Newspaper Page Text
-r? - j! I ~ MB Spfe RICHMOND, TA., THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 26, 1874. the DISPATCX BY COVVARDIN & ELlV,ON> IKVJIKIA'BLY *?'**, AJfTK, Th* PAI1.V IUSPaTCH 1* '.rt>Mvrro<! fo ?nh VI'VJ>i*t KIVTICLK OKNTS V wtvk, pavAhta to ,.V f*TTjor*T<*J* M.HlkHl '-f fg j>? r annim ; ( 3 f'~,; ?i\ ir.ontli? ; 75c. p?t month for a ah otter r -K >"-'vVFKKl.V T>r?rATCll at |3 poran ?>r *1?75 tnontfi". rh< Wh'r.M.V KIM'AH H ?t t'2 per annum. 5)'u'Iinwiu! <?; ' Jv\ ' ... VT1.,S OF ?? ?? or?8 1s"tha>"T"S combine r?r.u*'-^KK T1IK m'HKK 1>AU,>: U .r\rv:ns ov tmr. - * ? u^ky =f T,Z:?? ">*" " R'dC ?U *"? ' ,-,.11 SiVCCt CHVH. ^<0 ^ ;? ji 0 Baltlwn>rc American.] Ar:M'?t,U'j r, WMtFS-?T.N-KtlA1. KKAVKK-, ti;> v ' vl,FSS0\ur"s i\r moment, | V? ,WW. Vobruary IS. 1874. , u u on announced in t bo col 1! 1 " - that General Beau ' . t of iW Carrollton City P?s ^T'lv h-int:0(luc.aonbisroada ? i : ' '"'!vv l < ;Jr, power by which he ,,, ;.f^jVbo^, and has ??7 of the u >e of steam In * v If n ciiv. 1 bad the pleasure of a , " with the General, whom r ?? ? ? in his n presentations ! ' ! ?; .. <*f "u> invention, and ,r; Vh, it w-n soon be introduced : 11 ^ ? r " Uo received from ' "!lr S? "docnmenti pertain mi: to x,m ? r;'^ i,v l>r. i/unm, of New V ? 1 'n : " ? n ! or t una t e 1 y died just as he " M\ c:'od :ii?d got thc in:lcU,nc iu 0I " -UB K1BVI-ES? LOCOMOT1VH. t irlo to the introduction ot Ti- ?M,;V'.,:u?V?facr<.n<l?lcitT tas ' '"..'J, li, fv..r oft'ie explosion of the ? '.! ? " cot, >l.U.o -moke and the noise *' "< '? \ the escape-stem being calcu "/'Ll.'cn horses, ltoth of these ob ? llivc U-en sun-essfuHy overcome by I ?? *' ^ Tvtr xo C A.KK0LLT0N ? ... r.J Wlins from the Clay nionu i:;" : ^ . .f'.- root, out St. Charles avenue , ,ix miles Ion?, three miles * ' i r >'it Canal street to Napoleon 5 ] ? ,nV miles be von d this point to ?VT w "venue is one of the most '?''"^ nihoeitv, having on it many of ! ' ? . w. ..litWnt private residences, r,' r ,niiv tt.?t the invention, the f "? p? ?? ?< ' mi'lw (IrawiBK llK' ?? ?t>?-l?lf 1 the r' ami the other half being drawn by !; ?;;i.(U;n5es. Bv this arrangement nu.e of II i,,;jVnies do the work of ninety mules, ^ i* must be remembered, there i-> a?t n nulled to a car. By t he same o:;- J I' 1 ' dummies would do the work rtVu!:?!? " horses in Baiti ? V,: '1i^^ .' e Cootie one of tbese h - .nt^i cl the ci'.v, and the ears ol r': i? w ere the onlv ones that were kept !:;;.^Ut.?eaib duuitny drawing two cars. DErCBirriOS OF TUE MACHINB. W!?n ue reached Napoleon avenue the nvl;,. v.:?? tinliitched and a nnuuture loco or rather a little boiler on low tV was observed tucking up to the oar. , ,-.*itii<?nt it was attached and we were -rjoff at the rate of six' miles an hour, i". r-w of f-reed being hunted by law, formerly truvelled about nine . in hour, and an as ea>ih go ts.ehe. i'T. -iVu' feet lorig, trunk, boiler, and ?i .nul aWutas hicli as an ordinary ljorse fV'ntii.' t round including wheels and the uton which it is run. The drhiug m i rv bc'.ui: ail on the end that baA* m r'linst the car, nothing that is in motion from the street, and the driver ?.. . . '1 the u-ual place upon the platfoim . ? c<!r. handling, instead of the reins, a j- tml the usual brake. No engineer r.?(uir. d, us anv one can le-?rn in hve p. do ail that is necessary. Just a ~im\\ boner about five feet long, a tbieker than our kitchen boilers, upon ".t nutl.imd you have the tireless loco* i". We moved on for the three miles 10 ( f-i' the avenue on either side being with vph-ndid Miburban residences cm!, -i bv elcguut gardens, and were v litivh d at the station. iBSOl.tTTE SAFETY. I '.-it itviUhitive enough to follow this lit , r it moved oiT fruin the car up ?; c< mer of the > bit ion, and waited it. tin i to take in a fresh supply of steam. Y'.es - toilirs are built .o stand a pressure ot hundred pounds of steam, hut a ,.t ono hundred and twenty- five i- >uili--ient to propel them with a r ? mr nine miles, that there is, :t will J,-, i, u u possibility of explosion wtil-t i-ein^' charged. In fact, they ?*:iVi taki* inure pres-ure than the charg i,v ! .oilers. Alter they are charged rsu. ?( cours-. be no explosion, as . >tn?ke of the piston reduces the pres ? j.. we have absolute safety iiom , % > i, K.u the meet, as it would be irn i 1 1. t ' ? r anv kind of uviuagement. stupid , . > 1 : t ? , ?\ i ve, to make one of these boilers t y 'i' tle iiftcr it had been moved a hundrtd vur.N lu.m th<- charging boiler at the outer del Vour readers w ill, therefore, please t :- ;\(J tl.ern as safer tiriu a horse, tor be e.:i kick, hut all i he concentrated stupidity in c-rtuikm eould not cet up an explosion vut ot one ot these little dumn.y boilers. fllAKUISG TUE BOILKR. '1 momeut our car entered the depot t: tii.mms was detached, and the driver, v< i ..i - alongside of it, as there is no place to .?! V.;i. conducted It over to the corner, : pijKi conies in troni the boiler-room. 1! .? ..ii engineer in at teudanee attached this to the'dummy and turned on the steam. \\ t timed l he operation, and lound that it \\ :i- a* .???onij.lhhed iu two iuinutcs and t:ft> .ntb, or ai.out the same time that would h>- rt.j'iired to water a pair of horses. It tk'.a ii.ovtd ofl' and took its position, await in- the departure of thc car. saving of exfense. J iie eity of Now Orleans is on a dead )<:? !, tiiere being uot the slightest ascent <i;i any of t!o- streets, so that one mule can i*. ii? j iut > draw the cars with much more Fpet.'d than a pair of horses will draw a car ovi-r ihr ste<p ascents of Baltimore, 'lbe ing >f expense by live u-e of these loco ivt-? in New Orleans is said to be one liu'.r. auo we should judge that one of them '.??? ;i!ii r/.-t cost more than one thousand ? -"l"ius. h" they could he introduced in ?baiiiuioie the h.Hviog would be about wy-iliirtl.5', and OUy Pussenger stock ">>. :iilgo up- to fa huloris i)rict*s. (leneral iVi.jit?aid is the pTes-ident of the Carroll-! ion r.?a(J, and as be \VtH soon havepermis- j ^ i->nu>iun ihtai Uov.'c to Cwcal they will Ui adopt.jd elsew 'Juerc. Certain it is, tlat it fleam h?<jv<r t.l Aak?; tlx; i>lace of | iio/ft s for city pafc-eugt t-railwayfl nothing ht-uor cau be desirtd tJj this little cou irivam-e. It nas tbe merit . * complete safety from explosion, us the ino %*eut .it w in mo ? i< ?!! Jhe i?t.>Hure of the sttn 'W Voi,er pi oWfc lighter with every strohX- of the piston. i:<Tueui'CTiox elsewl Two of these machines, so f. VT improved c;.ndt nse the escape-steam, ^iKl to con ^ i! the whole concern iefcide a c. \rabout the] ? '-'? el the car recently Used to tun Uom 1'iltiuiore street to the Camdeu st *iiop^fre| i'-ii'i: huUtin New York for the J 'I'd m that city, and others are ! ;t in Chicago, and will be in u.HMn a, !'\\ da\ s. A binall, closed car vu ieot long runs ahead of ; -Hiiger-car, druwing it aloug wi.'h ? noise or escape-steam, or thc sigh '? ? i ati> thing that would he calculated to 1< L'tih-n a b.jr^e. The driver will stand upon intle platform in front, and ciu stop or iiio\ (; OU as quickly as with horses. It is Hiuugbt that tuis form will be kss objectiftU' ?<Ue to the horic than these little affairs; hut the fact that JNeW Orleans horses I urn t lj?'ir no>es up at tlKin ought to l>e vatlsfao tory to every one that nothing more is rc 'j-ir*^' Vour8, C.C.F. LOCAL MATTERS Thk Crrr Hall? Pbospkct of a Ukiom hktvtkrn thk Statk and City to Build a CouRT-fiora*.-? Sometime since Mr. \V. S. Oilman, of this city, introduced a resolution In the House of Delegates looking to a union between the city and State for the purpose of building a court-house sufficiently large to accommodate the Supremo Courts of Ap peals, the taw-library of the State, as well as the several city courts The resolution was one of expediency, and was referred to the Committee for Courts of Justice. The Committee for Courts or Justice bavin? had under consideration the rcsolu | lion ofl'ered hv Mr. Gilumn inquiring into the expediency of the State's uniting with the corporate authorities of Richmond for the end ion of a suitable court-house for the ii*e of the Court of Appeals and law library in connection with the courts of the city of Kichtnond, and in view of such action to determine what disposition shall be made of the property of the Slate now used for the purposes of said Court of Ap peals and said library, yesterday reported the following resolution ; which was agreed to : Rr sol ted, That a joint committee of three from the Senate and live from the House be appointed to confer with the proper authori ties of the city of Richmond to ascertain the terms upon which a contract may be entered into belwecu the Commonwealth and tGe city for the erection of a suitable court-house for the purposes set forth in the resolution of inquiry. Alter this resolution from the committee was agreed to m the House yesterday, its passage was reported to the Senate by Mr. Oilman, but was not acted on in that body, as the Senate was engaged in the considera tion ot the bill for the establishment of the Southern Lunatic Asylum. It will be remembered that the joint Com mittee on Public Grounds and Buildings and Finance (of the City Council), who have un der consideration the erection of a tempo rary building to be used by the courts and the officers now in the old City Hall, were authorized to erect this building on Council Clumber Hill or such other place as they might deem ke?t. It is now said that the committee has not positively decided io build ou Council Cbamber Ilill, as an offer has been made for the pur chase of the lot on the south side of Broad street between Ninth and Tenth. The owners offer to sell for ?lG,o00, or have sig nified their willingness to rent the lot at $500 per annum for one or five years. If the city does not deem it desirable to purchase at present, and wish to rent and then buy, the owners agree to refund all the rent, but charge six per cent, per anuum on the $16, ? 000 lor the time the lot is occupied by the city. It is not kuown whether the committee will accept the proposition ; but if the lot is bought or rented, the erection of the build ing will probably be commenced at once. The Petersburg Chartfr Bill was partly read in the House of Delegates yesterday. Sev eral amendments were offered and rejected, and a good deal of parliamentary manceuver ing indulged in by the Republicans to delay the bill. Mr. Van Auken (Republican) said the majority evidently meant to rush the bill through without allowing any dis cussion upon its merits or constitutionality, and if so he would give notice that he meant to obstruct action upon it as far as filibus tering could do it. But he said if Mr. Cog bill nud Judge Ould would say to the House that in their opinion it was not in violation of the Constitution of the State he would withdraw his opposition. Both Mjr. Coghill and Mr. Ould said they were of opinion that the bill is not unconstitutional in any rc spect. Mr. Van Auken said nothing more, and the reading of the bill was proceeded with until the House adjourned. To-day the county-court bill will have precedeneeof the charter bill, but it will probably be again postponed until the charter bill is disposed of. Solicitors of Fuxijs for the Rei.ief of the Poou. ? Yesterday the following-named fcontlei vn reported at Ihe rooms of the Youm; Meu's Christian Association in obe dience to the call made for solicitors to col lect funds for the relief of the poor: H. D. Danloith, Grace-Street Presbyterian church ; H. P. Kenne, St. Mark's: J. II. Crafton, Monumental ; Edward Pleasants, Third Piesbyterian ; C. 11. Bullington, Clay-Street Mf-thodist; William O. Dandridgo, First Baptist ; J. L. Maury, Seventh-Street Christ ian ; Henry Miller, St. Peter's ; Samuel Wil son, First African ; A. T. Mitchell, Pine Street Baptist ; R. E. Armstrong, Grace church ; James W. Shields, St. John's. On motion of Mr. Pleasants, Henry I). Danf'orth was elected chairman and R. E. Armstrong secretary. The committee agreed upon a plan of dis tricting the city, and appointed canvassers to each district? viz: East Main-Street District, east of Four teenth street.- -J. L. Maury and J. W. Shields. 11 'est Ma in- Street District, west of Four teenth street.? H. I). Danfortb. East Vary-Street District , east of Twelfth street.? Ed. Pleasants and R. 13. Armstrong. lies/ Gary-Street District , west of Twelfth sticet. . West Broad- Street District, west of Sixth street. ? Henry Miller and C. II. Bullington. East liroad-Street District, east of Sixth street.? J. Henry Crafton, II. P. Kenne, aud W. G. Daudridgc. East Franklin-Street District, east of Cap itol Square. . These are not all the districts-. Others will be formed as soon as the solicitors report to the chairman of the committee, II. L>. Dan fort h, Esq., at his office, corner of Bank and Tenth streets. The gentlemen appointed will please report before 3 o'clock P. M. to day (Thursday). The committee will hold another meeting on Saturday evening at G o'clock at the Young Men's Christian Association rooms. A Greeting from a Veteran of 1812 to thk Veterans of the Mexican War.? The following is an extract of a letter received by Captain I?. G. Scott from Adjutant-Gene ral Richardson, to whom an invitation had beeu extended to attend the recent meeting of the veterans of the Mexican war, which was held at the Exchange Hotel : " Richmond, February 21, 1874. " My Dear Sir,? 1 was so tired-out last evening that it was impossible for me to get to the Exchange, as I had -intended, and looked forward to with pleasant anticipa tions. * * * * * ?? It seems toiue to be the duty of you who remain to perpetuate the memories of that noble oommaud (the First Regiment Virginia volunteers), and I shall esteem it an honor to participate in any measures which may be adopted lor that end.'' No man took a more active or arduous par ticipation iu organizing and equipping the regiment of volunteer* who participated in ihe war with Mexico than General Ricbard M>n, as bis oilicial eanrespondence and ac couuf* (which have been all destroyed) clearly suowed,. The Feorst-Maxxt Case.? Commissioner Pleasants was engaged until about half-past 7 o'clock last night iu hearing the case of Feurst & Manly, charged with fraudulent transactions with a view of takfog the benefit o l~ the bankrupt law. At the conclusion of tb? argument Mr. Mauly was dtsi&arged and Mr. J'eurst sent ou to the graud jury which meets in April. Subsequently Mr," Manly ,'vas r (.fit-res ted en a new warrant, -ami the ca.te continued until the I7tb of March. He wa3 recogolascd to appear at that time. ; ' ' Pehso>'al,? -Hon. John L. Marye, Jr., ti iu tue cityv and was at the Capitol yes- . terday. Hon. Hugh W. ftt'tffey, of Staunton, was io tliccity yesterday. . I That Stat* Monet in the Wooden Box.? Yesterday Mr. Bagwell, of Accomac, learned from tbe State Treasurer and Mr. De Witt tbat be had been led into an error by staling upon the authority of a clerk of tbe Trea surer 'a office that there were $97,840,000 worth of marketable bonds stored in an un safe condition at the capitol. Of tbat amount only $24,119,000 worth have coupons at tached and are marketable. The remainder, purporting to represent $73, 421, 000, are registered bonds, and worthless to tbe holder until signed by tbe State Treasurer. This statement is made in justice to Mr. Bagwell and to tbe investigating committee. Attempt at Robbery.? On Tuesday night about 10 o'clock an effort was made on the part of three unknown men to gain possession of tbe contents of the meat and vegetable store located on the coiner of Marshall and Jtfferson streets, but their movements were observed in time to frustrate the hopes of the parties. It seems that while Mr. Uellstern, the pro prietor of the establishment, was in the room in rear of tbe store one of tbe would be thieves entered the front door, and boldly walked behind tbe counter and seated him self. Tbe other two men were near at hand, but being discovered by Mr. HelUtern, who at once started in pursuit, tbey made good their escape. The Hackmen against Garber & Co.? The case of certain hackmen against Garber & Co. was before tbe Police Court yesterday. The defendants were charged with a viola tion of the city ordinance in allowing their agent to solicit passengers on board tbe steamer Sylvester. After hearing tbe evi dence and the argument of counsel on either side, tbe Justice held tbat in view of tbe agreement between Messrs. Garber & Co. and tbe steamboat company or its agent there was no violation of the ordinance. It is said hackmen design petitioning the Council for a repeal of the present ordinance, or its modification so as to prevent the mo nopoly. Mr. James Neeson appeared for the hack men, and Mr. P. V. Daniel for Garber & Co. A 'Week of Prayer.? The Presbyterian churches of tbe city will bold a union prayer-meeting this afternoon at o o'clock at tbe Graee-Street Presbyterian church. This will be the first of a series of prayer-meet ings to be held in compliance with tbe recom mendation of tbe General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church South that a week of prayer be observed for the youth in tbe col leges and tchools within tbe bounds of the General Assembly. Pardoned. ? Tbe Governor has pardoned Mary Edwards, convicted in the Police Court of this city of petit larceny, on tbe 28th of August last, and sentenced to im prisonment in the city jail for twelve months. Tbe reasons assigned by the Governor for tbe pardon is that tbe facts disclosed a case of technical without actual guilt, the pri soner having merely failed to give informa tion of the misdeed of another person in which she bad no participation. The par dou was recommended by the Police Justice, who tried the case, and others. Notary Public ? Requisition Issued.? The Governor yesterday commissioned M. H. Calfee, of Pulaski county, a notary pub lic, and also issued a requisition on the she riff of Danville to- John W. Guerrant, as agent, for tbe delivery of J. Harrison alias Dr. Harris, charged with larceny in the county of Wake, in the State of North Caro lina. Cleaning-up the City Hall.? Captain Wilkinson, commanding the chain-ging, was engaged with his force yesterday in dom ing up the old Hustings court- room in the City Hall, as well as removing the dSoris around it. Twenty-five bushels of dirt and trash were taken out of tbe court-room and carted away. In some places Ciptaiu Wil kinson found the dirt three-quarters of an inch in thickness upon the floor. Buriai. of Mr. Hill.? The funeraT of Mr. Albert Hill took place from St. James's church yesterday at 1 o'clock. The church was thronged with the relatives and friends of the deceased. The services were conducted by Rev. Joshua Peterkin, D. D., pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. J. S. Kepler. The remains were interred in Hollywood Cemetery. Death of a Pythian.? Mr. Samuel Shew bridge, a member of Jefferson Lodge, Knights of Pythias, died at bis residence, on Fifth street, yesterday morning. Deceased had been confined to bis room for weeks past. Tbe remains will be buried with Pytbian honors to-day. Circuit Court. ? The case of Perkins vs. Gwathmev was tried in this court yesterday, and judgment given for tbe plaintiff. The case of H. H. Wells vs. Rush Bur gess was removed to the Circuit Court of the United States ou a wriD of certiorari. Police Court, Wednesday? ,/w.sfc'ce White, Thomas Sagar (negro), guilty of disorderly conduct, was committed for ten days in de fault of surety. J. C. Coots (negro), for allowing his cow to run at large on the night of the 21st in stant, was fined ?2. Jane Patterson (negro), guilty of an as sault upou Annie Moseley, was sent to jail for thirty days in default of payment of a fine. John Wilson (negro), for stealing a small quantity of rum and molasses from the fac tory of P. H. Mayo & Brother, was sent to jail for ten days. Sophia Turner (negro), charged with an assault upon Mary Turner, was discharged. Anderson Campbell (oegro), for a small theft from E. Geiot, was sent to jail for fif teen days. A. R. B. Hartsook and Percy L. Carring ton, for an assault upon Archer Hays (negro), were fined $2 50 each. Charles Peamont, guilty of disorderly con duct on the street and resisting the police, was sent to jiil for sixty days. Sent to the Grand Jury.? Walter F. Ad ams, charged with forging and uttering a certuiu paper purporting to be an order drawu by C. E. Snodgrass on WilHam M. Panish, for the payment of ?20, with intent to defraud, was sent on for indict ment. Meeting of the State Grange. P. of H. A called session of the State Grange of Vir ginia will be held in Richmond on tbe 3'st of March. Purim Ball Rimmon Lodge having declined to give their annual Purim ball, tbe Mercantile Club have determined to give a fancy dress and masquerade soiree at tbeir rooms next Friday evening for Ibe benefit, of its members. Tde lectures of Propessob Holmes be fore the Young Men's Christian Association have been postponed until Thursday and Fri day evenings of nest week. State Treasury. ? The balance in the State Treasury yesterday war $564,221.39. ' ? ? Unbailable Letters Remaining in toe Richmond Post-Office February 25.? Mr. William Arnold, city; Mrs. S. C. Ballard, Richmond, Va. ; Captain Nathaniel Bur* russ, care City Guflrd. Norfolk, Va. ; Mr. A. L. Ford j J. L. L. Hall, care T. R. Prfee, Richmond, Va.; Miss Catharine Johnson, Richmond, Va.; E. H.- XeHogsr, 17 Ce dar street Ifew 'Terk; W. B. Light foot, Port Royal, Caroliue vounty, V?;;/A. B. Lipscomb* Cory between Madison and Jefferson, Richmond, Va. }- m. <?\ Richmond, V-J.; R. B. Munford, City Astfc.?ar*lE&?h-: moud, Ya. ; Mrs. P. G. Thomat> Ports mouth, Vfl. Thb New Reservoir.?' The Council Com mltteo on Water met last evening In the Au ditor's office, City Hall. Present : Messrs. Borpamin (chairman), Strang, Scott or Jeffer son Ward, and English of Monroe Ward. The meeting was called Tor the purpose of considering the plans which were submitted by Colonel W. E. Cutshaw. City Engineer, for the new reservoir, which is to be built upon the site known as Tabb's, or the pro perty which formerly belonged to the Omo bundro estate, the purchase of which for the city has already been mentioned in the Dis patch. The committee were in session about two bours> and besides considering a number of applications from parties who desire work, agreed to adopt tbe plan for the reservoir proposed by Colonel Cutshaw. The reser voir-is. to bold forty million gallons of water, and wilf cost about $262,000. When com pleted, tbe level of tbe water will be about twenty feet above tbe level of the water in the present reservoir. The title to tbe property is at present be ing examined by the City Attorney, and when this investigation is completed there will be another meeting of the Committee on Water. The managers, for the work will then be appoiated^ acid tbe construction commenced. Tabb's, or tbe sixty acres pur chased by tbe city from the Omohundro estate, is situated* west from the corporate limits of Richmond about one mile, and is nearly opposite the three-mile locks. Chancery Court. ? The spacious building known as Putnam's Hall, No. 9'21 Broad street, has been rented for tbe sittings of the Chancery Court. The New Code. ? Seventeen copies of tbe new Code were received at tbe IIustiDgs Court clerk's office yesterday for distribu tion to tbe city justices. Correspondence. Richmond, February 24, 1874. JRcv. J. William Jones : * Dear Sir, Tbe undersigned, in common with many others, have heard of the success of your recent address, entitled " Personal Reminiscences and Anecdotes of GeperalR. E. Lee," at tbe Washington and Lee Univer sity, on the occasion of the anniversary of the hero's death, and believing that our citizens would be gratified to bear a tribute which has received the highest eucomiums from the best sources, respectfully request you to repeat the same in the form of a public lec ture at such time and place as may suit your convenience. J. L. Kemper, Jos. Christian, J. L. M. Curry, Wh. A. Maury, John Dunlop, P. V. Daniejl, Jr., J. C. Granbery, C. H. Read, Jno. E. Edwards, Tnos. L. Preston, J. Peterein, Ro. Ould, Ro. L. Montague, Moses D. IJoce, Marshall Hanger, and many others. Richmond, Va., February 25, 1874. Gentlemen,? Your esteemed favor of the 24th has just been handed me. I lay no claim to any peculiar fitness to speak of our errand old chieftain except that it whs my proud privilege to have known and loved biro, and I fear that tbe too par tial criticisms of kind friends have raided ex pectations which I shall not be able to meet. But I do not feel at liberty to decline the very flittering cull you have made upon me to give the patriotic citizens of Richmond an opportunity of bearing some "Personal Reminiscences and Anecdotes" of the great, and good mau whom they all delight to honor. 1 would, therefore, name next Monday eveuiug, March the 2d, ns the time, and the hall of the Young Men's Christian Associa tion as the place, for the delivery of the pro posed lecture. With sincere thanks for tbe high honor you have done me, and the very kind terms in which you have expressed your wishes, 1 am, with great respect, Your obedient servant, J. Wm. Jones. To his Ecccllenry Governor Kemper, Judge Joseph Christian, Reo. Dr. Curry, Wil liam .4. Maury, Esq., and others. BANKING.? Shnkspeare talks about a " bauk wbereou the wild thyme grows," and there are many banks where our wild youths have a high old time, but the bank where the highest lime will be had, on and after March 31st, la the Farmers and Drovers Bank of Louisville, K v., which Institution is tfie depository of the funds of the Kentucky Li brary's Grand Gift 'Con cert. $1,500,000 will be there for distribution to ticket-holders oa that day, and Fortune's favorites will infinitely prefer a check ou this bank to any amount of sky-larsiug on the M bank where the wll.i thyme grows." For tickets and information apply to A. P. L'Ecuyeii, 909 Bunk street, or W. H. Y Eli BY, ckrk at Ford's Hotel. "Wax-Fruit, Confectionery, Cakes, A-c? Special attention Is cilled to the collection of the above foods on exhibition to-day at our auction rooms, up-stairs. COOK & Laught6n. Alden's California Evaporated Pears? one pound equal to nine of the ripe fruit. Also, cooking Prunes (superior), at Christian & White's, 814 Main street. Just received. 500 pieces best calicoes, spring styles, at 10c? at Julius Meyer's, 603 Broad street. Transfer Printing-Inks will copy clear and distinct for au indefinite period of time. Send your orders for work to be done In these inks to the Dis patch Priming-House. Pembroke Shirts made to order by E. B. Sfence & Son, Merchaut Tailors. Perfect fit guaranteed or no sale. What a Judge said after vi6itino 1402 Main street: ScnAAl*'S Cigars. I wish to stite, Are better than I met of late ; Of UmbreUas and Rattans His assortment is immense ; His News Depot Is quite complete, Els stock of Notions hard to beat. Be sure fo give his store a call, 1 know his goods will please you all. Startling.? Tbe ways of the world furnish many starring incidents, but there is no current event quite so startling as the way In which the tickets for the Concert of the Public Library of Kentucky are going off. Everybody feels that the time is now so short before the drawing it will ad mit of no further delay In securing tickets. For tickets and information apply to A. P. L'Ecuyer, 909 Bank street, or W. II. Yerby, clerk at Ford's HoteL i Transfer Printing-inks for copying letter headings, statements, way-bills. <4c. Can be copied In the ordinary letter-press book. Send your orders for printing in these inks, and for all other desczlp Uoas of printing, to tbe J)itvatch Printing- House. Consumption, the scourge of the human family, may in its early stages be jromplly arrested and permanently cured. . Kavenswood, W. Ya., October 28, 1872 Lr.JL Y.Pierce: Sir,? For tbe last ^jrftar I have been using your Golden Medical Discovery. To we my lift ro it, having been afflicted for years. Did not u?e It but a short. time before I was benefited; at that time I was very ted, not able t o sit u p much, was suffering greatly with iny throat, waa getHng blind, had a dry cough, ana much pain In ray langs. I have used twelve boules of the Discovery, and am almost well. ? XATB T. W ARDNER. A son of Mr.JJ3. MEMO, of Chatham -Fcur Garners. 2f. X.. baa. beqn cured of .consumption by Ur. PtBSCR'fi Golden Medical Discover y-^o says Mr. <3. B? Can field, editor, of Hie Chatham Courier,, , ~ ? .. . ? 3.B. Eglab, draggle t, of W?t Lnlon, 9m wri|<a to, state ibat J%> Prgoci's Golden WedlcaJDls CO very has effected a wonderful (Hire Of consump tion III his neighborhood. 4 W. S. Gilhan, W. C. Carrington, D. J. Bartsooe, J. Z. Tyler, J. A. Cowardin, Jno. B. Cary, Z. W. Pickeell, J. L. Borrows, Wh. E. Tanneb, Hugh Blair, James B. Winston, J. 31. Daniel, Hunter McGuire, William Brown, Thjc easiest wat to get 950,000 Is to purchase | & ticket In the Masonic got kictbbphiss at Norfolk, and yon may be the tacky one. Tickets can be had at P. WsisrGxn & Co.'s bat store, 1201 Main street, Richmond. TnAXSFKB Prestixq-Inks? Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, Banks, mer chants, manufacturers, and others. They arc en durlag and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having Just rectnved a fresh suyply of these ii>ks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. ? . The Masonic Gift Concert at Norfolk win certainly take place In May. Positively no further I postponement. .. . Sl'RINO STTLE SILK. IIATS JUSt rCCCived at P. Weisiger & Co.'s. AUCTION MALES TIKIS DAT. On all salts of real estate made between the lft <&' January and 30 th of June the taxes for the vre~ sent year nave to be paid by the "purchaser. On all sales made between the 1st of July and last qf the year the taxes have to be paid by the 8 tiler. HILL ft GODDIN. 4tf P. M., the framed dwelling j No. 715, on the east side of fourth street be- ; tween Jackson and Dnval. MOODY * ROT ALL, 4^ P. M., trustees' sale of j Improved real estate on Fourteenth street near the corner of Perry, Manchester. RICHARDSON ft CO., 4M P. M., framed dwelling and lot o,1 the southeast corner of M and Twen ty-fourth streets, Union 11111* WASTS. WANTED, to purchase a good SECOND HAND PI A>0. Address .1 A M KS B. DENTON. fe 26-2t* Hanover Junction, for ten days. W ANTED, to buy a No. 1 DRAY-MULE or HORSE. ^Apjpiy to_ CHALK LEY ft CO., fe 20- It* Thirteenth street. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, ONE| HUNDRED CORDS CHESTNUT-OAK BARK : also, DRY and SALTED HIDES, at WRIGHT ft HUDN ALL'S t-team Tannery. Lom'-ard alley, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, fe25-lm Richmond. Va. TIT" ANTED, an intelligent and obliging ?V 1 COLORED MAN who Is a good driver and knows somnhlng of gardening. . Also, a first-class WASHERWOMAN who can bring good testimonials. Also, a neat young GIRL, from twelve to fifteen years of age, to assist'.In nursing small children. ir all these could he combined In one family it would be preferred. They would have a pleasant home and good wages. Apply at W. E. Tanner ft Co. s office to fe 24- 3 1 W. C. AMMONS. WANTED, CONFEDERATE TOST AMPS (cancelled or uncancelled): aiso, 1 1,000 CONFEDERATE NOTES. Highest prices paid. C.F.JOHNSTON, fe 24iod3t Dealer, 918 Main street, GOOK WANTED. ? Must be a single wo man with first-class recommendations. ALBERT ORDWAY, fe 24-3 1* corner Franklin and Laurel stree's. BUSIXfiS WANTS. r AGENTS, prompt and reliable, in want of a STANDARD ARTICLE, new and a n* cesslto in every household, and all who wish a safe and profitable business iu their own vicinity during the spring and summer months, should In quire about the ?* EXTERMINATOR." It works tne total destruction of household vermin, but is not poisonous to Individuals. Address L 'ORIENT CHEMICAL COMPANY, fe 21 -6t* Sole Proprietors. Bristol, R. I. "^T AN TED, TO SELL ONE THOUSAND CORDS PiNE AND OAK WOOD, at Alice's station, low for cash. I have also a good supply at my yard, corner Fifteenth and Dock streets, for retail at low rates. All in want v, ill please give me a call. de 30-ced3m E.F. R AOL AND. WANTED CASH, for which I will sell I T the greatest bargains ever offered in forfeited pledges, consisting of WATCHES of best makers: OPERA and V EST CHAINS, LOCKETS, SLEEVE and SIIlltT BUTTONS. RINGS, TINS; a few DIA MONDS; one pair of the most elaborate CHAIN BRACELETS of gold and pearl, weighing 127 dwt. All ot "the goods are to hc'closed out at the advance. The prices are about one-half of the original cost, t all soon at 8. A. WINSTOCK'S LOAN OFFICE, No. 17 Fourteenth street, under txcuange Hotel. ja 1 7 FERTILIZERS. _ 1 FERTILIZERS.? I wish to call tbe sx>ec:al - attention of persons planting early potat -os to the VIRGINIA FERTILIZER, No. 1. As a track fertilizer it is the cheapest and best they can use. It acts very quick, and Is less than half the price of anv other truck fertilizer offered In the market. Price, ?25 per ton, or 4*3 per barrel of 200 pounds. J. It. HOCK ADA Y, 1528 Main street, fe23-ltn Sole Agent. F 9R ALL SPRING CROP; SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, "STAR BRAN??" FLOUR OF RAW-BONE, "STAR BRAND" COMPLETE TOBACCO MANURF. We recommend thc-e standard fertilizers for TOUACCO. COTTON, CORN", and VEGETAllLKS, also lor I'LANT-BEDS. Circulars containing. further Information mailed to all applicant! free. ALUS0N- ,t iDDtf0!I, fe 13 No. 1320 and 1822 Cary street. MACHTXTERY, Ac. ^TILLTAM E. TANNER & CO., METROPOLITAN WORKS, CANAL STREET FROM SIXTH TO SEVENTH, manufacturers of EN'UlNES, . SAW-MILLS, GRIST-MILLS, GAS-MACHINERY, BOILERS, BARK-MILLS, PLASTER-MILLS, MILL-GEARING, STONECUTTERS' TOOLS, Including BUSH-HAMMERS of all sizes. &<:. REPAIR- WORK SOLICITED. Freights to all points low. Send for circular. oc 4 DIMS(?LIJT10XS A FAKTyERSHim "VT OTICE ? CO-P ARTN ERSHI P. - Tbe undersigned, having formed a co-partnership under the firm-name of E. E. TA YLOit A CO. for the purpose of transacting a GROCERY AND COMMISSION B Ut I NESS, would be pleased to gee our friends and the public generally at No. 23 south Thirteenth street. K. E.'Ta YLOR, fe 25-1 w? T. y. TAYLOR. \TANCH ESTER IRON-WORiiS.-NO iJJL TICE ? Tbe co-partnership heretofore exist ing under the name of Jaxks S. Uaird Sc Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. S. BAIRD. JOSEPH J.HEINDL. February 11, 1874. Mr. Baird will continue to carry on the FOUN DRY AND GENERAL BUSINESS in our line at the old stand, and I desire that my friends will continue to extend to him their patronage, fe 12-2w* JOSEPH J. Hl'INDL, T BOOTS, SHOES, See, MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING _ STOOR I will s?rll my Heavy Boots and Ufrogans for Men and Boys at coat, and other apods at a reduction of ten per cent. My stock is composed of ail the various styles ana grades, such as may be found only: in a first-class boot and shoe store. Lari e assortment of Truuks, 4c. Sole-Leather Trunks for gentlemen at cost, ja 14 W. P. W. TAYLOR. 1 Q> J A CITY MADE GOODS A m IO / specialty. gtaW REDUCTION IN PRICES OF BOOTS, SHOES, AND TRUNKS. "WINTER GOODS mast be sold to make room foi our SPRING STaKJK. Now is the time to buy at tbe lowest possible prices. MEN'S. BOYS', and YOUTHS'' KIP BOOTS, of which we have too large a stock on hand for the present season, will be sold without regard to cost CUSTOM WORK MADE TO ORDER AND GUARANTEED TO PIT. RE PAIRING DONE IN THE NEATEST AND BEST MANNER. JOHN H. BOSCH EN A SON. Manufacturers, ia 2 509 and 611 Broad stmsf. W a CHURCHMAN. CLAYMONT, DELAWARE,' w at >?Jf : vsxiJ. JlK iSi ?. is now breeding only LIGHT AND DARK B RAH MAS, >r from the beat strains to be obtained in this or any '- ?t.r -t:?: other country. ' ? :* A FEW CHOICE BIRDS TO SPARE OF EACH COLORING As nay yartJb are veil protect*!, I shall tie able to EGG? FOR HATCHING, "WELL PACKED/ VERY EARLY IN 'THE SEASON. - T>RATrS ! ASTRAt OIL and . Canton JF tvalOfi foratfeby toll BODEKKR JBBOS. BY TELEGRAPH. . .?/ ? Latest News from Washington. Washington, February 25, 1874. The Finance Debate in tb e Senate? A Spat between Messrs. Seharz and , 4 Morion? Bebars accused of Betray ing bis Party? The Centennial? Tbe President come* to tbe Bcscue-Tbe Traffic in AlcoboB? Tbe Franking , Privilege. r^pecial telegram to the Dispatch.J The interminable finance debate continues with the same indications of no result that have characterized it for a long time. Tbe weariness was enlivened to- day by a sharp spit between Morton and Scburz, growing oat of offence taken by the latter at the former asserting yesterday that he $d not understand this country. Scbmz hoped the German constituents of Morton would understand that they were all right when they agreed with him, and all wrong when entertaining other opinions. Morton retorted with similar spleen, ac cusing Scburz of betraying bis party ; and r such unparliamentary remarks as u atro cious," ** disingenuous," &e., were bandied about until stopped by tbe Chair. After a lively tilt both struck their colors and agree ably expressed their friendship one for the other, and the Senate, relieved by the dis turbance of the iinancial monotony, went into executive session. The President has come to the rescue of tbe fist-despairing Centennial Exposition supporters, aqd sent in a message to-day strongly urging that the plan be not suffered to di*. This may give a new impetus to the project, but it hardly eeems probable that Congress will be willing to nvike a generous appropriation in its support. Mr. Cameron tried to-day to have the Se nate take up the House bill, but was uosuc' cessful, as there is a determination on the part of several senators to antoigoaize this bill with the regular appropriation bills. Tbe bill to appoint a commission to inves tigate the traffic in alcohol was taken up to day, and was vigoronsly attacked by Scburz, who condemned it as trenching upon mat ters that belong to the jurisdiction of State police, and for that reason he would vote against the bill, Air. Frelinghnysen, allud j ing to the great evil9 of intern peronce^ | thought the bill a very proper one, and will vote for it. The impre&iou is that it will pass. The House will, judging from the vote on ordering the previous question to-day, pass tbe bill to-morrow for tbe restoration of the franking privilege. In that case there is little doubt but that it will also go through the Seuate. Timon. fAasoclated^ress telegram?.] Washington, February 25, 1ST 4. Congressional. * Senate.? The morning was occupied in the consideration cf the hill to appoint a commissiou to inquire into the alobolic liquor traffic.. The financial debate was continued, I Messrs. Merrimon, Sherm in, Allison, and Nortou taking part. There was a sharp dis cussion betweeu Morton and Scburz grow ing out of the debate yesterday, in which Morton said Scburz did not understand the country in which he lived. Iu reply to Morton to-day, Scburz said that Morton had made misstatements, atrocious and wilful. Morton retorted by characterizing the argument of Scburz as disingenuous. Carpenter called both to order, and apolo gies followed. No vote. Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, from the Com mittee on Public Buildings and Grouud*, reported an original joint resolution that the bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson which was presented iu 1834 by Lieutenant U. P. Levy, of tbe navy, be now formally accepted with gratcfui appreciation, and that tbe offi cer in chaiye of public buildings and grounds be directed to properly prepare and place it in the National llall of the capitol. House.? Mr. Piatt, of Virginia, from the Naval Committee, made an adverse report on the bill to establish a navy-yard at Port Royal, S. C. Laid on tbe table. The bill to authorize tbe removal of the powder-magazine at Norfolk, Va., was passed. . The debate on the bill reviving the frank ing privilege continued all day, and finally the previous question was fieconded and the main question ordered? 126 to 117. The bill will be voted on to-morrow. Compensation for ilmrehex DcMtrojed During tbe War. A committee of the Virginia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, lately in session in Alexandria, consisting of Presid ing Eldeis Pbelps and Mitchell, and Rev. Messrs. Baird of Alexandria, and York of Washington, were before the Senate Chims Committee to-day to ask compensation for churches destroyed by Union troops during tbe war at Dumfries, Falls Cburcb, Arling ton, and Fairfax Courthouse. They based their claim on the ground that at tbe break ing out of the war many members of these churches went South and aided in forming the Methodist Episcopal Cburcb South, and those who remained were loyal to tbe United States Government. Tbe committee took the matter under consideration. Bounties to Colored ftoldlors. UDless Congress does something very soon in the way of appropriating money lor tbe payment of bounties due colored soldiers, under regulations in force under the Freed raan'd Bureau, tbe Secretary of War in a very short time wiil have to discontinue all such payments. What tbe President Thinks about tbe Centennial Exposition. The President to-day, in communicating to Congress tbe report of the Centennial Com mission, says: A failure in this enterprise would be deplorable. Its . success can be assured by awakening public opinion to tbe importance of tbe occasion. To secure this end, ia bis judgment, congressional legisla tion is necessary to make tbe exposition both national and international. Confirmation. Mr. Boyle was confirmed to-day as attor ney for tbe Eastern District of Texas. New York Temperance Movement. Albany, February 20. ? At a meeting of tbe State Temperance Committee to-day re solutions were adopted asking the Legisla ture to pass a local prohibition bill, and al-o calling on the friends of temperance to use every tfforl to advance, the cause, and bid western women Goflspe^d iu their crusade. Oeatb of Betr. John Bacbman. ; Charleston, 8. Cm February 25. ? The venerable Letieran pastor Rev. John Qfich man, distinguished as a oajtyraliat and a life* long friend and co-jfoborer of ?Professors Agassiz and, Audubon, is dead J a^ed eijghty five ye aw. T1jjjt?*mfne<i to 3?zcJu<le Women. Boston, Febrtwry 25.-Tbo School Com mittee, iK>twltb?tflDdupg traction of tbe Supreme Court, bave determined to exCrude , WWWB w;'-a ! ?i!Tlbo at Roluood lira. S| jj tmiWi men on thQ New Vqj? $sd Erie fsilroad are ^strike^forbwk pofc. artf moving. " . ? *-y 31 . I OAaEWSTJUKAKT SS ?JMttmm^XSrjSSX One aqnarfv.oae I O.w arfaatvrlw ' ?mh?M tkMWi (MorHARI : V 1 cjne iQwi^j oM wu&#?n4m One Kjaare. two moiit!;^ One sq fiare, fhrce monlha... . ,;. . .7. . -? - r-f The Lalo Bfartier of Yo?iiflf??S to ?- ?' ? SortU Carolina* fSpectal retajnwn tothe ? Statksvllle na Salisbury, N. -C, Febstt-. ? ary 25.? The trial of Joseph Elliott, cbaj^e^U with tbe murder of joun g Neat, is fetiil pending. Tbe Commonwealth baa totrCHv Huced additional testimony, and tbe evi dence is strong against the pri-oner. A motion is made by the prowcutfon for a ro consideration of tbe decision allowing bail. : Great interest is felt in tlie case, and alarg* c.owd is in attendance, anxiously awaiting t tbe decision. Jail I>oIivery in Delaware? A Jfw derer and Foor BaalcBvfUn (W ? at liberty. Newcastlk, Dku, February 20 ? About 1 o'clock this morning Israel Beddings, night warden at the jail, hearing a flight noise in ' the yard opened the door, when he was im mediately seized by a gang of a dozen men. They gagged and handcuffed him, tied hi* ? fret, and put bim in a coal-bole. One oig them threatened bis life with a drawn knife*^ but another, known as Big Frank, inter fered. They got over the wall by two short ladders tied" together, which they brought with them. They carried off with tbeu> ft. Frazier, who was" nnder life-sentence for the murder of Allison. It is supposed that tbe tarty reached here iu a tug-boat which wa^seeO off Newcastle last night and has disappeared thb morning* Big Frank, nfftllioned above, .is onp of Iho party whipped sometime ago, and Cor whose n:scue before the whipping a plot" bad bee* formed but did not succeed, being foiled by citizens being on guard; < - -t . >v* ANOTUKB AOCOtTMP.. % ? -J Newcastle, February 25.? Four bank-., burglars, Law ton, Hurlbut, Carter, and ITope, under sentence for ten years, with Fruzier, under life-sentence for murder, were rescued by a pang of burglars this morning. They sealed the prison walla by ladders brought with them, and after secu ring the warden they opened the prison cells with jack-screws, forcing open the win dow*. There were twelve or fifteen men Engaged in tbe rescue, who are supposed to have come from Philadelphia in a tug and escaped in the same way. Tbe Autopsy of the Siamese Twin*. Philadelphia, February 25.? A second edition of the Medical Times states that tbe autopsy of the biamesc Twins was continued on Friday last, resulting in some interesting disclosures. The commission find that the two livers, which were supposed to be joined only by l>lood-vessel?-, were really on# body, the "parencblmatos tissue being con tinuous between them, so thai when they were removed from the hodic* and placed on the table they formed one mass. The sc called teact (1) of portnl continuity fs, there fore, liver tissue. It will be remembered ? that Chang was eoid to be possessed of one more pouch than Eng. When the lurcr wa< removed, however, an upper hepatic pouch was found also proceeding from Eng; so that the hand contained four pouches of peritoneum, besides liVQr tissue. These dN closures show that any attempt during life to separate the twius would in all proba bility have proved fatal. LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. England. ^ ^ Lontos, February 25. ? Rev. Thomas Bin- t ney, theological writer, died last night, aged seventy-five years. London, February 25.? A report baa reached here that a great battle has been , fought atCoomassie between the Ashantees and tbe lorce under Sir Garnett Woolselcy. Tbe eneagement is said to have las-ted the whole dav and to have closed with no de cided result. The loss of tbe BcltM) troops Is giveu as nearly 300, including many of ficers. The Highlander* alone are said to have had- 150 men killed - and wounded. General Sir Garnett Woolseley was said to be sadly in need of rii iforcement*, which were liftecu miles off. The War Oftice is without advices of tbe reported battle between the English nod Ashantees, but unofiicial reports say that the hatile was fonght at Acroomboo, January 31sf, and not ut Coomassie. Among the killed are Major Baitd and Captain Biuck!e. The Globe says if the news be true tbe only course left is to eff. ct a safe retreat to the coast. t A special to the Standard sajs that t ho Ashantees entirely surrounded tbe British army, but were eventually driven off with great loss. The principal .war-chicf was killed. The King bad taken command in person, and it was expected would renew the attack. I ranee. Versailles, February 25.? When ex-Pre sldent Thiers eutered the Assembly to-day he was greeted with a perfect oration from the members of the Left iu consequence of bis letter published yesterday stating his conviction that the republican is tbe only form of government lor France. ? Spain. Madrid, February 25.? The report of the capture of Fortugalette by the national forces is confirmed. General Moriones, with 22,000 men, now confronts the main body of Carhsts, and news of a general engagement Is hourly expected. ^ Weather ProbftUIUioc far To-Day. Washikotoi?, February 25.? For New. England, easterly winds, falling barometer, cloud, and snow. For the Middle States and Lower Lakes, winds backing to northwest with cloudy weather and occasional snow. , . , For the Middle Atlantic and South Atlan tic States, rising barometer, northwesterly' winds, cloudy and clearing weather. For the Gulf State*, northerly winds, rising barometer, partly cloudy and clear, weather, ? ? ?* For the Ohio Valley, diminishing north westerly winds and rising barometer, fol lowed by failing barometer and aottiberTf winds. For tbe Upper Lakes and the North wo^.. falling barometer, southerly .winds, higher temperature, and cloudy or portly cloudy; wffltber. Tbe lower Ohio and Mississippi rivers continue rising slowly* < . Snow-Mo rns. New York, February 2-L-ri. fccavy north east snow-storm Is prevailing here.; Washington, February 15.? 81* lecbw Of snow basfallenbere. - - & PntLAnaLrfifA, February 25.? A driving guow-storm has prevailed all nigld^acd stiH continues. Sstt'timlasM^ i. Nbw Yohk, February 25.*^Tbo ; ?oU of ; John P.^oulUvan agdnst Marshal (^Bob erts for 150^000 for services alleged w fc?ye; been rendered in coonectloa witf* hnd coii cessiona in Mexico during Maxim Il5at?*i reign terminated to-day wit& a verdict o< $18,000 toe the plaintiff. . ' - . ... -? - BaeM NlJfM- : :L CtiAULisroN; S. cn Fcbiua/y -5.? Thj opening wees of tbo spring mfieflng on the Wtthfh^ton cotirse, wbteh We*?-txed fOr to-dsy, have been postpooedi?r^?a?WpP^ Of tbe h^avy oqnditlon of tbo.tta^.. , . ?a-ko. mm mjs ? ***sm isfOi ' di.rHI HMHb & mm.