Newspaper Page Text
RICHMOND; YA., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 27, 1874 the DISPATCH. BY COWARDIN A EIXY80N. rASn-lKVARIABLT IX APVAJTOJI. ?n;r DAILY DISPATCH is delivered to ??I> * i rim-*** cxxts ror wtvk, payable to ilwe?rrlor weekly- Mailed at *6 per annum ; f<*- Mx month*: 75c. i>er month for a shorter SFMI-WKFKLY DISPATCH at f3 per aa. toum. or ?1 7ft for rix iron?<(>. The WKKHl.Y ?1SPA1 I'll at $2 per annum. npnui. JvimcKt. JTT LOOK AT THE FULL YARIX \\ in*; BLEACHED COTTON of superior qnnlSty ut l'iSe. at LEVY BROTHERS'. I.rtoik ,\t onr larsre-Mste five-dollar RUGS. to 25 .jrNKW YORK MILLS AND WAM j TTA COTTON at lPc. per yird at LKVV WROTH ERS'. H.m.'i f.iii f <?> took nt our stock of PRINTED , * M UK t c S. fe 25 jif-T! IK LARGEST AND BEST-AS S(>kTK!> ?tock rf HaMRURG EDGINGS and IS ?> l. f|S<;S ever ofilred In this city, and at ov ?r- ??<*?> '? * *l LEVY BROTHERS'. j.j , -> !. l.Ol'fiaiid RUBBER-DIAPERS. fo 25 ? s A.VPED HANDS. v1' II I (iOVi N I HEMl^K VOKSS, i : ! i "\V :.??!> USE r Ml A. MS H'.JiBS anO MATS. nt L R V V BROTHERS', ,1 c! i 'T 1 i 75c. and ?1, very cheap. | v y a NTS' EMBR01DERE D j; i;s>. r'KOCK- WAISTS. and a general as ...r' : c:.l of foods for IS FASTS' WEAR, at I.EVY BROTHERS'. r Inrce iKc-dollir Rl'GS. > . ; v t > IT I NO U A M L A C ? C U K I v:ss. VVI!:!Ol!?KUKD LACE CURTAINS. i t T > 1 K > . \VIM>OWSI1aDKS. . I \ Kl'KT.S ir.d OlL-CLOTHS, at I.EVY BROTHERS'. ! our t?cntv-tivc-cenl S'c'AKFS. j . < H.GATE'S HANDKERCHIEF EX i KAMI'S st 50c. per bottle; COLGATE'S COLOGNE. V RIGHT'S EXTRACTS, (.< ?LOGN E and POM ADE, COLGATE'S SOAPS . ! xi wboit*)!e prlccs at -.*? LEVY BROTHERS'. M-r" f y RKLTS of si! kinds, and a large as j'fut of KELT-BUCKLES and CLASPS. al LEVY BROTHERS'. 13' TRUNKS. SYTCHELS, LUNCH U s ' K KTS. and M I A W L-ST R A PS. at LEVY BROTHERS'. 1 !).? ni'W..?tylc LINES COLL ARS aud CUFFS : ~r < K w ISli M A CI I IN E NEEDL KS at 4 v.- ! apb-ee : IS \ < HISK < >1 L. the l>e>t manufactured, at 15c. !-?-r ?> t:le : >< i:K'A -OKI VKRS Sc.; 051 - \N<. 10c.: at LEVY BROTHERS'. tB TABI.H-CLOTHS, NaPKINS. and DuV/.IKj*. fe 25 rrrCOATS'S. CLARK'S O. N. Tm and ?K.'lis < T AUK'S s POO L- COTTO N at 70c. per cor ii. '<r 6r a ai LEVY BROTHERS . Itsrt'ains ic kl.\R?ElLLE& yUILTs. fe 25 r.rr Lancaster cambrics.? a new lo: ? ! ? xc. ^.>les at f. LEVY BROTHERS'. ZTT I'KHC ALES.? New patterns; hand ifi. ut .?5 LEVY BROTHERS . :rr mx r y - k i c; lit n e w styles i A 1 !' "K- for dresses, and thirty-seven patterns o! - i n ii I IS(i CALICOES ai IV LEVY BROTHERS'. ur 1'KD-TICKS at all prices from 10 to "A't .?rvjrdat {?? 2.* LEVY BROTHERS'. I -r I'SBLEACUED SUEETiNGS and ?Mli.TlMJS. -.r. all widths and qualities; also. I'il I.O\V-' ASE t,Of I'O.NS. at fe 25 LEVY BROTHERS'. WIDE LINEN* HUCKABACK T"-k r.i"!s'(; .ii 25c. worili 35e. per yard at LEVI" BROTHERS'. ; r BIRD'S-EYE DIAPER, extra wide, h..'. Hutu, at 30c. per yard worth 40c.: 1.: MA- FJ SIS1J 1?I vt'E:: at $1.35 1'ur a piece of J1'. ' U LEVY BROIUERS\ :i- FEBRUARY 21, 1S73. St'.v FANCY, and STAPLE DRY GOODS T. R. PRICE & CO. have Ju.-t opened V} ?. .; : BEAUTIFUL MEDIUM and LIGHT I'Kis r-. H:- N< i ! ' A MRU ICS and PERCALES, 4 -5 1.1:. Ml < l:*- !? i \Y NES, f>r children ; MUKi I %(. I'i:lNT>. J.I SI- N t i l coi i OS -II FKTIS'G. 1 !: Ml 1.1 S ENS. 1>\M \SliS. MAPERS, lii.l.A' i:ED tXUTOSS, MOURNING CALI < '< >K-. SK< K i:UFFI.lNG: I.ISLN < >)Li.Alt> and CUFF?, I \IMK and ?iESTL EVEN'S KU> GLOVES. RAMItrs.Vi EHG1NGS and INSERTING*, Ac.; hi . k a i > .iiiii machine insertings, s " K-i : MRU ELLAS, IIS1- S I \ W NS. >< ( .UOUS left over from last sf-ason at lial f- 1 rn-.j. fe 21 1'LliRl'ARY, 1873. 'I . R. PRICE A CO. have Just opened Ii' \? iC ALPACAS and MOHAIRS, very cheap; Ri pain- !u BLACK GRO-GRAIN SILKS; \\ 1 AFFETA SILKS, best makes; 'i H? >'AMBRICS. for trimuiiuK; lit MSI) aud LINEN-CAMBRIC HAND K ERCIHEFd, 61.S i Lir.MEN'ri HEMSTITCHED IIANDKER < HIKFS, WHITE PlQUtS, HI- A? K CUaPKS and CRAPE VEILS, it'iCuNSNG OKHSs GOODS, Lti* an-; r QUAKE MOURNING SHAWLS. Ac. I V 'I \ mr FRESH COD-LIVER OIL. 'M i: OWN DIRECT IMPORTATION. " "IRI-: Ut>T, PURL'ST. AND MOST ACCEPTA BLE TO THE STOMACH." w< imv,. ui?. te?tlmony of physicians who pre x r;!- i', and ? f pattonLs who have taken it, that il i morruryefrtabU (,j dm rtoiRUcU and more cab i by ?t-:lmilate<l fAin. other oil . MEADE A BAKER, Importing Pharmacists, #1 9 Main street. liT PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. A'~itu;. Ir iufe. Perfectly odorless. Always uni ' ? <i*.?. liluminatlng qualities superior tojras. Burui la ?.nv lamp wftliout danger of exploding or laklns Maiiutacturcd txpreasly to displace the use o v..ixiti!e nnd <iitni.'erous oils. Its safety under ever) I?^lWe t'vl. and W {xrrfect burulnj; qualities, an j ?.-?,> iiv it.-. coutitiUfcd u^- in over 300,000 fami !>??. .Milik(na<>f RallvKis have heeu sold aud no ac > .'ii u'.-din-.Uy or laolivctly? jiari ever occurreo Irvm !>u ruing, ?ilorlnv, or liHiidllu f it. 'i'ltc .-i^urntice compafiies and tlre commissloneit thr<uu(*L>.ui the country recommend the ASTRAL a.-. U,.* .-i .safeguard wbeu lamps are used. SenC for olr ctiJLa*. Korii?leat retail by th*; trade eeneraiiy, and al ^lioi'jraleby the proprietors. CliAKLES i'BATl A X(>yi"ulton street, Ne* Vork. w 17,UJfcwCin I'ROPOSAIA. f >R< >i'OSA^S ARE INVITED FROM t tin- it-i rcljaitfa of RIchmocd city lo /urulsli Ue Centr?l Luualic Asylum wttb the following J ?"ticJ?-s: poind' (a; jjitows Refined Sjugak, . .? ?'0 p'.i.m!- u-Jt llDMINY, '> oag- Hto yh. E (medium gru/ie), 2 clients '1 iLA.? o;;e green, one black? (tae dlnui): - is."i jiounds U'st C'JSC'INNATI BRIGHT tilKXlr DJ-.llj. 2J; ;?uiljela Cons, ??.000 ^>uudt> mikaF OifSorllAY, <>0 inrfiiids bdbt ()OSlltV PUTTKU, o(j ba. Juili l> St BOLZMCXiCOUX MEAL, !??>() * ulU,i& MOt-AgSKS/iaenlum), 1 barrel l*' st ClliEit vixa^JAM, i barrel HEAD- LIGHT KeeoSKNE Oil, i i>urri'l Mia/ STAIN WlltaAEV (medium quali ty ), for Uuspllal use ; 50 p'.uuds Uj<-?. i>U ouehtls iil-ACK-EYE PlSAfi, 1 Utle Bkd-TicKING fgoodj, 1 bate Cotton Ozsabcugs, for f-bLrtlug; 50 balctf St it aw, i <000 Itr-Ap of Cauuaoe, 2 aacku N at LIVERPOOL SALT. I s-aumles, with iho prices annexed, must he sent to ] Hm: A>yluiu by iUH 2X) DAY iff UaHVH NEXT. f* Sfl-1 w N. T. PAGE, Steward, . 1 ' gtfclmtmtd gtspich. MQTTIIE CIRCULATION OF THE DIS PATCH IS LARGER THAN THE COMBINED 'I-UCULATION OF ALL THE OTHER DAILY irAr^rApKRs of the city. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27, 1874. LOCAL MATTERS. The State's Assets in "Works of Inter nal Improvement.? Mr. Popham, or Rap pahannock, offered the following in tbc House of Delegates yesterday ; " Whereas grave cbargGs and intimations :ire constantly made by the leading; journals of t hi-? State to tbe effect t bat great wrong and injury have been done her by her offi cial agents in tbe sale, transfer, or other dis position of her large and valuable assets in works? ot internal improvement, and in tbe settlement of lar^e debts due to her from private parties; therefore l>e it u Rexolvcci, That a committee of three be appointed, with authority to investigate each and every case of sale, transfer, and settle ment as aforesaid occurring since tbe late war, and that tbey report to this House the character of tbe contract in each of these cases, by whom and wilh whom made, the cost of executing the same, tbe fees paid to attorneys and other agents employed there in, together with all other facts deemed per tinent to this investigation, aud that tbe committee be empowered to send for per sons and papers." The resolution was agreed to under a sus pension of the rules. Tub Insurance Bureau.? The legislative committee to which tbc subject was refer red have decided to report agaiust the bill providing for the establishment of a State Bureau of Insurance. Corporation Court for Manchester. ? Mr. Brook-, of Chesterfield, has introduced in tbe House of Delegates a bill "to pro vide a corporation court for the city of Man chester." Presentation of a Bible.? Roaue Lodge, No. 130, I. O. 0. F., was the recipient of a most beautiful Bible at Leigh-Street Baptist church last nigh*. The building was tilled to overflowing by members of tbe Order and visitors. Friendship, Jefferson, and Fitzhugh Lodges turned out in full force to participate in "the interesting proceedings. The exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. R. H.Mullen. and singing by a selected choir. Mr. M. Colbert, ex-grand master, conducted the ceremonies ; and then, after a few words explanatory of the objects of tbe Order, introduced Rev. A. C. Bledsoe, who, in fitting and eloquent terms on behalf of the donors (Messrs. Moses Quarles and J. J. English), presented tbe book to the Lodge. Rev. H. C. Cheatham, in appropriate terms, accepted tbe gift on behalf of the Lodge. Our space forbids an abstract of the ad dresses, which were appropriate aud suitable to the occasion, illustrating as well the teach ings and truth of the Bible as tbe tenets of the Order of Odd-Fellowship? 44 Friend ship, Love, and Truth." Alter other songs, and a closing piayer and the benediction by Rev. Dr. Garlick, the exercises were concluded. Personal. ? William i?. Drinkard, E-q., formerly Secretary of the Board of Public Works of Virginia, was in the city yesterday. Rev. John P.Otis, tbe newly-appointed pa>tor of tbe Methodist Episcopal Church worshipping in the United States court room, has arrived in the city, and will hold bis first services ou Sunday morning. Messrs'. George C'orr and A.B. Dabney, King William; Ii. X. Turner and J. F. Lacy, Goochland; J. B. Bell, Lynchburg; John Perry, Alexandria; auU J. P. Towu seud, of New York, were among the guests at Ford's Hotel yesterday. D. II. Crawford, Columbia, S. C.; Charles H. Sandforrl, Mew York ; M. Q. Dixon, North Carolina; D. J. Hill, Virginia ; J. R. Richardson, Wythe county; A. B. Good ma^ Savannah, Ga.; D. R. Brown, Williams burg; Thomas E. Taylor, Loudoun; F. Rover, BU Lick ; U.C. Hardy, Noi folk; and A. II. ilaukes, Nottoway, wore among the guests at the Exchange Hotel yesterday. Prayer for Colleges.? The union meet ing of the Presbyteiian churches of this city yesterday afternoon in the Grace-Street church was largely attended by the members of tbe several churches of that denomination, and opened the '? week ef prajer" for the youth of the .schools and colleges in the bounds of the General Assembly under the most encouraging auspices. Rev. C. H. Read, I). I>., conducted the meeting, and Rev. T. L. Pieston, D. D., and Rev. S. J. Baird, D. D? uiade impressive addresses. Rev. Dr. Hoge sent a note to tbe meeting expressing bis deep interest in tbe object of it, and explaining that sickness detained him at home. The Chancery Court.? Judge Guigon, of the Hustings Court, yesterday entered an or der appointing another place for holding the sessions of tbe Chancery Court and for the safe-keeping of the records of said court? to wit, the building at the comer of Tenth and Broad streets (No. 1)21.) to be used as such un til the court-house and clerk's office can be occupied, or until another place shall be built and fitted for the occupation of said court, or until some other place shall be appointed by the Hustings Court.. Tbe cleik posted the necessary notices, and tbe chancery clerk moved his books aud pa pers in accordance with tbe order of Judge Guigon. Railroad Train Endangered. ? A war rant was issued yesterday for the arrest of Richard Johnson, charged with removing fc pikes from the York River Railway track, thereby endangering tbe lives of pa;sengeis over tbe road. Tribute of Respect. ? A meeting of the members of the Corn and Flour Exchange was held yesterday. PresidentL. D. Cren sbaw anuouueed the death of Mr. Albert Hill, a member of the Association, and stated that the meeting bad been called for the pur pose of taking appropriate action iu relation thereto. On motion of Mr. Philip Ilaxall, tbe Chair appoiuted tbe following committee to pre pare suitable resolutions: Messrs. Philip Haxall, A. S. Lee, W. B. Warwick, W. M. Carey, and J. E. Tompkins. The committee retiied, and in a short time presented a series of resolutions, which were agreed to, on motion of 3Ir. T. H. Ellett. A copy of tbe resolutions was directed to be went to the family of the deceased. Uksuilable Letters Remaining in the Ru^uaiosp Post-Office February 20. ? Miss Mary M. Christian, care Mr. Warren, Dollar Savings Jiack, Richmond, Ya.; Mr. William Lip6eomtt, Faruiville, Va. ; M. G , Rich mond* Y&.; J. H., Richmond, Ya. ; Miss M, Mabry; Miss Michael, 205 Seventh street, Richmond, Ya. ; Miss Jeunie Michaux, Dar lington Heights, Prince Edward county, Va. ; Wiisou Tompkins, Basin Bank, City, 3 packages dry goods ; Mrs. R. R. Preston, Abingdon, Va. New Packing and Smoiokg Estabush ment.? Messrs. Lee, Seddon& Co. have re cently erected a large smoking and packing house in rear of their store, on Fourteenth street, and have nearly completed thefr ar rangements to go very extensively into tbe pork-packlng business. v *-? r-i-acy ? ? r ~*r A Good WoRy.? TheiSmtoigang was en gaged yesterday in cleaning the slush, snow, and mud from tbc pHtfcfpai cfosslngfc in the tfity# ^ B f.; ? ;? "1 ' I r ' V I ' '*1. School Trustors Appointed.? Tbe Slate Board of Education bee appointed the fol lowing district school trustees : Fauquier County,? Scott district, Samuel H. Ha I ley vice Major R. H. Carter, resigned ; Cedar Run district, Dr. Horace Smoot vice Richard Stone, resigned. Grayson County.? Oldtown district, Thos?. M. Ogleby; Wilson district, Fields M, Young. CoNKF.BRNCK.-Tbe committee of tbe Coun cil in reference to the amendments to tbe city charter, and the committee of the Legis lature on county, city and town organiza tion, will have a joint meeting for consulta tion on Tuesday afternoon in the Council chamber. Notaries Public. ? The Governor has ap pointed the following notaries public: A.B. liotts, of Spotsylvania county ; R. E. Lee. of Halifax county ; and D. L. Pulliam, of Richmond city. Match-making Establishment in Con templation.- Several enterprising gentle men of the city, who have lor some time been preparing for the manufacture of matches*, have nearly completed their ar rangements, and believe they will soon be able to furnish the Richmond merchants with a good article, and at prices that will enable tbcm to compete with those of northern make. 3Ianufacturiog enterprises should be liberally encouraged by the community, as nothing tends more directly to the ad vancement of the city in material prosperity. County Superintendent Appointed.? Mr. Joseph Phipps was appointed yesterday by the Board of Education superintendent of schools for Wise county, in place of William W ol fe, term expired . Circuit Court.? There was no business of public interest tiansaeted in this court yesterday. Police Court, Thursday? Justice White. Patrick Taylor, charged with theft, and Isaac Jacobs, charged with obtaining money under false pretences, were discharged. George Williams, guilty of stealing, was sent to jail for sixty days. Fleming Randolph, guilty of disorderly conduct, was sent to jail for tbirty-sixbours. James Kavanaugb, a vagrant, was ordered to leave the city. New Assemblt Hall? The San Francisco Minstrels.? New Assembly Hall will be thrown open again on Wednesday night next, on which occasion the Birch, Wam bold & Backus San Francisco Minstrels will commence an engagement of four nights. This company was organized and established iu 1854, aDd numbers twenty-two artists. I The minstrel company has an orchestra which accompanies the troupe and will take part in the performances, the programme for which will be changed each evening during the stay of the company in this city. The Theatre? Mr. Davenport.? It was at first understood that Mr. Davenport had concluded to throw up'kbis engagement at tbe Theatre; but such is not the cafe. The eminent tragedian will appear as Hamlet this evening, and at the matine'e to-morrow plays Tbe Stranger. To-morrow night, Richardl III. is announced. j Yrevs on the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road.? The ladies of the Sewing Society at tached to Dr. Hoge's church will give in a few days a calcium-light exhibition in aid of their enterprise. The prominent feature of the pntertaiument will bea number of scenes of that wild and mountainous country through which the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad passe? unsurpassed in grandeur. Other interesting scenes and fancy sketches will also be shown, making tbe exhibition one of great interest. Left OrF.s*. ? At a late hour last night the police found the front door of a liquor-saloon on Eighth street between Main and Cary staudiog open, and no one in charge of the establishment. An officer guarded the place uuiil the owner was found, and notitieu of his carelessness. Pay Your Doo-Tax.? The police are on tbe lockout lor unlicensed dogs, so as to in form tbe dog-catchers where they may reap the richest harvest Masonic Relief Board.? The several com mittees uiect at the Masonic Hall on Broad street to-night. There is plenty of work for all such boards. [For the Dispalch.J James River Water? What Is the beat Cleans ol" Clearing it? As an addendum tothecommunieati ju on "Filtering Reservoirs" wc state that one of the late propiietors of the paper-mill in Manchester, Dr. Ed. T. Robinson, says that an attempt was made by llie company to pro cure clear water from the river, for the manufacture of paper, by means of Over beds. The atleropt was unsuccessful. It was found that the water could not be made sufficiently clear, and al*o that in a short time the beds became so much obstructed by tbe clay deposit that the water would not pasj. Let this statement be preserved among the papers of the city's Water Com mittee. In this city a mode of clearing muddy river-water is in partial use, which, for sim plicity, efficiency, and economy, is a perfect success. That there is high authority fur thi< usage, and that it is neither novel nor pe culiar to Richmoud, will appear from the following quotations : " Waters which wash cliffs of clay become saturated with impalpa ble material, which tbey almost wholly re fuse to shed by any mechanical action. Such water, it is found, may be purified by adding to it a few graius of alum to the gallon. The alum is decomposed, and its ingredients fall in insoluble precipitates, currying with them the alumina and other impurities which dis color the water."? Appleton. "In some semi-barbarous countries water is cleared by rubbing the inside of the earthen vessel in which the water is con tained with some kind of seed, tbe albumen and casscineof which clear or tine the water. The process is partially a mechanical one, but is aided by chemical influences. In lu diu, clearing-nuts (the seed of strychDos po tatorum) ; in Egypt, almonds; in Nubia, beans, haricots, aud castor seeds, are used for this purpose. ****** Alum is popularly used to clear muddy water. Two or three graius arc sufficient for a quart of water."? Pcreira. "M. D'Arcet, after describing the above and the common method of filtration by fil tering-stones, next details a plan whicn he found more successful in clarifying Nile water. It consists in the introduction of a solution of alum, or of the powder Itself, in the proportion of a quarter, or even half, a grain to a quart of water. This means had already been used with success by tbe father of M. D'Arcet iu purifying the water of the Seine at Paris. The Chinese (of course) had long been in the practice of clarifying the turbid water of their rivers by stirring the fluid which has been drawn with a bamboo cane, into the hollow joint at the end of which a piece of ulum bad been intro duced."? Ann. <? Hygiene, quoted by Bell. "Jennet adds one gramme of alum to ten litres of turbid water, and in a few minutes it is fit for who."? Journal Applied Chem istry. Tbe addition of alnm never fails to render our muddy river-water transparently clear; and no taste is imparted by it to the water if too large an excess to avoided ; indeed, if exactly the right quantity is used there is no alu m fn the cleared water. Alum ?com posed 0* sulphuric acid, alumina, and ammo nia (we u8e popular terms). To our siver water are *mall quantities of lime and or. ganic matter (in all probability) mixed with the clay, T^o sulphuric acid In tbe alum parts company Afid unites wish thejimey and ? . Ssferrsw t h * tfwrsdi a hydrate ?f alumina is one of tbe results. This hydrate of alumina seizes on the or ganic matter, for which it has a powerful affinity, and an imperceptible coagultim is formed, which tends to the bottom and carries with it the suspended -clay* In this process there is also a guarantee of hygienic purity. It is surprising that such a smalt quantity as four grains of alum will clear one gallon of our muddy river-water : but as this small quantity requires about a day, it is belter to use ten grains of the powdered alum to the gallon, and the object will be accomplished in a few hours. If it were necessary to add any great quantity of alum to the water it would be best to conduct the operation in earthen wa,rCj but as the quantity employed is in such small proportion it is a mutter of little importance. The propriety of this remark is shown in quotations from two distin guisbfd chemists : "The taste of alum is sweet and astringent, and its action decidedly acid, and it dissolves metals, with evolution of hydrogen, as readily as free sulphuric acid."? Graham. *' The solution of alum has a strongly acid reliction, and dissolves iron and zinc with evolution of hydrogen."? Miller. In advocating the general use of an article of the materia medica its effect upon the health of the community ought to be con sidered. We wish to illustrate this sutyect by a quotation fiom a scientific publication which ranks with the highest. Few men spent wrrm&orc lutthTority than William Cracker, F. R. S., editor of the Chemical News. What is said about alum in bread applies with equal force to alum in water ? this being understood, that the proportion of alum uecessary to clear water Is only half as much as that required to make good bread. On the subject of alum in bread, the Chemical News says : u It is unfortunate that proceedings under the adulteration act should have been taken in the matter of tbe so-called adulteration of flour and bread with alum. In the first place, it is highly proba- \ ble that this so-called adulteration Is a meri torious act, and that tbe inventor of itde serves a civic crown, as would be due to him who should increase the barve3t every year. Alum is added to flour and bread iu order that flour which otherwise would not make good bread may be enabled to do so. Hy treatment with a trace of alum, flour of doubtful soundness is endowed with soundness. For this purpose a proportion of alum is required which tfces uot exceed twenty grains to a four-pound loaf. The twenty grains of alum have been sensation ally dealt with ; and tbe people, and profes sional persons who ought to kuow better, have attributed tanniDg of tbe stomach and ruin of tbe digestion to these twenty grains of alum in tbe four-pound loaf. Nothing is easier than to show the unreasonableness of such notions. * * * * * * It is useful to call to mind that of the twenty grains of alum about half is water, and that there are only about 2.2 grains of real alumina in twenty grains of atum." We repeat that the addition of alum in the proportion of ten grains of the pow dered to the gallon is a cheap, simple, health ful, and perfect means of clearing our river water when turbid. This plan is worthy of being developed and subjected to rule, and recommended by our Board of Health {for universal adoption in the city. In the general we know that our river water agrees admirably with the public health. It would be well to kuow what it contains. It is surely time that it be sub mitted to analysis. Every physjeiun, and therefore every citizen, is interested in the subject. \\'e conclude our communications on "James Kivcr Water" with apetition to the City Council that S200 be put at the com mand of the City Engineer with instruc tions to employ experts and report on tbe following questions? v.z.: What is the analysis of Jamer River water at the pump-bousc in its normal condition? i. e., when called clear? What is the analysis of James River water (Hiring a fvesbet? What is the best proportion of alum (-u'ph. alumina and ammonia) to be used for clear ing our river-water when turbid ? What is the analysis of such water when eleared with the best proportion of alum ? What is the analysis of the deposit caused by the addition of alum as above? PHARMACEUTIST. MANCHESTER SEtt'8. Political Matters.? Dr. George W. Friend, tbe Conservative candidate for tbe Legislature, is a native of tliiscounty and a practi>iog physician at Chester. He is a man of irreproachable character, pleasing address, great intelligence, and possesses every qualification fora faithful and efficient representative James B. Bradley, the Radical nominee, ?came to Ibis place about a year ago from Richmond. The canvass opened yesterday in Matoaca towns-hip, Dr. Friend and the secretary of the county committee having gone down. From all parts of the county the moit en couraging news is heard, and a Conservative triumph is certainly expected. Messrs. J. T. Iiobbinett and J. E. An drews, of Ettrick*, and F. A. Hundley and P. S. Haucock, of Midlothian, have been elected bouorary members of Wide-Awake Club tn recognition of their liberality in the late legislative contest. Captain William E. Martin, of Midlothian, who received the largest vote cast at the Chester conveotion, deserves great credit for having been the first to propose Dr. Friend as a compromise candidate. The Conservatives of South (Third) Ward? south side of Tenth aud ea*t side of Hull street? Will meet at Jones's Hall to night at half-past 7 o'clock for organization. The Circuit Coukt.? The Circuit Court has adjourned after a session of two weeks. The cases of Dunlop & McCance and tbe Marshall Manufacturing Company, involving the payment of a school-tax on their n^ll property, was decided in favor of the plain titt's. Tbe other chancery decisions were un important. The contested- elect ion case of Gregory vs. Amber3 was decided in favor of the former. The Friends of Temperance.? Manches ter Council has introduced a new feature into their' meetings, consisting of essays, readings, recitations, &c. The exercises to night will be specially interesting, and a full attendance is expected. To make GOOD L1GHTBBEAD, BISCUITS, BOLLS, and cons, bock wheat, and sweet cakes, quickly, and vet sw? ct, Ught, and spongy, use Wag ner's yeast-powder, the home-made article. Wax Fruits, Cakes, Confectionery, Ac.? To-day Is the last day for the exhlbnlon or rlieso rare and beautiful ornaments, (he salt* of which takes place fo-morrow. As they cannot bs repacked the sate will be positive and uureserved. 5 he public are respectfully Invited to call aud examine them. Cook <fc Lauguton. Transfer Printing-Inks? Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, oanks, mer chants, manufacturers, and others. They are en during and changeless, and win copy slurp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Bavin# Just received a fresh suyply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. . ? ? '? What a Judge said After visiting 1402 Main street: ScnAAP's Cigars, I wish to state, Are better than I met of late ; Of Umbrellas and Rattans His assortment is immense; His News Depot Lb quite complete, His stock of Notions hard to beau Be sure to give bis store a call, , Iknowhisgoods will please you all. Tbaxefjer Printing-Inks for Copying letter headings, statements,' way-hllla, Ac. Can be copied lb the o nil nary letter-press book. Send yoor ordars for prhjftng in these inks, oad for all other descrip tions of Minting, to the Dinaich Frtetisf>HoQse. Cubes all KrxDs or CATAitBn.??o successful boa Dr. Pixhce's Golden Medical Discovery proven, as a constitutional treatment for catarrh, when coupled with the use ot Dr. SiOi's Catarrh j Remedy, applied locally by the use of Dr.PiERCE's . Nasal Douche (the only method of reaching the tipper and back cavities of the head), that the pro prietor of these medicines has long offered a stand ing reward of fSOO for a case of catarrh which h?> I cannot- cure. The two medicines, with Instrument, for #2, by druggb'?. A Si'ECIXEX OUT OF THOUSANDS. COURTLAND, ILL-, April 2S, 1873. Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, A". Y.' Dear Sir,? It la with pleasure I make the state- 1 ment to you that afrer taking medlclnc for tweuty years for ihe catarrh I tried your Catarrh Remedy, and effected a cure, so that It has not troubled me lor two years. 8. W heeler . STEALING OCR THUNDER. People should beware of those impostore who j copy Dr. Pierce's original style of advertising by offering various sized rewards for cases of ca tarrh and oiher diseases which they cannot cu:e. Those who do not possess sufficient iutelilgcnce to write an original advertisement are not likely to have made great and valuable discoveries lu medl- i cine. Wagner's yeast-powders. the best, were awarded the premium at the State Fair of 18CP. 1 Try ihem. _______ _______ Wax Fruits and Confectionery.? This beautiful collection of goods will be exhibited to- j day, and sold at auction on Saturday at 10 o'clock. Hundreds of persons examined them yes terday. See advertisement in ancttanoafasnn." '?"* Cook & Laugh rox. Remember, the best place to buy coal and ' WOOD cheap is Nineteenth and Cary streets. An-) thraclte, $7 to ffl per ton; Clovtr HIU. $5.25 per load; West Virginia Splint (aonebctterj at 15.50 per load. Cslland test it. C. H. Page. ALDEX'S CALIFORXIA EVAPORATED PEARS? one pound equal to nine of the ripe fruit. Also, cooking Pruxes (superior;, at Christian & White's, 814 Main street. Just received. 500 pieces best calicoes, spring styles, at 10c., at Julius Meyer's, 603 Broad street. ? ? ? ? Transfer Printing-Inks will copy clear and distinct for an indefinite period of time. Send your orders for work to be done in these iuks to the Dis patch Prlntlng-llouse. Pembroke Shirts made to order by E. B. SrENCE & Sox, Merchant Tailors. Perfect fit guaranteed or no sale. The*easiest way to get $30,000 Is to purchase a ticket In the Masoxic gift enterprise at Norfolk, and you may be the lucky one. Tickets can be had at P. Weisiger & Co.'S hat itore, 1 201 Main street, Richmond. The Masonic Gift Concert at Norfolk will certainly take place in May. Positively no further j postponement. Spring style silk iiats Ju*t received at P. 1 Weisiger & Co.1s. AUCTION SALES THIS DAT. On all sales of real estate made between the let oj January and 10th of June the taxes for the -pre sent pear nave Co be paid by the purchaser. On all sales made between the 1st of July and last of the year tf**> taxes have to be paid by the seller. JOHN W. WRIGHT, Sheriff city of Richmond, 11 A. M., at the grocery store of A. D. Chester man. No. 424 Sixth street, a stock of groceries, llqnors, and store-fixtures. DAVENPORT & MORRIS, 11 A. M., 2,547 baps Rio coffee, 150 half-ehcsts gunpowder tea, 6,000 sacks of salt, and a gcueral stock of gro ceries. RICHARDSON A CO., 4^ P. M., commissioner's s-le of framed dwelling aud lot on the north side of Grace street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-rtxth. JAMES M. TAYLOR, 4^ P. M., eight building lots on the east side of Buchanan street. fl-OTHlS'G, VTOTICE? SPECIAL. If you deal re a SET OF SniRTS-6 or 12-mude to measure under your spcclal instructions, I will take your measure, and make the same under your direction, any time between this and March 15tii, j the same to be delivered by the 15tii of April; and I will allow a LIBERAL DISCOUNT from my regular prices, and upon my usual terms to regular customers, for all orders received at any time by March 15, 1874. I guarantee my SHIRT, as to fit and material, equal to any in the market, being the same I have used for the p ist 20 years without fault by the customers. An early call is desired by me of the customers, a3 1 shall leave soon for the North. WM. IRA SMITH, Agt., 1109 Main street. See LONG FLAG OX Main STREET. N. B ?My price is *15, ?18, *20 for a set of six shirts? quality governing the price. Fit the same In all qualities. fe27 eod3t j^JERCHANT TAILORING. I have now on hand one of the finest lots of sam ples of DIAGONALS, BLOCK FIGURES, Ac., ever offered to this community, and I Invite the public to an inspection and an order. Thl$ is for SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. Call and examine aud leave your orders. \vm. ira smith. Agt. Leader of Styles, 1109 Main street. Slsrn : See LONG FLAG on Main ssreet. fe 27-eo^3t gPRING CAMPAIGN is approaching, and In view of that fact all WINTER GOODS I now luive on hand will be sold for CASH FLAT at very low figures la order to reduce st>ck. My general stock at regular prices. If you want, call at the old, establbhed house of WM. IRA SMITH, Agt., 1109 Malu street. Sign : LONG FLAG. Notice that on Main street, fe 18 SEEDSMEN, FLORISTS, AC. ttRED POTATOES ! SEED POTATOES ! O Receiving to-day? * 150 barrels Extra Farly Rose Potatoes, 100 barrels Su peril ne Flour, 100 barrels Fine Flour, 25 tubs Choice Goshen Butter, to be sola cheap for cash. J.R. HOCK ADA Y, fo25-3t? 1528 Main street. in nno BUSHELS grass seeds, XVyjVJVJv^f growth of 1873, consisting of Clo ver. Timothy. Orchard Grass, Herds Geass, Kentucky blue grass, Lccerxe, Millet, Lawn Grass, and other Gra-is Seeds, warranted treshand reliable, for tale, wholesale and retail, at . lowest rates. All orders for large or small quantl. ties carefuJIv packedand promptly shipped. 1,000 barrels CHOICE SEED PO lATOfcS? Early rose, Early Goodrich. Monitor, and other varieties. ALL18ON A ADDISON, 1320 and 1822 Cary street. Orders solicited. fe 13 lin 01?VER SEED on consignment for sale by , 21 PALMER, HART8QOK A CO. \fULES FOR SALE.? Arrived a"A in Richmond to-day. EIGHTY "PFVE MULES. They are all br> ke, ready five "mules .jnjey for work. Manyof tham. first-class. A part ma a5*b?s^ItU|l? BOSSir-UX* tie fr'alr-Grouudi. ? -* , stahle, and a P?T ma time foe The' shove wiH bs sold tor c aste, city acceptan^ .. ^ ^ ? AMD 9?DI?im ryo the Medical profession". X We are now prepared to forulsh and dispense aix nns DnrytnEST jblixibs? such a a EL. CAL I8AYA H ARK.OALI8AYA BARK WITH IRON, ' COUP. EL, CALI3AYA, COMP.iLIX. CINCHO NA AN DIKON, ELIX. CI 1'R. OF IKON, ELIX. I'YKOPH. I RON, OH! NINE A*D STft YCHNI ? , ELIX. BROMIDH POTASS., ELIX., VALE RIAN AND ^IJININE, &c . recently made bt 00B6ELYXS, aud or THE MOST 6 KI.ECT MATERIAL, i hi accordance -with formula as unMJshed by author ity of American Pharmaceutical Association In last No. or Journal of Pharmacy und Griffith's Formulary. . I . WAGX fc.R. Apothecary, Je 27 corner Sixth and Broad atn-tu. J Acids. ? nitric acid, sulphuric' ACID, MURIATIC ACID, ACETIC ACID, in rarlioys ; BED TAR l AR* GUM CATECHU. M URIATE TIN. CRYSTALS, ANNILINE (red and blur), , EXTRACT I.OU WCOD, "CHLORIDE LIME, etc., etc. For aUc l>y S. E. DOYr. jtfON-HUMANlZED VACCINE VIRUS, on QUILLS, charged from the calf Fe binary 18th. For rate by J. BLAIR, 825 Broad street, Agent for the Vaccine Department New York Dispensary. fg 21 ^JILLER-S GdUVVXFPD 8YHCP OF BOBEHOUXD, j FO& COUG1LS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING IN THE THROAT, Ac. 41 1 have used "Miller's Compound Syrup of j Rprehcund ?' as a remedy for coughs, colds, and hoarseness, and It has never failed to produce the most beneficial results. I cordially recommend lis use to any -who are suffering from these trouble?. " A. J. FORD," Proprietor Ford's llorel, Kichmond, Va. 44 LYNCUBCfio. .January 22. 1874. u I do not hesitate to pronounce It the beet pre- j partition for cooghs, and pai tlcularly for the tickling cough, so common and aunoying, that I have ever used or known of. Geokue M. Rcckek." For sale' by all druggists 'and country merchants, at 25c. and 50c. per bottle. PURCELL, LADD Si CO fe jy "Wholesale Agents. rj^O THE AFFLICTED ! WARRANTED TO CURE 1 I wish to say to the public 'hat T will Insure a cure of all cases of CANCER placed under my treat ment, and in event of uo cure will not charge any thing for my services. I will also remove all WENS, HAIR-JIOLES, BLOOD-MARKS, Etc., leaving but a alight scar, and Insure as above stated. Also, all chronic diseases, such as RHEUMATISM, SPINAL AFFECTION, SALT RHEUM, TETTER, PILES. SCROFULA, AND CATARRH treated, with a guarantee of a perfect cure ; aud If ] no cure, no pay. THE KNIFE IS NOT USED IN' ANY CASE WHAT- ' EVER. With my past expi rlence and success in the treav mentof these dlsexscs I fe?.l free to say that my medicines are infallible, and without a rival iii tliis or any other country In effecting A SURE AND SPEB.DY CUKE in the abeve spceiflfd diseases. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. Office: No. t06 Grace f treet, near Caplto) Sfiuare, Richmond, Va. The names and re-ddencA of many persons whe have been cured will be furnished by mail or upon application In person. tie 22-d?w3m Dft. A. G. WQLLARD. QLOBE FLOWER SYRUP CUlt ES COLDF AND COL'GIIS. GLOBE-FLOWER SYRUP CUBES HOAItSli.NEfi.'i A WD SOBKTHtiOATS GLOBE-FLOWER SYRUP Cfc'BES BrONCITIIIS AND CltOCP. GLOBE-FLO 7, Eli SYRUP Is THE BEST-KNOWN REMEDY FOB W'HOOriS'G C'OCGH AND AST1JMA. GI.OBE-FLO V\ ?R &YRUP CCHES AI.L TllHOAT AND LTTNO DISEASES, and will cure consumption, if taken lis time, as thousands testify. GLOBE-FLOWER SYRUP i is bequeathing to posterity one of Its greatest bles sings ? sound lungs and immunity from cunhuuip- j tlon. G LORE-FLOW Ell SYRUP Is purelv vegetable. Is ple.rant and safe, and unlike all other cough and lung remedies, it contains no opium, morphine, tartir ?'met!c, Ipecac, lobelia, giiuil's, merenrv, or hydrociasdc acid. The action of GLOBE-FLOWER SYRUP upon the system Is mild and benign? adapted t'< i?M tip's, from the In fant to a nerson of threescore and ten. Don't neglect a cold and have to pay either a doctor's or an undertaker's bill. Grateful and jrrave- robed thousands proclaim the wonderful virtues of GLOBE-FLO WcR SYRUP. For sale by all druggists. - PURCELL. LADD A CO., Wholesale Agents, Ja 5-codAwtMlilO Richmond. Va. JQYSrEPSY ! DYSPEPSY ! Just received direct from Berlin, Germany, a large supply of TIVOLI LAGER-BEER. This beer, from the celebrated Tivoli brewery, la highly recommended by physician' as a preventive aud alleviation of dyspepsy. For sale, wholesale and retail, by WILLIAM KUKER, fe 18-eod6t 910 Main street. QIMMON'S HEPATIC COMPOUND, kJ OR LIVER-CUR H\? We have arranged with Messrs. WrOOD A SONS to sell our SIMMON'S HEPATIC COMPOUND, which is giving such uni versal satisfaction wherever introduced. All de rangements of the liver, skin, aud bowels are re lliwed by this article as if by magic. Address all orders to our wholesale agents, Messrs. WOODJk SONS, who will supply the trade at our regular rates. E. L. KING & SONS, Proprietors, ft 6-3m Columbia, S. C. C 1ATARRH ! BRONCHITIS ! 1 CUTLER'S POCKET-INHALERS AND CARBOLATE OF IOOIKE INHALANT. For sale, wholesale and retail, at MfcADE & BAKER'S drug store, Ja 28 919 Main street. DF^TISTOY. JOHN MAHOLY, DENTIST (formerly of Wayt & ilahony). Office, 625 Main street, between Sixth and Seventh foe 1-eodJ raWATIONAI-_ JgPISCOPAL HKJH SCHOOL, NEAR ALEXANDRIA. The thirtieth annual session, with the largest at tendance since the war* is now in progress. Easter term begins February 9th, 1874. Catalogues sent on application to the principal. L. M. BLACKFORD, M. A., Ja 13-eod Alexandria, Va. \C UStCAL INSTRUCTION.? PIANOS JLtJL TUNED*? I respectfully annoutx* to the citi zens of Richmond that having removed to the city I wlh be pleawjdto secure several pupils for instmo tiou on the PIaNO-PORTE *t?d other Instruments. From a long experience in teaching and faithful attention I nope to give *atisfa?;tIo??. I mn op<u for engagement' as CHURCH' OR GANIST. Piano-Fortes carefoBy tuned and re paired. Orders may toe loft . at lira. Kazakh's trimming s'oxe, 821 Broad sireet, ucar Ninth. or' at my residence, No. 90S Broad treet, un-atair*. (tl-lw , A. G^IURDT. T> ICHMOND bEMINARY, K. 709 EAST r-RANKLlS' STRfiET. JOHN H. I'O^EbL, PriiidpAi ; i?t louxafffiksirr. ti, 1874. ' TERMS or ADVE&Tamai W CASii-i?rrAJc(AEx-r Yti i utflitiM. - One square, cue Insertion ...... Oue ?iure< two Snsn-tfoo* ............. (tae square, three insertion* One square, viz lOSCItlfill? W W One *qnare. twojrr irwttons.. 0j?ff Ore square. one monu One square, two mostfis. 09 One square, three montba mMTKE?OFrt? For new york. steamship OLD !*>tt!NlOff,< uln Walker. will sail FmUA.1T. " it 1 o'clock P. M. Freight o'clock M. : '#TOJ9gPJ|9M^Hg Through bflb of tiding signed, and: HOOdB fof wardcdwlfh dtapateb to all potats ao*h. fcoctn, easl, and west. Close ccmnecdoiu maA; wUft Coaard Line for foreign porta. / . For freight apply to . GEOBGKW. ALLEN ? CO.. A*eat% fe 25-3 1 Company** WBBrr. RoeteUA. ] Philadelphia, kicf MONO, AND NOBFOLX 8TRAX : SHIP LINK? FOB imiLAl>ELPHIA^WiCE A j WEEK. ? Until further notice the sieawtw of thU line will leave Phlla?fel?Ma every WK??VSglMiT:> *n<? SAT U ttpA Y, Bad Richmond every TUESDAY and SATURDAY at 12 o'clock St. - fcretgjbl taken for all uarw of Peru syivanJa,. JTcw j verse] k and Delaware, far Providence aiHTlJo^on. Also. for Antwerp anu LlTerpooJ Ha Bed War and i American KUamahln 11 nr#. an<1 bills oflad?a?iJjrwd: - through. Imuraiu* t ffceied for all p* t!?s Wfc? <fa- ? .ire il at low rates. , ' ' Pitts*?* w Philadelphia {Bclwttbr xneala an# ' jiatcroon?,*8- W. ?. POBTfiiR. Afeat, ]So. 2426 uocSc ttraEI Richmond* *J\ WILLIAM P. CXYDB & OO.] ??& -A. fe 1 2 No. 12 >outh YV harxe-. Philadelphia.. TAMES RIVER STEAMBOAT V . COMPANY. FOB NORFOLK, FOBTSMOOTH. BAT PHILADELPHIA, AND NtfW S ALSO 70S . ; ? REGULAR LA WHNGSON JAMES BIVBB. CABBY LNG UNITED STATES KAIL A*J2> ? ADAMS EXrBBS*. FALL AND W1NTBB SCHEDULE: ~ . Tl-e fast ant el^sunt abvunpr- JOHN SYLVTg T&tt, Captain JoHir A. Port, will leave coup*- ' nr'i wharf, tiocfeeit*. to r above-named place* oa MONDAYS, WEDNESDAY*, aud KltTDXYS at 6:80 A. M. : &n<irt turning wili arrive here TUESt * DAYS, Til lUiSDAYSy and HATURDAYS,#t . P.M. 1 ' i ? Passenirers mak-j sure coj*necfcfocs with Bay Litt* at Norfolk for Baltimore, Philadelphia, sod- New r0IKABE TO NORFOLK..... 2 SO f FAHE TO NOBFOLK AKD lit TURN 4 00 Fare to Baltimore 0 00 Fare to Philadelphia... 9 GO Fare to New York ; .12 50 Tickets for sole oa steamer?, at Garner St !>>.*? Ticket Agency, Main atrett, and Exchange HoujI anri (ja^gaire checked throoph. Freight rocelv.J dally for Beaton, Norfolk, and Portsmouth, ao w > regubr landings on James rlv?a from 7 A. > 1 . to o P. Mm at reasonable ratta. FKW .or O/hec: Company 'a wharf, Kockeita; taxneh <rf flce at W. D. & Co.'h, corner of Ninth xat Main sfrcctf. ? - fe 5 * 0 LD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY. FOUR SHIPS A WEKK FOB NEW YORK. ' For the aerommodatloa of our pajrona^snd the ' aiuc-niifxi sraiuivi.-. vu.' *, v OliE, ISAAC i>ELL. A.LBEM ABL^_ JiATI'JC? K >.S, and Btenmer RICHMOND, every TV58DAY, THURSDAY, FlilDA>, and SUNDAY at higk water. The*e ships are entirely new. and were bttiH ex prtssly for thta route. They have splendid saloons, ft.tcroooM, and iath? rooma. -j }: The fare, accommodations, end suinittwa awuii surpassed. ? ?&' < - Goods shipped hythla lire are laiidcJ reguiariv at New iforkou the Company's rorercd jnrr, 37 North river. . FrelxliM for points beyond New York forwarded with dispatch, and no charge hiaue ecceut"t?tu*! expenses incurred. ships of this Hue lea re Norfolk at 5 o'ol^ir P. M. flufin? tiie winter. Freight received until 6 P. M. dally. For further lniormauan, apply ? GiOKGE \V. ALLEN A CO., Amenta, J* 21 office Copipariv^ wharvfa, Ro<k?-tts. F OR RALTIMOKE. 9 POWnATAN S11CAMBOAT COMPAHTTS TUBOUGH-FBEIGHT TBI WEEKLY UNI. NO TRANSFER BETWEEN B1CHMOHD AND u BALTIMORE. 25 N NO DOCKAGE CIUBGBD. Kteamers irave t.litir new pier in the Dock, foot of Twenty-second street, ;;vorj TUESDAY aiid THVKSDaY MORNINGS at \ o'clock, and SAT UBDAY A FTF.RNOON at d o'clock. Freight n-cctvert un to 6 o'clock P. 3L. and Satur day* up to .1M o'clock i*. M. I hrough bills ^fg^p'l to all polilt3 uor'h and west, and rates guaranteed as low as any other line. Anni^< (o L. B. TAfUM. Ag^nU Offices, Txventy-secoud and Dock and Ninth nvtS Main streets. de 3 GBOCEKIIS, Ac. pKESH BUTTER AND PiGGS. We have Just received a sttopiyof prime BET TER and Kt!GS, which we will sell chcjp. Call at our grocery. No. 16 Broid street, between Fir^t a?id Fouvhee streete. Goods delivered free. J. P. JUST1S Jt SON, fe 26 Grooera. f)EARL HOMINY AND GRITS. 25 barrels HOMINY and GRITS. Warranted to be superior in quality. Sold at factory price. fe 26 A. Y. STOKES A C#. ALDEN'S CALIFORNIA KVAPO RATKD PEARS ? one pound eqnal to ulncof tiie i1pe fruit; also, COOKING PKUN'ES {-upe rloi). at CHRISTIAN' A WHITE S, fe 24 814 Main street. PACKAGES CHOICE ROLL AND GOSHEN BUTTER Just arrived. Call early . Also, for sale, one FIRST-CLAS-h COPPJCB STILL AND WORM; capacity. 11 f I een barreK L. POWERS A SON, fe23-lw 1C40 Main street, near Old M&rkct. K\V CROP TEAS? warranted good ; suoAB-CunitD Bacon Hams and Shoulder?. Dkikd Fkcit, Whitje Bea V8 and P?AS> BCCKW1IEAT. MACCAnOSI, Family Bob Herrixos, Lucca Salad Oil. For sale by WILLIAM H. TATUM, 014 Broad street. A lot very cheap Brooms. ? . fe 21 FLOUR, BACON, SUGARS, ROCK SALT, 4C. 200 barrels Fine FlOCB. 100 barrels Sxtiia Supkkkinb Flobtb, ? 20 hogsheads CLEAR Iiiu-3IDJ?S and SHOUL DUBS. 20 hoghheads prime New Orleans 3oGXscr 20,000 pounds Rock Salt (for catti*). 1 00 c is*?s Osborn'a celebrated PssrABXD J ATA COFFKB, 100 barreb Kefineb SUGARS fall jrradeo), CO packages GUNPOWDER a ndOOLONO lkAi (nil grade#), 25 barrels No.?, 2 and 3 MACZEBEL. In store and for sale by ROGERS J; MCCANCK, tf. 16 105a?id 107 Fourtecuth fcHteU I OW GRADE SYRUPS? lu b<*a>t XJ tiorcs, and tarreK? 300 naukiCgcu. EASTPOBT ROUND DK?RlNGS~2601wrreto. BKFINtD SUG AUS? 400 barrel -ail grad?-?? sort white and yellow. Forstie by fe 14 DAVENPORT A MOKhia. ^WENTY HAMS FRESH VENISON, 50 VIRGINIA HAMS BACON, Just receive ! and for sde by " W. G. DANDRIDGE * CO., fff13 S27 Brood UrocL JO TOBACCO HANUFACTCREBSw 50 barrels EXTBA HEAVY ^ PILTERBD SYBUf? to cio?e conalgement. vvxtAiaum fe 10 ROBERT T. WILLIAMS A CO. pEACIl-BLOW POTATOES. SCO btiDhela "y CHOICE PEACH-BLOW POTATO?!} for sale by' fe 10 ROBERT T. WILLIAMS A OO. r ???'??* ????" * 7 5 kits No. 1 MACKEREL, ' 25 kltsVu. 2 MACKEREL,. 100 boxes BLOATE IIKURINGP. la sMrond ? forealeby JOHN A. Sf^>AN, , ft^io y--: i lQi PaertKiaaoi ' /CHOICE TEAS,- Jih-tAWiveddl^ctfrom \J the import ere a hur*e scoek ef<HUlE2f wo* - y#?1 auKowraca VTATWHAt FLOWS1 ?cg2%$T'?**?, N. n--Waxa?2'^c! tfoatu vof ?l and imtfui fa h *2 **??> ->iis3 I.