OCR Interpretation

The daily dispatch. [volume] (Richmond [Va.]) 1850-1884, November 27, 1873, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024738/1873-11-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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, avj;_:.w \nivm.v in AnvAVCK.
i l' Mi > 1<!>PATCH 1s x-r>r%r?1 t<>
,? ? :? in \ < knts iht work, payable fntt><
?i i-1 M.-sMi*) at |H>r annum", 4* for Ma
' >?? r ni??M?h for a M'.orfvr porlo?l.
o V! hi V PlbrATillat|3pfrAit
? i " f.->r -1 \ rrsnnlhv.
. v\> 1 lv i V tU-lWTCM .it $r por nnnnm.
iiirhiiuuul Xlispatrh.
1 ti y < IU' l I A "HON ?T TI?K r?1S
i ; i \k?.i:k than thk oimimnfm
: Al t. THK i'THKU i>AII,Y
vr> \<> ?>K i H?; < m v.
NOV I MBKK :T, isTi?
????? .? UtMF.KN' toi ^ri!,.
-!.c'OM> day.
t ?!<o ]Ji.hmond I>!?psich
Pktkksbi ho. Novcml>er 2G.
?? ? >'tssio/i.?The* Council met
\ \i., Mr. K. Drumge*ole in the chair,
u .- oth r-d l?y Kev. Mr. Hiddick.
preliminary buMiiess .Mr.
?v. ,1 r>-e to a privileged question
: r! !v> the report of the Committee
t4\ t\
.' iv^< r? t< ndered lib resignation
k .f \l" Council on account of the
btisine->. Speeches were
\ . ot members in opposi
. p'nnoc of Mr. Rogers V
: ?; \s.is finally accepted on the as
!' \ to discharge the du
: to it.
.. . _?. ? . nu n were nominated for the
. :? 11? I iteneia! Stilh Boiling, oi
vv.s finaliy t levied. Ueneial
;u>.\, \. r, vet forth his entire lna
?? ii t<^ :!if- dutn .- of the position.
? 1 Ltlward Daniels, of Richmoud,
? i the mi.-pension of the order of
i. i introduced a seiies of resolu-!
? >or f a more flexible and liberal
:>:*!? >oa! finance, nnd spoke in
?huic at some length. The re
. < t.i-ml 1 >aniels seemed to meet
?,,: tne ( ouncil.
. a .n. F. l.ec. of New Kent, op-!
... ;? ..n ?'t the rooiution-. Il?
; ?;.< -en'lemen in fav.?r of the
. J to Ulieve that if it were
:.f \ would -oou nftei begin to]
Virginia wants monev, but
; : currency : she wants gold and
f. if products of her -kill and iaboi.
? .jt-u ' w.-> Mtiviubi^eous to the West, J
<? . I'.id bt-en no bankruptcy, but
? . just beginning a ufcw
- Washington, of ( aroline, con- j
? ? . tc views of General Lee and
r.Kio in a speech of Svuie length.
-:i Ge r,-r iioiiinD' then addressed
? a-jd ventilated the oppressive
tije u-itional banking system. We;
? i :l;- ti Nad vantages and tfrievances |
. .: t c people l ibor who handle
. ? ? i-^utf of the nation.d biuks.
. r- irrew rich, be argued, at
? the industrial c!n>ses of the
therefore be opposed any
? . r :hf inO.ition of tlie currency as
. i.u ! tirtben on the farming inter
; ? ?e farmers, b? said, worked all and
i he ?.!:cm:cui National Bank, be
Suited on .1 capital of 8300,000,
< y us made ?3,00U.0U0. This
ho" from no other source than the
: t ?rountry.
, 1 NY. r. 1 ?;ir\vell, of Kiebmond, sih
i? - liiti'-n- of < 'lo?el Daniels
? i tr; i.* ;b" need of the South in
?v wa? an increase in the cur-1
'?1 n-y \mis tiio tool of labor, and
; ? nvrpns^ uiust langui>b. Ku-|
t and the prosperity of the
: i !?* %?'. industry would be
?? !. -ii*i ;?t tlx" proj?t*r time. t>y a
. i roe*?-. the currency would
? ? ;;; \< ii:ii:o without injury to itsl
It H.i- not to the1 interest of I
? - rt'-irn t ? a specie basis at this
. ! imi cri'li ii;ntty-niue im u
? f t ?. ? ry li'indred.
' i.1: uuig-M k-. from the Committee
i ;i ..eers of the Council, sub
w I ft ? ?! t fimi the Trcasurt r.
. : :',i :be hCHisl <xpen<e of the
' .i -.'?0. and recommeuded. t!.e
: ['-? cm < f rl <>n eaeb member for
:..?!!! '?f tiie df';'- ? already Incurred
!?? the rtvi-jp. -ucti as ball rent,
; y .
. 1 'liimjoole offered to be onf- oi
i if the inimi)Ci- to Contribute
? : i\ the '??xpenses. Colonel G. W.
. would l-e nuother. Captain
ii.ninn, in tillering to be a third,
: th -t the m' mhers who bad
? n : ut to large- expense in attend
, . -tibjected to the payment of|
- hirideni to the session.
? i.i^tun, of Caroline, moved that
..:K'.r ? <? requested to deposit wiib
i i> : i.:? r whatever be felt able to eou
fch was aU' pted.
ihlw:'rd Daniel-, from the Com
:: i runnj.'ortation and Labor, sub
? . ;i . or;, in wljich it was urged that
? *?* te i:ner- should be bought
? ! ii ,"jrs living along navigable
lateral lines should lie con
? . ? i.-dtbf esisting tr ink line:
- of tran-porfatiou lor passen
. u : - -bould be unitorm for long
... . -i .no-: and that charters
: :v _r.iuted by the Legislature,
0 ::v<. lailroad law or otherwi-e, to
..>? :r.t invv tme-nt of capital, &o., tor
: ?..? in the- c m-truetion of ]
.. ? - ? ; communication, &c.
- e .;"llinton, a member of the
no? read the report, and a.
- r..;cd in ii s-emed to de-erve
. . .*!? m, bo moved that tlio re
. j--. muiilbd.
? . ">'?. 1*. iiurw.-ll submitted a series
. ?.?u in rvi.ition to the tax on the
? <1 ? u-d in the- manufacture ot to-'
[fli.se resolutions ate similar to
j ? y oib r-d in the* B ardsof Trade
- ? i'y and Richmond ] They were
???i i:uammou>Iy by ttje Councii.
1 it p .:r uj the Committee on iiorticul
.? 1 Pomology was thru read by Dr.
?V. B: nnd txiat ?>n Cotton by Captaiu
1?. i.rook, of Prince George; both
m-'; were received ami adopted; after)
; ' e. un.-il adjourned till 4 o'clock.
-5/i <0/1?4.30 r. M.?President
.ii *: v chair.
? ii" ..i >*iih Boiling appeared before the
? i i. t t? ndered bis resignation as
k - ! C-Jusicil, lo whicu be bad been
W. H. Mann, of Nottoway, and
W. U'i;*--,oi >an?eiuoud, werenorni
? ?. :,>oth declined. Ju<l;,'e Maun
? .t. U to m i ve (or the present ses
? . \\ .is .-o flceled.
Ji-dford,otl'eied the ?ollow
. i h:!t i;i \iev\ o! the depressed
:: ? ! rr.ij uiMetury interest of the
i!.r S'ait-, uiuJ their utter inability
..e i tc-'.-ni d* uiundi made upon
iut .v.n-e ot the i'miners* Colin*
? :.i ht>riuu in the city of IVtera
? ?<>. f-j:i! j ligation be made to the Gene
.. ol 11 i-'iniu, immediately upon
? - ii. > to pa** h 11w ?ta\ ing the col*
: -if luxr< ill,tub Mate until the 1st
? > . ?'i i_\ lit \>
,' iu 2iiiitoii bu Rented tiit necessity of
'???j a sj" .-cial !*es>iou or the General As
i; uij> good i? to n>uIt from the
i;ii? ii. All the mii.iI! claims would he
?.'! L-y Hi'.- time ol the meeting ot the
? Mti e ; and a*- the rich were not ineom
!"i, V.ii- \<:y cud desired to be accom
: \<.u!?i b?* defeated.
, is. <u to lav the resolution on the
!v> v.jM-jM.
i ? ? /'ution was then, by unanimous
? Mi:,iui;t?*d to tin J.ejrMutlve Commit
i i *?,
Mi. j'j_vae oliWcd the lollcwinjc resolu
?' ? 'i:
? xU/'jlcThat the President appoint a
- ...... ?? i ui three, wuo^e duty it shall be to
j ?? .it the fnilie?t practicable moment
i the aiij juiument ol this Convention an
to ifit- farmers of V irginia und
? i r-iK.linu netting forth the objects of
< otiueil, and also the plan tor the
t-:ii*'iUon of the township awl county
club?, and cause the same to be published in
?he agricultural papers of tlie State, and for
ward the to one or more energetic,
zealous and active farmers in each county
with the e ?rur>t request that they proceed
immediately to the organization of clubs in
their counties and township.van auxiliaries
ot thr Farn;er.>' Council of Virginia and
North Carolina, and report the said organi
zation to the committee."
The agricultural organization of Albe
marle was cited by the mo\|cr ot the reso
lution as >m i vid?'uce of the practicability of
the scheme.
In ihe course <>f the remark? upon the re
solutions a number of fuels interesting to
the farmer^ were elicited. The resolution
was then unanimousl) adopted.
Further time was granted the Committee
on Fertilizers ??? report.'"'
Captain XV. E. Uiuton, Jr.,from the Com
mitUeon Labor and Transportation, asked
that the committee uow huviug the .subject
under consideration be discbargad, and that
the su' ject be referred to a new committee,
io report ar the next annual meeting of the
Couucil. Adjourned. Robin Adair.
[Special telegram to the Dispatch.J
JJccnvig Session.?The lirst business dis
charged by the Couucil to-night was the rc
ception of the report of the Committee on
Immigration, submitted bv Captain John
Dodson, ot' Dinwiddie county. The report
was ub!\ dist-ussed by General \\\ H. F.
Let, R-v. J. A. Kiddick. .Mr. J. B. Zolli
cofl'er of North Carolina, Colonel Shanks
of Norfolk, and others, and was finally
adopted. The spirit of the opposition to
the report seemed to be the idea that our
own native population and industry could
be better utilized tor the improvement of ali
waste places in Virginia.
The report of the Special Committee ou
Fin tn-e was made by Colonel George \\".
BoMing and elicited an interesting discus
sion, in which Colonel \\\ 1\ Burwell, Cap
ram \\. K. Limtou, Jr., and others took part.
The report is iu fa\or of increased currcncy
for the couutry.
Adjourned 1:1110 o'clock to-morrow morn*
luo- Kobin Adaik.
Tire iu SpotS3 lvaulu.
f Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch ]
Gtiney's Station, November 26.
The large corn and wheat-mill of Mrs. A.
M. Jcrre.ll, situated in Spotsylvania county
about three miles from GuiueVs station, to
gether with a!! the machinery, sixteen bar
rels of flour, and a large quantity of corn and
w he it. were entirely destroyed by lit e on
Monday night. The miller'had left a few
hours previous and there was not a man on
tile premi-es to render any assistance. Much
sympathy :> felt fur Mrs. Jerrell, who is a
most estimable widow buy, with a large
family. 1 he tire was undoubtedly the work
of an incendiarv, though it was not sup
posed that Mr.-, jeirell had an euemj in the
world. " ?'
Rubbery on Bos- Street.?About 1
o'clock yesterday morning the lodging-room
of Ml*. Baliou, No. JillU Ross street, was en
tered by a negro thief for the purpose of
robb"iy. The man succeeded in getting in
by means of a window, the coid air from
which aroused -Mrs. Ballon, who gave aloud
.-cream and awakened her husband. The
nr-i,'ro then upon rushed to the window and
made his escape, currying w ith him one pair
of shoes, a pock'-t-book, which was fortu
natelv empty, and the key to ^Messrs. Weisi
ger & Co.'s t-t>re, where Mr. Ballon i? em
pioved a.-a salesman. The object of the
thief evidently wjs to get possession of this
key. In his li ght he left hi-shoes, which
mar^ead to his deteaion.
K r n a w a y?Carriage Damaged.?The
hors?s attached to a carriage belonging to
.Mr. Thomas Duke run away about half-past
12 o'clock yesterday afternoon, from Ford's
Hotel, during the absence of the driver.
1 hey iook in Broad, Ninth, Governor, and
Frankliu street. The carriage wa? unset
in front of the High Constable's oitice :
damaged to the amount of about ?20.
Death of a Bank Teller.?-Mr. Charles
F. Allen, pa> ing teller of the First National
Bank of this city, a mo-4 estimable young
gentleman and faithful officer, died yester
day afternoon, after a paiuful illness. Ili&
many friends will be deeply pained to hear
of his death.
The Flags eok the Cai itol.?By virtue of
the authority couterred upon the Governor
by the laws of the Common wealth he has
ordered that the dimensions of the flags to
be used upon the t-'tate capitol shall be as
follows?viz.: The State and United Slates
tl i<:5 shall be of equal size, and each shall be
ten f-et wide and twenty feet long. And it
is further ordered that the Superintendent
of Public Buildings forthwith procure for
the State two flags of the above character
and dimensions, the State flag to conform to
the requirements of section (J of the act ap
proved -March 27th, 1S73.
Ccfiool Trustees Atpointed.?The State*
Board of Educutiou has appointed the fol
lowim: district school trustee* :
Warren County.?South River district,
J'eter Winsborough vice J. Kibk-r, term ex
pired; Front Royal district, Dr. Thaddeus
Ha\ nie nee G. E. Roy ; Cedarville district,
Captain K. A. Earle vice J. S. Timberlake.
term expired; Fork district, Lewis Fred
Madison County.?Locustd-i'e district, B.
T. Gayer.
Lunenburg County. ? Lewiston district, XV.
XV. Webb; Brown's Store district, A. J.
Rux ; l'leasant Grove district, Martin
Barnes vice S. L. Carter, term expired ; Re
boboth district, V?\ A. "Wilson vice Tyler
Robertson, term expired; Lochleveu dis
trict, W. T. Blackweil; Columbian Grove
district, XV. M. Bagley.
Koanoke Fire Insurance Company.?The
record of a charter granted by Judge Asa D.
Dickinson, of the Circuit Court of Meek
leuburg county, has been lodged in the office
of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The
eapi'al stock is not to be !c-s than 810,000
nor more than 8*200.000, divided into shares
of 8lu0 each. The company is authorized
to do a general insurance business, and will
have its principal office in Boydton, Meck
lenburg county. The ofllcers of the com
pany for the fir-t year are as follows : Wil
liam* 1\ Webb, president; A. i?. Boyd, \ ice
president; K.F.Clark, secretin ?ud trea
surer; and Messrs. William P. Webb, A. S.
Boyd, Alexander Sydnor, J. W. Mackasey,
George B. Finch, L. F. Fiuch, and S. 1'.
Thomas, directors.
Committee Meeting Postponed.?The ad
journed meeting of the Council committee
to consider the communication of the Mayor
in relatiou to the relief of the poor, which
was Hiljourned to this evening, will tajfe
plac* a? the Council chamber to-morrow
(Friday) evening at o o'clock.
Sample-Merchant Fined.?L. J. Boiling,
arrested for selling goods by sample, was
brought before Justice White yesterday
morning, and in accordance with the city
ordinance was tilled tfoO and discharged.
Jamks River and Kanawha Canal Com
pany.?The anuual meeting of the stock
holders of the James River and Kanawha
Canal Company will be held at the compa
ny's ollico in this city at li o'clock to-mor
Kemper Kampaign Kll*e.?There will be a
meeting ol the Kemper Kampaign Klub to
night i?t o'clock at the club-room", corner
of >'iuth tmd Main street*,
Thanksgiving Dor.?The President of the
United SUites having decidcd that to-day
shall be celebrated as a national thanks
giving, the virion? public offices will be
eloHcd and divine service will he held at the
Monumental, St. Paul'*, St. James's, nnd St.
Mark's churches at 12 M.
The post-oftice will l??? elo-rd except from
0 to 10 A. M. Carrier* will rnike thdr
morning delivery a?* usual. <;oi!ctlious will
br made from star boxes at A. 31. and
7 1\ M.
SrruF.ME Court of Ari'tALS, Wednesday.
The following cases were tried in this eourl
yesterday :
Field, &c., vs. Brown and als. From the
Circuit Court of Madison county. Uever.-cd,
?Judge Bouldiu delivering the opinion.
BorlUnz vs. Commonwealth. From the.
Circuit Court of Pittsylvania county. AU'nm
ed, .Judge Anderson delivering tin- opinion.
Young's administrator vs. Gilchrist's ad
ministrator, &c. From the Circuit C ?urt of
Pitts\ Ivania. Affirmed, Jud0'e Christian de
livering the opinion.
Bartner and als vs. Kevan and als. From
the Circuit Court of Itockingham (Staunton
court). Affirmed, Judge staples delivering
the opinion of court.
Iiuekmio nnd als. vs. Lightner's exocu
tors. From the. Circuit Court of Highland
(Stamtou court). Affirmed, Judge Moncure
delivering the oiiiniou.
Effiuger vs. Kinney, trusteeand als. From
the Circuit Court oi Buckingham (Staunton
courl). Reversed, Judge Anderson deliver
ing the opinion.
Moss and wife and ah. vs. Moorman's
commissioner and als. From the Circuit
Court of Bedford county. Reversed in part,
Judge Moncure delivering the opinion o?
the court.
Hives vs. Parish's administrator. From
the Circuit Court of the county of Albe
murle (Staunton court). Reversed, Judge
Staples delivering the opinion of the court.
Cullen \s. Commonwealth will b&resumtd
Circuit Court.?In tbi^ c jyit ycs(?ru.y
the case of Vickers vs. The Jaiuc-! Kivci
Free Bridge was further heard.
Sent to the Grand Jury.? Justice White
yesterday examined the charges agunst
Keuben Johnsou alias Peck, and seut him
on to the grand jury. The negro is accused
of having robbed Assembly jlull Company
of $200 worth of furniture aud other pro
The Theatre?Who's Wife??Miss Ada
Gray, supported by Mr. Harry Langdon and
Spalding's Stir Combination, appeared at
the Theatre last night in the great society
play of "Who's Wife?" written expressly
for her. It is needless to commend
the actiug of this talented and graceful eoin
medienne, but her merit was very poorly ap
preciated last night, if we imy "judge i'rem
the slim audience whicu greeted the return
to Richmond of one of the mos-t nceomplisb
ed actresses that has ever appeared before ai.
audience in the South.
Mr. Langdon acted well his pp.it as" Sar
die Capers," aud was repeatedly regarded
with merited applause. Mr. Ryan's " Fer
rell Bryfou" was capital. Miss Monk, who
assumed the character (if " Belle Merrill,''
placed her part admirably, but Mr. Smith,
as 44 Lionel." was to>? slow. If, however, the
aStar Combination " will only have one or
two rehearsals the play will* go oil much
more smoothly and satisfactorily to all par
Miss Gray is a splendid act res-*, and her
many admirers here will be gratided t-j
know that to-night she will appear again i:i
Who's Wile? To-morrow mgbt Eist I >unc
will be presented.
Adorning the Librahy.?Yesterday after
noon a spk-ndid oil-portrait of ex-Governor
William Smith, painted by J. J, Porter, of
Culpeper county, was put up in a conspicu
ous place among the otiicr pictures of promi
nent men of the Old Doininion-in tbt State
An oil-portrait of Patrick Henry?an ori
ginal by the elder Sully--was also depy-ittd
in the" Library by his grandson, W. V..
HeuryfE*q? formerly of Charlotte com.'!}
and now of this city.
Personal.?Major AN illiam IJ. Cm-kie h: a
been appointed agent in this city for the Si.
Louis Mutual Life ln>uranco. Company.
Rev. C. II. Iiyland, of Alexandria, Va., is
in the city.
Driving Uf tee Hogs.?The police linve
orders to drive up all the ho:rs found run
ning at large in the streets. Yesterday the
owners of quite ? number who uii-*ed their
hogs eami' to the proper officer, received
their property by paying charges, and were
let oil. Keep your hogs at home.
Hibernian Ball.?'1 lie Ancient Order cf
Hibernians will give their second grand bad
at Assembly H;dl this (Tl?nr>d?yj evening.
The music on the occasion wi!l be furnished
by McCann's First IJegiment B.md, and the
grand march takes place at S o'ek-ck.
The following gentlemen compare the
committees, who will take charge of aud ea
tertain their guests durinir the evening:
Floor Committee.?1'. U. McQ'jade, James
Ilaggerty, Michael Hvnn, J. f. Sullivan,
John A. Haley, David Brcniiau.
Heccplion Committee.? W. U. Ward,
chairman; Daniel Hogan, James Hayp?, J
K. Molloy, Jumes Giblin. Jame^ llanubu, H.
D. Boucher, James Sweeney, J. J. Daly, J.
Mauuing, James Conway.
No Quorum.?The Richmond, Fredericks
burg and Potomac and Hichmond and Pe
tersburg Railroad Connection Company met
yesterday in annual session, but owing to
the want of a quorum the meeting adjourned
uutil December 10.
Entered and Cleared.?Entered } esfer
dav, bark Everhard, C'aptaiu D. Hofsman.
Cleared yesterday, Norwegian bark Edwin,
Captain Christopherseu, with flour and ^lavct-,
for Liverpool.
It was erroneously stated iu llie Police
Court proceedings ou Saturday tljtit Air.
Robert fit-id was found guilty of p?>:ir
larceny i6r attempting to defraud the Trede
gar Company. Mr. Reid was discharged.
Committees Appointed.?The following
special committees liave been appointed b\
the President of the Board of Trustees:.
To act in concert with delegates from
Chesterfield county in reference to separate
town government: Dr. L. R. Chiles, Rev.
William A. Campbell, Dr. William R. Wei
Un Relief of Alert Fire Company : Rev.
W. A. Campbell, \V. L. Moody, P. LI. Gary.
On Numbering the Streets "tor Letter De
livery, Ac.: Dr. L. R. Chiles, P. II. Garv,
W. L. Moody.
The Population of Manchester.?W. T.
Litbgow, Esq., town asse-sor, bus completed
the census, and tinds 3.208 whites aud 1,939
negroes?a total of 5,147. The eutire class
ification of ages, &c., will be submitted at
the uext meeting of tlio Board. The popu
lation being over 5,000, the citizens should
move without delay in the matter of u r-ep:t?
rnte town government.
Important Meetings.?A meeting of (lie
Wide-A wakes will be held at their club
room at 7j o'clock to-uight. The West-End
Club will meet at Uuband's If all at 7 o'clock
to proceed iu a body to the above mcetiug.
Street Improvement.?The work of open
lug Seventh street at its intersection with
Stockton has been awarded Messrs. a. C. J
Jones and George Abbott, and yesterday it
number of the unemployed members of the
Wide-Awake Club were engaged iu cutting
through the old coal-railroad. It is to be
hoped that the work of street Improvement
will furnish employment to many deserving
men this winter.
In Justice to the Town Assessor it is
stated that the property sold on El?\entb
avenue last Saturday for ?3 per foot was not
a.=*essed at 811, but at a fraction le?s thau
?10 per foot last spring, when times were
better tbau at this time.
The 1?iuht ok Petition.?The Board of
Trustees at their last meeting re>olved not
to reeeivc any more applications for r< tisseas
uieut or a reduction of taxes.
Personal.?Hon. William II. H. Stow. II,
member of Congress, was in town yesterd iy.
flic guest of Frank E. Mark-1, E*q. Mr.
stowell recently married the daughter of
General Averill, member of Congros", of St.
Paul, Minn., and is returning from un ex
tcuMtjd.htl'dal trip.
Captain W. L. Fc-rnald, collector of reve
nue for this district, is abseut at Norfolk iu
attendunco ou a sick friend.
Pay Your Taxes.?Colonel Wooldridge,
county treasurer, commences collecting taxts
:o*day, and will continuo for three days.
Prompt payment will cave considerable per
TnE Concert and Fa^.?Do not fail to
attend the great Uaptiat concert to-night, to
commence at the church at 8 o'clock. The
ladies also open a Fair at the county court
house, and invite everybody to attend.
Struck with a Poeep.?A difficulty oc
curred Tuesday at the Granite Works be
tween three meu, named ^lurpby, Wilker
sou, and Clotworthy, in which the latter wa.
.struck and badly injured with a poker.
Murphy was arrested, and his case will be
heard this muruing.
Police Court.?The parties charged with
stealing posts from the town were dis
charged, it being showu that uo thelt was
Wor.E Resumed.?The puddle-mill at the
O'd Dominion Iron-Works is expected t<>
resume wotk to-day, and the entire establish
ment will then be in successful operation.
A Good Work.?A sene- of very .suece:r>
fiil piajer-uiecLings are bciny* nightlj con
ducted iu various parts of our town.
(Hi nil tdc; of r+nl estate vi-i'ir Kthccn Ihr W of
tiitd 2vtU <J' Juliette tasta f^r tht /ir> -
<? ?<< y-.'tr l-ai-to lutpuid by V+ punha*!*r.
all s>iU..s nmdt btf rcmi the l*i nf July o?d (,nt
?if Ih* t/t'Tr th* toj-'S ho>;t to be paid by th* setter
COOK & LAUGllTON', 10 A. M., boot*, siloes
clothing, furnishing goods, &c.
r. S. Ht'ABUKV, 11 A. M., household and kitchen
furniture, farming utensils, hr-rs*s, mules,
tlievp, hugs, cqw*s, cattle, and rental of a lar^e
estate la Aine'ia county.
E. Ii. EACHO. 4 iIMcommissioner's sale of two
Jot? of ground, with one-story framed teuemeu:
thereon, ou the south side of Fourth street.
Fort Mayo, between Louisiana avenue ami
Nicholson street.
TIICMAS W. KEF.SEE, 10 A. M.. housebo'd fur.
liiture, plnuo, &c.
I)F.L\YS ahe DaNOEROVS?"Delays are rian
jjerous." "Strike while the irou Is hot." " Male
liny nn lilTt; ilic fun fhiue3." " To hesitate U to be
lo:t," nuil many other like ssylngs Illustrate the
mmy stumbling blocks which He iu men's ratlin,
a'ltl which, by the want of tirmuess or force of
character .it t!ic right time, they are forever uuablr
t-> s, ruv-uitt. How ir.unj pu o;is are tins moment
halting tu their action because they are yet undeter
mined whether they will purchase a whole, a hilf, or
a leaser fraciiou of a ticket In the next Gift Con
cert, aiul Ijuw many of these will Gud that their
hesitancy ha; been tlu-ir stumbllLiC block; tliat the
rood time has pastel, an I tint the tickets are all
sol!. .Shakespeare says ''there lr-a tide iu the af
fairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to
fortune." 'i lils i- uow theflood-tlue for many, and
if It Is omitted "all the balance of their lives," as
the prreat bard further says, " may be passed 'mid
shadows and 'mid stories " It Is not olten lu a life
time that a fortune of $250,000 in cash rnav be
obtained bv nu investmeut In a single concert
The Great Dhtcioods House of the Soutii.
RJcliiu-'Ed is celebrated for several things; tut one of
the protest is the magnificent establishment 1017
n\id 101 p .Main street, where tlie Levt Bhothers
?ell dry j.'ood- on the gtaudest s ale. We a>lvl-e
every reader of the Heratd to call at Lkvys' the
next time i.e conies to the clfy. H is a sight worth
We rejoice at the success of the LtvTa bccause
they il<i iiur-lucss in an honorable manner and Fell at!
prices so low tliat the rich and poor may meet to
gc'her in their apl^udid edtablUbment. The success
v' li e Lt-VYsli the success of the people. Ifead their
advert J jii;,ent'J. which uiay be found In every issue
of the Religious Herald, and be sure to give them a
call. Don't wall for money to get easy, itri. es
not take much money to buy goods at Lews".?
From the Religious JUrald. |
When we notice the great reduction in
dry goods at Isaac Cohen's we do not woud- r
th it.dc-'plte the scarcity of money, his storf Is al
ways cro?'did. The many advantages, together
with the e:.er/y of the l'trm, make it rank amot:g
tiie iir-t iu the City. t=c? liis advertisement lit an
oth'.j coluQin.
sanctified halo ot' sadness aud sorrow MirmCnds
the sitffeivr from the most lueldlons of all
diseases?CONSUMPTION. It Is the very poetry
of fclckne-s u;taekin* as it doc-a the jounge t.
the fairest, the ino-t promising, giving a fearful
radiance to the maiden's eye, a hectic flush 'o
the pale nuddeu's chtek, stealing into the Jewc.'
c^skois 01' li-ppy homed and ahstrac. ug their luo.-t
preel ms g^nis. .Doting parents may watch wjih
painful anxiety the interrupted breathing. the
wasting form, the supernatural lustre of the eye.
the unhealthy flushing of thu cheek. and sadly sigh
as they >biuk physicians have 110 remedy, chmlstry
uo cure, But happily klad Pruvldeace has placed
wlthlu the wondrous ftorobouse of hU blessing? a
vegetable b.ilrn for the consumptive. A simple
dower, an Idle shrub of ibe forest, has been the ln
itrurr.ent lis his hands of reaming thousands from
the Might of CONSUMPTION* and the fate of an earl>
grave: and the kindly hand of science has distilled
from Its juices a remedy kii"wn as GLOBE-FLOWER
CoCQQ bYRUP. This never-falllug remedy for
ino-cocoii. ckocp. and consumption is by chem
ical pkilt uctmetcd from the ?' Ceplielauthu9 uccl
(Icntalls" of the botauUt, the Globe Flower of the
florist, or the Button R<x>t of the herbals.
Thousands haw hcoltatingly entered upon a
cjur.-o of this medicine whose cast?, once couri
ered hopeless. tnve been restored to health aud hap
piness. aud with bound Iuugs and healthy organisa
tion* uow live to bless its discovery ami praise
Tni- iucomparabie COUGH and LUNO itEMEDY
Is sold by the principal druggists and chcmlsU.
Wholesale Agents, Richmond, Ya.
Pater-Hangings, Windo w-Suade?, Ac?A
large assort mtut ot wall papers of the latest styles
ou hand aud constantly receiving at reasonable
prices. Booth. id'ENCE it Co., Tenth Street be
tween Main auJ Bank'.
Transfer Printing-Inks for copying letter
head; ugs, statements, way-Mills, &c. Can be copied
in the ordinary lotler-prees i?ook. bend yourordoif
for pilmlng in these Inks, and for all other descrip
tions ot printing, to the Diirvatch Print lug-House.
Panic in the Fen Market?P. Weisigkr &
Co. are st'llug their entire stuck of furs at panic
Cheat FCHft.?The cheapest furs since the war
can 'ni had at P. WKISICEU & CO.'S, 1201 Main
Sheet MCFIC.?Vou can save ?1 ou every >4
worth of music vou buy at C. K JouNdTOS'*' PI 8
Main street. Musical iustrumeutaat lor> than New
York prices.
Panic PRims in Fcks.-p. Weisioer ?t Co.
have bought some extra bargains lately In furs, and
are .celling them lower than at any time since the
war. Call at 1201 Main street and l>e convinced.
Down! down I down! is the word at E. B.
Spence & SON'S cloihlnsr .store.
Tub dolx\k has great value In t?uylng furnishing
gooes at E. a. kpence .t son's.
advantage rail at K. B. Sfenck A SON'S genii*
men's funddilpg store.
The good accothtts we get of ocr C'apil
LI.va and the lucrcvjlns: dally demand for it en
courage* ua to hope that ere low it will be the lead
ing article of the kind In the United State*. We
are alining to supplant the worthless and injurious
compounds ?o Rcnerally. and often fatally, used.
a>:d supplement tbein with our CvVPILUNA, a pre
paration in every sens* desirable as a halr-tonlc
and drosilntr. CAriLLlS'A contains no tenm, castor
oil. lead, sulphur, coric?ivc sublimate, or other
l<ob*oii; so that ao one need be afraid of Injury.
Aklinuion ilocsK, Richmond.
M'*F,rn. W'joi <* fans :
I am so ninch pleased with your halr-tonlc Capil
Uua a1* to d?ielre that It nuy bccoin?; more generally
known aud used.
I Ind lo-t ih ?rly all of my front h:i!r when I com
menced the use of Ca pill In a. bat before I bad n<ed
one b.'ttle my hair twsan to grow and thicken
beautifully. 1 am using it regularly as a.hair-*
ilit inlng. and feel coi.tideut of having my entire
suit of hair greatly Improved both iu length and
bulk. I have rccommcnded yonr reparation to
several of my fricuds, who hare used it with like
beneficial results. ar,d I am quite sure there are
many oth'.r ladie? who would use the Capllllna if
liiey knew h)W valuable an article it Is for restorius
the hair and for making it prow stroufr and thick,
and 1 lfb|>e you will make It generally kuowd.
Very respectfully, &c., ?
Mrs. R. B. S.neaD.
Transfer pRiirri>-a-l>-K5 will coin- clfur *ud
distinct for an iQ'tciiulte period cf time. Bend your
orders for work to be doue In these Inki to the Z>ts
poleh Printing-) louse.
IlEAVT OYEECOATS at reduced prices at E. B.
Sl'ESCE ?i feO>*'S fashionable clothing store.
Transfer Printing-Inks?Invaluable to rail
road companies, steamship compaulcfi. banks, mer
chants, manuiactnrere, and others. They are en
during and chamreb-tf, and will copy sharp -jnd
cieur for an Indtiicite period of time. Ilarlufrju-t
received a fresh suyiily of these inks, wc ire pre
pared to execute orderd promptly aud at moderate
Atiunal ,TIoe?insr of Stockholders of \
V., V.M. nn?/i ii. S. 15. 2(.-Biid]y t'rueb
[sjipdil telvswm to the Dlsi-ctcli.J
Lynchburg, November 26.?The annual
meeting of the ftoekh"ldcr?; of tbe Wishing
ton City, Virginia Midland and nreat South
ern railroad was held here lo-day at Hoi
com be Uail. Hon. Thomas Whitehead was
chosen chairman.
Tbe report of tbe pre*idrut shows t)ic ng?
gregnte earnings of the year, up to COth
of .September, to be S3o3,iG2, and the ex
penses to be ?307,221; net earning?, ?3-56,311.
The report expresses tbe hopo and belief
that tbe Lynchburg and Danville extension
will be completed to the litter place iu time
for tbe opening of the spring trade.
President Harbour aud tbe old board of
directors were rte'ected by acclimation.
The action of tbe directori In leasing a
portion of tbe Manassas branch to tbe Balti
unre and Ohio Railroad Compiny was con
tinued by tbe meeting, which adjourned tbis
Captain Robert S. Cunningham, a worthy
young citizen of tbis place, and freight cou
dnctor on the Virginia aud Tennessee rail
kvh.I, had his foot badly crushed tbis morn
ing at Bunsack's del 5: by being run over by
au eugine. L'rs. Owen and Latham left this
afternoon to attend binl. it is feared ampu
tation will be necessary.
A gentleman named Charles II. Furbus'n,
a farmer,living uearSpout Spring, in Appo
mattox county, took ar.-eaic last Suuda\,
from tbe effects oi which be diod yesterday.
He was forty-eight years old and unmarried.
Tbe suicide was tauscd by mental depres
sion resulting from the sale of bis old home
stead and the dispersion of bis family.
Jay Cooke & t'o. Adjudicated Bank
rniuirELFniA, November 2G.-In tbe
United States District Court tbis morning
(Judge Cadwal'ader) tbe petition of sundry
parlies nakiug for au a^udbation in bank
ruptcy iu the case of Jay Cooke & Co. was
granted, and J. Gillingbam Fell, E-q., ap
pointed receiver. The .Judge intimated that
future proceedings under the adjudication
should be had under the 43J W;tiou of the
bankrupt act, which authorizes the appoint
ment of a trustee and committee by the
creditors. *
The Corn and Coltou Crops.
Washington. November 20.?The Novem
her report of tbe Dcpaitmeut of Agriculture
makes the present corn crop a short oue by
computation. Pre-eut returns point to "a
product of about SoS.000,000 bushels. For
instance, la*t year there was computed as tie
product of Illinois 217,000,000 bushels; this
year, 132,000,000. Only nix States show a
crop equal to last year's?viz., Virginia,
Georgia, Florida, West Virginia, Oregon,
and Rhode Maud.
Tbe percentage of dcGdciiey iu the prin
cipal corn-growing sections in comparison
ui'b the total product of last year i< as fol
lows: Kentucky, 4 per cent.; Ohio, 11;
Indiana, 22; liliiioi-, 32; Iowa, Mis
souri, 32 ; lian.-as, 31, 'lbe deficiency for
New York is S per cent., und 16 per c<-nt. for
Pennsylvania. In most of the southern
Suites "tue crop is smaller than that of last
Tbe estimate of t'uc expected cotton crop
is 3,700,000 bales Tbe season for picking
has been unupual'y tine, though the favora
ble season may be modified by bad weather
in December, which may affect tbe saving of
the top crop. Au increased area was planted
this jear?esiimaUd total, nine aud a half
million acres.
Mew York lieaiH.
New Yoke, November 20.?The navigation
of the Hudson to Albany is suspended, and
tbe steamers have gone into winter quarter*.
This is tho earliest closing of the river du
ring the present century.
Under orders of the Union, tbe Brooklyn
plasterers have stopped work until tbe em
ployers guarantee luiir dollars per day du
ring tbe winter.
Tbe aldermen of the city to-day passed a
resolution to take initiatory steps to issue
legal tenders secured by the city iu payment
lor labor on city works on account.
John T. Irving, self-accused of complicity
in the Nathan murder, wasarniitmed to-day,
aud committed for trial ou old charges of
An infernal machine, filled with powder,
balls, and lucit'er matches, was sent to Con
troller Green by mail to-day.
The Jury in the Ingersoll case to-day
brought in" a verdict of guilty. Sentence
wa3 deferred until Friday.
Tweed is to be kept in the Tombs several
days to allow him to settle private business
William M. Evans is repoittd to have been
added to bis counsel, and he will apply for a
stay of proceedings.
Weather Probabilities.
Washington, November '26.?For the
Northwest and thcnce to the Lower Missouri
Valley, fallingj temperature, westerly winds,
cloudy weather, and occasional snow, clear
ing ou Thursday.
For tbe Lakes and thence to the Ohio
Valley, southeasterly winds, cloudy weather,
snow, and occasional rain.
For Kentucky and Tennessee, southerly
winds, cloudy weather, and occasional rain.
For the Southern States, southwesterly
wiuds, increasing cloudiuesfi, and rain iu
tbe Gulf States.
For tbe Middle States winds veering to
southerly and easterly, rising temperature
to-morrow, aud cloudy weather.
For New England, northwesterly winds,
low temperature, aud generally clear
Naval JSovemoois. , ?
STATES C.VDEB OBDERS OF concentration, AC.
Philadelphia, November 2(5.?'There is
increased activity in the navy-yard. Admiral
Porter inspected the vessels yesterday. The
di-patch-boat Pinta has been ordered to sea.
New York, November 26 .?A dispatch to
tbe Herald says: "On Tuesday evening
.Secretary Robeson received information
which quickened, if possible, the activity of
his Department in preparing for tbe orisi*.
Orders, peremptory and plenary, were is
sued by the Secretary to tbe chiefs of bu
reau* to put tbe navy in tbe best possible
condition without a waiting for the approval
of tbe Secretary. Tbe next orders issued
were to Hear-Admlral Case, commanding
the European squadron, to leave but
one ship at Cadiz, and to proceed
with the other vessels, under full
steam, to Koy West. Dispatches were then
prepared for tbe rear-admirals commanding
tbe South Pacitic and South Atlantic sta
tions, which are now on their way to order tbe
vessels of their fleets to Key West, under
steam, and report to the Navy Department at
that point. A telegram was sent to tbe com
mander of the East India squadrou inform
ing him of the gravity of the situation and
to issue orders at once to every vessel of the
fleet to prepare for any emergency."
[Wc of tbe Dispatch say we receive New
York Hurald telegrams with much dis
Per contra, the Times, in a double-leaded
editorial, say? : " We have reauon to believe
tli.it the uegotiatioM with Spain have as
sumed a shape which places the prospect of
war at a much greater distaase than wa? the
cas" yesterday."
Ntw York, November 20.?Fecretary
Itobesou rciichcd tbe Brooklyn navy
yard at 1 o'clock to-day in company
with tbe naval constructor. Tbfy visited
the Colorado, and expressed themselves sat
isfied with the manner in which tbe woik
was going on. The work will be continued
on to-morrow as usual.
Washington. November 26.?The Mabopuc
pas-j?'d Cape Henry to-day en route for Cuban
General Sheridan Ordered to Wash
Chicago, November 26.?General Sheri
dan has been ordered to Washington to
confer in regard to military affaire in case of
war with Spain; io which event he would
have tba chief command in tbe field.
Washington, November 26th. ? Genera!
Sberid*) comes here ostensibly for consulta
tion on Indian offtirs.
Washington, November 25.?The Star of
this evening gives the following us the points
of an arrangement between Secretary Fl?b
and Admiral l'olo: The surrender of the
Virginius; the usual salute to the flag ; the
restoration of the surviving members of the
crew; proper indemnity to the families of
those murdered.
Washington, November 20.?The Secre
tary of Sute has no news from Madrid to
It is said that Admiral Porter is to com
mand the West India squadron.
Havana, November 26.?The Official Ga
zette to-flay publishes a communication ad
dressed by the Spanish colonial minister on
the 24th instaut to the political govern
ment of the islaud directing un immediate
compliance with an alleged telegram from
the Spanish Government, dated September
15th, ordering the release of embargoed es
tates of foreigners.
The Latest.
[Special telegram to tlic Dlflpatch-1
Washington, November 26. ? Notwith
standing the continuance of extraordinary
preparations by the War aud Navy Depart
ment the war-cloud that lowered for a time
is perceptibly fading awoy, aiul at the pre
sent writing the indications are that <Jipk?
macy in the Cabinet, and not measures of
war will bring about our settlement
with Spain. The Spanish Minbter has
been in daily personal communication
with Secretary Fish during the past live
days, and it is now intimated that the result
of the negotiations has been the presenta
| tiou of a message from Spain indicating the
i desire of that country to comply with the
demands made upon her by this Govern
ment upon receiving proor that the Virgin
ius at the time of her capture wa* entitled
to the protection of the American flag.
There Is very little doubt in official circles
but that the Virginius will be given over to
our authorities, with those o! her crew who
are still living; and this accomplished paves
tuo wav for a complete friendly settle
ment of tbo existing complications. It is.
however, not to be regarded absolutely
certain that every obstacle in the way of a
friendly solution of the difficulties between
the two Governments has been attained.
Positive and definite information cannot new
be obtained, nor is it likely that it will be
until Mondiy next. The State Department
bas nothing nr-w up to a late hour to-night.
A Reception at Havana.
Havana, November 2G.-A grand recep
tion aud serenade was given, last night to
Benor Soler, tue colonial minister, at the.
Casino Kspanol.
London, November 20.- General Woiesley
complains that his Asbantee auxiliaries are
utterly worthier and that he is unable to
follow up his advantages on account oi their
cowardice andtardiness. .
The 'Time* is hopeful of 'lPacl?c solution
of the Virginius questiou. 1 he Daily tfew
s .vs it u> rumored that the ultimatum of the
Uuited States will be equivalent to a declara
t,0iu ,wnn?ar\'ovember 2<5.-The Lord Chief
justice of tbe Court of Common Pleas has
l,Sn rataed 10 tUe Pctrase and bccomcs
u Ten 5^ ?ew of the ebip Clyde,
wrecked off Valentia, Ireland, were drowned.
Otr many.
Rfkiin- November litf.-Archbwhop Le
do"i to been ordered to re.^w ^l
in a ,veek from toe notice, lit nas receiveu
j a letter (roin tbe Poi? exbort.ng bun to firm-,
?><"?? , ?'J
xt November 20.?The Jnqualdyd
Madrid execution of the \ ir
1eWS,l,,'!Sme? aud cites as a precedent tor
gimaa 1 ?? <l)au\,b authorities a eircu
lar issued t tKited State. Government
duilntf tbe civil war declaring tue touted
Madrid says the North German squadron on
Tuesday last lomit'd In line of battle b^re
? to enforce tbe demand upon V*
In/urcenU for tbe restoration of ?.W?
?>'sela.i wbicb had been extorted from Get
S^TubjSIU tbe city. Upon not.ee tMt
?i refusal would be followed by bombard
ment the insurgents paid the money.
Boiler Explosion.
BoBLLSGTO.V. Iowa, November
shingle-mlll boiler exploded here toW,
killing one aud hurtiug eight.
Failure of Stock J"?1**** _
Leavenwobyh, Kansas, wa'ye
J. 15. Hunter*Co., '
bikd, with liabilities ol ?1SQ,QQ0.
? '""i ?*? o" _i? iir~Lr^_r" _r? ? "*~ 7 in n^ir^Y
One ->qu?Te,one insertion. ? tf
One square, two Insertions 1 5?
^ae rqiiarvj Uirw loMtrUoua 1 7
One square, six insertion* ..77. I ft*
One square, twelve insertion*. ih
One wjuare, <M?e month n.. lo m
One sr/nare, twetnonttw. u <*
Ona wjuare, three months.... ? M
Wasblngton Items.
Washington, November 2tf.~Mr. John
Delano resigns the chief clerkship of the In*
terior Department on accounts persistent
ill-beultb. He was capable and polite, and
bis retireoKfit,- under tbc circumstances,
causes general sorrow among bis associates
and those who have bad business with the
Department. ? ' ' ? " 4
Washington, November 26.?The Houso
will caucus for officers on Saturday night.
Tbc Departments closed at noon to-day,
und will remain closed to-morrow.
\. r ? i^fcn- '
Convention of Goorflfi# firanjer*, Ac:
Atlanta, Ga., November 26*?The Con
vention of Grangers to-day adopted resolu
tions to establish direct shipments of cotton
to Europe, and urge the refunding of the
cotton-tax to the Ipgitimate ciaimaots, and
the removal of all iaports except on con
ceded luxuries. They endorse and ur?e the
construction of the Atlanta and Great West
ern canal. Tbc Convention adjourned sine
die amid enthusiasm.
Governor Smith refuses to commute Ma
tone's sentence, lie will be bung on Friday.
Patrons of Husbandry.
Camden, N. J., November 26.?A State
grange was organized here to-day.
Civil Rights in Obio.
Colitmics, November 26.?A nesro was
fined here to-day 914 for assaulting the door
keeper of a place of amusement who refused
him admittance to the dress-circle.
ROOMS to a small f*mlly of goo J ?iaQU-J&ik
ing. T be reut wUi be moderate.
no 27-3t? No. 410 west Clay street.
For rent, three rooms witb<?
two larjce t?i*ntrtc??all on oue floor. Rent
low. (no 27-11*J 407 HUO.vu STUfchl.
ISO 00 Beverley between Pint' au't Belvi-Sia
derenreet?; liveroom*: $200 per anuum.
At so, FRAMK CAKFbNTbKfc' fUOf corner
Main and Twentieth streets, oecupicd now by Mr.
Also, UKICK. STORE and DWELLING a?-ov<\
comer Broad and licury etrceta; si* rooms; *200
per &UUUIH.
A!?o, FRAME OWTT.LIN'Q corner Thirtieth
aU'l 1* ttreefH; four rooms; *10 per mouth.
Alio, STOKE formerly occupied bv F.J. Reiltey,
timler Exehnog* Hotel; goo?l ?:?na for any busi
Al-o, LOOG ING-ROOMH *vcr Cohan's banking
houte. corner Malu ami Fourteenth streets.
Apply to HILL 4 GODDIN,
no 20-3t Real F>tate Ayuta, 1108 Main strf-t.
IpOR RENT.?We offer for rent the j
large and commodious b*T0KE, with I ?
DWELLING alwve and lot in rear. uow occupied
bv >ir. John A. Lacy, situated on the u rtb sid*
Franklin street a few doora Uslow the OH Market.
Tills stand bas long bfen considered t'.a t for a
rtlalf prucvcy and feed store lu that neighborhood.
I'otfcesalon on January 1? 1874. Apply to
KealEatate Agents,
no 26-4t 1108 Main street.
OR RENT, the desirable BRICK***
RESIDENCE No. 810, In Subletfi row.JfciiL
Flftb between Clay and Leigh streets; about twelve
rooiui: modern lniprovetn#nt?, Ac. roeee6alon on
the 1st day of December. Ai?I>ly to
no 26-3t No. 1108 Main street.
FOR RENT, the large BRICK FAC-fl^
TORV at present occupied by Mes*rs.JK9
Wise, lleacockA 'Jo., corner ofTwentlelh and Caiy
stree*.s. rosjeaslou Janmtry I. 1874. Apply to
no 26-4t No. 1108 Main street.
five large and comfortable ROOMS over QLid
store No. 22 Broad street. To a puuetual pa) log
tetiant teruia wlU Le moderate. Keftreti<? re
quired. 1 nrpilrc as above. no 2d-3t
FOR RENT, three very desirable UN-?f%
FURNISHED ROOMS its. a private fam-Jaii.
lly, eulted to a iwutleman and wife, or youug men ;
within three minutes' walk of the cupltol and p<*rt
otilce. BOARD furubbed If debired. Apply at
WHEELER A WILSON office. no 2?-3t
FOR rent, a neat COTTAGE RE3l-*r>
OEVCEIn Sidney, containing four rooms, KM
besides kitchen, stable, Ac-, with a lurno puratn
containing a uuinl?er of choice fruit-trees and
in-jpe-vlues, on the north side of Williams street,
near Uie sJJu?y Baptist churcb. Possession at
once. Apply to JOHN* T. GODDIN,
Ileal Estate Ajieut,
no 26-3t Bank and Eleventh streets.
Jj^OR RENT, dwelling-HOUSE,jgg
containing six roomp. on Fifth street near Bp>ad.
To suitable tenant rem mxlerate. Postt-salou De
cember let. Apply to
no 26-3t corner Fifth ami BPoad Ptre>-tf?.
FOR RENT, one of tbose NEW
FRAME TENEMENTS on the west sldelO
of Pine street, near to the canal (rcceutjy c?jn
pluted;, containing -ix rooms, besldos kitchen, Ac,
Terms reason able. P"?9e>sl?n at once. Apply u?
JOHN T. GODDIN, Real Estate Agent,
no 28 8t Bunk and Eleventh Htreel3.
FOR RENT, a I>act of a HOUSE,<
plfiatoutlf situated, a few ?iu?rfe wc*t of J
post-office. Either three or tft* BOOMS c*n be ob
tained above basement, together ?with kitcheu and
servant's room. Address A. C.? Richmond ih*u
offlce- no 26-2t?
UOR KENT.au elegant BKIG'K RESl-g?|
JO DENCE, fruntlutcon street railway, lutbealiii
western portion of the city: twelve roorua; stabieu
and ail modern Improvement*. Entire house beat*
ed by furnaces.
Rent low, and for .my number of yesrs. Apply
no 25-6t 1115 Main street. oppoMte
FOR RENT, the desirable residence
No. 406 east Grace street, between Fourth and
Fifth strteia. i'oseowiuu Kiven at once. Apply ou
the premises. no 28 ?od2w
P^OR RENT, to un acceptable party,'
five rowias) centrally located. Rent, f2Q per
Real E?? ate Ajfeut and Auctioneer.
no 25- 61 1115 Mnlustreet.oppodte Dltp-st<h.
I^OR RENT, a most desirable and at-?*
tractive SUBUBBAN* RESIDENCE, wiihjfcjl
kitchen, stable, Ac., and twenty-nine acres of Uud.
To a good, careful Ifcuant rent low. Po.-s"sslon at
once. Apply to J. L. APPERSON.
no SI-61 Real Estate Ag'.nt and Anctloneer.
i road/T.
JD, GATEWOOD, 31 & Broad
? ?tr*el. between Third and Fouj
dali> receiving additions to hi? large
of FUKIflTUnE. which be U now
iur at reduced prices (.hambex baits from
*28 to 8fl80,1'arlor frooi $rtO to *250. Walnut
Lounges, keather-Heds, ifcutreiws, Ac., of my own
mauufceture. Chairs a specialty. Ul?b )lM4rlu?
and repnirtng. Chaire can?-t>e*ti<d. Ac- Gornh
carefully packed for shipment, and delivered ?re
intbeoitv." u;>25
J Wlnhlnpr to redoce Oiu very LARGE STOCK, we
| ore now offering oar QOODii AT ,CQrfT. Ail la
; Deed *111 And It to tbeir im?TCet to examine onr
no 20 Governor street, Bicbmood, Va.
The moat elegant etoek of
'1 '
erer offered in the Richmond market, m*daftota
best tenaooed material, and by most experienced
workmen. Save your moucy by baying at
no 19 20 Governor ?ud 1B07 Franklin street.
201, corner Second and Krt?4e tract, b?*Ulu<< fn
of every description at redueed prtee.s to wit the
tlmeaf Go aud bof him before purcbaaiu* tlx>
where. Vgu cau tfCt your furniture repaired and
varninhed. and cbalracane-fleatedat low price*.
U NITURE?I bare on band a itrye stock
TATIONj and PAINTED SUITS and the IT.?**
fradM of FUB^lTUItK. 1 offer the abor* fbr
Ctub at greatly reduced, price*. P?rtle? bay in*
would do well to examine nr stock aud oomjum
prised. t?Q aTHUIGHT.
no 4 N?.10 Governor HrvoL
Book and job pkinting neatly

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