SATIKPAY FKBKUARV 2 8, 1874. Till- KIlLimOF YOUNG NEAI. FI I.L PAIITICVLARN. TV folk>w letter was written, as its , . ?!?ow. *ome (Jays before t ho I rial, vv.hv *r ?? " A'iV.U tlKT.i !i;in We give it a* intereMing, ; %|' /"'JiT fa'-r ?o all concerned : i ' 1 ' r.. February 24. 1X74. ' r ciuct ami orderly village has ? ? , ? bloody tragedy. One '? cone down ton bloody grav?\ r V irearoersted in ft dungeon, and ? ' 1 V. ' r plungt d into untold gnct. :? :1 < T. Neal. was a boy. not T:"' UnM -\rc vears of tge. He was a na 1 v n < Va.. but til< parents now j : ?\hmond. Va. He has been here ! - engnsjed in the tobacco ( ? * V"i'y was ahteh-spirited, high-toned " ' snd p'dito: of splendid ' .j of larsrc tratr.e. but very pow 1 ,1. Uj bis eon i toons, genial *? ( i. ./* nnn of II. C. Klliott, x N ' ' 'snrtal Years been engaged in \ i -'???]. and ha* the reputation ol : landlords in the State. . :-h" t>n>nrie:or of the Charles Hotel * , ' 4?d ii ;> t<> Woduosday !a-t was -or. joe. Noal v. as a boarder j "**** *, ' t!fs, aiui he and Joe Elliott rentlv entirely friendly up to ;,ort time of the homicide. On ' . 5:u instant Ne:d went to Yir 1'-.,,. saur.i,' he would returnon . v\ i wl I uesday l??e 10th). but did not unt 1 the 17th? ju>t one wc Joe about 11 o'clock, but ? a c.'. A*. G o'clock the same after Spa; was sitting in the office of] l" i! r. Kltiott came in and ordered ,L>( :l*-' house. While he and >'ejd (Mfiver-atien Joseph 1>. Elliott en j oiSce. pissed behind his father, ?'?tl a I'isioi in a lew inches of Xcal s -..i. and tired. Seal stood a short time i '.Vti'v -'.dl.Kkid in a gutteral tone " it was ! . v.artHy ac:.*? and then fell to the floor, I ia a f.'w minutes was a corpse. ' : Neal fell, lelt the room and ? .'l to t Ik he u?e of Colonel U.F. Aruifield, nj-l dterr.ards to his (Armtield's) office, >? : ? he v-as louud by theoftieer. He made j ??..i-iaoec whatever, and iu fact met the) o'!i- r Utore he cot into the office. \ l oromr's jury was em[)annelled, and hearing the testimony returned a ver ?i .t that Nval came to his death by a pistol ijrt il bj ?t. I?. Klliott. ; mu ti^nip magistrates issued a warrant ? :.nn.' Kllloit heroic them. After hearing vMiiuei y they committed him to j til to . VMit liis trial ut the next term of the Supe rior Court. The icnt, the sat ? wa? rfcfin'enttd by I>. >1. Furchasand ii. >1. AlhK'ii, E-q-., while the defence was '.? i3i!v?ed by <. oJ nel li. F. ArmfieM. The :ir-t witness iutroduce;! was Mr. II. ( ., ^\bo t e^t i tied that the pri.-ouer is i. - >nst, and that the deceased \va> a boarder ;> hotel ; that Jfeal, after bis return Iroui ? :ruiub,ai'ixaied irritated and augry about ! ,. ? i ? {rt^ t:ial he did not intend to return : ;. : . turned round, lacing him, uu(i i. ?? 1 1-. Kon nui"; that he repeated the ? :<> lea\f, wbt n Neal replied be would l?i:ring t: ?. conver.>atiou he placed both ? r. .\?a;'? shoulders, and Neal caught !? u" by his coat with both hands. ii t time rutne one tired a pistol, aud iiihe N(' d Kll ; tliai he did licit see ?? pistol, a> the (lerson was be tint bis son has never cither i < r canied a pistol (;r other deadly , :? i.'in kuowiedge; that his sun i> years of age. i ii- a boy named Culhrcth, : ;>{ ?uei.tly al-r?uv (ijihteeo years of ago, tes : i hat 1 " w.isa in-arderat the Sr. Charles; ' . c k ;? ?>? prisoner aud deceased; that luiee bcrore the homicide he ' ? Mtlipi: iu the country with dtcca-ed; - tl. erased warned him agaiustas?ociatiiiir i ti usiiugj ?e Klliott, and that he>poke ' \ of Jch-. Witness told him he inu-t ? ti >tukf n, that he (?\itues-) did lo*. think that kind oi u boy ; that deceased told him if Joe < Yer insulted him in ? te M-u-t he would cut him to piece-, and dr-v* from a K-abbard a shoit broad-bladed K::iie, >harp ou both edges and asked hiui :> hethou^kt th:it would do for a tooth pi'-k: that he told Joe of the conversation. A .Mr. Davis, an ex-student of David -on < oilctfe, b'-tiijfd that he was aboirderat '-he st. l!iaile> ; that Neal was very indig uai.t about i be rejK.rt of bis not returning; that he -poke very harshly of Joe Elliott, :>cd that he further told him he (deceased) U v hiui sink down to the fl jor; saw the l-ood ^'usii from his uioutband nostrils. .i?.-eph Claik test .ties be is a boarder at tie >t. Charles; bud U*en to tea, aud was iu office putting on his overcoat ; beard H. t . Klliott tell deceased to leave the house; c.'.v them have hold of each other; saw ]>: i-ouer walk rupidly to where they were; -t'-' r prisoner bad snot he step;>ed back to ln ur where wituess wa-?. Witness said to bim: "Joe, what w this"? heard prisoner e<ons of any kind were touud ou thf t?er-on ol deceased. Atu-r argument by couusel. Judge Mitchell auuj tied the prisoner to bail, fixing the amount at f4,000. After he had made bis dm- ion he r? bi>ened the case to hear addi tlouul witnesses, as it is said by the counsel for the State that they have discovered uew aud import iol evidene*', llis Honor set Wednesday the *25th initaut for a lc# bear ing. .^o even* ever ocurr^d tbl? Ylltage "EPSsSHlSSS tbe deceased. i'he whole ^puhNofraccon* pemicd tbe remain to the depot m tbey were Seen by a brother of the deceased to Hk^ mond for interment. The deepest regret te fett for the occurrence, and the most pro found sympathy for toth 'he famines'. The opinion wm? to he bad there been no tale-bearing f i ^ " whatever it was between the \outgmen, rould havfc been amkably adjusted* The primer made a written !*riai^n? c .! (! ttot township magistrates, In ?,t that after ho hod presented deceased bis bill, at It o'clock, be beard hitwask for apistoj. lie further says that he thoi*ght his fathers lac was fn danger ; tihat be dal not intend to Kin deceased, but 10 shoot fcim through the shoulder, and thus prevent hlnv from injur ing or killing bis father. The following letter came to hand after we had written the Introduction to- the former 0,10 1 ,vr Statrsville. N. C., Februarv ? 1874. Promptly at 10 o'clock bis Honor Judge Mitchell took his seat to continue the habeas cenms ease of J. IX Elliott.. A frw of the witnesses examined on Thursday last were examined ugsin to-day, and I am ?ble to correct some trivial errors that occurred in mv lormcr communication. The young man Culnrctb is not a regular boarder at the St. Charles, but he ho* re ccntlv come to States v?K and sometimes rc putors ?uk1 ocit^ t lie Ci)nrfe?r Or J. *T. Mott did hear II. C.Kl'iott order Ned to leave bis house twice, but did not hear Neal say he would not go. H.V.Elliott testified that Neal behaved badly at the dinner-table on the day of the homicide ; that he used profane and unbe coming language. T . James Kouehe, engineer on the A., i . ? o. u. K . recalled : Was in the St. Charles a few minutes belore the homicide. Deceased ! n I ? Uncr wee both there in the office II "rd deceased savthat he intended towb.p prisoner, and if bis father fooled with him he would v> !sip him too. Saw prisoner Ica\e the office aud go into the passage leidmg to the dining-room. W ituess also went into the pas-age. Heard prisoner say to his prtoncrV) fatter that if he did not put de ceased out of the office be would kill him. II C Elliott immediately walked into tin office*, followed by prisoner. In a very *>hort timp h<aw him have a dirk-knife in a sheath. Witness put the kuife in deceased's trunk. After tbe hom icide he opened the trunk and louud tbe kuife just as be had placed It. Before wit ness left Richmond deceased's father bad re quested the witness to look alter bis sou. l W Bi?,id not hear deceased ur. Wather spoon, at the Tabh-Sireet Presbyterian church, a sermon on "Saul; or. Emotion without Religion." B* Rev. R. N. Sledd, at the Market-Street JSIethodist Episcopal ?hurch, a sermon on Ma vj Magdalen. The supervisors of Pri>oce George couuty will hold a meeting at the Courthouse on the second Monday "in March to act on the claim of Messrs. Stuarf, Buchanan & Co., of the Washington County Salt- "Works, for salt furnished during the warr for which an ac count of ?4,500 has been- rendered ag'ainst the county. Captain R. C. Donnan, deputy sheriff, re ceived to-djy from. Kicbinond the official papers containing the decision of the Su preme Court of Appeals in re?ard to the Luion-Strcet Methodist Episcopal church, by which that propeity was it-stored to the trustees of the Washington-Street Metho (list Episcopal church and rcscued from tbe negroes who had occupied it in the name of souie ot their Northern African Conference organizations. The colored brethren promn Jy surrendered the keys of the church which was found to be ia good condition.' and paid the costs of the suit, which amounted to $1C0.">9 Mr. William A. Apinktead, who was re cently very ill, is announced to be convales cent. Robin Adair. r Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Letter from Monlsoinory County. Coristiansburo, Va., February 26', 1874. This has beeu court-week with us, and therefore notable in our calendar. True; iu decd, county court has ceased to be what it was in point of dignity and importance ; but the people cannot easily get over the habit of "going to town" on court-day once a month. Tbe weather this time was so bad that the turn-out was not as large as usual. It was arrand-jury term, and a large number of indie ments were made? twenty-three, 1 believe, in all. The negroes figure princi pally in the list, as usual, for all sorts of offences from tbrowingstones up to shooting with intent to kill. Gus. Goff, the nejaxo who recently shot Dr. J. P. Hammet, "of this place, in an altercation which took place be tween them, was indicted. Dr. Hammet's wound proved a slight oue, and he Is now out and well. As an item which will helpout the Dispatch in its argument for a return to a CONSTITUTIONAL C0T7NTV-C0URT system, 1 learn that tbe list of criminal cases for the next circuit court here is sufficient to occupy aM the time of the court, to the ex clusion of all" other business. It is the general testimony of FARMERS from all pirts of the county that wheat never looked better here. The winter has been a remarkably mild one and very favora ble to its growth. The season has been fine r.l>o for wiuter ploughing, and a great deal has been done in preparation for oats and corn. At present the whole face of the country is covered with snow. Yesterday and the day before we had the heaviest snow full of the season, accompanied by some sleet. As tbe ground is warm and not in condition to hold it long, we have the pro mise of a Oeligbtlul slush for some days. Business is still very dull and monev scarce, but as an evidence of both money and enterprise we note the establishment in our town of a large tannery by a couipan}* of our own citizens. In the absence of Mr. T. N. Conrad, who is now a clerk in tbe House of Delegates, Captain J. A. Si tg reaves, a disabled officer of the Confederate army, and a most worthy gentlemau, is conducting the Montgomery Messenger. Montgomkky. * From Ashland. [Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.] Asni.tsn, Va , February 2(J, 1S7-1. Coal from the mines in this vicinity has been brought into the village, and upon trial has proven a very fair speeimer. The prospect is improving; and, doubtless, as the weather opens, the mine will be worked more extensively. The Rev. A. G. Brown, the energetic financial agent of the college, is fast accumu lating bi ick> and timber lor the immediate construction of the hotel. It will be 12.3 feet in length and 7.1 in width. The new hotel and mineral springs will make Ash land a favorite summer re.-ort, I expect. _ ^ Sigma. Formation or a Xew (irmul Commnm! ery in West Virginia? Letters Jroin Colonel Withers nud W. IS. Isaacs, JK?q. fFrora the Wheeling Krister, 2Gih J The ceremonies connected with the forma tion of a Grand Coram indery of Knights Templar for West Virginia were had yester day in this city, and attracted almost uni versal attention. Notwithstanding the con tinuous snow-storm, the streets were thronged with citizens to see the parade of Knights and to hear tbe splendid music dis coursed by three brass bands that accompa nied tbe procession. A special conclave of the Grand Encamp ment of the Unitrd States was held, Sir James H. Hopkins presiding, arid tbe Grand Com mandery of West Virginia was regularly coustituted and proclaimed. Tbe following named Knights, who had been previously elected at a convention composed of the qualified representatives of the several subor dinate Commanderies in the State, were then feeverally installed: Sir O. S. Long, grand commander; Sir R. G. Lyle, grand gene ralissimo; Sir (i. W. Pat ton, grand captain general; Sir Th >mas II. Logan, grand prel ate; Sir Alexander Parks, Jr., senior grand warden ; Sir C. Y. Lucas, junior grand ward en ; Sir L H. Williams, grand treasurer ; Sir M. A. Chandler, grand recorder ; Sir A. L. Nye, grand standard-bearer; Sir Henry Iieed, grand sword-bearer; Sir George Da vis, grand warder; Sir Hugh Sterling, grand captain of the guard. After tbe transaction of the necessary busi ness for setting the new Grand Commandery in motion, that body was cioicd, appointing i's next meeting in "the city of Wheeling on tbe Friday succeeding the second Tuesday iu November, 1874. the banquet. Al 7 o'clock tbe Sir Knights with a num ber of their invited lady-lriends assembled at the MeLure House, and shortly afterwards sat down to an elegant suppe'r. A great many speeches were made in response to toasts, and the following letters were read wnen the toast to the Grand Commandery of j Virginia was drunk: Richmond, February 15, 1874. To F. C. Winship, Secretary Committee on Correspondence , Wheeling Commandery , No. 1, Knights Templar : Sir Knigbt,? Your courteous favor of the, 10th, inviting me to be present at the cere mouy of constituting tbe new Grand Com mandery of Koights Templar of the State of West Virginia, has just been received. Should circumstances permit, it will afford me much gratiticition to attend on so inter esting an occasion, and to accept tbe hospi tality of Wheeling Commandery, No. 1, so politely tendered. As the nature of my en gagements are sueb as to render it uncertain whether I can leave this city at tbe time de signated, I assure you that even in thai event 1 shall be present in spirit, and my warmest aepiraions will bid you godspeed in tbe new carw that will then be opened to you. I am fraok to confess, however, that these sentiments are - somewhat tinged with' m^hn'.'holy by tbe reflection that the, jmen> item is.toU? lessened bj the removal ffiKB?g?sag?ras ii^SSte WwS^ Md io teS" "bundant prosp&Hj iz2^SSSS"-SS "0"I"'r' *? G. CoHMWW, OF THE) xF rw t. . ^Uf9wD? Febrosry 2L 1874. } *v\ WheeUnJ^'* COrreiP?n4ttV Secreta tli?i3tlfl tooted foT^aDr?Sgn&i0a ?D licfpatloBs to beine- wifh T p in&an" insisnt, bw Imperative i, n?i? 0,>lie 25111 b?ve since mmtn to deprive me"r t^?n?dS SUM. I be?, therefore in J? i pIf#' i"8;<*d <* in the warm puling or", personal presence, to present tii ?!!!!?, bled. Sir Knights t Deadly %^ Z benedictions of the Grand Comm.n^rv ol Viffchno, to whose honor your senfinS? proposed. Tbe Sir Knirtu Tn'^e behalf I write prefer that their f Z. ing? at fraternal sympathy and affiJkm shonH- be judged by acts of the- r2 and future raiber tban from any cordial profession of uaity and guod-will that I can oflen. I woud do violence, however, to mv o\yr. fetlings were I uot to express my erate. ful Een3c of your knightly courtesy antT ten der ray acknowledgment of the honor ac corded to the venerable body which I rep resent. Be assured, Sir Knights of. West V irgiujo, that, though separated by sonny miles- of distance, and dwelling now ia dif ferent tents, the hearts of your brothers in the '?good old Commonwealth" wUfeever turn to you with feelings of tenderness and a fleet ion. The Grand Commandery oi Vir ginia, though not present to stand before lrrnwrnd xi& sP?ttSor ?t jour baptismal font, fol,.?^ you -through all your future career with paJerml pride and interest. In her name and in her belmlf I invoke tor you tbe old Patriarch tb? bene m m'L l i " ^is ?>'"'? moments he p-o nounced on Li< favored son. I ewe vou West viv'' " Gran(1 Commrujdery of bomh -S?- ?sysl,e "* "fruitful nnr? fho y herr however abide ia strength, hrMl t^3 0r hands be made strong I nni r! t .? m,ghty G0d 0f J?COb." I am, courteously and fraternally, yours, Willi a m B. Isaacs, G. C. Coffee.? The metrical system of wei"bts having been adopted in Rio, coflee in^tbc future will be sold per kilometre instead of per arroba. The brokerage and shipping expenses as well as quotations will also be based on tbe new system. Two vessels, the bark Maggie V. IJugg and the British brig Glen Albyn, will arrive here soon with 6,000 bags of coffee, while for Hampton Roads and orders there is coming the Briiish bark Rialto with 5,o00, and the British brig Industrv with 2,800 bags. The last-camt'd may pos sibly be ordered to Baltimore.? Baltimore Sun. Mork Democrats Unseated Tbe House Committee on Elections has agreed by a ma jority vote to report in favor of unseating tbe Democratic sitting members from the First Georgia district and the Fifth Virginia districts -Mcssr?, Itiwls uod Da vis-? and ssa ting their Republican contestants, Messrs. Sloan and Thomas. 1 Ostal. A new po>t-officc is established at Folly Aiili*, Augusta couutv, Va., on the rouie from Staunton to Lcxiugton, with Robert Ilabby as postmaster. BOOTS, SHOES, dc. "I UST RECEIVED, a supply of gen^ga^ O tlemen's II AM j-SKW ED GAITERS 9S1 latest etyiP. extension toe?, c.f the very bestf HJ q,,^'U}r*.,(ia,,eoou an<1 supply vnunelves at 90S) Main street, between Ninth and Tenth. fo 28-1 w JOHN C. PAGE. Jh. rrO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING* j STO'-'H I will stll my Heavy Bootsl and Brogans for Men and Boys at co6t, andl _ other ajudn at a reduction of ten per cent. My slock Is composed or all the various styles and grades, such as may be found only in a first-class n.iot a lid shoe Uore. Lark e assortment of Trunks, &c. Sole-Leather Trunks for gentlemen at cost. ?>"* '?* '?* \V. P. \V. TAYLOR. oitv made goods a ? SPECIALTY. 1874 REDUCTION IN PRICKS OF BOOTS, SHOES, AND 1 BUNK 3. WINTER GO' ?DS must be sold to make room foj onr SPRING STt*>CK. Now is the lime t*. \TEW GOODS FORT" EARLY SPRING TRADE. HUDGIKS, GORDON & CO., 1013 Main sthkkt (opposite tlie-postoDlce). are opening a great variety of NEW AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS. New styles of RUFFS andliUFFLINGS ; New styles of NECK-TIES and MUFFLERS; Beautiful DOTTED and BEADED LACE, for veils; New SEWING-SILK-FRINGED VEILS ; New ROMAN SCARFS nud CRAVATS; LACES. HANDKERCHIEFS, &c.; A large assortment of PRINTED PERCALES. CAMBRICS, PRINTS. BLEACHED and BROWN SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS. fe 23 JULIUS SYCLE ofl'ers a kirge stock of DRE^S GOODS, such as BLACK SIlKS. BuACK CASHMERES, BLACK ALPACAS. and, In fact, everything which Is kept In a first- class ilry goods house, at and below cost, positively, to change business. Come and get bargains. fe 1 6 1m s PECIAL NOTICE. JULIUS SYCLE will from this date sell his entire stock of DRY GOODS a ND NOTION'S AT AND BiCLOW COST. FOR CASH ONLY, to change business. 1 his is positively n? humbug. JL'LIUS SYCLE. fe 10-lm 415 Broad street. Richmond, Va. ISAAC COHEN is selling off his entire stock of DRY GOODS. Ac.. AT AND BKLOW COST in order to change business. All goods, no matter under wnat advantage tb?-y were bought, will be sold STKICTI.Y AT COST. Call he'nre the ass -rtment is broken. 305 Broad, between Thlr,J and Fourth streets. Chujc.i S iturdays. fe 10-lm R FINANCIAL EAL ESTATE, BOND 5, STOCKS, Mortgages, and Commercial Paper bought and sold on commission. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON REAL ESTATE AND COLLATERAL SECURITIES. Utmost care and prudence exercised in the Invest ment of money, secured by collaterals or deeds of trust on real estate. PROPERTY LEASED OB RENTED, AND RENTS COLLECTED. RICHARDSON A CO? Real Estate Agents, Brokers, and Auctioneers, Ja 5-tMhl No. 1113 Main street. STATURAL FLOWERS EMBALMEa? I Bridal Bouqneu, Funeral Wreaths, Crowes, Anohors, and Stars, preserved in natural form by ! Mrs. LAUKA L. TRUKMAN. No. 321 Rroad stioet (up>stairg). N. B Wanted, SCHOLARS, to whom instruc tion In vocal and Instrumental music witi begireo. fe 1 9-3w* E0O1NG AND V 161 TING-CABDS, beauUui, wi u% itvh runUM-aooae. w u,n. c rrir.-o r ik? S I NnWAND-'STRTCH SI ? i i POTASS**' JCLIXh VAL& HtAN AN/> QUININE, Ac,. recently MADS Bl OCU3ELVKS. P?d or TUB HOST SKUECT MATERIAL. hi aorordanc? with formula as p-nMMied by author ity M Aroeii "?n Pharmaceutical Asaodallon in last No. of Jovmal of Pharmacy and Gr1JJUh%$ Fornrxhtry: L? WAG NEIL Apothecary, lo 27 ? J panicle o t aiKBCtmr or any injurious mineral rafcatance, bat l!f j - PURELY VEGETABLE, -Kmtalntng ttowe southsrir roots and herbs which ri all-wise PVovldence has- pUccd is countries j w3*re Livkb Pis basks meat prevail. It -will care | all* diseases canoed by derajiganent of the liver and bOT**j8. 8IUMONVS LIVER ISEOULATOR (or mcdiclne) Is wiineutly a fsraiQy ine4iei?e, ami , by bchsg kept ready for immediate r??o3t; will save | many an hour of suffering and' many a dollar la tl me aad doctors' WK . Aflo? forty year?*' trial It is st'Jl receiving the) most raquallfled t- sthnonlals to Its virtues from pereons-of the higher character and responsibility. Eminent phvlcians crtmraeud it as *be most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOU DYSPEPSIA OR INOIG EST I ON. Armed with this antidote, all cllmatcs and chs? jres of water and food majrSe faced without fear. Aa a remedy in malarious fevers, bowel1 complalats, restlcssueJB, jaundice, nsrosca, IT HAS NO EQUAL. , It is the cheapest; pureat,.and best family medlchie-J in the worl i. . Manufactured only hy Jl IT. ZEILIN & Oa, Macoc, Oa., and PhH&delphla. Prlc?, 91 per bottle, bold by all druggists, fe 28-deod&.w3m A C1DS.? NITRIC ACID, SULPHURIC , XA- ACID, MUBIATIC ACID, ACEtllC ACID J in carboys: 1 RED TaU i AR, GUM CATF.CHIT, MURIATE TIN. CRYSTALS, ANNLLINE (red aud blue}, EXTRACT LOGWOOD.CBLORIDUJLIME, etc., etc* sale by 12. iMJVtr.. "^"ON-HUMANIZED YACCLNE: "VHlUS, on QUILLS, chared from the caTCFnbiuary 18th. L'or sale by J- BLAIR, 82o. Broad street, Agent few the Vaccine Department New York Dispensary. fe 21 jyjTLLEIi'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF HOREHOUND, roa COUGHS, COLDS. HOARSENESS, TICKLING IN THE THROAT, &C. "I liave used ""Miller's Compound Svrup of j Horehound" as a remedy for coughs, colds, and hoarseness, and it has never failed to produce the most beneficial results. I cordially recommcod its use fo any who are suffering from these troubles. u A. J. FORD," Proprietor Ford's Hotel, Richmond, Va. u Ltxchbotic. January 22. 1874. u I do not hesitate to pronounce It the bent pre paration for coughs, and pax tlcularly tor the tickling cough , so common and aunoying, that I have ever used or known of. Geokgk M. Rcckkh.*' For sale by all druggists and country merchants, at 2Gc. and 50c. per bottle. PURCELL, LADD & CO.. fe 1 9 "Wholesale A cents. T 0 THE AFFLICTEDI WARRANTED TO CURJS I I wish to say to the public that I will Insure a curt of all cases of CANCER placed under my treat ment, and In event of no cure will not charge any thing for my services. I will aho remove all WENS, HAIR-MOLES, BLOOD-MARKS, Etc. leavhisr but a slight scar, and insure as above stated. Also, all chronic diseases, such a." RHEUMATISM, SPINAL AFFECTION. SALT RHEUM, TETTER, PILES, SCROFULA, ANJ) ^ATARRH !!"6ated, with a guarantee of a perfect cure J and it' no cure, uo pay. The knife is not used in any case wiiat EVEK. With my past experience and success In the treat ment of tnese diseases I fed free ro say that my medicines are iYKAl.unLB, ami without a 1e this or any other country in effecting A SURE AND SPE?.DY CURE in the above spcclllal diseases. < )!llce liours trom U A. M. to 2 P. M. Office: No. tOG Grace street, near Capltoi Square, Richmond, Va. The names ard re-Mences of many persons who have bee a cured will be furnished by mail or upoc ilcatlon In person. 22-d.fcw3m Ph. A. G. WOf.LAP.a tie 2 Q I MM ON '3 HEPATIC COMPOUND, O OR LIVER-CUR"..? We have arranged wlrh Messrs. WOOD & SON'S to sell our SIMMOVa HEPATIC COMPOUND, which Is giving t>ucli uni versal satisfaction wherever introduced. All de rangements of the liver, skin, aud bowels are re lieved by this article as if by magic. Address all orders to our wholesale ajzeuts, Messrs. WOOD & SONS, who will iupjily the trade at our regular rates. E. L. KING & SONS, Proprietors, fe 6-3m Columbia, S. C. Q ATAKRH ! BKOXCHIT1S ! ! CUTLER'S POCKET-INHALERS AND CAKBOLATE OF IOOlNE INHALANT. For sate, whol-j^ale and retail, at MEAOE Jfc UaKEK'S drug store, Ja 28 919 Main street. _ _?OUKT ORDK1W. No. <59. TN TUE DISTRICT COURT OF THE X United Stares for the Eastern District of Vir u i uia. IN CHANCERY. James W. Shields Jacob Cohu, afe-ijfnee of [ lri"H * ?f S. Lichtensteln audi 3? lo73. others. J ****#??**?** ? - ? ? ? "Aud it Is further adjudged, ordtre. fcHULTZ. IIENK* MOR RIS : JACOB COHN. ASSIGNEE; S. LlOH I'luN bTElN. BANKRUPT; AND ALi? Ol'ilER PKK SONS CLAIMING LIENS UfON Tllii AKOVE NAilKI) RKAL EsTaTE OF S. LlOnTE.% STEIN, BANKRUPT ? Take notice that, pur suant to the above decree. I have fixed SATuu DAY, March 7, 1874, at 10 o'clock A. M. as the! time, aud my office, No. 4 In Shaft r's build ing, corner Tenth aud Main stieets, Rich mond, Va., as the place, for making the In qulries and report called for by the above de cree. If not bejmn then, or. being begun not com pleted. the procee<.l"gs will be cjutinuea from riiu? t o time until concluded. Please protect your inte rests lu the matter. E. M. G ARN KTT, Spcclil Commissioner. H. A. & J. S. Wise, p. q. fe 7-rAw CMTHCTft ' gPRLVG CAMPAIGN isappro&chiag, and In view of that fact all WINTER GOODS I new have on hand will be sold for CASH FLAT | at very low figures in order to reduce stuck. My general stock at regular prices. If you '..ant, call at the old, established house of WM. IRA SMITH, Aft., 1109 Mala street. Sign : LONG FLAG. Notice that on Main street. ] fe IB ' ERESH HOPS? Received by last steamer aoo ? co. 13 RAT f'S ASTRAL OIL and Ctoton Jrc~llSlft>r*teti7 ^cjsfca, BBWt. ' C axal man? ?*?* 9rxra SSmartH, ?' -> "r^>" ~f r, ft* t ; I '* j :1?* ' !f?l? '^wj *??%&$?&**** - ^; awBSU rt*>w*fe? GRJKT-SULLH, ? rr ./ ; v BABK-ilJLLS. ??a}i"? i: / K&?/ 8TO.TECETTE1KP TOOI.ff, -??V. ? I- HA. Mil EES of aB sizes. Ac. . REPAIR-WORK SOLICITED. Fieftftto to all potato km. Send for elrcnlar. .. ? to parties and families. Hts BAB la kUI supplied with tkevtry hen* Ll? P QCOBS and BSE WED DBfiiKS. i. His arrangements trr OYSTERS- are the best. Sne!> Oysters as arc seared at blsrvstaorant cannot : befottad elsewhere. ; Come, friends, and teat my assertions. And to all. ttM> compliments of Jbe season. DEN SHOES, ?1.50; and all the other new works, at 1318 Main street. icia-d&w 1874. N0W Is ?E TJME 1874. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE YEAR 1874. ANY MAGAZINE OR PAPER PUBLISHED SENT TO ANY AMJRESS BY J. T. ELLYSON, Nkws-Dbalkii. No. 1112 Main stbbet, BlCiraONIsVA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER I11 Newspapers, Books, Magazines, Games, Sta tionery. School-Books. Christinas Books, and ail articles reoulred bv the great reading pubbc. GENERAL AGENT FOB THE PUBLISHERS AND THE PUBLIC. The following seat by mall to any part of tbe count rv at the folk>wls# rales, which are the pub. Usher*' lowest prices : DAILIES. New York Tribune.. SI 2 New York Tlmea 12 Nev York Jonrnai of Gummero?. 16 Blchmond En/julrer. C New York Herald.. .|12 1 New York World.... 12 New York San 6 1 Richmond Dispatch. 0 I Richmond Whig .... 8! WEEKLIES. Applcton's Journal 94 00 Cupper 0 00 1 ratholic Mirror 3 00 I Christian Union (with chromed) 3 00 1 Country Gentlemau 2 50 Courier den Etats-Un's..., 0 00 Christian at Work (with chrouios) 3 00 Dunibury News 2 00 Every Saturday 6 00 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper 4 00 Frank Leslie's Chimney Corner- 4 00 Frauft Leslie's Lady's Jonrnai..- 4 00 Fireside Companion 3 03 Girls and Boys of America 3 00 Harpers' Bazar 4 00 Harpers' Weekly 4 00 Hearth and Home 3 00 .Home Journal 3 00 nentld (weekly) 2 00 illustrated Uirlstluo Weekly 2 00 Iron Age - Irish American 2 60 Irish World 2 60 Irish Messenger 5 00 London Graphic 12 CO London Illustrated News , 42 QQ 1 Litteli's Living Age 8 ?ton) 2 30 World (weekly) 2 00 Waverly il;ij<.i>lue 0 00 LITTELL'S 1 1VING AGE, with either of the *?4 Weeklleri ot Monthlies, for ?1 U. Sp' clnien copies ol any of the above -sent post paid to auv address ou recciut of ten ceucs. MONTHLIES. Aldinc, with two beautiful chromo*. 96 0C All the 1 ear Round 6 00 Agriculturist 1 50 is Uuiitlc Monthly 4 0C Authur's Home Magazine 2 60 |jo>7 lltils 4 50 Bankers' Magazine 6 00 Roys o l" England 3 00 Blackwood * 4 00 Ballou's Monthly 1 60 Clumbers'* Journal 4 00 Comic Monthly 1 50 Chatterbox ?... 1 50 Catholic World 6 00 Children's Hour 1 26 D*iuore*t's Monthly 3 00 Eclectic Magazine 5 00 Educational J' >urnal of \ ,nrinia 1 60 Frank Leslie's Pleasant Hours 1 50 Fran* Leslie's Lilly's Alitg.izloe 3 60 Frank Leslie's Budget of Fun 1 60 Fran\ Leslie's Boys of Aweilca. 1 50 Galaxy 4 00 Godey's Lady's Books, wlib ebroaoa 3 00 Good Words 2 75 Good Things 2 50 Harpers' Magazine 4 00 Hari>ers' Weekly \ 00 Harjx;rs' Bazar * 4 OO Herald of Health........ 1 50 Hall's J urual of Health 1 00 Lipplncott-s Magazine 4 00 Le Bon Ton (fashions) 6 00 ! Little Corporal 1 u0 London Lancet o 00 Metropolitan 2 00 Medicid News and Library 1 00 I Nursery v 1 50 | National Live-Stock Journal 3 00 Old and New 4 Ou Opilc's Magazine 50 Slll'.'.ner and Dressmaker (Loudon) o 00, Musical Aionthiy 3 00 4 00 Peters's Popuiar (den Ce Monthly 5 00 1 Phrenological Journal 3 00 Poultry World 1 23 | St. MehoL-is 3 00 Scrihuer'sMoathlv 4 00 ijllll'nau's -Journal of Science aud Art.., 6 00 Science of Health 2 00 Sunday Magazine 1 2 75 j Soailitru Mafcizlue 4 00 ; World of Fashion (Londoiu 0 00 Wood's Houseiiold Magazine (wltb chromo). 1 00 Vau NostramPs Engineery 6 00 Young America (Deinorest's) ? 1 50 Specimen copies of any of the above monthlies seul to auv address on receipt of 25 cents. QUARTERLY REVIEWS. American Jonrnai of Obstetrics. 9 4 00 j American Church hevicw 6 00 I * - 6 00 American Law Review ? o w" British h'*"*"? ...... ...... 4 yO Bikltba Baptist British Review o sj, Kntiibwnite's Rrtrospect (scml-jKsarty)...... | 60 Qiuirt?rly.**?tM*t???* o w > dliihurp n Itevlew 4 00 Loooou Qnartcriy Review.. 4 00 Methodist (juarkaly 2 50 Presbyterlau Ouarterly and Priuceton Re view. .:. - 8 00 Southern Review 6. 00 Westminster Review 4 00 Blackwood and foar Enghsb Reviews 15 00 Special terms to parties clnbUng toe three or more papers or inafcaJotea. J. 'f- ELLYSON, Newsdealer. 1112 Maiaitreet Hichmoad, Va. )a 10-d.ywjtw iSBSuizsn. X^ERTlLIZjiBS.? I wish to eril tbe spectel X attention of pemoaa plantlugr ?arly potatxs lo, the VIRGihlAFEKTlLlZCR, No. 1. A?a truck fertilizer It tfi tbe cheapest and best tbey caua oms. It vets very ^ulek. snd is leaa tknnltalf tbe price of anv other oral ?fertiliser offered In tbe market. fe 2 a-1 m ^e Agynt. ALL SPRING CHOPS, SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. '-STAB BRAND" FLOUH J?F BAW4MXSK, COMPLETI^TOSSXX) UANCF2. We rec??mmen-? tbe?e standabo nanusus for touacoo. cotton, coa^c and \ n maitod j tu all apidlea>u? ft?a> - I * ADDISON. l fcia Ko. laav isaii U17 Mmu ' - ?' o-'.e - tm .?LVdi in 1 1" f ran" warn mm t niMwwpr .?fSfeiR| ?;?? MjBjB . , .. iH. ? _ , X'rtLoa tifi^^ ? ?f#W 'i'^- ???* '^JViiMS *cd HaieatnstM,' COAl" tOBlttSRBY SPLINT, (JUMBJ thorcragb': SMflmii tfcl8"* XEY>U0kd iJARKKT PBMMES. - ??/|'> FINK aad OA IA IfOUDw ? ? , h> SAND DELIVER*?, or ?pi>lkd at %? "bar," and mar be contracted for fa trwi**i*i^$t7Ar titt with. the understated; at retail o/ /. f, the office iSot of bevexrteeath ftreet a od tfra wbr tdg*. ,y. D Poitsaux will be pleased to ire aad wiK upOP oh? cnstoaere at thl* ofloo. j - ^ >?? ''? ?? ^gggg^ JJUBNS BEAUTIFULLY iWB 'ow .*o Aaiewand aw? w: 1m tor ashes, ?? ?gB8fittmaea "* deader In tfa? po^ar^arf&^^tw*4**WW acd COOKINd-WOOD. Ytin cipa^t*-? w to Sank of Virginia bulSttng. eoraer of KlmnUt a>i4SBL pASSELTON SPLINT COAL? tbe fe?H U ccal for open gnUacoe ttwmarkec B. P. LATOROP, i fe & g?Ie agent for BUsbiaond^ ? ANTHRACIT?. COALS? best quality? alio west price*. M_ P. L ATUBWV .-. i fe 6 seventeenth *tr*?*. ?t aiawbrtdge. 4 NTHBACITE GOAJU? I MB prepared xjL Uv foruLsla Lykens Valldy aad Lattwr Bed Asa Coal* st low llgaees; also. Bhanokla White A'uh. A full snpnly ot Cumberland Coal ea handl and for sale at the Jewwt raaiket nttkFMtk; wishing. to lay la thchr supplies for the wliter woem do wefftogeemc before nnrchaatea :- - i WIRT BOBBBTB. ?e It corner Seventeenth and PoefcrtteeW KAILBOAO LlKliA., O vines Ricxmc^d and PMtfMrvol Railroad Cokcaky. r AS AND AFTER JANUARY If*. 1874, Vr trnim on this rood will run u (Ottawa: The MAIL TRAINS leave Rlehmoadat 5:05 A* M. and 2 P. M-: returning, leave Peteeebei* ?t laaOP. M. and 7:50 P. M. ??=..: _ . . The 0:06 A. M. MAIL TRAIN nooga. and the S*>u ill. ' ._ ACCOMMODATION^-Por Gordootyllle *od aQ Intermediate station* dalJ v (excep?Saad?yJiat 4:4* P. M. This train connect* at G^rdoamfle m ffig^-Por Junction. GordoarHle, O lottcbvllle. Staunton, Goshen, Oorlngtoa, White plmr. Uacttngton. and all the station* bet wemvl -? Sulphur and Huntington dally (except Sat?rtt at 8:45 P. M. Till* train cona^fl ?t Haattngllt^ with steamers B^V^Via ilia Fleetwood foe Ct0Cls>? nat! and the^ pgt and Southwest. For ;nWugh tickets, comet Information. aa?~ rate's, apply at A. W. Garber'*, 826 Main *>reec? at office Mallard end Ejchnnw Hotel, and at the des pot on Broud it rcet near Seventeenth. EDGAR VLIET, General Po3seng6F Slid Ticket Affent. A. H. Pkkuy. General Huperlntcnd^nt. v* m Office of r.NorxEun and Sup aRiNT ) KlCHMOKD AND UAXVILLS KAILaOABUO., 7 Richmond, Va? December f? loT9* 9 SCHEDULE OF TRAINS. 0 , TralnNo. l? SorrnaBw i-.xpr. ass-leave* Rieh dt 5:03 A. M. ; arrives at Burkevllleat 8K># A. M., arrive* at Danville at 1 P. M* arrive* at Greemooro' at 3^30 P. M. " Train No. 2? NEW UHMJA.N8 AND Navr TOB*. ExPitKSj? leaves Greenstjoro'at 1:15 P- *-i ar rive at DauviUeat 3:52 P. M.,arrtve* atBurite Tllle at 8:04 P. M., arrive* at Richmond at 11:02 Train Xo. 3? TliuOPOH MAlL-leavee Rldimond at 1 :48 P. M. ? arrives at Btirkevllle at 4w6 P.M* arrives at Darvlile ;-t o. 4?Ti;roi*oii Mail? Uavea Green*boro' at 2:15 k. M?: arrives at j an vllle at. 5:24 A. U., ar rives at Hurkevllleat 11:35 A. M.; arrive* at Rich-' inond at 2.82 P. M. . . Tra.111 No. 5-Lvxciiutnto PA?8?Npt? -Jrare* Rlelitnond at 9:42 A. M. : arrives at BurkwlUeat 12^9 P.M.; arrives at Lynchbnrgat 4:40 P. *? Train No. G - b in: k k v i r. l* _ Accommodation? leaves Lynchburg at 9^ O P. M.. ,<^T?l,J!Hk2 i? at 4:35 A. M : arrives at Rich mond at 7.58 A. BL Train So. 4 connect* at Burke vllle wla train* on fh>- Atlantic. Mlsolsalppi and Ohio ^a^iSS Lyuchbunr and the South. ru.'j from Richmond to Charl lotU; to Atlanta and New Orleans without oh*?e. Traiu No. 1 male in close connection at_ Unarioii* with train* ou the AtlanUand KlcbmMdAJ^LUae railroad for AUanta, Montgomery, Mobtla, ?cw Orleans, and all point* South and boata wieU Through tickets sold to all point* ceath Mwl wc6t, and Dtwrnge checked thro urH Jmep de 9 gnglneerand^ RICUMOND, YOBX RnrXB^XwD" CHXSAPIAJOIl R ad ooitpawr, I Richmond. November 5th. 1873. J ON AND AFTER THIS OATS PA8? SENG74R and FREIGHT TRAINS oa thte road will run 4a follow*: PASSENGER TRAIN for Weat Polat beaver ' Richmond at 8 P. M>, and train from Went PolxH will arrive at Richmond at 1030 A. M. C -ify (9aa> ^theC splCTdW ateamer HAV ANA, Oaptala A.C. N tcKLXi has been placea on ttw route belweea Weat Point and BalUmore to ran In eonaection with thU D\YS on the arrival of the train, which leave* Bieh> mood at S P.M., arrl vlng atBUltimore next mom la* In aniDle time to connect with tralaajor the MorOt IndWest :aud leave Baltimore MOS DATS, WA 8? NE^D*.YS,arid FRIDAYS at 4 P. M., eoaatrtlBC at \Vest Point with the train doe atslabatoad ST 10:30 next morning. , ? , ? Fare ro Baltimore, t5 ; colored people, FREIGHT train, tor Utrodgh fratfhr only, leaves Rlchmondl'uea^i*jT*art^jfcaad^8atar? !tavs at 4 A. M. Through freight received daily. PHEIGHT TRAIN, with pa^enger at attached, for freight between Richmond ao d Wot Folta ??S WlcJ.m?nd o) Fridays at 5:30 A. M. Local freJgnt raoetvea Tues? O.W, tMninj.. ???? baperlntendent* W. N. BBAQQ, Master Trawwtatfoa. no 1> Richmond, Fbkd'o A Potomao B< B. ; SCHEDULE OF TRAINS. HICHMON1X FRKDRRiCKSBUBa AKDPOWV " MA 0 RAILROAD. np DAY MAIL leave* Byrd^creei *adoa a 5 UPN1GHT MAIL leave* Byvd^tieet H*U