Newspaper Page Text
fic&ra&tfo f&patcjr. FRIDA _ MORNING MAT *5, IcSO OQMMKKCUL. c RlebBMM (Markets. Star **• BAOON.-Tbe merbst is very imat toat eaeta- £^25 s.usae careß M»_sU jaajtesMw sugar cared M atMtoMs.; '■ftos^leeaTie..Begs. Me.; Maasbestsr do..M; 91X9HMIM per basbst. BEiWWAX_-M to a¥-soUvs. ,He3gngM_t COTTON.-We still mote UMfaiLbc. per In,> to good ordinary 8 to t* eta. No demand lor inferior. Better aorta in request. Little doing. CORN -Tbe market is null at Mots, for prime W CORN MEAL.-M.vWo. V hue. Transactions it Meal mostly in the retail war. COFFEE.--Ws quota Rio U*,sll; Laguayra W.rlS etc.; Java Walts eta.; Mocha U cents. Market firm. CAN DLLS.-Tallow 14c. m- ft ■ Jackson's Me.; Hull- !7a1H0.; Adamantine Jo*23c.; Sperm 46c., fL7O_LM ¥ bbl.; Northern Roeendale at «I.7o*l_w. M _^ COTTON YARNS. Ac.-Cotum \ar_s2iaßcts; Cotton Cordage 34 cts: Seine Twine 27 cU; carpet Warp Mc__Wreppiug Twine Beta. COAL.-White and Red Ash Anthracite Coal, for gratea, f tUM *f cart buaheie; SsJO ¥ tpn of 2XOO &s.; ton of i_«Bs. «7; foundry do. *6 60,7 4K too of 2.35) lbs.; Bituminous Lump S5 V loadl of M buaheU: Hail «4AU; Smiths' Coal 12* , *DR 1 lED , FR , UIT.-AB»let dull at ft No aale. Scaaon over. _,„__. FLOUR.-The matket ia very dull, and quota tions entirely nominal. We quote Superfine at s}i2btrs6SO. The latter only for choice atraight brands. Extra 66 75a $7, without purchasers lor •ii.pment. FERTILIZERS.-Demand light. We quote Pe ru* ir.ii 55»; Ruffin's Phospho Peruvian Guano Sao per ton; AA Mexican 525; Elide Island ■-; iti; 82b; Sombrero 934; Navassa. or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano. SSO; Rh.Hies'Super Phosphate >>1 Lime ••> ttj.flo a* ton; Koi'instm'. Manipulated Guano MM per ton; Hart man's i Richmond; Amoniated Super Phosphate Lime S4O per ton; do. Manipulated Guano $80 per ton; do. it*.ne Oust £38 per ton. 1- ISH.—New Nova Scotia Cut Herrings, from vessel. -51 75; from store, Si 50. No North Caroli na in market. Mackerel, large No. 3. new, SloJo, small do., 8707.60. FLAXSEED-51.»«1.4u ¥ bushel. FLOUR BARRELS-flOcts. FRUITS.-Obakuss- Havana. thai per bbl.: Sicily, #4.50-4 my box. Laaoss-RAM ¥ box: Raisins-Bunch, in boxes, $2-75_53; Layer S3 5r53.25. Fies-MaJOcta.M' _~ Pan»Es-Bto4o cv if to. acoorditig to quality and sty le. FURTHERS—In demand at M cts. Stock small. GINSENG.—4SaB| cents, and in demand. OUNPOWDER-Dupont's and Hazard's Bport in75 ß4»s.-'. Blasting 53.76; Eagle Canister Sli-4; FFF Canister fs-b. GRASS SEED?—We quote prime Clover Seed 95; iLienor, nominal. Timothy $2.soper bushel. - orchard Grass a1.R_1.50, as in quantity. Nomi nal—no demand. HlDES—Salted 8S cents; Dry Ua>l3 oU; Calf •kins, treen, $1-1.12. No Spanish Rides in mar ket. HOOP POLES-Flour bbl. $74009 per 1,000; hhd. poles, no sales. ha V —We quote hay at $1.30 per cat. The stock is very li„ht. IKON Ai\o NAILS.-Pig Iron $28,34, aa in quail) and quantity; Swedes $400 per ton: Eng bsri Refined «/0; Tredegar $86; Common English 960; Aniaritaa country $SB. Cut Nans 3>*a3?,o. LEA D.- We quote Maw** cU . &to tor pig; bar 6>s«t7. ..lME.—Last sales $1 from wharf. From store, we quote Northern ,1.12* ( »1.25; Virginia 900.0 $1. LKIUORS—Baaaov : Otard. Dupuy A Co., $~_» _7 m* gallon; A.Seignette, 82U<a*\; Sazerac $3*, sf7; Hennessey, «3.»*f7>«; Peach, scarce at $1*« _-2,' 4 . Virginia Apple, iO.*fSs old. 750._51.60; Northern do., 6i.iS6.ts.; imitation, BBSH cts.— Rt'M. New Liv I and. eeSMSe. for mixed ; 50_46 for pire. pia; Holland, a 1.20«r 1.75. LUMBER.—CIear White Pine, $48; refused do. $29; merchantable, .«20«25 4p M. One inch yel low Pine i'lauk 10, 1-; three-quarter do. yvrll; l'« do. $14-dlf>; lSdo. ,13*14; 2du.i,2_o_>)6. Floor inn »ls.i_). face measure; Scantling 9l\ai;i tor heart and sap; all heart Slfi__t, according to size. Garden Rails, heart and sap, llWl3e. each; all heart 10,25 c. Shingles SMS tf K. Weather boarding $13_'16. I nob Oak Plank $30035. Bui tonwood H mob B&.CJU. inch Cherry $35: *f Pop lar .>2o_& BS M. Pxesaed Flooring, Virginia, $25 ttti. Drossed FUairieg, Southern. 28, Jo. Laths S*_» to $137 iff M for sawed, on ihe wharf. LEATHER.—We quote s-oou. stamp, middle wei,liU_l*i2*c. \f lb: overweights Bs_aj light 23,24 c.; damaged 19aA>o.; poor 14«»17c.; upper leather $14tt*s__», as to sixe, weight and quality— the latter prioe only lor superior beavy sides. Har ness 30 it 33c.; Skirting, in the rough, 30_32c.: finish ed3r*>_!".ts. Market steady, LA AU.— Western Lard WiiaUSc. in bbls.; kegs URalSc MOLASSES.—New Orleans«o«s6cU.;CubaMus covado, in buls.. 32a37>4 cts.; Enslish Island, 37>i cts.; Ocuenhousen's. 2A. OA Ih.-W'e _H»45 cents per bushel. OPFAL.—ftraaMets.; Shorts2s; Brown Stuff 36, aud -Si.. i" Niuri 76 v bus. UNIONS.—Red $2 per bbl. of near three bushels; Silver-skin Mttta Fi.a-1 r.R—Lamp-Some forced cargo Bales have been made at 93 7ft. We quote $4 per ton tin. dd.l Claiborne. Richmond **rouiiu 8%A9 per inn packed; Sharps', do. packed $840; loose 7.U0 POT-TOES.—we quote Northern 60,65 cents per liushel. PEAS.—Black are selling at $2 hf bag of two baak els RICE-4'«_4c ROSIN.-$1.70ff1.7« V bbl. RYE.—Ws quote 70,75 oents V busheL SUGARS.—market firmer, without cbange in pricea New Orleans Sugar Bto s vents tor cnoice; >:ui.a 7.S to Scents: Loaf lI.V oenu; Crushed and Powdered I0>,_lu?« cent.; Coffee Sagar: AlOota.; B VK cents; Extra C 9»<r9>s cants, aa in quality. SALTPETRE-»*luc. \f te. SENECA ROOT-36a_Tjv>, SHOT—7«7R cash, and tuna aa to quantity, for drop and buck. STAVES—Good, oak, tor Soar harrela.sre quote at 37,7.50 pt>« tUi~vuiAd tor green; $740a$V for aeasoued: Maciiinecui $7asn. STARCR—CorB.«at_b; Pea.-l 7«BXc. SALT-—Last sales from wharf SI 3u_>1.36; from Ntore we oiKKC $L*»*l4o per sack. TOBacCO—The receipts of Tobacco are light .or tbe season, and mostly of inferior Luga and >v.r. We quote interior Lugs at 91.50,2 2o; good -?2 siid3oo; fine bright, suited for manufacturing. *y.uo.. 4 uo; 1 nterior Leaf $B49B4.00; good $6 50<~ a oi); good stenimisg $6.50_7-SO-t>.oo; fine $10,004 12MO; Ko*td aud fine manufacturing $10.00-17.00. TA If.-$2.50 <$" bbl. TEAS.—imperial and Gunpowder 55c.$#L20. Wll kAT.—We continue quotation., though re ceipts are so limited tbat there ia hardly enough to quotations: Best Red $I_*_sL3o; best White $1.40*149. _ WINES.-Pobt, Burgundy $lo2JO V gallon: Port Juice $2Ao<t>4. M-UKt&a. Sicily 46c.091.75: Old Madeira $240«4. Bu«mt, Permartin, Dud and Gordon. Amontilado. $2,4. WOOD-Wholeaaie: Ogi $340053.7S me oor d ; Pine $2.75 jpSA Oak $5; Pine $440. WOOL.—Tub Washed sold at 30«r35c; unwashed Uiird leas.. Fsasoe as iv quality. \VHi!_sE\^-Rwll^ Rectified 22},023.'i cU.; f. Steams k Co. a Malted Rye Whiskey, new, $1, old, BHJUK otber grades, prices as to quality from &CSnUtoslA». caTtT - e tiKEF —We qnote saleaat $4 to $5, rross—de yi.iod limited and supply good. VEAL.—General range from $5 to ,7 per hc:U s*»r Calves. SHEEP.—We still qnote $4 30*».*5. grosg, for netter qualities of mutioa. Inferior grades ,?to $3 per head. LaMHS.-Recent sales at $2.26 to $340 tec head. *upply heavy. MONEY MATTERS-EXCHANGR. Nobtubbm Excß_-_ b—On New Yorb aairP-ifav deiphiaMeSprem. Such of tbe Stock Bank notes and ef the Baab of the Valley, a. are not takes by tbe Banks, are at a discount ot >ii hf cent. Tbe notes of the Trans-AUesbaay Bank are2ft V sent, discount. Bank uf saMtoarba, no sale. North and South C-Ks-aa Bank Notes % W cent, discount. Tbe note, of tbafiaaa of Weatoa sad tbs Bank ° Outj^BAvaltef£b R per osaLpresa. FREIGHTS. FOREIGN.— Nothing doing is foreign freights. DOM EST IC—The following are tbe present rates aa coastwise Ireiguts: New Yosk. Boston. Phi lad a. Coal, if bin $149 $1.7* $1.36 Flour, Hr* bbl SB 26 20 TolMcco.brbbd...- Xh» S.oo 240 Do. tpbox 2b 26 26 Floor IDicu. ¥ bbl. SALES OF STOCK IN RICHMOND. By Jobs A. Laacaaisa A Sob, for the moth sad tag MayUlh.mto. Virginia* per cent. Registered Bonds, sales $*W>« aad int. Richmond City Beads, sale. $92 aad int. Petersburg City bonds, last sales $94 aad int No recent sales. Lynchburg City Bonds, last sales $90 aad int. Ro recent Baton Norfolk City Bonds, test salsa $7A Exchange Rank Stock, last sales RloA*_. Farmers' Bank Stock, last sales $106 J., S** 1 !?"/ y» r e»ni_ Su»ck. last salss $7«. . Baakof the Oeauaea wealth Slock, last salsa $100 K. Ricbui.'ud and li.uville K. K. H..u_k. suar-nuieo gnaraaa*d by State City of r-etcratairg Rt*nda. guaranteed Ity State of . va.,ao recei.t sale*. _ m^^ir_^.s^-JKK_r d to _, Virsinta Oeatralß. R M Mortgsse Boas. _ -vie. $«M aad tat. "-"-bbbb aoasa, T^sSlst ' ** w ***— 80 -* m l^^mXVgmV^^^ ll^^ Saiaas?:?' *'"* Mor «»«* *»-*» o,^lsil A ._ttt , .' , * k •*• • »* •••'• »»-* Orange and Atosaadna R. R. 1 ssr scat B___s sates $91 aad Ist »• • ear seat. Baaas RichnMsd and York Rivsr R. B. Bper cent, bonds last salss $90 snd int. "*™ Manassas Gas R. R.Spsr ceat. Bonds, last salei by Petsrsberg ~E *** f€tam ** Bmlnmt JL-Wad aad DasnUe Railroad Stock, laMebto. feUßaflL IsPBCIAL 90TICBS. ■R.ieoO.—Sß'rlaf mm Saaiaier.<>l9bO.~ai AR UTtBB «W BTOCB. JOHN L.SMITH BR, No MMsisatrssL og^-ForeißS oaad0 aad Domsatis. Ladiea* DRBSS GOODS. **W_f_SaSftonssa TM -^W'i ß^ffira;sßc>..M . hrMigstisssreoo at AUCTION, is New York. LIHKRS_BdDAMASaR; F|UIITB|M|a ,__,-„. SglSßdnlaawrtmsntof &/mU ' OASSIMBRW wgftm of ststv grsds asd color, for GENTS' WBAR. •* ,#n 9*»»»-'"-"" ! g?SOYS.WBS«. ROUSEBKEPING GOODS; larsa assortment of large M * ,rin 7_ A , j o TATloN GOO DB, of every vartety and price, and many other goods usually best in a Dry Goods store. The eubeoriber is determined to offer the public and bia frienda tbe best selected and cheapest lot of FANCY and BTAFLE DRY GOODS, ever displayed in the city, and will aell the same at tbe lowest rates to cash purchasers. Call, before baying stoewhsrs. oa JOJtJf BMITHEa> a» 4—dAw_m _ __ No. 27 M am street. "_■_ Aaae aid Fever— DEBILITY OF CHEST uMBg STILL ANOTHER CURE. Even day we bear of the wonderful merits ol HAMPTON'S TINCTURE. Sali-ua, Middlesex Co., Vs.,l August 11, laf». t Mrssrs. Mortimer *> Mowbray : Oentlemen-lt is with unaffected pleasure A bear testimony to the great meritof your HAMPTON h TINCTURE. 1 was taken last Spring with the ague and fever, and debility of cheat and limbs. 1 tried various medicines, but found to relief; but on being advised by a friend to try your Tincture, I did so, and am now enjoying excellent health, having taken only one bottle. "MirabiU Dictu. YoW can use this as best suits you. Very truly and respectfully yours, F. Annuo\ Bki»tow. Call and get pamphlets and see cures oi Cough, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Ac. ___. As a restorative and invigorator it haa been high- . ly recommended. Hundreds will testify of cures on themselves and friends, after all other cures have failed. _,__ FRMALK_ AND CHILDREN.-Thia TINC TURE will be found a great medicine lor all then diseases. B__. Call and get Tamphlets and see cures. Boiaby PURCELL, LADD k CO., Richmond; by Dr. COOKE. Fredericksburg: by all the Drug deto ia Petersburg: by MORTIMER aTIfoW BRAY, Baltimore; and by Druggists and Shpp- Ksssers everywhere. 01 per bottle; six.bottles, fS, my 7^-dfcowts ~bb_. KB.-nett's Sanerior Rxtrarts, for tiavor inFcUSTARDS, PLKS. BLANC-MANGE, ICh CREAMS, JKLLIhS, SAUCES, Ac, Ac, fpre pared Real Fruits of the best quality, and highly oonccnt.rat cd.) _ , „ The attention of Confectioners, Hotel-keepers and FamiNes. is respectfully invited to the aliove named Extracts. They have all the freshness and flavor of the delicate fruits from which they are prepared, and are less expensive. Try them. Sold at wholesale by JAS F. DUVAL, FISHLR A WINSTON and W. L. WARING, and at retail by trader* generally. fe R—3m* ~ __J»'\ Re toeaar caaM aell aar-hin_ bat Preston fc Merrill's Yeast Fowdcrs heretofore; but since I have sold jour VIRiiINT A,i EASI POWDE..S, I cannot sell any other They are certainly the greatest Powders lever bad," writes a country merohant. , - Another from Raleigh, N. C, says: "Please seudme 10 sross more of yonr VIRGINIA \LAbT POWDr.:„S. for I sold the laat quicker than 1 ex pected. Y.tur Powders are in constant demand and persons 'ivho have used them once never want any other. Yours, F. Thiem." For sr.le, wholesale and retail, by L. WAirNEK. Manufacturer, my 19—lm Corner 6th and Broad sts. a__, Wbiteßaipßar Water— FHOM THK WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, _, Oreenbner Co., Va. BOTTLED AT THE SPRINGS. The Ct.mpanv have made great improvements ia bottling:, and the transported wa'er is now as per fecit as when taken from its source Address all orders to . PURCKLL. LADD A CO., General Agents for the U States, ap34—6m Richmond Va. GMaU-R HARI^AINa"ipTRR* liOOOS..- It ta admitted by almost everybody, that the cheapest goods you can buy, is at JOSEPH STKAI'SK'S, No. 27 Main atreet. Juat received and o(f«r for sale, 5,000 yds Calicos, the best colors and handsomest patterns, at 6, 8 and locents;7o nieces fine Bleached Cotton at 6 and Scents, worth 10; the best yard wide undressed at. 12>» cent*, selling everywhere at Is ; 3 00f sards the handsomest patterns Lawns: fine Jaconets; Or nand ea: Dobenes; Berages; dounled skit and flounced Robes, from the lowest prices vi; 3 001) Extension Skirts, 2ccents and higher; 75 Silk Par a.ols nt 75. 87 cents and S3, richly worth iouble the money;3ooStella Shawls, all colors and quali from the lowest prices. SI and upwards: Swiss. Check and Cambric Muslins at 12.'* cents, Ac ; the finest and best French Needle Worked Ladies' Cambric Collars and Cambno as tonislungiy low; Lin«n 'Toweling; Table Cloths: Irish Linens; Marseilles Bosoms; black Silk Mitts: Oloves; Carpet Rutts; Cassitneres; Jeans: Tweeds for men and boys'wear: Fanners' Satin,the cheap est Ooods in the city All I ask is a call from one and all to satisfy yourselves that at No. 27 Main St., you can save 25 per cent, by buying ifjur Dry Goods. my 4-1 in JOSEPH STRAUSE. REMOVAL. GAS! GAS!! We have on band the most magnificent assort mentof crandelie p r e s Wt _ brackets, SHAREB, And all Ather kinds of GAS FIXTURE,, Sfbr ex hibited in this cit*. Also, a beautiful assortment ■ of KEROSINE LAMPS. To which we ask an examination before making your purchases. I GAS FITTINO and PLUMBTNO, PORTABLE GAS WORKS, : Put up in any part of the country. CHAS. D. YALE A CO., %p2o—2m Iron Block. Governor street. C~_fNTRAL AIJRK LLTLRAL !»OI IfcTY OF VIRGINIA.-The FAIR GROUNDS of : this Society will be opened to visitors hencefor , ward, until the next Fair, upon the following I terms, viz: ; Visitors on foot will pay 3 cents. , Sulkejs.., 5 " Carriages and Buggies 10 " ! Military Companies and other Associations, who . sJesire to use tbe Grounds, will be permitted to do aouspon terms which may be agreed upon with the : iPreident. An adequate Police will be always upon the i-ronads, and no disorderly person will be per . anitted to remain on them aplß-tf C. DIMMOCK. Secretary. WARREN'S IMrRUVft.'-* ISlif AMU COMPOSITION ROOFING, received the Silver Medal at the United States Fair, and Di ploma at the Virginia State Fair. We have certificates and testimonials from the first Architects a id Builders in the Uuited States, Canada and the West i.tdies, testifying to the su nerior qualities of WARRKN'S IMPROVED FELT and COMPOSITION ROOFING, over ail other ever offered the public, and are prepared to attend to all orders in city or country, with ' promptness and dispatch. JOHN VILF.S, only Axent. in Eastern Virginia, for WARREN'S Roofs and Roofing Materials. «3_ Office on Uth street, between Main and Cary. mv I—.'lm TW HUILRERS. - BelviderePlaning Mills, 19th and Aroh sts., south of Basin. 600.000 ft Carolina, Florida and Virginia FLOOR ING PLANK. 150,000 ft. best Fluvana LUMBER, consisting of t, 6-1 and 8-4 Plank. 1 40.00.) ft HEART 4 by 6 and,« by S SCANTLING. 25,000 JOICE. assorted. Bit.L TIMBER, Florida, Virginia and Carolina, '. furnished at short notice. All kinds P L A N I N G. T 0 N U U 1 N G and GROOVING,done at the lowest Richmond prices my 2 -Im S. C. ROBINSON. HOSIERY . HOSIRRY '. '.-Just landed, of our own importation: 2,000d0z. Ladies' COTTON HOSE, all qualities; 1,000 " Misses' " " all sizes and qualities; 1,000 doi. Genu' COTTON HALF-HOSE, all qual ities; Also, 1.000 do*. L.C.HDKFS. all grades. All of which we idler to the trade at a small ad vance upon coat of importation. UINTER, ALVEY A ARENTS, ap2—ts Importers and Jobbers. Main St. WIPTJRORR IsRMHBM-L SAW itO~ TO ORDER—The subscriber having the entire control of one of the best Steam Circular Saw Mills in tbe State, located in original White Oak loreet. will contract tofurniah, in jood orderand on reasonable terms. WHITE OAK TIMBER, ol superior quality, used in Car building. Machine purposes, Agricultural Implements. Canal Boats Bri_gss,fcc. TRUMAN A. PARKER, Wholesale and Retail Lumber Dealer. aay S-tirl I RIRALB' AMSBItAN (MIiUUSaS. Owners of poor and worn-out land, in the use of this article, can be convinced of the utiht* of it in the production of WHEAT, CORN and PO TATObS, aa a renovator ol the soil, by certificates «f three Agricultural Societies and fanners in Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jer sey For gardens andirohards this PHOSPHATE cannot bo surpassed. . „. Call aad see samplaa at my office, 13th street, aear Cary |mrl7-tai G. R. PEAKE GMRTHIRR k PLATRKR UUUOR AND CIGAR MERCHANTS, . No. 76 Maia St.. hatw. 14th and Uth sts.. Respect full* inform their friends and ths public tbat tbey have opened to- day and otter for aale a . wsli-selecud stock of choice RHENISH. PRBNCB aad HUNGARIAN WINKS, COGNAC • tI_JiS&KLLE BRAN DIES. RUM. GIN, B ink to i"** HAVANA Md CI , °* ¥ ?'*AM-alssd to aall svary srtisto at the low ' !_if__V?_i , ' # *' }**' ko »c to r toeivs tbe liberal Hl_K___T*_f ■ *_y __»*»*" ' •»"'•» --• R-atoawa*. Mas Stb. nmJT mvs-t-i* 8 **M„a ftWrnJUHVj____-!_-J, , r p6 TOBACCONISTS. i aW.oopft 4-« inch and \ inch Canada BUTTON BRMtt ft. 4 4 issh sad % issh Canada WRITE I baureiy asssoael. aad tbs bast grades of tbs _LdV_r_-S_!vribt, tt«t UMb ** i"—* THB HOT tfWWI^ i/S_s4 H ° T • r * ,R V?kGINIA. ItMIrKR ORSAT THERMAL WATEB Of THE AMERICAN dONTINRNT. Ratare'B ReasedT Isr s'brcalr BHaeaaea The Hotel at this place will be om ß for tbs rs «*>tion of visitors on the first nf June next. Is Sru^nrberoTitVMlNEßAL _PJ__NGB.tbsva risty or their temperatures, aad tneir •*♦_•«_»' aary remedial powers in many of tbs sioeli sertoos, \Zlt*\ aad dan\erouß CHRONIC DlßEAßE«taat aSietthe human race, tine watering place cdfare v* IN VALI DS seierißg from themaladis. in whutb TBBBMAL WATERS are indicated, means for the recovery <*f health which can ne found at ao other in the United States. Naasber ef tbe Raths-Dlseasea la wbicb they are ladicaled-Rffects ef tbe Waters tabea lateraally. er used as a Oeaeral Matb. The aupply of Mineral Water is most abundant, aad there are TEN MATHS constantly supplied with fresh water from separate Springs of vaiious temperatures, from7B net*, to 1B» deg. Fahrenheit- In all cases otae-fs disease, the hot baths are con tra-indioated, but in tbe thronic forms of RHEUMATIBM, OLD INJOaIbR to the GOUT. Muscles, Joints and NEURALGIA, Tendons. __ ENLARGED GLANDS. inflsmmatory action, *°-„„.... „,„.-. D -a Spinal IRRITATION. BOMB DISEASES Diseases of the LIVER, PECULIAR To FE- Chrome DIARRHOEA, , MALES, the remedial ompert ins of the water, ol the VIR GINIA HOT BPRING9 Their ALTERATIVE AND CURATIVE POWERS are unsurpassed by those of any other Mineral Water on the face of the Globe. Many persona afflicted with the diseases enumer ated above, in forms which had re.isted the most skillful medical treatment, and had rendered the lives of tbe suflerere alike wretched and useless through long years of pain, have been restored to perfect health by their use. And in many of these cases not only medical science, but other Mineral Springs of the highest reputation, had laned to af ford relief. „ ... Of the vast number now suderins with such mal adies.there are few,indeed.who would not be either cured or troatly relieved by theso waters. When drank, they are anti-acid, mildly aperient, and freely diuretic and diaphoretic. Used as a t.n.ral bath, they equally, an unbalanced circulation : and restore to the diff.reni important organs oj the. 'itsttm, ii'h'n torpid, that natural and heallhy sensibility without u-hirh th.y cannot perform their respective Junctions, And the btnejUiat anion a] all remedies diminished or destroyed. They act powerfully upon the Liver, Kidneys,and Skin ; relax contracted tendons and rittid mus cles ; rouse up suppressed secretions; excite the action of the absorbent vessels; exert a salutary influence over the uterine system, and often re lieve. in a short time, excruciating pain, caused by serious and long-standing disease. Oiaeast■» of the South. In no class of human maladies have these wa ters been more eminently successful than in those which prevail in the SOUTHERN and SOUTH WESTERN STATES. " Iv that state ot tbe body termed CACHECTIC, the consequence of derangement of the Stomach, LivKR. and Sr-LS—B. among the residents of marshy countries, and distinguished by a pale or .-i.-iliow complexion, pufly skin, swelled extremi ties." Ao.. the hatha here often act like a ciiarm. In obstinate TORPOR OF THE LI VER. and in the tntargtd condition of the OLIVER and fSI'LEfcN, which so frequently follows the bilious feveisof the South, their great value is unques tionable. In many cases, where the .*ccrrf»on of healthy bile had been almost to'ally suppressed lor years, a course of these waters has fully restored it. And in many other cases, where the Liver was not only torpid and engorged, but ENLARGED. its normal condition has been bromilit back, the engorgement and enlargement have disappeared, and tne sufferers have been restored to perfect health here. In CHRONIC DIARRIKEA, depending, as that disease generally does, upon a deranged him im perfect action of the Liver and Skin, the powerful influence which these waters exert upon Ixith these important organs makes them a remedial agent of unequalled power. . Enlargement af the Prostate Gland. Cases of this disease have been thoroughly cured at the Hot Springs—the powerful excitant action of the waters upon the absorbent vessels enabling them some times to cure enlargements of this gland, as well as those of the Liver and Spleen. Rlsensee Peculiar to Females. The suppression or painful performance of pr-ni odical functions peculiar to females is frequently relieved by the use of the waters here. Pleusure Baths. Besides the HOT B*.THS for invalids, there are two exbilerating and delightful PLEASURE BaTHS for persons in good health. Lorntion, t limute, Ac, of tbe Springs. The place is distant only twenty miles from the Millboro' Depot of the Virginia Central Rail road and, except that short distance, has an un broken railroad connection with the principal cities of the I'nued States. The Springs ere situated in one of the narrow valleys with Which the mountuns abound. The see cry around is wild romantic and beautiful, and the climate in summer delightful, salubrious and invigorating. The Hotel accommodations are excellent, and good music will tie in attendance early tn the sea son a skillful resides at the place dur ing the summer months. Rente. By Railroad from tue principal cities in the United States to tiis Mil'hoio' Depot oftheVir mnia Ccn'ral Railroad ; thence by stageeoeebee twent* miles, over a well-graded turnpike to the Springs. Passengers leaving tfAL'i iMoKK, Md., or RICHMOND and LYNCHBURG. Va.. in the in.innn z . can come thistu. h to this place the same day to supper, or pass the night at the Warm Springs,and arrive here to breakfast next morn «_)_TH~ HOT SPRINGS PAMPHLET, con taming a lull account oi the Springs, with theopin loiisof Physicians, in regard to tlie waters cer tificates of cures, Ac, will be sent free of charge to any address, on application to the subscriber, May 16, 18C0. S GOODR, Hot Springs, Va. Hot Springs in Diseases uf the Liver, with Chronic Jliarrhtrn. Ac. Statement of F. B. Clark, Esq., of Mobile, Ala. A complicated oase of Liver Disease and Ciiro .sic Diakrik-A, of FIVE ykaks'duration, wlnch the bbst medical skill. North and South, Li.a don's Sprisgs. Coomb's Well, and tlie Va. Rockbridge Alum Springs had failed to relieve, permanently cured at the Hot Sipbings : Hot Springs, Va., Sept. 23,1886. Dr. Thomas Goode.—Dear Sir: 1 most cheer fully comply with *our request that I thould fur nish you with some particulars of my case, which has been so happily relieved by the use of the Hot Batba. From Aprl, 1849, until June, 1854, I was a con stant sufferer from Chronic Diarrho?a, which, su pervening upon an attack of something like Chol en, was so obstinate as to evade the best medical skill. North and South. 1 would sometimes, from the use of medicines, obtain partial relief, and gain sufficient strength to engage in active pur suits—but only for a brief period—to lie again pros trated under an acute attack upon the slightest exposure, from which new remedies were required to raise me—those which had previously proved eihcacious, failing to make any lavorablc impres sion when taken the second time. The li»er was undoubtedly the seat of my disease.ami was so torpid that it could only be goaded into feeble ac tutu under the use of mercurials-subsiding again! into its former condition when their use was bus pended. In fact, my system did not seem to fur nish the elements of the biliary secretion. At. times 1 became so fee'-le and emaciated, from the ell-els oi this distressing disease, that it seemed impossible for me to rally again. The vaiious watering places, which were recommended by 8* meat hi zing friendr?, were tned, but without avaH. Cooper's Bladon Serines adorned temporary rebel, but the disease returned upon Pae, shortl) after leaving th.-iii, wu.h .is great severity as before. The Cold WaterCurc was tried lor a lew days, from which I bare!* encased with life. 1 hud nearly despaired ol ever obtaining relief, and came to tho mountains of Viginia to visit tlie Rockbridge Alum in June, 1851, as a dernier re sort For two weeks 1 unproved there slightly, but afterwards lost ground rapidly, and at the end of three week*, was confined to my bed. These waters, evidently, did not suit my case ; and after a week's confinement, being sufficiently strength ened by the use of medicine to bear a short jour ney, 1 came over to the Warm Springs. At that Slace 1 learned from some of the visitors, mci entally, of the value of the Hot Sprims iv ca>es oi Diarrna-a. I came ever and gave them a trial— commencing at the temperate batli for a day or two. and afterwarda alternating between ihe "Hot Douche" and the "Boiler" bath. 1 soon became conscious of asciiKihle amendment ot mv symp toms. and began to improve in flesh and strength. I continued bathing tor a fortnight,and left ior the, Red Sweet Springs, where I remained a week, and again returned to the Hot Springs, hiihuu as be before for another fortnight. My improvement was steady and progressive, and when I left the mountains in Octolter, IBM, 1 was restored to coin parative licxlth. and had gained in weight from 109 His to 132 lbs. f could walk several miles withoutfatigub, and altogether felt myself to be a new man. I returned hornet to Mobile) in No vein ber, and during the succeeding winter had attain a return of my complaint, but milder in form a»d much more manageable than before. June, ISSS, I returned to tne Hot .Spruits,and the useot the baths was attended with the same happy effects as in 18M. Alternating between the Hot and the Red Sweet Springs. 1 became entirely restored and re turned home well, and have leutaiaed well. I am again a visitor at the Hot Sp'ing the pre cent season, for the purpose of fortifying my sys tem against any lingering predisposition that may remain, and shall, if life is spared, probably in ters here for several seasons to come, in order to confirm what 1 really consider to have been one ot the moat extraordinary cures ever effected by any mineral watera. . If this hastily written statement snail induce any person who may be suffering under like afflic tion, to obtain relief by following the course which I have pur»u"'i with such bappy results. 1 snail be muoh gratified, .ours, very truly, Fbamcis B. Class, Of Mobile, Ala. Hot Spring*, Va., Sept. 11,18 M. Mb. Samukl Goons-Dear Sir: In rsslv to your inquir* of laat evening, with regard to the pcrina neiicy of lbs benefit which 1 derived from the ase oi tbe Hot Springs Hubs, ..s descibed in my letter to Dr. Thomas Goods, sndsr data of Sept. ts, IBM. I have tn say tbat from tbat day until tbs present time my health haa continued uatiorinly sood; and two years' additional experience and observation bsvsoniy confirmed and strengthened au sravi tart^a.-^^ tomany friends sutfenng from diseasse for which tbe Hot Springs had proved beneficial to others, and it has been a soaroe ol sleaaura sad satisfac tion to ms to snow tbat 1 bars thus been instru meata! is promoting tboir recovery. The iMreaa ag facilities of travel will coos make the Hot Swrings aocsssibls to invalids from all parts, of thsVnTonTanditis destined, at no J_«t»an_Hod. t" occupy the frost rank among tbs celebrated F.8.C.A88. Hat Bprtaas la Rbeaaiatisas. Cass af P. Q. Uator, Kss . ef Ato»aadria, Vs- I Disease of M .bass dsrsties esrsd ta ra truss. ALBxaanais. Va.. August M.MM. Da. Taos. Annan - Dear Sin Hants beea is tJsZdiTmj (_2IT aXDissds to visit lbs Hot ■salßaiia t-eveag MMT Car the care c/ Rbeuisa ttosß. wbfebT baTsaatra iu*T bfJiavißg taksaa MRaßl^bVato^Vkw2 THBJtOT BPHINOS year, t arrived at ths Spring on the 12d July, IMS. At ihst time 1 wss completely prostrated, having lost my appetite ami spirits, and mv general health very much impaired The morning I arrived I waa unable to qaeend tbs atepa of tha hotel with out saaiataacs. Alter having tabes the third tea perate liath, I was alas to walk, and sven ran, without pain. Mv stay at ins Springs was two weeks, during which tube I took nine Temperate and Hot Spouts and one Boiler Hath, and felt my self entirely cured of Rheumatism, and bad not, for a year after leaving ths Springs, aa much pain ia my limbs as 1 had previously in any ons day for S2 years- being the space of time 1 had been af flicted with the diaeaae. My general health waa thoroughly restored by tbs free use of the waters —bavins drank much of tbem whilst in the bath and during tbe day in my room. I consider my sure as a great triumph of the medicinal and cu rative of the water of tbe Hot Springs. , and feel grateful that my steps were turned in that direction. 1 bave beau a visitor at the Hot Springs every year since 1882. Not sarins used tbe water of any other of the Springs of Virginia, I attri bute my oure to the Hot Springs and none other. In this connection permit me to state, that by the advice of one of mv friends, a patient of l)r I. M French, of Peansburg, Giles county. Va., by the name of Farley, (I think,) was recommend ed to visit the Hot Springs in August. 1864. He was severely afflicted with Chronic Rheumatism, and waa scaree 1 ? able to move about, his linii<s very much swollen and joints enlarged. He re mained during the time I stayed, being about two weeks, then left for hia borne a well man. 1 beard from him but a lew days ago; he waa in good health, and entirety tree from Rheumatism. I give you the aliove statement that others who are afflicted with disease may come to tbe healing well of water, and, like me, return to iheir fami lies and friends in high health and renewed strength. A similar statement to the above, of my own, 1 add.essed to you by letter in tbe year of 1853, and learned to day. for the first time, with regret, that the communication never reached you. The foregoing yon are at liberty to use as yon may deem best for afflicted humanity. very respectfully, your friend, P. G. Residence : No. 15 North Washington St., Alexan dria, Va. -— Case of D. 11. London, Esq. Richmond, Va, Ap'il 7,1860. Mr. 8. Goode, HotSprings—My Dear Sir: In the month of June, 1853.1 reached the Hot Springs. After havinic suffered for many months fr*in Rheu matism, without relief from the various remedies that I had used ; and, indeed, so excruciating were my sufferings that 1 was almost without hope—my right shoulder and arm for some tiit.e had Itcen almost useless -I took the baths, be/inning with the Hot Spoutand then the Koiler, as they are gen erally termed, for twenty -five days, and my relief was so complete that I have never had any serious return of the pain since. 1 estimate the Hot Spriagsof Virginia so lui-hlv that I have again and again expressed the opinion lhat the* were the most valuable of all the mineral waters in the world. I owe the cure in my case, 1 think 1 can truly say, under Providence, to your baths. Your obedient servant, D. H. London. Hot Springs in Paralysis. Case of Col. John Ewin, of Greensboro', N. C. Hot Braises, Va., Sept. 2,1866. Dr. Taos. Goode—Dear Sir: Having spent por tions of four summers at this place, and used the waters freely, it alfords me great satisfaction to give you the result of my experience of their ben efical effects on myself, as also what I know of them on others. In the winter of 1853-*, I had'an attack of pa ralysia of mv right side — Hemiplegia— which pros trated me to such a decree tnat I was. for soiuo time, unable to walk; nor could I hold a pen in my fingers so as to wite my name or make a let tr-r of the alphabet. B* the use of ordinary reme dies and very strict regimen in mv diet. 1 recover ed so far as to Ire able te to about, though with difficulty. Having, from what information I could obtain, become impressed with the great value of thermal waters iv the treatment of this mo6t shocking disease, and having previously visited his place and acquired some knowledge of the me dicinal character of its water, 1 determined to come here to see what 'hey would do for me in mv afflicted condition. So soon as my situation and tne season permitted, f accordingly did so and arrived early in July, '54. 1 remained three weeks, bathing regularly every day, first in the Temperate Bath and then in the Hot Spout On leaving here I made a short visit to tbe Salt Sulphur Springs, iv Monroe county, whence 1 returned here, and re mained a week more, and bathed every day in the Hot Spout Bath. The result w s. I felt signally benefited, and returned home greatly improved— so Siuch so, that to a casual observer nothing ap peared to be the mutter with me. 1 have now this summer('66i been here altogeth er three weeks and a half, and have, during that lime, bathed once aday in the Temperate Bath ; and am now prepared to return home, with the gratifying conviction that 1 am entirely and permanently relieved, and feel that this happy re suit has mainly been owing to the use of the ther mal waters at this place. So much for my own personal experience. 1 snow of several other cases in which the sub jects of them received great benefit from the use of the waters here, and suoh is my confidence in their virtue, that I am thoroughly persuaded they will, if their use lie persisted in. and prudence in diet be observed, with moderate but regular exer cise, either on loot or otherwise, cure any ordina ry case of paralysis, cither general or local. 'Ihe ttoy John, who attends the Hot Spout Bath, fur nishes a striking case to show the correctness of this opinion. After being very badly afflicted, he assures me that tie does not feel the slightest ves tige of the disease remaining—the truth of which is apparent to ever* one who sees him—and he wm cured here by the use of the Temperate Bath only. VY hie uere in l&M. I made the acquaintance of a gentleman who resided near Winchester, who in formed me that he had been parahzed so badly as to be unable to walk or speak. When I met with ti,in tic bad the appearance of enjo*ing robust health, and he told me that his restoration to lit-:..tu was to the use of the Hot Springs Balis. 1 could mention other cases, where per sons had been signally lienefited by the use of the Baths heie bat as tliey must lie Weil known to you, ■imt the subjects ol them are accessible, 1 prefer to let them speak for themselves. 1 know ot a few cases where the use of these waters have had very happy effects in Neuralgia and Rheumatism : of the former, a lady of my ac quaintance in Alabama furnishes an instance; and Richard Morris, jr., of Baltimore, one of the lat ter. i am satisfied, from actual experience, that the use of the hot water at this place often has an ex cellent effect on the liver, and in chrome diarrhoea f have greater confidence in its efficacy than any thing with which 1 am conversant. Mr. F B. Clarke, ot Mobile, Ala., is mainly in debted to it for his restoration to health, from the worst condition, and after all other remedies had failed Hoping my experience and observation may lie the means of extending a knowledge of the waters of the Hot Springs to others who may be atfi-cted, and of giving a wider scope to their al ready huh fame, 1 remain, sir. with high respect. Your obedient servant, Jno. Ehwin, of Greensboro', Ala. Case «if Win. Sanderson, of Amherst county, Virginia. In November, 1831, 1 had a violwit paralytic at tack which deprived me entirely of the use of the whole of in* left side. I was confined to my room, and perfectly helpless for more than five years, and m* left hand was insensible even to fire. I was tlien electrified, and afierwards improved a little. In June, 1839, I came to the Hot Springs, barely able to hobble about, with but little feeling in. and no use of, my left hand and arm. After bathing lor about twenty days, I oould walk tole rably well, and my hand and ami were so much improved that I could chop with an axe or work with a hoe. 1 bathed here about, forty dais, and then walked home, a distance of eighty miles, in four days. I continued to strengthen till June last when 1 had a violent bilious fever, which again disabled my left leg auiHtriu 1 returned to the Hot Springs on the first of this month, and have bathed Ireely for twenty days. I (eel as well now .-is when 1 left last year, and shall set out to morrow ou f*rot for home. • n veu under my hand this -OtL da] *>f September, isio. Wa. Baßßsaaaa. To Dr. Goons. ol Amherst county, Va. Hot .Springs baCaaes of Injury to the Limbs. Muscles, Tendons, tec. Case of the Hon. John Y. Mason, of Va. Southampton, 15th February, tbmX Dear Sir: Having derived the most important Item lit lrom the use of the Spout Bath al the Hoi e>prings, it gives me much pleasure to comply with your tequest ami bear testimony to its virtues. In the month of August. IATJ, a horse ran away with me in a gig—l leaped out, fractured the small bone in my leg, and injured the patillaor knee-pan most severely. A tedious confinement was the consequence. When 1 was sufficient y recovered to leave my bed, 1 found the leg so contracted that I could not walk without the aid of crutches. In deed, when standing erect, my foot did not reach the ground by tour inches. The limb shrunk from inaction, ami tearing 1 should he a cripple lor I le. 1 visited Philadelphia and consulted Or. Physic. He told me my case was hopeless, and surgical aid would be of no avail. I returned home and went to the Hot Springs. I had then been on crutches more than twelve mouths; my left leg was not half the size of the ruht, and so contracted that I could not get the foot to the ground. The very hrsf. bath relaxed lb'contraction; my leg became straight, and 1 walked back to my cabin without crutches, i used the bath once a da» for about three weeks. The limb was gradually restored, and 1 have never used crutches since. 1 regard myself as indebted to the Hot Springs for my leg. 1 am, most respectfully, | Your ob'taerv't and friend, J. Y. Mason. Hot Spriu.s In Spinal Diseases. Case of a lady suffering with SPf N AL IRRITA TION, who had not WALKED for 16 YEARS be fore using the baths at the Hot Springs. "She now walkaany reasonable distance without inconve nience." Pi kumont, Albemarle county. Va. I July 15,1859. S S. Room, Esq.—Dear Sir: Prompted by tue de sire to relievo human suffering, I am induced to *:ive you a history of mv sister _ case, aud the treat benefit she derived froma visit to the Hot Springs She enjoyed fine health until she was about 17 years old. when she had a severe attack of fever. For eight weeks her life waa despaired of by her attending ph*scans. It was now observed that she had a disease of the spine,complicated with a variety of uterine affections. These dieaaes were attended with violent spasms or convulsions which prevented her from walking for rules* years. During thirteen years of this time she was confined constantly to the horizontal posi tion, sot being able to sit up at all, and sabered more than language oan describe, or tbe most it_a X native mind coaeciveof, more than half of those ng. wearisome years having beea spent in con tinuous convulsions, which rendered life almost lasapportabk*. and which would have caused death to have bean welcomed by aeracll and ber friends, as tbe sweet messenger of peaeeaadfost. I have known ber to remain for away eoasssstivs. dsys is a state oi entire instniibtltty-with her lacs livid-ber eves reaembiiag orbs of fare—her whole body eeavalssd witb esasns. asd to return to consciousness but to seder the uatoid tortures of a thousand deaths. She was favored with tbe ad vice of 10..r la of the most eminent and skillful ahystciaaa.of this part of the State, who used all is remediee which mature judnnent and long expsriaass dictated, but without produeias may permanent amelioration other dissaas, and it waa not antil after she bad spent sversi weeks of the season ol la»7 at the Hot Sprmrs. tbat ehe waa enabed to walk again- a Gnus of Ilia." It is tbs opißMa of all that another aeasoa wou d restore her to perfect health. Dumbs h»r visit to lbs Hal Mpn ags. sbs ased the Hot f is.ut Bath r-gu [arly twiss every day, watch spasoily aa benefited her eptaal dissaas as to enable bar to asove bar ■bates- to walk a little, with the saatataaas of two afalebes. which she had to eostoaao te see tor eta :rav&ss^_!S»m3 TBS SOT BP-UIKfS. disappeared snd a neat wslktsr eftne was a-bsti tuted in its place, whieb has beea her constant companion in walking as to this time. She now walks bay reasonable distance without inconve nience. Very respectfully, J. J. Pace. Opinlens of Physiclaas la Regard ta tbe Caratlve Powers ef tbe Hat Bpriaga. The following latter fross Dr. Laadoa Rives, of Roanoke owunfy, Va, and one of the most skill ful medical ansa ia tbe State, shows the opinion which hia own observation inducsd him to form is regard to tbs remedial powers of these waters in the various diseaseb for which tbey are recom mended: Roarobb. April Sd. ÜBS. Dear Sir: After suffering for two yeara excruci ating pain from Chronio Rheumatism, 1 deter mined to try ths etfeots of tbs Hot Serings Baths for this dissaae. la accordance with this determi - nation, 1 speat about two weeks laat September, st your apringa. (my occupation not giving ins more leisure at that season, i and I was for a time somewhat disappointed at the reeult, as my pains were ratber increased for a month alter my return home: hut during tbe whole of the past winter I have been entirety free from this painful malady, notwitastand'ng constant exposure to the incle mencies ol the weather in the practice of my profes sion. I attribute the cessation of these rheumatic entirely to the effect of the Hot Springs Baths. 1 observed that the primary effect of the batlu upon the circulation of the blood, was exoitant, and theaecondary eriect, sedative—which ac ;<unts in part for the curative properties of your baths in Chr.>nio diseases, especial'y where depositions or morbid alterations have occurred in the tissues.— Along with this excitement of the circulation of the blood ia a corresponding excitation of the ab sorbent vessels, which in chronic diseases, gene rally, are inactive. These vessels are stimulated to the performance of their natural functions, and tbe result is that tbe deposits which have been left in the tissues by previous disease, are re-absorbed, and these tissues restored to their noimal struc ture and function. The secondary sedative effect insures tbe patient against tbe danger of an in flammatory action. Thus stimulated from day to day, the absorbent vessels regain their wonted of fice, and disease gradually disappears. This is without doubt the "rationale" of the way in which the Hot Springs Bathscnre the Chronic form of Rheumatism. Gout, Menstrual derangements dependent on ulceration of the womb; S> pint's. enlargement of the Prostate gland, deformities from old injuries Ac, Ac. What assistance is de rived from the chemical constituents of t'.e wa ters, I am unable to determine, but 1 should think their influence must lie potent, or such results would hardly bave obtained as I witnessed in tlie above-named .Incises ; and in Patalysis, torpidity and enlargement of the liver, enlargement of the spleen. Jaundice, and in some forms of Chronic Diarrhoea. The Spout Baths proved in my own, and in many other eases, as active a stimulant to the Liver as calomel itself. From personal observation, and upon the representation of many intelligent visi tors, 1 have no hesitation in recommending per sons afflicted with any of the diseases 1 have enu merated, to resort to tbe Hot {springs as the most pleasant mode of obtaining relief. 1 certainly ex pect to avail myself of the advantages of these if a ths lor a short time every summer. With sentiments of highest regard. I remain Your friend and obedient servant, Lanhon Rives, M. D. To Mr. 8. Goodk, Hot Springs. Letter of Dr. Jno. W. Williamson, of Boyd too, Mecklenburg county, Va. His opinion of the beneficial effects of the Hot Springs when employed to pbkpabk tmk sys tem KOK THK SeBOT SISBS MIN KB A I. WATRRS ; also, in Diseases of the Liver, (iout, Khcuuia tisin, Paralysis, Ac, Ac. BovimiN, Va., May 1,1? M Titos. F GoottK, Esq.—Dear Sir: I cheerfully comply with your request for my opinion, as to the curative powers of the Hot Springs From my ob servation of the effects of these waters, I am en tirety satisfied that they are among, if not the most potent of the Mineral Springs of Virginia for the cure of the most obstinate chronic forma of disease, for which they are resorted to, particularly for the condition of the s-. stem depending on a general derangement of the secretions with torpor and inactivity of the various organs. With very few exceptions, f regard the Hot Springs aa the best, preparatory for beneficial results from tbe use of the waters of the other Springs. They excite the torpid organs, and thereby render the system more susceptible of immediate effects in many cases in which other waters are ultimately more specially adapted. It is frequently the case that invalids spend some time at the White Sulphur and other Springs with but little, if any benefit, when upon visiting the Ho'»Sp- 111*8, and returning to those places, they experience immediate beneficial results. 1 gene rally advise invalids, who consult me as to the use of the various mineral waters, to resort to the Hot Baths, before visiting other Springs; and to do this in man* oases, in which I regard other waters as more particular!* indicated, for the reason that I irelieve the relaxing effect of the hot baths ren ders the system much more susceptible of prompt and efficient action from other waters. lam con vinced that in many instances, in which the sul phur waters are resorted t<> in the first instance with but little or no beneficial result, they would prove highly efficient, if aided by a previous appli cation of the hot baths As a remedial agent in Goat. Rheumatism, Faralysis. and all affections of the liver, the Hot Springs are justly considered without a rival. In fact, so astonishing has been the relief afforded by these waters, in tbe diseases here enumerated and in others, tnat it would be al io st incredible, but that it is attested by persons of as high character as any in the land. Yours, truly. Jno. W. Williamson,M. D. Dr. A. A. Campbell, of .Nottoway co , Vs., says: "My experience warrants me in Baying that the use of the Hot Spring* Both is the vast best FBKPAkATIO.N OF THK BVSTB3B Foil THK B_Bfl A.NII BBHSriCIAL USE OP THE SI'I.I'UUK WaT-Rs OF VIROiMIA." Dr. Thus. Lining, of South C irolina, sa* s: -To persons afflicted with CHRONIC GOUT or RHEUMATISM, I feel warranted in recommend ing the baths of the Hot Springs AS FAR SL'PK i." fOR to any of the. Watering Places in Virginia." Letter of Dr. Francis K. Lurkett, of Rich mond, Va. Ills'opinion of the value ol the Hot Springs as a curative agent in various Chronic Diseases. Richmond, Va., .May 18th. IS6C. My Dear Sir—ln response to your inquiries upon the subject, I take much pleasure in furnish ing you with my impressions as to the medicinal and remedial properties of tne Hot Springs water. Having resided lor four years or longer at the Warm Springs,' but five miles distant,) engaged in the practice of my profession, favorable opportunities were afforded me. in numerous in stances, for observing the curative influences of these waters, and f do not hesitate to say that I believe them to lie the most reliable and efficient agents in the treatment and cute of the large class of diseased conditions to which they are adapted, in this country. 1 will enumerate as follows:— Chronic Rheumatism and Heat, Paralysis in its different forms, Neuralgia. I).scan's ol the Liver, with its various complications aud oonse*iue ces, as jaundice, indigestion, obstinate constipation. dropsical effusions, Ac; Visceral engorgements, as of tlie Spleen and other organs, irritation of the spinal column, with its attendant consequences, the numerous class of deformities arising from in juries to muscles and joints; Chronic Diarrho-a, dependent upon torpidity of the liver or debility ; Lngorgemetit and Enlargements of the L'teris. attended with suppressed, diminished or pain I'm secretion; Knlargement «f Prostate Gland. Such is in* confidence in the curative action ol' the Hot Spout that I shall seek its aid, the coming sum mer, in my own case, for the relief ol a torpid fiver, with rheumatic complication. Hoping sincerely that you may enjoy in the en suing season, as heretofore, that extended patron age which iHtth the value of the water and the ad mirable accommodations of the place are so well entitled to secure, 1 remain, very truly, yours. F K. LI'CKKiT. S. Goods, Ksf.< Hot, Springs, Bath county, Va. Opinion of Dr. Geo. It. Wood, Of Philadelphia, in regard to the curative proper ties ol the Virginia Hot .Springs, iv Klicuiualisui, (iout and Chronic In his work on the Practice ot Medicine, the l*»st on that subject in the English language. Dr. Woo.l, one of the Professors in the University of Penn sylvania, and one of the most eminent medical men of the *no, thus notices these waters as reme dial agents: Under the head of Chronic Rheuma tism, he says,(see second edition, vol. l, page 443, Wood's Practice of Medicine. I 'The Hot Bath, taken duly and persevered in for a considerable tune, often does much good; and obstinate local affections sometimes sive way to a stream of hot water directed upon them, or the hot douche. A visit to the Hot Springs in Virginia may be recom mended." Under tho head of Gout . "The Hot Springs of Virginia are sometimes very beneficial " (Vol.l, page 404 second edition. Wood's Practice.) Under the head of Chronic Hepatitis, l Wood's Practice, second edition, vol. 2, p. 441.) "Th> Hot >i>nm.s ot Virginia have also been found useful, employed iv the lorm of bath." my 21 -d.'ttwlt PARKS A MINER. WHOLESALE GROCERS Oder for sale— HO hhds. HAMS and BREAST BACON, ai hhds. SHOULDER and SIDE BACON. 25 kegs Goshen BUTTER. 30 bbls. No. 1 LARD. M boxes English Dairy CHEESE. 48 bbls. New Orleans and Cutia MOLASSES. la hhds. Bright New Orleans SUGAR. at bbls. C and Extra C Codec SUGAR. 100 boxes Adamantine and Tallow CANDLES. SV boxes Oawsso Pure STANCH. 25 bags Rio and Laeuayra COFFEE. lOObblaßye WHISKEY BRANDY. GIN and WINE. PARKS A MINER. mhM-U 13th st. near Cary. Row ri ma:: "*"" GRAVEL ROOFING. BIOTTNAiOR FELT)ROOFING. TIN ROOFING. We are noar prepared Ui put on the GRAVEL ROOHNU.ot a vary superior quality, •ither is town or country. Also, all kinds of GUTTERS, and LIGHTNING RODS. CONDUCTORS. _, CHARLES D. YALE A CO.. apao-sm Iron Block. Governor st. GAB, GAB, GAB FITITNG! METALLIC ROOFING. TIN aad COPPER WORK. _. . __, FLUMPING, sto The subscriber, st his establishment op 13th sL, Uajmaansr. aad at tae sbortest aoUos. i^iC-. <> _%^Tij_^r n * , _s«i''. manner sot in tbs least atfsaatvsoa taspfsasisee _?J r _5 l 1 V J_V work. jßTjeasoate as oaa etrnetsd as to bs air asd water tight. ISHW_33S_S te assets tor tbs asaßßfcalaisw are stsparedte *■» Driving HATTior *™%p»ff fljfofliffff' a THB ÜBMKATEST IMVENTtO* nr *^ COS, JUT Broad street. We are sow ssabtsd to display a large and complete assortment of Sam Natty*. Opera. Freach BslV. Psrtestiea, an, various other saw aad desirable sty lea. To eoaatry BMr chants aad piaatera we oan offer inducements ihat saanot fail to rlaasc. Disss Hate manufactured in any desired style or shape at tbs shortest nc~ tioe, and st different prices. A call is most re speotiuUy solicited. WM. T. MOORE b CO. __ 207 Broad st.. Riohmond. Va. CARRIAGES. Ac, FOR BALB. ,_§__*__. I ARRIAttES. BUGGIES, arc ER_S_£P O R SA LE.-The subscriber ia still of for sale. LIGHT CARRIAGES, Open and Top BUGGIES and ROCK A WAYS . also, a BAGGAGE and a BUTCHER'S WAGON. As 1 am anxious to sell, great inducements will be offered to purchasers. Particular attention given to RKPAIR.NG. JOHN DO S. my 5-1 m * Corner 9th and Broad streets. ,_■_»__, CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES... Krs_SE3_-TheßuUc.iber has on his Coach ■aa ""Making Establishment, on Lombard Al ley, between Main and Cary, (13th and Uth sts..) near the Columbia. Hotel. COACHES, CHARIO TEES, BAROUCHES, BUGGIES, with and with out tops, and SULKIES—aII of his own make, oi tbe best material -nd workmanship—all of which will be sold as low ea good work of the Bind oan be in the city of Richmond, and I respectfully ask a oall from those in want of any article in the Car riage line, as I am determined to make to order and to sell at the lowest prices possible; and all work sold that is new. warranted. feSt-d<bn MiCAJAH MANGUM. ~ BOOTS, BBOESt Ao. JA\ m g A KOTII b'RLOTofth<>scer_TTO mZbwmWJ lieautiful Laities' heeled Mo roc Cifaxn co Slippers, st §1 * pair, and fine Gaiters,^**- 7 aa with heels, at $1.26, just opened at G- HELLER A CO.'S, I*3 Broad s'reet. The largest assortment of good, well made Trunks, Bonnet Boxes. Valices, Ac, at ths oheap est prices, just received at G. HELLER A CO.'S A large variety of Ladies' Glove Kid, Lasting. Congress. Front Lace and Side Lace Gaiters, Buskins, Slippers, Ac, scld very low, at G. HELLER A CO.'S, 183 Broad street, between sth and 6th. ~__fii" TtT THbsHIADiES 99 atfCat* <_9VMUNU.-I wisii to call your t lienlion to my assortment of LAD'FS', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, embracing 6. great va riety of styles, among whi h are the following: Ladies' Heeled Kid and Morocco Slippers; La dies' Heeled Kid and Morocco Bootees; Ladies' Heeled Kid Congress Boots; Ladies' Heeled Cloth Gaiters, several qualities ; Ladies' Heeled French lio. ts, new style; Ladies' Morocco And Kid Boots, without heeis; Ladies' Morocco aiol Kid iiuskins, without heels; Misses' Heeled -Moroccoand Goat Bootees ; Misses' Heeled Congress and Side- Laced Gaiters; Misses' Heeled Morocco and Kid Slip pers: Misses' Heeled French Boots, new style; Children's Heeled Kid and Morocco Slips and An kle Ties; Children's Morocco and Goat Bootees, without heels; Children's Copper Tint Bootees, without hee's; Children's French Boota, new style; together with any other style or quality that may be needed. A call is solicited, at the fashionable emporium, No. 93 Main st. JNO. C. PAGE.Ja. JHOOTBANirsHOEa--GKhAT \-mmp. REDUCTION IN BEHLE, Broad street, between 2d and Sd. keeps a large stock of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Servants' wear constantly on hand, and defies any body in Richmond to compete with him in his line, as he manufactures to order, and superintends himself. JocH-lyl CHARLES BEHLE. J A NOTICE THAT t A IMff _A| BE CONTRADICTED BY ANYsS_swa~_fT ONE.—We are now prepared to furnish our customers, friends and the public generally, with any kind of BOOTS and SHOES tnat they may want, either of our own manufacture or imported, either tor Ladies, Gentlemen, .Misses, Hoys, or Children, ol the latest styles and of the best quail it*. We also keep on hand a large assortment of TRUNKS and BONNET CASES for Ladies, of the most approved styles and finest quality. Also, CARPET BAGS and VALICES of every style and description, all of which will he sold low either by wholesale or retail, by ALEX HILL A CO., Manufacturers and Importers of Boots and Shoes, 127 Main street, RiohmomL_Va. _- GREAT REU-CtToN I* THE r_| j_f PRICE OF HATS AND BOOTS.-JX m\\ V rom IS to 30 per oent. saved by buy _ Mb lag from J. H. ANTHON Y. Waf Columbian Hotel building. Aloleakin Hate of beat quality. 93 SO; d j. second qjality, 3 OU; fashionable Silk Hals, 3 SO; fine calf esm sewed Loots, 3 So; Congress Gaiter Boota, 3 36; fine calf skin sewed Shoes, 2 lb. J. 11. ANTHONY has made arrangements witb one of the best makers in the city of Philadelphia to supply him with handsome and substantial calf •kin sewed BOOTS, winch he will aell at the unpre oedeatod low pnoe of THREE DOLLARS AND HALF. oc3S— dAwtS FURNITURE, &c. (JANI'LL W. HARWOOU. O GOVERNOR ST.. RICHMOND, MANUFALTttRKR AKD DKALKR IN FURNITURE AND MATTRESSES. The farmers and planters, and ail others in want of FURNITURE and MATTRESSES, manufac tured by the most experienced workmen, and of the best materials, will find it to their interest to examine my stock before buy ing, as I have recent ly reduced my prices. You will find— ROSEWOOD PARLOR OAK CHAMBER SETS ; SETS: COTTAGE FUILMI WALNUT do. do.; TURK: ROSEWOOD CHAM- MAHOGANY SETS: BER SETS; MANTEL MIRRORS; WALNUT do. do.; WHAT-NOTS; MAHOG'Y do. do.; ETEGRES: BEDSTEADS; CHILDREN'S CHAIRS; BUR EA US ; J E N N V L I N D BED WARDROBES: STEADS; WASHSTANDS; CRIBS and CRADLES; TABLES; RKCi'MB INTCHAIRS; CHAIRS; CENTRE TABLES; SIDEBOARDS; FEATHER HED.S: TF.TE-A TETES, WRITING DESKS: SOFAS; FANoY CHAIRS; BOOK CASKS; WORK TABLES; DINING TABLES, LOUNGES; ROCKING CHAIRS, PIANO SPOOLS; MATTRESb-B, OFFICE CHAIRS. iuh29-2ni _____ mHBK. GATHRIGHT. FURNITURE ___arWAREHOUSE. ON GOVERNOR ST., f|\ BETWEEN MAIN AND FRANKLIN. ■____bj_|has on hand at this time the largest ami stock of FURNITURE he has ever offered tohts friends and the public—a large portion of which being CITY-MADE—which he pledges to sell for less profit than Heretofore. Painted, Im itation and Solid Oak, Walnut. Mahogany and Host-wood CHAMBER SUITS, from #35 to Stow; all styles Marbie Top TABLES: also. WARD ROBES, from $luup;TETE A-TETES.DIVANS, SOFAS, from $13 up to $75; Jenny Lind BED STEADS, from S9 to STS; freautif'ul Brocatefle. Plush, Lasting aud Hair Cloth PARLOR SUITS also, COUCHES and BED twenty five per cent, less than can be purchased else where; in fact, bis stock embraces every article .lsually kept iv hie fine. Call and examine for yourself, and see liow much you can save be fore purchasing elsewhere. Also, a large assort ment of Recumbent Invalid. Ai in. Easy and Re volving CHAJRST MATTRESSES. Hair and Shuck, and BEDDING. mli 31-d.;m SAVINGS BAM-S. V'irgTs i a ~s a v i w tiV "af a is TtT. ". Chartered by the Lrtisla'ure nl Va, CAPITA L-SHJbUBi. MON V received on deposit in sums of FIVE DOLLARS and upwards, on winch interest at the rate of six per centum per annum is paid for sums remain in six months <>r lonser ; for shorter pe riods, int. rest at the rate of 6 per centum. The whole joint stock bound for t lie deposits. Deposits received and cert.Scales issued l» the Cashier, T. B STARKE, at the store oi E. B. Spence, corner of Main and Governor streets, Richmond, Va. gAM'L 8. COTTRELL. Pres't, T B. STARKE, Oashier. mv ll—tm OH F STEM. Secretary. H BV_.» Si*«'B B.iyK. IV Chartered by the Legislature of Virginia. This Institution will receive D EPOS I FS, on which an interest of six per cent, per annum wii oe paid on all sun.s remaining longer than six montas, and five per cent, for a shorter time. Deposits received at the Banking Office ol Messrs. Isaacs A Ta*lok, by the Cashier. WM. CURRIE. President. WM. L. HILL, Stcr.tary. B. H. SMITH. Ja, Cashier. MBMBSBS. Chas H.Barksdalcl -i C.H.Wynne, Henry James. I 6 Jos. Bruoimeil, Sam.WYounger, IS CF. Smith. W. B- Warwick. f g W. H. Benson, Wm. B. Smith. \i W. f . Carnngt >n, Joe. T Morton. ] * lotft A. Mayo P.J. Archer. 8. P. MiteheA, R. L. Williams. Jos. Laidley, Chas. McGruder. N. T. Pate. Chas. Talbott, T. L. D. Walfr rd. B. U. Smith. P. C Warwick. R. G. Farley. Jos. G. Watts. A. Warwick. E. D. Reeling. Geo. A. Barksdale, ap X Sia ~~ COAL. CO_LB, WOOD, ~4ka ANTHHAI ITfc «OAL.--l have now on band a larxe stock ol best ANTHRACITE COAL. which I shall greatly inciease toy B-tsaßaaSs curing the month of Juns, sad am prepared to oiler great inducements to consumers. M* customers and others, wbo may order their winter supply of me. may rely on get ling tbe test erode, and aa cheap as it can be sold in this market. myl7-lm WIRT ROBERTS. pINE WOOD VOR 93.5b.-l would rasped* wssdl «&^.«%r waste wiibis tee city baute, (br tbs low pries ai be leftwUi Mr. Wm. Rbslisii , aa Id street, or at J so. k Urns*. Sisson's tWraadWHITK e^hTl£Aiff*ftAL aUjkr-bl i HASI stsasar buy sb Bridge. CM>Ey...Ttje.prwßef Coke aatil faxtber aobe* SrfmM_n=r_rr-— *tt WMmmLwJ CwKaß>«-»»■■_* ieiai>tii'»i -»_'*»*» **» JWP *?jg?-""f-.l'' Yards sorserjstb **""-Si^^^^**"_-a"--fiBB- -P'-J ' * AwjsTjbsijKl^ «B_bl__tdoor to Ksat, Paiae k t-!: ,?• aeit A^StS Xb^,^RV^T E l^^w w n„ precisioa aad eaaeT^TbeA_t_»Tst' r _?'•»». aTu ?R__sss__lteS: oflaoebroßataccaraey. l^mim r t m o ,n donee, however, of th.', r , v «„! of foreign manufacture. ab__L __T_!_" w *t«is« snee, 1. tbe, M |Vaffitmn tha".'i *'**' " gold or silver. The pub","siTavrtJlt*, ?,' la *' -■J" ,mn^'««, ropp:«,,i;. I Hol; 1 jrjj. WATCHES made by rb?as_!2____ th « aliilaWmaksr. just received Ir'm tl,!:" W,t '< ers;ah». on hand, other B_Ma!l_L M _'.bS. Forsale very I„ w , accordTniMwV»?,t, ,U *v'~ really fine at N„ W___S_sL. For » eide, 3d door above Hth sfpet tfMt ' Bo "l» CHAB. C. LPMSORN CHINA CLASS, Ac. S' IRE.YIFNDOI S SAI OF AN ENTIRE CH 1 N A, G L ASBW AX r 11,, ,^L f WM FURNISH! .N G AN Ii l A \Xv __■ I. AT 79 MAI N ST RK _ sA r> ,\W TO MR. JOHN DOOLEY'S Hvi sTr?__- Traders' Bank of Richmond havinTVlVht 1 .!!* house we now occupy, we are c.tmi.*l'sd ? i_ ,h# 'he store with.ll ..tie month W, nXriuZ„2e ! *' l,r • p>od.s.all fresh and of t|„, btoslsuto! I!___? keepers and tae trade at a great saerifiM «"*' have no othet way to dumotmlt Ta__*N?_s m<t»t astoaisnißß bargains, call it *° *et BCHAAP A «'0 fs.7»__i. .... . Ai;reat vanct* of Fane* Basketsl B.„? et fineW.tchels. and other l-ancy Urnids will i_T*A e_tremcly low to sellout, "o*u-4 «tlllNA.t,l.: K a-UARKA>_*» | times, at WHOLESALE we at R I KTIl C L 0, ° c ' UPP ' ofSUple anJ 'aawy«3 Our old customers and the public will !,!«■,_, i_.. it in mind that we have removed In N n KplsbT or 14tu STREET. emmnm,m rifta*, WM F BU I LKR t s O N my Jl-lm mPO " " n " a " <l K^WwSa jnfV ~Xmlma, glass, "~ jjj I_ Alt I'll f'N WA I; 1.. HII O. B. TAYI.OK, " Has m.w in store, and ~n aMVaga, lately raaaii-l ships Invincible. Niagara ami Sur i>| v,* \v r .,i and from the principal glass tiiecn,,,, try, tho largest and most complete ;,•« .nment *>f BSOBS he has ever been able te ..iW tn he trarte „f Virginia. North Carolina arid Tssnaai m lie les i confident he pan BBSsptbl with the re Backiaa homes of the North ; and as an aawraacscil ins ability to do so, he will duplicate at the nine ■tt__ any hill purchased of a re packing kouse „ tat North within the pnst twelve month* All .treats sent to him will receive his personal sttantsw - Goods carefully packed ana forwarded promptly ' mh ai—im fO L AII m ARE-Cinprisißf" G..bists. I umbiers. Wines, Champagnes, Deesßtsra Preserve Dishes, Fruit fcwls.Sp.ion Hold' ers, Leniouades. Lager Beer lilassss, G|u« .Salt Cedars. fte_ for sale st the China Store of T. A. BILKI.I.V.IW Mam street _Hn_Jl£„E «OOL CHARCOAL PACIES RICHMOND .\I.\DK kv we have on hand a supply ..{ u>e i!«i s very sspsrter Cbascoal racked Wstsr Coolers of our own manufacture, of all asaa. Call and supply yourselves a' KEESKK .V PARR'MFottsty, Corner t3tta Bad Cary ata smta china, v Cars. AhJSmf AND I All i'HL.NWAK, \jm SPRING TRADE, H6C jLW GEO. J . I U M N 1 ■', X A CO., CHINA, GLASS. A Nit QVKBNHWAmM WAREHOUSE. No. 80. Pearl or Mth street, Hichrmnl. Vs. In consequence of unavoidable deli* in tli»viai pletion of our new warehouse, on Govaraor street, we shall be unable to remove until 'he < v - . ■ ; utrio oloses; and our friends will find us it tn,. ..h|;,, a tlon. No. 29 Pearl street, lor anothei m••*.,,.. Our alock is now daily arriving..iiid ii tbs 'xrreat and most complete st.trk of EARTHEN "A ARK CHINA and GLASS, ever offered 111 Virgin 1, sad we invite the attention of the BMrsaaaUof Vir gin is. North Carolina and saaae—we, vbu m.y visit this market, to our pri'-.'s, ronfidst vial en can succesHluil* ecespste with theiiarv #1 houses in any ot the Northern States. We only ask them to give aa the prefer*, a •.*•« Northern houses, provided we oan do as wen for thrnt. We ask nothing more. Tho most experienced pickers eu pi. ye', wi gooaashipped promptly. We supply the Mh-r quality of BtoBSVSM low is it can be purchised at the Factory. We *ive our prompt and faithful attention to ths execution of orders. DENTISTRY. SML _». 4 «l LM.Xt, T) _ Vl'i's i. lyTyT?? '" ik hereafter be found it Ins ortu .■, No at»7.'i .Mam street, Isstweeu sth aud lOtS, prepared lo attend to his prolessumal . ..» *• men ta. mh 'H 3m iKTIMIIU. TEETH.--TsCw and Vulcanite Pro. ess -9. W. '*ujjii JoN ES. DBSTisj.bavinr ihe rith» f< - ns above mode of making Tcetii.and beiai s.itiiSsd of its absolute superiority over all otiier meth.xU, can with con lid once commend it to those desirm; full or partial sets of teeth, and especially suob is may '.c dissatisfied with those tne* are •. w using. The perfect adaptation of the pUte talks mouth, and the suction thereby secured, enstses nun to insert one or more teeth without rlt<f. fhis method having been adopted bftbaasataaj ißg highest in the profession, Nortn bbS Boala. testimonials will be given audspecin.ens r-x.'i bUa to those wislnn? to see ttiein. Seta of I>e:i, on gold or any other plate wiii *d course be aaasiw those preierriiig them. Filling. Ctesasiagi Ki tr-A*. ting, and all other operations geatlyaaSlbs roughly performed. Teeth extracted by bLiC TKicrTV wtiaearpaai _s_ Uifioc on Main street, o D p*>nU Connthisa HalT Boli-lly_ E. A. JETEH, MSS3 SURGEON DESTTfT. * tu - Q3 Ofnee on Main, below Fear! street, sen diHtr to P. Horton Kesch'strimmmg stors. »a*J nra do<trs aW>ve Messrs. Thoa. K. Price k Co. 1 Dry GtMtds store. The subscriber having removed te the »■■'»• house, would be pleased to see those with wk.uaas engagements, and has made exteusi'e press rations to serve tbe public generally. AUopsr* lions performed is tbe most approved and sotrn'iM style known to the Profess ior., and ail w >rk *if>na by him warranted tnxtve satisfaction. fesbVW TAILORING. Ac. IVlMtfcL *. 11l Rf II is now 11st employ aa a CI'TTHt. am! demres bu lot mer friends and pa'ion ■ to cs'l \n<\ sgm» i me the large and va ed assortiasst »\ CLOTHS. CASSIMERE.'*-act Vb-ITISO*. as we Has Isady-Maas Ctetbiag. wkiebkentssa prepared bt furnish mem on »s <*«>d JJfS, 1 ia as so«td style as acj similar house ia tbs Si »s. WM. IKA S*TfH. 11* Mv" vt -. INKW ll.OiHlv« sTOtB. Tm subscrilter, as auetit. will open snoat ajy IS b. in the store now acceptsa 01 Mr - ■;• C. Barton. N.». U» Main strsst, an satis new stock of CLOTHING ANU ~,w . ■___» B-JUS' FUKNISHIN'« '»Ot>W», which he is htv manuf-ctured undft sis *»•• upervtsion. and hopes wita bis asaerteaee »n>< so of tbe 'usmess, he cau .ni*r !>u*s» stock as wiil aieettbe wajjts a r d sdouie tae f*i ronase ot his friends. The sfrewill be refitted v. su.t Ibe ssb esse. and every ss%rt will is» made Ut pr-..!>. <au '» necessary articless id ia sucn st*.*t »» 818 an_s» the stock unvkesolioa .1 Is .;i -\ l '** v .' * M ,*< m»4 .Its I of' .k Hs'.l 4 ******** The suits.-utters ii,**iu< pari'hase.l "' Messrs Tiesi-a* Hill ZeJUeeeJ the ~».- w«»*W»rfi„ otler a lar>.e sesortawst ol IT r /t tf . l "_lN* ILOTHING and GbNTJ » ». *-*\, ? " I J-Z GOO OS, smtabis for S V Y IN G and IV V « «w»f Tbs Use- wdl be *g%%E\% aad style of feUAI* EX, HAt.9r.i » _b_ tt a tie a strict auenti.tu to bacaess gad trade, bops lo ujsr't aU m_sivs a ■bars Sf se-s. patroaageTwhich has liecn to niara* y r*»i«»»«>» upon them ia our sister city. "eltrs Mr. W m. tiasros. formerly ant kh* wn „ -"*:» VSg**. + tsfflk*FßF^j& JsaV. J , iate »_» t .riiueni •>( •»•«« <"»"f._'v,tuh.. _ud SUMMER CTArtklNO and** all tbe.latesi ties of the season, ebicb, in aoist «!' ', r and durability, cannot 1* are manufactured by otit.elvcs.rXßrsss.y tbe tastes and w»uU ot tins markc . sad *r:;", hJ ,, ables us to sell al a uiuch ui.tre reduce*..'•.» ~ any other b*us« Wtbeejir. Aaw.S bvis inert of BOYS* CLOTHINU aad r GOODS always on Saad. We awaM reaj-sl yosag men and followsrs effasbajsa,U£ oOßtisaaTly recoiviag aaaipie cards oi '»•-,, v «yle goods, truai .arWcb we oaai mmhe te otmfi Bbort sattse. anytbins ou»•*-» *AJ»»^T7 _Ea , aBS«b?OT teatbe^lV bu .took «'».* 1 5vt_* ? |WUK9f(s_s£S«i _s -»,-» to make Bp m tne twos* »*•»» renjsnerattv. arotts. „. H«.tE-Having saurdlesseaiieJ *■»» »*„ M y «snteto.«darsalow as tbey ess «* *;V«» obabiaif ie lh* 01," eWmJ JcT.Optictaiis^rJ^^Jfkß CEBWsaTs^bblWw^ ■aNtasTaad eessanag tbe ~* , , ijasy *>• AMMBff WAm m WWMm mwmwmm '