Newspaper Page Text
tKBEU^Y ^ 1879' Tha 9EofiT?it XJ^RO^AWn . gbtfce Ed&ops of tht Dispatch: Q?!et dwellers in the country? men who, not holding office* are not afraid of tbelr shadows, nor of spirits, nor of dealer* in j spirit*? would like exceedingly to know vhy it is that the Legislature te doing no thing towards perfecting the Moffett Kquoi>t law; which, notwithstanding Us Imperfec-. tions, has proven a fruitful source of reve-j line, and has demonstrated its capacity, il Soperly enforced, to replenish the cr usted coffera of the State. On tv a few days since oar legators, with refreshing alacrity and unusual unanimity, authorixvd the Governor to borrow, on pledge of future revenues, two hundred thousand doUars to till a vacuum in the Treasury, which their natures may wefl he supposed to abhor on ?ach returning pay day* Why, then, with a worae than empty treasury, with those scbooRund arrearages staring them in the face, about which the friends, par excdlence, of the poor man are ao fond of declaiming, and in view of out standing and over-due eonpons-? those-dltes ?noires of demagogue*, which may yet llnd their way into the treaswy? tfAy, we ask, is not something done to perfect the Moflett liquor-law and ensure from it the returns which, to the full extent of the public ne cessities, it Is capable of yieidiogt Our able and faithful executive officers tare recommended that it Khali be made tn,ort tffictenU and we ane satisfied that the masses of the people desire and expect that this shall be done, and that they will bold their representatives to a strict reckoning if it he not done. At present It is manifest that the law is shamefully disregarded. The returns throughout the State glaringly show this. In Kichmond, where it has been much more faithfully executed tbanin many other places, the returns for tle.firel fifteen days of its existence are greater than for any month since, with two or three exceptions. The law has shared the fate of "King Log." Dreaded when it first came thunderimr down among the dealers, tbey have soon gotten used to it, and now " sit on it" with Impunity. And yet it is said that the Legis lature intend to leave tbisstateof things un changed, not daring to amend, and yet afraid to repeal. Surely nothing can be more pernicious to the public morals than revenue laws defied at, pleasure, under which tens of thousands of ddople conspire to defraud their mother State of her lawful revenues, and to such a pitiful extent in each separate act of fraud in which oftentimes buyer and seller are alike participant. Besides, the seller, who is disposed to act honestly by tho State, Unds himself deprived of his honest gains, and sees the stream of custom setting to wards the dishonest scamp, in favor of whose dishonesty the violated law operates as a premium. ' Messrs. Editors, will not you, who have /done and are doing so much to exalt public virtue and to restore as far as possible pub lic faith, exert your influence in calling the attention of tho people to the attitude of their representatives towards this import ant measure? Will you not insist that this legislation shall be made more stringent, so that the law shall become a terror to its violators, and a powerful and easy auxiliary to our struggling Commonwealth P Can it be possible tbat the Legislature in tends at this session, as at its last, to shirk its duty, and give this matter, which i9 so vital to the best interests of the State, the go 'by ? West. AUCTION SAI-ES? Thlsftay. " - - By W. Goddln, Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent, ' ' corner of .Eleventh and liu.nk streets. n^RUSTEES' SALE~OF THAT VALU X ABLE PROPERTY !N THE CITY OF RICH MOND AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ROSS AND GOVERNOR STREETS.? By virtue of a deed of trust ? xecuted ro the subscribers bv John A- Worsham, now deceased, bearing date on the 23d of February, 1875. duly recorded in Richmond Chancery-Court, and of a decrccof the said Chancery Couit eniered on the Oih of February. 1879. 1h the ?ase of Gibsou and others us. Wor>liam's adminis trators, we, tbe undersigned, trustees. acllntr under The said deed, ami also under the said decree, will offer for sale at public auction, on the premises, on I MONDAY, the 24th of February, 1879. at 4^ ?''clock P.M. (it fair; if not. on the first fair day j thereafter), the foregoing VALUABLE REAL ?ST VTE. The LOT has a front on Ross street of 62J * feet, ! tnoreor less, and a fronton Governor street or 123 feet, and bounded on the nOrtl i by md alley 12 feet -wide. The main building la occupied by the Com- J roerclal Club and tbe Chamber of Commerce at an annual rental of $900. This building is fonr stories high. h*s about sixteen rooms liesides closets, Is fin ished iu the most costly manner, and is now in com plete repair. The wing, enGovemor stfeet, is four sioties hlrfx, divided iulo four tenements, wltk large j porches nnd kitchen in the rear, and Is occuple<l bv several tenants at a frost annual rental of between and $600. A survey of the property will be ?xhlbltied at the time of sale, and It will be sold as a .whole or iato two separate parcels according to said survev, as i?*y be deemed best. If sold in two par cel*. Jlio Ross-street Imlldlug will be offered first, "*1lh the privilege to the purchaser of taking the <3ovcrnor-street tenements at a spocified price, to be tmuud at the time. As this property is located near the centre of the business part of Richmond, It should attract the at tention of capitalists and others. fKJOCB" One fourth cash; balance at one, two, and three years lor negotiable notes, interest an amaHy, secured by a deed of trust. Ttoo taxes Mud lusuruuee for 1879 to be paid by the purchaser. T. M. LOGAN, "tt.GODTHN, ALFRED R. COURTNEY, IteS-eodtds Trustees. , By ?Fno. E. Lauphton. dr., Auctioneer, . *916 Main street. QPECTAI, A %?> ATTRACTIVE SALE O^F POKE GOLD ATTD- SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY.t BACKS. POCKET-CUTLERY,?c.- I Ou MONDAY tlio 24th .Instant, commencing at 4 o1 clock P.JSL,! w'l.l sell at my auction-rooms. No. ?IB Main street, a valaable consignment of 4S K>LX> and ?LTER WATCHES, wiih English, Swiss, and A viericau lever movements.; XATOES'.QOLI* JEWELRY, SOL3D GOLD RINGS, C.QLD and PLATED CHAINS, KL EWE-BUTTG NTS. PENS, PENCILS, POCKET-CUTLERY, Ac., Ac. Tbe j?bove stock Is conSdently recommended tlo the.puh&c, and every arlleic will be sold witli.tlKi fullest .ewarautec. ? -NO. E. LAUGHTON, Jb., Auctioneer. C. E. JtKWTOW. Salesman. fe 24-lt By ?J- R. (HoFkaday, i (iuufiral Auctioneer and Commission Menchaut, ! . No. 152S Mala street. ip0 3>AY. C0m?e^CI1stG AT 10 JL ototock, I will sell? 30 PWRks GREEN RIO COFFEE, 15 sacks TOASTED COFFEE, i :20 barrels rctru *kO" acid UBOWN SUGAR, 10 tlenoeaOAHVASED HAMS, 10 tleiipes PLAIN B. V. RHOtJU)ERS, 12 boxws PLAIN 8HOULDKKK, JO barrels aaidSM^rsheads HARK SYRUP. iOO bamls NOfiTH CABOUSA CUT HEB REWS .?CO barrek FAMILY, EXTRA, sad SUPERFINE FLOUR. 20:bags BEANS and PEA8, :00 tags PttlME VIRGINIA PEANUTS. 10 1 barrels and kegs DRIED APPLES and PEACHES, -2JS Utfe TABLE- and COOKING -BUTTER, ?jib boxes prlsa; ORAXGiS, ao b?*9 COCOANUTR. 10 OtXEH zxA CRACKERS, 200 fcanwJ* TA?LE-anrt WEED-POTATOES, 300 cases TROPHY TOMATOES A,eb*Ioe lot of WOOD- *un STONEWARE, and itpauy othrr goods not aaeotloned. Commencing j>rorapi*y U. 10 O'clock. ,<jons'a'jiiiicnts solicited up to hour of sate i. R. HOCKADAY, -fe 24 Audio acer. JBy R. 8. Anderson & Son. ^General Ckaimissiou Merehauu and Auctioneers. 1524 Mala street. nnrfE WSS 'JL HAVE OUR REGULAR VP AUCTIOJC SALE OF GROCERIES 4c.,TO PA^ conimeneiug at 10 o'clock. Consignments up <o kM<r of ~le. ANOERg()N 4 S0N. P. FL la store. ?i consignment, a small Jot of No. X ?ok?w A*G?OSS ?Ud BOB HER lUItGS? i!,<878. (fe24-ltj R. & A. & SON. TTIGH-^UNSTABLE'S SALE. I ?rt!I cell at mhlfctvctlon on MONDAY tbe 24th day of TV&ruarti 1879- at 10 o'clock A. M?nt my offlee, No. 1306 Franklin wreet, below Governor street- tlie foltowiiwr property, to satisfy sundry WrU8l^a?WBES. rKq : Sifelrh JIIRKOKS. CHROMOS, g^^CHAHW, TABLES,: ^ " ' STOVER, '&AFES, - VENDEES. LOUNGES. iffi knives, FORKS, SPOONS, A**"5*6' feCOL.^. WOKK-TA&LE8, CARD-TABLESr 6mKBOABt)!gflECRETAEy, BOWLS and FITCHBHS, ?HBWAT4IACg&-4aXIT?INg. ^ : ;, ???-% bwishuhmcw ALftO, ^THES-iiEO, BOLSTER, and PIL mpp |Avcewiri^_^^^ Rvf^TuSTpTRUl A Oo., MM* i*?* ?nd Auctictteenh 13.08 Main rtWet. ... , I small bu~~ Jf wmAh^rRKET iff MB StoSS? ? XtaW SSs^ksS1 ISPf^feES 1J&fM81' C& ?&?&> or Scand 4883 with i.3?52t ftan 1 nm^ber27.1878: ibcwWuu upcm ulch terms m tbc srtd Bridget McMtjw^jnty fr "fCU24 Tr' 8te6> By Frank D? Hill A Co., Real Estate Agcnt? and Auctioneers, 1108 Main street. nPRUSTEE'S SALE AT AUCTION OF r5^ffiW?"sHc?| rba?>corr Court vln? been madeinlhe k^mpnl of a certtin note therein secured, and *t AlrUiaf certain LtiT OP LAnD,*?? . Vi.v2Jl BH5CK STORES TlicTwn.^i^and lnth? > city of Richmond, on the fonth flde of Main street near Tv/pntv-ilx'h HtrccUbcinit Lots No. 2 and 3* fronts mrKSfflit 3 Inches on south fide Main street, run nlDK back 88 feet to an alley 10 feet wide, and fmntiuz on Sitld 'alley 24 /eet 6 Inches. The KTOltl^? are new and well bull', and Oils offers a "nfw tojSrH? desiring a jood toest "tkmis :Pnfficlent In c??li In pay coels of falc and '? nnU' for A00. with Interest from January 30, 1879. nnd $1,890, one July 80.1879: tUe bnlaneo <y ms .0 be .nnnnng-d ng ?f j?jg; Tr?,lc<.. ' ? ? By Richardson <? Co., ? iBeal Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 1113 Main street, "IfALUABLE TRACT OF LAUD. AT Y YELLOW TAVERN, SIX MILES FROM RICHMOND. FOR SALE &Y AUCTION.? By re anest of the owuer we shall sell by*actlon, ob, ^5 nwnisei. on FB ID AY,. February 2?. 1879, at 12 o'clock M.. lhe TRACT OF LAND above described, wntalnk* EIGHT Y-ONK ACRES, most of which Is In wood. The same will haloid as a whole, or di vided into several tracts, as may seem best at the mSt*?* "oa Mc?";!icyAKDsoK?5r<o?:. projiciij. Auctioneers. Hale conducted by N. M. LEE. fe ?jj ~ By J as. Macdougall, Auctioneer, No. 10 Governor (or Thirteenth) street. Household furniture, CARPETS, BEDDING. CURTAINS, &C., &C., AT AUCTION. At the request of Mr. S. B. Hughe?, who is de clining botc-eke^plnp, I will sell at his residence. No. 114 south First street, between Gary and Canal streets, on THURSDAY t?<e 27th instant, at 10)$ o'clock, the entire HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, f^rWALNttriGI.-T MF.ITAI.T.ION BACK PARLOR SUIT, covered with satin damask: 1 MAR RLE-TOP DRESSING-CASE CHAMBER A SUIT." 1 COTTAGE CHAMBBR SUIT, Excellent HAIR- and SHUC'K-MATTRESSES, BOLSTERS and PILLOWS, DAMASK CURTAINS atM SHADES, BRUSSELS and other CARPETS aud MAT TIJCG MARBLE-TOP CENTRE-TABLES, ENGRAVINGS and CHROMOS, WALNUT EXTENSION-TABLE, SIDEBOARD, x nearly new REFRIGERATOR, 1 excellent COOKING- RANGE, CROCKERY- and GLASSWARE. and rnauv other art icles too numerous to mention. JAS. MACDOUGALL, Auctioneer. E. B. COOK, Salesman. fe 24 npHE SALEING OF NOAH'S ARK. 15v direction of P. L. Destler. administrator of IT. L. Destler. deceased. I wilt on WEDN ESDAY , Feb ruary 26th. at 10 o'clock, proceed to sell at public auction, upon the premises, extreme end of Main street, better known as "NOAH'S ARK, 'be per sonal effects of said H. L. Destler. deceased, the CURWS1T1ESAND OLD RELICS OF THE PAST ; EVER SEEN. ^VnOLD FIRE-ENGIN?,satd to be the first ever P R E8 1 D*E NTCT Y L ER ' S FAMILY CARRIAGE, M^A^O^d STIM.. A LARGE COW.E011UN OF VEKY OU> BOOKS. r some very valuablenre among the most noted ; Several FINE SHOW-CASES. LOOKING-GLASSES. IRON-SAFES, SCALES. LOCKS. HINGES, J CARPENTERS', BLACKSMITHS', and MIL LERS' TOOLS: CAKRIAGES. BUGGIES, TlHoH^ING-IMAClliNEaud FARMING IMPLE MENTS of every desciiptloy ; LarSf lot of M. T. HOGSHEADS. BARRELS. CRATES. BOTTLES, and STONED ARE ; FENCING-TIMBER and FIRE- WOOD; About 300 loads of GOOD MANURE; WROUGHT- and SORAP-IRON, aniJIinany? very many? things that cannot be mentioned. This sale should attract the attention of all curi oslty-setkers, as well as all in w&ut of cheap aud serviceable goods. Terms or Sale: Cash. Commencing promptly at 10 o'clock FEBRUARi 26X11, and continued at Kime hour dally thereafter until the entire stock is d sposed of. ? J. xv? HOCKADAi i f? 24-St Auctioneer. RE A RESTATE AGENTS, Ac. yALUABLE DWELLINGS, ? BUILDING LOTS, SUBURBAN PLACES, AND FARMS, DESIRABLY LOCATED, FOR SALE, LEASE, OR RENT. MONEY to invest under deeds of trust ou approved Rich mond city and niburbaii REAL ESTATE, or COL LATERAL -SECURITY, at the fiowost market rates. REAL ESTATE iuanaeea in -ever;" way on the most favorable and satisfactory terms. RENTS collected and returns made when desired. MONEY received for loan or investment. DEEDS prepared and acknowledgments taken by RICHARDSON & CO., HkII Estate Agents and Auctioneers, fe22-lm . 1 113 Main street. TOHN T. *00 D DIN, 0 REAL ESTATE AGENT, , Bank jcnd Kleventu streets. _ _ ATTENDS TO THE RENTING OUT OP REAL ESTATE Tiff 'RICHMOND AND THE COL \ LECTION OF RENTS. Settlements made with his patrons quarterly or la If yearly, as maybe preferred. A * I , nnntlor iftlCsZl* n. ly. ^uucll* XV. J -<? CIICWIIVXUJ u. , Dr. Robert G. -OttbtjU, Colonel J. L. ^Carrlnglon, ?S*Rjnc! Meredltb, autl other patrous of his. fe tO-eodlw AUCTIONEERS, &e. fM. 3IAC/>OtJ(iALL, 1 GENITAL /AUCTIONEER, "No. 10 G0VE'JmJH, (?f Thirteenth) street. BALES <OF STO CES <QF 3IERCHANM8E AND JbOTSEHOLiO KURJJZTURE AT RESI DENCES a>sbecialty. Sales at -store on TV^ESSIiAilS and FRIDAYS. fiONSKSHMENTS fc^MCIJ'ED. LIRERAL CASH /vIWANCES MADE when-ile sireA. yUJCK SALE S stud iHUOMPT RETURNS guaranteed. l'e 20-Th, SAStge THE SCBSCRIB^B OBESPECTFUZiLX X INFORMS HIS FR:TENDS Chat lie has retfretlj from the auction business' on Iiifc<?wu account,4*u<l,< having recocertwl from his jwctint illni*s, he may be found at the auction-house of Sttc-JA.S. MACDutU-" GALL, with wiwan he has aade;?B engagement to, ! conduct the auction depai ment>af said busineoe, and shall be pleased to see his' jttbsoy* an d friends. I fe 20-Th, H&M3t ?? V. COOK. JOHN M. GODDIN. El^ASi) J. V7 ABBES. QODDIN, TTAftttEN & CO.* REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND AOCKfONEERS 1106 SCain stbek^t, Rich.*GS?r,Va. ? Real esta'e sold privately and by. wetkim Loans negotiate*!. Commercial paper bout,*lMtAiid -eold. Special attention paid to collection otf"jeKt?. and prompt returns in&ae. fclS-lOt HOTEtS. YORK HOTEL, 715-727 BROADWAY, -j NEW YOBK. I'BICE OF BOABD AND BOOMS REDUCED TO (3 P3SB DAY FOB TBANSIENT GUESTS. The location of tbts favorite hotel Is unsurpassed for' ?ou yentcncc of men of business or fkmtliei so Jo?jrn^f 1" cWy* ~ ' jf o wHI- b0 spared to raaintain Itt estab f<>r lb? cf its table aad. qoiet, komy.'Vte wmtgris, Ju 89-3UW8 V CRANSTON * CO, _ _ : : /' " . - t s/ 4 ' . irirflBT aMCT^TjWwWy'i ??,?;???? Vft fcer. "37?c buildings on this lot consist, !TS?Sr^ LARGR BRICK BUILDING, cover iug^be whole front, four stories ?^Jjf!2$*?&? Diicfe fcalldhigatn the rear, and are well adapted i 'J? an a*r1ciil?nral-ni?chlne establishment, for which It is now Msed, or for otter purposes. __ ttrmw 4 The ck-ed andcr ^blcb wc tire nctlufT w* ot.ii*s that the property shall be Fold for cash as to JhSJaSS of sale am! to my off 'the coupon bonds aforesaid, avid as to the fu/e oT on such terras as sUall be amjoaoced at but wc arc AQtlK'rlz^l by ttic holders or ino said'eonpon bonds to say ibat the pareha^jm.-iy re tain In his hands at?>x per cent, per p?t half vearly, a large portion. of the P?rc*m^T money by giving a deed of trust to secure the ere **$HP^TWfli*l attention of capitalists and others Js InTlU-d^the^ak^ofThis pro perty. The ^Uhatlt ^KSllSSnS^ftr-rccrtrlDff and for for 1879 to be paid b; the purchaser. - robert r/kowison, Inin~2taw8w&>dtd5 ? ? ^ -Trustees. "r" By 'J. Thompson Brown, RealEstatd Agent and Auctioneer, 1113 Main street. V. /^OMMESStONERS' SALE OF ONE J ; HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES OF LANI) tv ('HKSTERFIEIjD county. on broad 'TlOCK ROAD. SIX AND A HALF MILES FROM MANCHESTER? By virtue of a decree of the Cir cuit 'Court of Chesterfield, entered December 23, 1878, in the suit of Sarah Forlotnc vs . HaucocK ? administrators and als.. the tinders gned, special commi'sloners appointed therein, win sell, on the nrcinlscs> on TUESDAY. 4lh of March, 1879. at St, that TRACT OF LAND, With tim ber thereon, of which F. G. Hancock died seized and pojseved. containing ONE HUNDRED. AND FIFTY ACRES, lying on Broad rock road six and a half miles from Manchester, and Immediately In front or Hancock's store, and adloinlng the lands oi Edward Colton, R. F. Wood, and ot lifers. ,i Tkbms : Cash as to expense or sale and cost of suit: and balance In one. two. and three years : the i purchaser to give bond for the deferred payments, bearing interest from duy of sale, aud the title to be retain* d until all the purchase-money is paid and ?mvej?n?!Ort?^brg?c?irt.HAiiKiNs JOHN C. ROBERTSON, Special Commissioner5. J. THOMPSON BROWN. Auctioneer. fe 20 " By J. Thompsou Brown, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, 1113 Main street. For sale at public auction, WITHOUT RESERVE, SHALL FRAME HOUSE AND LOT ON DL\ AL STREET. At request of owner, I will sell, without reserve, the FRAME HOUSE AND LOT on north line of Duval street, and 29J6 feet west of Prentisjj allev, on TUESDAY, 25th February, at. P. M. Lot fronts 38tf feet and runs back between parallel lines TeiijiS ! One third cash; balance at 6lx and twelve monllis, sccured bv deed of trust. -fe 20 J. THOMPSON BROWN, Auctioneer. Bv W. Gotlflln, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer. corner of Eleventh and Bank streets. SALE AT AUCTION" OB' THAT LARGE AND ELEGANT RESIDENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GRACE AND SIXTH STREETS, IN THE C1TV OF RICHMOND.? At the requestor the devisees of the late Alfred I enn. I shall offer for sale at public auction, on ILESDAl the 18th February, 3 879?ot 4% o'clock P.M., on the premises, bis ZaRGK AND ELEGANT RESI DENCE. located as above, now in the occupancy of the Hon. James l.yons. The LOT has a. f ront of 64 feet. and a deprh of 152 feet to an alley. The DWELLING I* in good repair, and possesses every accommodation for a large family usually found in such an establishment. As it Is so well known, a further description Is deemed unnecessary. Tkbms: One fourth cash: balance at six, twelve, and eighteen months for negotiable noies, Interest added, secured by a d-ct of trust. Possession about the 1st of May next, _ _ __ W. GOD L>Ia, Real Estate Auetioneer POSTPONEMENT. The above sale Is postponed lill WEDNESDAY, 19th March, 1879, at same hour.^ G0DT)jjj. jn 19-law3w&tdids Auctioneer. By Frank J, Sauipson, Real Estate Ageut,. Auctioneer, and .Notary Public, corner of Ninth and Hull streets, Manchester, Va. TRUSTEE'S SALE" OF DWELLING JL HOUSE AND LOT IN THE CITY OF MAN CHESTER. AT THE CORNER OF PERRY AND FIFTEENTH STREETS. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. By virtue of a deed of trust from James A. Harrison to the undersigned, bearing d;ite on the 11th dty of July, 1874. duly of record in the clerk's office of the Hastings Court for the city or Manchester, Deed-Book J , page 216. belug required so to do by the holder of tue notes thereby secured, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on -the pre mises, on THURSDAY. February 27, 1879, at 3 % o'clock P. M.. the property as above described, aud consisting ot a FRAME DWELLING, contain ing live rooms, now occupied bv Miss Thomas, irent iug 30 feet by 120 feet deep, in a healthy aud re spectable neighborhood. Terms: Cash as to expenses of sale and i?8ou with Interest thereon from November 30. Ib7 ana the remainder as may be announced at the hour oi cntp \V. L. COWAKPlSt fel7 Trustee. By George E. Crawford, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer. 1005 Bank street. Sale of house~T\nd valuable LOT OF LAND TN ASHLAND, VA.-ln pur suance of a decree of the Chancery Court of the city or Richmond, entered on the 11th or February, 1 879, in the cau^e of Shine vs. Grooms and others, I will sell at auction, on SATURDAY, March JL*t, at 10 A. M.. on the premises, a LOT OF LAN D tront ine 105 teet on England street at the corner of Henrv. 208 feet deep, with a comfortable FRAME RESIDENCE of four rooms. TEitMS : $50 cash and $50 every 90 days, with In terest until the whole is paid. GEORGE E. CRAWFORD, fe 19-eod4t,tTh&F Commissioner. /COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF A VAL V/ UABLE FARM ON JAMES RIVER.? The un dersigned, commissioners appointed by decree of j Buckingham Circuit Court, at the October term thereof for. the year 1978, made in the suit of John J.Roberts and others vs. Joseph Fuqua; andU.C. Toney. administrator of John W. Toney. who sues for Robert Alvis and Eugene N. Tonev, who sue for, &e~,V8. Joseph Fuqua; and James Lyons and R. Mlitou Carey, styleo special commissioners. &c.,ts. William Fuqua, executor of Joseph Fuqua and otli?TS,wlll sell on the preml8es,on THURSDAY, the 27th day of March. 1879, the TRACT OF LAND called-" HEAR GARDEN," in Buckingham county, on Jauies river, containing EIGHT HUNDRED AND TWENTY-EIGHT AND A QUARTER ACRES (828KJ, more or less, of which Joseph Fu qua died seized and |>ossesse<i : and will also sell, at the same time and place, TWO l'RACTS OF LAND on Phelps creek (near the "Bear Garden" tract), containing, tocctker. THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT AND A HALF ACRES, mostly in tiuiticr. The** Bear Garden" tract has on it nearly 200 acres of James river low-grounds, considered equal to the ?rerv best on said river, aud the tract has long b'-en rated as one of the finest estates in the James River Valley. The Improvements consist of a FRAME DWELL ING wiih scvcu rooms nnd the usual farm bnlldiugs. TKB2f?Off Sale will be ?500 in ca3h. and for the residue of the purchase-money a credit will t>e given of one. two, three, and four years, equal instalments with interest if roiq day of sale on said deferred pay ments; the purchaser to execute bonds, with ap prover security, for said credit-payments; the title to said land to ne held as further securitv, and the sale to be mude subject to the ratification of the court. If the weotheris too inclement, on the day above fixed on, the tale^M take place on the next fair day thereafter. F. D. IRVING, JOHN R. WILSON, T. S. MARTIN, fe lO-M&ThUm Commissioners. TRUSTEE'S -SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM EN HEFRSTERFIELD COUNTY, VA NE AR THE -CLOVER HILL PITS, AT AUC TION.? By virtue of . a deed of trust executed by T. jr., J. W., E. B.E.?and Ann Elliss,and Martlia 8. -Smith, to the aadersifirned, as trustee, dated Decem jIkt 4. 1868. aud dnlvifcorded in the clerk's office ?of Chesterfield CounfcyCourt in D. B. 51, pajje 91, default having toen'oiiade in the payment of the ?note therein seewwl, and being required by the holder thereof, I vill .-sell by auction, on the nretn tses,at J. L.Owen'*?Kttyre,Qfc? WEDNESDAY, Match 12. 1?79, between t&e'lwure of 12 M- and 2 o'clock P?jtt./(lf not fair, tl*?.on-tUe next fair day thereaff ter between the saineSfcaursl, the property mention* edio the deed of tniat as containing S09 ACRES, raore.or less, and adjoining S&o lauds of J. P. Cox, the Urighthope Railway tkmipany, and others. TSTftMS; Enough in eauli to<<Wrav the expenses of executing this trust aud to pay off a note of seven hundred (1#700) dollars, vith interest thereon from December 1868. until paid; wod the balance. If any, upou-such terms as stay be Announced at the sale. G. IL ROBERTSON, 1 fe 4 ' ? " Trustee. F)R saw elegant AND DE-^ SIRABLE MAIN-STREET STORE; four] stories above: large front and depth to ? vide alley ; located on Main Mx&t between Thirteenth and i Fourteenth streets: admirably adapted to either wholesale or retail batlness. A great bargain in price, and extra inducement offered about terms. For particulars apply in ROBERT B. L. YN E, ty 12-eodQt BgU Estate Auctioneer, ' - BFSgXESS CHA2SCES. BUSINESS CHANCE. -Stock, Good-j D Willi tad Fixtures of ?u Established Business for sale. Apply to 31. EVANS & CO., jalfi-eodgja 826 Broad street. jpLOSING OUT AT VEEY LOW \J PRICE* of our or CROCKERY. &LASS- , WARE, BASKETS, and BRUSHES, {a order toqult E VAHS A CQm 35W BK?<J Sttt*. | mi ; STATEMENT*. - uant to AcToyABiiixM^^ [RE-mSUEANCE COMPAOT. '? ? 'r-u: ? . ?.?!? u ?? v ? ;j: GENERAL AGENTS ,>r.' i;- :: l r.*/?' : ' .f ? t ' _ -v -Ufii . ,cU i- - - ? ? '?"I tfft ') ANNUAT* 8TATEMENT FOR THE FIBOAL YEAR ENDING THE 81BT DAT OF DECEMBER, 1878. OF THE ACTUAL CONDITION OF THE PKNNSYLVANl A FIRE-INSURANCE COMPANY, ORGANIZED UNDER TUK LAWS OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. MADE TO THE AU DITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS FOK THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, PURSUANT TO AN ACT OF THE GENERAL A8SEMHLY REGULATING THE REPORTS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES, APPROVED FEBRUARY 22, 1878, >'.-n ? _ _ . 'isWXii : ? Name or the company In fall, Pennsylvania Fire-Tnsubance COMrANT. Home or principal office of said coraptny. Philadelphia, Penn. character of the company? whether lire, Are and marine, or marine losoraacc company? Perpetual. Presld*?nt. JOHN DEVEBEAUx. Vice- President, ? ? . Secretary, WIlliax G. Ckowell. Treasurer, . _ Orjranl#*! and incorporated Mabcii, 1825, Commenced business April, 1825. L CAPriAL. , , 'I-''''. " V"* " ' ' I. The amount of subscribed capital stock of such corporation. < $ 400,000 00 JI. The amount of said capital stock paid npin cash- 400,000 00 , ' II. ASSETS. IV. The assets of said company, and a detailed statement of how and in -what the same are Invested : 1. Value of real estate owned by the company, less $ , the amount of encumbrances thereon 97,615 72 2. Loans on bond and mortgage (duly recorded and being Hrat Hens on the fee simple) upon which not more than one year's interest -1# dne ; 884,007 0 0 4. Interest due on all said bond and merrgage loans, 44, 265. 60 ; interest accrued thereon, $6,718.90? total 11,879 50 6. Value of the bnihiings mortgaged (Insured for $246,767 as collate-) ral) ? ~ >41,000,500 00 7. Total value of said mortgaged premises..., ) 8. -Account of Stocks, Bonds, and Treasury notes or the united states, AND OP Tins STATE, AND OF OTIIER STATES, AND ALSO OF STOCKS AND Bonds of incorporated cities in this state, and of all other Stocks AND BONDS OWNED ABSOLUTELY BY-TUE COMPANY : .. Tot'il Par Total Market : ? : :: . . Value. Value. Uni e<I States 5 per cent. 1881 loan $ 220,000 00 $ 234.850 00 ' "United Bute* 6 per cent. l?81 loan 80,000 00 82.850 00 .. Philadelphia oty loins..., 96,350 00 106,123 50 Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road Company? z50 shares of stock...... 12,500 00 16,125 00 Philadelphia. Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road Company 6 per cent. loan..... 10^003 00 10,500 00 Pennsylvania Raiiroafl Company first mort gage loan 11,000 00 11,605 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company consolidated 6's lean 28,000 00 28,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Company Navy* Yard '? ? 6's loan.... 10,000 00 10,000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company eouMJlhiated 7's loan... 20,000 00 19,600 00 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Coiupanv first mortgage 6's loan 17,500 00 17,150 00 Delaware Railroad Company mortgage 6'3 loan 15,000 00 15,900 00 Philadelphia nr.d Erie Railroad Company flrsc mortgage 6's loan..., .. 25,000 00 26,000 00 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company first ? ? mortgage 6's loan 40,000 00 43,600 00 Lehigh Val ey Ral'roadCouipunv first mort gage 6'.-? loan 33,000 00 36,465 00 Lehigh Valley Railroad Company cousolldated mortgage 6's loan 22,000 00 21.450 00 Earrlsburg, Portsmouth, Mt Joy and Lancas ter Railroad Company first mortgage 6's Ioau 20,000 00 21,400 00 Elrnlra and WtHlamcport Railroad Coinpauy first mortgage 7's loan 25,000 00 27,000 00 West Jersey Railroad Company first mortgage Ioau 10,000 00 10.300 00 Pennsylvania and New York Canal and Hall- . ? road Company 7 per cent. Joau 24.000 00 27.120 00 United Companies of New Jersey consolidated mortgage 6's loar 60,000 00 61,800 00 Southern Central Railroad Company, of New _ York second mortgage 7's pold loan 20,000 00 20.000 00 West Pennsylvania Railroad Company loan... 4,000 00 3,b00 00 t'lio Tmct. nf Pennsylvania 19,000 00 18.810 00 ... ? ~ qu cnn tin 00 8S,800 00 12,375 00 The Car Trust, of Pennsylvania i?,uuu The Empire Car Trust ; 40,000 American Steamship Company, of Philadel phia 6 rer cent.. loan 15,000 00 Schuylkill Navigation Company first mortgage 1 >an 12,000 00 5,760 00 Schuylkill Navigation Company second mort gage loan 5,760 00 6,462 00 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company first mortgage 6's Ioau 29.000 00 30.160 00 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. goldloun 2O,Ou0 00 18.000 00 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company first mortgage 6's loan 10.080 00 7,000 00 Delaware Division Canal Co. 6 percent, loan. 2O.U0O 00 14.000 00 Philadelphia and Reading Coal and iron Com pany 7 per cent. loan 20.000 00 12.000 00 Pennsylvania 6's loan 1,500 00 1,650 00 Harrlshurg City 6's loan 18,000 00 18,."i40 00 St. Louis City 6's loan 25.000 00 25,375 00 Delaware State 6V loan 13.000 00 13,650 00 New Jersey 6's loan ; 8.000 00 8.320 00 Camden County 6's loan 15.000 00 15.600 00 Cincinnati Cltv 73-10 loans 38.000 00 41.420 00 Cinclneinnatl City 7's loan 10.000 00 10:350 00 Cincinnati City 6fs loan 12,000 00 12,000 00 P'M&burgh City 7's water loan 50.000 00 52.500 00 .... 10.000 00 9,000 00 Pittsburgh Cl?y 7's Stauton-aveuue loan 10,000 uu Newark City 7's loan 20.000 00 Philadelphia Rank? 200 snares stock 20.0' 0 00 Man.-i.vunk; lias Company? 20 shares stock 1.000 00 22.9.">0 00 31,200 00 1.000 00 Manayunk Gas Company !!ir^?. ".?.185,610 00 ?1,228.300 50 1.228.360 50 1,721,702 72 LADil AV ? a ? ? ? VALUE OP HIE SAMS, AND TUE AMOUNT LOANED ON EACH Total Par Total 3farket Am^l Loaned Value. Value. Thereon. Insurance Company State of Pennsylvania? 6 shares $1,200 00 $1,680 00 *1,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad C'ompan>? 100 shares 5.000 CO 3,250 00 1.200 00 11. Total par and market value, and amount loaned thereon.,....; $ 6.200 00 $ 4.930 00 $ 2,200 00 2.200 00 12. Cash in the Com pat. y'* principal office 6,04S 62 18. Cash belonging to the com pany dep> sited iu bank (name bank), Philadelphia Na tional?total 47.463 68 16. Gross premiums m courcc of collection not more than three mouths due 77.763 02 The gross amount of all the assets of the company ^ 1.855.288 04 AOOKEGATR AMOUNT OF ALL THE ASSETS OF TnE COMPANY, STATED AT TUEIB AUTCAL VALUE .*1.855,238 04 III. LIABILITIES. V. The liabilities of said conrpany : 1. Gross claims for adjusted and unpaid losses due and to become due $ 45.000 00 4. Total gross amount of claims for losses.. 45,000 00 6. Net amount of unpaid losses $ 45,000 00 7. Gress premiums received and receivable upon all uuexplred fire risk*, running one year or less from date of policy, lucludlng interest premiums ou verpetual fire risks, $384,218.62; unearned pre miums, per cent $192,109 31 8. Gross premiums received and receivable upon all unexpired tire risks, Tunning more than one year from date of policy, $224,292.60; unearned premiums, pro rata 121.845 50 11. Total unearned premiums as computed above 313.954 81 12. Amount reelalmable by the Insured on perpetual fire-insurance policies 404,070 35 20. AH other demands aenlust the company, absolute and contingent, due and to become due, admitted and contested? viz.: State, city, county, or other taxes and assess ments, $2,000; commissions, brokerage, and other charges due and to be come due to acents and brokers on premiums paid and In course of collection, $20,000? total 22,000 00 21. Total amount of all liabilities, except capital stock and net surplus $785,025 1 6 22. Jotnt stock capital actually paid up in 400,000 00 23. Surplus beyond capital and all other liabilities 670,212 88 25. ' AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ALL L7ABILTIES, INCLUDING PAID-UP CAPITAL STOCK, AND NET SUBPLUS $1,855,238 04 IV. INCOME. For Fire Risks. VI. The Income of said company durinsr the preceding twelve months, and from wliat sources derived : 1. Gross premiums received In cash, without any deduction $ 557.903 75 3. Gross cash receipts tor premiums 557.903 75 4. Deduct only relusurauce, rebate, abatement, and return premiums. ... 51,072 76 5. Net cash actually received for premiums $506,830 99 7. Received lor interest on bonds and morigaseM 21,359 92 8. Received for interest and dividends on stocks and bonds, collateral loans, and from all other sources 72,853 30 9. Income received from all other sourccs? viz. : Reuts, $250 : 5 per cent, on reta. depts. can., $307.66? total 557 66 10. Deposit premiums received for perpetual lire risks $13,188.56 12. AGGRKCATE AMOUNT OF INCOME ACTUALLY RECEIVED DURING THE YEAB $ 601.601 87 V. EXPENDITURES. On Fire Risks. VII. The expenditures of said company, giving a detailed statement of the same : 1. Gross amount actually paid for losses, including $38,000 ; losses occurring in previous years $245,150 72 Total deductions $245,150 72 $245.150 72 4. Dividends actually paid stockholders (amount of stockholders' dividends declared during the year. $40,000) 40.000 00 6. Paid for commissions or brokerage 77,568 01 7. Paid for salaries, fees, and all other charges of officers, clerks, agents, and all other employees 73,347 71 8. Paid for State, national, and local taxf s In this and other btuies 9. All other payments and expenditures? viz. : Printing, advertising, and supplies $13,000; yellow-lever fund, $100; fire patrol, $1,164.64; National Board aqq't 3a_totai 10. Amount of deposit' premium returned during the year in perpetual tire ^ 1 ' . 14,602 03 AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ACTUAL EXPENDITURES DURING TUE YEAR 466,084 JG JOHN DF.VKRKUX. w:lljlam g. chow ell. State of Pennsylvania, City and County of Philadelphia, ss. : Be it bemembebed, That on the 14ih day of January, 1879, at the city aforesaid, before me. THOMAS J. HUNT, a commissioner resident in ihe said cltv, duly commissioned and qualified by the executive authority, and under the laws of the State of Virginia, to take acknowledgment of deed?, &c., to be used or recorded therein, personally appeared John Devebeux, President, and William G. CBOWell, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Fike-Insubance Company, of Philadelphia, who, being duly affirmed, depose and say, aud each for himself says, that they arc the above-described officers of the said company, and that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the actual condltton of said organization on the last day of Its fiscal year? to wit., the day of , 18 , according to the beat of their information, knowledge, and belief, respectively. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, on the J Seal J 14th day of January, 1879. THOMAS J. HUNT, Commissioner, r ' THOMAS M. ALFRIEND & SON, GENERAL AGENTS FOR VIRGINIA AND WEST VIRGINIA, fe 24-6 1 .?>-? No. 1 north Tenth rtbket. Richmond, Va. GROCERIES. AC. jgNGLISH SALT. DAVENPORT & MOEBIS offer tor sale, to arrive, ihc cargoes of barks "Er . Ung " and " Jupiter," consisting oC "WOEIHISGIONd " WILLIAMS w * FINE SALT and GROUND ALUM. .rfel3-10tj Have the tombstones, monu ments, STATUARV. 4crt CLEAN ED. The undersigned respectfully informs ibe public that he will remain in this city ^rtfcwwee ksfor (He purpose of CLEANINGMoN^MENTS,T()M&. STONES. STATUARY. ' SODA APPAJiATUS, DOOK-STEPS. GRANITE and FREESIONE BUILDING FRONTS, to LOOK .LIKE NEW. He mattes a specialty or thli business, cud has bad fifteen years1 experience, and Hattera JaJia.'Wiif to give "ft ?t cea.aert.-5-S superintendent, #fid at 1700 JPwnkUn itwrt. *!? ten^dto V PBUUP jU STRANGE. fel9-lw? Y: v' " SOTE.PAPER, Ac N OTE-PAPER. 100 DIFFERENT STYLES, PDT UP IN" 2? EAT BOXES, containing 24 SHEETS OF PAPER aud 24 EN VELOPES, at 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 50, 75c? $1, $2 a box. 8TEEL-, GOLD-, and RUBBER-PENS in great variety. ELLY80N 4 YANCEY, Booksellers aud Stationers, to G 1112 Main street. T>OOK AOT JOB WORK JTCATLY JB ECUTJKD ?t toa W&PATCH PRINTING jHOUSB. watocttii. jpgy-wnro fmicaht to act or JT^IVERPOOL AffD LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY DAVENPORT * CO., GENEEAt, AGENTS FOR VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA, AND NOKti, , ' ** CA ROLFVi COMPANY'S BUILDING, ** No. 1113 MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, ANNUAL STATE3IENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING TTIF -Ma- , 1878, OF THE ACTUAL CONDITION OF THE ' .J?!' -r>AY ay INSURANCE COMPANY (UNITED STATES R GREAT BRITAIN. MADE TO THE AUDITOR WEALTH OF VIRGINIA PURSUANT TO AN / ING THE REPORTS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES, . Name of the company In full, Tub Liverpool and Losdov avd nrnm- r.. Home or prlnclnal office or said company, Liverpool, KnglaVo in' nl '***< k < c,\ ,? LIAM STREET, NEW YORK CITY, -row,, r,NCLA5D. In United Stite,. ^ rW* ' f. Character of the company-whethtr Are, fire and marine, or marine insurant,.,. ' :* Resident Manager. New York. Jambs K. Pulsfobd. insurance company? pip. Deputy Manager. New York, Uenby W. Eaton. Assistant Deputy Manager, New Yorlf, Gkokok W. Uoyt. Organized and Incorporated, 1836. Commenced business Jn United States, 1851. Name of the General Agents In Virginia, 3Iessr?. Davenport 4 Co tit* \r., . Residence of the General Agen'.B In Virginia, Richmond. Ialn I. CAPITAL I. The amount of subscribed capita] stock of such corporation.... II. The amount of said capital stock paid up In cash ......... '7.'.'.'. '10/r . y^,, ,f II. ASSETS. IV. The assets of said company, and a detailed ? tatement of how and In what th,. are invented : Mi<* 1. Value of real estate owned by the company, less * nil , the amount of en-.,*. brances thereon...; -n-!i?. 2. Loaua on bond and I mortgage (duly recorder! and beln:r flniiVlcra ?iTthe fwlLirnn, ? "'20. 7 0 ? upon which not more than one year's interest Is duo 1 '^lO-Tlc* ' aTOOKSANDBOND.S OWNED ABSOLUTELY BY Til E COMPANY. - i . . r . - Total Pur Total Market Value. V'llut. UnitedStates currency C1*.. ...* 365.000 00 $ 436.175 <m United Statej 6-20's or 1867 485,000 00 494.700 00 United States 6's or 1881 90.000 00 95.96a 50 United States 10-40's.... 2S5.OO0 00 253.SM0 00 United States funded debt of 1881, 5 percent.. 50.000 00 53.500 on United States 4 14 per Cents, of 1891' 280.000 00 292,950 (m United States 4 per cen s... 100.000 00 99.500 00 New York State 6 per cent, bonds 45,000 60 54.000 oo City of Richmond 8 percent, bondj 5.000 00 (j.OQU 00 Mississippi pay 20.000 00 18.000 no South Carolina 6 per cent, bonds 20.000 00 '2.000 CO Alabama G per cent, bonds 10.U00 00 4.300 00 9. Total par and market value, carried ont at mar ket value ? ? *1,705.000 00 fsl.810.P87 50 lP]-iw-. 12. Cash In the company's principal office ' , . ' 13. Cash belonging to the company deposited in Phenix National, New Yor<- New Tork Life and Trust Company; First National. Chicago; London andean Francisco Bank, San Francisco; and Canal Bank. New Orleans? total , 0. . 14. Interest due and accrued ou stocks uotlncluacd In "marfcet value"/ 15. Interest due and accrued on collateral loans 5 3'2.r".? ? 16. Gross premiums in course of collection not more than three mouths due , 17. Bills receivable, npt matured* taken for Arc risks ' jjfv 18. All other property belonging to the company? viz., Rents due and ac- -j crued $2,201 01 Loans on Life Policies W. C. C., C. H., G. and II. A., and D. A. L 3..r?4* t;r> Total - ; 20. Amount of premiums unpaid ou policies which have been issued more than three months 411,520 43 ACCJRECATE AMOUNT OF ALL THE ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, STATED AT THEIR ACTUAL VALUE % J 30l>.,; III. LIABILITIES. 4. Total gross amount of claims for losses & 3 10.4 >*8 63 5. Deduct insurance thereou 1.704 .*>0 6. Net amount of unpaid losses ?i"v7-{ 7. Gross premiums received and receivable upon all unexpired./*;** risks, rttuHlngonc year or lt*s from date of policy. Including Inter est premiums on perpetual lire risks, ?1.922,717.99 ; unearned premiums, per cent., 50 4 961,358 'J'.' 8. Gross premiums received and receivable upon all unexpired lire ri>lti, running more than one year from date of policy, $1,145, 762.26; unearned premiums, pro rata ' 4 659.125 .19 11. Total unearned premiums as computed above 1.02" 4-i 12. Amount rcclalmahle by the Insured en perpetual fire-insurance pollcfe.*. 95 per cent, of premiums received 311.10* 13. Net premium reserve, and all other liabilities, except capital, under the lift-insur ance or any other special department 1 1 1.77 1 20. All other demands against the company, absolute and contingent, one and to in come due, admitted and contested...' 7'M i2 21. Total amount of all liabilities-, except cavital stock and net surplus f 2. 1 '13.* ? IV. INCOME. For Fire links. VI. Theincotneof said company during the preceding twelve months, and from what sources derived : 1. Gross premiums received m cash, without auy deduction $2,91 1.205 1 2 3. Gross cash receipts lor premiums 42,91 1.2U5 12 4. Deduct only reinsurance, rebate, abatement, and return premiums... 489,073 O.'J 5. Net cash actually received for premiums 7. Received for Interest ou bouds au?l mortgagee. aud / 8. Received for inteiest and dividends on stocks and bonds, collateral loans, and ? 113 from all other sources ) 9. Income received fro? all other sources ? vlx.. Heuts, $30,760.37 ; hfu department. 413.887.04? total H 16. Deposit premiums received for perpetual lire risks, 5 per cent, car ried inside....... 4 64.511 68 12. AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF INCOME ACTUALLY RECEIVED DURING THE TEAK W V. EXPENDITURES. On Fire Risks. VII. The expenditures of said company, gi\ lug a detailed statement of the same : 1. Gross amount actually paid for losses, Including *18 7,231.56; losses occurring In previous years $1,296,195 76 2. Deduct all amounts actually received lor salvages (whether on lowse* of the last or of previous v ears J, $11,720.02 ; aud all amounts actually received tor reinsurance in other companies, $17, 647.65 29.576 <37 3. Net amount paid during the year for l6s>es 4 1.260.01.' 6. Paid for commissions or brokerage 361 I"'1 7. Paid for salaries, fees, and all other charges of officers, clerk-', agents, and all other employees 14 7.2*1 8. Paid forState, national, and local taxes In thl> and other Slates ' - 1 ?2.12212' Ho. Life expenditures 9. All other payments aud expenditures? viz., Prtntluir, stationery, advertising, iexal, aud all other expense chargcs 10. Amount of deposit premium returned during the year In perpetual lire rlSKS, carried iuslde 4 35.838 41 Aggregate amount of actual expenditures during the year....* i 97 ; ./. K PUL8FORD. Resident M o. ., :. II. W. EATON, Deputy Maii.igcr. State of New York. City asd County of New York, ss. : HE IT REMEMBERED, That on the 5th dav of February. 1P79. at the oily aforesaid. l? ' f John F. Doyle, |a notary nubile resident injilie .-aid city, duly commissioned and 'pialitied by eeutive authority and under the lawsof the State of New York to rake acknowledgment "? ?!" A' be used or recorde<l therein, personally appeared J. E. l'CLSFORD, resident tnaiuu'i r. and Mkm:v Eaton, deputy manager, of the Liverpool and London and clobe Insfraxi i: i kmi'anv Great Britain and New York, Ac., who, being duly sworn, depose and nity, and each for limi- ii that i he; axe the above-described officers of thesaid company, and thai the foregoing I- .t true .u. ! rect statement of the actual condition of said organization on the la>t dny of lis ilseal > ? .t r? *? > ? ' 3 1st. day of December, 1878? according to the best of their Information, knowledge, aud i - ll t t> -i ively. ( , In testlmrny whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my otlV' <Seal J 5th day cf February, 1879. JOHN F, D??VI.K. ( ? ' Notary Public, New YorWcwu. 1 \ fe 22-6t V I ssr It A XCE COMPA mi;s. IRG1NIA STATE INSURANCE COM PANY. Office, 1000 Main street, Richmond. STATEMENT JANUARY 1, 1879. ASSETS : Capital paid up In cash $200,000 ciO Accumulated assets 81,110 41 Total ca?h assets $281, 110 41 LIABILITIES ! Unpaid losses, not exceed inp +8.000 00 Due for taxes, Ac 1,296 28 9 296 29 Caidtal and trross surplus for protec tion of policy-holders $271.814 13 Amount required to rc-insuroall out standing risks S28.231 Net surplus to stockholders *43,382 58 Dm ec tojrs: John L. iUroo, James Alfred Jones, Thomas W. McCance, A. I). Williams, William H. Haxall. Henry liohiner. FIKE INSURANCE EFFECTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. THREE- ANI) FIVE-YEAR POLICIES ON DWELLINGS (AT low rates) A SPECIALTY. J. L. BACON, President. J. M. Tate. Secretary. R. E. Richardson, Assistant Secretary. ja 24-oodlm Mut u a l assurance society OF VIRGINIA. CHARTERED 1794. Office, corseh Tenth and Rank streets. Insures BUILDINGS by perpetual and annual policies against FIR K and LIGHTNING. HERBERT A. CLAIBORNE, Principal Agent. Frank D. Steger. Secretary. Thomas Bollino. Jr., Assistant Secretary, John Blair, Collector. la 13 3m BUBIAI^CASKS, *e. RICHMOND BURIAL -CASE, MANUFACTURING COMPANY, AMD UNDERTAKERS1 SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE. WAREROOMS : Franklin street between Twelfth and Thirteenth ; FACTORY AND LUMBER-YARDS: TWENTIE11I AND VEXABLE STREETS, Ja 1'tMh 10 RICHMOND, VA. OEXTINTN. GW. JONES, , DENTIST, with no J* and elcxrant office. NEXT TO ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. 00 NINTH STREET, with every coa ventence for comfort of hb patient*, with twenty flru year* exptlplenoe' 1* prepared to perform all operations gently thoroughly tog &U ?uch a? de tire hUsertlces. ? % l?8m j ' ? ; jH h i'f.i'iit ni: Jftc \*Yif&ZL mSKOMTTIOXK ?l I* A ItTX F.HNI! I PS. OrKICK OF TIIK l:i? IIVOM'/ lltOS-I'AINT t'OMl'AS Y. , Richmond, Jauuarj <5. i-7.? ? ^TIIE FIKM OF N. T. PATH ?!t "*? JL tills <Iay dissolved l>y mutual cou-eut. s I'ATK assti nn's :tlt liabilities, an! win c i.'.-. busiuv.*s< under the saute name and *tv'e. X. T. I'ATK. J. It. KUW Having secured the services of a nyu'jir ? (graduate of the lJulver>Ity ot Maryland years' exi>erlcnre in the manufacture <?:' !'>?' who will licrealter have entire charge and ><? uicnt oi'the comiioum'.ingaud mixliuoi 'tli< I." I ? MONO IKON I'AINT, and eiuplo) lug t skilful and experienced workmen, we en: sailsfactlon. All orders will receive prompt attentlwii. Office, Xo. 5 north Seventh street. N. T. I'ATK X < >. Richmond. February 3, li*7 y. f< BOOTS, SHOES. Ac. J 00K AT THIS! 1 have placed on my counter SHOfcs to U gardles* of c<v.t : IXFAX'I S' TIKS. all colors, at :><><-. ; INFANTS* BALMORALS, al ?? U - JUlYS'COXGREgS ti \U*KUS. 1 J < LADIES' SEKOE Hl'TTOX* !?? ?< ? I ?. r ? LADIES' SER<?K HI' TTOX- BOoTs, U at *2.30 w?rih i t : GENTLEMEN'S DOl'm.E-SOl.K ( UK GRESS GAITERS. *7 worth $y. The above are all fir*t-el.tss iroods. < '??!! ydti wish barxaius at No 835 Broad at x ? ? ' ja ly-sm \v. r. w. -r.w W1.VB-THHKAD. Qeine-thhkm)! w SEINE TMUKAI) :>*crv UXPRECEI>KNTKI)..V LOW I'Klt f. SEIN F-TH R EA I). SEI X K-T \V 1 s K>. SEiX E-LIN'E>, SKI N K-t ? ?IJ K. | HAWKING, GILLINt.-KOPE, A >Ve are offering the above at very " I order U close out oar stock before ma kin/ ' V' * I ?? Ion in store. All th>#e In *a:tt -hoo'ii o I advantage of the low prices and -itprily " r j at once. We have exptrt hands I" ???" CMJi ^ the manufacture of NETS and SEINES, WttK" are prepared to furnish at short ti"ttce. I L. LirilTK.N'STKIN -t <,IN"; corner Seventeenth and Krau? : J Sole Importers of the "LION IlKAM' * ,? 'J IIRLA D. aud Importer* of other On: ?? ? CO.\i'K(TIO> KKIES. ,tf . PURE CANDIES.- 1 am in iti:if:?ott:r' ^ dally mvlntmlta^le piirecru.-lied ,s mti> FLfNT can ''its. i ??? *l : . DIES for wholesale puri;"** tbau auy h-*^ . ... . | couu!ry-warrauted jhtK cl?y pure | rations. We don't um; wuy K'u,'l>* ~ r.""^ ~* r>' ' alba? nothing but pure biijia."** 11 , , rtJri? ? flavored, whiter, brl^hrer. i> ??"' to stand firm In nnv cllnuie. , ,, . LOL'IS J. llOSSIEC-V. : I Ja 80 Hi -