY in April, (the llth prox. >at U o'clock. J. B. MORTON. mh3rJ-tllA_ Cashier. ip-*3_»W' ILL«U.O»KIM AFEWI»AY»r »_rC__k THE GREAT PAINTING. ••THE HOME OP WASHINGTON mhlll-ts AFTE fT f MEcSAWIca' HALL BOARDIHC. I ; »li»T-liu , _. IWARUIIstt-Oen be obtained on moderate D terms 10 s private family, without children in a few imuutes' walk of ths Ca»ih.*4 -square, by two iutUienujlmen or ladies. Inquire at tbis office. »r7»-lir MmnetreeL ' wntfnrlWrffi^ jab h-am y.^MfLxfl. DTJ3D, fcvsrly Hstl.. and daiarjaar cf ana late noocri , S nßSfßti. was a lady of ssanr rW u eJU*e»a«d \ mm,„. virtues. Ihe wi^nd- la\¥hotcl ildroß. i Senate indisw-eition. ■* became • •slatives and friend*. In emij ", to urs^ln^ ,o noraoßTveTV-iv,, alms in more atnrt riMordj inca with the sacre.l injunotion. Her house haa Sen so mug est in order that death her by surprise, tine met it with the utmost se renity.and enpretneii no terror at its aspe?. 1 - " Bier there was .an end which was peace, it was j On Sunday night, tiie 21th instant. «£OTKKP WARD.onIy son of Michael H and Jsne Atkins, aged 2 years 4 months and 9day s. Dcith spreads his with'rint*. wintry armf, And beaut, smiles no more; Ah! where are now those rising charms Which pleased our eyes That ones loved form, now cold and dead. Each mournful thong tit emeto'is* We weep ourearthb comforts fled, And withered all our joys. ,« His funeral will take place from the residence ol the family inSydney.on thisi luesday afternoon, at :J', ovioek. The friends snd acauaintancos oi the family are respectfully invited to attend. On Monday, the-sath, inst, st 9 o'clock A ,VU CATHARINE X MKISEL. «l»u<** ler ,- f **."i and Anna Margaret Meisel, aged 3years 6 months '"'He? funeral will take place from the Bethlehem Church, on 6th street, this (Tuesday 1 morning, at 11 o'clock. The friends and acquaintances oi the family are respectfully invited to attend. March 26th, at 1 o'ejock P. ML, MARY, the wile of Wit. C. Smith, in the 44th year ol her age Her funeral will take place to-day. aSo clock, from Clay Street Methodist Church. Ihe men-Is and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to attend. , Norfolk (Va.) papers please copy. 3r 7-r~~ ASHLA »D R AT' F. S. - SPRING MEETING. 18W. Jtjnk££3bn.-r*>lho SPRING ME if ING thia t^ry p wdl cofc and Fillies, three years old, mt.e mmnr ftffft forfeit-* 1 !.*) added by the Club.— Closed on Ist March with the following subscri- F* M.Hall names eh, c. Eugene, by Revenue, dam Fanny Fern, by Clencoe. Alio, eh. hlly by Fina-cier, dam Betty Steel, by Steel. O. P. Hare names eh. filly by Boston. Jr..dam by T Joha e L. Baltzer names bay filly by Red-Eye.dam Mountain Maid, by Boston, Jr. ..,„„., , r ~. John Eubank names bay filly **-ally Eul-ank, .Ir., by Uildebranil, 0ut...1" Margrave mare. Thomas H. Christmas names — Lily by Keu Eye, cUm by Priam. , Nat. A. Thompson names buy hllv by Boston. Jr.. da „, b« Also, grey colt by Red-Eye, dam by Daniel. Also, sorrel filly by Transfer, dam by D R n .lt.' Beasley names bay gelding Buck-Eye. by Hawkin's Priain.iiam by Boston, out of Catty Jones, by Sir Charles. — > »^_ Thos. J. Green names bay filly Miss Tobacco r iy, by Red Eve, dam Fire- Fly. by imp. Priam. SAME DAY-2D RACE.-Propnetor's Purse, SKX) —two mile heats. . , SECOND DAY—L*r fIArK.-Sweepstakes lor Colts and Fillies, three sears old. mile nse**-f*SB entranca-*SO added by the Unb, it three or more start. , n ****» SAME DAY-2D Rack -Proprietor s Purse -JSW —three mile heats. . _ ~ THIRD DAY-lst Rxt-K.-Sweepslakes for Colts and Fillies, three years old. two mile heats-.-saw entrance-SIUO lorioit—s4oo added three or more start. r ~_ SAME DAY-2D RACE.-Sweepstakes for Colts and Fillies, three v.-ars old, out of mares which never produced a winner up to the close ol the stake, mile heats— SUM) entrance-{§ 76 foiteit— three or more to fill the stake. FOURTH DAY.-Sweepstakes for all ages, three mile lieals-«»X) eutrance-«180 lorieit-fjibW) added by the Club, if three or wore start. FIFTH DAY-lr\ Rack— Handicap for the beaten horsea of the meeting, two mile heaU, lor a purse of *"I*oo on the part of the Club. SAME DAY-2D RACK.-Handicap for the wiu ning horses of the meeting, three mile heats, tor a ; purse of $300 on the part, of the O'ub tt\, The Sweepstakes mimed above will close on 30th" April, and nominations therefor must be ad- j n*esfe3totlm N ] Auiiland Jockey Club, j Aashland. Hanover co. ya..( Ivlarch_26 l WW.',Jiili27— 2taw .MA j ir"~ I'IA SulTO BTES.- NKWARRIVAIB. 11l *t I The subscribers have been receiving for the last two weeks, extensive additions to their stock ° l PIANO POKTKB, , , and have now in their wareroonn an arsirtmeiu Mlartte as can be seen in most establishments These instrument* are made by Mr. DUNHAM, and are not t-eiit "on sale." as some suppose, but :vrr. purchased by ns exclusively, anil for tii*n.— Thus obtaining every feir sdeuatage, the subscri bers »!>• euabled to oliar them upon the moit libe ral terms. Indeed, shrewd business men have, af ter visilnic the North, returned ami purchased (;1 us. candidly owning that they could "do uo better. They have tor snle the lowest priced koob in strument made, to the most ele<aiit and costly; all of which will be shown with pleasure. They lißve a'so for nale PIANO STOOL*. KAITIFTL mjw WVSIU% BOOKS, for ths Piano Forte and Guitar. JAMES VVOODHOU.SE k CO.. | Booksellers, Stntinners, and dealers in mh 27—6t,2p) Piano Fortes and Music. "~ irkin« "as u it~.vTiV7irt* ak- RANGKMENT-THREE TIMES A aaBBBBfR k WEEK TO-N EW YORK, By the U.K. MAM. STEAMSHIPS YOKK'i'OWN. Captain Parkisii, JAMESTOWN. Captain "•"xinnkk. ROANOKE, Capta-.n Coirrit. Leaving Richmond e*reirTUESDAY andl-RI DA V evenings at 4 o'clock, and SATLRDAY eve niiir: at 6 o'clock. i-.-.-c Returmns. they leave New mrk every HbS DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY evenings, at Soclock. KXCURgroN tickf.TS To New York and b-ck, entitliuu the purchaser to ko and return by either of the above iiiat-nilicent steamships. Meals and State-room included, lor the round trip, only Sls. Passage to New Voru, fare and State room mr r luded B\o. pa*.sai;c only M Tickets and Berths aec^red^ .m Oopo-iite Bteamera' wharves, Richmond, Va. N. 8.-The Btaaraers touch at Itorfolk coins and returning, lassaee U> and from Norfolk same as by th« river boats. mil tn ta FOX VIiILA B B I.l' Ml A. 4X3££i> The A No. 1 steamship PENMSYLTA n»BRic-ss**s--* || j a, Capt. DaVIBTbaIm is now ready ip receive frei-?!it, and will leave ou THURSDAY, M*irch 2tnh, at 9 o'clock A.M. Per freight or pas-sane, bavins superior accom modations, apply to _ H. K. TUTTI.E. Anent. RockotU. Boston freight taken throush by steamer at low rates and with disp-ttch. mhaT—at ; "7k i-uiTJivliVt VtiRK. -FiRST VESBEL. 4&S* RICHMOND AND NEW YORK LINE OF JIvhjiEsPACKETS.--The supen-.r fast s.iilins schr. CRENSHAW, Capt Wu. Moss.haTinj a portion of her cargo ennaued and -f->in»on Ixiard, will have quick dispatch. For balance of freight, api-.v to uih27-ts DAVIDk WM. CURRIE. V. . i RamiC CHAFICa?—«TORB, TAV ftrmfEßN, *»• . FOR SAI.E-Wishtns U> li-lug ' i-hnnge my business on account .-i health, I will aall privately, my place, at Powhatan Sta tion, on the Riohmond and Danville Railroad, (■.-n --taminit three wi'h a new TAVERN. STOREHOUSE, STABLES, and all neeeasan OUt-hoUBSS, It is the lietjt stand in the county lor a Store »nd Tavern. Possession niven immediately, it desireil Ad dress B. A.GOODE, mh g-dlw* Genito P. 0., Powhatan county. -an FOR REIiT-A most DESIRAIU.E RKS hSIDENCE at the corner of Ist nnd CUv streets. «a»uow in the occupancy of Mr. Benj. F. Dickin son. The house contains 9 rooms, with cas and water in tr.ost of them There is a lart-e yarden attached, with eood fruit trees therein, and in the yard is a well of excellent water. Possession div an Ist of April. ash 27-eod4t_ ___ _____g ___^ DKR Y. j \kdf Order Ne. t. Sr\t Sib Kn!i;iih—Attend a regular assein y >r V hlv of lour Cojnmandery, in the Asylum, Masons' Hall. THIS EVENINf", at 'o'clock. By order of. the E. Commander. WM. ALLEN, Capt. den'l. Wm. J. RiPDicK.Keoorder. mh 27—It XTIIE MS-MKICK* OF POWHA TAN DIVISION. No.S9. H. of T. are requested to attend a inietinj of their Division on this (TUESDAY) mr-lit. at ",'» o'clock, as the election of olficer*. •will take place and other important business be transocted. By order of" the W. P. mh 27—It* JAS. PARR, Committee. 1 ARMORY YOUNG GUMID," KtciiMOM., March-Tth. S Order No. XIII. _„ , . „ , , , Attrnd a refiiiar MEETING and DRILL THIS 1TIB8DAY) EVENING,at 7,' a o'l-lm-k. with Minnie muskets,and in cn-es belts aud » tigue caps. It is important that memliers should attend this meetiiK, ns the arranseiuenU necessa ry to the celebration ol the 10th anniversary will lie completed. . ~ „ By order of Capt. Joub in. R.\nv. mhJ7-lt' T. J. MINOR, M Ssr-i't. IHEADtI'RS F COMst REG. TOLS.,< Richmond March 2i, l*i«. t Order No. Id. This eompinv will assemble for rerul»r drill, at MiliUiy Hall, ou TUESDAY, the 27th last., atS o'clock P. M. , By order of the Captain. mhg-lt _HARVEY A. DUDLEY, Ist Kert'u TO tOIXTRY MKRt MANTa.-We now ofter t K e l»'«est stock ol — B0«X«. WEguK erur oflersd to the trade of Virsima, North Caro lina and Woiild aa!*. ■secial atteattpn too., NEW WB^ElJlg^ mh J7—3t 97 Main street, PE At:M ULIHV |»0 TA-TOltav swiaubelssuperior Peach Blow PpTATOKS, lor table u»e and pt.aatias, which we war rant to he of a sßpsrtor qaality. ft» l-ushels suaenor Whim Mercer POTA 'mh tj~» hf-aahtia BUoeL_ rTHp Ml LI T i"»Y htstW.-Tbe sdrartissr 1 wisaee to dtaeose of a auuerior new SWORD, with leather aa»l>he'>t aad hilLresalatK* patWrß Will. iuboim OBSan, Aavrwi •■, sjimmm*enM ouiee. JhmaA»rAW|h *\***% T™SrfiS*JJj liU ami ha aoM a*eaa> "'** **"* ...a.*.. I . <J *»«i t ' -~ T -4 r l" SPECIAL NOTICES. Rrmemtcr r jaswh's GoeU mnmarltaa. "*" roams* obbor RHEUMATISM. . -T,«i;baloia Viia|||ij Ac is for **U mr Urusgisis senar uil* 'S/A.! 11 ' JJj ■ii • c niidask lorTWC X ISW-M A«TA«. wlfOfj you buy. or yon ssßry «et Bomsthing else, and aot be cured or benefited. i Wholesalo orders supplied on liberal terms. inbZ7-6tif tia. Dunlop. Moucure k to. u»k the ul ttntion of dealers to.their auctioni sale of two car iioos Porto hipo 8U 3A Rand M OLA 88E8. at their wharf and win-house at Kocketts, commencing at II o'clock THIS MORNING. ■ oa.Salc without regard to weather. lin»i27-ltp avh> Auetisn .-Votiir-.-.l cull uttentien to th- auction, of Mr. James r. Neagie a store and dweltin,', THIS DAY. at Ml o'clock, A. M ; alter which ths sale ol his stock ol Ornce-'iea at auction. B. CAITHoRN, mh27-lt Aucfnneer. "Jotlce.— The uttentien of l»en| ers is respectl-iily solicited to the j ale ol Dry Goods and Knglivh Over Coats, THIS -MORNING, at 10o'clock,at my store. Bee s.lvr-rti»ernent. aahßf-HbV. ALEX. NOTT.Auct. gs. Rorl bri-ltr. Alum Waters.-The repu tation of these WATER.-* extend throughout Vir guia, the Southern States and tie I nion. The many miraculous GIRLS perlorrned by them, have attracted the attention ol many emi nent mkdical men in every s.ction of the country Dr. Sam. A. Caktwright, of New Orleans, says: " In truth, I know of no water-inJEnroueor America, to rich in MEDICAL SUBSTANCES as that of the HockbruUe Springs. ' Dr. J. J. Moorman, of Virginia, says: Itisa matter of no little importance that the public should lie fullr apprised of the remarkable influ ence eserte.t by the ROCKBRIDUK ALUM WA TERS in strumous diseases especially. They have Ions; stood as a reproach to our profession, and never but in these WATERS has a rented* lieen found that deserves the name of a SPECIIIC lor their cure. . . Dr. John G.Caktkr, of Virginia, certihes that the water is a powerful alterative, acts on the GLANDULAR BTBThM generally, and possess es considerable TONIC properties The Rev Hknrt RttFUKa, certifies of the sal utary effects of the Rockbridge Alum Spring Wa ter. I have repeatedly used it, and. besides the nood effects upon mv general health. I found itpe ouliarly efficacious in dicpelling CLTAINhOUh ERUPTIONS and promotion, a healthy action on the skin. No other medicine that I ever used hail so remarkable virtue in this respect. Dr. J. A. M-.BAIK, of (ireensboro , N-C, says: *' I am perfectly satisfied that the waters are un euuallea by any in the world for LIiCERS. and es pecially those of a SCROFULOUS nature." The niany certificates that have lieen furnished by Ministers, Physicians, Lawyers, and all classes of our fellow-citizens, if published, would nil columns of the press. An invalid writing from Ohio, cays : ' That my Dyspepsia, with all its tram of horuble nervous symptoms, haa been relieved, and etlectually and permanently cured." ~..«. Another Irom North Carolina writes that, after exhausting the best medical skill in a ease of ' CHRONIC DIARRHU.A, it has yielded to the cv , rative powers «.f Rockbridge Alam Waters." These Waters are kept in half gallon glass bot , ties by our Agents, Messrs. FISHER & WINS TON," Wholesale Druggists, No. 126 Main St., Richuiond, RANDOLPH, Proprietors, ' mh26-ta of the Rockbridge Alum Springs. _«_The Great Virginia Remedy, and no BB_Btio.-PJ-TEBB' INFALLIBLE REMEDY FOX GONNORRHOiE AND ALL SECRET DIS EASES.—This (treat American remedy, contain in*; no Mercurial or Balsamic properties, excels every thins heretofore ottered the puplic, in its cu rative, restorative and renovating powers; and the medical world are astonished when told that the at«ove remedy will cure the aliove diseases, and confounded when they have ocular demonstra tions of the facts. But the proprietor, who has known of the remedy for twenty-edd years, has known of a case of twenty years' standing; to be restored to perfect health, and all other cases of shorter duration to be restored, without a single exception, and therefore challenges any case of Gonorrhoea which the rcm-dy will not cure, pro vided the directions are carried out with prudence on the part of the patient; and any one purchasing half a dozen bottles, and using accordingly, in his or her case, he guarantees a perfect cure; and in case of failure, will furnish additional medicine, free of charge, to complete the euro, through his agents; and a cure will be etiected without incon venienue to the > patient. _.._,__ _ _, „ Sold by APPERSON .V. DUPUY, No. 2UI Broad street, and O. A. STRECK KR, Main Rtreet, Drug gists, agents for the city ol Richmond, inhai—dour |ri_. - r ou yi •••Children are oil en seized very suddenly with this disease, which, if not quckly relieved, proves fatal. It generally at tacks children in the niaht, alter ha vine been much et posed t4> damp, cold winds through the day.— Damp houses, wet feet, thin shoes, wet clothes,or anything that obstructs perspiration, may occa sio'n Croup. Mothers ! your children a--e liable to bs taken with tinsdread complaint st a tune when you least expect it; but it is not a.ways a doctor can be culled or a remedy tottnd, and for this rea son we would advise yon now, and without a mo ment's delay, to buy a Lottie ol Dr. EATON S IN FANT! I.E CORDIAL, it wiil cure every ca-o of Croup, if taken m time; als jail complaints at tending Teething, Convulsions, Coughs, Colds, etc. It is 8..1 dby all respectable druggists.— Messrs. Chi Bin A Drio.vT. Now York, are the Srourtetors. and also so;e agents for "Dr. BRON- O.VX BLOOD FOOD," which, for Consumptive and Chronic diseases, is a sure re-uedy. Do not l* put off with any other articles. Write to CniRCH A Dufont. New York, if you cannot get them in your own town. Forsaleby FISHER A WINSTON. Richmond. Va., aad by Druggists generally. nihii—liu BEX. The great drawback to persons .-mi grating to the extreme South and Western coun try, is the fear they have «>f the lever and ague— the most direful of all diseases. Everyday we hear of persons attacked by this disease and mace helpless in a short time, without any ineans.ol af fording relief. In view of the great demand lor a reniedv.Dr. HostbttrK has presented Ins cele brated "Bitters." whose curative powers for all dise._esof thestonmcu have lieen universail- nc kuowieaVed. The **lSitterß," prepared after a long experience and deep study, have recei.ed theen coiiiiuiiis of ths most eminent ph-scians. as well as all clssses, from every part of the countryr. To who doubt their nraai virtues, till we can say is to try them anil jiuUe for themselves, respoc ttvelv. , , , „ K.ilii by druggists and dealers generally, every where. inhW—lm _*_ Southern Sewing Machine ***-*-*"' " .MAM'PACTORY. LESTER'S LOCKSTITCH SHUTTLE SEW ING MACHINES. Ariau-iemcnts are l*;ng made to manufacture the above justly celebrated Machines in Richmond, Va. 'I'in'v are unrt»'*!eii in pint of simplicity. beauty ot finish, and their perfect adaptation to every branch of industry where the needle is re quired. Thcv are gotten up in various styles, ranging in prices front •"•Ml to fBB). The abuse Machines are on exhibition for the prr-sent at Corinthian Hall, Main street, and at the •• O'd Dominion office, ' .n Relvin's row.oppnaite Bsnk street. Richmond. JOHN H LESTER h*_ AGENTS wanted in every city and town throunhotit the Southern States, and li'ierai in ducements otlered for the same. For terms. Ac, address V. HORTON REACH, mh3i-Gt;2p> Richmond, Va. hT_ Boots nnd Shoes for MPBINfI AND BUMMER, MARCUS HARRIS t BRO, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HOOTS. SHOES. TRUNKS, Ac. No. 175 Main Sirkkt, K< iivuMi, Vik..inia We are a >w prepared to offer a complete assort ment of BOOTH and SHOF.R. of the latest and most approved styles, among which will tie found ; the following goods of ear own make, which, for excellence of material and superior workmanship, are >nr passed by none in this market, viz : 200 pairs Oents' French Calf BOOT:!: 300 . " *• '* GAITERS; 400 " " " OXFOUD TIES; ♦00 " " " STR AT -SHOES; 100 " " CaU and Kid GAIT KRS ; 100 ** " Lasting do. £00 " Indies' Morocco BOOTS; 200 " " ('oat do. SOU " " Morocco and Goat BUSKINS; 1,000 " •• Morocco and Kid SLITHERS; SCO " ** Side-lace and Con. GAITERS; l.iiJO " Misses' Boots and Shoes, of all styles ; Luoo " Children's •' •• ** Also, a well selected stock of Boys' and Youths' Hoots .and Shoes, oi ail styles. together with a ! ir-.-.c and desirable stock of Per-teif Work, makes our -.snortment as complete and as «re%t as any in this market, to all of which we respectfully solicit a call from the purchasing community before mak inz their purchases, aa our facilities enable us to oii-*.r ttieiu advantages as -treat, at least, as can be offered by any other house. N. B.—Custom work made to order, as usual, at short notice and fair prices. MARCUS HARRIS A BRO.. No. 175 Mam St., ik-xi to American Hotel. mhl9--»**i_p) ■**, Large uud Attructive Supply ef SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. BREEDEN A FOX. BROAD STREET. Have been opening durinz the past two weeks, and are now prepared to oner, a complete assort ment of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS. Tbev would call particular attention to many Urge lots of Foreign Goods, wln.-li will be sold at I prices much lower than those ol former seasons — We mention a few only of the nio-t attractive ar ticles : English BEREGEB, in immense variety; English and French BEREGE ROBES; 4 to 10 A very large assortment of 81LK8, of every va riety of style, at 35 to 30 pei cent, below the cost ?of importation. ranch Printed JACONETS and ORGANDIES; RAVELING-DRESS GOODS, of every descrip tion: Sunos DELAINES and CHALLIKB; Fraaoa and India FOULARD BILES, soma en tirely new and haiidat-iue desiras. Our stock of Domesiio Staple Goods haa asver of every grade. , l Amongst ths last named, we would call the spe cial atteaUon ef buy ars to some very laesslotaof _»..U»i» ••**} «*»*_•» Flam and SUtped oHIAj BURGS, and a larse variety of otbsr articles of Southern manufacture. B|IKBDEN * FQX , mhhf-twif W Broad street. en^g^s£|' b^sStßurnVfiEß^ SUSSBJ UUSBBUn ■TbIBTBU-I tim tlmJa Hslf-httl. S-ltsuMn SSBB-V tßeWil^ala-e snob arises " »£Jeeerrn the • patrunase of the uoutaera marenaata. BBhls-lai- _ ■-••;:..._ _" _ s lis auuWfmn -•"" ~ nJltb TtTwTtTrtttT**?' abd ot itnn ELEGANT DEETs GOODS! " ,- ™-*BBffl(im»..«-*. At tsaureeedentsd »"*«*. b : >aMU '- ****• " ttmlt * tne WATT-INS * FICKLEIf, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 1 itt Mutat btreet. Are now rseeivia*. and openim their second sup ply of SI'I.EN OIL SPRING OOODS, Many ol winch have been purchased at the auction sales in New ! ork durum the past week, at which the prices were lower than ever known belore. la SPLENDID SILKS DRESt GOODS. RICH LACE AND M] X MANTLES. SHAWLS. EMBROIDERIES, I HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. ! LINENS, PR,NF PLANTATION OQQDa Either by wholesale or retail, they are prepared to offer inducements uiiußßro WATKINS aTrMCKLEN-S OPENING OF SILKS' ON TUE.SDAY MORNING. THE atlfM INST. We shall be prepared to exhibit an vbbivallko stock of SILKS of the choicest styles, ataston isluru prices. .. ._.- WEDNESDAY inornintt. the Mst, vre will exlntiitour splendid stock of 1 REWGH *-_> ?&• DAMASIE. PUSHER and REAL LACL MAN TLES; Silk do. and new the real lace, very elegant. Imh 19-1«| Y> . «r. f-QL Heayj Pluid|nnd _____ Griped osNABUR«,B. ypßicKg W fl^D m Al^S^tn^AW£^ ta For sale by the piece or package. a| manufactory prices. For SERVANT WOMEN they are very desira h mh 2i>-3t- WATKIM h FICKLEN. •Sl. Peoples Candidate for High * Unstable. People's Candidate for Huh constable. Peoples Candidate for High Constable. People's Candidate for Hmh Constable. People's Candidate for Huh Constable. J H. MrCURDEY. _„„ J. H. AlrCI RDE\ »,_.__„ J. H. McCURDEY, J. H MrCURDF.Y. . _ J. IL Mi CURDEY. ELECTION, WEDNESDAY. 4rr OF APRIL. ELECTION WEDNESDAY. Ith OF A R L. mh 24-tde* »- S •« u • a, * ** W# jSrtokll STREET. HBBd-oine SILKS. BEREOES and ORGANDIES. Beautiful BEREGE ANGLAIS ROBES, ot the EleaanT B'BRKOBand OROANDIE ROBES. .New SILK MANTLE.*". French LACE MANTLES, of the latest styles and at the lowest prices. DUST KRS. in -treat variety, amonit which may be f-»und FULL SUITS, including DREfcS and MANTl.E.somethintteutirely new. HOOP SKIRTS, the last novelty and the best ©r the season. , . ~. , , We will open in a few days (of which due notice will be itiven.'an assortment nt REAL IHRfcAU MANTLES and POINTS, of THE LAT EST importations. iiihW-2w(Jp' tax. Hurnett's Superior Extrait*. foruayor iniTT,USTAßDß. PfES. BLANC MANGE. ICE CREAMS. JELLIES. SAUCES. Ac, Ao. (pre pared from Fruits of the best quality, and hit-hly concentrated.) , _ The attention of Confectioners. Hotel-Keepers ] md Families, is respectfully invi'ed to the al«»ve named Extracts. They have all the freshness and flavor of the delicate fruita from which they are prepared, and are less expensive. Try 'hem. Sold at wholesale by JAS F. DUVAL. FISHER k WIMBTON and W. L. WARING, and at retail by traders uenerally. fe 2S-3m as WIM Cherry Balsam.--The memory oi Or. Wistar in embalmed in the hearts of thou ; sands, whom Irs BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY has cured of Cnuelis. Colds, Consumption, ors<n.e other form of Pulmonary disease. I mh 2U-2t Ba_ Rernovul.— I. if. BINOF.R & CO. Huts removed their BRANCH OFFICE to North side Maia street, lour doors above Slh street. mh 23-2W UV.SI. Nicholas Saloon, Mais st., m-'ak KzcU-Beß Bank, The St. Nicholas Saloon, second to nnother es tablishment iv the State, is constantly supplied which will I* sold by WHOLESALE or RETAIL on the most satislaotory terms. COUNTRY .MERCHANTS are invited to exam ine the Ur«e and well selected stock, which is l:e --- constantly added to, before purthasiu-- else where, — *_-__ Parties and families supplied with CAKfc.-, CREAMS and JELLIES, Zngtfjgfgffi-£ Manufacturer of Double-Refined Cai.lie»,a_d mh S—lmif Wholesale Dealer in Foreun Fruits. •j*. I have been using '* Semple'-i Infalli bleßikins Powder" lor some two years, and leel no hesitancy in savin.,' that I have lieen more thin ple-tsed with it. arid regard it as vastly superior tn nnv Yenst I'owder it his ever be*»n me «o»kI for tune to try. D. Baksb, Jb Ktcauoßß, October Ist. 1857. For sale by all DruZkisteaßd Grocers. JOHN W. GARLICK, Sole Proprietor ftv To nvoid bavin;- Sour Bread, L'se Scru ple's Int-tnbie flaking rowder _~___, J W. GAR LICK, ' Manufacturer and Sole Proprietor. SERVANTS FOR HIRE. t|M>R HIRE-A likely No<ro GIKL. ac-u«tom ed to housework and attending children. BUS sews very welt She is about 11 s#ars of nee. and a girl ..f good character. She is for hire tor the first tune, and ouly now because b-uowner has t,-o many servants about lis place. Also, for hire, a likely MAN SERVANT. Apply to THOS. .1 II AG BY. mh 27—It umunrnl Agent, wall street LH»U MIKsT t»li **.ALK.--Wo have irom the I" country, a I.IK ELY MA N and his WIFE, who will be hired for tbe balance »f «h.? year or sold private!*. Also, a good HOUSE GIRL. 17 or B years of age. who will le lured l_ the month. COCKE A CLOSE. Insurance and Collecting Agents, ltih st., mh 27 ts Exchange Hotel Building F-ffjflX nThK.-A VOMAN Irom the cVuintrv. «ho represents herself as a good COOK. WASHER andIRONER. No encumbrance, ex cept her hust-aiid. who is also lor hire-" sued 'FARMHAND. Apj-ly to E. D. EACHO, ! Near Exchange Hotel, Uth street TMikX Ml It St—Several phiia COOKB, WASH T ERS nnd IRONKhS. and also a good MAN f'OOK. suitable either for a restaurant ..r hotel — Apply to WM S. PHILLIPS. mh 27-'tt On Ifth.J-etw Mnm jindjinnk sts F~ UK BIRR--For the bsJanee .71" Uw sear, a MAN. accustomed to working in a Tohaeee Factory; also, a GUM.,II »r 12 years id age. COCKK h CLOSE. Insurance and Cettsettag Assets. Mri st., mh24—lw Exchange Hotel Building. FOR HIRE--Eor the balance of the year, a good COOK. WASHER and IRON EI. «p --ply to linh2»-3tl R. CAITHORN. 01.T_.KR AND DRIVER KIR HIRI.- We have, from the country, a very load OSTLER a::d DRIVER, about la or It years ol age. App'.v immediately to ■ RAWLINGS A HOLLADAY. mh 2.1-tf 12th St., between Main nnd Can NEGROES FOR MIRK.-Twovery superior DINING ROOM SERVANTS, one CHAM BERMAID. one plain COOK, twoxmi.ll uj>Y*- RO. B. LYNE, Agent for hiring out NeVoe*. mh-CI- » Omosiß Metropolitan Rail. VIMHKIi FERTILIZER*, MAhUFAiV » TURED BY S M.GRUDER'B SONS, RICH MOND. VIRGINIA - PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN GUANO, warranted lo contain H per cat. of Ammonia and 46 tofru per rent, of Bone Phosphate of Lime. Price peet-n Afs.SOOil-s S-WtW BONE ASH GUANO, warranted t.-cori'ain 5 per cent, of Ammonia nnd 66 lo 70 per rout nt Bone l'h wi'hate ot lame Price uer t»n <vf .'isai His W •.M ('ROUND BONE ASH. containing 76 tot*> par cent, of Bone Phosphate of Lime aud ground to aline powder. Price per ton or2 own* -sou A. A. WHITE MEXICAN GUANO, which we grind W ponder and warrant to cob tsin 75 percent, of Phosphate ol Lime.— Price per toa of s.OW lb* 30 iw Having been for many years largely en<ax»d m the Guano trad j. and bad opportunities of testias fully the value of sll kinds of Uu mo th»t have teen mi uteU into "lie couutr.. en -ties us to »c le.t the very best vane ties for our preaar.-ui.-n*.— and from repr-ated experiments that have beeu made, wits, all the ingredients we use. both sepa rately and m combination, we are satisfied that the i t«rn.era wilt lad «*_r Fertilisers much cheeper than tbe Peruvian Guaao when used -iloae. The Pe-uvian and ritosphatic Ouaaee used are selected with gre-it care, and always aubjce'edto rigid aualysis The* are very dry. aud ground to a line powder, and thoroughly and intimately mixed. . • « We will take pleasure in showing farmers through our sstablishmeu t, as there in no sestet aa mth. iagredisnl. -^AfSTm^ArU^' Corner of Uth and Cary at* , Richmond, Va. mb»-U. , HAY MAY -gay hates suae nor ruouatain BAY. raised and r biled tnViMiuia. From Virgiuiß Cent r* I Depot, and in store for sale. [ Are boshe. prime SEED OATS. 1&BJ-flfeHU*£ family use. IWhaahs ewsstfijlliry thbauhs. ariaus SLACK-EiuD PK__r> \AIJ_TI_I » ttJufTR V, [ mhtt-M * f*mnhl4ms*-eet. I W**ttloimwmtgeAmn*. • **-^* > *■*****<*'-'* T **^*f)SXjyj|^eMßff-/BiO|B*BL A )^nmjnmig^^***t St tt " *" nt****^* Th. proprietor *•£•»•' (ns rids and tbe suhuo, that hs wniT I *-*** l BA ML at his house, on * *'" * ,y « • QfLb. *«. c. FRIDAY. MARCH msTH A iae Coullon Band baa mtm uasaL. occasion ■" "■«*tst f, AI)MIIBKJN ■-Gsßtleß.Sß a t . * Gentleman alone. »i. Si i-"?h : *' u ».tia mh»-4t C.S PLEA^ANTfjIS? * tUMMAIIIn, , *» -» ON MARSHAL?, BTRPFT Tuesday, Thursday ami »atar-li». 9. at ; i -j e'tiarL *-'***»rnw The members rf the ** ~ INDEPENDENT TURNER A« . Respectfully call the stteßtioaeftL;■'-■-"li of this city to tlie.r Ur,e » h a " •"■•a, PLACE OF EXKRCISI'*, Sa£ Str.usth tone atamed by prae tisi , . v 'u The eserois"* will he ci.aila i. ,"'''•*«*. KEVIPE aud SCHOTT, AitWnf ■ * "■-*•« le.M'SM. **** *» -<HllrtS **Jl**u7 P#T ****£? n{ -!"- '""ti.-.- *-• month. 92 )n rulv .-,<-« **■ *«*» All dssi roost., ioin are iavites, aess the exercises. **£**■ LOST AND STRAYiD. rjv »TOLF*-Fr«m niv UaW, .Vt'. - Tirjliviile. on tlienulit ..t •-~ . '**•»*. HAY M'lKsH *-,',',■•""U,. his back 1-ehlnd the saddle. ri:nn,, l r\ l ', f *.,** c *'-. from the t-ack-Wue. eacii tide (lowa •*'«» '"* throws his front leet rather a»k-.a-j ''* t *i $21 reward f..r »he horse and .-onvn-t, . , lf *'-'I* _»»-•■ -* 0 * w-sUvW IOuT— On Surtdif Bieht, the lun ~( v. ■» tween the hours of Wand n () ',.i. rk '~'?*'• Rf NE. lined with dark silk-n ha. u-i , "••* each end The finder will I*. \A m% n. " ■ 1 leavinr. it at the Ptspateh mhoe. JJ?J.« LOST— At the old African UhiircfT . "C--■ theK-th. mv FREE f will pay ior rataratai .•,{.** Dispatch ofTics. PLEaSa* r adM'•* ■bW»aV AlimUlfJ FdIMD-A small Avlr-tt's and Nf*w Oaitln, contains/-T3S and PAPERS, whioh t-hscwaere-umbaS inulit. either in person or wntiar. and P .,.T : cost of this advertisement "--IB mhaT-nt J()*?UH tVllu] J „ «•'» REWARD. Mr n)M ;*£ —i rsT_ from mv resilience, shall ironßs-3 SaCjlprPt-J. For liii. return.%7-Ii : formation as will letut to his rsee-ÜB] » *i the above reward. Imhrt—l»| w. 4f t W' MILLINERY. mt t\ MRS. K. LYOS, .. s**fO nit bjosu Si -'/. >• iietrrj a Has retnrt-.ed frem New Tort ■> *al 1 aU the latest styles of ' **v M'RINC AND HKMMK.H MILUSafJ incliiduiz every description ef rSaia au Fi» HEAD DRK.S-iES.IIAIR BrUllW.Cirßj? Ac., to which she invites tne Bttaßtituaj .# m lie gener-illy. nih.*:-j;r«, fSfci) MIS-S R. LYON. Jl zJ% lb*. /.Vol.; street, .•!-•• rhtitm a*■ Wrnords * liair. **■! Is daily receivin . ana npsaiai her *}\\ nOODS, win.-h IM wobM be p;«-u-*d t. Ua2 ladies and her customer*. BBBsraKy, r..: uit. Can be assured ol *eUi!u »l trWaBBUj-hta the In test sty leu and the Knshi.ini <*a«r».i aahSS-Sj ~£\ SPRINic. il •» L c 17"" aa; MR.*-'.'J. a ALIEN *S| Has returned from New Y.-rk. aHI »' sja pared to show her SPRING STYLMOi I j NETS WIMISMI Boss n .. thene.a mr B»trht ■ BT* %^tf T^.-griTT rrh VSM LYNtHBI RR-T.*. j. iKii,**-* 1 ,:; For freight, tfpply to WM. r 001 mha>-2t AttheSbed. !>««. y a' "ARMORY O'.-VKRNURSi.;.'!* J* Ma». h :«*,. i« /SCI Order No. 1.. *T ****** Attend a spe4--i-ii BtsetlS/of yaBM panv. iti. the Armory. ..n ev*-i.a. «■ at 8 o'clock, for election efeBMUTS. By order of tl.e Ci'iuiii-iDOint. mht| ff B. B KK.**i.No>.l.t«.-t --"vl -a ATTKNTIO't.t HESIEKFKU Jj* LliiHT DRA(i(>ONf( -Attendiae-.r, ydtSji of your Tr«"P .ii XX. DA i. ts* 1 'I *"?*, Kt»nt nt H.>rnsr'tih(ip. at 11 M Hy order of th*- t'a-.if i.n iiiii*6i-4t* WALT at '•• CLAHKr, j _ pa-am reuus stf T^ horse DRA YS: t v.. w.-..Mt hand 'S i .-..r- Rnlint *i.d li-irn-.*--. lIUK--KS. BS4I ] r v li MULES. Teniis aßcomßMaauas ■ i an seen at mv suop and sladles, on |.«, bbbj lilth nnd atlth streets. ..„„,,„.„,,., mh 11-lm* LDMCM)B"w.t J_ VlltniNlA LIFK INSIKa-ytttSVl V ny -Al a BtrSßtiaaoi ths fM.N-lm-iJifirta Yirtinia Life Insnrnnre Coib»i*i» •««» offineoflhs Mercnaats [""''•lJfl*', the city ol Rii-lnn»tid, on Vv rly ' ••* ■"•' of March, tiie Mlowiag iislnmi BSH ed a Hoard of Directors: wm. 11. staemrland, J s ." ! " r'-g;, JUmmV. Iteath" h* \ » **' John H. Miurtßfße,' |** n. > <j'' Daviil I.B.irr, •'»•• ■•*•<• ;■ f -* Lewi* '"inter. {*•!' '; •'•*-'• .l.nin Joeau, rvf-J "*. * Jas L. Api-erson. J-'h? « -• »••=- Uwis D. Crsnahav, iC. *BntJ^ Ro'bt T Bhuahe, V H,' niV'^i: utrathew'"-arursset of thi auußmjjlj holders, tae S.«-iril >-t Hitroton — : - sleeted thaJtHlowiesogsfrs; —.-,»- Prrii-rV/it-'-'.M ll v . , M .' il.tik+t Wi n I'r, .iii.m "AM '■ J ,I ,\ H .' ( ,:v 1 •! ADAIR PLK-""*^*; ifrere-P-R.-SCOr - B HhATM.aU Rv oderol 'He H-ii'd K .si\r« M mhgi-dvwj•-__■' v. An.ll.r.V.'- 1 ' 1 KIN Dfl IF S 1"r- AW tW*!J^•JgS .'M.'a'ii'.l rOcen's. i: 1 ,-: ! : -';'-' • V >' l nocket: Miirliii Collar* al..'''•''•- s , worth doubie, Mersei les lUw/^ft ~ .7 J artici,.. very ebeap; ail K >'^ fM)## ,, UI »nd Tinnmiii.-r; a * ,l, ;' ltlP ,, „, : •■ Spnni Wrapß-BSs; '-■ '«■ ; . Nrfl!i „. M upw.-i.ds; Crotcbet Brail « * . VB ,, in Needles, he. Tle-et who ?*»;•.-? ■~-.- caII it -*-■ n„ ,I mh fff-JB ■■ i,»l U- «Muss f «•.>■*..: '■.••'■V i ,h vT* N. l« 1 PhJ<AH!-wEBI A • ... stret-t oisr tosatotae §»«««■»* _ 4< , PENS thai titise 1 *" tUUB saw BI ALWI.-' JoUl. "j;■•"..,'»'' ~ i HUI.DEKS and II >< "• • iVI %Rt;il '.Milh. I"''***" SPLENDID S-ANTILI-* ■* *.' I-Hti.". R. PRICE V a iU Hi a'.Vw '!(ies in tne '•**-""' rli partmeiit. le **,'",;»'.v'v'ri"? * - UesaatllLl. MANTLBi • do. I.ACE_ ac do. do. CASHMEKK RHAWIJi , >..-w style HKIO'.I **«■•:*■ AnalaißUEKl.'-f■,'."j^^, 1.-RKNADINK MANTI.tfT I Mdll.VlK DlWF***Jjffl t*;«1 And. ina*itJhrn, sr*»..pefl '-, ; . . i of the mwest snd an*^,?*Cs».*« i.OODfv. such is •**' «» »» ,t "l" ■;„.;»• ' j* rote Robes. Or-£-a..i:e H --es. ,t*-' » Many ofttSeea f.«ds. '".uh "" --0 «.« r,h*.e.of the hul rreat stds^ sold st prices win.. Stea' V X ,-*< • ' * the century- |n>hi>- "J J: — ** >~-iit o t a: »it.L t^ i npfll J) y•. i 39 ht-ls Vr*'« LEAP ,,Uiz£ \ Ift p Hi i B> . ! *» hid*, sweet Nr. v >,-*•*, .\ ■ %( V >N ■< tmWsesOrlANrJrJl wf.fetjii n»i bobsb prim** -^"j x >-..i>^ i iou i.''.WlwVd i-t'dA-Jfji W H'* 75 bbU. IWharnsoa 4 ;;*, .-,,«- ' I ******* *™**vtHW**}^nu* •Butane 1^ e<BV * g 11860. sPELvfcl T-W%jjfl CHEAP CLi» ll< N '- \njff.U'* 9 Dl" rLAhLB CLo «/> '~,Rrt|*fc -^ Call at »!?Pi'? l * ITH .stfemfthsur^ Wo Will seep •!'-J ,in * ( ~# " ,uiß« "** |l months a |«'l "t«'»; l ' , *Ur* 1 > tne OujShias line \*";..,'.. rt .. o**JS*\ to Bt all sue* and ; *t >'' *!"* vu i eelsior> as retards ■'. »• ", bJ ,v^ ■■■* J ThS publ: •IS IBVltsd U' ca : talS , N i SJ-Jj - VVu*:il DAv.nsoa..A«e efCbn* - ■SaleSßrAß -— -~Zs ypi fMltltßs. i'W*- I '!**- "■; ! «o-'"'>t'" V* ceived a laf«* »-*- i r?'!. ~r io #» t»»i > which be*nMrufileßsn j»t» Cottars at X •'•, w Sllsis * A.» ■ worth X a "•*■.*•• S! Vm w> i» •*•£** eeaU; Swiss CoU**"* '•*«';* fteisf "■•- »i Collar. st.M. worth • J ■ ****■-•?*** w,utb .*\''' l .*' ; J»^'■***;> CotlaiS at •$•., ••».-» ■f. , it •*! *S» north »»J Caaihi c „.,.>:.»■'«».„ ittse alaea t» Berehass vo •at easb p-i'** .. -, v „ i --» 1 m ' -Vrnftqggftft^Hl ■>*•—' Itaussisis^;-^^,! -afjPaß^^