Newspaper Page Text
Ilifliintftttr ffapfefr. ' »JtAlamßattaTaatT* ' tii'.' BAIhT DISPATCH taa«rv«Nl to sob »" D * t»***"» *£**•?*•> WBRI, *-"1t« the Carrier weekly. Pne* for mailing. 5* if if •*■» b»r six months, in advaue*. F'Hfli S>:Vl WKIK I.V DISPATCH toNNM. T ftesdaf »d •«»*■«•. r riiv wKr-hIA I'M A TCH is laanedevary »>; ";,i waned te»aUcul»er»aatl par an aaas. t ■■*! - *»^" ,, *"~ — ■"™"™*""^^^W?^" l ™ , "'aW™^ • SUMMER RESORTS. C HKSA» : KAKK HALL. ' HI , Hami-to*, Va. aiiPrjUVKK REH<*ki\ ao wall and favors '!*■ wil * " '»•**•»*"*«"' •*• lAvhtd June, : •'•'', , J... rdor tiv, he IMDPvfo •*• »n» o! 21Vw **' ** ».. t- eajo* HALT WATER v- »rJ th* IwKariaa ol the seaixiard. 14'„ Pwwvm •'•> »•' Pl**auca toman*, *rr.. ■•',,,. R- •• iuni rtoSBT ' I.MOX MfCHAi''* LMfiATB JSl > lilN<iS. vr liavtai ji.:eiia*«d these Springs. . | ~. the ptiooc that he has mad* ex ••*"*"., t»r»'n > »« •'•"' 1 repairs to 11m buildings, tread] l»l th« tirM of June to MM ail l* * «J »he o»a| wi»h *" spend % pleasant sea ■■• . «...-:■! •«*•» "** r ATKaVI*HJ PLACh. »i »iriߧ»M« ~j £***i 4, »» *»• western tide. '. •',, ..: the Blue X ilso, in the count) ol ,•< ■'<'-' \V 14 iKi-e* »«iutheast of Harrieouhurg, .■ ■ ''" ,<a*Ml "f Wi«'i Ca\*. and 16 miles • -■■'• V\j Wftmi»)r—ill. From tiie iatu>r ' \.i:»travaliM <>» th* Virginia Central ;•' '£.'».: nnd a ready conveyance le these • ■'•'.... t .:,>r wi'.l eve !u» personal attention to '\ e ~' at* TABLh Will MtMi be sup ■ . | ... bet) tie ne >ght>>rhood will afford . Ci mv ■»ik'« and Oeneral Del tit), the ■ , , i, » !<>n'ticiH'. and go in? rentarcabie **):,,,"* Meaetieeted i i it "' j «•,• f« per »c*n-children and servants *V ». .KKKMIAH PKTKKKiSH. :• "' New Hope, Augusta County, Va. t-efewl ■ . HEWI IV HOI'SK-LJKKRTV. VA~. lm»f ~ ..r* w>hm* to spend their summers BT - ' ■ n .•iintiins «•« Virginia, will hud #-** mo*atM>aa at the I hWMT i -'' v;,.. m west "I l.mchburg, on the Vir ",T: Tennessee Rai road. ■ .1 i,.i>,inl otis »'*>"• l.Alhinhaottants, four .' (>od »<•••• el* ana '" pleasantly situated I a health «. besnti fist and tttcMr—ata .'" « ,• wittua I few h-'«rs" r.ile «.l theceie- "f Oiter Ht:,i -iie Natural Bnd«e. . .';,\ "wv.erst.-n. be kad d ulf. at a very tn . ~.■;„..: ::.e A., V'lute Sulphur Ziki*m Bpru»«a. -^■■ir^'i'so^HKWlTT.Prop'r. ;, A VJJLIBTV i r"k I ><• » --These 1/mVSaril t> » '.a-itfii in the loun'y oTAuitBS • ST, ..'[."• c Virginia Central Kailroad. hi" SSisweitof S: tunton.w»l for the '„,.„„ ~| visitors ob the «»« o! Jt Ni. next. ird-J»KVt> DOLLARS per weak. I, have also several CABIWM (or rent kav**r '.* :n l.tiinJiesiled.rins M litrend the Springs. ',«, s desirißd info natioa in rt\at>on to the ■<, '-rol these waters, heroine cele -3 for their BieibcinaJ virtues in a ravines <>f ,■, v sddrees the sabsonitera at rond Hap '",:,»la-US ! in I C. W. BUtKUB fc CO. Uail PHI X M'KIN-JS. NKAR THE VIR SI • MIA AMI T X N .N BBBE X R-.lL *»**■*> .voM'i.OMKRY COUNTY, YA. --n ' •«oaea f" r i' ,e reception of visitors on the ~. MAi. Tne capacity to accommodate . een increaaad bj the addition of very plea* ui r«eai»- The !u:!din«B nam all been new y •;. (rhitewasned, atd the bedding; rms ?,''" sisroveJ by a thorouch renovation, ami ly „ol -r.'«Bioi HAIR ntATTIKaSKf. ... ■ geri reach tlos piaoe witht.iit itarn- tr<i>-<I, ■ „.,,j,.ii.-,» to s; the SAI-TKI 1, --»V k tjKKENrtRIIiH WHITE SULPHUR..* I*EKT SPRFNCB. can t:tke as much rest he>e ~V. n■■> wish, snd then proofed by Meaen. ~- Kieklia .v Peytoa'a line ~f BUPBRIOK H H'iK.-K COACHKB, whii h lea\e ili-u, lit the •""'•>' ' ''• '*'/ to dinner.the S kit DBuphiir lotea, and the t.ireenbiier White 9*l -, r tad Sweet Springs fetch ul imiesi todiniier, , rat aiibt travel, l.eive Vlrcinia anal Xett ■ .»*' Kadroad at J'" Tmmmel smtton. ROB. H. MOSBY, Proprietor. W a->WrtJyM , ,i ttrillE MLFHIR SPRIGS*}, 6R££NBRfER COUNTY. VA. I. [',1 Thai t03.-.»sUhtiahe4 WATERING ft JJfcV he opened tor the reception of visitors ■'":.;;•,! M-i*. -.' :-»• red important arrangements have ttjtmsd" since the taataeaaofl in this large es :,- itiWßt, nud n> e.iorts will be spared to make •. i .-••. oon fort tfde. JKREMIAH MORTON, President. i innvaaTP GwnnaaJ S'lpermtendent. ji Corrsspondeßtawill piease address J. HUM PEki iS.Superintt ti<lect White Sulphur Hprings, liiMianrrmintTi \'a. ap is—anatuJaty 1. A WfS KnV9 \V M I'ftA N7* is LAi it • *»•-! I.PHI' it AND C H A i. V H E A T X tJaISPRINiiS -Thia WATERING PLACK i m for the reception of visitors on the •• j ,n* It if Situated (in the ltn> ami hi -~-,' tft< tirginim mmd fVaaesses Railroad, ■-,• :•,;,; :. efiom Bonsaek's !>er»."it. Ko.inoke, >'•.. at which depot an OMNIBUS will always be pud waitisg. on the arrival ol tiie cars,tocoa m psiMOgem u< the .Springs. WHITE and HLACK SULPHUR tiavt ejected naaoaroaa cures. The TBITh bI'LPHUR, ajrKravat«-d of D>s m afleettaa ol the Liver. Kidne>s and Sv tor.General Debility* and especially diseases •fan .Nervous System, tmtse diseases pe-. n v t.i females : tue BLACK SI'LPHCR. all « Hhi•; Jneaaaa <■!' the Skin, ai.uravated of ";• I other eruptions ol the SJtin. ;.»ACCOMMODATIONS are to any to "»: .ad in the mountains of Virginia, and the .'..- r. i; i A ITKNDAN'TS of th« moat satis :i • r] charseler, together with a line BANDUF .*' - J,and every other attraction psually found niru-eliisf WATERING PLACES—an to ail ol rl ~ n hec leave to refer to the large number , • i.- who have heret<if"re visited the place. i|B-d3ai J. A. HEFELFINGER. Prop'r. FOR SALE AND RENT. * HOUSE FORRK^T.-TIieI'KKMMEB I-r the store, 109 Main )>tr o ct. are offered for **''".. The House is in good order, mid eoeg ik. ui>. Apply at tne store. Possession given ■aauateiy. fH. S. Tl/I'VAN. Ag't, gi-ta Barton's old stand. tFI'K RJCKT—Tbe STOKE on Pearl street, !present occupied by Mesurs. ueo J..Sum .-■ I Co. Posuehi-ion given l»t tiepteiiilier. ■ Apphj to W- BARRET. '.-s'.- Corner sth and Cars wrr«(»ts it fOX Rfc*r—A new ami well arrange,! piAISI.K. with CARRIAGE-HOUSE, on ad ■*alaet, between Cary and Canal. Apply to i.*-i.s J H. BECK. tlort KK.vF—Tare ROOMS, on me second mi fourth floors of the Corinthian Hail Build iu For terms, Ac, appl» to ■fhV-ta JOS. P.JONES. tl BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE KfcSl. DKNCE. <>N UNION HM.L. AT PRIVATE SALE.—"We ire authorised to sell privately, a ssßtifn private RESIUENCK.OO Mosbr street. "lion ri..:. It iihh teen lately built ol the liest uuerial, ard tm attached a two-story brick uloasii.witß even* o»b-r convenience, liesiiles a ai: u| excel ent water on tne premises. There is '-"'. ■■•, 'in tore "t ground, beautifully laid out in UJfct.with ornamental trees, frail trees, shrub en sad fi.werh. The property ia locited in one 'lie arnat Deichuorbooda, and deservek it attention of persons deairßßK ha secure a pri •Ot re»iJence. For ptrtii'ularsJtapply »o aj lu-ts JAB. M. Ta I'LOR A SON. Aucts. RUNAWAYS. 2Jf BIM HEWARII.-Ran away from the Veabseribers, on the Covington and Ohio Rail gVo,u>, „„ the nth Mai iast. three N E Oi R O ft HEN, named: MAT. a yellow man, 26 years •■*•" it, five feet live inches high, stout made, a* tat the appearaace ol oeing powoer markeu uw lace-hat a wife in the City of Richmond.— *'-* i m al-iaek ansa, five feet five and a half 1 '•'■■<•> bub. tkader awae, pitted in the lace from »».»., i..x- u H „ raiaed ia the city of Richmond.— "a bVANS it> h hlacs mm, ai-otit 30 years old, >fset five ißcaes high, epure made, fins suit of ■ ■r.incrnd to fcirnu iitness— is a free man. and •"•eoterjced to the Peaitaauar* from the city of •etaraburg fks too hrst named negroes are •■ tad were noadspaed to transportation — • 'Jf about Jg years old. The above reward will '• •"' r the return ol the above negroes to our . - Section 15. oo the Covington and Ohio Bail . -'■ egbaay county, Va . <>r wo will j>sy #20 T9*» of the above aegroes, when arrested and • L!; -t'-: :t. u.y ol the jiils of tins Stats. ■ . . MOSSER A LAN I US. '■'■ bmceaddreai, "Crow's, Allegheny co., ■' •"" Virginia. A FEN UOI.LAKS HfcV% AnO.-Han jL'}* i > if'-iii the residence ol F. V. Sutton jFIV' .on Church Hill, a lew davsago. a NE- W*'K" , .:KL named Bettie, about 16 or 17 SJ****'s ou. and of copper color, her lips ; f »iiKt pouting. 1 will give tbe above reward jottiipreaeaaioa and delivery of the said gnl " J" BaWmoad. RO. B. LYJIK, - '■"'■» _ Agent for Mrs L. Wabb. M *OTll fc.-~Was commuted U) the jaii of mJotWusrl count*, on the Sd day of April JTViut. a NRGRO MaN, who calls himself O ?j». He i« a'xintto years old, five feet six jT* ir:, -iiM high, and weighs alaiut 140 pounds— ,2-~ *'"''■ nrrented, a brown cloth coat ami grey ';,) ■'■'■'■ sad imJ , n his possession a paper pur J .." '" be wntUa by hit master, t Roht. Harris, m'V''}'* ]] P"uiit*,)authorißing Jun to Hire nun ■ ;»'«mc pay i,, r hisse.rvieea . ► Jlw, ' ,l? * notice that unless the owner ol S"* ro r°ai— forward and Bfeeoa his propert\ haitto.'v **•' ' »hail. at the proper tune, pro 1,.. other action in relation to huu i7>»diresu. SAMt'KL HKDRICK, -:/?*_ __ Jailor «f Connl*. *J. h *>*«Al tue Klclili.oiiUu.iiU IUT.1&! «-*>!'<™ d Comianj.R'chinoad. two j JWfVKB, named JACK and WILLI AM, the nj!»nn<t of Mr. Thos. Wattt. of ElizaWh B"Tffl •oantr. At they got pasaea u» visit !i»i.;i**« "'itnsWh April, it ia presumed that V lurking about Hsinptonwrthatneigh aWTl,? "c usual reward will be paid lor their 11,1 J' c '^"Uipsjiy. lficSf H A. WORRALL. Bup»t. "*>*ort...k Herald please copy. LA To ALL IT MAT f.ONCJERN — ■b ' "-port having gone abroad that I m- VafM> •>.'. .,j t,. discontinue tne SADDLE aud s~*HA»«KHS liC«4INKBS, I take this op **»■!, "'"' t ' J "ily of informing my friends and ' t *'L.',V* u,!r?li '>. tLat latiairstill coLtiuue in *>Tk t " Ht v '« •«•«« J'!*ce. No ** M Alt* ST.. *t-+i £' ' M ' Ul<! > '* o'd 1 stand, where 1 shall mass.,** 6 '»» old customers aud as many new NanhtoTi" Patroßiza vi«, intending to use svery 'fit* J. V l ' I" fl«w« fiein. both 10 ijuality and h; *mLS w,!! . M!il *»'rf* lower than the lowest, Jw^ MgALM()|< ,< >!t?^ K V <B i.iida. Terra Haute ohoul •"• * t *'f« f-ir gale i.> t- MASSIF, A PLEABANTB- O V *~U*) hhd.. ~ store fur sale by MABSIE aTLKASANTB. DAILY DISPATCH. VOL. XVH—NO. 135.- SPBCIAL NOTICES "laV %>io,6<»o W«rth af llrv tJaaiaV AT COS i FOR CASH. TO CLOSE HUSINEHB. A ram opportunity isoflered to all to aupply ueiu sc.lvea with WRA" S 11 Kirn QOOBWi "-'«• ■«" «•»««• aPRING AND Uirowii <»n the counter and marked down without repaid to coat, to save them front the auution ORGANDIE. GRENADINE AND BEREGE marked down to hair COST. ROBES. All desirable IjOODS at PRIME COST, from a taper of Pius up Fanners and manufacturera will find a larse ■ l '^ko f best GOODS for SER VANTb" SUMMER and WINTER CLOTHING at cost. PERKINS A CO., Ml Eaule Square. my 74—Jut ■tV. Krrrtm SIiFKVH cpu BROKEN DOWN AND DEBILITATED PRO r~.„. ™ FEBBIONAL MEN, WH\ NOT HAVE yoiß HEALTH RESTOR ED r We offer you the rreat RESTORATIVE AND _ INVIGORATOR: ,w * "£.?* I* *• all claßres -it may save valuable uvea. We do not believe that an» other remedy has such a mass of testimony. HEAR-HEAR THE REV. B. F. BROOKE. „ w Bm.timoks. Feb. 27,1860. aJt*rrs. Mortimer *• • The use of your HAMPTON'S TINCTURE has been a m ry ureal blrtung to me and my family — 1 he ettect it has had on m* throat disease has been Bsar«a4a«s. tor all snch diseases 1 most cordially recommend it. Yours, truly, , , " B F. Brookk. I astor of the Eutaw M. E. Church. AS AN INVIGORATOR. Aa an and restorative, where a *en tle stimulant is wanted, we t>elieve it superior to all the Cordials before the rullicaS'i cur> for Uy< t»psia. Couth. Scrofula ami Kfitumatum, with all diseases ol the Stomach and Bowels. It has been truly successful to the single and married We otter the most valuable remedy, which thousands will testitv. FEMAJLEB AND CHILDREN.-Thia TINC 1 LRE wih be found a great medicine for all then diseases. %V, Call and ret Pamphlets and see onree. »rt bvPURCELL, LADD A CO.. Richmond; oy Dr. COOkE. F redenckslmre :by all the Draa cisu in Petersburu: by -MORTIMER A MOW BRA\, Baltimore; and by DruK«i«t3 and Snop keepera everywhere. %l per bottle: kix l*ottlea, •*• my 2» -d*cwts BX, Blood Food! Bloed Food ! !--\Ve have varied feelinra in read n« the auvertiKement of Dr. Bkonsox'* Blood Koon in another toltimn; but we think gratilication predr.inmates; lor, though we regret >• see so celebrated a man com ing lorward. even in appearance, under the same Hag as quacks—that is, iiv resorting, to advertising, yet we take satisfaction aU.» in kuowing that there is now a reliable preparation before the people for that most melancholy and fataldisease—Consump tion, and other organic complaint)*. Dr. Khon-oin is a lecturer in our Medical Col leges, ami his success in Ins speciality has tieen so wonderful that he h.':» consented, at variance with tne prejudices of ever? reeular practitioner, to make it known as he is doing, lor the benefit of suffering humanity. He has secured for agents, however, a firm whose respectability separates entirely his preparations Irom all tinge of qaaekory. Messrs. Cut iv ii A Dt i-oNT are Ins Sole managers. ?i« they aie also fur tii-it most uiviiiin'olc of preparations. Dr. Katun's Eavatmu Cohdui.. If mothars could know the great c.iio taken m pattiac up this article—some idea of which thevean form b> comparison of it. with any other article of the kind— th»y would prefer it to anything that has ever lieen offered them. For our own part, if we hadachild suffer ing, we would not hesitate to administer this pre paration, knowing that such careful druggists would not engage in anything that was not per fectly safe and efeotaal.— Quebec Gazette. For sal* Sa FISHER A WiNSTON, Richmond, Va.. and by Druggists generally. je 4 -lm RX. Southern Savings Bank— CMARTfcKKD by tub LEGISLATURE OF VA. OFFICE, 17.1 ttAtM HTMMMT- Money received on deposit at the tate of tit per rent, per annum, on all sums remaining over six months; and at /i <-c pi r our. on such as are drawn out before the expiration of six months, hi rectors. : J. B. Waikiaa, Brest, R. C. Howe, P. T Moore. lieo. I. Herring, Win. Ira Small, J. F. Regnault, J. If. F. Isio, W. A. Jenkins, Sec'ry, P. B. Price, Treasurer. Certificates of Deposit and Checks issued by the Treasurer, P. H. p"iCK. Ofioe at Win. Har grave White's Bookstore, Main street, two doors lieiow American Hotel. Mr 26 —lm . More New Goods. A. K. PARKER A CO. Havo just received a new and beautiful assort ment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS,in Rich Bereee Anglais KOllKS; Rich Chintz Berece ANGLAIS; Plain Bereno ANGLAIS; Rich Ornandie RurJKS: RictiChintx ORGANDIES; brey MOHAIR; PUid MOHAIR; Broche CELESTIALS; POPLINS and POI'LINETS; Urev VALKNoIAS; JACONKTS and LAWNS. Ac, Ac. AH of which we will «ell ver* low. my 23—ts VK. "We never could sell anything but Preston A Merrill's Yeast Powders heretofore: butstncel have sold your VIRGINIA /EASi POWDERS, I cinnot sell any other They are aertain'.y the greatest Powders I ever had," writes a country merchant. Another from Raleigh, N. C, says: "Please send me 10 gross mere of your VIRGINIA YEAST j'OWDr-RS. for i sold the iast quicker than 1 ex pected. Your Powders are in constant demand and persons who have used them once never want any other. Yours, F. Thiem." For sale, wholesale and retail, by L. WA'jNEK. Manufacturer, my 19—lm Cwmeratbaed Bro"d-»«. njra Notice.--To the sick, atHicted and nuiner olis families who have heretofore used Dr. J. S. ROSE'S MEDICINES, always with the most un bounded happy results, that some unprincipled persons have circulated an imitation. The Doctor has been compelled to change the wrapper, which is plain without any figures, and his written signa ture is over the cork of every bottle of the genuine Medicines, so that the public can again obtain those remedies which have suited their wants and relieved their sufferings. DR. J. 8. ROME'S COUGH SYRUP, for coush* tnd diseases of the lungs is the standard remedy The PAIN CURER for pains, rheumatism, cholic, lu-a-ns or bruises, and the DYSPEPTIC COM POUND for dyspepsia and liver complaints. Sold by Druggists generally, and by WARNER L. WARING, 107 Broad st, jaJ\—lt Richmond. Va. »*_ Dead Shot for Bed Buss.--All good housekeepers will be glad to hear of an article that will kill Bed Bugs. aoth*t they will STAY KILLED! THE DEAD SHOT does this entire and com plete. Beinc a gummy extract, it does not evapo rate, but retains its destructive efficacy a long tune, thus becoming a trap ready set for these noxious tormentors of our nightly rest. Sold by my 22-lin J. W. GARLICK. Druggist. are. Tbe Oreat Virginia Remedy, and no HcTbiG.-PETERS' TnFaLLIBLE REMEDY FOR OONNORRHfEE AND ALL SECRET DIS EASES.—This great American remedy, contain tag no Merouriai or Baisaimc properties, exceis even thing heretofore offered the pupiic, in its cv rativ'e. restorative and renovating powers: and the medical world are astonished when to<d that the aoove remedy will cure the above disenses, and confounded when they have ocular demonstra tions of the facts. But the proprietor, who hat known of the remedy for twenty-odd years, has known of a case of twenty years' standing to he restored to perfect health, and all other cases of shorter duration to be restored, without a smgle exception, acd therefore challenges any case ol Gonorrhoea which the remedy will not cure, pro vided the directions are carried out with prudence on the part of the patient; and any one purchasing half a dozen bottles, and using accordingly, in bn or her case, he guarantees a perfect cure; and 10 aase of failure, will furnish additional medicine ireeof charge, to complete the cure, through hit agents; and a cure will be eMeoted without mcon veuieuoe to the patient. Sold by APPEHSON fc DUPUY.No. Jul Broad street, and O. A. STRECk ER, Main street. Drug gists, agents for the city of Richmond. U «* .1A... * bbjl, Morbid Diseases ef theSteusach yield more read ly to the matical touch of BAKER'S CELEBRATED PREMIUM BITTERS than to any other remedy yet discovered by the scien tific world. Their composition is no mere chance discovery, but the result of years of s.udy; and as they are prepared of purely medicinal vegeta tion, they are invaluable to every family—out es pecially so 10 every delicate female .tnd child. — Thousands of certificates have been published ol their great efficacy 111 oases of Dyspepsia, etc., which are really astonishing. »*_ For sale by all Druggists. ap 6-ts ata_ Lyon's Magnetic "*" IN 8 EC T PO W D E R Exterminates BED BUGS. ROACHES, TICKS. ANTsTgARDEN INSECTS. Ac. It contain* ate Poison. LyoN , g MA ONETIC PILLS Are cci tain death to RATS aud MICE..SoId ev erywhere, aplu—dAewSm White Sulpiinr Water- WHITE SuCpxiija'sPßlNGß, Oreenbriar Co.. Va. BOTTLED AT THE SPRINGS. The Company have made great improveiueatsia bottling, and tue tranaported water is now as per fact as when taken from its source Address all ordersto PURCELL. LAHD, A CO , o General Agents for tba U. States, apt«—dm Richmond. Va. era. Leeches! Leechrs! t Leeches!! !-I haveiust received, by Adams' Express, a lot of fresh SWEDISH LEECHES, the very best, and large si as, whioh will he applied ueou the moat r Ts n -CtPP?Na and LEECHING prompt!, at tended to 1 can he found at all hours of the day at the HAfR DRESSING ROOM, under the Amen K^aaTwsw-wa-i-- RICHMOND. VA., WEDNESDAY JUNE 6, 1860. iiriimmft $iupattji. WEDNESDAY ftIOUNINU.... JUNE o. 18«<j. Tun Amu an Slavrhs— The La.<r Capture.— There are vow 1,700 Africans at Key West Florida, beiu K aupportetl at the ezpeoae of the Federal government. Tula number was reached by the capture of the barir Bogota, by the DT, s. Sfeam.eioop Crusader. A.letter from On board the Crusader says ; We sailed hence on a cruise off the island o' Cuba ou Sunday, the lath mat., and at last, on the '£M, after a moat exciting chase, overhaul ed and captured a French bark, with a cargo of upwards of four hundred negroes on board When Lieut. Duntßp, the first officer of thia vessel, first boarded har, nil the poor wretches wereanugly stowed under hatches, the cap tain and crew appeared unconcerned, and pre tended to treat the visit as an every day oc currence. Lieut. Duncan, however, was not to be thus deceived, ordered the batches to be opened, which at once revealed a spectacle that needs to be seen but once to be remember ed ever afterwards. The blacks at once wild ly ruabed upon deck, yelling and shouting like savages, and the scene was, as if it were by magic, transformed from the quiet of a Friends'meeting to a babel of contusion and uproar. The triumphant cheers of the board ing party were returned from the steamer with good will and in old-fashioned style. Capt. Matrlt immediately organized a prize crew of twelve men, iv charge of Lieuu. Duncan and Ben bam, who took formal possession of the vessel,in the name of Uncle Sam. The offi cers and crew of the bark were transferred to our ship, and, to the honor of Capt. Maffit and the service, be it spoken, were treated with the greatest kindness and consideration. Upon coming on board the skipper, a very gentlemanly little Frenchman was interrogated a* to his nationality, who answered in a very equivocating manner, "I have no flag— no. papera, but I have the negroes—they are now yours—l ran the riak—l have failed." This is the substance of his remarks. The Key West "Key of the Gulf" adds: The buildings erected on Whitehead Point for the accommodation of the negroes give to that part of the Island quite a town-like ap pearance. Fronting the shore and distant about one hundred and fifty yards from high water mark—they go down each day and bathe therein. This in itself is a means of great personal comfort, beside* being a healthful exercise. The depot la two hundred and fifty two feet long, by twenty-five wive, divided into niu* rooms, so that the sexes are separat ed, M well as cbildren lrom those of larger growth. In these spacious aud well ventilat ed rooms, they eat and sleep, and during the h»at of the day repose from a vertical sun — They are fed in squads of ten, seated around a large bucket, filled with rice and meat, each one armed with a spoon to feed with. Thir ty gallon tubs stand in the center of each room, and they help themselves freely to wa ter. The Richmond Convention.-The Demo cratic Convention at Richmond assembles on Monday next. The Hon. K. 11. Rhett, of South Carolina, who will be Mr. Yancey's strongest backer in theConveiitionj thus expressed him self at the State Convention, when accepting his nomination as a delegate : He had refused to attend the meeting in Charleston, because he was told that his pres ence might create a division, and for the sake of harmony he did not attend. He had ex erted himself in councils for harmony. But when his old constituents, who had given him their support for fifteen years, nominated him in memory of past favors, he obeyed that call. Iv going to Richmond, it was no place of ease, but a responsible ami difficult position. That Convention would be one of the greatest outside pressure. Delegates were appointed from some States who would enter the Rich mondConventionfor thepurposeofpersuading the delegates assembled theie to enter tbe lial timore Convention. He believed the Squatter Sovereignty Democrats at Baltimore would not yield. They would hold on to their posi tion in the Baitimora Convention, m accord ance with the proposition of Virginia. They will have an additional mini tier of delegates. They will have them from Louisiana, Ala bama, Georgia, and Florida, thorough-going Dougiasitea. Those men who stood by bun through fifty-nine ballots will not yield when they have an additional force at Baltimore.— He appealed to this Convention to be harmo nious. This was the beginning of a struggle commenced thirty years If those who accused him of being a disumonist had labor ed as hard as he had at Washington and else where for tbe sake of the Union, they could then speak of their love for that Union. He had never woiked harder, and never would woik so hard again as he had done to secure to bis people, and to himself and his children, the rights guaranteed by the Constitution.— He hud never been a disunioni>t per ss, and was willing in good faith to exhaust all expe dients for main tain irq our rights and liberty. He would go to Richmond with no ulterior object but to nominate sound men on sound principles, and, if possible, secure their elec tion. Pikes Pkakebr Comiho Homie.—ll appears that not quite all who have gone to the gold region this year have succeeded in pacifying their greed for the "rootof all evil." There ii much dissatisfaction, disappointment and suf fering among those who went thither to mi their pockets with that which is erroueously supposed to be the foundation of happiness— gold. The following extract, which speaks of tbe return of unfortunate gold hunters, we copy from the Afton (Uuion county) Eagle: "Yesterday, (Friday,) two men with a two horse team ponied] through this place home ward bouud, on their return trip from Pike's Peak. They stated that it was 110 uncommon occurrence to meet persons batleee, bootless, costless, and in some instances iii an aliuosi nude state, and without the 'rojt of evil,' with which to purchase more; and some were in such destitute circumstances as to be even without tbe common necessaries of life with which to keep body and soul together. Some were begging for the merest pittance with which to sustain life. Such was tbe picture they painted of life at Pike's Peak. And such we have every day to fear is too true. Pike's Peak, in our mind, is a grand humbug, inde pendent of what others may do or say, puffed into notoriety by designing persons to trap the unwary of all classes and conditions in life that they may the better fleece them." The "Princ:ks"on Horseback.—A letter from Washington, Sunday, says : To-day, a party of some dozen, including the Princes, in compauy with Captain Por ter, went out riding on horseback, and they attracted the same curious crowd of boys, niggers, loafers, Ac, in the street wherever they went, as the company of mounted mutlius which sometimes parade the streets in the vicinity of Dry Dock, New York.— They have a style peculiarly their own of rid 111 c, which is standing up in their stirrups aud churning up and down when the. horse trots or goes faster than a walk. Each rider carries from two to three swords apiece, his hat about the size of a common umbrella, aud be generally barelegged at that. Among the presents which the girls have sent "Tommy," is a Testament. This "Tom my" is a good deal troubled about, as the Hi ble is prohibited iv bis country. "Tummy" cannot come up to tbe scratch to send back tbe pious gift, but trembles all over for fear the Tycoou will hear that he is inclined to be come a Christian; then "Tommy" will have 10 rip himself open. Yankee ingenuity cannot be excelled, as is shown from the fact that several of ihiscias* are here doing a Sue business in selling, at most extravagant prices, Japanese trinkets ot every description, brought be c from New York, the parties alleging, however, that they were purchased from the Embassy. Ma. Fillmore.-The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser, in correcting the statemeut that Mr. Filtmere was going for the Chicago nomi nations, says: We are authorised and requested by Mr. Fillmore to suy that there is uo truth in the report whatever. So far as we know Mr. Fill more's sentiments, they remaiu the aame as tbey were ia l*s<i. He baa ceased to be a pub lic man, but not to feel a deep interest In the welfare of the Republic, and he deprecates all sectional parties as dangerous to the welfare and peace of the country, lv that category be includes the Republican organization. We do not. If be has any prefereuc*e, we doubt not that tbey are directly for Bell and Ever ett. V. Th« Endlkm Divorce Casb—ln the So perior Court of New York, the counsel of Mis CatbarineN. Foriest ha* obtained a flual decree agaiust bar husbaud, Edwin *'°";5* 1 . providing allowance lor her support. The Court ordered that the report of the referee be confirmed, aud that the defei.daut nay to the United Statee Trait Otacaaj « *••* V'rk, for tbe use of the plaintiff, *&• •«■»«' a:ts sWl—being the amount adjudged by tbe ffi?to*«f..oo «*• nod the further sum of IWfMfl m bur.emenis, aud iniereat (kMN-iiHillJ all the sain of tw.»»*. *>' wajcfc soja floal judgiaeiil was au tared tft lew Ci* *•• <**t. W hat h. V£b» Meet With—Wbea the ves sel has settled down in a sandy bottom, it is preserved lor many months from breaking up, ana its position may be much the same as it would be vhoii floating in calm water. If it be not tiltad over by under-current drifts.— The light, of ceurae, depends upon the depth and nature of the bottom; but where there is no chalk to give a milky thickness to the wa ter, tbe diver pursues his work in a kind of gloomy twilight. By the aid of this be can see and feel his way round tv« ship; but when he ascends the deck aud winds his way down into the principal cabins, he finds it pitch dark, and has nothing to guide him but his hands. This is the most difficult and yet the most frequent labor he has to encounter; the danger being that in a large vessel, where the cabin stairs are deep, and the cabins are long and broad, he may get his air-tube twisted round some unfamiliar projection, and to squeeze off his supply of Hie from above. In positions such as this he requires all his nerve and selt-possession, all his power of feeling his way back in the exact road that he came. He may have got the precious casket, to which he has been directed, in his arms, but what of that if he die before he can And the stairs I The cold, helpless masses that bump agai ns t his helmet, as they float along the lower roof over his head, are the decomposed corpses of those who were huddled together In the cabin when tbe ship went down. A few of these may be on the floor under his feet, but only when pinned down by an overturned ta ble or a fallen chest. Their tendency is ever upward, and the remorseless sea washes away the dead infant frwaa its dead mother's arms, the dead wife from her dead husband's em brace. If tbe wreck be in the chanuel, the small crabs are already beginning to fatten on their prey. The diver disentangles himself from this si lent crowd, and ascends tbe silent atairs to the deck. The treasure he has rescued is hauled up into the attendant diving boat, and he turns again to renew bis work. He seldom meets with an accident under water ; never, perhaps, with death, and the chief risk he runs is from getting some heavy piece of ship lumber overturned on his long train of air pipe. Even in this he feels the sudden check and the want of air, gropes his way back to the obstruction, removes it, Mgnals to his com panions to be raised, and reaches the boat ex hausted and alarmed, but not so much as to give up his place in the trade. His earnings mostly take the form of shares in what he re covers. If fortunate, his gains may be large; if unfortunate, they may be small ; but no mau can grudge him the highest prizes it is possible for him to win. Tnis "Championship."—The latest London papers say that Hancock, the jeweler, of that city.has just finished two splendid silver belts, tie similea of the Champion's belt of England. The presentation of these belts will lake place at the Cremorne Oardens. Tickets are to he half a guinea and five shillings, or f£LSO and BLSS a piece, and e\en at that price there will be thirty thousand people present. This will bring quite a nice little sum of money into tbe two heroes' pockets. Mr. Dov/ling. the referee, will present Mr Heeuan his belt on behalf of England. Mr. Wilkes will present the one t(j Mr. Savers, and at the same time appr -;>r4aa> addresses are to be delivered. Then saayMud •rill strike up "(rod Save the and afterward* "Hail Columbia." Tbe whole is to conclude with a grand display of fireworks.— One piece is to be emblematical of theevcut..— A correspondent of Tue London Morning Post says: "If Sayers were equal to maintaining the position of Champion he ought to have upheld it, as he has led the public to expect he would! If, however, he Muds that his arm is perma nently injured, or that from any other cause it is desirable he should give up tbe belt, he should have done so at once, aiid openly, stat lng his reasons, and he might have retired with honor to himself and satisfaction to his countrymen. As it is at this moment, Heenan is Champion of England. Sayers has retired and Heenan defends the celt agaiust all colliers. This is tantamount to an acknow ledgment of defeat by Sayers. If he bad made it a little earlier the people of England— lords and ladies, tinkers and Uiilors—would not hive subscribed Xo,iku for the petted hero uf the prize ring." Death by Lightnino— Phenomena.— On Wednesday morning last, during the heavy thunder storm which passed over this vicinity, Mr. George W. Cook, and a smaller brother, who were at work on the farm of their lather, Mr. T. J. Cook, on the Ohio river, about three miles above this place, took refuge from the storm under B large sugar maple tiee. While there, and as George was leaning against tbe trunk of the tree, it was struck by lightning, killing him instantly. The ear of the deceased is slightly burned, as thobgh the lightning had passed into the head, aud a portion of hia brains rau out from the openings in bis head. There was no mark ot the lightning's track on his body, but both on the frontard back there of was traced a/Vie simile of the tree under which the deceased was standing, the trunk commencing near the neck, aud the entiie figure, bark, limbs, twigs and leaves, perfectly aud plainly delineated, In a reversed position, upon the oody, as precise and accurate as though dove by a camera.— Parktnlurs (*"«•) Gattttt. The Slave Trade in New York.—The in crease of the slave trade, and the fact that all the vessels engaged therein appear to have cleared out of the port of New York, begin to attract attention at Washington and in other quarters. It can hardly be conceived that if the officers of the law, charged with the duty of preventing tbe departure of all vessels bound on illegal errands, did their duty, our port would not be disgraced as it now is by being made to rank as the graud depot of the slave trade. That they have not done their duty in all cases, has been lately proved : and that they have neglected their duty for cor rupt considerations, has been put ou record by the dismissal of two Deputy United States Marshals on proved charges to that effect.— Hut we believe that we do not overstate the matter in announcing that an average of two vessels each week clear out of our harbor, bound for Africa aud a human cargo ; and we have received information, which we shall verify and publish as soon as possible, to the effect that the price for the clearance of a slarer is as well known to those in the trade as tha price of a barrel of pork.— Arte Fori Leader. Methodist Episcopal Conpbrknck.—The Methodist Episcopal Conference at Buffalo disposed of nearly all their remaining busi ness on Saturday, but adjourned till Monday morning for its completion. On Saturday, after resolving that the next General Confer ence should be held at Philadelphia, the re port on Lay Delegation was considered, and after some debate, a resolution from the Com mittee, directing all preachers in charge in tbe United States aud Territories, to submit tbe subject to all adnlt male members of their churches, between the of the Ar uual Conferences of 1-01 and lsdU, the result to be submitted by the BisbJpa to tbe next General Conference, was adopted. The basis of representation in the next General Confer ence whs fixed in the ratio of one delegate to thirty members of the Annual Conferences. The total expenses of the Confere«ic# were re ported to be Slb,BS-2; receipts from Annual Conferences. $B.fl*o; leaving a deficit of ;}-5,717, for which amount a draft ou the Hook Con cern was authorized. Troubles in Japan.—Affairs in Japan are upon somewhat unsatisfactory footing, «ays a letter from Hong Kong, dated March -J'J, aud some alarm prevails among tbe foreign rent dents. Notwithstanding the progress that has been made towaid amicable intercourse, a strong under-current of hostility is con stantly running, which every little while is felt upon the surface. At Kanagawn. two Dutch captains have lately beeu murdered in a most cruel man ner. Taey were both quiet, respectable men, and fcave no provocation for the attack. They were not slain by the rabble, but by individ uals belougiug to the nobility of Japan. The Dutch Consul has resoested the payment of •30,000 for the relief of the families ol ihe de ceased, but as yet uo further official action ha* been taken, and tbe foreign residents are considering the propriety of orgauixiug a rule corps for self-defence. Altogether, tbe pros pect is anything but peaceful. A Valuable Block.—Recently the admin istrators of one Elisba Harris, deceased, late a resident of Luzerne county. Pa., offered his effects at public sale, among them an uneooth block of wood, supposed to be a part of a cbeeae press, and which was purchased for fifteen cents, by oue David M. Hatmacher.— On tbe morning succeeding the sale, the par chaser In a spirit of inquiry •• characters tic of tbe age we live in," split tbe block open, when he discovered a queer secret door, opened by the pressure of a long rod, and containing bonds, notes, and other matters, besides about B'J.tXMi in silver cola. To test the right of own ership in the treasure, an amicable unit for ita recovery was instituted in the Common Pleas of Luzerne county, resulting in a verdict for tbe executors for 01,000. The Derby Hack.—A correspondent of tbe New York Herald writing from London, says Mr. Ten Broeck won >u>,UK>by losing the Der by race. It ia also said that over £ ],tMi,i* v were staked on Umpire. On the morning of the race he stood i> m«. while W Izard 5 to I; Thormamby, 11 to a; Horror 30 to I. Thug the betting stood. Tbe Field supported Umpire as tbe winner; so did tbe Era; while tbe last telegraph to tow Racing Times stated "Umpire WWWiVl*l)arbeV' Narrow Esuarß by a Lady wmom a Mad Bull.—The friends of Mrs. Millard, of Pouch jeepsie, wire of Robert Millard, formerly re ading in that city, were Informed of a terri ble accident which happened to her a few day* s:iice at Montreal, Ca. She was in one of the pnucipal streets of the city, when an infuria ted bull rushed at her and caught her on bis horns, thTew her up, caught her again as she lell again tossed her in tbe air, when she fell under tbe feet of a horse. She was then taken up insensible, v uch bruised and cut, but har injuries will not prove fatal. Fatal Work of Lightning During a shower on Wednesday afternoon at Newport N. H , tbe lightning struck the house occupied by Mrs. Ebenezer Hazleton, in Sunapee. Mrs H. was standing near tbe stove, wheu the lightning struck tbe chimney, descended, aplit the stove in pieces, and instantly killed Mrs Hazleton. She was about «5 years of age Six years ago a son of hers was killed on a rail road ; soon after a nephew was drowned: rive years ago her husband took his own life, and now tbe wife and mother, by a violent death is sent to meet her kindred in eternity Important Grants to Americans in Hon duras.— The famous clipper bark Carib. Cant Hopkins, from Omoa April 28, andTrnxiilo May 11, arrived at Boston on Saturday, and brought as passengers Messrs. Raymond X Weed and W. C. Burchard, of New York -I These gentlemen have obtained from the Gov ernment of Honduras a large grant of land in the district of Olancho, for the purpose of establishing a colony, and the exclusive right for forty years to the navigation by steamers or the three largest rivers of that country — They will organize a company in New York to carry out their part of the agreement witn the Government of Honduras. Akmy Intelligence.—Paymaster Chilton will pay the troops on the line of the Bio Grande, except thoßeat Fort Duncan, who will he paid by Paymaster McClure, to whom the Irort Davis Hue is assigned; Paymaster Cun ningham will pay those on the Camp Cooper line. A leave of absence for six months ia granted to Col. Helton,CCats. Wharton, Wing W lnder, Nelson, Beckwith and Campbell.— Capt. Macomb is detailed for Light-house du ties. Surgeons McDongall, Hammond and 4 ampheil are appointed a board to examine the candidates lor West Point, where they will assemble on the loth of June Post-Office Affairs.-rfrgftt*. Appoint ments.—George W. Elam, postmaster at Pros pect, Prince Edward county, vice R W Price resigned. R. S. Main, postmaster at Anna' Fairfax county, Va., vice Henry Jenkins re signed. Isaac Pigeon, postmaster at Dlerign ry, Berkeley county, Va., vice John D. Bar ney, resigned. Edward S. Turner, postmas ter at GuiiMlle, Henry county, Va. vice Hen derson Phillips. Ohartea H. Huff postmaster at HuffVille, Floyd county, Va., vice Esom Hun, resigned. William Downey, postmaster at Fcrkaburg, Marion county, vice John Kobe. A Notable Hydkookaphical Fact—The Mississippi river is at the present rm.inent says the N. O. Delta of the -JUth ult., four feet lower than it. was ever known before in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. It is so low that our plan re: a are suffering for the want of Kpagc wtiter, to get rid of which has hereto fore been the greatest trouble. The low stage of the river is regarded by many persons as a favorable prognostic of a healthy summer.— Should this hope be realized. New Orleans will begin her usual business season with brighter auspices than ever. Indecency in Dees*.—At the hall recently given by the Empress Eugenic, at the Hotel d'Albe, a painful feature of this gorgeous scene was the total disregard to delicacy in the greater part of the costumes ; the generality of the toilettes being a complete undress . shoul der-stays ar.d sleeves were discarded, and in most cases replaced by a string of precious stones lightly holding together the scauty dra peries of tbe corsage, which left exposed the bust and shoulders. A Preacheb in Limbo.—The Cincinnati Gazette of the Until ult. says that a few days since a New York preacher eloped with the wife of a lawyer of New York, and went to Cincinnati. The husband telegraphed to the Mayor of that place, and caused the preacher to be arrested for adultery. On the :J(»th ult. the husband arrived, and after an interview with his wife at the Burnet House, the twain departed lor New York, leaving the preacher in jail. The Heathen op Boston.—The Benevolent Fraterr.ity of Churches last year maintained six clerical and two female missionaries, to labor among the poor and destitute of Boston. Tbe whole cost of the chapels and schools for the year was about ten thousand dollars. The miss onanes of the Society search out the poor, sick, suffering and dying, theyoung, the exposed and the "perishing classes," and care for them lv every practical way. Emancipation op Seventy - piva Neuroes A. Cuthbert, from Georgia, sou to a former United States Senator ot that State, has re cently purchased and settled on a farm about four miles northwest of Paterson, N. J., car rying with him five negroes, to whom be had given liberty. They are the last of seventy. five emancipated by Mr. Cuthbert, the others having been sent to Liberia. A FEMALE CONDUCTOR OP THB UNDER GROUND Railroad.—At the late Woman a Rights Conveniion,at Melodeou Hall, Boston, an incident was tbe appearance on the plat form of the colored woman Harriett Tupman, who has been eight times South, and run North no less thau forty persons. She had a -prolonged aud enthusiastic" reception. Suicide —A youth, aged 10 or 17 yeara, named Ferdinand Konertson, nephew of Wal ter 11. Miildletou.-drujrgist, of Farmville, Va., was touud dead in bed Monday morning. His death was produced by taking strychnine. He left a farewell letter, but gave no reasons lor the rash act. He was in the employ of his uucle up to the time of his death. Arrival or Six Hundred Irish Em i okams is One Day.—Two vessels arrived at Hjsioii recently from Liverpool, with six bun dled emigrants on board, principally Insb, tbe larger portion of whom will immediately proceed to the West. Many of them bring sums of money, in the aggregate amouutiug to quite a large sum. Helper's Crisis.—A uumberof these books was discovered passiug in the mail, by the mail ageut, to Jamestown Post-4>ttice iv this county, this week, aiu were taken to Char lJtte aud made a bonfire of. We did not learn to whom Uiey were addressed.— Migk Point (A. I.) KepcrUr, Ist mst. Competition ra the Gas Business — The Boston authorities ate about to give the priv ilege of opening the streets ai.d laying gae pipes to a .secoua company, so as to have com petition. The first coinpauy resist tbe grant ing of this privilege. Anotukr Poisoniku Cask.—A young lady named Martha Work, recently committed sui cide at Orauby, Ct., by inking prussic acid. No reasou can be assigned for the act. Sbe was about to be married Id a respectable young mun. Suicide.—ln the Aliegbauey City (Pa.) Poor-bUmae recently, a pauper by the name of Happ commuted bbuciOO by cutting his from ear to ear. He Wan f;rrat*iiy connected wiito. the Iv-jiijtniif Society, but has beeu a pauper for years. Appointment.—Rev. Cftarle* Kingsley has t*eu appointed to fill the chair of Modern History at Cambridge, England, rendered va cant by the death of Sir James Stephen. Mr. Kingsley is principally known here trom his works of fiction. Invaded by French Giuls.—Forty French girl-* direct from Canada, have arrived in Lowell—only oue outof the number can speak English They are to beeinptojed iv the Law rence Mills. Killed by a Madman.—a. G. Scott, of Pittsburg, Pa., was struck witn a poker aud killed, one night last week, by Dr. H. C. Hig by, a lunatic, with whom he was sitting up — The lunatic himself died a day or two after. Naw York Bank Statement The weekly New York Bank statement shows a decrease of ia loans; an increase of f l.luti.ouo lv specie; a decrease iv circulation of As oou ; aud an iucrease lv depoaiu of »1,-Js7,ig*». ' Canadian people are much Incensed at what they consider a breach ot faith ia tbe transfer of the Great Eastern from Portland (a ur rainus ol iheGraud Trunk Railway) to Naw York. Gov. Wise ia in Washington. He waesere. naded en Saturday night, but was indispo.nd aud could not address tha people, who called him out. The remains of John McDonogb, of New Orleans,arrived iv Baltimore on the 4th iust aad were-taken charge of by the Commission ar of tbe McDonogb Bequest. Qymnaatic exercises bave been Intrpodueed into tbe State LuaaUc Asylum at U tloaTN V with decidedly aeaencinl ratal* lolao wjoa PRICE ONE CENT. XrOCAL MATTERS I Lai if Apuoimtmemtt by U. S. Mat thai of As sisted* to tal£t tbe Census of 1880. DISTRICT. * Appomattox. Amelia... Amherst Albemarle—; Alexandria... Acoomac I Bedford j Buckingham . j Brunawiek.., Culaeaar '"harles City.. Charlotte Cumberland . Campbell.... •• I Chesterfield*, j Caroline...?. • Dinwiddle. • . I Eaaex :..'' h. City co Fluvanna Fairfax '. Fredsricksb'g . Franklin Fauquier f Goochland Gloucester. Greene .1 Greensville... Hanover I ,1 Henry j Hennco t Halifax....... I J Jas. Citr co .. J IsieofWiKJU. J King A 1 King Qaarf. I King William I Lancastei. . \ liUnenburi,'.... ( Louisa ,1 Loudoun I Lynchburg. .. • ■ Madison J Middlesex... A Mathewa ii Mecklenburg, f |C Nansemond .. ji Northampton L Nor'mberl-iLd I Nelson \ Nev- Kent . 0 Mottowey... V Norlo kc>».... I Norfolk oil.- 'I Orange J Powhatan... J Pr I'd ward. 'i Pr. .Wilium.. V Pr. G;nme. ... r Pr. Anne. .'1 Petersburg.... it Pitts* h-ania Z •1 Portsmouth. 1 Patick C I Rappahanirk. J Richmond Co 1 Kichm'd City. 11l 2 B Stafford I Northampton. J Spotsvlvana.. I Suffolk I Suitsex I Surry • 1 Williamsb'K.. ,T Warwick !'I Wesimorel'd.! 1 York h *AHROr ASirST'NT. T.J. M. Cheatham, John I. Mood, J. A Hum a tot ham F.B Harris, Bennett Taylor, Dr. D. M. French, ad. B. Waplee.- Geo. J. Warner, Edmund Goode, Thorp H. Naaee. Sam'l. P. Moeeley, Walter A Ford, B. B. Wilkes, T. J. Nicaotaon, Taos. Hill. Dr. Ro H. Buah. W. T. F. MeCargo, V.C,mv-Ua, W. W. Hurt, Van R. utey. 8. T. Hancock, J as. E. bass, Philip Samuel, Jr., Ro. C. _ (not sent yet.) T. M. burke, Geo. Cooper, Hies. X We niter, Jno. Powell, J as. B. Saner. Isaac Cannaday, Jaa. H. Dudley, Geo. Calvert, R. W. Dewmnan, J W. Pleasanu. Jasper C. Hashes, St. Clair T. Deaae., lease Jarratt, li. G. Brown, N. A. Thompson, i I. M. Richardson, fib. Blackburn, . J. Logan McCoul, I Ro. C. Moon, In. 11. Ta»lor, I no. T. Martin. (no A- Jn'dan, f'hos. Jeffries, riiacker Kogers. ' 1 H. B»t.: USDu, ! •V. L.G. .Mitel el!, ' ireen A. Wood, 'o» on G 'I'aimy, lenrv G Smith, W. Swsrfz. • ranvilli- Jordan, osliua w. Fry. it B.Uressitt, ieo W . Bohaunan. >an'l D. Tal * , I. Druinwunt, lu*h H. Keilv. .eon'd J 'voitJL'on, •fcoa J. Ffford. ViftrsP. ''iIIk. ieo. T. Crump, 'utnam St*th, L S W Keeling, hi * Naau, Jr.." io. T Taliaferro, aa P. Keglestoa, .'. B IVoßoeertS, V. a Bryant, '. H. Harrison, [hue. Keeanxi Vm. Finn, Jao. T.. I- niney, HfWri biair, 1.8. Walton, Jreed 8. Toggle. to. at, Clark, . G. Parka, r. N Ralderson, ! st W'd—J. Moore, i W'd-R .M.Allen dW'j-J Ai'Pley'J.! I. B. BaroeN. as. A. Uiilett. •'. M. I'rutchtield, I leni. Riddick, t.'l. Millard, S liargrave. ';. D. Pryor. .'hos. Cuitis, Jr., | no. H. S.indford, ["hoe M. Curtia, I .1 roei-orncE .'Clever Hill. iMatoaa. •_ w .Amherst C.H. Charl'terille. Do. Alexandria. Oaaaeoek. Metoiepkin. kibe**. end'rksSt'e. ,Buck'hm C.H. New Canton. Uta'ad Grave. Lawr'ceviile. Curpeaer C.H. Apa-ereon**. , wtueaburc. OnkForeet. Morris' Ch Castle Craig. "anoheetsr Mat'x.Am'lia. FhWa. jßothwiok. Llyd's. Hampton. ,:Wiimißeton. 'Repnb'n Mills. Predksbc. ILong Branch. TnionHall. I Uppervi Us Meals ton. «aoohl'dO H. lQ4enest'rC.H. I Greene C H ]• Vnsv'leC.H. iN'etvnfoot. A. blind, [n «>Mir(. Ricn'd City. Do iHalifax C.H. |Bentteb<irg. ißn'i ordinary. ISmitli.'ield. , Staph*-nsville. IftUaHiil. . lAylatt'a VV.H 'Little Walton. IPls'nt Grove. FrteVk Hall. .It. Gilead. Xr*!o'a- L»i,';hbur«. Madi '«n W- n. Middii'aexCH .MaMie»V yH ' <'lsrksvii. a.'dy Ui ">*• Nanaaaa'd L ** East villa Bur< ess' Stove Covin nates. cv tic: i C H Vottowaj -'H. Portsmouth. tr A. Station Powhatan fi H IT hdw'il C li Kristol Station Pr. 'ieo 0. ft IT. A are C.H. Petersburg, MdseviiTe. budmj Mil's. forts mouth Patrick C H. do do. Rapiiih'kr.H. Stone* Hi'l. Kiehm'd City. Do. Do Stafford C.H. Jerusalem. Mt Pleasant. Suffolk O. H. •Sussex C. H. Catun Point. Willianisburr. WarwiokcH. Kinsale H'lfw'yHo'ee. Bunk of Richmond.— The stockholders of tbe Bank ot Richmond met in the U. S. Court room at 12 o'clock yesterday, for tbe purpose of organising. The meeting organized by electing as Chairman. Mr. G. A. My sue, and as Secretary aud Assistant, Mr. Wellington Goddin and Mr. Hobson. The meeting being called to order, Mr. God gin read a statement from the books of the Commissiui ers iv the charter, whieti showed that l,v!t>7 shares of stock had been subscribed for, and that the Instalment of ten per cent, on each share, amounting to $14,070, had been paid in and deposited in the Farmers' Bank of Virginia. The list of stockholders was next called by the Secretary, when it was ascertained that two-thirds ol the stock was represented in tbe meeting. At the suggestion of the Chairman, a vote was taken on tbe acceptance of the charter, audit was unanimously accepted. Before proceeding to the election of Direc tors, the meeting was requested to fix the salary of the President. Mr. Richardsou moved that $5W be adopted as the amount. Mr. Jones moved to amend by fixing tbe sum at ftl.onu. Tbe question was first taken on tbe amend ment, and there being some objection, Mr. Jones asked leave to withdraw his amend ment, which was granted, and the origiual sum was then adopted. The Chairmau stated that the next business In order would be the election of nine Direc tors, one of whom wotald be chosen by that body as President. Mr. Tbos. H. Price believed that the stock holders bad settled upon a man for President one for whom he would cheerfully vote—and he therefore hoped that be would be at once elected. He alluded to Abkam Wabwick. Other gentlemen concurring with Mr. Price, the vo'e was taken, aud Mr. Warwick was unanimously elected President. The Chairmau announced his readiness to receive nominations for eight other Directors. Mr. John Jones moved that a committee of five be appointed to nominate suitable persons for Directors, and the vote being taken, tbe motion was adopted. The Chair appointed the following as the Committee on Nominations: Messis. John, Wra. Gwathmry, Wm. H. Macfarlaud, Wit. H. Haxall, aud Abram Warwick. The committee, after a brief retirement, made the following nominations for Directors: A.Warwick. R. W. McUruder, R. B Haxall, J. N. Williams, E. H Mkinker, G. B Davenport, Jos. F. Powell. Mark Downey, Joel B. Watkins. Tbe report was received, and ou being put to vote was uuanimosly adopted. Mr. Macfarland made a motion to reconsid er tbe vote fixing the salary of the President at fOOQ. The sum was entirely toe small for tbe amount ot labor required, and he there fore desired to substitute for it $1,000. A scale vote being called, the motion to re consider was adopted, ana the sum of 81,000 fixed upon for tbe Pre«ident's salary. On motion, the by-laws of tbe Farmers' Bank, with necessary alterations, were adopt ed for the govi-ri.ment of the stockholders. The meeting then adjourned. Extensive Im/irovemen's. —Some of the most cosily improvements now making in the city, are those by Messrs. llaxall, Crenshaw A Co., near to and adjoining their extensive flouring mills, on tbe river, about two hundred yards west of the Richmond aud Danvil.e itai'irond Depot, lv trout of the mills, north, ot the ca nal, the fouuda'ion has been prepared tor a mammo'h lumber-house, lor Bturißg flour and grain. Tbe east wing of the mill hasten un rooted, aud tbe walls are being run up to the height of the centre or naaju ix.iidmg. Baos, and adjoiaiag the present mtlia, the toundO tior. has bern prepared tot another large nun, winch will baawieiattot no distant day, i.ut these aamtlewaaa bave no* su>j p<-d bare. Tbrjr are having the . r.. . in Iront ol their uiiii? graded and ;.a\e.iin go .1 styU—are preparing to throw over it :t light Iron shed the entile leng'-a of their mill* and the width ol the street, so that gram Aud Hour may be loaded aud unloaded in all aorta of weather—bave spanned tiieir ctmai ai ::: tti street with a tub* siuutial stone bridge, winch will last for centuries—b ive luid a railroad track from their mills to ihe Richmond nud DaavlMa ltaiiroad Depot—aud are now at work et»-ct tug another bridge across the canal aud ad joining the railroad bridge, so a* to give them ample thoroughfares tor tbe immense amount of banting neve sary to be done to carry on their milling operations. When their unprovemeuts are completed, the neighbor hood of their mills will be attractive to ail who desire the prosperity of Richmond. Afuyo't Un thvute.— This new warehouse, for the storage aud sale of tobacco, is to bo opened to tbe public oa Friday nest. In pass ing through tbe promisee yesterday, we no deed that ten hogsheads of leaf bad already aeon received, or rather deposited for safe keeptag. Tbe abeds already erected are estimated to bold from twelve to fifteen buadred bono, beads, and tbe plan of arrangement la eecoo vsuieut that shippers will bave Utile difflcal ty in getUngont tobacco when they wish to do ao. This warehouse ia very coavenlont for Urn tobacco wbicb will come bete by tbe Dan ville Railroad, nod will probably receive too greater portion of it. tFetcA-Jfoßst the month of May there were 174 persons arrested and look ed up lv the two statton-boaaeeof thia city— Of this number M were whites, »• slaves, and •■m free negroes. In lb* Bret emtloa-honee there were 73 wbiws, W slavae. and 10 freeue gree. la the second statiou-hous* there were *t whiten. MsUvoa, audi* free negroes. Ol«or4 appeared.htfha* ftttSßrWJSttßaal tbw waffvp* wws iwoansateo, ' _n__Wmm\_l _ ________ ***■ ** - TERMS OF i DTRAT-SJBw! BfcfcflSE is Larger advtrtuements ts f**c. proportion. ■OL, Advsitimasate paf-lidied until terted, wil i M cMrged Mssam mi nsam of siiat liwnlMth. Imt temrtiim.amHßeMlo l >r tana »ißttemu>n. Dofk t»»*r«i<p*j.—Tbe f liowiug are the i* oalnasandaalpgacatsof theduekfor the mouiU ot May last: In ward.—s,ll7 barrel* of flab; 9M toss g Maio; 6,«M»casha lime; t,3H£O4 feet lumber, I4#i:; bushels corn; Mtjto,* U.he; '<<*• Uius phoj- Jtbate lima; a*) tons bone ash; US toi.s plaster 38 tors Ice; 388 bundle* chairs: CWCI* ahiu glee; 1670 tons coal. AM tons pig Hon: W\ bbla. ntolaeeee', jta) bbls. rum; 1 toonjsoUve and ten der. S.OUI bush, gravel; ia> cords wood: t»l UuAh. wheat; 1,4 m sacke salt, m bags coffee: A«hbla. sugar; 911 bags sugar, 111 bo&aaaagar; Son hides, IIS.0MIIMOPP; 13 730 15t , bbla. /oaia; 17 bh«U. tohaoeo; * bads, raaa; 144 tons iron ore; bricks; 4M tons H. K. Iron VJZ hods, sugar, 4Ja» bales hay, *M stoves; Ist boxes, ialee and bbls. mdze; :i ships from Boato'j; 4 from New York; 7 from Baltimore all with assorted cargoes. Outward.—thro had*, tobacco and stems, 40, --513 bbls. Roar; i,U& pkgs. tobacco; 4.1W bush. Wheat; 15.2W bush, fbed; 130 bales sundries; 371 tons Iron; A6O empty bM*.; 18 saw mills; 7dti bale* and boxes ndaeu; >m kege nails, »1g,610 lbs. copper ore; 330 tone coal: 872 able, fish; urn bbls. whiskey. Closing Deers.—Tbe hardware merchants have all agreed to close doors at 8 o'clock in tbe afternoon, to allow tbe elerka and sales men an hour's recreation each day during the summer months. Pour large shoe nouses are ready to close every afternoon except Satur day: and several dry goods merchants are anxious to relieve their employees, if others in tbe trade will Join. Fail in, gentlemen — To close will cost nothing, and tbe public, and especially tbe ladies, will applaud yon for the act. _^____ Bad Water —Tbe hydrant water in tbe city has been so abominably dirty for several weeks that some of the members of tbe Coun cil have tired of Its nee, and at tbe next meet ing will offer a resolution instructing the Superintendent and City Eugineer to report some plan for filtering It. Tnis, it is said, can be done by erecting a circular brick wall in the reservoir to act as a "strainer," and will cost but very little, if deemed practicable. Goods Recovered.—\ portion of the goods stolen from Mrs. Koundtree last week by John Norman, a free uegro, and tor which he was ordered the lash and sent to the chain-gang, has since been recovered by officers Bihbaua Hlaukecship.aud restored to tbe owner. Committed. — Mary Ann Lowrioc, for re maining in Richmond without a register of her freedom, was before tbe Mayor yesterday and sentenced to the lash. Continued.— The charge agaiast Mary Mar t'tr, of stealing a giJu pencil ;rotn fboaiaa it trn«, will be heard and dispone] ot b> the Hi vt>r, to-day. Crosf Cutting.— Timothy Kilty and The mas Geity, '»r;ui.->aiiltiiig and beating each ether, were'be/vre the Mayor ycsteida, and held to ban. The Cavalry Officer* are to ui*el at the Co lambian ID. '•*! ou ihe p.'th mst, u> airaug» mr a grand encaitpntent. Let all at'end and par ticipate in tlie meeting. ..« o I»PA H TCH« RTEA.n OFPICE, Corner of Main and TVkt. tunth Str*tU,Rickm<md, Virt '•««• This Establishment, (being the most complete fruiter) in the South, both as regards Types, Or naments, Ac, and the late* *■ and most approved Machine Presses.) is daily tv rmng out the finest specimen* of .« _ .. BOOK. AND JOB PHINT KG, SUCH AS PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS. BILLS OF LA DING. CHECKS, Ac, A» WWI I lg POSTERS, PROu'iiAMMkt. * HANDBILLS. Particular attention given to fine work for Banks, Public Offices, Insurance, Railroad, aud Transput tatiou Companies, Tobacoo Factors. Ac. THE DISPATCH CARD PRESSES. These new .Machines, for Cards, Bill-Heads, Small Circulara, Labels, Ice., are capable of turn ing off l&uo impressions per hour, thereby enabling the patrons of this establishment to ohtam this description of work at thu shortest possible notice. ■tk. t'nctfs reduced in proportion to the increase of speed! ■nL Printing, in various colored BRONZES and INKS, executed in the highest style or the art.— In this branch of the business, the proprietors can afely challenge competition. REAL KRKM H BLAi * L.A4 X MANTII. LA.-4.801/HNOIS AND MANDARINE CLOAKS AND TALMAS, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS OUT THIS SEASON.-Neeeiving this morning, an elegant assortment of the above de sirable and seasonable Wrappings, purchased last week at the olosing out auction sales in New York, at an enormous reduction from prices ear lier in the season, and will be ottered at the very smallest advance. These, together with a pretty stock ol Bsreite Anglais, fiournois and Xenohias, and a full line »f Lace Points and Shawls, enables me to please the taste of every customer ia want of a Hummer Wrapping. Ladies, it is to ynurm terest to call and see them, if you desire to save money. ALFRED MOSES, da Main st. HO ! IOR HAR VERT.-Having received the agency tor the sale of Calwell's Reaper, a su - perior article, of Virginia manufacture, we otter them to the farmers of Virginia for the present harvest Thia machine is much simpler in its construction, and «t lighter draft, thaa aav now in use; has been thoroughly tested during the iaas six years, and has now all the improvements that have presented themselves during that tiase. We are authorised to warrant thia reaper in all re spects, and will make an exhibition of its work ing qualities to thoseunacquaiatad with it, at the farm of H. A. Watt. 3 miles from thia u.ty. on tha Meohanieaville Turnpike. GEORGE WATT A CO. "WiMSfflW. . w. v- v t PLUMBING, eto t The subscriber, at his establishment on uth st.. between Main and Cary, ia prepared to do UAS FITTING, set on METALLIC 800 PING "make and repair all TIN and COPPER WORK, and ex ecute PLUMBING tatbe beet and most vebatan tial manner, and at the shortest aotiea, Kb, Orders from the city or country promptly at ■WsaeVlas. I lan""kV VJU N OH I K%. " ~~~ WESTERN BACON SIDES and SHOUL- Sugar-Cured and Plain HAMS, gat"*. audjjiayed MOLASSES. Portland SVRtTp and New Orleans MOLASHKS OLD RYE WHISKEY. FRENCH BRaNDY. „ WINE and LKJ.UORS of various kinds, b For sale low for cash. gtf^^|**a~a. Corner 17th and Main at*. TftVWUI THU MM !! -We have now an store from (Ml to luuo Trunks, Bonnet Boxes and Vahees. 'jousintiag of ail tha various sty ie* out. from the finest Sole Leather Trunk, down to the lowest priced Trunk, all of which are offer ed at such low prices as to insure umok sMee. M MARCUS HAKkTs A BRO.. Main St.. next to the American Hotel. CAR A TOBA tjUpMaa g Spring. New I ork; Greenbrier While Sulphur Water: Rockbridge Alum Water; Alum and lo dine Water. from the Springe in Bedford uo., Va. r or sale in at. quiutinsw at MEADE A BAKER'S Drug BAafe, 18a Mam st, corner above foat-OMiue. i«^ MHKU . , , 0 3 R,l: J?\T A •*a-iu assortment mJ* Needle Work Cottars: also, a great variety of Embroidered Linen Cambric Hriki's st very low prmes; Chintz Embroidered Linen Cambric. Hd'kU, a new and elegant article at only (OoenU each, worth 9*60. ALFRED MO* EM. _ M Mam si \IK.V HIKMI.6W'SaVUOTHINe»VRtf>; *» fbis is a preparation tha* no mother s/i ,:>,■; lie without, it quiets the irritiiniity ol laf-uits during tne time oi te..t.iiiu. and cu.e« the 1..w,-i oouiiiotinU to whicii th-y .»<« li«i,ie. F«n ~;„ (l> A. BODKKKR 4 <;0 Drug;;,.!* No. io muoatrtxi 'P4»«\l 141 AM* t |«, \ Its. A vti I brands of tAa best CbewieATo«>a«co.iaelud n* 1 "<• * Harry of tt l( j Wtat." sati m - which are v»r» popular; abu, one Htu-tn* I' .* lure i:..rn Starch, suirable for i'u.ldin>-s. t us tirils, Ac, Ac; airo Suo. Tapioca. Patina a,. W. PHTEkdON A * l«» MjiiK free. SIODA WATCH. -Our ; Fountain is' ».»„,. -, kJ rwu>n with a choice assortment »i>. raps hiwle lio'iiI io'ii fresh, nwl ruiU. We mss no frun » seace* Al l wbo are lon.i of ■. ,«1 j ( tt4 wi.l sleaea call at W. PKTElte4>NVco 8. las Main str-et._ 9VRI-P.; hObWa. inert »c store;oi a finest aualitv of SV RUP. a auUti-u-e for New Orleans Molasses of the bast auaiity, both as le garcs color aac flvror.and preferable on aorounr «<f its eleacliaess and good order ofpacfeages. m«<f» eapmeaiytoorde, COMHOLNI* IIVRUF OF fMat MYPO PHOBPHITES-Tbe aev reasedr tee Coa •aaspooa. Ac For «Te" hj m§mfm Ca turn* ArpLaa. riNat applbA riNK daj. anTPiae a? ■lea F«k sale at a»« peleao, c " utol^sr,WtfiJr», Sfe «. was*. C\fttSk-ii!4S^tS«a««Hi i . „/_/?>5.*i*» 1 r«ll»«»*- LlWTllirXMiT ,'OON 0. WAD* »i !■■»—r> —.v .. ~.* ■i -i I i miiiimsmaili -- - **• dJmklJPaF»e t < lxlls^lsS^™F*^^ r *