Newspaper Page Text
Richmond ^yriJBPAY FEBRUARY 1871. Rev. Ttetence McCarthy's Troubles. Mr. FlorCTce MtWrtby his ( ss& s*. 1 Pra'Cr*?,<? lhe dcacoiw of the church lug wrotb. er cbarfros aguiost him, have ^ P immediately taken t0 *cd ^ .? IriS MS?w a council of the bring htm J?. ^hy >? fl*ck ?re somewhat dw cb,1S* nvefi few Utile matters, and call 2*3? ?ugMJ n?n,?.-Ctac^ ???. FORTH** PARTICULARS. di, N? thrt*tiodw the ? provision cover that, tioac cXC|Wies members of i he constitution ? ??" ' flny lu ltR af. s^Saa7fisr?&M imloncnts than their delight revealed itadl ?n ?w?nai: ?"<* "'"y woman, and Sild ffilng close to their color*, seUle.ncn' ?f the difficulties was prevented. tob last thing of note that tmnspircd before the adjournment, whU waa oolv carried became the nece* Slv of going home .ounc time could not be was the announcement by Mr McCarthy that he would preach in tbc church every evening during the week, and the rejoinder by one of the deacon?. ?4Ko you won't I , . . The misunderstanding as to who had t ? nuered began rifibt there. Feeling theflusli 2f victory, as if swinging his battle axe around hi? head in exultation, J* "j-j* Mr McCarthy sent the words elashinn ou. into the air to be somewhat blunted by con tact with tbe deacon's shield. v In tbe midst of '* Yes we wills and .No you wont's " tbe Christian assembly dis jointed itself. the deaoons gathered to conswer the announcement of meetings, and after a brief session decided to close the bouse for thp week giving up the Wednesday evening ^SJtto/aod all. That there would le no services they announced to such as were still present, and then went home to imppy dreams, it may be. When the deacons of the T>mon Park Baptist had slept off the dissipation of the previous uigbt, and bad their nightmares driven away t.y a new ilny, they cbaDccd to be in tbe mood for con&ultalion, and man aged to talk over matters and thiDgs with one another before lunch-time. There was ?o one regular meeting in an appointed place, but a dozen irregular confabs all around. Tbe mult was justas unanimous. A committee was appointed to do the pre liminary work for tbe convening of A COUNCIL TO TRY MR. M'CARTHY oil tbc charges which another committee was to put in shape, while a third committee was to- circulate a call for the council among tbe church-members and get as many names as -possible eigned to it. THl CHARGES were not jet quite in order, though pretty pearly made out. Tbey will be voluminous enough, and will cast a considerable shado w upon Mr. McCarthy's reputatiou and charac ter till tbey are removed. They win brand him as a liar, a hypocrite, a de famer of character, a threatener of life, an obscene talker, and a most immoral and un principled man. Tbey will leas strong as I language can make them, and the deacons expect, of course, to prove them beyond a Question. Tbey say that Mr. McCarthy has demanded charges without ceasing. Now le shall have tbem, atd e cough of them. It is hoped, however, that the council will be able to avoid entering into the perusal of the darkest pages by finding the other so black as to render a conviction on them inevitable. This is one side of it. Mr. McCarthy would doubtless refuse to have anything concealed. If he has done any thing, he says be wants to know it. Tbe council will be held ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON, iifthe UDion Park Baptist church, unless there arises some imfoxseeu circumstance to pmeDt. The associations comprise the chuicbes at El^in, Aurora, .St. Charles, Oak Park, Evanslon, and tbe suburban towns generally. ? While the deacons were holding their ses- 1 mion there wus something of A SCENE Ju the immediate vicinity of the church edi fice on tbe corner o( Paulina and Washing-, ton streets. Shortly after 7 o'clock a con siderable crowd, of "the most mixed charac ter. took possession of three ,ioints on the sidewalk? at the front and side of the church and ou the corner opposite. There 3yere a few members of the society, and many who were not. Boys whistled us tbey do to encore a variety "star"; iuen fumed because somebody didn't come to break in the church dcors, and women shivered as they huddled about tbe solitary street-lamp for" warmth. The expressions of opinion were as varied as the mass was motley, the only feature being an entire absence ot reli gious feeling. There was. much bitterness, some wonder, much curiosity, traces of con tempt, and loud talking of what ,J I du." MR. M'OARTUY ?Mgconced himself in thehouse of Mr. Burtis, the church. From the front win observations. He was ScwmpaniedbH. . Beach, E-q , ms law yer who came to take a legal view ot the matter. Two trustees (Messrs. Bingham and Burtis) were at hand. The latter escaped active participation by retiring with some port of indisposition. Mr. Bingham formed bimself into the attacking party. He pro ceeded to the church door with cautioD, having been informed by some 4< Washing tonian" bpys that they had seen a body of armed men inside. His raps were responded to by THE SOLITARY SEXTON, who was within, and who said he must beg to be excused, but be really could uot admit tbc parties. Mr. Bingham made his plea **inthe name of tbe trustees," which the lawyer deemed sufficiently strong ; but the sexton still said nay, and the church re mained closed. It was cold out in the air, and tbe crowd was getting impatient. Ru mors bad been set afloat that Mr. McCarthy would enter the church, if needs be, over BROKEN DOORS AND DEAD DEACONS to hold the services he had announced. But these were not carried into facts. Wheu it became apparent to Mr. McCarthy that the church was both locked and barred against him he yielded his purpose. Going out on the porch of Mr. Burtb's house HE said: " Friends, I (should like to preach to you, but you see the church is closed against me. If i told you to go in I know you would go in in lew* tb?n five minutes. rCries of < You bet,' and 4 Give us the word.'] But I do not wish you to use violence. So there will be no meeting to-night." He then rfSotered the mansion, a chorus of cheers and hisses following him. 23f CONVERSATION WITH TUB TIMES REPORTER ?ut?equentiy Mr. McCarthy said he should not attempt anything further. The deacons had locked him out of his ehuicb, aud they must now take the next move. There might be ft legal question as to their rights in the blit he did noMhink: be should i raise it. Tb^y jwe cuonio# the eburch on tfotfr own authority, and be suptJObtd they wguid continue to do so. He was frkk of whole bu>ine?a, unci sorry hia friends ? Jfad gone to the meeting Honday oiglit at all. He JUad thoutfit it a mistake vvJjoo ' they proposed doing as they bad, but tied changed Ills mind ; and now lie thought -jytainJLnu&A -mistake. Charges would ipom igacf, be hoped, e o that he mitfbt be freed ,0$m bis fal?e position. If a: council ' was *j3[pperly called hp 'should cortainly court aumtlgatloa by if.<lie jvouid prefer o picked council? the deacons to select six* miotatera and he sis, who should tr^ him, j That ww Baptist "cu.'tom.* lie shoOld not! ftject, lie thought , to being investigated by j What be had done fn all post lite be bad been thinking over, and ^ ^ rvally curi ous to know wb?t anyo M could bring bUn. He should not ^ ntglV ?hc church to nlgbt unless be'cb | j,|a mind on the subject suddenly. Xbe cburcb wok gunrdea on yesterday b f iw0 fjiecW poWJ; This was done at the Instance of <bcl?s" rnnce agents, ? ,he <U*<s>o8 men having chmilened to canceKbe unless ?om 6 precautious were taken i ? j the tiring of the edifice. ^JThow*^ instruct ,d to offer no rcaistno^ bowev*r, to tbe ' leaking In of tbe doors, it it was at temp' ah 1. ? Richmond, February 26, 187ft. Editors of the Dispatch : T.^ilin^ to sec any mathematical point n vour answer to tbe arithmetical que>twn ^ this morning's paper, I 6Ubmit tbe foilo 10 According to tbe terms of tbe 6^tsal(; 80 apples arc sold at i cent apiece and 30 at i cent apiece. Averaire price of one a p pte. "*??? , on' one apple ">} the terms of last sale ; loss ; on eOopp'es, 1 L>. Hence tbe t.u .1 . ho?H be 25 cents in the first case, 24 ceo* in the last. Yours respecttully, * I It is G. F. VV.'s fault, not ours, that he ; cannot see the " mathematical point in tbe answer be alluded to. lie proves that lie cannot see tbe point In tbe question either. 1 He merely puts down the figure* which B. | sent to us to be explained. 15. did not ask for the figures, which are perfectly familiar to him, but be asked to be informed why in the one case the apples sold at o-12ths of a cent each, and in tbe other case at 2-5ths of a ccnt cach. If G. F. W. can give any other and better reason tb3ti ours we will publish it with pleasure. We know, how ever, that be cannot ; for there is no other reason. Working out tbe problem in what ever Way will not do. B. wauls to under stand tbe rationale of tbe matter. A Kcmlnlseenco of "Horso Allen.'. fHarfK r'd Monthly for March. J In earlier days in Missouri there presided over the judicial destinie3 of a large circuit a judi,e remarkable for bis official and social excellencies. He was universally known as " Horse Allen,"1 to which title in later years the prefix of " Old" was added. He was a sound lawyer and an incorruptible judge, and in those primeval days imposed a per sonal regard by the possession of a set of brawny limbs that men said bad been called j on more than one occasion into active exer cise to teach the refractory " bow to respect the court." He regarded tbe bar- composed generally of youug men, whom be called by. their Christian names? almo^ in the light o his children, and they in turn soon learned to love him as a father. They till this storv 011 the old judge: ?,nMin? On one occasion., while be was holdin court in a log cabin in one of tlie t cn w iltl counties of the Southwest, two of b s bojs became so excited over a case thot,nfterracn had in unmistakable language questioned the vericity of the other, an inkstand. bad been hurled, and the compliment returned bv a forcible propulsion of the Missouri Statutes by the maddened disputauts at each ' Cher's bo'ds. The whole thing occurred so quickly that the Judge had not time to prevent it, but be proved himself equal to the occasion. . , ,, , ? Cyrus," be remarked to the sheriff, " ad journ court for fifteeo minutes." It was done by Mr. Frost, the sheriff. " Now shut that dojrand lock it." ' As soon as these orders had been executed, turning to one of the combatants, then State s attorney and now an eminent citizen and lawyer "in California, lie said s . . . . " Peter, come out and stand behind that bench!" The representative of tbe State riuietly took position. ' uToro," he continued, to youug Horrell rof whose future your historian has lost surbt). "do you stand there !" and tbe atti tude was laken as ordered. " Now, boys," said the "Old Horse, in gentle tones," 44 you have been guilty of a very gross disrespect of this court, and the court cannot aud will not stand it, and will take proper steps to vindicate itself. I have nlwajs held myself as good a judge of a fight as of the law. In this matter of outrage the court will sit and see it out, and you both shall have fair play. Now pitch iu and tight ouU" . . * ?. /? .. Nothing loath, the two boys went at it fist and skull; for they knew very well that if they did not settle it iu this way tbe " Old Horse" would probably quit bis seat and thrash them both- a feat" very easy of accom plishment for him. Aud so they fought, and the Judge looked on to see fair play. ; History does not record which of the two was the victor, but alter protracted and exhausting efforts, aud, alas! much pro fanity, of which the Court took no oftical eognizuuee, tbe Judge, turning to ibe sheriff, suid: 44 Cyrus, separate them, unlock tbe door, aud 0?Cn court." And when court wasopcucd, be turned to tbe clerk aud said : " Mr. Clerk, enter a fine of twenty dol lars each against Mr. Minor and Mr. Horrell tor a. flagrant contempt of this court." Before tbe adjournment tbe fines were re mitted, and the boys were ever afterward tiie best of friends. The pretty little story of the "Fam:ly Try.?t," by Christopher North, \va9 re peated during the late panic. "Wife and j children, thuie is no need, surely, to beat about ttie bush. I will tell you the J worst in a word,? 1 am ruined I All my j property Is lost and gone, ana we must give up our home. We must leave this street." A slight convulsive motion weut over the circle, and a female voice sobbed, <l Leave our home?" But the good wife said calm ly : 41 We. have seen many happy days, but surely we must seek aud liod contentment elsewhere. 1 wilt not lose a night's rest. It you can bear it, I can." Mr. A. was a hard working, industrious man, who in an evil hour hwl become surety for an acquaint ance, through whom he was utter Iy aud Irretrievably ruined. He felt the magna nimity. of his wife, and begged the for giveness of his assembled family. Upon this his eldest son stood up, and first looking with the most respectful tenderness on his father, aud then wifb a cbcerful smile on all around, said: ?* Father, never more utter these words; never more indulge the^e thoughts; you have fed u?, clothed us, edu cated Uf, taught us what is our duty to God and man. It rests with us to practice it. We all love you, father. We are all grate ful; if need be we would all lay down our our lives to save you, but there is no need of if. What has happened? Nothing. We are all well and strong. We can all work." At this all care and despondeucy fled. Miss OlympU Brown was morricd la?t spring, but hasn't changed her name. She says that she and her husband agreed before the}' were married that they should hold on to their own names. In fact, she wouldn't have married without such an agreement. 1 as.ked her if Air. Willis (her husband) didn't wish to change his name to Brown. She s?id, 4< O, no. lie would be simple if he did, Willis being a much prettier name; besides had his nume been Hlgginbottom he would have prelcrred to retain it, considering it was his own, and the one bo had always been lcnowu by." I asked her if noose ever called her WiiJls? She said, **??>l?, yes, sometimes they <lid ; but she didn't wage I any special war on that any more than if 1 they had called her eoino pet name that never belonged to her." And so it is Johii Henry Willis and Kov.Olympia Brown ; and he at tends to his grocery business, and she preaches to her congregation of faults aud "sinners every }$unday? and tbejr keep a snus little house in Bridgeport, ouk!Gohierir Hill, .ind the name ou the door i* *' Olympia Brown," that partner in thw matrimonial tirrn being tfye potter known oi' the two.? Hartford Times. \ . ..'.Si/ i, -? 1 . ' " a modem Bcncdicf, the other day, produces remarkable revo lution ITere .tjn J, for instance, in ten fiboh months ehan^pn from a sighing lover to a loving aire." tfomtUi. Maokts a ok m% Otelw Tisnc.? Al! theJusilSfr oftbe Onltcd amtcsSoptwrrc Court twtflcd loftrtfcw^ in 183 4tf ftt Mn Qtf* teiV b?*rding-house, which was recently torn dwm to extend the Capitol Ground*. They drank what wm called the Judicial Had& importation direct from Madeira I*hmd, which George Washington ordered through the port or Alexandria, and seeing hw world-famed name in. the order the ship pers picked out quite a superior pipe. When General Washington died his nephew Bush rod, who wash Justice in the Supreme Court, continued the annual order, and John Mar shall was the next heir. The justices used their dining-tirble for consultation, and after they had messed to gether the cloth whs removed, and, with nothing but the Judicial Madeira and the laws of the realm, they tempered justice with mercy in their decisions. .Settled.? So far as we can make out, it has been definitely ascertained that it is uncer i tain whether the Siamese twins could have | been separated and have lived.? Fa rmville Mercury. ' - UFronLf ? It may be of interest to the Dis tch to know tbat wc don't fiddle.? Farm oiltc Mercury. AIdcrm:?n Mullally, of the St. Louis Coun I ell, refers with jrratitude to the fact that he has been a member of the body for two year?, and has escaped without getting a black eye. Yet he must have darkened some optics-, "for the name of Muilally has a mighty tread-on tbe-lail ot-my-coat-if-you-dare sound to it.? Chicago Times. I At a hal masque in Washington the oiber I evening. General Sherman wore a domino. : " There," exclaimed one, "goes General I Sherman or a lunatic 1" The General I dropped his domino. w I declare," said his marked assailant, " it is both." SEEPSMEy, FLOKISTS, dc. T ANDREWS GARDEN-SEEDS, em ; -? ^ bracing all the usual varieties. Just received. I To be had low of L. k. sai<k. corner Twenty-first and Venable streets. fe 28-1 m 10 Onrl BUSHELS GRASS SEEIJS,, growth of 3873, consisting of C'LO- I ver, Timothy. Okciiai!D Grass, Herds grass, KkNTCCKV 1JI.UK GRASS, LCCKIt.VJC, MlM.ET. Lato Qka.S'8, and other (irnss Seeds, warranted , , I res 1 1 and reliable, for sale, wholesale and retail, at j I low* st rates. All orders for large or small (jiiauli, ties caret nil v pacJcedand promptly shipped. 1,000 barrels <;HO JCK SEED I'O IATOES? Early Rose, Eahly Goookich. .Mosnoi!, and olhtr varieties. A LLISuN ,fc AUDI&ON. 1320 and 1322 Cury sfreet. Orders sournKQ. ie 13 i m C ILOYEK seed oil consignment for sale l?y In 21 PALMER, IIAKTSOOK & CO. DlSSOLirriOAS * paktxerships. XfOTICE - CO-PARTNERSHIP. ? The JLl undersigned, having formed a co-partnership under ttie tlrni-name of E. E. TAYLOR <6 CO. for tlie purpose of tramactiug a' GROCERY AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, would be pleased to see our friends and the public generally at No. 23 south Thirteenth street. E. E. TaYLOR, fe 25-1 w* T. F. TAYLOR. WINES, LIftUOiW, TOBACCO, Ac. BUCKNER'S celebrated OLD KENTUCKY WHISKEY. | four years old; $2.50 p?r gallon; at te 13 CHRISTIAN A WHITE'S. PORTER, STOUT, AMD ALE, RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ENGLAND. BURKE'S and GUINNKSs'S STOUT, McOULLAGIl'Saud BASS'S INDIA and IMPE RIAL ALE, YOUNGEK'd EDINBURGH PALE ALE, CANTRELL COCHRANE'S DUBLIN GINGER aLE, for sale hy fe 1 1 DAV&NPOBT & M'>RU1*. Tm porters. pURE NATIVE WINES AND BRANDIES. Person? desiring nice WINES and BRANDIES which are WARRANTED FREE FROM ALL ADULTERATION will do well to inquire for thoit manufactured by M B. BUCK, AT "BELMONT" VINEYARDS, FRONT ROYAL. VA. For sale by druirglsts in the principal cities of tla country. Scud for REDUCED PRICE-LIST. Also, for family purposes, very choice OLD COPPER-DISTILLED WHISKEY, which Is guaranteed as to purity and excellence. This is sold verv low bv Hie case onlv. Orders solicited. sc 6-S.tTn?-n pKLUE CHEWING TOBACCO.-Ahead 1. of All, or Wilson's Fix Twist? 30 kegs of the obi lot. tin- lasi he ev. r made; Lotrier's strawberry Twist, three vo irs old ; Pace's Diauora, Clilidrey's Sunny South? Lot'ler's Short-Cake. Little Giant, icoseb'id; Etlvsoa's 1 4's ; all old and pri:ne J'oliac po? some three years old. 1 make Tobacco a siieclailv, have a luge stock, and sell at factory i.rtces. " LOUIS J. BO^SlEi X, ft 5 1412 Main street. (MLIAMl'AGNE CIDER, \J SMOKED BEEF-HAMS, SMOKED J ONGUES, Choice NEW YORK STATE BUTTER, PINEAPPLE C1ISK8F, YOUNG AMERICA CHEESE, Sr. J. B. KIDD, ja 31 717 Broad street. JDuUCKEit'S C1GA it FACTORY. Fine stock of superior CIGARS, TOoACCO, PIPES, &c., at JOHN BOUCHtR'S FACTORY, No. 1108 Main street, two doors from First National Bank, AT "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, [del 8-3 U1 J ? gUMMERDEAN" AUGUSTA COUNT Y RYE WHISKEY, u OLD IMPE RIAL CABINET" RYE WHISKEY. These sui>erlor liquors have been subjected t o rigid ana'ysis by Ur. W.E. Tayloh, State chemist. iind pronounced free from Impurity and eminently lit for family or mealctnal use. A large stock always lu store in barrels aud half-barrels. For sale only at wholesale by JENKINS. CAPERS & CO., Wholesale Llmior Merchants, No. 113 south Fourteenth street, Jal2 . Richmond, Va. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. 1 have remove* my place of business to No. 1G PEARL bTREET, where I shall keep a full line of GKOCER1ES, PROVISIONS, and LIQUORS, and shall be pleased to serve my old patrons and the public generally. fe 9-TujJfcS4w GEORGE I. HERRING. PRAYER IN STONEWALL JACK SON'S CAMP ? a splendid steel engraving, 18 by 24. Call and see 11. CHltOMOS of the latest importation? finest in the market, aud largest stock south of Baltimore: LITHOGRAPHS and STEEL ENGRAVING*, up wards ot 2.000, 22 by 28 ; ALBUMS. 300 assorted, from $1 to $5 each: to gether with my usual stock of BIBLES, CLOCKS, CARPETS, LOOKING-GLASSES. RUGS, OIL-CLOTH, VELVET, and BRUSSELS CAR PfcTS: FRAMES of all descriptions ; PICTURES and LOOKING-GLASS MOULDINGS (large stock), and PIC1URE FUaMEING. FURNI TURE of all torts. Save 25 per cent, by calling. If in want of my of the above gooes, will be sold for cash or on the Instalment plan. A liberal discount to the trade. WILLIAM DAFFRON. fe 24-1 m 1438 Main street. OFFICE OF TUE SOUTHERN LITHO GRAPH1C COMPANY, COUN'Elt OF ELEVENTH AXI) CjUlY STBEETS, W. C. CaRIJINGTuN, President. GEORGE W. MAYO, Superintendent. The Soutiikkn LiTUOGiJAnnc Comi?an"y would call tne attention of their patrons aud tlu public to their removal to the above location, wh^re they are prepared to furnish Check*. Note-, Drafts. CertlUciles of Stock. Diplomas, Policies: Note. Letier, and BUI Headings; Maps, Plans. Autograph ami Circular Letters. Business aud Show Cards, Tobacco and Labels, <fce.. iu near, workman like style, at low tJ^uri-s. guaranteeing to deliver goo 3 and satisfactory wyrk. fe 21* 1 in 8EINE-THKEAD of the lir f . h<i|ii i qualities and all numbers. j I Patent SEINE-TWINE, all numbers: SOFT SMNF-TWlXi , all numbers: I SEINE-CORKS; CORK-WOOD ; SEINE-LINES, ail sizes; YaWKING for lwngimr seines; Li N EN ROPES, all sizes ; COTTON ROPES, all sizes ; COTTON YARNS, all uum .ers; For sale very low at L. LICHTENSTEIN1*, Iinpoiter of Seine-Thread, * ii 1 1 > ^os: 1T,05 an(1 1707 Franklin street:. ?Ailklnds of SKIN t?.Smade to order. t fe 21 Tkf ASURy'S. FIJjE COLORS for Carriage ATA and Coach-makers. Valea tine's and S. P. I SiuUh^s V?iralibes. . For sale by * ' B JDEKER BRO^i ft *7 ' Drqggjatg. OOK AND JOB xRJNTLNQ DONE AT TillS OJNflCiC. ?? '-Wi B nrv I VjIT -A t ?'77'-* ' FiAAJNClAU ft* RICHMOND 9TOCE EXOHANQE. Friday, Ftebnury S?t 1874. gold. Bid. Atled. American GoM 112k 113 8TATK SECURITIES. Virgin!* oonsole. 51\ 02,' i Virginia consols, new QO 47 Vli*lnl*c^n*ol?, deferred 1 IV 00 virglDta tax-receivable coupons 77>? 78 Virginia interest oerrtflcatcs ...... 10 20 CITY. Rlchmondclty 8's. 97 09 Richmond city 6's : 00 785j Norfolk cltF-water 8's 80 00 RAILROAD BONDS. Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad 6's, t gold, fti. A N 00 57 ii South side Raiiroan flrst mortgage prrferred 8's, J. it 00 88 Petersburg Kailroad flrst mortgage 8 % J. A J ... 00 95 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Poto mac Kailroad 7's. J. & J 85 00 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Poro mac Railroad 6's. J. &. J. 75 00 Orangeand Alexandria Railroad third mortgagee's, M. & S *. SJ.'? 8u Richmond and Danville Railroad con'a,M. AN 09 72 RAILROAD AND CANAL STOCKS. P. B. A. Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac, common 100 0t!s 0t? Richmond, Fredt- ricksfcurg and Potomac six per cent, guar an teed 100 70 00 Richmond. Fredericksburg and Potomac seven per ccnU guar- O0 * -? fUl an teed o.v/w I1II1 Railroad 100 00 00 *d and H road, common. Seaboard and Roanoke Rail- 00 road, common SealKjanl and Roanoke kali- 00 road, gnarauleed....; ... iuu James River and Kanawha ;J s Canal BANKS. 00 000 121 First National.........-; ???? {r)() 10() 105 National Bank of Virginia qqq Planters National.. 10(, ()0 97 Merchants National.... lt)C) 95 90 State Rank of Virginia INSURANCE COMI'ANXES. ^ Virginia Fi re and Marine ^ ^4* Virginia Slate "? 10(J y0 oy Old Dominion miscellaneous. James River i?jd 12;' 00 11 vSH^^rl1#0 m 00 By Telcjyraph. NEW YORK. New York, February 27? Noon.? Stocks steady. Money, 4. Gold, 112^. Exchange? Long, 483^; short, 487. Governments steady. Slates steady. Even in {J. ? Money active and easy at 3@4. Ex change llrmer at 484. Gold dull at 1 1 1 1 2?^. Goveruments steady; considerable doing. States quiet and noinlnal. BALTIMORE. Baltimore, February 27 Virginia 6's. old, 86 ; Virginia consols, 52. West Virginia's, 11,^. North j Carolina 6's, new, 10; do. special tax, 10. Rid I to-day. - COMMERCIAL. CORN AND FLOUR EXCHANGE. Richmond, February 27, 1874. OFFERINGS. Bushels. Wheat.? "White 488 Red 606 Coax .-White 1,730 .... Mixed 200 Oats 8S0 Bales. Straw 21 Shucks 3 SALES. Bushelc . Quality. Price. Wheat.? White. .134 Very good $1 80 30 Prune p. f. 112 Fair 1 70 18 Common 1 40 140 Common 1 t55 Total _434 Wheat ? Red... 134 1 70 332 p. t. 140 \>. t. Total _606 Corn.? White.. 232 Very good 79 1-452 .... p. 1. Total 1.084 Oats 80 Prime c, p.i 84 Very goot|. 60 Total..-. ? 104.-r--: ? ~ Bales. Straw 21 p. t. Shucks 3 85 RE-EXllIBITED. Bushels. WnEAT ? Red 332 Corn.? White 248 OATs 800 RICHMOND MARKETS. Friday, February 27,1874. Country Produce. Roots: Ginseng, 75(fc?90e.; seneca, without top, 60c. Beeswax: 28;. 13 3b. Butt.r: Prime to choice Ycllovrt<33@35c. ; poor to good, 15$25c. ; common. 10ft 12c. Broom-Corn: Green. 8.1'<)10c. ; red, 4@5c. Corn Meal : 00c. bu-hel. Dritd Fruit.? Apples, quarters, 5(?:Gc. ; sliced, 7 (oi'Je. l'eache-, peel-d, 14(y'16c. ; u 11 peeled, (j Cln-rries, pitted, 15@18c. Blackberries, S<fc. Egos: la barrels, 17c. dozen; in crates, 18e. Flour: Virginia country Is ouoted to-day : Fine, i5. 75^*6 : super line. 67.50@48: extra. $8,504/? $S.7.>; family, ordinary ruu, 0 9.50^1)10; lanty brands. $11. F'.'ithrrs: Prime live-goose. 65??70c. ; common, 30a40c. Flaxseed: tl.70ffifl.80 '? bushel. Hut/: Virginia tlmotny, il.05iSfl.15; clover, 90c.@$l. Lard: Country. 9 rt 10c. Oats: Baled. 85tf90e. $ 100 Rw. Onion*.? trlSoMM bushel. I11 demand. Potatoes: Irish, 50yvG5c. HR uushei. Poultry.? Dressed: Turkeys, 15@17o. ; chickens. 10@12c. Rue : 85c. bushel. Sumac : 75c.? nominal Shucks: 85 c. Baled Straw : 60c. T'lthrc: 6'ft;7?". v1 2>. Wool; Washed, 40JC45c. : unw.ishcc, 25(03 0:. Ccineut, Lime, Plaster, fee. Cement: $2.25@$2.30 barrel; Rosendalc, $2.50. Lime: Agricultural,, 10c. ^bushel; Virginia. Indian Rock. *1.20^*1.40; Rivcrton, j-1.25 fe$1.40 ; RockUna, *l.65@^1.75. Plantar : Lump, io ; groun $11, delivered calcined, $2 75.'ft*3. Dry Goods. Drown Sheetings and Shirtinas : 4-4 Manchester, 9/Sc. j li Manchester. 8c-;. 3T Manchester, 7e. ; 4-4 James Kiwi-, gj.jc.; li .lames River, Sc Janus River, 7c.: Fontenoy, 8,4c. : 4-4 (iran itcvtlle. 1 1.4c.; li Graniteville. 10c.: 4-4 Potomac, 1 0)*e. : 4-4 Hlue Ridge, 9c.; 4-4 Hockbridge, lO.^c. \ "i Rockbridge, 9c ; 4-4 Leaksville, 11c.; 4-4 \V. Conesloga, 124c.; li G. Conestoga, lie.; h D. Conestoga, lOc.; 10-4 Pepperlil, 35c.; 10-4 City, 324c. Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings: 4-4 Wam?=ut ta, 18c.: 4-4 Musonville, 15,4c : 4-4 Rockdale, 144c.: 4-4 Home. 14c.; 4-4 Ouelda, 124c.; 4-4 Avondale, 10c. ; 4-4 Social, 10c.; 4-4 AiuosKeag. 12J$c. ; Wliiti'btoue, 1 0c. : \ Barnsley, 9c.; % Red Dog, 8c.; li \ fccltuate, 84c.; Methuau, Cj^c.; IV terbornugh, 7c.; 10-4 Waltham, 37,*#. ; 10-4 City Mills. 3 tic. Broion Drills: Petersburg, 104c.; West ford, 11,4c.; Granltevllle, 12c. L'urtet i Jeans: Pavonla, 31c.; Amoskeag, 12c. ; ilullowell, 114c. Dtnivie : Harlem, 12,4c.; Boston Steam Mills, 12)?c. Prints: American. 10c.: Allen's, 10c.; Rich mond, 10c.: Sprague, 10c.; Manchester, 10c.: Washington, 10c.: Hamilton, 10c.: Merrimack, 10c.: Mallory. 10c.; Oriental, 10c. ; PacWc, 10c.; Arnold, 84c.; Ainoskeag, 84c. ; Wamsutta, 7c. Cambrics: Rice, 9c.; English, 8c. Drugs, DycstulTs, Oils, &c. Alum: 6c. Alcohol: $2.25 ^gallon. Concentrated Lye.: *8 $ case of four dozen. Copperas: 3c. Cochineal: $1 lb. Extract of Logwood : 1 6c. Indigo: $1.25. Madder: 16c. Oils: Linseed, $1.10; machine, $1<S)$1.75, sperm. *2.25: whale, 85c.; straps, 60@70c. Labrador-cod oil, 804x85c. ; lard. 95c.; sweet, *6 3a dozen: best salad. $11 ; castor, $2 39 trallon: Virginia lubricating 50c.; kerosene, 18?18,4c. ? gallon. Race Ginger: 16c. Soda: Sal.,33t@4c.,in kegs; English soda, 74c.; American, 7c. Spirits Turpentine: 58@60c. Fertilizers. Guano: Peruvian, $80: Guuuape, $73^ ton; Sea-Fowl, ?50 ; Pncltlc, $50; Powhatan Rawbone Snperphosrlute. ?50; Flour of Rawhone, *56; Pirtlinonr. $60; Maryland Tobacco-Food, $00; Guanahanl. *40. ? Foreign Fruits and Candy. Candy: 14@15c. ^ ft.. Lemons: ?6.50&$7.50 ^3 box. Oranges: $3($1S5. ~ - ? i. Groceries. &c. Bacon : Shoulders. . 8^84c. ; clear ribbed sides, lOwlOVc.; Virginia hog-round. 10c.! Virginia bams, 12c.; (.ugoT'Cured, uucaiivased, 144@16c. ; plain q iuu, 134@14c.. Buckets: Painted, two hoops, $2.50 ; three hoops, ?>2.75. ? 5 -Brooms: Two strings. $2: three strings, #3? $3.25 ; lour strings, stnaJl. $3.75@|4 ; law, $4.25 <i^4--50; five strings $4.75?$5. Coffee: Rio? Common, 29?3Ce.; good, 31? 32c. r- prime, 8iMjS8e.: Lagna ra, 34c.; Jarr, 39@4Ic.; Mocha, 44#45c. - . Ct'CMe; Norltoern and western prime cutting, l73^@18c.; common, 10<S>12c. ; English dairy; 23 ?Sic-; Pluespple, 25c. ' ' twTiMae, twtwN ?adtfen?* 1OK01OXC.; *81 ?i?Sm87c. 1 b*rrei*.2vC ?? M<1 MUSOO"**^ BSSrESll *" TJortJi H^?20:No. 1 Shore. ?27/2j m| Mackerel? No* * ?*Yfl-aiJ|j 7. stock of No* 8 Wi' No. 2. ?u barrels. ?16g'ln *3.50; No. ?*^ekrTi,,eigMtVo 3, ?1.7?. ??' fits *3. 9-,/a*a^5 from ^ barJ"' Wrat Virginia ralt- ' 1^.? , ond era'1"'***'1 Sugar : Ornrfied. f^i n^?S CWO.^ J 1 1 L'c ; A, lO^jc.. iJ2?f 13c.; fcorto Ktc*i 10c.: yellow. ioWlic.; New OrleaBS, 9^mc.;j?ra?ara, i0*?lAI <*>?" IStS* *1'69- Hide.. t""^"ri-|,J;,?'l2ffll5c.: 'Irv ,?vBcSK-^?^??1#fcVWW",w' ST kip" fe*i ?!?'?? tag finish, 25^27^^ . r|iv finish. 4oV<$4(Jc. 1P * a-;rou?D fckirllug, 26&32C. Iron, Steel, IVails, tc. ^ rim. iind American retlned. 4@4!4C. ? fron: A l" Gr can sheet, 6 (3> 7^%: Swedes, ?ft. ; EnpllbU and Ainer ^ C?8c. ; Burden's 100 B?.; Burdeu'i mule *?' vtyinr's east, steel! 20@21c.1? lb. ; En?jg blis'teredt lW V &?? American blWrcd,12^c. : In store. *4.75 for smndard-that Is, teB penny ; other sizes extra. Plough* C'lstinys : Wholesale, o^c. ; retail) G^c. ^ Liquors, Wines, icc. Ah: Scotch, best brands, pints, *2.30 ^ dozen. Rectified Whnkeus: Common, *1@|1.15; lull proof, *1.1 5 i*U -20. Cash. Rue Wilis kw: Medium. *1.50?*2; pure old, *2(^*4: Virginia Mountain, new, *2@f2.50; old, *2.50g?*3.50 and upwards. Iirandu >Jt : Domestic. 81. 25(3)32 : fru't, > |1 -35? $1.50; apple, new, *1.50; old, $2@*2.o0, whole sale; peach, *3. Gin: Dorncstic,tl-25@?2. Hum: New England, fl.40@tl.50; .Jamaica and Santa Cruz. Lumber, Staves, Etc: Lumber: White oak. *15? 20 I'OOO: ^?st nine MBfflS? S^lSoS *12 @*1*5 : Joist, *16<a*20. according to leneths. Shingles-Pine, *2.50(tf*5: cypress, *7. 50. a *1.5. 50 1.000. Laths? Spl?t, *l.o0, sawed, ^?51' f artWW^Vhtotey-barrcl Umber. green. $1 3@1 6 1 000* seasoned, *15fo*20 ft 1,000. riour Srrel timlS; *7?*8 W 1-000. , Flour barrel Doles. *5@*7! hwrsnead hoops, no demaud, hick ory hoop, ?10@12 nominal. Rugs*? Mixed cotton, 3c. : white, 4(5)oc. ; wool len, 2(?3c. Rope: Manilla, best, 23@25c. ; Sisal, 22c. $ ?? ? jute, 12,'jc. Licorice. Licorice raste^- J. V. ?& Co., 31c. ? n- lt- 23c* ; A. U. C.. 23c.; K. & Co., 24c. Mill-Feed. Shipstuff : 55c. 13 bushel. Br oxen stuff : 30c. V bushel. Shorts : 25c. V bushel. Wheat Bran : 20c. bnshel. Corn Bran : 18@20c. $ bushel. Powder, Shot, Etc. Fuse: Toy's mining, 40c.@il.25 1? 100 feet. powder: *6.75 by the tlve kegs-less than live kegs, *7.25 ; blasting, *4'tf*4.50. Shot: Northern. *2.75@*3 ? biur of 25 lbs. Grindstones: 2@2#e. S>. THE TOBACCO MARKET AS REPORTED BY THE NEW YORK TOBACCO LEAF, FEBRUARY 24. Virainia /.??/.-9ales of Virginia leaf both for shlument and iJomestic use arc reporred. but chiefly fnr the latter purpose. There is a steady demand on manufacturing account for all goods of present ufefulnes?, but saies are apparently curtailed 1 lx>r the want of Rood worklug niattrial. Uenotesome transactions in Ings and primings, but 'here is lit tle or no movement In either class, the former be ing slow of sale at Sii'c., shippinggraUes, ;? Jiotb^he V^jdniaand western crops have mis. je^*" a muph ' laruer proportion of low l?tf and lugs tbaU u.>ual? ihan. Indeed, fop suvtial -yeanrbefore? and hs a re ?.u't whatever isgcjod of either crop will coraniaud ^nll Alices; ana wh'it is common and ludifTerj nt Vfir have to t:?ke its chances with the varjln tcudeucy of the market. Western common i lugs arc Jliouglit to lie poorer than they ordiuarll) are, areuing from those that have been handled; niulvnth reznrtl to Virginia lugs of the same dcirTpnon more complaint Is already made of the grit and sand to be met with in them than is usually heard so early in the,?c:won. I'rizers do not need to be tol.l aga'n that torelgn buyers lu\a riably object to tobacco that is not cleanly handled, but iicrliuDS It would tc well to remind them that besides bi'injr objected to when in an untidy comtl tion. It h> frequently impossible to sell It on that account, ?nd mat when sold it Is alw<vs at a uepre ciation lroin what it would otherwise have brought. If to Mil unusually large s?|?ply ot low gr.d.-s this sea>on Is to be added unusual complaints, well and Ill-founded, about their cleanliness. It U eaai to foresee what the range of prices tor them is likelv to lie All good tobacco b tlrm and advancing In Uichuiond. bright wrappers ranging ahead > at fancy ligttres, ^ hen they ?re to be had. Ihetuture of this class of goods, so tar as piesent stock i? concerned, is lieyoni the control of tli : bear iu tercet. Mr. Frederick Fischer, tobacco broker, sum marizes business i'i his circular, dated February 2d, as follows : New York :obacco receipts. Received Hits !? onili : Western. 1.03G: lu-;t year. Western, 1,082. From New OrleailF, 300; l:i>t year, New Orleans, 80. From M.ginia, 891 ; last year, Vir ginia, 1.217. Total litis month, 2,847 hogsheads. To I ij last year, 2.409 hogsheads. Stock ou liana in New I ork in inspection" warehouses? this year, 10- 104 hotheads; la t year. 0,597 hogsheads. Sales here for this month, 3,400 hogsheads ,* last war, 3 400 hogsheads. Receipts of tobaccoat New Orleans from .January 1 to January 24. 1 74, 017 hogsluads; Iron January 1 to January 24. 1873, 42 hogshead-. block ou ha no at New Or.eans in warehouses and on shipboard not cleared. January 24, l?>74, 7,309 hogsheads ; last year, 2,983 hogs heads. Jlanuf'ictured.? With the exception of here and there sales of small lots for current use we hear of nothlngdinlng ill* week lust closed. Neither for consumption n r . xptr. were Lie re any transactions of importance. so la- as we hive learned. Some snithern buyers were in town, but tliev selected only what could nut so well he secured elsewhere. Common to medium goods, tiiey are reported to 1 ave said, can, somehow or otner, be obtained from fac ories at i lie extreme south cheaper than here. Blockading used to be. cited in explanation of simi lar experiences sometime ago, but this, wesuppose, cau hardly be adduced to solve the enigma now. ISrtKht w< rk seems likely to become more than ordln.triiy precious as a of the scarcity and prro?Uujr uea?ne--s oi* brlgnt wrapper--. As yet there hay been no advance in bright f*o.>ds, hu^ the> have been made even iiruicr than ihey Wiie, and may appreciate in price at almost any moment. Sninkiny ? . ailier an increase of orders for smoking tobacco 1- am.ounced, and from quarti rs, too, which suggest tiie opening of the spring tivdc. if C ongress will onlyht the tsx alone there Is a fair prospect of a good iralllc in lids staple the current year. But will it he left alone, is now the question. Unless the discussion of the subject in Congress is iiesltfned. a-t some InlVr, merely to prevent the to bacco tra 'e from asking for other ustlul and desi rable moiliticatlons of the law, tlier.* is reason to ipprchend that before the agitation is over an iu irea^e-d tale ci tax will be levied, provided the trade Jo not resolutely oppose such action. PETERSBURG COTTON STATEMENT. PKTKRSBURU, February 27 ? 'I he following Is a statement of the receipts of cotton at this ]>ort for the week eliding to-day : Halt a. Receipts 937 < orrcsponalng week last yofir... 642 Ti tal cilice i'epu-inber 1. 1873 29 272 Corresponding time last year 30,400 Exports 402 Stock 5.075 Stock same time la t year 0.010 Receipts at this port for the year ending September 1 , 1873 41,504 By Tclesrapn. new york markets. Nkw Yokk. February 27 ? Cottou quiet and steady; sates of 1 373 bales at lOVa-lOkc. South- | era flour dull aud lower; *6.50i/i $7.45 for com mon to fair extra; 47.50^1 1 for good to choice. Whiskey lower at 0QJ^07)^c. Wheat dull and heavy and 2@3c. lower. unfavorable cab>e accouu's j materially checking export demand ; No. 2 t hi-! cago. *1-48. Corn quiet; 70fl&80o. for new west er u mixed Rice dull and uucliauccd. Pork heavy; new m?'ss, $15.75. Brt f unchanged. Lard steadier at 0 l-16@0's'c. ow steady at 75, '^7 13-1 6c. Turp?*utlut: qui^t at 48c. Rosiu quiet at $2.45<?> *2.50. BALTIMORE MARKETS. UALTrMOHK. February 27.? Flour strong end un chanpea. Wheat steady ; Pennsylvania red. $1.68 @51.72 ; others unchanged. Corn cull aud lower; white southern, 70($75c.; yellow southern, 70@ 72c.; mixed western aieaay ar 77c. Oats dull; southern, 50@58c. ; western, 55@57c. liye duil at 90@91c. Hay unchanged. Provisions quiet. Pork nominal at ?10^3510.25. Bnlfe meats steady. Bacon steady? lobbing demand. Lard. 9c. Ilams unchanged. Western butler easier and In fair do- 1 mand; roll. 40<?J42c.; tub, 40(??43c. Coffee dull ; good to prime Klo cuigoes, 23V024yc. Wh'skey nominal at 98(S,99c. s-insir, 97ic. CINCINNATI MARKETS. Cincinnati, February 27.? Flour dull. Corn dull at 50$j!tJ2c. Provisions heuvv and weak. Pork dull at &14.25?$14.50. Lard dull; steam, 8?4?8)vC. 5 kettle, 8^<4b?a'*. Bacou rull ; nhoufUfRi 0)aC.; clear rib, 8kc : clear, Whiskey llrm apd active at 03c. ST. LOIJ18 MARKETS. Sr. I ouis, February 27.? Flour? Improved de mand; niicts unchanged. Curu dull and a shade low*-r, 59S@50J?t- No ? 2 mixed, cast elevator, 59c. March, G4*c. May. Whiskey dull at 93c. Pork lower, ?14?fl4.50, round lot*. Bacon dull; only small jobbing trade. Lard uouilual. LOUISVILLE MARKETS. Louisville, February 27.? Flour qutrt ant! un changed. Coro,'71@73c. Provision* quiet aud un changed. Porfc, &15. ? Bacon? shoulder*. 0&c.; clear rlh,8j>c.; clear, 8fa. Packed lard? Tierce, 9*@9&<Cf kw, 95^0Mc. Whiskey, 99Jjc. ? * ? * r WILMINGTON MARKETS. Wilm in'oton", February 27.? Spirits turpentine quiet at 445%c. Koslo nwady ; *2 lor strained. C'rulft turpentine steadv;$2 for bard; f 3 for yellow-dip. Tar steady at * 2.30. i ! 9rJnviMtWil9f4u Ban DtfiMi.';*t:*?k>? 6,??3J_P.jgfti tjdy?t.>.??*..?fl;f? PORT or BICflMOf !j, TsbrtabY 27, 187i. ? ^okivkd;-; Steamer Transit, VraTervBelMmore. merchaarlli*: mid passengers*!* B. T?rai?? ?*enu SAILED. J tjjiM' StCMner Old Dominion. WjUkar. New York, mer chandise and passengers, G. ^?^Ie2*-Cftl|r I ot?*mer Jofin ?y I vestcr, Po?, > ?;^ ? ??*? c hand 1 58 fux2 pwseiiwfc !>? B. Schoonpr Nnrclas*. Applegartb, Western Branch, manure, Curtis & ^a,r? .1' u . .. i~.. ., Schooner Sertne, Jones, Norfolk, granite, Currie * Schooner .Hannah 8., Kelley, Norfolk, barrels, Carrie i Co. CLBAUKO fOIt THIS JPOUT. Bark Moro Castle, Jewell, New York, February 25'h. Brig Mary Allerton, Chase, Boston, February 25lli. MEMORANDA. Schooner Forrest Oak, Parker, hcncc,at New I Ilaven February 24ih. Schooner Arflc, Garwood, Boston, for Rich | ntond, at New Haven February 25th. NOTICE TO MAUrXERS. The f oar-bell at the lighthouse oil the north point of Goat Island, Newport harbor, has been repaired, and Is now In good working order. _ Al'CTKW NAUE?-THI? J>ay. IJy Cook & Langhton, Auctioneers, corner Governor and Franklin streets. HOR-ES, MULES, FARM-WAGON, Ac., AT AUCTION? On SATURDAY the 28ih instant, at 10 o'clock, we will sell at the horse-lot, Lumpkin's alley 1 excellent FARM WAGON and HARNESS ; 2 excellent HOKSfcS. 2 younjr well -broke MULES. 1 his slock Is from a gentleman declining farm njr, and Is sold for want of use. to 27 COOK <fe LAUGHTOV. By Cook A Laughton. Auctioneers, corner Governor and Frankiln streets. SPECIAL AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OF WAX-FKUITS. CONFECTION* H XY, I CAKhS. Ac.. &c? AT AUCTION -On SATUR DAY the 28th instant, at 10 o'clock, we will sell at our auction- rooms (up-stairs), a large and beauti ful collection of WAX- WORK of FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, CaKES, A c., &c., fitted upon handsome stands, and covered with glass shades. The stock will be ou exhibition on THURSDAY and FRIDAY. The public of Richmond is respectfully invited to call and examine it, this being the first exhibition of such goods in this city. These jroous have sec urcd premiums at the exhi bitions of l'arlj and Vienna. COOK & LAUGHTON, fe 25 Auctioneers. K E A I, 1ST ATE^ ATPRI VATE^S AI?E. By W. Goddin, Auctioneer aud Real Estate Agent, corncr Eleventti and Bank streets. I70R SALE, A "FARM IX PRINCE - GEORGE COUNTY NEAR KEAMS'S STA TION. AT HINGIS CROSSING. ON THE PE TERSBURG AND WELDON RAILROAD, FOURTJKfclN MILES SOUTH OF PETERS BURG, CONTAINING FOUK HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO ACKES, OF WHICH MORE THAN THREE HUNDRED ACRES ARE IN WOOD AND TIMBER.? At tlie request of the owner, Mr. John Joyce, who Is about to remove to Richmond, I oiler ifor sale Ills FARM of FOUK HUNDRED AND TWENTY-T WO ACRES. lo cated as above ; of which more than 300 acres arc In pine wood and timber of excellent quality. On the open land there isa large "DWELLING, need lug repairs, and the usual out-houses. To effect a speedy sale It will be sold very low, and city real estate taken In payment. This Is a tine chance to engage In th* wood and lumber trade. If desired the wood and timber will be sold separate from the land. Apply to fe 27-2 1 W. GODDIN. Auctioneer. ! J. Thompson Brown, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer. 1113 Main street, opposite Dispatch office. For sale privately, store in HENRICO COUNTY, dulnx a profitable busi ness, with five acre3 of ? xcelleut land, several house?, aud a line spring. The best stand in the county, belf g In four miles of t!ie city on a tine road ( Westham or River road), and in proximity to several quarries, and near the el te of the new reservoir. Tnis location Is really IteautifgJiayd very desirable (or a store,, nxai;ketta.nd pleasure garden. A^iyta pv go-otj'T thOmpson brown. c FOR SALE PRIVATELY, that VALUA BLE BUILDING LOT on the uorth line of CLAY BETWKEN NINTH ANl> TENTH STREETS, with the carpenter's shop thereon, and adjoining J. H. Biuford's new residence ou the TWO F< RST-RATE PIECKS OF REAL ESTATE, eligibly locate!, ON A VERY LONG CREDIT as to a large porllon of (he purchase money. Three larjre and In every respect FIRST-CLASS WAREHOUSES. A medium-sized BftICK DWELLING, in perfect order, and very convenient to the capltol, post otflce. &c. Also, other properlles in various localities, im proved aud unimproved, within the city, as well as suburban. FARMS and MINERAL L * NDS. / pply to J. L. APPEKSON, fe 23-6t Real Estate Ajrent and Auctioneer. iKSTOA^(?jrMyiES. QITY fire insurance company, OF RICHMOND, VA. c No. 1113 Main street. Assets 7. j. OLIO ASA SNYDTR, President; K. B. MkaDK, Secretary; J. li. Git ANT. Asslstaut Secretary. DIRBCTOKS-C Asa Snvder, Frank D. TIUI, Jn uses i)ui;iop, S. H. Hawes, l'eter W. Grtihbs. T. William remberton, Cement li. BarUsdale, F. B. WatU-'S, John Iv. Chiklrey, J J. S. Wooldrldge, \\ llliim M. Archer, Lewis I>. Crenshaw. Jr., William if. i'a.'iner, F. T. Glasgow, L. 13. Tatuin, Geor^? \V. Gary, Isa ic II. t'arrlugton, Samuel Freedk-y, \V. K. Quarles, T. L. 1). W a I ford, Anthony IJ.n>'amlD, John Tyler, \V. li.Luckc, William 11. Pojvcrs. Bailey l>.ivls, fe 1 1-1 m j ONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPAN Y, OF NEW YORK. Assets, over *2. 000, 000 P. II. GIBSON," Agent, fe 5-1 TO No. 1113 Main strict. N. WALKER & CO., GEN Kit A J, IX ? SUR\NCE AG K NTS, 1014 Main* strket, RICHMOND, Va.. representing the AMAZON INSURANCE COMPANY. ofCincIn nafi, oh o? assets over $1,000,000 ; :MA\1I\TTAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, of v>w York? assets over *5 00. 000; LYNCPBURG INaUKANCE ANU RANKING COMPANY, of Lynchburjr, Va.? assets ovei *500.000: ATLANTIC INSURANCE COMPANY, of Brooklyn, N. Y.? assets over $3 00.000; UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ol Baltimore, Md.? ai>s?ls over $'200,000. Deposited with the Treasurer oi Virginia, ?100, 000. Losses equitably adjusted and promptly paitf at this agency. Applications solicited, and Itnme ril'Ue attention tflven thereto. oc 1 6 T> OYAL FIRE lNSUtiAx^CE COMPANY IX OF LIVERPOOL AND LONDON. ASSETS OVER *12.000, OOOi Deposited with Treasurer of Vlndula. $MU>oo. IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 0> LONDON. ASSKTS OVER ?10,000.000 Deooslteu with Tnaisurer of Virginia, fso.two. Shareholders personally responsible for the obli gations of the above companies. Representing the above staunch olo /Cngllsh eom* panics, we solicit the patronage of the public upot their unquestionable security, prompt and libera settlement of all claims, and heavy Income. JOHN H. CLAIBORNE i CO.. Agents, No. 110? Main street. MUTUAL, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 0> NEW YORK. CASH ASSETS OVER t80.000.000. Cash dividends, Hnrp<usaing all other*, at first an every anniversary of policies. Premiums payable anuualiy, semi-annually, am quarterly. The oldest, LARGEST, and cheapest company In the United States. JOHN H. CLAIBORNE, Agent, se n No. 1109 Main street. EDUCATIONAL. \i USICAL INS TRUUTION.-PJ ANOS ItX TUNED.? I respectfully aunouuee to the citi zens of Richmond that having removed to the city 1 will be pleased to secure several pupils for Instruc tion on the PIaNO-FORTE ai-d other instruments. From a loug experience in teaching and faltiifnl attention I nope to give satisfaction, I am open for en;:a*ement as CHURCII-OR GaNIST. Piano-Fortes carefully tuned and re paired. Orders may be left at Mrs. Kessnlch's trimming s?ore, 821 P road street, near Ninth, or at my rctldcucc, Mo. 003 Itroad <treet. up-stolrs. fe *-1 m A. G f.Bu A ttpr. IJiaiMUNJD SEMINARY, XV 709 EAST FRANKUN STREET. . JOHN H. POWELL, Principal ; MRS. T. G. PEYTON, { Aas. elatM. Mrs. JOHN R. GARNETT. s Associate*. The second term of ibepresent session of this In* atltutiou for young ladles will begin FEBRUARY 15, 1874. ? ? fe 3"lm liPMBER DEALEB& inn nnfVFErr seasoned i can. 1UU?1/UU ADA SYCAMORE, 25,000 Jteet seasoned 4-4 CANADA SY ,J,;\.CAMORE. 10.000 feet CHERRY, 10,000 f*et 11 LACK WALNUT, 300.000 SAWisyt* LATH 100.000 CYPRESS SHINGLES. Large stock of GLAZBfr 8ASH, DOORS, and BLINDS, andBUlLDlNG LUM B* R pf evory de scription. TRUMAN A. JPAUKEU %W.v ' Cabal andByrtf nmi fe l<J-lm* ? ' from JttJth lo Mxrb street*. WEDDING AND VISITING- CARDS, f T beautiful, at the Dispatch PriuUa^House, T^vK?r?i3* W ... BeaUSrtaie AttetHnecw, oWcccornggetgnQa and Hall street^ rtOMM18S!ONKR;?*8ALE OF TRl'f r ct)0 r?OT1OS?CTiS?*K!rilL5^ JOB JaLK it gas e,s ffl?!ssas! of a dec ret of the County Court of ?ald VS Tironouortd at Ibe J'e.trrater term, ifjfo (n,ii <uit of Beazleya bcira vt Beasiej'j u^; ftjg ?Sell, ftt the place, time, and iborr.,uJ~,] TWO "VALllABLfc Tit ACTB UIT ^ the conuty afor? acres more or le I anceln original I containing Kti -^.uw orchard of peacu... ?>????. pwj, cbfrrte1.4e .1i miles of old court-bouse. 8 miles from station on Richmond ana I'cVrsburc railroad- Um in good heart Second. Tract of 1 CO teres *522 or ?efl?- 20 acres cleared, balance la oak ?u,j j?T: no baJWinifli, land good, about ? of a mile of Hal'* tray station. The ndghfeorhooo is an good i? rr> i where in tte eoaoiy. *ny* TKJtMS: One- fourth cash; bjlance,.'-, and eighteen mouths for negotiable aotc* teariW*' ilx per wnt. Interest from day of sale. Toe U'!? -iT lalned unt 11 further order cf the court. WILLI All AMBERS. fc 28 Special ':o;nm,,M',.lr?f, By Lyne A Brother, Real Estate Agents ana Auctioneer*, No. 1212 Main street. TED THIRD 8T! ... ... ? . v?iiit Accri<)x .. We phall, at the request of the owrn r. f ll 8t pubj^ auction, on the preini->ee . TilC K3DA Y, JUrco J:b! 1874. at 4 P. SI., that 'cslraMe l.rici residence located as above ? escribed, containing elfht ro?.!n?* kitchen. Ac., with nan aud water on the prtinl*-* Tekmp : One-third cash: r(*u,<* ? Tekmp: One-third cash; residue ,u? twelve months for uegotlabla twei.V* ? * a&l Interest added, secured by atru-; <Wd 7* T' twelve, and eighteen months f->r n<Wiihi? ; eight per cent, Interest added, ?c?H deed. LY>KABbWeRUW fc ~H Auction,*, Large sale of mules at ait. TIO>\? Will l?e sold on THURSDAY tk^Jth dav of March, at 1 1 o'clock, at the s-ahle of K. bleiix, on Franklin between Eighteenth land Mr." teenth streets, FIFTY (50) KIRST-CLASS Jilj.K* All of them arc w< 11 broke and ready for work. These inuks will be sola ou ninety 'lay," tlx.- fw city acceptances. "^IGH CONSTABLE'S SALE, T will sell at public auction, ot my \y 1306 Frankliu street. below <, MONDAY, i?r<-h 2. 1874. at II o'clock A. M , the following property, to satisfy sundry warrants, attachments, and executions in hands ; BOKKA1T8. WARDROBES, BPD.vrEAb& LOUNGES. SOFAS, CAUPKTS, RUGS, PICTURES, MlliUOt H, trunks, ch homos, Oil AIRS SAFES, CO? (KING-STOVE*. TABLE-, WaSUSTANDS, OFFICE-DESKS, WINDOW-SHADES. Two iiarrels STOUCHTOX BITTERS. MARBLE-TOP BUREAUS, WA&liSTAXr?S. and TABLES; Large lot UKAIX-BAGS, - 1 COAL-CART, 1 line WALNUT WARDROBE. 1 No. 1 LARUE OFFICE-DlfSK. *c. Teums : Cash. A. B. DUESliKRH^ , fe 27-3t High Constable City Klchainr.'i By W. ii. Robins. A uctioneer and Real Estate A/^rit, 1005 Bank street, near Tetrii. VALUABLE brick dwelling and T fiTHLB IMPROVEMENTS h'OU mLF.'by AUCTION, ON THK Pith. MI. "SEN, TUESDAY MARCH 8l). AT 4 O'CLOCK P. M.-W ill I* m,M to the hlirhe*t bidder, at the a' ore t!tue and l!4? the valuible property No. 717 norrh Nln'h between M and N srreets. consisting of hau'W* BRICK DWELLING of sir large aud four sou: I rooms, brick kitchen of two rooms, ami ?rr ral out. buildings. G*s and water supplied. Lot 35 by 130 ieet to an alley. Persons in want of a comfortable hom? at * moderate price, or desirous of nuking a (c<x><! i?. vestment in real estate, will do well to jttcn'l 'fce sale. I Tun MS: Wry liberal, and m-wl* kno*n at taV. fe 2(5- 3 1 W. B. ROBINS, Auctions. SHERIFF'S SALE.? By virlui? of an ex* r.^??tiot\iujip)iiaiidj) In f .Tor of C. J. Dooilald against B. W. Jioord.f shift! ' pr< >cecd to sell at th? store of C. J. Domfiifd. No. 107 Serentmub street, between Franklin and Grace, on the l)ih(?r of March, 1874, at 11 o'clock A. 11.10 hw e!i BROWN* SU'iAB (about 2,500 pc'ind*). Thumb: Cosh. JOHN W. WkIGHT. fe 25 frherlffcity of Kiebmom?. By GrubNj & Williams. Auctioneers and Real Estate A^nls Eleventh street between Mala an'J b'ank. TRUSTEES' AND ASSIGN'EK'S SALK JL of valuable farm of about thiilk MlLbS BELOW THK CM Y OF RHHM'JSh NEAR THE t?LO (11 vRLES CI TV KOAl>. A: AUCTION.? By virtue of a decree of the I'oird States District Court for the jEastera Ol-trN: ; Virginia in the matter of George I). i'leanti*. bankrupt, entered 21st February, 1874. the uoik'N signed, trustees und< r certain duetfe thtnln mo tioned, and assignees of' said bankrupt, wlli ? !i?t public auction, on the premises. 00 THl '/.>? DAY, March 5th. 1874, at 12 oM ck M~ itir whole of the TRa.C'1 OK TWO HUNUKEIi ACRES. more or le;s, on which the *uU Plwwrii* now resides conveyed to him by J\ H. IOitHi. P. W. Grublie, trustee, John (Jo^Ls&v, aaJ lltnr* Bates, p.s described In saldMVeral deed*. AVJutJ ' acres of the land is well set In timothy and jfcxit 25 acres in wheat. The land is very fcr ii'*. 'Hirr> Is on the place a liandst uje dwelling *l'h n?-i rooms, large barn and hay hoti-o. an ! ami'Us >t: bulMlng-i. all hi good order. Tkkms: Will be announced on ttadiyot -a . EDWARD P. ROUISSOV W. t;<?DIM.V. JOHN li. CUKN>UA'.V, T rti'lce*. F. M. CONNER, Avlp". Gut DBS ,t WlLI.tAMS. Am- iol.^ - . ?' - * _ Hy James M. Tayk r A ro?, Real Estate Agent* and Auctioneers, office corner of Eleventh and C-ir.kstretK WILL BE SOLD ON" TUESDAY TIIK 3d dav ofM.irch. 1874. at 12 oVEck ii . ?? Stearns's old distillery, at Kocketts, liUf-.K i-t TURN FUUE-liOlLER.*, ta It 34 f.-et 3 loug and 50 Inches In diameter, with two ltHu?? flues. , , Teh MS : Made known at the h "ir <?>< Jib*. James a. Taylor i son. fe 24 Auctit'Dwr*. ^AUCTION SAL5LH? f.uliire Day*. ATJilCHMOND REAL ESTATE /?-"j'V/.W liy Gruljtja &. Williams, Real Estate Aleuts and Auction-en, Eieveuth street between Malu atni &?"?? "D E A L ES r A TE EXCFTA NGE OF Rk If At MOM>.-THU&Tfcfc'a SA/.K <>F V TIM' " < 'P TWO HUXDKEf) A M > .SKVKXTV-TW" ACRES THIRTY SIX PHtCHKsOF CllfeSTERKIhLD OVUM Y. AT A L:< ' Hl'V-Is execution of the provisions i f * d ee>l < f frn-t ff ;:1 W'.G. Kfournoy to E. It Plourno?, *r 12th of November. 1802. to secure a 'if'Jt to J. i". Bowles, the undersigned, who has fk<eu suWltuW as trustee In ihe place and sl?-a<l of F. H. Flcurw*. will, as directed by a dreree of Ct.f?rerti'M Ormtt Court entered at the November trrin. 1673. It ' e- fH. .,?[! :?l u ? % v, h hy <irft iuu' . - wne lyin/ar on Swlfc rrwk and coiitMfnlu/ rv\?? liUXDKED AND sBVtNTY-Tff" Al'K' * THIRTY-SlX PEBCHKS. Ic of ti> M that it lies about four mile* fro iu tfi" Bfjc'* Pits, has on it a Kood mtJI'^lte, wlili Cue ???" power, aad Is the best wiwdrd land In ll;? TuitM.S: Cash for 8 of suit ar.d ut ?J>: balance on a en dlt of one, two. and tlir*^ jwr?ir botjtii wtlh go yd and suiSclei.t security. Jp^f* est fj ouj diy of saJe, Mid title reUifled uu'iJ w whole purchase oioney is paid. P. W. GKL'BBS. SabrtituteJTnrtt<. CHIBBS& WimjaMS. Auctioneer*. >*-L By Lyne Jt Brother, Real Estate Auelioueer*. No. 1212 AIslu street ?EAUT1FUL BUILDING W; 0> Jt>1> NORTH W F.ST CORN KK Ok 1 >??y- ; V JSHF.K STREETS,. ? li/ , i K l > V s J1U3UA1* JJAUM1 fiV' 'v'"' ^t] it suci?f shall, at the request of the o*,.,f1rf' ; , s < ; l.ol " as specified, tJiat al tractive BUI L>1 (y jjjf^ cated as above described, frontl 1 <f * ' &*>? to an alley. Cary street tm r^?{ ' >tm,t iu adatnixed, aud Is uow euual to a y *idjl!? city; Md there lua been ^5^'nJniou^,M moie new buildings than in any ??' tr-rt city in the past year, Jfor a ??*! ? ^ir **?" hi vest incut tbia offers i uio^t Dl'?iiuMs: Very liberal. auu hour of tote. LY>i ? fe 20-lds A By Urubtw A U lllbm*. Real hastate Axenuauj Auc/i^at'''^ Eleventh street between i!a!n sai Bank of VfrKloja.oo xw y* > ?. rjj,,. Tivi'r ' xl 12 o'dock 51.. the tract of VVOV^' ANU VAKM1NU ^ l scribed, coutainlwt 035^ * th ?( *? acres in wood*, niostly orUttpaH and timber; the balauwelew^ ^T '", w^j. i":i: ulac, some of U i*rge etwuaft m-, ou ; i creek Id the northern ljk)un i(>, a ion>*>i: , of the Clover HUl and JTenl<r j*s ataUoo, to wkleh aUtht w00U .. U very conv<mteuU _ vft\ME.Pwf:L '1 he lmprovemeuU are # '"'YffUiUjto*-1 . Ci jamnairoatf. iifaa of'bei?? ThU land l/r Wgll^ySJt M on U*= ^ three or trtcre n?rms, ?" tia*.a* "v vor Hill railroad. . oar oflvV. A ?>l?t of the land can be #ee? a. *???" A,mk- OHl'UBS t " S'iw.' fc 23