Newspaper Page Text
W~****~~* —■ ————^—— -—_M,_.» - Jf !J ,_, BwjfWu tupatc|. I tt «Ob_NLNO .. MARCH 87. ISsi L-TtttrA Si-bowls* Oomibo out.**— rtl number of the A<* Monthly, m. In his ••_»ro«f*ssors Ntorjr," Rives (nnd elaborats account of a "i»ar«y " ac of the rich citlsens of Rockland. Rptrourle, the host, it should fan n retired country merchant, who Is rith the title of tbs Colonel, aad the *en on the occasion of • Miss Mu sts** coming out:" past seven o'cloch, the Colonel, In aaas Into tbe front parlor, and pro. igbt the Inserts. Some were good uougb aud took the hint of n lighted nee. Others were as vicious as they would aot light on nuy terms, any If they were Ailed wi«h water, or I smoked one side of the chimney, si a tew sparks and sulked them. ssitss or sept up a faint show of burning, ao that their ground glassei looked as feebly phos. phoreeceatns so many Invalid fire-flies. With much coaxing aedscrewing and pricking, a tol sraMe Illumination was at last achieved. At eight there was n grand rustling of silks, and Mrs. and Miss Sprowle descended from rbelr respective bowers or boudoirs. Of course they wernprettv well tired by this time, and very glad to sit'down—having tbe prospect before these of being obliged to stand for hour-. Tbe Colonel walked about the parlor, inspecting his regiment of lamps. "Hush, said Mrs. Sprowle, "there's tbe bell!" Everybody took position at once, aud began j to look very smiling and altogether at ease.— False alarm. Only a parcel of spoons, " loan ed," as the inland folks say when they mean lent, hy a iieigbbor. " Better late than never." said the Colonel; •• let me heft them spoons " Mrs. Sprowle came dowu into ber chair again as if all her bones bad been bewitched out of her. " I'm pretty nigh bent out a'ready," said she, "before any of tbe folks has come." They sat silent awhile, waiting for the first arrival. How nervous they- got! and how their senses were sharpened! ■'Herb!" said Miss Matilda—"what's that rumbling ?" It waa a cart going over a bridge more than a mile off, which at any other time they would not have beard. After this there was a lull, and poor Mrs. Sprowle's head nodded once or twice. Presently a cracking aud grinding of gravel. How much that means when we are waiting for those whom -we long or dread to se«! Then a change in the tone of tin- gravel crackling. " Tea, they have turned in at our gate.— They're com in. Mother ! mother !*' Everybody in position, .-nailing and nt ease. Bell rings. Enter the Brat set of visitors.— The Event of the Season has begun. MEDICAL HOSPITALar MS*. *&-}*}*'' HONPITAthTiroR SLA VESTS—We have this day opened a HOS PITAL for tbe reception of SLAVES, and offer j to the public our professional ittenilnnce upon and ' personal ears of all patients entrusted to our assu agement. Tbe HOSPITAL is situated near the oornerof MAIN AND «th STREETS, aud -ul uurably adapted in airiness, privacy, and healthi ness of position, to the purpsse lor which it has been instituted, viz: the MEDICAL. SUHOICAL and OBSTETRICAL TREATMENTof SLAVES. In order that those who intend to favor us with their patronage may lie put in possession of what they may expect on our part, and what we may ex pect from them, we hereto attach our rules un.l charges, pledging ourselves to a strict abssriance of ths rules, and having no fears that the pnfr. ns wiu be behind us in fidelity to their engaxements. _ KCLlis. 1. None but Slaves admitted. If requested or no tified, the patient will he sent for and conveyed to the Hospital in safety and comfort, the Hospital carriage being always in readiness. 2. The patients shall lie under the direction of tits Attending Physicians and immediate charge ol the Rssident Physician, and not allowed to lea- c the premises while under treatment. A So soon aa the patient is sufficiently well to leave the Hospital, the owner or hirer thereof shall be notified, aud bis name endorsing the notifica tion will ensure a speedy delivery ol tne slave. 6. Upon request made by tbe hirer or owner of any patient to the Resident Physician, a daily or weekly report of progress will lie given. 6. At It) o'clock each day (Sundays excepted,) there will be aa examination of such patients ;..s are not fit subjects for Hospital confinement. Such patients will be furnished with tickets mentioning the disease, and be re-mired to attend such days as ths Examining Physician may deem proper. 8. Women in labor shall lie furnished a separate apartment, and be attended h» competent nurses, and when in condition to leave the Hospital due Botioe will be given. 9. All surgUal ca-es shall have proper care ex tended them, and ths rooms have iteen ao arranged as not to interfere with lever patients or lying-in • women. IV. In difficult cases, the Attending Physicians and Surgeons shall consult together, and coutiuue in such consultation as long as danger impends. 13. No small-pox cases admitted. U. All eases requiring surgical operations will be received and attended to, and the surgical depart ment of the Hospital has lieen furnished with in struments and all ths conveniences necessitated by tbe various operations demanded. _ . T-RMB. Patieatspsr week ► *5 Less than a week (per therm)il. More than a week, and less than two weeks, 65 for the week and 51 per diem, Ac. Ac. Patients attending the daily examination charged the usual fee adopted by the Profession at large. The above charges include Board, Medioiue, Medical Attendance and Nursing. Surgical operations charged in accordance with the rules adopted by the other Hospitals of the city. Charge made known before operation is performed, if necessary. Hired patients will be aettled for quarterly hv their hirers Patients entered by their oirners require a cash payment by owner upon removal from Hospital,or n. satisfactory obligation fur payment at the expi ration ol three months from date of patient's dis missal. tFor further information apply to the Physician isident at the Hospital, or to ~ 1)R. FRS. W. HANCOCK. Main st., between 3d and 4th sts. „ DR. ST. GEORGE PEACH V, x change Hotel, or Grace st.. bet.6th and 6th sts. DR. P. E. LUCKETI*. Ballard House. mh S—jswjs INriKMAKa* S_> TM-Tftij^tTAlTT r (W_7 A LEGE.—This Infirmary is situated at the corner of Marshall and College streets, in au elevated and healthful position, convenient to the Railroad De pots, Hotels and other centres of business. It is furnished witb every arrangement requisite for the successful treatment of diseases and injuries, and for the comfort of the sick. All persons re- S airing MEDICAL or SURiiiCAL aid. except lie insane and. those tailoring under contagious diseases, are admitted into ths institution. Lying in women ars also rsoeivsd aud carefully attended to. Private rooms furnished when desired. T The Batisatsare under the euarge of the Profes* i ■BBS of the college, who visit the wards daily. The I charges for Board, Medal- Attendance, Nursing aud Medicine are, for J»er week. White Patients... f...fjs Colored ■ .T."r........if Private Rooms 7 to "J 13 In addition to ths above rates, in cases requiring a Surgical Operation, by agreement with the pro prietors of ths Belie vue Hospital, a small fee is übarged for the operation, vary ing from ii to •3u, uncording to its importance. The particular fee in * u, r a ff* m h T »*? ascertained by ap plica tion to eith er of ths Attending Surgeons or the Resident Phy- AU .barges payable on tbe removal of the pa tient. i_t?a«- , wMrcjEßf roft - GIBBOM ' PKTic °- WA t Y , and^cCA*TT , * ,, *~ Prol ' - TUCKK * CON p fev a hIP« ! H UNDS MABO *- MD - Presidsnt-L. S. JOYNEB, M. D. Persons , n ths country, desiring to send patients to the Infirmary, may address either the President or the Resident Physician. ja la-ly B__dtf__? _LM^ , **-*%T*M« »as*iliiu*e~, whioh has been in successful operation for ths last seven years, is situated ou Church Hill, Rioh- BM*nd. Virginia, in a delightful, airy position, mid is rumubsd with every convenience conducive to tbe comfort of patients aud ths successful treat ment of diseass. it has lately undergone extensive repsi rs. Rooms have bsea steely furnished suitable to the acooni s_^» B JV_f 6 . Bt i* , ? # B **° **** find ™ "Bconve » _■» *° hs treated at their private odginrs. ss_r_s^^ , S_ , __!? ** ***** to ths7;.s, t« wards, wbioh are peeeliarly commodious. ° f *» *** » mm Colored do. do. ** Private Rooms, 00. ~ •',_: •,! um\\*& J \mAmt\Tmim -- *•** air kaowu to " JRA* Ne fatisat reesivsd for less than . __.-. •AarrM-.J_U7SgS-» _^«^wr_R^.r_l.. tt •Maaaa__v- , ~-**'-- B OA. OEKNBHAW. M. IL, oppssiu Amerioaa *$&&'**& Lv * Bm '*- i ***'«**- »l«rf?M.V. lesieentPbymelan. IWmWm^***^^-*^ %?^**z***** itjj'Y ll ?v*iYteß i - *• ~ *c* f.esaun *.smmm**t wibusi Less fisst a*f ■t_..__*i _)Lt|B)Bi_i___, __r__i ■-!_4__iH_f ism Llbbssii . efr newsy o_Bsß*i____t s__a —-"- .* __.-_ Its of Tsr_»_tT|_r7 J» S*^ mremssmfmnmlsmm sb____bT ____!' fla_H_[ ___ai^v___N!''V*-^' JnV J lr M t , .etend l-Llfe lasuruwee! Life IjVBtfANCK .-MUTT AL BENEFIT COMPA £„._"-. k , m & m9ma k m ** ****** «*nitai, as eomparsd with its liabilities, than any other Life Insurance Company doing business ia ths United Stetss. iS^*JTfe^iU i * m Il t rs eeired • •-».«» mors in 1_», and lost |*w..-0 less !!*■_« »«» Its Dirideßd. Jaa I.tYM». is FOR - Ti-FIVE per cent, all of which l-slontrs to the insured, c* *i has mo Stockholders to paw Divi dends to. It pays its Dividends Uv the lass red ushite fiernr.and haa paid to Jan.lst.l*». tLMa.- Mt).43,aarlbas «3,4 i» t.<a si left, to, meet Ths Dividends are made annually. Half of the Semium oa policies for term of me may be paid a ante hearing six per rent, iaterest. We know , no Company that affords thesame sstjßfity and advantages to ths insured. Call and get a state ment of its affaira. l_l Main street. _ inha-R KNOWLEM A WALFORD._ »%_ Wilson's Pills.--" Doctors will Dif ferHn their mods of tre-»tina diseases, nit all who bars ased Dr. WJL-ON'S TONIC. OATHARTIC and ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS, agree in saying that they ars unsurpassed as a remedy for Dyspep sia, Sick Headache. Nervous Headacie, Heart burn. Diarrho-rv snd other diseases. It is autonish mg how easy their administration, and h.iw decided their effect Sold only by FISHER A m INBTON. mh 22—ot Wholst-ale A.ents. ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF NEW GOODS NOW _ OPENING AT WHOLESALE AND RETAL, J. MILLHISER A BROTHER'S. IDS Broad street. At unprecedented LOW PRICES FOR CASH. or to prompt-pay ing customers on the usual time, at cash prices. . Our stock emprises, in part, excellent bargains in the following GOODS, to which we respectfully call the attention o| tbe purchasing community. A call andwxam.nation ol Goods and prices is only necessary to insure sales to the most economical buyers. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. BILKS ol newest designs in any quantity, from SO seats to $2 per yard. The best Slack fl SILK in the city. Bereges; Grenadines; Tissues; Organdies: Printed foulards ; Berege Annlaise : French Jaco nets : Brilliants; Lawns and Traveling Goods, by ths yard and in robes, less than 26 per cent, on cost ol importation. LINEN GOODS. !»• pieces pure Irish Linen at 25 cents per yard. 100 pieces pure Irish Linen at X} x cts. per yard. 100 pieces pure Irish Linen at 50cents per yard. Linen Bosoms of all grades, very cheap; Linen Sheetings: Pillow Linen; Table Damask; Nap kins and Towels; ladies'and gents' Linen Cam bric Handkerchiefs, very cheap: Linen Drills: Huckaback and Crash and Birdseye Diapers. WHITE GOODS. Cambrics; Jaconets ; Swiss js , Checks ; [Stripes ; Brilliants; Tarlatans: Crapes, by the piece or by the yard. DOMESTIC FABRICS. Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, of celebrated makes, such as New York Mills, Londa dale, Wnnr-iiitta's, Cnl'a Mills, and others, by the pic.-c or by the yard. Also, full stock of such Ooods a* belong to this department generally. LADIES' WM_vPPINGsTOR._«_NG AND «00 t rench Lace Points: 250 Lace Mantles, of va rious styles; Burnous, .Mandarines, Piccolominis, and all the newest styles out. Also, large slock of newSPRING SHAWLS. exetedintlu cheap. EMBROIDERIES. In this department we can show the largest and cheapest Goods ot the kind m the city, without any exception, comprising everytiiim_ coming under this head, too numerous to mention. We how ever, call the particular attention of ladies to the assortment oi neat Camt nc Bands, which are so (ICBI f Ul>'l6. , _. , HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Ladies . jnaup, gents'and U.ys' Hose aud Half Hove, ol all kinds and all prices ; very low by the dozen or by the pair. PARASOLS AND LADIES'SIN UMBRELLAS. In great variety and cheap. "*»»_.-____», BONNET RIBBONS, At our usual unrivaled low prices. Merchants from towns or the country who are inaking their selections in this market, would con sult their interest by giving our stock au examina tion, as on many Goods they can save 24 per cent, in purchasing Iron: us. mh 12-lm MILLHIBER & BR °"' ]M Broad st ' h*_El,-j-Hiits-M-iii-- Poods. PERKINS k CO-, WIIotIMLK ABB R--TAIL C.lsH DBA-BBS, . . . No. ltl. Eagle Square. Are now recetnag, ami m a few days will nave in store, a large and complete stock of the 'm_-#l--J'.'.,V?** s - vle * i °" FOREIGN mid DO ISESTIODR'i GOODS,to winch they invite the attention ol ch-<li and short-tims buyers. Their ««oo_B are marked at very low puces, to attract casjt euexeMnas. NOW OPEN, Elegant DRESS SILKS and SILK ROBES. F<™<<t'' N l BEKKi'KS aud ORGANDIES. si»_fe-§. l _'i l ORGANDIE K(»BES. GRENADINE ______ BEAEGE ANGLAIS ROBES. * BK ?J;IJ.*,': ANGLAIB, MBAIJJUB and VA LEN HAS. Grey POPLINS, Am a great varietr ..(' Goods for Street and 1 rave hug Dresses. The above goods were pur chased at the large auction sales in New i'o.k the past week, and** ill tie sold lower than ever seen FRENCH JACONETS and BRILLIANTS. POULARD BILKS-very cheap EMBROI DERI ES and LAC ES Rich FRENCH LACE MANTLES. '* BLACK SJLK and MOURNING MAN liXJa SS& •*"-* • SL ' lTft ' » f DRESS and MAN TLE, made up to niacth. Thompson's HOOP SKIRTS-the best made. Large stock PLANTATION GOODS IRISH LINENS. LINEN SHEETINGS, TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS TOWELINGS, GINGHAMS, ' -i.vir-* ._»_»-_- ?*«"?. LAWNS. GLOVE'S and HOSIKRI , ~| every description. PERKINS .*. Co., Cash Store, mh 30—11n No. 11l Eagle Square. ■..Millinery Goods. __, S-P RING STYLES. Just opened, at N. C. BARTON'S, 109 Mam street, a larger assortment than ueual of BON NETS. FLOWERS nnd HI BBONS. LACE MAN TILLAS. LACE POINTS, and materials for the same made up to order. Country merchant" sun plied with trimmed STRAW and SILK BONNETS to order, at the shortest notice. Will remove in a Tew weeks to our new store. No. 229 Main st„ between Bth and !>th streets _mh lj-12t N. C. BARTON. 109 Main st. KB-Heur, HEAR. THK h* R\l A I ***** OF THE UNITED STATES a class, proverbially fetbU and unhealthy, and while we may not hope for any change for the better, until there is a better understanding of the laws of health, we may. however, congratulate the community on the introduction of a remedy which ! has proved itself of great value in relieving, and often entirely, the neneral and nervous debility of Females— we mean HAMPTONS VEGETABLE TINCTURE. ! It is the great medicine for the sex. i Dr. Hampton save it is a great blessing to them. ! as th- re is not a disuse to which they are subject ! that iltcill not cure. , Tiie above extract, written by a medical man. i i will be corroborated by our teat knowu citizens, j | who have seen the effects of this Tincture on their wives, daughters and delicate children. Cough, ! Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, with ninner- I ous other diseases, are cured by it. FEMALES AND CHILDREN.-This TINC i TURE will be found a great medicine lor ali their diseases. |_v Call and get Pamphlets and see cures. Soid by PURCELL, LADD A CO.. Richmond; by Dr. COOKE, Fredericksburg: by all tho Drug ctsts in Petersburg: by MORTIMER A MOW BRAY, Baltimore; and by Druggists and Shop keepers everywhere, hi per bottle; six bottles. tE (c 27-dAcwta •__ < oushs, folds. Hoarseness, Arc.—The prevalence of the above complaints at this season ha*; the effect ol bringing out a host ol professedly new specifics; and while some few may be -rood. many arc useless and some even dangerous. To prevent disappointment, the be_t course to pursue is to consult your family physician, or otherwise use only such remedies as long public experience has proved to be safe and efficacious. Of this class is TYLER'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF GUM ARALIC. Originally the favorite prescription ol ;n physician, it s«*on lieeame a popular family medicine, and without advertising, has continued to enjoy a grow ins reputation for the last twenty years. Ju all recent cases it acts like a charm; and in chronic cases, Bronchitis, Hoop ing Cough. Croup, Ant hunt, Ac, it is used with ' unparalleled most families will te<?tifv ■ Sold by Usher A Winston. Meade A Baker. \ I Bodeker. Ac , at 25 cents per bottle, ami in an ele gant and pleasant Loxemte form 12** and 25 cents per box. Prepared by J. BALMER, Pharmaceu tist, Baltimore, Md. fe 4—3 m* _WL Plunetfs Bitters.—This Olebrutee Toiiu! has been used sucessfully lor the last twelv years in cases of Indigestion, Flatulency. Gen eral Debility, Nervousness, Seasickness, Ac, Ac. They create a healthy action throughout the body, restore the appetite, equalize the circula tion, give tone and energy to the system, and create a power of resistance to disease rarely ob- PLANKTTS BITTERS J Are purely Vegetable, and adapted to all ages and eo-ditions; are for sale lo FISHER A WIN STON, and by Grocers and Druggists generally. Depot No. 214 Pe.rl street. NY. * au '' | FISHER A WINSTON,DniKisU. fc 11-Am No. 125 Main St., Richmond. ■r__htdnry aad Bladder t sruplaiats—Ths ■sweat snd most important discovery for Kidney, Bladder Complamts, Urinary Obstructions. Leuoor fhesa or whites. Sexual Weaknesses, Physical L*l-fft_\ti»n snd Debility of either sax, is HARTS HORN E'S BUCHU COMPOUND. -***•*••*- Persons who bays been unable to walk, have soon beearolls-red by this powerful COMPOUND, it is US «li! V'\ •Chsmist. and is pronounced by modi- *_re_s Z am fdnia strsst. Riohmond. rMffiffiy.^.^sUail N_a^a___f'«__.?« aaaaat fit nXrto'r pX stresl JNO. NETTLE_J*' fVh- *** Mntm ,k * , «?l»*!S*BMff_ 1 -i. LWt_."^ &<j -Blv-BT Mmu\ Ja__R_r ** ** *\ m }**- mm s^JpyA* Mfl__B_M _lla_l l/_li_h_k*' ___L_b ___l Sir_-a__i_ _r__Jf^^ ■J_———•*■' —4—__4.. i BUSXH-MB -f-TICIW tNo. m »yv.HommgmnMt : , Vir GILLIAM A DUNLOP majts the attention of wholesale dealers, manulaetursrs and railways, to their well assorted stock of IRON aad STEEL, os-H-D-ivinc t Swedea, Hammered, Refined. English. IRON. {Orals and Carriage, Horse Shoe. Hoop (and Band. _.!,--■_ a-rv-t ) Cast. German. Machine, Spring. En- HrtKL '* >ghsh and Swedes Blister ,_, NAIL RODS, SHEET IRON, PIG snd BAR LEAD. ... importing direst and dealing exclusively in met al, they feel confident ol giving satisfaction and respectfully solicit a call. f___l_4— _Sm EDWIN 'WORTHAH * <*»., ~_ _"_"_" GROCERS,COMMISSION MERCHANTS. DEALERS IN IRON AND STEEL, Solict consignments of TOBACCO. WHEAT, CORN. FLOUR, Ac, to the sale ol which EDWIN WORTH AM will give his personal attention. fsjL, Advances made on consignments. BAGS famished when required. GRRRJr* OATIS, PRACTICAL (3 HANI T X CUT T E ft H. Mirth Street, near the Armory, Rii htiiund, fie. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF GRANITE WORK Executed at short notice and in the best manner. mhJ*__T2m lOH-f 011 KINS ON , J COM MISS W N MERCHA NT, AND DEALER IN DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, IIOfSTOS, TKXAH. Collections made and prompt remittances in Sisht-Exchange at current rates, on New York, Boston, or New Orleans. KKFER TO "Crescent City Bank," New Orleans. Messrs. HENNINGS A. GOSLING, New York. PEARCEA BACON. Boston. SAM'L M. PRICE A CO , Richmond. mh 9— lnt L*<TTEN<.ER fcCDJMONB, A- RICHMOND. VIRGINIA, BUILDERS OF PORTABLE AND STATIONA RY ENGINES. SAW MILLS, RAILROAD WORKS, At;.. STEAM FIRE ENGINES, Of the most approved plan, and made in tbe very best manner, warranted equal in every respect to any of the same sized Engines built either North or west. jajß—3m_ JVIARBLE WORKS. JOHN w7~DAVIES, MARBLE MASON, MECHANICS* INSTITUTE, 9TH STREET, RICHMOND VA., MONUMENTS.TOMBS, HEAD PIECES, MANTLES, FONTS, g-c. ■Efw First Premiums awarded by the Virginia Af ricuTturai Society and Mechanics Institute. CAR If.— The subscriber takes this method of in forming his friends and the public that he has es tablished InmselfasaMKRCHANDI/E BROKER AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. He will attend to the purchase and sale of Mer ouandize generally ralso, Flour, Wheat, Corn. To bacco, and all descriptions of Country Produce. His special attention will l»e siven to all business entrusted to his care. From his long business experience he hopes to meet with a liberal share of public patronage. He refers, by permission, to Lewis Webb, Esq., I Messrs. Du-ilop, MorrcißE A Co., 1 Richmo'd, " Edmund, Dave.nport A Co., f Va. " Bacon & BAi*K_RVii.L, j " Bbyaxt.Ti.nslky&Holmbs,* -.- - - " Spe.-uce A Reid, I Baltimore " Twslls A Co., Philadelphia. Thomas .Mo.*-, ah an, Esq., New York. WM. S.ROYSTER, I Office cor. of Cary and Va. streets, -ihmond, Nov. Ist. 1859. no I—ts W. ItO-sIIKK. SUCCEtBSOR TO WIE SON k BOSHES, WHOLESALE ANDRE L GROCER, has Cm sals the lollowiin* :ir s, to which he risks the attenti-m of Ins d.i arid the public: Rio. Laguayra. Java aud aaCOFPEt-b; Brown and Refined SUGARS, tterent-tr.-iiles ; Loaf. Pulverized and Crushed ARS; SinoKiiu nnd Chewing TOBACCO, of rent brands : Old Dominion .\ails. of all sir-tos: try cured Bacon Huns; Western .Sides aad biers : Cotton Varus, a Bond assortment; H. i Old Rye Whiskey, old and pood ; D. T. Cleti i Rye Whiskey, old arid pood; A. W.Sher s Rye Whiskey: A. N. Wood's Rye Whia old and Rood; F. Steams A Co *s Old Rye sfcey. two years obi; Common Whiskeys, m ty : French Brandy. Madeira Wines, and • articles. ttKi numerous to mention. Call and line, at No. 1, cor. 17th and Main Sts.. oppo )ld Market. ate _ o iiV im «• JOHN G. MCMILLAN, has had twenty-five years' experience in the e.-ss, 13 prepared to put on SLATE ROOFS o. description, and with the best materials, at notice. Specimens of his work can be seen plication, and orders left at his office, on Main ~ near 9th, or at the office of Alukkt L. '~ Architect, Goddiu's Half, will lie promptly Jed _____ oc 13--6 m* lEf* B. BROWNE'S ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKB. Pth street, next to tiie Mechanics' Institute. IRON RAILING.':', VERANDAHS, BALCO- NiES. CHAIRS. SETTEES, Ac; also, Grating, «and Cellar DOORS, and every other kind of WORK for ornamental and building pur manufactured at snort notice. Particular attention given to enclosing Burial ■jots in the city and country. illfc. .KUbRSIGNED have formed a co partnership for the transaction of a COMMIS >N BUSINESS, under the firm of LEWIS t-.88 A JOHN G. WADE. They. Ui give par llar attention to the sale of FLOUR, WHEAT. RN and TOBACCO. They occupy the store and iber-houss No. tjiJ Main street, long occupied by irisWebb. LEWIS WEBB, JOHN G. WADE. Richmond, Va.. Nov. 1.1889. n_o7— dewAswts WML SATTLER m UO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES AND WINDOW GLASS. BRUSHES.—We received by the late steamer a arge supply of Painters' and Artists' Brushes, of superior quality, to which we call the attention of nur customers. FRANKLIN PAPER AIIEL. ' .RICHMOND, VA. BELVIDERE MANUFACTURING COMPANY keeps constantly on hand till descriptions ol EN VELOPF. MANILLA AND WRAPPING PA PER, NEWS AND BOOK PAPER, of till qan i ties and sizes, furnished at short notice. Cash paid for Rasa. eulß-dty GEO. WHITFIELD. Pres't. VIRGINIA BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OILS. Thegreat KANAWHA COAL AND OIL 00M PAS\ . .consisting of native citizens of our own State, has appointed us A;;eutn for the sale, ol their JUSTLY CELEBRATED BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OILS, the quality of whioh is warranted pure and unadul terated. We invite the attention of apothecaries and dealers throughout the State to our supply, which will bs large, and sold by wholesale only, at rl._ lowest factory prices. jail—ts GOOCH A ECHOLS. T L.tlltEK AT WHOLEiiALE ANO HE *-• TAIL.—We always have on hand all kinds of VIRGINIA LUMBER and are indaiiy receipt of various kinds and qualities, which v.-a will sell at wholesale aud retail on accommodating terms. Special attention will be given to BILL LUM BER of all kind. _jaz*v-3m PHILIPS A COLEMAN. ~ DISSOLUTIONS, &c. ~ CO- PA SHI I'.-tte, rl.e undersigned, have tins d-.v formed it co-partnership under tli9 style and linn of FISHER .V NORTON, for the purpose of conducting a BOUT. SHOE and TRUNK BUSINESS in this city, at No. XX Broad street, Hictimoud, Va. In a few days we vv ill save a lame and well selected stock of BOOTS, kIIOES, Ladies' and Misses' GAITERS, TRUNKS, VA LICKS, 4c.. Ac, in fact, every article ;>ei-t.iiuii.s to a *» bolesale or retail a-hoe -store. FISHER A NORTON. 235 Broad street. Gap.W. Fif-iiKR, | J. Hati.ev Norton, Richmond, Va. late of Duval A Norton. mhgr—St I Htchniond. V... _pO- I'ARTMJKMIIP tBjsSTIf.K.-.fJi. «_.«. *_/ ERTYand H.W.STARKE have associated themselves together, under the style and firm of HAGERTY A STARKE, No. aw Alain street, next d.Kir lo Adritns ie Co..i Express office, lor the pur pose of conducting the TIN, GAS-FIT fING PLUMBING, STOVE, RANGE, AND HOT AIR FURNACE business. Also. BRASS AND BELL FOUNDING, BRASS FINISHInG, Ac. We are now prepared to execute all orders en trusted to our charge in either of the above branches, in the very best manner, aud b> tiist class mechanics. We would especially call the at tention ol country merchants before purchasim*. aa we feel confident (asear itock is entirely new,) that we can *ive entire satisfaction. We would also call the attention of the trade to our stock of BRASS WORK, for Piumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, which we are manul'-iciuring and selling at Northern prices. Babbit Metal, Garrett's Patent Ami-Friction Metal, Antimony and Block Tin for sale. Hi*- heat cash prices paid lor OLD METALS. _ fe 17—dim CNS-IP ARTNEAUMU **•-- NO. M. WEST, of ' Petersburg, and THOMAS JOHNSTON, of Richmond, h.i'. c this day purchased of GP.O. M. W EST his eutirestock of BOOKS and STATION ERY, snd will continue the business under the name and style of WEST A JOHNSTON, al the old stand, 115 Main street, and hope, by strict at tention to-business, to merit the patronage of their friends and the public, which has been so liberally bestowed upon tbe bouse of Bbo. M. West. JNO. M WEST. , _ v, . THOMAS JOHNSTON. Riohmond, Feb. Ist, ISdO. A i'ard.—fn retiring from the Book Trade. I desire to return my thanks to the public, who have ao generously sustained me, and I trust my suoees sors may receive tbe same eucouriremeut. Je l-ta GEO. M. WEST. MR. 11. BROWNKLL'S INTEREST IN the firm of CLAKKSON A ANDERSON continue* tbe same ss it was ia the firm of Clark son. Anderson A Co. _ CLARKSON A ANDERSON, _ja» -ta No. luo" Msiu street. Richmond. KNITTINOANO SKWINH MACHINES. WILLCOX A GIBBS' e.elsbrated SEWING EIACHINE, iavenUd by J. K. A. Of BBS, of Mill oint. Pocahontas county, Va. Many of those laefaiuashavs been sold recently in this city, all of which kits sntire satisfaction. Those wishing a pood LOW PBICKIt, WBLI. MA UK, BKLIABLB Maouinb, are assured that the suaennr sosrita claimed f or it. can be relied upon, and for general jee. is unsurpassed. All interested should uot wjMu saamine this Maehins t-efors purcliasmg MA kr-ilr? *,•? *?<• ***f-f ia-rantioß for kaittinc ******** uf nil kinds. For sale bs *•&£_-* * -* OUW _? _• A * 9ntM *L "M*^jp'fc* y Pr.f l Am\M lilW'iy3sS--^--i-~* *****~** MssjMl JrVWNKV. BALTIMOBB ADV_m_TS_r__IWTS rem NEW' W HO-EBA LX HAT HOUSE, IJL No.»»BAtTlUOBS8-rHBKT. Bktwbsn , C«a^..a«B^.vju hE md JAM KM H. BKNHUMY, OP BOBTII CABOIINA, _ (Late with lieo. A. Warder A C 0.,1 Would respectfully invite ths attention of country merchants to their largo and entirely new stock of STRAW. FUR, CASSIMERE, WOOL and SILK HATS, oi the latest styles, for tne spring trade. Having long experience in busine* i.nnd very su perior facilities in obtaining our supplies from manufacturers, we feel confident that ws can offer inducements to country merchants in both quality and pries, and we would he pleased to have you call and examine our stock when you visit our city. Orders promptly attended to. lints m*>nufaciiired to order. . JAMES 11. BENBURY A CO. feltf-eodAm BALTIRHHIK tf-MuAM WORKS-" Being in full operation witb Hire., furnaces, we are prepared to execute all orders for WINDOW GLASS, of all s-aes. and of the favorite and well known BRANDS that we have been manufacturing for sixteen years, vii: BALTIMORE Ft RST I CHESAPEAKE. PATAPSCO AND BOLTON. , GLASSWARE, of all KINDS and COLORS. c Bottles, all kinds, I Pickle A Preserve Jars, er Bottles. Svnip A Cordial Bottles, iral Water Dottle*, I Viais A Patent Medicine leJars. j Bottles. Private Mould Its, Ware of all kinds and iJohns, Druggists' Glassware. ORTERS, MAUFA CT U R ER 8 AND AGENTS For PALS OF ENCH WIN DO W A NO PL A TE G I. A SS, i. Roll Brimstone. Blue Vitrol, eras. Castile Soap, Borux, m Salts, Cm-tor Oil. Ext. Logwood, irbSoda, Linseed Oil, Clue, nil kinds, odit. White Lead, Varnishes, do., atus, French Zinc, Whiting. Putty, etre. Paints AColors. Sand Paper, Ac. BAKER, BROTHERS A CO., 32 and M South Charles st.. B—lm Baltimore. Md. rfJBELW KieHT, MUCNtIK A €9.. COMMISSION PAPER WAREHOUSE, •irs in Printing, Writing, Blank Bo.»k, Hard and .Manilla PAPERS; Bookbinders' THER and CLOTH: Foreign nnd Domestic S; Bleaching POWDERS; ALUM, Ac. No. mover street, corner of German street, tl-d6m_ BALTIMORE. MD. COAL, COKE, &c VI.. -On hand a full supply oi MIDLOTHIAN, LUMP, AVERAGE and SMITH'S COAL. -AI.SO.- RED and WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL. C. B. LIPSCOMB, ml". 14—ts Mth St., near Mayo s Bridge. Ci LO VKM MIIX ADMP A NBHAIL." A!*»»D > A.NTHRACITE COAL, oi best quahtv, for sale by M. D. WHITING, n-l-.D—lm Near the Petersburg Depot. CMftAJ- AT S3.TA.—I have still on h.iiid a lot of *e-J tins COAL. Office on Mth street, next door to Mr. Samuel Hastings' grocery store. bbA r—lm* P.COOK. E.--The price oi Coke until farther BOttSS • / will be at? follows : SOFT LUMP COKE ~- „ .38.60 SOFT HAIL COKE ~„ — „.. 8.5* HARDCORE.... 6.UC Orders promptly executed at Yards corner luth and Cary and 6th and Byrd streets. Terms crish. de I**—ts JNO. J, WERTH. Agent. OAK AND PINE sTlfat flMißnasd BBfl an *<J der shelter, for sale at Coke Yards, deia-ts JNO. J. WERTH.Ag't. I OOK OUT FOR !\O. 81 MAIN STREET. Ls THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS IN RICH MOND —8,000 yards handsome pattern Prists at 6 aud s ets., worth 12',; beautiful Lawns at 8 and 12 < ts.: the richest patterns and the best quality ol Jaconets, Organdies, Bereges, at all tbe lowest prices; beautiful fancy Silks at 50 cts.. worth ?. r >, some at 87. $1.25 and upwards: Blk. Silks, very good at 06c. and higher prices: Stella Shawl* -?1 and higher, every color, worth three times the money; Dusters at 60c.; Silk Mantillas at §1 aa, 92 tS and some at .*!«. selling elsewhere for double the money: Silk Parasols and Extension Skirts from 2ic-. upwards, the cheapest in Richmond; the finest French Needle-worked Ladies* Collars and Cam bric Blinds at hall their -. alue; breached and brown Sbirt<ng. Sheeting, Pillow-case, .Muslin, Toweling, fable Cloth. Oil Cloth. Carpeting. Camlines, Checks anil Swiss Muslins at prices to astonish everybody ; Ladies' Setters, with heels, at •*L *jl 25. Ac. : Morocco, Kid Bad boat skin Shoes. with heels, at #1125s and higher prices; Misses' and Children's <jait;-rs of every color anil descrip tion, at all prices. 25c and upwards; Ladies'line Sli peers at 30e.; Men's Slippers at IZtfe.; tine Vel vet do. at sTc; Oxford Ties, Cougrem Gaiters, Calfskin Shoes, Ac, for Men, Boys aad Servants If you want to save from 25 to 50 per cent., call without delay at No. 27 Main street. !iili23-*m JOSEPH STRAUSE. i860; IUP JB i N r% ns. 1860. aiN'TER, \l,\ I V ,-4. <\HKNTS, IMPORTERS JOBBERS, Richmond, Va. We would call the special attention of the mer chant.; of Virginia and North Carolina visiting our market this Spring, to our uut'sua! larue stock of Foreign Goods ol our importation, winch we will otlier at as low prices as any house m the country ; we enumerate in part: WHITE UOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, SILK GOODS. THREADS, LINEN GOODS, FANCY -iOODS, HOSIERY. SMALL WARES. LACKS. GENTS' FURNISHING RIBBONS, GOODS, of all kinds SHAWLS. We hive also established a manufactory for MANTILLAS. CLOAKS and Ladies' WRAP PINGS generally, and will be prepared to exhibit a large variety of these Goods, of the newest sty les and patterns, made exclusively at home. We'so licit aa examination of our stock, being dete-.- mined to offer every inducement to Southern buy ers to make their purchases in our market. mh 3-lin PINTER. ALVEY A A RENTS. y IRGI KJ A ___R_ VL I US, _____3 S. McGRUDER'S SONS' P HOSPHO- PE H V VIA N GVA VO. vVe otter for sale Pliospho-Peruvian Guano, manufactured by ourselves, and warranted to con tain EIGHT PER CENT. OF AMMONIA and P^fTlJoF 1 LL\lE K1 " VPKK OKNT - 01 i,H - S ° i'ri-.-e ."JSO, cash, per ton of lAm) pounds. Having been for many years largely engaged in the guano trade, and carefully observed and hid reported to us. by reliable practical farmers, the result, ot experiments with nearly every variety of guano, enables ns to furnish n fertilizer which we with great confidence recommend, and believe to be much cheaper than the Peruvian, when used alone. The ingredients in tins preparation are the very l#st Peruvian and Phosphatic Gaauos, seleo'ed with ureal care and by ru-id anal,sis. ground to a very fine powder, and thoroughly and intimately I mixed. I For TOBACCO, OATS and CORN, we do not i think this Fertilizer can be e.xceile..; and its Nene hcial effects, in the improvement of the lanu, n I unquestionable. We shall also keep contt.-i-itlv on hand a supply of fine GROUND BONE DUST. S. McGRUDER'S SONS. CHOt KOK All_,_,' KICiIMOXO ti ltol \1) [—' PLASTER.—The subscrilier has earnestly bi bored, for the past four years, to exclude Northern Ground Piaster, by the establishment of a Home Mill, and supplying an article superior to any re ceived from the North, and claims a perfect'sue cess. He liegs leave to return his grateful thanks to his p_..trons. and asks to inform all interested that lie has completed his lmi-rovements that will enable In in to supply any demand that may arise. His stock* of. Lump is heavy, (bassd upon the enormously increased use of a superior article, i selected from the purest Windsor (Novr-Scotia ) quarries, with special reference to its richness in Smtnkmte uf Lime. The reputation of his brand suall I* sustained at every efi.irt and cot>t, and he asks only an experimental trial of those who have not made application ol this valuable fertilizer JOHN H. CLAIBORNE, Not 11Pearlat ja S—,lm i\] o t i </_■ - wjFXM_i_nETTN_r_i rir IN CHANTS WHO USE AND DEAL IN GROUND PLASTER.-We would call your spe best *wlTs__o£ WTfcmMH!! l k«J£ "" lntCre * l ***** . From our long experience in the business, and giv ing it our persiinal attention -seeing that every bar rel is- well coopered and in good shipping order, and the Piaster thoroughly pulvemed--we hazard no thing in saying that it will be to your interest to give us a call. Farmers sending bags will be fur nished at one dollar less per ton. A liberal dis count to the trade. Referenoes-Eduioiid, Daven- C .°'' Jas A T ' Ul,tl ? r . snd other merchants. S__Orders lelt in our box at Robinson A Rob crts, will I* attended to. UH. F. SHARP. Steam Plaster Mill, n033-_-sm* South sjide of Dock. Richmond. lE.—The attention of persons abasU io i build on the lines of the streets or public al loys of the city, is requested to the f0i1..-* ing sx tract tioinacity ordinance coticernnig streets • "Any person ir.tending hereafter tobutld ore eet any house or other structure spoil the line si »u\ street or subtle alley shall first obtain from ths eutj-iueer of the city, or iv ins absence or liability to act. from the Rusjan-teadeat el Streets a .e.-ti hcafe in w riling, of the line ..uii adopted grads of such street at the place where such louse or sttuc lure is to ne erected: and it shall be the duty of the fciuineer or Superintendent of Streets to file, in the Cnamberlaiu's office, a duplicate of tho said certificate. It any person mirH hereafter build, or erect, or attempt to build or erect, „ny lv.use or otaer structure upon the line of any such sfr.-?,tor alley, without having first obtained such certificate, he shall be fined not less than five mir mora than twenty dollars. ' \V. PlLL.tity Engr. by order 01 the Commissioners of Streets gene ****** in i "--in, (i R^. A vT -fHSSA II *-* •* ***• V GOODS, sfnV.r -C-^ KLDo »__l'»'_f« 225 BROAD T. , ■_ B V—Now open, a well selected stock of Ireih .Spring and Summer supply of Fancy Dry bauds, lam receiving daily fresh goeds. and am ante to offer to mv friends and the public in gene jai, as good and cheap bargains in goods as can 1* in this oity. All my fiiends and ci>stou.e.-s, wii? J l *-'*.fFt/l» t / l ? n, "'i »tt) dtirnu my selling oil. **ill had it to their advantage to give me a call. 1 have on hand hue and fashionable assort ment of Plain, ruured and Fancy Dress Uivods; l rinted and Plain Linen, all grades aud qualitie*; «ln tings, bheetim-s sad Hosiery of all kinds; a very fine of Embroidery; Men and Hoys' TW. v ; .M M ,*l •HS* H L '•" IW* a-Bornueatel hue J I able Cloths. Napkins and Towels: hue Mai ssilles I ii^l 1 .-*' *£ d * ***** "lectsd sb-ck of Linen Cambric I liiUi„; Corsets of tbe best quality. All I ask is to I •iv. ma a callUnd judga ioi yourself. **• No. 2» Rroad st. r \ *™>** forward and settle the same without delay. Henrieu. WktJgTg TAYLOE '^« fns mJf mmmm *.J^***^^ m ****9***W*T ••• i *^** m ** 9 llM___MG__|1 I M___MG__| Wm\\*y*} *%%***' FOR SAI-0 AUD KmmTf. I 4tJU ftTOMB FOR m«N" almut te ■He lose onr businsss. we will rent our STORE *** tor tbe lislstios of the year. Posssssios given Ist April next. Apply to CHURCH A FLEMING, _mh_B_l-iit Cor. Cary and 13th sts. a m m ROOM* FOR KENT.- Apply on theore- Ewmises.aoth street. East Bids, first door from **•* Broad mh 26-31.• No. fartßTOHe FOR RENT.-The SiiiSTORE. No. 75 Main street, at present oocu- t>y Mr .1. H. Sirich. aext to P. K. White's Shoo Store and Mr. A. F .Tahnke's Jewelry Store. FOR RENT, and tb« Fixtures for sale. A No. I sl-nd for business. Possession riven soon. Ap ply to B. I) EACHO, mil if-St Near Exchange place. _tj, FO R RE ~~8l 'ILDINU, WS r HAM E STABLE and LOT. ou aoth street. 1-kSiSi.irii.i rly occupied l.y STSSSfS. MSSOU A Burns as a bottling establishment. Apply to j _mh2l-iit GEO. S. PALMER. ■ jii ROiniS KIR RENT.-Twu ROOMS lor I_3!!rent, in the attic story over the Biihs*jriher's •*a-tore. JUAN PIZZINI. I mh li-ts No. 128 Main st. FOR RE NT-One large FRONT ROOM". | Piiijovcr Store 172 Broad street, below t*th. Apply j sbbbsui the premises. mh 3—ts /a FOR RKNT.-The large FACTORY on ■EjfCary street, between loth and llth streets, near ■sssDunlop, Moricure A Co.'a. suitable for a To bacco Factory, W.-irehftuse. or Manufacturing Es tablishment. Enquire of E D. Each... felS-ts n_ljfT, PAINK A CO. FOR. P KSiT.—SI'ORE No. 79. on Main K|Tii street, now occupied by Win. F. Butler A Son. -t* l -*-Possession given on the 14th of March. Apply to Ife.l-tsl WM. H. LYONS. -t>j FOR RE NT.-The ROOM formerly occu- K3 pied as Whitehurst'g Gallery, No. 77 Main St., S" 2 by 100 feet, second fli-or. is for rent. Also, a LODGING ROOM on the third floor. For terms, apply to JOHNSON A HARWOOD, ja2S—ts No. 77 Main street. _«, FOR RENT-Tne FIRS.' and SV.CON D IS FLOORS of the DWELLING ever our store. *--- MARCUS HARRIS A HRO., fe 29—ts Next to the American Hotel. ~smppiNfi — l • »• **• ST RAliSHir fhlh* FOR N E W V O R h* .—The HSlTiilil'liyOßKTOWN. Capt. Lkwis P-BBIAH, I will leave here at 4 o'clock, P. AL, TUESDAY. I the 27th inst. Excursion tickets issued to go and return by etth- I cr of the steamers. State room and men Is included, I for tne very iow price of -J 15. Passage to New York, Meals and State-room included, only tjlO. Steerage passage $6. Passage to Norfolk same as by the river boats. Freight received to-day, MONDAY, upto the hour oil o'clock P.M., TUESDAY, unless a sura ciency be received prior to that hour. Consignees are requested to send for their goods to-day. Frctsht for Boston taken at moderate rates and forwarded with dispatch. Tickets and Berths secured at our office, or on board the steamer. mh 2i-2t LUDLAM A WATSON. irr-™.. JTSJ R li AL,TI>I ORX . - __.?J_*__g--s_ THREE TIMES A WEEK.-POW **=**'liA'VAS )xS * s *** v STEAMBOAT COMPA NY.—The steamer BELVTDRAE, Capt. W. W. Kbbbb, will receive freight to-day, (MONDAY.) and up to the hour of 12 o'clock M., TUESDAY, the •t7th inst. Freight taken to Boston via Baltimore at low rates, with great dispatch. This steamier has splendid state-room passenger accommodations. Passage and fare #5. Passengers »ill be -ti board liefore 12 Vclk U..TUESDAY,ths hour of departure. Tickets for passage procured either nt our office, in Slip, opposite the Columbian Hotel, or at ttie Steamers wharves. Rocket ts. inn 2i'.-2t DAVID A WM. CURRIE. >_»_•_ . FOR NEW ORI/KANS -The superior '>____' H ' sl x "'"'-• copueiaß and copper-fastened SSr * a **bTii- ISADORA. Baker, master, having the greater portion of her car.o engaged, will t>ail with all possible dispatch. For balance of freight or passage, having superior state-room accommo dations, apply to mh _t_j___gt _ W. P. COLQUITT fc CO. je&B&p STCA.IISHU" lITYIIF NEW _-_* 'fZ±..i*> YORK-FOR BOSTON DIRECT-.Sr ■iii ■ ■ Mr,,,,,! Trim.— To*sail about TUESDAY. 27t.1i inst . Irom City Point. Freight wi'l he received lor her at the Towing Company's Shed, on the Lock. SATURDAY. 21th, .Monday, 2(stli, and TUESDAY,27th, up to 1 o'clock Lighterage at Ship's expense. Bills of Lading jtiven at our office. For Freight or Passage, apply to in!i2."-lt SHIELDS ft SO.M ERVILI.K. FOR ■SJSTBN.-F 1 RST VESSEL.- I ■igfLSfrTln*- regular packet schooasr SUSAN, Capt. ___t_sf(_ ;rH G.Kogbbs, having a portion of licr I cargo engaged and going on hoard, will have quick I dispatch. For balance of freight, apply t<> mh 2.t-ts_ DAVID <fc WM. "CURRY. /____ I'ORST. iBLtsJkA'JSrFLA.-Thssuasx * < u___lt ru,r fast-sailing schr. " CHRYSOLITE." 1 * an * =- *D. M. Smith, master, iiavinx the greater I portion of her cargo engaged, wilt have dispatch. I For remainder of cargo, amill to _nihrr_lot W. P. COLQUITT A CO I ___J_____TUlvEß sending u« Oo.ids ■eBBBBBBBUBfcj ,_, e y fW For* Sleamers. for K_- I shipment, will please address us by mail, giving I specific directions as to where aHil how tliey wish I said booda sent, otherwise they will tie stored at I their expense and risk. No charge made for forwarding such Goods. ! . LUDLAM A HEINEKEN. fcth »B lis Broadway. New >. ork. F IRTHKR RCBItI'TIOBI \s *a_fc_*vA l*E3 FROM NEW YORK TO ■iHB-HBB, RICHMOND—M E A 8 U R E M X N T GOODS REDUCED TO EK'HT CENTS. (VND a GENERAL REDUCTION ON OTHER GOODB.- Mercbants receiving good - from New York, are l a formed that tliey can now receive them thrice a week by steamers YOKKTOWN. JAMESTOWN and ROANOKE, leaving New Yorhsvery TUES DAY.THURSDAY aid .SATURDAY afternoons, and at uready reduced rates Full Tariff of Rates furnished on application to 1 LUDLAM A WATSON, twhn—ts Opposite Steamer-.' Wharves. f - *H '"*** _. Nftlf ICC—The steamer CURTIS I SSSSiC- J ! ,:CK Wlli ' !l ' ter MONDAY next, ___»___-___ sf '_ mrt discontinue running i* tween this, Portsmouth and Norfolk, until fur I notice. The steamer GLEN COVE. Capt. 7.. C. Cifford, will continue tlv. regular run between this. Ports- i moutb and Norfolk, leaving the wharf at Rocketts I regularly every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and ! FRIDAY MORNINGS, at 6>i precisely, and re turn each alternate day, (Sunday excepted,) leav ing Norfolk at the same hour. u-s-As R.O. HASKINS. OFFICE ADAM' -XPAEBSCOMPAN¥,t ...., Bjcß_*oßß_Mareh g, \rm. \ "&£&' HAVI!\« Jt r*.T i oil hi.----■'*-it jULg-L.*!;?''.ew with the New York * ' ' ■*" ' Steamship Company for Express pnvi Ices ver JAMtsTOWN. YOBKTOWNT aad ROANOKE, we are now prepared to forward all r.iml_ of inerchriiidize, in large or small packages. at greatly reduced rate.". Goods destined lor Steamship Express should he Our accommodations are ample, and packages under express seal. j For rates of charges ami regular triweekly con _tracts,apply to J. 1.. M ACDONOUiJH, Agent. v ~ ~ ,*9f Main street, bslowtrth. .N. 8.-Our daily INLAND EXPRESSES ars rnnniac va asuaL mh7-ts PIANO FORTSS. _=___■_ JhKSM%W -t RRADB t'lt v- s nT't'l -P.--ANOB.--Wa call the attention of the " _-//_U u jnns of Richmond and Virginia, to our PIANO FORTES. We have placed these in strument* with Mr. CASUS!, that their -lualities, in a!i respects, -:.ay l-e tested by the side of the famed Liiickcnntfs. \Ve warrant ait our PIANOS, and can show as higli aud as numerous testimonials as any factory in the country, all ofwhi-li can he seen at Mr CAB .si s, ou Broad street. *l tlmir from Kb. LIUHTE A BRADBURY. K _Ee_. RsCH-BJONO PI AM* foktk MANUFACTORY. AND GENERAL '" llldj.: j-oT OF FfiREJGN &D AMERI CAN AND MUSICAL INSTRUVFNTS DORR A RADK. Warsrooitl _.«, Factory 2* Broad street, would respectfully invito punlic at tention to their larue assortment of PIANOS, and wouldl otter such guarantees aa will satisfy tiie most fastidioua purchaser. Our PIANOS are warraatsd for five years, kept ißtans tweive months, and exchanged'within the first six months, if Uiey fail to give entire satudha tion to the purchaser. I Particular attention is paid to orders from the country, aud persons BBSS'y rely upon the faithful execution of their orders? J mjm '" _m -BfKSrtS*?" '5 ex,J ha!ige for new onea Rh» PIANOS lured at low rates. P.. . DORR A RADE, dAcwly Richmond, Va. tIIICKKRINf. riANIM to I* had at h. CARUSi'S. Broad street. NOTII Ist TO THE TRAVELINt; LIVERY STABLE, T&Je%& I STAG ELI NFS. Ac. ii____fc The BBderai-taed havuig lately purchased ol A Q.Wattersthe entire -tiKshof Horses. Bttuies Hacks, Ao.. ars now- ready to aceommndats WW : travshng aublio with all ktrds of \ Ehjci r> liom a sulky to a lour-horse Coach, at tbe shortest notice, to any part ..f Uio adjoining Sutes.m the most reasonalile terms. «*-«■«•, <»n vie We will aiwavs have OMN I BUSSES at O.e ho ths tou-n P ° U to C °" Ve? * Msa --««"' l«*.i) P_rrof They are al*-.. the - j MAIL CON'TRACTOn«s on all ths Stag. Line, leaving D__!,lle and will snare no pains to aecoinmodau. IhTtr t- e-M3ut__^ Persons wishing anything in their line of f-..., g|&a^S^__B*_3 d %il--lm. _s-__ -*VKLBt_L,LAO_l*lp., T_T A. i- WHOLESALE DRI tit'lM I -j. AH No. IM, tomtr Mam and Governor Sts., ****, Richmond. W*^J^^& D *'* HIIufhsI'^SV .VARNISHES. Ac. n_^__ ffl ;»- *~ f«*»i«-- y -"« t . prices. •e*mpnsee«meof ths largest and best i Tlsl-Bhaßts will iad it to their lnfts_tf»Jftßau/ •isihis our stosh TO_______T_-i-fTT^ Wa___mmJnaaiau-a_aiea-Bea_, s-*__§T?s***^-ij^f^j_fy^^ ■ TITT I li sir — BOOTS, •HOBg, 4tc. ~* Al ♦fife'".'.- _^_ I AT COST, >l AT COST. *m\\**\\t Commeaoing to day. We are ottering our aew and well assorted stock of LADIES'. Misses' children's, gknt-emkn's. SKRYAN°TB» , BOOTS AND SHOES, of every style and description. ThennderaiKned. wishing* tn make a chants in their huaineaa,do therefore oiler their entire stock of HOOTS. SHOFB, Ac. AT COST, FOR CASH. An early call is -ireatly desired, as we ars sure the prices will not fnil tn pleat..-. _ « W L.** Hm•' *• * i ' s - **- B 1 " 0 * 41 ***> above Ist. H. a.— Merchants. Farmers, and others, who are inwautof anyihiu* in our line will and it greatly to their interest to give us a call. _,___. M. A H. MYERS, _fe _*J-1 m 286 Broad st.. above Jat^ 4«RKAT KKULCTION Id TH*. r_* PRICE OF HATH AND BOOTS.-ji From IA to 10 per cent, saved by bur •** mm irq from J. H. ANTHONY, Columbian Hotet building. Moleskin Hats of best quality. 9 S 80; do. second SUaltty, 3 00: fashionable Silk Hats, 3 80- fine calf skin sewed Boots, 3 (W; Conrresa Gaiter Boots, S *_>; fin? calf skin sewed Shoes. 2 38. J. H. ANTHONY has made arrangements with One of the boat makers in the city of Philadelphia to supply him with hindsome and substantial calf Skin sewed BOOTS, which he will sell at the unpre cedented low price of THREE DOLLARS AND HALF. oc «S-d Ajrts^ JA NOTIt'K THAT < ANNOT Jknu-i BE CONTRADICTED BY ONE.—We are low prepared to furnish our customers, friends and the public eeneraliy, with any kind of BOOTS anl SHOES flat they may Want, either ol our own manufacture or imported, ler for Ladies.* Gentlemen. Misses. Boys. or dren. ol the latest styles and of the beat <,ua!i We nlso keep on hand a large assortment of 'NKB and BONNET CASES for Ladies, ofthe t approved at)l*-.s and finest .jualitv. Also. 11'Er BAGS and VA I,ICES of every style nnd rip'ion, all nf which will l*e sold low either by lesale or retail, by ALEX HILL A CO., ufacttirers nnd Importers ot Boots and Shoes. 27 Main street, Richmond, Va. *-*-> OUR ASSORTMENT OF TRUNKS ■ nconsists in i>art of the followiiu. viz: — **lGent's Solid Leather, Sole Leather and Frame Trunks; Gent's Ashland and I'liin ces; Ladies' Sole Leather. Eugenic, French, innsiid Dress Trunks; Ladies Bonnet Boxes; ies' French Reticules: also, a lar*e assort - tof low-priced and Paekinir Trunks, tv great ety. Those in want of any thins in the Trunk will find our laruc and our prices ex lely cheap. MARCUS HARRIS A BRO.. Main st., next to American l|otel. Reg TRUNKS AND VA_I« KS The jnHsubseribers have now in store the larte-t '-—'assortment of Trunks and Valtces that has been offered for t-ale in this City, m-deex ih to their orf"er. All in want «»f a *-<>•____ Trunk alice will please ci-.c us a c:ill. ** ALEX. IULL A CO., 127 Ma n it.. Ricl.iuotid. srrrvrts s**AC« VOIR WKARIMIAPIMRKI. fatlTiand other articles in some of G. HELLER * J a\A.t-lii i , Cd.'S best suafjty Trunks. Juj.t re ceived the largest stock in town, at very low prices. 183 Broad street. -»--i BOOTS, SHOES, fcr.-The attention tion of the public is respectfully asked to my stock of Boots and Shoes, consisting ef every variety of style and -tuality, for Ladies, Uentle meti, Misses, Boys, Children and Servants. I shall continue, as heretofore, to manufacture as exten sively as any other house in the city everything in my line that may lie called tor, and shall, as 1 have always done, use none but the liest material that can be procured any va bare. Persons desirous of purchasing Richmond made Boots and Shoes are assured that they will hud a good assortment at as lov prices as such eihkls can lie had ior at the establishment, No. 93 Main attest JNO. C ___A_F__, :«.. Wl BOOTS ANDSHOKS—(iREAT Ay, iREfM CTION IN PR!CES.-CHAS.*SeB-nl| iBEHLK, Broad street, between 2d and 3d. Ps a '.time stock of Ladies', (ientlemen's and v-nts' wear constantly on hand, and defies any y in Richuioud to compete with nun in hi* line, aa lie manufactures to order, and superintends himself. |on 14—1t]_ _ CHARLES REHLK. HATS ANptJAFBT ETO TIIK SOLTHf-RN TK.ll>.:. r . ATS, CAPS. AnF STRAW GOODS'** FOR SPRING, lSftf, RO. L. D iTTk IKfl ON, n street. Richmond. Va., Maanfaeturer and in all kinds of Hats, Caps, and Straw Goods, store, and offers to the Southern trade on w Holes'al can b r eta ;l. A lar-te and complete SPRING STOCK of CAPS, _- , , STRAW GOODS, Ol the latest an-.: most fashionable sfv lea. Merchants visiting this market will find it to their interest to call and examine for themselves before purchasing. To those who buy for cash, a liberal discount mill be made. MILITARY HATBAND CAPS. Of every description, furnishsd at tho shortest no tice and on the most favoralMS terms. Him DRESS BILI HATS cannot I* excelled for sty le, neatness, or finish. A call is most respect luliv solicited. RO. L. DICKINSON, Successor to Biaford, Dickinson A Weisnter. mii B—2iu n sp r i~n g st Vli •v ___ SILK HATS, NOW KEAIIY AT ELLETT A VVEISIGF.R'S, No. 167 Main street, opposite the Exchange Bank. Consisting of THE TRADE BLOCK, i METROPOLITAN, j P'OASEY PARIS. __.-_ _. „ AND VOI'NG GENT'S ALSO—A handsome assortment oi French SOFT H A TS. EL L ETT A WEI sIG 1-: R, fe 14-ts _ N„. 167 Maui at. fl ORKAT CHARM'S TO BIV MATS. I_LCAPS AND LADIES' PURS CHEAP. VERY .Tl^i-V^'i- 0 WO ___! 0* "ALS AND UAtr<Al t.UM .—Having determined to close out niy stock oi Hats and Caps. 1 shall sell from this day my stock, which is \erj larte and well selected, ateest for cash. Now is the ehauoa for those in want ol Hats and Caps to buy low-a *.*> one at *♦ a .*••■ hat MJB, a •Sfltfor f»* soft Hats worth mtjt) for fU«,a at for «3. a f3 50 for «_*sj, Bad ft fSJ lor ■J. too iiiiinerous t.» mention; Caps Iron. B cents to 452. I run deteriinued to sell oft all of mv stock, so that all who are in want can save 50 per cent, by eal ing at MT Bread street. I have all of the lata BtnesoJ soft Hats and Dress Hats of mv own man ul.icture. Hats made to order at th? shortest n. ■ tice - WM. T. MOORE ■ I __ ~ . , *^_ CARRIAGES, &c. I rJammtJ*, V A It. Ul At.fe.s. MMilUh kt., I m-i_^_&r- : 'R SALE—The Buhseriher intends ! , —. . *haßßjua his biisniesK. and will oijer for ?v 5 i, h [?.^":' k ,'! 1 CARRIAGKS, ROCKAWai'S a.mi BUGGIES, with aad without tone, of his own itreatly reduced pneus, put up wi'h Kreal care. Live him a oad.aa he is Uetermined Ito sell at all n.izards. JOHN DOl- S. _mii7-iin Corner of MA aad Broad-eta. __E__SbV. °M : _*AM, MAM. TIIOI ART ! _>r_r?_u» , '; i t dust; therefore, why uneve at the ! ■_■"- ——ehaauss el hie, for it leaves bu' a i dresry waste to contcinpbite upon. So now io# so liloquizin;-. M r. Ki.iTOrt : As I said in mv last ridvertiseiiieni f had lieen study tax astroßomy. sf sours* ptosis expecteit to hear ol some treat phenomena I would have discovered, but laexaaunißß the element-' J lound there was a mystery l-eyond tho ooraprsken aipn of man, rind as I had no desire to build a tower ol Hibylon. thorefoie 1 save it out and went to 3f'ill iltlCS. 1 air. now still in the ring to trade for anvfhir.r from the bowels al the earn, to -he moßßtatn ton so that 1 pu-iii «!uni. keep musring; f,, r v l( wiser "'.*-■■. f -*; 1 - e euddr_smiu«. n-hie; .md wast LrcJil 'JW! '" ll!e 1 e^ • r " , *•' , tl,,*ac eat) I prevail »j lo ~_____, ma,,..!, onward and ue-sr au I ****• , a , HAGA.N'S JOHN. ' 18th St.. Creek N-itmn, Richrr ond, Va. ni_" _£7i •" ru ,!". ls '-r d *""• H--* l ' l ' 3 a romance of m) j f .!-,^_ ! 4>' il Wi " «°rtti4,oin..t S ia due time. ' ja»—3m rJFMsf *___"' *_"*_" tAa_MU«k».T. r_S_iJi»__Z. I beSßbsi riler haa on hand.nt insCo.vli i i—,T , "*_ i,, » I, * i, i' : -lishmenf.on Lombard A! I ey. bstwesa hi a* a and C_ry.(i.jti, « ;il i u, u -l!t . ! f.-.-Vfr. 1 he t-oluml wn Hotel. COACHES, CHARIo iIE ES. BA HOl'v' HKs. H L'G« i I ES. w. th .tn. 1 a,, | out tope, and SULKIES-all of his own make, !»! i the best ii.aterial and W-rkmaaship-ail of whioh I T»',\ - . "I'-rl"* a: - *-'*;*-* *',".* nf the kind mm i* ' mill* city ol Richmond. I rossectXeUr a-k a CUII Irom those iv w-.nt . f any artiole in the Or | ria-teiiiie. as! mm determined to make to order ami 1 **\ s , cl '»t the lowest pr.ces posaitilo ; and ail work s<».d that ia new, warranted. leM-d»m MICAJAII MANGCM. DITNTI3TRT. AKTIFH IAL. T_;_.TM..-Tiie.Cleo j !j_E_T_ J V- Ni ;- s - l>K.NTi_>i,f.'a,vir.-r the naht lor tne i above m-deoi uakiug Teeth, snd baittg I oi itval-solutoaupcriorit) overall other meihods csn with coiibdvnce commend it to those dsainn. ! full or partial sets of teeth, and especially au-t as may t-e dtxsatiaf-ed with th.-se they are now I natnr.. The perfect adaptation of the plate to tiie mouth, and the suction thereby secunr-d, enns/5 him to insert one or more teeth vahout, f.i«»»' - ihia metiiod haviut hsen adopted by tm-se stand mg AUhsst in the profession. North and .South testimoß will «iveu andspeciinen* exhihited to those wishing to coo them. Sets oi Teeth, on gold or any other piste writ oroourse be mads for those pieferrins them. Filling. Cleansing. Xx tr*cting. and stl i.ther operations . emit aim tho roushlr performed. Office on Main street, opposite Corinthian Hall no/l-ly - MMla" ¥• A. JET_R. -52555?!,-; „ _srRGEoN ukntist, IZV tP- 0 *. 0 " Pearl strest. next door to P. Morton KeaerPs trimming stors. aad two doors at-oee Msssrs. Thos. R. Prion A Co.'s ]>rt Goods stors. Ths sabseriber hartag removed to the above house, would be pleassd to sse those with whom he has sngßßStuents. aad has ssade ex.teasive prepa rations to ssrve the put.liogsasraily. All opera U.-os psi formed if. the w-at spprov ed aiet scisatilli style known to the Profession, and aUwork done | v * k } m .***'.***}** togivssauslaettoa. |i>ciy-l, ItTM. MOLT RICHAMB-OU, &Bsafet^«lLrl^_. , *% ««-?*f , :«i^«f , r»' mo^a'seer^r W MSA »•» nth iV-Aw • ,t '-*-***-'• teasoualile tonus. "wg.y__j_Ra>s,v _.._,___. ' _ VIRGINIA .^A^p^J^*^ _SBa_______Pn ! * rt * • * r v " ■*™'S^("'ter C , f ,;?J I «h._**«*i < runaing of the MAT." 3TA a U i_M_s& l S between OorsVasrilg VSd «£„uY; N ° E » _,-'_ after the Ist day of APKM ._"'.•>■-••-- (*__■' run between Rm_mond -tad (io,H Tl •• , 'W^ ,, ' OFFICE RlCHMo.vii » -._.•_„,_ ITninTi--stnr > '' , '' H '"' ,v ' :j '' , ' v ' rr '' iil"?' sr»______sßta <*'"' aftsr .«%.. TRAIN on this t_*d'wi l-v^V/.V, >; -WMI 11-TER.VBURG at 7 _ M.'W^Wrj? mh I*-7m THOti. H . w'V: ~,* ■ -_islK''' M "raII .rv' *» Vhl. _l_L"llL._|i. „,>;/■« , -r^U I*o, the Passenger- Trains wi'li d A, ■**"* hi Daily (eseept Sundays i « Tuesdays and Fridays at *SA» _~ f**M*****immmm's]±' *■»£_ Daily (except ."-runrfiiysi. it "-■-■>_ ***■ Tuesdays and PrMaysai "****_fr , .l STEAUKR SRA B-lDttirUb ' 3 S 1 f Mondays and Trnn-sdava at '*• -r. . _--__._*'- •ni»-n_i r's's ' *A. v Tuesdays and Fridays at . tOaaa ssfiaa witheers u>i_ *• » urhaaaa Stuns leaves Wlm. •? ***■*' and Fridays at 3A. M.;retur- n, u^' 0 '■'"•tJi.. Si»urdays. " " '''•'•'•ditTJJJ WMkerton Stiire leaves Wh •» ii and Thursdays ar HA . M .. r '■• _* V-hhw Fre.sht Trams leave a_s _rrt» _f__BV Wednesdays and Saturdays ' "-stißigi. ■art-is THO,-'. K. SHARP,BBBsriB_ ] OFFICE RICH'D A PE'I 'EHs'in, b~b S_? Richmond, Va,Nov.jSj ,".'-'- I .-****P-»e_... _!■_! the t__i'^*-% leave as follows: -*-■•* *•"«* r!j tsars BicuHon run ps-Tki,,.,.. Express daily, except Sundays. Rtf "■_» I Man, daily at „_ *-» a, i t-f-AVK pamnsneaa ren__>__ J*'-! ! Express, oaily at - 1 *"";. Mail,daily, except Suriitays'. at ,**f _Passen*er< for Clover If ill »iii •».'.'.'.. *•* * TUESDAY. TH.^ffi^ no2*-u *'-T- WTbUI - - . _ "'"►*-> r!<>.._n, tOl's LsHß..e_-_. ' ( ' ATsr "l-VNi'Hiil k ,\' ! ' P*»*V»ar-d SATURDAYS Tlfcßj -«U rEMPEST.Cast.-2 ~*s r • ~ MERCHANT Cant. Ck, .'"iV BRISTOL, Capt. Chai f.Joas-? I. J. iRHV.Caut. W* 'S KAM K. Capt. W*. HP ».',; lv, » LlLrviA.Cajrt jripaVirjis Boats are iv'l ot the firj»class * ml snd experienced Casta L ._f*r"n r as -dvertised. Tne BBBscrihsr uJB.! favors, net-s -t continual.,-,-.... • i l i , ,L" M *» At the Shed. Book St.,in WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ar jft WIIKRK is HtHTHOLOut, _fc._L " c , "'" i fenroved 1.',,,;, | h(B g , v ,, , as—• same srsw renuwasd, ' And his frisuds in despair are all cr. -/ Butslyli.he aueta.foraaettsr \V here ins Clocks and hn VT-itehei ir, ' .' lie situs the old Bonrs ot Tom \b,,-.,. ." that his busißess ni;iin ln , ' Ali, tiulv the Botesol themiaitrstaVxS., V. urit a deuea ol a trade he v dnv,n«. ' ' Oh. he's fixed htmashof sext t» Ketlt. ly, r , .tnsf blaze in dn aeeda SB I _sn Tor-ether thei 'i! rnaks satts ,- srsiti '•.'.(„_ . As aay reeweed ia story -wobbbb ■ B M ._^gg ! m*T\ ti JEVv*K!.R V. VVATCHI '•• °J T jn _L The BBdersi tak M __~ , . ';' • ■'■ m___lap. unce to the public, ti.-it h»"h^..'" ,s the WTHOfJ R A I'll IC PR I M", V, •> ?, '// MEM' ol Messrs. RITCHIE \ lUNN.' , N In i-.-n/e'iiieiice of this change um> („■!•«. smnbligedto sell out bm present Mock, 'IT. •«•* of. HNE JEW KI.RV, WATCHES *• Pi-A-'H'J.a-rsath to their interest tonrs___ EARLt CALL, as only iatsad t.. rVii nA FOR COST a short. „„e. Tli, I _*,!,'.'., •.. , will be sold at auction. i, II0i"I- k ' _~ ,„ , . .. R^NeMsMsttasL mh 10—lm* Between Ith bb i i„t„ „ r^_ /«» Vat-dßUtti LI MsutS, Af*\ (Ai.k.nt roaJesi Jtirw r**! J Announros that he will open ti . ~. . SW If lOth Ai.-irch. a wcli ie e.-W »t.»-. r' WBteßee, Jewelry, Spsctaclss, dnj Bdmw_a all of pood qnility and newly afi» t f f ,| ~{ iH*»-»-itn* desicni" tasteful workmanship uml hi • ttw to material,to whttii hs iavitssthssttautwaaTa who are vi want ofsßt article ia ths haa He lattara bimsslf thatfrem hmlrsii. naaiauu !iu the bnainsaa. tecsther uuh bis actusiauai with tne, wi:l enil-ie i.iui ■ £ auroliasem «imd goods at laaaonabls pneas. C»K 98m, JfATCH ES, CLOCKS. BP_CTA«3LB vi Jr.\\ ELR_V . rep.-ured in ths Mil ■<1 notice, an.* nt rsaaoaabto price-. £*\ AND PLATED WARE.-3. a v Ql __* _L keeps constantly oa head •. larya lasraa •a_-_ns.plc:« .issortmenr ..( the al-ove mxm _ tn-le3 einl.r iciiij all ths lateststylss.i Mrs tnhia friends and piil'ln the rev,* able terms. He wi■„.*, ,■ i ' partimWr t* hiSStor-k of hue WittciiT-s. such is Juie- Jr.tSft, r. X Adaroa it Boa.Alfrsd LaraletM JalaaEm ry, Henri Re. in.-ids Lemon. Joseph Jujuut - . ,i- Cr une, and other eeletirited rsakara. Hi ii*i keeps a larse assortment of rich lb iim-nd V. fa ccr liags. Shut Rutf.iiis, Disßmad CI ■>• nf Bißxle 81 me Brsastpins, for rests; alas . . .1 Basortmeat of ladiss' Carbuncle, -:.- ak U»v Came., aad Pe-irl Seta. Etrnsc-a sad r« Cham Braoslets. Chatlain Chaina, Neck Chii-u, Cbarros,Sleeve Buttons, Shirt Citt<.iij » • ■• Sets. GeUets, Pitchers Sail -',•: irs, C 'i,j.•>.•,.,,.•»•. Holders, risfa Knives nnd K,,r I, Barn Sssast Aspr.r.-i44ii.. Tuugs, Ics Tmus. Silrsr SyoaasM Forks, fine Silver piste,! Kbitss Ac. HopuiK to ofJt,r suoh iadaeeßMßM ffiit s-iisu fail t«. please in price and aaaitri. .i oa n rtiat: lully aolicited. ft, A. MYK-i. Corner of Mass Sad fi-sriiu. r**MmU 9* <*t rtiKK-tir rißMnu ___jM_rW ARE ID-1 •---, (i.\ i.tlVI rfXH «1 J_s~ BETWEEN M.I IN .'.Mi FHAMULI*, ____)____■_______ h is on i- rut -v i h <•■••■ ■ -irrott ia i.t PI |{> ii Kr. iirmurvl ottered to his ti lendi ir..t 'he ;,. f: c-arsrsepartlsa of which bsisg CITY MA-r.~waichlr«y!ssaSiß sell lor Ibks profit ti,in ti-Tr-..'.r-> !'unte.i. In, and Solid I'lik, Walnut. MshsiSß) uJ Reuewaod CHAAIIiEI BLTT*»,froai -*J',t..«*/ iill styles Marbis Top TABLfcS: *i_*>. WAKI',,in }li,i,,;Ti.i v. : i Tr..-".i ..'V. SOFAS, irom |)j up to -•:..: Jasay limi BKI» STEAUS, from 49 t.. §7*-; Imsul fill iir,. »:»-. Plusb. I iii'in.r and Hur-Cotn i'AHi.oK -I i" Coi'Cfir.*-.uid RED l.(" "t' tftsß live per '-ent.. lass t!i,.n BSB '■ PBIS—BBS *** where: in (aot. 'ii.-* si'"-, ssabi acss.STsn •" ■ J iihii-ril- kept in his bus. Cal isd aajtsm tor >o>irs*ll. md s.v hi-.v iimi- i in MIS It f.-re elsewhere Also,a -.ri* *****' meat of Reramnent, Invalid, hra Fas*) sm <*, voivnK CHAIRS! MA I" iK t-S*"K.-. Hair vli Shuck, and BEDDING. iaha>-d-j __ **»K\V Mlllll.l. AN II MAIiS«« <___■_. AIAM'KACI'dK 1. -I vi.i-M.JO./ ffl |A pointed James templlhaa,fj| Te - * - * - **. to irr.rrv OS lUe BAi*VUS ABB • harness bi siness -a thi Richmond, iitid to ÜBS in. sai s lo be) . '•' •—• only. ar-d to veil ..n in. _-mm ii.* n:.' (in* l * i?. 1 *? 1 | tfari-ttsi 11 ■ W.U.A. Alrf. | lv taking chars-* «i tl.« nhove SB-ißris. 1 i shad be [laußassemp ebj Istaade mi nupa-" 14 iceasi-aHj. au4 heps i-, strict atisntias tesusisSß ! to secure aad nerit a l-< ,ci si ss ars 4't r»" ■»-*• Repairing done tie.itiy '-.-'I si Ihe »n-rte»t »' I ties! JAA I'i-.Ml'i.tviANv i:.,ii-lin Istfi st.opposiU IsahsMS ' j_s **-.'-» Ka. v A N-rZ-R lasesj S n ■-' I gf sulK'.r,i*r. PHILIP VA\ LOR. S»"l u*\" f __rN l v.,-4j HBBSMsSd of (.eor.e V.. .*-'n«i ■«•• jA\ J.-hn bauin'ei-i. _se-ef Kassseae-n. __ Tiif ssrho s> nt nun to Kici.ii.'i,.! ;,. n,» "<*• *** i turtiisn. d I in SnthUBBM I■■ "• ** ' ! ' '■' : '* and rc'iiin in one V4oSk li.-ni 'in d .re ..I 'Jt* I arhtchwßS nated serij m ?r,--;o et. **_"; wffstafreewoassni v.-'.-.i thee iinsi !*.„ I tied, ne-ir I'ftersl-ire. me »■>>'f s-iaiJ mm was sßiaßcipntsd b' ths l-«M *t *,->.- » t* '*,'' ■ fold by Pill n.lii V Dsvrs, ou „ i-'-'i''- '■ \v. B-slhags. Tag aboes reward mil b»sbb • dr-uwred to me in Ricl.i.-iood. ~,,,, , , M -_ Hit MMlftesi MAI» E « LtlTHl**^ «U INCRfCASED FACIEI li ** - '__'", Wm\ sender has 1.-een iii-iuiil-n tur.rr nuusus iM the Mtl ot Ri.-.'.n,..iiii scsi tweiSß '•*• •-AaVirtiid It- I at thi» toue lr.nn 74 tv .'.*. ***** m ' anaj v. I, ia the us*.'- ■"*!__, '»,fWii .»<■ ! trxe sddi'ions to tv it ni'■ *" *.. in/ lasen lii* st->iy i-ver his atora. >•••*•;, *•' , maauJactßrißs purposss, he isdetaf-iaee»_■__ iti.y article in ths ciottiiii: bm thi* in** laeveri respect, with cloth '■- *"•»;?-*! '*__SiSh cities.-titii i.c .k--n,- pa'i. iiii* "I » ,a _j t jfc.: aadtuepablic aenefaUy. ia newel 'f*.,,.-,.ia he is kivi.l4 «uipi..vii.ei,l ;« " lir ' : :'-** L_'a»j BBBber »i Kiat-h-aies and worta. lei-..*" -. miKht otherwies su.ier for tks tiecftrisnssjj-j He tbs l*H ol cutters sad Baatensießßi ■ aui pasted by any house in the country,. £__j .\L.rj land, Virsijiii.. Csr-rl.a»a »«U •.*>•*« *";,_. S! MKR PS T W t!-". US ol v. ' '»•'•*• BIRICTLY A SOLTHFRN I.Mi HOI'.SE. > •**l\ mm insusctioii >>l not srtial he mteuds U> "i.'. f * u * he has been doing for years P»*> , -_ >•_«£_, Clothisr and Tailor.corner .*ii_u tud , '*** i \' t . tm m —tin h i.-ii ________[• __^ "TT OKfr-.r'HK•KtAOTMiWJ * T yf?; >A| NEW STtiRE ANO >ti« *\\?Jr*r* A Would respsctlu.l) invits *hs »t_»""" , W "■> Irieadsand the psblic »*»,***';., ,-_ --•*e_.>(V.>i/ STORE. N. NO Br.**d •«'••_•;?_«. site Msasis Hrseden .V K--S'*". •»*-."; KJ/m ASSORIMtEM'OF (iOOI'S. whmk I **$*,*. most happy to make up nl*___l ".''"yS tufa, auuuble ,r«ss. N. R-CtTTINO promptly atumded to "*«« N|o'Tlt'|lf. "iLe •u^f-'* r > *;* ! j , r vf" *%I| f«Hm his lr!7i»ds aid the f rtS __,<V^)li ■I that hs has takr-a tne * w ia*. J» IJo-sksr'B .drutf store, uhere- $$"& ia all its braaehes. aad eolwita •» •*••»'*■"_: M Uoaa««, prowtsiaa touss svsry •*«/w«! |^ , ,osi part torsive ssseral saUß_faoti.>a B»JJTssrtK. atieuiiou to «U »u_l U ...^^{jTusH L_LiUa-j_. 'SFm _* -KSt-iS 1^