Newspaper Page Text
tIeGRAPHIC NEWS. ten_res*leaal. -/*- May ot.-Reaw—Tbe House Telegrapb bill, with l ____t throwing opea tbe contrscu lo i* u:,< Ts*ed the Civil Appropriatioa bill, »""'' ,# tor tb*' coast survey and light- otbsr .tarns, •i,«w,ouo tor l „ ■■■li\fk Ratiroao bill waa diaenassd. Senatr patsed n bill providing "*"'.V,uan* .*i'iurod oa tbe Wildfire. it* A ' r 'i* nr ol Mr. Davis' territorial reso -I**__2 U-arately adopted. Tbe vote T he Great Ternsds. j -i May H The morning papers * A :h m'*'»iu>i»of ibe Htcrui. It Is KBSVe f\ tended t mm Louisville to lowIM *■* course of ihe river, .doneare estimated at su*M',«*'>. : a a ,ui villa*.« on the river above j gsred eevatralj. Thirty-six pans >s re knowu lo have mu.k, and -ijred live** are lost. All tin- -'earn- i r!*ei are m*»re or les* injured.— , ~ and New Albany the storm Was j .rous a" i» •*»• vicinity, bat a | n ,M.-es are unroofed, and trees I lover* down. ( ~„rr;il As»ciiibly of the Pre* l,,trrian I'hnrch. -rp May ■-':!.— The report v»f the B _ _f__eca*toa was presented aud ;; ir d o. «*• f ,y m p_iA- and affection from * SJrS« was directed to be sent to tbe Van Kensellacr—a former t»* Reap*—arbo is now lying dan p*»b**»i«| BiirMtigtou, New \'ork. Elo i'' **v 1 feeling remarks were marie by Dr. ;•*•' „_ otbers, eapreasiac the deep regret * rJ - 1 , '. sis *eriou> state ot heal iv. The baainsae »»> iheu taken up, and . r K :;.;,osdsded hiMemark* in reply to rberaweU. From Masblaadaa v . v . ros May M -The Japauese Em " A a I'ni.ede.l severally visiu-d ***"? !-"d M*dav IO witness tbe target ' , _ith ibe «reat cuus. Dahlgrecns ri- T'frr*„ Ac expressed great J Son a the a*curacy and range of the &22-S. and beato-rasl the highest enco- E heir inventor. > ex , York Ti-u Sale. r b May 33--Tbs tea .ale this morn tbb advaaoa of U.a-V. for the toa JreeTaada absaeadvanes oajfce L Hysoa3Jca.Jye;. loaac H>aoa ~ c; ataapoarder MeaSOßc: Imperial V'Tai'v ■ Twaaaw»2»-a3le.i Ooagos We. Duel. c .nvaii May »4.-A dael took place tbie S riven's Ferr*. between OoSßßtO '■'■ v ~'.re taieof Texas, iw.d C. A. L. Lamar, ! :?V, 'ho«ST we" -.changed without ef -7 Tbe dnßcaltjr, wbtob grew outol the jvuiim reseaecaee, was then adjusted. Miuii-ter Harris not Dead. cm YoBK May M -D-itt's troaa Shanghae, .IT i_9U April, .-ay that Towusend llar -1 r S Riaister to Jaaaa, was not dead, but [_'_* contrary, bu- bealtb was improving. Political. ■m Oblbaßß, May *_— A meWing of citi ,*., a: Oalvestoa, Texas, has endorsed the ''•'■ : the Soatbsra *eceder=. Northern Markets. u.Tv.Ki. Va*- M.—Flour steady—Howard ,;«.-'« Wbeat fitm- wh.te |IJM|I 60; red 7_l_l V- Corn active—wbits STaTA jeliow <*6 Ijb Frovu ons firm. Whiskey 21 cents. ——~* BOi-RDINCr. BnsJtßlNO.— I aavs two pleasant chambers, PBtsssams Boor, r.e\*i* furnished, wuti aas tfcsr conveniences, »hn ii 1 would tie pleased '.'"«»■'•» neessied b* ijentlemen. I can also ac , »££» severs! more with DAY BOARD - rsr-Tef Dai Board, #15. All in want of home £_£iswiucadod H. W. JONVM, ' „.,' i..-iw Governor st., over TheJJnice._ DOIKUOR DgOOXfloa llth street, in rear of the main hadastsß corner of Broad street, opposite the fpvtataa Heaae. Tbevwillbs rented t.i .ingie, -tosflutrried gentisauui, witboat children, who tn il* accoii.ii'."SJated with board in the family. in s a*tlie residence. Broad and llth streets. " nif; Sl—ts . DARKER HO US*., F BOSTON, MASS. ijentieiue:. sill fir.d the best of acfioiiiimni-tioiis, s -.-. «*?'> effort for the comfort of guests. LAR DEK sot ex*.eiied in the United .States 11. P. PAR KE R, Bbs-sa J.F.MILLS. BRILLIANT AND FASCINATING NO ."•!, — Just i übiisued : ELFTREIOIS. aa Oriental Romance. By the loth.*! of -"Tbs LHinplighter." One volume, \,es:,) .-■.;:.-; is tiiusbn. Price #1. -ALSO THK BKMI DETACHED HOUSE, a St..rr of Kacbsa Life. Edited by Theresa Lewis. IvoiUBM i'riee 75 cents. In Baelisfa phrase, * ' Man .ie'.:n-hcd lioiise " is .•» duul-'.e house, seeomuiodstiagtwo fu.milies--iii other words, tee booses, in a block. This book recites the fortunes oi two families thus forced to intima tj it is a fresh, lively, natural and charming rt.irt: i capital companion for a leisure hour. rRtsH HEARTS that failed Three Thousand Fans Ago. witb other Things. By the author rf "The New Priest in Conception Bay." 50 TIE LIFE OF STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. By laoes W.Sbaaban- ._ 1 t P FARM OF FOUR ACRES, end the Money womwle b> it With tin introduction by I'eter I P.Mead.editor<*fthe Horticulturist. Wets ITLVAN HOLT'S DA UGHTER. By Holme Lee; i_\i edition, fit. . ... . RYAb'DSRAL. By the. author of "'lhe Wide, Xuie World." 2 *-~„., 12mo. ,2 lor June. . For sale by A. MORRIS. D 7 Man: street. ni>23-St YOTH'E-ls hereby "given lo the citizens of i™ Richmond and surrounding, eountr*. that I Bdls*Sß.aa or about the 15th of Vay inst , at 9* | bub street, (second do->r from tbe cornsr oriftb.l v- most superior stock «l R.KAOI - MADb CUiIHINU that lias ever been offered in this ■ srWet >■■ in*- ».«hls are of mj own seleotion, and made by ike same inanufactiirers that formerly furnished GraaLo-g. Tupman A Co. and Tapman A Hu'l, ths good, so favoraHj known to their customers. The r*..<ls cannot be surpassed in point or style, St snd make, having spared no pains in getting j 'liein vii. knowing the class of goods tha Richmond ] requires. . Feeling the consequences of dojas :t credit nasi- | Dsss, I intend to sell cods STBtCTfcV for CASH, shil in that way c-.u oiler greater inducements to ,%U'cn des.riii'. to paraksas. thnn can t* oliered »ti) where else in this * it*. B* <iuick sales small profits *ud strict attention to business. I hope to a.erit a continuance .>! patronage ao liberally be i; wed on Tupman k Hull IRV NG HIT L, Agent. Late of the firm of Tupman A Hull. Next door to Pairo's Fxchange Office, my 21— ts Corner of Main and Uth sts.__ Orrit, Va. Fikb axd Mabinb Ins. Co..f RWJUSOKB 21th May, 1800. S \T A REGULAR ANNUAL RLRC'TION -» of SAvetiteen Directors for this institution, *.«._ st the I'tfi c of the Company on the 220 inst., the fo<towin« gentlemen were re elected for the eiiiumg twelve months, via : W L.Cowarum, C W. Furcell. Joseph Allen, Thos Sjiuson, Borace L. Kent, , Joe. P. Winston, Win fsimer. H. A. Claitjorna. Aiex'rK Parker, P itrick Cullen. im A. In'oes. Pea. R. Smith, J E. Wadsworth, Rick. L Winston, Win. Beers, John N. Corcon, Archibald Thomas. Areata sulaequent meeting <>f the Board, vy. L Cowakms was unanimously re elected 1 resi dent. WM. Wll.l 18, Js.. BfM 5t Secretar*. ATTENTION. HOCSEKKEI'BR».-Wo « hive on hand a few more of those ■Wb have Isssn attracting such universal atten laa f.,r tbe iast few days. They are perfectly ample, cheap, and will filter water enough tneomk sadwais wits, tiesides suppl*iig the üble. There « fire size., *nd are sold at prices within the sxsns of ths meat economical. ' . _ m Ah »• ask is an examination. Call and ace tbem i* upsration at our atore. _. ~.,„_-« CHAS. D. YALE A CO.. mi 2J-«t Iron Buildings. Oovernor st. JORH DiV„r cAB|N) . T »•• removed his sliop t«> resr of the Law tt»}'««f • •'iliiisiiufacture to order all __ vffl lIIK WARDROBES. • OUNOI'g.TINBar EB. i*Bn_AlW. COUNTI!HO-Hf»CSE D «X». TaBLKH andVHOW.CASKS oi every de.cri , "on lis will repair aud varnish Furniture ol •_rydsscri#tios, .nd psxk FirnHbue. al sbail •etas. He wilt to to the re.idcace of his cus '«-««. loth in the city and eosairr. -»,"/*.' finish,. ,c pack Furniture, on «h«rt not seelaad op very s ,^>nim<Kiatiu_ terms m JL_"~—- - S.CTEAM AND CANDLE MANUFAC- J£RKKB. 17th street.opposite the Market- Keep _*«e«u h.nd a larse stock of the bast BROWH HOAPS. and No. 1 »*V*_ t use. We ti partieolarly ask an «*»»inat on of our brand of Brown, boas of*«'_ Bjesssrs. who desire to famish tbsir oss-Mnefe •>«a_ood low pri'e Soa|. iy>l-IW SS'is ; iil!'SiTv'SW _SMWA J»_'««sao.d H.u'ico count*, are berel£«otiied tSSSS Ik# •asas.daljt » n J asnr.e,, County. Mar M, MM. Carator. B•jf'fc:*?*! Mfi_*?rf" _T ____*altt _, .«a r. Aeo'u. is tne store No 21 bjais sirse*. K'«huioad. UtslV br C A- »"?*!»J_er f„fc* ni J'" •»" 1 *eofu. consisting of Cigars. )y_-i%_R_S*a%_SS T° "tILOANS, AeV-Rsviasaaasarraags bM_f*l_ _ _«> ••*»•■ *_• •«fr» . H .* N J* ftom «*• wiMsa raiia to lbs fit*. 1 2J f•) redased rates, aa tollows i M saa'A P* $£*»* to all*aa ave/sseo? forty ■FECIAL HOTICBB I Rb. Splendid atecb of' '* ' DRY GOODS ~ I AT COST ItJR I'iSR •MOW worth of new sad elegant, r ANLY sad I b H?A\MKf& FOR CASH ONLY To close business on Ist Ausuet. Our stock is lares , n MmiLLAS?BRAWLS AND DI!RIE_R, iMDRdIDKItfRS. LAORBasd HOBIKRY. A« we are selling oft to say oar debts and close business as esrlr aa foaa.ble, nei Goodswrtl bs charged. _r *•«* hf*m *_CO„ I sit 1-l.ti No. Ul Eagle Square. Bralbt. Nicholas baleen, i Main »r.. sea- Exchangk Baik. The-St. Nicholas Saloon, second to no other es tablishment in tbs State, is constantly supplied with ihe choicest FK ENCH AND AMERICAN CANDIES, 1 FRI ITS. NITS. etc. which will be aold. by WHOLESALE or RETAIL on the most satislactory terms. I COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to exam ine the large and well eelecied stock, which is be- I I in- constantly addeu to, before purchasing else- I Partiea and familiea supplied with CAKES, CREAVS and JELLIKS of every description. TheSai.oo* has just been re.-ftttnl in eltgant I styh, and CREAMS o,f tverw Jla-or are served to I Ladies and Gentlemen at the ehorteet notice. A call is solicited. lmy*-lm, A. ANTONI. BV.Tbe Cheapest in Town ! * POWERB Is now taking the cheapest AMBROTYFEB to be had in tbe cit* _ sibb only FIFTY CENTS. i liiliircn laken in one -fond all hours of the dsy. POWERS takes the dollar size Ambrotypes for FIFTY CENI'S. my Next t*> corner 12th and Mam sts. BY. Head Bitot for lied Bugs...All good houeskesssra will !>e glad to near of an article that will kili Bed Bu:-». so'hit the* will STAY KILLED! THE DEAD SHOT <)<** tins entire at d com plete. Being s Kiiitiiiiy extract. itdo«. m.t evapo rntc, but. retains its destructive ethoacy a lon* time. tii.n, beouanag a trap ready act f*>r these H--M1 iis tormentors of our nightly rest. Sold by in} 22-lm J. W. GAKLICK, Drungist. Ba_Ki* hmniid May 33d. l*M*n.—W e \v style SUMMER HATS and CAPS, for gentlemen »nd b«>»s. A few very select and hands -me st»'es hist opened Bojs' CADET STRAW CAPS, very boautitul iny 2J-3t JOHN DOOLEY. »_.Slu„lc and Rouble Zephyr Worsteds, At 18% cents per ouaoe. SHETLAND YARN, in all existing colors. At 12)2 cents per ounce. \ tnyß-lw C. BOETTCHER. 175 B-oad st. • V rape Trimmiuas! I'rape Trimmings! ! A speiuiid assortment ofth s article received, and sells reasonable. C. BOETTCHER. my 21—Iw 175 Broad street ~ SHIPPING f-_-fer I . S. MAIL STK.UISIIIP <_£?#> 'A V K.STOWX FOR NEW YORK. aass-RsR-sThaXjjiRSTOwN, Cantata Thomas Bkibbbb, will leave here at -4 o'clock P. M., FRI DAY. the_Vh inst. Excutsmn tiokets issued to go and return by eith er of the steamers. State- room and meals included, lor tne very iow price of $15. Passage to New York state-room and meals in cluded. S'll). Steerage Dassat.6 -ii. Passage to Noriolk same ss by the river boats. Freight received to-day.(THU RSDAY.) and up to the hour of 1 o'clock P.M., FRIUaY. Consignees arc requested to send tor their goods today. Freuht for Boston taken at moderate rates, and forwarded with dispatch. Tickets and Berths secured at onr office or on lioard the ship. „ mv2i-2i ft WATSON. >..> IOK RORO_.AI-X.-The A 1 coppered _£_«> and topper-fastened bark LONE STAR. a part ot her cartto engaged, will sail with dispatch- Freittht taken on moderate terms, and forwarded free ol charge. Produce of various kinds solicited from the South, and Southwest. Ap pl* to KADER BIGGS A CO., ort A , onf , V ' ODOM A CLEMENTS, < Agent a . Norfolk, May Md, MSB. my 24-15t__ __**. rUR rRTRMRMWRO, MIMRCT.- ANACOSTA. Capt. L. ■aalb-Hcßowa, is now taking in canto lor the above port, and will sail on Saturday, lull or not full. For freight apply to . . _...., my 2J—lt* MILLBPALGH A READ. T r , FOR HOSTON-FIRST VESSEL".— superior fast sailing achr. MY RES, rr*-Bi Capt. W. 11. Rboobs. having a portion of her cargo engaged and going on. board, will hare quick dispatch. For balance of Ireisht. apply to my 21-U DAVID It WM. CURRIR. "_. v, FOR SI SY YO X X—FIRST VES _S'g_«SEL — The superior fast-sailing schooner -B-Sa-SIAHY LANGDON.Capt. G. H- Jackson, having a portion of her cargo engaged and KOing on bard, will hH*e quick dispatch, jor balance °ffi-& M * l ° DAVID A WM. CURRIR. OFFICE ARAMS' EXPRESS COMPANY,! Richmond, March a, I*o. *. .**=__*• HAVING JUST IO.MPL_.TED <___>£?» new arrangements with the New ork sagrj-sj-'-tjte.-unginp Company for Express privi leges per JAMtaTOWN. YORKTOWN, and ROANOKE, we are now prepared to forward all kinds of merchandize, in large or small packages, at creatl* reduced rates. ____,_. Goods destined for Steamship Express should be so marked. , . Our accommodations are ample, and packages under txpress seal. For rates of charges an<! regular tn-weekly oon tracts.apply to J. L, MAC DONOI ''».• Ageiit. •Art Mam street, below 9th. I N. 8.-Our daily INLAND EXPRESSES are rnnning aaasual. . mh7—ts «s7~ CHA NOR OF HOUR FOR bTiTbsb ■*>--"-T'-" FOR PORTSMOUTH jLerssT-i-aAND NORFOLK. The steamer CURTIS FECK, Capt. Gifporii. will, on and af ter WEDN ESDAY next, ith inst.. leiive tbe Wharf at Rocketts regularly ever* hRI OA\ , HONDA 1 find WEDNESDAYmorniii.-s.at6o clock precise ly, and return each alternate day, .Sunday except ed.) at the same hour (6 o cloclo u o lt, J, fu £__ , l « N s°- COVE will t* taken' ofl' the line a ahotttiinetouiidersosoiiio repairs. ap3-u RUNATrVAYS.^ " job **•"> REWAR D. - KaMwsw iteßktbe _!_r b ut>scri'.er. .Va* 22d. •*■ \ ELLOW _ BOY, early white.) name, ROY. about 17 years JPol are and alrotit 6 feet 3! t _CE_knowu in Richmond, and is prot»bly lurk- the city. 1 will the abovs reward ,o^h.S 4 r_e,urn to >^«_*jg^j^ji^ *"'__» HOTTCR.—Was committed to the jail of aW Botetourt county, on the 3d day of April a NKGRO MAN. who calls himsell JP JIM. Bm is aiouteo years old, five feet six , nc i,e» hi" h, and weighs aliont 140pounds hadTn when arrested, a brown cloth eoatana grey UntabWrna and had in bis P*"" ,e^' (,n H ' l 1 V l aP H'' a ?r I .s nnrtin- to Is? written by his master. 1 Robt. Hflrns, Srcanipbell Jim bJ mre h.m «p|f aud receive pay for his services. Ihereby give notice thai unless the owner of .aid negro comes forward and proves his property and pays chaises. 1 shall, at the proper time, pro ceedhi'take such other action: in rela bun uj* ti.e law directs. SARl' Hh.UK.iot*-, inyl»-6w JaUorof BntateartCaaaly. I ' --. asaA»ir.»flise the Richiuond and ,W Danville Railroad Corn, aAr.Riohmoad. two RrVSLAVES, naned JACK and WILLIAM, tue JPproperty of Mr. Th.w. Watts, of Elizabeth jDLcitycountT. A » they sot P aBBeB _J Vi . theTrhomes on the 6th April. *t is presumed that the* are still lurking alwut Hampton or.that neiah li.rhood The usual reward a ill be paid for their "'"my 8-2W ooUk9lMt - A. WORRALL. Sup't. |__ Norfolk Herald please copy. " m TO ARt'IHTEI'TS.-Architeotsarere- JL quested to furnish plans, elevations and JV#V surltiiu drawnuc and specihoations lots TEMPLE, to be built in th's city, on the cornerof Main and Ninth streets. Ihe Trustees reserve themht to reject any or all tie aaid plans, Ac. but f any are received the whole to become the property of the Trustees. FOl the tir-t approved or adopted they will pay a pre mium of live hundred («SOO)doiUrs; for thesscond one hundicd f.SHW)dollars; for the third bfty (*3O) ''The' will l>e one hundred and thirty feet front on Main Hrect and or.a hundred feet on Ninth street, with a projectm,- wing «;n mm w n.-r .if twent* feet for Superintendent s dwelling, "0 be five stories high above Main street, witn cel lar under the buildinsa riAYOF I'lans will ne receive-until the FIRS 1 "Al ur ll'lVnut and to be addressed, under seal, to JOHN RO_lN McDANIEL. Esq.! Pre of Isaacs A Taylo*-, Bankers. Richmond, Va. Anyfurther information desired in wlahpn[•» Hit buiUlim may be had on B. lasaea. to Board of Trustees. DBscßirrioß or plass ros \*_" s h , f„ T t *,"! l L ,s _r The cellar is to l>e nine (9) feet high in the etear, and to be divided into a room tor_ench store one i..r the restaurant, and a coal-cellar under the kitchen to Superintendent's uwelling. The principal story i» to be fifteen (IS) rest ingn inthecelar.and to fre divided into sis: rooms on Main street for stores, and a ro«»monA«»«A street for aVstaurant-fourof the store. W by 100, two » te w. snd the eestaurant A) b* 44 feet. Tne second door is to 1* arranged »o as to have a Cotioert 1 IW by 70, iiioiudiitu stage, green in-ais ft with a gallery. There is to bean entrance .. *<i tn atreet, with lobby, and also one m the rear with same. There are to be in the ,l.b*! luietolft es..Vc. On ths story there are iofcl™ tkstiisadSocrstary.asd Trea ««r_r uiit IS feet each ; also, a reception room or SrTSnmsßtrimßi.Mbf Mfsst. Tlu« story is to be twentyr-ftvet3s> hwh in the clear, and a part ia ibe rear oltblsstor" and tM one below is to be divided teto three stories, tbe lower oae fof a vi V iS_. JJwi ik-twn uoper ones for the Saperm tbsstsar.aadjsbsd vidsd into % "„ _h, «afeat, with ante-rooms, a Grand e.n bSSm rooXaTbf te f..», with ng-'Vffil and aa armory and fosr committee rooms, 10 b» s» %wi to be an entrance «m Ninth.street, and ____. tha rear to the seend story . I he ceilius on Main street, end usVessary provieion is U> he mads for S for _^oT^fu%seSSto bssttee ▼sntilation is to bs secured; water ana ass-sipes Oueis .Jho?i_e stores. 1 woos tbs .scoad n<*or, sad one f.milr.asd obs Ist sack of MTTiLTIfBRT' I REMOVAL. ntfe Ha* removed to the new building, No 2» Main, ! between atii and Jib streets His new store i*ing commodious and eapressl* arranged for li.c RE tail millinery business, win enable ntm 110 keep a'nrge assortment nf ready-made Milli ner i article*, as welt as to add to the onavenienoe Bud profit of his customers. Especial attention : «ul be given to the Ribbon an* French Flower de- I sartment, and ths assortment will bs found com plete dnrins all reasons ol the year. In connection with im>linery a'ticles.he will keep a general aa- I sorttucnt of ladies' Collars snd Sleeves. Lace Cap«a and Berthas. Laos and Mourning; Veils, Bri dal Veils, Ac., nf tbe latest styles. He would also in* its attention to anew department which bs has ad-ed to the milhnerv business, viz : the manufac ture, to order, of CLOAKS and MANTILLAS, which will be under the supervision of a competent designer. The latest Pans fashions will bo re ceived monthly. All orders will meet with prompt attention my 19 —d4w g*m*\ i RMMMaV a---****!! KAY. nA. s** mrs. davTs"a sister, _w_£E 214 Broad Street, between 41 a and bth. North side, Have ju.t received a large and varied assortment S CMM ER MILLINERY, embracing ail the lateat styles, to which we invite i the attention of the Ladiea and puslic generall*. Also, a large assortment oi Children's GOODS. ap 2- ts ___ I __ar\ SECO N D OPiE N I NO WW ______ CmW SIMMER I-'ASHIONS. _LM_! I Z m Z Mb*. DEMELMAN on Main, l<e-__tas twe n 17th and 18th sts., informs her customers and tbe ladies in geneial, thai she is ready to show tier Summer styles of MILLINERY, in all its branch es. Tbe articles will be sold cheap. BONNETS and PLATS altered and bleached. Country merchants and milliners will find bar- I gains at wholesale, having bought a large stock for that trade. [ap 12-2 mM ■ DEMELMAN. ~.A . AC-AM -MB*?™ THE LADIES OF RICHMOND AND __JtS VICINITY. Miss REBECCA SEMON Would respectfully announce to the ladiea that she will open her Room this day t MONDAY) with l a beautiful stock ol Children's Clothing, such aa LITTLE BOYS' DRESS F.S.SAC'.jU ES.APRONf, TALMAS, and evety article suitable lor a child, all I handsomely embroidered and made up in tl.e most fashionable Ft* le to please the most fastidious.. I A handsome lot or PATTERNS. Just received. 1 the newest styles. DRAWING. PINKING. EMBROIDERING and GOLD and SILVER BULLION WORK done at ! the shortest notice KNIGHTS TEMPLAR'S GAUNTLETTS and ROSETTFSof every description made to order, and all kinds of REuALIA repaired FLANNEL SKIRTS and SHAWLS for infants, I and every article suitable for children's we«r, can be had by calling at Mv» REBECCA SEMON'S > Room, at her father's residence, two doors below the St. Charles Hotel. Main st. my 14—2w j [jT SUMMER RESORTS. IA ~ A ROt.RRRIDORALUMSPRINUS. I -nil VIRGINIA.—This favorite summer re _Bi___J»sort is •"W open to Visitors It ha* I*»en t-.e aim of the proprietors to increase us attractiveness and comfort; the fame ot its me dicinal waters tieing well established for many *ears Since the last waterimc season a vor* spa cious arid complete BATHING kSTARLI-fl- M ENT has been put up. combining the most mod crn improvements in WARM, COLD, HOT.and SHOWe.R OATHS. We hope, also, to complete in good time for the "Season" the celebrated •'RUSSIAN STEAM BATH." Our Pamphlet .which will be sent promptly on application) is filled with letters of the most emi nent Physicians. Clergjnmn and others, attesting the virtues ot this water in Dyspepsia, Chronic IH nrrhiraand Dysentery, Scrofula, and all Glandu lar and Skin Diseases, Chronic Nervous Com plaints, Bronchitis, Piles, fe. Thechief access isb* the V-rtinia Central Rail road to Millboro', five miles distant from the Springs, tiienoe by coaches, passengers from the South and West, who come by the Virginia and Tennessee Road, proceed to Lynrhburg,i\ienceto Charlottesville snd Millboro' Depot Tbe Rockbridge Alum being the first in order of tbe Virginia Springs, reached by the traveler en route for the celebrated White Sulphur, Sweet, Hot Springs, Ac, is a convenient resting point.— We shall try to make it a comfortable one. FRAZIER A RANDOLPH. my M SB-It Proprietors.^ i, .1 MONTOO~IRR¥ WHITE ML f£_%Y i'Hl'R SPRINGS. NEAR THE VI it L.-IH 1 (..Ma «.ND TENNESSEE RAIL ROAD, IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, VA.- Will lie,oven for the reception of visitors on tlie 15th day of MAY. The capacity to acconMandate has been increased by the addition of very plean nnt rooms. The buildings have all lieen new y painted and whitewashed, and the bedding ht.s much improved by a thorough renovation, and 1 the addition of srrsKioß HAIR MATTRESBE Pa.-sen«ers reach this place witht-ut stage traci and those wbojnaj desire to goto the SALT 81'J PHUR, GREENBRIER WHITE SULPHUR.. SWEET SPRINGS, can take as much rest hei as they may wish, and then procted by Messt Kent. Fickiin A Peyton's line of SI'PERIO FOUR HORSE COACHES. whi.n leave da •/ reaching the Salt Pond to dinner, the Salt Sulpli (40 miles) to tea. and the Greenbrier White Su phur ami Sweet Springs .each 61 niileß) to dinner, without nieht travel. Leave Virginia and Ten nessee Railroad at fits Tunnel Station. ROB. H. MOSBY, Proprietor. my 3-2awtJy» A . a \ CORNER'S WHITE AND BLKK f frth T > - ' LP HL" X AND CHAi.Y BXA T X JIyELIsPEIN,, -Thu WATERING PLACE will fa open lor tiie reception of visitors on the Ist of June. It is situated on the line and in full view of the Virginia and Tennessee. Railroad. about hall a liiilefiom Bonsack's Depot, Roanoke, Va.. at which depot an O.MN I BUS will always be found waitinr, on the arrival of the cars, to con vey passengers to the Springs. „„. , These WHITE and BLACK SULPHUR WATERS have effected numerous cures. The WHITE SULPHUR, aggravated ca.-cs of Dys pepsia,serious affection of the Liver, Kidneys.and Bladder, General Debility, and especially diseases of the Nervous System, a"d those diseases pc . miliar to females; the BLACK SULPHUR, all kinds of diseases of the Skin, aggravated cases of Tetter, and other eruptions of tne Skin. The ACCOMMODATIONS are equal to any to be found in the mountains of Virsinia. and the TABLE and ATTENDANTS of the most satis factory uharactor, together with a fine BAND Or Mb'NIC, and every other attraction psnally found at first-class WATERING PLACES-as to all ot which we beg leave to refer to the larise number of persons who have heretofore visile*! the place. ap 13-il3m -LA. HEFELFINGER. Prop'r. a . . A WMITfe, SIii.PHLK !»PRl*U!j, GREENBRIER COUNTY, VA. lb fill This long-established WATERING PLACEwiII lie opened for the reception of visitors on the 16th May. Man* new rfad important arrangements have baen pads since the last season in this es taidishmont, and no aftorts will be spared to make the guests comfortable. JEREMIAH MORTOK, President. J. Humphrky*. General Superintendent. B_» Correspondents will please address J. HLM PHREYS,SuperintendentWhite Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier oounty, Va. ap 16—eodtlJuly FOR SALE AJND RALLS 1. ___ FOR RENT—A hands*me COTTAGE fS RESIDENCE, iv Sydney, r.ow occupied by BBS-Mr.Jobs Talman.Jr. There is on the lota kitchen, dairy, smoke-house, stable, fruit trees, i-ump of water aud a good garden. Possession „yen intend,,.. mv24-3t* En*,u.rei 0.1.0e._ _t», FOR RENT- The handsome and enpa fpcious DWELLING HOUcE. corner Grace nsjkand Kousheestreeu, formeny occupied b> .Mr. Lefebvre. and now b* Col. Geo. Willi'. 1 osses sion given let July. For terms. *c. apply to :yir. LEFEBVRE, or JOHN H MEN FORD, at Col. W. D. Blair's, corner Main and Bth streets. Rich __7~Ft> RRBN T-TwoROO VIS, on the seo.-nd KSard fourth floors of the Corinthian Hall Build- M_tj„g. For terms, Ac, appl* to mM i.-»j my W-ts JOS. P.JONES. __*," a rrukl'tiful phi vat*. SBdenceTon union hu.l. at private aaaLgALE.—We are authorised to sell privately, a l>eautiful private RESIDENCE, on Mosby street. Union Hill. It has been lately built ot the l*st material, ard has attaphed a two -st nn brick kitchen, with eves* t**k*t convenience, I ies ides a well «if excellent water on tt.e pr.iiiues. 1 fjere is attached an aore of ground, beautifully laid oat in walks, with ornamental trees, iruit trees, shruii l*cr* and flowers. The property is hictted in one of the most desirable neighborhoods, am! deserves the attention of persons desiring to secure a pri vate residence. PorpirucuUrsßapplyio my 10-ts JAS. M TAYLOR A SON. Aiicts __7 F"o"lt~R~R N T--The middle tenement of Ha those new iron front Stores and Dwellings, on ■iSa Franklin street, within a few yards oi ths First Market, suitable for a 'most any kind ol re tail business. The Store and Cellar wilt i>«? rented separately, if desired. Apply at No 43 Mtrn st. to vi) 1-ts WM. WALSH. _Kb FOR RENT-A front ROOM, over our fcWJT for " rc n o; -H, n.UO.YIB FOR RENT.-Two ROOMS for in tto attic .tor, over the ->-»}*' • No. IM Mam st. ___ FOR RKNT-Oue large FRONjP ROOM, Store 172 Broad street, below «fh. Apply B——o h ths premise.. inn a—ts __r _ FOR "RRNT.—The large FACTORY on mW Cut j street. Isstween luth and llth streets near Maapunlop, Moncure A Co '«. suitaDle tor a lo baooo Factory, Warehouse, or Manuiaotunng sue taWishment. Ensuire a ro fe 14—U KENT. PAINF. « i»i. j* FORHRNT-The FTRST aad BECO.NI) KB FLOORS of the DWELLING over our store. MARCUS HARRIS A BRO.. fe 23— ta Next to the American Hotel. ! # BELOW t'OBT.- 1 hive about __h_-| V 2 OU) pairs of lAd-es', Misses' aud <mmW^ m tm I A*^fis* r tU GAITERS. that I will sell without regard to cost. (mostly for misses and ohildren.l auitable for evening Shoes. Those iB want. Vill do well »p call sdob. my 83 -St* T w. P. w. iayiajh. _T FO R »A I. K-Three very bse and r_| well broken MULES. 1 he, are soU for no fault: the owner has no use lor tbem. IF. Aooly at thia office. •staasaV roy "iT FURBALR.— A No. 1 HORSE, BUG- HARNESB: *Im.. SADDLE and -S-LA-BRIDLK. The boras is 6 years old. a i«b tatled l»av, ridee delishtfnllr sad ie asuiekbugsy borTe. is sobl lor aolaolt; bu» Uscaase tbesut> ■criber baa no tims to use him. For lenns, apply S luVMaia etrest. or at A«srioaa fjuduas. kaat by Zl2 fTOK BALfc. OR EXCRANGbroR idi St SIR A RLE CITY_PROPERT Y-Tao i &s£> m c^tA%r«r_&.nd : __ I **¥ *a«ast. <• eW _.. si_u Wo. 1 Dailardßouss. f~a a_s_t Mserry on si* *•'■*•■•T *""• *• asf ss ss» AUCMOJf SALBS. Ry A. P. Wlltlais, Aact'r. rHIMWfMtONKR'RJIAXR OF RRAL EB CATHERINE STREET. AT A» : 'TI«.R -fs ea ecntion of a decree of the Circuit Conrt of tbe , city of Richmond, entered on the Uth day of May, IH*». in the ease of " Williams vs. Green, Ac.," tbe subscriber, aa Commissioner tbCTeh*; appoint ed, will sell at public auction, on MONDAY, tbe 4tb day of June, at 5 o'clock P M.. of far; if n..», then on the nestlafrday tbereafter. at the same hour.i tb* REAL ESTATE in the bill in said eaas mentionsa-being a lot of ground on the north aide ot Catherine street, west of Henry street, fronting 40.' 4 feet, aad upon whicti stands a brick ho'isc. now occupied by James Ragitnd. Tsbms -One fourth cash; balaace at t aad G months, for notes, witb interest added, and title retained until the purehass> money isfnlly paid. N. A. BTURDIVANT, Com'r. A. D. Williams. Aaot'r_ _____-. By J. H. lM«_cs. Aact'r. ITALUARI.R LIBRARY AT AUCTION. --v On WEDNKSDAY AFTERNOON, Ma* bub. at 4 o'clock will I* sold, at auction room .*> street, the Library ofa di.tinguuhed literary gen tleman about leaving the SUte. 1 hi. collection comprises a great variety of excellent Work., all of them in g<» d order, and is welt worthy ths at tdntion of scholars and booksellers N. B.—The Books are now open for inspection. Catalogues may be had at the auction-room, or of West A Johnston, 119 Main street. J. H. DIGGEB. Auct. D. F. Booth , Salesman. my at-tds RvThos. W. Keesee, Aact'r. (Office corner of Uth and Cary streets.) Mi HORM.3, AILL.e* AID SPRINR TL_T_IWAGON FOR SALE AT AUCTION. ---= SATURDAY MORNING, 26th inst., will be sold, at the Horse Auction Lot. on Council Chamber Hill, commencing at 10 o'clock, several saddle and harness HORSES, three or four tood MULES, and one excellent SPRING WAGON. myJB THOS. W__IC_EBEE. Auc'.'r._ QA&.B OF I.OT <~MA» MUkMCMMRTER.— On SATURDAY.Mth inst., atso'clock P. M., on the western limits of Manchester, near the resi •tence of Mr. G. Wootl, a corner LoT, of about ■'*) feet front. Tkkms.—One-third cash; balance in 4 snd 8 months, for nesotiable notes, satisfactory*- en- Imyia-ari J. V. WILBON. i*iA^lNsuiiA\lKs^t]k7rr~ OLD DO VIIN ION I NSC HA NCR COMPA NY.-CAPITAL S-00.000 ! B__l/Jf«ci? for the present 190 .Vfnfn street, square above the Post-Oftce."s*m This Compsnv is n«w prepared to receive appli cations (or FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE on favorable terms. directors .- Gab. Wortham, John H. Greanor, John Enders, Geo. S. Palmer, Sam'l M. Price, Win S. Triplett, B. F. Ladd, B.C. Tardy, Jno. Stewart Walker, Wm. Currie, Luther R. Spnman, Jas. R. Crenshaw, Peter C Warwick, John H. Williams, Jas. S. Kent, Mark Downey, Horace i-". I .ltnond, Thomas Jones, James M. Tatbott. Edwin A. Smith, I Griffin B. Davenport, Ro. A. I'aine. i Geo. W. Yancey, Ro. F. Williams. | Jos. Brummel, Win. P. Ranland, | Wm. Brent, Henry C. Cabell. Ro. H.Maury Geo. W. Royster. ISAAC DAVENPORT, Jr., Pres't. Chas. E. Wortha.m, Secy. i Notice to the Stockholders.—A requisition of seventeen per cent., hem* $4 25 on eaoh share, is required to tie paid in cash on or before the 30th < inst., at the office oi tbe Company. _i"i j___* °- X ' vr-'Stc'y- I rMK V I trt ti I N I A L.IFH INSIRANtR COMPANY is now fully prepared for bnsi i ness, and the attentis*n of tlie public i« earnestly i called to the importance of its objects This Com-' 1 vany, under its charter, divides seven-eighths of i its profits every three years, among the policy holders, thereby giving the assured the ad van - f taees of the mutual svstetn, with the pledge of a i perpetual Capital Stock of S 100.000, and the added securit* that its Stockholders have a permanent j . moneyed interest in conducting its affairs with prudence and economy. The Charter requires one-half of the Capital Stock and Earnings to Ire invested in Bond and i Mortgage on unincumbered Real Estate, wo th • double the amount. The chief object of the Company is to aid in re taining at home the immense amount of money ■ which goes annually from our State tor Life Pre s miums to Northern Companies That money will • tw loaned to customers *W a term of years, at le gal interest, and disbursed in our midst. r Endowments and Annuities granted. Life and 8 term Policies issued st as low rates as other good > Companies. Staves insured for one year, or for a term of years. DIRECTORS: John Puroell, Bam'l T. Bayly, Joa R. Anderson. C. G. Barney, Ro. H. Maury, Jas. A. Cowardin. Bern. H. Nash, P. T. Moore, John H.Claiborne, B.C. Wherry. Wm. H. Christian, Wyndtiam Robertson, John C. Shafer, Peter C. Warwick, R.O. Haakins, Edward Norvell, George J. Sumner, f>. S. Wooldridee. Wm. H, Macfarland, Joseph Allen, Roscoe B. Heath, Thos. W. McCance, John H. Montague, David 1. Xiurr, Lewis Ginfer, John Jones, Jas. L. Apperson, Lewis D. Crenshaw. Win. G. Fame, H. E. C. Baskervill, Ss.m'l J. Harrison, Wm. H.Haxall, Roi.t. T. Brooke, George D. Shell, Wellington Goqdin, John Douley. Upon the adjournment of the meeting oi Stock- | holders, the Board of Directors convened, and \ elected the following officers; President—WM. H MACFARLAND. Vice Prtstdeut-BAM'L J HARRISON Physician-Dr. BLAIR BURWELL. Attorney— ROSCOE B HEATH. Esq. J. AJIAIR PLEASANTS,Sec'y. l__Ofnce corner Main and llth streets. Rich mond. ap 38-ts _MRK INSURANCE. JC MARINE INSURANCB. i Incorporated 1833.) THE VIRGINIA FIRE AND MARINE INSUHi ANCE COMPANY. ___OAoe No. 131 Main Street. Riohmond.~Hl Capital and Surplus, £230,000 ! This Company has the advantage of twtnty-seeem ytars' experience in tue lnsur«n(>e business, and having enjoyed the favor of the publio during all of that period needs no special recommendation to the citisens of Virginia It elfe* ts Fire Insurance in city and country, and Marine 1 nsuranoe to all parts of the world. Its casti capital and surplus are as above, and its aliairs are managed prudently, but bberallv, and its rates are as low as those of any other good i_3iitu , tion. cirbc'To.s: W. L. Cowardin, J. E.Wsdsworth, Patrick CuUen, i Joseph Alien, Wm. Beers, Geo. W.Smith, I Horace L. Kent, Thos. Samson, B. L. Winston. Wm. Palmer, Chas. W. Purcell, Jno.N-Gordon, AI3X. IL i',rke r . Jos. P. » insiou, Arch. Thomas. Jas. A. Inloes, H. A. Claiborne, Apply to the President or Secretary, in person or by letter. W. L. COWARDIN, President. Wm. Willis. Jr., Secretary. '•*":'■ NRW FAMILY GROCERY, Corner op 2o ANti Main Strekts (Gianini'sold stand.) The Mi l 'scniters, having leased lor a term ol *ears the atwive property, and greatly enlarged and im proved the same, hive opened and purpose keeping a FIRST CLASS GROCERY, to winch the atten tion of the cittsens of Richmond and surrounding country, and the ISbies in particular, are respect fully invited. Their sock is emnely new and li:>s been selected with Krar-.t care, and purchased at the lowest <-isli prioes. and will be sold at tne smallest living profit tor cash, or to prompt cus tomers " .' L From the superior quality snd grant variety ol their stock.'hey feel soofidsst tuat it is only ne cesr.-*r> lor families to call and -cc fnr themselves, i in order to induce them In make their purchases. Goods sent to any pa Hot the city, in* 21 ts MINNIB A CO. COM ETH 1 S G NEW "--The undersigned O would respectfully inform the "old patrons" of D. AC R. Weller, and the public generally, that he has commenced the _, ■ TIN WARE AND SHEET IRON BUSINESS STOVE WORK. Ac. in all itsvarioua branches, at Waller's old stand. No. as Main atreet, where he will be pleased to ace all who may favor s ,. B__ln taking leaveof my old friends and custom ers. I take great pleasure in iccoimnending to their favor and consideration. m» successor. Mr 8. BOUiS. 0. R. WELLER. my 15-lm* tIFtOSD SUPPLY OF SUMMER GOODS. £5 I have just returned fro_j the Northern cities, where I have purchased for cash a L and handsome assortment of LA D 1 E8 ' ORE S S GOODS. BONNETS. RIBBONS, and all kinds of MILLINERY GOODS, which I will sell very low. New goods received every week. Bonnets bleached and made to order. Store closed every Saturday p^™-* --my 13- Iw* No. 31 Main st. c,wiPAIKS UILT WINDOW Siuiftv- OUl.' To be run otf at an immense sacrifice, on account of enlarging my store this summer. Also, Table and Floor OIL CLOTH; W large gilt framed PARLOR PICTURES, diflerent sce nery, at one-halt their value Call soon, at the established Window Opposite the store of ijuarles A boas. P. B.—l have no traveling agents in this city or tAmmyhMon nth S-Bra S*C«AR-CUKEO MAMS. *c.- O 80 tierces Extra cured HAMS. 20 bbls. prime No 1 LARD -10 hhds. plain HAMS, small sixe. 6 hhds. superior small BREASTS. mm S ts F,W " ftl V/wKS ». MINKB.IfBbat. stkawhrrkirV. --t ' I am in daily receipt of fine, large aud fresh STRAWBERRIES. Tr.ose in want of them for preserving oan engage them in auy quantity, by carl, -wl.ention iuv pI , BABANTB> _ my H„u N*_» Main st.. aoraas W k HAMS -600 ugar-cured HAMB, of best brands; Faniilv SIDES and SHOULDERS: Prime LARD* in kegs; Ileavy SIDES and saOUtDERS. for plantation use; together witb ageneral assort ment of GROCERIES, for «- to l °y|^ v l A t LK , _; my 9— lm Wo. 18 Main street. IT'ORBVA-.R-'Adesirable LOT,on Leigh atrsst. P li_r to theTAfrican Baptist Church; also. TWO LOTS oa Baker street, nearly, opsostta Msj. shmdi'clats residence ; also, a LOT at the foot of Oman HilL bordering oa tbs Canal and ncr tbs k*%MeWMn¥>*% A.ot._ FINE WHITE BAN". » «w «.-» Ftobi New foist, Received and tor -^ BER> No> „„„„ & my U Im* BoekctU. MAI TI NO! M ATTINR l-a» pisoc. 4.6 and < saarter MATTING, fur aale privately at very to Also >o *several REFRIGERATORS, various vsry M Mai. «__ NSBSCiavrag^^ May to*. WM __J_ •_sf:?'L niOSH -IS bads. Sides. 8 bbds. MboaMeta.* B«^R^f^^ VwJ|^fcW | —, , —-- ■_! .it- ; ' _.--*_--__~-- AwCTIOV M-A-sansa FVTUBE _______ j Z> My Jas. M. .Tavist Rfaea. Aact's. . CALE OF FURNITIRK AT ALCTIMW. --~ We will aell on MONDA V*. tbe »b mat., st th* reaidesee of Dr. R. H. Cabsll. oa Frae_iia. be tween sthead 7tb stieete, commencing atlOo'clk A. M.. hia satire Household aad Kitchen Furni ture, consisting of s large and aaefal variety. A> RO—A double Carriage aad Sleigh. Taaas.-Haass ef BSV asd aader, saab; over that amount, 4 moats.' credit, for approved negotiable Botes, with ißterest added. __ _ — . my ii JAS. M. TAYLOR A SON, Aaota. L ANTMIOI'sEa AND I7»T8. ON CHUbCM AND UNION HILLS, AT ArOTION.-OB MOIC DAY, »th Ma*. IBM. (tbat beta* What Monday.) commenoiac at 3*» o'clock 9. M,*we will sell uson the premise, respectively, in the order u«ed be low, the following most teautifal PROPERTY. Square No. 10. ia Adama' Plan, bounded by Ven able, Pleasants, Mosby an 1 Adams streets. It has been sub-divided into SI lots, fronting on Venable. I l'l-«snnts and Adama street., and among tbem i ma* he found some most desirable site, for stores i and d wed legs. _ Two Framed Tenemants on 27th. between O and P streets—one of them is occupied by Mr. Sixer. ! They bave three rooms each, and are comfortable houses. I Two Lots at the corner of Mth and 8 streets, 35 by 13S feet each. Five Lots at the corner of 29th and 8 street.. 3ft by 133 feet each. And bquare No. 19. ia Rutherfoord's Plan, bound ,ed b> 30th, 31st,', and R streets, lying issmediate- Ily in front of the residence of Mr. C. R Hunt, ft haa been sub-divided into 30 lota, about 3ft by 133 feet each. Thia aale will embrace some of tbe most desira- I ble property in that whole section, and will afford to persons wiahing to secure building lota an op portunity that cannot again occur—while to the capitalist, it offers investments which must prove profitable- _ . Plats of the property may be seen at the office of th» Auctioneers. Tkk ms.—One-fourth cash ; balance at 4. 8 and 12 months, for notes, with interest added, and title retained. P. S — Refreshments will be furnished at sale. my 16 JAS._M. TAYLOR A BON. Aucts. By K. B. teak. Aact'r. REAL ESTATE ON SEVENTEENTH ST.. AND HOUSEHOLD Pi T RNITURE. AT AUCTION.-On TUESDAY, 29th inst. at ft o'elk, P. M„ 1 will sell ou the premises, on 17th street, opposite the residence of John Priddy, Esq.. a LoTOF GROUND, having a front of 31 'eetO inches on 17th street, and runninz back luO leet, upon which is a most excellent BUI LDI NO. smta ble for a grocery and family residence, in good re pair, together with kitchen and all recessary out houses, the wh >le being under good fence. After which, all the HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE, embracing Mahogany Sofas. Chsira, Wardrobe. WaahstanJa. Bedsteads, Beds, Mat tresses. Presses. Looking Glasses. Carpets. Ac. TKBMS FOR THB ItllL X.ST ATE — OnS-tOU ttfl cash ; balance at 4 6 and s months' credit, interest ad><ed, for note., satisfactorily endorsed. For tbe furniture, cash. £. B. COOK, Auot. my 18 -tds . LAR«ESTOtk OF UDDLtIRY, HAR NESS, Ac, AT AUCTION .-Will lie sold, at public auction, on WEDNESDAY, the SHi day of May, 1860, commencing at 10 o'clock, at No. 64 Main street, a *ew door, above Sf. Charles Hotel, the largest, and most complete struck of SADDLfcS. HARNESS. *c, ever offered in a Southern city. Those in want, both in town and country, will find it to their advantage to attend the sale, as GREAT BARGAINS MAY BK HAD. Tbe stock was made up for a retail trade, and warranted iv every particular, consisting of one hundred Saddles, seventy five sets of Harness, sin gle and double, and all otber articles generally kept in snoh establishments. Terms made known on day of sale. WM. SALMON. Sale conducted by E. B. Cook, Auct. [my 22 By Richard (nut born, Anct'r. CURATOR'S SALE OF PERSONAL ES TATE. .BLOODED STOCK. FARMING UTENSILS, Ac. AT AUCTION -On WEDNtS DAY,6t'i day ol June, commencing at 11 o'olock, A.M.. at Ravenswood the residence of th** late Mrs. Mary A. Bra.xton, three miles from Richmond, on the Mechsnicsville Turnpike. 1 will sell at auc tion her entire Personal Fstate, consisting of Household and X tchen Furniture. Farming Uten sils of every kind: 4 good Farm Mules; 7 head o! Cattle, ainomc which are 3 good Milch Cows; one Horse and Uugiojono full bloo-'ed Mare, now in foal by the famous horse Deucalion, and havin< a Revenue colt. 3 months old. at her side; one fine Red-Eye Fills*.one *enr old, out of same mare; and the gtowin:; Wheat and Oat Crops.—Casti for all sums under 820; over 820 and under *560, sixty days' credit; over 880 and under 8100. four months' credit: over Siou six months' credit—the deferred payments, in every case, r*« be secured by negotiable notes, with ap proved endorsers, and payable in Richmond. I especially call the attention of horse fanciers and others to the Blooded Mare and her Colts several of her stock having taken premiums at ° 0r Bt %Wmt CHARLES CAMMAN. Curator of est, of Mts. j^jggjg £££ Ry J. J. Moore A Co., Auct'ri. | ________ Va.) MARSHAL'S sAhF. OF SCHR. /SfeiA LICK R OGE R'S AT AUCTION «3-sa»B> virtue ol a decree ol the District Couit of the United States for- the Eastern I District of V,ruling- at Norfolk, pronounced I on Friday, the 4Ui day or May. DfcO, ;a the I case of the i'nited Stuti« of America against! Hie schr. Alice Rosers, [ shall sell, at pub- I lie auction, lo the highest bidder, at Nash's wh >rf, I tn the oily of Norfolk, on TUESDAY, the sth day of June, I<WO. at Ills o'clock, the schooner ALICE ROGERS, about 75. tons buttheii together with her Isitits. tackle and furniture, sails, water casks, anuiiois and chains, Ac. —ALSO— 1 CHRONOMETER, in good order: 1 SEXTANT, 3 LOGS MAHOGANY; 1 TEL.ESi'OPE, 1 bbl SUGAR; 3 kens RUM, 1 hail bbl. GINGER WINE; 1 bbl. FISH OIL, 1 bbl. TAR and a lot of STORKS Tbbms of SsLE-Cash, _^ MarabalEuteTrn District of Va. By Tiii><. N«sn. Jr . Depiitv. J. J MoqHE * Co.. Aucts my MP—hi iP, MARBHAL~ba,A-._.-BHIG VIRGIN AT AI .'•'•TION.—By vim vol a decree MEBB_of the District Court of the United States, I for the Eastern District of Virginia, at Norfolk, pronounced on Friday, tlie 4th da* of May, IJ6U. iv | the case of tue United Mates atainst the bri* Vir- I giman. 1 -haii proceed to sell at public auctit.n. to the highest bi**«ler, at Chainherlaine's wharf, in i the city of .Norfolk, on TUrSUAY. the !fi da* ot June. into, at II o'clock, the brig VIRGINtAN. about 145 tons burthen, together with her Boats. Tackles. Sails- Water Casks. Furniture, Ac The Virginian'waa overhauled afjout au months aco and r« coupe rev; ha. two suits ol rales, one of which is new; the riggm* was thoroughly refitted, "aIso,"?CHRONOMETER; l TELESCOPE ; 83 WATER CASKS. Terms of sale cash, in specie JOHN F. WlLYVMarsbal E. I). Va . Uy _ as*. Nash, Jr., Deputy. J. J. Moors * my M Ry Hector Davis, Anct. AT ACUTION-A MO. I HOUSE SERVANT AND VIOLIN PLAYER—I will sell at my Auction House, on TUESDAY, tne om of June next, a LIKELY NEGRO MAN, well known by the name el Joshia—a No I house servant and violm player. HECTOR DAVIS. fy 22-dtd _____ Auct'r. CAR« 1 TO VHiS CtriZKNE OP richmond, va., dr. Mont a r de 0 ," f f'r .s. m. f. a professor'of'chemistry IN THK UNIVERSITY OF PARIS. *r.. i SOLE DISCOVERER AND COMPOUNDER DR. MONTARDE'S MIRACULOUS PAIN KILLER. | , GREAT FRENCH RHEUMATIC REMEDY! I ' Begs to invite tbe attention ol the citizens of • RICHMOND I AND VICINITY [ TO THIS GREAT PREPARATION Now univer«allj acknowledged to be. KITHER as an INTERNAL or EXTERNAL REMEDY. THE GREATEST MEDICINE IN THE WORLD, For the immediate cure of DYSPEPSIA. DEBILITY. CHOLERA MORBUS. LOSS OF APPETITE. SCROFULA. „ ■ *"_*■•**■ CATARRH, or Cold in thk Hbad, RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA, TOOTHACHE, Ac IT CURES THE WORST TOOTH ACHE IN HALF A MINUTE! THE WORST NEURALGIA IN HALF A MIN UTE! THE WORST CROLIC IN HALFA MINVTE! THE WORST SICK HEADaCH X IN HAL F A MIN UTE! IN a WORD. _ ALL PAINS AND ACHES. _,__. ' OF WHATEVER KIND. VANISH BEFORE ITS IT_ik «" * URIF iWiMWJk THERYBTBM. IMPARTING HEALTH^YD^IGOR.^^ In Baj.timorr, Washinoto.v, _nb _ll otbbb CITIKS WHKRKIT II- > BBBN InTBOOBCBD. IT HAS ENTIRELY SUPERCEDED ALL OTHER PREPARATIONS. MORE OUT BEING NOW SOLD than of an* other wadiciss if tbs World! AS a SPECIFIC FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS. IT STANDS VniVStIBBS Ws do aut say of this Medicine as is frequently said ot others, "that alter using aor « bottles re lief m»« be expected." We confidently assert tbat ia using this medicine tbe relief is INBTANTANEOUi! Whils the pries of this Gm* mjusißo M oalf Mutlß CENTS PER ROTTLE. We resssstfsUy ask lor at a trial from aH. sat- ! isned tbat one trial w.l: bs suAoiest ta sstabbsb i for "it in Richmond tbe high repoUtion it eat?** is all otber oitiae. JAS. RcIK)NNKLL. General Ass at. Bait i mors _For sale iaßiobmoadJ*! Pvscbll, Übsß Co_. Pisubr A WißsTon, Main at. aad by Dratirsu gaaerally ■ *_£_*••__ AMs>t*H«N¥ WATRR.-A asialy ot tai. A Mpu'.ar Water fre-b from ibe Sar iuga ~^Vp_RTRIKSONA___O_ Me Mais „_•«♦__ | |JCRKIN(sB-400 barrels sapenor Cat; lift U CUNDRIbft -Sba/cb s «Ni. Btoekinß. iiuckeu. wJSS-S" * i^?m t &s^cfM it H AY—Pniae Uaier Desk Ray. dssly espssteJ li » «mT.ner*5 b k WHITLOOK k mm a M , Ti»_?& _.___ MU * _ WOMfLE A CLAIROMNR,Wo.u Paaeist. I A.JJ^nomwmmwm\ PVTVRM DAYS. My Raddla to Aaaerssan Rant's. """"" VUff£. ABM OM FB ENU H «»A R ,._ £_£ JII.U__SWD ON OREGON HILLVFOR SALE AT AUCTION. I Will be sold at aaob«a.on,iae stamtaaa.iß ta»©r- ! REAL ESTriFE. _«___ TUt en lbs of n?.?n^4b!^r'^ B w2 r-sL ths'whole of Le* N*-?eed the northern halfof tat NoT.n"Ha^»iVsmOrssea 45 fe.t on tbe eemt line of Bclviderc •""£• back 100 feet, having thereon aa_eaosllent rramed Dwelling, forsssrly occupied by Bernard RsaS. cash; *»»^ -^.* , ' u i J months, for nesotial.'e notes, interest adueo, ano title retained till alj tbs purchase money »»said - The taxea for UW to t« paid by the purchasers. Eu 19 GODDIN b APPrRSON, AsctS. THK IE VSLI'ARLM LMTBO'NJ OREGON I IIILL. FOR SALE AT AUCTION%WiH be sold, atauettoi . »n the premises, on SATURDAY, tne 2»th May. b**o'clock P. M.. tires valna ble Lots, located as a'sjve-one on the Wcet line of Howard street; another on tbs East line el I belviiiere street, .corner lot.iand another front ing 114 feet ou the canal, ..opposite the Tredegs* lron Works,) unjoining tbe grocery atore owned by Mrs. Dewcrs. This lattsr let will be di video, if required, into smaller lots. Tbbms —One-third cash; balance at 4 and S months, for necotiable notes, interest added, and title retained till all the purchase money >s fully psid. Tbs taxes for 19*0 to be said by the pur chasers. GODDIN A APPERSON. m* 22 Auctioneers P. 8 -After the foregoing sale, will he sold 7 handsome LOTS, each 28 b» MO feet, near to Hoi!» wood Cemetery, on CfieTry street, and between that street and Laurel atreet and Spring street. Terms as aliove. (my 25] O. a A. VALUABLE CMIMK KKIIOrAI E0.% THE WEST LINK OF »th ST.. FRENCH GARDEN HILL. FOR BALK AT AUCTION.-- Will he sold at auction, on the premises, on SAT- UkDAY. the 2#ih ol ray. 1*» at 4 o'clock P. M the new and admirably well built Cottage rear dence, located as above, nearly adjoining tbe resi dence ol Mr W. W. Snead and opposite to that al Mr. Childs. The house has eight rooms, with front verandah, and quite tastefully finished Ibe nets hhorhood is a most improving one. Terms- One f. Una cash ; balance at 3, 6. and 9 months, for negotiable notes, interest added, ami till- retained till ail the purchase mone* is said. The taxes for 1860 to lie paid b. the purchaser. my 21 G« DiliN A AFPf.RSON. Auots. CALE OF A BEAD TI ML COUNTRI O SKAT BETWFEN THK BROOKE TURN PIKE AND FAIR GROUNDS. ON HOW ARD BTREET,ONE MILK NORTH OF RICH MOND, AT AUCTION.—At ths reauest ol Mr. Is tao Williams, we will sell at pubho auction, on the premises, on MONDAY, the 28th May. 1880 at -o'clock P. M. the very beau'iful and attractive place on which he resides, fronting on the Sonth side of H-ward street. T.e place contains «J£ acres of land, beautifully situated, highly im proved, and having thereon every budding neces sary for the accommodation of a large family ■ The dwelling has einht rooms, besides which there is aa excellent kitchen, barn, stable, Ac, all h-.nlt. within the l«st three or lour years. The place commands a fine view of Richmond, and the nenthUirtiood is not. only an improving one, but is anion * the best around the any. after which. will be sold a lot (Opposite) ou the north side if Howard street, containing six acres. This is a heautiliil lot. Tkbms.- One-third cash; balance at one and two years, tor negotiable notes, mtere«t added secured b« a trust deed. GODDIN A APPERSON. my 10 Auctioneers. \TAIN STH-KT PROPERTY IN MAN. ▼I CHESTER. FOR SALE AT AUCTfON.-Ou TUESDAY next, 29th inst. at half-past 6 o'clock. P. M_ will be sold on lite premises, .THREE LOTS, fronting 29 fret each on mil or Main at. and running bock 130 feet to a 16 feet alley, and cornering on Summers street. This property, as a whole, is the most desirable m the town for a tobacco lactory *r siemmsry, and for stores or dwelling In uses is equally wed adapted. It is only two squares from the end of Mayo's Bridge. TsßJgs.—One-third cash; b-ilnn-e at I and 8 months, for negotiable n.-tes. interest added, and title retained tilt all the purchase money is paid.— The taxes for lAW ti Ik uaid by the purchasers. GODDIN A APPERSON. my 21 Auctioneers. nOUSEAND LOTToRSER OF PERRY STREET AND CORPORATION LINWIN MANCHESTER F"R SALE AT AUCTION.- Will be sold on TUESDAY next, the 29th May. at 6 o'clock. P. M .the HOUSE and LOT located aa above, now occupied by Mr. Joaiah, Moles, front ing 40 feet, running back lt_ fesl. TkE*i*—At site ,n *' B * UODDiN A APPERSON. Auota. CTORE AND DWELLING, ON HILL O STREET, MANCHESTER, FOR SALE AT AUCTION.-Will Us .old at auction, on TUES DAY, the 29th May, lstio. on the premises, at 6 o'clock P. M. the excel ent STORE AND DW FIXING, located as above, recently erected by Mr. Geo. A. Perry,and now in his occupancy. The lot is a beautiful one, the house is an aaoel lent stand for business. Tkrms— One fouith easft; U*l»ive at t 3 and 12 months, for n»soti«.i .\ii n.ites, interest added and title retained ;.II last note is paid. The taxes for 1860 to oe paid by the purchaser. my.t GODDIN A APPERSON, Auet's. VERY Ktl I i,:..M BKIIK UWKLL. ING. ON THE SOUTH BIRR OF CI AY, BETWEEN MUNFORD AND GILMER STS. FOR SALE AT AUCTION.—WiII tic acid, on TUESDAY. Wth May, I*W. at sR o'clock P.M., the excellent BRICK TENEMFNT. located as ."ilstve, now in the occupancy of Mr. Wm. W. Win ro The lot has a front -.f 6.1 feet, and a depth of 157 feet, to an alle» 16 feet wide. The house ts nearly new. haa nine rooms, be.ide. front and rear portico, and is remarkably well built Tkkms.— One-fifth cash ; balance at 4. 8,12 and 16 months, for negotiable notes, it.terest added, scoured by a trc-,t deed, or title remitted. Tbe taxes for 18C0 to be paid by the purchase. my M GODDIN A APPERSON. Attot's. NEAT LI I ILEFAKM.6V'»? A« RES. ON HARVIE STREET AND WIftTHAM PLARK ROAD. TWO MILES WEST'OF RICH AIOND. FOR SALE AT AUCTION.-Wnl be Isold, at auction, on the premises, on WEDNES DAY.tbcaoth May, s>i o'clock, P. M.. tbe very neat and attractive little Kami, located as aliove. ndjoinin« that occupied by Mr. Lu.not occupied tt» I'rovost. "Vhe tract contains mne acres oi hi<hl* improved land, and has on it a new f)w .litu aad all the nsaal out-hi/vidtngs, *itb a well of water and a tine vine-atd. Tbe'isnd fronts on Hnrvie Hret-t, i>e Vestß-Bi Tlsuk Bead and another Street, and is .a a roust improving part of the suburbs. Tbrms.—une-fourth eashi balance at 1. 2 and 3years, for bonds hearing interest, secured by a trust deed. The taxes for 1.-0 to le pail by the purchaser. GODDIN A APPERSON. my 22 Auctioneers. BJbfJsß OF HOUSE V-> AND LOT, ON DUVAL STREET. IN THE CITY OF RICH.ViOND.-Puisuant to the decree entered b, the Ciicuit Court of the city if Rich mond, on the 12th da* of May. 1880. in ts3 suit of Kiletr. against Games' representatives. *C . we shall, on WEDNESDAY, in* Mh da* of May. iB6O, at l o'clock P. M., on the prerutses, seil at public a.ict ..a. to the hi* best nidoer. a i<t with a smsil WOODEN TENEMENT thereof, situated on Duval street, nearly Luv-G street Church The lot fronts on the South side of Dv vai street 24 feet, spti rups tutck 140 test. Tkrh; —*.*.!« fourth cash; on<* fMirth, at two inoiilhs; on.--fo.;riii at lour month.: and tbe re iiiairi.n* fourth al six monti.s Ncgottat'le notea with interest, added and satisfactor ly endorsed. will I c ie.,uired of the purchaser, and the title to the property will be withheld t II the whole pur chase is paid. Th>os for itfuthe purchaser to pay. JAMES C. KLLBTi.I n nmTm w. ROWK. 5 ( «nirs. Sale by Os___S_ Appgawov. Auctioneers. TRISTEta sALaelMtißf RKAL'TI- Fl'L RESIDENCE" ON THE BOUTU lIDE OF BROAD. AND EAST LINE _V Mst STS - I'ui suat t to tho provisions oi a deed nl trust from James Mander. reporded in Richmond Hustings Court, we .ball, by order ol the Trustee, proceed, on TH URBD AY, tbe Mat of May. ItsKj. at a* o'clk. P. M.. on ths premises, to sell tbat beautiful House and Lot, situated upon Broad street, at its intersection witii 21st street 1a« location is cen tra', and yet teaiegmt* from the dust and noias of the bus<r.esii streets. The house is a framed boasa. built within the last lour years, of tbe very best material, aid in the moct substantial manner ; ia roomy and commodious, and well adapted fur the comiort of a lar*!C family. Terms.—One-fourtn cash; balance at 4, 8, and 12 months, for negotiable notes interest added, and <it!e retains* till ill the purchase money is In.I) paid The taxs. for lAX) to be paid b* the pur chaser, GODDIN A APPERSON. my 21 Auctioneers. COMMISSION -.KB' SUE OF VALUA BLK REAL ESTATE IN MANCHESTFR. BOUNDEb BY PORTER, a* w.GLK AND JACK SON MTHEKTS -As C ■itinussionsrs appointed by a decipepf tne Circuit Court of Cheatetficld. pronoijacsd on the 9th of May. IRO in the_wue oi Day's Executrix, Ac, atainst .\1»«<(,:B., vs shall proceed to sell at public auction, wh tbe premise* on THURSDAY, tbe Mat of Mar 1-**), at 4>« o'clock P-M ,di fair; if not, the next fair day.ttboae two half-acre LOTS in the plan of Msa cheater, (Noe. J5».274 1 locttsd as above, having thereon a large BRICK DWELLlNG,eocnfied by tbe late Willi*m Wallace Dai aithetin.eof his death. Tbe said lots will be subdivided, according to a sbut to be exhibited at the hour of aate. The foregoing real estate is beautifully located Tbß_s — One fourth cash; the balance ai 4.Baad 11 meatus, for aegotiattlc notes, interest added asd title pstaibad till all tbs purobass money is f« ly paid, and a conveyance ordered by the Curt. Tbs PARKR *»»"» »V Sato by Gonwn A Arpfcaaos. A acts. *1 il NRW ANiMONVENIENTLV ARR.tNG HD BS1C»; TENEMENT. AT THE COR NER OOXin 2st* 8 rRfeETS. CHURCH RILL. FOR SALE AT aUCTIoJI. - Will bs .old atauotios oa ihe premise-., on PR I DA\. 'it- Ist ol Jui.e .DM) at 40V.1«.ek P. M.,nf fair ;if not. lbs next fair da*.like new aad exeeiieat Bebtb 'IVse meat wetted as aKive. reoeatlv occaatsd bs Mrs Sharp. The lot baa a Dost ai St fact, and a depth nl 1)1 reel u> aa alley. The beaee baeaaaaa roows besides frost and rear portico* sad ia wsll baisb sd. Is asdtti A s. tbers is ia the yard a ies well of water, good aeryaata' acooiaatadatioaa. Ac. Tsb ,* -One fourth sash; bataaas at 4 i. aaa It awatbe. tor Mg«<iablc anisa. latersat aided and title retaiacd oil lost a.»t. be paid, xaslassc toU r^D^?tp^kM-R.A-.ta t^pWSSmVM Iberssucstof the l>ea_4e__7 m aud _ Ul ?i w _,J__?" ,B *»"* l } * o'etoJtTssi v. lb» huhect ladssv. ue t.aci of i.aND c_avc*.d b. aaid deed. eoabi4 uk by sstiaiatioa one hundred acres, f bta tra dal Lard is on tb-' Vu»>»'* c «"_ tral Rail read, ar I adjoias the lands ofJoan F. Crass. Jbo. J. W S *gii*ki> ctats _cd irt »bais. sad is a part of the tragi of Uad total) betoasiag w CharlesJaivis* state". , - ' _ v itßi»s."Caßt MM be retmrsd h*r «.«•_* as will bs aseessaif to pay tbe osfe ofsato, nword tag eaid deed. * s , aad to d sohsrrs tbe dsl.i *c cured ayTud'AaJiae t* (as raJLlas. tbe bums -^_i>-"-r.maaiw_ nearly portico, T "~ u *" j "T_Br_»4t, "~ ■y K. ». CaaS Stan. f.r sco ruattf chlffefs •« FbiDAV _4_brias->» ooataixueia* at _*O clock, on tbe Docs, atari* luwisgOMSpSSt e<BßßS,a«_BSaassa«at oi7A>aaMeserssMeee <b_a ARM lla_b£_, IR. IS, S »Bd3 isaaealbsoa. 4, .*■ sewam. — m. a\. jrMTttaHHi kwIT Bale coadnctsd by B.R. Osma, AaaL atyM VLB-ART stRBBWO*M fHiRMITR.MR. 6 4c. N AT AUCTIOR -Oi. _______?M_ks£. at 10 o'clock. 1 wilt sefl at tbs resTdsjUf jßaCbry. bftvsea 4ib aad Mb atraata./ >?osat_y_MMßbMbr D. r. WuiiMia. Ess .a. lot of eTesaat FUtRI TU RK. smbracias oos Parlor Ruse.usd Sejfcssv ercswithbiia Brooatat,e-BStstia* of twoRNW. tear Chairs aad oae lares Parlor de.: cse Freaeb rlats Tiif?or^iih^a^ # tel anrT Lice cSrtaias; Brasaels aad Tapealry Cbsndeilers; one clerant Rat Raei. wrtb Chairs to mych, .«• solid Manor aay Ex'enssm Tn-e; Onk Dmtng Room Chairs; »as MahosreSy i"'Nri' , »."' ,n **»**• Toy, Rjcsw v _ Rcoestß* '"he CHAMBERS--Are furnished with .plea R..sec-rod ami MabOKaay Warerobee; Ba res us; <r> ash*' a .ds; baring. Hair aad Shack Mat tresses; one elegant aol.d ■ Oak Chamber Set: French China ImletSets; Lounges: Bedsteads of ditf rem stiles; Carpets; LnoSia. Glaasca. As. ENGRAVINGS. -A let of elegaat Eagrsviags. i ogether with the esaal variety of Kitchen Utensi's. amongst vhich is a sasenor DhMs Ovea Cooking Bf«ve. . lhe above Fumitars Baying been ossd bat a vary short time, is sow fa ssrfeet condition, sad to o^*V Au "~^ #^i_^.R& o^b^^ I ttle used, of elegant bnisb. fc my M E. B. COPE, Anct r. Mr Js **• »»-»—. Aact'r. CiROt'ERlEb, taUl UOOBM. Ac-Will T be sold at the suite formerly oevaaied bf Messrs Hall A Earnest, on Franklin street,« No. 6.) commencing at 10 o'c.ock. on FBI DAY. th* Hath inst.. the t..Mowing part of his stock: Molasses, Candle., Bacon. Soap, Teas, Glass aad "-•a thenware. Wooden ware. T-haco Healee sad Weights, with many other articles usually kept ia a retail store TKRMs-Cash. lm»lj J H. DIGGF.S. AseL ADDITIONAL. 15 cases O-d Nya WhIrKRY. 90 baskets CHAMPAGNE. 1 cask BRANDY. ___,__, Lot of BLANK_BOOKR Ihji of L ETTER PAPER. Ac. The above sale silt take place at aeetioa room. 8s Mam street, on FRIDAY aserniag-at _>o'sUr my 2* J. R. PIORSB, Aaot. \h! ILL IK atOLIa, every atria this wses. at V> auction room BgTMeie^setTonßißMaSaj'al 7 o _look, *i^|f_ t i l, *£** •« ""frvVV - jj W V___ iUARD and VBsT Ladies* CRA%|^ UAINS; Silver Plstsd BrTONV_FOBIM. Cifl- CORS. Ac. Also, a let oiPaWcY eoOM,4I GABB, CUTLF.„V, Ao. N.H.—Consignments receiving every day aad said without reserve. J. H. DICrOBI. AaaL _ n y-Boots. aalesaiaß. lab-la My Chas. T. War thaaa A Ge.. Aaot a. fUKfiO KALE SIUAR ARM MOLAMRFR V ' AT A Id ION.-On FRIDAY. Mar 2»tb. MBO. at our Warehouse, on the Dock, commencing at II o'olock. we will sell the oargo par ** mmmi. Strong." direct from Matanxas, Cuba, consist IB* of— lib hhds. really choice Mnscovado SUGAR, as iected eapreaaly for this market; iff'i tierces j s i»Mb. < Muscovado MOLASSES, ditto, ditto j aohhda. S -ALbO -176 hhds. prims CisnfusgosSUGAßS ; 27 ttereee do. do.; 103 hhds prime Clay'd MOLASSEI Tbs us or H*i.».-For Bsma under 1100, oash ; over .miii}, 4 months'credit, for approved negotia ble paper. CHAS. TV WORTKaM A CO., _ . Aactioneeia. Sale without regard to weather, my »- tds Ry Daalep, Msncare At Co., A art'a. C HOES. BOOTS, kl.s.a **!«» BONNETS, i> AT AUCTION.-On FRIDAY, tbe 2Mb inst, commencing at 10 o'clook, we will ssll at oar Ann bon Store: 220 caiea SHOES, BOOTS and RROoRANS. comprising a general assortmer.t of aeasoa able work, suited to Ladies asd Gentlemen, Women and Men, Boys sad Misses' wsar. A-SO. M eases Misses' and Children's FLATS and BLOOMERS; Men's aad Boys'STRAW HATH. Ac Tbbbs -Under two. cash: over 5100,4 months' rcdit, for approved negotiable paper. ■__ bale without re.srd to weather. DUNLOP. MONCURE A CO.. mv 19 AtMtioßeere._ Ry Jas. *R. far iar fc Boa. A act'a. VjavALL HOUS-. ANiTLtIT ON TENARLM O BTREFT, AT AUCTION-We will sell upon the premises, on FRIDAY, the Mth day of May. ihso. commencing at *>i o'e'oek P. M , a wall lo cated Lot. with a dwelling thereon, containing Iva rooms, situated on tbe South side of Vcaabie at. a rhort distan<*e fr. m tbe croeery store of Mr. John Hasan, on 17th street. This property ia in a auist ami go*.*] neighborhood, and suited t« almost any kind nf Itastnesa. linii.euiatelt alter tbe sale nf the House, will ha sold the vacant Lot adjoinin/. on t*e Northeast, fronting on Veoahie sad MeCanocsts. at sals. my»l_ )AS. M TAYLOR A BON.Aaots. By Ocddin k Ayprrus, Aact'a. Ea«KLLrNT RRltil TFNFMRNT ON THK HOUTtt SIDE OF FRaNKLIN, B_ TWEFN tftn AND Mrs STREETS. FOR SALE AT AUCTION- Will lie sold at. auoiion. on tbs premise., on FRIDAY, the 2Mb May, !*», at* o'olock P. M.lif fair ;i_ not, the next fair day.* the excellent brick TENEMENT, located aa above, now in the ocoueanoy of Mr J. Powers, st the annual rent if fttO. The lot baa a frcnt of a boat 27 feet, and a depth of 100 net to an alley. Te us -One-fourth cash ; babtacs at 4 8 and IS [ninths for neiroiiable antes, interest added ae ru-.'.i t>* a trust deeds* title retained. The taxes for ltiCO to ts? paid hy the purchaser. _, GODDIN » APPERSON. Anete. Ry Ricbard Caathsra. Aact'r. ] WILL SELL uN BHIDAY. 2Sth inst., at 1 10o'clock-at m> store a lot of Gr**c-ries. con sistin, in part or 10 bbls. Herrings, r.o ttoses .!■>.* bbls K.l*>ur. Volasis, Ca'.dles, Soap, Vins>ar. Br,indy, Whiskey, Butter, Bacva Hamsan*idbosl ■ "'CLOTHING, PHOF.d.-Also, a Ink of Clothing. cons .ting of Casaimsre Panta. Basiacrs Coats, Line do.ShirU, Buspendei_ iatioo, '.>wt< ii, Ac. my St R. CiUTHoRN.__ rJ AR< IIITEI "-R.-The aadersicsed. as jpoipied'bß Hjildmg Committee Mr the Mala Orphan Association of this city, >ieeire the plan ef aa A.slum to accommodate about 78 O'sban boyß. The plan should esjib'are rooms tor the ma tron. reception room dormitories, school rooms. kitchen, Uundry, Ac, and tbs cost of tbs buildiag should nt much exceed #!• suo. A lot of level Burtace. owned by tbs Assoeistfoa. tear ihe western limits of tbe cits, fronting Bal feet on a public *«care. aed extending nasi bib feet, and detaehrd by streets from other propertt, is tbe lot wbs.-eoa it is proposed to erect tbs Asy lum. We invite architects disposed tnaabtatt plana 'nr this building, to send them to as by Uth ol* July next, snd for the selected as will say tbe sum of * 100 The rejected plans will bo retaiaed. The pi. n utiintted must be tor a centra baila in/. and have reference t<> wing buildinga to bo added at some luture ysn il. it detuned nceessary. UoI.LINb W. RAAALL. JOHN S WALKER. THOB. D. QUASLBB. Richmond. 17th MbysMab |m» M- tar LHIR BALR-S9 bbls. SUPBRi»INE I"LOUI, a a choice article. _____ - '■ — -'■ 10 bbls "Prince ABwrt" IRISH POTATOES - Cheap, to c. lose oonaißnaseat. _"•*_-_._ tonpnikro. qvRLARa, TRtSBB-Ws base in lasbsvc I from *o to l ouo Tranks, Buasst-lcxee aad Valices, consisting of alasest every atoMassa*. ths Kist cl«as.oU if.olsLsatbst TraahSown to the lowvst priced packing Tiesi ; sßef Wbieb* we.are otfcring; at bass low ettaes at ta laasra quick sales. MARCUS HABRIS k RBO. Maia street, Rett to tbe Americas Hotab P" MSII'B ARRNATI4: \VILM CNeRRY BiTTERS is aacHaslladas a Livsr Uvmosb tor M_d will be Ibnsd wall sdapwd ta rebasa all disorobts of thestoinaeS and liver, suck aa ladi- Bsatioß. Nervous HesdaSbs. Dcbitily, Dtasapata. Ac. Price SO cU. per b»tbe. holdiaj oas aaart.— For aaleb ? _ E. J. PICOT. Drag»iau lA/HITR BR i LI.IASTR.-Jast received, an vv other ls-r* s«n>a4s of that eaccllsat Whit* Brilliante at It', cts. 1t1.d.0 dcdlv tbs BBSBBSat goods of tbe kind ia Ibe cm. aad well wortb tf\ eta. A ..». Garss l.issa Randbsrebisb at Bcu, worth W cenu JACOB A LEVY, U Mata al DE BURR to go to LEVY'S Store aad tar t* chase year supply et Bey Gecde.asbsbesao conatastlf os hand a targs ssS wsH-eslislad stack. which ne is prepared to aaR at aasb yrisea tbat cannot fail to psssss sB. Ol st * "A'_LB©» La.. H r.aa. Psacg Rtbbaa Ties. Faaay iilk Tics, vvbite aad Bnssnt fUSlea aacbsTF sasy xbrsad Socks, Ry roa Collars, <larv|ttc u9MI|T_*I sals by nostAMSt.JBMMbTI V. •ir,'. 8 »>. bnt,\emtm, Hnmnmot Braw ere, W bus Lisas Riawsis. Wbits Jeans Drawer.. Lm aale cbeay by RABBIS A CO. heat and most ret tab's ariids sow is nae'oroWaa. Isa aad partfita. the water. A.ausf4» itaaseted Sbfld^^ aale at loasi WRRTBAM * BO Lk/ I»WW1 »WW RLAa^-^BsaMliM|aawtas^a| of 4^R^B^»^ BPOBT WJ Bst me aeW ia~k-4des. Tbis Braadi i - IVu,# ji S rbs : . t bs is cen of