Newspaper Page Text
A EDNLSdTy MC^I-^>^Vs»^?! rat 10011 i* uchmon amewiivki, fee ** Mnrcfce. ■r "Moate AnnvMS." Thar*afsatilmnn us theiisime ut _t_*i» pRIeR p-rnooae Rim n moneful bisness tn oom-stoanssad mantlt-peeci**. in tbe lo story ,- u»e Mscaauix Instiieut. Althow his Bine ©I terns! ts betwixt deik nnd fler-placis, ie manajis to keeps ia a chearfule lraim enuf o btatow euuet-ernbul nteuahun to the floe ru. His sto is fltld with marvel In vaynn >ms, picwhers, paintlns, degerryttpei nnd enary birds, which all unburn cnmbind to. ether give constunt -elite to the eye and ear i curun In drord acrost the hue part ut the to, and bebine thnt curun stuns what I -Ba lder by fur the Rnls statute uv Wasbintnn hatwus everexecutid Tbs Sculpture, Mr. 'ours, cut it fer the Preemasins ny Fedri-k*" nrg, and lot rejoist nt the fac, beenws now he dolefulist villidgs In tbe werl will bur two ideamiage pinu to it, iiaimely, iv pritty saiiaaud iv unkneequld statute uv thegrat it man that uvver livd. __ -____*. . Moat tmepil cuuunin in to Mr. Davisss, ad slnrs thecomvlent rtiinish nnd tbe nise littel Vuiles ny tne statute, speshly tbe buiien lolaa. and it inusi bee cuulest the tailrln is re aokcbly good, but whut strikes me is the rraaefnl postcner, tbs cummnndinge flgger nnd be bentgnunt fuse uv tbe ole (teurul as be tans tbaria his Masnn's apuu and coller. I kink tbe liksnlss is jest as good, and the tatuu as a whole fur souperier to Hoodoo's a the Captul. They tell me that Hoodon laid he farther uv his Oountrey doun on a tubil md invelupt him in plnrstur uv Parris to git Us ixact ahaipe, which I think the story is rerry probbabul, as ennybody will sea by ookiage at tne Ute wny the cloutbs in the ioodon aUtule Bt, ptickly in the rejuu uv tbe aectml mussils and tbe nnberood uv tbe inya mlher, as the natmUu cull it. If you will roeirum Mr. Da vises up to tbe Captul aud •umpar the two statutes, I dont think '.bar s enny dout but whut you'll giv decidid pre. unoe to Mr. Pows. Ttie fuse uv the Hoodon b tbe only reely good part about it, the ress .reduses a disegrebii irupresbiu, becaws tbe tttytend is kuuseetid aud the druipry uu ■raseful. In Mr. Davis sto, you will sea %urn verry -Titty paintings by the yung lady artis, Miss dc On. She has a grate dccl to leru yet, bo the v culleringe aad drawinge; but oue tbing is ertin, she kin maik a verry acknt likeui->s, tad kin giv as teuder and bewtyful ixpreshuu 0 tbe femaile counteuunce aa meuuy artisU iv tbe highest repyuUshuu. The lase uv riahnu'a dawter, aud one uv Sheika peer's, Heroins, now to be seen at Mr Davis.*, ar x-thluvly. . . , Mr. nnd Mrs. Vandinof staid with us a weak onger, and duriuge the tietn delitid ns with tf.BeUi.Mr. A Mr.. Corny, Merckuut if Venuis, Seoul for Scnudul, Po » Bavin, aud i discripsUuu uv the meetinge uv the Brick ain Bruutch uv the U-rau Juuksbuu Ebby ie_er Tempruuce Aso.iaehuu, irum Picwic r-apurs. They grew iv favur, these Vaudiuofs lid, the longur they remaind, and getherd to hereedius most uv tbe verry be.i pepil in ouu. The last nite wuz perhaps tbe besi uv. .11. Mrs. Vandinof wuz .lerdidjusly pritty as he yung Judge iv the Merchuut uv Veuuis; md Po'a Knviu, tho its reediu wuz ruther too inematid to soot my no-bun uv tbe iv tense lupeuatchrul glume wbitcti invests it, ixcitid he perfowudist pos.ibil a,tteu.kuuiii theaud euce. With the highUt rispect for Mr. Vaudiuof, 1 wood humbly ask j-eriuishuu to maik one or two sirjestious to hiu. Aud .erst, iliat be dout -epest tbe Screau Scone agaiu iv Virginyer or muey part uv tbe So ith. It is not Bt lor ears jerliu. We all may be squeeiuish doun beer, mt I pray we may uuvver be utherwies. 1 totist witnpiezure tbat when Sack- resiled -is point ou "Love" beer, sum miintb or-J igoe, tbat when be got to tbe parte about free L-ve," be stopt, evvyduntly ixpectiuge heaplaws that be bad bin iv the babbit uv git mgeat the North, but he didiut git tbe fer&t -ottikil. Our ladis aud geutilmeu didiut uu erstan it, and 1 Uoap they uuvver will. Secondly, I tbiuk Mr. Vaudiuof wood do veil to giv au exclooaivly Ainericuu reediu rum oribers uv our oau blud aud bone. We dnt quite up to tbe mark uv Shaikspeer, but .bar is meuuy things iv the bookes uv our >oits and prose liter, that wood create the ut nns intkoozi-sin and aprob-shun. Thirdly, 1 am uv tbe opinyuu tbat a short limpii story wood taik Buely, ispesbly a pa hetick one. The popyular Uart i» au inter, nent uv two striugee—yumur aud pathos.— J eepil like to lull', but if you wnut urn to luv ■ou, you jest make urn cry. I wood venture to lerj-st, iv thu cu.iiieck.-_uu, "Ttie Broken Hart," by Washiutuu Er\ vi; nnd tliar's a lu ll on uv a book** laitiy cum out, looluuge like i primmer or child's st.ry booke, cailea **Kab tnd his Frens," which it red wan the leei nge it in spiers, I bet wood preUuce such au mpresbuu that ihnr woodini be v dry eye iv be Aud thur ar huududs uv t_e_eaim* >il, touchiu tales and sketcbis that inigat be ised to the idvauiige uv tbe reeder aud the ktepe luiuymeut uv his tmjirer*. Then, ugiu, lenpul like to be uorrybde oßasliuualiy, and a -oast story, or aumtbiuge like "Tne lied laud," by Wilky Ooiliu'a, wood gruuyfy nm nlghtyly. An uther noshuu strikes me here. Why cant ■eedius be iaterjuieed in privu t-erkil. f lu lUduvpuncpeepUtnlkiuge nouceuu by ibe lour toonenutber, why cant tbey vary the -avuin's •aiertauemuu.e by one uv uni reed ace sumthinge food to the rust I Tbar's sev •u- panels uv poitry I call tv mind wbicb I -00-Tgiv eunyibiug to beer red by a sweet, aodist yung lady. Tbey wood soun a heap netur than when red on the staige, for tbnr they ar app to overdo tbe thinge And 1 cant wa the ream that a farther ut ahuniy sboudiut reed to his wito andchildun. Wben 1 wuz a 00* bout 11 ear old, I had the bappini.s to Deer Mil tun's Parrydice Lost red by ahiiy tdjukated geniilruuii, aud it reinaues to this Jay amung tbe most delitefnl uv my recoleck •buns. The geutilmuu wo. n teecher, aud nun uv his awjouce wuz boys mo than 15 or 16 ear ny age, but tbey nil iujoid it. And no wonder, fur what is ibis reeuin but talking.* with the grateal men tbat ewer lived at tbe liem Char mines is acting most bewtylully and powfully I The Lord has made tbe mejorrity ny us verry small potaytos intleck-huiiy. but no mutter how small wear, we all kin asosiaie v limit ly with the uoblist men that livd, by reediu tbar bookes. A numbur uv eyedear -urn to me on this subjick, wbicb I retaue tel neckst tiem. Mr. Clark playd bim a Ingagemunt all la.-t weak at tbe Theatur, and havinge heerd a grate dccl about "Our Emerrykin Cuzin," I went the nite they plade tbat. The orjunce wuz verry budge, nnd the ncters did tbnr pu t tyist, but I declar 1 coodiut admier tbe play. Iv plott is ridickalus, nud altbow it is iu tendid to be übeerd, it is so ixcest-ively sue tbat it is atewptd ruther than funny. I got iniiy tired long befo it wuz over. The drunk urd plade his parte well ■ Clark didint over set, nnd Willi* made, 1 good a Lord Dundreery as ennyboddy. But I wuz glad to git away, and reterne to Dr. Reed's Far, which I'm happy to say made lardgly over a tbowson dollus, aud eudid on Satteday with a feest to tbe Sunny Skule cbilduu, aud sum liugiuge, whltch at n distuoce soundld very iwnstly indeede. Theouly uther amewsmuuee we've hud U tbe most onreesunubuiy bad-behaved wetbur that wusevver heerd uv, and the etunnal rlngiug uv the bell to call tbe members out uv tbe Jram sbopps into the Hous uv Dellykite, wbnr they oughter be ateudin tv tbar bisuiss ; but It ain't no amewaln to the niglecktid coustit chuau as the nob*l Dellikiu might imadgiu. 1860. w»«»____o»»»- iB6O. CHBISTIAN & LATHBOP Am ia reeeiut of. aud oiler to their friends and ths public, the most elegant assortment of rich BRERS WOOD- aad STAPLES, lor Families and PlanUrs, that they have aver exhibited The*/ would ansae—Bilks, ia Roues and Piece Goods; rich saria Betes* Robes S to t. Volants; do Berege AbkUus, _ to • Volants; Jaconets, Organdies Child tea's Foulards. Pine-Apple C oth. Veleuii.ts. most of yhmk were bou lit at ths recent auction __nwito7^^ ***} .L-J'V «-c- and Beotoh Oiapers; Crash IStu *fS.^LtZ^***** -"*__-- DuckTerlaas auu K__*___ t tr_ ol, *„ A **>i. • **•*• *-oc. Of _____!___ N l -? "■■•ou-'Sa. Hsavjr Shirtin-S and hhnabm, Cuttanades snd other Roods, for men M .i„ st. ir 9_LC-^** Y _*_ v *w* **"***• w* «** »i ujatsbad aWps aad 4esir.l_s stock ef Dry Unods fegSte____3«_r_s sUtokedtiaßaßskb at ev eU..worthßl mm Srass -tneaJUkie. at U cts.. worth ao cv" mW pisces f __? ,y***V*** J** V* •-•• •*' "<-**' nrorth Wetß.; ___*_$-?___ JNataat inand 7» „*»., w _Ak f| «i «a_ fl M* fas Swiss Collars st 7. eU . worth AIM, !__%J_J__J_*" **•****; •"»■«* 1* om-i'MO •_fr___-_". fc,#,# !P* W _* , > U) •* JaoU-woiih ___Jtf-_Di_*' 1 •s___li- , * k «f •* **>i*-* Mr rar*i. £B^_fcteS nnelinaiiSßw Nsw York last __ j _T^^ry. It j*'* ,_t^ wnsapngnsip. nammmTm Rl ___■' Rnafm mmr _m_. ana llw, *fWe%:VR}Xr I _0?I1CIAL ffOTICBS. cli, Wilson's Pllfs. "Doctor* will Dll iPMn thstr mode of treatiß* diseases, hut ail who _J t __tf. u „"__Ufi4 oN, B TONIC. CATHARTIC and ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLB. agree in earing *Rnl tker ars unsurpassed as a renisdy lor Drsßep ma, Siok lleadacl c. Nervous Hssda-*he. Heart Dura, Diarrho-.aud other diseases. It is astonish ing .bow easy tbsir administration, and how decided tbmrefcet. 8o«o«% H KR A WINSTON, mh U-U Wholesale Agents. NEW GOODS NOW AT WHOLE-ALE AND RKTAL. AT J MTLLHISER A BROTHER'S. 193 Broad street. At unprereae-utd LOW"pkICES FOR CASK or to prompt »a>ins customers on the usual time, at cask prices. .... Our stock comprises, in part, excellent bargains ia tke following GOODS, to which ws respectfully call the attention of t».e purchasing community. A call aad examination of Goods and prices is only necessary to insure salea to the must economical bU,#r "' DRE.SB GOODS DEPARTMENT. SILKS of newest designs in any qurut.ty, from SO nents to ft per yard. The best Black 91 SILK in the city. Bereges; Grenadines; Tissues; Organdies; Printed Foulards; Berege Anslaise ; French Jaco nets ; Brilliants; Lawns and Traveling Goods, by the yard and in robes, less than 2ft per rent, on cost of importation. LINEN GOODS. UO pieces pure Irish Linen at 26 cents per yard. 100 pieces pure Irish Linen at 37' t cts. per yard. 100 pieces pure Irish Linen at 60 cents per yard. Linen Bosoms of all grades, very cheap; Linen Sheetings: Pillow Linen : Table Damask ; Nap kins and Towels; ladies'and gents' Linen Cam bric Handkerchiefs, verr cheap; Linen Drills; Huckaback and Crash and Birdseye Diapers. WHITE GOODS. Cambrics; Jaconets; Swiss's: Checks; Stripes; Brilliants; Tarlatans; Crapes, by the piece or by the yard. DOMEBTIC FABRICS. Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings, of celebrated makes, such as New York Mills, l.onds dale, Waursutta's, Call* Mills, and others, hy the piece or by the yard. Also, full stock of suoh Goods as belong to this department generally. LADIES' WRAPPINGS FOR.SPRING AND SUMMER. 600 i- rench Lace Points; 260 Lace Mantles, of va rious styles; Burnous. Mandarines, Piccolominis, and all the newest styles out. Also, large stock of newSPRING SUA WLS. exceedingly cheap. EMBROIDERIES. In this department we can show the largest and cheapest Goods of the kind in the city, without any exception, comprising everything coming under this head, ton numeioiis to mention. We, how ever, call the particular attention of ladies to the assortment of neatCamtric Bands, which are so desirable. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Ladies', misses', gents' and l-oys' Hose and Half Hose, of all kinds and all prices ; very low by the dozen or by the pair. PARASOLS AND LADIEB' SUN UMBRELLAS. In great variety and cheap. BONNET RIBBONS. At our usual unrivaled low prices. Merchants from towns or the country who are making their selections in this market, would con sult their interest by -mint our stock an examina tion, as on many Goods they can save 26 per cent, in purchasing frou: us. . _ J.AIILLHISER A BRO., 193 Broad st. mh 12 —lm _____ K_.El«*-*aiil Sprint; Goods. PERKINS A CO-, Wholesale ami Kktail Cash Dkalehs. No. 1.1, Eaule Square. Are now re.ieiviu-, and in a few days will have iv sore. a large and complete stock of the newest and best styles of FOREIGN and DO MESTIC DRY GOODS, to which they invite the attention of cash aud short-time buyers. Their Goods are marked at very low prices, to attract CASH CI '* roMr i;-. NOW OPEN, Elegant DR ESS SILKS and SILK ROBES. Beautiful BEREGES and ORGANDIES. BEREGE and ORGANDIE ROBES. GRENADINE and BEREGE ANGLAIS ROBES. BEREGE ANGLAIS, ROSALBUS and VA LENTIAB. Grey POPLINS. And a great varietT of Goods for Street and Travelin. Dresses. The above .roods were pur chased at the large auction sales iv .New Yoik tho past week, and will be sold lower than ever seen before. FRENCH JACONETS and BRILLIANTS. FOULARD SILKS-very cheap. EMBROIDERIES and LACES. RichFitENCH LACE MANTLES. '• BLACK SILK and MOURNING MAN TLES. DUSTERS and SUITS of DRESS and MAN TLE, made up to inacth. Thompson's HOOP SKIRTS—the liest made. Large stock PLANTATION GOODS. IRISH Li^KN^ TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS, TOWELINGB. GLOVES and {mJSttmT ml, 30—lm No. 11l Eagle Square. tr_-.>lilliii**ry Goods. ****>***•' * SPRING STYLES. Just opened, at N. C. BARTON'S, 10-.J Main street, a larger assortment than usual of BON NETS, FLOWERS and KIBBONS, LACE MAN TILLAS, LACE POINTS, and materials lor the same made up to order. Country merchants sup plied with trimmed STRAW nnd BILK BONNETS to order, at the shortest notice. Will remove in a few weeks to our new store, No 229 Main St., between Bth and 9th streets mhl7-12t N. C. BrtRTON, 109 Main st. ~a__ Hear, _ _ HEAR. THE FEMALES OF THE UNITED STATES Are,as a class, proverbially ./".. b'e ■ and unhealthy, and while we may not hope for any change for the better, until there is a better understanding of the laws of health, we may. however, congratulate the community on the introduction of a remedy which has proved itself of great value in relieving, nnd often entirely, the general and nervous debility oj Females—we mean . HAMPI'ON'S VEGETABLE TINCTURE. It is the great medicine for the sex. Dr. Hamptou says it is a great blessing to them, as there is not a disease to which they are subject that it will not cure. The above extract, written by a medical man, will be corroborated by our I est known citizens, who have seen the effects of this Tincture on their wives, daughters and delicate children. Cough, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, with numer ous other diseases, are cured by it. PEMALI-H AND CHILDREN.-Tiiis TINC fl RE will be found a great medicine for all their diseases. grn Call and get Pamphlets and see cures. Sold by PURCELL, LADD A CO., Richmond; by Dr. COOKE, Fredericksburg: by all the Drug gists in Petersburg: by MORTIMER A MOW BRAY, Baltimore; and by Druggists and Shop keepers everywhere. i§l per bottle; six bottles. §6. le 27—dAowU ' ■__ Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Ac—The prevalence of the above complaints at this season has the effect of brimting out a host of professedly new specifics; and while some fe,w may be good, many are useless and some even dangerous. To prevent disappointment, tin* best course to pursue |is to consult your laiuiiy physician, or otherwise 1 use only such remedies as long public experience h._* proved to lie safe and efficacious. Oi tins class is TYLER'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF GUM ARABIC. Originally the favorite prescription of an eminent physician, it soon became a popular family medicine, and without advertising, has continued to enjoy a growing reputation for the last twenty years. In all recent cases it acts like a charm; ami in chronic cases. Bronchitis, Hoop ing Cough. Croup, Asthma, Ac. it is used with unparalleled success,as most families will testify. Sold by Fisher A Winston, Meade k Baker. A. Bodeker, _c , at 26 cents per bottle, and iv an ele gant and pleasant Lozenge form 12:» and 26 cents per box. Prepared by J. BALMER, Pharmaceu tist, Baltimore, Md. Ik- Bf* ■__ Plunett's Bitters.-This Uelekrate Tonic has been usi-d sucessfully tor the last twelv" years in oases of Indigestion, Flatulency, Gen eral Debility, Nervousness, Sea Sickness. _c, Ac. They create a healthy action throughout the body, restore the appetite, equalize the circula tion, give tone and energy to the system, and create a power of resistance to disease rarely ob tained. PLANKTT'S BITTERS Are purely Vegetsble, and adapted to all ages and conditions; are for sale by FISHER A WIN STON, and by Grocers and Druggists generally. Depot No. 214 Pc wl street. N. Y. FISHER A WINSTON, Druggists, fe 11—Sin No. 125 Main Bt., Richmond. g-a. Sewing (Uirls—Those who tail over the midnight lamp for their daily bread, until exhaust ed nature chii bear no more fatigue, will find in BAKER'S BITTERS their surest friend and pre server. When used in moderation, they prevent Dyspepsia, improve Digestion, strengthen the Nerves, quicken the Blood, and give life and en ergy to exhausted nature, livery laSy will find these BITTERS au importaut auxiliary to health, and should use them v. lieu at all enfeebled. Price accents per bottle. To bs had wholesale and retail of all the princi pal Druggists in the city of Richmond and else where iv Virginia. Orders promptly filled by ad dressing E. BAKER, Proprietor, Riu-hmoi.d, Va. mh»)-U ___-.dnr y nnd Bladder t ampin tuts.-The senrest and most important discovery for Kidney, Bladder Complaints, Urinary Obstructions, Leuoor rkma or Whites. Sexual Weaknesses, Physical Prostration and Debility of either ssa, is HARTB HORNE'S BUCHU COMPOUND. ,__ t Persons who save been unable to walk. have soon been relieved by this powerful COMPOUND. It is prepared by aGksiaist, and is pronounced by medi an 1 men and those who have used it, to be the best BUCHU COMPOUND in the world. Large bottles fl; small bottles to cents. A fresh supply just re solved by FISHER A WINSTON, Druggists, is 14— 12m Main street, Riohmond. JBk, Reckkridge Alum Water.-TJir wule> o**jk«mysJ i>«___m tHmjusttly csIebratsdROCKBRIDGE ALUM BERING, cau be used at this season with (rsat success. As an alterative, it in uusurpass _?__-■. .Mf*--* D l'9***-*' I»ver Complaint aad _____ _ t i£ r _ dM .*_* ,,# "' *\ •».siat uUriy elfceacious. and a. a strsn.tksmng trul,£.toajj[e. For JBk, TRe Unite, krliu Bunk, Henrice, rseeives deposits, upon wkick latsrest is paid at tke rate of 4 per osnL per annum upon ail sums ra maisißg six months, or longsr, and • per osat. per aaaam lor a sfcorter period Oftce 80. Ik Maia strati JNO. NETTLES, President THOS. L. D. WALFORD.Bee'p. i_s_-_x_isi«s^ # ?_^ r m 4 **!• frntmtbr, _■"■__■__-_■ . . . - BtTflHf 888 IfOVICBB. (MO. 11l BVCAMOBB STBIBT,) , . Petersburg. Virgin**. GILLIAM A DUN LOP lev its tke attention pf wholcsals dealers, manufacturers and rail ways to their wsll aSßorted stock of IRON aad STEEL, comprising ~'■___ .- ~ _,• _ \ Swedes, Hammered,Ronaed. kariisk, IRON. {Ovals aad Carriage, Horse Shoe, Hoop (and Band. _ _, NT L.p, J Cast, German, Machine, Spring, hn- HT_fcL. -{~„__ RBd Blister gAIL RODS, SHEET IRON, PIG and BAR AD* _____Li _. importing direct and dealing sxolusiysly in mst al, they feel confident ol giving aauaraotton and respectfully solicit a_oalL __JS____L EBW-N WORTH AMI •?s••_.„„_-«- GROCERS.COMMISSION MERCHANTS, o DEALERS INIRtJN AND STEEL. Solict consignments of TOBACCO. WHEAL CORN, F LOUR, _c, to the sale of which EUWIN WORTHAAI wail give his personal attention. _n_ Advances made on consignments. BaGS furnished when required. gRWN fc DAV R « BfcTicAL GRANITE CUTTERS, Sixth Street, near the Armory, Richmond, Va. EVERY DESCRIPTION OP ran[tkwork Executed at short notice and in the liest manner. mh l--13m . 108 N DICKINSON, . ,_ J COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN DOM EMTIO AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, HOIHTON. TEXAS. Collections made and prompt remittances in Sixht-Exchange at current rates, ou New .ork, Boston, or New Orleans. KKFF.R TO "Crescent City Ban.." New Orleans. Messrs. HENNINGS k GOSLING, New . ork. PEARCE A BACON. Boston. '• SAM'L M. TBICE A CO, Richmond. mli9__lm E TTENGER Jr. EDffiBRB. " RICHMOND. VIRGINIA, BUILDERS OF PORTABLr, AND STATIONA RY ENGINES, SAW MILLS, RAILROAD WORKS, Ac. STEAM FIRE ENGINES. Of the most approved plan, tind mtide in the very best manner, warranted equal in every respect to any or tne same sized Engines built either North or West. J» •**•**!__ Al ARIILE ffURM. JOHN W. DAVIEB, MARBLE MASON, MECHANICS' INSTITUTE, .TH BTREET, RICHMOND .VA., MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD PIECES, Af„iVTL_S, FONTS, &c. W%. First Premiums awarded by the Virginia Ag ricultural Society and Mechanics Institute. CiARD.— Thesul'scntier takes this method of m s lo rim nit his friendx and thepublic that he has es tablished himself as a M X RCHANDIZE DROK KR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT. He will attend to the purchase nnd sale of Aler cnaiidizo generally ralso. Flour, Wheat, Corn. To bacco, and all descriptions of Country Produce. His special attention will lie given to all business entrusted to his care. From his lonn business experience he hopes to meet with alil-eral share of public patron/.ne. He refers, by permission, to Levvi-i Webb, Esq., _ Messrs. Dunlop, Moncukk tc Co., I Richmo'd, " Edmund, Davenport A C 0.,. Va. ** Bacon A Baskervill, j ** BRVANT.TfNrLEV A HoLMIS," -,--. - Spkncz A Reid, \ oaMimon ** Twells A Co., Philadelphia. Thomas Monahan, Esq., New York. WM. S. KOYSTER, Office cor. of Cary and Va. streets. Richmond, Nov. Ist. 1859. no I—ts Mi. BOSH-CM, S©C€R__«_ TO WIL • SON A BOSHER. WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL GROCER, has f;*r .sale the following ar ticles, to which he asks the attention of his friend* and tlm public: Rio. Lasuayra. Java and Mocha COFFEE'S ; Brown and Refined SUGARS, ol (liferent „rades; Loaf, Pulverized and Crushed SUGARS; imo-taf and Chewing TOBACCO, of different brands; Old Dominion Nails, of all sizes; country cured Bacon Hams; Western Sides and Shoulders; Cotton Yarns, a good assortment: H. Ott's Old R*-e Whiskey, old and good; D. T. Con ner's Rye Whiskey, old and seed: A. W.Slier man's Hje Whiskey : A. N.Wood's Rye Whis key, old and good; F. Steams k. Co 's Old Rye Whiskey, two -.ears old; Common Whiskeys, in variety ; French Brandy, Madeira Wines, and other articles, too numerous to mention. Call aud examine, at No. 1, cor. 17tli and Main sts., oppo site Old Market. ULATEiOO F i 8 O . john g. McMillan, Who has had twenty-five year*.' expenenoe in the business, is prepared to put on SLATE ROOFS o. every description, and with the best materials, at short notice. Specimena of his work can be seen on application, and orders left at his office, on Main street, near 9th, or at the office of Albert L. Wk-i., Architect, Goddin's Hall, will be promptly attended to. 0018--6 in* JAMES D. BROWNE'S ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS. 9th street, next to the Mechanics' Institute. IRON RAILINGS. VERANDAHS, BALCO NIES. CHAIRS. SETTEES. Ac; also, Grating, Vault and Cellar DOORS, and every other kind of IRON WORK for ornamental and building pur poses, manufactured at snort notice. **t_. Particular attention given toenclosing Burial Lots in the city and oountry. THE UNDERSIGNED have formed a co partnership for the transaction of a COMMIS SION BUSINESS, under the firm of LEWIS WEBB A JOHN G. WADE. They ill give par ticular attention to the snle of FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN and TOBACCO. They occupy the store and lumber-house No. 66 Main street, lung occupied by Lewis Webb. LEWIS WEBB. JOHN G. WADE. Richmond, Va., Nov. 1.1-359. nq7—dcwAswta ■_> UTs-BR A «»., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN . OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES AND WINDOW GLASS. BRUSHES.—We received by the late steamer a arge supply of Painters' and Artists' Brushes, of superior quality, to which we call the attention of our customers. l/RAN-Xlft FAPER MILL., f RICHMOND, VA. BELVIDERE MANUFACTURING COMPANY keeps constantly oh hand all descriptions ol E.N VELOI'E, MANILLA AND WRAPPING PA PER. NEWS AND BOOK PAPER, of all qua i lies and sizes, furnished at short notice. Cash paid for Rags. _oc 10-dlv PRO. WHITFIELD. Pres'l___ iifiiitiA BURNING AND LUBRICATING n _, COAL on,S. The/treat KANAWHA COAL AND OIL COM PANY, jconsisting of native citizens of our own State, has appointed us Agents lor the sale] oi TuSTLY CELEBRATED BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL OlL.**., the quality of which is warranted pure and unadul terated. We invite the attention of apothecaries and dealers throughout the State to our s_pp!y, which will be large, and sold by wholesale only, at tne prices. eoWBMjkBCTIOUI. LUMBER I_ WIIOI.ESAL.K AND K_- TAIL.—We always have on hand a l l kinds oi VIRGINIA LUMBER and are in daily receipt of various kinds and qualities, which we will sell at wholesale and retail on at-coiniiiod-ting terms. Special attention will be given to BILL LUM- B ia_&m ki " d - PHILIPS A COLEMAN. DISSOLUTIONS, &C. 0-PARTr.EHSHIP.-We, the undersigned, have tins d.-iv formed a co-partnership under the style ami firm of FISHER k NORTON, for the purpose of .-..iiductuu' a BOOT. SHOE and TRUNK BLSIN ESS in this city, at No. KB Broad street, Kn-1.ui,,m1, Va. In a few days we will have a large and well selected stock of BOOTS. r-110 KS, Ladies' and Misses* GAITERS, TRUNKS, VA LICKS, Ac, Ac, in fact, every article pertaining to a wholesale or retail Sao* More. FISHER A NORTON. 235 Broad street. Gko. W., I J. Hatlky Norton - , Richmond, Va. I late of Duval k Norton, mil 2'l-lit t Richmond. Va. C"**o- PARTNEXStil PNO T It -.- D. BA6 --' ERTYand H.W.STARKE have associated themselves tor-ether, under the style and firm oi HaGERTY A STARKE,No.2U)Main street, next door to Adriins k Co.'s Express office, for the pur pose of conducting the TIN, GAS-FITI'ING, PLUMBING,STOVE, RANGE, AND HOT AIR FURNACE business. Also, BRASS AND BELL FOUNDING, BRASS FINISHIMi, Ac. We are now prepared to execute all orders en trusted to our charge in either or tho aliove branches, in the very best manner, and by titst class mechanics. We would especially call the at tention of country merchants before purchasing, as we Cccl confident (asour itock is entirely new,) that we can give entire satisfaction. We would also call the attention of the trade to our stock of BRASS WORK, for Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters,which wears manufacturing and setliun at Northern prices. Babbit Metal. Garrett's Patent Anti-Friction Metal, Antimony and Block Tiu for sale. Huhest cash prices paid for OLD METALB. fe 17-d-in ___ 7Su-PARI'"-s.KSMtt*—JNO. M. WEST, of Lt Petersburg, and THOMAS JOHNSTON, of Richmond, li.ive this day purchased ol GEO. M. WEST his eutire stock of BOOKS and STATION ERY, and will continue the business nnder the name and style of WEST A JOHNSTON, at the old stand, 116 Main street, and Lope, by strict at tention to business, to merit the patronage of their Iriends and the public, which has been so liberally bestowed upon tke aouse of Wbst. JNO. iVi. n ESP. THOMAS JOHNSTON. Riohmond, Feb. Ist, 1860. A Curd.—ln rstiring from tke Book Trade. I desire to return my thanks to the public, who hare so gsnsrousty sustained me, and 1 tiust my -ucces .og may rsosiv. ths sens. * A * D *^j^n, MR. H. BROW!.ELI.'- INTEREST IN the firm of CLARKSON A ANDERSON continues tks same as it was ia tks firm of Clark aoa,Aauu**aoufc cl < AR N AJ(I) „ RgON is * -ts No m Maia street. Riekmond. Emitting and sewing machines. WILLCOX k 01888- oslsbrated SEWING f_ACHJNK.ißveated by J. E. A. GIBBS, of Mill Point. Poeaßnntas county, Va. Man* of tksss Machines bays keen sold rseeativ ia this city, ail of wkick givs sntire satisfaction. Tkoss wishing f good LOW FKU.I". WSLL MAUK, BBtUSLB Mecmyf, are assured that ths superior msnu elsinisd for iv can bs rahsd upon, and for gsnsrsl uss, is unsurpassed. All interested should pot mil to sanmina this Msokins kefors purokaatng „ BARR-rAJOHhjWN.AssBta. P * R^tuond.ys. h -^**™~~£!^^ c-mm.4atinf *m*m, mp m^l~ m *************- MBDICIHUS. I HELMBOLI) *, EXTRAtT bLcHC, HBLMBOLD'B EXTRACT l|{ CHC, MELMROLP'H KSIS A SI 8. S_H' HELMMOLD'S ISXTRACT BUCHU, HELMBOLD'M EXTRACT BUCHU. Tke (Srcat Dinretic, Tks Great Diureiio, tke Great Dun otic, Tke great Diuretic, The Great Diuretic, The Groat Diuretic. The Great Diuretic, The Great Diuretic, A positive aad specific remedy 6>r disssses oi the Bladder, Kidneys, Owivel, Dropsy, Bladder Kidneys, Grave, Dropsy, Bladder, Kidneys, Grave , Dropsy, Bladder, Ki.ln.y a,,, .Gravel Dropsy, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE Sexual Oreann, SexualJ'>«*%'-J te J t I u S , I J-l r^»n ■ , • HKLMBOLD■:» I XTRACT OF BUCHU Is a certain, safe sad speedy cure, from whatever cause they inav have originated, and no mattor ot How Long Standing, How Long Standing, How Long Standing, H«'W Long Standing, How Long Standing. How Lon. Standing. It is taken without Hindrance from Business, and little if any change ol diet, Is pleasant m its taste and odor, And imm-dtate in its action. If you are suffering with any of the above distress ing REMEDY AT ONCE. PROCURE THE REMEDY AT ONCE, PROCURE THE REMEDY AT ONCE, WIMROLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, As a medicine whioh must benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to tbe confined and despairing invalid. j_;<_) UAL jS to BE FOUND. NO EUUAL IS TO BE FOUND. NO EQUAL IS TO BE FOUND. Price 91 per bottle, or six for 95; delivered to any address. Prepared by H. T. HELMHOLD, Depot, 104 South Tenth St., below Chesnut, For sale wholesale and retail by FISHER A WINSTON, Druggists and Apothecaries, Ja 17—ly 126 Main street. DR. HOOELAND'Si GkKNA.i BITTEKS AMD DR. HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great standard medicines of Ihe present age, have acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded satisfaction is rendered by them in all eases,and the people have pronounced them worthy. LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUN DICE, DEBILITY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, and mil diseases arising from a disordered liver or teeakness of th* stomach and digestive organs, are speedily and ptrman*ntiy curtd by the GERMAN BITTERS. The BALSAMIC CORDIAL has aceuired a repu tation surpassing that of any similar preparation extant, ft will cure, without fail, tht most se vere and lone standing COUGH, COLD. OR HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, INFLUENZA, CROUP, PNEU MONIA, INCIPIENTCONS UMPTION, and has performed the most astonishing curts e*tr known of CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION! A ftm doses will also at once check and curt the most sevtre DIARRHOBA proceeding from CoLO IN TUB BcWKl.t*. _>.-•.« medicines are prepartd by Da. C. M. Jack son k Co., No. 418 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., and art sold by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere, at 76 cents per bottle. The signature of C. M. Jackson mill be on the outsidt wrapper ol tach bottle. In th* Almanac published annually by the pro prietors called Everybody's Almanac, you will And testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of the country. These Almanacs are given away by all our agents. PURCELL, LADD k CO., Agents. Je 11—dAcwlr Richmond. Vs__ RLPTUKE* LKKDEOR FIVE DOLLARS —DR. SHERMAN'S great radioal Cure Trass oan now be had for only five dollars. Every medi cal man who has examined this instrument, pro nounces it superior to all others. If desired, we will cheerfully refer to any of the very numerous persons who have been thoroughly cured by this Truss. Persons owning valuable slaves thusattiiot ed, should procure one. they being so durable, and the cheapest in the end. We will send this Truss to any part of the country by Express or mail. For the Truss, or information concermn. it, ad dress C. C. JACKSON. No. 17 Main street, Richmond, Va. Persona not knowing us, can send their money to any merchant or friend in this city. The Truss oan lie had also at Messrs. MEADE A BAKER'S and MILLSPAUGH A JOHNSTON'S, Druggists. my>—l? EDlt.-LC.At-D.-Dr. PLUME otters his ser vices to the public in the treat ment of all secret diseases. Twenty years' practice in the above branch gives Dr. P. a claim to public favor.—Office on Franklin street, near the Exchange Hotel, and third house below Trinity Church, same side. Al ways on hand, a supply of the '"CHEMICAI FIX TRAC.T OF FLOWERS;" one of the very best renovators for weakened parts now known. Medi cines sent to order. Alloommruications by letter orotherwise promptly attend** to. Riohmond. Va LOOK OUT FOR SO. '27 B-AIN STREET. THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS IN RICH MOND— 5.U). yards handsome pattern Prints at C andticts., worth 123.; beautiful Lawns at i and 12 cts.; tiie richest patterns and the best quality of Jaconets. Organdies, Bereites, at all the louest prices; beautiful fancy Silks at 50 cts.. worth 15, Borne at 87.RU8 and upwards; Blk. Silks, very -odd at ;Jsc. and iii-iier prices; Stella Shawls <jl and liiirlier. every color, worth tiiree times the money; Dusters nt SUe ; Silk Mantillas at O'l 50, 52 ;"5 .-md some at -lS.sellin': elsewhere for dnuiiie the mone>;Silk Parasols and Extension Skirt-, from 25c. upwards, the cheapest in Kiciiinond; the finest French Needle worked Ladies' Collars and Osiii tiric Bands at half their value; bisect ed and brown Shirt. Sheeting, Pillow-case, .Muslin, Toweling, Table Cloth. Oil Cloth. Carpetinu, Cambrics, Checks and Swiss .Muslins at prices to astonish everybody ; Ladies' Gaiters, with heels, at tt, $1.25. ici Morocco, Kid and Goat skin Shoes, with heels, at -1 1235 and huher price>; .Misses and Children's Gaiters of every color and deSertp tion. at all prices. 25e. and u.wunls; ladies'fine Shpuers a* 50.-..; .Men's Siipreis at 63"-ie.; fine Vel vet do at S7o ; Oxford Ties, Congress Gniters, Calf skin Shoes, Re,for Men. Boys and Servants. If you want to save from 25 to Super cent., call without d-May at No. 27 Alain street. mil -1-lin JOSEPH STRAUSE. 1000. IMPORTATIONS. IBoU. CilNTl- X, \l.\ 1 V & aUKNTS, IMPORTERS AND IOBDERS, Rti'ii.MoMi, Va. We would call the special attention of the mer cl.ant..-; ot Virginia and North Carolina visitni/ our market tbis Spring*, to oar unusual iar„e stock of Poreinri Goods ol our importation, wnicli we will oder at as low prices as any house in the country ; we enumerate in part: WHITE GOODS, DRKSS TRIMMINGS, SILK GOODS, THREADS. LINEN GOODS. FANCY -OOD3, HOSIERY, SMALL WARES. LACES. GENTS' FURNISHING Rl BBONS, GOODS, of all kinds. SHAWLS. We have also established a manufactory for MANTILLAS. CLOAKS and Ladies' WRAP PINGS-.eneratly, and will be prepared to exhibit a large variety of these Goods, of the newest st*, les and patterns, made exclusively at home. We so licit an examination ef our stock, bern? deter mined to ofler every inducement to Suutkern buy ers to nrike their purchases in our market. mh 3-lm (WNTER, Ai.VEY A ARENTS. CHOCKOK 111 ILL RH r H>IOND <7roUvD -J PLASTER.—The subscriber lias earnestly la bored, lor the pa-t four years, to exclude Northern Ground Plaster, by the establishment of a Home Mill, v.nd suppljin;,' an article superior to any re ceived from the North, ami claims a perfect'suc ces.*!. He bens te_ve to return las grateful thanks to his patrons, and asks to inform all interested that he has completed his improvements that will enable him to supply any demand that mar arise. His stock ol Lump is kaavv, * based upon the enormously increased use of a superior article,! selected from the purest Windsor (Nova Scotia.) quarries, with special reference to its richness in Sutphat* of Lime. The reputation of lus brand B—all be sustained at every ellbrt and cost, and he BSks only an experimental trial of those who have not made application of this valuable, fertilizer. JOHN H. CLAIBORNE, No. 11 Pearl st. ja 3—3 m NO T lti _t—TO RARMItRU AMD MKR CHANTS WHO USE AND DEAL IN GROUND PLASTER.-We would call your spe eta! attention to our stock, now m hand, of the best WINDSOR SOFT BLUE PLASTER, pur chased with special reference to the interest of the farmer and the trade generally. From our lorn; experience in the business, and xiv inu it our personal attention--seeing that every bar rel is well coopered and iv -ootl shipping qrder, and the Plaster thoroughly pulverized—we hazaid no thing in saying that it wilt be to your interest to give us a call. Farmers sending Lags will be fur nished at one dollar less pertou. A ItLer&l dis count to the trade. References— Edmond. Daven port A Co., Jas. T. Butler, and other merchants. na_Orders left in our Imix at Robinson A Rob erts, will lie attended to J. A 11. F. SHARP, Steam Plaster Mill. no_.--4m- > South side --.jMhe Dock. Richmond.^ NOTICE.— The attention of persons about to build on the lines ot the streets or public al leys of the city, is requested to the following ex tract from a city ordinance concerning streets: "Any person intending hereafter to build or erect any house ur other structure upon the luif of any street or pul-tm alley shall first obtain from the Engineer of the city, or in his absence or inability to act. from the Superintendent of Streets, a i-erti ficitte in writing, of the line and adopted grade of such street at the place where such house or stiuc ture is to lie erected; and it shall be the duty ol 11_ Engineer or Superintendent of Streets to file, in the Chamberlain's office, a duplicate of the said certificate, if any person shall hereafter build, or erect, or attempt to build or erect, tan. house or other structure upon the line ol any such street or alley, without having first obtained such certificate, he shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty dollars." W.GILL,City Enf'r. By order of ths Commissioners of Streets gene rally. GREAT BARGAIN*. IN DRY GOODS, AT M. M ITTELDORFER'S. NO. 228 BROAD BTREET.- Now open, a well selected stock if fresh Sprint aud Summer supply of Fancy Dry Goods. I am receiving daily fresh geeds, and am able to offer to mv friends and the public in gene ■ al, as Hood and cheap bargains in goods as can be Uiught in this city. All my friends and customers, who have patronised me my set tin.* oft. will find it to their advantage to give me a call. 1 have en hand a very fine and fasiiion_b!e assort ment of FUm. Figured and Fancy Dress Goods; Printed add Plain Linen, all grades and qualities; Shi tings, Shsetin-s and Hosiery of all kinds; a very fine stock of Embroidery; Men and Roys' iS ** r; r.-.*-*l *_}" 11-"l 1 -" !*_■• assortment of fine Table Cloths, Naekiaaand Towels; fine Marseilles Qtiiita, and a vsll selected stock of Linnu Cambric lldki..; Corsets ol tks best quality. Alt 1 ask is to -ive me a call and judge foryonraalf. __. g 1-TYIPOBFEK No. aa Bread st. RICHMOND FERTILIZER .-rIANLEAC _ * T 2-*y?B*AW-.! M --** T™- kichmo«d. VA., 8. IIARTMAN, General Agsnt. niaufaeture s_ad a supply of pars, fins ground Ssr.iv.rVr'AX' Itar'iuanN.Aiuinotiia-ed Super E_ffi^ rant |sanins jrnJ good -adapted to wheat, eors. -feai_f_6*^ > --a-g RJOTtCS-.—All persons anna* clruaaa aaainet _____ *" t ß_-iaii? l * KTLK ____a^___el______ ,# *" FOR SALE AMD RE-IT. i_*ll_r_r_NM-»WrW:-Bcm_ »»&*■)»*» close our business, we wilt rent our STORK tor tbe balance of ths jsar. Posssssion given Ist Aprilnsxt. A *%# vfl{ , H k FI .„MINO. mh as-fit Cor Cary and Hth ato. __. R—JBt trwmi KEf-T.- Aypljrun ths pra JOth street, East tide, first door«*irom •*ue-Broad ,n !L-*-- tt __ ___ __». TS. HTdHE FOR RUNT.-Tbe KHSTORE. No. 75 Main street, at present occu a-i-Lnied by Mr. I. H. Birir*h. next to_P. K. White's Shoe Store and Mr. A. F Jahnke's Jewelry -'tore. KoR RENT, and the Fixtures for sale. A No. 1 «t mil for business. Possession siyeu soon Ap ply to E. D. EACHO, nib 23-.t Wear Exchange Place. ROOMS KNIT .-two ROOMS lor _E3 rent, in the attic story ovi-ir the sut-sirilier's ■S-store. JUAN PIZ/INL mh lt-u No. 12. Main st. FOR KK*BT-Oneiar„e FRONT ROOM, kSuii't Store 172 Broad street, below .th. Apply a-SLiinthe premises. mh _—ts e~ tmm mXmm *.—Tbs farge FACTORY on Cary street, between loth and llth streets, near Dunlop, Moncure A Co.'s, suitable for a To bacco Factory, Warehouse, or Manufacturing Es tablishment. Enquire of E D. Eacho. Jejft-ts KENT, PAINE A CO. MFOR FENT.-SrORE No. 79. on Main street, now occupied by Wm. F. Butler A Son. Possession giver on the 16th of Marck. Apply to llei-UI WM. H. LYONS. FOR RENT.-The ROOM formerly occu |p! pied as Whitchurst's (iallery. No. 77 Main St., ■n__s by 100 feet, second floor, is for rent. Also, a LODGING ROOM on the third floor. For terms, apply to JOHNSON k HARWOOD. ja 26— U No. 77 Main street. _m fBR RR~T*--_t PUttl nnd SECOND ffs-i FLOORS of the I) WELLINO over our store. *-_. MARCUS HARRIS k BRO., fe 29—U Next to the American Hotel. LOTTERY. eddy* «;dr's GEORGIA AND DELAWARE STATE LOTTERIES. GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE flOO.OOO! THK (.RAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAW INGS of Wood. Eddy .- Co.'s Three Number Lot teries will Uke place in public, under the super intendence of sworn Commissioners, as follows: CirissNo. its*' draws Saturuat, March 31,1830. Class No. _IM ' " " April 2-1, I'M). NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY TWO TICKETS. GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAWING, To take place as above specified. 1 GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE OF .niOOOOO! 1 Prize of S-0.001. 100 Prises of. #14-0 2 Prizes of 20,000 170 " 0f...-. _..-0 --2 " of 10.1KJ. 65 " of. 100 2 " of 6,000 66 " ot 75 2 " of 6,000 66 " of. 60 2 " of. .. . 4,000 65 " of. 60 2 *> of 3.0004810" of -Hi 2 " of 2,000 27,040 " of "W 32 196 prizes, amounting to.. „ . 1.185,783 Whole Tickeu S2O; Halves $10; Quarters «6; Euhths i-2.50. ~ __ __ , Certificates of Packages will lie sold at the fol lowin- rates, which is the risk i Certificates ol Package of 26 Whole Tickets ,299 00; Certificate,! ol Package ol 26 Half Tickets #149 60; Certificates of Fat-knee of 2. Ouartor Tickets ,74 »; Certifi cates of Paekacsoi » Eighth Tickets .37 37. THE ORDINARY DRAWINGS ol Wood. Ed dy A Co.'s Single Number Lotteries will take place in public, hs follows: Class 63 Draws on Saturday, March 10.1-60. Class 64 " " _ 17. W_k Class 65 " " _ 2L i~**>' Class 66 " " " , 31, 1860. Class 67 " " April 7. ISM). CI_BS6B " " " 14,1860. Class 69 " " *** -L I**'"- Class 70 " " " 28,1860. NEARLY ONE PRIZE TO EVERY NINE TICKETS. ORDINARY DRAWING. To take place as al-ove specified. 1 GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE OF _. -80.000 1 " «** {fao.tKJOl 1 Prize of ■j.1.-ou 1 " " 10,000 -OPrizesof. 600 1 " ** 6,0001100 " " 400 1 " " 4,000 1100 " " 300 1 ** " 3,000 100 " " 150 I 100 " *' 100 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 4 prizes ot $400 Approximating, to 950,000 prize are _ -„..— -j'1,600 4 prizes of 300 Approximating to 20,000 prize are 1400 4prizes of 260 Approximating to 10.000 prize are 1,000 4 prizes of 225 Approximating to 6,000 prize are — 800 4 prizes of 200 Approximating to 4,000 prize are .-— 800 4 prizes of 160 Approximating to 3,000 prize are .._.__... 800 4 prizes of 100 Approximating to 1.600 prize are _-_. —, 400 6,000 prizes of fjtao are ,—.. -100.000 5.486 prizes, amounting to _, 9320.000 Whole Tickets $10: Halves 95; (Quarters -42 60. Cettificates of Packages in the Ordinary Draw ings will be sold at the following rates, which is the risk : Certificate of Package of lv Whole Tick ets. >-80; C« rtificate of Pneknga of lo Halt Tickets, $40; Certificate of Package of 10 Quarter Tickets, .*s'2u; Certificate of Package of 10 Eighth Tickets, $10. In ordering Tickets or Certificates, enclose the amount of money to our address lor what yi.u wish to purchase; name the Lottery in which you wish it invested, and whether you wish Wholes, Halves. Quarters or Eighths, on recesut of which we send what is ordereu, by first mail, together with the sc_bd_bjU| Immediately after the drawing, a Printed draw ing. Certified to by the Commissioners, will be sent, with an Explanation. Uj_ Purchasers will please write their signatures pla-.n. and givetlieuameof their Post-Office, Coun ty and State. All communications strictly confidential. __l All Prizes of $1,000 and under, paid imme dialely alter the drawing—other Prizes at the usual time of forty days. S__ <*OuD. EDDY A CO.'S LOTTERIES are drawn at Augusta, Georgia, and Wilmington, Del aware. Orders for Tickets or Certificates to be directed to WOOD, EDDY V CO., Augusta, Ga., Or WOOD, EDDY A. CO., Atlanta, Ga., Or W.iUl). EDDY A CO.. Wilmington, Del. ■P—.Circalara. containing Si-brines fortlie month, will l-e sent, free of expense, by addressing as aliove. BALTIMORE ADVI_-_.T_SE_-___.NTS BALTIMORE GLASS WORKS- Being in full operation with three furnaces, we are pre pared to execute all orders for WINDOW GLASS, of all sizes, and of the favorite and well known BRAN l>s that we have been manufacturing fir sixteen rears, viz : BALTIMORE FIRST CHESAPEAKE. PATAPSCO AND BOLTON Also. GLASSWARE, of all KINDS and COLORS. Wine Bottles, all kinds, | Pickle k Preserve Jars, Porter' Bottles. Syrup >t Cordial Bottles. Mineral Water Bottles, | Vials .V Patent .Medicine Specie Jars, I Bottles, Private Mould Flasks, Ware of all kinds and Demijohns, 1 Druggists' lilassware. IMPORTERS, M AUP AC T I R ER S AND AGK.NTS FuK SALE OF FRENCH WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS, Ai.iui. | Roll Brimstone, | Blue Vitrol, Copperas, | Castile Soap, | Borux, Epsom .Salts, j Castor Oil. I Flxt. Logwood, Bi Curb Soda, I Lim-eed Oil, | Glue, all kinds. Sal Soda, I White Lead, I Varnishes, do., Saleratus, I French Zinc, Whiting, Putty, Saltpetre, Paints .-Colors. I Sand Paper, Ac. BAKER, BROTH KRS * CO., 32 ami ;w South Charles St., fe2S—lm Baltimore. Md. \\J lIEELWRIfiHT.MIBCI-k CO., „ _ W COMMISSION PAPER WAREHOUSE, Dealers in Printing. Writing, Blank Book. Hard ware and Manilla PAPERS; Bookbinders' LEATHER and CLOTH; Foreign and Domestic RAG.S; Bleaching POWDEHS; ALL.VI. Ac. No. 14 Hanover street, corner of German street, ja-M-dtiiii BALTIMORE. MD. COAL. COKE. Ac. COAL.-On hand a full supply ot > MIDLOTHIAN. LUMP. AVERAGE and SMITH'S COAI . — ALSO,— RED and WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL C. B. LIPSCOMB. mh 14—ts llth st.. near Mayo s Bridge. tPJUkTSR II ILL Ll' Mr AMI HA IL, A Njb t-* ANTHRACITE COAL, of best Quality, for sale hs M. O. WHII'ING. mli y—iiii Near the Petersburg Depot. C-OAL, AT *_:<.?.->.--1 hive still on hand a lot of ' this COAL. Utfke on llth street, next door to Mr. Samuel Hastings' grocer, store. F.COOK. COH, K. .-Tne price of Coke until lurtker notioe will be as follows: SOFT LUMP COKE _. 95.51 SOFT HAIL COKE . ™. „_. 6 2* HARDCORE „ gjx Orders pi.unptly executed at Yards corner lot! and Cary and Bth and By rd streets. Terms oash. ]___£_■ _ _ _______ - *J^ X KTH.A«ent._ OAK AM) PtNE VtOtlU-Seasoned and un" der snelter, for sale at Coke Yards, ds W-ts JNO. J. WERTH, A«'L THE PLAt E -kOR BAKUAIKS-At SCHAAP A CO S. corner of Broad and 3rd streets. Cluna and Glassware at the ones pest 5 noes everlieard of, such as Tumblers from 37c. a oxen up; Goblets from *jtl 60 a dozen up; Kerosere Oil Lau'-is from 7-c. a piece up-all worth double the inotiey ; Tea Sets and Dinner Sets Ur lie|..*» regular prices, as new goods arc pouring in daily. and we must make room for them. Our stock of Bird Cages and Children's Carriage.- surpasses any tiling in variety and low prices. As lor House Furnishiu- (mods, such as Looking- Gluses. Tea Trays, Coflee ami Tea Pots, ofa I kinds of metal. Table Cutlery, Woodeu and Willow-Ware, and thousands of other articles in that line, a rail from thos. iv want of such roods wi'l prove beneficial to them as they will save from 1. to la per cent, by purchasing at SCHAAP A CO.'S, Corner of Broad and 3d sts. CHAMPAGNE WINKR. -Wa have now ia store, a choice assort ment of Cham pause Wiaes, to which we desire to call ths attention of purchasers. Moot k Ckandon's Imperial Green Seal; Ds St. Mnroea*ix A Co.'s Imperial Rsd Lao and Carte Noir; Chas. Heideick A Hsidsick k Co.'s .marts aad pints; Osislsr A Co , our own importation quarts and pints; Mumm's Impairs! Verienm; Royal Vsrxena*. all in fine order and for sals by SELDEN A MILLER. Corakr Psail and Cary streets. V_PRIflU_ WRAFPiaiGn.-PUin ami striped A Cloth Mantles, for spring; black Silk Maatla-j Poplin, Chally. Deßaiss aad oikar Dusters and Mantles; Stella, _•_«, Caskuisrs.Rsrsgsaßdotker Shawls; Mmiraißi Maaties. As.. . k*. .We ws lissariment of our bnsiasssis eupsnuua_s4 ky au ■"•unpliahod MU<t " y-ITsIftTSHKWRRY. sorted Cis ars ana WMuwifu *m*wsmmmt ~w-bsbb. _jjn«uin_*^rtj.,-' SfiDLPPINO. By tbs U.K. MAIL STEAMSHIPS ioßs-ToytK. Captain Pabbisb. JAMEBTOWN. Caitain Sbibbbb. ROANOKE, Captain Couch. .Ujtvias Richmond every TUESDAY andFRI DAY evenings at 4 o'clock.ami SATURDAY eve ning at f. o'clock. Returning, they leave New York every TUES DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY evenings, al 3 o clock. _ , EXCURSION TICKETS I o ?.ew V ork and hnck, entitling the purokaser to go and return by either oi the above niasnihcsot steamships. Meals ami State-room included, for the round trip, only RiS. Passage to New York, fare and State-room in cluded, fro. 4-teerae. passage only R6. Tickets and Berths secured at our office. LUDLAM A WATSON, Opposite steamers' wharves, Richmond, Va. N. 8.-Tho steamers touch at Norfolk going and returning. Passage to and from Norfolk same as by the riverlsiats. mh 17-__ts Vo kThila"i»Eirp 11^^i"a. ---*«» Ths A No. 1 steamship PKNNSYLVA ■ a n_Sß_Bßni4ff_»_ i ( v _ l p l _ jjavidTkal, is now ready to receive freight, and will leave oa THURSDAY, March 29th, at 9 o'clock A. M. For freight or passage, having superior accom-' modations, apply to H. E. TUTTLE, Agent. Rncketts. Boston freight taken through by steamer at low rates and with diipttch. mh 27—3t ji-J-n. FOR IBEW* YORK.-FIRST VESSEL. -»_-» RICHMOND AM) NEW YORK LINE OF *■*__■ PACKETS.--The superior fast sailtur- sciir. CRENSHAW, Capt Wm. Moss, having a portion of her cargo engaged and going oi#board, will have quick dispatch. For nnlanee nf freight, apply to _mh 27-_. DAVI D k W_M. CURRI E. *__v FOR NEW ORLEANS.-The superior fas t sai i 111 *.. copi-ered and copper-fastened -*****-*tint ISADORA, Bakbb, master, having the greater portion of her carm em-aged, wrl sail with all possible dispatch. For balance of I'reicht or passage, having superior state-room accommo dations, apply to mh2t-f.t WD. COLQUITT A CO. >i-4 FOR BOSTON -FIRST VKS.SEL- re.utir packet schoonerSUSAN.Capt •*■_-_*■ j-,kth <;. Koi.KK-i. Ii iv in. a portion ol her cargo engaxed and soing on Isiard, will have quick dispatch. For balance of frei-lit. apply to _itiiti 2V-U _ DAVID X Wat. CURRY. *,c*.' FOR ST. M_Jißi*S, rUA.—-Tlsssuue* _S3>nor last-saihi.g schr. 'CHRYSOLITE." *******>]). M. Smith, master, having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will have dispatch. For remainder of cargo, apply to jmhl7-l()t W. f5. COLQUITT -CO NOTICE. -TOBACCO MAN UF AC TITRBRB. and others, sending us Goods _-*n__«i-»'r*j„ th-! AVtt- York Steamers, for bk siitP-KNT. will please address us by mail, giviag specific directions as to where and how they wish said Goods sent, otherwise they will be stored at their expense and risk. No charge made for forward,ns such Goods. LUDLAM k HEINEKEN. fe2i)-3m 116 Broadway. New 1 ork. FlTli T H KRRKRUtTII»R If. R A r E S FRO M NEW YORK TO ___■_____> RlO HMOND- M X ASU REM ENT GOODS REDUCED TO RIGHT CENTS. AND A • ENERAL REDUCTION ON OTHER GOODS.- Merclisnts recetvius goods from New 1 ork, are informed that they can now receive tiiem thrice a week by steamers YORKTOWN. JAMESTOWN and ROANOKE, leaving New York ever? TUES DAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY afternoons, and at srea'ly reduced rates. Full Taritl of Rates furnished on application to LUDLAM k WATSON, mil 9—ts Opposite Steamers' Wharves. _m-na»_' NOTICE.— ThTa.earnerCUßTlß will, after MONDAY nest, SB—S___sa_i—»6th inst.. discontinue running be tween this, Portsmouth and Norfolk, until fur ther notice. The steamer GLEN COVE, Capt. Z.C. Gifford, will continue the regular run between this, Ports mouth and Norfolk, leaving the wharf at Rocketts re-uilarly every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY aad FRIDAY MORNINGS, at m% precisely, and re turn each alternate day, (Sunday excepted,) leav ing Norfolk at the same hour. _del-ts R.O. HASKINS._ 6F FIC EA D A Ml' EXP I ESS COM PA NY ,1 Richmond, .March 6, ItMO. S /__e*fi HAVl.*.«i JI'ST t'O.UPLETKO GCJJZZAS new arrangements with the New York ■bbb_aa_■»gtea__Bkip Compnay for Express pnvi Usees per JAMEI.TOWN, YORKTOWN. and ROANOKE, we are now prepared to forward all kinds of merchandize, m lar.e or small packages, atureatl*. reduced rates. G.-ods destined for Steamship Express should be so marked. Our accommodations are ample, and packages under hxpress seal. For rates of char-cs anil regular tri-weekly con tracts.apply to J. L. MACDONOUGH, Agent. 2u2 Main street, lielowDth. N. 8.-Our daily INLAND EXPRESSES are running as usual. mli7—ts PIAWOPORTESr !!____. £liiMf _T «c BR A DBUrY's PIANOS.—We call the attention of the •11 -I 1 citizens of Richmond and Virginia, to our PIANO FORTES. We have pbtoe.f these in struments with Mr. CAR ! SI. that their qualities, in ail respects, may be tested by the side of the famed Clnckerin'-s. We warrant all our PIANOS, and can show a» high and as numerous testimonials as .any factory in the country, all of winch can iie seen at Mr Cabcsi's, on Broad street. 3d d.x.r from 9th. LIGHTED BRADBURY. ___--_-, XI I II VI II N O P•'...-.<> PUti Ift MANUFACTORY. AND GENERA! m 4lipePOT OF FOREIGN AND AMERI CAN MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRCMKNTS DORR _ RADE. Warerooms SI, Factor> _g. Broad street, would respectfully invite paolie at teiitioii to their large assortment of PIANOS, and would niter such guarantees as will satisfy thr most fastidious purchaser. Our PIANOS are warranted for five years, kep'. 111 tune twe--ve months, and exchanged within tti** first six mouths, if tiiey fail to give enure satisfac tion to the purchaser. Particular attention is paid to orders from tin country, and persons may safe'y rely upon th* faithful execution of their orders. Old Pianos taken in exchange for new ones. _1_ PIANOS hired ut low rates. DORR k RADE, de ltS—dAcwly Richmond. Va._ __~----v~ t Yn-7k KRI WCt PI AM— te l>e ha.. \*P~rWH at N.CARUSI'S. Broad street •TT-11l 3d door from »»h. CARRIAGES, &c. -AS-'-Uk*. t ARKIA4.-.S, Bt Ot'lES, In,, ■*_f&__fsStF()R SALE—Tie subscriber intend \_~~~_—— r 1 ban-ing his business, and will offer for sale his stock of CARHI AGES. ROCK A WAYS AND BUGGIES, with and without tops, of his own make, at Kreatly reduced prices, put up with great care. Give him a lie 11 determined to sell at all hazards. JOHN DOES, mli7--lui* Corner of 9th nnd Broad_sts. _7_i-iik» "oh:~wan,~mam."thou art Y<|VL_*%?iliiit i!u-t; therefore, why -new* at tii-* *-* "v*_*— chan.tcs nf Die, for it leaves but a dreary waste to contemplate upon. So now lojt so liloquizing. Mn. EntToß 1 As I sai.l in my last advertisement 1 had l-een 811111)111-,' aslronomy. of course people expected to hear of some groat phenomena I would have discovered, but in ex-tmimng the elements, 1 found there was a mystery beyond the comprchen sum of man, rind as I had no desire to build S towei of Babylon, therefoie t gave it out and went lo solidities. lam now still in the ring to trade for anything from Ihe l-ouels of the earth to the mountaßi lop so thr.i 1 push along, keep moving; for it is wiser than setting aside anddrnHiinng, suiting and wast inn life's tide, for 111 life's earnest battle those OUQ prevail who daily march onward and uevttr *;i tail. IIAGAN'S.IOIIN. 18th St., Creek Nation. Richmond, V a, P. R—l promised the public a romance ot my life, winch will be forthcoming 11. due time. ia _.-'-:im -_S' .____, t A K»i, tAHRI_i4._.K..- Th.- siils-cri lei bason ins Coach *—r~-*"/**r flaking EstAbtisliKieiit.oii Lotut. mi Al ley. l-etween Main and Can, (13th and llth sis . near tiie (',l urn- 1111 hotel. COACHES. CHARIO TEES, BAROUCHES. BI,'GGIES. with and with • >ut tops, and KCLKIKS-all ol own make, el tne best mate rial and Wnskmansnip— ail of wln.-li will l« sold as l.iw as „o<_l work of the kind can be 111 the city of Kl. inn. nil, snd I respectfuil. ask » call from those 111 want < f any BrneJa iv the Car nage line, aa I am def.-i mined to make to order and to sell at the lowest prices possible ; and till work sold tliak is new, warranted. feW-d-m MICAJAH MANGUM. 5V _ IkOTItE TO THE TK.VKI.I_C PUBLIC. ._sff_»i_r_ *-^ 7 - 1 - LIVFKY STABLE, __?Sr*sss- ST AG E LIN ES .kc. __-_-_--__ The undersigned havmti lately purchased of A G. Walters the entire stock of Harass. Bu-.ies Hacks, Ac, are now ready to acoominodate tin traveling public With all kiwis of . KHICLES from a Sulky to a lour-horse Coach, at ths shortest notice, to any part of the adjoining States, on the most reasonable terms. We will always have OMNIBUSSFS at the ko -.4. -nd depots to convey passengers to any part o! tks town. I ne ) ..1 c al. o the MAIL CONTRACTORS on all the Stage Lines leaving Danville, and will spire no pains to accommodate tke travcliug pdb iic witb good and comfortable Coaches, Teams, and .-.lead, and »oi*r drivers. Persor-s wishing anything in their line of t.usi ness will do welt to oall on the uuderst.ned at thi Tuusull House, winch is the STaGR OFFICE lot all the different tines They also have a STAGE LINE running IVcm Keysville.on the Richmond aud Danville Railrond to Kand-.lpa Macon Oollege and to Ho-, dt.wi leav tn- Keysvilleou MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS am-' FRI DAYS, returning on tke following days, con necting witk tks cars going East and West ou each day. GEO. D. MOORE A CO. rahl-lm" ___________ VIRNII-IA SALOOI.. R"*_A f ___ Al take pleasure in anuouncing to my S^\jL____Jrfriends and the public, that i lutv. ts WMf keu thi establishment formerly known as the FARMER'S SALOON, on FRANKLIN, hctweeu WALL STREET aad tke OLD MARKET. Their patronage will bs thankfully received. CHOICE LUIUORS and CIGARS vill be con •tantl. on hand to satisfy tksir wi-mS".. „ ____ wk r-lßi* HBNRY ORTH__ ******** % -**-**CO.,optieians,oflar u» tke public ssrviag aad reatoiiaa* tke unpaired vision to its *+***•• Maia atones, tiokwoa- Va.^^ v_f aa iaypies of Bar ton A Onsstser'sClarsi Wines, which are to he tks .best and surest Wines W. a_kt tv tkss Mttffl,_•**£**,• ...__ I • VIRGINIA CKKTRAL H GENERA! . Hl-P-I*-I...***.' * H £|MHHHM Dire-tor* of !,,,. '*• -*._, ■ run I .tweea Riclm**. and _.rd_r. * »fc I tolore. THO? n **' •»•__-1 n.hu_-w G";^,i;"^^B ,b _7Sg& I OP FICE RICHMOND _ I*|.T', I RICHMOSb. M;if, '■ ViT'-Ol I f3_c__ns-M_n - »■**t.t ill",!. I *. ■ ■n-___i_rrr~__M* _»,_ tho A ../., l ,V*'<\r, TIT ___ TPAIN on this Road will I-»v6'hii-nt.*- i ' , ,r_i__i PETERSBURG at 7A. M insu,.'' 1 I mh is-*m IMOB H "T, ~« V 1 * ■ I a-___-«__*-_-r»„ft er vi o ■*/ D A ' ,~ c « i_ I law, the Passenger Trains will de. '~' ""* r t- l? I Daily (sxoept Sundays) at . Tuesdays and Fridays at.. .. ""M H rr.ou whitb Boiti **-*-r js I Daily (except Sundays) at ■ Tuesdays and Fridays*! ' '«'|B SfBAHKB US 8188 LBSVBs'- ,, *" I --__H .Mondays and Thursdays r.t ' ---U ■ ■ • _ 1 l «-I ,n ' H:,llH "t'i. "'••____ TBSsdaysand t ndsajaat.. . ( Connecting with cvrst»,.i.. ' ,*- I ■ Urbantia Stage leaves Whits 11. __*• _■ and f-nday* at BA. M.; returning We,i . IHl »ft fl ftatardaye. * W.-ilke'rton Stage leaves Whito ii, >_ _H and Thursrt.»» at IA. M , retuiutu__L__*kl ___ Freight Trsitis leave and ar" ", V 5 1 »'» ■ Wednesdays and Saturdays. ".«__•« jaß-ts THOS. R. SHARP.S. H r-_,. I OFFICE RICH'D k PETERS* '. . ■ ?**•l Richmond, Vs.. Nov _*;.*. U»..i ■ ITS-________H_, CMRrBk op hoi. ( I __&£__pßr_H-<>n and -.Iter r K in iv . *-»- fl __EK___B _____#£ on __i _*f*l _■ leave as follows: "•>*_H LKAVr KlClt-tOIT) YOB P_T_____ _H Express, daily, except Sundays, st ,_ _■ Mail, daily at „_. i_T*> I LRAVK PBTBBSBBBS r.»K _l- M _~x-, '' - 1 I Express, daily at • _ Mail, daily, except Siindiv-, at '"" . * *•■ vfl Passengers for Clover Hill w,;| ■ > _»',J'?' * \ ■ Train on TUESDAYS, Till RNh A T*-»_*% ■ URDAVS. | ******* I V I «aa_____6___ TlMK j) A WKKK 'mii,!- i: _■ THURf-trtAVflaiid SATURDAifi llW *'*'S, ■ Boat TEMPEST. CapLTHot K-stt ___ Boat M KRCHANT, Capt. (~.,. P I _-~. _■ Boat BRISTI »L. .apt. Chas. I. /ob*? 1 -fl Boat J. j. |RHY.Ca»t. Wa. P. C_in_- I Boat FAME. Capt. Wm. II Psbswbil" l _■ Boat OLIVIA, ('apt J.J. pßTnts ■ These Bj.ats are all ol the hrstci.,.t, -«»»__. I by careful and expeneiioed Captauu *!_i-- I promptly as advertised. Tks BBbserikn aJB __■ for past favors, be.s a oontinuance of Um'bS 1 __■ wm p coi I At the Shed. Dock rear.,f old liM*,*^ "WATCHES, JEWELRY, 4c H WHERE 1» ■_*RTHR_ou I . I He kas removed Iroa the **Uu_ wl«r,„ I _____r- nrune krew r.-ii.iwiied. " And his friend* in despsir ..n- nil sniss But sljli be jausas. for s letter m bsai _■ v\ here Ins Clocks and Ins Watches to. 1... _B He sings the old Bears of Ton, ,\U% e '„«_,, I A sure Ki«n that kis hasiassß i< isririßf- I Ah. truly the noten ol tiie BUBStrsk em i■• HI PI liat a deuce of a trsile hi* is dm n < ' mm Oh. lie's fixed a *lu,p nert tn Kent, haul I Just abova blaze in dry ipoda and lian bY Together they'll make <iuite aa pre'ti Vih,,. _B As any recorded in story. mM __. _ W J HARTHdI.nVKW H JW atch and Olo.rk ,M skst. Rui ana I jgt Rk-k-Llrje ill I IIKIH« io-,T I -IKWELIV.WATCHReT I _e_*A takes tks libtrtT__ I nY _n n..iii;,-.- tn the public. I._ -.",_._ I the LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING I MENT of Messrs. R ITCH IK .V LU -tNAVjUrr I In eoßsesuenes ol tins ekaage ia my ■•v- ■ .„ i I am obliged to sell out in, j,, »•_.--,,. ,• .., JT.. ■ want of FINE JKWELkV, WAT.iilis „ ■ will find itsres'li to their interest loitrsnsa I EARLN CALL, as I only intend to _ELI 1)11 I FOR CO4ST a short time. The hataacs of tmtntt I will be sold at auction. 1.. HOVI-'R I _.«_,. v _-_-* ■¥■'■ ■ana ■ _mh 10—lm* Between «th snd loth itrms. I jS CIIAKLES LVMRRMIR, "" I _ ( maJ-BBJssraaJ I _n ,J Announces that he will open th.i .iv , ■ s___i__-Cl.itU -t/lnrcti, a well siMecied ,-,,, , ■ Watcties, Jewelry, Bpsetacles, and Itinrum I nil of good quality and newiy selectcit ~[ knatß _ul desiirns. tasteful workuiansiiip mil I material, to wlm-li he iavusatheattsntMßu j m? who a.c 111 want ol any arti. le ,11 thelii.t. Hg Ho fl-iltcrs lumself that Irnin tut iiiiK iif«i,.i_ I 111 the business, to-etlier with Ins BssMttUMl I with the mr-.nufactnrers. will aaahia him B ~„■ I iuir,-li, _....d goods at teasiuinl'le t r ■*~ •'_. I at tlii .Minn ntreet. BX. WATCH KS. CLOCKS. BPECTACIJI vi I JK v. hi.K\ . repaired in the best mai.uer.ii Uwrt Mi notice, and at reasonable price-. HI PS* WATIHKS. JEWELKV.IiLVtt I yIFN AND PLATED WARK.-.**. A M..M I ■r_j _y keeps c'.nstnnlly on h-ui I a .r.f iii'li'ia- I «___■* plote assortment of the sksei mwi a- I ticle.s. embracin-all the latest st\ie», m„I I furs tv ii.s friends and pul'lic >>ii the Bost man I akietenaa. He would call purtieular to I i.,. stock ol fine Wstakaa, suck si Jblss Jtrreyn I V. H. Adams k Son, Alfred Lavaletts, Jnlealn I ry, Henry Remolds Lemon. .i..M-pii J.,i,imi, ',.l v M Craage, and otner ceiebraied auiksra Ui tin I keeps s lame -tssortnientof rich Diamsadlai-j I cr Ru:-s. Shi-t Huttous, Diau_>_d Cluntrt at m fl-Bgleßtons tireastpitis. for gsuts; aku 1 »:« ■ ass-.rtmen' of ladies' Carl.un.-le, OmsJ, !.a ■ Came,l mid I't-arl Sets, Etruscau and ► ..t. im I Chain Sr ..elets. Chatlain Ckaiss, Na_l cm,m, I Charms..-'if'eve Buttons, Whirt Kutt.-m ks_4-!m ■ Sets, Got.lets. Pitchers BanCsliars, Cs|B>BMtMl ■ Holders, Fish Knives and F..r *, !*e-r» laam ■ Asprira-tis TwnnS, lie Tpßpi Silver -po-'Bi ._ ■ Forks, line Silver-plated Knives kc. *U Hopnu to oSer such inducemtats trial csatt ■ fail t» please in price snd 4u_lit). a osfl ■» tMint- ■ fully solicited. S A. MYKHi. ■ Corner of Main ar J I'tv •» I , mill ihm E. C.ATHRK.IIT Ft RIITlgl I (UsjlfWAßKHcrsl-, «,s ~,r.'.rv.ii « T ■ BETWEEN MAIN -i.Mt FkA-UtlA I e___H_--tri* .>n hand at tin-, tin.- ttis iim**' " ! I ■BU-88-RaSuMa-BMe- Fl RNITIKK mtmmm MM offered to his friends and the putsi.-aaWfSHrM ■ of winch be. nj CITY - .MADE-wnuh iispimi*"* ■ sell lor less prohf than herrtol.irs. P.iinted. I- ■ nation ami Bom dak. Walnut. Msk-tssy SB I Mf-aewood t'HA.MBFR SUITS. irom <»':'•,** ■ all styles Mnrble Top T.\ HI.KS; also, fjM I ROBl*S.lroiii-»Kiup:TETE A-TK IK.-.1. »_'>."• ■ SOFAS, li.'in -1.1 up U. .;-, .!em.- L'Bd --•« I STEADS, from _» to •.'7.*>; U*a;;tit-I • i '" t ,V,*i? ■ Plush, I ast in grind Cloth I'AKI.UK -UH I aIso,COUCHERaad RED LOl'NGES.slitn* WM ti\erer cent less than c«n bs t «" >*-*** , I wln-ie; in fact, his stix-k awkraors svtnsnsn h Bsually kept in his line. UsU .»-.! '***•■;'' I for yoaiesif, see how much ■••11 BM »■*•• ■ aan fore piiicirisiiig elsewhere Alati.n Inrpa "sssn a ineiito|'Recuinl>ent, Invalid. Sim, EalJ *** *' ■ volvm; THAIR-A MATTRMSLS. Hv'*» _■ Skucs. and REDDIRO. „.;,_-'* ■ -. id JEW RAJHULE A»*IU.RMf I A____\ MANI'FACTdRV.-l kavsthusUir ■ flß\ pointed JA.MKS H ' : ' : \C' I i^- Jixent to carry in* SADDLE <■>" ■ ■ Harness bi .si.NF.--S .11 t,.#•'<!J ■ Riciimotid. and to use m> antoe t.. bM '"'_"* _■ only, md lo sell on any terms to'J.;''" , ' , "* l |frT ■ March 6th. _X wm a "' ' ■ ' In liking ckaraeoi ihe utuim- bu«is-»» ' I shall ha glad tosee my old friends sn-i m***** ■ B*an/ally.aa_ hope ti> stn.-i sitsstn-a ! "'"'_'_ _■ t«> -.ecure and merit S li' shaie_»>! P*''__?,... ■ Rep.-.iringdone neatly hs.) VAipi ik\ vi ■ tice. J—*. rfBT-.-.~_~:_ iiiiix-im MRisa.ssasaitsExßksß-S n**** h __■ tp--. Mm.\V A X l>. ,« ' ! ' w '*L!i"ln* I 4M subscriber. PHILIP 'l A. I purchased of ttsoriis Vv. *ao\ 01 i.n ■ J| Joiui-aiißrters. F-m.oi ksssssssaO- '» ■ ____,w_osenthinitoß.-li*ii.-'.'l." ',"''.llsJ*. I I furnished linn With a Bass <•' iu:i , t.'litm I and return in one week ft-m th* *•__'''.J, T» I which was dated early in isptserssr,^ emmet I w.leiafiee woman, wan then _r»_M •■;,,„., ■ field, near Pete.sours. Tne ako" »"*"" I was smaaciaated by the la'.e I»'*»___r.; 1 lie. I and sold by PuiSiam k Davis, ou sec. •« "*. ~ ■ W. ttneibags. The akevs reward cis teas h delivered to me in Richmond. ~.. .m. 1.,.. l-»w* w•■ " %li _ I 71 Hit MMU-e il tkf «j[ »%** »l I >i| IHCRRABRR FACILir t>** , I ft scrilwrhas been aßSß«_SsW«sf*ns-» H li the city ol R.0_u.0..d »ver t > *" ,n, | Jj, I I -_ta-. anU hM .„ this v.-m •» * I his employ ment. ami wl't. l« »K__i_iT ■-' ■ two. make large addition* t- i **L**Senmmw* 1 I lag tasen the story over I manulacturing purposes, h. '«'*•*'", Laaaß I sty arucle ia ths clothing m.c •*»*_*-*' V.!iiSsb I in every respect, wiih clot ton' '•'* !< ' '° jfyiS* ■ cities, and he asks the patron t.-e "i»- fwl ..«_ | and the public seneralli. in "''■*;''_.. .„ . it- I tie is giving smpl.»meut ia o f''~^.,.: i* I numl-r of mech-nics and ■ might otherwise kuilsr tastkj _ Us kss the lust »i c.turs. ~ud M^its nasiu- I sur—srsil by any kouss m '.»' "' ,,u ';'. L,„ »CA* I ilMaiid! Carol.-i.-vi sad ■ SiMl-iRES _nd TWEEtV ' I S'IRICTLY A StlirilKKN W\> r^ rM » ■ IN(. HOUSE, '"in** I 1 BSSlfill's of uo. what lie isWaJ- **•*•'* WM he feaa been -Join, ior issts *m Chrtkier and Tailor.corner I 4v.-s.- 1 •-•« »■»*r*_*t_*w > _'oo M- 4 "j I I I R. R.-CUTTIRO roniptiyati-aas(.tv. ■ "«* ■ ,„ af. iv krauenes. end TOitos -n w I tr..Bus. sroatisisg to uss »»•»»> «• c*!'* ' I S-OP****** I sskt-lui ___ ____ —---"____. I (Ms. I