Newspaper Page Text
•J**" ted lor the Richmond Dlcpateh.] t ß^^^^ ri^M^y nr THE NOVA StXITIAN. ■ «.«r»T June 1.-TbeNova Scotinn, i-t**____! on Hi** «d, passed bere this - ! ,v ' ne- way to Quebec. Bb* touched *.«■'« and briagsoneday later in ' V** n jnan'the City of liatumore aad '"'' w,t h Briton had arrived out. fKr*___ of the Derby race* by thi* ar ■;:.e *ffiggt Ten l'roeok » -Umpire* came ". „*'.••■ w *__■ An otTlcial dispatch from it 0, _al ihe Sicilian insurgent* were on ibe Md by a bat* •***_ *he Royal Ctiaoenr*. On* burulred "-'t r_bt rebels wereelan.. • ■*"''* - ' - : ,on making no progress. * : '''.',•. Tunes" Vicuna correspondent ""' _tba ****w*ra__t opinion there lhat « kml to the BourbOll*. •'■ '*', >• •_*■ '.) «** d_aat—Bed with Sar in coaaptafe a*, hati taken advau. ,tyeried ore—eas to the ratification a* ; _J«« ard sold *be crown land in •'■" ebonld rev crt t<y France. V '' , —'«. , ~.-ain|H*it ai San Mat lino, had r ■_*. .«.rk-anddrltrea back with con y.* *•""■'V',. including oue of their leadei*.. •***_b -Vnp<c»l by the rebel*, were tasen "'.'.. r. M**f *-'♦•— CrortchakotT had ioaa te the liussiau Ministers at " '; [be (treat Powers explaining ~ ,\ a- not invited to the Confer* ■ T Vtif f'n' of the Christiana, be^ - '■ w;is net eae of the five Great Pow- Tt\gr adatlttaaes would have made it H* A : ; .. i iini*. Sardinia and other minor -.** I •>** (.ported Gen. _amorciere, at *n*_d_<oni tbat his bands are com- JLd i\ -.he French authorities there, ■ the commander will not al - lack Pied at oat or assist the '." '••'■' -'' ifwvernnieut bad received im dixrumenia containing instructions laaarrecttea ta tbe U—.tee ef tbe V't, . .-iaai-.dUalabiia. coxasßciaa. ~ *.« r* — - Cotton insrket dm. and un . «af_ oe la—do* and Wedr.e»da> «.f £_ K eßetal.J dull Wheat, however... . ..,,:<■•'. witaeet a aet_eaW* ehaexe. s~; I n*—nit and teuiicetl ita isi* of usaereaat. t ousrea-ioiiai. -,*. raartnr. Jane !.—*•' «"•'<•—Tbe adtnis ' Kansaa waa taken ep, •■•ii Mr. Sum. '■'-,a* a siteecb of aereral honra m length *.*._„: litter *_U-_aver*r character, the " ,o>n-v* l*_guaf* beiag »s*>d. i - cue* tan I bneitv replied,*—d Mr. Green, warsed tbe Boor for to-morrow. ,- _.-.:.ia, Inbi* reple, said that after >„__>rdiaary apeecb, after raugmg over m inaett'"*; t_ro*_b the back doer* and ; '' ', rat tne feel of '-he British aristocracy, _for pity, but reaping the rich and just jirdof coniempt, the slanderer of Suites appear* la tbe Senate, lie had hoped .'..-,! from tbs miserable outpouring '. rßlgar malice, lit* had hoped lrom _d felt, bnt lgnorainiously tailed to Luiatae co—feqoeaeeof former* insolence, *■ '-bsi become wiser if not u*tter bjt ex- C- e-ce. iv this we aie disappointed, and *'...,.•;:. In Ecvpt they deilied bei-ts aud .' .. bat eves tbat bestial people wor. l't—*ir idols on account ol 'seeas sup ... .irtiM*. It has been left for tins age, lor untry, aad for tbe abolitiosdatn eeKas , fit* I a tieily ihe iiicainatiou of malice, ty and cowardice. We do not intend .''.'■'•-:f.uie hy any conduct on our part to I nrdl the peons at the skrine of the new idol, ftaranoi mi lined by any puniahmeiu again i •tad the recipient cant ho wtiug through i [Ii world, yelping forth, increased volumes rt„»_ra_l-aliee. . ,—Tba Poatal Ooauaittas reported fa , !r» y on I'tiiteriield's proposition, lor a " : " ; and Gult mail B—SBBM—*. f*a<«t_>rproceediags were unimpoitant. Political. ■• rnetßfTßß**', Ai.4... June I.—The "regular" rji B err—c Smte Convention m.*t to-day in _ IY.iU'l, with a laricn attendance. Wm. Bijtlasd was ebosen temporary Chairman. j:,- "Donglas" Convention meets at 4 o'clk. aifj*f*Tßeen. *fi__*axvt__, (}a., Jnne 4.—A caucus of *_ raal Beßoerata, to-day, determiuod to co ■araM wi_ the general Con vention, so long at bob* ef a HaliOßßl organization can be imned i» —s event a**_aeß_M are sent to —bsoad, or a pjittorm adopted tlift'ereut :-a tb*fJaar—Stea platform, tbeti the "Na a i—t"will jntetlj organize a separate Con- HBt_L i:i Ibe latter event, lis.* Charleston *_f -mwiil be adopted, and delegates tent hi. bsara I_*a*saaral impression in. that tifßijority of the in-leg*'***- :>t—>r both Ktch - r. aad "Baltimore. The Richmond pure ...... v_ tir r«caed*d as ia aminority, and ia_ltiß—re pure in a similar fix. [aaea_a dippatch.] reo_—tT| June 4—P. M.—F. S. Lyons, viifi*f'.eU President of the regular Coiiven tj : Tiieejrninit'eeon resolntions is sonnd 1] g rtbera, declarini: that no step backward atbiraotte. They will report at 0 to-night. rtit I'jiinla'* Convention was at flr<t some vatuaofed by whistling, biases, Ac. Mr. 1 j*-.-. of Cherokee, made an angry speech •fatl it Rob't M. Patton, of Lauderdale, Ha_ temjiorary Chairman. V*_tißC—tb, Juue 4.—A dispatch from lat|_>ery, sajrs a large NatiaaaJ Conven - .- ;t-;i-mbled Ucre. with E. E. Saunders, r__at H'rtiou in WueUinaton—Hail Sternt. VV-hiMjTor, June 4.—The municipal elec t— a_ more quiet than aiit.cipa—d. At :- .nctsthero were several iniuor lights, bt — pturtAciaaats were prompt ly arrested. BeC—test for Mayor \v:is j.rincij.a.l ly be — ■ Barrett, (De;Ti.,i iticnmtent, and Kd. ■ •-. !_,((>iij).) The vu!c is very close as :ar s**_r__a_ t_tvy bail storm passed ovtr at'» o'clock BThe hail stones were of large arc ic-ir* ot injury to thegrow .s, June 4-11 P. k.-Wallach, it is conceded, ia fleeted Mayor. Xl Railroad Accident. 18, Fa., June*.'.—A collision oc a—lUeaore Central Railroad, at •fe |a_t four o'clock this alier rvttlc .tiui.iti. ■er trams met on a curve where heavy, and ruthing into each icine* and four cart; became a rheflreinee and engineer* es pmg ell the train, Conductor and a aewabe** wero seriously Miebner, a farmer of Chester aa .- taadtag on a platform, was i. Mr. Fei—iey, an employee, lb.- Mf-niiiir S< iota Burned. Loutsvtfcut, June 'J.—The steamer Fciota, •wan-pai -.he lower I—uUvillewbarf,cnught b»aad turned. Tiittt tb*i.*tfff. Northern .Markets. J_.Tieoiß, June t.—Fleer Grin-Howard at. PC, tih.inijd City Mills tea}. Wheat firm — ; ■.-*'* white fl SiAtl 66 Corn dull— « ■■<» iii.-i«*'.atM.-rL wtiite frovismns "- r*ork*l**_ rump aia-aUAO. Lard '.' •-.. ilv •*.;,,_»> iUilat-V „ * "<■}.' -'uiu? 4 — Untt.-n firm with sales of 4 ' ■les-Lpland* ll'-,«iir- 4 . Mour quiet and : »t Soalien* tbDbmfs*. Wheat buoyant J*****"* whit* 41 —«!.„.. Corn improving and , >**-aiized_B_ ,-.,.S)iittiern rei_*jr**•*_ Fork "£**aw_tl7.__-. Minsky lirmat2i %. Sugar v' *■—oovado CJit7}i raraeatias heavy at !■.,"•'■• du il ; 'i •i-tfalArK. Rico firui *•**-*_*-V_a* a §•)_. C W K->S. 1 Bont-i —fioved from i.heir lid without pain. » JCHILTZ, win, at the request of several e,.„ ae *' : i '"" 1 '«s ha* returned to attend them. t-i.'*'*'" ln a few days. Those who desire .. ;* i * El ' Rich nut to be diaappoiatao, will do »..;,' ,0 **'" : > application. His country natrons (**_j> ! * " t * aaad promptly. It 7,** ; ' tUe * t HotaL Wall street. AV!,! l ,R ** 'Tbi>B.tF-We itTv*foraal* in _^*—UaStng— •*>•■^*aa aupenor Bed Aah Vat) 2 J'- , d "- White Ash do. ) COAL. •a_i«_ ' uu,l> P-JRndry S «ie > ."'"''"if 'O lay in their winter aupply. will *"«•»1.1,!' •"> ,,r >*.t«rest to purchase during the "«'if. i'" blil ' We • b *»" «>•*>»*• no ©ou fact tor d* *a aVf—l , *' e /"•"' «/ July, at th» present *'-T.?w*l! L P* UAWES A SON, imh at.. te ~—l*__ fiouth side ol_the Dock. 1 ij£_ ■fj*""*- THING C'EKTAtN-And Mia- LI »Vy is selling the cheapest Dry 'aifUj.... 9't). Almost every onewawareol r***7__. ■"*■ th*inior ß iatioß ofthoa* whohav* ***oft 7.„ aal *■'• *tore. we msntion below a 2 '-k*r'. L r v"'*'""«u "'*'""« ininaias: Grasa Liaen lldkfa.. !*•_____£*''at- cents, wail worth 7*; fiae S -_S, K i dkl " al •» cent*, woald te cheap at -«*ri™«_!,. u ****, eon tain ins; two yard* of em Sffl_l*_*WwM Embroidered taem -swt__«Je_e.«tea eeaaa w*U worth at. ?**»«* « f r ,''** nt «a at 12>* cants, eu't I* htti > «Vk._ * M u "* ri >•% *•«• UnWenened Cot _""**- «*' risTisa Mu*lia Collar* L****a_* _% •*■»■ All often above coed* '' >ie .—. . '•** **re represented, and can eet Vbt i LEVY'S. M Main «t. tLfe __f K h VAI-.-for a grey fair on P*"on wbo tie** II KlM bh v.n _-.WW***** «*•* Mr-stora, i*** ifc! W|l! •■'••I. however, on ths bead* oi iJ**> i "! a_f ll '••Buria—i glassy Uair.ofongi c J **»a«, eeal**, no matter at what riHHERfc WiIfHTON. Druggi*-. Miyiy ~_ **«» •*» »** ,,, street. _lif i*<«** «_ UNo * •l 1 bottles; London for C **»i«T__i** ,u v u fr°»«»« c .'«»rs; Bamfcins ,a « iol«M_i.. of ail u,a*d«* for ssJeby *•__ n * _ L «-*»ANt». Ageat. rtTtr* ' **"■ * Man. ««.»«. ~.,„«.- m"» v *** i' '•*.' stttvi, iui .* a !•* SPBCIAL NOTICES. *>.» *****>* . -.A »»- „, —,-i -■_<.<■_*»_>.j.._w»MiWV I Ml Bneerior Han-eheep'ril rJoed*.- BITER Fl RKI.IN-NMttrTnii'iß.allwidtbs. * PTLLOW OAS.N«*_ •' WHITE MARSEILLES U U I >< TB, all FINK* COTTON SHEETINGS acd PILLOW CASIN.S, RICH WHITKL.INKN DAM 18K8. m _. SUPER HA MASK NAPKINS and TABLE CLOTHS DAM A**K and HUCKABACK TOWELLING and Tt*W FI -S LACE. MUBEIN. DAMASK aad BROCATEL I'l'K'l'Al/VM COLOR KD and WHITE MATTING, all widths. TABLE and FLOOR OIL CLOTHS Fine Imported FI'RNITI RE CHINTZ. j White and Oolored. Plata and Figared FURNi | PIANO arid T ABLE GOVKRR. WINE CLOTH aad Colored FRUIT NAPKINS. —ALSO— Ju«t received. ■ . RICH LAOK BIRNON'H MANTILLAS, new r-.ttern*. very cheap. BP-tR*, 1 . £? '" V$ r ** Mantle* and Dreaaea. RICH UlfS_ *-?#_*•??*■ ,™ A »«*n*R*er DRESS •»<R>I)S, al!fre«h«nd new. And all kind- DOMEBXIC GOODS. e*t>ec-ialir COTTON OZNASURGB. White, iW ami otriped. *" , » M *********« «*>** •j] 30 -6t* WAT KINS A FICKLEN. b_, Rload Food! Rloed Food! '.—We have ear ed leeluir* in read rut the aovertiaanient of Dr. HRi>tv«o*r** Koon in another column; but we think -ratification predominates; lor. thrush we regret 'oaee so celebrated a man coin lag t-.irward. even in appearmee. under the name ■a* n* quack*—that ta, by ie.«ortin* to adverusinc yet we take aatntacton al««> inbnowinc that there l* nmv a reliable preparation t»efore the people for that moat melancholy and fataldtseaae—Consump tion, and other orttatitc eoiiiplainr*. I»r. Haovytov ia a lecturer in oi r Medical Col let; es. and hi* saeeess ia his apeciaiity haa been *« wonderful that lie haa ennaented, at variance with tne prejuJice* of every regular practi'ioner. to make it known a* he ia doim/. for the benefit of autlerinx humanity. He ii-isaocured loratenta. however, a firm whose respectability separate* entirely hi* preparation* from all tmue el quackery. la—Mß— Cab—en ft Di MM are hi* *..le managers, as they are also for tbat moat lavaluibleof preparrttiona. Dr. Eatom'* ; ißraaTtaaOeaatA— ll motber* could knew the | areat care takan in putting ue thi* aiticio—some j idaaol which they csv form by comparison of it I with any other article of the bad—tbey would prefer it to anything that has ever Iwen offered j them, rorour own part, if we had a child autl'er- I inc. we would not heatteta to tins pre ,■ i .- ..ii. knevanas tbat aacb *_r*ful druacist* would not enttace ia anyihiae tbat was not per i fectii safe aad eusotua..— Quebec Sanetle. 1 Foranle'.yFie'HEK A WINSTON, Richmond. I Vs.. am! t>v Driueiat* general!*- ju-j-lm ! _b."nature i» the Gi-.-nt Physi.iaii.--1 his IS now admitted by the medic— professtoa, as a fiindatnent.-il principle of hea!in< acienca. It ia Mgeet* provided by th*» hutnau economy, that whenever any thins ia wron< in tho ph>»ica'. avg teiu. the natural force* of the l-od. are brought to tear to exptl the disease The meat aini.tli re I tore, ia to strangle*n the natural powers This I has been kept in vj*w by the skillful n,impounders 'ot Da. J. HOsTETTFR'S BFTTERS. wbieh ope rate to give fresh to a.I the organs of tne body. The snoot of this m—'Loins npoa the stom ach, the liver r.nd the kidney*, are prompt and de ! ct*ive. Ttie patient who is wise *ttOßah lo quit and tr. the Bitter*, soon as it he hfcd laker, a new ien&e of i iff*, and as he oentinaea tne use of tha r-.rticle he i* overjoyed to find tin* stream* «f health coursing, through hi£ fiaine. Let all fro •• whoa* ebeik the uas departsd, Dr. J. Hoatettei'u Celebrated Hitter* a trial. Sold by druggists sad dealtr* generally, nvery where. >c 4—liv BA, June. I*".tio.~ ~ DRESS GOODS. AT REDUCES PRICES. THOMAS D. **;UAIiLES A SONS, i'2i9 Broad StrkilT.) nave marked down their large and dctTirahle stoik of DRESS GOODS, at _ GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS. Th«y invite special attention to all in want of floods* an tb«»y ure deterti.iced to ofler thsiii at prices that will insure (imck sales. je l-6t *_. Copper Lightning-Rod.— We are now prepared to uut up, in town and country, t*ii* very superior HOD. which consist* id a broad twisted piece of heavy SHEET COP PER, a lame amount of ronductinc surface. This Rod does not CuRRODE. and is very curable. Please call and examine sample, and certificates from the nio->t scientific and busi ness men of tins State. CHARLES D. YALE ft CO.. my 30 — liv Iron Block, Governor st._ Bf_ Families will rouault tbeir interest by nsiaa SEMPLE'B INFAt,LIP.LK BAJt|NO PO\% DER. it ise-heapernud better 'hau any sinu lar artie'e in market. For tale by all retailers. bY To «rocer».- 1 he attention nf Grocers and Merchants generally is called to SEMPLE'B INFALLIBLE BaßiNg POWDER, a home arti cie, --.nd superior to most of the kind before the public. BL, Virginia Manufucture.—Memple's ln- FALLIiU". BAKING i'OWDER-The best and abee#est in use. ts_ Dee the Mist liiassls'a infallible BAM*#O POWDER. The Uht in use. bc_ Bath*. Batba, Baths. HOT. COLD AND SHOWER BATHS. e:in b* had daily, from 8 o'clock A. M., until 10 P. **!.. at th<* American Hair Cutting, Shaving, Sham pooinc and Bathinc Saloon, under the American Hotel. •utrance on Uth street. Sinnle Hath 25 cts.; or five tickets tor .%] SUMMER RESORTS. A _j A UNION YfVmf CIIA_YB_.-Vl'_ SPlllXt KS* ih«t auoscriber having purchased these Springs, desires to inform the puhli.: that he has in-tuv ex tensive alterations and repairs to the buildings, end will ti* ready by the first of June to accom modate ail who may wish to 'Mad a pleasant sea son at this celebmud WATERING ''LACE. The Seriags are situated on tl-e we—crn bide, near tbe ton, of the lllue Jbdge, in the county of Augnsta, va , ).'• uiilei apntaeset of Harrisonburg, 8 mile* ac-ttlba—at oi Wyer'g Cave, and lb inilcs Wheast oi Waiaesboroßgh. From the latter i. i>erßnns traveling on the Virginia Central road will find a ready conveyance to these f*-l»ntiits. The proprietor will give his personal attention to the house, and his TABLE will always In sup ! plied with the best the neighborhood will afford. in Female Complaint* and tjenerai Uebitity, the W'atsr i.i highly beneficial, and some remaraaole cure* i'nv? been effected by it. si_ Board J*>a per went,—children and servants C'lu Address." JEREMIAfI PKTERFISH, New Hope, _a**aeM Coiinty, Va. je 4—d* cwliu a -, A HKWITT IIOtSL-LIBERTY, VA. *»_*_W Kami lies wishine to spend their suiniiiers _____'" "' c mountains oi Virginia, will hnd tjpß.ii" ac;..oiiiiiiodati;-na at the HEWITT House,—miles west of Lyucjjburg, on the Vir ginia aud Tennessee Railroad. The villa •<" contains aiJont JfJJOtaUabitants, four churches, good society, and is pleasantly situated iv the tiiidatofahaalths beautiful and picturesque country, and within a few hours' ride of the cele brated Peaks of oner and the Natural Bridxe. Mineral Waters can be had daily, at a very tn flm* expense, the Alleghany, V'lute Sulphur and Alum Terms lor board, moderate. my 29-lm* WILSON C. HEWITT. Prop'r. aT'Ta VAKO.TI aP H t .*« <.. S . -These ■<f**A*",Sprin;'B, situated in the county ,**t Augu«- Ij_SJ_L'a. on the Virginia Central Railroad, hl fetuTame* west of Staunton, will bs* open for the recentiou of visitors on the lat ef JUNE next. Board-«EVEN DOLLARS per week We have alao several CABINiS tor rent to aar sons with families e*em**n*f ia sstend the Bprisga. Kins desiring infowiiation in 'statu-)** to the tcterof these waters, already l-eci'tiie eele d for tneir inediciuftl vntues in a variutv of oiaeases. will address the Jubaenhers at rond <*ap p. 0. liny j_____[__ _________ c °* __>_ *«Y»vr«o»l_KV Will IK »H- f/*-ai? I'HIR HPR IN OK, NEAR THE Vlß l|ial.*.iNlA AND TFfNN KBBKJ* RAIL hOaT. IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, VA. - Will be open for tha recepuon of visit«irß on the IStb day of MAY. The oapaoity t<y accommodate has been increased by the addition of very plean ant toot**. The building* have all been new y painted and whitewashed, and the bedding hi.* much unproved uy a thorough renovation, .and I y the atfdition of scphkiok HAIR MA rl R_tCß_L fa-senger* reach thia place with, ut » tatetraot I, and those who inn*-desir* to got.) the SALI SI I,- I'll I"r!, 0 H EKN rtRIER WftlT-BULPHUsL.* **WEET SPRINGS, can take as much rest heie asthsy may wish, and *b*a prtwoed by MesKiis. Kent. FlckTiO *t Peyton's line ot SMLKIOK FOUR BORHE COACHES, win. h Uave. da-dt. reaching the Halt Pond lo dinner, the SaltSulpliir ,40 miles) to tea. ami the Greenbrier Wiu'eful piiur and Sweet Springs (sachiil iri.les) todinier, without nubt travel. Leave V-minia. and Ten Railroad at*)* myß-2awtJ}Ts a —. _ WMITI BC-PHTI- springs, #/*•*&# GREENBRIER COUNTY, VA. Yl. _IV This long-eatabliahed WATERING pTACKwiII be opened lor the reception of visitors on the 16th May. Many new a'ud important arrangements have been made ainoe the laat season in thia large e-s tabltabnient, and no effort* will be spared to make ! thegueaUeonjfo K rtable H MORTONt Preiu , ent . J. HcaPiißßT-*. Genera" 1 ' ae_CorreaaondenU will pleas* a-ddrea* J. HUM PHk'EVS, Superintendent White Sulphur Springs, Greenbrier oounty. Vs. ap--eodUJuly_ A . A tOVNER'S WHITE ANI> BLACK •r*-__fSULPHUR AND CHALYBEATE Yl: _ITkPBINOB -Th<* WATER iSO PLACE Jfili tie open f<>' ill* recaption of visitors on the Ist or June. It ia situated en the Itne and in rill vie to of the Virginia aud Tennessee Railroad abont hidfa mile K lw a Va. at » Inch an OMNllivo will always ue found waiting, on the arrival of the oar*, to oon SULPHUR W-ATJSRS haVe etfeeted aumeiou* onr*.. The WHITE SULPHUR, aggravated easeli of Dya SsWia.aerione aneetipn oftbe Liver, Kidß*y**rMl SderVaemral Debility. ar_J*t*eeially «bs*a*M the tferyoa. Sytftetu, a-d onliar to females; th* BLACK BULrHua,all tfn»»r4u_ases of the B»ib. aggravated essee of taeUiriMobaraoter. togetber with a fine BAND Or MrKIC and ev*ry other attraction psu.illy found „Im£el*-. »*> ail of arhi*b w* lag leave U» refer to tb* large numbei I if■««•¥ AM B* „r.VII-B JoB*VJtltB. 1 MAN My Agent, to ut* b<* same a* •acli in alt mat-r* Mrtaiain* to th* *n_ oi CLOTBIMi sad o-tWuOODH. or tbat ma* b* *o***_t*d witi th* U-iu*-. t.. be c.rri*d oa at bo. IB* Mata atreet. HgittTeity of R-binead.State of Virginia.bere by ratiffinß aad continuing nil tbat be may do by ~ WHITMAN. _ SHLppnra *"__? L *.'. ''J•**»_, ' "•-.'• naaaa hnim i i i ~.. __f_yo«KV u^ A Y , «, ,T N«»*Vo',V': fmftiKK*__*r »»-_■, ■ m.. tur.HDA*). tbe *.b Jan*. _. -W-** 1 *? 1 **•**■*•» •«*"«« m. *o and return by eitk er ol the ttMm«ii, -State room anl_sa_ included. •Br the very i-.w price ..f 514. _! i_f ,k __ H N *"* *•■•■ * l ' le *•»"*"■ and meal* in cluded ait) _teera»e _~..%«■« «.n)y $*, 1 a***-*.e to Norfolk na*ni u> iae urn boat*. rreta-bt resetv#d to-day. tMONDAY.! and up to the boar ..r | o'clock P. M., TUESDAY. Ooajßipiii are requested to *en«l lor their goods Freight for Boston uken st moderate rate*, and forwarded with diapatch. Ticket* and Bertha aecured at oar otic* or on board the ahif.. Jet -ft LIDLAM * WATSON. _ _r****_" »OTitKT-totb«-e whowri.h to ——L'J»'ta— f* attend the large cargo »*U ul French •"*^"**~™** , "'*™""*Go«»da, ob Wednesday neat, tn-tjtn mat, in Norfolk. th*GURTIH PECK Capt Z .'. ' UfTSfi-^J* 1 ' 1 I * av< ' t,l l , *•*■**' , *** R**ckvt„on TUESDAi evemnr dinenat .atto'olook. f. M — l>e at titv Point by 7 o'clock, touch at other lanrt- I ings. Old I'lii.t and Portsmouth, and mss_ at Nojrfolk about 1 o'clock. A M., Wednesday morn ing Return that (Wedn-sday) evening, lettvini Norfolk at 4 o'clock. P. M., touch at Gld Point and oth;*r land.n.a, and arrive at tnts plane about 1 o'clock. A. M-, Thursday morning TICKETS given on tha Gurtia Peak toing down. to rrtnrn on the Cnrtis Peck or Glen Cove any day •lurma the week or until the 11th. For pa.-aage, itlown siul up,>s-'!. Meal* extra- each. jet-ft R. o. HARKINB. -*T-*»**»- FOR BAt.TI >l«R„.-fhe fft«***W-pSteamer BEIVTDERE, Captain *™*******''*\Vili.iak W. Kk.xb. will receive freight TO DA ~ Mnadav,) am! up to the hour of 12 o'clock M.. TUESDAY, theith mat. Freight taken tor tfosion via Baltimore at low est rate* and with great dispatch. Thi* a-earner ha* splendid State-Room passen ger accommodaiion. raaaage and fare .**• Pasaengcraare requested he on Nyard before If o'clock M.aTB'i'EBDAY, the hoar of departure Pickets IM passage piooureu either at our ortice, in the .-lip, opposite the Columbian Hotel, or at Steamers' wharves, Rocketts. je 4-2t WM^CURRIE.^ _*J!~- l yr-TrrTi, 808 1. vNVHBt'R»>-Tolea,v"e -Sc~-Ti__»_iTUK-i|i'.Y.--The Canal boat _-_-> aa-i_-j. j IRUY W ||j leave aa above.— For freight, apply to WM. P. COX. jet -2t At the Shed. D«>ek at^ ". rr*—_ <Sl VIMKR AHRANOKM--f JAMES RIVER FOR OLD a*'j*___._-j. oIN T. POKTBMOrTH. AND NORFOLK.—The Meamera GLEN COVE and CURTIS PECK have been pat ia first-rate order, and will run to tne almve places. The GLEN COVh, Capt. Wm. T. Cartek. will leave the wharf at Rocketts, ou MONDAY inorn i*i*. 4th. at ti o'clock, and regularly thereafter every *AKDNK.-DaY, FRIDAY and MONDAY morn ings at 5 o'clock, precisely, and return each alter n'iied"ya, exoept Sunday, leaving the wharf at NORFOLK at the earn* hour, so'ctock A. M., and t.icoh ai all ot the regular Landings on the river, go ng ami returning. The CL'BTIsI PKOK, Capt Z. C. Gifiord, ba in* neatly fitted up with berths, will l*ave the whtrt at Rocketts oyary SATERDAYevening at 6 o c.ojk, and return feaviac th« wharf at INOR FOLK every SEN HAY evening at 5 o'clock, and regularly every TUESDAY and THURSDAY evening* at 4 o'clock, ami return each alternate da*.. at the sp.'ik* hour, 4 o'clock. Bote**dawn, tha Cnrti* Peak will touch at City .Point. Wilcox'*. Glatrinont. Grove Wharf, Old Point. Portsmouth and Norfolk—Returning. Ports mouth. Old tVint. Km k Whan. Grove. Diliard's, Gl.tirnnnt. Witlooa"a, City Point, and arrive at Bichmondabout 1 o'clock, Monday morning. Passage for the Saturday trip, and return next evening, meals tncludfd, .*4 sn. Passage on regular trip*, either l>oat. toO ! d Point, Ports—oulti or Norfolk, !$2. Aleals 80 couU it*. Freight taken aa usual. _ j« •*- t8 , *_? _________ y**?£_***. J AMES it IV _ X f X \>SHOR __Q___TA*TON LI HE.-FOR NORFOLK. ■* RB **NK\V YORK. PROVIDENCE A>D BOSTON. HY THE J A M *■'.»» RiVeK TRANS PORTATION LIME. AND THE CROMWELL'S AND M, AM]) M. T. CO 'S STEAMERS. CON NECTING RKOULARLY WITH THE FIHhT .s T E A M EHS FifOM NORFOLK FOR THK NORTH AND KARf.-The fin,' large and comm* dioaa barges. SUPER IOR.HEN HI ETTA. ALPHA nnd i>VS. will ply regularly between Richmond Bad Norfolk, in tow of steamer EMPIRE. Cap*. Moorw, on and alter FRi Day, J ur;e j s t, MBA. F R EIGHT received at all hours, daily, <>:. ii >ard the bargea at the Dock, near Edmund k Daven port's. Strict attention paid to the handling and stow int; of GOODS. THO— D —ALL. Ag'i. Richmond. May 31st, I»6J. je I—2w* laj--**. _ ?im «Jat_R i, tTs'tb k, .**."* ~- The __-g»gi)Q'J schooner JULIA A. RICH, Capt. J. ■***■*• Nevvto."!, having the sre;iter portion of her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch. For re mainder <>f cargo, apply to my W- P. COLQUITT A CO. B4 LTiIIOR „ .«The regular packet sohr. BALTIMORF, R„i iT . Pbil- T •*•■" lii'«. iiiHw'er. having a portion of |;er carito engaged - nd going on board, will hive dispatch.— For remainder, apply to my 31-lw W. D. COLQUITT k CO^_ AJ*S FOR BUSTO M—FIRST VESSEL. a__i*?' fiie superior regular packet schr. 8. R. ■"•""•ALLI-'.N, Capt. Obkd Ij-.kkk. having a por tion of her cargoengaired am! going on board, will have quick dispatch. For balance of freight,apply to my.-tl-ts DAVID A W.M. CURRIE, >~t\ FOR NBWT9U-FIRST —g—t* RICHMOND AND NEW YORK LINE UF •*■ 11 ■■ P A C X E T S —The superior fiat Milling schr Marshall, capt. oxiv&r chicrb»tbb, ha vine* Bart_mefberear/eengaied and going on board, ami have quick dispattn. For balance of freight, app.i to my 31-ts DAVID k WM. CUKRIE. " a,J>. r"Olt «Of. Dtt'At \ -The A t oopper.'d copper-fabLened bark LONE STAB. ri if .a*ll ..viiii; v part 01 tier encased, wiii sail with dikpatoh- Freight, taken on modaraie tenii>. and forwarded free of ttiirge proetice of rariona cited lrom the and Southwest- Ap KKADER BIGGS k CO., orr Air . n , a KDOJI & CLEMEN IS, < Agenta. . May -«d, I*H). my 2t-15t_ :E ADAMS* EXPRESS COMPANY,* Richvioni). March 6. 186 i*. < HAVirtG JIS.T I UMI-M-.T1. U 1 1 new arrangements with the New York •Steamship Company for Kxpress privi leges per JAM-bTOWN, YORKTOWN, and ROANOKE, we are now prepared to forward all kinds of merciiar.dijte, in imge or email packages, at greatly reduced rata*. Goodn destined for Steamship Ezpre&s should be ao marked. Our accommodations are ample, and packages under (express aeal. For rale* of charges ami regular tri-weekly con tracta.appiy to J. L. MACDONOUGH, Agent. 202 Main street. !*lo-.v 9th. N. B.—Our dnily INLAND EXPRESSES are running as usual. "H'iZ"" 1 "!— _B ■■■ _ CM- KGK OF HOIK FOR ■-./. _B_a— gBTA RTi N G FOR PORTSMOUTH __W_a———wa.ND N 0 R FOLK.-The steuner CURTIS PECK. Capt. GirroßD, will, nn and af ter WEDNESDAY next.4th inst.. leave the Wharf at Rocket— retu—r|y every FRIDAY,MONDAY and WEDN ESI)A V _orniß«B,at<o'clock precise ly, and return each alternate day , (SanaAy eicept ed,) at the saii.e hour (t> o'clock) until farther no nce. R- O. HASKINS. The GLEN COVE will be taken off the hn. a ahort time to undergo some repairs. ap 3- - ts RUNAWAYS. SfilOO KKWARO—Kanawav fro.n the fBW subscriber*, on the Cnvington and Oi 10 Rsil jPV°'. ,d on the mith May last, three NEGRO -pVf Al E.N. named : WAT- a ) el'.ow man. — ye _■__r>_, five feet five inches high, stout made, nnd lias the appearance ot being powder iiinrk.u on the lacs-has a wife in the City <>I Richmond.— DAVY is allaok man, five feet five and a hill inches huh. slcnd -r made, pitted in the lace lr.»tn email-pox-waa r—sea in the city of Richmond — HOB eVaNS ia a —aejt man. abont m yearsont. five Oct five inches bits, spare made, ana*—tot hair, inclined to strauhtness —is a lroe man. and »as sentenced to the Penitentiary city of Petersburg. 'I In tw> .first-named negroes are s'»ves. and vcre condemned to transportation.— Daw is nl>o;it 2U o'.d The above reward Will be rmd for tno r*turn til tbe above negroes to our work Section 16, on the Covington aad Ohio Rail road, Alleghany county. Va. .or wewiit pay .$— for each of the above negroes, when arrested and confined in any oi the jiila rf__ Btat*. ROSSER A La NI US. Post-Office address, "Crow's, Allegheny co., jet-lm* Virginia.' _ B FIVE itOLLAHS REWAKD.-Ran aS away, from uu house, on rh<? morning of JWkthe 3oth ult.. a'SER VANT WOMAN, nam <'»>**'«? d Sue is dark brown, wetl grown. ii til 1 , r-nd between the age »f 10and 5' years. She was formerly lured in Manchester, and lias a l.uabind at Dr. Archer's residence. 1 will give the above reward, and nay all ae_*_gf expenses, if Jelivered lo me, or piaoed in [ail in Richmond. je 2-3t * WM. H. CLAHKSON. m T_N DOLLARS REWARD.-Ran _a away from the residence of F. V. Futton Jrm Jr . on Church Hill, a tew days a NE _b,**vGßo GIRL named Bettie, about 16 or 17 ___*>year* and of sepaaf color her lips somewhat pouting. 1 will rive the above reward tor the apprehension and delivery of i be said gitl to me in Richmond. . RO. B.LVNE, j* a—ta Agant for Mr* L- W abb. - _a»~ NOTlt'K.—Waa committed to the jail of _*F Botetourt county, on the Sd day of April Tftl-t. a NEGRO MaN, who calls himself Jb JI.VI. He is aVnutfSu years old, five feet six ___> inohes high, and weighs al*out 140 pound*— bad oa,when arrested,* brownclo'h ooatand grey pantaloons, and had in his possession a paper pur porting to be written by his master, i Robt Harris, of Campbell county,(authorizing Jim to tare nun sell and receive pay for hi* aervioea. 1 hereby give notion that unless the owner of aaid negro comes fosjßard aad prove* hia property and pays charges, I shall, at the proper time, pro ceeet fat take such other action in relation to him as the law direct*. SAMI'KL HEDRICK. my 9—6w Jailor of Botetourt Cuntv. *■_ it AN A WAY*-Prom the Richmond and *_T Danvilie Railroad Conn an*. H 'clunond, two _r\SLAVES, named JACK and WILLIAM, tbe Jl property of Mr. Thoe. Watt*, of Elisabeth ___,City oountv. Aa they rot paasoa to visit their Rome* on tne — h April, it ia presumed that they are atili lurking about Hampton or that neigh borhood Th* ufual rsward »ill be paid for tbeir retnrn Je the Company. wnßl *., . -_~» my 8-Iw A. WORRALL, Dipt. __. Norfolk Herald please copy. Z_e_ toallitlbu coNrkaifT^ _____ A report having gone abroad that I in- FM __leaded Utdncniiuue lue SADDLE and *tWBBW HARNESS BUBINKSS, I take thia op * p titßßity o' inlnrming in* irienil* aau th* public generally, that I ahall atill etutinue in the buaineaa at the same place, Nat. M MAIN ST.. belter knows as "Otey **** old at_d, where I ahall be glad to **c my old eu*tomer* a..d aa many aew one* aa will petrnais* me. intending to ua* every poastbte mesne to pleas* them, b >th m quality and in ptie*. and will melt good* r__i tha lowest, a* Ido aot utt*ud to be nnderaolß w> si .„• W„. SALMON. H„r*<KMO LIaVBT U-AOtMtNa. jHL ATT-NTION -Parade, w tb arms and JBI eeaiemeato ia .eerfmst ord*r. «a FRI _____ DAY. tbe eta day of June- »f a<_o. in front AT the Ceaaty Conrt Hooae. at lOp'elnek A. M.foriaaaeetioßaadtlieeel*bratioß ol your Tth t iMITM.O. I. AUCTION BALBB. FQTrRg-dr*f. By t.addin » Apperaaa. Anct'a. VRAT u.lHOh-l FIHVION ,_* THE BR..OKK TURNPIKK. ABOUT TWO MIL is FHOM RICHMONi* FOR S*LE a j.' ab '110 « — Will Ue.ud at auoti.a. .v ih * pre Hi:«f..i»iMuN iaV June lltu le—• ootuinea i.,c at 6,.c10ck, thuneut tit lenAßUiviV FoalM. L , cat d a* above, adjoining tb* laid* of n, * ara . |aaaburrr and Jone* The land fronts en th* ilr... ke Tump: it*, nearly oppovte the farm of Uapt John Sod—a a. and runa back on fe old ro*tt.anU'— otvina to., aerr*. in a good Mate ot cultivation for feaidduin** purpoae* Tb* land ia well «*n loatd, and Ua* uaon it kitchen, aul. c aad well of excel ent water. Ine growing or op*, eon aisnnaol pot—toe* and other ve«ets_e*. Uatatnar with tbe orop nf oats aaVi r,e. will »o with ta* place, a* immediate po—<—ion will be given. Alter the aale of tne land will : » ao.d an excel lent Mult) and all the fainiiori iiuptemea** 1 »K_9.-F.irtha reti e*'.ate : "n* fourth etah; balance at 6 13and '■« ni->n:na, f.r ne-otmbie n.i» t n. interest addeu, sod title retimed. Taxe* lor I—v tne purcim-r to -ay For p-raon*. property ; I .-iiier *f—. ca-th; that —nnunt ami over, 4 uioatha cretM lor negoti .hie nuts* well en.toraeu. J* 5 GODDIN A Arl'EßouN, Aucta. t**rll!»SlO**fc»"«i SAL- Of HUUL . ' AND LOT.uN CORNKROF VALLEY AND LOV. NOES ;;TRKET-*.-Aa Coin—i-ioner o| ti,e the City of Richmond, appor ted by a decree entered on the 20th Febiu.try, ItftiO, in uu uhh of "liiun.ti.n and Wile against Rouerts, a 0.," i thall proceed to ««U at puulic auction, <•* the premise*, on SATURDAY, the liiih Juue. I_u, at b o clock P. M. nf,/ the Real i->*tate re ferred to iv the plaint if s hill, consi-tting of a Lot and Tenement in the oity of Richmond, at the corner ot Vril.eyand Lowndea atretta, trout. n« _ feet on fh* east line of Vatle> street, runiiin,. hack on ttie nt.rth line of Lowndea street 120 teat to un other . 11eet. nn whicn it has a (runt . I IS feet. Ta*_u--rOae-t__t'eana; f.i.unoe at 6 uiontha, for negotiable note*, interest added, saUalactoriiy endorsed, and titie retained till this aau.e is •*_d — Tne taxea for I—o to be paid by the purcha**r*. JOHN N. i)A . IS. CouTr. UODDI.M A AITEHVIN'. AUCI*. j* A EXCELLENT HKIt X Tt.NK viENTi FOR ASMALLFAMILYiONTHKNORTHSIDh OF LEIGH ST., WEST OF BROOK X AViiNUK, tORSALK ATAUOt lON.—Will be aold on FRI DAY, the Bth June, I*>o, at b% o'clock. F. M., on the prennaoa. the excellent BKICK IKNLMcNT ■ Cited a* shove, now m the of Mr. Joseph Green, near to the brick )ard oi Mr. Wm. Davis. Tkkm*.-One-thirdetsh: balanceatt and .-"moa., for ne/oUa— c note*, interest added and Utie re tained till all tha notes are paid. The taxea for ltWu to he paid by ti.e purchaser. jes liUDDifi k AFPKRSON, Auct*. 11 y iltmlbp, .„iiiuri' _ to., Anct'a. CIGAR AND MOLASSES AT AUCTION. •J On TUESDAY, the 12th mat., at 11 o'clock, we wil|»*tiil at our wh irf aad warehouse at Rookeita— 2lx; PORTO RlCti cUGAR, ran s m* from fair to choc** quality. 60 hlids. NKWORLLAN3 and MUSCOVADO SL'GAK. 2i) hhds. ant} hMa. MOLASSES. Tkkms.— Under * 100. cash ; over JJ'IOO,4 months' creuit, lor aaproveq negotiable paper. DUNLOP,_UftCU-_ A CO., Auct*. R3uThe aliova sale will commence- after Messrs. •*».-:«aaaw & C_'« sale ol the ol KIO C-iFFEE, imported per bark Ann E. (.rant, at our warehouse at Kuckctti. J<-*5 D., at. k CO, Auct3. -_3_o-UTIOJ_S, -tx UOMETBIrI G NEW.-.The undersigned •-' would respectfully inform thß ' old patrons" ot il. AC. R. Weller. and the publio generally, that ue haa oominenceo the TIN Wait- AND SHEET IRON BUSINESS STOvE W'ujtK. Ac., in all its varioua branches, at Wellar'a old stand. So. 2*! >lain street, wnere he win oe pleaaud lo see all who may Uvor hun with a ca.ll. Sl'EFtt-N BOUIS, Sa. B_.ln taking leave of my old friends and cuatom eri,, i tnke great pleasure in reoommenuing lo their favor and consideration, my aiicoesaor, Mr. S. BOUIS. C. K. WELLER. my 16—lm* •\JOTlc'E...Th3firinof i'ULLIAM A BETTS LN ii'ivmg this day ceased, Wal.B. BET IS will continue in tne NtiORO AUCTION BUSINESS, and na* taken into co-pr>.rtnerstni) witii hun K. J. (iKEOOKY. Ihev wilt conduct the buaineaa under the firm of BETTS A". OR—OURY. at tneir sales room on Franklin street, four doors below Wall atreet, and about one square below ihe lot trier off he* of Paliia— k Betts, and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage wnich was so lioer ali> extended to Win. ii. Betts while in the firm of fui'iam A Betts. Tiiev have obtained the service* of Mr. Bi'SH koii W. I-.Lin.iti an Clerk, who iias an intere*t in ihe busine«a. WM. fl. BETTS, E. J. (JREiiOltY. Richmond. May 10. 1860. [my 10-dAow2m NO I'M K«—The term of co-partneikhip of fULLIAM .\c LETTS having expired, by agreemenr. this day, the same has ;.ess of selling N KGROES AT A UCTION ar.d privately, or, coin ii! ssion oniv, wll t>e continued l» .;» at THE OLD STaM), ODD FELLOWS' HALL. We respect tuily oit aciii.iirniatii.n ot patronage from our friends and the public generally, and by industry and perseverance hope to merit the liberal patron age heretofore extended to va. FULLIAM k CO. A. C. PULLIAM. ; R. P. fULLIAM, S D.K.WKISIriKP.) Richmond, Va., May 10. ISfiO. my 11—Sm CO-fA — IN -ttbiilF.- I lie aul«crTM?ra nave ' entered into c.<-partiiertliip, uinlcr the name Bnd*t\—ef w. FL bERSo I ** A Co., for the pur u .so of oonducting a *e;ierai wholesale aa'i retail DRUG AND FRESCRIi'TION BUSINESS atth* Oid stand of W. Te ers..n. corner of I2tn and .Vla>n I at* Havin* such facilities as wii*L*at_— theiu lier goods at prices Ibat c-amiol fail to prove .t'aot ir>. they respectfully solicit a share of ..atroiwue of the coiuuiunity. W". PETERJOIf, ohmond, May 1,1_). li. W. FJUiiUSH. Ph'PERSON otfers his sincere thanks to Ins id* and customers tor then former liberal ant .ge, and respecttuily asks aeontmaaaee of the fame for ihe new ciueru of W. Fh i EkSON A CO. in., a—lm \TOTK F..-Having sold my tee—.Btoakiß trade *> and go.d Will to.Mr. liEO. BTARRETT. iu> friend, and customers will please call on him for any work the> may require. Verj• respeotruilv. W.M. BOWDEN, Jr. j PLUMBIHG, OAS-v*rrPING,TINN'INQ, Ac, done in the iwst innnner and with Esti | mates furnished for Bail—aa— Furnaces and i X ..ri..esof ihu moat approved patterns; —way* on hand a large and desirable atoek from which to se lect. OEU yTARRK.TT. llelvin's iiow. linvcriior at A BOOK. FOR VO L I TI! C I A NS . ; THE POLITICAL TEXT BOOK, or Encyclope dia ; containim ever) thins necessary lor the reference of the Politician* >*— Statesmen .•! the United States. By _. W. Cluskey. 12th edition-1 v01.,8v0. .*3 -ALSO— THE BIBLE AND SOCIAL REFORM, or the Boriyrures ar a Ifeaai of Civilix—ion. By R. H.T'ter. A. M. B\ THE ARP AND SCIENCE OF CARPENTRY MADE EASY. «v Wm E. Bell. *3. HAND RAILING SIMPLIFIED, upon entirely new principles B> Ro. Riddle. 3d edition improved. 9th*. For sale nt jet-it _ 'y'.Oßßia' Boc»atore. D__la—BY—P «t___».— 1 6C canes fresh, tender CautJii PRESERVED UINOER. Seizes Irsoh. tender Canton PRESERVED DRY SIN6ER. 5 ciise< fresh Canton PRESERVE 1) ORANGES -5 cases fresh Canton PRESERVED CHOW CHOW. 5 bbls Cross ir. Blackweli'a PICOLLILY and Calif, rma PICKLES. Just received, for s-.le by j" «-3t LOUiSJ. f»*tf—tlßUX, No fO Main st. ICST IN SEA**o.*ti.-F!* Brushes; Wire Di«h •" and Plate Covers; Wire t'lieese Cover*; Patent and Plain lee-Cream Freezers; Wa ter Coolers- Bathing Teb* for children; Foot Tubs i Chamber Ssits ; CaKe B.ixes ( Cocoa and Rope Mats; Fin 3 Tahie Mats; Travel.n? ami Work Baskets; Traveling Bags and Cabts; Pitent Err* Boater*; assortment of Fea'her Diisters, Brasne* and tJ.-i.jnis; Needle Crirttßiaa Irons; E.clet Ma.'-times; Fluting Sci» evn; also, Children's Gigs, Ctrnagea, Froae'lera, Hnbny Horses, and a seneral assortment ot USE FUL a-d FANCY ARTICLES, 'lOiS, Ac, for I sac at 113 Broad street, by I je 2-6t JOHN HARROLD. STYLE SILK LACK tVHAFFINtt*. Just received on consignment, to lie sold at re duced prices- Also, LAWNS from 8 cent* to fineat, and other atyles DRESS GOODS. HOOP SKIR'IS, RIBBONS. TRIM Ml ft OS. Ao For baWtßeeell at WM. J. SWORDS', Ae*nt. je ■i-Ji* 177 Broad at. betweenath and 6th. BO WEES'ARtHITKLTI'HAI. FOUNDRY MllCFtmiE? IRON FRONTS, HoUSE CASTINGS, RAIL INGS, 4c, Corner of Cary and 9'h streets, ILchiu >r.d Va. jei-em A- J. BOWERS, Freartasaf. Q fiflfl ToilD'S Extra Su?ar-Cured FAMI- O.UUUIY HaMS SO hhda. prime Western BACON S'DEB. j W hhds. prime Western SHOULDERS. 6odbbla. No. 1 Cut HEBRINGS. Sou '.oi, 8 Old Dominion SUA P. —o boxea AdtmantiiiJ CANDLES. liwhhd*. prime Cuba SUGARS. ltd tihds. prime Cuba MOLASSES. lOU tierces prune Muscovado M"LASSES. For s .le by CHAS. T. WORTUaM k CO. je *fr-e*t (OUK AT THIS -The undersigned having -* suataiced * severe I <— by the late fire <»n their premises, respeotfulty inform tne public that th*) i nave again r*bui t, and aolioit th* wora of our ■ former customer*, friends, and the pub ie gener ally, promising to uae every exertion on our pait ,to give general aatisfactt.n to all who may favor us with their order*. ROGEUSA MILLER, Manuf .ctarera ol" Marble Monunienta.Tmnba MatitU*. Bunding Work, ko , Main »'r**t, jsl-— R Oppo«it* _ Btpti*t Cbuicb- VIIE BANN ANAS.--"bunche* IN Nice. Urge, ripe, luse ion* BANN AN AS. Jti«t received, for rale by je«-3t LOUIS J. BOBBIEUX. KKKOetN-Ot-.-l am now selling K*ro*iu* and Virginia Par.uho* Oil. at oaa dollar a sailon. It ia warranted to bum witboet *u<okiag. and a *l**aut.ful article. -W. L. WARING. No. *g Broad street, above nth. SO*P— Ha'ri*on*» celebrated Deteraiv* iospi oM Brown Windsor, and a variety ol Fanc> Boae* for th* toilet, for aale by B PLEASANTS. Ageat. No. I M*m atreet.corner 17t_ f:T IkK AND fII E at BE ..•sH_ H V'a*w Ooshan Butter; No .!.•*•»<••«_»!_• f<»r»*t* by B PLEASANT*. Atertt. Nn.t Main ■*?***. corner 17th PA*|UL»-a.-_o half lw>**s Oineianatt Candle*; «-> _D ha-f dv.C. tf Great * Co.'a d ..; lay boa** t9a^^u^4W^fbV^B m . **s*»!y*\**vy •B) > saA<amß._ FUTURE fiAYS. ■t A asaes tW. Tarter A Sea. Aaet's. BE ICE Hot BE \7*» L*JTt**D f At.AT *~ , '.; T . i 7 1, i 0 N .i s,i - °** CATHEMIWK «T, AT AUCTION - W.» will aell up, n tse premtsea on THURSDAY. Ju c Uth, commencing at 4 o'ol«>c<, P U., a very ne_ HRI X HOLHI*. on Catharine atreet. .nd adjoiaia. the re*—**** of Mr r. D. G inn It ha* three go d room* with a arable, aae well f good usoa the premiae*. The property hia been latsl* repaired and I* »_ --t-CBl-rlj •uUpied lor a siiull family. Alao, a VA CANT LOT adjoining Titan* * One fourt i cash ; balance at 4. • and M m-mtna. for negntUfcle notes, with interest added* and secured by a truat deed. Je 4 JAS. M TAYLOR A BON. Aaeta. M STREET AT AUCTION.-***, will avenl oa THi KSUaY the Uth da o June. eoaanvaciis at 4>, o'clock. P M., two very desirable BUILD ING LOTS on Catherine s'reet. fronting ea. h 53 feet and running back -uofeet to an <uiey 10 feet Wide. Tb m*.— One-third easli; baivaoe at 6 and It ii.-.'. h". lor ue,i.u-blo no'ea, witn interest added, and secured!), a tru*t deed. je4 JA** M. TAYLOR A SON, Aucta. 'PitisTf e*a*. ot ihu lots on 1 WEBSTER HRKET.-Aa trustee in -cer tain de.d ot truat. executed b> Amy ted —tb April. 1999. and recorded tn Richmond ni—'ing* Couit I ahali, tv execution tnereof, pro ceed to aell at public »no inn. on tne premise*, on TH URSDAY, the 14th day of .Iv««. commencing at 6 o'clock. P. M.. TWO LOTS OF LAND, lying and being in the city of Hichmond, distinguished as lots Nos ts and _, and bouaued aa follow*: Be ginning at a point at tha northwest intersection of v\ ebater (formerly I eight atreet with Tyler atreet. running thence weatwartlly. and fronting on Web ater atreet el feet, and running bsck. 146 feet t.» CaJ-ell «treet. where it haa a front of «t feet. TK*.M».-At aale. W. O. TAYLBR. Truatee. Ja*. M. k Son. Auct*. je 4 \TACA-T LOT ON DAKEK STREET. AT * AUCTION-We will aell on THURSDAY, the H*h day of .Line, commencing at 8-S o'clock. a VACANT LOT on south aide of Baker atreet. aad designated by tbe No. 3in J udah'a plan— _ by lit) to an allay. Tkp jis.-One-third eaab; the balance at4and 8 months, t*r negotiable notea, with interest added, and secured 1» a trust died. je 4 JAS. Ml. TAYLOR A SON. Auct*. HOUSE ASu LUl!.\ S a____ATl——_ AT AUCTION*.-We will -ell.on THURSDAY, the 7ih dny of Jane, commencing at 4*f o'clock P. NUthe HOUSK aad LO i near Kocgett*. being the lata residence ol Col. Prank Wicker, dee'ri — Tiie house is very comfort*.bte, and has five goral rooms, with ait necessary out building*. There is attaebed to the house alxiut three-fourths of an acre of ground. Tekms.-One-fourth cash; the balanoe at 4. 8 and 12 months, for negotiable notea, with interest added, and secured by a truat deed. je 1 JAS. M. TAYLOR A SON. Aucts. By _. B. took, Aact'r. ELEGANT FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD iti , IMA_l>, BRLcSELS AND VELVET CAR PETS. Ac . Ac. AT AUCTION.-On THURS DAY . 7th inst.- at 10 o'clock, i will aell, at the re sidence of E. T. Winston. Fact., (who ia declining housekeeping.) comer of 14tb and Ro** streets, rear of the Ballard House all ins HOUSEBOUD FURNITURE, Cenaistiai in pert of one Parlor Snit.Blaos Walnut, covered with Velvet Plush, co—priam* one bola, four Chairs, and one large Parlor Ohatr; one do. do. Rosewood, covered with Silk Brooatelle. com prising rue irte a-Tete and fnur Chairs; Ma hogany Book-Case; Rosewood Tables, with Mar be Slabs; one Mahogany Celore.'. with Marine Top; superior Brussels »nd Velvet Tapeatri Cai pets; elegant Mamie Mantel Clock aud Vases; Mattiii u ', Oil Cloth. *c. PIANO. One superior 7 octane Piano, in Roaewood cases, manufactured by Nunns *. Co., known to be aa in strument of excellent tone and finish THE DINING ROOM ts furnished with one elegant Mahogany Sideboard, one Mahogany Ex tension Table. Refrigerator, Safe, Chair*, Side Ta'.les. a . wieiy of Cut-Glaaa and China Ware, am >iust it one entire China Dinner Set, jaa fieces, uiie Cliina Tea Set of rM pieces. Rosewood Int Rack, Stair Carpets and Rods, F.oor Oil Cloth. Ate. CHAMBER FURNITURE consisting of Ma hogany Wa'drobea. Bureaus with Marble Topa. M.-tiugany Bedstead-.. Feather Revs, Hair and Shuck Mattre—ea. Mahogany Criti, Brussels Car pels. Chairs. Fire Irona, Ac. SUPERIOR OLD WINKS AND BRANDY.- At the same time, will le ottered a lot of superior very old Wines and Brand}. The abeve Furrituie i* of the very best-lu-ility. having l*>en made to order in this city, and is now in tiret-rate condition. To enable tha public an opportunity tocxamine, the residence will open on Wednesday, Bth mat., from 9 until 6 o'clock. jo a E. B. COOK, Auct. CHINA, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE. KANCY ARTICLES, Ac, AT AUCTION.- On WEDNESDAY, the Oth inst.. Iwillaelrat my store, a _r*> assortment of CHINA. CROCK ERY, (*LASS*,VaRE. FANCY ARticles, Ao., consisting of Dinner Sets, Tea' Sets, Pitchers, ChainhetiSets, Mu.a. Bowls, S't> ttoons. fine Bohe mian ana Plain Decanters, Wine Glasses, Sub lets. Tumblers; Preserve. Buiter and Pick'e Dishes; Flower Vases, Lookiiig-Glassea of all sizea. Ac ; together wi'h a large lot ef other arti cles in tbe housekeeping and fancy to..da line. je2 E. B. COOK, Auct. By J. J. Moore A to, Aact ra, (NokpoLK, Va.) THE CARGO OF Tin: BARK LONE STAR, fMUTJ FHOM BORDEAUX, FRANCE, WILL BE HO I) aT aU'TTION. IN I HE CUS TOM-HOUSE, -vT NOW FOLK, I At 12 oVlock. on ti.c6rn DAY OF IV* K. IMS. and wiii coiHiuuc every ttny mm'the entire c-;• r _■.• I is disposed of. This enter;>r;;,e ;s welt wort V.v the patronage of every Merchant who is ir. favor of direct imports tmn to Southern Ports, nnd is the commencement •I a trade, which we hope will ta» a permanent one. j Iwwcen Bordeaux ana other French rorts, ana this eify. Tbe cargo cons'ata of: 0 Buu cases CLARET. 2» do. WHITE WINE. - ot. I— da. <4 0 ., MS oa"es VK.k yiOUTII," it do. BURGUNDY, (Volney, Ckamber'in. ."O aaeka* Ant)V. B— eas*e*nperiorOLlyg OIL, 13 do. of CKOCKr-.RY, Cuica and Porcelain I Ware. TEA fiETK. Ornnments.Vase* Tureens, Dishes, ! Mutter Coolers. Toys. Ac. 2 cases of DRUGS and CHEMICALS. — jo TOILKTSOAfS Pema_ma.«*ea—etaee. VERMICELLI, MACCARONL TAPIOCA. MILLINERY.-Laoeaud Embroidered Under •leave*. Capes, dorks L.-i.eand .Muaiin Dressea, Ariihcinl Flowers, Clienilie, I'mhrelas, Parasols CLOTH!*. BLANKETS. Marseille* (JITLTS; SHOES HATS. LITHOGRAPHS. J E W E LRY.—Bracelets. r*cck.aoes, Co ml*, Ear-Kings, Rings. Brooches, Urn—t- i'laa. Ac- UPHOLSTERY.-AUrgeaud varie!|as*oriment of t'vpholstery anU Caper Hangings. ToBU'CO FERTILISER; GRINDSTONES: PRESERVED VEGETABLES and SfNTFSi 71 l.tds. Yell.ivand Red OCHRE,and SHUE BLAf'KIN'.;; Bl bids. WHITING; 3u7 do. OF. MENT j EIRE BRICK. 2 oses* Vevay CIGARS: SLATE, for Roofing ; SLATE MANTELS. Tkb.**.—All mima uuder $100, caah, without discount; over $lou. 4 moatt—. approved paper, my M J. J. MOORE * CO., Auct'a. N'OTIC— —!a hereby g;v«n te the citizens of Richmond and surroundini' countrr, that I will open, on or aliout the 15th of May inst., at 94 Main street, (sseond door from the corner of 11th.) tho most superior stock ol READY- M A 1) E CLOTHING that has ever been c flared in thi* market. The goods are of my own selection, aud made by the s'ltne manufacturer* that formerly furnished GroshoLg, Tupman k Co. .-,nd Tupinsn k Hu r l, the goods so favor*' ly known tr> their customers. The gaoAt canuot hi surpassed ia p< int of atyle, fit and uitike. having spared no r.ip.s in getting them up. knowing the eases of goods ihe Richmond trade require*. Feeling the consequences of doing a credit buai ne» , 1 liitc.nil to «ell gaud* strictly fob OAt-H, and in that way cau oiler greater inducement* to parties desiring to purchase, than oan te offered anywhere else iv th.s city. By quick sales, small l-r-■tit* Mid strict attention to I hop* to lueriiacoiiunuanoeof patronage ao liberally be atowedoa Tupwsn k Hull Lat? of the firm of Tapmaa A Hull, Next door to Pairo's Exchange Offioe. mygt—ta Corner of Main and 14th at*. We have on hand the moat magnificent assort ""chandeliers, SHADES And all other kindaof GAS FIXTUREd.'Nir.•_ hibited in this cit«. Also, a beautiful assortment To which we ask an examination before making your purchase* CJAS FITTLNQ and PLUMBIN-, PORTABLE GAS WORKS, Put np ia aay part of the country. CHAB. D. YALE k CO., ap*l-Jiu Iron Block. Governor atreet. a* GRAVEL ROOFING. BIOTIN A (OR FLLT) ROOKING. _. TIN ROOFING. We are now prepared to pat on tbe GRAVEL ROOFING, of a very aupenor gusiity. aitber ts town or counfy. Alao, ail kind* of GUTTERS. CONDUCTORS. and LIGHTNING RODS. CHARLES D. YALE k CO , ap„ am Iron 81...-lr. Governor at. P-NITI-NTIARY -TsHIC... r y-V?i, >N3 * _f**l BARROWB. CARTS. WHE ELja ARROWS, CARRVI.OGS, Wf>OJ,LEl»*4, „ & .. *"*. VMNIRfMO, my leV-ta G**M PaaHeatiary. VV -IT 1 ?" •_* LtMHaifA, slbfcO fO ** ORDER-The aabaeriher having tb* entire control of one of tbe beat Steam Cireelar Raw Mill* in th* Stat*, located in etigiaat WbiteOak 10-wat. will oontraet toje'niab. ia eond order atul on reasonable terma. WHITE OAK TIM'.H*. ol ■eyerier svaiity. u**d in Car taiildiag Ma_hia* tarfoaea AgrioulUral _Im»U*i»nu. C*nal Boats, bridges, Ac. TRUMAN A PARKER. w_»_*sjeaad babul Laaber Dealer, myl-tlyi __________ jVfANt-EbTt-ft »« AL_ WURU.-We __^^.^ J fi ls r "Z'*®£- Alm, COUNTER BCALJ-1 ef every variety, aad •a ag*au for the aaadafaetarsrsare »r*p*^*»T_ Ac., .____, dkUCTJOJI __!*_ •*■ ' hi i i*a ii VVTUIIM tVd»fl__ By Oedela A Aeeerset. Ae*sj*s S Yl._ Of •/_„«* V VALE Bl.a LOT *j_ fat. W>,**T *"o OF or.. sTBHbJf* BETWi.KN BiHD°N» A R.. c- I R EEY*. O'- OKI rKy> r' ft. *_i <U • 0 DEPO .-fry virtue ef a .;**'•* ..r ti,* Cir. uu Coertof CbatiM » foi fbecii of Ri bm nd. lio- R_fa* d Stat Ms), l—tt ia the usaeoi o,_ui.. k am**-*>*R* avanistMfedeiaonV ««*jri, e«., it,* aßd»r*i.ped.Wß-w*r* appoi-itea eo_m_*ioa* • by the o" id decree lor oee of them i wilt pn.aeed |A >ell at yuUie noefion. »a the prtmis**. on TUE.IDAY, JtsUVlna*. la» it*>mm*no.n. at ■v* oVieek rVB ,Ot&n jn*°*w »•• nex. taTr d»».i the •r-nable.LOT OF C, N0 located a* above frotitiß* 83 fr»*t ea ,'cc we* Bide of so, street, opposite tbe *eter»b.irg Deeot. raaains baekl-teet »o an alley- aflßiir.»n|t mtuttrd for itToBACCOFACTORY o* large .S Tobfc H')Ui*E. . . iKk-a.-Oar-foartn aa*h: helaoce at 4, 8. and 12 am hs, for negoi —denote* inrere*t ad-f-dano title ret—ia* until th* whole putcht—e mohey is paid. Th* tax. a for i—o he pjaiebaaer* to pay. waltkk Harrison. _,_*i_ A. H. RAN 1.8 I t-mt- Bale ©on due—d by Guopia A Arru—oa. Auct*. jel AUCTION S A L X Of* AUDIT 1.500 ACHES OF VALUABLE FARMING LANDS IN HfNATCO COUNTY. akI'IJT FOUR MILES BELOW TH_ CITY OF RICH MOND-— I'he subscriber being desitouaoi extriea tmg himself from pecumarv eabarraasmeat*. baa determined to sell, at public auction,ou tbe prem iae*, in tbe order advertised, without limit or re serve, on MONDAY, the IKb June. I—o. at 11 o'oiook. A. M.. Of fair ; if not. tb* next ta>rt>ay,; the Inflowing v-uahle REAL ESTA'I E.vib : Ist. The farm called " ENTERPRISE " abont 4 in lie* below Richmond, on both aide* of the new Central Road, containing 300 *cr**. of which _0 acre* are clear, d. The improvemenU conaiat of an exoellent brick dwelling, with 8 room*, inolud mg the basement. with alt necessary oat buildings tor a form of tbat *v*. 2nd. PLAfNFIKLO. adjoining the before men tioned estate, containiag about sou aorea, extend ing along iiid Central Road to the diatanca of *_ mile* from Richmond. About —"acre* are cleared. Tne improvement* eo*>*i*t of a two-ftory framed dwe'ling, containing 4 roirns, and * very large and admirably arranged barn, ana every other build ing, (except such aa are usually appropriated to servant*.) All of these lands are in a high state of improve ment, and have, moreover, been liberally timed within the past two year*. Th* re.idtie (7—■ acre*, i adjoin* the above, and will be aold in lot* to auit purchaser*. Tha neighborhood i* an im proving ons. and the Centra! which ta now being converted into a turnpike, will, when com pleted, ad f greatly to the value of the property. Persona <le«irous of purchasing really valuable firming land*, in the vicicit. of Richmond, are invited to view the premises, as it i* believed, all tniiu* cent-ideied. tbat no lauds otter better in ducements fur profitable cultivation than these do. Aaiiiy .-.hject in selling ia otated in the preceding part of tt*is advertisement, persons may attend the file with the positive that th* land* ieill be sold. Plats ot the lards can be seen at th* office of the Auctioneers, who will take pleasure in giving all needed information. The landa will be sold in parcels to rait the views of bidders. As to til-* character of these lands, reference may be made to the citizens of Henrico who ieaide con tiguous to them. T*km< —All sum* under 9L—O, one-fourth cash; balance at 4, a .-tno 12 months. Ail sums over 31.- MUand uuder $3>.lU*, one fourth cash; balanceat ti, 12 ami IS mouths. All sums over syi luo, oue fourth casn ; balance at 1. Sand 3 ve*rs-in each case tor negotiable notes, hearing mterest. se cured by a trust d»ed. Ihe taxes for isti" to be paid by the purchasers. JACOB 8. ATLEE. Ooi-MN & Arrxai'.x, Aucts P. t" —Aiter the aale of the lands, on the same day. will l« told about — head < f No. 1 ycung -ULtS at.d HORHRB, together with the u,u«.i variety of FARMING IMPLEMENT- Terms at aale. ir.y 30 p o vi at iss i m n n. _ * ii al_~o V it f*. a l BaY J_ TATE, ON VAL LE V BTRKET. NEAR WESLEY CHAPEL. AN UNDIVIDED THIRD PART OF A HALF-ACRk LOT. IN HENRIco. Aa Cotnmisaioner, appointed by a decree of tbe Circuit Court oi the City of Richmond, pronounced o*i th-* It'h of May,lb—.in the rmseoi Boyle and wife agnnst Ha«an, Ac, f ahall proceed to sell at public sticion. on the premise*, on WEDNES Da V , the 13th June, Is—, at 4>i o'clock P. M , (if fair; if not, the next fair day,i the Real Estate of which the late Bernard Haitan died seized, con sisting ot two him*js and Lots, on Valiey street, near W rale* Chapel—the one fronting i 8 feet, more or less, i-n the eastern side thereof, running back the depth of the lot; nnd the other on the western side of Valley street, near iv intersection with Washington atreet, running back the depth of the lot At the aame time and place, will be aold »n un divided third part of a certain iiali-aoie Lot in Henrico county. TKBM*.-One fourth cash; balanceat 6, 12 and 18 •■ oiitl.s. for nerouable notes, interest s_ed. title retained li'l all the purchase money shall be pttid. and a conveyance ordered by the Cuatt.— The taxea for _f■ to be paid by the purc-baa *ra. R. R. HOWIaON, Com'r. Sale conduced by 6o_>lit k Apfkb*o*<, AuoU. my W I **o.>lVl!S**loNt.K»S\Le O-r* REALKS- V> TATE, ON AR'H STREET, RICHMOND. AND ON CHERRY STREET. IN SYDNEY, NEAR HOLLYWOOD CKMfcTERY.-in purau ant-e i.t a decree nf the Circuit Court oi *he City of Richmond, pronounced on the tSth day of May, l*6o, in the*uit of Tompkins vs. Robinson and al*., the under*ig..ed. con .inn., oner to aaid decree ap pointed, will sell at public auction, nn the pre TBURSDAY the 14th day of June ISOO, be it/iuiu•: at v, o'cl. ck I*. I*o., in the order herein n ei.tioncd. the following Real Kstate, V X* Ist. A Lot of orouud. with a Briok Tpne— ent anu iiiiprf.v.ii.oris thereto belonging frotitin*. ibi* feet, more or less,on the north -uiuot . rch street, running hatk 51 feet 8 inches, i lore or lea*, being put nf Ibnii'i Bus* 1 2d A Lot of G.-oi,ii<*. I*ta* IB $) jcev, aear Hol lysrood Cttpota r,. oal the wear bit eof • nerrv *■. . I ti.M*\.. j Belvide-e and Albrtinarl" ats., trouting on Lherr strt-et I— feet, and running back w lun p* a'lel lines .'ill leet 6 inol.tts to Culvert street — ilns* i<>? will Le divided it desirable 'l eh Ms —Oue-lourth o;.sh; bilauce at 6,12 and 18 months, for ne oMiiie n-.t-a. iri't; eat Hilt!.-'. u«_ ntle retained until all lite puses—■ c nmn.-- mm d, a**d a c.nvetnnce dnecied h> t_a Court The; taxea for lt.So to be pirn l.t tse'pu oitas-r. R R. HOWlmjH,Com'r. . y ',1c '.., A Al'CHisuN, nuuts. m> — I By Richard nutliorii, Aaet. ( 'TRATOh'S Mats op fk RasajubJL _a. t- TATE. BLOOD X D aroCK. FARMING i IIT r NMLB, bo . AT AUCTION -tin WEDNKS- I DA\,t°.t i any ot c. inmencing at 11 o'clock. I A.M..'nt bavtn»ui.oJ the residence of th* la- Mrs Mary A Braxton,'hree miles from Kiohtnoud, on th" Mech itiicsv lie Turnpike 1 will *e|i at auc tt<>n her entire Personal Katate, cnnaisting of Hnuß*hold *md X tciten **'urniiure. K-irining Ut*n silri of every kind; 4 good Farm .Mulna; 7 bead <«' Cattle, among which are 3 good .\!ii ii Cows: one Horse and Buggy; one full lloo.'ed Mare, now in foal by the horse Deucalion, and having a Kever.ue colt. 3 minths old, at tier side; one fine Red-Eye l'illey,nne year old, out oi same mate; 4.n.i the Whfat and i-at Crop*. Tkbm*. -f'.ish for all sums undrtr $20; over S9Q and uuder c*4. sixty .lay*' atredit; ov*( Bb9 and under $100. four montha' ctedit; oyer .* :to fix month*' c.c.lit— the defarr—l iv every ciise, to be «c*iired by negotiable not**, with ap pio.V.ieii.iorJent, and payable iv Richmond. 1 especially rail the attention of horse lanciara and other*, to the Blooded Mare and hsr C.ii*. several of her atock having taken premiums at our State Fairs. By order of CHARLES CAMMAN. Curator of eat-of Mrs. Mary A. Braxton, dse'd. my- K. CAUTHOKN. Anct. CO3__.VVOOD, -Q. " C "~BAM'L P. IIA WES A SON. ANTHRACITE COAL-Red and *A hit* Ash. Also. aVut! supply of OAK and PINE WOOD on hind. 1-Uh stref t, foiiOi side of ttte Dock. N. 15—Anthracite Coal s.»ld by weight, ■yip-—■ A "iTHKAIITfc H».\t....1 have now on baud H larve stoc';of nest ANTHRACITE COaL. wbi<*h I sum! gre.-.tlT by shipment*, during the month of June, md rim prepared to otter are*» inducements to consumers. .%iy . and others, who may order their win»#r aupply of m*, may rely on getting tiie best article, and a* cheap as it can l*e aold in this market, my D-liii WIRT ROBKRTB._ | PINK WOOt> F0H.53.A0.-1 would reepeet- ! fully give nc.tioo that I am now prepared to I furnish gnea PINE BLAB WOOD, Jeliveied any where within the city limits, for the low price of S3 40 per oord, tor oash. | Any order* which may be left with Mr. Wm. EneLta**. < n SVI street, or at Jt*— A Gko. Giasoa'a Saw- Mil', will be attended to promptly, my g-'a** _ RICHARD SHARPK. C*-OAi..-6n hr—d a full aupplv of ' MIDLOTHIAN. LCF.IV. A YERA6 E and BMiTH*B COAL. -ALBO,- RED and WHITE ASH ANTHRACITE COAL C. B LIPBCOMB. itflble— ta 14th at., near \.a.o's Bridre. rVAIt AND PINE \VOU_-__oned 'e-d aa V- / d«.r skelter, for sale at Coke Yards, deU-ts JNO. J. WK-TH.Ag'L NstVT FAMI-V -Stji I«T. CeßaitA or 2i. ami \\e.\\ Bvs*fc»i. (•'iaifni'soM ftan.i ) The •')' 'filers, haviug leased for * term of years the V property, and greatly enlarged aad aaa prt.' - same, haveopeaedand turpos* keepiug a F. Km. CLANS GROCERY, to whioh the alien tio. t f the citizen*of Richmond and »ur).«iydiiig oo* i y, arc, the ladtea in particular, are rcaparl ful iiviu.l. Their a ock laca.irely new and ha* i*< selected with great car*, and purchsaed at th • iiiwtit cash price*, acd wilt be aold at tbe •us aat living profit for cash, or to prompt eus tt.i-K-ra. From the superior quality aad great variety of their stock.'hey feel oonhdent that it ta oolv ae oe_ary for families to call and **c f..r tbemaelvee. in order to indue* them to mesa their puicl_*e*. Good* seat to *r.y pa i tof the citi, nn tl- ts _ _ MINNIB k CO. L _I-__l<_l MUKTB. r ARTIST. FAINTER IN FRESCO. COUBTIC AND OIL. PRIVATE RBBIDENCEH. PUBLIC BUM T>- INGtt. CHUHCHEB. HOTEI_ and _Al__ DE CORATED ia tbe highaat atyle* of the art. A so. CE> LlNGdand WALLB painted,platsaadgi-aA, ia tfiattaguiahadoolors. k _AUB, aad every deaehat—a of Oraaaaeatal i'aiatiag, ex*outed «> Abe beat atyle. States cTtHt.*.*' atertaiua. wb*r* be waa c on tbe _eaeb *_Lag, nndar tbe dtreoUua of Caetaia Mate* *^*Vb\*u£\& U iZ^ Ui ***^F.A^mTM. l^*t-»_'- ? lf TT-ikaitiVra a^o_* 'ti_wi-A*ae*i*l_ •JW-***** "a ■ _*i*aw * •*• ! •**•** *• •Ssara) a*. *,_ a*_r**a. , !__!__ v *' i uU vl tn*. •«'» * .*-t at • a, M„ _H_**A LICK M O .utt f « a< Al CIHJN •s»**a_>tf vuta* .1 a .***•*« ~| t_. it m ,'.,.: Cw«.t uf, tb*. C b ted tut** 10. the {*_, ' * on rrijaj tne *_ day of «*> ** "„ c..a* oi tbe I'nitee *♦_**«►'f Ate r**-. -in— he safer Abas Hawse*. I aaoli **stl. a* *••*. lie aaeaiee to tbe be*ae_ t-tdd*/. a* N**b a eb>f. ii. tne «•***/ .<_,_ lXb#DaY. tbe **J.d», i f J .?^-'**^*»L* , _ ° • *»_ *•*•»• ••**£_&« Rt GLK«. abttt » ton* bB tatn t •»•_*• ettb fe**t boat* tackle at- rem.t_.-e *__. w_eV **»<.«. ***i—r*a_ieha*_. Ac. * Taaat* ot S.t.*-Ca*b. in sseete. il-___ae_l_Sß_ J. J. MoQBR A Co.. AU*t* _7j|L'J __*_. a_*VV*ri^^ l ?.*a7^J**»* i *«* VIROUC. 4_Hf>lAN Al Al riON.-*^»,nu # ofa_i»Ve* •■■•■■ or tb* l»i*tnot Court «T lb* UaiUd K_t_r for fha P—*iern V stietot Virginia, at Norfolk' p'oraunced on Fnd»>. th* «:h «r%» of Ms*.las* m* tb* caae of the Ua'tcd .*_t*s against tb*brig Vir ginian. I snail proceed te aell at puMie -naiia**. te fh* higkeet _*eer, at Cba_betiatn*'e wharf, ia the oity «f Mori-It. on TUJ--BAY. th* Sta _~ «, Jue* law. at 11 i/elo-i. the brig VIRGiNiaN. Its tons hnrth*a, together Wi'b ber Boat*. Tackle*. •**,!* Water Caaka. Pitbitare. be. The Vrrgmian wee over ban led abnet cix month* "ace sad re eoaaered; has teo saiU ot sals*, one oi whioh is new; tbe riggiag waa tboroegblf —fitted. I at the *•*>• tiate. W^Kk^i 011 * •**>***>**- « fwW iT/n&N f Rv., J. _ « B *\'* ■_- "•»»■. «•♦ nWaty. J. J. Moose b Co.. Anef ra *ay_ By Alex. Nett. Aact'r. Pale- •«•« a RIBB, be.—Will be sold at aaetion, st my atore, eoroer of Maia and Uth eta., en Tl*K_- DAY, the Mh 'a* ol Jaae. eaeimenaaaw Ht w /i c *-.**tf**ft ß .V^oV*^* a ** 1 * *Rt Raw aad eeoond hand r LitMTIRE. D K>JjOODB- Clot ha. Caaaimerea. Check*. La. en*. Kar*>eil!ea, Cottoned**. Table Damask* Boota.oait*r*. Phots, Hate. Bean***, ton*, bo. Wine. Whi.kvy. Can die*. Manufactured Tobaoeo. Soap, Cigar* Ac. L,rg, g^j^g^^^* By Jas. *t|. Taylor a Son, Aact'a. TRtsTKE'SMLisua ttteVaK Aft- _01» AT I H X SOUTH W teT CORNER OP ___. SHALL AND JEVF-ltoOji? HYktiL%.^fmV "! I .*\ nt *" J,*** Pruvisioß* of a deed of trust from, V.IIIIIBI Bunthuasl, recorded in Richmond Heat iiiga Court. W* shall, by order nf ths trt_M*. oro ce*d on TUKBDAY, the6th Jue., 18*0,_4*o*Sb P. M , to s-.1l a framed teremeat at tne aoi the am corner ol Marshal) aad J*H*r*-*a atreet*. The Lot fronts on said west si <c »f Jeff—son street s_ ut 15 feet, and run* back _ feet to an alley 7 feet wide. * Tsbms—Wih be made knowi at the aale. „ ,„ JA". M. TAYLOR, Trustee. Jas. M. Taylor .% Sou, Aucts. oiy in Bjr tteddie A Apperaiu*. Auct'r*. COM*rl*S*lO*lKK'.'-. SALK Of LOT ON ORKOON HILL. ON CBURCH BTRBET- As I run tee and Commissioner, appointed bj a de cree of tlie Oirouit C.iirt of tbe Cit» < f Richmond, pronounced on the 28tli of May, It—BJ, in th* oas* of Kvan* va*Evana, Ac.. 1 *hsli' sail at public, aae tion. on 0-e premises, on TU ■ BDAY. the Sth Jen*. 18t». at 4 o'clock P. M , the Real Estrtr referred te in the plaint.ti 'a bill, eouaiating of a Lot, fraat ing — feet on the east aide of Church atreet. ran uin-.- back lie feet. TKHMa.-Caab. Th* taxea for IS6I to be paid by th* purchaser. WM. GRAY, of Riehmoad, „ . . _ . . Trustee and Comia'r. 9»\* hr gevbrj* ft Arrttßaoß, Aaet*. my so 1 OVER, ON */IROmiA CKNTRALRAIL ROAD. -Purauactto the proviatoaa of a deed of truat from Wm. 11. T> ler and wife, to the nader isigued, at th* rtsuest of tji* beneGoiar* in aaid I deed. I will, oa tbe premise*, oa th* Sth day of June, 19—, iHimrii noi_ at IS o'clock, sell to tbe higheat bidder. 1 1» tiact of LAND ooavajed by said deed, coat*.una by estimation one handrail aorea. Thia tra if of L«.nd i* on th" Virsinia Cen tral Railroad, ac 1 adiouia the land* of John P. Cross, Jno. J. V 1 .gbald's Satat* aud other*, and is a part of the trset of land lat*l> belonaiag to Chnrles Jarvis' i»tate. T**a_*. Caal will be required for co raueh aa will be neecaaai , to pay tke eoata ol sale, record ing said defd, * * , and to discharge tbe debt •• eured by aaid deed; aa to th* residua, the terms, will be made kn run on the day • f aale. wo dtrta R. Q. DtHWKI.L. Traatee. By B. B. toot*. Aaet*7. HOUHEH"! U trU-NITUBB AT ACC. 1 ION - THIS binat.,>al 10 o'clock, I will aell, at tbe r«*idenee on J.ok».n. one d- «.r front Ad«ut- atreat. ait th« Bou—hold Ewrni'ur* coataineu in aaid reaidence. rinb,*ri_> I the naval variety of h"u*»ke«ping*iticle* iamu*t escellent condition, having been need but a very »h >rt mite. TBai**-Ca*bon delivery. E. w. r *>CfC je I Aw'ioaa r. ay j, q. t t t\ ill Bk B*a**_s ,c% aT<nt thu «hi, ti *» auction room .16 street, ommenerai at I 7 o'clock, a lari c invoioai.f fine (.old Silver and lit-ed WATCHED, fins Gold JEWELRY, CtoW GUARD and VEST CHAIN**. Ladjoe r CHaT - LAINS; Stiver Pb.te.l BPOONS, FORKS. CAB TORS, Ac. Alao. a lot of FANCY GOODS, CI GARB. CUTLERY. Ao. N. _—Coa*Htaaaat— reeei vine every say se_se— I without reserve. J. H DIGGKfI. An**. T) F Hootß. gal—man. iae—ts By Hector Oweta. And. ATUITIO*! a N't SeRVANT AND VIOLIM Hf-AYkK 1 will aell at my Auction H 'use, oa TUKHDAY, tie S'h . f Jane nest ni.lKr-LY NEGRO MAN. well kiewn by the saaaasc Joshua—a No. i hone* servant and vi..bii player. HECIOR DAVIS. m> _-dtd _•*■•*»*• VOTIf-TOTA* HAYKRS B*itor*__-t - ' hy the Council of the City ' f Richitit—tl_ that ths Co.ltrN.rof the Cit> Taxes ah ill ananally give, n >tice in at 1. .is' four of the daily new.paper* of this tit- . for hf'ecn .lit* prio' to tb* ISt I day of June.that he will attend at hi*, rti -e.iaiU lwt>«*u tbe hn.irw i.f ;i o'clix-k A. \i and 6 o'e rM*k P Al., from the i.i h to the .'<Aih of Jui.», inclusive, forth**. purpose of r*e*ivia* ir.-m .in* person clutrrtd with Cty Taxes th,. whole or one-_i'f «f the asatetrat of tax ch/i'ved. deducting fr.-rn >h* wh.-i* amount or one half, a* th*. ease m t> l*s. ten per centum thereon. The Collector •halt, in like •Ban ner, . vt« until o, for fifteen d;i>* prior to the IJth day jf Deerp/«r. tbat he will atiei d at hi* office dally tw'ween th* alx.te ii.eiiii..ned houra, from the _th to the .iv- of l>*cemiier, inclusive, for tbe ..r receiving fr >m any peraon who ha* al* pa dor.e-ballonWnftiieCity 'Taxeaebarged to him. the remaining half, deducting from »_U bail ten per centum tnereoa. in pursuance of the above amended Ordiaaaee. passed January Uth. ISM, I will attend, at the Collector's orlce, in ibe City Hall, from tbe IStb to, theSuth of thi* month, for tb* purpose of r*e*iv ing Tax** as above directed. je »-lm JULIUH A. MOBBON, C. C. «.._ . ■tUSt-RY.'.-Just |_t_>d. el our own i tr. porta Don : J-;**' dor.. Ladi**' COiTONHORK. all «aaliti*e; \.Wi '• Mi—es' •* ail *>*_ and i gualitiea; LODUdog. Genu'COTTON HALF HOBB.all*a_- AUo.V.(_Jd..s. L. C. UD&F*., all gradee. All of which we offer to the trade at a •__! aeV vanue upon c<**. of ia ißOftaitea, GiNTER.ALVEY k ARENTB, »«l—1»_ __________*__ Beta *t. NOTIt F. -A II persons having eiaima asaiaat the late Mra. MARY ANN BttAXTON, «,f Ravepsw— d Hen'.ro nount*. ars hereby aotlla— to present th* same, duly •atb*Ntie*ted, to tbe •u --deraigiied.or t.) j*ldr*_ to " U..a »*>." Rtrtsateait Fust-OBee. _ CIIAB. CAMMAN. I Henrico Couaty, May a. IdSB Cat——r. I 111* 11 lm T«t maaa . < fse'tirinethceeUbvaled BUCKEYE RKAP ER .md vow Km eoinbined. sck*owl*da*dtob*> the l>v*t Maehia* ib use by all who bey* triad it. At-., thn GU'SER TIIRESHKR. va wheels* aiatiouary. Tins .M*.-hine tnreab**, •'*•_*, aad bat• the grain, r.-adv f.r market. •* one oaeratioa. my 10 -«* JOHN W. CARDWELLA 00. WHO(KI)*> rhtLL Btdieil VI r. 41..-t be aultaenber ba* c.unpieted % mill, *4_*U*M bie IM.-tater Mill. <>» tne I>ock. I >r grinding COaN.aed l* now prepared to supply lre*u ground BnL'FEO MEAL to th*> trade, from the choicest sslse—ane of Corn that can bem.tfe in Ote market. JOHN H Ci AIBOJtNB. . J_. -"_* ? ____ !___'• ** VUTItI-..- Persons wtakiig to i.Uaia i|*b*— f* for |«rsa*4*e_ff th* Ruhmond. Eredb's sad Pot. R—lioad. f> r Waehtnstoa city aae poiaut—. •.her North, must, in all »***>*, be voaebed law by aom* r**K>BMbl* wbite eibaea ol Biahmaaa, _> person, known to the oßeeieof tbe ae> Tuk*n wul bo sold if agnplLd far by Uuoo. iutW ts A. D. ATiTEN,T*ck*t Ag*at. - GaaUa.usa wdl lad tbe aaet of *e**Mßa_-at_>a*, D___Sa_aW LA * Z Areat to carry on tbe MILLINBBY _-7a|lC_ OOOIS l-uOaeea.ia the *_d •••*—to ha* *jaieelt for eaab oaW. BOdEM Mj-fTBLDOtriS H.ehi_>ed.Va. Ma* *atb wat mybß-M*^ L*_h saLfe- E turn t*n*b*j* FINK w^Tl }- i *i <l i'ns T f,irt. •***»•«*•••■ •*• rtW.*- It Bamj-. JBJeJ 14— |_s|* ____ »y*sa»sa*B»_»l-_b __^3_a^Lft_S ********. _ _ — — -a- flb_B> •— *a_e a**eeoo-rc«-^ff^ a^_«ro_& »_i , i._a_-ii-' T * ; ~ "-♦■•»*•• /*_"•**"** at—* a *__•-*. ______________ T___^Esf*|p3«^9_6_F