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FRIDAY APRIL 4, 18:0, fFor the Dispatch.] ? Annexation of Aanehci(?r. Cities want population, and at Rich 1non<Ps present growth sbe wants It greatei than perhaps at anv other time. A few hundreds of people do not make a city, and as cities have competing interests they ar< aided by large population, wbieb secure productive capacity and commercial energy, "A large city creates for Itself a cheap mar ket, bccause large consumers can always buy cheapest. .London attracts the pro ducts of the world, because a considerable quantity of everything the world Droduce? Is either consumed there or finds -from thai great mart arteries of distribution, at cheap est rates of carriage or freight, to otbei points of consumption. Commercial and political power and influence of a city i.< mainly to be measured by its population Natural advantages of location a* to naviga tion and health must be takerf into the cal culation ; but population is indispensable A greatly populous city will overcome ever natural disadvantages in developing ite ca pacity for production and wealth. Ever wealth will not answer for a citv without population. The bone and muscieof pop. illation are really thfe true wealth of a cliv, It is their continued capacity of duplicating productions and manufactures that secure the wealth and power or a city. Without population ?'money" wealth is inefficient, and shrinks into a state of uselessnes*. Then, if these views are true, why should not Richmond avail herself of whatever op port unity is afforded her to increase hei population ? It may be said for tbe reason* *borc cited, sbe has practically tbe advan tages of the population of Manchester as il is; and this is to some extent true. The lifies of commercial and industrial dis association of Manchester from Riebmonc arc to a great extent imperceptible to th< world, and the influence of Manchester*} population is practically added to Richmonc in her business status, because of tbe prox iraity of Manchester and ow ing to the fuel the greater absorbs tbe less. This fret alon< makes it to tbe interest of Richmond? ij oven no other existed? to care for, promote and every way secure for that city tbe bes possible conditions of prosperity with her self; for being practically a part of Rich mond. how can she act wisely unless sh< secure the health, energy, and comfort o every one of her members, Manchester beinj in truth one. Wc may imagine Mancbotei a separate community, that is all ; for. Tor al the interests that encourage population or i city, Manchester (in pioportion tohernum bers) is as necessary 10 Richmond as hers i< to herself. Mere territory is not a questioi of importance generally; but in this the annexation of Manchester to Richmon< becomes a mailer of vast utility, as serving to settle conflicljng interests of the ripariar rights of the two cities. The question we have undertaken to dis cuss is one or great importance to Rich mond as well as Manchester; and white u 1; deserving and susceptibie of a comprehen sive treatise, for purpo>es at this time we must confine our remarks to a few prominent considerations. The writer is ? considerable tax-payer in the city of KMch jnond, and is neither a bondholder or land owner of Manchester, and he mentions this becau-e people are too apt 10 look al the dollars and cents tli^t appear to be involved in such a proposition as annexation, since it is usually esteemed of great advantage to marry wealth. And while wc shall under take to show that even as a money trans action Richmond would gain bv the union wc shall continue the line of our remarks as tending to show the general relations and interest* of population. The necessities of a city are great, and that " necessity is the mother of invention " lias grown into au adage. The great wants of a vast metropolis (not only neccssarv wants, but also those of a social and even sumptuous character) compel industry and inspire competition. Necessity lashe* even the indolent intoa quickened pace; and the results of the greatest possible production of a city is owing largely to the impending necessities of its people, and to their emu" Jatiou in the enjoyments of social life from being brought into intimate relations aufl contact. Hesides this, the necessary cost of main taining a city government, under the best social conditions of population, arc les sened proportionately as the numbers are increased; and thus the result of the an nexation of Manchester would be the means of some proportionately les> expense of our city government to each or us from the ope ration of enlarging our population by the addition of the population of Manchester to our? , and just, so Manchester would be "benefited too. We do not desire to ma" nify results, but it our premises are right some beneficial cfi'eet is in this wav inevita ble? little or much, it is beyond ques tion true ? and as it is to continue for all time. it. becomes a matter of wonder ful import. For, like compounding of in terest on money, it magnifies its dimension amazingly, and should not be disregarded, though appearing of little moment just now! The people of Manchester are a fair average population, compared with any community, and would not cost Richmond as much to govern them? as part of herself? as ihev now do Manchester, for the reason just cited. Manchester's people have undertaken 7tnprovemenis, and grading of their street5 that have subjected tliem to hardships to' meet their tuxes, nud thus they have been forced to practice economy arid industry, that only the heifer qualifies them for Use ful citizens of Richmond. These expendi tures arc not lost, for they will in time be of great advantage, and are but pari of a work that would ultimately be needed, and must wv tit IVIJf, vut II |/M4 V VI VMV JJVUVIMI VJC?VUJ of grading of Richmond. These views would indeed appear useless it we would but cousider the uniform ten dency oi cities to absorb their suburban populations and the necessity to absorb that portion of them that arc located on oppo site banks of a river aie but the more obvi ous. First, because population begins on tbe margin of navigation, and can onJy ex tend back from the stream or tip and down it, ho that its centre cannot be a focus, while population, for reason* of economy al least should have a centre at its greatest poinl of commerce and navigation. Secondly, be cause the interests of- navigation and ship ping and control of water-power and water supply should be under one government. Such is tbe condition of all tiie great cities o! . tbe world, whatever was their beginning London city, within tbe Roman walls, had t population pi between 55,000 and 60.000: the old city without the Roman wails be tween 70,000 and 75,000. But that city La: now swallowed up many cities, towns, vil lages, and separate jurisdictions ou botl sides of the river Thames. Four com 09 on wealths or kingdoms of the Mid die Saxons, East Saxons, the Soutl Rick, and of tbe Kentwsras, once rule< over its surface. JSow il's population ii perhaps over two and a half millions, ant rtAimtv Dnr) nifp a Ul LSI UVl a lUV \ ['irvvjim \ u,? v London, the episcopal city of Westminstej the boroughs of Soutliwuk and Greenwicl the towns of Woolwich, Deptford, an Wadswortb ; the watering-places of Hamp htead, HIgbgate, Isliuirton, Acton, Kilburu the iisbuie-tovvu of Barking, the onoe*>e eluded and ancient villages of llum, Horn sey, Sydenham, Lee, Kensington, Pulbam Lambert, Clupbam, l'addinfeton, Hackney Chelsea, Stoke Newinjiton, JS'ewing^ot Butts Plumstead, and others; the Towei and Tower hamlet*, Hospital of St. Catba rine's, aud the Lordship of the Dutch? ol Lancaster, in Westminster. Thus. we bav< specified London because it is one of the . oldest cities and furnishes a striking illus tration of the necessary tendency to at> sorption as an almost univeraul rule. Phil adelphia could not get along till &bje absorbed berpuburban cities, which indeed bad become great populations, and involved in continual conflicts jof jurisdJertoDl A1. ^B^our miods it is caj*y to see oow (be . statesman should regard this principle of absorption, and it is to encourage it rather tbun repel ft. Certainly it is best to under take early to bhape the progress of popula tion and direct the sinew; of industry than let them rue wild. It is best at ouce to set tie all questions of conflicting jurisdiction and au'hority j for time will sooner or later develop serious dltflcnUfei ot ibe kihd, where wo have, we may say, a common port and a narrow stream and great waterfall to be divided between us, wtrfle tbe one city will require much the larger share of it. Tbo rate of tax fn Manchester; is 2$ per cent, Now, this gives tbe place a forbid ding tvpect, but wbec it la considered that tbe valuation of Its property is mticb too low it can be better understood. ? We desire, In conclusion, to abow wbat the dollairsltnd cents of the question pre sents. ? .. . actual ixcou: or kakckbsteb. Tax on rtal estate .$22,000 00 Water r.'nts...; 8.637 CO 1.lccri*vj .... 900 00 All othcrwouiee* 2.091 90 *3jL42fTo0 To pay interest on bonded debt, al 8 ? , pir cent.. of *250,700 ....$20,050 00 Discount on fl >atingdcnt of $27,000... 3,100 00 Salaries of officer?. police. <Sc 0,995 00 Cemetery, later, Ac 1,080 O0 I'lty \H>or (a creditable item) 100 00 Ootirts, electlo:i*,.street hand?, and all o:bsr expense: 3,097 00 ? _ _ L00 JTer capacity to extinguish her debt may be computed as follows : Va'nft of throe times tbe water that Is now turned Into her canai. which 'be can with no jfreat expenditure withdraw * from the river? say half ajraln as much as her present rental $ 13,500 Vrflue or f-ttes for manufacturinj; now in me and that may fee sold. fay throe fourtts of a miie of river front? tbis W not a part of the water rent... 200,000 Lot.*, market, court-house, J<tli, rese rrolr, mills. Jfec.. &c 20.000 Interest lu Free bridge 92,000 Total $325.500 Tbe lUm of water rent now recehed with out any u?x on the mills and fuctori^ which are not now taxed, though they might be taxed, !* i 9,000 The estimated additional riveouti rrom reutv. without reference to auy ottier valuer: 13.500 1 Would pay the interest $22,500 now at a high rate on her debt, but if re duced to. 6 per cent., as Richmond could make it, the amount would 'be much less. Besides, we should consider, a value of 828<">,000 of milling property is not t-jxed at all. Her interest in the Free bridge, her river fiont. canal, riparian rights, taxable property of $1,050,000, and many other ad vantages, it would seem that tiny one could assume Manchester's indebtedness of ?277, 700 to advantage. The debt of Manchester is as follows : The old debt known as tbe Jacqueline Taylor de'jt $ 50.000 Free-bridge b.>nd? 92.000 ( ?ther bonded debt 1 08.700 ' Floati.ig debt 27,000 Total $277,700 No doubt. Manchester would be contented with such expenditures in her behalf as her own taxes would justify, and as she could certainly ask no more for tbe present (allow ing for the interest on her debt), it follows that this is an opportune occasion for the annexation. Certainly it must take place some day or other, and possibly after much conflict of interests and expense to both sides. Manchester would soon share with us iu making our'burdeti9 lighter. It is upon this principle that we arc inviting im migration into every section of the State? to bclp u.s to pay otf our State indebted-il ncss? and the priuciplc applies to the city 1 as well/ ? C. A Sux-Bath.? Living and sleeping in a room in which the <un never enters is n slow form of suicide. A sun-bath is the most refreshing and life-giving bath that can possibly betoken. N.nrly all the repudiation candidates for the Louisiana Constitutional Convention were defeated. The good example of Old Virginia will be followed by other southern States whose people are' burdened with heavy debts.? Washington- Post. flfrft l?S. (SUBSTITUTE FOR QUININE. The attention of physicians is called to tlic new COMPOUND ALKALOID, QUINQUIN1A, WHICH CONTAINS FIFTEEN PKIl CENT. OF QUININE, autl ihc remainder consisting of the other ALKALOIDS OF PERUVIAN BARK IN THEIR NATURAL COMBINATION*. THE DOSE Is the same as Quinine, and the COST LESS THAN HALF. MEADE & BAKER, Pharmacists, mli 18 910 Main street. ?JOD LIVER OIL Just received. FRESH, PURE, unusually free from tl:;li y or other nauseous la^te and smell. * '? ' * J. BLAIR, Druggist, mli 12 coracr of Ninth and Broad streets. JOHNSTON'S PATENT STANDARD DRY SIZED KALSOMINE, ready fur use. requiring only to be mixed with we ter. To IK) had of any dcoired color. Send for dlr ciilar, showing specimens of the "various shades. PURCELL, LADD & CO? Druggists, mli 1 0 " Dealtw'in Paints and Oil?. J^ATURE'S REMEDY! ENDORSED BY MEDICAL PROFESSION. THE ALUM AND IKON MASS AND WATER FROM THE BEDFORD (VA.) ALUM AND IRON SPRINGS. Established twenty-six Years. Efficiency proved by actual results iu ihou^ntids el cases of Dyspepsia. Debility, Diseases Peculiar to Women, Chronic Diarrhoea, Headache. Scrofula and Cutaneous Allcvtlons. Sore Throat ami Diphtheria, Chills aud Malarial Fever. Extracts from testi monials: " B,?t remedy for Inflammatory Sore Throat and Diphtheria ever used hy me? as I have found afU'r a practice of forty years,? acts a? a tonic, alterative, and feDrtfu^e: preferable to chlorate of potash." P. A. Sjkkerd, M. D., >'. C. "After a practice of many years I have lound no remedy equal to Bedford Alum and Iron Spilnics Water ami Mass for Chronic diseases aud disease* peculiar to women." JOiin P. Metteaur. M. D., LL. l?., Va, "Successfully usea in Dyspepsia and Chronic Diarrhoea." Prof. Sam'l Jackson. M. D.. Univ. of Pa. " Surpassing any remedy that I know of for scro fulous atl'ectlous. liave used It for iwetiiy-flve vears in uiv practice." T. L. Walker, Mi 1).. Va. " After au experience of near thirty years 1 havt found uo trvatineut equal to this water an?i mass for Scrofula, Cutaneous Affections, Glandular Denoue ment, Chronic Irrlta'tonsof the Bladder, Kidneys, and Ure'bra; Ulceration, and certain Jfortns of Dys pepsia." Prof. J. J. Moorman, M. D? Va. " NO WATERS HAYE A WIDER RANGE OK USE FULNESS," Va. Medical Monthly, ? ? Richmond, Va. "Uiwxl with ntiparallcd success iu hemorrhagic malarial fever." W. A. Green, Ex-Vice-Presldent Ga. Med. A?so. *' Entirely cured ok chills and feykr bt IT." ? REV. E. C. DODSON, J. A. lee, Va. Directions, anal y is, and full proof of ail claimed sent with eavli package. Waier, 30 cents per gallon; $4 per case of one I dozen half-gallon bottles; $8 for flve-ga'Ion oeml Johu: ? Mass, 50 ceuta-and *1 per bottle; $2.50 and $8 per haLf-dozeu, accordi uk to si je? sent post-paid. Pull proof of. all claimed sent free upon applica tion. Liberal terms to dealers. Invalids areaccom modsted at these Springs at all tiuies of the year. Address A. M. DAVIES, President of tbe com pany, Lynchburp, Va,: Sold by POLK MILLER & CO. no 18 ? .v BAttKW AMP BAXHKRS. j ^JITIZENS BAtfK OF RICHMOND. PAnvor capital *ioo,oco SUUPLU*. 20,000 Z. vr. PICKRKLL. President. Z. B. bNEAD, Cashier. Deposits of one dollar and upwards receive^ aad ?Lx per cent- allowed on deposits. Depo*iU received subject to check without notice andluterest allowed on same If not decked on is on frtouenUy than twu or tkree time# a wcek? - Interest ou all deposits to comm fence tea dayt after date of deposit. , . Buik -open every day from 9 o'clock A, M. .till 8 o'clock P. &L, aud ou Saturday frora 4 P. M. till 8 P.M. 1a3B-?d O ILL-HE ADS, 95.50 to $8 per ream, at ?> Uit DISPATCH t BIJiTlKQ.liOUSK! Atgwoy SAtEH? ?TI>Ii Pay. ' -?-** i ? i *? *-i ?*?-! ? y **i -*M"^n ^n~i n lt~ir?-i ?<*?*" "f i * ** ^ -:A ByJtonwt B. Lyne, - : Real Estate Arcot and Auotlonoer, 1212 Halo street. . :?j>v \rbmAWiE desirable f STORK-PROPERTY ON THE EAST BIDE OF SEVENTEENTH STREET. CORNER OF WALNUT ALLEY. BETWEEN MAIN AND FRANKLIN STREETS. WITH LARGE DWELL ING ABOVE; AND ANOTHER TWO-frTORY BRlCK HOUSE. FRONTING ON WALNUT AL LEY?ALL U?ON A PERPETUAL GROUND RBNT? FOR SAL* AT AUCTION.? At the request of the, ownerl wllj offer for 6ale the above-described P'^WpERTY, upon Hh? premliea. on FRIDAY the 4th day of April. 1870. at*4Jf o'clock P. M. For a* profitable tn*estraeoi tbU property should c< mroand thearention of biddervbeinjr located. in mcb a good and public place for a cl? thine or dry-soods establishment.- Tlic property 13 now renting for 4500 to a ffrst-claas tenant, and the portion front ioy on the alloy, wblcn la now vacant, will readily r?nt for $100 more. ' ' A harjmtn wtfl certainly be hnd. and parties may attend the rale witb ibe assurance that the property will b? sold, and the UtJe la guaranteed to be good. Terms or leasehold win be explained at Bale, and terras announced. ROBERT B. LYNE, mh31 Auctioneer. By Jno. E. Laujrhtoo, Jr., Auclloncer, No. 910 Main street. - . . SPECIAL SALE OFSUPERIOR ?HRO 0 11<? S. IN HANDSOME WALNUT FRAMES. AT AUCTION.? On FRIDAY the 4th Instant, .it 10J4 o'clock A. M.. and continue At 5Jf P. M-, T will sell at ray auctiou-roomsa FINE COLLECTION OF OIL CHROMOS. mounted In handsome oiled wa'nut frame.-", consbtlnjrof somo of the most <3e ilrable eelcctioaaof foreign and domestic subjects; that are finished In the 11 neit stvlej. and worthy the attention of all lovers of pood picrnres. In addition, there la a fine col'ectlon of FINE PANEL-PICTURES. PASSK PAR TOUTS, aBd LOOKING-GLASSES. The above will be on exhlbl'lon on WEDNES DAY and THURSDAY, and will be sold without limit orreserve. JNO- E. LAUGHTON. Jr.. ap2 Auc'loneer. By Jas. Macdottxall, Auctioneer, No. 10 Governor (?? r Tblrtcenth) street. Excellent walnut furniture, CARPETS, SHOW-CASES, AC., AT AUC TION.? THIS DAY, at 10J4 o'clock, I will sell at ray ware-ror.m?. wlibont rt serve. 1 ELEGANT WALNUT MARBLE-TOP CHAM BER SUIT, with WARI>ROBK ? complete: 1 neanlv new MABBLE-TOP WALNUT CHAM BER SUIT; BRUSSELS and 3-PLY CARPETS. WARDROBES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, ' MAHOGANY BOOK-CASE, . ? MAHOGANY CARD- and PIER-TABLES, CANE and WOOD CHAIRS and ROCKEKS, New HAIR- and SHUCK-MATTRESSES, Several nice SHOW-CASES, *? . MDKBOARDS and CHINA PRESSES, 1 CHEST CARPENTERS1 TOOLS, An Involrt of CLOTHING, Ac., Ac. Consignments received up to hour of sale. JAS. MACDOUGALL, Auctioneer. E. B. CoOJC. Salesman. ... ! au 4 By M. L. Jacobson, Auctioneer, 1414 Main street.'" . New and second-hand cloth ING, FURNISHING GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, & C., AT AUCTION. ' . . THIS DAY at 10 o'pl^ck I wl'l sell at the store No. 1714 Main street,' without' reserve, a lar/te in voice of NEW and SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, NOTIONS. HOSIERY. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS.AC. ap 4 M. L. JACOBSON, Auctioneer. IXSl'BAKCE STATEMENTS. (PUBLISHED PURSUANT TO ACT OF ASSEMBLY APPROVED FEBRUARY 22, 1878.J Brooklyn LIFE-INSURANCE COMPANY. THOMAS M. ALFRIEND & SON, AGENTS, No. 1 north Tenth street, RICHMOND, VA. ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING THE 3 1ST DAY OF DECEM BE!:. lo7S. OF THE ACTUAL CONDITION OF THE BROOKLYN LIFE-INSURANCE COMPA NY, ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YOKK. MADE TO THE AU DITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS FOR THE COM MONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, PURSUANT TO THE ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY REG ULATING THE REl'ORTS OF INSURANCE COMPANIES, APPROVED FEBRUARY 22. 1578. Name of the romnany in full, i;nooKr.Y.y Life IXSI;KA>*CE COMl'ANY OF NEW YORK. Home or principal office of s*lrt company, 320 and 322 Broadway, New Yokk. Character of Hie company? whether life, accident, casualty cit y co-operative a?so<iiution, brotherhood, livestock, or any other association insuring life? Life. President. William M. cole. Vice- Pre* i dent, William H. Wallace. Secretaiy, William Dctciier. ? Organized ami incorporated, Ju..Y 18G4. Commenced business Jrly. 18?'4. Name of ihe General Aa? msiu Virginia. Thomas M. ALFltlEND &, .-OX. ifc-Idence of the General Agents lu Virginia, Rich mond. 1. Tlin number of policies Issued riurintr the year. 444 2. The atnoun' of insurance ef fected thertby $ 023,353 00 3. The amount of premiums re ceived riming ihe >ear 245,075 08 4. The amount of interest re ceived, and all other receipts.. 134,257 13 5. The amount of l?.sse5 and ma tured endowments pi'.ludurlutf . the year . 357,1 2" 00 6. The amount of losses nupab'... 95.680 00 7. The amount, of expenses 103,510 63 8. The whole number of puliclcs In force 3,316 9. The amount of liabilities or risks then on, and all other li abilities 1,920.219 49 10. The amount of capital stock, if auy i ? 125.000 00 11. Thcamouniof assets *1.931,892 78 And how Invented : Cost value or real estate, exclusive of all incum brances $111,396 52 Loans on bond and mort gage (Urst liens) on real estate 902,143 36 Loans sicuicd by pledge of l>onds, s'oeks, or other !?<: marketable collaterals... 5,200 00 Loans made in ea>h to pol icy-holders- on this com punyV policies ns^ned as collateral -9,695 60 Premium notes, loan*, or ileus on policies In force, 2?-2,G18 o3 Cost value of bonds and Rrt s ocks owned absolutely.. ol7,0o9 .>0 ?? C:??h deposl'cd in banks... 32 706 76 Temporary preniiuin loans 4,044 29 Aiseu's1 ledger balanci^.... . 11,673 29 Inieust due ($6.Q29.*'4) ' and accrued (49 698.05) on bond? and.iaorigsue', 12,727 29 Interest due and accrueu on bonds and stoeks 2,450 00 Interest due audi ficcrued on collateral loans ?? 70 00 Interest dye (43,191.29) and accrued ($5,637.71) jou. premium notes. loans, orllens 7,829 00 Market value of real estate overcast...... 3.890 34 Market value,of ootids aud stocks or?r cofit.... 27,081 CO Due from other companies for losses or claims' ou policies of this company ' reinsured 10,000 00 Net amount of uncollected and deferred premiums.. 31,307 00 Total assets $1,931,892 78 12. Tift amount of unpaid divi dends. 2,610 00 State of New York, City a.vd County of New York. 68.: "William M. cole. President, and William Dptchek, Secretary of tbe Brooklyn Life-In- I SURaNce COMPANY, being duly sworn, depose and j say. aud each for himself savs, tluU they are the above-described officers of the said company, and that on the 31st day of December last all the fore- I going described assets were the absolute property of I thetuid company, free aud clear from auy liens or ' claims thereon, except as hereinbefore stated, and that the fori going statemeut, with the schedules aud explanations hereunto annexed, is a full aud correct exhibit pf all the UahUPb.s, and of the Income and (jhbursements. and of ihe general condition and aflatrs of the said company ou the said 31>,t day of I December hut, and ior the year ending on i hat day. WILLIAM M. COLE. WILLIAM DUTCUER. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day oj" February', A. D. 1879. JOHN A. HILLERY. Comuilisloner for Virginia In New York City. THOMAS M. ALFR1END Sc. SON, Axrents, mh 31-6t No. 1 north Tenth street, Richmond. > BOOTS. SHOES. Ac. J^OOK AT THIS.! I have placed on ray counter SHOES to be sold re gard'ess of cost: INFANTS' TIES, all -colors, at 50o. ; ? INFANT'S1 BALMORALS, all colors, at 60c.; BOYS' CONGRESS GAITKKB. 3, at Jil ; LADIES' SERGE BUTTON-BOOTS, $1.50 : LADIES' SERGE BU ITQN-BOOTS, handmade at #2.50 worih $4 ; . , ? i. - G EN TL EMEN'rf DOUBLE-SOLE CALF CON GRESS GA1TEB8, *7 worth *9. The above are all,flrat-class <roods. Call at once ii you wish bargains at No 335 Broad street, ja lb-3m ; ... W.P. W. TAYLOR. .FCKSITUKE. EGATflRIGHT & SON, 16 Gover-j ? UQB STBEtT. offer Inducements. both asj lo prices and terms, to all in need of FUR SI- 1 TURE of any bind, iu^h as to make It to their1 loterest to examine itocft before pnrchasing. Fine ?Walnut Snlts with Tennessee and gray marble: Sideboards with dark marble ; Parlor Suits In cate jme and raw silk ? very, handsome : Reps and Halr Cloih Suits very cheap;. Pine and Poplar Furniture of every kind. Our stock will- be found complete in every particular. Don't fail to call. Satisfaction guaranteed. * ? fe26-3in ??? 1 1 "*" WINES. LlftHOlW, *C. T>UfiK FRENCH BRANDY. X '? M ARTELL " BRAND. Imported direct from Cognac, pale and dark colore, In eighth and quarter casks; for sale by DAYENPUBT Jt MORRIS, mh 29-7t Importers. APCTIOS HA LM-jTwtn <t. Thompson Brojn ?. Real Estate Agent *pd AacUoneer, ft;. ; . 1113 ttria ?trees. ^TRUSTEE'S SALE OF FRAME X DWELLING NO. 021, NORTH" TWENTY FIFTH STREET.? By Tlhuc of A de?*l of trrnt ftom T. L. Moore and wife dated S:9'fi Ma^cb,1878, t aid recorded In Richmond Chancery Vvtift. Deed Book 112 A, pace 290. to the tinders.Iym'd fmsfee. and whereas default lias be*n made,.?nd being re quired so lo dr, I will sell on the premises* on THURSDAY. April 10, 1870, ft t 5:30 P. At. tbe following REAL ESTATE: > ? - u AH <bat certain PIECE OR PARCEL OP LAND lvln* and being In the city of Richmond. in the State of Virginia, on Twenty-fifth ?tre?r itetween 0 and P street-, and bouncfel as follower .Com mencing at a point distant frooi.tbft intersection of the south line of P street with the east line of Twen ty-fifth stieet thIrt\-t*o reet thence running In ft southwardly direction, and fronting on the fald Twenty-filth street tblrty-elBht feel : thence hack and between parallel lines 132 feet to an alley ..fourteen feet wide." ? TEXtsis-: Whilst the deed calls for a large ara?unt to be paid !n cash. yet. with Ih ? crps^nt of parties Interested, T am authorized to an n on nee the follow ing terms : One fourth ,*asb : balance In four, eisrht, and twelve months. Interest added, and secured by deed of trnsr. L. E. BROWN, Trustee. J. Thompson Bnowy, Ancttoncer. at>4 By Grubbs & Williams, Real Estate Ajrenls and Auctioneers. E'e7etith street betweeu Main and Bunk. HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FUR NITURE AT AUCTION.? At ibe request of Mr. John A. G'az- brook, who is declining house keeping, we win sell at auction, at his residence, southeast, corner of Grace and Pine streets, on MONDAY. 7'h April, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.. all (excepting one chamber snlt) of hi" bifh'v jrcnte. 1 HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNI TURE. consl-itlne In part'f l'ATtLOK. HALL, and DINING-R003I FURNI TURE: BEDS, BEDSTEADS. CARPETS, WARDROBES BOOK-CASE. CHAIRS, CHINA- AND GLASSWARE, Ac., Sec. 1 his furniture has been nicelv k? pt. and should attract the attention of those wanting really Kood articles In that Hue. Major E. B. COOK wl 1 rry the sale. 'I'EUHS: Caab. GRUBBS & WILLIAMS, Auctioneers. Pale conducted by Jas. Macdougall, Auc tloneer. np 4 By Frank J. Sampson, Real Estate Agent, Auctioneer, and Notary Public, corner Ninth and Hull streets, Manchester Va. ; rpRUSTEE'S _cALiToF VALUABLE NEi TKRSBUR COUNTY, DRED AC AUCTION ?By virtue of a deed of 'rust from T. Man In Grove. Irutin; for 'Xabbiu A. Marrow, to the undersigned, bearing oaie ou the 23d day of Febru ary. 1877, to ?tcnre certai.i bonds and notes de scribed in said deed, which deed l? duly recorded in thee'erk's office of the Couutv Court for Chester field county, in deed-r.'ooR No. 59, pjpc 421. default having been made In the payment of a protrlssory note for *08.66 drawn b> T. Martin Grove, trustee for Tabbie A. Marrow. dated 23d February, 1877. payible to R. W. Dehaven, trustee for Emma C. Bliss. I wo years after itsdi'e. with lHler<st from date till paid, belnjr required to to do bv the holder of said noli*. I will sell at put'lic auctiou, on the premises, about ont- and a halftones tioin Ctiester, on SATURDAY the 12th day or April. 1879, at 2 o'clock P. M. the LAND described in said deed, containing 300 acres, mnre or les#. TKttMS: Cash as to *08 GO. "with Interest from 23d February. 1S77. and cost of sale, and enouth of the risldue t.?i>aya bond for $1,098, dated 16th February, 1877. payable three years after da'e, with In t treat from 16tii February, .1877. till paid, and a nole for $68 66 dated 23d February, 1877, piyaTfle three years after date, with Interest from 23d Feb ruary. 1 677, till p ild, as - aid bond and note fall due, and the balance as the said T. Martin Grove, iru tee, shall direct. DAVID L. PCLLIAM. npl . Trustee. By Grubbs ,? WIMams. Real Instate Agents and Auctioneers, Eleventh street between Main and Bauk. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF A LARGE QUANTITY OF UNIMPROVED REAL ES TATE IX ANI> NEAR TO THE CITY Ob" RICH MOND AT AUCTION*.? In execution of a decree ol" the Cbancerv Court of the city of Richmond, ent? red on the* 11th March, 1 871)- In t lie suit of Parker vs. Mosc'ey and rr?s.." the undersigned. a special commissioner ih-retiy appointed for the pur pose. will r-cll at public auction, upon the premises, respectively lu the order named below, the htreln afi er designated LOTS. in 'lie plan of Ad .mi*'* divi sion, owned bv the estate of Hie late Mrs. Martin W. Moselcy? to wit. on WEDNESDAY the 9th diiy of April, at 4 o'clock I*. M.: PART OK LOT No. 22, on the cast fide of Union street betweui Franklin and Grace studs, 22x70 foe. now reut?d by Captain Mnccubbln. LOT No. 51!$. on ilie siuih slue of Bread <.trenC between Sixteenth itrect and thockoc creeK, 20x88 feet . I.OT on Ihe west side of Seventeenth street be tween Marshall and ( lay streets, 34??x30 feet, now occupied by L. R. Reins, Ksq. LOT Nc. 3. In square GO. at the southwest corner of <"lav and Thlrty-llrst streets. 100x132 feet. Tills will i.e subdivided Into lots of reasonable dimen sion.0. And on the follow! up day. THURSDAY, the 10th div of April, at 4 o'clock 1'. !)!.: LOT X , "ii the west side of Seventeenth street, between chri-tlan and Richard streets, 44x105 fe?-t, and nuiliinr hack to the railroad. PART OF SQUARE No. 171, on the south ilchiof Raiding sireet. Maddox FliU. ex'eiidimt from Buchanan to Janus street, and subdivided Into ELEVEN ROTS of abou* 30 feet each. and SQUARE No. 172. bounded ov Raiding. Rak?r. LHilenajie. and James s' reels, aud subdivided into I T U E N T Y- FIVE LOTS. ' ? | Plats of the a^ove properly can he sreu at the cfiice of the auctioneers and v ill be exhibited on the premi es on the day of sale. Terms : One-fourth cash: balance at six. twelve, and eighteen months, for negotiable notes, with in terest, added. Htid the lilies retaltud until the whole of purehasc-m.,ney Khali bc.pild and a c?mevatice ordered by the court. JOHN DIJNLOP, Special Commissioner. OltUBDS-A William*. A'.ictiouecrs. mil 31 Ry Frank D. Ilill & Co., Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents, No. 1 10S Main slreer. nPRUSTEE'8 SALE OF BRICK PWELL i iViG AN O LOT OF GROUND ON THF! NORTH SIDE OF JACK-ON' STREET. BETWEEN CLARKE AND 1'RlcE STREETS.? By tirlncofa deed ot tru-t from Edward ttichardson and wire dated March 23. 1A78. recorded In the Richmond Ch.nVeiy Court. D. II. 112 A. page 209. de fatil having been made lu Hie payment of certain notes therein secured, and at the request of the bene flciarv. I will sci at auction, upon lite premises. on MONDAY the 7th of April, lf-7i),at 5 o'clock 1'. M'. ihe prop- rlv described In said deed as follow^: All ihftt LOT OF LAND, with the improvement-, thtrcon. lvlng in the city <>f Richmond on tin: n rth side of J ic?son street between Clarke and Price (formeily Foushee and Adams) streets, fron'ln^' 4 0 left an<i rutniltiR hack between parallel lines 120 feci. 'I ho improvements consist of a v?-ry subslan 1 1 a 1 I'.RICK DWELLING and KITCHEN, BRICK S i A RLE. &c. ? TERMS : Gush as to the expeM'CR of sale aud to pay off two notes amounting to 81.200, with ii.terist from March 23, 1879: the balance upon terms to be announced upon day of sale. ?? mb ?9 FRANK D. HILL, Truslw. ~ByFrnnk D. Till! & Co., Real E&ta'e Atrents and Auctioneers, 1108 Malt! str?vt? 'It. ? H TRUSTEE'S SALeToF S3IALL BRICK J DWELLING AND VALUABLE LOT OF LAND IN PORT MAYO. SITUATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF EIGHTH STREET BETWEEN LOUISIANA AND DENNY STREETS, aT AUC TION.? By virtue. of a deed of trust' from Bridget McMalion." dated Decern iter 27. 1877. and duly re corded lu Deed- Book 112 C, oage 28. clerk's ofllce of Richmond Chancery Court, default having been mnde in the payment of a note therein secured, and at the request of the holder of said note, I will sell at auction, on the prcml es locate ! as above, on WEDNESDAY. April 9, 1879. at 5 o'clock 1'. M? the property described In said deed, as follows: Those FOUR LOTS OF LAND lu Port Mayo, de signated as Lots Nob. 29, 30. 31. and 32, now in the city of Richmond (formerly Port Mtyo), with the improvements thereon. The HOUSE is new and cont 'ins four looms. The LOTS front on Eighth slreet 127ii' fee', Willi a depth of 100 feel. TERMS : C?sh as lo co-ts of sale and *883, with interest from December 27. 1878 : the residue upon such terms as the said Bridget McMahon may di rect. FRANK D. HILL, mb 31 Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF THAT VERY X VALUABLE PLANTATION CALLED " WKYANOKE," IN CHARLES CITY COUNTY. By virtue of a trnst-''eed dated the fith of April, 1878. and dttlv r corded in Cb tries City County Court, fx-oni Robert Alvis lo II. Robertson and John Lamb, as trustees, to secure the payment of seven bomis to Robert Douthat or his assijras, amounriun In all to *20.000. the said Robert Alvis having made default In ihe payment of the bond for *5,0t>0 due the 1st day of January, 1879. the underfilled, oae or the t- ustees, being requested by Captain John Lamb, ihe holder of the said bend, will proceed to sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, at 1 o'clock P. M. on FRIDAY the 11th day of April, 1879. Kt the front ooor of the main d*efllnar on the premises, all that VMtY VALUABLE PLANT A 1 ION known as *? WE Y A NOK E," recently the resi lience of Major Robert Oouthat. and containing I ONE THOUSAND AND SEVENTY ACRES ^Thls pronerty is so well known that further de scription is deemed unnectJjSaiy. PJdders are in vited to visit and Inspect Uie laud and improve ments. . , The Terms or Sale will be cssh for 85.000, with in' crest thereon from the 1st day of l>cctiu ber, 1 87 7. and as much more as may be necessary to pay the expenses of sale and costs of executing this trust; the residue as follows: St5,000 on the 1st of January. 1880 ; 42.000 on the 1st day of January, 1881 ; another 4?2.000 on the 1st day or January, 1881: $1,000 on the 1st day" of January, 1881: $1,900 and 43.100 ou the l^t-of January. 1882? all bearing interest from Decemoer l?t, 1877; the interest on the four last-meniiotfed jmmsto be pay able aunuailv on ihe 1st December of each year till the principal la paid, and tlie Jniere-t on the other sums to be paid at the maturity of the principal sums. . : 'i;N: 1 he Rirp'us of the purcbase-mouey to be m;tOe payable ai such ttroe as the sale Rotnrt Alvts shall prescribe. '1 no payuientB to be secured by bond and cood ^ecuritv, and ihe purchaser to pay the taxes tor the year 1879. * ? . . Possession delivered as soon as terms of sale are complied with. ' ?_:*! i?? ? The title i~ undoubted, but. selling as trustee, I shall sell and convey with special warranty only. The died authorizes eit' er of I Lie trustees 'o uct alone. ? HARRISON ROBERTSON. Trustee. mh 10-11,12,, 4.7, 8, 9.10.11 ? ? ? . T? ?M l'lXAKCJAi?. ? / VTORTFI CAROLINA 6TATE BOSDS.? Ti?e State of l',orth Carolina has nass^d a fund ing bill for settling her debt, which we advise onr friends to accent, ai we do not believe t lie State wilt do anv better, and time given for fuudinsr ts limited Any information detired will be giveu on uppUca. Uon. THOMAS BRANCH A CO, , KICB'jond, March 8, 1879. . . . i mb 10-d30tAsw&wlm AITCTfOSf SALES*? Future Pay*. 11 -u-ur , If ? tOllA ? - , ' , " - ? - ** Pr Grabbtt & William*. ? Auctioneers and Real Estate .Agent*. Eleventh street between Main and Bank, r<OMMrSSIONER?iAriE OF A VERT vy VALUABLE FARM ON LOWBK JAM EH RIVER AT AUCTION^? By flrtaeor a decree of the Circuit Courtof thee Rv of Kio'imond. entered on the 28th of Sep ember, 1878. in the suit therein pend ing. under the short st vie of " Jaro^s T. Toeh vt. 8f. Louis Mutual Life- Insurance Compauy and ateV the undersigned. who i?s? thereby appointed a ?< se rial commissioner for that purpose, will Mil at pnh .He auction, at the office of Gruhbs & WllHsm.vNi. 4 north E^venth street. In the city of Rlcliiuoud, on THURSDAY, May 7,1879. at 12 o'clock M.. the VALUABLE FARM known a? ?? We stbrook,'* contsinlng 783 AC RES, more or less, lyln g In Ches terfield county, Immediately on, James river, and adjoining ?? Presque Isle.*1 'i he improvements consist of a COMFORTABLE DWELLING wi ll si* rt>rms and all neces'-nrv barns and out-buPdlngs, and the land 1* In a hlith statftof Jmprovtroenf. This estate Is believed to be one of the ocft cn J a me* river. Tebms: t.'nsn sufficient to pay the expenses of the sale and j?10 000, with Interest thereon from 28th September, 1878, and lite 'defendant's costs: and the residue of the pnrcha^-r.ionev nponendit for six and twelve months. In equal Instalments, bear ing Interest from the day of sale, secnivd by nego tiable notes, made payable to said James T. Tosh, at a a lien reserved upon tlw wbolc pronerty, or upon snob other terms as to the eald residue as ilie said To?h inav In wrltloc designate and request on or before I he dav of site. CHARLES S. STRINGFELI.OW, Special Commissioner. Gnrnns & Williams. Auctioneers. inn 31 r.y Grubbs JE Williams, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Eleventh street betwetD M,*4n and Dank. TRUSTEES' SAlToF VERY VALU L ABLE IMPROVED RRAL ESTATE ON* FRANKLIN, OARY, AND MAIN STREETS. AT AUCTION.? In ptrt execution of a deed of trust from Frank 1). Ilill and wife lo us as trustees, dulv recorded in ilie office of the Chancery Court of Richmond and elsewhere, we will >rlt at public auc tion o,i TUESDAY. 8th day of April. 1879. upon the premise-, respectively In the order named be low. iLe fot'owinp described real estate? lo wii : At 12 OTLOCK M.. theTlII.'EE-STORY GRAN ITE-FRONT IJRICK TENEMENT No. 1523ea.?t Franklin sirce*, now under a 'ease to Messrs. Fleir & Rider uid others, fronting 24 fei:ton the south side of Franklin street be'Wtcn Fllleenth and Seven teenth streets, and running back 13t? feet to Walnut a.'lev. At 1 O'CLOCK P. M., the valuable STORE No. 1313 Car. street, wiih i hrfe stortes and cellar, sp irited on the south side of Carv street between Shotkoe Slip and Virginia street, 19 9-12 feet Irout, and rnnnlng back to an a' ley in the rear. Ihls pro perty is now mider a lease to T. F: Minor, E^q., and is located in 'he best norlou of Cary street. At 4^ O'CLOCK P. M? the very eligbly-'ocated DWELLING No. 44 0 Main strce:, between Fourth ?nd Fifth Mret-ts, containing ten rooms; kitchen, modern improvements, dtc. Tins b a very desira ble house, combining. tis It doc*, centralis v of loca tion and convenience of arransrenient, wlili an ele vated situation and iiist-c'ass surroundings. Tebms: By consent, ouc thirl cash; balance at six and twelve months for negotiable notes, with in terest added, and secured i>y irn-t-dceds. . , M. P.5. GILLIAM, ROBERT II. GILLIAM. '?liustees. Git runs A Williams. Auctioneer*. ap l * By Robert 15. Lyue, * ncal EstaJe Agent and Auctioneer, 1212 Main street. TRUSTEE'S SALKjOF TFIAT LARGE, DESIRABLY- LOCATED AND WELL- CON STRUCTED TWO STORY FRAME DETACHED DWELLING ON STRECKER'S MILL. UEAO e?F NINETEENTH STREET. KNOWN As THE RE.-IDKNCE OF E. KERSEY, Esq., FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION.? By vlnius of a certain deed of trust bearing date 27'li March. 1878, exe cuted to me by E. Ker-ey, and recorded in chancery Court clerk's office of city of Riclim rnd. in deed book 112 A. pape 180, default havlntr been made In payment, of a portion of the money secured. and by direction of the holders of the notes unpaid and de scribed iu sa'.d d??ed, I shall procetd to sell upon Hie premises by public auci ion, on TUESDAY the gtii day of April, 1879. at 4 '4 o'clock P. M.,?he PROP ERTY described in said died, consist I "ir of that HANDSOME AND COMFORTABLE DETACHED ,';WELLING? containing twelve rooms, &c?wph brick kitchen ,.r four rooms well ?:f splendid water, <fcc . located on Ple.di:i nt tired. Tlse vard is orna mented with a good deal of -hrubbety, Ne'giibor hood good and convenient. The dwelling has front and rear porches, and t!:c whole prcmi.-cs are in nice order. To pirties ?ish'ng to purchase a real nice home, eligibly located. tbi* offers the opportunity. The lot is :)8 feci front, and extends back iu depth 200 fc.'t, more or less. Terms : Under the deed, arc cash; but more liberal terms will be announced at sale. R A. MEAGHER. Trus ce. RniiEnr B. LYXE. Auctioneer. ap 1 By J. Thompson Brown, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, 1113 cast Main street. B ROAD-STREET STORE PROPERTY. TIT \T DESIRABLE BRTCK STORK. WITH GRANITE FRONT. No. 209 KAST BROAD BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS. I will soil at public auction on the promise.*, on TUESDAY, 8th dav of April. 5 o'clock P. il., that deMi-able Til REE-8TOK Y BRICK STORE, with prauite tront. on south dneof ISr< >u.<] strre' between Second and Third street-, now occupied l?y Mr. L. S. Oldlmin as a tin store. This ?tore, which occu pies the entire front of lot (homy 20 by 150 fool), is built of the best material. and l.-< arranged for dwell ing above, with si e entranc** to same, havluif live nee room* with ail conveniences for fauiiiv pur poos: besides having a two-siory brick kitchen, with two room--, in yard, "lhe store- room has a substantial granite front, an'l is well lighted and ventilated, ami has a nice dry base uien I, now beiujr n.-oH as a workshop. Parties' deslrlnc a pood investment should attend tills sile. as adjacent iinprovi ments indicate the future value of ibis very dosiralde property. Tekms: One-fourth cash: balance at six. twelve, and eighteen months, interest added, secured by trust-deed. J. THOMPSON 1 5 1: OWN. mil 31 Auctioneer. By W. Goddln, Real Estate Aucnt and Auctioneer corner of Eleventh and Bank streets. QALE AT AUCTION OF THREE NEW O FRAME TENEMENTS IN* THE PLAN <?F BUCHANAN'S SPRIMi. ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF LEIGH BETWEEN JfOKTON AND KIN NEY STREETS. ? At the re?pie>t of Mr. Z. L. Trainliain, f will sell at auction, on ilie premise , on THURSDAY. 10 h April, 1879, at f> o'clock I'. M., the THREE NKW FRAMED TENEMENTS lo cated as above? our front inir 22 feet on the south line of Lel;rli street, containing three rooms: the other two Iroutimr each 20 feet <-n the north sHe of Catharine street (continued). rotirslniiiK two rooms cnch. and all occupied by good-payim: tenants. Terms : Liberal, and made known at the hour of sale. W. OODDIN. 1 ap 2-4.7,9.^10 ? Auctioneer. Rv "W- C 000! n. Real Estate Aecnt and Auctioneer. corner of Eleventh and Bank streets. DALE AT AUCTION* OF EXCELLENT 0 BRICK STORE AND DWELLING ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MARSHALL BETWEEN P I FT H AND SIXTH STR E I :'I> .- A 1 1 ho r. f| ucs! of the owner, I wi'i, olfer. at public auction, on the premis'-s. on TUESDAY the 8th of Apri>, 1879. ut 5 o'clock P. M.. that EXCELLENT THREE STORY BRICK STORE and DWELLING. located a.; UOV occupied oy Mr. C. Rollandiii, adjoiu in* thestoriiOf Mr. T. II. Elleit. The lot has a tront of 28M feet, and a dentil of 136 feet. The tene ment lias elsrht rooms (Includinfc itore). besides base ment, and at| excellent orick kitci;t'?. .As a busi ness ;land, it is r> yarded equal to any in H>at de sirable locally. TEKMS : One third cash : balance at six and. twelve months, for negotiable noles. interest added, secured by a trusi-deed. W. UODDIN. ap 2 ? Auctioneer.' By J. L. Appersou, Real Estate Audlonecr, , coiner Main and Eleventh strtets. TRUSTEE'S An5~ASSI0NEE'S AUC 1 TION SALE OF COTTAGE AND TWENTY ACRES OF LAST) ONE FoURTII OF A MILE BELOW RICHMOND? By virtue or a deed o ft r list from R. 11. Dufee and wife dated 15th October. 1806. duly recorded, und of an order of the Hutted Slates Court in Bmkruptcy. we will se.'I on the premises on FRIDVY. April II. 1879. at 12 o'clock M., Fit RE ok hk.vs. I he I'ROPi- RTY shove ile cribed. occuph d by Mr. JfirVUOlds, In Wickers vile, on l he lilaktyN Mill road, 'lhe COTTAGE ha? seven romns: kllcheu, three rooms; smoke house, carrlaire-house, and stable: *e!l of lirst-r ite w.tter ; orchard of a variety of fruit?. Jic.: laud very productive, A suu,r suburban home, and rc mai kaldy healthy. Tekms: One tlilrd cash: balauce at six and twelve months, for negotiable notes, iutere?t added, secured by trnst-^wd. HENRY MENTZEL, Trustee, and J. M. GliEGORY, ap 2-tds A*sltniceof R. H. Du ke. By Robert B. Lvue, Real Estate A;rrnt and Auctioneer, 1212 Main street. 1TH TRUSTEE'S SALE OP A STORE, W 1 DWELLING ADJOINING, S1TUATEI THE EAST SIDE OF JESSAMINE BETWEEN N AND YENABLE STREETS, AT AUCTION.? la execution or a certain deed of trust dated Novem ber 25, 1876, and duly recorded In the clerk's office Of Richmond Chancery Court, Deed- Book 100 A. pa?e 233? and belli* required so to do by the holder of the note fecun d thereby, default bavin/ been made In the payment tben-of-I will offer for sale, upon Ibe premises, on WEDNESDAY the 9th day of April. 1879, at 1*. M.. the PROPERTY ebove described. The STORE consists of a larire room, with *!1 liccess try tlxluref. The HOUSE (adjolniuz) contains about four rooms; water, Jfcc., on the prcml-e>?. The LOT front 3 ou Jessamine street 34 feet, and runs back a jjood depth. T ids presents a pood opportunl'y for any one of moderate means lp purchase a pice home and good buslne?8-stand. Terms : Cash a* to expenses of sale and to pav off a note of *415.82. wL'h all interest. Ac., thereou; balance upon terms to be givca at sa?e. R. A. MEAGHER, cp,8$ 9. Trustee. By George E. Crawford. - " Real Estate Arent and Auctioneer, 10C5 Bank street. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A DESIRABLE .SMALL HOUSE AND LOT ON THE WEST SIDE OF FtrTH STREET BETWEEN JACKSoN ASH DUVAL STR EtTS?IHE HOUSE CON TAINS FOUR ROOMS AND WAS BUILT AB< >UT THREE YEA RS AGO.? A? trustee In a ccrialn deed from G. C. Tyler and wife, dated November 6, 1875; dulv rvcorded in the Richmond Chancery Court, D. R. 107 A, i?Mce 25, retault having been made In the payment of some of the notes therein secured,;! shall, in execotlon thereof, proceed to sell at auction, upon the memlses, on 'i UESDA Y, April 8, 1879, at a o'clock P.M., the nbovc-described uro Eerty. frontlnK 30 feet ?m Fifth ilreet auU ruunlng nek 120 feet to an allo\. TebmS : Literal, &?id made known at pule. ? UE0EGE E. CBAW>BI>, 1 tah 17 Trustee. RAILROAD LfffEK* SICnW01*D AND PBTKBSniTBO I flAlLROAD COXFA.VT. ) (^OMMBffCrNG MONDAY, March 31, J 1670. traias oa this r*ad will rcn u follow*: LSAVTt BICHJIOHO SOUTH. 11 55 A- M., THROUGH MAJL dally, connecting for Oh*rfesto?? i-avawiiah, Au;rusti> and Aiken (via Charleston). Kafoigh. Jacksonville? narJor cara 10 WlJmtnjr* ion. Stops only at Cheater aud Man chester 7:54 A. M.. ACCOMMODATION dally (except sundaj). make* cone connection at Petersburg with rhe Atlantic. Mi? al.ialppt nud Ohio railroad for tfrWol. rhattmooca. Nashville, Memphis. LvnchOure, Parmvtbij, and other iocai Ftations on that rond, rr.akin, ?um time jjh by !tny other line. Stops a i all regular station?. 4:03 P. if. ACCOMMODATION" TRAIN dally (except Snnday;. rjHsonKvrs taking tbls trait will make clftse couoecttoi; at PetTi-bnrf f< r Norfol! . 10 35 P. M.. THROUGH MAIL dally, connecting for W'eldon. Wilmington, Kaleljrh. Charleston. Savannah. Aiipnsta, Co lumbia, Atlanta. Macon. Montgomery Mob It*, New Orleans, and all point* South and Soiuliwe-'t I'm man slerji I'ur-far from lios:o:i for Wlitnluirtrfn. Savaunah, an?? f? * <-<uth. Stops only at Manchester and Ch(r>Ur. LEATS I'STEBSKCIIO XOfETn. 6 40 A. M., THROUGH MAIL dallv. connecting T/lth Richmond, Krcovrirkrhurg one Potomac railroad f<?r all po!nL? North. Ka.?t. and Stoj>s at MancVestet and Chcj-fr r. and at Half- Way aud at Drury's Bluir, on signal. 9:25A. M., ACCOMMODATION TRAIN dallj fexceot ftuufay). Stops at all sta tlons. 7:10 P.M., ACCOMMODATION- TRAIN dally (except Suudav). Stops only at Man cnesterand Che.-ter. 3:45 P. M. THROUGH M Art. dally, connecting with Richmond, Fredericksburg anc Potomac railroad for all poini* 2;ia; and West. AI30, making close connec tion with the Chesapeake and Ohlc railroad for the Virginia VprlnjiS and all points North and West. This trait stops at Manchester and OlirsN-r. and at Half- Way and Drury's Hint!", on sl/nial. ALL TRAINS leaving Petersburg will start fror* the Apnomatioi d?>x>t. SUNDAY EXCURSION TRAINS leave Rich mond 8:20 A. M. and 3:30 P. M.: leave Peters burg 9:^5 A. M. and 5:25 P.. eve ry Sunday. mh 29 A. SHAW, Superintendent. I> (lPAUTUKf! OF KTEAJWEKH. 17* OR I'll' I L A DE L P II I A AND JC FALL RIVEIL? The steamer FA-jSsi&&fh NITA, Captain Carr. will receive freight for the above ports mitil FRIDAY I he 4!h ln-iunt at 10 o'clock A. 31. J. W. MCARIUCK. an 4- It General Southern Agent. T>IGTIMOND, YOKIv RIVERMEDL, Ha NT) < :n ? SAPEAK K RATI. HO A D. -frml MERCll A NTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTA TION COM 1' A NY, Through- freight route between Richmond (Vj?.) and Ronton, Provldtncc. atidall New I. upland cltie-. Steamers leave WEST 1*0 [\T. VA? on each WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 12 noon ; con necting wiili trains from RICHMOND. Steamer- arrive at W'KST POINT on each TUES DAY and FRIDAY. Direct shipments from Roston tin Roston and Providence Railroad tin West I'olnt. Va. H. T. DOUGLAS, Superintendent. V. D. GRONKit, General Ageut. ap :i t'OR NEW \ O R K.? The ouj Dominion Steam-hip Company's^&KB&onEk steamship OLD DOMINION. Captain Wai.KKJ:, will sail FRIDAY. April 4?h. at 1 o'clock I'. M. Freight recctved until 12 o'clock M. Tiirough bills of lading signed and goods for warded wiih dispatch to all points north, south, east, a iid west: also, to foreign ports. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Caldn fare to New York. $12; lound-trip tickets. {< 24. Steerage, $6 and $?. For freight or passage. apnlv to 0. W. ALLEN A CO.. Axents. ap2-3t Company's Wharf. Rocketts. yi R G I N 1 A 3T E AX UP A COMPANY'S JAMES-RIVER LINE, ro\i NORFOLK, PORTSMOUTH. A NO ALL REGULAR LANDINGS ON JAMES RIYKK COXNKC TIN'C AT NORFOLK WITH THE HAY-LINE, FOR BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NETS' YORK, AND ROSTON. The fast and elceant steamer ARIEL. Captain V,. C. Gifkord (carrying the United states mail#, leaves Richmond for above-named places ev-rv MONDAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY, at 6:^0 A. M. Fare to Norfolk or Portsmouth...- * 2 ".0 Fare for round trip, good for two days 'J, 50 Fare fur round trlu.good for SEVEN days.... :i 0(J Fare for rounrt trip, unlimited 4 00 Fan: to Baltimore fi 00 Fare to Philadelphia 9 It." Fare to New York l*j 15 Fare to Roston 1!> H.l Through tickets sold at (Jarber's, 820 Main utreet Exchange Hotel, ar.d on board steamer. Kaggagt checked through. The LIMITED TICKETS named above are on s:?'e only at liarber's ?2ti Main street, and Exchange Hotel. Freight received daily for Norfolk. Portsmouth: Newbern, Washington. and Tarboro', N. C.. ami all landings on Tar river : Washington. D. C., HainD ton, and Eastern Shore of Virginia, and regular landings on James river, at lowest rates. The steamer ARIEL has la'ely beeu almost en- ! tlrrly rebuilt and refurnished in an elegaut and costly manner, and is confiden'ly recommended a< the vastest and most comfortable steamer that ha* run ou this route for nunv years. L. U. TAT CM, Superintendent, 1)03 Main street ;? n?l Rockettj. J. W. McCarkiok. Agent. Norfolk.-' se 4 TNMAN LINE JL UNITED STATES c AND ROYAL MAIL STEAM EL'S, NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL EVERY THURSDAY OR SATURDAY. CITY OF HERLIN'.r?.40l tons; CITY OF RICHMOND. 4.007 tons; CITY OF CHESTER. 4, 5G6 i?n>; CITY OF MONTREAL. 4.490 tons; CITY OF BRUSSELS. :L77", tons; CITY OF NEW YORK. 8.500 tons. THESE MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS are among the Mrougesi, largest, and fastest on the Atlantic, and have every modern Improvement, including hot and cold water and electric bells in Mate rooms. revolving chairs In saloons bath- and smoa insr-toom-s. barber-shop*. .Ve. For rates of passage and other information apply to JOHN O.DALE, Agent. 31 Rroadvrav, New York: or to GEORGE W\ ALLEN A CO., la I-eodly . Richmond. Pii I L A L) K L P ti I A, MOND. AND NORFOLK STKAM-SJ&Jxu "HIP LINE. ? FOR PHILADELPHIA, FALL RIVER AND THE EAST VIA FALL RIVER. THREE TIMES A WEEK.-Untll no tice the strainers of tills iine will make trl-wcekl) trita, leaving Philadelphia everv TUESDAY. THURSDAY, ami SATURDAY, and Richmond every TUESDAY. FRIDAY, and SUNDAY, con uec! lug at Philadelphia with Clyde's New Eugland Line l'or Fall River. QUICK TIME-FREQUENT DEPARTURES LOWEST RATES. Freight received daily until G o'clock P. M. JAMES W. Mt'CARRICK, General Southern Agent. Richmond, Va. WILLIAM P. CLYDE ft CO.. General Managers. r.o 23 No. 12 South Wharv;s, Pmladclphia. LD DOMINION 8TKAMSH LF COMPANY. FOR NEW YORK. Tb!s :?mr.any win dispatch one of tfelr apletsd'd ptf^iniers? OLl> DOMINION. WYANoKE. ISAAC HELL, and RICIIMON D- every TUESDAY FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at high w*wr. These ships are entirely new, and were built ex pressly for this route. They 1: we splendid salons, state-rooms, aad bath roouur. 'lite tare, accommodations, aad attentions are un surpassed. Goods shinned hy this line are landed regularly a' New York oa the comjaay's covered pier, 37 Nortt river. Freight received until 6 P. M. daily. Cabin fare to New York. $12. Steerage, $0 ar.< Fre:?!its for points beyond New t ork forwarder with dispatch, and no charge made except ac;xal ex peases tn?urred. For further information apply to GEORGE W. ALLEN ft CO., Agents, mv 19 otac* Oomnnnv'e wharves. Rocketts. BOOKS. STATION Kit Y, S c. JgEST THING OUT. COMBINATION' POCKET-BOOKS FOR COIN" AND NOTES. Alao, a Jarse assortment of others! ylrs of rOCKPTT llOOKS-of Russia Leather, Seal SUlu, Morocco, Calf, 5c.? all sizes ;? PORT E-MON N Al ES and PURSES, J*or specie; Xicc MEMORANDUM- ami . POCKET-DOOKS combined; Fine LEATHER CARD-CASES; RANKERS' CASES, COLLECTORS' HOOKS, for sale by ap 2 i WOODHOU8E A PARI! All. MINOR'S INSTITUTES, VOLUME 1, IN TWO PARTS. Tbe practice of (he law In civil cases, Including the subltct of pleading. 1'rlcc, $14. Thb valauable work will be ready for delivery APRIL 15th. Orders solicited for the above and for vol?. 1. 2. 41G. RANDOLPH A KNGL1&H, apl-dAw 1302 aud 1304 Malu strvet. Bill-heads, $5.50 to ?8 per ream, at Um DISPATCH PBlNTIil(i*HQU8*. Ro in ij jg ^ RICHMOND, VOKK HIVZ: ir.t.? p ' R " I SCHEDULE OF TRAtX?, * 1 TAKING EFFKCT APRIL 2 1-7^ THk* OUCH P ASMf ; y j? 3:30 P. Mr LfAV?t iMchfiiond 'r I * KSt 1 1 \ v rn. . iMJr.aiu' Saturday. < WR t i'otfH W|tb *>N-*ut'^r If,.' kt *11 pnlnU oj, Y'.u riri-r ,r'i",7 !''? roore. ArrU*s i? Kjii|, ? J ;N >1.; connect* with ?. , " L Injrton, Philadelphia, /? y U" ton. ami ail w?-it. m at Richmond .vlth tnln ? lr . ? ami Pet<-r*!><ir7 *r,<1 ? t),^ Ohio railroads. * *fl THROUGH FI;F.k;I!T. 5:40 A. M. Leave* ttlchniw.o 1I0VI),\V tvo, NfcSDAY.and M!iD\y- a\.d "f * 5:00 A. M TUESDAY, THURSDAY. URRDAY. Comir-ou vriu, at Went P'/Ini f?r rlvir !.m <?,. 'I'/i tlmore. and al' i-/.,'. , ' ? ?????;?? at *r> ?r*!!,.' ? jn0?'!aiull>:ipvill<? railr'?n!.|> an.l Peteisbirs?, and ( V I Ohio ntHrujits. " 4-'l LOCAL PASSKN'fjRif. 3:30 P.M. Leave* Richmond y, t\;,\v ... ... NESDAY.and H'.luyy THROUGH PAS>K\.tM{> 10-00 A. M. Arrives at Rl- l.u, r.,: ?> I p,. THURSDAY.. 1 ' *'? r.<:Cts with trams '?t: |; ; "? peUfsbur* and <1i* 1 1 ra'.SroaiK Steamer II ??.?* , " ? ' ' tln.or* t'roin J'lrr in i MONDAY. WEDNt>|i\ ' . -- DAY. at 4 P. M. ' v;;< train* from PhilvMf ,, ^ * -a and western points. and ,t r<? vlth train* for Uici.n . ,n* South. THROUGH FREIGHT. 3 ?25 P.M. Arrives at Klckinob'l M"i\|i\y NKSDAY. amt rl.'!!<\\ ; U; j ' 5:30 P. M.TUm>AL 1HU:-1?.\V k URDAY. Cuin.vU wish : V/eat P"irtt fintr V. ii :? * ni-cts with RMihvm;*' ml RU'.im<*ti<l mid PrUrr-'i'.ri. \.. t , tx-ake am! <ihi? ntlli.rj'ii. local pa^sk.m; ki:. 10:15 A. M. Arrlrta at lilo-trn. .Tn? M <> V i> 1 y WEJNF>DAY. aa.? l'Kl!i\y. ll^cts vrHb Ittciim nfl ? , |V, . burtr an?l Chtsa|MAke -* 1; < j 4 r, ;. roa<IS. yo transfer of fr'-lg'it at RIohrnotKi '. lR: southern pomtA. t ars run throiMli '-??? * "a A . *si arii) WtSt I'ylut. (> refill haudiitig and <15i?|>atch. wuli .v. : KuaranUiCtl. Tnroneh Wis ?f l:?1lnr. w)i!i piarstitr.' ! rv.1, Issued to all nortliem v*.?M?-rn iw.tut.. Throu*!i tickets soM to all :i?>rthen, .-.i :- rr.. western tiolnt*. and b;?rra2. tim .t. >. For tlcKetb apply at lituoral I'.i' r>>t i t , of. Hce.feUDMaln street; a'. I !?<? II *? compauy's dt|K)t. corner Tweuly-Uiird *u>i streets. Iilchmoinl. Va. ma23 H. T. at ClIKSAPKAKX A N I > < 'II to R A 1 1 . %v \\ .1 RlCliMONli. Va.. .March 1 I. 1-7'j. i OV AND A 1<"T Kit >i:N!?AY. M A !!? I! 1 G. 1>70. 1'ASSl.SGKR 1'RAlNs Wtl.l. l:t v AS FOLLOWS : | Sfall. W*KST IDallv Fxcept! Eri,r**i. Hound. I Sunday. ; Daily. 1 1 ? Leave Richmond ' Arrive ar i Hanover.. I J unction.. J} e a v e r I >.-1111 .... Loul-a. ... G o r ?1oti villi' CimrluttV ; Villi' Lvnchh'rjr! Junction | Staunton.. ! Goshen ...: Mtllhoro' . ' Covington Wiilic Sul- i pliur .... T T in ton ... . | C harle I'n : U mi t In^-' tOll ?orMn'. h. ' Ciucli.nali , 8:00 A. M.I 10:30 P 8:44 A. M. 10: 0:u5A.M. 11: 9:35 A. M. 11: 10:32 A. M.I 12: I A 11:05 A.M. li 1: 12:00 No-nj 2: 12:10 P. M. f 2: I) 2:00 I'. M. E 4: F 3:40 I". M. ?i: 4:05 I*. M.I (1: 5:35 1*. M.j s: 0:4" P.M. 0: 10:20 P.M. i; G:3U A M. .*> 9:00 A. M.'O U I i n i IV i? I*. 1 0 I'. ?* A. ::t i a. 23 \. I" A. :."?n A . : i .*> A . :3.*? :0U A. :T'i v y I'. : U1 |\ : .!? I' H'.M. ? M. v. v v. . V. ? I' M. daii* l.A>i ISOINN. Mail train arriv< - .it i;ii-liii;>>ii'| <fa i ! > Ct'|?l Sunday at Kxpre?s i rain arrives ,-.t l.'lchmund at " Accommodation train arilve. at Kn-ii inond daily me. pi Sniiitav A mixed train :cavei Mann ? it t* ? lakiiiif pa-.-t liner* iroin Virginia .Mi l"r? -Hi \V t - 1 1 i i i;j t ? ? 1 1 . ;t 1 1 < I ai rl\i -> at Ki !ii:i ti P. M. daily eve. pi situciv. A conticeI> wl'li Virginia Midlthd i m log at 11:0.*) A. M. f< r Lyiiehhurj; .m l Mississippi ami Oi.ii' Kulu'oad Million \ irgiilia Miillan'l, leavingal Washington. li connects wl'li Virginia .Midland r.n'i Ink' ;ii 3:." l> A. M. for \\'a?;hhi;.':<>ii. (' conneeis w i li Vlrslfita Midland rnh? iiijr at 2:50 A. M. lor I,) i.i i.lmi _? ami i.i >l--ipi?l and Ohio Ital road -tallon-. 1) cor nrct* with \ alit y railroad. It .. w> M. tor llarrlwvuhurir. K eoum-cts with Val'ey railroad. !? i> si A. M. for Harper's Ferry. F connects with stave line for Lex In." (i connects will II. >. and i". I'. -t> points nil the < ilitrt rlv r and < 'incliina 11 connects with Scioto Yaihy rath Northwest. .J Connects wllli all lines <liv? i?rl?i>? ! ?' ? Northwest, and Southwest. \V. AI. b Kiigineer and :ij i-ri ii CO S \V A V U. IIOWAJtO. li I'.iwmr Ticket A sent. RICHMOND AND DAN \ 1LLU UAH. li0AL> COMPANY. i' M. ? r i. V I !< dCUEDULB OF TKAINS TAKING liS SUNDAY. .JANUARY ."?. '?! M. - I*. M :tu .1. \l ;u i'. il in '! . r Leave IMcnmond at.. Arrive .it iiurkevitl**, Va Arrive at Sutherlin. Va Arriru at Danville. Va Arrive at Green.-) ti ro', N. O Arr.veat Salem, N. O. Arrive at Uax ltrh, C Arrive at Sal:>hurv. n. (* Arrive at < barlotte. N.C Arrive at Columbia, >i. < : Arrive at < 'harlrston. j S. V I Arrive at Aiiftusta.j Ca C 10:00 Arrive at Savannah. ! o.i ! Arrive at Ailjnta,(.ia. K 12:0y Arrive at Mont?onu' ry, Alaj F 7:20 I'. M. .. Arrlveat Middle, Ala. 2:05 A.. M Arrive at New (?r-! Umiis, La 1U P:30 A. M. ... A.couuei t-s for Mtltwj. N. o. II connects for A^hcvll/o and all point North <;aroIina daily. fxcpi>l Sunday. (,' connects for Mn con and all polnL. in si GwirKia. D couuccts for Ja. ksonville and a!! tivi ri.'ia. L connect.8 for Macon and all poii.'.s i . 1 'i1 Georpia, and ChattanooBa, Nashville, M ; !? all Tex <8 jx>iiits. F counccts for Seluia, Merlditu, ?) ?? f.-m Vick'hur*. (} conmcti for Oalvisi'on and s.'i l>\as i- in Traius from the af??ve-uaiin d i .? .i -i t <wn Kiefirn'/jt'f at 4:-13 P. AI. ati'i 7:1 :l *1. Trains iK-twceu Oreensboro' and xil- ia i except Sunday. Ptiiliiian Palacc Drawln^-rr/om ai:d ? run through or. Train No. 1 :ioin ^ ^ Klchmon t lo Atlanta, -Mid iron: lin^n.' KUsta, and oil Train No. "S from Ne* \ ? i ?> ?u ? mond to Savannah. Tlekcts sold lo all !>? lnt?? S?:ulh. iOUlhwe.-t. and haxtCa^'c chick' d Or- 1 Freight Train No. ;), leavinv If'' If M., and N<j. 10. arriving in Ue hiii" will have accommodations for a (? * ? piuseiieers, who niu-t pmehi-' : ?? ?? ? tiuK on the tram. No passen/eri w !, . other irelpht train-. No Uy-v\er checks K'v' " I"'1 " ' jullN i: v.- v Mt ;? (U'tierat P.i.*?-::?*?r > T. M. It. TAi.">r r. ti.-M r .' - HtciiMOxn. fuku'o .t I'oroM.'.i *:? ' ' OKKTCK GKNKn.vl. TlfKV l A KlCIl.MOMi. Va.. Noveiiit'* ' " QIIAJSGK OF SCH K DIM-:. COMMENCING SUNDAY. N??V KM tralaii ou tills roud w?l? run a* fo.l ??? >? NOKTll lUtUND. NO. 1-8:00 A. M., leaves Hyrd-Str-i ? ?? . due at Wa.disu, ' ' ?. ' ; M.: i:.-:i?i? ?' 'v.',, IHiiladehihi.t. York, I C5 :??.*> I* 'I- ,, , No. 3?6:00 P. M., leaves vurd-- ' l dur U Italt'morr, I ! , deloMa. 3:3^ V. Ai. >< U:l.*? A. AI. . accoa:m?'I?m!' s for Junciloit- j""*'?. (LsVSI. so i; th uoim>. , ,. NO. 2? 10.13 P.M., arrives a i l r \- " ? ? _ dauv. I, raver. ? i' A. M.S l'hilaJ' -i-'1' 1 1 M. : ltaltlmor"'. 1 1 * \Va*t tiuMi?. 1 , 4 u NO. 4 11:33 A. M.,.xrr:*es , >.i da'l*. I.eavrs s. ? i . v P. M.: t'hiudcd l-i.' ? 1 ' vi. A!.: Halttiii'-r'. < ' AVasl'lCk'V.r:. \ No. 8-8:40 A. M., A(r?'AiM?':?^ll;> ;.rl: %rr ivt> (l nfoau d*llv ieicei*^?r\^ tirnent! K. T. I). MY Kit!*. General Supcrtut*'^ ?" ? HPttTAt'IiKN. FY K-t A% nno KKUAIS YOl'KSUiH r JL ton 25i. , rTi ??i'H 1 v' call at 1804 Main streej , aud w ; a lh ,rl ; CLFS or KYK-GI.ASSKS. A suiHirlor qualltv jlwavsou a' \ . ,)V upwards, skilfully ?dju-Nd xKD!^ | rracilral Op'lclau, Watc&uiak^ ^"^''* .pW I mb 22 15 NO. 7?1:00 P. M. n \ I N 15 . \. M.