Newspaper Page Text
A XkffoR^rY Oet A WUSl?N??rj| V??? imm mM . ,, From the Elteabfth (N. J.) Journal, January SW>t6.J; * A correspondent vouches for the trutb of) Ibe follow fog: Farmers 8. and W, were; neighbor*, tbelr lands adjoining, separated; only by a small tlde?crefk.. On each side off the creek were low meadows, which were; overflowed at biffh i*de. S. bad a young.' <5o<r fond of hunting mice, and one day, while the men were cutting grass i(i the| meadow, the dog paid Farmer W* a visit. After a short abscnce they saw him return and cross the creek, which wag tben at low tide. After a lew hours bad elapsed, a, young lad who was in Farmer W,** employ came to S*'s house crying, and ?md that Ms dog came* over wfiile ties, was; preparing some potatoes for dinner, aud snatched the knife be had been ttsin g and ran off with It, and when he had told tbcj Rtory to Mr. W. be would not believe it, hot threatened to whip b&o unless fee found iu\ Mr. S. called the dog, but be was too busyj bunting mkue to pay attention. After much: scolding, however, be came and sat down before his master, which was his way of! saying be wouldn't mind. After telling: lila to get the boy's knife, or he would be! whipped, Mr. S. was about to give it up asi of no further use. Suddenly the do? started ? off and rxu to the weadow, wbich was by: this time covered witti two ieetof water,; Into which be plunged and swam straight to the spot where be hod erossnd the crock,; circled about two or tbreetfenes, doye (town to the bottom, brought up tbe knife, and came out with It and gave it to bis msN&er. The boy neoeivod it, and went home re joicing. I&PXXSKCK <XF THE 3IOW <05? "CROPS. A UTew York paper says.: ~ There ibas always beets a powerful superstition tbat the moen ?serf?d * ?*at influence npon the affainMw . xuankiiwi, bat this ideahw provatfed clileff; among tbosc ? ho did not nndenstand the utter kBpossbility ttint tie mo&n co"**: esert any ?ieh influences. Formerly the. star* w?re opposed to aswfit .the flioon In ?these iBterfeneaccs with mankind aad their; labors, and to be able to 'read the stars ; was equivalent to tbe possession of prophetic ?nowers. Now the star* have lost tliw repu tation. and the uioon is in a lair way to loae.wtat little h left of it eniZv people wer-e * aoon-wuck hut . now" when we see a l.unatfe -/derived] from Luna? the moon? and realty meaning moon-struck), wed* not btoroe the moon Sot it. Tbe moon has now faJlen so low as to be supposed by some to Snfluenee onJy tJse , twininar of beauson tbe pole, the planting of seeds, tbe wasting of pork in the pan {unless it wa? killed under a growing! moon), and tbe making of soft soap. I o a , reasonable person tbis 6eems a small taitfoess for the moon to be engaged in, or a very unlikely thing that the moon can exert any such influence I If any difference oc curs it will be from other causes? such; -as soil, weather, etc. Lastlv, it is absolutely certain that tbe moon's influence on our at mosphere is so very small t bat it cannot even affect the weather in the least." A friend of ours, having determined to give a musical party, looked about among j bis acquaintances for suitable guests, and lifter considerable cogitation and inquiry ? made up bis mind to invite tbe following: Joues, because he was so clever In blowing his own trumpet; Brown, because be -pos sessed the abiJlfcy/M harping on one string; Smitb, because* even it you stopped him in the street lor- a moment, he began to fid dle with Ws collar; Thompson, because the sight ofc'a thirteenth card of a suit tilled blrn with an irresistible wish to ?? trump it*'; Bobinson," because, if rumor was true, . ftA-ucjag uadoubtedly base-vile " man; "Johnson, because, according to all ac ? counts, he played second-fiddle to his wife ; : Simpson, because, as a newspaper proprie tor,, be had an organ of his own; Richard son, because he is so good at the long-bow; and Batnuelson, because he and his wife are celebrated for their kettle-drums. ?Mu ral New Forlcer. A muffled man, to Windsor bound, cries, ?'Boatman, do not tarry ; and I'll give thee - a silver pound to row me o'er tbe ferry." 44 Now, who be ye would cross tbis stream when it is past 11 ? To launch my craft I . would not dream ; the boats lay up. at 7." 4t Throw off' that rope.," eried out tbe man, as be buttoned bis protector, " and be as lively as you can (whispering)?! am a Chi cago* bank director." "Now, that remark your sense displays ; I'll row you over, sonny ; not so much for your winsome ?ways as for your bag of money." With ice tbe boat gets many a shock, and each calls forth invective?there now appears on the ferry dock two men and a detective. "Come back, come back," they cry in grief, in accents sweet as honey, " and we'll forgive that flying thief. Our money ! obi eur money!" But look! be lands on yonder shore ; there was nothing to pre vent him ; and they shall see him never . more, though they always will lament him. Free Press. The Ameer can neither read nor write. "What is tbe use of reading or writing I " be asks, " when one has hundreds of peo ple to do it for one?" He is, however, said to be well up in history, the result of conversations with learned men, by whom he liked to be surrounded, as do most In dian princes. In public he is frugal and sober, but in private he is a drunkard. A society in Worcester has decided that the world owes more to science than reli gion. That settles one question that has kept us awake o' nights.? Boston Post. An old sofa on which John Quiucy Adams used to take a nap after dinner is still own ? ed in Washington, and the owner won't let a sight-seer get within ten feet of it.? Free JPress. Which 49 tbe sleepiest letter, and which at . tbe same time is most likely to make a noise Jn the world? The Torpid O, of course. J J Boston Transcript. mVkB ANPAOtJE PAP. OLMAN REMEDIES- WILL CURE H ALL LIV?fi AND STOMACH DISEASES. Hundreds of citizens in and around fittchmond have been cured within tbe last three Bwatba, and are "willing to pnbllsb it to tbe world. . Thousand* of testimonials eaa be seen at the office -snfflclenfc to conjure tbe taoet sfcejjitealf IN COMPLICATED CASES A TBEAXKZEST IS NECESSAKY.^l^l;- Ji.fb ? ALL CONSULTATIONS FfiEE, AND SOLICITED. Separate room fox ladies, la eliaige of a tad? at tendant. All com m u nicat iou a from the eoantrr pwarn pt }y answered. Hereafter these remedies win be for safe by the Company's authorized agents 02TX.Y. ;'K': '? . t - S liKGULAK JWDY PL ASTER, SOe.; FOOT-PLASTERS, COc. per pair; H ^y mail 00 receipt of j : ' LIVEB PA? OFFICE, aois M-uk STBBtT (upstair?) opfcsxtk Post- j >?** in ????. ;.: S vf?itGaitL4-iAi)D * ca, is? Jk? x%arti&CJ5t, single sod double, ftcstSe try rCMCELL, LADD t CO., IlMggirii, ' J* *<? .JMBBP' 1218 Uidti'strert. UTEE-PADS rJfnlfliU $?t-v t??< >/rvv;; ? VjZ- i' POi " ? V- ;? | . s-. -I-.: J!;-, i FOR "SALE BY ,'i vim J.BLAT&.fcrusg^ V ;5:'*V /f} - Xvr4-' ijtyj v*' <elO ?' ;? coraer of Broad and Ninth streets. ,.f. ' - ?"?? ??'?'? :^y ? -??'?? :- ;V ' j J^ATUfifiPS REMEDY ! ENDORSED BY MKIUCAL PROFESSEiwi - ; OWE ALUM AND IBON MASS AND WATER | "jreOMTHE *v : (BEDFORD {&&.} ALUM AND IRON 8PBSNGS. ESTABZ/KStXV TVTKKTT -SIX YKARR. ?Wfflciencv nrovoS by actoaS results tu thousands of n? B.? ?n IT VWCEDCU, VUivwtv (Oau-.nwusAflcotlcas.Wurc! . 1 CHIUs and Malarial Fever. Extracts from tosll 'U,?atc9t remedy .for Inflammatory Sore Throat and JMnktberla ever<usod by me? as r hare found aft?r a mWict of forty y?tt*,? acts *a a tonic, alterative, and febrifuge; profecaUle to chlorate. of potash.*" P. A. HIRTERD, M. D., N. C. ?"After a praetlce of many years I have found 310 remfidy cqoai k> BedCord Alum and Iron Spriujss Wctor ana Mass Xor Ch route diseases and diseases l>ccullar to women/' ? _r .Jons P. MEtrsrEALTi. VL D., IX. if., Va "gtfoeessfaliy used ta Dyspcpcla and Chronic DimicUs'J." Sr rof. SamX Jackson. *L II, Univ. of Pa. | "Surpassing any remedy that Ikuowof for scro fulous aflfactlous. tfave.used It for itrenty-flve vears la joy practice." T.L.WAlxek, M. D.. Va. M After an expertencc of near iliirty. yenre I have ?foaod 110 treat went equal to this water and mass for Scrofula, Cutaneous Affections. Glandalar Derange ment, CltMaic IrrWa'lons of the Bladder, Kidneys, and Ureihrsi; Ulceration, and certain foyuisof T>ys peprta." Prof. J. J.. Moorman, M. D., Va. "KO ?WAIEKS HAVE A WIDER KAKCE OF USE FULNESS;" Va. Medical Monthly. Richmond, Va. "Used with nn para J ted success "In hemorrhagic malarial fawn?" W. A. Green, Ex-Vice-President Ga. Med. Aeso. "ENTTBELr CL*REI> OF CHILLS AND FEVER BY p." Rev. E.'c. dodsok. J. a. Lee, Va. Directions. anaiyis, and full proof of at] claimed 6ent with cadi package. Water, 30 eest* per gallon; ?4 per case of one dozen half-gtHou bottles; $3 for live-gatJon ueuii jobn. Mass. 50 ceut$ and $1 per bottle: $2.00 and $5 per half-do zfci), aeeorriiug to size? sent, post-paid. Full proofJof all claimed sent free upon applica tion. Liberal terms to dealers. Invalids are accom modated at these Borings at all times of ibe year. Address A. M. DAViEB. President of the com pany. Lynchburg, Va. Sold by POLK MILLER & CO. no 18 . MEADE & MAKER'S DRUGSTORE " AIR-CUSHIONS FOR INVALIDS. : AIR- PILLOWS FOR TRAVELLERS, . HOT-WATER BAGS, ?- . ICE DAGS l'X)R THE HEAD, RUBBER CLOTH FOR INFANTS, SOFT-RUBBER BED-PANS, TRAVELLING-FLASKS, SPONGE-BAGS, . POCKET-STOVES, HORSE-HAIR FLESH GLOVES FLRSH BRUSHES, POCKET-INHALERS, ? ? ?' STEAM-INHALERS, THROAT-ATOMIZERS, '? NASAL DOUCHES, ABBOM1NAL-SUPPORTERS, ' HARD-RUBBER TRUSSES, FEVER-TERMOMETERS, GALVANIC-BATTERIES." And all SURGICAL and j MEDICAL APPLIANCES sold at . MEADS & BAKER'S Drugstore, au 27 919 Main street. FOR RENT. Rooms for rent, singly and^* IN SUITS, with biub-room convenient toftiil every floor, and Mater and eas throughout. Apply at the new brick dwelling No. 614 Nluth street. Ja 29-W.M& W3t* F OR RENT, No. 307 Franklin, between Third and Fourth street*. No. 102 west Grace, near Adams street. No. 115 south Third street, between Cary and Canal streets. No. 900 Marshall, northeast corner of Ninth street. No. 514 north Fifth street, between Clay aud Leigh streets (Sublett's Row). No. 2606 Franklin, between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh streets. ' So. ? i southeast corner Mayo and Broad streets. No. ? Broad betwetn Twenty-seventh and Tiveu ty-elghth streets. No. 605 north Twenty-fifth street, between Clay and Lel?h streets. No. -Twenty-third, betweeu Maitl and Franklin streets. STORES. No. 618 Broad, between Stxthand Seventh streets. No. 1553 Main, near Seventeenth street. No. 207 Broad, between Secotidaud Third streets. No. 2225 and 2227 Main street, between Twenty Second and Twentv-thlrd streets. No. 2323 Main, between Twentv-thlrd and Twen ty-fourth streets. No. ? Thirteenth, between Main and Cary streets. No. 1715 Frauklin, near Seventeenth street. No. 6 south Fourteenth street, between Main aud Cary streets. No. ? Sixth, between Broad and Marshall. T offer all these houses, and many more, at prrcatly reduced rents. Any one wishing to rent can cer tnlnly be salted. Apply ">K0BE|lT ? T.YNE, Ja26-4t 1212 Main street. \lf ARRET AND DAIRY FARM OF ill FIFT\' ACRES FOR REST, on new Noith road, one mile from the. city : well set iij clover, wheat, and oat*; the usual variety of winter vege tables, salads, asparajnis-beds. strawberiies, fruits, &c.; having no superior in the vicinity of Rich mond. GARLAND HANES. la 11-SA-WOt FOR RENT, THAT FIRST-CLASS RESIDENCE ON THE EAST SIDE OFfiO FIRST BETWEKN CARY AND CANAL STREETS- The house is a new one, having been built about eighteen months, and contains about twelve rooms; eas. water, bath, ruuge, &c., and ail the most modem couveniences. Rent very low. Apply to ROBERT B. LVNE. ja 27-3t 1212 Main street. ' WOOD AND COAL. Anthracite coal.-i offer for SALE 500 tons best quality RED aud WHITE ASH EGG. STOVE, and CHESTNUT COAL. Also ! on hand afull supply of WEbT VIRGINIA SPLINT and CUMBERLAND COAL? all of which will be sold at lowest market rates. Dealers aud consumers wHI please send tlieir orders to my office, corner Seventeenth aud Cary ttreets. ju.28-3ai WIRT ROBERTS. iXUKST-CLASS ANTGRACITE COAL? J. STOVE, EGO, and NTIT^-on Jiand and for sale at lov&-r cash prioes. OAK and PINE WOOD. S3 to $3 .SO per cord, at the yard. BEST LUMP SPLHfT. *4.50 to $4.75 per 2.000 pounds, deliv ered. SOFT COAL for grates; BRIGHTHoPE or CLOVER HILL. *3.50 to $4 per ton; SOFT COKE and ENGINE COAL? lowest cash prioes? at either yard? Breed street opposite Theatre, or Nlnc:eenth -and Cary streets. lj-t27J C. M. PAGE. A T LOWEST PRICES.? 200 tons BEST 1 3L ANTHSAC1TE COAL-all sizes; 100 tons BEST LUMP SPLINT; 100 tous BRIGRTfiOPK and- MIOLOTHIAN lJUT. HAIL, and LUMP COALS, ar *3.50. *4. acd ML50 ner ton; COOK ING COKB? wry best; DRY PINE and OAK WOOD? toaeg. sawed, aud spilt? at 805 east Mala street. Try a&e with cash. , Jf. B. WATEXNS. Ja 25-gw. ii- - .... ? i ? D R. CA&JfciNGTON, p " - DKAEJKH IW ? ? .^v: . r , EAAT-SAVK SPLINT COAL, ANTHRACITE COAL-** aires; STEAM- A*S> ENGINE* OOAL, ' -'So. 14JA& AVp PINS WO 0D, Ft ft.; ;/* r; - r?*Y tavr. ? (. i-'opi {.v Oorner Seventeenth ?ad Cary and Jefferson and Broad gtreets. Jal3 iTlOALWJRtfH SPLINT LUMPCOAL; \j a*0(?aailed for prioe ese. ?'<*? ..vs ^ ANTHRACITE COAL ? all rizfis. " vf- i SAWEO And LONG WOOD.'; L"^r ' : ' ri " : S.H. HAVES,? [ dffgS-Sio ^ Eight eocthand Ctry street*.'-' TTAVAWa A SPLINT. THE PEERLESS X3L OOALforopen gratee; : < ->a ANTHRACITE COAL, in house fUes-best gxtaS}Ly ' . '"atlpwwtretoa;. ; : Y'- v r ?; 8TSAM ami FOyXDRY COALS. City fiehool. scrip taken. S. P. LATHROP, , ? 4?14 *v " fleveateenUi street at Draw-bridge.' .L FOR "THE TIMES." Railway Company deliver their , UL, and LUMP COAL at above _ mttdos^io ba better this sea-, sou tilts vwMtorr. . , A &&THAW* Commercial Aaent, de^-So; Sleuth atui Byrdsirctta, ? mitoerof fames Turn?r,f?,j w'" ??*?>? | t!t^S,lr}f7A}u,, tboM nwtteroX fnm Turner- m ?^r7. &?? rc"ntVd,G'lo,T'on,,ie rrcrnfc**,, Lttt toeaf&1 hw ?bove, flroutftu ?N b a DOUBLE FEAMK TCT^>>NTrt^r6?i ?no$ftlniB<r?wr rooms, bejWer<fc?<u*iul 0^baf,a *TERKg::i?o? fborthe**: Bblewre ?it tixi, twdhr^ and eigtiUffl* months for madtofele nole?> ta&ercst ****** ? We. theTr.dcrelfimed, tirorter* 3n the several <IeedB of tru?r,i*ll loin in t!? ewfitothc porch****, so an W 0OTW'* ',?U', ""V. ?f?DW, ? J MDBS P^A8A1W5^o BKViBia^.F. IL?NJ5R? j*2i-gteo<ifd? Tnratees. By Robert A. (Mae & Co* *?&?'??? fa L' :? - Auctioneers. . J^ABSE AND ATTACH VE/SALK. On WEDNESDAY, 2?th Sn^nt. oonMndnr at 10* oHSock. we will sell at oar. ?cdonjwras, JJo. 18 fontii Twelfth srree^iwoj^^ ^ol^ of STOCK GOODS. In pood or&r, ooniSstAngoi ? sV^BOOTS ?ndrSHO?S, ; : ^ ^ : , ^ ' ftM: % Tt E ADY-S ADE Cfyri tiiXQi! . , ^E^8^PLATFWM-9C^E58, ? ] ? .-. COUNTER-SCALES, &c.,*c.4 ? with en?involec of entirely fresh mriiVPti " ' - ; MEN^, BOYS', and CEULTXREIFB BOOTS, v ?? ;? A-. ; y?/OW-8HOES, BAIillOB ALS, ^ , O0N8EE88 GAJTEHS. , . LADTJiS' SHOES, & c?Jbc.---r.t (i ALSaaTeryimefrfTOlcetff , : FANCY -GOODS, ? last recnfcved from New Yorfc,?ow prist agaipvat v? rltty'of choice and desirable good* suited to Che city retail trade. " '" Sale positive and vithont ?ftm. JKOBERT A. I'AINE & CO., ja27 Ancti Queers. SHERIFF'S SALE OF STOCK OF HARDWARE AT NO. 4 WEST BROAD STREET. By virtue ?r executions in ray fcaadfi. I shafl ero cced to fell. aUthe store of Mr. ,C. EL Elliott. No. 4 west Broad street, on WEDNESDAY the 29th In stant. commencing at 10 o'clock, his entire slock of HARDWARE, consisting of thp usual variety fouxid in a retail liardwarc store. . Also, three (pair 8CALES. one SHOW-CASE, LETXER-rBi&S, DESKS, two PLOWS. Jb c., Jbc. JOHN W. WRIGHT, Ja 28r2t . f 'j < <i Sheriff city of Richmond. By itobert A. PaJue & Co., Auctioneers. Auction sale~of 400 barrels OF FLOUR.? We will sell I ?y auction TO-DAY. Jan nary 29th, at 10 o'clock, at the GallegoG'ora MiUs, . ? . 400 BARCELS FLOUR. part of Ihe carso of tlie schooner Caducity, recently sunk In James river. Ton MS : At the sale. ja 29-lt ROBERT A. PAINE & CO, T HAVE JUST ARRIVED AT DAVIS'S A STABLES with FIFTEEN SUPERIOR HORSES and MARKS, suitable for the southern trade, which I will sen by auction THIS (Wednesday) MORN ING. i ? ; JOHN HOPKINS. C. C. Beamy. Auctioneer. ja 29-lt AUCTIONEERS, Ac. FKAXK V. U1LX.. * KOBEItT JI. GILLIAM. J^RANK D. HILL & CO., REAL'-TiSTATE AUCTIONEERS AND AGENTS, No. 1108 Malk strkjst, Richmond, Va. ? REAL ESTATE .sold ptivately or at auction. If UNTS COLLECTED and prompt returns made. Particular attention paid to negotiating loans on real estate. i Parties having money to iuvest ?will please cive I us a call. Ja 13-codlCt Officc of J. Thompson Brown, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, V 1113 Main street. QWING TO THE FREQUENT APPLICATIONS IN PERSON AND BY LETTER * ; FROM jUJROAD FOR DESCRII'TION OF PR0PER1T In and about the city that can be purchased at rear sonable prices, I have concluded to meet that need, and am now preparing A NEAT OFFICE PAMPHLET e> '* ?#< . ? * . . ? e- - c - ;? ?? for the spring of 1879,, of such property. This PAMPHLET is-not intended for a general distribution, but is to be used onlv in cases where parties in and outof!tlm city actually wish to pur chase homes' or make investments here, and will contain a full and distinct description of each piece of -proper tv as to Its merits. 'JttJeiuany atofontnijes of this PAMPHLET areat once^ajiparent. We earnestly solicit all persons having such property to send us a description of the. same, with their lowest prices and terms, with a dis tinct understanding that 710 cost whatever is in curred unless u sale la effected, and then only the usual commissions on sales. >. i To save time and trouble In writing descriptions, I have printed blanks prepaid, requiring only a few words to be inserted, thereby giving a complete de scription with but little trouble. Any special re quests as to restrictions will be complied with. These descriptive blanks will be sent promptly on application, and should be returned without delay. Ja 18-10t J. THOMPSON JJROWN. SEASIDE IjIB RAJIV. CE ASIDE LIBRARY. The following new Nes. of the SEASIDE LIBRARY Just received : V1LLETTE. Charlotte Bronte 20c. CYPRUS. Its History, its Present Resources, and Future Prospects. R. Hamilton Lang 20c. THE SORROW OF A SECRET, and LADY CAR MICIIAEL'S WILL (both Id one book). Mary Cecil Hay lOr. A SHOCKING STORY. By Wilkle Collins.. .10c. A WOMAN'S JOURNAL. From the French of Oc tave Fealllct 10c. DIANA CAREW. By Mrs. Forester 20c. IN THE YE Alt ?13. Fritz Reuter 10c. INDIA AND HER NEIGHBORS. By W. B. An drew .? 20c. TWAS IN TRAFALGAR'S BAY. By Walter Besantand James Rice 10c. The above will be sent (post-paid) to any address on reccipt of 12 cents for the 10-cent Nos. and 25 cents for the 20-cent Nos. A catalogue of more than 400 BOOKS sent free to any address. ELLYSON & YANCEY, Booksellers and Stationers, de 30 * 1111 Main street. ? MUSIC. . ?1 ARM EST, POTPOURRI, "v SWEDISH WEDDIN G MARCH, V * London life Gallop, Strauss and Waldteufel's WALTZESf- - ? t ;;> ?BUBn^^iN'S WORKS. ? AS the most popular operatic songs, elegantly ^n ??*v?hI, fnlUh?et-muslc dze, oa the very beet pa pec. for 1 0 and 20 cents, in the Iioozey catalogue. - 0atalogtie9bf'800 different places sent free Wmnj ad&vsg oil application Iv ? 7- ' JELLY SON & YANCEY'S, dfeSQ.-; 1112 Main gtreet. g QTHIfft; SE.EET E ! p-;ra a v engraved; full'aheet-ranaic idae? oc the be? haver. AH <rf the latest and olrt-tiraeGavotteR, Mozart's .Sonftiuk.Sa&boxen'* CoiuposIiIodf, Reuben stein's Works. Straws'* aud <W?lateufer3 Waltateajiail ?he . English, Scotch, and piece at the above ? Or ELLYSON A YANCEY. 1U2 M;iin ctreet. Richmond. Yi, sr.ff M BBtNG-MACHUjES AND DUMB mtwivrwxmp- -7- ? is?5g$lli^ gg^ ip| - p^Mtti and K*>1 Ertate . gterentfc' tfreetltttweeii Mala and Bank. ; NORTH WES? OWNER ?r Jgwg?? deodof ibe property: ana me resume ?>?u -.y. ? scrflKd bythc jrrantur Jnsal<i deed or trust: and in esse oMiisfldlum then apoa tmnsto be named by me m.aenttn.d .t lb. Um? ?J'&'VlLT.IAMS, ' ! ;. r.> - - Ir- LEWIS BOOKJSlt, ? ???.?? ' -4 1? ; *rj -. , '*. . , Trustees. 6KSgPS A WILLIAMS, Aoelioneerf. J* 29 f. ? . By Frank J. Sampson. r:-.y>; j Beit Estotc Ageut, Anctioncer.ajid Notary Public, corner of Ninth and Hnll, streets* - . ? Manchester, Vau nnBU?TEEyS SALE1 OF TWO-THIRDS JL INSfKMEST IN A VALUABLE- FARM IN THE OOfONTY OF CHESTERFIELD. AND ONE HA-Bf*T?TERBST!N TWENTY ?T W O ' VACANT LOTS IX (HOLLAND'S ADDITION. NEAR MAN CHEOTBR, AT AUCTION.? By rirftic of a deed of rrusl executed lO''CWarleR W. Turner aud K. J. Sampana on. the 21*1 d*y of January. 1678. dnly of record in the Corrntv Court clerk's office of Chester field coutfty.'lii Deed-Book 60. pagfc480? being re quired 6oab do by tbc beneficiary 1n saw deed (F. J. Sampson <tocllning to act as trustee)? 1 will offer for safe, on the premises, on TUESDAY the 11th of Felirnarr. 1679, at 12 o'clock SL, TWO-THIRDS INTEREST in that valuable farm known as " BROOKS'S," neai Tomahawk church. 1 he whole containing THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY EIGHT ACHES (more or less), now occupied by Mr. Cheatham, .and nearly surrouua'ed by the valua ble coal-Iatwlsof Franklin Stearns,. Esq.. purclmed by hlin not long since at lilph figures. There Is every reason to believe that a fine body of coal underlays ihe surface from the visible Indications on apor tloirof tbc farm; besides, If Is regarded one or the best farm* In tlial vicinity for all crops made In this section of Virriola. Buildings ample, and for the most pare in good condit on. i his property offers first-class Inducements to farmers and capitalists. On Hie next day. WEDNESDAY, February, 12. 1S79, on the premises, commencing at 3 o'clock P. M., I will sell ONE-HALF OP TWENTY-TWO VACAN1 LOTS eligibly located in Holland's addi tion. Holland's Hill is rapidly building up, and per sons seeking safe Investments in the suburbs of Manchester would dowell to give this sale theli* at tenlion. Tenuis : One third cash: thd balance npon a credit of six and twelve months for notes, with six per cent. Interest added; and well secured. CHARLES W. TURNER* ja 20 . " . . Trustee. DISSOLUTION AND SALE IN THE CITY OK MANCHESTER.? KNOW all Mejt By THESE Presents: That we, John McCauley and A. R. Neale, dolua bu*ine?s ao pirtners under the firm-name of JOHN MoCAIJLEY & CO.. in the city of Mauchestt r. as brick-makers, have this the 28'h day of January, 1879, oissolved onr partner ship, and will on the 30th day of January, 1879, on the premises, at 11 o'clock A.M., sell at PUBLIC AUCTION tiie unexpired lease of the BRICK YAKI). BRICK-KILNS, FIXTURES, and AP PURTENANCES thereunto attached and belong in sr. Tekms : .Made known on the dav of sale. JOHN MCCAULEY, A. R. NEALE. Fpaxk J. Sampson. Auctioneer. Ja29 By E. B. Cook. Auctioneer, No. 1311 Main street. LAKGE AND VARIED STOCK OF: CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, AND IIOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, &C.. &C AT AUCTION. Havtng determined to discontinue tills line of busi ness and devote myself exclusively to the manufac ture of carriages. I will sell at my store, corner of Fourth aud' Broad streets, on THURSDAY. 30th instant, at 10 o'clock, the entire Mock of FRESH and 8EASON\BuE GOODS?consisting of CROCKERY, GLASS-, CHINA-, and WILLOW WARE; TOYS. Ac. : Three SHOW-CASES. The attention of the public is asked. W. C. SMITH. Sale continued at 8 o'clock in the EVENING." ja 29 . Richmond {lazaar, No. 1438 and 14)40 Franklin street. ? . ? T TVILL SELL BY AUCTION, ON SAT X URDAY MORNING, Febrnarv 1st, at 11 o'clock, I THOROUGHBRED ALDERNEV BULL, -livo years old. Pedigree fmnilshed purchaser. Ja 29 C. C. BURTON. AucHotaeer: By Robert B.Lyne, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, 1212 Main street. TRUSTEE'S SALE OIT A NICE I)E JL TACHED FRAMED DWELLING, "WITH LARGE STABLES. COW-HOUSE. AC., SITU ATED ON THE. CORNER OP LOMBARD AND MAIN STREETS, OCCUPIED BY LEWIS LIND SEY, AT AUCTION.? As trustee. substituted by a certain order of the Richmond Cbancry Court, en tered on the 18ih day of January, 1879, In a cor ral n deed of trust from Lewis Llndsey and wife to B. F. Humphreys, trustee, dated 20th of February, 1874. and recorded In the clerk's office of ? Rich mond Chancery Court. I will offer for sale, uuon the premises, on TUESDAY the 4th day oi February, 1879, at 4 o'clock l\ M., at- pnbllc auction, being required so to do by the holder of the note secured thereby, default having been made in the payment of the Kiroe, the PROPERTY above desciibed. The HOUSE contains about six rooms, and Is in good order, having been recently painted, &c., and has the usual conveniences. The LOT fronts 34 te<rt on the corner of Main and Lombatd streets, aud runs back 180 feet. Thi* property. being sitnated in that portion of the city which has lately been so much improved, should command the attention of ail steklug Uret claes investments. Terms : Cash as to expenses of sale and to pay off a note for 8808.80, with all costs, Ac., thereon ; and balance upon such lerats as will be (riven at sale. B. A. MEAGUEB. ja 28 Substituted Trustee. TRCJSTEE'S SALE OF A VALUABLE JL FARM OF 400 ACRES FN NEW KENT COUNTY. NEAR TIJNSTALL'S STATION*, ON THE YORK RIVER RAILROAD.? By virtue ot a deed ot trust dated April 4, 1872, from John P. Pearson and wltc to me, and duly recorded, I will, being thereto required bv the holder of a note of *797.23 due January 7, 1879, thereby secnted, sell 1 at auction, at the office of J. L. Apperson. corner Main and Eleventh street.", Richmond, on TUES DAY, February 11, 1879. at 12 o'clock M., the above-described proptrty, lying on both sides of the railroad (nart of it ilne creek low-prroitnd?) ; GOOD DWELLING, BARN, and other necessary out honsi-8. Tekms: Cash as to expenses of sale: balance at six. twelve. and eighteen months, wltn iuterest, per sonal security, and trust-deed. Ji 28 CHARLES RICHARDSON, Trustee. gUERIFF'S SALE. Will be sold on "WEDNESDAY, oth February, 1879, at 11 o'clock A. M.. at the farm of B. B. Orem, Esq., on ihe Nine-Mile road, opnoslte New Bridge church, the following property, belonging to W. B. Holmes, to satl?ry a distress-warrant in my bauds In favor of Paul fcciOer, trustee for S. M. Fleek? viz : * 1 SUPERB PIANO (7>j octave), 1 CENTRE-TABLE. 1 ROCKING-CHAIR, 1 lot BRUSSELS CARPETING, said to be sixly yards ; 1 SOFA, - 1 liOAD-WAGON (spring). The above property is very fine, and in excellent or?"er. Tkiims: Cash. WILLIAM WALSH, D. S., Ja 27,29, 31 AFe3 AG for Jt T. Jones, S. H. C. By George S. Yashon & Sou. Beal Estate Agents and Auctioneers, No. 7 north Tenth street. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LOT, WITH 1 TWO FRAMED STOREo THEREON, ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF DUVAL STREET BETWEEN FOUSHEE AND CLARK STREETS, FRONTING ON SAID DUVAL STREET 42 FEF.T, AND i RUNNING BACK 100, FEET TO AN ALLEY t EIGHT FEET WIDE.? Bv virtue of a deed of trust from Airs. Harriet N. Sparkes to the undersigned ms irusue, to secure the jiavment of certain nptes ; therein mentioned, recorded la the clerk's office of I Richmond Chancery Court, in D< B. Ill B., page 15, default having been made in the payment of a part of the debt thereby secured, I will, being there to required by the beneficiary of said aeed, proceed lose 1 at public auction, on the premises, ou TUES DAY the 4tb day of February. 1B79, at 4 o'clock P. M,, the PROPERTY above described. The property will be sold as a "whole or separately as mav be deemed beii on day of sale. Terms: Cash as to expenses of sale and a sum sufficient to pay off a note for $113.77, due 22d of January. 1879 ; on a credit as to 8117 till the 19tb July, 1879; balance on such terms as ihay be an nounced on day of sale. CHARLES T. VASHON, ja 24 , Trustee. XAOE8 BEEiU Eagle brewery. .. " GEORGE, W? ROBINSON, PEOPRIETOB, . "J. 60&KEB HABBXSOK AJfD CLAY STREETS, 777.1 RKJUlCdm>;;VA. * ??****$ I U Tfeia Brewery! beea. receatiy fitted u p withal! /> Tt^.Bper haa beea t^orotwliiy tested, ao4isI?IgMy rboomoientled hy promlpettt .i?byslclaus for family He GOLD MEDAL mt awarded to the Eacle State ab.s a yeii ? AS b Chemist's Office,) . < NpttmbC* 1? 1878. f v The LAG Eg beer manufactured by Mr. G. W. Ro'clnsoa at the Eajde Brewery, In this city, haa been chemically ess mined by roe, the samples test ed ha\iwr bwo collected by myself. and found fjiek from ,AD0LTERATIKO substances. It maybe ?uswhwajop-llcjntorbeveraaeln full aasarance of lit purity. WILLIAM H. TAYLOR. M.X>, nol8-3m Hta.e Chemist, JOB WOKK NEATLY EX -L> ECUJPtZ> M tfw DIB2ATCR VEIN TING' i- - ; ???. / -ji- ; ? AffcTiosr i -???' 7 ByW. G?kHb* - Seal Estate Agent nod AatHlcoatt'* comer EIcTWth aa<& Ban fc streets. SALE OF VALUABLE ' H1D3E OF amxFm ffliTTftfiNTfl flTfiBET. AN1J A nJ NOfiTH LINE ON AN ALLEY1 IN REAB OF T*3^ SJi CHABLES HOTEL-? By virtne of ft deed J0/ iroit exere'ed 10 the wbscnbertr by Mr. Jutncs Murphv and wifl?. boWtafr date 2 1st Jury* 1876* duly recoifhrd to ltJehsiond Chancery Court, we aha]]. In execution thereof, pro-' ce*I to sell at pnOttc aiictioo, on tlie premises. On and DWELLING formerly In the occupancy of f aid Murphy, fronting 21 feet, more or less, running back about tW foot. ? ' . ' ' Also, the LOT on the north side of the alley In rear of the St. Charles Hotel, fronilrtg thereon 48 feet, running back 70 ffeeton Its western line and on ft? eastern line 00% feet, with a LAUGE HRICK SOAP- ' AND CANDLE- FACTORY thereon. In cluding the MACHINERY and FIXTURES at tached thereto. ??;?.? ?? . Terms: Euonph In cash to defray expenses of sale and to pay off a note for <*2, 000. with In'erest *thereoh;'iUJd a? to -the residue of- the proceeds of sale, on such terms as may be aunouttceu at the time of sale. W. GOD DIN, ' N. Mi LEE. ' Ja 24 .. . ..... ? Trustees. rir -By. Robert II. Lyue. . , . , Real Estate Afent and Auctioneer, ' 1212 Main street. ' rfEXJSTEE'S SaZe~ OF A FRAME A STORE AND DWELLING ON LEIGH STREET BETWEEN JUDAH STREET AND BROOK AVENUE AT AUCTIONw-Iu. execution of a certain deed of trust froth William I. Clopion, trustee for Mary PoweH. dated February 23. 1878. add'dril)' recorded In the clerks office of Richmond ChanCery Court, D. R^llii C-, page 70, 1 will offer for eale, upon the premises, at public auction, on ?MONDtAY' tbe 3d day of February, 1879. at 4 o'clock P. Mm being required so to do by the holder of the tfofe secured thereby, default having been rmiuJe in the payment of tbe same, the above-de | scribed property. | The ST< ?RE is nowoccupied by a good tenant, and [ yields a fair rent- The DWELLING, over the store contains about four rooms ; water an '1 culvert*, Ac., on the prcml cs. Tbe lot has a good front on Lclah street, and runs back 125 feet to an alley. Special attention of those of limited means wishlntr to purchase a good business-stand at a low price Is Invited to thl? sale. Terms : Cash as to expenses of sale and sufficient to pay off a note of $410.59, with all cos', &c., thereon ; balance upon rcrins to be given ar. sale. la 28 R. A. MEAGHE11. Trustee. ? By Chaffln, Stapb-s & Co.. Real Estate Agents and Auctioneer?, Tenth and Mala streets. TRUSTEE'S SALeToF A VALUABLE A FARM IN POWHATAN COUNTY, VA., A ROUT TWEN'TY-FIVB MILES ABOVE RICH MONO, AT AUCTION.? Flv virtue of a dted of trust execnted byJo-eph Ross to the undersigned, trustee, dated 20th September, 1875.aud duly re corded in the clerk's office of Powhatan County Court, In Deed-Book 22, page 541, default having beeu made in the payment of i he note therein se cured, and being required by the holder thereof. I will proceed to sell at auction, in fiont of Powhatan court-house, on MONDAY the 10th day of Febru ary. 1879, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock (if fair ; It not fair, then on tbe nf>xt fair day there after, between the same hour?) the property men tioned in tbe deed of trust as containing SIX HUN DRED AND THIRTY-TWO ACRES. Improve ment^ consist of a good DWELLING, built in the last three years, and the usual out-buildings. Terms: Enough in cash to defray expenses of executing this trust and to pay off a note due 1st of January, 1879, of *1,028, with Interest thereon from January 1, 1S7G. nutil paid; and the balance, if auy, upon such terms as may be announced at the sale. R. H. OnAFFIN, Trustee. Chaff ix, Staples & Co., Auctioneers. Ja 21-d.twid By Frank D. Hill, Rea! Estate Agent and Auctioneer, 1108 Main street. ASSIGNEES' SALE OF CHOSES IN ACTION OF PAINE. CABELL & CO.. BANK RUPTS, AT AUCTION.? By virtue of an order of the United States District Court for the Eastern Dis trict of Virginia iu the matter of Paine, Cabell & Co.. bankrupts. entered on the 14th of January, 1879, we will sell at public auction on MONDAY the 3d of February. 1879, at 12 o'clock M.. in front of the United States custom-house, on Bank street, all the CHOSES IN ACTION of the tlrm of Paine, Cabell & Co.. bankrupts. Amougst the debts due to said firm are several secured by deed of trust, Judg ments, ?&c.. Ac. The object oi' tuis 6ale is to secure a fitial settlement of the estate of said baukrupts. Paine, Cabell & Co. Tlic'cboses in action referred to, amounting to several. hundred claims, will be-dl viued into tuircels to suit purchasers.-1 - ? JAMES CASKIE, JAMES L. ?P PERSON, Assignees. NOTICE.? Parlies whose names arc included in the list of choses m action (due Paine, Cabell & Co.) ean make settlement witn the assignees anv day previous to sale. A full IlstoT claims due the estate can be seen at the otlice of thcauctjoneer;. Ja 25 By Edward C. Goddin, Real Estate Agent and x\uctloneer, .. . 1015 Main street. npRUSTEE'S sa"le of elegant X RESIDENCE AND EIGHT ACRES OF L AND ON MAIN STREET HALF- JUL E WEST OF THE CITY'.? By virtue of a deed of trust dated the 19th of September, 1877, duly recorded in the clerk's bflice of Henrico County Court, being required so to do by the beneficiary therein secured, I wi'l seliou the premises, on MONDAY, 13th January, 1879, at 4 o'clock P.M.. the beautiful RltlCK DWELL ING, containing twelve rooms, with marble man tels and elegantly-tinlsiied walls, lately owned by It, W. Brown, Esq. Larxe brick kitchen anil staote on the premises. The place has a large orchard of pears, aptWes, and peaches. Every part of tbe place is in excellent order, and is one of the most desira ble residences tn the western suburbs. This property is sold subject a deed of trmt dated 15th December. 1875. for $5,500. payable December 15, 1878, but by consent of the holder a" credit of one year will t?e elven from that date TERMS : Ca-b as to expenses of sale and to pay a note of $508.80, due 19th September. 1878. with interest at six tier cent, till paid; and tbe balance as the nreseut owner may direct. S. CONWAY GODDIN, Trustee. POSTPONEMENT. The above sale is postponed until FRIDAY. 31st January. 1879, at 4,'j o'clock P. M. ja 27 By W. Goddin, Real Estate Azcut and Auctioneer, corner of Eleventh and Bank streets. SALE AT AUCTION OF THAT I4ARGE AND ELKO ANT RESIDENCE AT TIIE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GRACE AND SIXTH STREETS, INT THE C1TV OK RICHMOND.? At the* request of the devisees of the late Alfred Putin. I shall offer tor sale at public auction, on TUESDAY the ISth February, 1879. at 4.'$ oVlock P. II., ou the premises, his LARGE AND ELEGANT RESI DENOE, "located as above, now in the occupancy of the Hon. James Lyons. The LOT litis a front of 84 feet, and a depth Of 152 feet to an alley. The DWELLING is in pood repair, and possesses every accommodation for a large" family usually found in such an establishment. As it is so well known, a further description Is deemed unnecessary. Terms: One fourth cash: balance at six. twelve, eighteen, and twenty-four mouths, for negotiable notes, iuterest added, secured by a d> e-J of trust. Possession about the 1st of April next. W. GOD DIN, ja ll-l.iwSw&tds TiCitl Estate Auctioneer. LITTELI/S LIVING AGE. I^HE GREATEST LIVING AUTHORS, . such as Professor Max MULLKIt, Right Hon. W. E. GLADSTONK, James A. FROUDE. Professor Huxley, k. a. proctor, Edward a. Freeman, Professor TYND.*LL, Dr. VV. B. CARPENTB.R, FRANCES POWER COBBE, the DCKE OK AUG V LL, William black. Miss Thackkkav, Miss Mu LOCII, GEOKC.E MACDOXALD, Mrs. OLIl'HANTr Jean Ixgelow. Mrs. alexaxder > Thomas Hardy. Matthew Arnold. Henry Kincsley, Tcrouenief, carlylk. rcskix. Texxysox, BROWXIXG. aud many others, are represented in the pages of LITTELL'S LIVING AGE. January 1, 1879, THEL1VING AGKenters npon Its one hundred, anil fortieth volume. During the year it will furnish to ILs readers ihe productions of the foremost authors above named and many others, embracing the choicest Serial aud Short Stories by the Leading Foreign Novelists, and an amount UNAPPRO ACHED BY ANY OTHER PERIODI CAL in the world, of the most valuable Literary and Sci entific matter of the day. from the peus of the fore most Essayists, scientists, critics. Discov erers. aud Editors, representing every depart ment of Knowledge aud Progress. THE LIVING AGE is a weekly magazine giving more than THREE AND A QUARTER THOUSAND double-columu octavo pages of readiug matter yearly. It presents In an Inexpensive form, consid ering its great amount of matter, with freshuess, owing ?o Its weekly issue, and with a satisfacto ry completeness attempted by no other pubiica llon, the best Essays, Reviews, Criticisms. Talt\s, Sketches of Travel and Discovery. Poetry. Sclent!- 1 fie, Biographical, Historical aud Political Informa tion, from the entire body of Foreign Periodical Literature, and from the pens of the ABLEST LIVING WRITERS, tit reproduces the best thoughts of the best minds of the civilized world unonall topics of livlug Inter est."? Inquirer. *?. The prince among magazines.'"? .yon For* Ob' server. , , u It affords the best, the cheapest, ant! most conve nient ineaue of keeping abreast with the progress of thought In all Its phases."? Philadelphia North Amtrlcan. -A pure and perpetual rrocrrolr and fountain of entertainment anu instruction.1'? lion. Robert C. \ Vinthrop. -The choicest literature of the day."? .Yeto York Tribvjie. "The best periodical lu America."? Theo. L. Ouy Ur, I). D. , " And the cheapest. A monthly that comes every week."? The Advance , Chicago. i i * With jt alone a reader m*v fairly keep no with all that is Important lu Ihe literature, history, poll ftics. and science of the day."? The Methodl*ty New Turk. .1 M It lias no equal hi any country ."?Philadelphia ladlspensftWe to everyone who desires a thorough enrnpeudiuw of alt that is admirable and noteworthy In the literary world."? lia ton Post. u Ought to find a place In every American home." FeiD York Times. _ ?.*?(> vMj/j published weekly at $8 a WowWm WME TO SUBSCRIBE, begin ning with the new year. ; >3 EXTRA OFFER FOR 1879. 'v; | ' To all new subscribers for 1879 will be mil grot it the six* numbers of 1878 cantalninir, with other valuable matter, the ftret part* of '*81r Glbt?ic,"a new and powerful serfitf-stofy L?GBOBfiK Mao DONALD, ?iow apD?arlajj la TllE LIVING AGE Hi TASCBT. de30 ? RlcliwwftU, Va, &4S# v-. ______ | IpgEI - "TTSri^iJiTf iir . **~ rinrrr i . RICHMOTO, YOttK RlTEU AJCD CnX9APKAKX') Bailboad COHtfAWY. i .<)' -i-i&iti-ff- OtfWCU OF SOTRTJI??T*in>E*T. ' f RicmtOiTO.YA., Jannary 28,1879. j QPECIAL NOTICE.? The regular Rche ? dute of PASSENGER STEAMERS of this Hoc win be resanaetl on WEDNESDAY. January 29tb, from BALTIMORE, and Til UK SD AY, January 801 B, from WEST POINT. H. T. DOUGLA?, ja 29-4t Superintendent. T>ICH310ND AND DANVILLE EAIL JE*> KOAD COMPANY. SCHEDULE OF TRAINS TAKING EFFECT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1878. Leave Richmond at.. Arrive at Burkeville, Y.t .. Arrlvo at Sutberlin, Va Arrlre at Danville, Va ?*?*?. ... ?m Arrive at Greensbo ro', N. C Arrive at Salem, N, C. Arriveai Raielgb,N. C Arrive at Salisbury. (J,,,,,.,,,;,,,,,,, Arrive at Charlotte, N.Ct*.. Arrive at Columbia, S. C Arrive at Charleston. 8.C. Arrive at Augusta, Ga - .... Arrive at Savannah, Ga Arrlveat Atlanta, Ga. Arrive at Montgome ry, AlaJ Arrlveat Mobile, Ala. Arrive at New Or leans, La... Train No. 1. Dally, 31:40 A. St. 2:20 P.M. A 0:46 P.M. 0:34 P. M. 8:38 P. M. 11:10 P.M. 10:40 P. Ml 12:50 A.M. ..6:00 A.M. C' 10:00 A. M. E 12:00 M. F 7:20 P. M. 2:05 A. M. G 8:30 A. if. Train No. 3. Daily. 100)6 P.' M. 1:17 A.M. 4:02 A. M. 4:01 A. M. 0:50 A. M. 12:15 P. M. B 9:14 A.M. 11:17 A.M. 4:10 P. 3L 10:00 P. M. C 8:30 P. M. D 6:30 A. M. E 10:30 P. M. A connects for Milton. N. C. B connects for Ashevlllc and all points in Western Norlb Carolina dally, except Sunday. C connects 1'or Macon and all peluts in Southwest Georgia. D connects for Jaiksonvitlc and all points in Flo rida. E connects for Macon and all points In Southwest Georgia, and Chattanooga, Nashville, Memphis, and all Tex?? points. F connects for Sclnia, Meridian, Jackson, and Vlcfc-burg. G counects for Galveston and all Texas points. Trains from the above-named points arrive in Richmond at 4:43 P. M. and 7:43 A. M. Trains between Greensboro' and Salem rnn daily except Sunday. Pullman Palace Drawing-room aud Sleeping Car? mond to Savannah. Tickets sold to* all points soufli. southeast, and southwest, and baggage checked through. Freight Train No. 9, leaving Richmond at 3.05 A. M.,andNo. 10, arriving in Richmond at 11:26 A. M? will have accommodations for a few second-class passengers, who must purchase tickcts before get ting on the tram. No passengers will be allowed on other freight trains. No lay-over checks given on local tickets. JOHN it. M ACM U It DO. General Pa?seuger Ascnt. T. M. R. TALCOTT, General Superintendent. de 30 E???*AKTURS: OF WKAMKKh. F OK NEW YOk1?? The 7) I U jgS&k Dominion Steamship Company's^BreS&dbi steamship WYANOKE. Captain COIXLI, will sail FRIDAY, January 31st. at 10 o'clock A. M. freight received until 9 o'clock A. M. Through bills of lading signed and goods for* warden with dispatch to all points north, south, east, and west; also, to foreign ports. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Cabin fare to New York, *tl2 ; steerage, $<5 and $S. For freight or pnssaee apply to G. W. ALLEN A CO.. A gen Is, 1a 29-3t Company's Wharf. Roc setts. rXMAX LINE JL UNITED STATES AND ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. NEW YORK TO QUEEN STOWN AND LIVERPOOL EVERY' THURSDAY OR SATURDAY. CITY OF BERLIN, 5.491 tons: CI3JY OK RICHMOND. 4.007 tons; CITY OF CHESTER. 4,500 ions; CITY OF MONTREAL. 4,4 90 tons; CITY OE BRUSSELS. 3.775 tons; CITY OF NEW YORK. 3.500 tons*. THESE MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS are among j the strongest, largest, and fastest on the Atlantic, j ami have every modern improvement. Including hot and cold wa'er and electric bells In state rooms. revolving chairs in saloons, bath- aud smok ing-rooms. barber-shop-. &c. For rates of passage aud other Information apply to JOHN G. DALE, Agent. 31 Brondwav, New York; or to GEORGE W. ALLEN A CO., la 1-eodlv * ^ Richmond. y I R G 1 N IA STEAMBOAT^ COMPANY'S JAMES-RIVER LINE, A 1/311 NORFOLK. PORTSMOUTH. ANP ALL REGULAR LANDINGS ON JAMES RIVER CONNECTING AT NORFOLK WITH THE BAY-LINE, FOR BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON. The fast?and elegant steamer ARIEL, Captain Z. C. Glfr'VOUD icaxryiuu' the United States mail), leaves Richmond for above-na tried places everv MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY, at 7 A. M. Fare to Norfolk or Portsmouth $ 2 50 Fare for round trip, good for two days 2 5(! Fare for round trip, good for SEVEN days.... 8 00 Fare for round trip, unlimited .... 4 00 Fare to Baltimore . 0 00 Fare to Philadelphia 9 85 Fare to New York 12 15 Fare to Boston 15 35 Through tickets sold at Garber's. 82tt Main street; Exchange Hotel, at-.d on board steamer. Baggage checked through. The LIMITED TICKETS named above arc on sale ' only at Garber's 820 Main street, and Exchange Hotel, . Freight received dally for Norfolk, Portsmouth: Ncwbern, Washington, and Tarboro'. N. C., and all landings on Tar river: Washington. 1). C'., Hamp ton, and Eastern Shore of Virginia, and regular landings On James river, at lowest rates. The steamer ARIEL has lately been almost en tirely rebuilt and refurnished in an elegant and costly manner, and Is coulIdcu'Jy recommended as the FASTEST and most comfortable steamer that haj run ou this route for many years. L. B. TATUM, Superintendent, 903 Main street and Rocket ts. J. W. MCOAKIUCK. Atfimt. Norfolk. s?: 4 Pii ILADEL T HIA, 1? 1CH JL MOND. AND NORFOLK STKAM-^aaUfedftat SHIP LIKE.? FOR PHILADELPHIA, FALL RIVER ANT) THE EAST VIA FALL RIVER. THREE TlSlES A WEEK.? Until furllici no tice the steamers of this line will make tri-weekl> trips, leaving Philadelphia even' TUESDAY. THURSDAY. an<l "SATURDAY, ami Ulclimouc every TUESDAY. FRIDAY, and SUNDAY, con necting at I'idladelphia with Civdc's New England L iue for Full Kivcr. QUICK TIME-FREQUENT DEPARTURES LOWEST RATES. Freight received daily until 5 o'clock P. M. .JAMES W. MtCARRICK. General Southern Ajrent. Richmond, Va. WILLIAM P. CLYDE .4 CO.. General Managers, no 23 No. 12 South Wharves. Pniladelphla. CHEAP FREIGHT RATESA BY THK & POWHATAN LINE for BALTIMORE AND THE WEST. AND Til X CANTON INSIDE LINE for PHILADELPHIA. The steamers SHIRLEY and DEFIANCE wili leave from Twenty-second and Dock streets even WEDNESDAY at 12 M. and SATURDAY at 4 P. M. Through hills of lading signed to all Canadian, northern, and western point? at low rates. H. T. DOCG LASS, Agent, fe 9 Twffntv-second and Dock si rteU. 0 LD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY. FOR. NEW YORK. This -.ompany ?will dlspatcb one of tcolr splend'd stsamers? OLD DOMINION. WYANOKF. ISAAC HELL, and RICHMOND? every TUESDAY, FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at high water. These ships are entirely new, and were built ex pressly fer this route. They t"\ve splendid saloons, state-rooms, and bath rooms. _ The fare, accommodations, and attentions are un surpassed. Goods shipped by this line are landed regularly at New YArk on the company's covered pier, 37 Nortt river. Freight received until 5 P. M. dally. Cabin fare to New York. 912. Steerage, |0 and ?8. Freights for points beyond New York forwarded with dispatch, and no charge nude except actual ex* peases incurred. For further information apply to GEORGE W. ALLEN A CO., Agents, mv 19 oflice ComnanVs wharves. HocketU. CROCKERY. GLASSWARE. AO. I EADER BURNER, .J THE BEST OF ALL. 1 would call the attention of the trado and con sumer* to a uew burner? THE LEADER?wlilch Is, as Its uarjie Implies, the leader of any burner I have yel seen. The lUrhi is pure ami brilliant, far bupo rlor to pa?, and at a very great saving In the cost. Dealers t upplled at factory price. Theso burners can be seen lu operation at my store. GEORGE GIBSON, Jit., Sole ajrent for the burner ; also dealer lu China, ja 2.8 Glaa*. and Qucenaware. s FECIAL BARGAIN IN CHINA. 'Kovdtlea4n. LUNCH-SETS. . ELEGANT JL?INNEK-? DESSERT-, and TEA SETS ; PUNCH- and EGG-BOWLS. . A variety of VENETIAN', IRIDESCENT, aud -MALtUllTK VASES: LONG IVY Jt EA1TO GOODS. ? COAL-VASEtf aud PLATE-WARMEKS-the largest asuiort menc to he t'ouud In the city. .Alio, a full Une of"*. 4 t.< L ' -y v .. FANCY GOODS. SUITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. A call la" respectfully solicited from every one to eja wtoe mjr etoefc, whether Utey wish to pwroh&M or not . . TAYL(tfJ?? XQlllWtttjplp, JASUAKY 17, l67;, U PASSESGEl! TiUINS ItCX A< BI0BK05D TO HCSTISOTO*. Leave Richmond g-nf a\t ^ Arrive at GocdoiisriHo... 1 j -or, a \[ 6 ' ' i Arrive cu Charlottesville. 12m 3 1 3; y Arrlve at Staunton 2$g ' v' J* Arrive a! Covin itton 030 i?u * ? ArrlTC at Wblto Sulphur. g;i 1 1.' \? f:" <? 1 ;? Arrive at Hlnton 10:51 p\i ' Arrive at HontluKtou.... 0:00 a' \i fa' it Arrive at Cincinnati A* M- '? (Steamer.) ?5.V ; *. HUNTINGTON TO RIciuIOM( (8teamer.) J/ai! Leave Cincinnati _ _ (C^ and O. trains.) M.'ip ? Leave Hnntlnnton r,:ir> ]> ?? , , '** Leave Covinprfon J t v Leave Staunton. 2?(! jV ?!' ? ./ Leave Charlottesville 4:20 p' v' , ! J Leave Gordnnsville 5:20 I' v" Arrive at Richmond i\ \j" '/ '. "s y" ACCOMMODATION T R \ v " A" *? RICHMOND TO=GORDoN-V v Leave Richmond , Arrive at Junctlou 1:3"P ? Arrive at Gordonsville ' - ?' M Gordons villi: to jiil'iij'f, ,v '' Leave Gordoimllle "? Leave Junction i l ? : u Arrive at Richmond. " i:i* i*. y' WASHINGTON TO Rh'n>p,v/' *? Leave Washington Arrlve,at Goroonavlhe n:"'M Arrive at Richmond uf RICHMOND TO LYJi(J Hftl'Rr Leave Richmond Arrive at Gordon* vltle ! ' '.y Leave Charlottesville ; { ?' < Arrive at Lynchburg. a.:/;' LYNCHBURG TO UI( i mV,"v," , Lenve Lynchburg. I Arrive at Cordonsviiie Arrive at Richmond ' *'** ; ; " MAIL TRAINS daily except simdi mS???S!5,R?? *-'?! r. 8LEEPING CARS on Express l,a.n ... KlcUmond and Aldermn. ? ^ Baccate checked to dr; filiation. First-class Thruitph 'llcket> t> ?!, . Southwest as low as by any other r> to- ' First-class aitd Emlarant Tlcke- ? Vi 1 th?* West lower than hv any other Forraum ticket?. time-card*. ,v ?? Vmi.'- ? apeake and Ohio railway otllcv. i ? " ' ' Sixteenth streets, or A; \V. it . street. \v. v ?. Enfrtncer an.i m i,. CONW W J-.. lfO%\ 1 f \ Ja 38 ' lv" itK'UMON!) AM? I'? "~" pODIEN-CIXG MOXHAYJ ? ?' ' \J 1878, trains 05 this road wii; r-:n ?, LEAVE XtrciIilOKO :i', 11 55 A. M., THROUGH MAIL ! ? for ('hiirH-ston, -.17. > . ' and Aikt'it (via ( in. , j> , Jacksoiivtllc? Kir!' ? 5,, v, ton. Stops only a Chester 7:25 A. M.. ACCOMMODA1 i<\ - suiKtay). mak* ? . I'etorstHirjr v.rh . si-?lpp! and obi-. : . , ; ; Cliatt'iuoo^a. .%(-? Lvrichlittn.', Fanii-. ?. . ttatioQs on that 1 . time a^ hv air. . all n ?nbr ~t;4r i. >:i . 4:20 P.M. ACCOWMOI) \'i l< >\ j ; ? \ j \ (except J?nit?!a\ >. r . . . tills train will "mate ? - . a' Peters hur?f f. r \. : 10:35 P. M..Tin;??t r;[| Mai.'. for V.'pldon. W.iti,' . > ^'harlostuti. <-iv:.i;:i ? . v , Inm' ia, Atlanta. >!.? . M'?h> If. New ( >rl? ; . ; ?. S?Jiitb an<l Soiithwi . j . . : 1 ihr-p;i/ from . , . v, ? Savannah, jiihi ?? e ? .n;' . ?r .1. at Mauchfxfcr and ? .?~j. r. 8:00 A.M.. SUNDAY A ? ' <>M.M iM I* \ TRAIN uiake. 1 [.,,c 1 ? . A.. M. A <?. I:. I:. 1 .. is ; , 1. , . . nooga, Nasitvilie, M-? l. bura. Fartuvtdle. :: .1 r t Ions on that roa-1. .? .??? LEAVE PETKIt ^ Ut'tt'. 0:35 A. M., Til It<>C G1 1 MA1I. ?(. . ; wtttj Kictimojid. 1 rr >? ! . Potomac r.iilroad r a., tf. it K&5T. and West. 1 M.i ?' and Chester. and al I! f.\V 1 L>inrv"> ISIm!'. mi -lc:i tl. 9:05A. M., AC(XOIM? diATION TI.'AiV (cxcvni Mini ay). .-'?>p- ,:t n1; ? .. tlous. 7:05 P. M., accommodation; Stops at all Matloi:?. " 3:45 P. M. niltOCtill MArt. dui>. c : with Richmond, irtui ?? ? ! Potomac railroad for .? r,; and West. Also, siakli^ - r<-\- ? . tlon with the ( In .<|--r e j.n.1 ? . 1 ruliroad for the YD v:?. .-|rn. > ? i ail joints North and W- ?!. '> *. Ef op* at Manch^ter 1 id < ?. at Half-Wav a.'d Dnr/v' lilu't. . signal. ALL TRAINS leaving Petersburg ??!!' ?.'.art 'in he ArnoH'attox d?r>ot. ? SUNDAY' EXCURSION TRAIN- :? until further notice. del 8 A. SHAW. Suj.-riiite,;.: aiCUMOXD. FKED'C A I'OTOMA. I.'. It. ? Office General Ticket A<.? --r. Richmond. Va., Noveiu i? ) QUA NO E OF SCHKDl'LE. COMMENCING SUNDAY. NOVKMlii!!! 1 traius on tills road win run as foibv, ; : NORTH BOUND. NO. 1?8:00 A. M., leavte Uyrd-Str?KsUtl?n r: due at 1 . 1 M.J Baltimorf. p. Philadelphia. i*. ; s , York. 10:H5 P. M. NO. 3? 5:00 P. 31., leaves Bvrd-str'rt t due at \Va?l:in*T. ?!. !? l". ' Baltimore, 1 1 p. w. : I delphia, 3:35 A. M. : NVn ?. G:4 5 A. M. NO. 7-4:00 P. M., A( ?DA , U N T l: \ t for .luuctioit. J aw- > ? Street statl'.H d t?:) in days). SOUTH BOL'NI). NO. 2? 10.15 P. M., arrive? at l>> ?. n rt rtaiiv. L?avej> N- ?* \ . ? A. M.: l'lii! n! !j?ii! ? M 1-' M.J Baltimore. U> I'. V. WiUtldtltf ton. ?>?-?' P. M. NO. 4 11:35 A. M.. arrtvu- at I < t du'lv. |.e;,w - \\ V. V'Tk ? p. M.: I'iiUa.i.iphta. ! M.J Baltimore. 4:."^ >'? Wiishiu^'ti/i:. 1::." A. .'d. No. 8-8:40 A. M., ACCOMM'd'A J J ? n t r \ " arrnts at Hi- et - Uallv (eicept .-1:. . < . \. f W fi^nera; ^ E. T. D. Myers. General ."in-e:"n?e j 31CUMOND, YOItK RIVE It A.-. ? j SCHEDULE OF TRAINS. VJ COMMENt INt. MAY 21. 1? iw<<i v< nr. 3:00 P.M. L<ave?iMchnxitid'l r*>r?A V.Tlif f DAY. and SATI'IMf.W. ^V'est i'oiul W i Lit >1. a.;.( II. hi - all points nn y<n? ,[\.r < i?. ? more. Arrlres hi i:i!r.-< :? 3!.; connects with mi ton. ami all we-tern j, \ ftt KU'hnioipi viili ? r i . . n ! ; ? . sunt I'tr?>i>i)iifjf atl'i ? .i* aj*. . Ohio railroads. THROUGH Fltrianr. 6:00 A. M. Leaves Klelunnml M?>\'D\Y. "? r n . ? N'hsoav. ami Kirinw: . 5 0 A. M H*KSI>AV, TIU_"I?.-1?a ? LJiRDA V. Colllle<*ts > > st West Point lor rlv. r i;?j: ? . ; ? tlmore, and ai; wvstvru | - nectsat Kicliuioini mth u . . n i: niondaud Hum il!<; r.?l'r . . !."? and Peterdjury, aud ? ; - ? Olilo railroads. ? ~ .. LOCAL t'AsSKNi.i:r?. 3:00 P. 31. Loaves ttlclnuoud da: > day). THROUGH PASSENGER. 10:00 A. M. Arrives at lMt;ltt::?:nl TiJl lLSI>AV..t:? !- A 1 I l!l? A V. 1 ; nects with train* ?? . I.'f.'inv ?' Petershnrp and aid' railroads. Stea?uer lluv mj N--*' ? tliuore fro in J'ier lit I. ? MONDAY, WEDNW V. - ?' ' DAY, ut 4 l\ il. < '? >i:ij?-?"ts * traius from Piilladel| ,-i : i-? V ? \ and western |x?tut.->. .tn<i i*. W ? ' ' with trains for tUcha:"U<i ? ? -e South. THKOUGH Fit EIGHT. 4:00 P. M. Arrives at Kleliuion.: V"M' ^ ' NESDAY. ami PRJDAl : ? 0:15 P. M. TUESDAY. THURSDAY. ?:< ? ' 1 \ URDAY". Connect* ?i " West l'olnt from lJalti ?.?>!??. 1 nects with Richmond *??' ' ' Richmond and petcrdiur*. 1 *? -** peake and Ohio railroad?. LOCAL PASSENGEI.'. , . . 10:00 A. SL Arrives at Klelmi'imi \ day. Con nee M with K * Petenshurx and ChosapeoiA a1*'1 - railroads. f . No transfer of freight at Rlchmon f t> 'r ? ' southern points. Car* run through Ut>u-vu and West Point. , , . . Careful handllux and dl.?i?at<:Ij. w!t i r (Ouraate<;'l. , ^ Turou^h bills of ladln/. >MU. /uur?a.eed ? Issued to all northern and western '? ? i Throeych tickets sold to all u.xiher:' o - rn. frestcrn ttoluta, and Utyaase clnvkfd t-' For tickets ajiply at General L'j t ^ '* , <ce, SattMaJn street; at the Kv ? f , >Ni ! compauT1# depot, coruer Twv::'.>*l !u I streets, liiehmond, Va. , ?fa{ | ma 23 H. T. DOUtJ LAS. ^ 8EINK-T1IIU U>. T X ANTICIPATION " X lj?v'.?4f oar house remod?-ll? <i i?u ! ? .. .i> .-.iittUK , Rllius v? - be Imported for. ,,v (;,?>! > Also. our t uilre ! ??' - c" TSQ, HOOT8, bltOLs, HA 1-* ' lot; reduellou. . j uu-a" l ' We hate tootwujy IWJ' ifW -*1 , . : loan lo order alterations, which *5 ?^esSTKIN A lv. ? ?%S8SK51m^ "?"> v?l ed luto the Culled States. fci<s: