OCR Interpretation

The daily dispatch. [volume] (Richmond [Va.]) 1850-1884, April 02, 1872, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024738/1872-04-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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? - r-p?- ? ?' , ? ^ ? ? V r ? f " ' ? ' ' ? HIBI?aiT , ?? .Tf t ||K rfl 1-1" l-k-i;
Toil xlii: !/ feldliMoM" tA:, TUESDAY MORNING. Aim 2, l8?? NO,: 80.?
1 ? - - ;-j J(T> M. .1 <?.-? 1 : S'i; ? v*; T-* ??:, f Wi CIS** - >c - ' ? ' . ' J- * '" ' '
The DAILY DISPATCH is delivered to sutocri
hw M l (VTKTN rR-TTHptr VTck, paynbh; to Uh* ear
ner wwlny. Mat Ml ai \c |*x knmsni 5 fA for sLx
months; 7>\ iwr month for n shorter period.
Tbo KfcMI-W KEKLY IHSPATCU at *3 per ao
wim. or tl.so for six months.
Thi? W KEKLY DISPATCH at ?t per annnin.
IKa^niOccnt MnlvPrsatJon of a Rnrnl
Rtiler?The Trench T?ewl-A Modrrn
Imitator or n Nuporinlemlent of
Ftuanwa-Thr Farcer of n French
From tlto Loudon Sjieotator.
There never was a story so chametertstie
of France ns that herbaled in the trial of M.
Janvier dc la Motte, whilom Prefect of the
Knre. It might have been told by Sully- or,
-?till letter, by the Abbe Soulavie, and all
historians would have quoted it as the story
which better than any other illustrated the
home life of the times of Henri Quatre or the
Kcgdit Philippe of Orleans. 31. do la Motte,
though only a great official, a bureaucrat not
< sohu- r. a prefect not a crusader. Is in every
essentia! ?ha met eristic a great noble of the
c id French r(a)mf. Able, jiopular, and rock
iv dissolute, regardless of money,
. i accounts, or virtue, careless whether
!?? -;vnt his own funds or those of
the State ; equally ready to give to
!,i> debauched favorites or to beggars;
squandering bis own fortune and .then pil
laging his wife's, yet as rtiady to waste them
<. n state business as on his own; ?50,000 the
;? ?oivv b>r his prefectures, yet reasonably ac
eu-i d of malversation ; so competent a ruler
that ;.ia .i nobles; old legitimists, who must
lr?\e'hated him with hoi.? *efil; turned out to
i -tii'v that no man ever governed the De
varhiii '.'.I like liiin?lie doubled, it is said, the
wealth U' the JLurc--and so foolish that at
??.. c ctrp he left materials for a criminal
i n: -O kiudli that lhfl jealous, envious,
- i ficiriutr poor*of the Department' 1-o-a* in
t . .r.-and- after bis fall to protest against it.
. unai le to be dcccutly just to his wife.
! ..\ui i"tis, generous, brave, clever, and ut
t,?; Jv immoral; M. Janvier do la Motte stands
? lit in the evident- govhnhT Etire as
I he Due de Richelieu might have governed
Toulouse, or 31. de Honlilon have adminis
t. icd ?edan?a stmuge figure, one which no
r ? 1 man c.m approve or tail to condemn,
but w hich no other Jt c<?Me than the French
is entirely competent to judge. And h?
t?vVed and defended in the old, old way.
IDovcrumcnt did not assail htm, though
: i- pnyiiilo 31. Dufaure, the Minister of
T-Kiv did. in the nunc either of outraged
; 'i .tb or of the vtolalcd rafiTit* of ocveunts.
f: \\. la Motb had beau a Republican lie
nnftiht lifiM- Lcen quietly removed as bed on g
? r. ;o ;qj ordi r ol uien yepublbs cannot tole
';o <-?;!,i hrrn allowed to be
tt'ii. He was. however,a determined
p. uuqr.riist. and one of the dangerous
D p.*. as able as IJaussiuann and popular
i?-id's; a man who understood the art
?>! ?on iliating the masses; who could
nil.- w:th a strong imiiu; Rot be hated;
.id w !i?>. if he had scruples of any kind.
' ! n-.r.i which stood in the way of govern
? ' a ^cioiit^ur. a despo.t released
? ,,i the nvi-ui obligations o !?<t?nkilid; It
? - ?-ni r,t to jmuish as well as dismiss
hun. 1 !?' .e were errors in his accounts, ex
e- lulitur- - wiiich either were defalcations or
?k< u ? \e. i dinglv like tbcni, outlays uotin
fvi ;iiv b.M>rir of liij.^o^tc's pii
e :i* ??'?nit v. pu bis hunkers, inn iluCttl'ed
4 -jfiVw'hlia that Louis (,?uinze styleof liv
, -? v hi. h bis snlarv was insufficient.
? i"i ViilVw ; ? - -ci-iimed
:ere the obi seiameitp trouin n?jvv -n..
' ? iieiritrv. 'he DrpP-et qnije kitibsklnljcli
if p:n initut. i lie fcffif'orni- b ahU'd n
" hi i the Prefect (.an ted expenses to the
? 'tn.t "fa ivoik-a l.'iidggr-op which,
? ?'' l-.-l'-sv, he had spent thousands.of his
n. iii- mistress - or was it a second wife!
? ? " divided?desired a gorgeous
uv -m. tvhdUl? I'tU'mtim; was ^.Uii i'?I i?i
: m fiunituie. but paid for. with the
\i'>L "i tne Loiiii' ii H iiera!. and ML
tie blazing gauds of the Palis J Intel
\ rib-, as part of the furniture of
'!? i r- tceture. 1'he . Govcrnnieut quite
?' ns'iiv n-oiterl to piTsceutc fbr these
1.:. : but idJ; i\ 6f tThsWbtg fairly
' ? . ??(?at in headlong fur a conviction;
i k. .1 ii}. (barges which w ere ample grounds
?b im?al. but had nothing to do with the
' ?>f malversation; demanded in the
< - I the treasury sums which the head
? f fitrtsiify declared on Ids oath were
? i.... and ill fact prosW.-utod as Colbert
? uM i|;r-e j'iT?!fueiit(fd a ferinici-general
i" he- hi"! allowed to ' hhjisglf till
-i.t i a me. 1 tie prosecutor; with his
.... p-Miale witnesses brought forward to
1 u>\e that otfieial accdUnU Were not srraigitti
'?e- .'idge. with liis wvrcasfic rcprimniuls to
?who maisHl the defendant; jthc defond
' ' ' -!f \V;(h il'stlilciwegehtleiilallrtubSH
: '"l auda>:ity, rising to state that a witness
u I - bad fabricated an account was quite
for uI myself gave him the or
? it was all a scene from the history
f the old regime. And so wits tbc de
Due-half of the . witnesses Who
' ai' forward neither plovel Mr at
'?: 'jit".! to jirove any thing except that M. de
M U? was [popular, w hile the witness who
ulianately saved liiui was the Finance Minis
4? ? bimsrif, who, as pre-kient of the Council
' rcneral of the tuic," I'ad" watched Uhp all
Hi rough his career. >L l'ouyer-Quertier did
??or attempt either tv defend his friend's pri
? ?'iv iiii i'ljo yt-L'y that accounts had been
..Act". All a- ;iC- f!M ?d> enwgy, genius,
' A Philanthropy lli?d made ol uie Fiirc the
Li a d* p;'i imetii cf Franc??this is fbe
: piovcmcnt in ereiy kiud of civilizatioil,
vrludiug the diminution of crime, being
vert he tigurqs?and that the practice of
I lsiers 'oi aocoun(i:>h?ri? t bo witness bad
ivs coudeiuucd, bad been aiuiior.i.'_t by
u'uf-voiisultvm promulgated under the
; nistrv of 31. FoulcL Under this order
tmiisfens are permitted, subject to the
i.: oval of tlie audit office, (Corn* des
'uptes, one of the oldest institutions in
i I' -eil and this approval had in each in
; been formally given. The Councll
'?? 'u-ral of the department, the controlling
vthoritv established bv law, bad given its
-?ni to all the e.xjKiHiitures complained of,
i i! that couniil was Iiiq>erialist, the
aril elected since 1871 was not, and it
:i independently examined und continued
? vp'.julitures*. 411 ain convinced," said
1 Mini-tcr. s]leaking in the old style, as it
? iv i- t iui; ?*f one so highly pluced must
than evidence, "that 31. Janvier
t ii- iu- nev?T appropriated a single con
' ? ol the local funds to his own uses, and
' !i?- ? \ponded a large part of his pri
tortune to serve the interests of the dc
l Uiii'ui.'' The Prelect, in^fait, had taken no
'liHu ; hi- accounts were manufactured under
'< .-ai authority, bis irregularities were uin
? v H i: i? ?* under the system, and the jury,
??vidditlv believing that he was made the
?'???J-igoat of an entire system, unanimously
vol"! for acquittal. II the Finance 3Iinlstcr
right as to the legal effect of the senatus
and of votes iMtsscdby the Coun
< ^-General, they are of course in the right,
1 their verdict amounts to Oils; that uuder
'? ? imperial system, as In the state so in the
'? pariinent, a vast expenditure on the per
iod magnificence of the bc4U of the admin
;tiou w;l>, so long as he governed succesu
' ily, coiLsidered on all hands?by prefects,
representatives, and by auditors?a legiti
'C'te use of the money ol the tax-payD's.
M? was not lo stt^ri cliuirs, but to buy chairs
?vered with gilding out. of jK>or people's
n< y was but to create t he pomp demanded
? his position. Tlie child's rule, "eat all
w like, but jKKiket nothing," was the rule
an entire uduiinstration.
W!i?i? you see two young persons seated
hi the centre of a pew in church you can
% "our mind that they are engaged;
* ??heu one is at one end
* -??^w, you can
W. B. K0BIX9 will #cll at n\ I\ M. ft building Ibt
on Twenty-sixth atrcot, tlinrch Hill.
LEE A OODD1N x%-in ?cll ut 4) P. M. three bnlld
Inglotsou PranXIln and Twenty-ninth street#,
opposite the residence <>f Optsln G< W. Allpn.
MOODY A HOY ALL will sell Ht 11 A. M.. for Mr#.
A. M. Ore wry, at "Falls Plantation,'1 one mile:
from Manchester, a large assortment of fnrnl-'
ture. Ac.
R Mill A K I) SON A CO. will acll at 4 P. M. Cfiy bnild-l
Ing lots on'VennMc, McchanlcsvJJle turnpike. J
Carringtou nn<l other streets.
LYNF. A BROTHER w ill sell al 1 P. M. n building
lot r>? ra^t al<le of Mushy street, Htrvcker's Hill.
W. GOT?I)!V will sell nt il P. M. a tobacco factory
an?l other bull-IUigfl on the. east side 6f SevenTb
between Cr.ry and Canal street#. ?- !
COOK A I.ACGHTOX will sell at 10 A. M. a piano.,
and a general assortment of furniture, groceries,
The .Stnginer anil the Rermoua at the
Easter Sunday lues always been regarded
as the very queen, or highest, of all the Chris-1
tian festivals. The mournful season of Lent
is past, the Saviour lias been crucified and
buried, and " now is Christ risen indeed,"
" the first fruits of t hem tliat slept." The name J
Easter is derived from Eostre, a goddess to
whom the Saxons and other nortlieru nations
sicrifleed fit about this season. The Ptuischu
or Jewish Passover, celebrated at this time,
lent its name to the Christian Paschal season,
but the precise time for keeping Easter has
been a cause of contention between eastern
and western Christians. The customs pecu
liar to the season' lire dying out in England,
but in this country the Easter or Paschal
eggs, with colored shells, and toys in the
siiai>e ot gigantic eggs, are given amongst all
Tlit; beautiful day had the effect of bring
ing out an unusually large number of pel-sons,
and the churches were tilled to their utmost
capacity. The day was especially celebrated
in the Catholic and Episcopal churches.
The >trrices at
Tilt monumental
were unusallv interesting, and the music
was, perhaps (including both morning
and alternoon), better than any church
music We hate ever had in Kichmottfk
That which first met the eye on petering tlV^
church was the profusion of flowers thntV
hung in .graceful masses over the font, the
reading desk as well a<3 the pulpit. The font
was most striking in its appearance. Frfim
the kneeling step to the top the whole sur
face was decorated with the rarest and most
beautiful early spring- tlowers, such as catne
lias; MMe? of great variety and beauty, violets,
heliotrope, japduUas, roses, and; indeed, a
host of other fioWel'S. Out of the
basin of the font stood a superb
cross formed of tlowers, in the centre
of which appeared !? white emnelia.
The chancel was covered with pUTfi White
linen, on the top edge of which magnolia
leaves were neatly tacked together at their
tips; .The..cbliWunion table had been ar
ranged with tlit: greatest mid taste; and
the cloths which covered it were also deco* [
rated with flowers. The top of the reading
to be overspread with white
niura**.*. . ?? over were I
ilk.atid fill- bdgP? Whvn ..
tiigthM wbli friiigc: TliC
Icsk was ebvcreu Wuu trfciiheloili; oii which
lie word iioL>" ;:j:pcared in large cnibo>seu
It lettersi and below this were florai.u&'C:
fmttu it-li..1; o li.lrn fTln, bulnit
ations winch i'cse!*fbiW a liarr>. Tfie pulpit
vus festooned with garlands of evergrccfi
nd beautiful natural flowers of all kinds
?d it. too,', was covered as the reading
>*?. tJii fl't* f-r>nf- however, .Xbg, letters
placed, which-stood otit iti
II S hud been , ,
old relief, and were prominent for their
pauty. The book-marks for the reading
esk unci the pulpit were of white silk.and
rettily timimril With buff or gilt fringe.
During the service the wind sprang up,
id the fitlui clouds were now and then
iding the siui and darkening the church.
. was a noticeable feature that the illumi
ited clouds which ornament the walls In
?ar of the chancel appeared to be passing
ivayj when; really, it wto oiJly the shadows
out the natural clcfuds ris fhh suit WbuTd
i>w and ihitti be IiM.' The illusion was
'ally lK*aiiufu!' .
The anthem for the day?-' t'li!i2t vbf
issover"?the grand Gloria Patri, nr
ligcd by Mr. T\ heat; Wilson's Te J)cum,
ui\A niritun ill flirt
7 ,
? Euryauthc, with solo obligate and
lonw, wub beautiful. Mrs. Looekerman
rig ill this hymn with unusual sweetness.
In the aftcfiiooti the church was again
ovycbxli and mahy ladies afid gentlemen
ere turfed rtwa* nimble lp he seated, The
usic on this occasion no ffo'flV. attracted
any persons who usually attend other
urebes. Tlie "offertory'' (l>otli daring
e morning nnd afternoon service) was
ng by Young, of Washington, whose
;li baritone /dice has received so Rainy de
rved compliments. Mr. Gratft; too/ sin^
Ltli much pathos, precision, and power,
d he, as well as other member# of this
oil', iftrfe well spoken of bv every one in
? large congvOgaiio't:: Dr. AYoodbrifbge
lciated both morning and afternoon,* arid
both occasions delivered interesting and
pressivc sermons. In the niornliig his
mion vva/j writteu particularly with refer
ee y* the Ea's(er festival of the Church.
> took as his le.v't Relations, Ctli chap
11th verse.
AT ST. 1'ETER'S cathehral
irand high mass was said by Rev. Father
a De Vy ver, assisted by Rev.* Fathers Jans
s and Haudley. The Bishop was not pre
t on the occasion, being in Wilmington,
C. The altars were tastefully and beau
illy decorated with rare and beautiful
vers, and Mozart's twelfth mass was well
dcred by the choir. Rev. Father Hand
delivered the Easter sermon, taking as
subject "The Resurrection.."
unday was an interesting day tor the con
dition of t^e English Lutheran church
d-Fellows^Hall). Rev. Mr. Repass, of
noke county, assisted the pastor, Rev,
nenkcl,and*deliveit?d an interesting ser
l appropriate to the occasion. This miu
r has also assisted Mr. Henkel during the
; week. The Lord's Supper was admin
red on Sunday, and five persons were
ed to the congregation by certificate. The
was well filled with an attentive and ai>
fiutive audience to witness the iuteiv.stiug
?monies. At the conclusion of the set
's, and-after the benediction had been pro
need, the iwstnr urged the necessity tor
Immediate purchase of a lot and the
-*tiou of a eliapcl thereon. A committee
i api>oiuted to get up a subscription book
1 appoint a soliciting agent for this city
1 elsewhere.
"here was a large congregation at Sidney
thodist church on Sunday night: to > bear
sermon on the subject of tcmjietanoe
ich the pastor, Rev. George Q. Vander-1
e, had l>cen requested by Marion Division,
is of Temperance, to preach. The text
i from 1 Cor., vl: 12: a All things are law
unto nio, but all things are not expedient."
introduced the subject by sayiug that the
nid mind-Is enmity against God. Most of
laws of our land are the product of tmre
icrate and often openly wicked legislators,
nt* it Is.that many human law9 are in op
dtion to the Divine law. God is the1 Su*
? ' nucqiccr?m human law can be supe
rior to ther Divine law, dr titeke that right
which he condemns.
One of the prMeiiflesof God's government
is to condemn that which invariably results
in evil. ITence no law has a right to pefrnrt
divorce except on Bible principles?that is,,
for adultery and the punishment of the
offender, or to permit a heatlien temple to he
erected in our land, or to empower any one
to tukethe life of another, except an extreme
case of self-defence. On the same principle
the s:Uc of all intoxicating beverages should
be under the same restrictions as that of any
other poison?viz., t?The person must
know its character from the label. 2-^If
knowiug it will be used to produce death,
tiie person selling is an accomplice. 3?Re
sponsible for its effects. - . , .
Mr. Vanderslice then contended .that the
moderate use is worse socially than drunk
enness. Statistics show that in the United
States alone there are '50,000 lives destroyed,
100,000 persons sent to prison. 300 murders,
400 suicides, and 200,000 orphans made an
nually by tni.4 monster evil. ? The victims of
internperance in one year would make a pro
cession sixty-eight miles long; and all this
misery is under the authority and sanction
of law. It yvas also stated that four hundred
millions of dollars are used annually to pro
duce this misery.
In conclusion the preacher asked, Can
the occasional good done by the use of
spirits compensate for all this evif ? Is it ex
pedient to use and thereby encourage the
manufacture and sale of that which produces
so much evil ?
The sermon was delivered yvitlran earnest
ness that commanded the attention of the
congregation, and it seemed to make a pro
found impression upon all present.
At this church on Sunday there was no
thing of unusual interest in the morning:
except the administration of the holy sacra
ment. On the Sunday previous, however,1
teu candidates were coulirmed?six ladies
and four gciitlemeu. Ail interesting address
was delivered by Rev. L. Locbncr, pastor.
At the German Lutheran church (Fifth
street beyond Leigh) there was the us mil
service on Sunday morning last. In the
afternoon there yvas an interesting Sunday
School celebration and addresses delivered
by Rev. Mr. Scbolz, Jthe pastor, and others.
A new choir, has recently been organized,
and is composed of forty or fifty members.
The solemn rite of confirmation will be ad
ministered on the 14th instant.
In the other Episcopal churches the occa
sion yvas appropriately observed, but as a
general thing quietly antNavithout ostenfcfc
turn. _ ? _ vi1!
At the Third Preshyterian^efiiirch the
Rev. Mr. Stapl^S^fr'i^ghl hi the morning,
afftk Chalks H. Read, or the
-G racte-str&JrPresbyterian church.
"Annttcrsaby of the Virginia Bible So
ciety.--The fifty-ninth anniversary of the
Virginia Bible Society will bo held in St.
Paul's Episcopal church this eveniug. Ser
vices will commence at a quarter before 8
o'clock. Bishop Doggctt and Rev. Drs.
Iloge and Minnegerodc will deliver ad
dresses. Rev. Dr. Smith, of New York, former
secretary of the American Bible Society, will
be present as delegate from that institution.
Other delegates from newly-organized auxil
iaries are expected to be present also.
Tut New Hymnal.?The new livmnal
vhicb yvas adopted by the last General Con
'entionof the Protestant Episcopal Church,
leld in Baltimore, will be used in a short
imc in the Episcopal churches in Richmond.
Virginia Conference of the African Me
ijopist EriscorAL Church.?This body was
{** in session at the Third-Street church
???>an iu the chair. Af
L-ai^tdaf: JWafiftD r.? - - ' ? t *;"?cal
!-? AbL' - J.. I II! A. '1*.
ICO ' U"' I'iCUIIJy*!MIlp
icn largely increased. Th? pri\soiUrimmbei;
members is f>,00G; the.number of '
mists- is 285, of loctil preachers 49, and of j
4L The hpnibcr of churches is
i. Rev. W. it. tie4,rick offered a Preamble!
k! resolutions setting forth the c"o.ffs and
eons used by the Roman Catholic Cliurcu
proselyte colored people ; pledging the
etrtlwsi or the Conference to admonish the
>lored people WRh'^f its .dufjgd lotion of the
mger of giving adherence to any doctrine
hose foundation is human degradation iu
ead of devatiou ; and inviting all orthodox '
itiiThcs to lend a helping hand in resisting
e encroachments of the Roman Catholic
li/rKfi: The preaihble and resolutions yvere
id oter ilfftff to-day;
resolution was 'passed frT.-'frnctfng the
legates (6 the, General Conference' to rise
eir liiSubP^> fo have a >a\V passed by that
>dv leaving the amoiiiit of compensation of I
inistere to be agreed upon by such iiilhb* j
i;s and their congregations instead of being
tablished by the General Conference, as at
The standing eoihfifitiees presented their
ports, yvhen the Conference adjotmied until
lis morning.
Wind and Rain.?If March came in like a
ljop this, yeur, she did not go out much like a
liifrfb' OnSiunJay morning we were visited
by a windstorm vt several hours' duration,
in the course of which numerous sign-boards
were loosened and showcases blown over.
Many trees were deprived of their limbs,
and an unfinished building in Rocketts was
thrown down.
itt about 1 o'clock, Just e.e people were
going home from church, the clouds which
had been lowering all tlie morning dis
charged their contents trpon the city in a per
frrt, sheet of water, much to the detriment of
new boiitiefs and dresses, which, according
to time-honored usage, Were first worn on
Easter Sunday. But the shower was not of
long duration. Before twilight the nun
came out iu all his glory, and the weather
was again spring like and bland.
Revenue Collections.?The total amount
of internal revenue collections for March in
the third Virginia district, which includes
Richmond, was 5102,598.01. The largest in
come reported by any one party in this city
for 1871 is 556,000. Other than this there
are incomes ranging from 55,000 up to $40,
? ? i/ i,
Rocketts Ferry.?3Iessrs. Chas. E. 'Whit
lock, Thomas J. Hardgrove, Garret F. Wat
son, Alfred S. Lee, and J. J. Cannon, have
been appointed commissioners by the Hust
ings Court to ascertaiu a suitable location for
a ferry to be run between the Richmond side
and the Chesterfield side of the river just
below Rocketts. ' '
Pump-House Statistics.?The following is
a statement of the amount of water pumped
and the number of hours worked during the
month of March, 1872: dumber of gallons
pumped, 71,910,000; average number of gal
lons per day, 2,319,677*; number of hours
worked, 479; average number of hours
worked per day, 15?. ... *
jCity Magistrates.?John J. Crutcbfield,
"Esq., has'ipiijjMed fore judge Gufgoiras a
justice of fcne peace "for Monroe Ward vice I
Justlcie Robertson, re&igued. > it. H. Jtsbell i
has been appointed a justice-of the peace for
Clay Ward. These ofl&ers will serve until
the 1st of July. Three magistrates for each
ward are to be elected on the fourth Thurs
day iu May. ? . j
Unmailable Letters Remaining in tue
Richmond Post-Owce Al'lflL 1/ -1873.?
Mi** E.S.Cownan, Maucli Chunk, Pa.pJolm
G. Puller, Richmond: John Harrison, ;
Miss' H. Tyler, New Yorkf-Me??re, Wright
& Co., Rio de Janeiro; two letters, no ad
dress. t I
? ? ?" "sn Ir1 i| >
iNSTAxrinqN op GwwERfl.?The officers
of Artisan CoutkiiTjl^b.'lOirSbAsdf'T?Bpe
rimfce, Vtdil be' pabHeJj-4tist4lM,.4?3 thrf lmfl 6n
Oregon Hill to-night.
' Transfers of Real Estate.?The follow
ing conveyances of real estate were made
during the week ending March 30,1872:
J. F. Snipes, trustee, to James Jones, 33
feet on Thirtieth street between Gay and
Leigh, for $110.03.
1 J. M. Talbottto S. O. B. Faulkner. Jr., 86
feet on Leigh street near Twenty-fifth, for
$1,175. .
T. J. Evans, commissioner, to M. Roscn
baum, 2D feet on Seventh street near Clay,
for 9S00.
1 George H. Rcith to C. C. Hcinlcin,(126
feet on Dover street, for $1,300.
Grace Scott to B. "W. Haxnll, 52 feet on
FrAnklin street corner Fifth, for $7,000.
James H. Dooiey, commissioner, to B. L.
Brasselinan, 60 feet on St. James street be
tween Federal and Coutta, for $246.
L. L. Lacy to D. Barker, trustee, 31 feet
on Marshall street, for $3,100.
Joseph H. Colquitt, Jr,, to James H.
Dooiey, 48| feet on Franklin street near Lau
rel, for 92,437.50.
Virginia Brown and others to John P.
Heath, 33 feet on Brotid street corner Jail
alley, for $2,250. :
John Harrold to Alexander J. Nott, 30 feet
on Second street corner of Canal, for $3,900.
Henry Metzger to P. Bock, 44 feet on Vallev
street near Baldwin, for $275.
James Heron and others to P. Rock, 44 feet
on Seventeenth street corner Baldwin, for
$440. :.1B .
John G. Andrews to S. H. Pulliam, onc
1 third,interest in 60 feet on Main street be
tween Madisdn and Belviderc, for $650.
W. T. Francis to Eliza J. Browning and
Benjamin K. Garrett, 27 feet on Albemarle
street comer Belviderc, for $243.
M. Hart's administrator to Frances Hart,
GO feet on a street between Perry and 31c
i Donough streets, for $202.50.
" James L. Bispham and others to A. Dick
man, 132 feet on Grace street corner Twenty
second; for $3,300.
Piedmont and Arlington Life Insurance
Company to 6. F. Dickinson, 60 feet on
i Grace street between Twenty-first and Twen
ty-second, for $6,700.
3fi A. and P. J. Crew, Ac., to Thomas
Rcilley, 20 feet on Main street corner Twen
tv-first, for $3,000.
* Fields Cook's trustee to James D. Allen,
30 feet on Xinth street north of Leigh, for
J. A. Jones, commissioner, to O. Holmes,
30 feet on Sixth street near Preston, for
vAccidext.*?On t>Jhulay afternoon 31r. R.
A. S^allev, of Charles ujty county, was pain
fully Xjiucd by. hisiidwe slipping and fall
ing witrN^flSreiil-'tbe City Gas Works.
^OrENiNG of the Sprls'G I'rade.?The
varied and continued bad weather has com
bined with other circumstances to make the
spring trade rather backward this year, but
now merchants are arriving every day and
the streets begin to wear a livelier aspect.
Indeed, we may expect soon to see unusual
crowds of people thronging the hotels, and
great activity in wholesale establishments and
other departments of trade. Our jobbers
have laid in very large and carefully selected
stocks, and in some branches unusual efl'orts
have been made to attract business. We can
safely assure mercliunts from any quarter
that their wants can be supplied quite as well
here as elsewhere, and upon as favorable
terms, while our lines of transportation
a fiord the greatest facilities for prompt
moving of all merchandise to its destination.
The tax dim. was further considered by
the House of Delegates yesterday, but has
not yet been ordered to its engrossment and
third reading. The Senate will adjourn
from day to clay until the bill pusses the
Meteorological.?The following is a state
ment of the condition of the weather for the
month of March as taken at the Pump-House
each morning at 6 A. M.:
3 *
J 7 32 Snow.
eirar, , .
Fvwtrv. J <? il
< 'to lid y." I 24 -t?
?.vnV , 21 x7 Ufcar;
flff: * * * s**,
< Var. ' *i H
? ? 1 "4 rMear.i
?S 24 ' Clondj.
2S ZS Clouoy.
V7 4n Clou'lr.
AO Clear. .
AveraRe btatc per day. 30-4? degree?.
? .? * Clear,
ft 4# Clwr.
31 58 It <U1I.
United Siat*^ Cfhmx<?Thi? court will
probably he opened to-day, .vlicr: th* ?mt)d
jury will be in session.
Court of Appeals.?There was no busi
ness transacted in this court on yesterday.
HrsTFNdsi COirftt,?The April term of this
;ourt commenced yesterday. Only civil eases
were disposed of.
Police CoIrt, Monday?Justice J. J.
While presiding.?The following cases were
lisposed of:
Robert James (colored), charged with
dealing one pair of pants from David Xolle,
rt;?t3 found guilty, and sentenced to he con
fined in tli6 city jail for thirty days.
Washington Mays (colored), charged with
being drunk and disorderly on the street,
was required to give security In the sum of
?I00 for three months.
Charles Clay (colored), charged with as
Eauifiugnnd striking Charles Courtney with
a stone, was fined $2<
Moses Branch (colored), charged with as
saulting and striking Henry Faircloth.
Found guilty, and sent to jail for thirty
Martha Welsh (colored), charged with as
saulting and cutting Cliarlotte Thompson
with a knife. Continued till the 2d.
Mary E. King (colored), charged with hav
ing in her possession one pair of shoes stolen
from Peter W. Burt. Continued to Wed
William Denny, charged with being drunk
and unalle to take care of himself. Dis
James Hastings, charged with threatening
and abusing James B. MeCauley. Case set
tled by parties and costs paid.
Beverly Gray (colored), charged with at
tempting to pick the pocket of William Denny.
Discharged; no evidence to convict.
Patsey Fortune, Lucie Lynch, und Fannie
Fox, charged with heating Matt Fortune on
his own premises, were discharged.
Matthew Fortune (colored), charged with
assaulting and beating Patsey Fortune.
ned S2750.
Albert Haskins, charged with nwnulting
id threatening to strike Gabriel Sam with a
air, was discharged.
Summer Course at the Medical College.
he first of the " suramerooursc " of lectures
; the Medical College of Virginia will be
slivered in the chemical hall of the college
lis morning at 9? o'clock by Dr. J. G. Skcl
>n. The lecturers of the summer, like those
f the regular course, are all highly accom
lished physicians of experience and good
Flour for Brazil.?The American brig
ranees Jane, T. Jones master, from Baiti
ore, entered at the custom-house yesterday
tornoon, to. take in a cargo of flour for Bra
il.shipped by the Gallego Mill'.
. *rr-?;
Live Stock Statistics.?The following is
statement of live stock weighed at the
*" I nnH n rippc)
c hlavemeni ou ?rc ,
ty smloo (Withtliewcight andprice?)
JfioK the month of March. Cattth. ,
mug tnu iiiDUbu ut _
eight, 420jM)9 pounds; ty to 7je., gross.
iecp,235; weight, 13,110 pounds: 7 to Sc.,
rosa; extra tiue,235; lijc,.gross. Ilogs, ISO;
eight, 70,800 pounds; 7 to 8c., gross.
The Theatre.?Mr. J. B. Booth appeared
i Hamlet last night. He was sustained by
Ira. Booth, Mr. Shewell, and others of a
eiy good dramatic company. Mr. Booth
as hot the great genius of bis ftther, or of
ia brother Edwin, but he has many of the
eculiar characteristics of the foijner, and
displays fine histrionic talents.- In the scenes
with the Queen, with the grave-diggers, and
with Ophelia, he was very happy, and was
liberally rewarded, as at other times, with
applause. Asa whole, the performance was
genteel and pleasing to persons of taste. To
night Mr. Booth will appear as Iago in
Othello, with Mrs. Booth as Desdemona. ,.
St. Patrick's Ball.?'The ball of the
Catholic Beneficial >?ociety at Assembly Hall
last night was one of the most brilliant af
fairs of the kind it has ever been our
pleasure to witness. The large hall was
literally crowded to overflowing with ladies
and gentlemen, there being barely room
enough on the floor for the dancers and the j
hundreds of spectators.. Dancing was com- i
mcnced rather earlier than usual aud kept up j
with vigor until very late. The arrange
ments were so complete that notwithstanding
the throng nobody suffered any inconve
nience, and the very best order was observed
throughout the evening. The various com
mittees discharged their duties most effi
ciently, and were unwavering in their atten
tions to the guests.
At midnight a large number of those pre
sent went to the room below, where was
spread a bountiful and tempting array ,of
edibles and drinkables most tastefully ar
ranged. Some of the meats bore the initials
of the society under whose auspices the ball
was given, (C. B. S.) with the figure of the
cross.^ The supper was gotten up, under the
direction of a competent committee, bv Mr.
P. B. Callahan. I
Our closing statement is the best of all?
viz., that the ball was the means of raising a
very handsome sum of money for the benefit
of that excellent institution the Jit. Patrick's
Rehearsal.?The new organ of the Second
Baptish church having been placed in posi
tion, was tried yesterday by Professor Leo
Wheat and several other accomplished musi
cians, and was pronounced by all a splendid
instrument. Last night there was a rehearsai
of the ladies and gentlemen who will tak<
part in the grand opening concert on Thurs
day evening.
,.hnrKoIniOU8 1^'?TIr3?T,ie attendance at our
churches on last buuday morning wan large
notwitstauding the wind and other threat
ening aspects of the weather. There was,
however, nothing worthy of note in the
lnoruiug exercises. At U P. M. at the Bap
tist church the Rev. Mr. Deans preached the
regular monthly sermon before the Sabbath
school from John, 1st chapter and l^th
verse. The scholars turned out in larae
numbers. * ?
h? Methodist church at night the Rev.
Mr. Christian, by request, preached before tbe
temperance societies from Colossians l>d
chapter and 21st verse: "Touch not, taste
not, handle not." Tbe church was crammed
many persons being unable to obtain adroit
tance, Great interest was manifested. The
Sons, Friends, and Cadets of Temperance in
our midst are doing noble work in a worthv
cause, and we rejoice to speak of their pros
perous condition.
Sunday-School' Convention.?The Middle
Distinct Baptist Deacons3 Meeting and Sun
day-School Convention organized at Skin
quarter church on Saturday mornin0, by the
election of I). M. Goode, of .Mount Herman
church, as moderator, and 31. W. Hancock
ol Jerusalem church, as secretary. A large'
number of delegates were present", represent
ing nearly every church in the district. The
Convention in the morning was occupied in
discus-nig an essay on "The Scriptural Plan
ot Giving," by Itev. George J. Hobday: and
in tbe afternoon in discussing one on "the ex
igency of uniting the weak churches with
the strong ones," by the Rev. J. F. Deans,
i lie discussions were very interesting, and
copies of the essays were requested for'pub
bcation. Hie exercises were interspersed
v\ ith the usual devotional exercises.
Dead Body Fou.vp.-On Sunday, bv order
of the trustees and at the request "of the
-"is of 31 r. Robert Forsee, Captain Lips
and druggetTa#fiifB)jr.' .???
riving oj'p2site the City JJtS's/ ? r?^v>
decom*owl w&s found embedded iff Uic
roots of a largo ite*: Witb assistance Cap
tain Lipscombc brought it to the ??bore, and
summoned Justice Chiles, who, on a view
of the bqefy,'. deemed an inquest unnecessary,
and the bod* *v*l? fiiriicjT over to the countv
authorities for iutcrmeiii: Tv>r$ ^ tH1j
doubt but what the body found was that of
Roliert Forsee, whose disappeaffitlcd has
been before noted, and who was tost seen in
Manchester ch the night of the Pith ultimo
in a state of great inlox*'<tthrn;. Forsee was
u resident of Richmond, was thirty of
age, and a blacksmith. It is supposed tlrat
he fell from the paper-mill bridge, as, on the
night spoken of, a colored woman saw un
object floating down the canal, observed it
sink, and gave the alarm, but when it was
responded to nothing coukl be seen; and it
was only after healing her statement that
Forsee's friends became alarmed at his non
appearance and requested the dragging of
the canal. *
Parade of the Alerts.?The semi-annual
washing and parade of the Manchester Alerts
took place an yesterday. At 2 o'clock P.
31. the company assembled at the engine
house, and after organizing paraded the prin
cipal streets. There were thirty-three uni
formed men in line, and the exterior condi
tion of the apparatus was all that could be
desired?the beauiiful hand-engine, reel, and
hook-and-ladder truck, presenting an ele
gant appearance. The procession was formed
trader the command of Warden John A. Cers
ley, assisted by Captain A. A. Waugb. The
company halted at the arch bridge in front of
the Graham works, and the trial of the ap
paratus began. Through , both an inch
and seven-eighths nozzle a stream was
thrown over the bell-house of the old
mill, and a stream was thrown, ou a dead
level, of 185 feet. This, it must be remem
bered, was in tbe face of a brisk wind. The
Chief Engineer, the fire committee, and a
large numlier of citizens and tax-payers, rep
resented themselves as highly pleased. The
company presented a splendid appearance,
and reflected credit upon themselves and the
After the exercises at tbe canal tbe company
proceeded to the plug-atHull street and 3Iar
ket place, when a trial took place with still
better results, and at the conclusion of the
washing they adjourned to the engine-house^
where a bountiful supply of good things to
refresh tbe inner man had been furnished, and
several hours were si>ent in the usual festive
Police Court? Before Justice Chiles.?
Armstead Harris, arrested by Captain Lips
combe, charged with the robbery of der
ricks, Ac., tbe property of Captain E. Vick
ers, of the free bridge, was sent on for fur
ther trial before the grand jury.
James "Wadded, for stealing chickens from
George W. Cox, was also sent on.
Two little colored children, for throwing
stones in the streets, were turned over to
their parents for punishment.
Officers Elected.?Lafayette Division,
No. 25, Sons of Temperance has elected the
following officers for the ensuing term : R.
H. Beazley, P. W. P.; W. B. Weisiger, W.
P.; 8. M. Perdue, W. A. j E. H. Foote, R.
8.; R. II. Beazley, Treasurer: A. C. Harding,
F. 8.; J. T. Bedford, Con.; Benjamin Frank
lin, A. C.; M. Fontcr, I S.; R. A. Baugh,
0. 8.; K. D. Hogan, chaplain.
VAiuor5 Ttkms.?3Iajor Joseph Walker has
been appointed acting superintendent of the
Federal granite works vice E. W. Smith, re
moved. This for tbe present ends "the
quarry war."
News has been received in Manchester of
two voung men who absconded a few weeks
since" with considerable funds belonging to
their parents. .
The storm of Sunday did considerable
damage, blowing down chimneys, trees, Ac.,
and at one time the roof of the city mills was
in imminent danger.
Easter Monday was generally observed,
all of the mills, factories, and workshop# tad
many stores being closed. There were, how-j
ever, no utltfcKfai festivities.
?t ? ? . , A Card.
A drumming card, signed , by "Cbatalgue A
flovd," a Washington firm; proposing to 1ssue a city
directory for and nlao Tearing the name dl
"Benjamin Bates,"bookseller and,puMiober, tree
handed me this morning, and my attention .called t<>
a paragraph attempting to reflect ripon the character
of tbc work of a aim liar nature leaned by myself last
year. 1 Immediately called upon Mr, Batw, and
was not mistaken in my supposition that bis name
had been nsed without his knowledge or consent, a*
the following uote from htm frilly attests:
.Vr. B. H". (Hills: In reference to the drcnlar
shown me to-day Issued by Messrs, C'hataJjrne A
Boyd, and to which my name Is attached as book
seller and publisher, I have to 6ay that I uever
authorized them to affix my name to any paper re
flecting in the least upon you or any one else. !"
" I have called their attention to tills matter, and
have their assurance that the reference to yourseL
would at once be corrected.
?? Kcspectfblly, Benjamin Bates."
Comment upon tbu action of the Washington firm
la unnecessary. , ? B. W. fttLLIS,
Publisher Richmond City Directory.
April 1,1*7?.'
No Trickkry?No DBCErnaxwEvery picture
properly finished and tlffe-llke at the "Lee" gallery.
?: ? ? ? ? ? ? ???<???*? ? i K ..n> )
Galvanized Iron Cornzcjl?It cannot, be ques
tioned tlut the Intensity and extent of fires la. due tc
the amount bf wood exposed In our present but
rather craning system of house-building. Something
is needed In place of wood to last longer and soft
better, and, in addition to tills, wood In many sec-'
tlons will eventually be & scarce article. Iron, as a
substitute, b so superlor,and so much better adapted
to the necessities of the day, that we do not wondei
at the very' general adoption of Uie lrou cornier
In the late Arc In Chicago it was observed that the
wood ornaments attached to many buildings, theti
cornices, window-caps, etc.,'greatly assisted the pro
gress of the conflagration by catching fire quickly
and coinmuulcatiug to the buildings they were
upon. : <f>' > ??? ' sp ' 'i Pi
In galvanized iron it would not take fire, it cau be
rendered far more ornamental than work tu wood
at the same expense, and it is infinitely more dura
ble, and insurance agents often make one-eighth
per cent, reduction where these cornices are in use.
The value of iron cornicesr brackets, cape, and
other trimmings for buildings, must be conceded
not only for their lightness and beauty, but for the
Increased security against fires In large towns and
cities.?Cleveland Daily Herald. .
These cornices arc manufactured lu great variety
of Htyb-by the Ricitmond Architectural Iron ?
Works and Stove Company, looo Cary street.
We ask the attention of those la want of good
household furniture to the sale at our auctlou-roomt
this morning at 10 o'clock. '*
Figs and Phunes.?If you wish to get a good ar
ticle go to PtZZINl'S.
Best Clover Hill lump grate coal ready for de
llveiy. Also, frce-burniug. anthracite, all sizes:
nnd dry pine and oak wood, machine split, sawed
and long, for cooking and kindling.
llll Main and Ninth and Car)' streets.
Dates, Dates.?Pizzini la selling dates two
pounds for tweiity-tlvc cents.
Tyler's tce-cheam depot, at 821 Braid street,
was opened on yesterday, turning out some of the
1 test cream ever made in this city. Mr. Tyler pro
poses to furnish to dealers, hotels, bonrdlng-liouscs,
and private families, a pure article of Ice-cream of
any flavor desired at $1.10 per gallon, manufactured
ihilly from pure creaiu and milk furnished from
.Mr. Hartwell's dairy. Croaiu delivered In any part
of the city or sent by express to the country.
Sweet Havana Orandks?Pizzini has a few
of these delicious oranges left.
" JS>: wrNG-MACliiNe*.?The tint nf medals effstrt- !
buted in the American department proves the Im
portant part that the United 8tates have taken thlfc
year at the Exhibition* In examining the list It
gives us satisfaction to see the medals given to sew
ing-machines- Among tire American machines, pro
perly said. 16 la the Weed machine that has received
tire first medal. The public gave great attention to
there machines, at the models were the most perfect
on exhibition.?Pram 1a JRmiwtr Universal. Jour
nal OfficiaLde I'Empire Francaise. Paris, July JO,
1867. WlLLlAJl LOt'KHAHT, Ageut, <
corner Eighth and Main streets.
vv'-de you are shopping to-day go
Tits narhfc'andfamO of thfi "Ufj" *sn
guarantee for gWtrf nUiotM prices.
M have used nearly all the leading fcirtdsof *w
l?g-tie*#**, including thcWUKELKK*^^^
1i? etfft 4 hxr-sZlZZ
S...S. prcr? ,? tav? M>
the WI..LCOX & Giu*> ??blnc. '-Mrs. S. P.
Ripley, Oicego1 AV w lark.
"A large fcaffy tif emigrants will soon sail from
Loudon for Virginia!" WonW tojU their attention
to E. B. Sfenok & Son's net* springstyles.
" One of the rules of the new English drese rttbtm
U to wear a suit until It wears out" We would call
the attention of the society to E. B. Si'EXCE A SON'S
durable spring styles.
The beautiful spring has opened at K. B. Sfence
A Son's with the lluest display of gentlemen's goods
ever offered to a Richmond public. Call ewly and
make your selection. ?; ?
The cutters at. E. B. Sfence A Bon's are ready
Dd willing to cut you a spring suit Leave your
ammeud our lady friends to the " Ljoe" gallery, WO
;alu street. i;t
Goto FlZZlNl's and get the best marsh-mallow
lcj chocolate drops, and cocoauut caramels.
?? 1
Elegant gems of oil chromoa, lu fine gold and
Uck walnut frames,copies from celebrated artists.
?Ill Ire sold at auction on Wednesday, April 3d, at 10
clock, at Thomas W. Keeske's, No. mr Main
Richmond Female Institute?TIic Spring
>rm (three months) begins Tuesday, April 2d. Pn
lld detained hitherto should enter, then.
A new term of the Richmond Female Instttutetos I
liw this week. Inquire of any patron as to it* ad
' ' J 1 ''' ^''*'
Young ladles and girls not at school ahonW enter
his week at the. Female Institute, Tenth and Mar
shall streets. < , t ?:*i ,
Kkes A Co., Photographers, are determined Uiat
people of moderate means ,and other* who are
?conomlcallv inclined shall no longer be imposed
upon by pretenders on account^ low prices- Goat
once to headquarters and get pictures Una you need
Dt be ashamed to show, or send to any pert oX the
orld. Cartes do vl-itc, *2.50 per dozen; large *ize,
;;llfo^lze,frome6to<3ft. j
THE Latest NEWtk-^j^Store- cornel
Ml, ml W. .tr^. hSK
lnth and Main streets, ua* yu?. -?^y.
inert of fancy good^-Jeweiry of every deseri^
onofUie latest sty lea. Imported Bohemian gku?
arc, jet and tortoise shell jewelry*
?*& Photograph dim*
3xcs, buckgammon boards, *??
too, a fresh supply of those valuable little docks,
blch for accuracy of time have UO snpcrlor.. Oar
:ock at present surpasses any ^
) the. public rinco the first opening of our store.
Ve extend a cordial invitation to our friemfa to call
ud examtoofbr thcmaelvsff. ? .
C. J. CAJtrwtLL A CO,,
r-i \
Original Dollar Store,'
oorncr Ninth and Mala kxG**
, <?' ?}? c * ';
(l Melancholy BB*A*?D$ywM^Thex )&*
ih-it make an audience laugh, ana
break-downs that nuke,an. audience bjjWfr.
pre are sad and sorrowfifl break -dowry that .us k
emafcrratlotiof body and. mind urlsteh
Ucd "general debility" or "narrpa*
dwhich,when neglected,too
rophy and death. A whokaome
at ht the one thldg needed la casta of
m, and science and.
it proportions necessary? to-pto4ao? ^
SiJT3S2totte Of the system
'e dlgeeUtc and aecretWorg^
lo argument la 1t? fator m age^af
"Q. H. IX"?D?m*t
car, eym Mldc opeu and W ^
OM Iquare, <*? fatertlon YJ.ti/3" VI*
One square, two insertions. . S it
Ouesqiui? three insertion*......... x ?s
One square, dx liiscrtlotifc....
One square, tirelvefcwei^J?o.??.. fto
One square, one ?*w?C7. .7JlA . 1? ft t
jgSte! ?."
t1gtQy '<atncHw, ^c^ M?s thai tfWfoysftrious
symbol* are caMitotfc sifts *d*nats?rtt scfteue
terror and tUamsy with their midnight ntmrUnfn
j ftcf disperse oa'the ti*Wn of' niontlug. IfOT They
gre only the fnMaJs <ff l)r. rttttttrtiXtotoKK 'ta
DiCAt Dtexjcvrxr. that pkMsxt
jwacvfte*,*. BWW.#>
efficacious in eongfo, ibhft tauvchlthCcoftUimptfdo,
an?fkindred db?we< tbrttfc*fttotrfifefc'ft fcft
no felted. - Bold by all di i%gtol4 T '.t*w\ .f (-wt:f s
Hefttsease,' violets, dafeies,1 4c,, 5s*j/ fie/2ru?
plnitfef' no*r,' and can he had la' any OMotttf of.
MoieTCLNV 'f v'r* ,' -?} H tiil - Urt-ijft *99
J AfrttHr floral novelties nuiyhi?fh?mdat
fianfen, on Reservoir street Sidneys!**** ft*
*o.<l store, imt p> Rlulvb% Pw4 attetfcj atf
teods tor cents; if by aaall enctofe irtuliijat *6er
bulbs, to taaUscttch: Urqniv^ffceB?s.,3<i?gn?>
and funeral decoration* furulsM ^vv^d<ylg]^^
;.,v/ .tit ?.{:; j" > i: 'V .?? n ,~ij>**
M.Eu,r$ox jMmffirtnM ffiPftiffMiy <>
bunding, Srtll receive advertMfcmeUi* and. have fhetp
inserted'hi 'any internal of ft rbftiw
rates. ?:*? i,nl<ui jrhrrxt".'* Jxiwnh .a*/.
ADVKtTia*.?Onr tecrchaHto seeking trade ill'any
portion of tfae-ceniiiry should aftycrtltt- in <??
ptH3ei^.o<j^hU(,?iclh)u. EniiYijo^: A Co, *u#l
bike advertisements and have.' theia. Irttcrtcd at pub
?r,w.f to ' '?'ri.Jii.j'.n;!!?'." ;m( - ( ?;/0
Job PiuxTLVQf-AVe eall the attention of war
?hahtsvcle'rl# of court*, lawyers, railroad,
<wsuushlp andoftbToffittMa&d agent*,'andaBbtfcet*
lwy|ngd)i*r^P^iAUog, to tho fadlUtes
prompTand faithful execution' of an (Hindi of Jot
Prixtino. fornlfliat^rt
Blll-HcaUb, LeUcr-Heads, Pmfrfcmincs,&aU fftehstlM,
Bhulm,. pamphlets, .,T?gs, .(^iatopn*,
Bills of Fare, Show-Rills, Check*, Drafts, 4c., 4c.,
4cL' Shhrfactlon gttahuiteed. : ''11 ? M''
paSTESt) KuiXDflw'lTSD AS80
llSt?fecrib?rB >v{io hnvc not patii ffidjfj?Slift?
tou oenta per shiro) "Pill Phg* attend tills owtlrg
in*l dp bo at once, to avoid further delay.
By oriter of the Company
ap 2-lt?
DAI (insieau . or a uwuo; , ^~ , ?
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'? The accomplished tragic adf'rw
iiilt}. J. B. BOOTH.
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The popular actor
If ,.?./! i 1 '-fit. I> >** * ' ' ? '
Mil. L. R. SHEWELL, ..
awl tlie Grand Shakc.-pearlan Company. .
TUESDAY EVENING, April 2d, Shakespeare*!.
trag*?y OTHELLO;''* , ; ? "? v?
,,t(rn .Mr. J. B; Booth.
Reserved seats 2?
General admission
Seats can be secured to-day at VESTi JOUlMTOS s
CO.'S Iwokstore. >p 3~u
? J~s . ?? *
i . ; ff commencing
? WEDNE8DAY. Arait': 3Df
. . - ?..i .<:?! '^TV*
BINGk'HSf ~ .?!' >*
and the renowned humorist and ?tt?t ftf tnl ?Hls,t
First appearance In Richmond,of ' f.
Mtm? NELLIE E. KNAI'l'f Soprano yocaliat. twd
of Mr. HhNEST THIEL..Flntc Solobt and ^
: Violin Vfrfiiooo Rate of M<ttle
FJilssoo'sCdhocrt Company!
Prices at u?ual- Safe of ft-eftH <**<* eommertH**
4 Jomuno.'.
^ choir of m
church npou thd: y jrVgsiNG nca^J^
tiAlcent overt urea u^, ^iml*$'of eoio^ H109*
myeioc*. xuc
qsrf,f?Sri?udSVto wclv ? v*?
be porc!u?'l "I 'r'oCfc?*
concert from M?fcra. W est < 0J SJcRwV
X PLACE, with
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trotfTffiNT, A'D^SiSAliLK-^^ w
X CLASS BE?IDteI?CE;?*mi? of J
Jegcraon supo^vwhyy
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