Newspaper Page Text
.__ * tMm ummo*mnJmw>n*oMm '' '■***■' ' " '** M tnBWB. „ r ,,.Tf(«ni'"S*'.!»M , t*irAToii.] .MPORtt-vrEROMMEXMO. __. Trosp.* ** Hie Brand. *ortt* T * 9 . .<„ |-:,'.utif-r* E-M-npe of t ertl *__j£*rfenu ***_?_____*"* * ix **' %ctea ' _* March V..—Advices from Ks* '".i Tea-* ntu to theikt m»i. *sus ,T *"_: ~ otfßaaiers, under lord,and t * m *z£r o f V 8 CUV airy, under <*01. et grfUßM mjnf^f^sjjj^on the Kith, j.-r-i*^' I . rr *' osOetrtlaas, who had V«^ r *"; 1 "jj. "frontier. Tbe troop. BBV Sreip _ ° t ,\ tMt n*nm*mt m* night, ami dm- i>ok 1( ~r i, oneif, wh.) Cts •**»; ._. ,oa Uift bo«t _ of National "ii**'*- *__!, .„., ) who were al»o lv f.-arcb ol sn»* ( t_« ne_t moraine ma*** Mexican r ,"i .id iiaimed the ntrssaMtnns 5•'•"**•••' MUSrminsd that these : **! Vesfl wutchlug the Americans, and •**•!, ~n a had been with -Man, had ■*.. ' , i ..'ti;-; alarm. . i"" : _ "scamped on the Mcx '-'■■""'',)'v.'- BrewnsvllhS determined to al ''" _'. ',• n- ktaj Heir.t/b-man had -.eni pf** 1 *; .'.,uv. mct.t ol two ftsfntrn I. B *j/n I •*••** l* >r> . -iv.l chin, b (Miramou) troops I**!* ,'• ,ii Ihe Hio (.ramie. **"' ' U "i r.-is lavlted tbe Americans into *-"*_« rscspture Oht-tlnnn LATER FROM ET HOPE. ,v | L BT* * ***•■ ••■«■■_.■. s n X*, Mnroli 17. -The Mesraer j- i ■ *•,.'..',_' "Liverpool on the Utli inst, ' She Wiafß teli*yn#Mi dataa kg •*Ha \ • ■Juseesto'irn. :• ■'■-*■ ... !*tu ,-eAlb. i i.Horussia, A-Jlto Wr"*' ,M JJ_ A;abu bad art i vr-il out. •*> -""'"'r' 1,, .i.i. had been dtaessasai In I ■T:\.*:,,.ell*»».'rted that the Eoajttsh n t was always hostile to its annex- I ~ -!.., r --oi. oeelnfnd that if the other *"' vwi-rs alsa objected, frame would 1 Tnri- anT«" w*-*» -»»■» of ' ' has been crderedto annano a war * ~,•_• Ist of Ai'ril. .. £ .venal noUtk- fount favour that 1 , i accept* ihs annexation ot Tus ■**o,<7must not reckon on the suj...ort el ■"'. S-,viao.ueensto-rn say that Sardinia _-'•',.. ibj special treutj toeede Baeoy and v - ■• risct rr. -•> indent of The London LTtseeroi that >&* * or *hjn n* Ia: ions of ;.; ;„„:.,., ,tlj nndertmnc great changes, . • .trian Influence Is In tbs a.-c.-ndant. ■fliL-mdon Teh-trrapb positively nfflrma ■."_■ ~.- ii l.ri- Yen n.iues'.ed to join l\ u j Russia ia •****ote*tiu* against Ihe an. I Savoy. '•'." '""*.,.„ rted that Austria has a>.-iired t_t, in case the Hlnne Iron Here are '"."' , ,d, she would immediately unite ..- :.,- :.-e j rotection of ilerman terri- .'.„ j,;.,.- iri-tn Morocco represent-- the y'"' v rvlocia-j a lit-r.e spirit of resistance, nrtparme for a vigorous defence of Tan ™ COMKBBCIS-. . . • Msrch lA—Cotton—Biles for three . , ii—jiartiHli. declined l-Me><s, •J'' ' ci ur. ' .- it -Floor dall and slow af sale but n-ed Wheat firm sad suiet—Red 9s. stnts I.' .s.M.'s Corn dull at 2!_ * .' . m steady—Oroeeriessaiß. Mural-tores . _~ reitringent hut active. consols 94 . ** LATEST. rteOenaaD Diet, It is reported, is prepar ,„r the formation of a contingent of the ,->-«; n-my i MfromTetuanaanonueenn attack by 1 •.. r . ujion the encampment, ■t bwM repulsed witb irr-at loss. Xto Paris Moniteac aaaonnces a Govern nsatproject lor a loaa of lll.OtrU.ttOU francs to a|i ;„ turers, to.- the renewal aad improve- Brtto't inriihinery. and aaotner tor modify. ".• '■-~ tariH .n wool, cotton and raw smite jV. iUob -ills of .Messrs. Hat-Una, at Pins ■ m,taf«krea hurnt. Lmm _\.'i>,<>ikj. JV Rsval Pri-«iiers-Fiirltii*r from ■cX« itn-Thrt snfen nee Broken Dp. Ac. Res Osiea* s, March -'.—The prize stUBBB tn Mii-iawosad Marqoeee, herearrieed up iiiam*kand oil the city. They brought 6u Tt;-'Preble brought 190 prisoners, ,:,:.- Kaiin and his two sons. Ttu pnseaers ot th.- Msj-queas have been Mrs lo ike parish prison by the JJ. S. Mar. „»., tut their trial* are postponed. fiM Mexican mails of the lAth bring aesrs Mi '.br Military i 'jnfet__cs bud agreed upon litems of an armistice, but Jnarc/. disnp ; - ndoftheai ij-.-ause they did not iufticient ({urantfetbe '".institution of lr-57, which mi aetl tke cardinal principles of Ms <Jov ■SßeSt .-:•- tkree days 1 tn>-ctiii£s the I inference ti|t, tiiii on theasomtngof tin* l.'.tti tin* pnimoi Vt-rii'ru/. re-opened lire on Mira ■4i.;.ii v i- iruukly returned, two shel.s hntiaiiu the palace. Ti.,- French fleet was cori-tautly coiniuuni- BlueUitk Miramou, contrary to tin* orders ti'Jiiirfz. i sugrcsslejmL W_*sji9toh, March -jr.— Ssaato-Mr. Da> m li-rrittiria] resoluthNM were postponed. Ito ri.ll to increase ths pay of the naval hum was up and oonsiderssl, hat not acted M r; Mr Slidell introduced :i bill nuthorizinx kun Uirdriuii' on the Mississippi to le\y lUMp duty for the improvement of the •ht ' 1 -Tbs House timiilisrart the bill more llj providißK lor the safety of *sna*eu pnnitsamers, and postponed it two week*?. Iky_rm« AppropraiUou bill was taken up, bloaiegoing into Committee uf the Whole. The Overland Matt. Statwb, Mn., March 85.— The ''--r._r._ mnil coscb, -.vitti fJnliftM_ia mails le Klin.,-reached bete Itisi night. ib-nti) dates are aaticipated by the steam •rv .',. * York, but the folio*.*, iiic 4ii*iiatch to ma Oity on tbe .-selling ol the ('ill, (tens mas i utter ndviess. fetfrtmcisco, March n*b. .*. I. M.—Ninecot: *fJi neaped truin the State Prison on the tyfeol tke 3d. Murine Munetera— Ikuvul. • N «. oik. March «7 The lit iiuh ship Bob ■"•iBnlo. r'aimonth, N. S, bound from Liv -9 1, vitk salt, for Oity Point, is ashore on Wttsek Bcneu. Assistance lias been scut Juniata, from Liverpool for llaltl- T_kucone np the Hay, *********** ""•'. S. (lesmshln l > -.*cahontii_ is hourly V'.'-4i to mil lor Vera Cruz. I'.iti.r Iters < ane lv Pliiludelphin. j*''.'"* ll ' l * l *-- March ','?.—A ne*rro man Baei Kosm Hornet was brought here last *•- - m llniiijoiibuig, tftmk cLtimed by T.Batkr, ol Va., as a fugitive from bis *,'--•' liit-1 iv.. casus l-efore Judge L'.tulwal- theU.S. District Court, this nioni- Jj _*_ I, ". B 8 consldernhls excitement amou«t It was. coutiiiued until this ■sSia, a- ,| u . rc.jiir-»i of counsel. I From Havana. ,- t - V.,i:„, Mitch •_■:.—The steamer Star ■'"--, from Uatmaa on the •.';>_, has ar 'iiu. re w ~* '-Jiisidernble exciieinenl at _; iS:i; i, is coßseqoenc* of the capitire of £■»• itesraers ky the }'. _. naval tassels.— ___■ luwed as an ou trace. "*_l bn,k at m-e a« MB-S. v Hrr vi Majiirn, V. XV *__***• :, *' ,rtl ' - i: —A fire yesterday morn. 2™_ l '»*-*d Gibson's cahinet sliop and seven Br_L^2r lkUl, »*" ■-«*>ndtm the Odd .'el «iu mnieala loupes aud all iheir con h IKlr -' V^l" *•'*•**• Marchß7.—Ja fire at Greeuir h4, , ■ ,i " fassdny inorunig, destroyc.l hm . ,"* -'--'•'"-.'v -v. Porter and J. A. sttahm * r '"' I*'1 *'' 1 " es of Mr. Cuuuin-'bain, ■s. Jns lose is generally iusuied. |~ tv " WrlluMil t'anul. <'• W.. March M.- T_a «i-r,r * u . al W,IJ as on Hie first of t ( , T1 Mvrhmhs. k l ■" h-'irs-'i**'-"'** - 7 TTour dull-Bowar.l V*-! ss-t. •_* *** "imkaiued. Coin steadi. J?*Tws myV'Si-** '* uiet - Whiskey dull, _^-uslwis_ fe -- »-Cotgm-Thsrs is litUe ? " fcssM_'_ , w<t -'**- Klourheavy-touth !_ hi"Vt t_ Wbwu ''•»L*** m **"d nominal. 7 _» te «.*s. Pork quiet. Tur >n__!-"-'"U. k.,si.i Hnii H,.-e 3;._«Vcts. RJf il v£* , al* »*»oC__L t i N T RV MKRttHANTBAWD B_ g! '!'lit,,7,.'V * ''ay- recently Unit in the B." psr,is, '"''"•- ****b J'atL.ry. for il.spur- BR '-'.uj;,*" 1 *;"" Kefinsd Candies of nil Md city maeon will t*«.W *nd t,. "* , 't"l , uy'candies at mv regular _ **- N TO.\ 1"_ ' * u >'*> at New York prices. *_s^«Vuk l _„{ d o 0 ' Bank, y**H.. j' r,,t * *"-« * c *«am it. **miT**i *&LVTii* **•■ ' fintoftaanntef SSlJ__r^^^3--_-_______ *-B-*«" l 2lK_f , !f ,a , *i! **tt-*MJ** Hikkp,. rOTTI,FAB)iJtV*OQ, WA-iTLB A KIITATION by a PRLSsMAN ef good capacity- sUadisess aad ..obrmtj. Can work any sly le of Prone, either band or aw er Has beeu enga«*d m soioe «-r the most eaten sivepriiitit-«estaMis-*iii'nt«of the cniiitry. An dres* •M. H M.." Richmond. Va. mil ia-21* UTAmrhir-BO a Rnl ngT-a jad*_ -inu Yen" neni.-iii wish a watt lurmshed ROOM with BOA It li. iii"» respectable private family Rent not to exceed "ft-OO per year A.Mresa"A. li C," ai this office _______* Uf AHfm\9-- A youth M or 17 *-earii old. to Isam the APOTHECARY RI'eTNE'-.S. No com pen->a*ioti allowed tv- first year. A paly to mn 2i-u A.BODI-KER A CO. U* AIkTKD-Kor ths balance of'the year. a tirst rr.te TUNING ROOM SERVANT. Apply to rok»-_t- R. kf. BURTON. .trANTBD— IiwMEDIATELY- lour JOI R vv NLYMEN UOI'SE PAINTERS. Audi to mh°*- It * IS AA C SCII R! Vt-: R. U*A.**»'TFl»-AroodCOOK, white mhM-lw JOHN ENDERS. UrANTKIk— By i .ouiiK man. a situation a* 0\ ERHEI-.R on a farm. Beat oi recoinmcn datious can lie given, if required as lo his iapn lility. honesty and industry. Also understands raisins ail kinds of VEGETABLES. For further information, address HENRY B. MASTER, , mh •jr-lt* Richmond P. 0. UrABTBB- A stout, active BOY.todnws busi ness waxou grocery store. One wh-> can read and write, and is w.Urns' to make himself use ful about the store, can apply to J IV KAVENAGH, BshJo_-tS 6th and Broad sU._ __'•* BTUh—A competent CLERK, who writes vv a rood and rapid hand, and itnc'iuainteu with business. To such, a l"ai rand permanent kit nation will be Riven. Apply to or address 11 E.TI'TTLE. P. S —Call after 10 o'clock A. M. 27 - 2t UfArsT-O-To mre. •*. first rate WASHER *1 and IRONKR-and for hire, a female SER VANT, who is a t-ood House Be i vast,rkasshsr maid sml Seamstress Apply to mh sT-* SAM'L M. PRICE A CO. U/AVTtn-Tn rent n small llO'SK.wiUi proli v v abl] • -ir I rooms, to nave .t.-i.s and water; also, asm ill ("AKlifN convenient. Locatton either Preach Oardsa Hill, or nay ui.e neighborhood up town A toad rent, will tie paid for mic'i by apply ing al the stors of WM. BATTLER A Co., mh :',.-»,l* 142 Main street. nTAMTC_r».Tn dispose of, by a EBatlemaa, a »* g\ ROSEWOOD PIANO, of very hue quality of tone. wi»h ksautiful elasGcit* of touch, made by one of V.c l>est m.-ikers. Steinway .V Sons, New Votk—onl* in use tiirce months Cost B—B. Will l-e soul at a bargain, for *•!_) Also, a magnificent HARI'. Cost mem*. Wul bs sold for BtM. Both ma*. l>e seen at Air. Taylob'* Music Store. Maui street mh 24-Gt" Ui A % n »- immediately- a white WOMAN, Sinn!.- to Cook -nd Wash for a BSMII fniiiiU. None need ai-i>i» unless well re- COSBUmnded and ruilj competent. Address mi.-t ts -cot'K," PisautikOmen. ly.tvTl-D-T,. rent a VARI>. on the River of *v Canal, at Richmond. Also to pu rckaas WO, --000 bus el., ol clean, sharp SAND* must he free from soil or dirt. Apply to R. J. WHITE, Colum bian Hotel. !nli~J-st* lirAKTBB-At MAII.KKT'.-' eneaa store. No. »' -il Main street, one baadrsd ko'-ii custna-teu wrehass the cheapest Dry G--odsof arl dascristioßS such -is Dress Goods; Embroideries; Boys' and Men's Wear: Btochior-s; Gloves: .Shirt ints and Rksetiags; hi t>e closed' pos-ille, h\ the Ist of April. An immediate call is requested. U7 ANTED—A siucls youus man. who is tbo rrouchl] i-om-.-p.ent in the PRtSCRIPTION and retail department of the DHL'G BUSINESS, nnd who is w Hint; tn devote his time and attention to his employers' interests. The situation will bs kept open f-r two weeks. References for integrity and proficiency required, 'ppljto .US. H. PEARCE A Co.. Drugg:ats_ tnli2l—ts] Cur. 8.-'o.-ul ami t'th sts., KiohmoM. Va. H'A.M'EO.- 1 wish to hire for the White Sul phur Sprm'.'s Comsany nlxm* ltxi DINING ROOM and CABIN SERVANTS.for the ensuing Sprinitsseason. THOS .1. BAG BY, General Agent,B Weil street. nrtu2l—lm Under St. Charles Hotel. \l r .A**.TKD-II!l)l-:s aad BARK at the Steam v» Taaaery.uu Brook** Avenue, for wnieb the blithest price will 1* paid in cash Farmers win. kavs bark to sell, or to get in the spring, are m vited to call and outage the same, mh I—dlmfcewst* \l, T A.'*iiTiil)-2.('uO doz. Ck-urs-asae i'OiTLES el wanted by DUDLEY ft CO . infill—ts 72 .Main st. TIT" A _ T E IK —We wish to hire for the Old vt Sw.-ct Snrim-s. tiiirti or forty CABIN and DINING-ROOM SERVANT"*, lor the ensuini; Springs season. GOOCH A ECHOLS, mh 6—l m TIfAXTEU-L*"b'oß".—The James Rivsr and vv Kanawha Compunv want to hire eighteen able-bodied NEGRO MEN to work -luring the remainder oi the present ye-., on the repairs of the L'anai between thus city and Lynchburg. The company will pay a hlieial rate of hire for the balance of tne ye.-.r. and feed and clothe we.l. and pay all medical-ttendance, free of charge to the owner. E. 1. CIIINN. iiihS-lm Supt. .1. R. A K. Caaal. UfANTKI ►— Everykodj to know that i nave commenced the mntiufrt.4jture of TRUNKS, CARPET-BAGS, and VA LICKS at. No. 54, Main street, Richmond, where they can had a beautiful assottment of Trunks. Valines, and Carpet-Baga, of every style, at prices a.s low aa they can lw bought in ihe Northern cities, both at wholesale and retaiL Trunks repaired unci Covers made to order, at the shortest notice. de2S-6m JAMES KNOTTS. PRO C E X 1M S , Ac. 80 hhds. small HAMS.IIRKA_Tti.-ind SHOUL i'KKS. 5.*. bbls. prims LEAF LARD. 15 pneaagea prime Hi'TTkr. 26 l,i.U. sweet NEWARK CIDER. 100 boxes OKANGEB and LEMONS, lno boxes prime Cutting CHEESE. SOU boxes Adamantine CANDLES. lu_ i'l.l-j. Refined SUGARS. 75 bids. Rickaruson'a Old Rye WHISKEY. Landing per to day's steamers, for sale low, by WM. H. TYLER,Mth a reet, mh .'--ft Between Main and Cary. 'in» t Ot NTRY >li-.R« HANTS—We now 1 oti.-r ol BOOKS, PAPER and STATIONERY. AT WHOLESALE, ever oflered to the trace of Virginia, North Caro lina and rVnnts-ee Woak) ask special attention to our NEW SOUTHERN BOOKS. A. MORRIS. Bookseller, mh 27—.".t y? .Mam street. PatA-M BLOW rOTATOfcU.- _ " M bushels superior Peauh U'ow POTATOES, for table ii«w and planting, which we war rant to In; of a superior quality. 200 bushels superior White Mercer POTA TOES, which we offer at wholesale and re tail AUSTIN k GENTRY. mh 20—3t rriinklin street. rj**9 Ml LITABY MBBl.—The advertiser I wisksa to dispose of a superior mv.v SWORp, with leather »c«i»i-ard and hilt, ictuiation pattern. Also, a loui: BASH. Havins* no use l>r them, they will be sold cheap. Address ''J," Dispatek olttce. mm ft—to. ELECIANT EDITIONS OF OLD ENt.- Lf-'H BfM.'KS.-We have ju<» opened :i large collection of STANDARD W©RKS, by old L'nß lish authors, which will be sold e-**eap mh 27-:« . A MORRIS. Bookseller. It# lOISTrTv MBBt'ifANTß—Receiving tins da\, per nek* Marshall, the followim.- KO'ilp. which will be sold at. New York t.rices for cash; 3a) boxen Oranges nnd Lemons; fitio boxes Raisins. Inters and bunch: *m bans assorted Nuts; 100 cases assorted 7" do. do. Pickles; MOO boxes Sardines; I.3oodrums Fi_s. Also, 11 rum fro* tortus double refined Caudles, warranted to be iinetiualled i.i this city, and at reduced orices. A. ANTONI. wholesale dealer in l-'oreizn Eruit. opposite Kent. Pa:ne &_Co. Dlt KM tJOOUt*.. OIIKS** _ «.On|lsr-Call at MAI LERT'S this week arm l-uy a lilieap Dress. All must be closed out by ths Ist of April. Chillies. Uousla.BS. Lawns. Ali.acas. Calico**--, Cotton Cloths. Men and Boys' Wear. Collars, hm l.roitb-ries. Ladies' and Children's Stockings, Hoop Skirts. Call, if y<>u want a bantam, tins week; nil of them must be closed oat. AUO. MAILER 1. _HtLMB UNBCMATIC I*MEDV.-Dr. r ktentarue's Miraculous Pain Knier i- un inUl lible »ud instantaneous cure tor Rheumatism, Neeralgia Fever ami Ai-iie. Sick ami Nervous Headache, Toothache Ac Price 25 cts. lor sale 1,, L. WAGHKR, DrlggMt, 7 _ tit hand Broad als. EM. MSII CHB-ts_.-— I have on baud a su perior -irficle of Rath Loaf, impor'ed direct from England, in small loaves, suit-ible for fami lies. Eoi sale by B PLEASAN IS, An t, No. 3 Mgin st., cor. li'h. A HOtH-T FOR "THE FKATHI" XXI» A SONGSTERS.-Just opened a n-o-t» entttiiul variety of Canary Bin) Cages that will pleas-the most fastidious as to price «dsa%litv. cor sale at HULK LEY S, 137 Main st. A FEW MORE LEFT-"! the bf-ese lu-.t of Patrick llenrv. A good chance is now oi l's red. at b re* - low price, to aeeure in iiuperisha ble likeness of Hie ttreaf orator. . THOS. A. BULKLEV, 1."i7 Maia St. MFIH'INE M A I.Ef*..-Just received, some very neat and accurate Medicine and Weights; for sal* bj A. BOi XX KR .V CO . Druggists, No 10 Man stieot. BKI Mllt->. HRUMItKB.-Hair.'iWh. Nail, Shaving.Clotlie., Main street, near the Old Market. _**trAl**t» PAr. .ivF..-Tlifs o'd iislijoiied bit ex-elletit remedy for imi>un>. <.r the Mood, Eruptions on the .-_,n. i c _ CO . riHFAP «OOl>*4. t MF4P IJOOIW.t LOS- Ll\n()l'T THIS WEEK -Persons iii want ol cheap Dr, Good. *£» *g£>*> P II Maia street. nIH) U _fo _•_&>■ t_iBJP 7IuTTER.-Ju«t G received. this of March. *W pounds of priiue m BAf'ON.-SDhlids. choice Middlings; to hhds. Breasts ; »d!» Shnu'ders to tierces Hams, ot ths chou-sst qu.l.t,, 1Wl»8. O/tLT.-iVWsacks7e_Js * D'Aror. and Marshpll h/f At BFREL ArtJII HF.RRINGK -35 hblf. IVI sniall No. 3 Mackerel, of srime quality; fiO do. Halite, Herrm*.. in i"t* o WEBB. CIRBT Or THE •EABON-FBERII. BUT rM'VemWKJt!^^^' mmxy^m^if* ******* -CtfTJTTOW BAtrBS. _____*j_j____j vg* By t. B. i oeh. 1?t lt*tTt Hk ~FI K.-vITIRK, Ac, AT AUCTION -On FRIDAY, .loth inst .at 10 " c ! u - , '>. J .**'" aell. at in stors. a iar*n? lot of <sn teel I VRNITI RE, the most of which is entirely new. oonsuitins of- 7 m N-shot* any and Black Walnnt Wardrobes; £ t«.«.*-H V*. aiiuii sn.t (ink 11.M.k Css s: I Manotany mst Us Top Bureau-.: tSidehoards: ■ahpcaay and •Mack Walnut French and .lenny 1.i.xl lie Istsada I -.I'les; \\, Cane and Wood Seat Chair*' Hair nnd Shuck Msltresses: t-V-ith.-r Ur.U.Ar .Ac' Al SO-1 set Cettacs Pstraiture. (entirely new.i 1 .V'.t..uaii. .Secretary and Book Ca«e mr.2 1 E. R. COOK. Auct'r. Ky Alex. "1011. Am I. PI'KMTI Itl-.'. IIKV GOODS AND f.KO » ('FRIES. — Will he sold at auction. at my store on THORttDAY momins next, the _ith ins'ant! Mmjßensinc at» o'clock, a i;ood lot of second hand 1- I R.MTL RE. Dh'\ GOODS.- Rcadv-Mad* Clothine, Roots Shoes. H-it* Caps and Bonnets. !anra lot Hosier*' GROCERIES .-Whiskey. Gin. Brand*-. Wine, _*•**«__. Candles, Ac; H) boxes fine Chewing Tobacco; 10.I'm) Ulnars ALSO.—Fine assortment Earthen and __■_. ware. tmhWij ALEX. NOT'!', Auct \ I Kill-HI A LIFK IMSCAABCB CBBtfA* * N*. —At a ineetinE of the Stockholders of the V'r*mia Lite insurance Company, held at the oihne ol the Merchants' Insursnoe Company, in the , ity of Richmond, on WEDNESDAY, the 21st ofMaren, I*o. the foUowiag-tentiemen wereeleet ed a Board of Director* : Wm. H. Macfarl.ind. John Pnr«*ll, Joseph Allen. s am 'l T. Ba»ly. R.'Soeß Heath. Jos R. Anderson, Thos W VcCance, C. G. Barney. John IL Moatagße, Ho. H. IHaurr. David I. Burr, Jaa A. Cowardin, Lewis (.i- ter, _«ni. H. Nash, John .Lines. p. f Moore. Jas L. Api-erson, John H. Claiborne, Lewis |l I'reushaw, B.C. Wherry. w a. i> Pain*, Wm. H. Christian. Ht. <: Bnskervill, Wtndham Robertson, S»n*lJ. Harrison, J«ha C. S.iafer. V. in H.Haxall. Peter (T Warwick. Rol.t. T. Brooke, R 0 Haskins. gSor*S D. Shell. Edward Nor\ ell. *\ Ooddin, lie-.rtre J. .Simmer, Jotm Donley. I). 8. WooldritLe. I pontile adjournment of the meeting of .Stock holders, tne Board of Directors convened, and elected the following officers; Prutdsnl-WM H. .\IAOF ARLAND. Vtee Presutrnt-tsAM'LJ HABRldOff. S.cretary-i. ADAIR PLEABAN PS. Physician- Dr. BLAIR BI'RWELL. B HEATH. Esq. By .otterof the Board mh 27-d.•tuts J.ADAIR PLEASANTS, Secy. kJOJ TalKßli ( o>l>lEKt lAf. f'llUE.-. Ihe unde-Bi.-ned .ire now con•piling, and ex poet to ii»ue within n few mor.'hs. a BTJ H I N K.SS G V IDE. which shri!! contain tke names of ttie principal bu siness itii-n in the South and Southwest, el tsaiktd tantates places, and kinds of beaiaeaa. The book shallooß] also a I—nee variety of reliable aa 1 iaterestia* statistics—ths whole makras; a volume of about five hundred It will bs punted on Bond paper at it well bound. They intend to mike the ("TIDE as oossnHltS as heir facilities, which are rery KTeat. will enable them, and the* are confident they can present to business men a reliable reference book As the Guide will have a lar.e circulation, it of fers treat inducements to .Merchants. Manufactu rers and others, to brunt their business before the public. Only a limited number of advertisements will bs insetted. Those wishing to advertise wiU please niafS-j early application GREER H. BAKGHMAN, VV. A WRIGHT. newspat-'prs as will copy the above nn nouncemenf. and notice it editorially, and send a copy ef their paper con'airiint- th° announcement and notice, addressed t-> BAUGHMAN A WRIGHT P. 0., Ben No. _t». Richmond, Va.. will be entitled to a copy of the Book, mh 2 1 .' - dtiiAcwlt CAAPAIB- GILT WINDOW SHADES *J* '*>' Tone run off af aa immense s-ic-ifice, on account ot enlarging mv store this summer. AUo. Table aud Floor OIL CLOTH; JW large gilt framed PARLOR PICTURES, gijjere&t sce nery. U one-hull their value Call soon, at the established Window Shade and Mr-. Goods Store of ML GOLDEN, at. Breed st.. Opposite the BtOTO of .V Sons. P. S.—l have no traveling agents in this city or elsewhere. mh'.»-3m 'PHI-: MBSIRIBHK havin't- erected a SHOP 1 on tiie corner of Fourteenth and Dock street--. near Marty's"Bridge, is prepared to do CARPEN HERjj' WORK generally, on the most reasonable teims. All orders Irom the country for SAl"*!!. DOORS. BLINDS and FRAME**?, 'promptly at tended to. WM. F. I'LMPHREY. mh |j|—lm* VlßaslßlA BAT IB «_ BAX X.-- Charter'd by the Legislature of Va. CAPITAL—BMKI.nM! MONEY received on deposit ia sums of FIVE DOLLARS and upwards, on which interest at the rate ot six per centum per annum is paid for sums remaimim six months or lonizer; for shorter pc rtods, interest at the rate of 5 per centum The whole joint at.ick bound for tho deposits. Dfipi-sits receives and certificates issued by the Canlner, T Is. STARKE, at the store of E. B. .peace, comer of Main and Governor streets. Richmond, Va. SAM'L 8. COTTRELL, Prcs't, T. B.STARK E, Cashier, de2S—3m 0. H. P. STEM, Secretary VTKW TMIMMINO AND I'ASit V GUOUS Lv STORK, NO. 21. MAIN -TREET.-We take leave "o info in the Ladies of Richmond and vicin ity, that we ka~e just opened an entire new and verj tine assortment of DRE'-S TRIM MINUS, MANTILLAS. LACES, VEILS. RIBBONS, FRENCH FLOWERS. MILLINERY and LA DIES' FURNISHING 6OODB, in general. Many years ef experience and connections with tha b st wholesale houses in this et utitry. wi 1 en nlle us to furnish always wh-u it new nnd deß,ru ble, nnd to oiler our -roods nt the lowest market prices. I mh 20 linl KAYToN & PLAUT. HILL A NORELEE I. NO. *, BBOCKOE SLIP, Offer for sale the following brands MANUFAC TURED TOBACCO: Scott's brisk*—ihe. bright—lbs. H Pops, briaht—ltis. E Dale, bri.-ut-lbs. • W. H. Smith, extra bright—lhe. J. C. Warte,e_trabright—lbs. Pollock, extra dark —half lbs. Also, a lot of bright SMOKING TOBACCO. We invite the attention of the trade to our stock. _ mh2i- Ot C" V b Ease Extra- tor—Pot rejne-ius _a paint, tar, wa*,or an\ kind of urease, from all kinds ot suk and woollen Dres*<es,and from Broad clot lis. Crtßsiineres, Ao— without the slii-htest inju ry to the fabrics. This article has be»n used extensively through out the country, and has received the highest re commendations. I also received the silver medal at the last Mechanics' Fair. It is made in thiKcity, and descries the patronage of the f-toulh To be had ol ihe pnnciiial Druggists, and at my labora tory, corner Main and 10th sts . Richmond, Va. EOW'DT. ui.VCH. fe 18—3 m Anal.neal Chemist. LUMBER FOR SALE. PIN E IT V BER for house framing, ke. OAK TI.MID-R. for railroad cars. ke. POPLAR ANDOAK PLANK, tor tobacco fioxes and coopers- sawed to order, and delivered at short notice, from mv mill in ChesteificlJ, foui miles distant. WM H. BRANDBR. Office on Basin and Cary street, between »th mh 8-lm and loth. (_TOSE WORK. OF EVERY OEM RIP -> TlON.done by •OSEt'llA WILLIAMSfc CO., PRACTICAL STONE CUT'I'KU.S AND MA SONS, wiio are prepared to furnish saiimates aud contract for the completion o- the same promptly. OfTioe at their Stone Yard, footed Virginia street, near the Danville Railroad l)epot._ PSB-ki (JELLING AT REOL't ED PKitPr.**. -1 am ~J still selling out. privatel* the stiKtk of TRI.VI MINGB ami FANCY GOODS at the stereefC. ButtcU-B. No l.s Broad street. Persons in wan* of such articles will certainly find it to their inter est to make purchases, fe-l—lin WM. F.WATSON Trustee kJEW LUMBER YARO. tORNER l»th iN AND .MAIN BTREI*TS.—I am now receivini a lar<e assortment of North Carolina YELLOW PINE LUMBER and am prepared to fill ordirs at ths shortest notice. My Lumber is the very best quaiiti. Persons wiskißg to purohspppr contract lor lull.; will please give me > cult. le6-d''in* Tkmn 8. BTEVJBWBOW. TIN FOIL.—We have in store, and will keep constantly on hand, superior TIN FOIL, to whioh we iuvite the attention of tobacconists LYLE FOSTER k CO., fe 11—2 in Mn. lift Car? struct. OR Rt/fitT.A vacant Lot, 50~feet fronTTon the Dock, near the ship 1 -ck Apply to A.BODEKERA CO., mh ill-la No. IU Main street. IIGHT SPRl'l E LAOOERB.-We have on J hand a large stock of Intht LADDERS, which we otter Her sale low mh l*-»rn R. H. WHITLOCK k SON. POR SAf.tK—A small lot of strong HARNESS T LEATHER, a few pieoes of COLLAR or TRUNK LEATHER. MADDUX k CO., is 19 ts l'i:rv, 3 doors lielow l.'llh st L'O It S A IthE—A ••WATBOW" WAGON, with I andßknfts, but little used, and iv isrfket outer. A k ,|.ly to JAB. DUNLAP A CO . mh 21—if Corusr By rd and llth sts. B REDDEN A FOX t* ___, " Pull openimt of Sprint: and Summer MAN TILLAS. BIIAWI S, ice MONDAY.IIth March. InOO. Imh I*—lwil I 217 BROAD STREET. HAY! II IV! lltlY!-20O bales com HAY in store and for sa'e by IIHIU-2W R. IL WHITLOCK A SOX COR*** ANDi OATS.-6,("00 bushels CORN. ' f, tin.) bushels OATS. >itlo*t and m store for sale hv lii.tiSl-iHI MARK DOWNEY. \\f *X A LI- A t K*U PURE .tIOUNTAIN W . DEW WHISKEY, for sale by "* WM_ WALLACE BONS__ CARRIAGE BPONOK.-rVo ofler for Bile a n n,ce lot of rsr* DrugKisU._Cor. Broadband »'h-ta._ t£\\ Htetc.■—& tisrees prune new Rice, in more and lor KinKNJtM|UKR Ooraer Pearl ______! Cary streets. /"AP.WLEB-»--3» boxeß and Tal C i„w tACK SONS /iffatis) *>-»Ne.l Perajrisa Guano. K-«ltimnre U inspection, landing for isle by _____*** -*** -* ! - v ' ? * K .!!l ß ft u '* H wsll g k m *. A SON f lino* ~_lM*lßir»|»i.E»*-etor Baotories- Li »».ivins:. »'f qoßDoy a soe: mWmrWrWFZ- Aivcntt^Aim. 1 _ . "' Br Jus. M. Tnyisr A hen, Abcl'b. ALAB4.K SII'MbU* OF VERY PKNI . R ABLE BUILDINU LOTS AND WOOD L*ND IN, AND ADJACENT '10. THE TuW« OK MANCHESTER. FOR HALE AT AUCTION. At the request of S ami Mars. Esq.. Executor of Jos Ma-s, dec.-, we vi I sell, upon the premises, on MONDAY., the Blb day of April. It*-", (that being faster Monday.» tne following vary desirable BUILDING LOTS, viz: Lots Nos H. Hand in. fronting tf.'i lent each, on theeast side of Decatur, l-elween Jeilerson and Adam streets. Lots Nos. »;, 67 and :.--. fronting 4ft feet each, on the north side ol Adam, between Stockton and De catur ktieets. Lots Nob. Jo, 27.29. 29 and 3>). fmn-ing 47', feet each, on the ea»t side of Decatur, between Adam and Cup arre«-tH lots Mas «i, 47 and !•«. fronting 47 feet each, on the cast side of Decatur, between Clay and Mar shall streets. Lot No '•■', fronting 47 feet, on the south side of Marshall street. lots N. s 31 and 32. frontinr 47 feet 2 inches each, on the west side of Decatur, lietween Adam and Clay streets. Lot No. 103, fronting t~ feet, and No. lot. 96 feet, on ttie west side of Decatur, between Clay street and the county mad. Lots Nos. U5 frontinr 47 feet and 106, 111 feet, on south side ot Clay, between Decatur and Hull sts. Los Nos. KM. lull, lio and 111. lronting 47 feet c .eh on the count* road. ALSO— I* i-tht liandson c vacant Lots of square No. 2 in the plan of Fall's Plantation, between {•'tii-.rt and Preble, fronting on viaury and Everett streets, and near lo the Manchester mills. They front 66 feet each and run back lIJ6 leet. ALSO.—Square No. 16, fronting on Stockton and E erett. ami between Barney and Middle streets. ALSO.—Eight Lots in Rqusre No. 22. l-efween Blakey and Burns streets, and lronting as above 66x166 teet each. ALSO.-Eight Lots in -"quire No. .13, between Jefferson and Harrison streets, lrontitu as above, tifixh'i leet each. ALSO.—Nine acres of valua' ie WOOD LANP, hounded by the Richmond and Peters .urn Tu.n pike, .Manchester turnpike. Ricr.iu nd aridP- tersUirj Railroad, and tha Old Coal r'lt Railroad. Itwi.l bo divided mio lots and squares to suit perehsasra. Tea us.—One-fourth cash; the balance at 6.12 and 18 months, lor rianofiable notes, with interest and scour.d by a trust deed. The sale will commence with the Lots adjoining the .-.nils, at the above named hour. JAS. M. TAYLOR A SON. Auct's. mh _. sasTtsA Atdtds r pß ISTKr.'S SALK OF UCSIRABLI I TRACT OF LAND AND RESIDENCE NEAR RICHMOND-in pursuance of the pro vision of a deed of tru-t to the eadas—lrano. b» Sarah BheltUß dated th ( 27th of Maroh, IKS 6 aud duly recorded in the Clerk's office of Henrico County Court. I shall selion the premises, at pitt ite an uion, to the hi. best on TUESDAY, the 3d day of April next, ii! fair; it not. the next fair day thereafter.) e< mavuerhf at tbi o'clock P. M.- a una'l tract o: land '-isled Bammerheld, m the county of Henrico, near tiie oity of Richmond, adioieinit the Catholic Colleice t-act. Tiie tract contains 44 acres, and has upon it a comfortable Dwell ins-bonae, and all BBeas atari out-houses, for the accommod ition of i stniil fannl> Its proximity to the city of Richmond renders it very desirable as a suburban residence, a- d also as a market garden. Tauii*.—Cask lot*ae much as will be necessary to satisfy the purpose? ef the deed-say about *j?4.(ro. For tho bil.nce. up.-n a credit of twelve months, with interest imm day of sale, satisfactory security. by d-nd of trust or otherwise, to be \iven for deterred t>».- ment. Thoucfc as trustee lam re quested to strll for cash, yet the purchaser will l»c able to arraiige for a reasonable credit upon about •Jl siii of tks cask pay ment. The title is believed toie.ood; but selling as trustoh, 1 s|mll convey with warrant, gib. C. G. GHISWOLD.Trus-ee Sale conducted by Jas. ML Taylor At Son, Aucts. mh2l t/AM'ABLE REAL ESTATE ON THE V SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN. NKA R TO PEARL STREET. FOR SALE AT AUCTION.—fTs will sail oa tke premises on WEDNESDAY", the 4th da> of April, commencing at 12 o'clock, M., the valuable «r p-irty located as above, adjoißinii the store of Messrs. Gardner. Carlton k Co.. Bad now ia tke oeoupaaev ol Mr N. C. livrton. It fronts on Malt; stieot about 22>-f-*el. and runs back an average depth of aboutl 0 i'eet. Hems in the very heart of the most business part oi" the city, this is regarded as tiie moatvalnabls property bow otjered. A plat, may Isy seen at the office of the Auiriiorieers. Terms.—One-third cash; the balance at 1 and" 2 rears, for bonds bearing interest, payable quarter ly, and secured i» a deed ot trust. The taxes and insurance for 1.H60 to lie paid by the put chaser. mh 14 JAS. IL TAYLOR A SON, Auct's. YTALVAMLK. _._.-__, tsfllE AT THE » south east corner of clay and hi b STREETS. AT AUCTION.-The subsennor hav ing purchased elsewhere, will ofler H»r Bale, at ptiUtp anpt'oa. BBPU the aressisdk. on TiIURs- DAt'. the 6 - h day of April, connnenciiu at 4>e o'clock P. M. his present residence, located at ihe southeast corner of Clay and 6th streets, and ad jacent to the Second Market. The improvements aie a dwelling containing nine ro ms. closets, .Vc. The lot fronts 2f feer and runs back 120 ieel to a wide alley. The premises are supplied with and writer. Ths location oi thie prppert- i-enddra it valuable for adm-cllin-- or for liusi iess purposes. Ti-kXs.—Oae-sixthcash; the at 6 12.18. 21 and 'A> months, lor aSßOtiabls notes, with inter est a, ded.a..d secured by a trust deed The pur chaser to pay the tayres and insurance lor IS-iO.— Possession given immediately. JOHN 0. BTEGER. Jas. M. Taylor _ Son, Aucts. mh 16 r*O.vIM!SSIO.\KK*S SALE OF REAL *-• ESTATE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF FRANKLIN, BETWEEN 13r*i AN U 14th STS. As Special .'omiiiissioncr, appointed by a decree of the Circuit Court of the city o; Richmond, pro nounced en the !6th day <>i February IS6O. in the cvse styled Poorest, als. vs. Thompson et. als . the 88-sersisned Couumssmner_wiil proceed to sell, l.pon ti.e pramMWf. f.n WED'sESDAV. t.ic 1.-tth da* o(April, coiiiiiienciiu at 12 o'clock "i-.tiie valnable LOT located on the South side of Frank lin, lietween 13th and llth streets and immediate ly opposite Mt-tuu, ~1-rir. Hall, with an old FRAMED BUILDING thereon. It fronts 28 ieot and runs back about IU) feet. Tbbms UP Bslb.— Euou.h in cash to defray the exttenses oi this deoree. and tke additional sum of live hundred dollars, with intsreat "hereon jr.,in iiie iith day o' October, laid, and the residue in two e4j,ial instalments, on a credit of 6 and 12 months,tke bonds bsaring inter e-t iro.ii the —si of sai.? for tke deterred pnymsara, and the title to be retained until all the purchase money is p-nd and it is ordered by the Court; the taxes lot to l>e paid h\ the purchaser. DRURY" WOOD. Special Com'r. Jas. ML TaVLiik A Box, Ai-cti'-nccrj, N B if tks tibiiTS nauirrrislii should bs pre vented by the inclemency of ttie weather, thesame will take place at the hour and place named on the next sin tab.c day thereafter, (Sundays except ed.) mh2l COMMISSION FR'SS ILK UF UFA L ES TATE IN HENRICO COUMIY.—As Special Commissioner, appointed lv a decree of Henrico County Court, pronounced on the Kith day of March, ISA-, in die case st-led Wood et a!s tu. Valentine ct ri!s.. I will Bfaeeed u> *.»il ,_pon ".lie premises.on THt'RaUAV. tne l'Jtn day of April, coiiin.encimr at i o'clock P. M . a lot ol LAM) on 2.*>fr, sfre<*t. Union Hid, not ween M and N st eet-i. Ir. ntin-' 43 (eet and running back 122 feet toan al ley SB leet wide, and nearly opposite Leigh street Baptist Charth. Immediaiel, after the above, g-n enmmencins° at I. o'clock, TVi o ACRES OF LAND, betwera G and Hand SSd and 34th i-t.reets. n.-ar Blood. Run Spring, aad opposite tks residence of R. 11. Lor ton. Res, On FitIDAY, the 20th day of April, 18-*O, c*-tn msaeinK at tK o'clock P Bl„ «a the premise's, NINE AND A HALF ACRES OF LAND, on the plan of Marion Hill, hounded by MsConl. Fisher and Scott street- and Almond's Creek, adjoining the property of Jos. J I'leasants. Ess. Immediately after. TWO ACRES OF LAND in the at'ovc plan, described as Lot No. 71, and ad joining th- Innds of It. 11. Still. Esq. Tkhh or S.-i.k — One third cash; tho t*alanc« in tw.> equal instalments, op a credit ot land 12 montiis, me ...itfi- ii»f>r -, ving notes, with inter***.! added, and title retained until ordered hi the Court. DRI'RV W(.'iil). Special C,nun is-loner Ja* M. Taylor „ Bon. Aucts. N. B.- If the sales named should tie pre vented b> the incl.'inenc. of the weather, thesame wiil take place at the hours and place- named above on the next suitable da> !Sunday excepted there after _ I t-iti 211 _DRDR V V.'OUL). By I. A ti. B. Davenport, Auct's. Ct RO( P. Rl ES, Ac, AT Alt TION. On JT THURSDAY, 29th .March, we will sell, at 10 o'clock, at our auction store, an assortment o! GhOCr RJKS. . iz:- Re_-*edßl T tfARB. Sew York SYRUP. __, ______ Western H-C*'N SIDES and HAMS. SOAP. OANI'LE."*. HTAkCU. Manufactured TOBACCO. fure V|oi-is>es RUM. Rs tihed WHItsKE -. . French BRANDY. PORTER. CLARET WINE. (Jreena-dBackTEAS. Tanners' uIL. -ALSO- V 0 Sides SOLE LEATHER. Tkbms— Tnder _T(-. cash; "tMO and over, 4 mouths' cred.t, for approved neeotiab'e paper. mkSt 1. k _■»■ liA\ r EN PORT, Aucts. BOOTS, f-HOFS AND II IT-, AT Alt- Tl'iN -OaTRi;RBDAY,S9 h Its-reh, w« will BeiLat 11 o'oloek. si our auction siote. _v t, M i.. BOUTS. SIl OKS A N li HA TS T_s. «*•- Over >>'!>—. ii'uaiy li-ji' oiedit, *pt ap proved paper. mh St I. A G. B. DAVENPORT Aucts^ A o">ll*«l!.Tß.\TOK'b SALE UP' VEBV -A VALI'ABLE SLAVKS.-Willbs sold at pub lic auction, on THURSDAY, the,»fk d»* of Blarch.lHß.Btth* late residence of B Oui..hun dro.Br, de-.-e.tsei'. s.tu-i:>*.l v the county of Flu Sanaa, and wi'hui three uolesof Colu-nbia. all ths Blares belansias to s_ d estate seventeen n nun, her,vu: MEN and WOMEN. BOY. aad GIRLS. These slaves are likely an«i valuable farm hands, and w li -v sold on sin months' time for negotiable notes, satisfactory, endorsed w-th interest add ed, uavabls at tt-e Parmeis' Bank of Virstnia. at Richnmnd. R. OMOIR'N D 80. Jr.. Adm'r mhU—d-.owtds* of n. OuoMnaiAo. deed. 1860. BPRINO CLoriltNH, IH6O. HI'MM KB CLOTHINU, htt*t*o CLOTHING, CHEAP CLOTHING. PINE CLOTHING. BIBABLE CLi.TBING BOY-t'CLO-fHIitlG, nnd NfORO CLOTHING. Call at Sl' PSON A MILLEH'B. IS *%Kin tt.. and you will find CI.OTHINIi of their own mnnn factur-. whiPti c-.nrtot be surpassed in any mark*-t. We will kerp dtirin/ the spring and simmer months a fu'l stock of everrtkins that is kept in tne Clot hi n, line Suits, corresp4.ndin-r in eoler, to fit alt «ix.»s and at all pricss. Our moOo is "Ex celsior," as re aids fit. St. Is and workmanship.— The pn' lie is invited to catl aßd eaamiß*> for them selves. SIMPSON A MILLER. Wu. B. D-vim-08. (late of Charlotte, county,! Salesman ..,.., mTK'kX. •• Country msrohanu pnrahasiax lONFKCTKiNERfES uilllod at JUAN WF*'*} •■/■".•__• M J_h "*/**- •_.* •-''>'» ****- pleW suvk ol sjtdescniftHops of eeunU in tbis line. seek as *re**sm\tjmf _»!__ «n hrarrrsss k-*u*es of tke son tmrs them rr^s..awir__iHw?w* , j ~ "** FTJWRE^As 7 S~~~~' By Oeddin fc App-rsan, Auet's. pO.vlvllSSlONk.Bfl' BALE OB VALUA hMIVfu A _Sf»vWoVß_ttaP^ As Co-c missionsrs. appoints.' by a decree of the i ountv Court of Chesterfield.pronounced at March toriu, 1860, in tbe case of Wood and (Jrant ag'st B J. Suer. Ac. we skall proceed to sell atpui-lic auction, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY.' ths 4th April. __v. mt"\, o'clock P. M.. (if fair; if not. the next fair day the following valuable REAL ESTATE. SLAVES, Ac , vie : Ist. The life estate of said Si-cr ia SIZER'.- 1 TAVERN, on Main street, in the town of Man Chester, at the corner of Jackson street, running back 12S feet. 2.1. The fee simple of said Sizer in the real e« m rearoi the tavern property, between that aud the Masons' Hah,fronting on me south side of Jackson street, with two framed tenements tin-is <>n. with brick basements. This property ia capa ble -f a division, so as to sell a vac-nt lot, which will lie done if ri.-sired. 3.1. The fee simple of said Sizer i# and to an un divided moiety of the Lots au. chased by him and — Lewis, of Perdue, Trustee; heinx part of Lot No. 3 in K. C. Mayo's plan, adjo.ninn Manchester, froiitiii i. on a street 33 leet wide, extending from Me. L-onough street to the Railroad. 4th. The lite estate of said Sissr in a Negro Boy named William, and his fee simple in an old Nt_gro Woman named Rhoda. 1 EKU-t.- For the slaves, cash; for the real es tate, one lourth cash; balance at 4. sand 'ft months, lor negotiable notes, interest added, secured by a trust deed. The taxes for 1-160 to lie paid by the purchase;*. C. C. Mi RAX, ' -„_.. ERASMLB GARY.*, *-* om "' Sale conducted by Gout-ii* A Apfeb*o~. Aucts. mh 19 r'OVIVIISSIONKR'S •ALB OF REAL ES *-> TATE IN MANCHESTER.-As Commission er appointed by a decree of the County Court of Chesterfield, pronounced on the 13th December, IBi9, in ihe case of Cunn.n. iintn. &c. .u.inst Brown, Ac, I »hall proceed to sell at public auction on the premises, on WEDNESDAY, 4th At>nl. JBoO. at 4> 3 o'clock, P. M.,<iffair; if not, the next fan day.' Lot No. 9 in tha plan of Manchester, on Poi ter .street, opposite the forme; residence ot E. W .-"until, fronting 142 leet. running back IU feet havina «n old framed tenement thereon. Tbbms.—One third cash; balance at 6 and 12 months, for notes, with interest added. and title retained until all the purchase money is paid l'h-» taxes tor I*l6o, the purchaser to pay. mh 19 C O. VI- RAE Com'r. Sale conducted by Giinmi ,v Ap—wuaM, Aucts. \TOST VA L iT-B-E I' XiV AI E RLSI **- DENCh ON THK NORTH Sl'E OF URACK. BETWEEN 4th AND *tb STREETS. FOR SALE AT AUCTION -Will bs sold at auc tion on the premises, on 1 HL'RSDAY afternoon, tn- sth April. ItUity at 6 o'clock, the I-.r-te and con veniently located RESIDENCE, now in the occu panej ot Dr Junes Bolton, fruatmg on the north side of Grace street 27' 4 feet, running tack 123 ; eet to in alley. in coiiunon. lv feet wide. Th* Tene ment is three stones aoove bsßemeut, and SOB tiinn II r.-oms, in addition to bath-room, br-sides a kit.-hen containing 4 rooms, and a brink stable and carriage house on tne alley in tear. The House is built of the best materials, and has reseat!) lieen phi in a complete slate af repair. The wird.iw sills, caps ami co-nice are made of iron, and t'.e Iron; nutter lined w.tu copper, it is furnisned with every modern convenience, such as cooking raiue.warm-nir turua.e, bath room.-.v iter closets, k c These advantages, together with its eleva-ed, h-'ltliful position and agreeable nei,l,borkood, ender it one of the iv >st desirable residences in tue city. The property may be' hmpeet-M oefor the day ot sals Term* —One-fourth cash ; balance at 1. 2 and .1 % ears, f »r negotiable notes, interest a-'ded, secured by a trust deed. Thp taxes and insurance for 1-tou to be paid t>y the p {chaser- UOUDIN _ APPERSON, Aucts. P. S. Possession given Ist July next. mh 23 G. A A. / iO VI 11 IS si ION * KrV S\l7k OF REAL V / EBTATE IN MANCHESTER. ON THE CORNER OF HULL AND BARNEY STREETS. As Commissioners appointed by a deciee of the Circuit C< urt of 'lionterrield. pronounced at the October term, 1868, in 'he t i-e ot Patteson, Ac, vs. Hall's aum'r. we .shall proceed to m\\. at public auction on the premises, on THURSDa"*.. tne Iktk April. IMB, at s oYo.-k P M , tif fair; -knot, the "ex? fair dtvy.) owe -hail'of H ALF-ACRE _OT, No. Ua, in tiie plan of Manchester, opposit- the residence of Dr. A. Patteson, at th,* coiner of Hull and Barney streets,fronting about 82>» leet on the East aids of Barney street, and 66 feet on the South side of street. There a.o three dweliniKß on the Lot, two wooden and one the Utter of which is now occupied tiy Ui. Weisi ger as an office Tek\*«.--Enough in cash to defray expenses of sale ; balance in equal instalments of 6,12 and 16 months, for bonds bearing interest, with tood per sonal security, nnd title retained till the further order of the Court. The taxes for li6o to he y-\id by the purchase-s. ROSCOE ij. HEATH,' - %rn - r . 0 C. .Mr-RAE. \ Com n - Sale conducted by Oobmb A Appxeson, Auct's. mh 19 By E. if. Cask, Auct. TRUSTEE'S SALS OF STOt'K OF DRY GOODS AT AUCTION. By virtue of a deed nf trust to the subscriber bj Ononis R. ft*-,!--, and duly recorded in ths Hustin.s Curt of the oity ot '{tnhinond, l will proceed to si., at the store off siid George R t-Uhy, No SI Main street, n MON DAY) April Id, at le o'clock, the while of the stock contained in said store of Cloths, Cassimere*, Vestnus. Satinets. Kerse.s. Calicos. Dress Gonna, Flannels, Cottons, and .a fact the variety usually found in a weil-redula'ed DRY GOODS est.-iuiisiiiiient. At 12 o'clock the unexpired lease of said Store will he sold to the highest bidder. The trade lsreiues.ed to attend, as the Goods ure fresh and well assorted. Tkrm*..—All sums under JjlOO. cash; over that amount. 4 month-' credit, for notes satisfactory endorsed Sh.AS L. JOHNSON, Tiustee Sale conducted by E. B Cook, Auct'r. mh& TRUSTEE* SALE OF STQt'K OF STA TIONERY, PRINTING PHE.h-5. TYPE, kc. AT A. CTION.—As trustee in a deed of trust from lanes Lyon tome, re-orded in the Hustings Curt office, 1 shrill, on TUESDAY, the 3dday of April. lSdo. sell at pu die auction, at 10 o'clßek, to the highest bidder at the store on llth street, un der the Exchange Hotel, all the property convey ed to me in said deed, consisting of a general as sortment of STATION _K*f, for C Rating Houses. Lawyers, Printers and others, emoraeias a Wttte lot of BLANK DARfH. CARO BOARDS. White ant Colored; iilank and NEGOTI ABLE NOTES. -ALSO- A new Card and Hi I PRESS, (Gordon's Patent;) larae luantit. of Fancy TYPE. entirely new; a handsome CARD-CUTTKR, lar-ie si*?; a PRESS for Mtampiiii; initials, and an ont- ..onr e>!IO\V CASK A;t..- nuiir time and plae*. the Store will lie rentrd for th- oi tne term ending Ist day oi January, I*>l Thus.- Cash, as to all sums under 980; all sums of $50 and over four montns' credit, lor ap pr.>ved paper, interest added. E. NANCE,T.-uslee. Salecond noted by E. B. Coot, Aucj. mh-V By Kit hard < nut horn, Auct. COTTM-JK FtK.-ylllßE AT AI'CTIQi, Do ERIDAV . "ttth inst., »it itf o'clock, at my store, 1 *,v II ael| at auction J seta of handsome Furniture, containing each one Wardrobe, one Cabinet, one Becstead one Cane Hocker. lour Cane Chairs, one Table o. c Waahatnnd and one Towel Hack One is a beautiful -raincl oak. and the Other elabo-ritely tainted. Will n'si lie sold «tx superb Mahogany seat Chairs, and rundrv other articles. DRY GOODS CLOTHING—After the sai at half past ten oV'.,ck, I wili proceed to aeli a lot of clothing, consisting of CtMsirnere, Cioih and Sa irir-t Coats, aad Cassimere Pan's. Snk a«, f . Veleßtie Vests, Neck ties, large faaei Silk Cray-its 9 us. Prints, a lot of Ital ian Sewm* Silk of the liest aualrt], Marge.ties Vests.-ancy Hells. 25 doz l.i-en Kosoms, Mar seilles. fancy Calico and Rickori Shirts. 10 doz. fane. Liaeß.Btri pad aad Jeans rants, Hum ,*-us pc iters of best nua.ily. to.e'.ii r wttli (41 iv.i other articles. I'kkm*.—6o(lays' oredt' f>r all sums af SSO. and upwanis; under liii-i amount casn. mm* R CAU I'HORN, Auct By Robert l__._l.yiie. Auct. A Sll ALL, lAX M, I 4* ft V.tIMNG FIVI-. •-"a AMI A HALP ACRKj-t, ON THK OSBi-HNF TTRNPIKK.I', MI.KB BELOW KiC'lVluNl" KOK S\LK AT AUCTION -I wYli sell at public suction. «-n theJjdday of APRIL, liffkiri if not, thene_t f-ur day ttiereait-*r. iat II o'eukik. upon H;e jirem:*'*'*. that very desirable little Farm, con t-iiiiuiK 6>i acres situateo ns described hI-ovc, ad i tinr.-i tiie lands of K. Mills, Jis. rhro-iiiortou and others If. pr. due, •» well of the! crops and is ada ir,bl> aUtptrd for a market garden — Ihe improvements consist of a framed dwelling witii the iiMi n out h uisaa, all in read o-der. The location is jte- feet I - health-.. aoeiety sooth and con veinei.t to cbu'c'es of several dsnowin .tions aad a .0.-d cristmiU itcan be purchased pi Lately befiire 'lv; day of sale : if snid. dun uot*o~ will be given Th- premises will be shown b. Sir Childress, wh-> reside, on the arid for terms. Jo. appi V" ' . „ 80. B. I.VNK. aboi., i.ffloo in liaseui.nt Metropolitan Ball, mh JJ-dtds T~ iv i t-kit. is brr.-.. OVER. ON VIRGINIA CKNTRAL RAlL ßOAD—Pursuant to the provisions of a deed of trust from Wm H. Tyler and wife, to tke under si. tied, at the request of the beneficiary in said deed. I will, on the premises, on the lot), day oi April l-*_o. commencing at 12 o'clock sell to the In. h«st bidder, the tract of LA.YD. conveyed by s.ud deed, containing by estimation one hundred acre* This tret of Land is Yin the Virginia Csii tnil Railroad, una adin.ha lands of John K. t.-oss, Jno. I vt iiuo-ld's estate and others, and is a parr wl ths tract of land ktcly to Charles Jari*-'estate. Tbbms.-Cash will tie required for so much as will l-e necessary to pay ths seek ofsa'e, record ing »;.id deed. Ac, an4l to discharge the debt se cure,i In said deed; as to the residue, the terms will be made known on the day of sale, ask- dt.l B. O. noSWF.LL. Truata*. By Wiilinui Paninil A_cfr, (Ba%v, Bt-.rseiuisß.sa. V*.> _. !__**•- -* 1 **.T_».*flßOkTn. __________J A AT AI'CTIOV- 0_ . _r * H o l L*___>«-f_ "_* j*.tWo'clock, at our wharf, in Pete rshur--, we shall sell at auc Uoii wriout reseive. the STEAMER W. W TO WNk 8. se v* n A h KS. a set of W AYS, a COAL SCOW, SHED OFFICE and «'F pfclcriJffiff- TiRE. BIOCKB. BUliilNvß. 0_.»l »_. RICKS, a pair or HOR«K_. Well broke for koist int. oargo. ar.d mauy other articles too numerous to mention. Tbb--. at sale. PANNILL A CARTER. _?_.■*_?__.»>_ _*-Vr ,|r .i, . mhl. <*t.wtds POaiPi W>:MENT-The above sals ia post pons.! to ERtDA\ , SOtk met., at W o'clock M. lull 2J ■ p. k (__ CI- tie sold onTUKB -/ lA i . Apr.l $_, commencing at 10 o'oloek, A. id.hi tne auction ti use ol Air Xante r Now. ihe foliowins at tides, to wit t a oi c fourth pipes sit as., is Oasnae ÜBAhBY *, 1 .* «• •• Pale •• a ftr'a of ♦' *• Daik *• 1 i...J Old Rye WHISK KY ; I 1.14 CHhttßV BOIA'CEi Icask CLARET WIN X: , "«_3MB_«»te, , s» ***• MAT - I Wa-eut DIM ■*_ TABLE; 1 BUREATT. 1 SB t TEE 1 FENDER • .aoßWiorCOO_ll.G RAMUff. c™; ROIL S ** ,**+*» la^Bl f_B__-_l_s *___i___i__sT_r™ * FO,,4 *^__j____s-h^__er^: —; of a eeeree oTlhn Coaatjr TKi m r&,!_2 B t,. sntered at Marsh term. imp. ,n lb? ea_Tif_!2" din A Appsrson vs. Ac, the o_XsTL?_r_ will.at4o'clock dag of March, 18W. (. f fair; if not. the neat b_r cay,/ upon the pregnises. pn-rsed to sell at auetior. the above mentioned Lot. fronftng meet, run-ins back !_t fset. -"■ing Tvßus.-So much cask SB may be necessary to disekarme the cuts nf this suit, and the okarres and expenses incident to said sale, and to pay to tke plaintitls the sum of Bs7_o, with laterest thereon from the llth day of November, Ifft, aad upon a credit, aa to the residue, of 4 months from tke day or sale; taking lor the said deterred payment ane- Kotiable note fr >m the purchaser, witk a good en dorser. with interest added from the day of sale, and retaining the title until tke whole purchase money is paid, s_d a ronveyaaee dirroted by the Court. Ihe taxes for 1660 to he paid by the par chaser. JOHNSON H. SANDd, a , , ~ . Special Commissioner. Bale by Gqdtji- A Appebsq.v, Aucts. (ma IP -V *EATBKi t X I »!-«_, VI fefs TU.U IHIHIH HILL. AT THE CORNER OFMANDJBTH -IREbTB, AND VACANT>.OT ATTACBED - ** ''I be sold at auction, on the premises, on _$__-S- ,ook,th ? new * n6 aaoellent bnek TENE- M_NT ooated as abov-e. now in the occupancy of ___: ,'l a V in 8 »» r »- Ths lot fronts as feet, runs bark IM feet to an alley. The house has 6 rooms, besides brick kitchen and the asnal out-buildinss together with a well or pump of fine water Teems.—One-sixth cash; balance at 4.8 and 12 months, for negotiable notes, interest added, and title retained until the last note is paid. The taxas for IS-"*" to be paid by the purchaser. ■■ ,9 .GODDIN x APPERSON. Anets. HOI SE ANli 1.0 I' r«>K SALE OK __ CPVROH HILL, CORNER OF CLAY AND »TH ST.**. AT AUCTION. ON THE PREM ISES. ON THURSDAY. »TH INSTANT ,AT*Vi 0 CLOCK.—The house is a conven ent dweliia. for a Mii.-il! family, having 4 or 5 rooms, besides a wing nuitable for a grocery >r mechanic's shop - I he lot. fronts about 43 feet on 0!a» street, with njjotber of 30 feet adj4 ißlß'g, i to l>e s. Id it the same time,) will Inmisii to >ke dwellin< a rich ni-r --dett spot, or produce lot lor cows and dniry 1 he hi use has now a koihl ten -nt, but poKsessiou mil be had 100 ~if desired. T'Brsv- One fourth cash; baUnoe at4.B_ndiJ moiiths. for negotiable notes with in'eresi. mn 10 GODDIN A APPERSON. 'octa. I/AMAHLK RKAL IsltiV IN Till » COUNTY OF BENRICO NEAR THE CITY OF R.CHMOND. AT AVK TION -Atthe request «»t the heir at-lawnf the la te William Gou dm deceased, we shall sell, at public auction, on the ! remi-eg, in the order ad ertised. on FR'DaY, the apt hoi '.larch, li-O. ,t 13 o'eli-ch \l. thslol lownii.* ratttahls real astass, of s-hich the said G-uldin died seized, vie. Lot No. 4. iv Square No. -T. in Ruthertoord'sadtiitii-n. Union Hill, fronting 173 tret on west Znti street, uiiiiuri. bn.-k on the north lid* of S street Ms fest; nlao. Square No IS. in s.iti.e addition, bounded b;- 3oth. .list, ii and R sheets. 4nd hi 4 o'clock P.M.. of the stim* day.onth* • reiiiis-s, in tne seder advertised, tie lollowi.-e valu.-bie pr.>(.ert> in the town of S.dnei. vis : 341 feet two inches of lard on the south S'deol Orme street.ueiar Noa lis.ind llSextendini* fiom Vine to Lorabardy stret t. pack 179 flint toih« lot <>t W.C. Allen, "-a'-. After which wit; l-c sold iino Lots in Ritchie's vjiß.desu-H -tfilaa No 67. M, «8 70, 71 Vt, 7.1. 74. 75. trrin'iiis to.-ether /To leu ~a the south side of street, runnii.v. back I.lofeet, adjoining ths am P)(ine> Baptist Church. After wbn-h wtli te sold an undivided moiet, of rh-it tHMutilut sqiisre »f four acres, with the Bnr-k DwslUßg, vc . thereon Ibrmertj owm-d nd occup -df-y Mr. N- X Tl'i, 273 274 27a. bounded b. Elmwood Dover. Elm and Cedar streets. Also, tne I* atirul iqn, of four -teres, adjoining Nos 321 3J2.».lsmnded b; r.lmwoou. Hover. Ro\ap*on nnd vluibe r. streets Also, an undivided ol ihar beautiful sq>ia>e « four teres r.dini'-iag. designated by Nos. 3!7. 318.319.320, Dounded bj Dover, Elmwood, Cedar iit.d Koiunson streets At tke same time and place will be sold 107 acres of Land in the lowei p.rt of Henrico, adjotnin* .he Is mis oi Messrs. i:,-.rter. Fisher, Franktm Parker, Ac. an I to said Goitldiu k. Jos Sharp, by de*d of Ctti seotemtior. i._i. Ais... at tho-iaiue time and pits:. u*iß i* ao! i two-thirds of an undivided trc.c; of"*! a r*-s oi L.ndontii" Dcey Run Turnpike, neir the Ur.ds of the la.c Amwosennteneson sr.d others, eceveved lo said Gou'din by w Goddis. Tiu.-tee oi R. T. Wicksr. by deed of 3lst July. |65<J Tf»m«-One third ; hahtißSS at 4 and 8 nmnths, for neoti-tbie n.otos..merest added, and t.tb_ retained till all the puichase money is fully paid. Tl}9 taxsn for ISSoto he b. the pur chaser*. iiODPI> A APPERSON. Aaet. I. S.—lt is probable aa arrnn. e.nent will be made with the owner of tho ntkei undivided in.i-e;. ol the three four acre "ots in ."'*. u.r,as to sell thun as a whole, and nut r.-* an moiety. mn 22 G. A A. portsvntHrstu-i|~_rfFs sas'.i. *j, vaiia. MLX fr'ARM. WITH STONK QUARRY THEREON, ON DANVILLE RAILROAD. IN CHE.STK«KIKLI> Ci'UNTY, ON JAM EH RIV KR, FOUR MILKS FROM MANCHESTER.— As one of tiie Oomuiiisioners nppoi.rtud by a de cree ol the Tircuit C-urt ..f Ches eihe.'d, pro nounced on the 4th Mai. iv>i>. in the o»se of Fat ■ts <r. a ainst. C.-w in.'s rcpreaeatativea," 1 ihail proceed to sell at ■ub ie motion, on the premises. on MONDAY, the I'd April, injo. at lte_etoek BT, (if far ; if not, the n.-xt lur diy. ihe FARM . lo cated aa above, formerly owned r»> the .late Willis W. Cowling, and pur tiased bj Mr. George \V, 'o!e. at a sale mride t former decree in this cause. The tract contains .ud adjoins the lands of Riciiard Nahaniel Green nnd others. The in. the tract are nearl. new, and su'V.cic*it for the use of a small family. Thak|_d i« partly araUle putly in w0.,..!». a'.d'.i.ors is on it a valuaiile si one quarry. wkieh. from its proximity t-< the Dauville Rail ro;-.d, adds greatly to its value. Mr. C.-le. rsetSßUs oa the premise •. will take pleasure in showiiu ths place to thote who may calLn him. Tub vkm will lie known t»t Uieiiour of sale. The taxes lor K-viO to be yi.-> «•» the puruaa ser C ("' ,**j v "-A'E. Aciint- Com'r. Sile conducted ta| Quhhlß A ArTßasoU, Aucts. n»| 1? i O WMIShtON-.M-B SALE OF REAL. Eh. V TATE. IN HENRICO OOUNTY.-As Com minsioner appmatad b> ,-i degree oi Henri.,iCoun t_ C.ttirt, pronounced on the 7th February. Wl", in tbe ease of Tmhley axainst Tiuslav's itilministra tor, he, I proceed to sell. >,i auction, at Henrico Court) r<.-.,-i house, on MONDAY, the 2d April. I—U Couit day .I at 12 o clock M. FIfTTY UlltEE ACRES OF LAND, of whicu Maianhl 1 iaslay died sei-tfd nnd possess ed oi, in the upier eno of Henrico county, and Ismndrid by the lands of Robert H. Henley, l.uig N Gordon. B. P. I'ottrell and others. Also, EIGHT ACRKS OF LAND, v-jonnuiTiUe above 63 acres. The f'<o "k « 418 ia to i>e made at the risk and cost a oi Win. o. Bui rues,wh<> became the purchaser nf 1.., i land at a former sale. i Trirn»-Cash. The taxes fo. ISw) to tie paid by the purchaser. JOHN N. Da Vis, Com r. Goddi.-S k Appkr-ijij, Aucts. mliM VALUABLr 111 MM s»MAMIO> Til*. SOt TH MOK OF .MAIN. Bh IWKKN AND2IrT BTR-ETa, FOR SAL<S AT AUCTiUrf. At th- request of M r Henr> W«llenstein, we 8)1 sell «t public. »uction. on the premises, on MON DAY, the 2d of April, l-Wfl, nt IS « clock. P .1 . that lance l-KAM EB Bl ILDIN-J aud Hi* LOT on wl ich it stands, located as above- ami heretofore, tor in iriv >e-irs. occupied n_ a Ht.-.riy aid dwelling kj Air. laanu m.-I, t*ii.*. Ths let fronts .'l2 leet and run* l-ij 1» #* Ihe property now rents lv* -•Vi) PBS annum. The locution is" as au excellent one for business on) poses. Teams.- One knirtk csh; hai.-nce at 3, S and 9 months, to- ncotirtliie antes, interest utde-J. se eared by a trust deed or title r«t.\«sd The taxes for lt-uto lie ptiio b\ the n,-f_h-ser, mhffcl G,' t >i;i*ii.h APPRRROJI, Auct's. V' V lABLIUKUhsIIIIttAKUIIVItI, * LlNij ON NAVY HILL.. UN THE CORNER O F St m ' N D D L V A L ST H X ETS, FOX S.v LE AT AUCTION.—WiII lie sold, at suction. <>n the S*« mi-es. on MONDAY aftemo.r, tits *1 Ap iL l-S) at-o'clock. thr> n.*w ami esoellent A ti I C X TKM-.MEN I, l.Ktattd -g a*-... c". now owutel -.nd in theoccupan. of Mr D N .duD .we I. his a Irani nf ;l Gset and 1 d-*p'h „l 123 feet. t.. _n '.ile> l_ feet wide It \vi:l be m>'_ « ilk >-t without ;ue VACANT LOT to the Hertk as may lie. uelt r .l ined .m in th*'ii-.ur of sue. ft « hot.c is re mntkahly wuil bulb aad ca-.ei 1 -ii»ly arraupsn. It Ua- 1* ue ill ... t, c st..r- ro>,in. a-d in • ti -11.f,.11-. BRICK KITCH-.i. CO..L and WoOu HOUSE f kkm*.—Oue-tiurd ca-sh ; ' a r 4, S and 12 months, fir ne_oti notes, hup, .st a-.dej. and title retained till Inn- u-.te is p-.-d ._» taxes for 106. to i-e pn.d l>. 'he purch<*',*-e > mh 27 G.ilM-j.'4 APPERSON. Aaots. A It 1 !_>■> 1, ILL OP Hi'l kCR AMI LOTS -'A N gffsJ NEAR MANCHLSTfK.-WiU bs sold, on TUESUAY. thiStl Apr.l, I-*•-., on the pre u.iaes, after 'iKSxi' advr>iti«e,i hj M. tie .r.e W. ."neliim.*, the House a.d I ot on 'he Man- hester "if Faiiim* Crees Turn.ike. owned *>y Mana Hott.anit neartheer s« n. of the l\te rshur s Rail road. Al'erwhuh. will lie sold p. rt ol Lot No Ira. c.-rnerof Pe-r. and W-rrm t„n str.-et*. fr-Btin ho feet on the f.-rm-r. -unninx hn>« I'll feet, aud having tnereon sMiialt Frn-ueri n»el-m, Tit us - On.e--h.rd oasli; t-alanoe at sand a months, fir th»..liable notes, mtere-t added and ti'l-r r.ia>ue.| till last note ia paid. The taxes for leant., be paid b- tbe lurch users mil 27 GOPuiN a APrKRSON. Aseto. I AKGK Nl-llltfcK «P HPAITIEII. : Le BiH.iiiNii LOTS NEAR THE WESTERN LIMITS OF MANCHESTER. F«»R SAiE AT Al CI ION.-At tbe request of Mr. tieor-e VI . Suell 11 «, we shall sell at public nu- turn ou tiie premises, on TUESDAY, the hi uay ol April, lstsj. at AS o'clock P. M.iif fair 1 if not. tn-« next lair day.l a number of umislbeautiful RL'lLl'lN'i LOTS, adjo.&m. tks residence oi the said Snail mrs. A plat 01' the Lots can be seen at onr omoe.- I.oif. for ttie most part am raiunrkiUl, welt meet tl and t-ou,ni-.sil a hue view of the city of Richmond and wi nndn . o -uatri. Tiixi —line rend cash; btlnnce at sand 8 months, for negotiable notes mtersst added, aa cured by a trust deeri or titls 1 Uiim. Tke taxes for 1 60 to be paid by ths l-ureSss-.s. inks* i.oi»i.;n A APPEhBON, Auct's. .E^^^^-tW Btor of Rsbc-v Clabb M»)o deceased. asirTthe provisio sol the mil of us testatrix, will sellat Bublic auction, on tke srenusea. on WEDNkS bAY.. tM.Uk April. 1:6) at 4 o'oloek / S-Tiif **V i A T** _**_ -**> f ** r «-**•** ■•■< "'.." real esiais pi which tke test <tnx died -sissd via- a tot oa tlm Borik side ol Hull r- r MamTß»reet!en t_e square immed.ately below V. PsrdiuCa store. •Vonrtpg 7. fiet, ranotn.Tiek on Rurrow! stres. 1b.% feet i..»et.„»r w.lh -tn <__ bniS in< Ikersoii. ...w ,^,„ r M b Rmj. mms This [ proper!. I* ib ihe cpatral. limuaeW £JTef ihs hvwn.andu v.rj drsirsW. loaahrdT ' l *.V* - l «e-lounk oaaki ladaaoe at A llanU M gW (B-STB ,_^l~«?£ P. .- .-Inuiiediatrl. niter tke fnre»«uas sale, nil fcl !!_•_ ASKS _Sf!i*S». *S*iVt aeM at tke risk and costs of the former pyshsssr. *!_.•*• Hi* *° ******* •*'«• «se terms _f i-6r_. ' —***- Bsbb_" Vi'iV. *** ___*_? ismi-sf-üß title renunfMßiall ths puMhase nfinTiml Tke i«xss for law to be paid k> ike pa'fß_BS_r__. mhU I____7-Z **•<*•*****•*' ___. *" —n— - * RL"__a __i__s__-*si __r__L__l ""^l"™" - __B______ -9PS_flß___ft_«_aaaßßßaßaß^ K » aßß^ APCSfcO-s fM-Ufte. * * "■•'-lar.'' -a* ""* ■'«■''* ->■>■>'-*■> _ ..»B-| W .-.,.. jfy ti g| Bp Bwuslsi, Manse » fe. A VCTlOft will ssU TO BAT. fj- sosßSßsac*aAnt_h)j_Morjh. tea at tMwe nags " By Them. f>. Bsnsnek i-asC, (Oitos corner UU and Cary streets.) ___ft-s T - > s^iA_M_Ht mr --a_-Av>AYH __4__iU__Tt_L hll_ml_n WAGONM, *c A »r JnF sc-iher. ka-.ns to rmo*** from hie sisesßSeUeo "J basiness. will soH. on WEDMKSBaT. Mapuh. stk _rS , 2ri" c ! l »* ! -* - 1 oVloek, oa Bros*, befwesn Ota snd «.|| istreets, his stock *f «ÜB^.&^*^--*V*«l««SB»«Bs Kmr S3 r£^ C f^«_V Four aad tw...saa^i%sj_3 AT "* Two second han,*l*TAKßf aHVr i«__.i. . Reeond ihand B * KotWfca 1 Serin.: WAGONS. «,Ik aa_2!iaS _2!l *&**%. -Bi Sale coauneted by Tnoe. WT _ sbsbb. Aa*'?/ AD DITIONAU-Wirbs added tn the above sale. a Concord bdtitw A GUN. superior lo aa? wa_e_ _?2ft?JF ** im *rai. mkl* Asotioaaer. By Oeddin fc Apper-ere. Au-efs. VALI ABLIBRIt KlTOJLCjßdirwet _ CANaL. BETWEEN •m AfTD **_ 3_l_., FOB SALE AT AUCTION - At the resnest ef Mr. Ine nett w leker, we shall sail a* paMir ana-tk-n. en tbe premises, on A EDNMi-AY.<heMthMareh.lsbb» at 4', o -lock, I. M , th-* brics attire aad drwaJling l-'C'.ted at above, t.ow in tne >>ccupsne*> of Sr.X 11. Koch, atanaar.nst rent of *B1«*|, unable m -nth ly. I'he h.-ns** is in -cod .rd-r. ana "s aa exr-Hlen* hnshsassjrfse.l Tar MS.—.'rt* fuur>h cash : hilanc-i nt 4. Bam* IS m.-n-is. f, r ntuoti-bie m.tes, wuk mifiistl adtfea. and tiie retain-*! Hi I ist m>u lis pa«l The taasa and insurance lor !*•• to be p» d in tka j-urahtcer mhlT OODDI.N A APi ERSOS.Aiet- By J. H. t»i__ea! AucVrT \«M«-tL UK hOl.l. ew . aw at this mseek, at vs auction room 66 Ma? r glrvet,saanajiakMg at fseWtW*^^^: N.8.-Consunmsnfj-reoeivii.j-#v»iv day an-iaoi.! •ithoutreserve. J.JI I^tuS*.Amu P. F. Bootu. Balesatuu. l*£*r By Alea. We£ Au<■«. N»«MT 4ALES.-WATCHKIS, JRWSi '; AND FANCY GOOD*-Will be *-!• . v, tion, at my store, • al 7 «,'.«., •- '.. fn h tln-ca- ..en,,, nuht, a large assortment of ftne Grid am, (.:. watches, fine Jewelry. BraoeiaU, faucy ik-.a. Knives and Forks, Pocket Cutlery. Ca.sU.rv «iL_ ware. Merino ShirU, Drawers Table Cloths, oa. 'imeres. Bed Spreads, Cigars, and Paaoy tauoaV no 10 ALEX. NOTT. A 8.4. il) (UM) ORlltßrll PUR CONNECTICUT* IMPENDING CRISIS Dlßf-BCTBD.'* 8 M WOLVE. E n Q ~ or vißOiNia. TAfE MOST POWERFUL IX WHrTTEH WORK IN THE ENGLISHa£n*BIoM! ENDORSED BY 3*o MmfBEBJT UNITED BTATES HENATIS AND HOUBB OP REPH E.-ENTATI VI-'S. -" wwo " vr 2H)8.0. pages; Oath **l. Baf Call; Paper cents and 76 cents, aocordiaa to quality of paper. Bent by mail free ef postage. on receipt ol price. *b3_ 10.000 AGENTS WANTED. "_■ Address. J. T. LLOYD. Publisher. PhilaUelpkin. m. Those ordering, will please hear in mind that we cannot send these books before tke Ist April, aa we are under contract to supply tke Stats of Coaaeetl out with to.oft) copras immediately. UA> Every Southern paper will con to "mount ef ,*](). and send bill to put-lisker. fmfcaP—dhewln. -VIOTItB.-Tbs uiuiVraignsd, hjr tirtaeofthe powers vested in them by a deed of trust sue ciited to them by Messrs. Tup-nm * Hull, of re corrj m the Clerk's office of the Hustings Cunrt of the city nf Richmond, oflkr fnrsals thasntire*teek of GOODS. Fi VrURES. BOOK "-.and GOOD WILI, of t -c biiKiies- lately conduotsd by said Tupman A Hull, at tke store No 110. on tks north aide of :Mam street, privately. To those desiring to go in •tie Uismess nf the s.le of RKADV-MADK CM-THIM*. UENTLEMRN'S F V R NIBHNUi GOO US, Ac , a rare opportunity ia oße red If not sold privately before, the entire STOCK, FIX TU RES, he, will lie sold at publio auction oa the lOOi day oi April next. In the meantime, the store will remain npea aad the business becarrie.l on by WM. J. Tt-TMAN and IRVIN.J HILL, who are herckv appotatett t lie Agents of the t'listeea for that purpose. JAMES R CRENSHAW,' T ««__-» B. R, YVELLPOkD. Jb.. \ T jmhS-ts rl 1 . 1 ! i/lrs **-**•>* i-'** l ***-** ***■*-*■ Fine Ground BONE DUST. ttr^___^^ JS_rS b,S - *m\Vffl£%V*ksi\mF fe a—3m CPD • *n**IKM ST lllti WWmo p IMM>. J. A M. ROSEN BAVM. 1» Iknil Sf . kava opened their Bssnu business wiiq a stock ol Staple and Fanoy DRY ooOi'iS. wkieh ia sole* variety aiid cheapness cann-it bs surpassed in thin market. To examine our rUet-siv* stock, before uiakinit their purchasas,»« wet! worth the attention ■ >f all in want of the -it ftshinnabte Dress Oor-ja; Dou-.le Jup«. seven and nine Flounced Robes* tkw greate-a variety of Embroideries; the ckenpsetßUSi purest lr-»h Linens; tke nenast styles of "-prac \i anile.- and Parasols; the i-est stock nf Domestics, of ail well known manufactories, and nvtnv othsr Goods, numerous to ment ion Msr-hanls from country and city will find nor stock well sslsesssV and many Moods from le lo 16 per cent, ehsapep than sn> other place. J. AM. ROSEN BAUM. TO I AH ¥*■ -sTKRU. I R I IK L A V E R _* Y-L ASTERKRS AND PUNTERS-Prop* •all will be received at ths office ef tke City Engi neer until 12 o'eh-ck M., on BATCH DAY nest, the ri'h inst. for the Work. Brick Weis. Plastering and Painting required in the sfestieoi of an AIVS HOUSE lor tbe city of RiqkmoCld.- Bidswill he received for each kind of work sepa rate y .or for the enure work in the nsgrer-ale.— Plans and spscifioatioßS of Ike work can be see_ on application at the omen uf the asflpnugnen. wnerc ail furthsr inform Hi.-a can ns obtained. By order ol ths mh l!)-td __ WTGILL. City Engineer. 001 BLE HtnitU &T_A~*_ < \Vtfl *-*.' Ml E»e'o,■» is now complete, nnd k» far thu lirrrest 58i".1.!-,shm< nt of the kind t*<M|in of Phi's ileliihiii. which enables ms to offer to tbe trade of VIRGINIA. NORTH CAROLINA aa also ths cit» smsntn, aa article of city -maue. Steam Refiu- it ."'.nhed Su*ar Candy, w.named t-> stand in **r_ bmate. below the NnitSern price lor an article of nks standard. Call and en-imine it at my Factory. V. t». Matn street. linn 17-It] Lot" IB J. j__g_Bl_KJ_j£ -POBAI <'« BOX AND UI ititt XV » LI MHteR FOR MIR. •_ Oak. S Button Wood ant 1 tneh OAR HOARD**-. WHITErtNE. from 1 inch to ♦ inches tines. Oak aad Led.r PUS f*S. • feet and 1 fee. 1..«. . No. I heart, and No. I snp « inch CYPRES*'. SHINGIii-S ABB andPOt LA B. various tltiekr**--»«cs Large stock of Virinm P NE ailsisss. Prises low aad terms f .vor»ble ISAAC J. ME&U-K a (*«*_ South side D».k. uei_ !__»o'• BrtrUe. mh-—-lm fOH kA. i K.-ABlM*tl SAW ViJ.t. _SS-B . r Mt nVP ?t,w " *N'>IN J T.. nearly wis, .... ,t. u near White Hnpse. tin present -cim.uu, ->: ;..•• Richm._rdan4.ork River Railroad an >J ; - f_ri' of Mr.T«ie», who will Take ph-.-sure in th-sits thesame to nay oue V-hlns t*» purehsee. It v.l bssoid at a bargain, try apply ins 'o _. , Cocke k ci.osh. laßurance and Coliectia< A_rnis. 141 a s*. Ex-kan-ce Hotsl Buildin*. Rickmond. V*. mh 21 dt-ewst *X*o AKI HlTCltl ASb klil.bAH.V.: 1 PROPOSALS w>U m» r.e*»»vsd oulu the l-tda> nf Ma* next lo- tks construe*i-m uf a BANT HriLDlNUsadOui-m.ases. ia tke town of Mil ton.N.C The Bank Bundip* will he at tpiek twn stnrtsu kun. frobtius *t* te*t. aad m*->a_ usna ike. As it is nrs-uiued that contractors will vmml the p ■»<■• hsft-rs Uandto-, in ikeir §1 pnesls, all faiths* usenruarv iaf ra.atio.i ran th«B _* chSnilSev R ' ML'EL WATRIJ_L _Ti___. GEORGE A.TM_T_7J -"___!_-__ JOHN WILSON. I CvihpitSa. Miltoß. N_C. Marsh Utii. mp. gsm |»-tu» DARKft At MIXkK. ?T* ««Kr ß ». t& {^«K3tfUHß_u __--iH<«kSB Bt , *PrSir**"" Wm au bbls. No IhARD. 5_ !___i*'*^_J fc£ -"* 1 * c i_*_- ******* cm*i_jr_ i»fe_a_4_btr h»W-aea 4d-.mat.tiaeaaßTaUnwOAl.b_R_. __ The aukseri-Bf. at kto mtnahs__mw*n M»V__r •**\\W^BBS^ newts FLVHRiyu y_th« •******■ ___$_,_r*__. rt__L_^.mm!lSn. fSse^ete*^^ Amm, fSSreoseai He ; JgggJXAlfaJKJ^