Newspaper Page Text
"iirhinoitrl ^ispfrlt. 0_ \VlSpXf>,uV APRIL 23, 18:9. """"THE LATEST NEWS. ~W pr Ti:m:<.kapbi i o the dispatch. ? v1, ?rv, j.VAl, AS M OTHER TXTERESTIXO * sG m.tcn prooeewxgs; tiik sen- j NV?:'v tiik ARMY bill? passage of tT\ w Sll.VMI B1I.L IN THE HOUSE |t)>r r.KI.MONT THROWS FROM J ,C A ? ; u ; t". AT < EXTRA!. PARK AND ' ?" (JY.' x\ jt?RED? THE SOUTH CARO- | TI< t\ lASEf-AXOTHER PIOUS j rn ' (W TO "?,,T-A (;urnNr? I PE IN' 01,1O: A ?OTI-L-SEKrER * ,.rr, SINE TIMKS-THE LATE TOR- I ? IN -OUT" (WliOl.lXA? THE ZULU V, ' 1J? a TOREIGX NEWS. AC. ?rKK(U is TIIK SKNATK YES- { ; UK ARMY Bll L-YIKWR OK SEX- j illKSV. OK ARKANSAS? MR. AU.I 'X>lt rtSakoKTHK SIl.VhK BII.l. IX TUB * N" 'J ;i!K ' 1.KCISI.ATIVK APPROPRIATION ' . .. ? . v KRSOSAl., AC. ? Oi?r Regular Com* pond nit.] , .. ^ os. April 22.? One of the best ; [S* j . ,v c\ er heard in \ he Senate wa? ! i of Illinois, to*(l-ij in army bill, and it received the ? ' ? :?n;ion of everybody within ' i ins voice. lie said the cry of v. t? utterly Without force t lor if ; \\W-ic i>> i! why are we selling \ . --.i v millions? The speeches J ' ? : i.jic. he declared, had not re- i ' 'Hijenti oT the people, for ' si* : " 4 . . and :? burial of dead issues. \ in \ etliat any Congress would ? ?. time of p. ace to authorize j ? ,-p- at ihe polls. It was a j resorted to when the j .. convulsed with great j .. ., t,\ i''.uinent men ho then j , ?;.r dream that it would he j i . t'jan a d?< aile after Ihe rcsto- j . ?, . for they had read history, ; ????(i !* :.t -i frev i 1 would j : : T., have t:i!' ballot-box con- ; : .. , in- il soldiers in the time of j jl :? ;?! to si-ow that this was eon- i ; ;nd B) re than a hundred r ? is jij'W, he said, no blood- j . :!.i and ii" resistance to Fed- ; ;? v. '-lit *ii- laws. North and | .c;l. in reply to the state- J . . ? sc'i ion in eor.trovcisy was j . i ? ? 3*r. Lincoln, and that to repeal .! would be. a reflection on his i % I ?avis said t bat he knew : ; 3 "i as well ss any man, and ? a ' . v t d him, but believed he was ' . .. ? , Providen* i' to save t he cotm- : 1 ?. |;r,i-w he hated wrong and op- i u. : r.d !)<? knew he would never have ' : t:? give u JMvsident i:i time of ; . r; . .v. it> St .ad troops to the polls, j . : iteioMr. Lincoln, in which he said j ? ?. m lived there would now ! . ? ? t>? twecii the sections, was : ; !.v ! ; <? iralleries, Mr. l>avis ae- j :! ?.?; he would have preferred ; ? ft ?r ti; repeal of the law in regard ; - ... troops in elections a* a sepa i ? >a;v noihing revolulionary ; it to an appropriation bill. It t '? !? rtr.ed a partisan device, lie _'!,t the duty of Congress was to put : ? .0 to > strife, and turn its at :'.)n ii.. asurcs calculated to revive the - ?.! ,-s i ; eoutdrv and to give eniploy : to i .boring ru n. 0>s:iwatiuiie Logan, ? . elo?e "f Jutlge Davis's speech, and y-xil -r? wee congratulating him on uiiotle effort, read a table to ? ?j. i u jiii* South for illicit di^tilla ? A: . Hi* own side hardly sympathized ? . Hit* iikterrtiptioii, and Judge Davis .ft h:!:i down with senatorial dsani A i :??! ii 'l;ean here remarked, '? Well, i iird party iias gone over, horse, foot, ; . in, to the Democracy. .. ? ; A : : I . A N 1 1 MARKS A SOl'M) SPEECH. - nator liarland, of Arkansas, who will I i a? Richmond a> a memb? r ? i ? j ? f ? if rate < "oucri-ss, made a speech - .ii, -it! ', and In* has no ora ... ^ yd his argument was clear ?ii\ lie ng. Many i>f the strong points i ; t in the House were oppor ? ;:?(.! l ? him, and 1 was glad that he no', in imitation of Blaine and Logan, ? ? "i; .1 - it? the prejudices or passions f ? - - . .??, A CAt V| itKl'CBLICAX SENATOR, ir. VI'j-oj:, Iowa, opposed the section > ''iitr* -vor>y because it is political, but ? rather ealmer and lc-s bloody than .... , j iii? party who have preceded A- rt j -tu nalist remarked, "He only vet; a pink ^hirt." He declared that he iievf!'i with a vote t!je llepublicans arc . a ia;:j<.r'.;y in this country. He asked ut> senators if it was a fair and .. . Bu d- of legislation io attach this re an a* ' 'ropri'd i"ii bill, and say, ?? Take tub, or we w ill destroy the army,*' especially - u..t\\.'vv. ? ? > f ?:.c fortv-two Democratic - ' ' the ivord as against the f ? ir; nth and Dfteenth aniendments. No !. .. . i petitioned for the repeal, and t he ? had not l>een discussed * : ?:irli- ut uiiitry. Senator Hill, of ?i .ii. ???. d t?? know if the bill is to be i v v : . it -ay* or bv what people '?f it. Mr. Alll-on s:!U! there had been - a; tJjt* po'h since ISTO. when Sen ' V. j- ? : i- ? (I tlii-.t troop* uert sent to ? **J *'?i< . hi i*iOt ?t iirn i tiero was no ore >t! a ? t : disturbauee. only that they vnt 1 e >c it had been represented ! ! ?! : ? Attorney that a breach o* pea.-" was anticipate<l. I In further ? .; Governor of Virginia issued : :i protesting against their . ? c-u (?!. lian-dav, and declared his :! ' ability a!;/' willingness to uitiintain jH-;ee. 31 1*. Allison was not able to ?applr wiili ibis clear statement of facts, i afbr bi il;i;ig surmises proceeded with ? |Mep:.ire?.i -ptech, and became more ex a'nd rather more bloody. In fact, ? r had to come to his assistance and tell ?wiac baliot-box smashing in Louisiana -s. Sir. liailev, one of the Teller com e >r;-(cted the statement of the Colo ?4o .Senator. A running debate, or rather ? it*;, of explanations, followed, in which "?'?fcator, Wallace, Butler, Blaine, and others t^vdpated. TljK RECENT TORNADO AT TIIK SOUTH. Hie .Signal Corps detailed to-day an officer ?> go to South Carolina and follow the track if > i ? ut recent tornado so as to make a full !?<1 complete report in regard to it to the ~i'-C at Washington. I 1HK SILVEtt BILL PASSES THE HOUSE. Aft<-r considerable discussion and sundry ''?teuipts at material amendment#, the silver ? (->f Mr. Stephens passed the House to %. It provides that subsidiary silver coin ? die extent of twenty dollars shall be a i tender, and that the same amount, or ^lUple* thereof, may be exchanged for money of the United States. It fur* ^ provide* that lawful money to the cx 01 twenty dollars way be exc hanged i for subsidiary coin, and thot postage stamps to the value of three dollars may be purchased with coin of less denomination than the twcnty-tivo-cent piece. Mr. Ste phens, from the Coinage Committee, is to report other silver bills, including one making the trade-dollar a legai tender. TT1K DEBATE OX THE MiOISLATIVE IULL. The House to-day resumed the considera tion of the legislative bill, and speeches were made by Messrs. Railevand Covert, of New York; Gcddes, of Ohio, and Thom|> son, of Kentucky. Mr. Fryc again hud his Okolona organ up. and he and Mr. Mtil drow, of Mississippi, had a controversy in regard to it, the latter asserting that it docs not represent the people of Mississippi.' The occupants of the galleries were as scat tered as" the audience at a Washington the atre when a stock company plays Sliak speare. Mr. Randall, who is off duty, moved about the hall and smiled to one member and talked to another, and evidently en joyed his holiday. ftttir.F S'KWS ITEMS. The report Is that the House restaurant is to he enlarged. The Secretary of the Greenback League, Colonel L. Crandall, is charged by Mr. Palmer, of New Hampshire, with being in league with the Ohio Republicans. The Cabinet to-d.iv discussed Alaska, and members thought that there is wealth in the seal and other li-hcries. An expedition is to be sent tliere. The joint sub- com in it tees of the House and Senate Agricultural Committees to-day agreed that t lie House committee shall pre pare a bill in regard to the cattle disease, and report the same to a future joint meet ing. The flags on Government buildings were at balf-ma>i to-day as a mark of respect to ' General L>ix, who died yesterday at New York. Mr. Turner, of Kentucky, has introduced a bill in iho Ilou-e to regulate the charges on the Pullman palace-ear and slecping-car companies. Isaac Cohen, the labor agitator, has been expelled from the iirotherhood of Labor. He says he is going to California and Ohio to participate in the rail canvas--. The turf people here are elated at another vieto'ry for Parole i:i England. The House i< in stssion to-night hearing in on speeches. I A^udnteil l're>s rijnrr- t.v teiograph to the I>i.s ltafih.J lohsiana's debt. Washington, Aprii 'J2. ? 'i'iic Louisiana senators ami representatives an* in uailv re ceipt of letters from various .sections of the eonntrv askim; information conet -ruing toe i nr. (Ifl debt of that State, opccialiv as to nr'iv paragraphs i;i newspapers saying ii is t lie intent ir.n of the Constitutional Coiivcn t :<>:1 nowin session at New Orleans to repu diate the debt. Every member of the Lou isiana delegation now in Washington dis ow us the idea of t iu- Slate's repndiat in,' its bonded debt, but they say the rate of inter est may he increased to live per cent, on the bonds known as i lie k4 Louisiana consols, *' at which rates they claim thev wiil he as good as any State b'oiids. Thev hold that the opposition to the pa v incut of the bonds comes from a cla? which pav no taxes, and not from those who have regard for the future wel fare of the State and will have to bear its burdens directly. They say if Louisiana or any southern State expects capital to tin (I its way there it must meet its obliga tions honestly and honorably, and when the matter is properly presented to the Con stitutional Convention there will be no doubt about its action. ! THE GOVERNMENT*? 1ST I'. HF. ST IN ALASKA. ? Washington. April 2'2. ? The Cabinet to d:?v discussed the Uovernmeist's interest in Alaska and adjacent waters. The general s- ntiment was that tlie development of the count rv's resources should be encouraged, and tliat the seal- and other fur-fisheries I should be protected where needed, and the (lovernment's revenue therefrom closely cx amim d. The expedition which it. has been decided lo send to Alaska was talked over. The belief was expressed that the results oi the expedition will be very satisfactory. THE SOUTH CAROLINA TOKNAHO. W ASitiNGTON, Apt il 22. -A Sigi al-Ofllce official here ha< been sent to South Carolina ? *wd adjoining States to obtain infoimation concerning the recent tornado at Walterbo rough. rorJj-MXlt* C'????ttr?Mi? first Session. Washington, April 22, 1.ST9. . SENATE. The Senate at the expiration of themorn in? hour took up the "Wallace resolution to I volt appointment and removals oi senate eni'dovds in the Secretary and seryeant-at \ rm s of the Senate, the question being on i Edmunds's substitute, wh'e.u^was^ oppos^d 1 bv Pendleton and advocated b\ Conklinr. "Without action on the AY alhiee resolution I the Senate resumed the consideration of the armv appropriation bill. Mr Garland addressed the Senate. lie emoted the English law and commentaries thereon showing the strict subordination ' to the civil authority in which the military forces are held in Great Britain. Ilcdepre ca'ed the exhibitions or scctioual feeling, and did not believe t lint the country could be imwperous so long as the old conflict be tween North and South i< used each recur ring presidential election as an instrumen i taliTv of party success. I Mr I > ivi-. of Illinois followed in favor ! of* the pending bill. In the c.,ur<e of his speech he said : "No man loved Mi. Lu - i cola or honors his memory moie than I, nor had any one greater oppoituni ,i(.s to learn the constitution of his i j,,; n,i .ind character and his hubi.s of i thought. He Was large-hearted. wiser than 1 those associated with him, full of sympa thy for struggling humanity, without malice! with charity for erring men. loving his whole country with a deep deycvtnm land intensely anxious to save it. I?elie\ I "m" as 1 do that he was raised up by : rovi i d. nee for the great eri-i- of the war of the I rebellion. 1 have equal belief that had he lived we would have been spared mue.i of t lie I strife of these latter days, and that we would J uu\v Oc o?i lt?v: ti'S1' ' tM jiiuJ|?nly. i Sueli a man, hating all forms of oppression, i and deeply imbued with the principle that ! imbued the men of *7'J to resist the stauip ! tax, would never have willingly entrusted ] power to :*nv one, unless war was flagrant, to send troops to oversee an election." Mr. Allison next addressed the Senate in opposition to the bill. HOUSE OF 15 El'It ESENT ATI VES. The House, having dispensed with the reading oi yesterday'.- Journal, resumed the consideration o I the subsidiary sdvei-eoin bl"ir. Chittenden, of Sew York, made a brief statement in favor of the bill, and the House proceeded to vote on the amendments l?Au amendment was offered by Mr. Gil lette, of Iowa, for the redemption o. sub sidiary silver coins in paper fractional cur rency of ten, twenty-tive, and fifty cents, which currency shall be legal tender to the amount of ten dollars. ? Mr Stephens, of Georgia, who had charge of the bill, said that personally he was m favor of the amendment, and that the suo iect was before the Committee on Coinage, but that he did not want this bill eueum ^Upon this representation Mr, Gillette withdrew his amendment. An amendment was ottered by Mr. " berry of Michigan, requiring small oolns (cent, three cents, Ac.,) to be received at postrofllccs for postage-stamps in sum* ? not exceeding three dollars. After discussion the amendment was agreed to. The House has passed the subsidiary. li ver coins bill. The "bill as passed providts that silver coins x>l smaller denomination than one dollar may be cxcluuigeablc int lawful money when presented In twenty dollars; makes lawful money ex changeable into silver coins In like a??uiits, makes subsidiary silrcr coins legal tend r lor all debt*, public and private, in sums not exceeding twenty dollars, and makes minor coinage receivable at post-offices to the amount nf three dollars. The discussion of tlie legislative bill was resumed. The Koh<!i <'np?Iii?a r.lcellon Ca?ea. JUDOF. HOND ulxes a number of cases out of court? tb v: rbmAlvdsr continued uk tjl NOVEMBER. Charleston*, April 22.? At the session of the United States O'rcuit Court this morn ing Judge Bond instructed tlie jury charged with the trial or the Barnwell county ejec tion-conspiracy cases to bringin a verdict of "not. guilty," on tlie ground of defect in the information. The information consisted of live separate counts. The lirst four counts charged that T. Tf^iucrics, with persons unknown, conspired to prevent Fred. X. Nix (colored) and others, who were qualified voters, from meeting peacea bly in consultation in re^peet to pub lic atrairs and immunity granted to them by the United States. The fifth count charged that T. Trauersess conspired to injure and oppress Nix in ' the exercise of a right to vote .it a Federal elec tion on account of his race and color. The first four counts, the Judge held, conld not be maintained, because they contained no allegation that the parties alleged to have been interfered with had been molested on account of their race or color. The filth count, lie said, while it charged an offence under the statute? that is, the right to vote at an election without distinction of race or color ? there had been no proof offered to sustain it. The jury accordingly brought in a verdict of not guilty. United States Dist net Attorney Northrop then, to the surprise of tlie vast audience in the court-room, moved to continue all the political cases until tlie next November term of the court, and stated as his ground for making such a motion that it would he im possible, after the ruling of the Court just made, and in const quence of !he time al ready consumed in dilatory motions on the part of tlie defence, to proceed with the trials without enonrous expense to the (Government. There being no objection to tlie motion on the p*rt of the defence, the crises were all continued until the next term. Accident to August Hclinoitt. New York, April 22.? Information was received at police headquarters this after noon that Mr. August Belmont had been taken home from Central Park in a se verely, if not fatally, injured condition, having been thrown from his carriage at the Fifth-avenue entrance to the Park. Mr. Belmont was leaving the Park when his car riage was driven against bv a heavy-loaded wagon. The collision occurred with such force that Mr. lielmont was thrown to the pavement, and was picked up insensible. He was found to have sustained a contusion of the right eye and a severe, scalp-wound and internal injuries, from which he was suffering extremely. Tlie driver of the col liding wagon was arrested. A f k'ricRl I'OPSt'r. Boston, April.22. ? Rev. George Bowers, J who l'cr six years has been pa-tor of the Congregational church at CoonviUc, N. J., is under arrest for forgery. About two mouths airo ho left his home without an nouncement. It is slated that his forgeries amount to >7,0u(i. He was accompanied by a tnurrii d woman named Bo-croft, who be long' d to a neighboring parish, and who is now in Boston. Fatal t uning' Affray* Cincinnati. A pril 22. ? A cutting affray occurred at Yeliow Bird, twelve miles from Chiliicothc, Sunday nigh?, in which a man named Murphy stabbed another named Hart, the keeper of a saloon, nine times in the l>r(-a>l and arms. A man named liar low, attempting to interfere, received a cut acro?s the abdomen. Both of the wounded men will probably die. LATEST FOKF.IUN SEWS. England. THE I.0XDON* C1TV AND SCntrRIlAN HANDICAP ? A VICTORY FOR l'AROLE. London, April 2*2.? Ttie race for the city and suburban handicap took place to-day at the Epsom Spring meeting, and resulted in a victory for the favorite, Lorillard's Amer ican horse Parole. Lord Rove berry's four year-old bay colt. Ridetto, camc in second; and Lord "Wilton's six-year-old brown horse, Cradle, third. The last betting was three to one against Parole, twenty-live to one against ltidetto, and twenty to one against Cradle. There were eighteen starters. Six 5>a.ys* WnllilKS-Sfatch in London. London, April 22.? At 3:20 P. M. to-day the contestants in the six da\ s' walking match at Agricultural Hall had made the following scores : Brown. 183 miles; Ilazael. 1S2 miles; C'orkey, 1 7 tiui !<?.-; Wes ton, MS miles. Russia. TUB NKW REVOLUTIONARY SOCIETY. London. April 22. ? The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Cologne Gazelle ex plains the state of tilings preceding the pub lication of Hie Imperial ukase. lie says the clandestinely-circulated orsran of the revo lutionists. Land and Liberty , demanded the abolition of the third s< utimi of the Impe rial Chancellery and the dismissal of the Camarilla surrounding the Czar. It pub lished a list of two hundred names declar ing that the revolutionists would shoot, I stab, and murder until their demands were I satisfied and Camarilla swept from tim face of the earth. The correspondent estimates that the secret society numbers nineteen thousand fully initiated working members, i besides thousands who have taken the sim ple oath or loyalty. The total value of the pi opert y of t ! io society is estimated at two million roubles. j'ress I'rosccntloii in (icrcnany. !> t; p. x.i n , April 22. ? The Frankfurter Zeilunfi will again be prosecuted for in sulting Tiii.ce liismarek by publishing a report of the last trial for the same ofl'euce, including the speeches for the defence. TSee Zulu War. THE LATEST NEWS FROM SOCHI AFRICA. ? LORD Chelmsford's camp attacked ? thh ?.i't,rs REPULSED? THE FIUHT BETWEEN COLONEL WOOD AND THE Zl'LUS. London, April 22.? Intelligence has just reached t Lis eify from South Africa that i Kkowe was relieved on the 4th instant, after severe lighting. ?\d vices from Cape Town dated April Otl'i. via St. Vincrnf, *uy ; - Lord Chelms ford's camp at Cirglilova, on the road to I Klbow, was attacked at daylight on April !3d by 11.000 Zulus, who sn ide frecpient and desperate attacks on all -ides, but were re jjulsed and pursued with great los*. four hundred and seventy-one Zulus were found dead round the trenches." The tj ual attack was led by Dabulmanzi, who commanded at Isandala. Lieutenant Johnson, of the Ninety-ninth rigiment, and four privates were killed. Colonel North eye, of the Sixtieth regiment, a sur geon, and tifteen met] were severely wound ed. Colonel C tea lock, Major Basson, and len men were wounded. On the 6th in stant Lord Chelmsford, with the Ninety first, Sixtieth, and Fifty-seventh regiments and a body of marines, left camp and re lieved Kkowe during the night. Colonel Pearson and his garrison have reached Umsidusi, and will arrive at Angela on April 7th.- During the investment twenty eight. men died, and one hundred and twen ty-eight were put on the sick-list. Ekowe has been totally evacuated. [Note.? The evacuation mentioned above | is problv an old garrison.] A dispatch dated Cape Town, April 8th. to Reuters, says: "In the fitfht be i tween Colonel Wood's command" and the ! Zulus on the 28th of March, the ictieat of the Zulus was cut off, and a hand-to-hand fight ensued. Colonel Weatheriy, his son, Captains Barton, Barron \on Stcitkroker, and seventy men were killed, and on the 29th Lieutenants Nicholson and Bright were killed ; Major Hackett was severely wounded, and Lieutenant Smith and Cap tains Gardner, Cox, and Pearse were also wounded. The total of the British losses in both engagements is estimated at 2-0 killed and wounded. ' *f Tho Zulus lost 2,500 men. It was ru mored at Pretoria and Natol that the lioors iutcftd investing Pretoria, and threaten to detain Sir Bitrtlc Frere as the hostage un less their demands are complied with. It is nsinored also ! Imt Sir Kartlc Frere is re turning to Natol." London*, April 22?2:30 1\ M.? Donald. Currie & Co., proprietors of the Cape of Good Hope and National lioyni .Mail Line of steamers, have received a telegram d:ited St. Vincent, April 22d, which says r "Colo nel Wood's column lias been at I nek <""1 near Luneberg l)y a !arge number of Zulus. The enemy was repulsed with great loss. "The British loss was seven oflicers and ?100 men. The troops fought gallantly, but appear to have been taken by surprise." k 7VLC VICTORY. London', April 22.? Intelligence has b^en received from Cape Town thi* afternoon that Colonel Wood's column has been at tacked by Zulus and lost 400 men. The Zu lus lost heavily. FURTHER REPORT OK THE ENGAGEMENT. London. April 22.? The Timers special from Gingle Lova, South Africa, April *2d, says : "The relief column, on reaching here on the 1st instant, was informed of the ad vance of great. masses of the enemy. The troops at once formed an entrenched camp and strengthened their entrenchment--. At 4 o'clock in the morning tl>e Zulus ap peared. skirmishing on the ri^bt in front of the riflfs and naval brigade on the north cast. They lirst engaged a large loree which appeared on the surrounding heights. The Zulus fought biavely, advancing within thirty yards of our entrenchments. The attack lasted nearly an hour, when the Zu lus retreated precipitately, followed i?v the mounted inrantrv and native contingent. '?On the 3d of April the relief colornn un der Lord Chelmsford started for Kkowe. The mounted natives and volunteers led the way. No Zulus were. seen. The force reached Ekowc at !);.'50 o'clock. The garri son had plenty rf food. There were one hundred sick and thirty dead. Lieutenant Kvelyn, of the Buffs, and Lieutenant David son, of the Ninety-ninth, were dead from fever. The camp was very strong. On April 4th Colonel LVar*on marched for the Tugela. and on April 51 h Lord Chelmsford started for GingleLova. In consequence oT a false alarm the pickets tired into the bu-h. and Dunn's scouts returnini: fell back at their approach in disorder. One scout was killed and nine wounded. Five of the Six tieth regiment were also wounded. Of the thirty-four whites wounded remaining at Gingie I. ova, one died, sixteen are dangei ou"ly and twelve severely injured. A new entrenchment camp will be formed. J'art of thefotceis returning to Tugela. Ihc Zulus losr 1,2; ?0 in t he engagement." London, April 2*2. ? A captain, a lieuten ant, and one iiundred men of the Sixteenth regiment of rill -s have been ordered to i?e ready for immediate embarkation forNatal. FIN AN C.I A J j. RICHMOND STOCK EXCHANGE. Tkkspay. April 22. 1 870. f7f>rernm*vt I*?.i ?-<l state* 4 '-'s, 105?4 hid; l/?dred States 4"e, lt'OJ,' blthlOlJiasHcd. /*'*'!? t'i*! t.S". ? \ I t'lilfj!,; COirr i ? : 7 r'Mi HTS asked: Virginia enn-oh;. new. 42 bid. 43!/. {i ked : Vir. lis it >!?-. !1() Mil : Virginia deieri'p.i. 7\ bid. P asked: Virginia iitt?*ri*>t ;-?-r> i it! Mil, 1 7's s-k'-il : Virginia ta:<-ree< ivable coupon-, H21? l?nl. asked: North Carolina bonds 22'? '"<1, -4 ask< <1. t.'itu .Vf.Y-/ir>7?Vy,? 1,'ii'Iiiuou'l city and <1.. n Md: IMiMiiiicnt! :-Uv G and ?!.. 1 <>:< '4 l?l<i : t'etn* burg ciiv G's. F. and A., lol a .-km I ; ivicr? burg t ilv 8\.. ICS bid. i 10 asked: IVicrshurt; city fc's. special tax. J. an ! .1.. 108 bid : I.* nchbiir;; ci J v 8?-S ami 113 hid: Lmic:iIhiil' city .1. ami ?!.. lot I'i'i : N ? ? ?- 1'< . ! k city water i!. :nnl N.. il'J hid: Mainhesier fcndjre ? . M. an! X? l?y asked: Mi'nelic.-tcr S's. ta.v recvivable. ui. and S.. 'Jt> hid. 01 n-ked. Ji'ii.l road Jfowls. ? Sontliside Ihiilroad tlilrd mort gage preferred d's. -Kami.)., GO 'ii?f. 72 ask' d ; Nor folk and Petersburg Pallroitl second mirisiff 8'. .1. and i?:P; iiid : Kichiuono. Frederick -hur^: ant! Potomac Hailroad moriK?jr-' 8"s. ?). a:H .1.. 103 hid. I'ichmond. Fredericksburg and I'oloniac l'aiiroad mortgage 7"s. J. and ?J? 102 hid: Richmond and Danvlll* I.'adroad consolidated G's, M. and N.. KS hid: Piedmont Hal I road lir>t innrtirace H'n. A. and O., 100 hid; Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line Ilail road lire mortgage S's, am! ?J.. 41) asked. Canal liouils.? James i.'ivt r and Kanawha Canal first mortgage G's. M. and N.. 50 hid; James IMver and Kanawha Canal second mortgage G's, M. and N.. 10'j hid. linilrva'i .Stank*.? Richmond. Fredti ickshurir and Pnlotnac Uai'road G i>er cent, uuar.uitccd, l(j() par 79!. hid: IticSiinond. Frederlek-bxr^ and Poteimic Hallroad 7 per e m. puaranteed. 100 par. J)2V. hid : Connvetlon t' stock. 70 5-ir. GO i hid; Ktehmonil and Uaiiville. Railroad. J 00 ???? r. *8. SO bid, $9.50 asked: Piedinniit tfa II road, 100 par. OS hid; Seaboaid anil Ifoanoke Kailroad coninion. 101) par. S5 bill: .Seaboard and Hoanoke Jiaiiroud guar anteed. 100 par. y7'a bid. ('anal tit'ickfi.? James River and Kanawha Ca nal, 100 par. $1 a-Ud. Bank .Stocks.? First National. 100 i:ar. 1 1G liid : Naifonal 1'ank of Virginia, 100 par. 00 asked; I'nion llank of l'leliinoiid. 50 par, 41 hid; Mer chai.ts and Plaji'ers Savims. 2.1 par. l?5!i hid. Iu>;ar<iiict Con'ixiiiirfs. -'dereliants ami Me chanics, 100 par, 70 bid, 8.'5 asked; tiranile, 100 par. 75 a-kcrt. Misc.ct la n foM.v.? Old Dominion Steamship Com pany, 100 par. 75 bid. Uy Telesrraim. .NKW YORK. \f.w Yoiik. April 21? Soon.? Slocks weak. Money on call. 4(<?)5 per cent. Kxcliant'e? t.oinr, 4.sT sj : short, 4 87^. Slate bon is dull. Covernnients steady. U<'kii i ?//.? Money, 3?." per cent. Kxehamrc, 4 SG:j. tioverniavnts steady; new G\-, 101' .. Elates dull. r, A I.TIM OH E. Hai.timOKK, April 22.? Virginia G's. defcrrtd. 7?-: consols, o7 : secotiil series. 4-^: p;i?t-due cou pons, 82. North Carolina, old. 22^. l?id to-day. COMMERCIAL. CORN AND FLOUR EXCHANGE. Richmond, April 22, 1879. OFVKKINCS !i KTOUTFI) TO SKCUKTAltY. WltKAT. ? White. 200 bu-hels. 7.W, -ICG bushels. ColtV. ? White. 750 OATS.? 3-14 Black 1'icas. ? 200 bushel*? were re-exhibited. MAI.ICS ;iKPn;:TKl? TO SKCRETA C.'Y. WllKAT ? Whit'-. 2 GO I ?trlii Is vi rv imnd ;it >4.1 2. JicU. I'D Iiii-Ik N good S.:iii('ii<!(-r at $1.1 1 : li 0 bu.-li els very food Frill/, at ?-1.10: 40 buMiels mixed at *1.12: 320 bushels Lancaster <>n private terms total. 400 luishcta. COItX. ? Whit*. 20 bushels at 55c. : 20 Mis-hcls very at 5-le. ; .*0 Imilirls yc ><J at 54c.: 4u liitsln Is good at 04 e. : 120 bushels good oh private terms: 90 bushels. prime at 5 Me. : MO bushel.- prime at 53c.; 2U bushe's very good at r?:ic. : 70 bushels good mi private ti nn ? total, 4"0 I.tishe's. OatS.? 52 bushels very good s?;?r! !iif at 3fie. ; 50 bushels Billing at 30e.? total. 102 Flour. Fim'.?.t.50:$t/{.75 ; >:i;icri< i;??. < 1.256" 14.50 ; ex tra. $>*i.25: ? famllv. T"? ? uu'.j bratMi, $6.25(&-iU.75 ; Staunton extra, *5.5 0. RICHMOND TOBACCO EXCHANGE. Tt'l>DA Y. April 22, 1679. Tlio number of breaks to-day comprised 120 hogs heads and 11 tii-rces. The oUVrings at auction <m 'Coange were 83 packages; of ?hi--h i;i:in!><r 39 were rold at prices rau^iiu fr?>m ?l-.90 to f 100. Q L*( )T AT i OXi? I'lil Z KL) TO U A CC O. PAltK. I,h'jh.? rotmnoti to Uh.-ditiin, -;2.25f. ?2.75 : good i.i liur. f'V - ?>3.50. Jjt m'.? ijiio'iiinii to gool short, >:?!(*?(! : medium to t;rr li?i?/, $0' i ??>7. 50 ; good u? *,ery ?? t long, ?9 oU. I ?.irk leaf, irood enough for wrappers and for the best Types of the s. itavi- bi-en thus far in very light supply. There is i:o ustor'.meut of stin cured tobieeo eliding. KKIOIIT. Lugx.? (???ittitiion to medium. ?-4?ZfG; good to very good. &7fc.?8. (??.? Fair to medium. *S/'$10:# good to v.-i-y uood, ?12(4*15; tine to fancy. ??i7.30(^. ?22.50. ? < 'ominon to iiiediuni. ?7.5 0?.' $3 ; ?ood !o v# rv y<?o.|. s-lU.'ji j>l-. o-> : e\tra cutars or tillers-. *15(2 $18. iftthoymiy Wrappers.? ri.tnmon to medium, v 1 5 i-j.'i ; vood 1 1 1 very good and tine, $30!-: ?-40 : cx'ra tine. *45'" ?5P. . Yellow WrappefA.?C ojniitoti to mediunt. ?2.>a? ?35; gooil to very good. ?40-.i?50; line to laucy, $55feii75. Occasional suiail lots have since the ?? ason ojn n cd commanded above the ouliide quotations. JtHl catlous are that strictly faacy white wrappers will be in liirlii sttppiy. No special change in quotations. There Is some Inquiry for sound medium and low grade old tillers from manufacturers, and anything will command fair prices. There is every project now of a good r-Ntson, and we look for iucreased receipts. By Telcsrrnpti. NEW YORK. New Yomk, April 22.? Cot'ou Irregular; sales, 735 bales; uplauds, ll,Hie.; Orleans. 1 l\c. Flour In tiuyera' favor; southern quiet ami heavy: sales, 1.300 bairels; common to fill r cxtia, $4.10fjJ 45.40; good to choice. $5.50?i6.50. Wheat opened lowir and closed with a better tone: winter red. 1.1U: No- 2 winter red. $1.12^6g S 1.12^. Corn a shade lower: ungrade*!, 43S'?44c.; No. 3. 42?42?iC. Oats, 31@31jjC. for No. 3, CoQTve uuiet anti uncluiuge'*.. Migar steailv : Cuba fair to good refining quoted at ! prime, CJj'c. : refined quiet. Molasses In fair de mand and steady. Ill c steady with moderate lu (julry. Iios'.i dull at $1.40. Turpentine weak a) SO&Slc. fork lowrr and dull : me?s. si?ot, ?8.87> fo<; old. Middles dud and easy: western ant city '.cug clear, 4\c. ; short clear, 5!se. Lard lesi active nt $0.106i4G.20. "Whiskey uomluul a ^1.08. Freights quiet aud steady. BALTIMORE. BALTI5I0UE, April 22.? Flour dull, weak, am unchanged. Southern wheat dull: western flrxn eoutUctu red, i amber, 5?1.13(i M.13W; No. 2 I'ennsyl -aula red "+eady at 4l.l2?f' : >.'o.2 western winter red. spot and .,*prll, ?1.00%; M*r. 41.09SfSl.10: Jum'* 41.10 H''r 4* 1 . 1 0??. SUiulhern corn du'l: western a abrade lower with fair J nuui'l st decline : southern wt.lic. ?17c.; yellow. 43(&34?j'c. Oats steady an-' easy: southern. 35fft38r. ; we- rem white, 34 (5*3 ?*><?. : v. otrni mixed. 33!j?34c.; fennsvlvarda, .34? 3.'ic. liye gn'et at 58(.iG0c. Hny active and rt.m er : prime Pennsylvania and Mm viand. 1 .1 ft. 4 1 0 . Provision* dull and wicbanced. Mutter Meady an- ' unchanged, Fjtim unclK.njted. Coffee ?i?i t**t ' n ??! uticnan?ed. WM fkey dull and nominally unchanged Jrii^ar steady. CINCINNATI. CIXCIJTXATI. April 22.? Flour dull and n - chanced. Wheat (U<K?dy and in c<;od demand: r d .mi! amber. 41^$1.05 Com stead v and In f.ilr 'ietnand : 37f<6S7}$e. ca-Ii; 37Mc. sPller May. nut-, n. m at 28(ffi31c. Provisions dn I and weal;. I'ork dull and nominal at 41 0. I.ard easier; enrrent nvde. 45 85. HuIK-mcats dull : shoulders. 43.40: ciruir rib. ?4 40: clear .-i'lfr.. 44. 70. Karon dull and a 'hade lo*?-r ; shoulder*. 3?e('i4c.: el^nr ril>. 5c.; I clear :lde?. 3'<c. Whiskey steady and in fair de mand at 41.01. Hn'ter quiet and u. cfnnpcd. n jrur ?t>-:Miy and unchanged. llosw cruiet; packinir. *3 30@*.1.50. I.OUISVILI.E. I.Ol'I^vrr.t.K. Anril 22.? Flour steady and nn chaitped. Wheat Arm: led ami ainUr. 31.03?H $1.05. Corn <iniel: white. 38c. : mixed. 37c. Oats steady. Pork ?juietat 410 25. I.ard easier : choice leaf In tierces. 7,'ic.: choice lraf'n kevs. &!~c. Itulk-mcat.- ?{iiK-t and oa-ier: shoulders. 3:i.c.; cltar rl!>. 434'". ; e'ear side", 5e. tor loose, fiacon <|'iiet: -liouidi r~, 4<*. ; clear rib?. 5.'bc. : cN ar tbir*. 5V\ for loose. Sn.Tir-eured bams 9';c. Whiskey firm at 4 1.01. ST. LOt'IP. -'T. I. oris. April 22 ? Floor fpcel and nucha wd. Wheat inactive and lowtr: No. 2 red fall. 4 L.OtV'K 4i.tt5 cash. jH.0-tft.41.05 .May, 41.03'?M4l.94lw ?f u tie. 9GV". July. bid at cio.*e: No. red talk 41.02 . Cori' active: No. 2 mixed. 33c. cash. 32??te33S;c. May. 33<a33,/r. 4une. 34*r-i34V. .Iwi v. 3.":i,'u.3i;e. Anvils!. < iai- firmer: No. v. 25'<?> 25ijC ea-li. 24'bI'. btd Apt Hand Mav. Wbl-kev stead v at 41 04. Pork dull and lower: johbinjr. *9.90. I.-.-rd dull at 5?4u. bf?t I !n Ik-meal!" dull : ohtirrtbs, 44.42!?, dtllvered, May, liicon Inactive. CHICAGO. t'lUCAno. April 22.? Flour quiet and weak. Wheat active but lower: No. 2 Olcuao sprimr. 75 f?o75!iC.; n-Jeeted. 62.'}t*. ( <>ro in fair denianO but l()\r?-r and weak : 34V.C. ca-Ii. ? (a May. 34 'j fa 34^c. .Mine, 35Sjc. -July. Oats doll and a ?liaile lower: 23'jC. c:i>h. 24;j''. Mav, 24,JiC. .lune. I'ork active but lower, vi r* unsettled and wi-ak. liaviiij; d-cilned n'-arlv 50c. : ?*-'S).27 7 cash. $i).27S('( 49.30 May. *9.37'tr?,*9.40 June. .-59.50 duly. Lard in hiir demand i>:it lower: ?5 e(- r;sli. !f"?.i0C?''i5.fe2'j Mav. 45.85 fc'.?5 87!j.Fnne. #5.90(?$5 92':;dnly. Ci .ft. ? Wheat. In rood dema: il and 'jc. higher. Corn fairly afl ive and a sliade higher: >?< ,33V*. Mav. 34 i|C. a<hed .lune < >.*it-? firmer and hlcher. I'ork dn l and a >l::o!e I.iwer : 49.25 Muv. 49 35 bid ?fnne. I. -.i d fair! v ueiive and n shade higher: 45. .w2'... May, 4.r<.fc7'; bl'i .June and Jnly. r.ufk-uicat- in sood de'naii'l but lov.vr : jilniuliii r<. 43.50: ?hort rib. 44.45 : slieri e'ear, 44 0">. Whiskey 4 1 .04. ?i a r * * k i a tei,j.h;i:xc 2-:. Ml NIATL'It K ALMAX.U -Aritlt. 23. IS 79. ??mris: s s Tii>s. sets 6iH8 j t? 9;')2 i Kvkiiiiis '>'.7>o POUT Of RICHMOND. APRIL 22, 1S79. aim: I vkp. 5 1 earner Ariel. (iitfosd. NorfoJV, T.'nllod iiwil. merchandise, :tu ? past-eiiA'-rs. L. is. Tatimi. Schooner Hat'lo Starke, Starke. It.iitlinore, irralu. Thomas llriuicli & Co. saii.ii>. St< r?. in -1> i p lVpitoli'1. Couch. New York, iwr cli:iTt<ilM* and (i \V. A I en ?t < pews. Steamer .J. W. Kverm.i!*. Carr. 1* lladelpltia. merchandise ::ii?l pa*sen>:? r>. W. McCarrlck agent. M earner Uiic^'ic. r,;ir<?ril. Willi mi-hrir,;. hoop? l i-les. <;??? r,.e 1".. llii Schooner S. C. '1 Vi'iii. McKemm. Hoston, coal, ("In >npc ke am) i lino railroad. i-ehooner Annie lia-kell. Crt-Ucll. Phil (dclphrt, llirij.-, Clil-fis & Pa! '.<T. r'clioi.iuT li. II. ln^raiirint. firt' ly, Portland, coal. ( un it A Co. >1 I'MOl: A >M> A. T'll i f. A t? KI.I'II I A, April 21.? Arrived: Schooner II. (1. K!ey. Mulicn. from 1 1 ? : - l ><.??; . N i.'.v oi:k. a i nl 2 1.? Aiviv'-d : Schooner lk-nry I*. llortcu. i ii-ms from this j*??i t. IJy Trl:-cra i>ti. DISAKTKIl AT SI'. A. The tramp'-rt ( Ivdo 1 i.i-i Im-i-ii wrireke! on liver's I ~ I :t !l ? ! . All fin: crew *ere sivvd. but Hit ? lilfi > '-Vcrc !i" t au<l tlii- >hii? -ii 'k. POST ON, April 2-.? At rive'! : Ellen M. II I*. Sni.lii.-i. Krnn/.. New Yokk. A mi! 22.? Arrive*! : ltorrox. Ar i iveil oui : Florida. A w.ike, . Merom. ."ilaj-ma. KOliT Moniioi.. April 22 ? ^ailwi: Hark .Sorrlde reii, for Richuitud. rorn:::. C 1 U F F E !?; . DA VKNPORT & morris. Dock stiikkt. oiler for sate to tiie I race M.OOO lugs COFFKK. RI< >? Fair t<? choice; I.AOUAYRA, SANTOS, JAVA. ap2.M0t sa j/r I) WKNl'OliT & MORIilS OKI-' Kit KOB SAI.K 0.000 sacks. 1. 1 VhlM'i ?wi. FINK SALT. Bit ANUS : WASHINGTON. WILLIAMS. \VuKTM!\*<;T< ?X. FOLKKS. I )K A KIN'S. ALSO, 2.000 sacks GRol'ND ALUM, lap 12-10! | BS A MS. HAMS, II A. MS. ? Two hundred i.'OL'X TRY-CL'Rfc.1) HAMS |si-t icceivel and tor sale bv aji 22-2t K. & S. WORTHAM & CO. PIANOS. OIt?AXS. tic. 1 ]I I C IC E K i N <; ' s / 1 II I C K K J{ i X <; 7 .S CISAXD, S^L'AICK, AND U'IMUHT 1'IANOS. So tine a display of SlT'KIiJ) lMANO-FOltTKS w,i< never exhibited In this city can now i r.-soen at the e?tal)Ibhme:it of the underpinned. Ciottfclialk. the jioet of the riano-Forte. siid of the C IIICKKIIING 1'IANO-FOHTKS : ?? I eou-ider Ihein tnperlor to any in the world, and I remark wit !i pride that for a period ol eleven years, In all my concert- (/Aiv.- t?'"U <nn<l), I have used no other Pis no- Forte/' ap it; W'.'ODIIol'SK & PARMAM. I RntVS S. NH1H S. do. r YOUR FOOT IS j? 0 iU{0AI\^?jg r -o narrov.* you can'i ' :i saJi-faot'jry lit, try J. A. GJMGG. Tkstii and .Maix s f jikkts. v\liii has r.KN-J I.K.MKXV. LA D1 and flllf. I)i;KN> SI InKK. v?tv broad and v-.i-y i?arr<>vv: ? >ld Iad;?? " hr'KiU-lioItuin. Iliil-lin.l < < ;N(.i I.' 1 >S G AITKK'S : r.A>TIN?-. Ft iXKI>. and M< >!:<>( i .<> Mini's: OM U'"iit i?i'<>ad-ii'i!tim:. Hal-,'u'< I GAI J KH-, 'I'IKj?, Mid I.OW S!iOl>: Ladii-' flain ani !'.u:c\ ;? 1 KAl* H.II'l'KttS aud SANDAI.S: I it'iii' i-".i I.i)\V .-HoKS la < all". G?">a*. Knanud. a Sid Kid : < <rriM? f-!.rri'M:>. ixi.aid ties. and r.ow !:i rr<i\ - 1;? ?i - : Sl'i; I S'l ?-! ! I-. KI. NK\\ !'M!:i 1 j MS and l!l.O< K IIKEI.< !S Inrjse its Id ,: TUl.'NKS V AM. -lis > A T C 1 1 t!.S UAUS. S'iTwU'r. &c. STOCK VERY r.A'IGK AND i'KHT.- TO -L IT Tin-: closest j;uYf:i:-. | rip ? ! -f*od J s.jt.fs s? i'Em a:.vr. a n r> n. vv.TKsi. 2 TON Y-POIXT LI.M E. S \\'c have reduced the price ?>f our CEL EB1IATED AGRICULTURAL LI.MK | I to!1- cents i>< r lai.-h.-l nit, ca*h, <<:i hoard vti.v,! j oar work?. THE TOM K I N S-CO V E LIME COMPANY,. Touikius Cove, IIoCo I:iu<1 county, N. V. flip 8-1"; J c iKoqrET. 1 It O Q U E T . We have a full assart incut of the p"ju*!ar pi me of I CROQUET. The prices art 00c.. $1.25, i'2. *fi. $4. and RANDOLPH A ENGLISH, liockaclit** and Binders, ap 16-dAw 1302 and 1804 .Main ?tr<* :. ICE. VTOUTHEIiN ICE.? -I have ju>t ivcoivetl il a carpo of VERY SUPERIOR NORTHERN ICE, a samp''" of which may l>e seen In trout of tin Dispatch office t >..Jav. My former la'rous. an. I ail other? wishing a suopiyof l he I'. EST NORTHERN ICE this sca-on, will please ?end In their ont.-rs. 1 have also a -upplyof DOMESTIC' ICE, ^tillable tor Ice-cream ilealers, fish-box**, Ac.. none of which will besohl to private famllle?? to which the north ern Ice alone will t>e furnished. Parties de*irlnjr DOMES! IC ICE will send their order- to No. 17U7 Cary s'rcot, and those 0?**lrlnj? NORTHERN ICE will send orders to No, 1901 Uary si reef. i mh JAJiEd Ci iilllll. iaiiiU4>Ai> i. ?Ms*. RscrratoTin and prterstjcbg ? KAILHOAD COMPACT. 1 / -on?.TKNCrN*G MOND AT, March 31, 1870, trains oh :hls road will ran as follows: LEAVE RICIIMOXD tOPTH. 11 55 A- M-, THROUGH MAIL dally, conacc&u for ( ?avar.na1', Angus!:, snd Aiken (via ( harlestonj. Rateixl-. Jacksonville? parlor cara to Wllrnl:>g ton. Slops only at CRester and Man chester 7:5f -A. M.. ACCOMMODATION* dally (ercccp Sunday). nihKt-rf c.o.-c eonnectbii :r Pi.tcrso'irg with too Atlantic. s.?slppt %inl oti'ft i*:ii it ???!?! for tSrSs vol. Chatt-sncoca. Nashville, Memphis. Lv FanuvSPe, s;iid other ?x*:i et-itions ou that road, ctaks:;; sasm time a? ii\ j'liv other iinc. MojkS a' all r? Kii'ir station-". 4:33 P.M. ACCOMMODATION* TRAIN* <?ail5 (except Sunday). taking tit's train W.iJ nn>e ci'-fs coonecuot at P?'f?r?Uiuv ftr Norfolk, 10 35 P. 3L. THROUGH MAIL Galiv, emmrtSnp for Weldon. Wilmington. Kalchrn Charleston, Savannah. Acgusta, C<> !?jni"*a, Atlanta. Macon. Montgomery Mob: v. New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. PnVwan slrep latr-car from Boston fir Wlitnl'U'ton. Sayanush, him oe <out,h. Slow o:ily at .Manc'iestcr and ?3jfc>:er. LSAVK PETTKSUritO XOItTIT. 6 40 A. THROUGH MAIL <l!illy, ccwtectln/ with Ifichtr.otHi, Frccericksbcrg a:u Poiomac ri'i'road f r 23! polista "^orth. Hast, ami West. Stops? at Man*4n->tei and Che-tcramJ at HsiSf-Way :r*d at Drtirv's !:iiif!von s',?hk|. 9:23A, M., ACCOMMODATION TRAIN* ?fc>lly (except mi it cay). Stop# at all -fa Hons. 7:10 P. M., ACCOMMODATION' TRAIN (except Smiiii1:j"*I? Stop* oS4y at M?i> ci ester and Cffster. 3:13 P. M, THRO COM M.Y.I, dally, oonr.octli\| with Richmond. Fr?;dericksSarg anC Potomac railroad for all f?oi*it5 Cas'i anl W'rrit. Also, CTaking cloiceonnec tlen with the ( *-U-sapeake r. vl Otiit raSroatf for the Virginia "Spri a^s *nc appoints North an*l "West. Thfstralr stops at Manchester and Chester, am' a" Half- Way and iirury's Blr4J", un sJjmal. ALL TRAINS leaving PetersbtKi? will start fron 'he Ar.nctratt^T dopot. sf'NDW EXCURSION TRAIN'S leave R>sh ir.on- 8:20 A. it. and P. Nr. T leave Pet#rs h??rg 9:23 A. M. a:?>> 5:25 I'., every Sunday. irih 29 A. SHAW. Superintendent. 3) *; 5' a in ; nr. of k a .ti i-; . tpfVU NEW Y O li K.? The i>l(t J. !>o m i n l n n Strain ?ldp Company's steariisliii- <?!.!> r/O.MIN"I0V. Captain W.U.KKH, will ar! FIJI DA V. A^sil ii."?th. at 0 O'doek A. M. I Freijrlil r?re?-i ved until .*? o'elock TSurtoav eve- j Through l?i lis of la^<ln.i; signed ait-l fjomis for- | warded with dispaleh to all points north. soul h, cast, i ami west: also. io foreran |>orts. I'.x^-n.'rer ??oeoinuHvlatfons utisurptisswJ. ? Tallin fare to New York. *>1VJ: toand-trip tickets, i'J ?. Sieerat'e, >?}? aud"f8. For I'reifrlH or pa apnlv to U. W. ALLKN Si Co.. \uent?. aj? 23-3t Coinpanv's Wharf. KocRetts. T"> fCH.MONl), VdHK inVKR/fOTJ^, I it\N*D( III SA 1' K AK K !? A I L RO A 1 >. 4iL' u -"ST.. M Kill II A NTS AND MIN'KRS TRANSI'tJli 1 A TloN COMPANY. Tlirou^ti-t'i ei^l't route l?e'we<M Rlelunnnd (Va.) :i!id I'.o-ton, I'rovld* nee nudail N'i-w I* upland eltle-. Steamers have l'>'f POINT. V \.. on each WKDN'I > I ? A V tnd SATURDAY at 12 U?vui ; eo;>. . in eline with tr :in- from UK II Mi iN'D. steamer* arrive at \VK>'l" I'olNT on each TUKS- : DA V .tnd FRIDAY. In reet Fhtprnctitft t'rom Stostnn >?(<? llojton and ; Providence Raiiroail riii. We-t P<>!nt. Ya. II T. DOIMiLAS. Sitpermtendenr. V. D. f?i:oN?:it. Cem-Rti ajjosh. ap \ r r I{ ( J 1 X I A ST KAMI JO A i'lf. -r^.n , j COMPANY'S I A M KS-R I V E R L I M E , FOR NpRl'i'l.K, Pi >UTSJIt H'TII, ' AM? ALL IiSoL'LAR LANDINGS ON l AMf-^s P.1VKR (."ONNSfTINfJ AT Norfolk with the i'ay-ljnc. yoit RALTIMORK. PHiLADKLl'lll a, NEW YORK, AND iJOSTON. 'I f-rt t'tid .'iPiraut cteatrier ARIKL. Capf.iln /.. r. t ;iKhr>!tl? i e ? rry sir- the I'.iIUmI n.'tttj. Rh'li'iioiid t" ? r ahovc-nano >1 plio**. ' ev<-|-\ Monday. Wednesday. ami Friday, at g:mo a. M. Ear.- to Norfolk or PortHitiotith 2 r>0 {?' ire for ronr.d trip, tor t v>> ?lnv : 2 fiv Fare for toiind trip.trood for SEYI'.N days.... oo Fare lor round trip. iinitiiiUe'l 4 do Fare to Baltimore 0 o<! Fare to Philadelphia i) n." Eire to New York 12 13 Fare to Unstop 13 'Ci Through ti'.kets sold at t iar!" . 's. fi2t? Main direct E>:elia::^e I I<ft?- !. ai.d ou hoard steamer. Uagga/t elfCked tlip'iiah. Tlie LIMITED TICK HTM named a hove a re on salt onlv at (iarher's fc2?i Main btrevt, ami Exchange Ilotet. Fretjfht reeeived dally for Norfolk, PortMuouth: New liern, Wa-hiiiaton. and Tarhoro'. N. t'.. and all landings on Tar river: Washington. D. ('.. Jl inip ton. and Eastern Shore of Virginia, ami regclat landings o:i James river, at lowest rales. The steamer AIM EL has lately he-en almost en. t, I rely rebuilt ami rcl'iimi-hed in an eieiruit ami cosily manner, atid Is coiitiden'ly r> ????m i-i.-iii l?-il a' the I'AS n> r and most e .mfortahle steami r that iiaf run on lliU route for m.inv v? ars. L. R. TATOI. SiiiMTlntemh nt, 903 Main ?treet and Pockeit-. .1. *A*. MrCAltUIOK. Atfi'tit. Norfolk. se 4 1 X.MAN LI NIC P'Znr? CNITED STATES L' AND RoYAL MAIL '-TEAM Kits, NEW YORK lo (/CEEN'sToWN AND LIYERPOOL EYE If Y TIII'fSDA Y OR SATl.'KDA Y. < ity < >E I'.ERI.IN. .",.4?il tons; CITY OF RICHMOND. 4.i'it>7 Ions; ( ITY oE C|II->TEir.4,.ritil5 ton-: ( I I V OE MONTRE \L. l. l'.K) t- t?< : CITY OF lfi:r<SEI>. .1.775 tons; i ITY OE NEW Y<?RK. :t .500 tons. THESE M At : NIEICENT STEAMERS are ainoiit the strongest, largest, and fa-te-t on the Vtlautie and have e\iry modern im;:roveni'itl. Iiiclmliu; hot ami cold wafer and electric hells in state room.-, revolving chair- in aio?u-. and -nir.i' I in'- looms. barher-Miop . A e. For rates of passage ami otliei iuformatiiti appj^ to JOHN (i. DALE. Agent. .11 Pread rav. N?*w York ; or to tiEoRCE W. ALLEN A CO.. fa 1-eodlv Rlehtnoml. p U i LAD Vl )j I' If I A, KM I f- ^ .1 MONO. AND NORFOLK STI ' \ M - -HIP LINE.? FOl! PHILADELPHI ?*.. FA LI RIVER AND THE EAST VIA FALL RIVER I 1IRI-.K II MI'S A W EEK.-l ntll f-utliei i:o t i the s! earners of till.; line will :na^e trl-weekh trips, loaviy Philatleiphia every 'J'I;ESD A Y Tiil'R-DAY. atol SA'J't 'R D A V, nnd f f ???!! ???. .f t everv Tl ESDAY. FRIDAY, and rfl N ? ? A Y, cop. ie ?tintrai Pidl.idi Iphia ?Mth <;iyde"s New Line for Fal! River. ol'K K I IME-FREOUENT DEPA RTL'RES? LnWEST RATES. Fret -'lit received daily until >? .?"clock P. M. A.MKS W.Mi CAUitK'K. Ccneral Somliei n \yent, Riciimoud, Va. WILLIAM P. CLYDE .<t < ? Oeiieial Ma nave rs, t:o 23 No. 12 South Whr.rv^s. Pmludtiphift. g'^LD DOMINION COMPANY. FOR. NEW YORK. 1 ? r*!rit ?"i" *!' -n-.teli O'.e rf tiol" '!ii^r-d'<! t . ; j_{ t >? i *.i i \ ION*. V."i A.N. ?X HL't I-.E'.L, :?.t..! RICll.M"ND-every TCESDAl FR! DA Y. ! - E ND \ V at hlifh ??/ r..,r. T:c ;i; shij.-i -ire t-Titliely :.e*.v, aiid were Lei!it ei i hey ii Yc spieii cU'i sa!'.< ? t it? j, a id t -*.'!?? r>* tin-'. 'l '*e ? ;? ?v. .iHil 1 a ' lO'H A.'r. il.!* ?il t*i ?iLv-J-'i. CO ?:?. ' 1 ^y this i!re are lap. !? d r ir-i !.: riy a: New Yo: i; ua li.t' ij'i.'ajun ; '- covered pn'r. c> i Nortt river. Fivtu'V. ' r.*e? vnl t . tj p. v.. -!?!;>. i 'ar?ls? lire to Ne -v i' ..?!?, $12. SUfcriyre, t?5 a-i? is. FnrtKhts f.'-r p'-lt'ts ' New > * r! ro."'' irdt> W-.Ii dT.-": l-j i?i:?d<r e- x< r. u r\ pe*i>es !?iy?rre:i. rcrfurth *r tin'onn at-.M ?? : ty to GE. w. ALLEN A CO., \ mv 12 oi.'.ce i oi: iiiiv'i vvhurve.*, Rocki'-IS. IS?9 FuZ\TT~AS1> \VOO!?.? AN l'HU.V ITK. \J ;i II ?>!/(??. fir-' rj'ut lit v : KAs'i lt\Niv ?*!'!. ! ST. < i.oVKK llil.l., : ii't SOFT <"KK. \!i kintl.-* ?.l i UXtWNK COAL. (i \K .iu<l LINK \VOO?>? !?>!?;. -afe'l. ami >?>?!? ? ilt lowi;-,: ca-3 prMN ". Or<l?Ta at v.*rU ? Nlo^eeuth ami < ;iry, it I r? j>;i|)<i.sitc t tiu 'J IicaTit? Droiuuthy uiiciMl*- J !?> au 2 i ? '. \\. I'Ati K. SjOl'T cOKeT O So FT tOKK. SOFT <. ! now have a hrrcro Mipptv of :he j j Est soft cokf. in my vartl. I*. S.\ I'AKKINGTOX, corner J? ifersou auU Uroait, au?l ap 1-1 in corner Sevi-ntei-ntli ami ('ai y -f rwl?. a n t iili a r Ft e coal.- just kk jT\. CKIVKD. 200 twis of ttw; Cflof-ratctl l.KN'. FKAMv'-'N' i:Kl>AsH !?:?;<; a:ul STOVE coal. A No. a full sii|?i>ly of ftlM' VJKtilNlA LUMI'aud ti K< >K ?;K\S ( UKKK t.UMBF.RLAN'D < OAL, OAK ami 1'ISK \VOOl)??!l of which will b* sold at the lu\vi-? market jjrl>;e. v/ille<s ami t.'arvM reels. WiliT ItoUEUTS. :?-> tlS T EIIKill VALLEY COAL COMPANY'S | i J ANTHKACTTK COAL. in ejjjr. stove. an?i [ jo-a laiufiov', ami for ?ale at lowest uiarivl ! rate fi r In -t coals. :* I*. LATUI'OIN Seveutwtih -!n?e^v f mil .*? at I >ra-.v-l>r?(ye. P. 1!' cakrinutox, UKAJ.KK t.V K \>T-i! '.Nlv Sl'LIVT ( OAF., AVrilKAOTK COAL? all >l??; sTKAM- an:> K.MilN K-COAJm No. 1 oaK am> {'INK Wo'jiX V BUY l.OW. Corner seventeenth a?<1 Cary and Jefferson ami ISroatl >trt?-!B. ja l.'l ?J0ALDUIK?LL SI' LI NT COAL, UNEQUALLED FOK tilCATE USE AXTllliACiTK COAL, b?3t quality. All at lowest raleci S, 1J. I1AWE8, fe 14 Klfbteeutb auU Vary ?UrwU. KAtliUVAO U.11A. E3SC lilC'JMOND, YOUK Knrsn AST) < HFf-rKAK*! KxiLnOAD. J SCHEDULE OF TIIAIXP, U TAKING EFFECT APRIL 2. 1879* THROUGH PASSENGER 3:")0 F. M. Ltraves Rlctimnrui Tl'KSDAY, THURH* l'AY'.aad SATURDAY. l.:onii?ri?st Wort Point with stniunT Havana tor *11 points on York ?*t v?r and f;*! tl? n:<-re. Arrir?t In H.iltJinoiv una. M.t connect* with rail-Hires for Wash Inpton, Philadelphia. New York. Bo*> tO!?. ?t?J all WCrftTD |K'!UtS. (JOimtCtS s'. Richmond with tr.iUi- in Klrhra.-Qd a'.d P?*tprsl;i:r/ *n-l Chesapeake iua Ohio railroads. THROUGH FREIGHT. 5:40 A. M* Leaves MONDAY. WG?> N'KSDAY.and FRIDAY: and 5:00 A. >! TUESDAY, lHURSDAY', and SAT URRDAY. Connect* with (teamen it West Point for r!v?/r landings, Bal timore, and alt western Cea ncct-??i Richmond 'nlnson Rich suiudand l^arvllk: riKroad.Rlrhmond and Petersbnrjr, and Chesapeake uid Ohio railroads. LOCAL PASSENGER. 3:30 P. if. L?av< Rlclimoo?? MONDAY, WED NESDAY, and FRIDAY. -THROUGH PASSENOEU. !0:0C A. M. >rrlves at Rlclitnon<i TUESDAY! THURSDAY, and SATURDAY. Coa? ne cts with tram-: on Rfcttinond and PeU*r*htir;i and Ch??sn|)eaKe an<! Ohio railroads. Steamer Havana leave* Hal tim<>re from Pier 1 14 Light <?tr.'?t MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, ind FRI DAY, at 4 P. M. Connects wit* train? from Philadelphia, New York, and ?*esiern poms, and at West f'o'ni with traau lor Richmond and th? South. THROUGH FREIGHT. 3r2."? F. M. Arrives at Richmond MONDAY, WED" NESDAY, and FRIDAY ; and 5lR0 P. M. Tl'KSDAY . THURSDAY". and SAT URDAY. connects wi:h Gainer at West l'niul t'roiii lUUin'orv. Cou nsels ^Ith Richmond and Danville, Richmond and lVter>htirx,and m*ake and < )hio ruUro-.uls. LOCAL PASSENGER. 1 Q?j5 A. M. Arrive at Richmond M O N D A Y, WEDNESDAY", ami FRIDAY, ("on innitj Richmond a?> l'<j!er> Imnr and Chesapeake and O-'ilfl rail roads. No Sratsfer of tnijhr at Rlcnmo??| to or irora 5Auttr*r:i mints. Cars run through between A'.ianUi and Point. C-tro.'al handling and di5)tatch, with lowest rate?, KU&rauMl, Tnroasth Mils of Ht'.in*. wRb jmtmntced rates, Usued to :?l I nortiiesn and wmh rn poiutv. Through ticket?- s?>i?! to all northern. (raters, ati$ western nolnte, and bagguxt rh.?c'r>d tV.roiuk. For tie'teets apply at Ociiera! ii.ihriml Ticket Of? ice, S-'> Main .meet; at the Kvhaiure ltote!, .i?d sompauv's dejiot, writer Tweiity-tnird mid f>oc* siree'.s. Richmond, Va. JnaiJrt H. T. MrH'GI.AS. S'ir*rlntflnrfeBt Co:>:s \ i' k a k k Richmond. V / iN* A N I > AKTEIt " * 10. ls70.PASSESG A< K< M I .? ?\\ ^ : IN f> OtllO ,! Atl.w AY.) March l:?. 1S70. t SUNDAY. M AIK'II i:r I IIAINS WILL RUN Wkst i>ail\ h X'.'fpl .-<ii IP lay. A".t7?rr.t*. Daily, i mo-ltif i>m Dady E \ '? ?? p S I Sunday. I l lr::)l :ii(j Leave j RIciiMiond An iv.' ;:r I laiiuYcr . . .Ill lift toil.. ' 1'. r a v i? r-j I Mill .... I .mil a.. ... ' G ti r doiin v t Ih* A 1 1 :0? ChtirlotlV v i I f.\ !!? Il?.'l?' .Itiliiioit Staunton., (io^lifii ? .MllilioPO' . < <?'. 1 ? ; ir f ? ? : i Wh??e -?!? i ill ii i' liinti n < harlf t*n Hunt toll I'nrMu'ill. < 'in- ir.nali S:"t? A. M. 10: 0 P. M. P. 3L 12:10 i y:0?i i ?; ?> :0.*i ('?: l * ! ?: jo !t> A. M.! A. M.j M A. >i A. M N'O-! P. M I', v P. M P. M 1*. M P. M P. M \. .\i 10: IS P.M. I I'. M. 1 1:1 :< P. M. ?:.VJ P.M. 11:4G P. M. 7 P. M. l'iMM A. M . ?i: 1 7 P.M. 1 A. M. 7::?o p. M. 2:25 A..M A. M. 4:5li A. M. A.M. fc:i'0 A. M.J f>:2 ? A. M. 1 1:1(1 A. >1 3::?y 1-. M. 9:00 M. O (!: in P. M. 11 L0::in P.M. .1 A.M. r A* I Still Nil. M:i : I I mill :irriv?'< :il lilcliuioiid il;iily <x Mia< lay at H:.'IO I*. M. I'. vM'i-s train arrtvi - i 1 ' i ' * 1 1 ? 1 1 ? ? i > ? | liatly at 7:00 A. M. 'tivoiiimoilaiion Irani .? ri I v ~ at llkli niotid dally f xri p! S:iin!ay al 0:00 A.M. A mixed tram ;e:tvt-* >'anii'oii at A. M., takinz |.;i "? iii'i-r- in in Virginia Midland train H-m \Va- liin.'["ii. ami arrivr*> at kichuiond at 0 .* I I'. M. daily c \<** i >t >imdav. A ?"?>n i?t*<*f ?? \r i: li Virginia Midhrvl railroa?l, h av ing at 1 1 :or> A. M. t'ir l.yuclihiirii a 1 1 ? I Atlantic, Mis'Nsipiii ami Ohio I':iiiro;ut Matloiw. an I Willi Virginia Midland railroad. leaving at l\ M. for Wad'injjtoii. 1! n.u'.i-e ts wl'li Virginia Midland railroad, leav Inirat i > A. M. tor WaMilmfion. (' ron i ii wii li Virginia Midland railroad. I rav ing at ?j'.rjii A. M. t< r l.\ avl.tinru an<t Ailan'.k', .Mis - 1 - - i t ? I ? I ai-it (iliio i.'alrnad elation-. I) roi'iiivt- wlili \ alley railroad. lea\ liifr at 5 I'. M. lor llarrl.touhiiri;. K foiim-i.*:- with Vallev railroad. leuvin;: at 11:15 A. M. for Manor's Ferrv. F roniifi'ts with si.ii/?* It no for l.i\ln?'toii. Va. <t o(iiphmm< wi hi. >. and l\ !\ mi anicr* for all ;?'int'- nti t'.v ? 'hio rl'.i-r and * Im'iiiiinti. I! ivisiin-cis v.nli M? Vad?-y railroad for thv Northwest. .1 i'omih *1 - with all lines div' i /inir to the \V?nt, Northwest, ami >,nii|iv.< m. W. M. >. lil.XN, Imii'i:.' ?t atid sttjiei iiili'iidriit. con-way U. I Iowa iu?, loiieral I'aMeiis:" r and Ticket A jr-Mi'. li. li I M V> K.'iOJONI ? A N : > I 'A N V I [. j. i; 1JA1L Al J'.i ?A!l i OM i'A N V. 3C uKDi'f.K o I- t i : \ i s s r .* r; i-n o i r f m t hCNUw. i Wi.Airv r>. !s;n. A*". I. | Tr?i,t S<>. A. Daily. i Ilaily. I.oave IN n:.. I 1 :lu A . M.. 1 ?1:115 I'. II. \ri i vc .at i;m k< v ill*-. Va ' ?J.JGI*. M 1:17 A.M. Arrive at Sitherilii. Va \ I'. M. 4:iri A. M. Arrlrw at I ?:i .? vll!*>. ? V.i ; tS:'{-i f. M.l 1:5 1 A. M Arrivi- at fire ti .ho rn*. \.c F:.'l< I*. M il:J(i A. V. A IT vc at $airin. N'.r. ! !:!(> I*. M A rrivv a: I.'a < itrl-. N. i c l 'J : 1 5 1*. M. A rri vi' at >al:*l"ii v. N. r 1 ? : i ij I'. M i: $1:1 1 A. M. Anlvc at ( 'liar.'ott*-. N.C ' 11:17 A. M Arrive at Columbia. ,.?':U0 A. M. 4:10 1'. M. An i vi- at < I i.irl' sK.ji. r I i 10:00 I'. M A rrlvu at Ai.^u-ta. (Ja ? K'iihia.M f.'U) 1". M A rrivi- at bavantiali.: i ;a !> f,::<o a. VI Arriivnt Atl-<i)ia, M. ?. 10::i?l 1*. M AiTivi- a; .Moiilvoiiic ry. Ala K Ti'jo I'. M Arrlvr at M?l>:lc. Ala. A. .M .Arrive at New i?r-| li'ins. J, a (? f :.S0 A. M.i A coiiin.-'-t.i for Miifoti. N.i . I; I'ouiHyt- for A ^li?- vill>* a. id ail vln!? in W' t* ru N ' ?!?: U ? ar<>.'i ii.i dai i y. < Mind. ? . i ' ??oiiiiocta for Mat on anil all ^oinu In .-o ttli wi *C f ;.orj.'ia. I ? i. oiiiii-ct.) f"i* Ja k?<>n\ ;t!(. atid all i><>Si:'i In Flo rida. ht'oiiiii-rri for M.n-rri as:d poJnt.H In ^nutliwest i ;? oryla. and < li;<:ta:i*no/a. .\x-livllIo, .'.iriniilil-. and ail 'i ???? jx.inls. F coiii.t-cti lor >V!:iia. .Meridian, Jack^m, and Vi'-l. bur/. >t i*'.:io?rts for r.atv?"?*vn .i?>d all 'i'tssts |i.iinfs. Train- from ? i . alc.v< -naii;? .| |.olnn urrice ii Cir'iiH-rHti at 1:1.! r. M. and 7:1 ?'{ A. W. i lain in f '.Vi i t.ri i i.?N?r?>' and >akiii run dally ? X''o|it Simda v . 1 ' 1 1 .ii I *.? ..!???? i Ira \vir..'-r?oiii .11; I Slcfiiliijr ( 'ars run t'lP'U/h Train No. 1 Irom \<w Vork am* I "liiiwi to t .o from i ? t ? i-ii-Imu..' t.< Aii ?II-: ; -.ii'.:: I . n .4 ... N and i.'ifti in ? ?!?'! U > >.t v.i :j ;i;i lj. 1 1 . - ? ? - doM to ! ;? 'ii* ? - Utli. -? utlieast, and ?oui.'i ?,????. an I lin^vM.-i- . In <?*?? -i rln'oii^'l}. f. rvtidsj Train No. ! iv i . I ! !?? inioiid at 35 A. >!.. and N< . I o. ail!-.!'." ) i !<:' .'i.aon-l at !? A. M.t will l?av?* ai i-.,iiin:.j-:.:il"il f??r .i I- w ? trO'inl-fiavS f , v.i.o Suit *t plin li ? i" I'U' :' tufliK xvt* 'u./: Oil Tin: train. %?; | .a a a. i.-'t-r. Kill !.? ailoVifd <itt ?if 'f irci/iit traiv. Nil Jj .-o.i-roinch- n on loe it tn-'-^t-. M I \ I!. M.\' U i:ii??. liituvril I'a M-iiKtr AirfuU 'I'. M. If. TAltOTT. i;? i:i ral >ntK-rnit'-iid?-iit. iiiCiiMONP. r'i:i.::v; Vv iv.TOMAc '1. II. t UKKJf 6. (/E.V i: It Al. ' !? hk'." A'JK.VT, > *{t''H5IOM>. \*A.. .Viili iiilicf ?, I ruiAX(ji-: of i (V't. >l'M: '.V, MiV^MKKJt 10TI1 "i j ou . iii i I'-ud win run .t.? to.; <v. , ; \? ii: fa tint's i >. \*0. J? ?:i~j A. M., l'-AMi i.yrd-Stf' t jta'Jon dally ; ?l:w at \V.v?li i fivi ? ?:? , 1:10 I'. SI.: I!jit|a:i?r<% I'. M. ; l*li:i:id< l|iht.i, U:.l0 1', JL ; Vo.-a, 1< >:? r. I'. M. VC. .'I ? icOJ I*. M.? !? s'.v-j i.\ rd-^tr'rt station dal'y t)n ? W .ui.ii./'i.n. 'j .> I*. \f. i!a':i?iior?r. ! I'. M.t I'liila ?l<lii|i:a, 3'S./ A.M.: Nov Vork, 6:1.1 A. M. N'O. 7? 1:C"J T. !?., A< i OVJldliATluN T K A 1 N' for Jllllrl loli. |?-Hvv.i ltro*d> strict iU'Ji.N daily S"U <Uy<ii. south no i nii. NO. 2? 10.1 J i*. M., arriws ?: liyr-l-^tr.?t station Uaiiv. l.ravt*? ,\'t w Vm?. S:15 A. M.t rtiil.nHphla 11:15 A. M. ; lUltlmur-. 1?:'<0 I*. M. AVa*liliifiton. 5:"J0 1'. M. NO. 4 1 1 :33 A. M.. irnvr." at jtvnl-.stnjct station da' lv. l.tavr* Ni w Vvrk, 10:00 1'. M.t I'liMadrlphia. 1:10 A M.t Kalliicorr. 4:56 A. -M. \\ :iMiJiiif!?.n. 0:50 A. M. No. 8-fit40 A. i!., ACCtiMMuliA'I lo.N TKA1.V, arrives at Oroad-Smet *taU^a dally (exct'iit Sundays'. C. A. T VVLOK. General Ticket Agtul F. T. D. Mv'Kss. Cenoral Hutierlauiidcnt. uo 1 1 WPIXTAtXEW. EYtM3LAf**KM. Ac. r|H) KEGA1N YOUR SIGH ??all at 1M04 Main strwt and jr?'t a f.tlr ot >I'I?CTA ( I.K.- or KV K-O I.ASSFS. A iaryc a- -ortnu-nt of Milk-rior ?]iialitv iUwavs on i and. I'rim from i.oA jrUi. sikllfully adju?t<*l to the eye bv w. H. conVakdin, 1'rao Ileal Ol'Uclau, WttkliUiaker. and Jt wtlk;r, ya ItiOi ilalu