f r row bjum »__*______»_£_____,
-.«.•. DAILY PISPATi.H is served tosah
af, TH ami».»"« cbntb ssa wbsb,
/*_. _ tto\wmr treeklr >nss fas moiliag,
»'»i__r or •»•*» f <* ** «P Btl »*> •» sdvoaea.
»»5ft«51l WEEKLY pigf ATCH .stssusi
»Tr!_-__asasd FttdAr at »S.OA ib advance.
*/JsNreKKi.Y PIM'ATCM is lesoedeverr
jt,»_L _.*■'»'... »■■'«*■">»-> at •■ sorooaoa-.
<-rV.Ti"'TY OF UKNKICO.-At the re
k_S_ ___; frisada, lit" a • andidate for tbe
**€ .Ht-'RIFF• and lf elected, will devote all
X*__ ..Liaeeru t" "»< 1 dtmhorseof the do
»•"*.£#• rosMent. with the lone experience
* ■ 7__ BtoriA. to BS able to do ao ib ooiu
MAE 9 **:*-« MM >'-nK*mY R JONES
. - \t*
__—, ro THE VOTER* OF MR* It ICO
A f V -I reoßectfulli announce my
"-** _Sils for the omoßofOOM WiSSiONKR
' ' -I ir VENUE in the Cpper District of s.id
'''' «»-• nn served ** Constable of that lhs
< • t " SmN «'* I leave my friends to
■ J '"' ,\ difecatioß for that office. .My past
-•' »trß»cnteriootojsdtsbsr. If you think
-"*;, f .|,j oi )i«ur suffrages. 1 respectlully solicit
: ''_-Jt>onfh« !'!: Thtirsdav in Mar next.
•_|~.\;l M >,—I sni a candidate for the o_
„',,..i»,n »c icit >our »'.irtt;i_e» at the elec
' ■ >AY n?xt. should it t>e your pleasure to
... j nitdf* i >>»ctl to din-liarse tbe duties
'' f\i- Utthfall). Respectfully.
.'.;,„ bKo.w. carter.
, -4t~ \„ I - i her.M.y announce m«s«.f a OOB
zfi • it stash rs to the office of CONSTA
'. i .< :ne slwvs district, and respectfully solicit
'. -,»► is May next. j
j, ;,<•■ GEO. W. THOMAB.
._t CO! NI" i ■—Fsi.i.t.w Oiti/ks* :—I am a
Tfair'-.r re - election to the office of COMMIB
-*.ri>K THK REVENUE for the Upper Pis
' tissrioo c unit), nnd respectfully soi.eit
imroort at the election to take place on (he
1...- V;_» next If you again elect tne. I will
■' -'~:n.»-t etlorts in the faithful Uischargi ol
'*. - fs.-t ru) office.
> 1,,.' W. P. LAWTOaV.
«_f_, to the iof er Vo f it ¥S*"H
._! CO.—| respectful!* announce myself a
-uswforrs steetioatorCom Miss I ONER OF
'•.". gfcVENU E in tiie Lower District, at the
,; .- ;i. Mas, and ver» respeotfull) solicit *.iur
~" |un. d-tdel JOHN A. f.ACtfO.
CXIUNTY.—I announce
!_*'s f'triiiidatw for the above office. Should it
-»ii. v«uf'' ofthe voters to el«»ct me, I shall
mrtrats.il. *««' Wll ' every exertion to
__v_t_b tW duties'thereof fa thfulll iiupar
iu.h.-td! JACOII ft. ATLKE.
L_b CO C'Jl NTY.— Af 'he advice of my
• -ji .no in Beeordaaeo wits my own wishes, I
I'.',,n-e no-til •• candidate for the owes of
!Lj_»IFFdF HENRICO COUMTY, and solicit
i.'.i sslliMSS at the Btote aloe hoe in May uext.
uassaraßteelW the faithful ot-rioriii.-itice of
•. ,ii'i<-i'l tli* i'.Tu-c I reler >ou to .til who know
.. brt-eßUaaer io winch tr.» seduties have l«en
J , „<*.• dariax Hip three rears that 1 have
EadatetSßtj wr-M preseßt Sheriff.
■Mpeotrally. yoor fellow citizen,
J,I fiiß? SEO I). Pt.KASANTS._
-.pr tin'■« sunonnee i'i)K«i| a candidate lor the
'~.',' CONSTTIBLI. for the first District, and
'■v.'l-'.'i.'.'i.'.'is--i ; n« 4th THURSDAY in May
' ra-Jm*
B. KKESEK. liavin. re
[ trr. Ins kst-tll, will tie voted for as COMM IS-
I'At.R OF THK REVENUE tor the Upper
K_Mt l-te-S towSts] MAN. VOTERS.
BvZS. CO COUNTY—As my health has lm-
Er« »..,_.:•' ti.e rpiije«t of many friends. I nn-
-t VtKOKTHK REVENUE for the lj»per Dis-
I .■?. |akM-ls-rßtß] J. B. KffESEE.
VCS iii.'a Bib: As tue tune is approaching
|.-• mv.it»r»t'f Henrico •'< select a BUttohla per
i B__lt_es-feeof SHERIFF.and v .n*. shms-
W frsu !•»' !"ti* Booßßintaaee with you. that
Msiet-ahtedtodi-eßarte the duti*s'»f toe of
!-» ve.u.e ._iw.ni.prs. respectfully request you
• iisrtrareyoursell acanuulate for the saidof
! -t,e..;_. jou uur support in the ensuing elec
ißrJUJ.Tarreil, Joseph Bernard,
J. W.CrPiisl.aw. Benjitintn Walton!
hsM C. i'»rdon, Ala.or Ford,
H B J»up«. O. C. Brid.-ewater,
W B I.I. U'.._e, Thos. M. Montague,
I Hell.tern, P. A. Moles,
Pff Laessn. Simon I. Fod,
J.l.l.Tisslsy, Hudson B. Ford,
X, A. Lemuter, Al'ner HiHiard.
fa. A. liar,.it, TlMuaa M. Ladd,
Jmw. Sihota. Charles (i. Paleake,
j'eatr.SHugi.es, Ueiirv Nirouah,
lotsrl h. Wa:ton. Ceo. Timlierlake,
w.C. Tii,.iiPrro, R. E. Ellyson,
James H Haloßf, Richar-I Thomas,
t.A.Miiwaserie, Daniel N. Melton,
F«ad_Urrißß, John Perkins,
J-. Hatfßrf. Sherwiii Meßae,
WfcC-llißfwert-. Sr., E. C. Crump.
J-P. lord. m.M-ts
- fr:N..!AMES (.11..MAN. AND OTHERt..
--bNU)wasSßwith roar request and in accord-
Buvitfcayowß inclination. I herel.v announce
■'''A Mi, and respectfully solicit the votes ol
gWss c.tizeiis in .May next, for that office.
'..-.af n.weii to discharge the duties of the of
-. a.thf-iiy. m Respectfully,
* | - ! » * JOHN O.TAYLOR
caad.date for COMISSIONER OK THE
'-'wlh for the upper district of Hanover
-Wan fourth Thursday in May. (mh SS-tde*
Ki *- l> COUNTY.—The office of COM
k "MUiIS, ATTORNEY for the County of
"«'!*/.j !_ir.)c within the r<«ni!e of my prot'es-
I"., nit ut, would he for tint reason, and
-nly, au acceptable position to me. I
;i«ue :o tbe requests of a niimher of
(:!!>■ expressed, and declare mysell a
ot the .■'utf'ra.es ol the people, at the
be held on the fourth Thursday in May
ii time the oitlce is to be filled for the
ii of lour years.
." ■-** C. C. MrRAE
I '"'»t uf Man and Governor streets.
«"■'• IVi cell, /../,/,/ j Co.'s Drug Store,
.-... .. SIC_.MOS__. VA.,
>_ '' . li "" r ■ Court, Hustitus Court.Ctrcuit
E?_ yoart of Law and Chancery, Court ol
", ,'! D;tt ' J States Court and Henrico County
' upreaared to Ktve strict attention to all
',-■ ■•'• Ue Kusiness
-Hh» ia ele.ant Room for rent, located in
: ! «;mi.ude_iral,!e parts of the citv.suita
Isu- 4 *' ,er J" r -Hictor's Office, or a
'iv-i. 1 *" or "" K<suU - Terms moderate.
R=», \OTM V. TO Til X LAOI ES.-Mrs.
SS, ; ANKa WILLIAMB, M. 1), has re
l _'~'"'"• I*tween Ist and Fou-hee streets.
■•*._. i, ! ,li " •!*S«red to treat all forma of
.„7»i*cuiur t„ and children
~..^-»i«teutm u givsa to the practice of Ob
R*» GtOßOii U. STEEL.,
k STL"-* I *'— *osthoraat comer Alain otid
1 --''i,.! V a ''' al,ove Crensiiaw's New Hotel.
X**t 9 i 9999t fmti of ten years ia his prnfes
1 *»•..... ,°,"" h(1 «i "I r;iviuit astislactiou U>
v -'- : n- Uvor *"" with their oatroua*e.
(1 -'..Ji^i. ! . c '. lt ''! "••Bissirsfl in the practice of
''"vernorstieoi at the residence
3i a-l.nV v> JAS. H CONWAY. M.D.,
- in I'F.TER I.VONB. M.D.
tj* *Riher"a.\um;m*.>,
• ruar, .. ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW.
_h-ii_. ,u " Cosrtß held in the city ol
'•..,, "■•»• lur the nesent, iii Ooddin's
mh I— Sro
_"'»«»sdhi. rt- ATTORN XV AT LAW,
If*" Sun iJ,*' 2 * v ' Wo ' * L * w u -'Win«, ueoi
Kssote !. held in the city of
bbb u .uut> ~« Henrico. fe 14-U
Jn »• Urn ___,-. ATTORHI/ AT LAW,
r"CsssUa l «« Uity ol Richmond
a Ul,e » o 'Heancu, Hooover and Core
_.__!'*" , M J- Omastaib Waiss
J«i -Stew u«Hklin's Hall. fsU-ly
w *^_ma_f*s\«
53_MdaMBiiu?.^. 1 5" ,,J0,w - Bd Aeltßow
»*i'«' k4,# eu__!L%!_ *»»ths. sad ser
%, lWra " t -M»«rtsiato thsaAMf ,
" f *"* *so______rsate.iaat
• .^pswr
,>?__ Wf<^»^a
"""18 -- __b __- •™"__r* "TBT~ -_■_"■" _»" _________ _________________H " " " ~—" ' ~—~ "*~ ~~
__ ■_. ___ _H ■■ __t' A — __■"" ~■_r~ x~*_* -__■—__. _ __-___»__t j- «__________
fUtjinurtu, fJispatcjr. j
The MbMBSMM at Momr - Tbe Aiaerlrttn
\Ui-lon.sl Weunded-Thc l'M*r_risht
Ac, Ac. ™ *
The- Persia arrived at New York Thursday
morning, with dates from Liverpool to the Ist
in.-t - one day later. Her mails contain im
portant news, of which the following is a sum
mary :
The London Times contains a letter giving
full details af the late massacre at Rome by
the Papa: gendarmes. One hundred and
forty-seven persons were either hilled or
wounded. A number of ladies were injured
and tbe American Vice-Consul received a stab
in tbe aide. Several of the trench military off
of duty, were also wounded.
The disturbance occurred on the*l!ith ult.
ou which day there was to be a grand prome
nade demonstration on the outside of the Porta
Pio, in honor of Joseph Garibaldi, and in com
memoration of tbe annexation of Central to
Upper Italy. The government consequently
gave orders for that long road to be strongly
occupied by detachments of horse and foot
gendarmerie. Tbes-e dispositions, however
had the effect of checking tbe demonstration)
and some thousands of the promenaders re
sorted to the Corso instead, where great
numbers of them appeared with bunches of
violets in their button-holes. Tbe patrols
of gendarmes, Who had orders to parade
the Corso, took umbrage at this symbol,
and insisted upon the promenaders walk
ing singly instead of taking each other's arras.
So strauge a demand of course brought on, in
some cases, unpleasant rejoinders; and tbe
gendarmes, unaccustomed io admit of any re
ply to their high behests, proceeded to make
>ome arrests upon the Piazza Colon no, which
were resisted by the people as unjust and ar.
binary. The gendarmes drew their swords,
and a conflict would have taken place then I
and there had not a French officer interfered,
and, leasouing with the gendarmes, induced |
them to give up the prisouers. The people I
took this as a triumph, and the gendarme
skulked amidst universal hissing. They lost
no time iv making their complaint at head
quarters, and a quarter of an hour later a pat
rol of horse gendarmerie entered the Piazza
Coloana from the Piazza di Pietra, while a
strong detachment of foot gendarmerie issued
troiu the polite office to 'he Monte Ci'orio j
Palace on the other side. These two forces !
then, with drawn swords, made a combined
attach upon the unarmed people ea the Piazza
Cotonna, and in the Corso, striking right and
lelt, turning back carriages, knocking down
wot passengers, raeu, women and children,
ordering the tofts to be closed and house doors
shut, and, in tact, running a complete muck.
It may be imagined what a panic was pro
duced by this unexpected ruffianism. The
people seemed terror-stricken, and those who
were not quick enough in escaping from the
Corso by the side streets were prostrated by
the remorseless sabres of the gendarmes.
The letter concludes as follows :
Several of the French military off duty
were wounded in the melee , a Major received
a sabre cut and a heavy blow With the flat of
a broad-sword on his head ; another officer a
nephew of the General of Hivision, was
wounded iv the left arm. The whole body of
the French officers show the utmost indigna
tion. They are angry against the General,
who, they think, did not sufficiently exert
himself to prevent such an iniquitous deed. -
Captain Gorde, the man who turned French
bayouets agaiust the people at the beginning
of the fray, has been challenged by 10 of his
fellow-otttcers. He has been expelled from
thecluband mess(rrt.«i«., and / ension.) A pro
test has beeu drawn up, to which all the offi
cers have put their signatures,and wbich was
handed to the General by the Colonel of tbe
4oth. The General has given out au order of
the day, iv which he expresses his regret "at
the excesses which had been perpetrated.' - —
His words, however, are rather ambiguous,
aud tbe conduct of the gendarmes is eulogized
ia the main. He weut in the very evening of
Monday, at 9, to tbe barracks of tbe gendarmes
and there expressed his approbation of their
conduct. The gendarmes at Monte Citoro had
lir before received the thanks of Mon-
Matteucci in tbe Popes name, aud,
ley valued far more, live scudi a head j
men, and ten for the uon-commi3ioued
—the price of blood,
'rencb officers of the Chasseurs, of the
the Engineers, Ac. have been sum
to-day before the General, who alluded
to the protest which had been submitted to '
him, and said that Gorde had only obeyed his
instruction. ; that the Emperor was deter
mined to keep public order in Koine at any
cost, ltst upon the provocation ot ihe slight
est disturbance the Pope should be induced to
run away. To-morrow the same intimation
will be conveyed to the officers of the loth.
great iiritain.
Iv the House of Commons, Lord John Bus
sell stated that the San Juan question was
under discussion, and approaching a settle
ment. Until a settlement was arrived at, tbe
island would be occupied by 100 British ma
rines, and an equal number of American
Robert Peel made a speech upon the Savoy
questiou, as it effected the neutrality of Swit
zerland. He denounced the aggressive policy
of the Emperor Napoleon, and called ou tbe
Government to take a firm aud dignified po
posiiion iv opposition to bis scheme. The
speech was received with considerable cheer
Mr. Wemyss Jobson, who recently played a
prominent part in a New York law Court iv
connection with Lola Moiitez, had figured in
a Loudon Police Court for having threatened
Sir James Ferguson.
The Chief Constable of tbe Isle of Ely (one
of the chief resorts for prize tights) had ob
tained warrants for tbe apprehension of Say
ers and lieenan, with a view of their beicg
bound over to keep the peace for 1_ months.
A report was current that the light between
Say ers and Heenau might probably be put
forward two or three days, on account of tbe
tbreateued police iiiterferei.ee; it was believ
ed, however, in sporting circles that the ori
ginal date wonld not be changed.
The Moniteur announces that the Senate had
rejected, by passing to tbe order of the day by
a vote of 115 agaiust 10. several petitions re
questing the intervention of the Senate in fa
vor of the temporal power of tbe Pope.
Tbe French journals generally treat Lord
John Russell's remarks in Parliament as to
tbe policy of the Emperor with comparative
indifference, aud in some cases a sneering tone
is adopted. It was said that the buoyancy
which prevailed ou the Bourse was caused by
the efforts of certain parties who were anx
ious to show that Lord John Russell's deter
mination to seek tor other alliances had not
produced any effect on French capitalists.
There had been great animation ou the Paris
Bourse and a considerable advance in price.-
At one time ou the loth Rentes touched 70 70,
but :i strong reaction set iv and tbey rapidly
declined, the last price being 95.
Some of the French journals had recom
menced their diatribes against England.
Tbe Paris correspondent of the London
Herald soys that preparations were being
mode for tbe campaigning outfit of an army of
•_*.Ai,iHsi men, aud that all officers and men on
furlough bad been ordered to join their corps.
A journal uuder French protection was
shortly to come out at Geneva to advocate tbe
doctrine of natural frontiers to tbe fullest
The Paris correspondent of tbe Loudon
Globe >ny» :
The seventeenth volume of Thiers' "His
toire dv Cousuiat et de 4 'Empire" was out on
(the *.:id lust. Some delay in i's publication
bad occurred in consequence ol documentary
matter it contained as to the perfect validity
of Jerome Bonaparte's marriage at Philadel
phia with Miss Fotersoii, a marriage wbich
could not be annulled, and which, uevenbe-
Ic-s, was found no bur to tbe marriage by
Which Prince Jerome4lml the Princess Ma
tliilde hold their present rank. On due con
sultation at the Palais-Uoyal, it w%s deemed
uot advisable to make any noise about the
biatter, so the book is at large,
A Berlin dispatch states that Prussia had
sent a leply to M. Thou venel's note, in which
she expresses disapproval of the annexation
of Savoy to France. She also intimites that
the appeal of Switzerland to the Powers ss to
rights must reexamined, sud lust those rights
must bs protected. Prussia concludes by pro
mising to treat the question of Switzerland in
a »i>ee.ol note.
ctueen Victoria is expected to visit Berlia
about tbe end of Jane. The occouchmeut of
her daughter Is looked tor lv Jaly.
Austria had notified to ths Federal Diet her
protestogalsot theannexation of the Italian
but hies to Sardinia.
Lihbob, March 30—Tbe Royal Moil steam
er Tyov«, Oapl. Peek, with ths mails irota tbe
Brazils, has arrived hers.
Rio Janeiro exchange aa L.bdon Una at
ii \ ; oa Hamburg, ;:ii to Tto; oa Pari*, Mm to
En. Ou these places the *Ty no brings drafts
amountibc respectively to llfcMjWSt, lOb.Otii
mores boueo sad £i,iAAi,W*>. Ths export of
oodee slues tba departure of the last null,
auiouutetoS4.4Jebog-, far ths flatted States,
ttut-U; 10 ibsObaosel, f.SU»; to Mast* ll.aui;
.-Marseille* lAdifc sad to the Msdlierraseaa,
4,W3 bags Oof** wss qalei; good, first wss
_M__ft_JFt___n AjIIAJ I_£) -f-j-HJtf
W9r**^W*r m m PjfVfF IV Wfwm-wu
The Japanese at Sou Franriace-*'Offtrial"
The Son Francisco papers give farther par-
Oculars of the visit of the Japanese war
steamer Kondamarruh. The "official" recep
tion took place on the 19th Inst, and Is thus
sketched In the Oalifornisn:
Ths Japanese are great sticklers for eti
quette, aud the Admiral and Mr. Teschmacher
were more thou half on hour arrangln* aa to
the order and style in which they should
leave the ship, there were two boats—that
belonging to the ship, (the launch,) and that
in which tbe visitors hod arrived The Ad
m rW fl _f *■'•. ****** __! *° wiUl *•» Presides,
of the Board in one hoot, but declined to have
"hie men" go with them. Capt. Brooke ex
plained to him that these men were of ean__]
rank with Mr. Teschmacher, when the Adm*
ral consented,and, alter some further prelimi
naries-, the party, consisting of theT above
named visitors, the Admiral and seven of his
principal officers and three servants started
in two boats tor the shore. lknded ai
yallejo street wharf, and, entering VmTeMf.
r.ages in tbe order of their rank, were token
to the International Hotel-the rich dresses
of the party aud their curious appeoronce at
tracting crowds of spectators. 9p V 9unnc * at *
i..___ the ,•• o•*■0 •*■ l *- ev were «-bered np to the
__*■• parlor, wbere they seated themselves
I*H' »y himself on a sofa. andS£?£
____££? B, .°° Vernor Dow «*-y. who was fortu
notfly in town, arrived to be introduced to
nttdrSTlh- Tb . e 39 *" a *** »»ad evidently
pictured to themselves a very grand and au
gust personage for the Governor of California,
surrounded by officials ond liveried oorvanu
u„_7_ W r* ™* y mocll » u n>ri*ed st seeing an
at assuming gentleman, without uniform or
a teiidants, enter and advance to meet them.
*____»_ n«essaryfor Capt. Brooke to explain
to l r^rf d,J th *i -"'* Was ,n - real Governor, be-
I fn.fn __.* ?? U l d bbeli e_c il - They »»rveyed him
SST-JS? V foo, ' aD < lloo, -«l -» tbe door again
* __fS__. \°k BW \ th <» reunue of attendants
whom «hey thought ought to be following him.
».!.(. y '"•* «°* ow thi", -it'd the Admiral
and Governor, through the Japanese Captain
Monagero, who speaks English, held conver
sation in relation to the interesting nature of
the occasion.
.a, 0 , 11 .°. f th * Hrs . thin K ß »hat the Admiral re
fe> red to was the condition of bis steamer
and, supposing that the Governor bad ouly to
say tbe word to throw open every avenue of
tlSrVri d u ir .* d *° ""«"»• vessel put info
the dry dock at once ana repaired-adding that
be had plenty of money to pay for it The
Governor informed him that he" would have
_1 , r i ,1 ,, , Ht, ,h r __!__?*__! to *- onee ' and would
write to the high official at the dry dock who
was ot equal rank with him, and who would
Have the ship properly attended to. He also
explained, as well as possible, in so short a
conversation, the nature of our Federal and
State systems and the political union and
blended with distinct sovereignties of the
Mates He also alfcided to the interesting
fact ot the officials of the two extreme coasts
ofthe faciflc thus meeting in fraternal har
mony, and trnsted that in thus welcoming
him to these shores, it was but the prelude to
a large aud extended commerce between the
two nations. He also welcomed him as the
pioneer Japanese official who had crossed the
Pacific to America. The Admiral responded
in kind,after which champagne and other re
freshments were brought in.
Tbe Japanese were not g-udily but very
richly dressed, and altogether looked as In
tflligent a body of men as could be imagined
They are evidently a little surprised at the
lack of ostentation in their reception, but will
soon get used to our democratic institutions.
The Homhaulmest of Vera Ckiz.—A let
ter in the New Orleans Picayune, dated Vera
Cruz, the -_:Jd ult., says:
It is truly lamentable to see tbe destruction
of property. By it hundreds of poor persons
are deprived of their homes. Instead of throw
ing his shells along the lines of tbe forts
among the troops, he threw them right into
the heart of the city,nnd but for the tempora
ry moving of families, there would have been
a torrible destruction of life. As it was for
tu uately, the losses were small. Tbey fell
however, mostly upon the defenceless women
aud children and a lev/ men. It appears that
tbe losses among the troops in killed were
seven and thirty wounded, while among the
citizens there were ten killed aud about thir
ty wounded. The latter were mostly women
and children.
On the other side it is computed that Mira
mon lost over a hundred in killed. It is said
that some ninety dead bodies have already
been found. He had also some three hundred
wounded. The Diligence Hotel received six
shells. The United States consulate is deraol
tehed, flag and flag-staff shot down. Particu
lar aim was also taken to reach the Saratoga
and Savannah in port, the shells exploding
not fifteen yards from the Savannah. The
National Guard suffered but little iii their
lines, and their loss of lives does not exceed
Severe Storm —On Monday last a severe
etorin of wind, rain and hail, accompanied by
thuuder and lightning, passed over Frederick
county, Va., uprooting trees, prostrating fences,
and damaging the crop. At Winchester the
chimney of the Farmers' Bank was struck by
lightning, and many persons iu;the neighbor
hood seriously stunned. After the storm a
slave woman belonging to Henry Kinsel, of
Winchester, was drowned in attempting to
ford a stream in a buggy.
In Westmoreland, Va., many large barns,
stables, out-houses, and fences, were blown
down, and numbers of trees uprooted! At
White Point Fishing landing, a seine boat,
containing four men, was upset, and two
of the men drowi.ed. A schooner lying
in Mattox Creek was upset,and tbe captain
drowned. He was in the cabin at the time,
but could not get out in time to save himself.
The schooner Industry, Captain Wilkersou,
from White Point, with |j,ihhi herring, was
capsized on Gum Bur. The crew escaped.
for fifteen Years. —The Boston Journal of tbe
10th instant states that a man named Weed,
recently returned from California to Sand
wich. New Hampshire, confessed, upon his
dying bed, that be and another man were the
murderers of a Mr. Parker, of Manchester, in
is-I_. The letter announcing his confession
does not enter more fully into particulars.—
X.r. Parker, the murdered man, was, at tbe
time of his death, tax collector tor Manches
ter, and was called out of his house one night
on tbe pretence that he was wanted at a
house, tbe road to wbich lay through a tract
of woods. On the way thither be was mur
dered, aud his dead body found in tbe woods
the next day. The murder created a great ex
citement at the time, and two men (brothers,)
were subsequently tried twice on the charge
of being the murderers, but escaped convic
Execution in California.—Jacob Elyea,
for the murder of James Mc __uacle on the -7th
of January, 1838, was executed at Stocktou,
ou the 9th ult., protesting his innocence to tbe
lost. Twice be had been tried, and twice re
spited. His imprisonment has lasted over
two years. The lost effort to acquit bun was
grounded on tbe fact that the chief witness
against him was a Turk—hence a negro—aud
hence incapable of testifying against a white
man. Just as he was going to die, he gave the
Sheriff a package of the heals of phosphorus
matches. He bad saved them during the two
years of his coutluement, to swallow in a last
emergency, and so commit suicide; but think
ing belter ot it, he had refrained from taking
The Spanish Minister of Marine, Mauruio
Ftrreri. wbeu speaking on the loss of the brig
of-W.tr Mondego in the Chamber.-, was at
tached with a paralytic stroke, and died on
the 14th ult. He was buried with all honors
attending a Minister of the Crown, at sunset,
on the l;.th. The Mondeco was lost in the In
dian Ocean. Sbe sailed from Singapore on the
•JOib llecetuber, aud foundered ou the 'i-id Jan
uary, with forty-four hands on board. Six
were saved on bjnrd the American ship Uriel,
which took them to the Mauritius.
Tub Tbaitob of Solfbbino.—The Auks
burg Allgemeine *.e.tuag states that since the
suicide of the Austrian General Eynutteii—
committed in consequence of tbe discovery of
great fronds perpetrated by him—it has been
ascertained beyond donbt that it was through
his sgeucy ibe French and Sardinian armies
become apprised of the premeditated attack of
the Austrlans at Sol fen no. It will be remem
bered that the Austrlans expected to take tbe
allies by surprise, aad were not a little sur
prised themselves at tbe defeat which tbey
A -_. SSS-
Fiaa in tub Mopktain.—A Mrs broke oot
lin tvs mountain uear this place, on Wednes
day lost, aud has been raging tircely ever
since. A great deal oldanwge to persons own
ing land along the bsss and in tbe ravines of
the mountain, has resulted from the fire, ss
thousands of panel* of lencs have, we under
stand, beeu burned up. Mr. O. W. Km. aad
Ephrsim Biiumermou have, ws believe, beea
the principal eulUfer*. A good showerof ralu
is ueeded to extlugslah ths Utimes.— Wyiheoille
(Va.) Tehgraph'
Be tee tor, notices o new Sad dangerous altered
«tlvs" dollar oot*. pufporting to b* the tree
tosue of the r*l_«ual «•»« ta V £j- ll *" r '
efo* fftvgfß MAmMAtM*
Califobbia Naws.- The Overland mail,
k** B * n Pra * ota «o *<> the 23tf «!»., furnishes
the following additional items of California
A movement woo oa foot to organise a
"Union party ia California. m *
.k_ _!" "Pscted thot the line of telegraph ob
£?A***"* Overlaad route. WllMßTex
tended to Visalia, soout 250 milsa from Son
s?_? ci _f°» by ,n « t-Wdle of April.
The State telegraph line will be completed
_Tn week ' "•tweoa Sacramento and Placer
villa, making two lines complete between Son
*naasH and Plßcerviile, both of which con
n •£' w » th the line to Carson Valley.
Tbe claim to tbe Snscoe ranch, comprisinc
•ix Hundred thonsand acres of iand, on which
are the towns of Benicia and Vallago has
Co B urt ODflr,n * d * y ** ÜBited S|M " Circßlt
.h_; to __. U8 _ ,al ■eco»nts have been received from
"»e wsshoe silver mines during the week
t?k D ® w _!'" *• favorable as ever.
there baa been much excitement at El Do
f*^°, duri «'K the past few days, on account of
the discovery near Georgetown, of some vain
an c specimens of silver ore, resembling that
obtained from the Washoe mines. Whether
de.ernV.n , e_r Xten " lTeOroOt,h,W """ J * l been
a-a^i^l*?.. o**0 ** P** B * 4l * bin "PPropriating
u.isuuu lor tbe commencement of the State
Capitol at Sacramento.
I Also, a bill appropriating g2.0,000 to build
line of wagon roods across the Sierra Ne-
Bda mountains.
Post-office B«OKi-aAaB.-The Philadel
hia Ledger soys:
About four years ago, tbe Pennsylvania
anx, desirous of getting a more central lo
cation, agreed to sell its old bonk building, i D
_£?J! d ri Blreet ' tOT 5250.000, to tbe United
States Government for a Post-Ufflce. Every.
body was surprised, If not at tbe price, that
the Government shonld locate so Important
an office at the extreme Eastern end of the
SniT'-n .I" ? ll . the improvements of the day
and all the business was traveling away from
it westward. The Pennsylvania. Bank ex
ploded just as v was about to go into its new
building, on. Chestnut street, and on over
pJ^.-.S.i'L*,!'.* 4^l '" Covered that the
____££ . f . h _ B -- k h -d given $23,000 to tbe
postmaster of this city, for bis services in
getting Congress to pay over the money for
the purchase of the bank building. The
Bank s assignees brought suit agaiust Post
master Miller to recover this money, and,
after a full and impartial triai, a jury
has brought in a verdict in favor of the claim
of those who have the management of the af
fairs of tbe defunct bank.
Tut Dark Messengerßird.-A Honolulu
paper of February gives the following intel
ligence of the latest movements of this runa
way vessel:
Hy advices from Melbourne, purporting to
have come from the American Consul there
we learn that the missing coffee ship Messen
ger Bird has been heard of at ihe Fcjee
Islands, where she put in ostensibly for wa
ter and provisions, reporting a six days' pas
sage from New Zealand. The singularity at
tending her requiring supplies after so short
a passage, attracted attention, which led to
the observation of considerable cortee in her
bold. After -Mepneiag of a portion of this,
sne took her departure for parts unknown.
Appropriate Appointment.—Mrs. Mary
Chesnut. mother of the Senator from South
Carolina, has been appointed Vice-Regent of
the Mount \ ernon Association of that State.
She is 83 years of age, and had a personal ac
quaintance with Geu. Washington. In the
spring ol IT>"J Washington visited Trenton,
and was received with the most enthusiastic
demonstrations by the people, especially by
the ladies. A "triumphal arch" was erected
on tbe bridge over the Assanpinck Creek, at
the entrance of which six young girls strewed
flowers before him and sang a song of wel
come, tine of those girls is now Mrs. Ches
nut. And she who in the dawn of life sang
the song of triumphant welcome to "The
Hero," now in its wane joins those who are
endeavoring to pay the noblest of tributes to
that hero's memory.
Spain and Morocco.—The official Madrid
Gazette contains the preliminaries of tbe
treaty of peace between Spain and Morocco.—
Morocco cedes all the territory between the
sea and the road to Aughera; the convention
of 1859 relative to "Manilla' ("Mellilla") is
ratified ; aud indemnity of 2u,ooo_umi piastres
is to be paid to Spain for tne expenses of tbe
war; aud iv the meantime Spuiu is to hold
Tetuan; a commercial treaty is guarantied
and a Spanish minister and missionaries are
permitted to reside at Ferz. The treaty is to
be signed at Tetuan, April 2, aud a commis
sion is to be appointed to determine tbe
boundaries between Spain and Morocco.
Expensive Coffin—The coffin of th* late
Mrs. Kurd, of Philadelphia, Pa., was embel
lished with geld to the value of over eight
hundred dollars. It was made of red cedar,
cushioned and lined with white satin, and
covered with the rarest black broadcloth. It
was mounted with three handles at each side,
and one at each end. These handles, with tbe
plates beneath them, were plated with gold,
while the beads of the screws were made of
the same material.
Goino to NmiEABKA.-Tbe Buffalo .N. V.)
Express says, tbat some six hundred of the
German citizens of tbat city are interested in
a flourishing settlement, to which the name of
"Arago" has been given, on the Missouri river
in the southern part of Nebraska Territory!
A sort of a league or association, it seems, was
formed, and about four thousand acres of laud
purchased tor a settlement. In the town of
Arago, wbich has beeu laid out on the river
there are now about two hundred inhabitants'
and it promises M become a thriving place. '
Extinction ob the Ropbuakinq Busi
ness.— The Nantucket (Mass.) Mirror says
that thirty years ago there were eight rope
walks in operation in that place, giving em
ployment to between two and three hundred
men. Now only a part of one of these is
standing, in which two pei sons, one 75 and the
other Mi years of age, are employ.: in making
fishing lines.
Barn Bi-rnt.—The barn of Preston T.
Burkholder, in Rockingham county, Va. was
destroyed by Are on Thursday night of lost
week, tofether with its contents of bay, grain,
Ac. Mr. B.s dwelling-bouse was saved with
great difficulty, the furniture being removed in
anticipation of its burning. Loss, between
• 1,200 aud $1,500.
For Liberia.—The packet ship M.C. Ste
vens, of 7im tons, owued by the American
Colonization Society, will soil from Balti
more, April 20tn, with emigrant- for Liberia,
most of whomare from Peuusylvania and the
West. She is expected to call at Savouuab,
Ga., to receive a company of seventy emanci
pated slaves from Tennessee.
A Boy Accidentally Kills his Mother.
A Mrs. St. Olieu, of Mt. Carroll, 111., was shot
and killed tbe other day by her little son, a
boy about ten years of age. The boy levelled
tbe gun at Bis mother iv sport, not knowing
tbat it was loaded, when to his infinite con
sternation, it weut off, killing her almost in
The Visit of the Prince of Wales.—a
general council of thecbietsof the Six Nations
Indians, residing along Graud river, Canada,
was held iv ihe course of the past week.—
Among other busiuees of importance transact
ed, the initiatory steps were taken by tbe red
men for joining in the great ovation to be given
to his royal highness, the Prince ot Wales.
Micbioan Land Sales.—Land sales are to
take place in Michigan in July and August
next, ot alternate sections, under the railroad
act of iSBt, the minimum price of wbich is
52.5U per acre ; together with the lands hereto
fore unottereu, embracing on area oi a million
six hundred and eighty thousand acres.
Brigade Inspector.—Gen. Asa Rogers bos
appointed A. M. T. Rust, of L.udouu, Briga
dier Inspector of tbe Sixth Brigade Virginia
Militia, iv tbe place of Col. N. Berkeley, who
has resigned. Col. Rust is a graduate ol West
Dead.—Peter A. Delmonico, one of the old.
est and mott respected of the foreign m.-
dents of New York, died Tuesday, lie aas
the brother of Delmonico, the to under of the
famous toeuurant, aud tor a time was asso
ciated with him lv the business.
Ar .-ointments C o x a i ■ X S d—The Senate
hove confirmed the following postmaster- :—
Ueury Haueickle, Shrieveport, La.; T. B.
Pluuketi, Lexington, Vs.; Thomas G. Smith,
Porkersbnrg, Va.
Gobs Off.—The Austin (Texas) latelli.
gencersaye oeverol bodies of armed meu have
suddenly appeared ia thot place,aad myste
riously disappeared. Whence Uwty came aud
whither they ore gone, time will douhUeoo toll.
Psoroesn Branca of tbb Hnaaa BaqaghJl.'
Soma thir'y of ths horse shoers of Boetoa tact
aa the loth insi, for the purpose ot eoadder
lug the propriety of.str.hiag for* tea hour
regulation of tbeir labor.
*>*ter Rfohtap hbd daughter are taUURag
$A Sdf*NM|tAt |sMßsTa>, *NU*h|~* j
Accident from Fire.Arms.- A painful acci
dent occurred ia the Exchange Hotel on
ritur-day night last. About* o'clock,while
S r -£'* i,ulu " v Koaeßheim, of Bristol, aad
Mr. Thomas W. GreenwayTof Abingdon, were 1
in_the rotunda, preparing to walhoat together,
a loaded pistol accidentally fell from Mr. G.s
coat pocket, and striking upon the marble
__£_2 imn »«"*»«ly sxploded, tbs ball first
!_____-??* *** ■___!*• snd Blsnolng upward,
fS?f- l °.?°" U £ twlUl Mr "» itft Issipsaa!
t rating it on theianer side just above the knee,
and continuing ite upward nags passing out
__-_J__S ot -I} w • id «. Infllctioga raiufol flesh
ZiuJZL. t* lr -^ 99 ohtAm wss at ones taken to
nts room, sad a physician sent for to attend
I.!™' .«■■ P ron >P*ly scquitted his friend of all
•"itJ-iJ*? 0 L° J "J- re hi™; but as it wss inti
mated to the Mayor by Mr. J. P. Ballard that
2r™ < lJ ww, , w * 3r nad M ■■■»'! deaigßod to shoot
nim, Mr. G. was ordered into custody, but
afterwords admitted to bail for his appear
ance. *■'
rJ l l e *..; rd !_ y morning Mr. Green way came bs
fore the Mayor, and it appearing from tbe
statement of the wounded man, Mr. Ballard.
?* °}.1' th *o «he shooting was entirely ac
cidental, Mr. Green way was discharged.
Auspicious Character.— Some few nights since
safinr_.UK° f 1 .*V"-"« 9 °**E«* »« conver
sation with a fnend.saw a stranger enter, but
paying no attention to him, soon lost sight of
*' m ; Very soon after, the hoar being late.
L„.^ r ; k _ eperc,Oß ' d ■'■ -nd retired
bnt he had scarcely reached bis bed, when a
small dog in the house commenced to bark
furiously. Suspecting something wrong, he
arose, seized his pistol, and, going to the head
or the steps, heard a slight noise in the bar
room With a lamp in one hand and his
loaded pistol in the other, he descended, and
discovering aman in theoyßter-box,opparent
-3 *"**£' demanded to know why he was
»f,h e Hi«. he ,. int _ rud * r B,e P l ,0 "onndly tbat
Jo,. K , P < -?i ty he waß aw *>lw. when he stated
__*»■ Mleep in the box when very
arunk.and had just that moment aron_*d. -
faking it for granted that all the sleeping
r .t..n_. ,d - W K * tru V h « ■W-tsWdhr, instead of
calling in the watchmen, opened bis door aud
bade his uninvited guest depart.
T """'"' C <»w"-J«»dge Mbrkuith presiding.—
Z*£** P ; Henr ?» «-d'c-ed lor stealing flt-i
worth of watchea aud jewelry from M G
Whitman, on the 14th of October last, waa
tried, found guilty, and bis punishment fixed
at three years in the penitentiary. Col Au
gust moved to set tbe verdict aside, bnt tbe
Judge overruled the motion. He then filed a
bill of exceptions—so tbat the prisoner is not
yet disposed of.
In the case of Eliza Doyle, indicted for aid
ing and abetting Henry in the theft, a nolle
prosequi was entered.
In the case of Mary E. Hardamsn, indicted'
for receiving stolen money, knowing it to have
been stolen, a nolle prosequi was entered
TheConrt have fixed the following cases for
trial to-day Thomas Bland, Isaac Hoeflick
W ra. Purdie, George Frank, Thos. Manning
and A. B. Lipscomb and Whitmell Eason —
Jurors and witnesses should be prompt in
their attendance.
The Grand fury ot the Circuit Court met
yesterday, pursuant to adiournment, and
found true bills against the following persons
charged with felouy: '
Eliza Doyle alias Henry, aiding James P.
Henry in stealincr watches and jewelry, valued
at SSfIA from M. G. Whitman, on the Uth Oc
ber, 185R
John Adams alias J. Williams, forging the
name ot John Darracott to a check on the
Rank of the Commonwealth, for g4r.5«, on the
_9d of September last.
Arthur Cavenaugh, for the murder of Bar
ney Smith, on the 13tti of November
Augustus B. Lipscomb and Whitmell Ea
son, stabbing Philip G. Spindle, ou tbe lath of
Thomas Manning, stealing ..io worth of to
bacco from Walthall A Eubank, on the2oth of
Frederick M. Robertson, forging the name
of Wm. Catliu on a *5l»0 check, on the l.th
renruary, 1555.
Wm. Purdie, grand larceny, in March last.
Hustings Court.— The business before this
Court yesterday was of little interest to the
public. We append tbe Commonwealth cases
as follows:
Isaac C. Hoetlick, charged with felonious
ly receiving two liuudred and twenty-two
pouuds of coffee, on the l!»th of December 1R59
knowiug the same to have been stolen, having
waived au examination in this Court and gone
before the Circuit Court for trial, the further
prosecution here was discontiuued.
Patrick Kane, presented for a libel. Nolle
prosequi entered.
Philip Harrison, Jr., presented for carrying
an unlawful weapon. Nolle prosequi entered.
Henry W. Dobson, presented for retailing
ardent spirits, in two cases. Fined fI_KJ aud
costs in one, and nolle prosequi entered in the
other. Also, lined $5 in one case of unlawful
assembly, aud prosequi entered iv tbe
Elizabeth England, presented for perjury.
Nolle proseq'ui entered.
Riotous—A jolly tar, who now gives bis
name as Jeremiah S. Ay res, says he is a sailor
on Capt. Godfrey's vessel, the schooner "S V
W. Simmons," and hails from New Jersey'
came ashore on Thursday last, and feeling
some anxiety to make a display, wended his
way to the Capitol Square, where he attempted
to mount tbe platform, but was prevented
from doing so by officer Morris. Disliking
the idea of being foiled, aud becoming ex
tremely wolfish and noisy, he attracted the
attention of officers Seal and Chalkley, both of
whom endeavored to quiet him, but only made
him more blasphemous and insulting. Find
ing they hod no other resort, they put "Jack"
into the street, aud wonld have allowed Inm
to depart in peace, but he declined to do so,
and poured out such vollies of vulgarity and
profauity, that they were compelled to tie and
cage him. Yesterday he was before the Mayor
and for waut of bail was committed to prison.
Infanticide.—We have already noticed the
fact that the dead body of a new-born babe
was found in a culvert on 2d street, near By rd,
last Thursday morning, and that its mother'
Mary Farrell, would be taken into custody to
answer for the death of the babe. Since then
the unfortunate woman has been arrested and
committed to jail to auswer for tbe offence on
tbe 20th inst. Sbe states that the child died
soon after its birth for want of attention ; that
sbe kept its remains in her room until it be
came so offensive as to attract the attention of
others in the bouse; aud that sbe then put it
into the culvert as the moot certain means of
getting rid of it, and of hiding her shame —
Mrs. Farrell is a widow, aud came from Ash
land to this city about three months ago. She
I is about thirty-five years of age,aud is now in
! such feeble health as to need medical attend
Attempt it Suicide— Yesterday afternoon the
residents of Valley street were very much ex
cited at the announcement that Tbmplb
Shinax.lt, a young man, had token poison to
destroy himself, and tbat he was feared to be
!in a precarious condition. Physicians were
j at oute sent for. aud the young man was given
tbe usual antidotes, and partially relieved of
bis sufferings, a gentleman who saw him
says tbat he bit and tore his hands until they
bled profusely, and that he vowed to destroy
himself iv less ibau a week, even though his
pbysicianu should succeed iv saving him. At
a late hour in tbe afternoon be was believed
to be out of immediate danger.
Accident.—Yetumrday moraing, a little son of
Mr. Wm. A. Irving,watchman at tbe Exchange
Bank, had occasiou to visit his father before be
bod returned home from his duties of tbe night
previous, and fiuding the back gate closed at
tempted to .cole the enclosure, when by some
means he slipped and falling with fall lores
on one of the iron spikes on tbe topof tbe gate,
ran it tnrough from several inches above oat
at the knee cop. Tbe littlesufferer wss imme
diately con veved, iv a carriage, to his father's
resideuceon French Gardeo Hill, where he re
ceived proper medical attention.
The Clay Statu* attracted thousands of per
sons to tue Square yesterday to see It, many
of wbom were so anxious to get their hands
upon it that the Mayor found it necessary to
station policeman Morris near it to prevent
persons climbing upon the pedestal Bud soiling
tbe marble with their lingers. Mr. H. Exsll,
the architect, will hurry to completion tbe va
rious ports of the pavilion, and in the mean
time will And it necessary to eneloee the
statue with paliags to preserve it from tor
Trial of Rioters.— -The Hustings Court have
named next Monday as tbs Urns for comsssn-.
lug the trials of the Screamers ville rioters, ond
it is to he hoped that no farther delays will bs
sllowed. It the Commonwealth ie aot yet
ready to proceed, let tbe indictments he striok
en from the ducket. 1 f the ds leaden ts are aot
prepared for trial yet, they probably will
sever bs. y
Obstructing the sidcwutk.—Tnomm*} Foster
woe before tbe Mayor yesterday, aad ordered
to bssoandly flogged, lor obstrnctiug the side
walk, and croasißg Moia street last Tharsday,
aud relusiag to giro the wsy when ordered ta
do so by oMeerßeal. The low directs Big tun
to giro the woikwoys to white perooas at all
limes, aed whoa they uegteet to ds se. they
ley ihomselseoltehtotelW lash, aad oaalMt-,
have it. . .. mmm , w
J__" i **____§H_*___!L"■•■Ft *Bh*r EeMw Mi
Mr sattfte.
■bb_________________|lHK*> «
Young Guard Coteormiion —Thle eoepe, altar
taarchiag la proeeeeloo ta the GspUal Rqaara,
oa Thursday last, obtained permiaaiou to re
tire from the Has, asd, acetodpanled if lltelr
Invited gaeste aad honorary -awahsts, pro
ceeded to Hot tort •• or Yottw Craxdsa, to sets
bra to their teath anniversary. Oa arrtsiaf
at tbe garden, a few minutes were allowed for
roet ond refreshing, when the roll of ihe dfdts
called the corps to the target-ground t» cd**'
tend Iter the first aad oeooad aiadsls. Oae
Ufa being allowed each member with his Mia?
Ble musket, ths target was then examleed, aad
It was discovered that private J. V. Hopkins
had woa the fl rs t, and dorp' 10. W. Deesherry
the second medol. Oa behalf ef thecorpo,Cspt.
Manle, of tbe Blase, presented the first medal.
sad honorary member Redy, of the Young
Guard, ths second, both gentlemen making
addresses appropriate to the oecoelon.
The target practice being at aa oad, the goog
summoned the corps sad their guests to ths
festive board; sad as all had bad their appe
tites sharpened by the march, no second invi
tation was needed to ladace them to portahe
of au excellent dinner, elegantly served by
mine host Hat tor f, who had prepared o repast
worthy of the occasion. Satisfying the inner
man, without materially diminishing the
viands, the dishee were removed, aad the to
ble scene enlivened by toasts and responses
from Mr. Milliard of the New York 7th Rest- I
ment; Lieut. R. Mills, of the Southern Guard; I
Lieut. Baker, of the Monticello Guard; Capt I
Rady, Major Fry, Quartermaster Vanneroon,
Lieut. Austin, Sergeant England, Sergeant
Wade, and honorary member Rsdy. of the I
Young Guard. t |
At a late hour in the afternoon the dram I
souuded to arms, ths corps promptly re- I
assembled, and at the word of command took I
up the line of march for the city. Arriving I
at the Capitol Square, the company and their I
guests were paraded around the Statue of
Henry Clay, just inaugurated, thus paying a 1
just tribute to tbe memory of that great states.
man. After a brief pause, the command was
given to present arms, the guests doffed their I
hats and remained uncovered, while tbe usual I
volute wos rolled on the drum. The company
then repaired to their Armory and were die- I
missed, each member being delighted with the
ceremonies of the day.
Grand Lodge.— The tirand Lodge of I. O. O. F. I
of Virginia, commenced its session inthiscity I
on Wednesday last, and concluded its labors I
between the hours of 12 and 1 one o'clock yes- I
terday morniug. A large number of detegatee
were in attendance from all parts of the State, I
and the meeting is said to have been very bar- I
monious. The following officers were elected I
for the ensuing year:
E. G. Albubtis, M. W. Grand Master, No. 109.
Martinsbnrg, Va.
Thos. G. Steblk, R. W. D. Grand Master. No I
«l, Fairmont, Va.
H. G. Davidson, R. W. Grand Warden. No. I
SU, Lexington, Va.
W*. J. RtDDicK, R. W. Grand Secretary. No
12, Richmond, Va. I
Johm W. Fkrousson, R.W.Grand Treasurer I
No. 12, Richmond, Va.
Rev. A. R. Bkknard, R. W. Grand Chaplain I
No. Us., Suffolk, Va.
A. L. Hill, W.Grand Conductor, No. 19, Nor
folk, Va.
Thos. W. Davis, W. Grand Marshal, No. 11,
Charles town, Va.
A. Grant, W. Grand Guardian, No. 4, Rich
mond, Va.
Thos. Foster, W. Grand Herald, No. 7, Rich
mond. Va.
The following representatives to tbe R. W.
Grand Lodge of the United States, were ap
pointed by the meeting: Edward U. FiUhnsu,
No. 5«», Wheeling, Va.; Jacob H. Robiuson, No.
17. Lynchburg, Va.
The next session of the Grand Lodge will I
be held iv the city of Wheeling, Va* April,
. __,
L. I. Blue*.— This gallant corp*, as noted for 1
ite hospitality as tor the tenacity with wbich I
its members stand by tbeir name and their
uuiform, gave a collation to tbe visiting In
fan try, on Thursday last, and entertained I
them in the most soldierly manner. After the j
procession reached tbe Capitol Square, the I
Washington Notional Hitles.l.y nchbuig Rome I
Guard, and tbe Farmville Guards, were ia- I
vited to the Blues' urmory, near by, and "re
freshed" in a becoming manner. Of course
toasts were drunk and spew-he* made, but we
have no room to notice them. The "Bluoe"
never fail to show their hospitality to visit
ing soldiers, and but few companies kuow ao
well how to entertain tbeir guests.
Theatre—Recovery of Miss Lucille Western
The Theatre-going public will he gratified to
hear that this accomplished youuf Tadjr has so
far recovered from her recent severe indispo
sition, as to be able to appear this evening, and
will personate the character of the French
Spy, a part in which she bos made a lasting
impression in this city. In boldness of con
ception, dash and daring, sbe seems to have I
no equal. Her sister, Mies Helen, also op- I
pears as Flora, in the Female American
Cousin, a part that is rendered doubly en
chanting by her exquisite singing of "Hark,
1 bear an Angel Sing," and '-My Mother's
Darling Daughter." A full house will greet
Miss Lucille to-night.
The Cavalry.— ln noticing the cavalry pa
rade on Thursday last, we omitted to state
that Col. Mcßae was aided in command by
Lieut. Col. W. H Richardson, Jr., and by hie
staff officers, Adjt. John F. Wren, Sera. Msj.
E. Fontaine, Jr., Surgeon J. Dorsey Culien,
Paymaster R. Kenuon, and by Surgeon Han
cock and l'oymaster Crenshaw of the Gover
nor's Guard, and Surgeon Lumpkin of the
Hanover Troop.
Public Dinners are becoming lese popular
every day, because of the fact that leading
politicians fear to trnst themselves to make
speeches, after enjoying tbe good nugs and old
wines usually prepared for such occasions.—
Tbe dread of being "called out" has kept hun
dreds of speakers from public festivals, and
made them drag most heavily on the hands ot
the "getters Ap."
Illuminations.—la noticing ibe illumina
tions of Thursday night lost, we unintention
ally omitted to soy that tbe store and private
apartments of Mr. John W. McKeil, on Main
street, near tbe First Market, were brilliantly
illuminated during the evening, and presented
a handsome appearance, when con trusted with
the dork dwellings around it.
Serenade.— The National Rifles, of Washing
ton, Copt. Frank It. Schaeffer, attended by the I
L uited States Marine Band, visited the Gov
ernor and Copt. Elliott, of tbe Grays, ou
Thursday night lust, oad gave each a sere
node. Tbe Rifles were addressed by Col. Au
gust in bis happiest style, and were highly
gratified with thehoapitality extended to them.
Departure of Troops.—The Lynchburg Home
Guard, Copt.Garland; theFarmvilleGuards,
Capt. Booker, and the National Rifles, Capt.
Schaeffer, left for their homes yesterday morn- I
ing. after having speot a day in the metropolis
of the Old Dominion, and participated ia the
inaugural ceremonies of the Clay Marble
The Governor's Guard took charge of the vis
iting Cavalry, on Thursday loot, ood govs I
them a soldier's welcome, ot Mechanics' In
stitute Hall, where au hour or two was speot
iv tbe moat friendly and agreeable raouuer —
Tbe Guard modes flns appearance iv the line
and are becoming espert horsemen and excel
lent troopers.
The Howitzers, Copt. Randolph, did not pa.
rade last Thursday, because they were uot
armed. Three of their guns are aew about
completed, ond the other two will he ia a few
weeks. They have mode a contract with
"Ames" to furnish their sabres, aud by tbe
flrst or tbe middle of Mar. at furthest, will be
folly armed aad equipped for service.
A Masonic Fair isaow being held oa Cbnrch
Hill by the ladies, the object being to raise [
menus to pay for the bow hall oa 25th atreet
We understand that the fair room is weli sup
plied with articles usually found ia such |
places, and ihst the refreshments are of ths i
most tempting kind.
Almost (>rf — List Thursday morning two of j
the watchmen arrested a likely aegra womaa,
who badjost pocked up her baggage, ready to
make a Northern trip. Her master will pro
bably tend her South for her health.
House Breaking -The store of Mr. E. K. I
Loco wood, en Mala street, was brakes, into t
last Wednesday night, and robbed af about
•5 worth of cigars aad tobacco.
of June next. "• **•■ "E
the ath last. ~* *«-«*•■ ••ddealy ss.
A dispatch from Ton Health tars Mm «•
citeraent ta the Cherokee aatloa ea (heshkserr
qusottoa Is ia©iwMlsT WW *' v** 99 *****
Judge Taaey, of the Veiled.Mata. •apssjM
£»^^B#_h_ll.sad will hardlyrssasjstf*
•*»« V ths beach ths prsssa, Aem.
The narfaHsa Atenalail. ■ Valoa Chases
lioa aMt la New <Msaaa aw Tuesday, aad at*
aaalssd at aaaa ■ ■ ■ ■
I j**- **?_.Ty __»_t_w_wff<»_ *y___!_^j__*Mt
1.-._fc._jSit-_-M-.. T Afcls.-<_--S--I a_i---?**^v-f
a**-'WeBB-__.*'' *"""''"*" l ' ■<■»« -»■.«■■
mo __P "*» ■*»• VOSB IIOOL-_l BBBtOBLBB »
We o*r reo the _W2a_R L_U
**• "" L
tsrery treat blessing to mo ood flay l*mks* T__s
offset it has hod no sbt ______%£■ ha-TCg; «2T
r.J.ees. For oil aasS d-BeastsT asa aaBBUMVfo-
Ao aa iaricorator aad rash .rati vs. where a walla
atimaioßt is won ted .we believe it suserior te oil
tbe Cordials before the subtle os o eorifoibyioep
sta. Couth, Scrofula oad ASsomoiisw. With oil
diseoaes of the Stomach ood Bowels. Ultefhasa
t rolv success fat to the stasia aed worried, ws eßor
ths moat valuable iaw.ee)*, whteh thoßHaada wiLt
lgjj_» -SS!Sr_aE_» J9S
BRAY, Beltia»or«; oad by Dreesate sad Rkss>
teepere everywhere, gives both*; oUoo7son\
•*• ay I dheea
RGh. Klegaat Sprtag Oaada.
Wholesale abb Rbtsil Cash DB_tBBo»
Are bow receiving, ond ia o 'few days wiU
have ib store, a large and complete etoek ef the
%T?3Vi_ a il , _.l , *S._J l k , * B of F<-S*IO« •*«* AC
MfcBTICDI-Y GOODS, to whichthey lav.te the
?. tto _Jt*oa of eaah asd short-time buyers. Their
c-sri c*.Tou*B r ** W * Tf U>W 1* 1999 * to frMMM
... * ""NOW OPEN,
U *»l.^_?i NJi *" a ****«■ ANOLAIB
■vrjf So.
Asd a greataariet- of Goods for Street aad
Traveling Dresses. The shove goods wore par
enased at the lame auction soles ia New Yo.k tba
past week, and will..c sold lower thos ever seen
FOUL A R 0 HI I.KB- very cheap.
R.Wr'AcH LM?t mWLee
Dl StV.RS and SUITS of DRESS oad MAN
TLF.. made up tomadh.
Thompson's HOUP SKP-TS-tho heat made.
GLOVES and HOSIERY, of every do^onJSon?'
PERKINS A CO./Cajmßt_nre,
mh-O-lm No. Ml Rattle Square.
-_h.The Great Virglala Remedy, aad at
EASES.—This (treat Ante noon remedy, ooataiß
init no Mer.iurial or Bvsamic properties, excels
ever-thin* heretofore ottered toe pnplic, ia its cu
rative, restorative and rsnovatißf rowers; aad
the Piedical world are astonished whs a told that
the anove remedy will cure the above diseases, aad
confounded when they have ocular eesooostro
tions of the facts. Bat the proprietor, who has
kaewa of the rentedv for twenty odd years, haa
known of a eaee of twenty years' staadia* to be
restored to perfect health, and all other cooes of
shorter deration to be restored, without a a.agio
exoeptioa. aed therefore ehalloe.ee oay ease of
Gonorrhoea which the remedy will aot cure, pro
vided the direct mas are earned est with prude.ee
on the port of the patient; oad say oae pf rebaeiag
half o dozen bottles, and using oeeordiagly, ia S-b
or her case, he guarantees a perfect cure; ood ia
case of failure, will furaiah additional asdlcies.
free of charge, to complete ths cure, through hia
agents; and a cure will be effected without ineon
venieooe to tbe patient.
Sold by AITEHSON A DL'PUY, No. »1 Broad
street, and O. A.STRECK KR. Main atreet. Drug
gists, oceets for the oity of Riehaeud.
mil»»- dOru *
■9_ Veaghs, folds, Hoarseness, Ac—The
prevalence of the above compleiots ot thie bbbbub
has the eirect of brmgiug out a boat of profssssilly
new specifics: aad while some few may bs god,
many ore useless ood some evea daegeroua. Ta
prevent disappointment, the beet eoums to pursue
is to consult yoer family physician, or otherwise
use oaly such remedies so loag poMio exeerteooe
r. M T^L r^ ta c^Vo^#TO
ARABIC. Oriaiaotty tba of
an smia.nt phyaiefoa. it anon become o popolos
family medicine, ond without odvertisiog, has
oontiaaed to enjoy o growinc repototteu for the
lost twenty years. Iv all recent Basse it sets like
a charm; ood in chronic oases, Bronchitis, Booa
iiik Couth. Of..up. Asthma. Ao.. it is used with
unparalleled auocsss, as moat families will testify.
Sold by Fisher A Winston. Meade A Baker, A.
Bodeker, Ac . ot to cents per bottle, oad io ob ele
gant and plaosont Loseoge fora ltM sad toeeate
per bos. Prepared by JTbALEKR, Pborreooea
tist. Baltimore. Md. Fe t-la*
bbl. freer •••€hlldrea are eftea seized
very suddenly with this diseoee, which, if aot
qu.okl. relieved, proves fatal. It xsoerolly at
tacks children in the nisht, after having been pack
exposed to damp, sold winds through the doy.—
Damp houses, wet feet, thin shoos, wst slothes, or
anything that obstructs perspiration, ao* occa
sion Croup. Mothers! your children see liable to
be takes with thus dread com pleiat ol a time whsa
yno least ezpeot it; hot it is oot oisrore a doctor
coo he called or o remedy found, oad tor this rea
son we would odvise you now, oad without a o_
meat-a delay, tebuy a bottle of Dr. EATON'S IN
FANTILE CORDIAL. It will ears every easa
of Croup, if takes ia time : als-, oil eoap-S-Ots at
tending Teething, Couvulaioas, Coaghs, Colds,
eto. It is sold by oil respsstohle droggietg .—
Messrs. Cause v A Ddpoot. Now York, ore the
proprietors, and also sole oaonta for "Dr. BRON
SON'S BLOOD FOOD." which, for Confamptt-o
aad Chronic diaoosea, ia o euro re-pody. Do aot be
put off with any other articles, write to Cnvacu
fc OurosT. New \ork, if you cannot got them ia
your own town.
For sale by FISHER A WINSTON. Stehaood,
Va.. and by Druggists generally. mhK-lm
ML, Notice. —To the sick, ofSicUd and aoaaer
ousifomiliee who hove heretofore seed Dr. J.S •
BOSK'S MEDICINES, always with the moat\a
boaoded hoapy roeolta, that aoass aopnocipled
Rreoßß have circulated oa imitotioa. Tim Doctor
. s been compelled to change the wrapper, which
ib ploio without oay figures, oad ha writtea etgaa-
Sre is over the cork of every bottle of the geooios
edioiaes, so that the pablio ooa agaia nhtais
those remedies which here suited their woatesaa
M DR V^. l ß , koelr. l _/'?JOUGH SYRUF. for eoasfca
»ra:as or braises, ondthe DY-JPEPTIC COM?
POUN D lor dyspepsia oad liver nrrapaalß
r __^_*________=^_
pored from FroiUef tbe beat sooltty. oad SiahJy
oonoeatroted.) "
The otteptiou ef Confsotionsrs. Hotel leeaara
ood FoaiUea. to respeetfeir* mvitsd tolhsoseaa
Baaed Ejttrocu. They hove oil the fresh Bess sad
fiavor of ths del tests ft airs froa which they era
presored. ood ore lea OBseasivo. Try term.
by trode-s geoeroily. fo M fiat*
SV The great drawback te eeraeas east
grstin* to the extreme rtoath aad waetera eoaa-
Uy. is ths fesr tbey hoys of tbe lever oad ogee—
tbe flsost direful of oil dtseooos. Everyday wa
hear of persons attacked by this disease aadaaSe
bsipiesa io o short vow. without oay amoosof of
lord.ss relief, la view of tbe great filings Ifn a,
reinedv. Dr Hoststtsb ha preoeoted hie oels
hroied-'lhtMro.'' wSom eoroture 00*0^1*73
experieaee and deep study, have received the ea
eoMiittros of the must esMaeai sh< ateiaas. as wad
as ait elaaaea. Irom ever, port rjTthe oouatry. To
thoes.who doubt their assay virtaes. oil we eaa aae
i uvel..' •* — ***** for ■sS-HBS rsssea
| Sold by dratgietesad aeolera geooraPy. every
i WlMf#s mm% m auo^\wm
boo. give toss us eaergy to ihs mstea. sad
S_J__d* ""*" * m£e%tm%\nr*
_B 11—i_M ■__. MB _Ua asL R-ms^-Sa
... ep m-~wbb _._-__, asw., too ttt™. -i^^?—^.l- s^_
aad beet siiifjii for aa _rg I oaf iread. SajZ
Setter ood _renw_-B_a_Oosae. Foaav. ha. JOOb
B4e|siuaii« _?_!_'_?*___>___' L** m ttn L *?T' _*»*->
Ike very loot •rticiajoove sect tried tor aSßß*ag
*£ m mm - """.L- '' ' *^**^» w^a*aaaa^l_SßO________S!-^