Newspaper Page Text
sT __ttlt-J_nCHMW.k roa t—HBSMM w.-a»ot.l ft***' ... — -—— LATBi* FROM CALIFORNIA. . _i ihe J a pa.r»r Embassy ..Their irrl'* 1 %.,,„_, is America, Ac. twaaeteoo, April i-a P. M.-Tbe V. <;*»■ J*V-whataa, wi.ti the Japanese tm « os*A**\ ' , ~ rived here on the _rth ult. I******,. __wtai to A»|.inwall and there be r»' T , w *_ to the a*"" «r»itate Roanoke of a%i "tatty w"* ~ , * u I. _I*Jnib their voya*e. siaaW *,',«, by ibis arrival, are to tbe Istb j*!** 0 " 'xheUoverninent was stamping |f**_____art and makiug them legal cur- Up**** ■ *_?-___ataa armed at Honolulu (Send ™i P l,T;*' *nt«- Mi af March, and re *** i... nl the The eral*a»sy were re a* 1 in tbe highest honors there, and for fSimnA****** b r the King and Queen, who ***\ Mil m 'heir honor. •*** Wtsßet mines excitement still con- PR ***\ --*-*-—! i«. ouoted in this market at |tttrscia"« ,-Sl*':' v- .... .- - from ' slltsr.ia in Eleve. Oays r The V** p aH v Express. . v ,< Mo. April It—Theflrst messen- ST ■,,',,, Osatral Overland Pony- Express, f T ° r 'i here at four o'clock yesterday atler a**a ( V w, c.ihf.'inia dales to April .'id, and ____Vallt» dales to ihe Ith. *S_!~__| wf .«nfa_ came ihr.iujrh in ten days to T!i ".",,' be having left San Francisco a"t !,', L_foaAß«tt**' ' . ..,- it the deranjremenl of the wire Be* *„ uget tad St I.<>>ulis tbe reports werede __7satil »•* morning. ■ , ;"'. ~,|. iat ure i* occupied in considering *t Praaclsco bulkhead bill. The contest *__ use proaortlaaaM to the vast interests' "'*\r.i the rttall is doubtful. *■»• State i-Hpitol j>eeins jNTtnauen ily located ilxUf'—T*i ieWJBa. having been appropri -1"i far iii>-1 .mm eh cement ol acapitol build l *r.lncti i? W cost when complete S_*ti,(HNt. Tbi iapeaess tteaaa corvette Can.inamur ■kkaiaaralß the dry-dock at Mare Island Srf.tsrd, and been put in complete order L.;.! ciisrge. Qnmmwdott Ciiiiinn.liain explaining that ~ , lie hid no authority to render he felt sure that he was [gifirryiag out the intentions ol hisGovern !__L )i. doiaa for the Japanese steamers all T, t,f . iild do for an American man-of-war. fit failed Slates steamer Powhatan With ■■, ispaaeet Embassy, oeaeittiag in all ~.-i tbe-.Tth. Alter repair* and '» rjj.'which will take some days, she will Lxeei at Panama. Thf Embassy proposes L ..»-a>i s in.oiih on the Atlantic side, aud I J H return via Panama iv the Powba- Pfaaata and the United States. \fi?Hi.Miic>'. April 11—It appears by the Mrn *pondeßCs between the government of the i ~;n! S-sie» and thai al Prussia, dating as mtwt* V I" 11 ', le—l while Prussia has evinced ti* aft** Maw ***** conciliatory disposition _, ||| ;he uidividiiil cases of compulsory en. fctatatof Batßialiaed Aourieaa citizens in astray ot ihat Kingdom, tbat she does not BW-*taare desire to -urreiider the principle attrwA Ifitj voluminous report or correspondence ateiei our liowrnmeut aud that of German tmfA coiii-eining ilu* rights of naturalized _u_-ii* to •»i?it the places of their nativity, »",'. Btdl le the Senate to-day. deans! Gees (are down the general doctrine Sttt tlllltlittd ci'.i/en visiting Germany inuai («■ allowed to remain without hindrance »nJ to depart m pence; that the summary trdtnAfSWa; of such a citizen ofthe United taw without good cause, would be regarded a, in unfriendly act towards this Govern- BfU*. The Freshets am) W ester. Travel. CitcmsTt, April 13,190B.—OolaatSaa pa ■nitaiethat the injuries sustained by the tdkrtAAtmd cauals ia theceutral portion of .ii-Saie are much greater than was antici vs• . The damage to the public works is iaran:-r', prabtMy not less than .«.jli,ihhi. East el Xreark the Central Ohio road is covered Bill w.ver lor miles. At Marietta, yesterday, Stealtrtrst six feci deep on iia.i-m.-ir street, and »as rising at the rate of three inches per hour. Al la_esvilte, the river is l.igber than ever tielore known. West Z-mes *ustkittirerr under water, and the lower ltd of Zir.e s ville li iii the same condition. Ihe Ottutl Ohio Railroad is very much dui_;.d. in. several warehouses upon it are vrn._ed away. The.lansage to the Baltimore and Ohio Rail- Mti ;* cot oi a .-erious character, all is in good .Arbetweea Newark and Baltimore. The jwn.on that eras obstructed by the Hood is be tw*»n Columbus and Newark. A large force in; wink there, ar.d all will be reserved so tin; trains can puss over the entire line to- Bane. .Saturday.) Dryirtttrr of the >l:is«nchusetts Delegates lor t lm r l,>lon. Bor-ix. April IX — Tbe steamer S. R. S{..tu!diug, amply provi-ioned. and about ft) aawapHrs, iinludn;. ihe delegates to the Na mal Democratic Couventioii and a band of Btde, left this evening lor Charleston, via l~l::iflore. in I)i<tm:.l Swamp. Betrouc, April li._An inspection of the ' :>. -*loii|>-01-war Germantown took place to- Ibe i uidition or tbe vessel aud exer riwti th'crew were satisfactory. lie forest in the Dismal S.vamp is on tire. Lake Navigation. lawACTCBB, April 13.—The propelier Prai fi»Sate arrived this morning from the lower lai.- 8 . she being the first vessel through the mill of Mackinac. She passed through —M thirty miles of tloating ice above Skilla phe, with but little, difficulty. •VMesinir Prince Albert at New York. •Us Tofts, April 14.—The steamship ***** A Inert lrom Gal way on the .'list ult., ■kit, Johns. N. 1., arrived st tins port ibis L "'; ..,£ Her advices were telegraphed from ft Johns. b>nurture oi Aui'o|ican Steamers. _Wt Yobk, April 14.—The steamships ■h—fc, for Havre, with vr.rti passengers; Kan- W"".tor Liverpool, witW **!>.">,ihm in specie, '•'■' -Maria, for Hamburg, with a good list ! ' : ia-:eiigi*rr, sailed iioin this port this aiorii- The Ohio at Pittsburgh. toataraaa, April ll.—The freshethas sub- Set There are thirteen feet live inches of -'•" in Hie channel to-day, and falling— •raiser cloudy and cold. A little snow lell Ik morning. Arrival trees Havana. aiaTYoajs, Anrii ll.—The steamship Em- n.._i Uavt.uaaud New Orleans, has J~2*j l " 11 ber advices have been anticipated v 'If Isabel at Charleston. «'< trim the I nited States f.r Miratuoia* BißOauaaa, April 13.—1t is reported that ""iJWith ammunition, Ac., for Gen. Alira- will sad Uf nee shortly. PS BT HIfII.MOND. TO WIT:-At ■ bum tield in the Clerk's Office of the Court ot *'Ae'TitaT. - be **' dc l y ' on M«»n***>. the M day ' Plt'f, j _!_*'*■£!'•'Cocke, who sonietiine* signs',_> g2»__*"»• Archer Co_ke. and Ohastain 1« o, .•*''" •"•netiiuessignshisnameChast'ii I c B"_ j Defts. I ____r*. i . 0a l '"isuit is to recover against the W^v'_».»«* «< TWO HUNOKED AND *Ufvr*\ _k VEN i'OLLABS AND ElGHTY _____*L_?a s *ith legal interest thereon irom a*r_Tl__ ul *I»rck. 1-SW, till payment. Alfidavit i»r,,",7" I ,""i'l*that defendant Chastaia Cocke •Ji'i'.Y.'"" 1 " 1 . 1 °' lv « • v 't• l * , of Virginia, he ia »>u-i mi""" 1 v * *Ppesr in the said Clerk's Office, tea „"'!' "'""tb after due publication thereof, l»r»,t " M *"»» I* necessar* to protect bis in m-u.j. A Copy—Tests: j " --____ 80. HOWAHP. Clerk. ■ _i I L7* U ke " Eaglish Shp Carb. Sod i, for **** DOVe. A CO.. I _a_ Wholesale Druggists, l 'W_ , h, r ' TOBAtuo'.-A'larfa supply of •*s» a_*rf.-•*■ »i*nulactursrs v prices, for 'Ph. * C ":' w b"les*l« DruggisU. 1 t.iILHF-**.** TUBB M6M _t . ■* Warranted accurate: for sale by Buy. *'BOOKKKB * r*«. *> ■"ll'iWl WBISKEY.-POO bbl*.. for sale Ur_a - - * '*' M "AVENHOBT. i__3K____r , !_s t WattS.-JaM-aed __»S_l___ °' v »'*«u» patterns, to be found P*W-- - T.A. BULKLEY^ r*aita S,?, 1 'TK « ORNl._iiut» lai.heU ■^HSggg^SsifcSS. 'pCtiV_ —-L* _-.»■ DAVENPORT, t) fcM N_aß L * «• « DAVKNPOBT_ 'wtt v* ust,. * A ? D J V - A ■*-'■ "Mir of ra ltt ***e».;; _h_cd snd for salti by \\** \\i«a. 'V"- """cWk"'* CO. I '«sfflS # £ , » •_______& ***< -ww p«" "sisKratedbrands.fer sale h* 41 ■** «sd „jy.*J«.--A tart tin article _^W'!_^_l_llY^»»TUM»atA<l. •fe_*_fiM_3__t: „**»». hat been *Va-*ll. •• ¥_Cl, PAVSHJPOBT. SP-CIAL KOTICIIB. ****** rm " m *rrliSi* mi MANTLeT W»> have oaaw opened a.few real THREAD LACK SHAWI.B and MANTLVs tbe toast beautiful (foods ever 'hown in this city. to which we invite tbe attention of oar frieada and ihe public. SAM'L M. PRICE A CO. spll-lw ■__ Special N.tlce.- OANTON MAI iINOS. We have ia store, for sate, aa acooniaiodating terms-- _.... t 4. *-4 aad •-« WHIT*-: MATTIMMBt I 4. t 4 and 6 4 CHECK 80. * Richardson * co. ap 7-lm* Carpet Waiaiaemt. IB Mtia st. __. L yea's Maaactta- INS EC T i» 0 W D E R Est'rm.nates BED RUGA, R<.ACHES. TICKS ANTS. GARDEN INSECTS, Ac. ""lit .*,_ LYONS MAGNETIC PILLS Areeeitain death to RATS and MICE. Sn_ ev ery where, ap ly-dAcwam H__l!MiO.-*sipriiis and Sumiiirt ...|*M>o.~s* AB BSTIBR SBW ITO. X JOHN L. SMITHER, , .__.__. No »MaißsUtet. Large and attractive stock of DRY GOMDS-Foreigu and Domestic Ladies' DRESS HOODS ******** CLOTHS snd CABSIMERES. Sdk and Msrseillea VEBTINGS. The subscriber has just received a NEW STOCK OF GOODS, bought in person at AUCTION, in New York. Hi*stock comprises in part: Splendid SILK"; Beautiful BEREGES LINENS and DAMASKS; ************** PRINTS and LAWNS. Splendid assortment of CLOTHS. CASSIMERIS , , , „ and VKSTINGS, of every grade and color, for GENTS' WEAR. Superior lot of TWEEDS and LINENS, for BOYS* WEAR. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS; large assortment of PLANTATION GOODS, of every var-ety and price, and many other goods usually kept in a Dry Goods store. The subscriber is determined to otier the public and his friends the best selected and cheapest lot of FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS, ever displayed in the city, and will sell the same at the lowest rates to cash purchasers. Call, before buying elsewhere, oa JOHN L. SMITHER, apt—dAwts No. 27 Main street. a_. Double Refined Steam Candies.—My Factory is now complete, and by far the largest es tablishment nf the kind South of Philadelphia, which enables me to otfer to the trade of VIRGINIA. NORTH CAROLINA and TENNESSEE, a« also th* city grocers, an article of citv-insde. Steam-Refined Crushed Sugar Candy, warranted to stand in any climate, much below the Northern price for an article of like ■ andard. My stock of Confectionery, Fruits, and Cigars is unsurpassed as to quality or prices. Alter look ing around, give me a call, and then determine who has ihe best uoods, at the lowest prices. LOUIS J. BOSSIEUX.6 Story Building, _mh29-lmif No m Main st. «__ Morbid Diseases of the Stomach yield more read li to the macieal touch of BAKER'S CELEBRATED I'REMII'M BITTERS than to any other reined, yet discovered lav the Rcien tificworld. Their composition is no mere chance discovery, but the result of years of study; and as they ■re prepared of purely medicinal vegeta tion, they are invaluable to ever) family—hat es pecially soio ever* delicate female and child — Thousands of certificates have been published of their great ethoacy in cases of Dyspepsia, etc., which are really as.onishing. __-_» For sale ay all Druggists. ap _iU_ I9L Notice.--The books for subscriptions to the capital stock of the "OLD DOMINION INSURANCE COMPANY" ef Richmond, will be opened at the Insurance Otfice of Wortham A Wyatt. No. 1»0 Main street, on the lstday of May next, under the direction of inhSO-lm THE COMMISSIONERS. ~l__"Batli*. Oaths. Hntbs. ' ~ HOT. CO!,!) AND SHOWER BATHS, can be had daily, from 6 o'clock A. M.. until 10 P. M.. at the America. Hair Cutting. Shaving, Sham pooing and Untiling Saloon, under the Americ-in Hotel, entrance on llth street. Single Bath 28 cts.; or five tickets for SI. CI BLKTT A SMII'll. S3 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. The undersigned have this day entered into a co-partnership lor the purpose of con.'uctinr a general COMMISSION and FORWARDING BU BIN£S*_ under the name and style of SUBLF.TT A SMITH. Tliey will give their personal atten tion to the sale of TOBACCO. W H EAT and COUNTRY PRODUCE generalW. Particular at tention paid to forwarding Manufactured Tobacco. P. B. St'BLETT, Formerly of Powhatan. JNO. A. SMITH. Late of Danville. Richmond. April sth,lS'o. The* refer to Hon. Wm. M. T red way and V. Witcher. Pittsylvania; Hon. T. S. Flournoy. Hal ifax; W. T. Sutherlin, D*r.ville; Win. Martin, Henry ; W. H. Edwards, Franklin ; Asa Dickin son, Prince Edward; L. E. Harvie. Amelia; Gen. Wm. Scott, Powhatan ; Sam'l F. McGehee, Char lotte, apti- dlaw4wAcw.ini LE ATRUE R ! LEATHER!!- Osk and Hemlock SOLE LEATHER, Oak and Hemlock SOLE LEATHER, Oak and Hemlock SOLE I.FATHER; French, German and American CALF SKINS ; French, German and American CALF SKINS; French, German and American CALF SKINS: Morocco, Kid and Patent LEATHER; Morocco, Kid and Patent LEATHER ; Morocco. K'd and Patent LEATHER ; l.indinss, Linings, L&xunss, Ac; Bindings, Lininis, I.R.«t<ngs. Ac.; Bindings. Linings. Lasting!, *«. Wo invite country merchants and maiiuf.ctu rers to examine <>tir stock of LEATHER, SIK^E FINDINGS. TRIMMINGS, Ac. which we oiler at wholesale or retail, for cash or good pnper. at the lowest prices. All oulers executed faithfully. MAYNARD. ELY * ROSE, No. 46 South Calvert it.. Baltimore, Md. mh ________ ACi slTssl ORDERED FOR _-U,UUU CONNECTICUT! " HELPER'B IMPENDING CRISIS DIBSECTED." . M . W O L F E , E S Q.., Or VIRGINIA. THE MOST POWERFULLY WRITTEN WORK IN THE ENGLISH LANG UAGE! ENDORSED BY 340 MEMBERB UNITED STATES SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 280 Svo. pages; Cloth 91.. Half- Call 91.28; Paper editions 25 cents.SO cents and 75 cents, according to quality ol paper. Sent by mail free of postage, on receiptor price. B_L 10.0J0 AGENTS WANTED. *_■ Addrese, J. T. LLOYD, Publisher. Philadelphia. Pa. Those ordering, will please bear in mind thst we cannot send these books tie fore the Ist A uril, as we are under contract tosupply tbe Stat-of Connecti cut with 40,000 copies immediately. ay. Every Southern paper will copy to amount of 8 10. and send bill to publisher, Imhai—dAowlm 18e0s «•"!!_»•»«' 1860, CHRISTIAN & LATHROP Ars in receipt of. aud otfer to their friends and the nubti.. the most elegant assortment of rich DRESS GOODS and STAPLES, for Families and Planters, that they have ei.r exhibited. Tliey would name—Silks, in Robes and Piece bonds; rich Cans Berege Rot.. 2 to i» Volants; do. Berege Anglais, 2 to 9 Volants; Jaconets, Organdies. Children's Foulards, Pine- Apple C'oth. Valentias. most of which were bought at the recent auction sales, and will I. sold at a lons to the iinporte.ol 26 to fill per ,-ent.; 10 000 yards Irish Linene, lrom io cents to the finest importation t Linen Shirting and Table Damasks; Damask Napkins. Doylei and Towels; Hunk *ud Scotch Diapers; Crash and other Towelling; Linen Muck Berlaps and Drills for Plantation. Also- «, T«.rg? Stock ot Plain and Plaid Ozaaburga. Heavy Snirtings a f ,d Sheetings. Cottonades and other goods, tor men and women, of Maryland and Virginia manufac ture; all of which wilt be ottered as low as such goods can le obtained in any market. . CHRISTIAN A LATHROP. 99 Main »t. 1860. SPRING CLOTHING, lOOU* SUMMER CLOTHING, GOOD CLOTHING. CHEAP CLOTHING. FINE CLOTHING. DURABLE CLOTHING. BOYS' CLOTHING, " aniTNEURO CLOTHING. . Call at SIMPSON A„M,LL,ER'H. 119 Main et., and you will find CLOTHING of tneir itw* wi<»**» facture, which cannot be surpassed in any oiaikei. We will keep during the spring and summer months a full stock of everything that is kept IB tne Clothing liae. Suits, corresponding in color, to lit all «i*e« and at all prices. Our m«»»»o is • E_ eslsior." a«re«ard« fit. style and yrorkmsnsjiip.— The pabiia is invited to ** i i*g**l*' u, W I ** r s9° B M |vss. SIMPSON . AMl.l.hit. Wm. B. Davii>*_X. (late of Charlotte couaty.) Salesman. 1860. »»**«»«_J»^* : ' iB6O. GEORGE STARRETT, _ (Governor Street. Richmond. Virginia.) Offers for sale tbs following list of articles, of his •iwu manufacture, vis: Tin Ware, af ail kinds. Sheet Iron aad Copper Ware. Cast and Sheet Iron Stoves for wtn»d, J* rarieties. Sheet Iron Itovss for w.»id. # D_ ~ Cast and Rfcest Iron Stoves for coal, 10 Ths Brilliant Gas Burner. » sites. Portable Heaters. « „ PorUlde Grate, 8 bia.ioad_ Radiator, a J Factory Stores. , _ * ~ RietMßond Portable Furnace. 3 '* Lieoriee Baiilert, (for wood and coal,) I _' Portable Ovsns ■ tw_ Alto, on •tsntly for sals, the most popul .r **i_VPJfc Wal GEsid HEATERS, now made. aad rteeinns I ecee for tae lame, always oa hai *. a* I k i_i_n i worth of ooooa TO be % ID.UUU CLOSED OUT.-As I have to va cate the present store that I oeoupy Iwtweea th*s aad the lr«t ol June, Ova at that time tbe house will be torn do. a.) I will idler mv present stock of say. • at graath reduced prices. Moste? the goods have lust beta receutly parobaaed undsr greet Can be loesd the ndlowins aitiniest Evsry desorip tjun or Enibroideris*; Straw Bonnets; flat* PluH - trt; Bachsi; Straw Bsml»; Cheoked tMRs. sad sverithius iv tbe Millinery line: a rich aad hand ioae assortment ol Drees Triwutiacs: WhiM tiuotk*ot a'l tarto; Coryets; Blesehed aad Brown Cattoati Towtiißts; Napfciat; Hesisry; Mitts; tMwmtxm ******f**jj Lfi sM IT. B» Bmed street B o *" # ** ************* l, A_^.J»AVEJ|iPORT__ niYtopf w- ***** POR fiALB A-fD RBH-'. I B POSSESSION til V EN-That Urgs and eat" •"■ai.ut LUMBER IIOUSE.ea the. south tide ..f i_* s_frf« adjoining, err lumber yard. It is well adapted to storage of all kinds, or it would make a hne tobacco steuimer) - To a vend tenant, rent .ill be moderate. L. W. GLAZEBROOK. aplt-dlm | t ROOMS POlfc rest, ib the attic story ever ths aehaerihsr'a I __!___ iV L" pi-zinl nhll-u No. iMMaiast. -AA V 9* RKNT-Onsltrge FRONT ROOM. ■|over Store 17 1 Uroad atreet, below •*_. Ass It awavon the premises. mh S—u I _|a FOR KENT. The ROOM formerly oceu- Hfjed as Whitehurst'e Gallery. No. 77 Main it as—tit by in leet, second floor, is for rent Also _ I LODGING BOOM on the third floor. For terms a»ny to Johnson a harwood. jaM-U N0.77 Main street. 49 t& POR RKNT-fhe FIRSr and SECOND K3 FLOORS of the DWELLING over our .tore r «a_. MARCUS HARRIS A BRO." fe »-ts Next to the American Hotel. JA FOR RE NT—The large FACTORY «a | EJ Cary atreet. l.tween loth and llth streets, near ■"■Dunk., Moncure A Co.'a. suitaMe for iV ba_™o Factory. Warehouse, or Manufacturing Ei tablishment. Enquire of E D. Esciio. I MTTiTJNBRY. ggt yf\ OPENING OF SPRING **___ QL*y fashions. hlM_f ZFZ Mas. DEMELMAN, on Main. 1* _!2__s tween 17th and 18th its., informs her customers and the Indies in general, that the is ready to show ber spring styles of MILLINERY, in a I its branchee. I he articles will tie sod cheap I BON N ETS and FLATS altered and ble-ohed. Country merchants and milliners will find bar gains at wholesale, havine bought a large stock for lap 13- lm* | 1M M ELM AN. j-efh MRS. N. W IGANIi, nflh \*h*y i'*o BRO\IiSTKKKT. CORMCR OF BTII. WtWti **~»> Begs leave to inlorm her customers.___s9 and the Ladies in general, that she is resdy to show her Spring styles of MILLINERY in all iv branches. MILLINERS and COUNTRY MERCHANTS supplied cheap. apß—2w tfm *f\ SPRING MILLINERY. »ft_, MRS DAVIH A~sisTEß.2l4 Broad__K Street, between tth and 6th, North side, have just received a lane and varied assortment of SPRING MILLINERY, embracing, all the latest styles, to which we invite the attention of the Ladies. Also, a large assort- I ment ol Children's GOODB. ~!»3-w . *. w «" «Pan our BPRING BTYLEB on WEDNESDAY, the 4th inst. ap2-ts | «*£- BIROS! BIRDS! RlßPsl \*Jt\ t FREE EXHIBITION OF BIRDS s_l FROM THE FOUR O CARTERS OP THE ! GLOBE! A splendid variety lust received from the East Indies: Five varieties of the smallest CAGFD BIRDS in the world; imported CAN' A Rl ES. V at sing by gas-neht; a variety nf LEARNED BIRDS: a BULLFINCH, that whistles the "Marseilles Hymn;" some LEARNED CANA Rl ES,one whis tles -Yankee Doodle:" TALKING PARROTS, BRAZILIAN LOVE BIRDS.SpanishTROUPIAL or Spanish Mocking Bird. Irish THRUSH, lri?h SK \ -LARK, and the English STARLING, taught by Minnie, Ac. Our Spring Bupply just received by the Bavaria from Europe. BROAD STREET, Nine doors above the Va. Central R. R. Depot, ap 11—12t* ! fl\__ FLY-BY-NIGHT. - The celebrated _X_J!Ji imported horse FLY-BY-NIGHT will * * stand the present season at the stables of I the subscriber, near Clarksville. Mecklenburg I cunt.. Va.. at .*SO the season. $75 to insure. The I stanit is 12 miles from Scottsbiir., or Wolf Pitt, on I the Richmond and Danville Railroad. mh Sl-lm JAMES WILLIAMSON. __ TEN DOLLARS KKW Villi... I Ti ____. Stolen, from m> stable, on the ninht of ■H th<*3u:h or morning of the 31st March, a _Jl_7T-lulit. sorrel MALE MULE, hiving black ~■»*"»»*»»" stripes on the tegs, cue on each shoulder and down the back, also a scar on one hind foot, I and marks of near on him. The above reward will I be paid if he is delivered to me. (iir-ar—or to Alfred I James, in Petersburg.) or nny information, ft. that I can get tun.. ! _______ Mj_s^l^ij^BAßiiSD__^E___ _B _ «.- ASHLANO RAI'ES. -_fc____ki«bk____SPßlNG MEETING. l*«_i. «^H__>sHEs__*' Tl ' e SPRING MEKTJNG *,** J Vjßs"*'",_*"** over this Course will com «r f i a in .is* , n ence on TUESDAY, ad May. I*o. and continue throughout the week. FiKST DAY-Istßace- Haxall Stake f-r Colts and Fillies, three years old, mile heats- BMO en- I trance—*so forfeit—sloo added by the Club- Closed on Ist March with the following suliscn I liers : F. M. Hall names eh- c. Eugene, by Revenue, I d-im Fanny Fern, by Glencoe. Also, eh. filly by I Fina* cier. dam Betty Steel, by Steel. O. P. Hare nimes eh. filly by Boston, Jr., dam by Trustee. John L. Daltser names bay lilly by Red- Eye, dam I Mountain Mail, by Boston. Jr. Ei) bank names bay till* Sally Eubank, Jr., by Hii'lel'V inn, ~j Mtmrare mare. I Thomas H. Christinas names j'jlly by Red- I Eve, d.nn by Priam. Nat. A. Thompson names bay filly by Boston, Jr., I dam by . Also, grex colt by Bed Eye, ilhih by I Daniel. Also, sorrel filly by 'transfer, dam by Daniel. R. R. Beazley names bay gelding Buck-Eve, by I's Priaiu.dani by Boston,out of Cady Jones, I by Sir Charles. , Th,,.". J. Green wattes bay filly Miss Tobacco Fly, I by Red Eve. dam Fire-Fly, by imp. Priam. SAME PAY—2d RACE.-Proprietor-Purse, ,300 —two mile heats. ..... SECOND DAY-Ist Rack -Sweepstakes for Colts and Fillies, three vearsoid, mile heats- BMt entrance-.**., forfeit— AAA added by the Club, if three or more start SAME DAY-2d Rack.—Proprietor's Purge .800 —three mile heats. i THIRD DAY-IsTRACE.-Sweepstikes for Colts and Fillies, three veara old. two mile heats—s2oo entrance-ijioo forfeit— $400 added by the Club, if three or more start. SAME DAY—2d Race.—Sweepstakes for Colts and Fillies, three > ~ar„ old. out of mares which never produced a winner up to tb.o. close „f ti.e stake, mile heats—Hl so entrance— 878 forfeit— three or more to fill the stake. FOURTH DAY.-Sweepstakesforall ages, three mile heais—#3oo entrance— SlbV forfeit— $6UO added by the Club if three or >»ore start. I FIFTH DAY-Ist Race -Handicap for the beaten horses ofthe meeting, two mile heats, for a purse nf S2OO on the part of the Club. j SAME OAY-Jp RACR.-Handicap for the win ning horses of the meeti.ig, three mile belts, for a I purse of $300 on the part of the Club i ___. The Sweepstakes named above will close on I 30th April, and nominations thereior must lie ad dressed to the undersigned on or before that day. NATH'L A. THO.M PSON. See'v. Ashland Jockey Club. Aashland. Hanover co.. Va., ( March 26.1860. ( nih27-2taw'3oA BEAR IT IN MIND-laO HUMBLu-HH DUCED PRICES-STEAM REFINED CAN DIES —As the price of Sugars is reduced, so I re duce the prices of my Candies, This has neen my custom for years. Then t _c my advice.and don't l*e humbugged by those who pretend to sell lower I than the market price, and who would palm off miserable stutl' for (in many instances; my inimi- I tsble Candies. After looking around, give me a nail, and (hen determine who has the best, goodi at the liwett prices. LOUIS J. BOSS I Eli,, | ap 13 ______ _.____*__ MANt HESTER SCALE WORKS.—We have oa hand from the factory, PLAT FORM SCALES, weighing from 400 to 2000 tba.— Also, COUNTER SCALES of every variety, and is agente for the manufacturers are prepared to take orders for railroad track, depot and ware house Scales. Ac, which for neatness, durability and accuracy cannot be surpassed. '_AYLGR A CO.. iu-t-lv tlo. ftllaiti street | I NSPEt TION OF FLOUR.-Parties having A FLOUR to be inspected, will have their orders attended to by leaving tbem, until further notice, at the offioe of Messrs. Hsxall A Crenshaw. SAM'L B. PAUL, aplu-lw* Inspector of Flour. OT I V «.-! have appointed SELIGMAN GUGGENHEIM ER mv aeent to carry on. in the oity of Richmond, a DRY G.MIDS BUSINESS, and a businei.s in CLuTHE§and SHOKV, lor s4e| only. Hs is not authorized either to buy or sell ol credit. |apn-12t'| JOSEPH STERN. UOK RENT-That CENTRAL LOT, at tbe U corner of Ninth a _ Franklin streets, next to the residence of Dr. Beale. Apvlv to ap 11-6t GODDIN A APPERSON. FOR- A L E-A "WATSON" WAGON, with I Pole and Shafts, but tittle used, and in perfect order. Apply to JAS. DUNLAP A CO , mh 11—if Corner Kvrd and llth sts. Ft ING t'ONTR ACTS—PROPOSALS will be received at the Carbon Hill Mines, for driving tarn TL' NN E|,S in rocK and slate, and two GANGWAYS A mSgT. mhtß-U JNO. J. WERTH. Ag't LIGHT SPPIXE LAOOERS.-We have on hand a lart • stock of light LADDERS, which we oiler for sal low. ml. U-tin H. H. WHITLOOK A. SOW. LO WIN ESi A NOLI Ql) OK S, Scotch Ate and English Porter—A full assortment ou band I at all times, aud for sale at lowest prices by SELDKN A MILLER, Corner Pearl and Cary sts. lIIiUFaHIKTa-Pripi-. greatly r*s«ee__saai IX quality of Watcti-Upriug fteel Hoop Skirts, from 10 to 40 hoops, at one-half old prices—a com- I plete stock at the old Bai sain Store of ALFRED MOSES. 61 Mainst. iJIIiKTsMAUE TO MEAaUKK.-Persons I' preferring to have tbeir Shirts made to mea sure.can now do s«i by calling at 114 Main at. Wil. IRA HMITJI. FLOORING BOAK_LS...i_iuiio feet Charles ton first quality FLOORING HOARDS, landing from schr. W. G. Andenred. for sale i.» ____ ___ - M, - H - w HiTLUCK_fc SON^ FRESH FRUITS.-300 cans fresh Peachei. Tomatoes and Strs.b*rnss. suitable for table use, for sale at ta _ A. ANTONPB. Nsxt door Baak. r*Oi'-OA AND CHOI OLATE.-Baker'i Cocoa V* aad Chocolate, tht last in use, for tale. by A. BODEKE* k CO.. Dr-nists, No. 10 Main st. T A ROE BBEP TONGUES ATM 1«_ UTS. La Jest reoei ved another hat of Gae Beef Tongues, lor .* at m Broa _ dJBED PfTA TOE B...Junes, _B«ck-Eys. ii Mercer. Carter tad Peach-Blow Irish Potatoes; *********** w J _«_^»^& , tt a_ XT*KHTIOM, MILITARY.-Call early this A TOrBiB.,« floods sßepTT'oareehres with wh ;te oottoa ps rade G loves, at basiaatt will o'clock rpo TO ■ AC € • Rl»f S.-PUrorißg Prusai. CUGAR "WbU' NawYorA". R-RfiaiatO. h W««^^^r.VA^Wr»U aiatiara,rarssßa * u^ftM n mM *Ali m \* M^ P AUCTION SALB& FUTURE DAYS? Br E. R. teek. A.ct'r. ELEOANT ft_VF**.iM . a_-__lY B PIANO. Ac. AT AUCTION Uxn WfcDN KSDAY. 18th inst., at 10 o'clock, I will sell at my store, a larae aasur ment oi gentsel Furni ture, conaiiting of— Mahogany aad Black Walnut WARDROBES: Mahogan- and Black Walaut Marble-Top BY- Mahogany .IDEBOARDS, SOFAS; Mahogany Fiencti and Jenny Lind BEDSTEADS g^B^ Hair and Shuck MATTRRBSK": Several most excellent FEATHER BEDS. Ac , , -ALSO- An elegant atree-octave PIANO, it Rosewood ca»e, manufactured ty Stern, of Baltimore; full metal plate, beautifully carved; cost Baom, aad has ossb used tut a very snort time. It is said to be a very superior instrument. E. B. COOK, _. Auctioneer. By Richard _______*» Auet'r. STEAMER "EtHO" AT AUCTION.-On ►» MONDAY, Jothin»t , af I o'clock P. M.,(ifnot previously disposed nf pn vately,) at the shed, lower end or the Dock, I will sell at auction the steamer f.cho. Said steamer it 100 feet long, her breadth 17* feet, and depth 7_ feet; has an upper d-ek, huh waist, and large deck room ; can carry 5.000 bushels under deck snd 2,000 on deck, and can also accommodate passengers. She is 121 tons, and draws about 5. feet loaded. Hull, engine and boiler all in good order. ___. WILLIAM P. BNIPEB. Bale conducted by R. Cai thobx. Auet. apltj jpURLIC SALE OF HE.-The ■üb»cril_7wiTl *■ sell, at auction, to the highest bidder, oa the premise., on THURSDAY, the 19th day or April, the ICE put up in ber ICE HOUSE, on the land ol the late Thomas Seaton, deed. cix miles from Richmond, on tbe Old Deep Run Turnpike. T_k _«. —One-thud cash; balance 3 and 6 months, for approved paper. ap 16-td MARY G. SEATON. RV THE GOVERNOR.-A pToCLAMA-' ■tf TION.—In conformity with the sixth section or the sixth article of the Constitution of this Com monwealth, providing for the election of a Judge for each Circuit Court, I her-sby make proclamation that Judges for the following Judicial Circuits are to be elected during the present year, to wit: For the first Circuit, composed ofthe counties of Pnn cess Anne, Norfolk. Nansemond, Isle of Wight. Southampton, Oreenesville, Surry snd Sussex and the City of Norfolk; for the fifth Circuit, composed of the counties oi Accomac and Northampton; for the sixth Circuit, composed of the counties ol Eli zabeth City. Warwick. York. Gloucester. Mat thews. Middlesex, Henrico, New Kent, Charlee City. James City and the City of Wilbamshurg; for the seventh Circuit, the City of Richmond; for the ninth Circuit, Stafford, Punce William. Alexan dria, Fmrlax, Loudoun, Fauquier and Rappahan nock; for the teuth Circuit, Culpeper, Madison, tareene, Orange, All*emarle, Louisa, Fluvanna and Goochland; for the eleventh Circuit, Nel son, Amherst. Rockbiidge, Augusta ar.d Bath; f..r the twelfth Circuit. Pendleton, Highland, Rockingham. Paup. Shenandoah, Warren and Hard.; for the thirteenth Circuit. Clarke. Fred erick. Hampshire, Morgan, Berkeley and Jefferson; for Hie fifteenth Circujt. Giles. Meree*. Raleigh Wjoming. Logan, Boons. Fayette. Cla/. Nieliolaa and Webs'er: for the sixteenth Circuit, Grayson, Carroll. V\> the. Floyd, Pulaski and Montgomery; for the nineteenth Circuit. Wood, Wirt. Gilmer, Braxton, Lewis. Ritchie, Doddridge. Pleasants and Calhoun: tor the twentieth Circuit. Hancock. Brooke, Ohio. Marshall. Wetzel. Tyler and Monon galia; and for the twenty-first Circuit, Harrison, Marion. Taylor, Preston, Barbour, Randolph, Up shur and Tucker. The said elections are to take place on the fourth Thursday of the ensuing May, to lie held in each county according to law, and of ficers are required to govern themselves accord ingly. G.ven under my hand as Governor, and un» JIT( derthe of the Commonwealth, at Rich ftX-L'Smond oi the 7ih day nf April. 1«_ and in the eighty-fourth year of the Common wealth. JOHN LETCHER. By the Governor. (igo. W. Mi-M-oKK. Seo'y of the Com'th. _ap9-dAetde GREAT BAROaTkS IN~ _W~Y~GOODS, AT M. MITTELDORFER'S,NO.__ BROAD STREET.—Now open, a well selected stock of fresh Sprins and Summer supply of Fancy Dry Beads. 1 am receiving daily fresh goods, and am able to offer to mv friends and the public in gene ral, as Hood and cheap bargains in goods as can lie Is.ught in thiscjty. All my frie„dsa>id customers, who have patronized me during mv selling off, »-ill hhd it to their ailvthtage to gii'e me a call. I have'on hand a very line and fashionable assort ment of Plain. Fieured and Fancy Dresi Goods; Printed and Plain Linen, all graven and qualities; Shi tings, Sheetinns and Hosiery of all kinds; a very tine stock of Embroidery; Men and Boys' Weir; and also a very larire assortment of hue Table Cloths, Nankins and Towels; tine Marseilles Quilts, and a well selected stock of Linen Cambric Hdkfs.; Corsets ofthe best quality. All i ask is to give me a call and judge for yourself. M. MITTELDORFER No. 225 Broad st. PARKS A MINER. __ , , WHOLESALE GROCERS, Offer lor sale— 30 hhds. HAMS and BREAST BACON. 20 hhds. SHOULDER and SIDE BACON. 25 kege Goshen BUTTER. 30 bbls. No. ILARD. 80 boxes English Dairy CHEESE. 4# bbls. New Orleans nr.d Cuba MOLASSES. 15 hhds. Bright New Orleans SI'GAR. 3u bbls 0 aud E.tra v Coiiee SUGAR, iro boxes Adamantine and Tallow CAN DLES. 60 boxes Oswe.o Pure SfAKCH. 25 ba.s Rio and Laeu-avra COFFEE. HO bbls. Rye WHISKEY BRANDY. GIN and WINE. PARKS A MINER, mh 24-ts 13th st, near Cary. RAROAINSTgREAT BArV> * GAINS.—The greatest bar.a;ns in Sougeis, all st)les of Flats and infants' Hi!.?. Shakers, Straw Trimmings, Flowers, Nets, Ribbons, Ru ches, Silks, Crapes, and every description of Milli nery Goods; Parasol* very cheap; Corsets to lace in front SitJ.c,, other stylet jj'st as cheat; Short Mils, double and twisted. ■1?-, c. s Lon. Mit. 50c. ; Emb'd Handkercheifß MXc; Handsome Collars 25c worth 50c; Marseilles Bosoms. Collars and Wristbands to match 25c ; Colored Tarlatans 12.', c; Cambric and Swiss Edgin.san. Inserting*; Dust ers, Mantles, Lace Points and Shawls; Hosiery ; splendid Thread Gauntlets 60c-; Rich Dress Trim mings, i I the newest styles; Cambric Bands; Gents' and Ladies' Linen Cambric Handkercheifs; Hoop Skirts, exir.-'ordinary cheap; White Marseilles: HittHoj.e.i Gi> at Bs., a grer.t liargi,in ; infants' White Robes, i»nd numerous other f,n.,U, of m-ery description. To .jet fashionable, cheap and supe rior articles, just call at E. GOLDSMIT'S. 205 Broad st. CLARKSON Ac A~NI»_K_UN, No. lOb, MAIN STREET. RICHMOND, VA., Impor ters of Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Ac. nave for sale—i.wjodozen Pocket Knives; 3,600 sets Knives ar.i Forka:'..uto.. Iv„,y Table aaa DesaeYt unKe'si U0 dozen Plated Table and Dessert Forke; 3UO dot. Shoe and Butcher Knives; loodoaen Holders' and Wade A Butcher's Razors; 80 dozen Razor Strops; 250 dozen Scissors «nd Shears; S.UM gross ciinlet- R tinted Screws; 2 oUodozen butt, table and other uues; 500 sets bed and furniture Castors; 3.000 dozen rim, pad, chest and stick Locks; 150 gross tea ami table Spoons; 5,000 lbs. Griffin's Horse- Shoe Nails; 200 kegs Hammered tjorge-Sboa*; o> toss iron Antes; **t OUT Carnage" and Plow Bolts, I Ac. Alio— Agents for Fairb ink's Scales. h'PKINO ANO SOIMEK STOCK FOR > ÜBB.-J. A M. ROSENRAUM, 199 Bkoad St.. have opened their Spring business with a stock of Staple and Fancy DRi GOODS, which in style, variety and cheapness oannot be surpassed in this market. To examine our extensive stock, liefore making their purchases, is well worth the attention of all in want of the most fashionable U.e-_ Goods; Double Jupe, se.en and nine Flounced Robes; the greatest variety of Embroideries; the cheapest and unrest Irish Linens; tbe newest styles of Spring Mantles and Parasols; the best sfbek of Domestics, of all well-known manufactories, and many other Goods, too numerous to mention. Merchants from country and city will find our stock well eeiected, and many Goods from 10 to 15 per cent, cheaper than any other place. J. A M. ROSEN BAVM. CliftlNfl ANO .1 MM EH CLOTHING. --k3 r DARRACOTT. HARRIS A 00. have receiv ed, and ars reeeivin. weekly, fresh supplies of SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING of their own manufacture, which for quality, stjlo and price, will compare with any other house in the city. Their xoodsa c bought mostly for cash, and being satisfied with small profits, will be sold at Very low prices. We have iv store all goods usu ally found in Clothing Rouses, and as we are deter mined to sell as law aa the lowest, would, advise all in want to give us _ea 'I. \', r . will fhae great JjlcSUt* 'ia *i atl times, our goods and tharge ««/&tif _forshowing. Give us a call ' DARRACOTT. HARRIS A CO . Successors to Merchant. Weisiger A Co., No. 112 Main street. pLOT HI NO AT W HOLES-LE.-We are bow prepared to s„oW eountri merchants, a much larger 1 , more attractive, and cheaper stock of SPRING CLOTHING than heretofore. Having important advantages in the purchase of our goods, most extensive operations, and an experience of more than twenty years in ths manufacture and sale of Cloiliing. we believe we offer more desira ble a'yles and better workmanship, for ths Mine or lower prices, than any other house in tbe tiade.— Devoting the whole of our attention to this branch ol Neiness a|, and detcronJijU to bdllj dp tbe trade of our city, ws oiler amrsat inducement! aa those of any house in any market in this country. KEEN. BALDWIN A WILLIAMS. BEAR IT IN 111 NO- Bear it in mmU that BOSSIEUX'SSTEAM REFINED CANDIES are the very best that can he made, and are uu equalled anywhere. Everybody says so. They ars whiter, harder, glossier, oleaaer. and better made.and challenge competition, nnd ate sold a little lower than tbe horrible poisonous atiitl im ported from New York by some ol our States rights men, who nreach about h;;me iudm,try, s_d B _Htiue ioieim bnc,oitagtai«'nt. Caff and get a package at «l Mtiß , BOSsIKUX. EVERY PERSON MIOII.D RBMKM BEB that at LEVY'S old established store. No. 15 Main street, tbe hest tuirgaini etu he pro cured. His stock, at -.resent, is iinuiual'y l»i*;e. and oomprises all kinds nf goods »! ens rally found ih a well eoadected Dry ljor*di sbire. Hb has Just received % large assortment of prißtea Bsrsses. and, ss they were buetUt vera low. will be an Id off st surprisiugly low prima. Also, lust to hand, a large supply of Embroidered Collars aad Hand, ksrehiels, from a large New York sale; ail af which will BARGAINS PROM AUCTION.-Jast re ceived sn endless variety of Spring aad Sam per Dress G.tods. Houiekeeping Goods. Shirtiars, -hsstings. Towshnsi. rsble Damasks. Ooyles and •Napkias. iplsadid Lace Curtains, Raaha CurUias, Farmers' Drills, SprintUJißrheats, Hosiery. Gloves Bad filk MiU, sew iff*. Prints -all huagbt for cash at auction, and wilt Its told at a small praajt Aa surly oatl is sohotlsd at ths noted down BSWS HV. U |>-DMORER, W Mai,.t. jroiptiror, IROJftI£OWt r^r _ DIRECT IMTOBTATION.-M« toS, Kjjfimni R^W,to^-^^^ TbMMHMWfI ||Ml|flp H|fti*wß *A_U|f3ut^| AUCTION BALIS. »»WMWaA_t>p*R>wt«aPt». <eiai.a^Ma¥awMaa' FUTURE DATS. By M. Tayter A Sea, Aact'e. TWO EXt KLLBRX ENAMBD TENE MBNTS. ON EfllwOOD BTREBT, IN SYDNEY. AT AUCTION.-Ob TU_BI)AY. tbe 17th day of April, oommeneiac at i,_ o_deek ib tbe afternoon, we will sell two sxoellsnt FRAMED TENEMENTS, situated on tba South side of Elm wond.(or Main street continued,) 'ret.eta Cker ry aad Calvert streets, aad aearly opposite the Sidney Methodist Church. They ooataia 1 rooms sseh. a kitchen with 3 rooms, aad ars very conve niently arranged, aad are particularly adapted tor gond-aised families. Tbe lota front as above, 30 Let each, aad ran back 190 feet, to aa allay 20 feet wide. . These tenements srs ia thoroagh repair, having b*en built within tha last twelve months, aad ia the most durable manner. Tsbms -One fourth cash; the balance at 6.12 and 13 months, for negotiable notes, with iaterest added, aad secured by a trnat deed. Taxes aad insurance for law to be said Uy the purchase™. ap7 JAS. M.TAYLOR A BON. Aaot'rt. /-lOMMISSiONPR'S SALE Of REAL \-> ESTATE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OP FRANKLIN, BETWEEN lira AND lith BTS. As Special Commiasignsr, appointed .by a decree of the Circait Court of the city of Richmond, pro- BOBBoed ob the 18th day nf February, MM, ia the c«ae styled Poors et. als. vs. Thompson et. als . the undersigned Commissioner willprooeed to sell, upon the premises, ob WEDNBBDAY, the 18th day of April, commencing at 13 o'clock M., the valuable LOT located on the South sids of Frank lin, between 13th aad 14th streets, aad immediate ly opposite Metropolitan Hall, with an old FRAMED BUILDING thereon. It fronts 28 feet and rune back about 100 feet. T.BMsor Sale.—Enouih in cash to defray the expenses ol this decree, and the additional sum of five hundred dollars, with lsxal interest thereon from the 15th day of October. 1868, and the residue in two equal instalments, on a credit of t and IS months, the purchaser muni; bonds bearing inter est from tbe day of sale for the deferred payments, and the title to be retained until all the purchase money is paid and it is ordered by the Court; the taxes for 1860 to be said by tbe purchaser. DRURY WOOD. Special Com'r. Jas. M. Taylor A Son, Auctioneers. N. B.—lf the above-named sale should be pre vented by the inclemency of the weather, the same will take place at the hour and place named, on the next suitable day thereafter, ( Sundays except ed.) mhSl COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF BUBAL ES TATE IN HENRICO COUNI V.-As Special Sommissinner, appointed by a decree of Henrico ounty Court, pronounced on the 16th day of March, 1860, in the case styled Wood et als. vs. Yaientine ot als , I will proceed to ssll upon the premises, on THURSDAY, the 19th day of April, commencing at 4 o'clock P. M . alotol LAND on 25th street. Union Hill, between M and N streets. fronting 43 feet and running hack 122 feet, to an al ley 20 leet wide, and nearly opposite Leigh Street Baptist Church. immediately after the ahoy», gay commencing at 4>i o'clock. TWO ACRES OF LAND, between G and H and 33d and 34th streets, near Bloody Run Spring, and opposite the reeidenee of R. H. Lor ton, Esq. On FRipAY, the 20th dar of April, M6O. com _s n . l T C ?_ , *? i. *A.°'? , a= k p - **•* °*> the premises, NINE AND A HALF ACRES OF LAND, on the plan of Marion Hill, bounded by MoCout. Fieher and Scott streets and Almond's Creek, adjoining tbe property of Jos. J. Pleasants, Esq. Immediately after, TWO ACRES OF LAND in the above plan, described as Lot No. 71, and ad joining the lands of R. H. Sty 11. Esq. Term- or Sale —One-third cash , the balance in two equal instalments, on a orrdit oft and 12 iiontht, the purchaser giving notee, with interest added, and title retained until ordered by the Court. DRURY WOOD, Special Commissioner. Jas. M.Tatlob A So-v, Aucts. N. 8.--If the sales above named should be pre vented by the inclemency ofthe weather, the same wi II take place at the hours and place - named above on the next suitable day (Sunday excepted) there after, [mhal] DRURY WOj>D,iJoiii r r. TWO HOUSE* Aftlt LOTS AND TWO VACANT LOTS ADJ O I N I N li, ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CLAY. BETWEEN 26th AND 27th STREETS. CHURCH HILL, AT AUCTION.— Will he sold upon the premises, on THURSDAY, the mh day nf April, commencing 'it s,.'clock P. M.i two Houses and Lots and two Vacant Lots adjoining, situated ou the North side of Clay, between 26th and 27ih streets, Church Hill. The Lots on which the Houses stand lr-nt ti feet. each, and the vacar.l Lou it leet each, on said Clay street. The House's are occupied by good tenants at fair rents. Tehms.-One fourth cash; the balance at 4. 8 and 12 months, lor negotiable notes, with interest added, and secured by trust deeds. ap ,0 JAS M. TAYLOR A SUN, Aunts. TR I ST EEa BALE OP VAt ANT LOT, ON UNION HILL.-As trustee in a certai i deed of trust executed by T. S. Thompson, and record ed i n the Clerk's office ol Henrico t'ountv Court, I will sell, upon the premises, on THURSDAY, the 19th day of April, commencing at li o'clock P. M., a certain lot of Land, on .-{otl>. lie;veer, (1 ami P streets, having a fV»„t of .is feet aud running buck 132 lent to an alley 16 leet wide. Tkbm«.— One-third cash; the balance at 3 and 6 months, for negotiable notes, with interest added, and secured by a trust deed. JAS. M. TAYLOR, Truitee. Jas. M. Tat lob A Sox, Auct>. apfl _ By Alex. Nott, Anct'r. RE A li V - >1 A D X C LOT H I N q , PRY GOODS, SHOES "NO HATSi.-Wiff be sold at auction, at my store, on TUESDAY, April 17, commencing at in o'clock, a large lot of SUM MER CLOTHING, consisting in part of Linen and Marseilles Coats; Tweed. Alpaca and Ging ham Coats; Silk. Satin and Marseilles Vests: Neck Ties, Collars, Suspenders, Ac; Plain and Fancy Cassi meres; Linen Drills and C'>*i,«_ad*s; Tweeds and Satinets; 10 i,i__§. S, s. If*, it. It, 18,20 and .piing Hoop Skirts; 20 doz. Summer Hats; Men s. Ladies' snd Misses' Shoes; SO doz. Brown and Mixed Half ll.>se. ADDITIONAL.-At II o'clock, precisely, will be sold, to p-i\ idvances, 3 tine Gold Wat*net and *» Plated Watches, lot Je__jrv. a* ' apit ' _ ALEX. NOTT, Aaet. Ry E. B. t'eek. Aaet* DRY HOODS, HAT., BOW NETS, Ac, AT AUCTION.-On TUESDAY, 17th iu»t.,at 10 o'clock. I will sell, at my store, a large invoice of DRY GOODS, consisting of Silks. Alpacas, Lawns, lieretes. Mouslains. Cassimeres, Cloths, Linen Drillings, Ac, together with a largjj l„» ot'Fdncy Articles £LyO,' yb cases HATS, siubr.icing all the different sty lei ol Summer Goods. ALSO, Several cases BONNETS, Ac. The attention of the trade is requested. _ap It B. COOK. Auctioneer. My t'has. T. Worth am A Co., Auct's. CARGO SALE OF MIHAS ANO UOLA*. HK$ AT A;iLi'|rIOM.uOB' , WEDNEBDAY. ths 18th April, at our warehouse on the Dock, com mencing at 11 o'clock A- M., we will ssll the cargo of bark Mary C. Porter, direct from Cenfuegas, consisting of 223 hmls. prime to choice Muscovado SUGARS. ALSO, The cargo per schr. Eclipse, from Ma*.ansa*, Uu■ ba, consisting ot 330 I'li'ls. ~l;oiw e MOLASSES. T_«*.v.s op Balk.-For sums under .$ 100, cash; over $100, four months' credit, for approved nego tiable paper. R, Sale without regard to weather. CHAB. T. WORTHAM A CO., _ap 13—td« Auctioneers. _ LOOK OUT FOR NO. 37 MAIM STREET. THE CHEAPEST DUY ViOQD. fNRICH MOND—».(*_ 1,-wds h'anusoine pattern Prints at • and acts., worth 13>.; beautiful Lawns at 8 and 12 eta.; the richest patterns and tbe beat quality of Jaconets, Organdies, Bereges, at all the lowest prices; lieautifut fancy Silks at 80 eta., worth lm, some at #7. $ 1.26 and upwards; Blk. Silks, very good at We. and higher prices; Stella Shawls Al and higher, every color, worth tbree times ths money; Dusters at 80c ; Silk Mantillas at AIR), 92 S6 snd some at $18, selling: elsegrha«ii for double the inone*;Silk Par^su d. aia_ Extension SkirU from U*c up.arus,' tue cheapest in Richmond; the fineet French Needle worked Ladies' Collars and Cam bric Bands at half their value; bleac! edand brown Shirfnr. Sheeting, Pillow-case, Muslin, Toweling. Table Cloth. Oil Cloth. Carpeting, Cambrics. Checks and Swiss Muslim at prices to astonish everybody ; Ladies' Gaiters, with heels, at &1. •_!__ *?• ; ?_?_!??• K '. d L " nd u t»l skin Shoes, with heels, at el 12J, and h.tver prioei; Misses' and Children s G&i.ers of every color anu descrip tion, at all pripes. toe. and Upwards; Ladies' fine Slipssrsst sue.; Men. Slipper* at 62#c ; fine Vel ve'd". _*_*"-I Oxford Ties. Congress Gaiters, Calf-skin Shoes, Ac , for Mes. Boys and Servants It. you want to save from 25 to M ncr asm., csli without delay at No.» Main ttre». * J_._?- ,B i_ __jj_l[ STKAVBE. CUOTVEA A .6.7 _. _ PEARL STREET, _._..,J„H-V'? et,ir _r l » Main and Cary.) DIRECT IMPORTATION OF FRENCH _~ i *p.sß * !s"S., a l n AttD LIQUORS, WHOLE- N. B.—We want ths amateurs of Preach Wines, and the public generally, to mark that our sstab is meant f.r giviat tU«m an opportu nity which has not yet been o*|ered to them - Oijr artipks ase mo t emphatically FRENCH, and we otter tl.em for tale either at the wine glass or the hogshead, w.tfcout omitting ibe inter iii -iate dimensions, the bottle, ths demijohn, aad so lorth. Only come and try, and judge for yourselvss, ii we are not entitled, in quality and price, to enter with co .fidenoe the field oi competition. spl-Ut HOSI ERV! landedTof our own importation: 2,000 d„z. Ladiee* COT*K>N BOiiE. all aaatitiet; LOW '• Missej* » •• an *n* 9M ,__ nual,tijs l ! l.Ortfdoz.GenU'POXi'OJi HALF HOSE.alltual i ltits; 1 Also, lined ... L. C. HDKFS , all grades, All of which we otTer to the trade at anaallad ' t'ance upou cost ,\f i _Borta'K*a /" A ABKNTS. ap2-ts lq i p,.rtersan*l J.ddwrs/M si. R* SV V \ ft: _ w ._ "•< '•* _L" lv ,n,nT9 2** 1,-lend* ana ibe publiwseaerallf. that we have removed b. «mv hwte and spaeioas Factory. No. M «*?*■' _. u 'f*i' ******* theSrciiaiW. Hotsfaad the Old Market, where ws have barisly urn isjil la eibuea for manufacUnag ali artieU. Ib oar lias, and eaa atsars our aumeroas eastmaers that Ihey \r\Tt_TMspftrt.!? CIDER and LAGER BBP.I. Ws ahm a Ber la the trade a superior article or BRA UGHT AL K. which we eaa reeommand to oareatiwas. Delivered le anr part of tba oity free of oaarte, Retursisi oar siaeere OutakafM the hhsral pa troaage beetowed ub n* to* the last twu yeexs. we hose to receive a eoaß-aaaceWthe saate ib oat nsw Factory. MASON A BURRS. .Bottlers ot Porter, Ala, Cider aad Later Beer, _jBA3O_«-lai__ FOR RENT*. A r_aaatl~a.MfMtlrMt.o_ - ttoo_A.___ r _iJ^|si Sk A|^^« mh fl—tt N.i ia Mais Masai. , AI.PtBPMOOfai. a_itaA##tfc_i_u" t__s__i"*J_lß_t' •t*Vrrr * «aniaeaTi7»lk/-lMh. OhaLV. Pat_S«Si UeaClaaals.MsaOes.Be As^aJaw»«■!__**• ——_ ■ "* ' ' ' ■ S ■' • — .-■-■--1-- , , ~S^_BBB_W **T\*m\B DAYS. Br BUmmm A Aptaraaa. Aacfa. • ■ sot. ths aeat fair day.) a P* RM. eaaMaimagti seres, twenty tomr seres of WhicH are cleared, aad the reetaieder ia weed aad timber. Als». aa sat joining Trset. ectaisißg 44 teres, whteh will bs sold tngetker or seeeratrly IV. at the first assented lead, as may rait parehami. This la_d adjoiss that or Dr. John M. Slaspeaard..CM._Me_lWd. Mr. Job. 0. Tsbni aad Mr. Eyail. aad haa a*oa it a gooddwelliag-boHSS aad the mobl, all is first rats order: a toodt.rdse.weN ratios sd: a young apple orchard, ia fall baariaa: eaeeJleat spring wster. aad is sitae tad ia a aeod Mitbher bood. 12 miles from Rmhmo-d. aadaae mile freer the Riehmoad aad Prsderiekebarg Raßroed. After the sale of tbe Lead, will he caM several articles of HoeeshoM Pornitsre aad sotse Fsrm mg Implements, a aew Watoa, two well trained young Horse, aad aa sxeeilsßt Cow. ■ M '-Wra. A. Johnson, who reiides on tbe prem ises, will show thesssse to those disposed to par eh«as. Possessioa given imstedlataly. The terms will be made knows at the hear of ■_••• _. _. - *¥**¥* JOHNSON. Sals conducted by Goddis A Arraasoß, AucU. *r M r,***? la !**. br ******* *t tbeCoßßty Coart or Chesterfield .pronounoed at Maroh Una, 18SU, in the ease ol Wood aad Grant ag'at B. J. Bissr. Ac. we shall proceed to sell at publio ssotion, on the premises, on THURSDAY, the IMb April. 1860, at 4o'clock P.M.. (if fair; if not. the next fair_day,> the following vaiaable REAL ES TATE i let. The fee simple of said Riser ia the tmmi es utlß f **** of '.T.?____ Property,betweea that and the Masons' Hsb.fronting oa the smith side of Jackson street, with two framed tenements there on, with brick basements. This property is capa ble of a divuion. E.i as to sell a vacant lot, which will be done if desired. 2d. The fee simple of said Biier ia end to aa uu divided moiety ofthe Lota pu chased hy hit. and _"" P* W, J'2 f I****** Trustee; beiag .art of La»t No. S ib £. C. Mayo's plan, adjoning Maaohester. fronting on a street 33 leet wide, extending from Mo Uonough street to the Railroad. TBBMi.-One-fourth oaah;balancs at 4.8 aad IS months.for negotiable notes.interest by a trust deed. Tbe taxes for 1860 to be paid by the purchasers. C. C. McRAE, t p__,. ERASMUS GARY.* Com *• Rale conducted by Goooin A Arraasoa, Aucts. ap» COMMISSIONERS' SALE OP REAL ,__'_T_ TE IN MANCHESTER, ON THE CORNER OF HULL AND BARNEY BTREETB. As Commissioners appointed by a decree of the Circuit Court of Chesterfield, pronounced at the October term, 1858, in the case of Pattsson, Ac. vs. Hall ■ adm'r, we •hall proceed to sell, at puMie airetion. on the premises, on THURSDAY, the 19th April. 1380, at 4 o'clock P. M.. (ifWriif aot, the next fatrdW.loae-btelfof H ALF-ACRE LOT, No *ni, in the plan of Manchester, opposite the residence of Dr.Samuei A. 1 aiteion. at the corner of Hult and Barney streets, fronting about tt* fest on the East side of Barney street, and as feet ob the South side of Hull street. There are three dwellings on the Lot. two wooden and one brick, the latter of which it now occupied by Dr. Weisi ger as an office. f «a.s.—Eaoath in cash to defray expenses of sale; balance in equal instalments oft, 12 aad 18 months, for bonds bearing interest, with good per sonal security, and title retained till tha farther order ol the Court. The taxes for 1880 to be paid by the purchasers. * m ROSCOE B. HEATH,I -„_,,„ C. C. McRAE, \ Com'tt. S l _'o ondu ? t * d b J 0oD » ,! « *r ArraatOM, Auct's. CALF OF SToTK IN ST EIMER J> SCHULTZ AT AUCTION -At"requeet of the personal repreaentatives of the late Dr. Wil liam Collins, and of Mr. J. W. Keeling, we will sell at public auction, on board of the steamer Schultz. a ' '__?„_£* _ H _J !, s' ,U! * ln th e oity ot Richmond, on FRIDA\ ,the 27th April, 18U0, at so'clock f. M., the interest owned by the said decedents is said steamer, each bein- entitled to£_, snares or ths stock at the par value qf ,>n* each; This steamer plies be twee ti.e Ohickahominy and Jamea Ri vers, e.ioys a fine run of custom, and is very pop ular with the traveling public. She is. as wo learn. out ol debt, and bas a fund on deposit in the Ra vines Bank amounting to about 92 (ML Phe terms ol' eale which will be* li-eral, will be made knr.wn at the knar oj sale. Captain rial,, who commands this steamer, will give any further information tbst parties may de ■"••• , GODDIN A APPERSON. *a> **-** Auctioneers. TRE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE CONTIGUOUS. FOR SALE AT AUCTION.-Will be sold at auction, on the premises, on TUESDAY. May I,l*o, commencing at 12 o'clock. M..(if fair; it" not, the next fair day.) the valuable real estate above referred to. having a fronton Brooke Avenue of about ao leet. and a depth ol about 375 feet. Ah*. buildings are ample enough for «*.b_imooa tionof alarge number of guests, and are for the most part in good ;ep,.r. They sre in tbe Mutual Atsarahee'Society lor S7 100. Tbeipriug. .inch is neatly equidistant betweea tbe front tavern and the rear one, ii the most beautiful aad attractive of any to be seen in this vicinity The whole premises are shaded by a bujcWk oi mag nificent sycamore and other *rai». This property is so well known ths* a frriaet description is deem ed unnecessary, ' 70a. balance of the land attached to the Tavern, containing about 28 acres, and surrounded oa eracV side by streets, will he subdivided into iw3*ve to fifteen squares, of about two ucres esAh. and will be sold in squares or t'lialier as way lac deemed best at the hour of sa*e. Many of these squarss are most Imautiaiitly located. STORE and DWELLING at the corner of Brooke Avenue and Baker street, together with several vacant lota attached. Also, two Lots on tbeweet aude of Brooke Avenue at *he bridge across the branch, each fronting 30 feet, running back ahn,»t MB feet, adjoining the lot of Mr- Caspar B«el — Also, a larie meadow In*, in r # ai of the above, rounded by Pine *n whioh it has a frout of ii!i bank 910 feet, and havinr a rear 2ft. leet, bounded on tbe north by Bscon't Branch, ou the south by an alley 16 feet wide. Aim, LoU Nos. 1,2,3,4,5, frontiß. each 30 feet oa the south west side oi Moore atreet, running back-lad feat, bounded on the east by Piße street. Ikk .s.-All sums under AMMAeae-fourth cash; all turns over fl 000 and under M4Kb essh, Ulanee at I, 2 and *i years f ail sume ever f 8,000 one filth cash, i'-lanoe at 1, 2.3 and 4 years, in each c iss for nego tiable notes, interest payable half-yearly, secured by a trust deed. The taxes and insurance for lag) to be paid by the purchasers. PUU of the pro perry can be seen at our office, m apl4 GODDI *S A APPERSON, AucU. Rr 1. AO. R.lraveupsrt, Aaet's. GROCERIES, dec, AT AUCTION.-On , THURSDAY. 19th will lmm% ci * GROC_RIEi U . r v? l n ?i! On " tor *»" *********** 280 bbls. Coffee and Crushed SUGARS. m boxet _OAP ana CAN DLES. m bills sure Molasses RUM. 2UO bbls Nsw York SYRUP. -ALSO '" _*raßdy** A ' B " ifßattaV ' »«_t Frtaoh »|p w J5^ v " M »rt*.U*iß w »art Prtßsh T ««*".-ÜBto'ipm cash; 9100 sad over, 4 months* c-edit. f_r approved paper. ap fl LAG. A, DAVENPORT. AaeU. ■y A. P. Wllllaass, A.ct'r. nPRL'STEE'S SALE OP REAL EBTATK fflo2rM**mVlt*XkW&3& ?_J_ d _ "-r to ths satMoriber by i°S* ah X. Trustee, dated 3d Deoember. 1«W. and recorded ia Riehmoad Hustings Court «'ilH-e. bemt thereto requested by E. H.Clarke, the ho .der of anaof the bo ids tenured t« said deed, I will sell oa THURSDAY. M Mar. IMB.asoatke premises, eommeaeing at Oi u'cl._ P M., the property by said deed convey-., to wit i A oartaia ■ot ot, gtound. with ths buildiaga tbsrsoß, sitaatsd <>atbossst eidp of tth strest. aa above stated. Dontisg thereon » list, sod ruaaiag hack 12P feet to an al|e« le Cast wids- it being the asms pro perty which waa eoaveyed by Littleton Read to Joseph K. Ws_fi«er. Trustee, aad ia bow ia the occupancy ol Mr. C. D. Mclcdoe: laa.s -Sufficient ib cash to defray the aa ****?! ._ "• c «»t»»i I the trust. a«d ta aay offa bnad for ths priaeipal sum of AIM. together with all interest that nay b* _c tlsVeoaTaad forths __!___*_!______l_l ****** 93 tajateat as will be made know? at tke time »t the tale. a n w..., 5°_ B|l T HOWARD. Trattee. A. D. WittiiMi, Aeerr. apM td My J. J. Ummrr, A.ct'r, N.rtelk, Ta. N°J ,CX i-.»«38> »I___fi_i THAT Messrs Seldner. Sehlosshsrger A C hare as signed to as. as Trustees, all their stock ia trade and partnership assets of the late firm of BeMaidt A Seldner. by > deed of treat, wkieh haa beea da ly recorded ia I hit vi ly. . I bs stock eons'tU of Rraadtes. Wises. Whi» ke>t- Ru«i. Gm % Secart. Hsvaaa dear leaf, eaed leaf. \ ara Tolmcco. auu-ufaotured Chewiaa atd Sipojuny Tobacoa;. tngether with all the Tables, Stools- Botss aad Brands eeually iousd ib a large tae Stores Boa. 11 aad 12 Wide Water street. —ALSO— Of a large stock of Wises aad Rraadies ib the Cw _-_; HoM ?ft* ""'M*' ***** ****** aad of « casks whits Wise Viaegar. . The sto.-k is aew aad well selected, sadjatisoaa detinue u> engage iathe beeiaaat will Ma it to _r_a^»n.r*rwafcttr- , - k ' ******** •f , l le pri•■?a:• at II a'daaet. al taeTatoraa *J2£' »s_rj- WM« w^wW_a;_Ti. Taaas or a_i.i.—All ramt aader Sua ___~ ovtt Sljiiaad usder BAA. aal__J__"f!J _?_%'^_£ftH2tt_s _Kl__ H D _■ BR a *AYnJAm r t B*B**B9MTt - "Vt_ , »_<ss_ ° iari,i,^i»»r~~""~^ = T_a _.a__*.iw*. _, _• . ... PCUMIIBOTete eeale aTit m.. _ » m * m iE' r ,\? f, 7*lTt, I.^ll. —T_r ■■JT'. a _■_!* wm i ia—_^»-^ ' *» ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ *~*f_* TB** BAY. ~-~ .'ebte-.I will ecU mmmiH, i_LJ|_at jaltMaad ___^ rMl .__^S_fi_F__-s__»M tT^ea affS fr-o; mm*!, j** 7 ******* •■ **" *S****2l _SSf **' rf.rtmiß_?rAa_JS ____!• , -r_* ,, f. *** ******* **•**' *_____• r«__oi_. T t? mß***"" eoaaiaMia part atTtftiwi: FS2* , i_*'.»varieties,setaerer» rareeedhaa. --t_!_-_-^V_ _.u a_»(Ti.gfra-_,M Cresper.aew kaad ; AraatolMhCMMar !_____ Aanisaliu.. Japan.;*, JWafcWa R_Cs£_L PanTC from tiaJT; J*..,.; mS color kaosm; Apreota; Chemaa soaae v_ra___l wrSiaWSiJa^^^ A r*!;» *?__!_> **^**SBm M ß*g.' T». P. Boot.. BaJtstaaß **** '' n l%.The aaovsssle wilTbeeoatiaaed this (RON DAY) roorslßiat 10 o clock. apM-It J. H. PI6BEB, Aaefr. WILL RR ___ft__Wfafl^_Mß- g ß ? a> aaetio. rue. AX. Maia street, nyte wig at 7 p'eloek. •>'*•_ ia _»cc of Rae PlatedW ATCBltfc tae £Q 2a/n.? filvsr-PUtad «WWft_tt|«3si: l±: ,uTL A «*ra»«« By Gwddl. A Appejrsew, AaeTa* SEVENTEEN MOST BtVSIRARUJt E#TR O ON COUNCIL CHAMBKRHILLTORiT.? AT AUCTION-WiII%SJTMMWiY th_ Mth April, Mtp, at 4 . o'clock P. M , apoh tU 'prT roisae. 17 n.nat desirable aad ali.i_l" ______ LOTS, on CaadßeilChambar fill. *" m,m ' ******* Mape of the property aatp be seea at the eRs. of auoUoneers. ********* Txs.s-One fourth cash | balaao. all. S aad* y esrs. for nsgotisble notes, iaterest added, seaiirsd _,V3B__ TU »oTs_«HTr__i?^ _** * _____ iantisßsera. Ifi-B. leek. AaeVr. s^;_T o ruffl^sKvK?Tffa Also. f iae MILCH COWS. -»H E. B COOK. Ammj. By Alex. Nett, Aaet. " ' E&'abWS^^ _____s*__! t^Y^^W**»t^sffl--?R k&ZXLa** l**tV T l.' B X**?'**** ***** ****** Kaires sod Perlt. Pocket Cetlery. Castora. Glasa wsrs, M«riaoShirts. Drawers, aatssea, Jed-Bpreeda, Ci«_r^^Pir___i?siir J*?** ALBX. mrTT. AeeC COAL. COn. etc eß^^»i !ps_sS__: RED aad WHITE ASIT ANTRRAOITR COAL. _mhl4-U Mtaßt.,^M_._^ M i*&g, IS^________s HARD COKE _.TTXT.'... ~ ... SS _fe______j____ir SW _ I—l. nrsußißCß, me. T_f^____mßß__S_tf having beea eubeeuhad and theoompaar argon i«ed, they will 1./repared to issue policies oa or before the 14th of April, at tlieir oflke, opposite the American Hotel, corner Mai a and!llth sta This company is institutsd with a vie. to cstaia at boms the larse sains heretofore paid froai us oessity to Northsra offioss; aad la baaed aaea th. principle of mutual lataiset aad beaeat ofiawr crt aad insured. VIRGINIA LIVE tN-URANUE CRMhPA \ N aT-At a meeting of the-ltoekbaaMers of th. Virginia Life iasurane. Compaay. held at th. offioe. or the Merehanrta' lß Ca-pa.!* in )h V ?* t *nm t i* M, **f o| > wTfsrTr_JDAY!u_;«l_; sd 80. d r _ '' v * lo ~ k »«««atlene..aree_wt Vm?H.*M«3Sr___, : Joh. Pareell, te_/B>ath. JrrA_.:^.. S- »• Baniey. John H. Moatasee, 80. H. Maufy. Prf B W^,e k * _?_«•* B ___l* Mt»W** UaiiatheadioiiraßMßtof the neatwa adltaak .^^he_lfeo , rf a }2;rr ,o " — *****y*** Secretary-i. ADAIR RLE PAM.rn_.-Br. BLAIR BUfeWKLL. n di**w~»>-ROSCOEB. HEATH. _X* By order of tha Board -«*.—-. ■_kT7-dAwlm /_ADAiB PUtABANT_.Bsa*r. FIRE INSDRANCS. * . — UafUHAHOH* THE VI *«W/ j _m 9B . Capital— ad a** *r*-V j i*-«-n--»..i- a.--._--__^- T^->| y f||| , | _ t> <>B j| ¥h B&Ar-3______!l the oitisens of Yiigitia. tlumVPtu^^ _* . ajaacToat: _ w_u Palater. Chati MLJarseU. FarT . Altß.mjp7r_er. ».>&SSSr **£ -_. I l ,U _»* _____*• «aibe_ta. —-* CELLING OPP AT roST. OR AI'UOUIIB* .. _ _ MOVING -IsteotuS » epea o. -UwX7. the Mh inst.. at No. M MaiajSreeL tbe stareTaaifp oeeapied hy Mr. Utopes R. Bsetr. w_Ua aa ear : B ai ,r M_^o w ftrVL^ IRXitTrXo.. which eaalleßtte eseapMisM with that of aa* other boas* ia the aatTl oflbi fer aata at my old staad, on 17th street, oppasile the Old Market, the t-aiaace of my stock atasTbetaw eeac wrsWißWM^ P. ».-Mia rstsrsii ssr laaaks fur ths kiad aad Übereiaaiioa atehl.herto (.. her. aad her friends aad the public ia geaaraL ihaFeht will osea at ths sbovs as. '—%% ar Hittßiie aad elegaaletoek of MILLItHVI BOOBS: mmmptu? ißftbehrsi aaeiaUiiao*sae(thesesseJrWJr NETS BLEAC_ED "ZST aaT_a efforts wiU to spared te tire atUtfeeUoe S*A aa regard prices aad sty Ws. Liberal ail.paaasWwili be Btade to oouatry awreaaata aaa deaisrs ia tea araL _____F IIIMEELWRIOMT. MOJMI A Wl__ nJ.JL'I?!* ______? ____l^ljf^_J_-Q_y*T** M naaover street* earner ef OanM. f_MM* that At m prepared to CLEANOOT rceThoa sinks, sad other plssea ofdepoeit. aad tt_wo___j _:^^. u L*«.__e_wHE • >WS!! •___TC^*a^gsr •aaa Refer tale at BULB LEY ..IR Maia street. Bm**A*AMßm%mm\**m* BTti __tl l__A ______■ __tfcM itt ____** BA_AH__C jWrTKi Wdlrll. IM Maat ib. A ssa_aV_i tEa ttaaal adsa_aa ia ———a" __. w tl-^^Tl.■_■ t_t _ sri_ P_S._i air y7r*_ _>. ~^* npsr pair At_Fli tl l > rs^P4t%fssa__i__*" [__t__3H_M|gf I _T_!___. -Lit.. ■ ."- W __J aaa)Wtaaast_T" J! __T._________aCr taMta _i 7 _■__■_____, do^C______ i ~' . ' i| M> | >*)ii*_tnß^ •a. faateSMa.>nnSßD 9_M