> Jtirhmond ^isjiatch.* WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 19 1866. Trni??|?ort*tlow? rhnrf?, Ac., on Rn||. ronda. Mr. Balpwik laid before the House the following Jotter from Mr. Whitcomb, su. peilntendent ot' the Central railroad, with this endorsement upon it: 44 Thin com munication, which comes from one of the most intelligent and reliable railroad of ficers in Virginia, is respectfully sub. r ttrd for tho consideration of the Com mittee on Koads," &c.: Eicbmokd, December 18, 1S66. Thepre*ent railroad law of Virginia la de j. . nve. and it is a work well worthy of your , rt^rts to remodel it. Read over its provisions to toll* and compare the charge* which th* r.ipanx - make, and yon w ill set- the diiticulty. While eight cent* per ton per mile is suf t lent for lonf distances, it is not enough for he short, while th* chargeforstorage allowed .? altogether indefinite. The law should com ? in I nil the companies in the State In which ^ *! e has an luter< *t to adopt a uniform fla'N* li< ationon their freight tariff*. Their freight :t: iffs should be governed a* follows, namely : ' A regular ? tan* for handling and storing each k class, and to this a regular charge for trans* ?* p>t tation should Im> added /?"' >"*? Per mi,e The maximum rate* should be fixed by law, and 1 think it fully as important to fix the minimum rate. Which is the mere cost of carriage. At present tfye minimum rate is very liigh, owing to tin small amount of produce and merchandise to be carried. It proba by amounts on any road tr. th'* State to lour cents per ton per mile?that is to say, the whole tonnage actually carried should bear this charge to pay exjM?n>f >? althouKh a larger amount might be carried at a lower cost, and articles which would not be:?r fonr cents j?er ton per mile might be carried at a little over two cent*. When the tariffs are fixed, all companies should be compelled to allow their cars to be used quo :her roads of the same gauge at a fi\nl |?> lit n, the company using the cars to be resjs -.-ible for damages, and no company t?. be allowed to charge for handling which it does not do : that is, freight passing from one rorx.l to another should be charged by each rorwijV. :th only one-half the rate for handling, nt il ii : (u-.- - over a third road, the interme M diate road must make no charge. Each road tii to be allowed to fix its own tariff ou the principle Mated : that is. by a combination of f^nrges for handling, which are constant for ,, all distances, and the rate for transportation, wliich vari'-s according to the distance, and of co. rse between the maximum and minimum rate* established. Thin WjiiM abolish thscrimi mth tin favor of oi>y one "ity. If now it is necessary to reduce the rate* to compete for through tonnage, let it be done by deducting a pTcnUtit*, say ten percent, toone point, twenty to another, &c. ; hut these de k due lions to these points without the State fo ot* available to town* and citir* in Virginia also? ih* t is. for instance, if it i- necessary to reduce twenty percent, to carry freight from New York to Memphis, the Norfolk merchant should uet the bent-fit of the twenty per cent, as well as the New York merchant. On all cla*s?*s carried by mail train, the companies should be allowed to charge fifty per cent, ad ditional. No variation to be made from pub lished freight t ariii's, under penalty, unless said variation be m ule general, so that all persons may nvjul themselves of it. Free ticket t. except for charity, should be abolislu 1 : ami il done, perhaps the maximum rate allowed for p icseng''r far?* migh! be low ered. It may be well to allow yearly tickets to be sold at a lov; pi n My opinion is that there should be absolutely no free tickets, ex cept for charity and to person* engaged in Opera'ing the road, ami n list Of those given should Ik? made and reported under oath. The present system tends <> corruption. It may bi* well to eonibinc, say, the presi dents oi the several companies, in o a general "f i>ir> < to carry out this scheme, which 1 think . ould make our roads profita ble. Do away with local discriminations; rt olish the discrimination in favor Of north ern cities and large operators, and enable per sons tti send prod i u* and goods anywhere throughout the State, With a thronjrh receipt, wherever interest may de-ire. Tin* or some similar plan should be adopted. We ha\e no s\ "em it" * The :tl i? thrown out for your considera tion. and i - of ?"urse not for publication. I ha v ?? no time to put the pi n in readable slnpe but 1 am willing toexplain more fully before a House or Senate committee. il. I>. W'ntTCOMR. Hon. J. It Bnlhvin, Speaker House of Dele gates. . VlKGlXU AND TUB OTHKR Sot'THKKN States to get no Land. ? We expressed t he opinion ilay before yesterday that South Carolina would not be allowed to accept the land donated by Congress to the various States lor school purposes. On that very day in the House of Represen tatives the following resolution was passed : Whereas, on the 3d day of April, 18tJG, by the authority and direction of thi^ Pre sident of the United States, agricultural col lege scrip covering nearly 270,000 acres, was i?ued and delivered t<> the State of North Carolina under the act of Congress of July lsf?2, providing for agricultural colleges; and whereas by the same authority the General Land office is now preparing to iVue scrip in like mauuer to the States of Virginia, Georgia, and Mississippi ; and whereas said action of the President takes !<>r granted t l:at said States are restored to their proper constitutional relations to the Union, and art: to be recognized in all re spects as entitled to the rights of the other Slates of the Union, which Congress alone can rightfully determine. Therefore, Jiesolwd by the Stunt? ami House of Jie jiresentativ ? of th> United States, That the further issue and delivery of such scrip to any of the > el unrepresented States lately in rebellion against the United States, or the acceptance of such scrip, or any here, tofore issued by the registers or receivers of any of the land offices of said States, be, and the same is hereby prohibited until said State*, shall be fully restored to their lights a.s States by Congress. Mori: Deviltry.? On Monday, in the House of Representatives, Mr. McKee, of Kentucky, introduced a bill to protect loyal persons in States lately in rebellion, including Maryland, Kentucky, I Mis souri. The bill provides that citizens who have remained loyal during the rebellion, and who are domiciled within either of the said States, may suo tor any cause whatever in the United States Circuit Court for the State in which said person may be thus domiciled, and may, at any time during the pendency of a suit, and three months utter a judgment shall have been rendered, have the said suit removed to the next term of the United States Circuit Court. It also provides, that for all crimes com mitted against persons who shall have re mained loyal during the rebellion, the of fender shall be liable to indictment and ^rial in the United States Circuit Court ; j and all such criminal cases shall be re- ' movable like civil cases from the State to the l ulled States Circuit Courts. Tub Upper C orxi ky. ? A gentleman who j has just returned from Culpeper, Kappa- 1 bannock, Madison, and Orange, reports t hi 1 wheat crop an looking admirably, and a large breadth heeded. The com crop b j immense, most ot* it still standing in the Held, and the farmer* unable to gather, from u scarcity of labor. In Madison and Rappahannock small fac tories fur ploughs, wagons, and furniture, are springing up every live miles, and buM nefh decidedly improving. The people in the country noticed are going into the culture of the grajwj. We 1 know of no more favorable section than the I hilhidesof the upper country, which may >oon t i^ual the vine-clad bills of the Rhine j in rich and profitable productions. ? Frede ricksburg Herald. T?!k Xatioval Expbms Company. ? The I order of the Baltimore Circuit Court is that ihe trustees named brinj; into Mary land all the property wm'ujued to them by (JU"J of trust. A report has reached town of a most foul and brutal murder, said to have been committed by some llend in human shape, on the person of James Fultz, well known among us as a clever, Inoffensive young man, whilst crowing the iilue Ridge at Swift Hun gap on Sunday evening lturt, ? Itucki/vj/uirn County Union, loth, ? Frkedmkn'8 Bcrf.au Schools.? ^The eda. cation of frecdmen is Henry Whitall, executor of the , j estate of Martha K. Woollev, deceased, j 1 was argued at length. It seems that I)r. j Woollev and Martha R. Woollcy some years ago made a written agreement in the I State of New York to live together as man and wife. They moved to this city a few years since, ami about four months ago Mrs. , j Woollev died. She bequeathed her per- ' sonal effects to her sister, and tho Doctor protested against the execution of the will on the ground that she had no legal right to dispose of her property in this manner. The defendant claims that they were never i legally married, and in addition, that the I Doctor had a wife at the time the agree i ment was made between him and the dc j ceased. The court, however, rejected the ! latter statement, as it was not contained , in the answer of the respondent. The case j now rests on the legality of the marriage ; relation. According to the laws of New : York, where the agreement was made, tho marriage is valid. Judge Purcell will give his decision to-morrow. Frederick Scmidt for petitioner, R. S. Jackson for respondent. ? Xationaf Intflliyncer, 17//*. llrrrAi.o, Nkw York, vs. Richmond, Virginia. ? In the opera of "The Doctor of Alcantara," says the Buffalo f'oinii?rci(d Adwrtu>ert Miss Kichings, Mrs. Scguin, and ; Mrs. Boudinot were all very good. Mrs. ? Seguin't* voice and singing were especially i admired. Mr. Wylie sings with grod style. His voice, uufortnnatcly, is I weak, hut that is no fault. Ho is an ex j eelleut actor, and would make his mark as j i a comedian. Mr. Seguin and Mr. Peakes : were both capital in their respective parts; 1 j and, by 1 lie by, what a tine bass voice Mr. j Peakes has. We but echo the "general voice*' when j I we say that a repetition of 44 The Doctor ; of Alcantara " is absolutely demanded. In Richmond this opera was condemned, nnn.con. Mr. Wvlic met the same fate. Mrs. Seguin was popular, but never serious ly compared with Miss Riching:>. Peakes was appreciated by a few knowing ones. J Bufiulo is evidently in the 44 backwoods." I Mr. Davis ? Scrratt. ? Our Fortress! Monroe correspondent says that Jeff. Davis ! is highly gratified at the arrest of John If. i j Surratt. He sees his way to a full proof j of his innocence, it is asserted, through Surratt's testimony, and, even if the cap | t'.ired fugitive should make the charges ! against Davis that it is rumored he will, ! j the latter expresses himself fully able to, i disprove them. Unless some unexpected | { turn of events occurs, growing possibly i i out of the Surratt trial, Davis does not ex J ' pect that his case will come up before next i spring. ? New York Herald. And Bennett has the grace to add that 1 it is simply impossible that Mr. Davisshould | have had any hand in the assassination of ! ! Mr. Lincoln. The Proposed Territorial Govern- i j MENTS FOR THE SOUTHERN' STATKS.? It is ! j confidently asserted by sout'iern men that | j the Territorial bill now before Congress j 1 will never be enforced by the President if j it should be passed. Not one of them be- 1 i lieve in the ri^ht of Congress, or any other j body or power, to destroy a sovereignty. ! ? This is the ground assumed by the Presi- 1 . dent. Hence the confidence of the people , 1 interested. ? Herald. The Herald adds that it is the " poor ! | whites," and not the 44 governing class," | who are so hostile to the amendment* Scihutt.? The trial of John II. Snrratt will probably make public two important portions of the evidence on the conspiracy : trial. One is the journal of J. Wilkes Booth, in whi ii the last entry was made a few hours prior to his death, and which was taken frota his pocket, but has thus j far been kept secret. The other is a con fession made by Payne to a general ofliccr of volunteers, just prior to his execution, to which he declared that the plot was for the abduction of President Lincoln, and I hat it was only a few hours prior to the assassination that Booth ordered them to j commit murder, they having repeatedly failed in their attempts at abduction. ? Xevc York World . I ? Hitler Again*. ? Mr. II. C. Eno has pub. 1 lished an amusing lithograph caricaturing Dr. Butler as " Major- General Silver spoon " on horseback, in full uniform, with all the stock and fixtures of a hippo-thea trical pawnbroker's shop. The picture is faulty in two respects; it gives the Doctor too youthful and amiable a look, and he exhibits but six spoons, two forks, and one I silver pitcher? which is a contemptible in ventory of the stock in Butler's shop, and a ridiculously small estimate of the Doe tor's efforts to 4k suppress the rebellion " in J&ew Orleans. ? Neve York World. Rev. Stephen Williams, a well-known clergyman of the Presbyterian Church, I died on Saturday evening at his residence in Baltimore of heart disease, aged nearly eighty-four years. Congress is expected to appropriate money fur Miuistcr Harvey's salary, which they last summer refused to pay because ho had written a letter approving the Pre sident's policy of restoration. Jurors in Washington city are bylaw required to be selected by ballot from the whole body of voters. Therefore it is now expected that more than half the jurors ! will hereafter be negroes. A correspondent states that on the 3d of January there will be a procession of the trade societies iu London which is to oc- , cupy ten miles in length of men marching six abreast. General Schenler has been removed from his position as Adjutant-General of Massachusetts on account, it is said, of having attacked General B. F. Butler iu a recent letter. The building occupied as an armory and school. house in Charlestown, Mass., was burned Sunday night. Loss, $10,000. A Sqcint AT Impeachment ' The follow ing resolution wag paved in the House of Repreacutatives on Monday : Hmq Ivtfi, That a select committee, to constat of seven members of this llonse, b? appointed by the Speaker, whose duty it shall be to inquire whether any acts have been done by any officer of the Go rernment of the United States which, in contemplation of the Constitution, are high crimes and misdemeanors, and whether said acts were designed or calculated to overthrow and subvert or corrupt the Go vernment of the United States, or any de partment thereof ; and that said commit tee have power to send for j>ersons and papers, and to administer the customary oath to witnesses, and that thay have leave to report at any time. Question op Privilege.? N. G. Ord way, sergeant- at-arms of the House of Re presentatives, left here Suuday evening for Pennsylvania to demand the release of the Hon. Charles V. Culver, member of the present Congress from V?*nango county, Pa., now held in jail at Franklin, Pa. ? : Xational InUUigencer , lH.th. La us Laudis Veneris. ? The Lynch- , burg ftej'tihliotn boasts a capital local re- : porter. I>ut, then, the young man should not imitate too closely the lie v. Mr. Smyth, of New York, who keeps Niblo's Garden crowded nightly by describing what ho calls 44 The Naked Truth." i The CoNsTiTrTiox.ii. Amendment. ? Pc- 1 titions are being circulated in Worcester' county, Mass., and in other parts of that State, praying the Legislature not to ratify the constitutional amendment, on the ground, principally, that it allows the States to disfranchise negroes. The trial of Mollie Trussell, for killing George Trussell, commenced at Chicago some weeks since, was concluded on Sa turday. The jury rendered a verdict ot manslaughter, and she was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. A United States commissary, who has been on duty in the South, was brought here Friday evening under arrest and in hand-cuffs. He is charged with selling ra tions and appropriating the money to his own use. ? Lynchburg Virginian. Don't put out kerosene lamps by blowing down t lie chimney. A doctor in Peoria tried it the other night. The lamp ex ploded, and the doctor narrowly escaped losing both his eyes. New York, December 16. ? Hon.E. M. Bruce, of Kentucky, a distinguished mem ber of the late Confederate Congress, died suddenly yesterday at the Southern Hotel. The Chamber of Commerce of Milwaukie voted in favor of the central grain system. Traccy. What is that, and what of it ? Josh Billings says there is nothing more touching in this life than to.M'C a poor but virtuous young man .struggling with a moustache. The unconditional Union men ot Louis iana have nominated for Governor Mr. Hondinez, the colored editor of the New Orleans Tribune. Josh Hillings, the philosopher, is to lec ture in Washington city this week. Sub ject ? "Putty and Varnish, or Pontoon Philosophy." Kcv. Father Kenney, a Catholic priest at Dubuque, has- joined the M. E. church at Chicago. The Legislature of Georgia has repealed all laws denying foreigners the privilege ot owning real estate. Ten million pounds of wool were sold in the Boston market last week. Motto for a neutral paper? all talk and no sider. Nonsense ? to bolt a door with a boiled carrot. SHIPPING T?OR NEW YORK.? The SARATOGA I will leave Rockettx on SAT UR- -X" j>. DAY MOKM.Mi, Instant, At 4 o'clock Hf-r acromni dations for' passengers arc nne'imDed. I Pif-'Miyors can occupy their berth* on FaIDaY NIGHT. Freight receiv.-d ?? 1 1 day FRIDAY. For further information, applv to GaRRET F. WATSON, do 18? 3t Rock?tt?. I/uk~ha lti morbT HA VAN N'AII, I AND RONTON. -POWHATAN ?*" STEA M B? ?A T _Ct >M P N V .-8 KM I ; 3 WEEKt.Y LINK.? Leaves Richmond every WKPNESD.vY and 6UNDAY. Leaven Jial timore^every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY The steamer STATE OF MARYLAND. Captain Thomas Tkavkr*, will leave here at i o'clock A M WEDNESDAY. Freight received MONDAY and np to 5 o'clock P. M TUESDAY. This (steamer has splendid saloons, state-rooms, and passenger accommodation*. Passage, meal* included, f 8. For freight or passage appiy to ft. Si W. CURRIE. office at Charles T. Wortham Si Co.'s, do 17? 3t Fifteenth street. LOST, STRAYED AND FOUND. pAME TO MY RESIDENCE ON \/ Tnesday the 11th, a KEl> V ' ^ " SSTP'Tli FALO COW, with a white mark down* her hack. The owner will come for ward. prove ? ro,>v .i.y, pay ch.tr>;tr and* take htr away. S. SPRAOGl.N! . de if- It* near Oakwood Cemetert-. qx REW ARD. ? Strayed from^? tv) O*' lh>? subscriber on thc'lSth im>t KEMALE INSTITUTE. .?.? Onr school was transferred OCTOBER 15th to the well-known Institute buildings, on Tenth, Marshall, and Clay strerts. Repair* have no far progressed as to MfTord ample accommodation* for both day pupils and hoarder!*. With an admirable location, building, and & rounds, a complete system of classes, embracing j >e primary as well as the collegiate studies, and I a large and etUcient faculty, the Institute starts anew on its educational career, and otters nnsor j passed advantages to those who desire the iho- I rough intellectual and moral traimug of their daughters. For term*. etc., apply for a circular or address. CHARLES 11. WINSTON, M. A., o? 1?? ta President. SEEDSMEN, FLORISTS, &c. ALLANdt JOHNSON, NU RSER Y MEN. SEEDSMEN. AND FLORISTS.-/** Oflke and Seed Warehouse, I5tfl Main street ;9S2 Harden and Greenhouses. Grace street be tween Smith and Heury; Nur?eries, on lite Hermit age road. Orders received at the seed store for TREES, PLANT*, CUT FLOWERS, BoUQUKTb, Ac. The attention of dealer* in SEEDS is specially directed to our lance and varied assortment of 0 A K KEN, FIELD, and FLOWER SEED, in balk or in papers. Trade list mailed to dealer* only. Pru?tfUitK supplied with all kinds of SEhDH for flavoring and extracts. BIRD SEED, 4c., at low est who!e?ale rat?a. SEEDS sent by mail, prepaid. de 1? ta IpoK SALE, tho GOOD WILL uud FlXTUKES of one of the mo?t prominent t>n slue*" houres on Biotd street, socially ad?i*?d for dry goods, cotblnjf, or po?t nay kiuU uf ?nut K*iu rtMMMUtftbl** wan# ton #Wt!ii *** ?1 Jauuar> if required, for particulars, apj-lyat 41? Broad street. <*" la? w " >ELEU3APHTC NEWS. MORNING UIM'ATCHES. By the Table -The Col'lfrr E*plo?|on? In Car Innd? Mirrntt- Maximilian? Markets, lr. lliK5ir.IT, December 1H. ? Several explosions took place at the Oaks Colliery yesterday and to-day, which show that the fire in stillraging In the pit, hut there has been no further lot* of lift?.. The most touching scenes of woe aad despair are hourly witnessed both in the vici nity of the colliery nu?l in the town. Over eighty funerals have taken place. One hnn dred and sixty women hare been left widows, and three hundred and thirty children have tjen orphaned by this terrible calamity, and many of these are mourning in the streets from morning to night. Haklet, Staffordshire December 16.? Eighty-five of those who went into the mine at Palh-o-the Hill on the morning of the explo sion are known to be dead, and there are more still remaining in the pit, of whoso safety all hoi*'s are lost. All the dead that have been recovered were bnried to-day at Fa lb -o- the Hill. The ceremony wns deeply impressive. Vai i.ktta, Malts, December 17.? An United States sloop-of-war has arrived here bound to Alexandria to bringSurratt backsjo America. London, December 17. ? The Paris corre spondent of the TiuitH says it is now generally admitted that the object of General Castle man's mission was to g? t Maximilian to abdi cate. Pari*, December 17.? It is stated semi-ofll daily that General Almonte has received as ?u ranees by telegraph that Maximilian has abandoned his intention of leaving Mexico, and of an avowed determination to put him self at the head of the loyal Mexicans and fight for his crown. Rome, Decembf?rj 1^*- Antolb-i has settled the dispute with the King and Pope. The Pope, it seems, misunderstood the Minister. London, December 17? Evening.? Consols, 5a ; United States i-20's. 71 *s . Liverpool, December 17? Evening. ? Cotton market closed lirm this afternoon at 14'?fJ jlHid. for middling uplands; sales today ! amounted to 13,00m bales. Dreads t ml* and pro | visions unchanged. Sri^urr of It it liiuoiitl M liisky. UAr.TtMonr, December 17.? A large amount of whisky, valued at about coming from Richmond, Washington, and Philadel phia, was seized here to-day by the United States revenue officer- for evading the tax. A FTEIINOON IMS PATCH ES. Congress. Yesterday. Wasiiijjotox, December lfe.? Senate. ? Mr. Johnson offered the credentials of 3Ir. Jones, Senator elect front Arkansas for six years, I commencing March 4, 1^tox, December IS.? The North Ca- j rolina delegation, headed by Governor Worth, ; had an interview yesterday with the President and Attorney-General regarding the subject r of General Sickles'.* new order in North Caro- j lina prohibiting cori>oreal puiwshmcnt. The; Interview is n-i>orted satisfactory, and the delegation hope, from iutimatioua they re ceived, that their object will tocn be accom plished. Beecher on t'nivenal Sull'rajje. Niwaek, December IS. ? Rev. Henry Ward | Beecher lectured here last night in favor of universal suffrage, including black and white, I men and women. For the paupers and foreign ers intending to remain in the country he claimed voting to be a natural right. Xfw York Stock llcnrd Change. Nsw York, December la.? There has been a change in the method of doing things at the regular stock board. There is now a call going on all day, and first board and second board, j as distinctive from one another, have beeu sub- j siautially abolished. Fires. Poktlam?, Mb., December If.? The stone war* manufactory of F. A. Plaisted, in Farnungdom, was burned Sunday evening. Loss, Jlo.ooo, The railroad depot at Yarmomh Junction was burned yesterday afternoon.' NIGHT DISPATCHES. The Fenians? A False Rumor. SwKETrfBitB", G. W., December 1>.? Therein much excitement here this moruiug, aa alarm having been given that the Fenians are com ing to rescue the prisoners. Volunteers Im mediately got under arms, aud the whole force was out. It was subsequently ascer tained that the rumor was false. John II. fcurratt. Washisutox, December 16 ? Further advices received from Europe increase und intensify the interest of the narrativeof tho pursuit of Sarratt, nnd of hi* e?cai>* from Home. Market*. JTEVT TORE KABKKTS. New York, December 18.? Cotton Arm ; silm, 9,noo bale# ; uplands, 34Mc. ; Origins, 3<*?Xc. Holders m?l the demand freely. Flour lorf$7oc. better, but less nctive; southern, ? 11. l.")$%!.1;23. Wheat 2@3c. better. Corn l@2c. lower. Pork quiet and steady. Naval stores (lrm. Freights dull and drooping. HEW YORK BTOf'K M.IRKP.T. New York, December 1'.? Bonds of 1M1, registered, 109 ; coupons, 112f? ; 6 -A t's, regis tered, '62, lOflH, coupons, l?t7*? ; 6-2>?'s, '64, conftons, 106V4 ; '6.1, coupons, I'KJH ; new issue, 10SH; 10-40's, registered, ; l0-40'?, cou pons, 09H ; 7-3o's, all aerie*, lo3H. Gold closed at 137H. tOritVILI.E MARXETJ, JIOXDAT. Lorttvtli.*, December 17 ? Low mldJlin{ cotton, 81c. Ho?*, Mess pork, #2oKg2lJ6; shoulders, 6c ; hams, loc ; bulk shoulders, S*kc ; packed clear sides, llXc. New bacon shoulders, fi?J@10c. New coru, bulk, 70c ; shelled ear, 62Hc. Flour, flrmer ; choice superfine, $9.60. Red winter wheat, ?2.70; spring, $2.25. New whisky, in bond, #2.23. ST. torn MARKETS. St. Loris, December 18.? Flour, light de mand, flrmer feeling, and prices unchanged. Wheat dull; fall, (2.00; spring, |2. Corn dull and unchanged Oats steady at 67c., in bulk : 74@7-l5c., in sacks. Rye better at f I Si ?1 .10. Provisions unchanged and dull. Whis ky, |2.27. Hog1? Arm and active at 6^@5?ic. MOBILE MARKET?, MO.VDAT. Morft.e, December 17. ? Sales of cotton to day, 2,6"o bales? market closing firm; mid dlings, 31c. Gold, 137. JTBW 0 Rf, H A MARKET*, MO* HAT. New O r f e a x a , December 17.? Cotton active; sales, 6&? bales; low middlings, 2f Vitf}3?>i4c ; middling, 3154c. Sugar, fair, D'ic. Molaskes, fair, 60c. CIXri.r.\ATI MARKETS, M05BAT. Ctxrix.vATi, December 17.? Flour advanced 2.*c ; sales at #9.2.j@9.75 for superfine. Mess pork nominal ; sales at $20. Cot-ton heavy at 30 He. I.O.VnO* STOCK MARKET?, Tt'ESPAT. Lomdo.v, December IS? 11 A. M.? United States .>-20 bonds open with more firmness, and are quoted at this hour at 7lX$71 'i. Ameri can railway shares also rath'-r better; sales of Illinois Central -hares In-ing reported at 7S. Fries have been down at 47Vi^47M. * FOR RENT. I/OR RENT, the brick TKNKM^NT JT known as tbe HANOVER HO(?>E M 1 west Seventeenth street between Main and !ttv? l Prank In. Tin* honiA has bi n put in *:?*? ' || . rough repair from reliar to garret . contain* three I rooms and a collar; also, tht WOOD KM TBNK- | MENT, No. 2j weft Serent.enth >-tr* ?*(, also in i thorough repair Both are tine stand* tor bar- i rooms or oyster stands. P. R. CAKRINGTON, ?|e 19? tH Offlco ?' Exchange Hotel. F F 1 jkck. ? O R KKNT, several OFKH'KS in _ Sh'?ck?>? Warehouse built ing, saitable for commission merclia*it? Apply ttr>'et. between Thirtieth and A?}L Tliirty tirst. containing *ix ro. m*, with kit chen and a well of };>? .d water in tli ?? vard _j?L Kent low, and possession kjiv?-n immediately. -*p* ply to de W-2t_ _ H. W. TVLF.K, Rockotts.^ 17H)R KENT, either on sharos or mo . n?ty?d rent, a !*RODUCTl VE FARM on the Wil* Ham-burg turnpike two and a half miles from Kirhui ?nd. For further particulars apply at l?.\ J. P. 11a KKISON'> office, in Bockett*, Corner of Main Htid Nicholson streets de H? lw t1OR KKNT. ? The subscribers, in tending, a* soon p? it i-hall li tre be completed, to more to thur new store, in Lanc aster'* block on 1'. arl street between^ Main and Cary, oft-r for rent the large and com millions WAKEH"USE now occupied by them. en Fourteenth street near ttie Exchange Hotel The! house is in the centre of the city, and is admirably adapted to a heavy grocery or commission ImisI- ' no**. Posses-don will be K'ven about the Uth of January, proximo. delo _ GORDON &CR1NGAN. T/OR KKNT, the STORE and CRTi- 1 F L A R on the n- rth side of Main street a tp? few door* below Fourteenth, a* present oc- ffiw cupied bv J W. Dennis C< iss,>?>-tnrt gir<-n .J-liJo* January 1. 1*157 A;^o, the UPPER l' \ K't ot 'ne TBNRHfcNTon Main street n ir Ponrtet nth, next door to Isaac* <7 Taylor. Fi.tranre fr >ni ? xchange all-y. Possession given iinme ilatelr. port>ria<, appfr to IIKA'NT O I'ANM'S, I de 14? *51 Attorney at Law, Whig Building. WANTED, to rent to gentlemen. ( >N E FURNISHKD and t?, admira bly suited for an office. with iras and wat r Also, the SToKfi and l>\Vf.I,LIN0 on the cor ner of Main and Twenty-th'rl streets, In good order, containing sis rooms, with a good kitchen 1 and stable ; k*s and writer on rh ? pr? tnii,-*. AUo, the DWELLING on the corner of Main and Eighteenth streets, orer the store oi M. Haer, con l tainiiof ten rooms, recently put In complete order, i suitable for two small families or a hoarding i house, being conti^uon* to the market, w ih out fo more to the city In order t.> ti? more con _ renleiit to mv business, ! w.ll rent out to a suit ai'le person, GLEN' ELLEN, my nrment residence, with garden, and orchard ci ntainii ? erery variety ot sel?)ct fruit, or with the whole farm, as may t?e preferred. The dwelling h.-.s nine rooms, besides cellars stort-room. wardrobes, K.itl? bouse, Ac , &c. The p!ac;e is remarkably he.tlthy, and In erery respect a most desirnM.. residence. Apply to JAMES T. BUTTON. .Ik , de i ? h Pension otflre, ('ntt- ni-house. FOK KKNT, several FURNISHED BOOMS, with gas and f*rr < it's attend- Ml arce. Also, one FIJoNT BASEMENT, w:th ia* and water. Kent moderate. Apptv ^.JJL H L. WIOANd!^ , no 23? ts Broad street between Fifth ana Sixth. FOR RENT, the " K I c H M O N D HOUSE," corner of Hose and Go rernor e'reeta, suitable for a large hoarding hcuse. This is an excellent upportunuy an enterprising pany. Apply at M 3. G SNBLSON'S no 13? ts Fourteenth and Franklin ?tr??ta. |?0R KKNT, TWO FLOORS al ve J? my store, 110 feet deep, well linlahed, with entrance fr< in the street, and suitable 'r. -W ? for any kind of light oasine^s. ' G. C. GAKY, X30S Main street, between Thirteenth aud Fourteenth streets, oc 3e? tn a * M T DESIRE TO RENT OUT MY X BASEMENT, either offices or f? rthe use of a email f.-.miiy j aU?. niy STaBLK. CUAllLE* MINN 10 ERODE, '".fl oc 25 ? fa 713 Franklin street. TOR RENT, ONE-HALF AN ( >FFI< E j*. suitable for a merchandise bioker. Oond location, on Brat floor front. Pric>-, t?n ?r month, includl"* fu-i lnre, corner of Main and Seventeenth ctreotn oc f? t* ROOMS FOK KENT, in * genteel pi i vate faroilr. suitable for a ?mali family, irhern t nejr van Dam the cooKtnjg and omIi injf <|one on the lot, if preferred. Appl y on Ninth street, beyond Leltrh, to h? U-U Mrs. JULIA A. GOO[>B 1?OK RENT, the large WARE HOUSE in Libby Hnlidi t.?r? i- rn -r!y ? c ? tpled by us. Possession #jveii imiu?iii.aely, w tb a Ur^d amount of storage hecured, to aJLiiL desirable tenant. Apply to PALMER, HARTSDOK ft CO., Jy ?? ta Fourteenth street. SOMETHING NEW JUST OUT.? NEW STYLE OF OVERCOAT. Call aud see it at No. 1*00 Main street. E. V. SPENCE. Agent, de 19 Merchant Tailor and Clothier. J^EANORD'S INSTAM r RELIEF. A SPEEDY CUBE FOR C0DOI18, C0LD6. So Price, Fiftt Cists per bottle. For tale by Drag ? gists and country merchants de 14 HlCH.?o5D, FKK?KHI' ADD) Pom Mac Raiih AO, J THKArfCKKK'n t?r?ICB, ? Rkhso.nd, December 17, nee. j NOTICE.? From this date tho TRANS FER H' 'OK of this Company will be closed until the flrst day of January, l??*7. de i*? td J. B WlilbTOJf, Treasurer. S 1 HECT AOL K8, SPKC ^ T a C L E S ? Th?*?? in need of OLA^SE* to a*?t?l their sight wilt do w?ul to avail thMUiseiVM* of oar eompl^u etock In it?t? line aud the ureal experience of our ??u>or parti ?r JOHN U. f YLfcK A t.'O., ?ttceeeaors to Mituliell ler, N lt-ta WW AUlu aueet, 1866. 0UKtolMAS- 1866. ANDREW P1ZZINI * CO., 8?7 Bboad itiiit, hare on band ? l?rir? and varied stock nf CHRIST MAS HOODS, and they cordially la v1t? the atten tion of buyers to Mil and examine. It consleta In part of BEACTIFITL FANCY BOXB8, SMALL BOXER FOR CHRISTMAS TREES, AMUSING SURPRISE BOXES, CBRNlN0 CASES, pirn ric^ GOLD PINS,' JUVBWLr HOOK8, TOY BOOKS, and oar One a??<>rtni?r?i of FANCY (JOODS. A. H. CHRISTIAN A CO., No #M Main street, de 19 opposite Spotswood Hotel. J J \ TS FOR THE iiOLI DAYS. Jiirt received at BINFORD'S HAT STORE the Ut?-dt Mvle SILK DRESS HATS, a beautiful ar ticle. de 19 II ATS FOR CHRISTMAS. II J^s* received at BINF<>KD'S HAT STORK s beautiful a?ortfnent of all the N EW STYLE SOFT IlATS, in colore and black. A Mo, CAPS in g'ea* varie koo 1? are all fresh and wj 1 i be sold lr>7 having been bought eince the decline, de 1? __ ?1ANES, CANES, CANES. Jn-t received at BINForVFs HAT STORE. No. U')$, V tin fl^e door- below Pearl or Fonr tee-th t?tr*>eC. ? beautiful assortment of CANE*? a Lice thin* for a present. de 19 ^EKDLESS RAISINS, ready for cake >7 and Middiugi without seeding, ju-t received a?d for b4lad street. O! FOR CHRISTMAS !! S. B. DRINK ARD 4 CO.. CORNER 3I.U.V AND SeCO.ID a T K K E T 8 , ;ir.< nilinif up with nil the nice delicacies for I hri*t nits. we name in part : HreenCorn Green Pea*. Fresh Tomstoes, Fre*h Straw t>erri.-a. Jellies, Raisins. Cranberries. muj??. r'or"live "ii, i;e(iuine Durham Maa'ard, mixed 1'ickle*, Chow-chew, Girklnt, Pickled Onion-, Fictalliili, *ardiurs, best Bwnrbon and ry-1 WhUkie*, Wine-, .Mac*, Ginger, Allspice, be*i lireen and Black Teas, Mixara, Coffee*, M?al F nr. ^oaj's. Candles, Bacon, I.ard, Potato^* Unions, l.amp*, " i. Ac , At*. * i-o, Sou pounds t'rcsii Roll Butter? an elegant article. I 'd dozen fr??h Egtfa, warrant-d; and tarlou* o h r ihii'xa too nnmerotis tn meiitio'i. For children, we hare Fire-Crackers, Toys, A<* Call and examine, and Bee if you cannot n>tv a* che ip an you can at any o.-taMtshment in the cty de H-3t ? B. DRINK ARD A C'? UROM EUROPE DIRECT.? 75 casks " PI JITS and QUAKTS EDWaRD a GEORGE H i BBERT'8 LONDON BROWN STOUT, on consignment, and for sale by DAVENPORT 4 CO., office over National Exchange Bank, de 18? dt / \SCAR CRANZ, | ^ ' No. 3. EXCHANGE BLOCK, FoCKTRKNTH STKEK.T, Importer of and dealer In FINE WINES. LlQtT"R?, CIGARS, AND TEAS, beg* leave t" call attention to hia large and well ,.cted - ock <>r the auoTe-mentloned goods, and e*p clally to his FINE U1.D JAMAICA Rf'.H, SCi-TCH WHHKY, CHAMPAGNES, AVD BRANDIES, all of Ms own Importation, and particularly adapted foFthe holidays. de 1 7 ? 31 " . i ()< >DS FOR CIIKISTM AS.? CIDER, ALMONDS, FILBERTS, GELATINE, FIG-. CITRON, RAISINK, CURRANTS, PRESERVED 1 GIN t! Kit', A<\ de 13 ^?^1),l!i)GE 4 ANDERSON. L'oK THE ROYS? 25 boxes FIRE I CUACKEKS, Jo boxes TORPEDOES ; selling low. DANDRIDOE& AN l?ERS"N. de 15 No. 927 Broad street. V'INE WINES. ? Fifty cases CtlAM PaGNE. very fin's ; 2 qu fine RVB WHI.^kY. OJ birr, ii RECTIFIED WHISKY. We offer to the trade low. GKOKGK I. HERRING & CO., de 14? 6t corner Thirteenth and Carv Btreets. OT. CROIX R U M.? One puncheon ^ very fine lor sale hy GL"R iE I. HERRING k CO., d.> 14 corner Thirteenth and Cary >troeU. J7*RENCII BRANDY, of very superior quality, ALASSE COGNAC, vintage W5?. For H?I?l,y ' STEVENS k PEGKaM, de U CU Broad street. / VLDHHE R \i YW I N R? 0. R. O. P E R \ J NaRTIN vintage? }u?t received from theCoa torn-house, New York, * i.d for ?ale hr STEVENS A PEGRAM, de 14 eil Broad street. O.r: BARREI-S APPLET just received /CO end for Male by SAA1PS0N JONES, Jr. it CO CoinmiHHiori Merchant*, No. 3 Fifteenth fctreet, between Main andCary. drt 14 OLD JAMAICA SPIRITS, splendid for joet rec?lv?ad street. fpo pkivate families. ? 1,000 1 p^amtn AUnore'* M 1XCE MKaT, unM;rp&f>sed, put up In bo kt*is *r d | mts, the b??t iu tbe world, ju*t r-cw?ved and for (ale by de ? J LOPIS J. B"SSIEPX. i HPO BAKERS* ANI) t ON FECTION - 1 ERS ?I i??o poaid* Atinore'e MiMJK Mfc*Tt j?ut up iu buck?u And Kch". tli'i best in tbe world, 1 let Ivc?-lVed at. d for ?ale by de U LOJJIS J. BOK8IEUX. rr<) H??TEL KEEPERS. ? Just re- I 1 celved, 1.06J pound* A-'raore'e MINCE MEAT. QQHtirp >iMMid, the best lo the world, In tab* and Jar-, f. r ??;< by tl o 13 LHP IS J HOSS1RUX. /CHRISTMAS IS COMING. ? AT NO. " ' UU Main STREET, a great variety of K A >' < ' V 0?>??U8, amiable for Cnrlbtuaa ?ug 4< re on Album* and Work-bnx?? KUKa. Call aud see thviu. J W*Ll.TDKN?fR, dell No. *? Thirteenth street. /CALCINED PLASTRK.-at? UfnO%; V daily ufMMilN mO? ky A- UJ. ?TBAll Hnutt, lA W MUAjfr HTDRAfTLlC PKSNISft. fto.. "? ?Oin to baainaaa, Mtmr Uarv bd4 Nvh* j|(as wtshlnatabur rill do well to call and see them bafore pnrsha*^ ag atoewhera. an ??? ly [MPORTANT TOMAN UFACTU 1 HER* OF TOBACCO ? Wa are msnafaatarlnf >ar new, Irnpmvad, patented MaChI.yBKV F"* * an r factoring Tobacco, ?nd invit?ali who nay want nnchfnsrj for thU purttoaa to eall and ixamlne It before pureha*lr>s * ? believe It only ie*d? to be R<7?n to b? universally Adopted. TbM HAchinery can be mio la operation At Nmn, Ireeuor 1 Winne's tohAeeo factory, on Twentieth treet between Mem And Franklin. Wa will take )i?utr? la explaining it to All who will call At >ur work*, corner of Cary irnl 8**?*iU??tb 4rMM noO-la. TaL??#TT 4 SKOT1UR. T*OBACOO FACTORY MACHINERY: 1 SCBBW8 A 5 D PBIMI*, FLATTENING MILLS, Ac.. Ao.. *ade and repaired Id the m<*t thorough and worke manlike manner, sr>d warranted to orvr satisfaction. At the Work* of THE I7NI0N *ANn*ACTUKINO COMPANY, Caat iruir, mow rirrs*rra irtutt where M>. JOHN HANCOCK. ?ho h a? been engaged izprtMly for tale wort, will >? happy to eee b la old friends And saetonaars, oiongl the oldest And beet TO B A COO MANIAC* ?"DRERS OF RICHMOND E >WARD WILDER'S FAMOUS STOM A C II BITTER 8. Read the following home evidence of Ita medicinal vlrtoa, And try it In your own family circle : Mr. Ehpnri Wilder, City: Dear Sir,?! have exam ned you r Stomach BUtera carefully, and found It what you r?pr.?eut it to ho. The high order which the Ingredient* going Into it lake in the Materia Med far a* wholesomenesa ard pA' liability .ire tak'-n into ?*>nslderatlon. I wa- well plaaeed 'o see in yonr esfttbllshment th* proce-s ol manu* facturing your Bitten? carried on by way of dis placement. which not only gives von a bettor pro* 1 'ict, but also recommends itself by clearer opera* tion. Emi fenvvm. ApothecAry And Chemist. LouistilU, Septt. tuber I), WW. Mr. E joying th* beat >f health, and Is now wholly unwM|i> g to be with. ? ?nt * bottle of your Bitter in tha bou?e, a? she ?ays It is the nxXr a'rength?ntng and ai petiilr>g ontc that can b? uaed, a' d lhat no house oaght to ?>e without it ; and I fe->l It due to the public to make known the wonderful good It ha? p?rform?d in my honaehold. and moat heartily recommend Ita use In ererr family. I remain yours renpectfui'y, T SI Rwas*. of Craig, Trutntn k Co., tl? MaIu slteet. LuuUville, October 20, ls6?. Rock Hatix, Mkaom Cou*tt octob-r U, IIM. f Mr. Fjhoard Wilder, touUviHe, Ky.: l>>-ar Kir,? I take pieaaire in saying 'bat I waa i ring from Agneand Kever. or < hills and Ka 1* r. for ?e??*ral montha, when t w*? adrlaH<| by a riend to try your foil >u? H .inach Bitters, aiH af t?'r u^ing rwo b<>tti?-i? I urn t- ntir^iy restored It not only imparts n*w vigor, but It is trulr th" heat "?trnngth^ninrf and appetl'iog tonic, at th* a*rne ,iim^ pleas mt to th* ta t*. I li ?n? ?t r known u?ed ?r sfforded to the puiilic ; arn I wonid -ay v?n year* of a^e, f..?l the same ? n ?rgyand vivacity and cheerful rpirtta of a b<>y uf ? wenty-five. Tour Bitters are a pleaoant tonic and cordial, and aathev are prepir- o with unr' lrntr >? dienta And good old Bourbon whl-ky. Iians?fely endorse their ns* to all afflicted as I was. I would say to such persons, keep your mind easy, your h?>wels open, your head cool, your f.'?t warm snd use Wilder'* Bitters, and nevermind the Doctor. Kw pectfulty, J. C. Bccklea. It will cure PTSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, and all species of I N DIGESTION, 1NTEKX ThNT FEVER, and FEVER and A(iUE, and all p?. tiodlcal diseases. It will give IrnmedUte relief In COLIC And FLUX. It will cure CO0TIVENB88. 1 It is a mild Knd delightful Invlgorant for delicata females. It is a safe ANTI-BILIOUS ALTERATIVE And TONIC for family purposes. It is a powerful recuperant Af'er the frame has been debilitated and reduced bv sickness. It la an elegant Appetlxer a? well as strengthenev of the digestive forces. It is desirable alike ae a corrective and mild ca thartic. It is being dally used and prescribed by all phy> siclans, as the formulA will be banded t Dan VII.1.K Raii.aoa? CoMPAMI,) ] Krmmo.ku, Dtcember U, 1?M. ( By the action of thk stock Hol.Dr.Ks OF THK RICHMOND AND 1UN* V1LLE RAILROAD COMPANY, At their AnnnAl meeting held on the ltth Instant, the eapltAl stock I of the company was increR?*d to four milltousof I dollars, consisting of $3,wt,uw of old stock. And I ti,MKTHlNO GOOD.? BOY^ PRIME HKWKD BR' OkSH -We are BWM iiAvlng niAnuf?ctur*m, B-'VS' DOU BLK-t?OI.R hJSWKD HR??(J ? Ns, made vsry neat shape ; warrant n<4 n>4 to bave wood or paper In (iie *o>?e. W? can r?c ,m mend them to wear wtdl t roiu all iu want of superior goods In our line ?? solicit a ca'l, a* we k ep afway* ? 11 hand (he H&ST h'n and bH">K that en n? found which wa sell as low as they can b* found anywhere PUTNBT k WATTS, dell comer Main and Thir^eamh streetA. pOME A1AIV -$15 SUITS, #?mbr? V dn* SA< K COAT. KA.NTH.anJ VfcoT. aLL W'MiL, DAKK ()OL<>m< < ?i| ?n>l w?k* m ?irlv Mlorii..n?t WILLIAM 1KA &MITJ1 A Co >, daH-U .No lit Mi n | jpOUGHS, COLDS, HOAKNKNFKS. I \ I w? ?r? a#*tn nanafaf K?LI?r I to tb<>ee >aff?r1ii| with C?M'QHa, CdLDK, uM H<> A HSK.N Kt? ; ?r* njo*' to the t????, and 1 C4D h? given to children witb<>ul f??r or d'ScaUr Tbiv ?r? prepared on? y by o?. and ?aa be obtained wholesale and null. Cal> at AXDItlW P1U11I M CO 'l, 1 no *-1aw4w MX Broad Hfwt. 1 TTXECUTOR'S NOTICK.-AU penont Xj indebted to tba eauta of tUMVELf* MITCH &LL. daceaaad, ara reqaeatad to ukl mmoI to tba andereUaad. And all p?noiw ba*\a* claiae a?aio?t tba aald ??ut# arar aa?*udio praaM Piecwion of S. P. Mkabaii, iumai da lT~aod?w pikTmY FRIRXD8 AND TfflB LA fANCT G(X>IM for ChrleMaaa. Jajaa and par !baa? aotna of thoee ?beapH< ^ J^GL^VKX, MAWL*. CAPKrt. tfO<>DH, VKLVftt UMBOMft, XAWLV kiriff, OU"l?, ? ?? .btto?j.?4 ?b? iiA U -U__ So. M Bn ad rtwat MHKN'8 0VKRfX)AT8.? We h?n? 'in aior-* a lanr- and vailrd a*?orto??'>t ??f PtWf to CollM >> OVKKt* >*T\ tW.MfO m?<$h4 lara t<> forty It? daliaa*.. *I| >v? ?#?( ??? k--p warm for a 11 t'>? ???????*. ? ?|) hyXj a?-4 "**pp>7 you?a?f at WILLI ?Ml-iA *MlHAC?? ?" >t?? I