Newspaper Page Text
Hitlmsntr fK*patt| MONDAY MORNING..... APEIL Id, IMb. I The Late K.«.BTi.eiit la Hie ««!(. tt glvet ot plea, tire to publish the following iter from aa iß officer of tha Navy, aoaaaralaff tke tat. aaral iiigatMttat la the Oalf. Lleot. Kcaaaaa, waa receive, each jatt aad geaeroat praise from Mt brother off.* car, and a rery high la tha Comao* dore » dupe tehee, v oaeot the moat gallant, en' argetlc aad accoraplithed officers la tha ser rice. Helsaaatlveof Alahaata: Emtobi Dispatch- Aa the Mlowiag parties lata of the reeaat sageg eamet betweea tha Maai aaaateameraaada portioa of our Nsval fores of Vers Cras have set batata bsea mad* rablie. I ventsre to give them to tke reader* ofyomt )t*r asl: Ib the late actioa betweea the U. S. ship -Ban, toga," (Can- Taos. Turner,) aad a deteehttant of tke crew of dm V. 8. ahip •• Preble," (Cast. Tbora tea A. Jeakias,lead ths Mtsiosastesmera of war. the General•• Miratane" aaa tbe '* Mart-is da la Banana," which resetted ia the capture of the two latter, the Mexican ststairrs fint commenced sg treaiivs measures. Aftsr ths return fire of ths " Barattga," Lieu teaaat J. 8. Keaaard. of the •• Ssvsanah," who signslly participated ia tbe capture, waa ordered ob board the " General Miramon," te receive the surrender of ths rsnowued Admiral Maria. Lieut. X found tbe desk of the " Gsnsrsl Mirs nion" strews with the wounded aad the dying, their grosni and cries indicating the tadsriata of ths conflict aad the precision of America are. After receiving the f,»rm%l surrender of Admiral Marin, the attention of this gallant and hamane officer was directed to the care of the wounded, ail of whom were immediately dupstcbsd to the " .Saratoga" for surgical assistaaoe. The "General Miramon" having grounded du ring the action, she wss, with some difficulty, got again into deep water, ss tbe engineers of the steamer, when wanted fbr service, could aot lie found. They had snugly ensconced themselves in a i lace of safety snd out of tht reach of danger. Lieut. Br> son being directed to send aa snginser tbe "Indisnnia." and those of ths "Mira itioi," making IBfUt appearance-full twenty min uus alter tbe Wisation of fire-the attempt wss successful. At one period of the engagement, Lieut. Keanard occupied quite adangerous position in ths "Wave," she Ling within a few rods of the "General Mira mon," pouring in volleys of musketry and shell from a twelve-pounder "Dslgreen" howitxer, as fast as it could be loaded, pointed and discharged* Of this bandy piece of ordnance. Midshipman Whipple was the Captain,snd. upon observing the twenty-four pounder gun of the "General Mira mon" trained on the Wane, as ordered by Lieut. X . he broiuht ths howitzer to bear againit it. The "Wave" was at ths time so close that a suc cessful discharge ofthe "Miramon *s" piece would certainly have sent her and the gallant crew to "Davy Jones' Locker."—as old salts sty It tbe final resting of seamen. Fortunately, the shell of the "Wave's" howitzer sfiuk tbe forecastle piece of the "Miramon." knocking off the "po iiiillion." and killing by its ex plosion five of the Kirn's crew. Although the proceedings of onr officers in this instinct, may not be approved by all, they give most gratify ing evidence that they are ever ready to do what may seem right in their country's cause, and tint gallant spirits yet adorn and give vitil.ty to the great right arm of the nation's de fence. When more extended operations require their services they will be found ready,willing, eager to pluck fresh laurels for the land they love. f The America. Be.apartet. The 17th volume of Thiers* History of the Consulate aud EmpWe, is just out. It was de layed in consequence of the insertion of a note by Jbbo-TB Nai-oleok Bonaparte, Esq., of Baltimore. This gentleman is, as all our readers are aware, the son of Jerome Boba i-_ktk, formerly King of Westphalia, and at this time the only one of the brothers of the Oreat Napoleon still living, and his wife Elizabeth * -tkkson, of Baltimore. Tbe note in question relates to the marriage of Ja- ROM. Bonaparte with the mother of the writer, and consequently to his own legitima cy. It states tlat on the _4th December, IBUB, .IKROMK Bonaparte, then a naval officer in the service of tbe French Republic, married Miss Em-Abbth Patbrsoh, the daughter of a citizen of the United States; that the mar riage was celebrated by the Bishop of Balti more, according to tbe rites of tha Roman Catholic Church; and that the marriage was regularly registered. Jaaoxa Bonaparte -was at the time nineteen years of age, old enough to contract marriage, according to the laws of Frauce. Tbe father of Jbroxb being dead, his mother did not within a year, at the French law requires, demand that the mar riage should be declared anil and void, fn tbe contrary, Madame Lbtitia called Mr. Jn bo. _ NT a roLijojr Bowai* abtb, the ieeue of that marriage, her "dear son," and signed herself in a letter to him, hit -very attectionate n:. ther.'« In the year ISOS, the Emperor Na polkob demanded of the Pope a bull annul ling this marriage, aad tha Pope replied that there was ao reason to annul it, and that were he to annul it, he should be guilty of a most abominable abuse of bis sacred ministry before the tribunal of God, and before the whole Church. Such are the facts of the case Our readers are well aware that it is a part of tbe Catholic creed that no power on earth caa dissolve a marriage lawfully contracted, but the Holy Father himself; for with tbe Catholic, marriage is a sacrament. Tbe Em !" —lbok was a Catholic, and so were people. As such, the Pope was ual father, aad according to the •oLBoa I. had no more right to t marriage than he had to dissolve So far as we recollect. Napoleon itaiu tbe consent of the Pope, and >, as we believe it is, Elizabbtu is this day the lawful wife of Ja fakte—as much so* as any other awful wife of her husband—and polbok Bos a parte, of Baltimore, late aud oaly legitimate bob. Le wonld hare been, even had the led the marriage, for tbe auuriage -rfectly formal and in accordance id be was born before tbe applica iull. But as things now stand, be egitimate offspring of hit father, iage with a princess of Bavaria, 1 a wife still living, was altogether none effect. *r to the cote, the substance of ive above, by Prince Napoleon, ," as be is called,) the eldest ton of lis marriage with the Bavarian also published. The amount of ben the Empire was re-establish roLßoa 111., 'the descendants of »oaattempted to establish aright, f afolbob and Princess Mathil to an Imperial family council, rai*etent tribunal, according to MB, to forbid Jtrtm* Paterton to himself, with the name of Boba ation which doea aot belong to He goea oa to say that oa the i ~«, the family council, having -oa, the council of Prince Jbbomk 'e»s Mathilba, and M. Bbbbybb of M. Jaaoiia N A POL 808 Boba tained tbe right of the tatter to the tAFABTB, but without the right ilmteif ot tha advantages confer -Ist a_d «fcsd arUcles of th. "Code The* Emperor aot oaly ap e jadgaMat, bat whea the Mateat wanted to him for hit approba id tba foUowiag paragraph with ' ad: -His Majesty tha Emperor net towards the deeceedaau of aoa tlaae tha Judgmeat was de ought It right to prove that as consider tbem at beloagtag te his " Tbeqeettioa wasagaia raised ade by X. J. K. Boaar abtb to a iaal Paaca _ property, aad re leclsioa oi tha Imperial Anally d«_lDeei_Bb<te_». aa, Jsaoaa Narouoa la tha aad "Ptoa Plea" it a bastard. *.»raAY_A tboouag affray, of a icier, occurred among a party ot a ,, *wJ.!_!L o*,0 * ,, * r * Cr-AaMh. » Wednesday mora! a* Utt. la .roikara aaaud H__ar_m_LA__! rera laetaauy killed, giv*___rar£ *9M n*B*ms*m*mpWßB 4 m%BBW UWMV'- W**** IO Mft lflUft#» Pamof lm killed aa< veaadad. *" _T!l£ w "___f* ***m *• Pra_r». A week ago, it waa pretty gtatmlly bettered that the question! arising atrt of this annasa- Uon had been falHy settM. All tbe gtast powart had. It was thought, given anstrars which amouatod to s declaration that howev er displeasing tha annexation of Savoy to Fraae. atight be, they hardly regarded It aaa matte* of sufficient aoaaeqaeace to Ib volve all Europe la war. Bnt tbe question seems to have asaaated a aaw aspect. Swltxertand, which offered aa barrier to the paeeage of tbe Preach troops late Sardinia last year, has be coma taddenly alarmed at tha increased fa cility the annexation affords France of reach* lag her ia the midst of her mouo tales. She has issued orders for troops to be ia readiness to occupy the neutral Territories of theChablais aad Fadclgny, and to take all necessary mea aarea to cause tha neutrality in question to be j respected. A suspicion naturally arises, that Switzerland does not do ail this of ber own moiioi. It can hardly be possible,after the events of last year, that she really believes the neutrality of these two province, necessa ry to her protection, or tbat it is a matter ofthe sligh teat consequence to her integrity wheth er Savoy belongs to Sardinia or to France.— Tbe belief of some Is, tbat the is backed by other powers, jealous of Frauce, and willing to nse thle question as a peg whereon to bang a quarrel. Of others the opinion is tbat the French Emperor, who certainly must bave been well aware, beforehand, of all tbe objec tions that would be raised—this among the rest—had weighed and calculated them before he took the step—and that hit sole object is to render absolutely necessary a European Con gress, in which there may be a fresh settle ment of Europe. This is said to be his one great passion—the absorbing idea of bis mind— the point to which all bis policy is directed. Whether or not this be tbe true interpretation of bis conduct, it is not for us to say. It is natural, however, that he should wish to put an end, and forever, to every vestige of the treaty of Vienna; that treaty, the ruling prin ciple of which was the debasement and exile of bis own family—that treaty which he has already infringed in a number of important I particulars—that treaty which, as a whole, ceased in fact to exist the moment he and bis family were permitted to return to France.— He is not contented, however, according to this theory, with setting the treaty of Vienna at defiance. He wishes to have it formally disavowed, by authority that im posed it; that i#, by a Congress of the Euro pean powers. We confess this policy looks to us somewhat too refined and far-sighted. We are disposed to think that the great events which have dis turbed tbe peace of tbe world heretofore, have arisen out of causes much nearer than most | persons are apt to imagine, and that for states- X quite as much as for auy other class of his, the evil of the day is fully sufficient c day itself. It is, nevertheless, a remark fact, that while that portion of tbe eh press which it has been thought ! proper to unmuxzle bas been loud in denunci ation of England, and while, in tbe British Parliament, Lord John Russell expresses tbe belief that 'Such an act as the annexation of Savoy is one that will lead a nation so warlike as the French to call on its govern ment from time to time for other acts of a similar nature," and that, "however we may wish to live on tbe most friendly terms with the French government, we (the English,) ought not to keep ourselves apart from the other nations of Europe," the funds have not been in the slightest degree affected, either in England or in France. Whatever may be the designs of the Emperor Napoleon, there fore, or however determined the English gov ernment may be to counteract tbem, there seems to be at ( ■-'.sent no apprehension of a general war. Lord John Russell, himself, says tbe issue raised by Switzerland affords tbe only just ground for the interference of the European Powers at present. Perhaps the reader may desire to have a i clearer conception of the nature of this diffi culty, than we have yet enabled him to pos sess. If he will look at the map of the king dom of Sardinia, he will see that the two de partments of Savoy now in question—the Cha blais and Faucigny—border immediately upon tbe Southwestern frontiers of Switzerland Tbe treaty of Vienna guaranteed the neutral ity of these two departments, including the Alpine passes about Mount Blanc and tbe Southern shore of Lake Geneva, or a portion of it; and it was stipulated tbat when war should break out, tbe King of Sardinia should withdraw his forces, and Swiss troops and none other should take possession of the passes. England has become, all of a sudden, very solicitous about tbe maintenance oi this portion of the treaty of Vienna. Nevertheless, when the neutrality of Cracow, guaranteed by tbe same instrument, was violated by Austria in IS4O, upon the most flimsy pretext, and the citizens of that republic were shamefully mas sacred to the number of several hundred.Kug land, speaking through the Duke of Welling, ton, "had no doubt it was all right." The Emperor Napoleon has thus far done pretty much as he pleased with the treaty of Vienna and all the minor treaties springing out of it. Nobody but Austria has, ven tured to oppose him by force of arms, and we very much suspect nobody will do it now* At least, we can see no signs of a European coalition agaiust him. In tbe language of tbe Augsbnrg Gazette, "England will not, Russia does not wish to, Austria cannot, and Prussia will take pretty good care not to do it." Acquittal.—A verdict of acquittal has been rendered by the Jury in the case of J. B. Browulow, on trial last week at Abingdon, Va., for the killing of James W. Reese, (both students at Emory and Henry College.) on 2'Jd of February last. The case was given to the jury late Thursday evening, and they were absent but a few minutes before agree ing. The verdict was received with loud ac clamations of applause by the large auditory iv tbe court room. Virginia and Tennessee Kailroa n.—From a statement of the Treasurer of the Virgiuia I aud Term. Railroad Co., we lear v that the gross aarninga ef tbe mouth of March, lwio, were aa follows: From Freight 532.929 s<i Prom Passengers, Mail aud Express 32,238 tt — _ 86&.166 25 For the corresponding month of 1&59, the gross earnings were 8157,191 88, snowiug an in crease for March, lt*6o, of 57.97G 2tf. April Snow.—A severe snow - torm com menced early Saturday morning aud extend ed from Lake Erie to within a few miles of the Hudson river. There was fror roe to six inches of snow oa tba grou- . Wew York city at * o'clock P. M., and it was still falling fast. Pabtoe Called—The Lutheran congrega tions of Roanoke, Va, have extended an in vitation to Rer. J. P. Srael tzer, of Harper'a Ferry, to become their pastor. The call hat been accepted. Corressoodeaee of the Richmond Dispatch. The State Democratic Convention—Tke Accom modation* in Charleston—Consecration, fc. Con _ ma, 8. C. April in. .J_?*!_* UOo * ,r *"* ,Oß tor •lectiaidelegate* to the Charleston Convention meets here on 1 _____Za____ _ c M uwUaead ***** the dele- I __. _ w ii l *** _» •«*-raatod, hat fires cart, *fm*th* to act a»ia their jndgiaeat shall team U__i"i_fl___L t f ***** ***** __t »eeammoda aapwlk^l?--_^_» b . d * J, **• ******* for ta*d^ia^°«_^!Hi_. ,lWoTW<M » ****** **i***F*r*Am^ttAm^ hat aa&rt»d fer^^JX. <^„_", . 0,1 "iihiY£^-__ rt^*-^ u,IM from *. hnr-ft ."v^dr^jrsa^ planters are complaining J wane, aad the Bishop Davis consecrated' a _.».-. . C£urchl ore0 re (St. F.!_r?>«_,'■££_ Jif****** £__£ ___• __' who *_. **** •S«dia?di S^l^i^eaTthT.^ .fcsaSh^^ vers «r> dtslfca la Philadelphia l**i COMMEHCIAL. ThaSMtherly wisdßare briairiS* intmHmtr York as aaeaaat number nf coasts™ and west tndla mes. Friday, the almost simultaneous arrival of s.iMata vcmsls frees West India sugar ports with hsavy cargoes. (Mounting is the sggrarats to some «Amor 7 tsihogaheadt.) had soms influ-noo ob the sagsr nisrkst, snd thonih an actual decline took place. sales eaaoaly betffscted by a reduction of Ho per pound. "____,_ -, Rales in New York. March It. of fMO Vs. 6 s at « .; ir.OOO mm 6 s at fl, aaa SLOW North Caro lina «s»t 95V M -.—» Mobil*. April lA-Cottoß-sales to- day of SMO hales at Mo.alOKo. Salts of thewesk M 000 hales. Pec«isCst.MO bales aiainit iSM hales of la«t year Rsosipts ahead of last rear 111 00V halts. Vslos of i tbe exports of the week, 5711.0 W. Stock in port.. lit.noo bales. Freights on Cotton to Liverpool, 1-ltd _1» 3Jd ;to Bavre. le. . __, . __ Ca ißLtsma. April 11-Cotton Buchaaied-sales ol 1.800 bales to-day. _ _______ --- JlßwYptß.AanTM.-Cottoß ••__**_r_f_2 of 800 Irsles. Ftour closed firm-sales of 16 WO barrels-State *»»«».»; Ohio S«e6 U; "juitherß has advanced 5.(0 eta, closing at SsWatJO.— Wheat closed firm-sales of MOW busb«£-£uth ern white SIW. Corn clossd heavy-sales tt» MO bushels—yellow 7« ceato Provisions closed steady. Whiskey closed dull at 21 cv. Huiar has declined ».' et., closing at 6« cv. Naval stores closed quiet. Mice dosed heavy. Stocks are dull snd irrsßU lar-Chioss" and Rook Island tß'i; Illinois Can trsl shares MV; do. bonds 88; Michigan Southern 11 cU.; New .ork Central 83K; Ksadißg «?.. lUi.ti.osx, April It.—Flour Heady at #6 for Howard street. Wheat buoyar.t at f 1.80 for white, and 91 WarSl.42 for red. Corn firm-white7Sa7«c; yellow 72.730. Provisions quiet. Whiskey dull st 23c. ___________________ B__Photoo«apbs, Pbabl Ambhotvpes, and all the virions stylss of Portraits, scientifically and artistically exeouted at Hkk*' Steam liallerv. 145 Main street. Richmond. Va., which is one of tbe Isrcest estsblishiuents of its kind in the world, occupy in* three floors 25 by W feet, and possessing all tbe modern improvements necessary for the production of fine Photographic portraits, from the smallest up to life size, colored in oil, pasted, aquarille, or India ink, by the beat artists in the country. One thousand executed daiiv. at prices raminn from 25 cents, 50 cents, SI to $luu. Copies taken from old Daeuerreotjpes and Ambrotypes, enlarged to any desired size, in the new stales, aad satisfaction guaranteed. The genuine Vig nette Photographs and Pearl Ambrotvpes can be had at Rbes' Gallery only. ap 10-ta S__B*lk* of Tobacco, by Bayly A MstnilHl. at DBookoe Warehouse: J. G. Yarbrouib. No. 1, bought by W. li. Rout A Ci.. at $5.90. J. G. No. 2, bought by Messrs. Hard grove, at 3 lv 75. T. R Pulliam, No. 1, bought by Hunt A James, at T. K. Pulliam, No. 2, bought by Win. Greanor, at S6 00. R. H. Pulliam, No. 1, bought by A. Thomas A Son, at SO 50. G. W. Morns, No. 1, bought by J. H. Greanor, at 53.45. G. W. Morriti, No. 2. bought by Messrs. Hardgrove, at Si 25 G. W. Morris. No. 3, bought by Messrs. Turpin A Yarbrough, at 99.00. v ' w -Gate wood. No. 1, bought by Messrs. Butler A Talbott. at $3 10. R. A. Ricks, No. I, bought by Messrs. Hardgrove, at 917.00 i T. A. laatewood. No. 1, bought by Messrs. Wilson A Kent, at $7 50. T. A. Gate woo j. No. A. bouiht by Messrs. Tur pin A Yarbroutsli, at 94 50. T. A. Gatewood. No. 3, by Messrs. Hard grove. at 913.25 T. A. Gate wood. No. 4, Irought by Messrs. Hard grove. at 913.50. T. A. Gatewcod, No. 5. hnusht by Messrs. Tur pin A Yarbrough, at 94.70. Benj. Anderson, No. 1. bought by Messrs. Tur pin A Yarbroufli, at .6.50. I Benj. Anderson, No. 2, boiuht by Messrs. Tur pin A Yarbrough, at 93.90. The above are full size hogheads. The lowest \ prices are for very ordinary lugs; the highest prices are for sweet sun cured manufacturing to bacco. ___Rirn.vtf»D TIIKATRB. j THE BEWITCHING AND FASCINATING W.I.LKANDHKLENI SISTER.. I LUCILLE AN I) HELENS WESTERN, LUCILLE AND HELENS __ _ APPEAR, Will {POSITIVELY APPEAR. /POSITIVELY APPEAR TO-NIGHT.J TO-NIGHT.S In W. B. ENGLISH, Esq. TO-NIGHT.N ' UiREAT LOCAL DRAMA, ofthe {GREAT LOCAL DRAMA /GREAT LOCAL DRAMA THREE FAST MEN.) »a_m_i_* THREE FAST MEN.S and sustain THREE FAST MEN.S 117 DIFFERENT CHARACTKRB, Sing hi DIFFERENT CHARACTERS fl7 DIFFERENT CHARACTERS TWENTY SONGS,; »w__._, TWENTY SONG.S.S and execute TWENTY SONGS.S \TEN DANCES. The celebrated <TK.\ DANCES. MINSTREL SCENE., ?TEN DANCES. MINSTREL SCENE,} by MINSTREL SCENE.S i 15 FEMALE MINSTRELS, in 5 16 FEMALE MINSTRELS, ETH.OPEAN So«k FEM , ALE " IWW * EtS gTHIOPKAN DUETTS. ! The he»t Band in tl,eUn,tedStot - PR IN TIN ti <> FPI OX, ' Corner of Main and Thirteenth Streets, Richmond, Virginia. This Establishment. |bei_g the most, complete Printer* in the South, both as rcitards T> pen, Or naments, Ac, aud the In tot. and most approved ' Machine Presses,) is daily turning out the finest i specimen* of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, j SUCH _S PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILLS OF LA DING, CHECKS, Ac, AS WELL AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES B HANDBILLS. Particular attention given to fine work for Banks, Public Offices, insurance. Railroad, and Transpor tation Companies, Tobacco Factors, Ac. THE DISPATCH CARD PRESSES. These new Machines, for Cards, Bill-Heads, Small Circulars. Label*. Ac. are capable ol turn in< oil 15UW impressions per hour, thereby enabling the patrons of this establishment to obtain tins description of work at the shortest possible notice. Jt__ Prices reduced iv proportion to the increase of speed! ,Jti. Printing, in various colored BRONZES and INKS, executed in the highest style of the art.— In this branch of the business, the proprietors tan afel.v challenge competition. __"-_==» !• AWES R. SUTTON, ATTORNEY •*o__A_ LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC- Practices in all the Courts of the city of Rich niond and the counties of Henrico and Goochlsn-t. Office corner Bank and llth streets, Richmond, Va He is also Commissioner ofthe United States Court of Claims. * ap 16-3 m THE ANNUAL MEETING OF •v_a THE i.ALE ORPHAN SOCIETY will be held in the Lecture Loom of the United Pres hiterian Church (Rev. Dr. Rssd's) on this t MON DAY) evening, the 16th inst.. st 8 o'clock. Interesting addrssses may bs expected. ap 16-It* _F»a_i*» D-."WM._. WI I.SO \can be found " N -»5 at his former office. on 7tb, between Main and Cary streets, after Monday, April 16th. Office hours lrom 12_ to 2o'clock, daily. fe*_ Offioe practice cash. ap U-3t * THEFAIKONtHIRtHHILbat a~*___ Masonic Hall, will lie opes each day du ring the week, from 10 o'clock A. M.. until 11 o'clk ON& K ll, T F B T?.feNT_ EN CENTS - W ~! The Ladies would respectfully solicit their friends and the public generally, to give them a call.and purchase some of their Creams, Jellies, Fruits. Confectioneries, Fancy Articles. Ac ap 11-6t* R A DX RS * BAN-Tor THE ! B»_a CITY OF RICHMOND.-The miuimum _*_ ~i ftU°/,. t l ie J'^A liliKS ' i,AlSK <>PTHE CITY ; OF RICHMOND having been subscribed, a meet lacof the Stockholders of said Bank will bs held •<?_*»_ c Heeding-Rooin of ths St. Charles Hotel, on I TUESDAY, the2tth last .st 12o'oltu'k M. ap7-td THE COMMISSIONERS. TO THE PUBLIC.-Having beard it ar**~_> rumored that lam not prepared nor in the habit of undertaking the minor parts of my bu _-__?_"> &-£_?___• LAYING HEARTHS. RUNNING CULVERTS. Ac, aad deeming such, rumors calculated to injurs me. aad pussibl* to prevent my lriends from giving me snob work to do, 1 take this method of inforiuiag the publio that I am not only prepared, but better p-epsred for such work now than 1 have sver been since I was in ths business. 1 have in my employment two competent workmen to attend to tbat branch ofthe business exclusively. Alt that I ask is a call, asser ing my friends that anr work ia my lins, however great or small, shall be executed promptly snd properly. There ii another rumor to the efleot that bricks are so scarce and difficult to obtain, that buildini is retarded. In aßswer to this I beg leave to say that I have Beyer failed toe->atract ftir work because of ths dilfioulty to gst bricks. Aad if there is auy one bo. who desires to build, but oaunot do so for want of material, Ist their call on tbe under signed, aad I assure them they shall be accommo dated; provided however, that I contract to lay the b. less Whea it was said about ths Ist of Jan - uari last that there were »» bricks ia town, / had ob hand 7«0 «W. Relieve aot. therefore, ia ru mors, hut whea rnu with to have work done, call apoa ms. aad see if 1 cannot do it for voa. apt-tw JOHN D. UUARLES. XVTtV*;- The c* partnership ia the S»v-_» Practice or Law, heretofore sxisting lie twesß the uadersitssd, uaaler the frm nf GRI»- WOLl> * CLAIBORNE, it this day dissolved by mutual eoaesßt. The uafnuhed Iwiiaets of our clients will re- I osive, at heretofore, the ettsation of vi bott 1 Hiekmwsd. April t, im_ j. A. C-AIBOHNk. jj ; E& f^a^.y^gs WOLD f A ".Tji'y will the Coarts ofthe ait j of Ricbmond.and it the oou n tjes ef Hssrico aad Heaerer. aadia the Circuit Coartsof Kseex aed Ktat snd Queen eoaatiis. The* will also attend to the Unllectioa of Claims of Wt aad apwardt ia any .art of the State. Office on Jtossttrtel, two daors frost Riohatoad —- _tft_HM_El llerSeH A. riaihar.e.nate nf Qrlswold A , ______r.s 'rW_^^-_'»_g_j-a-' -I ' • MAICtirB IJITB-tLIO-afCB. PORT OF HMrMMONP, APRIi. it. Hag* Water th** Bay ( Monday) l_A. o'clock. ARRIVED. "*~ . Steamship Hoanoks, Conch. N. V., .i.Jie. and passeogtis I u.llain * Watson. Steamer Belvidnre, Keens, Baltimore, mdze. and psmasngers. |i. A W Currie. titeaiiisr Virmnis. Kelly, l'hiladslphia Mdzs.snd passer.uers, E. P. Stites. Bark Angetitn. (Spanish.| Carantrss. Porto K'oo. sugar, Dun*..p. Moneure A Co. Schr. Ashland, Graves, Baltimore, ku*,_.>. Bacon A Baskervill. -S°fe- w . Yor _'. c *r n iral. James riv»r, lumber, W. W. Wells and I. G. Mercer A Co. """"• r * SAILED. Steamer Belvi.iers. Keens, Baltimore, n..ze. aad passengers. D. A W. Currie. echr. Mary A. Guest, Minor, down river light. hobr. Bettorflv, Hubbard, down the r,i«r, light. Schr. Acorn, Bease. down the river, lixht. .» Beh T. Thomas Bagley. MoConnell, Hbiifax, flour, Haxall, Crenshaw A Co. ' Schr. HU*. Kemp. Huark, Norfolk, ia-dze., W. D. Colquitt A Co. gchr. L. 8- Barnes, Rogers, down the ..ver light Schr. Champs. —, down the river Schr. American Star, Godlrey, Norfolt, manure. Nsw Yost, April 12—Cleared, sen™. Match leas, Hinckley, Norfolk; Caroline. Freder icksburg. Arrived.schr. Brave.Carson, Virgiuis; brig Storm-King. Penny. Wilmington. N. C.;ic_r«! Mary Rover, Hughes, do.; Lilly. Francis, do.; Ktnily. Smith, do; D. E.Wolfe. Russell, do.; Ira Belle. Lee, do : Ned, Henderson, do ; L. A. Ed wards. Smith, do.; Sherwood, Williams. Va ; J. T. Bosd. Matthews, do.: D-Davidson, Ketehum. dr.; V"s B. \ oung, Eaton, Wilmington, N. C.; schr. J.Clark. Fredenokiburg, Va. -~ senr. Bm.timobb, April 13.—Cleared, schrs. Marr Will.t. North, Richmond; M. A. Mitchell; Couiier, WooHord, do. do. Savasnih. April 13.—The schooner R. L. Far. cleared for Philadelphia with 23s hales of cotton, caught fire this morning opposite tho Lamaro Press, and was scuttled. Only slight damage was none, and she will be raised to morrow and un loaded. The schooner Aire, bound to Saint To bias with a cargo nf lumber, wss wrecked on the 9th on ths cast of North Carolina. The captain and crew were saved. The vessel is a total loss. Norfolk. April 13.—Arr'd. schrar. Julia Newel). Cussion. City Point: Thomas Worrell, Hubert. Wi mington. N. C. Cl'd. schrs. Jno. Lackey, Mo Cann, Richmond; Suiquehanna,Skinner, Alexan dria. Cbablbstob, April 13.—Arrived, schr. Pangts sett, Kesns. Elisabeth City, N. C. Rio JAijtißo. Feb. l:).—Arrived, bark Westhcr Gage, MoKee, Richmond. Sailed, 18th, brig Et perauza, (Poit..» Wilmington, N. C. NswrokT. April 11.—Sl'd, schrs. AlmiraT.. Em erson. Rappahannock; Ann, Blake, Bluff Point, Va, for Boston. Bmaioß.April 12.-Cl'd, steamer City of New York, lor Norfolk and City Point. Fair Havk.n, April U.-Arr'd.sohn. Set Witch, Tyler; Alethea, Hervey. and Frances. Coimell, Va. CI d schr«. Marcena Murson, O. L. Baylis, and L. Tvler, Va. New Haven, April 12-Sl'd, tchr. Eliza 8., for Va. Philahblpuia, April 13. —Cleared, steamer Pennsylvania, for Richmond. Ln br i'iiol, March 27.—Advertised, chip Henry ' Buck, Pendleton, City Point, sth April. PASSEMiKts I'BB STKAMMiif Roanoke. Couch, ' Muster, from New \ ork: B. S. Crooks snd lady, H. M.-ixon and lady. J, G. Hushes and lady, J. Kehoe. H.Oh-em. G. Wilson, C. J. Aekerman. W. T. Luckado and lady, John A. Lovett, Miss Adams, Rev. Mr. Bray, lady and ' three children. Miss Pruell, S. L. Clarke.'R. C ?. , ."'t h *-'-. T Hart aad child. Miss M. Aekerman, ' VV H. Pointer and lady. D. O'Neil, Johu Williams, Mrs. Stevens and child. , Also, from Norlolk, Mits M. Wickham, Mr. Bui ■ lock. LOST AND STRAYED. fi\ __ ALL PERSONS LOOK OUT FOR *ra>AN ESTRAY MARE-Strayed from the "*---» subscriber, on the 12*h inst.. near Rock etts. in Fulton, a large ROAN MARE. a<;ed a'.iout ten years. Reasonable or legal satisfaction will be giveafor her doliverv tome or to the Stable of Messrs. Hutcheson A Davia, in the city of Rich mond, or to John A. Waddil, on Maddox Hill, or to Wm. Thomas, in Fulton, near Rocketts. Also, _ny information where the said mare is. »n that I get her again-delivered to me or any of the fore named persons, will be very thankfully received. CHAS. BICKLEY. LOST OR STOLEN-Mr POCKET-BOOK, containing .«28 and several valuable papers—a negotiable note of Miles A. Gill's for .800, and otner papers Any person who may find the pa pers will please forward to meat "Deatnnville, Amelia," SAMUEL T. HENDRICK. ap 13-3t* Ilia WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, TmAT GREENBRIER COUNTY, VA. }"*B I This long-established WATERING PLAC*. will be opened for the reception of visitors on the 15th May. Many new and important arrangements have been made since the last season in this Urge cv ta.hlishu.ciit, and no efforts will be spared to make the guests comfortable. JEREMIAH MORTON, President. .1. Humphrey*.. General Superintendent. n__Correspondentswill please address J HUM PH MEVB, Superintendent White Sulphur Springs, Greenbriejr_couaty, Va. ap M eedlljuly —■.y. A PRIVATE PAYIII.V wishes to _iT |*3_ J Hi'''*se of a fin? PIANO FORTE, *! HI a I 'new. made by the celebrated firm of Nunas A Clark : cost .301). will he sold at $I*M.— Apply at E. MAYR'SMusio Store, No. 218 pr-oad stieet. ap 16-3t* V. S. M. STEAMSHIP YORK «2sE>TOvVN-FOR NEW YORK.-The mu***MwW*m YORKTOWN, Capt. Lkwis Parrish, will leave here at t o'clock P. M.. TUESDAY, the 17th inst. Exci.rsion tickets issued to go and return by eith er of the stcamerß.St.ite- room and meals included, lor the very iow price of #15. Passage to New York, Meals and State-room lßclude.l, $iv. Steerage passage *ja. Passage to Norlolk same as hy the river tmata. Freight received to day. MONDAY, aud up to hour of 1 o'clock P. M., TUESDAY. | Consignees are reqaested to send for their goodt Krei-lit for Boston taken at moderate rates, and forwarded with dispatch. Tickets and Bertha secured at our otfice or on board the steamer. ap 16-2t UTDLAM A WATBOB. ' J** tm *> ta , m ro ft « ALfiMii r ~_T. - WEEK.-POW ***** *** ,ff "HATAN STEAMBOAT COMPA NY.-The iteamer GEO. PEABODY, Capt. Rich ard Phiciiabd, will receive to-day, ( MON DAY, land up to the hour of-lo'oIockM.,TUES DAY, the 17th inst. Freight taken to Boston via Baltimore at aa low rate as by any other steamer, and with great dispatch. Thii steamer has splendid state-room passenger accommodations. Passage and fare 9ft. Passengers are requested to be on hoard before 12 o'clock M.. TUESDAY, the hour of depar ture. Tickets for passage procured either at our office, in the slip, opposite the Columbian Hotel, or at the Steamers' wharves, Rocketts. ap It- n « DAVID A WM. CURRIE. %ab»-_STn__. PUR s-VNCHB-iRG-Toleave ___a_a_i_ _a TUESDAY. - The Canal 8.-nt -TssTlPll amsl FAME will leave as above. For freight, apply to WM. P. COX. ap 16-tl At ths Shed. Dock st___ A£- FOB. BALTIMORE.-Ths regular _ffl2fep«cketschr. BF.NJ. VANDIVER. Captain m >JoxK*. having a portion of her cargo en gaged and going on board, will hare dispatch. For remainder of cargo, apply to 16-tt W. D. COLQUITT A CO. DRUG STORE.-CHAS. 8. DAWSON bses U> inform the citizens of Richmond, that he has now on hand a full snd complete assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Chemical!, Fancy Goods, sto. Physicians can rely upon his Drugs as Iwing pure and from the first manufacturers, both of this country and Europe. They can also obtain the Dry Chemicals from him, as lis keeps a supply of them constantly on hand, and all new prepara tions will be obtained as thrfy come out. lU«ii cinea can lie obtained at all hours day and night; and personal attention will be given to the Pre scription department. He has also a full assortment of all kinds of Patent medicines, direct from the manufacturers, so that there can be no mistake as to then genu ineness. Also, Oils. Paints, Dye Stuff*, Tobacco and Ci gsrs. The Ladies can also be supplied with a fine as lortinentof imported Pomades. Hair Oils, Lubm's Extracts, Mean Pun. Lille. White, Brown Wind »or. Honey. Glycerine and other Toilet Soaps; fine Hair Brushes, both domestic sad unpolled; also, Buffalo. India Rubber snd Horn ComOs. both fine tooth and ...arse. He would call tbeir atten tion to bis fins Toilet Cologne, superior to ths Preach or German. _ POM SALE-A finelfouaTMULE. «*__■_*. She works well ana where Apply to W _ J. P. N. MAYO. gtn*mn»n\p Coraer9th and Canal streets. _7_______» M-da /__» TEMPERANCE \f membere of SHOCKOE HILL DiVI S\ SInN. No. 94. Sons of Temperance, are / \ letuested to meet at tbeir Division / \ Room, hi SAUNDERS HALL on Fou fl*Mi&T*f&r'. gmtw ** a ****** * na Broad strssts, this (MONDA. ) evening, at _'~ o'clock As very im portant business will lie a special object at this meeting, every member iii requested to be present. By ordsr af tbs W. P. apK-lt PETERFIELD TRENT. R. 8. _t_t4 «-o»lPA_Y.^rAsssm- MEet fc _ w __*_Uf?.£?"- lh, »" H *"' OB TUES __W_?DAY EVENING, aito'clook. a____i By ordsr of Capt. Randolph. «&BMrW.^^ __fyL x F^^ ____!-wr.*-.!*-°-»»osntm __*<l«tim*ai Hall. Ths attea- Aeliaeaaßttuioalledtoaec. ad. art. nth of tasCwislitatioß, . ARMORY R. L. I. BLUER t ~ ______ _ RicuMnao. April Mth. lAW. t Attend a drill of the Company. at their Ar mory, on this (MONDAY) evening. April lots, *t 8 o'clock, proms ly. * Ba order or Capt. Maul*. if M-M JACOBS, Ut Sert't. IrJP$. i! fr'¥ MONTGOMERY eUARD.r" CfiiV*>* *«»• Vols., April llth.UMo. ( _Tbis ( .Bamaad will ssssmble at Militiry Hall. MONDAY EVENING, the llth iait .at a tasrter before 8 o'clock, for Drill. I ,Bi order ol the Csatsia SpU-ftt JofiNMTuONALD. Ist terg't. FIR BA I.E. a STEAM SAW M(LL. sigbtesa ..J 1 _J_ ?«_■" "•_"■*. aearlr aew. 10|.£5 sear Whits House, ths press si tsrwiaaa of tae Richmoadaad York.Rivsr Railroad on the farm I _{____£ __ r * w,Ww ******* »« ahovias I M***iF*tVM^ _&_!_■ _£toTfj&_ _L fc*^ 4 ** %a a-wLargeaag Elesn.t.tar-sl SPRING AND SUMMER . . .__ _> li V U<» OB S ! Just received from aaction aad prii - a tales at •_*..- .. greatly red need price*. -*i THOMAS I>. I.UAULES *_$JNS, *» BR'iAD BTBBBT, flu Ar> Er,_T__f to ojfjr their secoiMlinppty of . . . -PEItS AND SUMMER G*ap)_; p -__ !.m„_? au'chaetd during the &»i week at unuiuai low prices. gg SpUiadid DRK§BSILKS: Chintz CB&NI SILKS. Mourning GRENADINE ROHhS. . S_a_i__.|lK_L- f <'* GHALLIKS.: S_.r_i*e ETTl *t Bi,k uwus fortrav-ebnc d .ssee ia treat variety. French CHINTZ BRILLIANTS; .'rgendiss snd .J*e_aet ROBES. 9 flounces. RANDIES. JACONETS MdLA^NS. £_(tASOLB and Ladies' UMBRELLAS. rA WS in great va» isty. |*, ap I«—tt ___fc?-!!f._l_ > _- PafflfffMa ItAa'em rQgAMBER HILL. PON SALE AT AICTION THIS DAY. AT 4* O'CLOCK P. M. -.ii-**'.r_ I .'* r ? t t«ationof the public is ressect !_____!- l °nJfel".£ ale JSl tl __ h,,v « valuable Lots. !?■__? VS**?* 1 * AFTERNOON, at 15 o'clock. A Plat of the lots will he exhibited at the hour of •*'• ..»'_: term - S_* auotioß head, ap 16-It GODDIN A APPERSON. Auctt. mlShiP*r r * M H__"_•_••» *'-•»■_, erireai acidity of the stomach, heartburn, water brash, 7;._/._i ,r ? ,B * ••"•ation, or isdigettioa i Imme- NAT^_'_ f ITT n _„« >bta,,,ed bT """ at my store THIS MORNING at 10 o'clock, tee advertisement under aaction head. apl6-lt J. H. DIGGER, Aaet. B__soo hexes prime Sweet Oil fer sale lew by J. W. GARLICK. Apothecary, Ac, I Market Place. Franklin st. ■a,»weet Oil In B-rrels ; -A very _,„,, v : elsrfor isle by JOHN W. GARLICK.! Fire Insurance! On every description of Property. in tbs best compa nies in the Lnion. The subscriber is prepared to issue policies to any amount, and for any length of, againit loss or damage by lire, upon the most nwMmtirai.oi BRICK.STONE or WOOD DWELLINGS. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. WARE HOIStS.MILLS.MaOHINKa-rtCARPENTFR SHOPS. Also, on* FURNITURE. MERCHAN pi/L, and all PROPERTY liable to bs injured or destroyed by Fire. tonus CDERS ' RlßKi * on the mo »t favorable S3** 4." to*-'** Promptly paid in Richmond. __2_ Fire In»uranr-e, at fa ir rates, in the most sste aaa reliable companies. North or South, call on _ C. R. BRICK EN. rwr. - » General Insurance Agent. Office on Pearl et.. opposite J.N. Gordon. ->M-« Next door to E. D. Eacho. B_aWs* ,n,Br * ncp " White Persons and MUTUAL SYSTEM ! SLAVES' INaiIRA_p2 NUAL DI Y ID _ NDS ! .i.av__ I_SU_ ANCE one month to five years _. at low rates. The best Companies in the Union represented. All losses prompUy paid in Richmond. Call and get a padiphlet and Circular, giving full p __^B_ l, __! c "» r, P*j>'<»«. tstes, Ac, free of charge. c. r h e greatest advantage! now offered with re gard to Life Insurance, by C. R. BRICKEN. n ~ _ , General Insurance Agent. Oifict Pearl st., oppoiit-* J. N. Gordon's. -»■--. Next to E. D. Eacho't. R__ Preserve your Teeth—Arrest Decay- Ibseaired Oum- restored to a lualfhv condition hr th-T D " K WDEN '« DENTAL FLUID It whitens the leeth. prevents th<* formation of Tartar, af -li d "_lr c f dy T ? Uet to T ooth * ,she . » nd imparts a deluhtfulporfuineto the breath. Recommended by Dentists everywhere. For sale by all Drug «i»ts. apl4-St* ___*-__* _■>•"*• JE. t*A. Plnce wish te in* l D_ l __i' e ..A ad "* of Richmond of their having REMOVED their DRESS MAKING BUSINESS -i _ e ._°J! d »treet, between Clay and Marshall sts., where they wil be pleased to execute any orders in their line of huaine*.. ap )3-iw* ■__ Prepare for Hot Weather ! ~ _. REFRIGERATO^ FH,GERATO,,S - The subscriber has l>een appointed by the manu facturers, Messrs. E. ». Farsen A _0.,501e Agents, in Mam street, for the sale of their unrivalled DR. KANE REFRIGERATORS! WITH THR WATBJUB-B I'ATKJIT VK.ITILATOBS. All others bearin. tbat name are not genuiae.and purchHsers will please be careful to examine them before buying. Also, the celebrated LARRABEE REFRIGERATORS which have now been before the public for the last eu'lit rears. The above Refrigerators are not excelled in the country for all the requisites to l» found in a tor article, and persons in want will please call and compare, before purchasing elsewhere _- ,■> ,i J r ttoß - t. 137 Main it . ap 12-otif 3d door above Dispatch Office. •..Herring'* Fire-Proof Safes, HERRING'S FiRE-PRtOK n s f -FE^ OOf HERRING'S FIRE *"**' Agency 130 Mam atrtg **•»» ap 12-6t KNOWLEB A WALFORD. >_» Southern Sewing Machines. LESTER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. RICHMOND, VA. Tbe subscribers have formed a joint stock com pany for the purpose ol luahuficturiii" LESTER'S CELEBRATED TWO-THREAD, LOCK-STITCH, SHUTTLE SJBWIN-I MACHINES, a'lncli, from simplicity of construction and adap tation to all branches of needlework, stands un rivalled, and we offer them to the publio with full conbdence, believing that a fair trial of the ma chine will satisfy all of oar ability to furnish thii _wn ec '"*««i>,rr.*m OUR OWN rALTORY. that will prove ,„ every respect equal to the best furnished by Northern manufac tories. These machinosare manufactured and sold under teal rights from E.lias Mows, Jr., Wheeler A Wilson s Manufacturing Company, Graver k Bx ker s .owing Machine Company, and I. M. Sinter Job. I .Lester. James 8. Kent, Abrain Warwick, P. Horton Ketch Horace L. Kent, Christian A Lathrop. Edmond, Davenport A P. C. Warwiok. Jr" _P°A' „ . Boiling W. Hsxall, W G Paine, H. K. _11, sob, ' J. L. Appersnn, b W. Knnwles, ,?; a W c ° ,, i dr rf«"a T h,> «* L - D Walford. I hos. W. McCaace, John A Geo. tiibson. James Dunlop, Keen. Baldwin A fril- Thos. R. Price, loams. Wm. Beers, Edmond A Davenport. -r H _ a *- nUeue * C.Gennet. W. B. Wsrwick. Wm. A. Walters. ti; *ii "pwison, 8. McGruder'sSons. W. H. Macfarland, L. W. Glass brook, Sam'l Putney. John Pureed. Geo. J. Sumner, Crenshaw A Co., H. E,C.Basksrvill, Corbin Warwick, William Palmer. Gen. W. Yancey. John Thompson Brown, Jas. A Cowardin, Joseph P. Wißstoa, W. B. Pleasants, ! Sam'll J. Harrison. N. B.—Local Agents wanted in all the large cities and towns in the United States aad Caasda. p_i»iNTHi_ > iai e _ l i , f•.'"s:• offioe for Kirinat, CORINTHIAN HALL, Main strset. Address -.k __._« ? TisJl Manufacturing Company. mh M'.*__p Richmond. Va. | Al At J. W. RANDOLPH'S. Ml Mftin ________t THE BIBLICAL REASON WHY, a family tßide . to scripture Readmits; ai. * J*m*mm LETTERS FROM SWITZERLAND, by 8. J. BTORI Es', _v*Grace Greenwood; 80c. • ttAINBOW AND LUCKY, by Ab- WA_T_ Mwili 01 ". ********* 7to. *_n_niv R A B i_ WOOD ' * Lo»a Story; Al. STORIES of Inventors and Discoverers, by J. Timbs. illustrated; 78c. ' THE HISTORY OF PRANCE, by Parke Godwin; rr. eiiS^ 8 .- b " *" E ' Btt,W#r ******* L'brs ry eeitiwa; SI. * p M-lt _____?_"*-«* „ WEST A JOHNSTON'S Pabluhiag, Bookselling aad Stationery Establish . „„_, inent.Mt Main st.. Eagle Ssuare A VOYAGE DOWN THE AMOOMTiEth a Lead ___._/_■___*_ &V*l *** 'aa'deatal No: ties, of Maechooria, Kamacbatka aad Japaa. By Perry McDonourh Coliina. Bl*S. LIPTI OK HON. SPhPHEN A%oVg_AS,U.S. i Senator from Illiams, with his most important •aaeehea and Resorts. By a member of the _ western Bsr with a portrait. SI THE PIONEERS. Preacher? aad'psopl. o, the a M u*TOttf^ r^f^l%_i?l#^S_, _ ol tli*"Heirof Redelytfe." _#• _v. TH B, M i , r.vH._V_^ U8 ' VI. ■ BtAO. VRiis. rf* _ _ N J°, RB^ND OISCOVKR' A_Tii N _ B |v. C W C . X AND T" K I'REPUL An*- £*_* for *W aad young. By John THE __v/__\ A __PI h . il _ B _ , f-. r _ t, °-"' »••• o «f__.V. P "ANCB.lAaci.Bt GauL) ___sT___?*_l*_ F, P__ Pieturf. By Sir Ed- Library adition fl. tt « H i___£ Il<EB B * *—» b Abhott.He. ahould bs^ffire_B3d l °to reC#,,r * "° Ul * ********** _. i__ii* _ * JOHNSTON. •f I*-"1 *-" Books.lUrs.lU Main street. Pmsbl** MAOAZIRM FOR MAY. W ____S AOT WOOD; by Paul Riogvolk. A .mat TH S_2l^*^V'tMilSil AMD PRO-LB u;ii_ M«"awtif»iyß»ler„ by William Hsary asv i , ___?J!^ l **« lo { | »- Pice flat* BAY _A__* ?, _ AL .s b » the author ol " Wide, Wide b, .WS-bSrtoa ok*«.- THE UAU*NTED HOMESTEAD; by Mrs. E D. I -.' J?' goathworth Paper, a volt., fl; sloth, a #1 at. Par eaie hy , I toiis&t3l>* Lady'a Book snVallather popsta? rerie&eala " _____al_______m_s ____A*~-_i_____"" _B__Ttmt > I _ wjiiim LA PIES t. work obMAN- TlLLAlaad -USflks. Apply, this morn* tmg. at Mt*. tTRUK'S Mantilla and Hnjahirt M_a_faut.ry.67 Main street. Als-, made out of old ones that are worn oat. at 10-It* WASTED- Three or four JOURNEYMEN PAINTERS. Apply p. ' WM. MITCHELL. J»P_l6-»t__ Broad, near Mayo street. WANT Kit-One or more ROOMS, or a small . HOUSE, near i but North of) the County Court- House. Imm ire st this otfice. ________ WAHTEB-A PURCHASER-RARE __ CHANCE FOR MILLINERS AND HAT X_J» B iT'.a_»h to sell a complete set of FASH ION ARL E BLOC K8 aad S PRESSING I RONS?Ior _**?' _ w '.'""ds IrtuißSss, consistiag of Msn snd Boy s Blocks. Bloomer and Bonnet Blocks, in quire of the sitfiacriber. at Dudley A Co.'s, 7i Main street, between 2 aad So'clock P. M. ap lt-3t» HAM'L McRICKARD. -U7ANTKO-TO RENT-A iid_JIESIDENCE, vy with from seven to nine rooms, and comfort able rooms for servants, in a genteel neighbor hood, and not too remote from the business part of the city State tsrms. Address "J. C.." Bob 6, Richmond, Va. ap lt-ts white girl, to COOKVnTWASH ** for a family of four. Apply on 37th street, lietween ('lav and Leigh. -*?ltl n * WILLIAM P. CREECY. WA"TEn..NEGRO.-l want to purchase » **. NEGRO MAN. who hashed experience in taking care of and driving horses, and also in gar dening, a man of middle ags would not be ob jected to. He must lie sober and honest. Such an one would find a very comfortable home. Address _____________ v a. ,2t * WANTED-A man wbo>understaadsPAßlvr ING and GARDENING., to reside on a farm sear Richmond. One with a wife who can man agea DAIRY would be preferred. Also, ten LA BORERS. Address Box Ml, Richmond P. O. ap 13—lw WASTED-A good~OPr_iATOR on Wheeler A Wilson's Sewing Machine. _ aplO-ts CHILES A CHBNERY. WANTED— For ths balance i.r tbe year a good -~_w , A £ O NKR; *«» eaeerieaeed ENGINE RUNNER, aad ten able NEGROES, at the Car bon Hill Mines. Appli to Mr. Rbihs, at Coke \ ard. corner 10th aad Cary its. JNO. J. WERTH, Agent. W .C-TJP.P - Gentlemen to bear in mind that *_, KING'B is the place to get their LIGHT CAS -BIMERKS scoured and pressed, to look like new.. Goto KING'S and see his work. ___ ap 3—lm 10th St.. baaaaaa Msin and Cary. WA NTE D-1M ME DIAT EL V -30 first-Fate MANTILLA MAKERS. None but good hands need appl v. GINTER, ALVEY A ARENTS. ap*—ts Corner of Main snd 13th streets. WANTEO.-I wish to purchase a pair ol extra larjie, well-broke MULES. mh39-ts JOHN J.WERTH, Agent. WANTED.— I wish to hire for the Win's Sul phur Bprings Company about 100 DINING ROOM and CABIN SERVANTS, for the ensuing Springs season. THOS J. KAGBY. Genersi Aient, 8 Wall street, mhtl-lm Under St. Charles Hotel. WANTED-2.W0 dot. Champagne BOITLES wanted by DUDLEY A CO., _Bih 13-ts Tt Main st__ TITAN TED—Everybody to know that _____i " commenced the manufacture of TRUNKS, CARPET-BAGS, and VALICES at No. M. Main atreet. Richmond, where they can find a beautiful assortment of Trunks, Valices, and Carpet-Bags, of every style, at prices as low as they can he bought in the Northern cities, both at wholesale and retail. Trunin repaired aad Covers mads to order, at the shortest notice, de JB-4m JAMES KNOTTB_^ PERSONAL. OWE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE WAS I> For the detection ofthe Pup that barked st me I through the New York Police Gnsette; and I also forewarn the public to beware of bis stock, for he must be one of the lowest Ours. HAGAN'S JOHN, Creek Nation. *»B-m _ ISthstreet__ : "TV-TirE.— Delinquent consumers of Water in __ MADISON WARD are hereby notified that i they fail to pay then bills onor before the ltith in«t. before the hour of 3 o'clock, P. M.. they will b dealt with according to the requirements of the following extract from the ordinance concerning the ArV ater Works : By aii ordinance passe,! by the Council. MayZlst. ISSB, 'If any Water Bill remain unpaid for tuibty bays next r.fter on wh'eli it is presented, the Auditor shall notify the Superintendent, who shall ■top the VV ater being used on the premises in re spect to which the default exists, (and he shall not allow it to be used on those p.-ernises again until ■aid bill is paid.) and live per cent, will lie added to the origiaal amount of tne bill, which shall t« placed m Mia. hands of the City Collactor. who is hereby authorized and required to collect the same aa if it was due for city taxes." ~. „ D. J. SAUNDERS, Jb.. for mhlo-lt M. L. SrBATToB, Auditor. NOTICE. ••In order-to have a change in busi ness, weve'iuest all peisons indebted to us, by note or open account, to come forward and make p.v merit without delay, as we wish to settle up the bu«ine >s ofthe eeeeera as speedily as possible All persons having claims arainit the firm, will please present thsin without delay. Our stock on hand is large at present, and we oner it at a reduced price f«r cash. aplti-lw AUSTIN A GENTRY. T WOULD respectfully call the attention of all r lovers ol a pure slues of SODA WATER to cive my.fountain a trial. As I keep conttantlv on hand, with a fresh assortment of Syrups. Creams, Ac..tosaK,SODA WATER manufactured from the best Bicarbonatcd Soda. ... W. L. WARINti. ap lt»—1 w IG7 Broad street, above •*h. pVERYBODV GOES TO GOLlWiillT-h~ E-iaOft BROAD ST-Everything is selling extra ordinary cheap, as he is closing out his stor-k, pre vious to his removal. Bonnets. Flats, Ruche* Millinery fioodx in seneral. Striped, Checked. Bril liants. Nainsook snd Sw,ss Muslins. Dress Trim mings; TsrletMU.HDa r-u.; White Hose, 10cts; splendid Bleached Cottons. 8 cts.; lon* Mitt. double and twisted. Wets; short do.. 37> a cts ;' Mantles. Dusters, Chesterfield, and other Ka lans; Irish Linens, Embroideries of all kinds Hosiery. Gloves, (ia tint lets ; 31)0 Hoop Skirts, at half the regular price. I* is to the interest of everybody to call, as the lioods must be sold to nnke room previous to movins. and we hays only a little time to do it in. So those who want bar gains should call immediately at. E. GOLDSMITS, »'8 Broad st. JJO D A W ATE R...We beg to inform our t_J friendi and the public, that we have this day commenced drawing Soda Water,which is manu factured from pure Bicarbonate of Soda, by au apparatus which combines all the modern mi provements. with the addition of two chambers, in winch the gas is washed, consequent!, the Watsr is purer thau that mads by any other pro cess. Our Syrups are manufactured from ths fresh fruits, not from deleterious essences. Fresh Cream Syrups every day. PJAB. H. PEARCE A CO.'S New Drug Store, near the Capitol Sqnare, Corner Mh and Broad streets. UODA WATEK.-Mv Soda Water apparriiuTis k-» ia perfect order, and for quality of Soda Wa ter acknowledge no superior in tins or any other oity. lam also supplied with freeh Cream every day from this, throughout tbs season. __ __ *_ L WARING. Wa.Ms.bea_ street, above »th. FASHION \RLE STRAW BON MMT». n RUCHES AND RIBBONB. LACE VEILS?-- Opening this morning fivs cases Straw BaanaeUof ths ns.est shapes; alio, boxes Spring Ribbons. „ CHAS. A.GWATKIN. Cornerßth aad Main streets. L _?£_r_W___*' *>*>•***** Ac.-CHAS. -t- A. GWATK IN w opening byever* steamer, s handsome assortmsnt of spring Wrappings Bar gains, bargaine. C. A. GWatWiN, Corner tth and Main streets. S _!*___•• _ ke, _!*P bbU ' C * n _ ***** Cmttara, hhds. x\sw Orleans and Porto RieoSugsrs; MO twxei Adamantine Caadlss; 74 bbls. Muvo va-'o Molasses; SS bbls. Portland Byrap; to bbls. Octerhausen 8) rup. POTTS. PA RL BY ACQ. SPECIAL BJOTIt E.-SODA WATER." sool ___ *S •aa's'ing, drawn from porcelain fountains, with 1* ruit, Catawba, Rainbow, and other Syrups ** „ C.S.DAWSON.. Corner Main aed ISth streets. T ___? ___* : »|-i. r P>uß«a # for stewiag for *■ Üble use—good substitute for peachsi; also ri-f-__Lf pr _*«. km * J* I ?** fuU H* v »'ad and sweet; lust received for sale by [ LOUIS J. BUBSIKUX.No.mMainst. | nOLORED CLOTHS. COLOR'DCLOI MS. ri_.a_' c * , -'f d .f'J ot « 0 '* U, 5 *_ J ***)***' Ladies* Uoths, suitable for »P„_s_Closk«. which we tall tt «i Wperysrd JOHNSON A HARWOOD. _ No. 77 Main st. pRBSH BUTTER, PRCSM IVffl_»7= A Just received ISO pounds ver* aiee Batter, aad expect to receive more ob Tuesday neit. W GDANDRIDGK. No K. Broad tt S_£™_______"**__**-_ •■"•« >ot prime *-* Hams. Shoulders and fides for site by • S PLEASANTS. Agent. No. 1 Main St., corner 17th. WHIS_.KYrPr.aeh ~Bread, aad. Holland Gib, very superior. for salt by _ B. P-EASANTf, Ages'. No. S Maia strtet, coraer 17i_. W WALLACE'S PL R E MOUNTAIN . DEW WHIBKEY. a* a. . TO*' WALLACE SONS. Corntr Pearl and Cary sts.. Richmond. Va. *-* BACCO.-3W pkts. m store. f«ar sale b» __w mTWa LLAC E. SON 8. PINK HAVANA CIGARS, warraaatTita" --* a:ae-a small ooasisaniest. for sale by •©*•. F ___ J ? __* _° "*»a. Ettra>Bd Bup.ifia. PUm7, r.s.i.ot *-*** sw PRKNI H BRAftDV.--«>«___. Pn»«. Brss 200 SK^lr,^ s^*^^ __ J**-J?^y±93Jo*B 22* »%«:ttS^gi •♦*.. lor sals by WM. WALLAC_«ajNi IyMISRbV.-M bhto Rye Wbu .___:_rwMr__{fis_ir - B_Bl4ff_j__{S»^««» "IJULbV^V_^&_ -^4 -_-«at mmrnt -.aoaiia. -~ mmn *f :^ 9M ) _lß___rl_nk_LaVw_Bt Mm- _____ - _ 4 • m 10*%^ Alro Si_sSi-*^ s si F •• • at A . W,,| heasbvsrioiViiV-A!'_*'• lastoßt. stso'oT'k b!ti. A P*."-,,.. bouse A Co.. Msede _ l_L' , *' , "f M.*.. „ ths lust.mte _**** * "»•••. »..<! _??£**, ____ .... SRsL' »OA__D_lfa . B?n J"h-drs-,* wwhSalT;"s* «et__ *,„ _, BOARD, Bd _^^'S^^ ■_ We rnome.suiKible f„,' ******** mg ._ commodate sfew DAY BOAHf?.u- : ••«__* House, on Grace, bstween m.i *'!*"• fS-T* _sp C-2.' ' "* l *"* n ■ k sad ah «£.; * Bo ah uokit c nt7_tL _E *** ROOM, ob imiueZt , "" ,t DKB!t_> b«.ld.-g of 8 » Powhata. Hawse. The" wdi ti f* ' "*«■&_ or to a married gentleman -._ '"W",* pARRER HOtSfc. Gentlemen will find the _______ *■*.„ with every effort for thets_£t f "f**a.<>&L DER aot excelled io thef_l^Vfe»u^ -■__*- 4 -__~- - WHS* *fi MITE SULPHUR WATER WIIITKsr,T M H T ( ", { s.. , i.,v Th. long «"«»« SULPHUR BPRXNG*?(br'th,,' 1'V?" "11T1 easss. renders dbms.ent their____*»•» oaey unnecessary. " Ir "•didi, ]i For many years the waten ef ___ ■ been transported and used b. tH»_____Btai homes, and, espenen.-e MrJtt2__***•* same beneficialeff.ets Sl*a7iJ____ J** S ■aMtMbta rfras* />«.,* at the fount?-!*****l*» These waters are rentu AHKRii?* decidedly ALTERATIVE. a remedy, and the quality Bioresu2_ '"'■' s given to them their high reputa.__?_?■! terative power, or their peenUr -___*»»* ences. by which they rtu\utauf,t*!R*>»n\ turn*, resolve CoTumi* '«■"< obstructions in the smaller **essta___ !_" "* morbid accumulation* from ■______ •"'*., the alterative srVrs/2_ „_■'■» minded in alßaost ever* ___ «♦?»_ •■■*•»* A. in APERIENT smH TKHirTt range or diseases to which lasVy %,•_____ "h b. apparent to mericl „ le „--,Vr h X i-** as. r/.reaa.r afftet.ons of tli« S Vonul , T 4 " * Liver, hulneij.. Skin, Jv >, I- , *.*»*■••. lions of ths organs generally, ths, aSLa. '' effects, stimulating those ttist »,. , ! ■*'": establishing heialtny see eti n Vin .u,r?*' * ■ m i_'_vS , p"kM?_"' ll ******** ****** In in SI LPSIA and m Chronic wt_* tbe mucous coat of the Stonueh __l B___" ■ are employed with the ta B In the var.oui tanaeof 1.l vk«ID <Vasi. . CHRONIC DIARRIbKA I. «o them, after a*VEH^£^ t.on, they sre very lerviceni-k '"aaa Tn?4_*__ r^/ f'** rf - CHWl ««Co_nii riJINs. ho., pecunar to female*. t„e, r "a*. ,B _Vt!__f_ , r_ fte _ ~_i"*»"y, ._ i "*»"y •"••"" ' ___» .yALOIA aad ths ranees ism. __. When they are the reault ~f ,*es_iT___ wato?. *" U °* tea "'"' In CHRONIC RHEUMATISM.Itaw km,.,. fic.*cy is ceval witn the early 1.i.t0,,' . Springs. ."*wrj ot v .t__."- I t- p f n, ? l,v ? **' ro i" !lt "aa|lt« tsßttaflOn their value has l.en l„n< Hiiprec.Hle.l ' InMEKCLRIAI. DIBK__E» _^fi ttfcttl . liar a.ection that results fn.n. the twlujVTi cucy in avrrajUTii Hiiectn.ns. i full temmJiL Water stands sari v»ii*u io ,ts tarsavtpM Wt. Pamphlets dsssripUr. „( ifc, BefcaSu. racier and applicabilities ~f the \V»tei- ■»..>_ giHtis.oiiapplici,ii sto tbe Agenti „ HjL. These Wmers. secure!, put is . ••, Sprinirs in glass bnttlss, an so. bsuu ranhrt furnished to the Agents ,n R ebmos< aWtttsn plr »f the nener.l publio. _J_To prevent iliipositu.n, »nc!i Imnlt. kai-. WAIfcM. blown in tho felass, Vrisett a note is genuine. Oedera from individuals, and tde *-ts*i t___n cutthß Luited Slates, should l.tir_UHu , , PURCELL. LtDDkCO, .-ipii-*Jni_ be.'l Aeeets. HidMaw-U I) A I 1, B I X I. .1 II l> . a.. bltli st., near Mam. RTliumnd/.i Ihe siii«,rri'.er is now put'uu up. in tnvi • country, all kmdiof HYDRAULIC tPPAIATI< on the most icientific and approved tnteiwi v wsrranred to work well. ALSO— ire. and llrais LIFT md ram I*!/_,__ Copper BOfLERS. BaTH Tl» WATER CLOSETS. WasH,STA.nW SHr r.R* for Hot nnd Cold Water. Ac HI>;AW -v GAS PITTING. MKTALIC ROOrirlS -IT I'ERINii and BPOUTIHG. dose in tha Wat most in hit initial maniier, and <>n vrr» HtßHi diating terms »%_ Orders from any part of tha Stall i>rnnrt, attended to -ipll ' VI X«. I■ IA LIP ft IPrMHAHCR M_g_ NY-RKiH "SITION -A rttaiMtias •■! > dollars per ihs'e on the slisres in ill* ospitltiM lof the VIRiiINIA LIFE INBURANCB COM i'AN V, will lm due an.i payahle al Iht ml '■» I Crettaaay. ea MOW MAY. April l«'h, lmin. By order of the Board «•! LHrtcten. .• pl *l 2t _ J* ADAIR FLKA.SA.vrs.ibf■ HANKS' ini'HOVKII a,KIUMIItN beobuiuedof BLAIR A OIIAMBKKLAVH dealers in Teas. Wines, anil timers generally. No. '2 .Main atreet. ■_. Pries .. 14ju per Imihel. sp li-i: NEW STVLK MVUftEM SHTSJiiit s oeived st N. WALK KR *d» * ' _ , . _ luJMiinatr.l. «sw Style Business Suits just received at - „. . - N - WALKER ACO U,IDS Mat* Fine Black Dress Suns for sale at _ -. L N WALKER A CO.'S. l«JMi.ii; Fine Black Dress Suits for ssls st N. WALKER A CO f.lltt Vaini'. Cassimete Business and Dress Suits nWt ><"»'»' at IT WALKER A CO. _. MMIM* Csssimsrs Business and Drsss. .itiiEauitusroar. tt N. WALKER A CO.'S. lul Va.ri.. CLOSING OUT-A CHANCK POt HaKfl __/ KKEPERa.-Haviug taken ths a..- >•■ > Main street, lately oc-iipieu by Msasn. Bo'>' J Hon, where we intend to open in a l>"« i*'i- * ' a new and in _nihceiit stock of China. *i s*«w»'* Hour*- Furnishing and Fancy lio.Mli. ws '.Ifcr •«' st,*ck st tbe corner of Bro id in .1 .W *trr«u at tut prises as will msurs their speed* »ali sail <>__* cuitoiucri a chance to get «r*;»i l»r»M»a few call iiuinediately at SCHAAi* k Co I Corner of 11r..s J and Si s^rssia pOM POUND Ea»-.-< X OV JtWAI<» Vr GINGER.-Tlns Essence contaici all thea pertiesnf tbe Jamaica Ginger in its —sst•__•_• trstsd torm. and is one,.( the Ust nun ) in" 1 : ™ sow in use. It is an excilient t.n.i. •»'!» V grateful to tbe stomach, and is mvain at-'i t>" • ■ gestioß.Cheiic. Hearttairn. Ki-itui«d.•». HnW* ■>' Acidity or Paiss of the Stoma, a I'reparsd «• sold br A. BODEKER * CO Drsstftt No. li».-sisiti.' --0~ LU n«».ill*4lON I ANOf Ft! TORL -1 have just completed m* «»• ' sale sad retail store, the largest ''•"•*.' k tory ia this eitv. for inskinx supermr Kefcnej'' m dies. .Merchants are reauesle.) to tear* IV r■ ■ dsra st my wholesale sto c. it th-i wist to *• fifty per cent. I hays sis... st ihn B_«. i *■■■*. plete itock of Confectiouerirs, übm»_ll»_» ■* their freshness. Csllst A.AMro*)". lit MicoLa >_*>•; Opposite Kent l-ise*'-"-. ( iO»PM TIOtIKKIKS A» R -wl '.V V-» PRICEB.-R«ceivuig tins U»» r* aja* lU9 bsis Almonds. Cream Nuti. MM ***,** auto; «W Uixss R*ismis;SO ojum * t ***V!!j'', gsr; 9t» boxes Orsiues and Lemons: •« »' fresh Fits; IU casks Currants; HOists rrssss. * the. French Candies. lam also mslisi d ****** bit Rei.-ed Caadies.uastusilsal duesd prices. Bt. Nisholss Saloon, op Keut. * p» HOOP SKIRTS! MIMtP «» _TS ;! gI J_ hare just rscsived s l«t of H made very light, of W.s veri, tf*«'K'*_"Vi, to which ws is viU the sttenn.-s of H. l»€_P". „ arsodsriag them st vers l..*s* »'"**•.. T t ' v , . tbem of tbe fol'owtsg hiss. *«. ♦ ' w .'__.,» 17 hoops, for misses: fa. a>.».»».« •***'*•,? for ladies. The above ms.eis .«r> ****Z t , meat, sad we art uteris* "•'* I < v h "_.', Shirt of good tualit, %^ |V. TO * OUSTry~7*.v*_ ,i*eV?> Country merchanu shou.,l he Ten r__ where itei n.%ke their ».. .-hasesal *-•_*". there w pleat > ..f so saMt O *******J m \ ot had sugars snd passed mi t-; H>« » 9* **\ S sold in itorei »n <• .niiin«»i«'i. *--' '"S _,_, <i onlers st the regular »ea_qii»rt«rs..f Issd Candy manufsetory. mxde **gf***B *** aad there yim willtet s *o.*d »£•'«'• p Mj, c A. ANTON!, opposes aesi. *****'% _l_ni R»t». MOUNTAIN w _* _T,V'. OUU TtTiotio brandit» essks P.»t. Malata Wiaei te Wds. Pssasj lv«s. *****- , t ' d>; U V.ra.o.* A»sl« «< *'"*'' «V* tßarier aad eishth ssski imtaartsa Br»»J>■ ■ fresh Ale aad Street Cider; tar •** Jo k m -Vffi^V_lAM !l^__i^l-i^, W HY; Hedway's Reidy M« l_rer levtgoraior; Aitr'tCbsrn WiMluw's Soothing *yrtat; Dr. Nu.«aiM»i Hheumati. ■•^_ o!< „ Dj-i* Coiasr tth and »■<■** _g_; -i BI » M «». VA»*lSM»^»eM^ sr-a..k;Cov-h Vsraisb; _SH__HrM *** Dasvar Vsrsiab; Jsmb VsrsiM: »"••■ •"■ auh; Leather Vsriiish-ier sale a>« *»» _j , ,i. ' BODEK KllOa. No. M *•*» ( 1 6WS geaaiM Brov Wiadsgi .^oo..'* CerMiM-r.iai^^ TO^J ,r,,ii MM * «^ r MtL a pais, tg c Wß #rM*iaMJ• r »• , * iiKB-^^^^^i&alJ*--^