Newspaper Page Text
~,-n-N.. JANUARY 9\im.\ , . q , ~.. XTIXG-ROOM HAS : I , THK KORTHEASTCOm >IMMEDUTEL_ OPPOSITE - V>*l>. " -,;.'.•; *r.i<7 yjyiTiS* •he cannonade in the neighbor- 1 • itch gap on Tuesday, in which ' ... ~; | low let t*s and tho Yankee the north side of James Trivw I there has been quiet on i f. -v lines l>elow Richmond. A I . ■ ■'.'.' came down yesterday \l !] Lilian coal pits sa*,s that i ■ _ .. evening, about 7 o clock the real explosion was heard in ;, r this city. Persons from rls of tho county, nearer the , | card the sound, snd "feared .. . me < f the Government arsenal- P, n op. If explosion there was, j ,avc been within the lines of the v | {japs another ammunition has hlown up at City Point; or But- I r > r ter may have hcc:\ trying to . . •• onie of our garrisons someh r< by the same means they used so ,;\ against the garrison of] i rue.-* : iy morning the enemy's bat- j . near the Appomattox river shelled the suburb of Petersburg ■ . , [■ : utas, but without any r< nit than causing tlie residents j r Quarters in another part of \, : that I ieneral Torbert, on his «: .- '..-■ s ille, narrowly cs rc hi a squad of Uosby's iircl on him several times; • spurs to his horse, he • c .; •', apparently unhurt, • . I;' . i ommand, from which .;■:• for a few moments to ise oi an acquaintance. i . ■ I on j. esterday some au- Iheiiuc ini '■■' Abingdon. We 1 ....-.' ,*.- ,ly heard that Stoneman cap- j •ri upwards of twenty-two hundred of iij cattle tin re. There was no truth •■-••. t*. Captain K. A. Williams, try ■ f tho post, hearing at day h* m tin : "b that the enemy had 01, immediately ret about ; a place of safety the GO -....■• ..• pi per ty under his charge.— ■ :'. -attic, tiie Government funds ► . an 3 - (amounting to near $150, --the bool oi lii_ office, and as much ii try st< res as there were Ii i any, raoN ed off during the r< ached Abingdon at 1" k •• • lit, and caught Captain . n : , \ aching up, and get t irlmcnt. The Yankees rushed \ cc, and, without parley, fired : ■ his head, while others threw ? >n him and kno ked him • ilerably. He received a slight 1 snd from the pistol ball, ami > Liters from the sabres of the j ■■ •! oo] r was made prisoner and - i little Spring, and there pa l The ifety of thecattle collected i on i;, a matter vi' the first ira • j in tin c times of scarcity. the i ill wing telegram, received li it will be Ken that \ ; , i lhe Savannah river • moving northward, towards ' Thu r-ctiiy h; ye landed in force on \ -i :.'.: > arolina side <>!' the Savannah • WM • '■■ il :'■■:■■ drivin;: in our pickets to- j 5 j i ille k* a station on the Charles- j S 1 '• •• " • itinttii railroad, twenty miles X "iavannah. Sherman's present ob- I point is Branchvillc, the point of M .-. Nt th- t h-trh- 'tin and Savannah | ■• . ihe Augusta railroad. We have I no estimate oi his forces, but pre .ll i he has been reinforced hy Foster's II nd from Port II ryal, and, perhaps, JI . the i'ankee troops from Morris li •'•■ i'J and thereabout:- W r e infer from ■ what i said by the Yankee papers ■"" h< ha left only a brigade of inl'an- I tvannah, which, with the assist- I lhe na \ v, he thinks will be able B on THE POtTTHWEST. 9 U still do official dispatch from s ; '! he following, from I ( - i ■■■ Bi i regard, refers to I raiding I five thousand, which, two I •'•• • iago, struck the Mobile sad Ohio a u CHARiA_rTO3i f Janu 'try 2, 1805. V ! '•• I ederal raiders are reported to have returned from ihe Mobile and Ohio railroad, going westward. They left forty wounded. *•* General Gholson was badly wounded* The damage to the road will be repaired in about ten days. "('. T. B-AVBMAItt" LATER HOOD HEARD FROM AT LAST. An oHicial dispatch from General Hood, dated Corint!:, December, was received at the War Department last nikht General Hood states that •• the army haa reeroteed the Tenness. liver without material lo«"s since the battle m front of Nashville." AMES EVENTS. I~T7v HMOX!) THEATRE, \, Corner Seventh asm Broad streets. vros ran* THURSDAY EVENING, Jaw vnv :>, 1863, .will be presented, for y:i c ii ast t i me, the Irish.Comedy, ia three nets, entitled THE WILD IRISH GIRL. Mi-s PALI.IE PARTINGTON as the CorMT-M '/.\ i ikAU, with Songs. ALL THE COMPANY IB THE CAST. korKUA-lIC DUET. FANCY DANCES. Conclude with the roaring Farce of the jtOUOH DIAMOND; 08, DoOrsopen at quarter to 7 o'clock; performance eo—trnenei—gat 7| o'clock, ja 5— It MET R OPOLI TA N IL AJi L, ( r'l'.'.Nl. :!N Mi;hH .) THURSDAY EVENING, Jam.u-y 5, 1865. GRAND I VOCAL ASH INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT VAUXALL BRASS BAND, GENERAL EWELL*B COMMAND; I on whichocc isionthefolloiring favorites have kindly j volunteered: Xof PARTINGTON SISTERS, Miss VS'i.7. FLOYD, \ Miss CARRIE B__r__EY, Mb. CHARLES WHITE*, A full and efficient ORCHESTRA willbe in attend —*r— PRO G BA M M E . Paw First. 1. Grand Introductory FULL BAND 2. Di üble Fancy Dance...PARTINGTON SISTERs! .'. ARo Solo Proi iRROB HOSENBERGEB. 1. Wait till the War, Love, Is Over I VAUXALL BAND. j. Bird of Beauty Miss INEZ FLOYD, j 6. Flute Solo( elected ProfessorROSENBERGER. 7.V. al Duet.Miss FLOYD and L.vlV.ii FLORA, j - Part Sb( oxd. !. Who will Care for Mother now?....FULL BAND. 2. B isso Song -Old Sexton.. .Ma. CHAS. WHITE. 3. Funi y Dance Miss CABBIEBENTLEY. 4. Tubar Solo Mn. M. V. GREEN. 5. D ar Mother, I've Corn. Home to Die. VAUXALL BRASS BAND. 6. Violin Solo Mn. J. WELLS. 7. Eairy Walts FULL BAND. C-i'i.-'T Aioussiox ETVE DO_l___B. Tii kets < an be procured at Metropolitan Hall be tween the hours of lo A. M. nnd 2 P. M., andfat night. Doors op«» at 7 o'clock; performance to corr. at So'ciock. Hbadquari rb • Ni*»i i-k;-.>:■; h Vi_ontt_ I 1) \ i -.•.:.i-.v, January 3, 1865. } T<> the Hiss* s Partingti •>, Richmond, ] trginm: Conscious of your well-deserved reputation and the enviable degree of public fir-vor and patronage which you Lave both hitherto enjoyed, we feci highly honored by the privilege of soliciting your a rviccsonthe oc-isicn of a GRAND £OMPLX MEN ABY BENEFIT of the VAUXALL BBASS BAND, to be riven at METBOPOIJTAN HALL on '1 'HUB "DAY EVENING, January sth, 1865. With many n qpeets ef jfriendship and rcgt.iJ, we aro, very r- -*».•< *_ully, yours, &c, Ilohn E. White, _ N. D. Barradell, I. A. K'.ushr.'l, 11. T. East. J. A. Faksier, A. Duch, J. il. Mount'-astle, Jr., V. M. Green, James F. Farker, O. J. Chapman, A. J.«"!". r, J. M. Kuna, N. p. ( ofcr, H. S. SwarUel, Bit nnoxn, Jaunary I, 186$. Gentlemen: Your con—nunication of the Sd in int is just to hand. In reply, allow us to say that 3 feel ourselves highly honored by the honor you tve conferred upon us, as we are ever anxious and tiling to do all in <>'.n power that *vi!l promote to c interest of our glorious cause and gallant sol . rs. With many respects, we remain, Very r-espcetftiUy} BAL Ai: _*l» M_ B V PARTINGTON. rriir, THIRD GRAND KAjbhOF THE I VIRGINIA PLEASURE CLUB WILL iAKK rt-CB AT M ON T IC B LEO II ALL ON tHUBSDAY EVENING, January 3, 1803. ROSENBERGER'S COTILLON BAND has been engaged for tlie occa-WL n.. i.t.Ki naaraa : AUGUSTUS COLBROOK. rownrrrca oa i*utatio». ' WILLIAM TEN'NANT, M. FEB BITER, T. J. WALKER. i-VMM roMMinn:*. JOHN E ASHLEY, WILLIAM KEARSLEY, • JOUN RAOLAND. • JT. R.-AU nrritatione issued to ladies will be good tv th occa*don. , . Positively no ladies admitted except wo* ami bare rcaietved invitation *. ——m **»*rrm ji 8 3:- MJ...MIH:ua_OF 'IDE < j ABLE D\NCINO ACADEMY, 0» '' lOtttl Rtnwt, Iwtveoi Bt»thand Beve-th *&£&-£•*!£& on THURSDAY and SATURDAY At Ttt*s2£Z' POSITIVELY NO GENTLEMEN ADMIUEU. NOTE.—For farther eartieulare* cnll at their re sidence, en Leigh street, between Adams «*^*_ v " SPECIAL NOTICES JM9** Brownbtcpf. Shorts, 1 for sale. \ - • FOR HIRE, a smart BOY, about twelve or four teen yean- of age. Apply between » and 12 A. M., at the tITY FEED STORE, Cary ntreet, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. j,i 4— at* ————————— 1 tfgT Classical and MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL. By ROGER MARTIN. j The duties of this school will he resumed on TTJBHI >A V, January ;». Clay street, between Ninth T* _th. A few additional pupils eaa be re- I ntveA. [mttM—7M*] ROGER MARTIN. J AMUSEMENTS. KICHMOND VARIETIES. - | (Frank'un door below Exchange Hotel.) MUSIC, MIRTH AND WIT! ' OLIO MINSTRELS am. BRASS RAND. SIXTEEN STAR FEUI'ORItERS. j CHANGE OF FROCK AM ME NIGH'I JT. \ TO-NIGHT, I THE ACADEMY OI'ML'SIC, j DKAI'DAT POCKET-BOOS, J tho laughable Farce of I CROWS ADVBNTURES. | I THE TERFSD.'HOREAN SISTERS { and tbe feocinnring daaseuse, Mt si CARRIE BENT LEY, Bee small bili-. ja 5- It* LOST, STRA YEP AND STOLEN. STRAYED OR STOLEN, from the Passport office, on Tuesday night, n —tedium- j sued SORREL WORSE; bla»2 race ; had on a Mc- Ckdlan saddle aad utddle-b*gs—one side nearly filled with tobacco; be priced very well: bridle and martingale stitched; hair cut off flank and left I Bhoulder. TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS reward will >)•• paid for his delivery to m*. ja 5 -2t* JOHN A. PURYEAB, Libby Triion. f OST, on Second street, near the Poor 1j house, a large BAY MALE, BRIDLE AND SADDLE. She is about fifteen hands high; hind feet white, and white face. No other marks recol lected. I will give a liberal reward for her return to rue, in Fulton, or to William Irby _ old stable, near the Old Market, ou Franklin street. ,jay—3*.» JAMES E. MAYO. 17 IF T V DOLLARS REWARD.— j Strayed from the American stable, on the 16th instant,one BLACK MARE MULE; medium si/.o; about sut years old; whitish nose,also under the j belly. The above reward will bo paid fur her de- I livery at the stable to 1 jai- 3t« R. B. CROW. rpAKEN UP, on the3d instant, on Broad X street, a dun-coloied HOBSE MULE. He is rather crooked in his right fore foot. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away. Apply to detectives JONES aril CHARLES, at Chiof-of-Police office, Broad street. j* s—it* T OST, on Main B&reot, between Ninth lj and Thirteenth, one LADIES' BALMORAL SHOE, No. 4. ft has been mended. A liberal re ward will be paid the finder by leaving it at the Dispatch office. ______! OST, a LARGE UK ASS KEY, for j which live dollars will be given at the Disp_k h othce. ja *____ : STOLEN", from tin-table in my dining room, in Caroline county, Va., on the even ing of Friday, December 30th, 1864, nine SILVER FORKS, marked '* De Jarnette." A reward of two ■idred dollars will be paid for their leturn, and questions asked. JAMES C. DbJ AB N ETT E, Buther Glen post-office, Caroline county, ia 4— *>*.* Virginia. LOST, on tho afternoon of tho 2d in stant, between Sixth and Grace streets and Guest's flower garden, on the West ham plankroad, a GOLD RAND (bracelet)* a little scratched on the inside. Tho finder will be liberally rewarded on leaving it at the headquarters of Brigadier-General P. T. MOORE, Belvin's Block. ja t— 3c ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE WARD. —Strayed from my reside—ec a white andredPOINTBB DOG, with his tail bobbed; an- Kers to the name of "Toby"; had on a red collar. will give the above reward if delivered to me at lesterfie—l Park, opposite Battery No. 17, or to J. Colby, No. 146 Main street. ja4—»t» JESSE A. MURPHY. LOST OR STRAYED, on the 3d of January, near the Central depot, two MULES; one a bay mule, and tho other a little darker and smaller; both of them have had their tails lately trimmed. A liberal reward will be pud for their delivery to rue, on Broad Stteet, near thu Central depot. [ja4— MM*] 8. GIRAVD. LOST, on Sunday, January Ist, after 0 P. M , a child's BROWN FUB VICTOBIHE. lt was lost either on Broad, Twenty-fifth or Venable streets, or just beyond Venable. The finder will be ! suitably rewarded by leaving it at TOW Hit k Ms TRAIL'S drug store, Main nnd Seventeenth | greets. J : * *_j£ j O TRAY HORSE. —Strayed from my j I residence, corner of Second and Jackson j Pt.eets, on the 2d instant, my HORSE. He is of I _rev color medium sure, nnd had harness on when he left. IwiUgiveONE HUNDRED DOLLABS j i REWAUD for his delivery to me. jai-jt*»* AMBROSE STIES. EFT ON THE COUNTER AT THE Confederate States Treasury Department a large BLACK POCK_T-_«K)K,<sC_ta__ng Confed erate notes and bank notes of various kinds. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying expenses of this notice. J. v. li. ja* v , I OST, on the 3d of January, a SHEEP _ SB-SI GLOVE, between Twentieth nnd Vcna btestreets. The tinder will confer a great iavorby tearing it st this office. 3* j :,t /"kFEJCJAL TAPERS LOST. — Lost, \ I from the beat of a buggy, on Saturday night, between Chafln's farm nnd Richmond, a bundle of OFFICIAL PAPBRS. They are of no use to any lone but tho undermined. The finder will be libe rally rewarded by leaving them nt this office, or at Biigadier-Genew* 0. W. C. LEE'S head-'UHricrs, on oi, !S_ Ordnance Otiicer Local Defence lroops. ja 'if _ T>LOCKADE GOODS. | I J 1 case Black and White Lawns, I cave Black and While Print* i 1 case Hair Pins, .__.__ 5 cases Black Glazed Spool Cotton, 4 eases White Glazed Spool Cotton, 1 j pieces White and Fancy Flannel;*, 25 pieces Dark Print*I',1', 50 pieces Brown Cotton.'*, tOO dosen Wadding, inn p\*>cc* Belt Ribbon, liM) dozen Round Comb*, 300 dozen Paper Collars, __.__ 5 dozen llernstitchcd Handkerchief-, 5 dosen Linen Bosom Shirts, Barathea-*, Alpacas,, Brown Linen, Brown Cloth, for Cloaks; | Hocf-kirts, Toweh, Gent's Shawls. «•___ 1 prince Boyel Black Ruling Habit. ALSO, "I,OOJ poundsTallc v, l.r-.leby* ' ' \. TOLLEBON & CO., No. 11l Main ■treat, in 3 —3t " Richmond, Virginia.- X_*OR SAI J**, a Ri.lendid bane* and sad I** dlo HORSE. He can be mat JOHNSON S -tables, Franklin street. *m term*, apply there. AUCTION SALES I . FUTURE DAT. ' I • By I. H. Luck tt Co., Auctioneers, (No. 88 Main street.) TXTE WILL SELL ON FRIDAY, r ▼ January G, 1865, commencing promptly at I 10 o clock, a large and splendid assortment of! EOUSKHOLD. KITCHEN AND TABLE FUR NITJRE, CARPETS, MIRRORS, CHINA AND OLaSsWARE. Buyers are respectfully invited to I attend. 1 PARLOR CARPET, 1 set FRENCH CHINA, 42 pieces ; !1 set do. do., AS pieces,splen- J did; TABLES, WASHSTANDS, • • IA)OI_ING-OLAS8ES, STONEWARE, TINWARE, G handsome < HAIRS, hair bottoms: COOKINO-STOYES, CLOCKS, CLOTHINO, OVERCOATS, d ii a Vers, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, 2 SHOT-GUNS. 2 gold Watches, « silver watches, ear-rings and pins. Purtien who wish to contribute to thin sale will j please send in their goods during to-day (Thursday), j which will ensure quick Bales nnd quick returna. .pa ■*> L. 11. LUCK & CO., Auctioneers. I By Laicaster ft Co., Auctioneer—. STOCKS AT AUCTION.—We will soil L at aw tion, at our office, on WEDNESDAY, j January llih, at 12 o'clock, $50,000 Confederate Non-taxable Coupon Bonds, 50,000 Confederate 100-ririllton Coupon Bonds, j *ii>,ooo Confederate 100-m_lion Registered Bonds, J 10,000 Confederate seven per cent. Registered I 10.000 Confi derate Cotton Bonds, 10,000 North Carol—ta new Coupon Bunds, 100 shares Merchants' Imurance Company Stock, aiid other Stock* and Bond. l * to be added. ja •> LANCASTER & CO. SWA) OF COAL PROPERTY.—Un der an unexpired leasts having three years ro run, Vill be sol-, at the Clover Hill Pits, on FRI DAY, the 20th instant, the LEASE, TOOLS, TUBES, ftc, of the pits lately worked by Halt ft Co., known as the Central Pits, in Chesterfield county. This sale is made neeessarv by the death of Wil kins Hall, who was one of the partners, and is con curred in by his executor. T—R_s : Cash. THE SURVIVING PARTNERS OF HALL ft CO. I concur in the above salo. L. L. LESTER, ja s—tds Executor of W. Hall, deceased. Ir»OU SALE AT AUCTION.—-WiU bo sold, at the residence of B. J. Johnson, in Chesterfield count - , one and a half miles from Broad Rock, on TUESDAY, tho 10th instant, if fair, one fine MULE, two No. 1 MILCH COWS, one only three years old (MaxaU stock); two fine CALVES and HOGS; one WAGON, with HAR NESS for three mules ; one No. 1 CART, with iron axle, with HARNESS; two BUGGIES and HAR- ■ NESS; one ROCKAWAY. Also, a largo assort ment of FARMING IMPLEMENTS generally. ja s—tds* _____ By James M. Taylor, Auctioneer. VA CA N T I as_\ ON NI NT! 1, BE TWEEN MAIN AND CARY STREETS, FOR SALE AT AUCTION.—WiII be sold on MON DAY, tbe 9th instant, on the premises, at 12 o'clock M., the LOT, on which there is a smithahop, lately occupied by Mr. Henry Johnson. The lot fronts on Ninth street about twenty-seven feet; runs back parallel with an alley forty-six feet. After tho sale of-the lot, will be sold the SHOP arid a lot of old BRICKS. TsaiM : Made known on the day of bale. j a 4 i AMES M. TAY LOR, Auctioneer. ARI )EX FARM, ON Tlf E OSBORNE \T TURNPIKE, FIVE MILES FROM RICH MOND, CONTAINING ABOUT FIFTY-THREE ACRES OF LAND, FOB SALE AT AUCTION.— At the request of Mr. Martin Baker, 1 will *»_, on TUESDAY, tlie 10th instant, on the premises, at 1 o'clock P. M., the FARM, on the Osborne turnpike, at present occupied by M. Baker. The farm con tains about fifty-three acres of land. About one lird of the land ia in low grounds. Nearly all the vi is cleared and ready for cultivation. The -farm well watered.- The buildings con.'ist of a two >ry framed house, with about six rooms, with a tenen and corn-house, fee. It is located in a sh-able neighborhood, and is very healthy, and . one of the' hist roads leading to Richmond.— ■rsons wishing to secure a desirable small farm >uld do well to attend the sale. Ti—U-3: liberal, and made known on the day of Persons attending the sale will provide thcrn- Ives with passes. JAMES M. TAYLOR, ja 1 * Auctioneer. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND, SLAVES, ftc.—Puisuant to a decree of the County Court of Hanover, pronounced in the ease of Bumpass and others against Bumpass, ftc, I shall, as commissioner under said decree, sell at public auctiou. at the front door of the tavern, in the town of Ashland, in Hanover county, on the 6th day of January, 1865, at 11 o'clock A. M., the following PROPERTY,—reaI and personal,—-be long—lg to Samuel Bumpass. deceased, to wit: An undivided interest of one-fifth in about SE VENTY-TWO ACRES OF LAND, five likely SLAVES, five SHEEP, one GUN, fte. SAMUEL DAVIS, de 2'J—tJu7 # • Commispioner. | BARGA INS, BAB< 1 AINS. Ju-t received and for sale at No. IS*- 1 * Broad treet, between Fifth and Sixth streets, 1.000 yards handsome DRESS GOODS, 1,000 yards COLORED FLANNELS , for Balmo rals and Spring Wrappings; 8,000 yards BLACK and WHITE LAWNS, COO yards BROWN LINENS, s<-0 yards WHITE LINENS, 9MM yards BLACK and WHITE CALICOES, 3,500 yards best quality BLEACHED COTTON 3,000 yards BLACK ENGLISH CRAPES, differ ent widths; I,WO yards CASSIMERE9, CLOTHS and TWEEDS, * 500 yards JACONETS nnd C. B. MUSLINS, 100 dor. lIEMSTITCH'D HANDKERCHIEFS, for ladies and gentlemen ; 100 dozt n PLAIN HANDKERCHIEFS, for la dies and gentlemen; 800 dosen -WHITE WADDING, 300 dozen WIIpTE and BLACK SPOOL COT TON, . j 3«H> lbs. W. B. and BLACK FLAX THREAP, 300 great gross, different kind*, of BUTTONS; 100 gross LEAD PENCEL9, 100 gross best quality;STEEL PENS, I 200,000 NEBDLT.S, from 3 to No. 8; - 10 dozen LINEN SHIRTS, I 100 dozeu DRESSING CO-BBS, . MsMMM SK-INS COLORED SEWING SILK, j lAnJa SKEINS BLACK SEWING SIJJv, ftc, with many articles too numerous to men tion. Ali of tho above articles will be sold low. Call soon, as thu goods must be sold at once.' Remember the place, No. 186 Broad ttnvt, between, Fifth and Sixth street*. t* *****. _. AUCTION SALES By Thomas W. Reesee, Auctrcmeer, (Office Governor street, between Main and Franklin.) VALUABLE HOIfHEHOLD AND KITCHEN FTJRNTTUBE, PIANO, GOLD LEVEK WATCH, CLOTHING, kc, AT AUC-< TION.—I wiU self, on MONDAY, January Oth, commencing at 10 o'clock, a largo and general as sortment of HOUSEHOLD EUBNITCRE, consist ing, in part, of SIDEBOARDS, BUREAUS, SOFAS, tete-a-tetes, , i marble-top centre tables, extension dining tables, was 1 {stands, Wardrobes, chairs, window- curtains, ETEORE3, BEDS, MATTRESSES, BEDSTEADS, REI-RK'ERATORS, PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, ELEII ANT SHAWLS, CLOCK, CLOTHING, 4 superior large STOVES, COOKING-STOVES, &<:. ALSO, 1 fine GOLD LEVER WATCH. nsignments ao-cited. T. W. KEESEE, 4 Auctioneer. By W. H. Fowle, Worn _ Co., Auctioneers. ON TUESDAY, the 10th instant, at 10 o'clock, — c shall ollVr at public auction, K),o(K) poundi CRIME SUGARS, 500 dosen STOOL COTTON, 500 HATS, 120 English MOROCCO SKINS, • ADDITIONAL. A l(>t of desirable eoods, just imported, containing Cod Liver Oil, Imperial Tea, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Silk Lasting, Fairer. Pencils, Calfskins, Belts, Mason's lilackinar, ladies Shoes' {150 pairs', Needle-, Pin*, fine Boot L mcm, India Rubber Dress ar.d other Combs, Pearl, Gilt and India Rubber Buttons, I—Den Cambric Handkerc—ie_*. ja S WM. 11. FOWLE, SONS & CO. By WlHiamson & Co., Auctioneers, \ (No. 102 Main street, between Ninth and Tenth.) j P-ANOS, CLASS AND CROCKERY WARE. furniture, fancy articles, clothing, boots and shoes, STOVES, rI'ETS, GOLD WATCHES, &c., AT AUCTION. On FRIDAY, the «th instant, commencing at 10 J o'clock A. M., we wiil Bell, at, our salesroom*, No. 19_ Main ;-»reet, a fir.o assortment of GOODS, con- J -Kling of the foilowing and other articles: j 1 Maliognany Piano, I Brussels and other Carpet**, Parlor, Cane and Windsor Chair!?; Haircloth Rockers, Dining, l'arior and Kitchen Table**, Tete-a-Tetes and Lounges, French, Jenny Lind and Cottage Bedsteads, Feather Beds, ll'iir and Shuck Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Sheets, Blankets, &c. I Mirrors, Glass and Crockery ware, Boots and Shoes, Gold Watches, Fancy Articles, Cooking, Parlor and othor Stoves. ja 31 WILLIAMSON >* CO., Auctioneers. A J »>! IN J STBATRIX'S SALE OF j\_ PERSONAL PROPERTY.—As administra trix of the estate ofthe late Larking P. Ford, I shall sell,atpublicauction.foicash, the PERSONAL PROPERTY of the deceased, consisting of the usual HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE, in cluding a very superior Piano *, one Cart, one Buggy and Harness, Saddle, Bridle, fee, &c. The sale will take place at hi* late residence, on Grace, between Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth streets, on TUES DAY, the 10th day of January, 1865. CAROLINE FORD, ■ Administratrix of Larking P. Ford, deceased. ja 3-I V." By Davenrort & Co., Stock Auctioneers, • (Office corner of Cary and Thirteenth streets.) A UCTION SALE OF STOCKS.— A\ DAVENPORT - CO. -will offer at auction, onTRIDAY, January Bth, nt the office of the Old Dominion Insurance Company, corner of Thirteenth and Cary streets at 12 o'clock M., the following STOCKS : $150,000 non-taxable 500_Ddllion loan, coupons oi!; 140,0011 non-taxable 500-_U-ion loan, January coupons off; 50,000 Confederate Bonds, from 1868 to 1881; Seven-thirty Notes, 5.000 Cotton Bonds, 10."'''0 15-—_lHon Reg—awed —odO tm*m nmßeads, I 52 shares Bank of the Commonwealth, j &!' aharea Bank cf Richmond, : 4o ttsasm Bank of Virginia, i 50 shares Central Railroad, 10 shares "Cotton and Wool Card Company. Persons desiring to add Stock to the above sale will please hand them in the day previous, ja 2 ALSO, $7,500 Virginia State Stocks, long dates; * £100 Sterling Bills, '£50 Sterling Bills, 91,600 in Gold, [ja 3' DAVENPORT & CO. ALSO, 10,000 North Carolina C per cent. Bonds, 2,000 North Carolina 8 per cent. Bonds, 10,000 Virginia Registered Bonds (new), 1,085 Coupons of various railroad companies. Jas DAVENPORT k CO., Auctioneers. By William Tench & Co., Auctinueors, j (Petersburg, Virginia.) ! TABRATTB HOTEL FOR KENT AT AUCTION.- As surviving partner of the late concern of John E. Friend ..V Co., I shall, on TUES DAY, the 10th of January, 1805, at 11 o'clock, on the premises, rent at public auction, to the highest bidder, till the ''Ist of December, I*6*», JARRATT'S HOTEL, in Petersburg, with stables, _c, attached. ■roperty is too well known to require further ption. JOHN COLE. [.I.IAM T_*ch tt Co., Auctioneers, the s:ime time and place, we will sell the fol lowing E URNI'I'URE in said Hotel: j h' Hair and Shuck Mattress*.-*-, 87 Bedsteads, Bedding, kr. P**l Mahogany Bureaus, with glass ; 30 Tables and Washstan fa, 80 Washbowls and Pitchers, 86 Chambers, Carpets on the lloor, 1 superior ""-octave Piano, said to be a fine instrument; 4 Tete-a-Tete Sofa*, 2 Mahogany Rocking Chairs, 20 Reception* Chairs, 3 Marble-Top Tables, 1 Plated Pitcher and Waiter, t_ large Mantel Glasses, X Brocatelle Curtains, 1 Parlor Brussels Carpet, 50 Dining-Room Chairs, Crockery, Knives and Forks, pertaining to a hotel; 1 Iron Safe, 1 Omnibus, in good order. H. PIT/OEBALD A CO. i.iaau Ta*«-H & Co., Auctioneers, ja 2 By Thomas W. Kceeee, Auctioneer, , _.v* Governor street, between Main and Franklin.) tn hundrelTand FIFTY CON DEMNED WAGONS AND FIFTY CON INED HORSES AND MULES.— Will be sold iction, on THURSDAY, the 12th day of Jan k lsdj, amvsA***mdrm ut io o'clock a. M., at th*? cd.rate St*t« lot, Boon's Quarter br*nch, one Ired aud fifty condemned WAGONS and fltty earned HORSES AND MULES. „_„__,_ By order oi R. P. A-cnsii, M^*^.,^ ■gS a * W « Auctioned "■""I fill XT) gnrrifi weeks rwnee, fivo COTJ , X PONSi BONDS, whkh [ at tho Dispatch counting-roam. J* ft-ST AUOTIOM SALES ' . THU - - By N. M. Lse, StSS fXKR NO. 1 BREAD BARTER AKD V-/ ONE SUPERIOR DININO-ROOM SEE. VANT FOB SALE AT AUCTION.-1 will wU TO- ' DAY, st my auction-room, st 10 o'clock, ONB MAN, obodt twenty-two years old, who is an sssal lent bread baker. Also, ONE BOY, about the asms age, highly recommended as a tow-Hot totof totm and office sen ant. N. M. i>-«, Auetis-ssc ' ja 3— If ". : By M. Cronly, Auctioneer. PORT WARDENS' SALE.—CARGO SAVED EX-STEAMSHIP "ELIA."—On THURSDAY, January *th, IMMi, oommefii-g at 10 o'clock A. M., I will my salesroom-. Front street, Wilmington, North Carolina, undm in spection of the Port Wardens, for and on aeconnt ot whom it may concern, all the cargo saved from th* wreck of STEAMSHIP ELLA, vis: 530 pieces Dark, Fancy ana Mourning Prints, $G pieces Bleached Shirtings, 101 dosen Half-Hose, assorted; 20 piece* Black Alpaca, 20 pieces Alpaca, assorted colors; , 12 pieces Alpaca Lustre, 16 pieces Mar con Stripes, 20 dosen Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, lit) pieces Paper Cambric, assorted colors; 1 pieces Black Broadcloth, K> passes Grey Cloth, f> pieces Tweeds, 4H rolls Ribbon, 10 Black Lace Mantillas, 200 dozen Coats's Spool Cotton, 50 gross Agate Buttons, 150 packs Pins, 3!» mam Dressing Combs, H dozen Merino Drawers, 150 pounds Flax Thread, B and W; 20 Letter Copying Books, 74 dozen French Waxed Calf Skins, 5*J dozen Goat Skins, 20 dozen Chamois Skins, 20 nides extra Bole Leather, SO boxes Adamantine Candles, 21 boxes Brown Soup, 33 boxes Brown Windsor Soap, 7 chests Tea, 6 bags Collie, lo bags Pepper, 7 cases White Wins Vinegar, 1 dosen each; 1 case Chcesf, 2,00n pounds Cotton Card Wire. And immediately thereafter, the following sound goods, received by recent arrivals: 3 canes Black Flux Thread, 1,600 pounds; 5 cases Clark's Spool Gotton, 2,000 dozen; II case Agate Buttons, 85 great gross; 2 case- White Bone Buttons, 90 great gross; 7 cases Military Buttons, 2,500 pairs Heavy Brogans, 5 cases Head Stalls, Girths and Buckles, 10 bale* Twine, 3 cases Cotton Cards. jat—tds By G. W. Willis, Auctioneer, (No. 63 Main street.) WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION, AT my store, on THURSDAY, January Mm, at 10 o'clock, a lot of HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN _T7RN_TURB» II first-rate MORN INO STARCOOKINQ-STOVB. Several PARLOR STOVES, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, READY-MADE C-OTIUNO, BLANKETS, HATS, SHOES, ftc. GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, ftc. ALSO, 5 SEWING-MACHINES. * ja4 Q. W. WILLIS, Auctte-eer. BRICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE AT AUCTION.—I shall soli, to the highest bid der, at auction, on TUESDAY EVENING, January 3d, 1865, at 4 o'clock, that BPICK RESIDENCE on Jackson street, nearly oppogito Mr. R. Maynard's, and near the comet of Foushee street, containing mx rooms, and kitchen and necessary out-houses; water on tho premises. I Sale positive and terms cash. SAMUEL T. PERXnrSOS. E.B. Cook, Auctioneer. POSTPONEMENT.—The above sale is postponed itiITHURSDAV, the sth instant, at the same hour. ja 4—,f By Grubbs ft Williams, Auctioneers. YEIiY VALUABLE BRICK TENE MENT, ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF GRACE STREET, THIRD HOUSE ABOVE ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, AT AUCTION.-On THURSDAY, the sth of January, at 12 o'clock M., wewjll sell, upon the pmiri**-, the eastern TENEMENT of the two Caoeoed tenements rdtuatcd as above stated. It -tains eleven rooms (including the basement), has bath-room arranged for hot and cold water, gas and wat< r—all in good order. As it is now unoccu pied, immediate possession can be grvon. This offers a fine opportunity for investment, or to secure a comfortable family residence. Tp_us: At sale. Purchaser to pay taxes for 1865. GRUBBS ft W.LLIAMB, j a 3 Auctioneers. XTOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS.-The i\ tax-payers in the Twelfth Collection District, composed of the city west of Sixth street, are hereby notified that those of them who have heretofore failed to make due return of their income and pro fits for the year 1863, or have failed to submit the same to referees in case of disagreement with the assessor** und who shall continue so to do for ten days from this day, and also those who shall fail to make payment of the same for twenty days from this date, shall be deemed and held to be in default *, and the penalties for such default will be enforced, and said taxes«and penalties collected by distress forthwith. P- A. WOODS, de I J— *sMM* Collector for the Twelfth Drstnct. rVTOTICE.--Tho partnership heretofore lM exi-ting between THOMAS JONES and tha undersigned, under the firm of CHILDREY ft JONES, being dissolved by the death of Thomas Jones, the undersigned hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to the firm to make payment im mediately to him, and requests that all persons bar ing claims against it wiU present them at ones tor settlement. J. K. CHILDRBY, de 17—lm Surviving partner. TWU THE AUMY.-FRANCIB LA- F BARRE, MANUFACTUREROFBHTM and BITS, ELASTIC SPURS; GOLD, SILVER and GILT STARS, for tho stuff*! GILT BARS, for captains and lieutenants; BADGES, for the e_gi n. er and signal corps, fte.. mmmstm xr AT»_ t_ Particular attention is given to WORK MADB te ORDER for TESTIMONIALS, such as SILVER SPURS, GOLD STARS, ftc, fte. ( Address Box SMC, Richmond, Virginia. de 30 13t» __-___-__-_-_—-- BOLDEMANN,, office corn*, of I / MarshaU and Third streets, offers his urofe* aional services for the accommodation of his feilew crtiiens ot limited means. Medical advice in the office, including medicines. Visits within the corporation, inetudiag medi cines, $10, cash. . ' _ Office hours from 9 to 12 A. M., and ftomJ » * P. k # de 16—lm** •VTOTICE.—Our friends who are indebted Al to us are respectfully informed that their s? oounts are now ready for delivery, and we bops tu»y wiß call and settle them without further notice, s* we have no one to attend specially to this ******' m<ut. WhiUt we desire to express My******* " _^_£_i»_»«S_T£ S_iS-S 7ud ***** ****** *********** ** Wm must make I-**** ** we cabourb WXaMUM, Admini-tratrix of Larking P. Ford, ftsssesed- ThTOTICKTO r*UTCH*_BS AH 0 i\ FARMKRS.-A iibsrai price ***! »»*•«*£ a_ BRISTLES UOO ILUB, at tfc* M™* FACTORY, comer Third and Breed rtNrtßi ut**\ wanted, an experi*ued FRU_H-MAJU». .^^ fa 1.-:UH* _li_£2S<* lUnuura Omn or W. ». !•**«*€*»l;-i Uxcuao*** January X *m* %* Tlif R. JOHN C. WHJJAJ*»iss*iJ*IW jjlX i> rtt^__ oT _;_. i _--_[_?_-y >M>^ s^|_»*j|__P e Sim *^ >wl^"^l^| •*-*