Newspaper Page Text
ftittmmfo i-ipht.' WEWfWOAY »Oh Rioting In broaden. Since the famous -o. P." riot*, there has been ao mote extraordinary demonslmtton of theiaherent love or Joim Bell for n row, ■haa the aaccessioa of riot* iv St. George's •mates. Loudon. It may be mid of tho •» O. **.** note thst a theatre wa* the scene of the disturbance- 1 , and that the dramatic* of the mob probably brought more money to tbe pockets of the managers than ths legitimate drama. But the disgraceful proceedings at St. George's Cborch exhibit n depth of hrn. tality unheard ef iv the history of mobs, and which afford a flue commentary upon* Hie su percilious sneers of tbsLindon press, nt the lawlessness and barbarism ef Americans. We should like to know if ever such scenes were en noted In nn American chnreb as those which the London T,m«j has, over aad over again, been compelled to chronicle in that me tropoUsnf the civilisation aud Christianity of the world. Sunday after Sunday, morning, nooa and night, n bestial mob takes posses nion ol the church, crowd* ont the worship pers, insults and abuses tbe clergyman, some times lays violent bauds upon bim and tbe of ficials of the chßWb, and whoops, yells, curses, nnd sings profane and indecent songs under the very shadow of the altar. A late number of the Tunes says that on the Sunday night previous to the publication, the scenes at St. George's were "of so frightful a character that n jo* who bad tbe misfortuus to l* pres ent will ever forge tit. Tberlo ting was mo a t alarming. The violent conduct of the rioters completely eclipsed their efforts on tbe previ ous Sunday, the circumstances connected with which have been brought under the notice of both Houses ef Parliament." We ask the uttentiou of the reader to the words we have italicised, and we submit tbat the fact that these outrages were brought to the atteatlon of Parliament, and the further fact, which the Times does not notice, tbat it was not deemed necessary to take any action upon tbsm, Axes tbe responsibility of the crime upon the British government, and is neither more nor lees than v sanction by that gov ernment of mob law in one of its most disgraceful and disgusting manifestations. With the mode of religious service adopted in the church *.ye bnve nothing to do; but, admitting it not to be in conformity with the usual custom of the Church of England, it wonld seem that, in a civilized and church country, there would be a recourse to ecclesi astical authority, instead of brutal and sacri ligions violence for the reformation of abuses. Imagine our Western barbarians, as the cock neys of the London press affect to consider Americans, entering a church, Sunday after Sunday, and because they did not approve the mode ol worship adopted in that church, committing such excesses as those which have occurred in tbe highly civilized capital of London! And then .hink of the civil au thority declining to interfere for the protec tion of life, property, law, order, and the free dom of religious worship! On the evening in question, the Times says that when the fates of the church were thrown open, at least four thousand perrons rushed in with a terrific force. No sooner had the con gregation assembled than howling and yelling com me need, and was continued without cessa tion until the 'priests and choristers walked to their accustomed places iv front of the al tar, when a perfect storm broke out, cries of lire were raised, in order to cause dismay, and some of the gas lights were simultaneously tnrned out. At tbe time of reading tbe les sons, tbe officiating clergyman was greeted with a terrific shout of "Off! off!" "Pu.ey ite," and "No Popery." A body of men ami boys In the galleries begun singing '• ltule Bri tannia," the chorus, "Britons never will be slaves," being taken up with tremendous en ergy by persons in other parts of the church. Others mimicked the reader, luclfer matches were struck, orange peels thrown about in every direction, and fireworks had been in tended nnd would have beeu used, but for tbe determined conduct of the church warden. When tbe preacher ascended the pulpit, he was assailed by a perfect hurricane of vitupe ration nnd abnse. The Tunes says that the most filthy epithets to which the human tongue could give expression, were hurled at him ' the persons who before had Ming " Rule Britannia," now struck up with great vehe mence, "We won't go home till morning;" hisses and yells, shouting and slamming doors, so effectually drowued the preacher's voice that, though bet poke for forty minuter, scarce ly a word be uttered -was beard. Such scenes as these are of weekly occur rence in one of tbe principal churches of Lou don, and since the "No Popery" riots,noth ing in tbe line of religions rows has at all equalled these demonstrations. It is said that, on the last occasion, Mr. D. Sbymoik, M. P., wbo, in reference to the riotous pro ceedings nt St. George's, had given notice of a hill for better enforcing church discipline, was present, aud will probably be able to enforce what hs has to say to the House of Commons by his own experience on the subject. We again ash, if anything like such acts of Inde cency and violence can be found In the his tory of American mobs I Have even the Plog Ugliee of Baltimore, or the Dead Rab bits of New York, exhibited iv such a dis- gusting mode tbe low Instincts and habits of ■ lewd fellows of the baser sort ?" It is true, many years ago, in a Philadelphia riot, some churches were burned down, but even this vio lent outbreak of passion does not iudlcate as much capacity for deliberate ruffianism and blackguardism as tbe periodical assembling of this dirty .obscene, vulgar English mob.Sunday after Sunday, in tbe house of God, and the per petration of such scene*- as those which the dai ly papers are called upon Sunday after Sunday to record. Moreover, In ths case of the Phil adelphia riots, the authorities at once respond ed to tbe call tor their interposition, nnd with bayonets and cannon at once cleared the streets of theiioters. Bat, uuless Mr. Hbymoub has succeeded in getting his bill through Parlia ment, there is as yet uo security nor protec tion for religious worship in a church iv the very heart of L-ondju. though for months the church has oaly beeu opened to be made tbe scene of sacrilege and blasphemy, and for months neither Parliament nor the ecclesias tical authorities have afforded relief to the persecuted nnd maltreated clergy and congre gation. Whilst the nobility of Great Britain are probably as high bred aad well developed a class of gentlemen ns can be found in the world, it would he difficult to find nny class ef African negroes, who have for fifty years en joyed ths protection nnd example of a good master, exhibit such ingrain aad irreclaimable -algarity aa characterises the lower class of Euglisbmen. They have been n proverb throughout the world for combined annoy - mice aad Insolence. Tbcir latest exhibition at Ht.Georges suggest that, before ths British aristocracy expend any more of tbelr surplus philanthropy upon African negroes, the, wonld better humanize—we will not say civ Uiae-the white barbarians who throng their own fields, towns and cities. T«» ISAIOIUATIOB on TUB Twßtr vi or ArniL.—The Committee ol laviiatiou an he. half ef the Ladies ef Virginia, have received letters from over thirty distinguished gaatle laea, aunouneluf their purpose to he present nt ths laauguraliou of the Clajr status, on the Mlb ot April. Among then are ex-President Tjrtor; Gov. Ellis, of N. C; ex-Oov. Urahnsa, of the sense State, and the following meuthers of Congress: Olajr.ot Ky.; Thompson, of Ind.; h_rtk>ry, ef Ky.* Msynnrd, of Term.* Smith, of N.fJ.aad most of the Virginia Congres atonal delagattoa. TunLA-ru U«.F. Mallobv-The Norfolk 9*V*** eeataln fseliag oMtunrfce of Hon. Tr **** *****<>rj, whose death has beeaan- JEE2*"? ***** represents* the Whigs of that ddathct la oungw,,. in law l* wn§ »p. ********** ***' •*-•*-, nt Morlnm, hf Mr. MR. 9m * X ************** ***** enm keen President of she HM4sth and Peteraharg BaUrend, aad > f-*t_iT fUUir ** thmt elly ** *• ***** *-***' * l } m *\m**>J ******* *s*r****** *%m\*mp*mw ■ ..> .~JHlammfm -Clap* Tn the honors which are about to be bestow ed upon the memory uf Mnnar Ci._r, in the inauguration of statam In dais city and in New Orleans, in ths oathusiaam with whioh his birthday is annaally ohnwve.l, and tho emotions which the hats mention of hi* name awakens in so many hearts, a lesson is incal cated which the youug and ambitions may profitably consider. The names which are uppermost in American memories are those of men whoso personal qualities, without any aid from official influence, have attracted to them the popular heart, such as HnKn\ Abdbbw Jackbob and Jouw O. CAUtot-a.- ABDaBW Jac__ob, it is true, was President, bat be derived none of bis hold upon theuf fec tions of bis coun trymeu from hi* occupancy of that positiuu. It is "Old Hickory," wbo is immortal, tbe man of iron will, prompt de cision, indomitable courage, impulsive and generous, gentle and winning nature. The President is forgotten in tbe man, or only re membered as a position which tbe man digni fied and made illustrious. That office is a grand and lofty one, but the figure that is placed upon such a towering and majestic pe destal must, itself, be of corresponding pro portions, or it only excites ridicule and con tempt. lUs by Clat and Johh C. Calhoun never attained ths station which each would have graced, and yet, ir they had attained it, they could not have stood higher than now in the estimation of their friends. T hey areadroired more than most of those who bave filled the oiilce, and will be longer remembered. The future historian will devote more attention to them, and they will fill a larger space in the eye of posterity, than the majority of Presi dents. Even if President* were chosen, as they ought to be, on account of beitig tbe first men in intellect and public virtue in tbe He public, few iv any age could be found who would compare in statesmanship aud patriot ism witb those we have mentioned; but when it becomes the acknowledged custom, to choose a candidate for the Presidency orr account of his availability, and without reference to his superior qualification*, the "post of honor" is emphatically--aprivatestatioii,"and such men as Clay, Waas-SS and Calhoin derivemore credit from ihe neglect than the favor of poli ticians. For, to be an available candidate, implies a capacity of "crooking the pregnant hinges of the knee," of being all things to all men, of truckling to the prejudices aud passions of the populace, of sacrificing principle to expedi ency, which rarely eh iracierizes a mau of first-rate powers: or, where it does, affixes to bis character the indelible stamp ol a dema gogue, and divests him of all claim to true greatness. In general, the " available-,'* are available because of their obscurity, inferiority and suppleness of principle and conscience. A man of eminent abilities would disdain to be elected to the highest office on the face of the earth ou any such ground. How lougare these Availables remembered after they have lelt of fice ! And as thennmberof Presidents increase with tbe increasing age of the Republic, tbe dignity of the position will become less and less, until an ex-President will command lit tle more respect fifty years hence than an ex- Congressman does now. The ambition which only seeks office, which aspires alter lour years of notoriety, to be swallowed up in eternal oblivion, is tbe ambition of an insect mind, aud cau never be entertained by any one with capacity to soar above the sphere of a butterfly. Let the young men of the country wbo are capable of great things aud ambitious oi lasting fame, contemplate the example of Hemiy Clay, who, with powers capable of adorning tbe Presidency, would rather be right than be President, and, in cleaving to tbe right, gained a nobler and more enduring reputation than the Presidency could ever have conferred. A grave as honored as that of Clay oi Oai.ikhn is a more illustrious goal than the White House, and the bones of such dead lions more worthy of human reverence than all the living dogs who may light and yelp over the spoils of office from now till the crack of doom. The French Legislature. The Senate of France is composed of one buudred and seventy-six members, including tbe French Cardinal.-: and the French Princes, Who are members by birthright after they at tain tbe age of eighteen. The Senators arc appoiuted lor life by tbe Emperor aud receive the sum of thirty thousand francs per annum. The Emperor appoints the President aud Vice President, who retain their offices for a year only. The sittings of the Senate are se cret, it has no power to amend bills, but cau only pronounce upon bills presented by the Government, which have been previously voted upon by the Corps Legislalit. The Corps LcgUlatif consists of two hun dred and sixty-two members, who are elected forsix years by universal suffrage, each depu ty being allowed to every :jo,ooo voters. The President and Vice President are appointed by the Emperor, who convokes, adjourns and dissolves tbe body at his good pleasure. It sits once a year, and its sessions continue tbree months, it does not originate bills, but re ceives tbeia from the Council of State, a body appointed by and presided over by the Empe ror. It is permilted to discuss, and open to a request, but not to amend, the bills presented to it, us well as the taxes. A brief abstract of its debates is all that is permitted to be pub lished in the newspapers. The French Legislature is, therefore, entire ly an ornamental appendage of the Govern ment, liawng no power of its own, or oi any kind, except that which is vouchsafed it by tbe Emperor. The Legislature. The Seuateyesterday passed a large number of House bills, among them a bill repealing the act incorporating the town of Hampton, in Elizabeth City county, and. the bill con* corning the work-bouse to be established in the city of Richmond. Senate bills incorpo rating the Fredericksburg and Fauquier Rail road, aud for increasing the capital stock of tbe South-Side Railroad, for the purpose of constructing a branch road to the Roanoke river, were rejected. The Honse bill appro priating s'K'.doo to pay the ascertained balance of Harper's Ferry expenses, was passed.— House bill providing for ihe better organiza tion of the militia of the Common wealth was discussed and amended, and will probably be finally acted ou to-day. In tbs House ol Delegates a large number of bills were passed, among them various acts of incorporation. The bill amending the char, ter of the North and South Railroad, increas ing its capital stock ¥l50,(too, was rejected.— The bill making an additional appropriation to the Virginia Military Institute, underwent various modifications, and tbe amount of the proposed appropriation was reduced to *-,*o, mxi. The bill was finally passed. The (lukat Tr.iiii latiox.—lu view of ap ptoa.bint* event**, the following paragraph from the Cbutaii-ugu (Term.) Advertiser, had a fearful .•ignlflcaiice: "Aciti'sen of Charleston, S. C, came up here the other day and paid $36" a piece for each ot those eight steers that have been haul - iuac rock from the river to the depot for tbe last week or so." Thbatb to al.—The Wells' Equestrian Troups is doing a Rue business iv Norfolk, assisted hy v portion of tbe Richmond The. atrical company. After Mazeppa, last nigh', the farce of '■ j_o_ u of a Lover," with Miss KUaa Wrea as Qertrede, was to be given. An-uwTUD bob Murder.-A~ negro hoy, st_kteen years of age, -was committed to jail Sunday, in Stanardsville,Urreeae county, Va., charged with tbe murder of the overseer of Dr. J. B. Woods.of Albemarle. Nnw Yonn Babk Btatbubbt - The ■___ l» statement of tbe New Vorh shows au increase or •.•u.ut-u 4a louus am isYi iv specie, a»d a decrease 'of UOU, and ftM-MMa lv deposits. "J *?**\ Mail Kiunn KilLßi-.-The Bt. Jmaoh June. nal of the It-th learns that Jul* hmnT _. Sd •nonntnineer. shot Joseph A. made, a mail Km, a tow days since, nt the crossing uf the iih Pintle, and killed him Inatautly. UavnwALtaM—The Aaatraliaa papers re. cord Mother horrid masssrre of an Buftish ship's crew by PolyaMiaasavsgM The ship (iheFenHnfiSdauy) was burnt, aad the aloe ________.£_& lmi9tU ** *• '*•***•> "*" *M*Ms*kJw y *w*m m r ****» w sw 7 S„icide-Editorial— Fire—Provision Receipts. ~. |«-cua.av.VA.. Mann9AJMK-. lit M.-ulomfciuythcouu m V-Teommitted saloide on last Saturday nta-trW shooting himself withsptoML The deed wan commit ted at a hotel in Marion. The inu-zloof the pistol was placed against his forehead, blowing Sis braUi* about the room. He was aged only*! years. Wm. M. Semple, formerly editor of the 1 ir g.»...«,0f thi.* city, leaves fir New Oi leans in a few days, wheuce be goes to take charge of, or will be connected with, 'he editorial depart ment of the rr<-.«<'*f,of that city. A lire broke ont In this city this evening, In the roof of a frame house, at 4» Malu street, occupied by Mr. James Brady, which, at first, bid fair to be an extensive conflagration; but by the timely arrival and efficient services of the Fire Brigade, the names wereextingulabed before they spread to any great extent. Au average per day of tony tbousauil pounds of bacon has beeu received at the de not of tbe Virginia and Teuiicssee Kailroad for the last ten days, thus netting the amount, received in that time four hundred thousand pouuds, uearly all of which is from Tennessee, and sent here for commission sale. O. K. Too Maky or tub Same SuAt.—Among the Orfio cities, villages, Ac, set down in the Uui led States census of l&Mt, we have ouly.J,*W different names. Caleb Parker, armorer's mate on board the IT. S. frigate S_u Jacinto, died on the i'Jth of February, at Cape Verde Islands. He was a native of Hampton, Va. Thomas M. Peak, a young man, aged 18, ac cidentally shot and killed his younger broth er, Charles M. Peak, at New Orleans on Mon day. We learn, says the Cincinnati Commercial, that Richard Kealf has actually become a pro prietor and editor of the Macacheek PTBse, published at Weat Liberty, Ohio. A Miss Strattou was recently burned to death at her father's residence near Cincinnati, in coii-,l'l-tience of her dress taking tiie by con tact witb an over-heated stove. Juo. B. Wilbor, Jr., .Secretary of the Ameri can Legation at Paris, has been removed from that post. The wife of Kobt. P. Waring, U. S. Consul at St. Thomas, W. 1., died ou the Mth ult. of yellow yever. Mrs. Whitney, one of the pioneer missiona ries of tfHa. is about to returu to Boston from the Sandwich Islands. The Mascot!an (lowa 'Journal says that a Baltimore police oflicei is still in that State in search of Coppic. The latest accounts from Kngland say that CJ-ueen Victoria is very well, "and has taken to hoops." Two fine moose, the meat ol which weighed "•'•0 pounds were lately killed by two hunters of Calais, Me. M. Alfred Dedreux, the well known painter, has just expired in Paris. James W. Jones, editor of the AuguHa (Ga.) Cronicle, died on the 23d inst. Two inches of suow fell in New York on Thursday. ***__ Thu Attention of our citizens is respect full* called to the splendid assortment nf cAR RI ARES, BUG-SIISB, ice, at auction, THIS DAY. aUrfKO. F. .SMITH'S, on Broad, between sth and 6th streets. Sale takes place At 11 o'clock A. M. Ph. Photograph* andAmlirotiTSssurpn-ised by none in the world, from tho smallest up to lii** size, colored in Oil, Aqu*ire:l and iinli-i I nil. are tlioie executed at Rkbs' Mammoth tialicrj, 11 Main street. Copies takon from old Dagusrreo tvpes .14*1(1 Ami-rotvpes, enlarged to any desired size, and warranted perfect. Prices range from 25cents to-3so. mh It—ts Richmond Tbk-TBB. A HIGHLY ATTRACTIVE BILL. Tiie beautiful Drama of ALL THAT GLITTERS KS NOT ('OLD,; AU. THAT ULITTERS IS NOT GOLD.} or the ALL THAT GLITTERS 18 NOT GOLD.*) And the vl'Ooß FACTORY UJRL, Nautical Drama {POOR FACTORY GIRL, of t* POOR FACTORY GIRL, BLACK EYED SUSAN,/ BLACK-EYED SUSAN,S or All in the Downs. BLACK-EYED SUSAN, \ All tiie (.Capitally Cast. Favorite members of the com (Capitally Cwt, pan}- appearing. f Capitally Cast, "DISPATCH" STEAM fß*-o_i P O W E R PI? IXTINfi o 1-* FIC X, Corner of Main and Thirteenth Streets, Richmond, Virginia. This Establishment, (liein-; the most complete Printer* in the South, both aa retards, Or naments, he., and the latest and most approved Machine Presses,) is daily turning out the finest specimens of BOOK AND JOB Pll9 J I ■m, ssca as PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILLS OF LA DING, CHUCK*. _c, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES ? HANDBILLS. Particular attention given to fin*, work for Banks, Public Offices, Insurance. Railroad, and Transpor tation Companies. Tobacco Kactor-... Ac. THE DISPATCH CARD PRESSES. These new Machines, for Cards, Kill Heads, Small Circulars, Labels, .Vc.are cipable of turn itn* oil MM impress ions prr hour, thereby enabling the patrons of tins establishment to obtain tins description of work at the shortest possible notice. R-_, Prices reduced in proportion to the increase of speed! RF*L Printing, in various colored BRONZES and INKS, executed in the hi**hsst style of tbe art.— In this branch of the bus in •>:<», tiio proprietors can safely challenge competition. *-C#P*r> THE I H'll 1 M LECTURE _►--__. liefore the YOUNG MEN'S CHRIS TIAN ASSOCIATION, will lie delivered )>y JOHN R. THOMPSON, ESQ., Oa THURSDAY EVENING, Marnh2.eii.lsio. at s o'clock, in the Hall oi the MECHANICS' IN STITUTE. Brj_i_CT— ■** EDGAR A I'OE." Tickets 25 cents—to lie obtained at. the usual places. R.R. HOWiSON. mh 2->—2t Chaiiinan Lee. Come. DR. T. S. ill I V HA E *LS can l>e fou nd ■►■*_?- at tiie ** Carbon Hill Mines," Henrico county, after the 12ch inst. mh 27—6t* <* :__-» NOTICE.—The tmnual meetine of •»-__■ the HANK OF THE COMMON WEALTH will lie held at their Rank mi; House in this city, on the second WEDNESDAY in April. (the llth erox.l at U o'clock. J. fl. MORTON, mh M— tllA Cashier. LOST AND STRAYED. ___* =_~--» MI-ST— Between the store of "**f-'^--'~ v "X____H reeuel, ■**- r'vx. on Broad street, •**•' ""*-*and the residence of the subscri ber, at the corner of Franklin and Madison street.*, a pair of OOLO SPECTACLES. The finder will he liberall) rewarded In returning them to me. mh2B-3t H. ARCHER,Tredegar Iron Works. UST-Oii Saturday. 24th inst.. on Bth atre»t. I*- twesn Main ami Cary. my FREIt, PAPERS. They were in a snt-.1l tin i-ox A reward will 1-3 paid lur their return to this otfice. SALLY ANN WEAVER. mh W-lt* A Free Wowan of Color. (HIND—At the Market-House in Richmond, a PURSB, containing some money. The owner can net the same b» proving it. and pawn.: ex penses. W. H. !S 1 RIXGFELLOW. mh "ii— st* Marchester. I - O.*»'l'--On Sunday aichs. the 18th ef March he * tweeu the hours of lv and 11 o'clock, a VIOTO RINE. lined with dark silk —it has three tips on each end. The tinder will lie lil-crally rewaided hy leavin-i it at the Dispatch oliice. mh 27—SI* LOST— At the old African Church, on Bandar, the 26'h. tu% FREE PAPERS, in a black hM. I will pay lor ihe trouble of return nit then- at the Denateh office. PLEASANT AUAMS. inn 27—2t* A free man ol color. ©li "*i"lt— A small POCkTST-BOOK. between A*, left's and New Castle, containing MONEY and PAPERS, which the owner can net by desenb inulit, either in person orwritintt, and i-nynu the cost of tins advertisement mh 27-tt JOSIAH BURRISS. SsT > ••» REWARD.-Strayed or stolen .J"_»_r from mv residence, a half crown "WHITE 3h PEPPY. For his return, or for such in formation as will lead to his recovery, I will pay the above reward. tmhlß-U] W. G. PAINE. tan MAIN ST.,( l JOHNSON'S HALL, Richmond < > Nuioulk. WHEELER A WILSO*'*. BEWINO MACHINES Willi eg Linen, Silk, Cotton aud Woollen Goods! They a suitable stitch and have Thk Nm Kssmiy Attachmkxts kor Measi-riso, Tub Wncnss-Ui Attschmebts run Manama. Tun NBcrsssni Atts-—Msne-* sob Polmbo, TuaNfCBSSABV ATTAI liMBKT* BUB lit I I_Tue Wim is S»*.\iisii, Br%_ The Work is.. Rosis-*, *__, The Wobs is . Tuextxc, I__ THE Willi IK UCU.TINi., v*. The Won is - Blatiisiiso, n*_TllK WolK IS CoKfllSfi. B_.liik Wore is Hk-smisu. kj_ The Wore, is F-LLisu. The Richmond Enquirer says: "We speak knowingly, aud from full experience. There ts no humbug about Wheeler A Wilsons Machine. It does all that it propose*." mh »-«* __ 'PEA TRAYS ! _*KA TBAYS I ! 1 WIRE DISH COVERS. We have jest opened, of our owb importation, a larse stock oi TEA TEA Yd, ia sSto asmsi ehrj sle-cant and chaste pattens. Also. WIRE DISH COVE RB. oval ami round, for sals at wholesale and very 1U ft ink Jf»-3t No. 19 Pearl street. OEFICE OF ENDERtf. aUTTON A C 0../ RicBMOKS.MarohJP.IaiW ] •THE EOTPROF THE t;EIITKAL BAKE 1 OF VIROINIA will hereafter tie redeemed by va in currency at par. or coin *,t > 4 discount. BTATE aad o«ne7STOCKS always on hand, for sale at market rates d jThTf KMPHB. BUTTON A CO. M'•• MSs-oVa*^ Takes this m-tkod te inforas her friends *ad ths rMicia ssnsral. that she has taken rooms ewer *" *-"<• *n Faner »u*r*. wkersske jnhfcf ******* ****•***** wko **** •**" ******** '^-*^^^R^!^*9 H * wj**d**L ****m/ 0 am so—l| gyt*nuji tTrl-l—r. On Monday. Hi* 36th mst .nt In.* mother's rest iUe.-.% KHAkKI.IN G. CARTER, in the lEU year " His fs h Hcrsl will take the %-.t Has tist Church thi-. (Wodneaila>inveiiißg. at half *resti*'ci..a_. Th..- irießilj ana ac-i_aiiit*iuee.. ol the fatuity are Baiticiilarl*- mvitsd t.. attend On Saturday, the •Jifkiu'-i.. Nt 71s, o'clock A. M., GKOKGE I'AINK. »on of 'rf-gn-e and Eli.ura Fame, aged 5 month and l'ldays In Charles City comfy. Va-. March 2Jd. uuCdeu ly.of 2 o'clock. I. M.JHrs. WIN EKEKD CHILDRESS, in the 7oth year of bar ags. _______________________ MJhRITfB INT-ILLIO-INCT. I-ORTOF RiCHJIOND, MARCH 27. High, Waur this day ( Waßßiidßa) BJj o'clock. S.UI.KD. .Ste.iiiisliipVorkt4.-An I'arrisii. New York, m.lze. ard passengers Ludiam A Watson. . Steamer Beividvre, Travers, Baltimore, mdze. and passsneers. D. A W. Currie. i-V-tir E. GoldalKirough, Tod I. _altiutore. mdze., W.H. Colquitt A C». _, . ,v Schr. Ashland, Graves, Baltimore, iiiilzo., W. D. Colquitt A Co. . _, a B<*hr May Oueen, ilarnard, Satem, flour and feed, W. D. Gbisuitt- Co. Sour K. A M. .). (Simpson, tr-pruell, down the river, lis lit. _ Schr. Ciironoiuetor, fiamsa-i down the river, liplit. , ~ Schr. 4-n. Cloud, Owutusy, down the river, ltsht. .Schr. W. W. Grifnii, Ross, down the. river, light. Schr. Fashion. Hubbard, down the river, light. CAN! IDATES POR OFFICE. HMftMC \VARI).-Me*_R* Edi -K-H- tons: The following ticket will \<e sup ported for iVlonroa Ward,.it tne Ward election, on the fir-it Wednesday, the 4th day of April: Col St IL.HK"-. , , 8. D. Donoon, 1* vv ■ Glasenronk, D. J. .-fatinders. J. R- Anderson, G. W. H. Tiler. jH.DKKMIiN. _. _ P 11. Starke. •■• *> ■ Bsvendge. N. C. Lipscomb, W. W.Timbsrlake, mli 2*-7t* C. C. Kllelt. _T3=*» TO THF. VOTERS OF rtlO'-'iROE following ticket is pro posed for your support at the etiKiiini, V/ard elec tions : for coi.vriutan. , D. .1, Saunders, i.. VV. Glazei-rook, 13. D. Denoon, J. R- Andorson, U. W. H. Tyler. FOR ALU ZK M XX. N. C. Lipscomb. P. 11. Starke, .1. \V Bcveridge. C. B. Ellctt, mh 28—It* W. W. Timberlake. ■**>"-**•_«_-_ TO T"E VOTERS OF DISTRICT No. 2 —I hereby announce myself a oaa dida?'. for re-election to the office- of CONSTA BLE for the above district, and respectfully rolicit your votes iv May next. _,-,-_.. , mh Z* -tde* OEO. W. THOMAS. 11HE *'OI.LO\VI>G rUEAiVIBI.E A **. D RKSOLUTIONB WERE ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND, on WEDNESDAY,the ttst of March, ldte: U'/i-r-n.. A bill has reeuutly passed ths General Assembly .amendinl the Charterof the city of Rich mond, .vid creating the aaaeeefa Judge ol tho Hustings Court; and whereas the terms of the said bill provide that it shall go into effect only after being ratifi d by a vote of the peopi-s ol Richmond: Resolved, That ths Commissioner-: of Elections in the several wards shail open a poll at the elec tion of city <r flicers, on Wednesday, the Ith day of April next, by which the vote may lie taken npon the acceptance of the said "amendment to the Charter;" reitisterin.. such votes as may be given "tor the ameudment"oi 'against the amendment. and returnim; the same to the Council with the other election ret-.trns Resolved. That the said ant--ndment to the Char ter, wi h this preamble and resolutions, l«e pub lished in the daily papers for the information of the voters, till the day of election. A Copy—Teste: THOS. LAWSON.C.C. R. A Hri.i. to amend the Charter of the City of Rich maud,and to recreant-.' the. Court af Hustings of the said ritu : Be it emu ted bo 'If General Assembly, That the second, third and sixth sections of an act passed March 38, MM. entitled an aot revising ami re ducing into one act the provisions of the Charter of tho city of Richmond, be re-enacted and amended so"as to rentl as follows: "-• 2. There shall continue to lie for the said cor poration a Court, wh oh shall be called the "'Court of Hustings for the City ef Richmond;" and tiie same shail be held b» the Mayor. Recorder aud Aldermen of the said city, or auv four »1 them, except where it is otherwise provided ; anil also by a Judge, to be ct-lleil the ".luihe of the Court of Hustings, in the following manner, that is to say : A term of the said Courtof Hustings shall be'helil by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen ot tho said city, in every month, as is how provided for by law. except, that it shall not exceed sirdars; and tbe said Court, so held by tbe said Major. Re cori'sr and Aldermen, shrill have rind perform all tbe jurttrdietioß, powers and duties now vested in the said Court of Hustings, except such aa are hereinafter expressly ves'ed in and delegated to the said Court of Hustings, when held by the Judie thereof. A term of the siid Conrtol Hastings, art ex ceeding twenty days, shall also hs hew by the Judge thereof, ia every month, at such times and place ns shall be prescribed by the Council of th.* saidciti ; which said Uaurtof Hustings, so held by the .tuiLe thereof, shall have and exercise ex clnsivelj the jurisdiction now vested in the said Court of Hustings in all civil cases and Blatters at law and in chancery, all matters concerning the Bfobat of wills, the appointment. qualifiestinn and removal of hdui-iarea, and the settle me nt of their accounts, and all other civil proceed tags, except those relating to apprentices, bastards, the regis tration of free negroes.aad other matters of po lu-.**. Ths said Court ol Hustings, held l.v tne Judge thereof, shall also have original jurisdiction of all such criminal cases and matters arising within the territorial limits of the jurisdiction of the said Court, as are now engutßßfeta hi Circuit Courts. And the Council of the city of Richmond may vest in tbs said Court of Hustings, to be held by thejiid.e thereof, appellate jurisdiction from the decisions of the Mayor of Hi" city, in oasts aris iaj under the ordinances of the city The business of the said Court of HustlßSS— whether hold by Ihe Mayor. Recorder r>.» d Alder men, or by ths Judge thereof.shall he distributed between the monthly aid quarterly terms of the said Court, as is now prescribed by law : And the Jajgs of the said Court shiil designate which of the terms held by him sljali be quarterlr terms A Grand .lury shall be summoned, m the mode pr>«scnb-d by law, to att't.d the terms of the said Court of Hustings, he'd by the Mayor. Recorder and Aldenii-n for the months of February, May, Aii-ust anu November; and aii rand Jury shall be summoned, to attend the terms of ttie said Court, held by the Jodie thereof, for the mouths itumcdi at- I*. succeeding each quarterly term of the said Court; and the said Gotad Jury shall he charged by the Judge of the srild Court. And all the provi sions ol law concerning Grand .'urie.s and other Juries, applicable to Circuit Courts, shall apply tn the siid Court of Hustings, when held by the Judge thereof. All criminals examined by the Conrtol Hastings. held by the Mayor. Recorder snd A'dermen. shall be remanded for trial to the Court of Hustings, to be held by the Judge thereof; aaddepositionsand reeoKniaaness shall be taken and returaed to tho Court, instead of to the Circuit Court for the cit* of Richmond, The saul Court of Hustings, when held by the .ludae thereof, and the said Jiulte respet lively, shall have like power aa a Circuit Court or .lu.l,i>, to award injunctions, writs of habeas corpus, man damus anu prohibitions. Appeals, writs of error and superredeas tojudg ments, decrees or orders from the said Courtof Hustings, when held by the Mayor. Recorder and Aldermen, shall be taken as heretofore to the Cir cuit Court of ihe city of Richmond ; and from ttie said Court of Bastings, when held by the Judite thereof, to the District Court or the Supreme Court of Appeals, as is now prescribed bj law for Circuit Courts The Commonwealth's Attorney for the Circuit Court of the city of Richmond shall attend and act as prosecutor tor the Coiitiii.mwc--.lrii in the said Comtof Hustings, wheu herd by the Judge thereof. Duiuig the absence ol the .led;s of the said Hustings Court, or his inability lor any cause to hold the terms of the said Court, the same may be held by the Judge ofanv Circuit Cm t. whose com pensation shall be paid by the city of Richmond: aad the said Court of Hastings, sr the Jud*e thereof, may order tiie removal of any suit from li 6 Court to any Circuit Court, in the same mam.or and for tne same causes as is now provided by law for ths removal of causes from one Circuit Court to another. "*t 3. The said Court of Hustings shall continue to have civil and criminal jurisdiction, and ths said Ma.or. Recorder, Aldermen aud JuiUe shall each have the powers ol a Justice of the I'eace. not only within the corporate limits of the saul city, but also lor the space of oue mile on the north side of James river, without and around said city. and every part thereof, including so much of ihe said river to low water mark on the shore of tneoounty of Chesterfield, as shali lie liet*a*een two lines drawn due south from the eastern and west ern terminations of the one mile aforesaid, for matters arising within the same, according to the laws oi the Commonwealth." **i 6 There shall be an election annually in each ward of the said o.ty.on the first Wednesday in April; or iv case ol failure to bold the election on • hit say. then on such day afterwards as tbe Council may direct; which election in a waid shall le for its members of tho Council and members of the Court of Hustings, oi her than tba Judite th«'e of.ta.nd tor prrtons to nil. until the next annual election in said ward, tin* following it—be* for sat. l city, to wit: May. r. Superintendent of the (ins Works, f-nperir.tfiidant of Streets, Super.litem; ent of tho Water Works. Ar-sensor, Collector of the Clt» Tax*.*. Serjeant. Huh Constable, Cnptain of the Night Watch. Manager ot the Poor House, (iauger. and Measurer of drain. And there shall aUo Lo elected, bj the .ju. lined *-oters of the said city, at such time and place as the Council of th" said city shall prescribe, a Judge of the Court of Hustings for the laid city, woo shall hold his office for ths term of eight years, and shall receive such compensation as may be allow ed bjr tbs said Council: provided, that his election •hall not foks place within thirty iUys of an> rr v uioiptl or State election in the said city, and that hi* compensation shall not I* diminished an nag his term of orlice The manner of conducting his election, of making ths return thereof, of his qual ification, of ordsriug uew election* to fill vacan cies ia his oiiice, aad of deciding disputed else Uons, shall l-e jrescn bed by ordinance, to hs en acted by tbe Council of the said city." This act bqi-.11 take effect so soon as H Usleen ad- pted by the vote of a majotity of tha cm.ltfjftl voters of the city of Richmond, given at such time aud place as the Council el the said oity Bliall pro set the. nihZß-tds THI!» IS TO NOTIFY ALL. PEKSQAB. that I have appointed Mrs. M .-WrCURBKN my asSßt, to ewry on aad Beep a HOARDING UOCMK lathe city of Kicßn.oml, Va , to hay for cash only. and charge board at her own disc retton. ___, . JDHN W WATHMN. MAh~uU, VMM. wh *»-*.^ to bur (or i-iah only. K. f. TUR NTt BT ■icbirmß*Olar-iD grth. WW. mliJs-*rv i. l *** _?s*_K_._r___l Cmlbml HiD Miaas. for VAWWiSttmT ***** *^ tW ° - au *~-» «* . *** m***eAm*)9tw *T tfif* ■_. Beulheru »»■ lag M-CMpee. LESTER MAHO«*At:TIIRINU tOMI'AMf, RICHMOND, VA. Th--. sut.criusrshivc fvrjiieil a. joint tookeuni TWO THREAD, LOCKHTITCH, SHUTTLE Sl-WINCi MAt 'II INKS, which, from Miuiplicity of-lonstmclioti and adi»p- Utioo-to all braashsß of needle -work, stands .m --rivslled. and ws offer them to the public with full confidence. fj**lievin*i that a fair trial or the tiia chine v. ill satisfy all of our ability to liirinsiithis vatuil.'e article in dornsstic economy, from oi ft OWN FACTORY, that will prove in evary reser.-t eeual to the liest furnished by Northern Tbsad machines are manufactured snd sold under iesnl nul.U irom Elias Il >we. Jr.. Wheeler 4 W iUi.n's M.-iuuiacturinc Cim-any. i*ru»er a Ha ler'n .-icwiug Ms lime Coinpauy. and 1. M. Sinner * Co. _ .. .lohu H. Lester, James B. Kant. A brain Warwick, I" Hoiton Roach H<race L. Rent. Christian A J.athror-. Edniond, Davenport A JVC. Warwick. Jr., C... Rolliut-W Haxall. W. G Pains. H. K. Elljson, .1. 1.. Ai-person. B W. Know cc, P.B. Wooldridiie, Thos. L. D. Walford. Thos. W. McCance, John A Geo. Gibson, James Duiflop, Keen, Baldwin A Wil- Thi*s. R-Trice, liams, Win. Beers, Edmond A Davenport. .1. 11. Montague, CGenuet. W. B Warwick. Win. A. Walters. R. R. Howison. 8. McGruder's Sons, W. H. Macfarland, L. W, Glazebrook, Sanvl Fntney. John Pureed, «"e<». J. Sumner, Crenshaw A Co., Win. H. Hnxall, H E. C Baskervill, T.B.Starke. Corbin Warwick, Willi-iin Palmer. Geo. W. V'ancey, John Thompson Brown, Jus. A Cowaidin, Jose I'll V. Winston, W. B. Pleasants, Sam'l J. Harrison. N. B.—Local A-tents wanted in all the Urfte cities and towns in the Inited States and Canada, to sell ttie above Machines. Office lor tiie present. CORINTHIAN HA I.E. Main street. Address LESTER Manufacturing Comsanr, mh 23- ts.-'p) Va aa. Extensive Mnle ef (arriai-r.. lta- ROUOHK.S, ROCK A\V A V .S, Blufil-8, WAGONS, Ac, AT AUCTION.- Attention is asked to the larrte Bale of CARRIAGES?, ho., THIS DAY, commencing at II o'clock, at .*Urr#ei>. F. Smith's, on Broad, tietwecn fttli and (Jth streets, who is removing from Ins present place ol l.usi „ess. THOS. W. KEKSEE. mh 2s — 11 Auctioneer BY Reinruiber ! Rock's Good humeri tun, run Tiiis ct rk or RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA. SPRAINS; Ac., Ac is for silo by Druggists seneralli in the city. Bo suro and ask for ROCK'S SAMARITAN, when miv buy. or you may get something else, and not be cured or benefited. W!iolt>*.a!c orders supplied on liberal terms. mh Z7-6tif *"*!_ Hoi-kbridie Alum Waters.—The repu tation of these \\ ATERs extend throughout Vir ginia, the Southern States and tl.e Union. The many miraculous CURES performed by them, haveattracted the attention of many emi nent uu*HCal> men ia every s.ction of the country . Dr. A. Cartukihut, oi New Orleans, Fays: " In truth, I know of no water in Europe or America, so rich in MEDICAL SUBSTANCES as that of the Rockbridge Springs." Dr..l. J. Moorman, of Virginia, says: "Itis a matter of no little importance that the public should be full-, apprised ot the remarkable inrlu enoe exerted by the ROCKBRIDGK ALUM WA TERS in strumous especially. They have long stood as a reproach to our profession, and never but in these WATERS has a remedy been found that deserves the name of a SPECIFIC for their cure. Dr. John G. Caktkr, of Virginia, certifies that the water is a powerful alterative, acts on tho GLANDULAR SYSTEM generally, and possess es considerable TONIC properties. The Rev. Hbbby Ri-ffmkr, certifies of- the sal utary effect*, oi the Rockbridge Alum Spring Wa ter. I have repeatedly used it, and. besides the good sheets upon my general health, I found it pe culiarly efficacious in dispertn-: CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS and promoting a bealthl action on the skin. No other medicine that I ever used had so remarkable virtue in tins respect. Dr J. A. MbBaUB, of Greensboro. N C says : *' I am perfect) satisfied that the waters are un eqnalied by aa; in the world for ULCERS, and es pecially those of a SCROFULOUS nature." The many certificates that have lieen furnished by .Ml.listers, Physicians, Lawyers.-md all classes of our fellow-citizens, if published, would fill columns of the press. An invalid writing from Ohio, says: " That my Dyspepsia, with all its train of hnrnble nervous symptoms, has been relieved, and effectually and permanently cured." Another irom North Carolina writes that,"after exhausting the best uiedieal skill in a case of CH RON IC 1)1 A R RHi'KA. it has yielded to the cv rafive powers if Rockbridge Alum Waters." Tbese Waters are kept in half bbUbb glass bot tles by our Agents. Messrs. FISHER k WINS TON, Whotesile Diu-igists, No. 125 Main st., Richiiiond. Va. FKAVSER .V RANDOLPH. Proprietors, mli V—ts of the Rockbridge Aln:n Spunks. ___ The Oreul Virginia nnd no Humbcg.-PKI'ER-' f.NFAI.UHI.K REMEDY FOR GONNORRHOSE AND AM. .SECRET 1)1.5 EAoEIJ.- This great American remedy, contain in-: in. Meri <>r R.ussmic properties,excels •very—ring heretofore offered the pnphc, in its i-u rative. restorative aad renovating powers: and the medical world are astonished when torn that the .-move remedy wit! cure ihe above diseases, and confounded when they have ocular SBBBOBItIB tions of the fails. But the proprietor, who has known ot the remedy for twent; odd years, BBS known of a case of twenty years' st, itiit'ng to be restored to per Ice? health, and all other cases of shorter duration tn be restored, without a sin-tie exception, and therefore challenges any case of fjonoi line*. Winch the renudy will not cure, pro vided tbe directions are carried out with prudence on the part ol the p.iti-nt; and auy one purchasing hall a dozen bottles, and rising aoeoreingly, in in* or ber ease, hs guarantees a perfect cure: ;md in naseof failure, will furnish additional medicine, free of charge, to complete the cure, through his agents; and a cure will be effected without n.eou venienee to the patient. fold by APPERSON A DUPUY.Ho. 201 Broad street, and o*. A.STRKCXKR. Mam street, Drug gists, agents for the citj of Richmond. mh to— dim' _3_ Cr oii i». —Children are often Brines' very suddenly with this disease, which, if not. nui-tiily relieved, proves Estal. It generally at tacks children in the night, after having Isten much exposed to damp, old winds tiiroiuh the day.— Damp houses, wet feet, thin shoes, net clothes.or anything that obstructs perspiration, ma\ oeea sionCroup. Mothers! >our children a»e liable to lie taken with this dread complaint at a tune when you least expect it ; lint it ia not always a doctor can he c illcd or a remedy found, and for this rea son we would advise .on now, and without a mo meat's delay, to bus a bottle of Dr. EATON'S IN FANTILE CORDIAL ft will cure every case of Croup, if taken in time : alsj all complaints at lending Teething. Convulsions, Coughs, Colds, etc. It is s. Id by all respectable -rtafgists.— Messrs.Cui sen A _iro..r. New York.ars the proprietors, and also sole assets for -"Dr. BRON SON'!* 1 BLOOD FOOD." winch, for Comuimp'ive and diseases, is a sure remedy. Do not U* , put off with aa] other articles. Write to Cut BCB _ OsroK i, New you cannot net them in .our ioaii town. For sale by FISHER k Wl NS TON, Richmond. \a.,andb) generally. iiiha.-lm »/_ Boot* and *»lioc> tor Sl'KINt. AND BUMMGB. MARCUS HARRIS $■ BRO.. MANI'FAOTI'RER.S ANII W HOLKSALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HOOTS. SHOES. TRUNKS, he. No. 175 Ma:.-- tjrHKtr. Riuiimomj. Vibi.ima.. We are n w prepared tn offer a complete assort ■eat of BOOTs and SHOES, of the latest and most.approved styles, anion.: which wiil he found ths lollowimc goods oi our own make, which, tor excellence of material ami superior workmanship, •re Mirpassed by none its this market, viz: aw pairs (ients' French Calf BOOTS: M " '* " GAITERS: KM " ** " OXFORDTIFf-h *W " '• •• STRAP SHOES: Md " " Calf and Kid GAITERS ; 100 " " Laatiaa do. MO " Ladies' Morocco 800 TS ; am " •* Gnat do. MW " " Morocco and (Joaf. Bt'SKINS; KWU " " Morocco and Kid SLIPPERS; •VW " '* mil Con. GAITERS; l.lXj>l " Misses' Hoots and Shoes, of ail stiles: 1,000 " Children's " - ********* Also, a well selected stock of Boys' and Youths' Boots and Shoes, of all st>les. together with a larse and desirable stock of Pern-ed Work, makes our assortment as complete and ns it re-it hs any in this market, to all of which we respectfully solicit a call from the purchasing, l-efore uiak inn their purchases, as our facilities enable us to otl-r them advantages as great, at Isast, as cau be otlered by an> other house. N. B — Custom work made to order, as usual, at short notice and fair prices. __, __, MARCIS HARRIS A BRO , No Lit Mam st,next to American Hotel. mh 19-2wt2p> ■*_. Luis' 1 iiml Attractive Supply of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. BREEDEN A FOX. „ . . . BROAD STREET, Have !»ecn or<eritni: il-trine the past two weeks, and are now prepared to offer, a complete assort ment of — STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, i Tne i r . wo S-_ ***** Panicßlar attention to many lame h.U of Foreun 6oc Is. whisk will be sold at Biicesinuch lower than those o! former seasons - We mention a few only of the most attractive ar : English BEREGEB. in immsnae varietr: BEIIKG ** KOBES; 4to 10 Aver* larse assortment of SILKS, at every va net) of it j le, at 25 to 30 pei cent, below the cost of importation. ?u _ v- , iA l ?_ t .? __ N - RTB nnA ORGANDIEH; TRAVELING-DRESS GOODS.of every drsenp tioa: Snrinir DELAINES and CHALLIKR; rrsuca and India FOULARD SILKS, some en tirely new and handsome dssuus. Our stock of Dome -.tic Staple Goods has nsvsr bsea, more extensi**e. NEGRO CLOTHING, of erery arsde. Amonzat the last named, are would call the spe cial attention of buy an to sums very larsa lots of kl'-^'J 1 ***4 (i * ttt *>* P, -VB and Suiirtd OeNA lu KUS. aad a Ur«e variety of other articles of Southern manufacturs. BREEDKN k FOX. mhU-iwif JIT Broad street. _ hv.ll. J. rriiiikllß A <•, Optician*, We. sCTot_^ ef larse am any offered ia the Nortaeia sttias, aud MAtß»Jul_> ~,18 mfc lt-ia*-* ___ " ' t__A»aM-al.- . W _.«r»J-• > ) ' Bh-Silks -sacrificed! *.M.*rr«»n UE'.ANI DR_ S S GOODS! EiU, NOVELUEb. H* MATERIAL AND DEbION. At üßprecsdcntcdprices, bfincm 4 then. w.Ui .1 the reaoii or all. WATKINB & FICKLEN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER.* IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, l--'l Main Street, Are now receiving and opening their second sup ply of SPLENDID SPRING GOODS*, Msny ot whioh have lieen piiruhasctt al ths bum tion sales :n New fork the pant week, at -/.inch the prices were lower than ever known before, it. SPLENDID SILKS. DRE.-'S HOODS. RICH LACE AND SILK MANTLES. SHAWLS. EMBROIDERIES. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, LINEN'S, PRINTS, PLANTATION 000 OS. Either l.jr wholesale or retail, they »re prepared, to offer inducements hitherto Ba*-*"*BalABBl WATKINS aTriCKLEIS-S OPM NI A' G OF S I LKS ' ON TUESDAY AIORNINU. IHE -funi INST. We shall lie prepared to sn 1 v r stock ol SILKS of the choicest styles, atastou a_.On WEDNESDAY mornine. »lie2lst,we w. I ea-tbitour splendid stock oi FRENCH .LACK. DAMABIE, PUSHER and REAL LACE MAN TLES; Silk do. and new DUSTERS-spiuo th« re-il lace, very elegant. 1 ml. 19—12t| W . A r . **f__ Heavy Pl-iid.-nid STRIPED OSNABURGB. . __ , At FACTORY PRICE*?*. We- iiavo a very ];ir;e and choice assortment »f PL A ID AND STRIPED OSNABCRGS, For sale by the piece or paoaoce. at MANUFACTORY PRICES. For eERVANT WOMEN they ue very dc.: 4 ■_-*•_Heo-ile.-. * andl<late for llish C on.Hi. Ic. People's Candidate for Hish Constable. People's Candidate for Hisli Cmstable. People's Candidate for High Cnnstsble. People's Candidate lor Hit-ii Constable. J. H. McCL'IDEY, J. 11. MiCIRDK.'.'. J. 11. McCuUDKY, J. 11. MrCIRDEV. J. 11. M(CLRHKV. ELECTION, WEDNESDAY. Irr OK APRIL. ELECTION, WEDNESDAY, 4rti OE Al'tflL. ELECTION, WEHNEeDAV. Itii OP APRIL ELECTION, WEDNESDAY, Cm OF APRIL. ELECTION, WEDNESDAY, lm OF APRIL. VOTE EARLY! VOTE EARLY! VOTE EARLY! VOTE EARLY ! VOTE EARLY I VOTE EARLY: KhM—tde* 831. Samuel M. Price A to.. 1.-.7 MAIN STREET, Are opening this morning further BuypHoa of NEW AND ELEOANT DREtfS GOODS, c-_ .-.sis!.- Handsi-mo ."-'H KS. BEREGES aad ORGAN HTES. Beautiiul BEREGE ANGLAIS ROBES,.! the Elegant BEREGE and ORGANDIE ROBE.S. New SILK MANTLES. French LACE MANTLES, of the latest stales and at the lowest,price... DUST KRe. in great variety, among which trriv lie f-iind FULL SUITS, inelui«in__ DRESS and M ANT I.E. soinethin.. entirely new. HOOP SKIRTS, the last novelty and the liest of the season. We will open in a few dajs (of which dus notits will he given,! an assortment of REAL THREAD MANTLES and POINTS, of THE VERY LAT- EST importations, mh 19—__,.r_pi ■V The grerit ilravhark to |»r>rsoi!-» etnl grating to the extreme South and Western corn -try. is the fear they have of the fever and n.-.uo— the most liir-iul of all disaases. Kvery d.-'f we hear of persons attacked tbis disease and anads helpless in a short, time, without any pesns of al fordiag relief. In view of tiie great demand for a retupdv. Dr. HosTB-TTSS has presented his cele brate.!-Bitters," whose curative powers for all diseases of thestossaen have bees Bnrrersalli se knowledged. The "Bitters," prepared alter along experience and deep study. have received the en comium* of the most eminent »ti*sieians. as well as nl! classes, from every partß-f tho country To th.pse who doubt their maa* virtues, all we can say is to try them, and juiUe for themselves, r--*spec liver*. Sola by druggists and dealers gener.-.iiy. every where. mh'Ji-lui B.X. Burnett's -Snjirrior __rhrswtßi for flavor itii CI STARDS. PIE.-', BLANC-MANi'F. ICE CREAMS. JELLItS. SAUCES, Ac. A... ipre pared Irom Frititsof the best quality, r.itd highly concentrated.) lite attention of Confectioners. Hotel .\e.-pcrs and Families, is respectfully invited totheabuVe named Extracts. They have all tho freshness and flavor of ths delicate fruits from which tboy are prepared, and :re lass expensive. Ten thi ;>:. .*'.. id at wholesale by Jas p. DUVAL. FISHER k WlupTON -wil W. L. WARl.Mi.ami al retail by traders generally. fe. _5 .tin* Mid.ola* Saloon, ■USit.. m;aiKii,-iiim.kUi-h, The St. Nicholas tfalooa, second to no other es tablishment in the State, is eoastauth supplied With ttie efioi. est FRKNCH AMD AMERICAN CAMtIKS. FRUITS, NUTS. etc , win. h will !>e sold by WHOLESALE or RETAIL on the most satisfactory terms. COI'NTR". M EHCHANTS are invited to exam ine the Urge and well selected stock, win.-h ih l-e --ing constantly added to, before purchasing else where. Parties and families supplied -with CAKEd, CREAM;' and JELLIES, of ever* description. ANDREW ANTON I, Manufacturer o| Double Refined Caudies.aad mh6— Iniil Wholesale Dealer tn Foroizn Emits. BjV I lin.e l.c, ii n,iu_. •• **~.|ii|,|, •. lufull: --b;e Hiking Powder" lor some two >ears, and fest no hesitancy in srtiing that I have lieen more i|n„ pleased with it. and re-r.ird it aa vast It superior to amy yeast Powder it. his ever been inj good for tune to try. f>. BsBBB, .Ik Ri. n >i.i.ip, October Ist. 135/ For sale t.v al! Druggists and (irocen JOHN W. (iARLICK. Bole ftuiiielii SERVANTS FOR HIRE. POR HIRtK OH.SAI.B* Wr, i,a*e from the ~*f v ".' M '; a ',*IKKI.Y MAN ami hi., WIFE, who will be lured for liio balance of Ihe year or sold private!.. AU... a rood HOIKSH GIRL, 17 or 14 >e,irs ot are, who will be lured l.y the month. COCKE k (JLOSE. Insurance ami CoUeotiaa A-ient.*, st., »' ll -' ts Exi han s e Hotel Raildia**. tM>R HIRE.-A WOMAN Irom the cneatr-i, ir .!SS_ J****.*tS.** nerasif as a --.mkl COoK, WASHER and I DONER. No eaewmßtaaweVex cept ItexJtißsbaud. who is also for hne-a c. ..<) FAI{M*IIANI) Apilyto E. D. KACHO, mn P-8t- Near Kickanirs Hotel, Hth Street, P ol oo H,a -p^* , 'i.* ,lvrr ' 1 Plain COOKS, WASit- Z**k£* and RONEI.S. and also a h.mml MAN (LOOK, aaitaue eithei fors restaurant ark-tot.— Apply io AY.M 8, PHILLIP)-. mh 27-3t On l.'th, belw. Main and Uauk tig. FH! t .l*- X, '""- l '< >1 ' the balance of |be"ts ir. a J MAN, aeeustemed t<> wurkius in a Tol>a.eo rastory; also, ahlßL.Uor 19 years of are . _ _ __ COCKE ft CLOSE', ißsaraneeaad Ctdteetias AeenU.lttii st nthat-tW E-icbanxe Hotel Baildms. () % w LI ; R A 7° ® Rlv *Kß KOR HIKK. .."* have, from the coiintr*. i \nr» i-n.-.l OSTLER ami DRIYEK. ahuat 15 or Apply lauitediatefv to ml » .r RAWLINO.SA HOLLAOA.. mh .*3-tf 12th st., kstweea mSm and Cnry. Vs-I.KOES FOR II IRK.-f wo verr aatsoriAi a'i i i, ,s KO( v w 8 .-&y_ u,T »' %** BR3_ B,r 0..- > .* l ) \ , .'l le ,. pl '*"- Cl»OK. two small IIO.H 80. R Li NX, A sent for hirint: ouf inii_i-jt Office in Metropolitan 1!all. BOARDING pOAßnitiG.-Reveral desirable Ron- wit , e »l a f " r families, at the REVERE HOI XX. mli 27—lm nOARDIM.-C.wi l-e obtained ou mw.-r.iK tJ terms in a private faulty, without children in a lew minutes'walk of the Capitoj Ssuare, i„ -*„ sinsle nentleinen or iadiss. lniutre tt this eases BW_l-3t* PARKER HO IS 1.. _ , , , BOSTON. .MA.*- 1 , jientlemen wt!' find the best of aoemmodations, with every effottßfnr the comfort of ruests. LAR DER aot excelled in the United States .. _, II D. I'ARKER, nhMm J. P. MILLS. LEATHER! LEATHER! !- Oak and Hemlock SOLE LEATHER. Oak anil Hemlock SOLE LEATHER, , Oak and Hemlock SOLE LEATHER: French, Oerui ,n and American CALK MX IN". ; French. Oenuan ami American CALF .SKINS ; I'reiieh. German and American CALF SKINS: Morocco. Kid iii.! Pel*nt LKaTII ER : Moromo, Krd and Pa-em LEATIIKK ; Morocco, K-d and Patent LEATHER ; Rindm..■. Linings, 1.a.-timrs. Ac ; ftin.fuus. Limn-ts, I,a trus, A. ; Bindings. Lnr ti:_tf. Lasting*. Ar. We invito eowatry merchants amt maniiraciti WESVE'-fiP'S!. ""■ -*"*'* "I LEATHER,.-HOE UNDINUS, THIMMiNO.S. Ac, which we oiler at wholesale or retail, for cash or goo.! _..-, i-e.r. at the lowest prices All orders I iithf'iilly MAYNARI). ELY A ROSE. No. 4S.South Calvert at.. Baltimore, Md mn M- la»lw* HAKItk IKtHIl: FS HA I. *KA X - CHIRKS— I have just received th* _.l_»wia« lot of Goods from a larse sale, and as t __>_<. were stances much below their value, I intend to sail them et a -mall advance en tbe cost, iv or- der to give uiy customers aad tke faibiic uncoui moiil) good bargain, r Fine _ra_s Linru Hsudker chiefs..! Kk'.wortk&k- : Hamsiiiched Lii.en Hand kerch ela at -'-' _ . worth 37., c.; Eniliroitleie.l 11 and kerehiels et Me., worth fI; Euit.r.._.r, .1 Hand kerchiefs at «i. worth ft; Hemstitched H «n<Uer chiefs at J7_e . worth 50..: H•is *i itched t.«nriker •_ , ' # 5 , * il . ££?' w * ,t .. 7 £* fcsstariMsVieil H-.tu.l_. ohisla al .ac . worth _||* Einl»r, M dere*J H .mlker ehiefo at AIM. worth #»; Mourning ll.n.tkei ohiels ol all -tualities. at prices to nut ell A large-stock <* gentlemen* f .amend Colored 80, «**«_•• tj4miM..jMvr <;.loihi%u. 1 * .•__-•-__• at »OVS' ______ °***** +** % f*t I"?*%* aWeHdiieCW-th Jeeketo; *..>s*lN-ir . -The RV, H W piaiftfttf't lllMl tumult Wouibb's Riii.u. It " ''• ; i'»; i V WhhjJtV ciiAi'tC. ' l **** iTTH STnittiT at */", o'.-I.H-V Ail wlu,har. _•«■_■. •J f |*_tr W cents PrtOClP-J? , A «-*£_. . s, inei proi-r-stor re~pec-t|„i|, *„' **t J;< friend, ami tne »..Wic. that I,* »,, ! ' a w, __ BALL at ins im.u te, <>o ' •"'** ■ s_t_ » * .. F HWA *'' MARCH \Tt A line Cotillon _> Cm been ci-Ll eeoasios cn «s_4.4, _, ADM IS.*-ION. ■Gc„,le,„- I „ 1 ,. l| , *« OsbUsbmsb alone, -ji Bltivwß "' ■ •■••», it. n.hi7-4t *^Vp_KAi„s*ff k if<-" i Ci Y>l "i Aa i i >i . ' ■ ~ ""a» * ON MARSHALL HTRI-VT RICHia . nri.l u -'l(, -. Tn*-< Tlmr-dayniiilSsitHr,)., .. at 7 I 2 o'i li. k * l 'Us-. The member* »r iss ***■ * INDEPENDENT TLBS KR iv Respectfully call ths atteation of i_. ****!_ of this citr to tiiPir lar<e ruid . "•'ui. PLACE OF -XKRCIBK. srVrf u " -treagth to be attuned b> st*aete„_ Hi ihs exercises will !« condnA.,i i '■'■•*_ KKMI'K >nd tJCHOTT. a™!_£«*£ '" ««* leaders. v " J -•-».> Tbbus—Per session <>t h,x ~,„.,, month. *Z. I/i variably in vlv,„ " -* 0 ' •* v., All desirous to join ar.- iav *(,*'- , iicss the exercises. ■*"-nnls. ÜBS-.W a MCLLINERY K. LYO>, QBJ , (10 JMi.i Street up JL.. 2* >***: Hat. relumed irom Nc» ~,.1' ', Ift Bti llio latest Btyl-r of * ** '" IB fci'RiNu am>.-ii.\i.\i(:r Mitten, iiiciiidiii.-. ever, dsscriß'iun id |_i» ~ri< HEAD DRE6-SKS.HAIR " ko .towkiebshs wvitasthstttenties_t!_;•* lie _erier.--.lly. nil.'**-, -"' Til 1,1.1 M-KV GOO it* * fSJ Miß- R. LVOV UOU9 a* ZJZ m Broad street, orer the v, Vk Sword* ir Thaie. l a^ daily raoeivuip- and npe-iinf i.«, y.». CiHOlW.Ul.ich BUS Would U" l,>"Jr,i .' „** ladies aad-bar customers, r . !-** minaa. u «'i COI'NTRY MKICHAXTI Can bsaasirrH .-1 •.cMiti* at i-rr.'-.n the tuamt styles and tiie Paskioni '■eve, t ,T m ' ml. 2*5-6t *^***9 *t\% ••'»■■• •»*i.ii: JUT MIB.G.C. M.I.KN « Hhs retmraed from Mew Vorl tad » n-ned t<> show her SPRING -fTYLISMn*r_i NKTB Wbsnbbat mobribs. IksaU ■„," "■ liiii.S-Jt* v"'v "' Ft) ««y«ukh I*: A KTH ENW MU. Jg O. B. TATLM, **■ Haa n .w in afore, and on it~r«e Istoit ~,"/,. per stups Invincible, Niagara aad than ; i it at;d from the principal thus factories.. 1 _■ __ In, the largest ami eo«p|»t» HBor___! I go ds he lias ever been able t,., ti -r to th. t-u. ' V reini.-i. North Carolina and Tsbbssbm sib c nlidect he can compete *~*, m ts*_4_ bosses ol tne North; and as aa imanweedi, M-tlit) io do so, he w.U duplicate at the i*.,,,,,,-! riny liill purchased of a re packing haBN __S Nort'i within the prist twelve _natsi \ ,■■'" ne-' to him will receive his attest-. • ' i . ts carefully sssked ami forwiusss mobk . I t. iM-lm mk& Rich Plated CA«Tf»Rfi WW Ho. do. !,'K !■! r.'HERs. Do do Tarsssnd Demirt 1" Ut! Do, do Table. l"-...-rt __ r SPOONS, ' i-.ory handled TaUe an i Dessert KN*Y*_ BritanniaCASTOßS and ICKPITCHEfc For BSJS low at ret-ul !>\ WM. T. tITLII _ arnj ■ihfc-Sl n iv,.:,..,.. f\ DER OF RKD.MRR-BJ si N. Wn»' ✓ V MtinN, (.. s ms.-Cswh ani has / \ en: on are herein Bellas*toltUUl ji ARTERLY MFKTIM. idjon Km, a,'•! VV l-wiin on this sleep, puiietu-ili),si tlnMirv Huoinexs nff importance will I*- limssaetsS.uii luil atterd line is required B, order of the Sssss—i. *7ih2S-lt* I. R HRIi'KKN. P.C.1.1 PONY. it. ssrlT-t . rder. -._d. _ rh **7*;SU»erior style ia Bait, cither r..' n_.-r • AI.RO A CARRIAGE, BAINESS, |_M and ''l.'l l»l.I', Ac., Jil>t.-.|»le lor bl' ADDITION A I.- A fine liK.M'-Hl "Oil*-; A'lof winch will be BOM on ver> rsaseasbbß*S* K-.r further particulars, Sfsl* at tstßSMr.srn ii. 1 . 3S_ «>' 111 Va Ai itrins ftdns •_4*tl*K__ FOX •*»*'••■--A i*o, il H.ICI .ri.f CARRIAGE, AM' HABNK- --**-■ - Xflr - - i.cwhi spiatsd. A I„ik un iim'•rtiifc by ii. Mm': .»•■ application to COCKE .t CLOSE, I neural:. <* rind Colle. tin. hteeM, OtTice on kth -treet. Escheats II- Isl itilisi nib gt— M H..-tuii.r-J. ,» -jafMLjL ****** BAssaV-A asarsul hssf Ha 'ttZpSi- X K>"l'"' "l*" BIGOY. BSdl.-M-l-B j./-r-__{_: ,- A kri AGE. with oval <lss-sa A * be sold low, if earl, asslicstion is__a_ta mb 23-41 JNO LOKS.c.r o-ii vi.! Br-KltU _-_*•**•*-•. UK. I». ioiii,|-i(i, bKM 111 J'-fesi? may hereafter be found il h i VtjJ - 1 - D -.v.;-. Mala street, bstwssa M mil ■• prepared i<- attend to kit prelrsuuusl Isrul me n ts. iniiJi-is _. kiih ii \ t.r i >iokk. . fi£-3_*-*z_*'l II HKK'II M KS A W XXX.- TO* *********m*mmuxTj t ft, UTKAMBOAT WMM NY.—Ths stenmer i.'Kd. I'KAHOI V.C-ipt |H *ii n pßiTenaßß, will reoeiva leal i WEDNESDAY.) rin.i up t<> lh« tmur "f .i*** 1 u.-e. 12 .."clock M. TUCKS HA i , trie M -B Freight taken lo Bostofl via BafhBHMSSI >•>**'■ Kites, with greatest dispatch. No hhds. received Balsas eas-ted nt eme*\ This ste uiier has splendid elite rnetli ps»i«.*' accomiii.Hla'.ious. i'a»sage and fare "}B. . Tickets lor pis»agr> procured sithsrsl ***** .11 Sup, opposite tne Cornelian Hutel.ur W ■ "•"learner* rwhsrrss, Rot-sett*. __ ~...,., n.his-2t DAVID k WM. CUlili tgjLEtFi Sie.-niisii.r fil . eK NK*A i ORli ■aaß>_WJ :!*|, ; _ VMU ft,„ t „ a ss i.sia «|U|t' will not sail irom Oily Point until fl■■•__*■' Beat, (.1 April. We will continue to rscsi ruffs . tor her v,> to RATI"RI»AV srssßM. *%et tSSSJi at ths Towibi i'<-iiipni>'s ■-'lied ~.,..„..,.,,■ mh •.-- it SHIELD."* I -u.MMKR • IbU _• _*_» HIR II AITI>» • X *'U-»Jft <_f-_a.FOLK.-The good chr. 'A*sl*S H' •» •B-a-fcToM. Can. C-.ti.i-.. ii»wng i *»'"■'?:. her cargo eiii4.-i.-ed md -p-MBs <-n Baton *'•"'» dispa!. li Ror lemaiiider. spfli '•', ,—•_<_ ■s*l 4t J* l> C<H_*.J i." 4 """ *______? M>K*»\l.l- A very truW_f»o__»«J|JJ G_£l_S_Kh:.iid) CAHHIA'.K. st l.i.f the on* mh 3H-tit Betwasß Hats sed •.*■"_■ B'OK KENT. Mick H' ; •■;..},. fiJ3FRAMKSI'AI«I.I-" ladlrUT.> W.'JE a-iLr«arll .... upo-d .-, Ms__rs. M aus * w» as a l-ottluig aatabusauisal **§}* to v ,.» mb-M-ot hEO. "".ia- ,r *_*£* »••**• r# *sjti_ai__i_ 111 11» The BBSS -'" »»J2_ pwthehwl two wschs, ealsasi**ssßßfUß_M stock i*l .. .. i• _ PIANO I- 01. I su.l nave now in their nrarer. on*-* -1 « **•_-.. >.-< lir;e tu. cm l-e --ccii iv BSSI North. , ~ I,- \KA V: liirso instrumsiils »m BUMS '•> ■ v - r ~.'' ,m* aad ars not esut "on sals.' *» »■*■*• _•_£,.! - are p..-chased by us Melasusl), -__ - t vT , |B t,ci Thus olilaining ever. fr«:i __, !*rs are enabled to oil -r tnein 111-*-* -_» '''*'~ ,: rat terms. Indeed.shrewd husißesi bMB b» • ter the North, rsturnrd »j > H_*f'wn»r us. candidly owniiu thatthsj .- 1 wbsi r Thafhnte tor ssls the ...»- 1 --;*__*f•_ fc ...» strumei-t made, lotlte in *sl *le«ss' »•*■••" of which will be shown »itii pISSSBSB Tn.-. havr> also for sale PIANO STOOLS. KArnKnf):ANOCOVB I.' a i_WIsf^^STtCCT«ONBI-«i. for the Piano Forte iod Guitar , y JA.ME.I Wt-ODROIARhCU ll.M.kseilsrs. Stati.*BS'». »•< __j_T— i 1111.2.-o'..2r> P.*"-' f-.-.tss^* l^ 4*, . FOR 'A^^^bS" ---i »i . »cii p'i-.-at«l>. my pi;**- * l ■'' , foe.on the Rielitno id-.n.l I »svu • 1»' ~ v _>« t. ii; liif.C BS>SS_UIJI ).*** , -~' of.r-*" .- I IKE ID'USE. *-"TAB..i>. aad sd ss- fci . Ron . house.. It v ihe Itst >!.'■** 'S •-•* " *- I a ".reimdTri\.*ru. rf__■**•_.-** I I ..-sessiou given inunsuiatsify H K , I , A <•■*. I**r -T ills' (iri.ito P(' . rV-salaa ■■■'■; \_Jl ATTK»TI«»N.tHESIh*»__JSI i 3* -A'tfsdag ; /Ja_Q|<>> your Tr.M-P -n I* X' l»'■ ; -". „,. Hornsr's .h-.y. » » •' Si mordsr of the C.i_''("i ,„. . * 1-OK »AI.K -Two ! v _»* i -K2_V IMI- ww ~„, ajjrßS__CAtT. A"J i R.-titiK aud Harness HORSKa. sasa _^ Ml LE.S. TUMBS a.e-rmiiHHli.t.n< •_■ („.-*» ssea al my sU.»e and suUss. Os ia*.s. m *Vu-»v!/* W ** U ' hDMOr*iU*>*lltl^ fIAY. MAT ( _,_ H .v,i»rJ»J II *t«tf l*«les *er* ri.-r iiiouiitai-i ns I • Ctf tr» bilediuVinini* rioiu, Vi»»nus lie pot. »i.d in stors n.r saw 3mo teshs pniimSEED OA, I Kf _ >HH mm buahs. itiini tnHi I ►;..*'*__,,kTi*) *•" Utui ly aae. ... roWt KAlUshs sweet SEED I*O? AJ.Y7 r A s, mil S, at _______ ftnsu" X Of la. ,ualH,, rut- * UAI Ti S»