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DAT.. ...MAY 13, . ' , ,iijh 1 1 , ' ? Pmbytcr; ofwmBbrief. SKCOND DAT, CONtrXOED. t ^TfR??rt<?<l 2or tl?r IMipatch.1 . STw Albas?s. W, Va?> . * JTn this morniog's Mssion of Grecnosicr ~.?*t**bytery Kev. W. F. Wiibelm, of Mont ' *IT?>aHT* Presbytery, was invited to sit ns ?.?$$22% &&MF tt?e? ?PM6 kcdtitig the *t atWieai reports from the "* acburvbc. An interesting discussion sprang ^?p as to whether in reporting under the head of ?? pastor's salary actually paid " the ^*#*>sion should mclodc amounts paid on the P *aiary for the current year alone, or also amounts that may be paid on salaries due g and unpaid for preceding years. The lat ter seemed to be tbo view of the Presby tery. Kecess wr.s taken from U to 3 o'clock, du ring which a geuiiott was prcacbed by Kev. J. H. Lips. After recess the time was taken up In re ceiving, hearing, and referring tho reports fiom the churches. Upon a resolution oft'ered by .Mr. Lips it was decided to appoint a com- , xnStice, composed of the chairmen of the standing committees, encb for bis special object, to canvass the statistical reports and point out any defects to Presbytery. Alderson was chosen as the next place of meeting. Adjourned to 0 A. M. Friday. v THIUD DAY. Presbytery met at 9 A. if., and was opened with prayer by Dr. Itaymond. After the ordinary routine business, a communi cation from Dr. Stillman was read and re ferred to a committee to report at next xneetinir of Presbytery. The Book of Church Order was adopted by a vote of 28 to 1, three being excused from voting.- Other votes were afterwards recorded in favor of it. The dSvi&ion of the Syuod of Virginia occupied the attention of Presbytery during the morning hour, and In the afternoon sps sion the vote was lakm on a motion to di vide, standing 14 in favor and 0 acainst. It was also expressed by resolution as the wish of this Presbytery to form a Synod with Lexington and Winchester Presbyte ries. There was decided opposition to the division with the Blue .Ridge as a line. At 3 o'clock the bearing of reports and addresses on the subjects of foreign mis- 1 sions, sustentation, education, and publica tion was introduced with devotional exer * ctscs. This occupied the time until 5. The Presbytery commended Messrs. White and Sydenstricker cs agents of the American Bible Society within our bound?. Tbe chairman of the Committee of Publi cation was directed to employ one of our students as colporteur. The Committee or Education was autho rized to iuqulre into tbe case of Ellas Jefters, and if tbe way be clear to assist him in the work of preparation for the ministry. Si An overture to tbe General Assembly was passed, asking that the appointment of rep resentative to the Pan-Presbyterian Council be made previous to tbe meeting immedw atelv preceding its session. Presbytery ac/journed until 9 A* M. to morrow. ; ' r ? i, A. TV. Crawford, the student who disap peared from the University of Virginia some days ai'O. telegraphs t? hi<* brother in Philadelphia that he is in .Saxonville, Mid dlesex eountv, Mass. If is believed be is temporarily insme.? Baltimore Hun. A meteor n foot in diameter, with a blaz ing tram, fell at Wortbington, Minnesota, SuDdrry, exploding just before reaching the earih with a noise that shook the buildiners. iTTICVfiA. QUT1CURA. HUMOUS OF THE BLOOD, SKIN, AND SCALP. CtTicrEA Resolvent if* the most powerful Blood- PurlOer ?tid Llvtr Stimulunl ever coin pou ne ed. In fori y urtnutas after taHtMK rhu flrct dose 1 1 way be oeiected in the saliva. blood. sweat, mid urine, sbowiu* iliui it nos entered the Moo^ -"?* ? ?... I <.i"tT?vn t,f>tm|;1iuuir lilt; cutln r<y*t^UI. in lis pa-sapo ihrou-.-b the ? lrcuiaiin? fluid- it mrets with ilie cirruot D?rilck*of matter which rofiter and maintain disease, with which ii chemically unites. "leetrevlntt and gracuully eliminating: them irom the system. Ht-nce it? jM>wer lo forever expel Scrofulous, Can cerous an>( Cnnfcer Humors, which, unchecked, fill the body with foul rcrrupilons, and rot out the deli cate machinery or life. Cm iccxt a. the great external remedy for all Hu mors 01 the Sca'p and Skin, Ulcer. Sores, and Dis charging Wouuds. is the most sooihing and liealins of outward i<piili<>aUonR. .It speedily destroys fun gus and para-lUc trowllis. r-stoies the oil glands and tubes to a heal'by condition, and cures, when ar-sistC'l by the CUTICUBA SOap, Dl-easc* of the Skin aud Scalp which have been the torture of a life time. ; SKIN DISEASE. ?< ' CHEAT SUFFERING FOB SIXTEEN TEAKS. A WONDERFUL CUBE BY THE CUTlCUltA REMEDIES. Messrs. } 7eek* & Potter : Gentlemeu.-rCUTICU EA Rkmedik- have doue me a power of goiid. I have' been afflicted with Skin disenfie for slxfiea yeare. Some a -yp it trounled me more than others, but at niphi ?hfc Itching nearly drove me wild. I woutd scratch uutH the blood would ruu down my limbs. > . ; I have hod several physicians.- Some said they could cure me, but "there bald not, ? *? ' 1 will sav ihal b-fojv 1 uted the CUTICURARaMK Diuf 1 was In h fearful state, and bad given up alt hone of ever havl. cany relief. But, like a drowuinu man graspioc at a straw. I thought I would try the Cuticuba Rbmkhjks, about which I had re.?" so much.' ^ They -have performed a v?ou<leH'ul cure for ine. and or my own freewill aud accord I recommend - them. Yfl'ifs-trWy, ? S. A.'STEhI.E. 6* w. van buben St., Chicago, Iz.l., March 7, 1879. MORE GOOD TH AX DOCTORS 'yyyf ' ".?4*1 * . H;>T. *_ -''h - " - ' IN THREE YEARS OF TREATMENT- \ Centlewf n.?I'lease find 60 cents to pax for small box of CUTlci'B A. and direct is torn-. The dollar box you ftnt me has done me roor r good ibau all the doctors In ib rec years. The doctor* have done meno;ood. Mvf<-eta?.d legs are healing itist. It 1 s indeed CUTICUB a. Yours truly, EVAN MORGAN, P. M. Moscow, Minn., Juue 25, 1878. CCT1CUKA SOAr SUPERIOR TO ANY. ? . ClIABLES DeNN1N,DBUGQIST.) Fi?st Place, corn kb count- stbjckt, > BBOOKLTN, March 4, 1 879. ) I can cbecrfully bix?ak ot the h< alio* qualities of your CCT1CUBA ? oap. ami lis perfume Is superior to any ol iht a-.uncard wap 'now In use. CHARLES DENMN. The CL'TICUBA Rkmkdibs are prepared by Weeks & POTTHli Cheitists and Dtugfcisis. 360 Wa>hi u too street Bo*ion, and are for sale by al! dru^gis'#. Price o! CuriCtiBA, -mail noxe?. 50 cenu-; larjte boxes con'ainii.# two and one half tlmtM the qnauii y of small, 91. RESOLVENT, SI per bottle. OU'WCUBA soap, 25 ceuts per cake; by mail, 30 cents; .Uiree cakes, 75 ceu:s. my I3-Tu,J'h&S QOLLINS'S VOLTAIC ELECTRIC PLASTERS. By Instanllr affecilPi the nervous system their j influence l? at once felt at the farthest extreniUies. r* - ? , 'Hen ee pain, which arUcs from a disturbance of the] Norvo foroee, *? cored in evtrylnrtAhcO asirby xaasrlc. Aleo Pttlpitatlon'of the Heart, Inilamina L / ! -j;?.- I tlou of the Luuxs Live)-, and Kidneys, Irritation of | the Stcmacli aod lk>wcl^, Indl^slion, Dyspepsia, and Bilious Colic. my 1 3-Tu,ThAS HopBITTEBS xivec-irood diifottioD, a?tlv? llTdri good ch cuiai ion. and buoyant spirits. ?>KJ? fiX'i . ..... ttHOCEOB MILLS? F HEBE KICH O WON GROUND PLASTER.tbe cht *P^t fer tilize? ou Ilie ttuu-fcat^-IWiJd for circular. , Y . l,0i!0 Wni tlWT N<|VA H(.?yilA LUMP for s ale low. ? - WAKNER MOORE. r? Mauufacuir-r and Dt-altr, H xab lS^odUTyll pifttuisjid, V?. ' mtlQN W*XI3*~T?>I? Oj>y* By J.TiwmpMB ITrown;^^ K*g|:fc?tftr<? A?*n*?nd Anctltofcw, ??<*?'? 1H3 Main street. 140 FFJCT '0 INCURS. ON CLAY WEAK ttiivi FTIilCKT.? By virtue of a deedof irtut. dated 15tb February, 1878?cxmitd by William P. Moseiey, trustee, to mo a* trainee, to *ecure ?bc payment of u< t; therein mentioned, and default having b?o tnade In the payment thereof, and bclnz requested ?-? to do, I will *cll at public auc lon, on tl? premi se*. on TUESDAY. 13th day of Slay, at 6% o'clock P.M.. tbe PROPERTY dtecribod ln**id follows: All that lot, piece, or parcel of wound, wjtb all the improvement* thereon, in tbe citvor Rirhtndritf. aud founded as folio w? : Beglnlng on tbcnortii tide of Clay street at a point on a linn with i ho western wall of the dwelling, dlsrant about 28 feet & inches east of st- Jatufi street: thence running eawwardlv along Clay stmt 47 fci t a lttcbc-?, more or le*s, to lnclnd" tbe fence on es*tllne or said property, ana running tack from j said front be '.ween paralei lines 140 feet 6 inches toan ali?y lit common 16 feet wide, brturtbe ?ame real e>?ate,convc\e--J i? William Turpln, trustee, who was substituted by the Sild Mocelrjr. irusfee^by Jesse tftadertilll and with Jane 28, I87J, which dO.d if it-corded lc Chanecry Conrt, D. B. 84 B, p. 811. 'j'kkms: Bv consent of all parties, one third cash: balance in *lx and twelve month*. Interest added,,' secured bv deed of trust. L. E. BROWN, Trustee. J. THOtfPKQy Bnowy. Auctioneer. my 8 By Grubbs Sc. Williams, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers*, No. 4 lileveulb street, between Slain and Bauk. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF THE LARGE 1 FOUR-STORY BRK7K DWELLING NO. 617 EAST MAIN STREET AT AUCTION.? At the re quest of all the parties interested. I shall, as substi tuted trustee, soil at auction, upon the premies, on THURSDAY, May 16th, at 5 o'clock P. M? tbe , DWELLING No. 017, situated on the sou<h side of Main street between Sixth and Seventh streets, and 1 nearly oppo>lte the Arlington House. It has ten room*, with modern conveniences. bc.?ldps a kitchen wtth four rooms, and. by reason of It* pleasant and convenient location (being wltbfn a few minutes' walk of the post-offlce), is a very desliablc residence for a professional or business man. * The lot frouts 32X feet, and runs back to a wide pared alley. The owners of this proper, y are very anxious to sell, and ftenous may attend the sale with the ex pectation of gelling a good bargain. THE iKRsis will be made very liberal, if desired: so that, *lth a reasonable pavment In cash, a good credit will tie given on the residue. C. B, LUCK, Trustee. Gncnos & WnfiUU9, Auctioneers. my 7-9.10.Hd : ' By Cirutibs & Wll'lams. ' Real Esiate Agenls and Auctioneers, Eleventh street bet weeu Main and liauk. Five handsome building lots ON THE- CORNER OF GRACE AND TWEN-, TY-FIFTH STREETS FOR SALE AT AUCTION, on TUESDAY' the -13th of May. at 4*$ o'clock P.' 51., on I be .premises. These L<yT8 front each 30 feet on Tweuty-flfth street aud run back 7211-12 feet, and' are beautifully situated 'for the erection of small, neat residences- and the corncr well suited for a store, ? , ? Terms At sale. GRUBBS & WILLIAMS, my 3 ? ? Auction ers. Bv Jan. ifacdoiii-all, Auctioneer, No. 10 Govcrnorfor Thirteenth) street. Genteel household furni ture. &C\, AT RESIDENCE NO. 2.r>10 EAST GRACE STREET, AT AUCTION.? On TUES DAY. 13th instant, at 10M o'clock, I will sell at the above residence the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ?&C.. such as On* MAHOGANY PLUSH-COVERED PARLOR SUIT: WALNUT EXTENSION-LOUNGE: WALNUT MARBLE-TOP CENTRE- and CAP.D TARLE8; One WALNUT CHAMBER SUIT, with Wardrobe ; WALNUT EXTENSION-TABLE. CARPETS, SPRING-M ATTR ESSES, CROCKERY aud GLASSWARE, and maoy otheir articlts too uunierous to mention. J AS. MACDOUGaLL, Auctioneer. E. B. COOK, 8alcsman. my 12-2C A U ?T SONSA1 iES-- F n to re I>nys. By J. Thompson Brown, R<?1 Estate Ajjcnt and Auctioneer. 1113 east Maiu street. gOUTK THIUD-STKEET PROPERTY. "THE MOST DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT ON THIRD STREET. THAT LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT ON .CANAL AND THIRD STREETS, ADJOINING TI1E RESIDENCE OF COLONEL ROBERT E. BLANKINSHIP, FOR SALE AT AUCTION. I win eel! at public auction, on TUESDAY. May ?20. 1879. at 6 o'clock P. M., the above MO>T DE SIRABLE CORNER PROPERTY FOR A FIRST CLASS DWELLING now to be had In Hie city. The lot frouto on Third street G5 feet 6 inches and runs hack bei we<m parallel lines 140 feet loan al ley 15 tcet 9 inches wide. Its location is all that could be desired as to exten-lve views and convenience to business cen tra?. Parties desiring a choice lot, both as lo a'.zc and location, should not lose this opportunity. Will be poUI Ri? a whole or lu a part, as may be de sired at *a)e. . ? . . .. , ? TERMS: One Ihlrd cash ; balauce at one and two years. iuteresi added, nnO secured bv a trust-deed, years, muresi a ^ THOMPSON BROWN, my 13 : Auctioneer. - Bv Godtfln, Wnrren St Co.,' ? Real Estate Agents aHd 1106 Matn street Auction sale~of that-yery M E 8 I It A B L E BRICK STORE. WITH DWELLING ABOVE WITH THREE ROOMS. KITCHMS TWO ROOMS, AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BROOK AVENUE AND LEIGH STREET; AND SMALL FRAMED STOBE IN HEAR ON LEIGH S T It F. E T: ALSO, BRICK HOUSE WITH TWO ROOMS. ADJOINING THE ABOVE PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH AND FRONTING ON BROOK AVENUE.? At I he re quest of the owner we will offer for sale on the prem lst'f, at public suction, on THURSDAY the 15th day of May, 1879, at 55? o'e'dek P. M., tie property as abov? describe-i? lot 54 by f>2 feet? now rented to Kood <cnanls. This property should attract the at tention of parties Jesn-Ing n Roodbuslneas-stand, the siori' having been occupied affS'grocery for a num ber of years. ;'v Tbrm.S: Very accommodating, and announced at sale. GODDIN, WARREN fc CO., my 13 Auctioneer-'. By Grubbs & Williams. AuclloneerB and Real Estate Acenta, ?Eleventh Gtreet between Malu and Bank. ' ; pOMMlSSIONER7S~~SALE OF TJJ \ / fi;awic TIC N EM E NTS ON THE EAST SIDE OF SHOO K'H ALLEY BETWEEN DUVAL AND BAKE it STREETS,? 1? execution of decrees of the Chancery Court of ease of Sclrad fcs. ^onderlehr. &C.J y >111 ^11 at a?c MENTS, situated as above, owned by heirs of Cathe r ' T v t' h's M?neftl>lxd ca sh ; balance at six and twelve momb^. with interest. JOHN W. WRIGHT . . Special Cowmistiouer. Grttbus & WILHAM8. Auctioneers. ' :,"r POSTPONEMENT. , ? The aboye Rale is postponed to WEDNESDAY, -14th instaut, at 0 o'clock P. M. d. W. W RIG HT.Oom m lssi on er. Gttuims &? WU.L1AM8. Auctioneers^- ? niy IS RKAIi MSTATE AT PRIVATE MALE. F)R SALE^RlVATEEOTOi^G LOTS in the plan of Howard's Grove, on the Mechanlcsville' turnpike. BUILDING LOTS in the plan of Woodville. BUILDING LOTS In Marx's addition to Man chester. , -j Terms': Very liberal. . ? ' RICHARDSON k CO., ? i.rf j ?*i Real Estute Ajtenls, my 2-eodltu 11X8 Malu street. ?JpOK 5650? W ORTH $2,000? T ERJIS ' ? BASY. '"????'. I ? THAT VERY DESIRABLE TRUCK OR EGG AND \ CHICKEN FARM OF FOURTEEN ACRES, ? FIVE MILES FROM THE CITY LIMITS, " *vr vr' **? OS THK RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURG AND POTO ? T. : MAC RAILROAD, WITH LARGE NEW BUILDINGS, known as ,k Rosed ale," at the G recuses tc depot, can be bought out now for 8530 cash. ' Very productive soil. ? FRUIT-TREES, GRAPE-VINES, &c. Apply on the place. ap l-Tu&Th3iu iC T OKGWOOD " FOR SALE.? Tbis JLi valuable and most desirable property. situ ated in Salem, Roanoke county, Va., Is offered for sate privately. For term* of sale apply io Mr. PERitY N UGENT, New Orleans, or Judge \YING FI-ELD GRIFFIN. Salem, Va. ??LONGWO<'I>" lias Just undergone a thorough ren?odelJln>r. Bath-tubs and water-closets on each floor, wlifc hot aud cold wa'er iu everv room. For on r pose.* of a boaroins-scliool, boarding-house, or an Jlepant and commodious private dwelllnsr, this property has ct?ry advantage and convenlenoe that could be desired in town proper! y. A BRICK DWELLING with len rooms and kitchen, bedded the luminary building with four room?, and '^levtn and one-eighth (11^) acres at tached.' '? \r- ?' ap20-lm ?! BAM SIS AKP BACKERS. ] /1ITIZENS BANK OF RUUtDlOND. \J : ? :> ? i! U ? P.OD-DP CAPITAL ?.$lOO,OQO I 3URJ?lu& ao^ogo t ' y Z. W. PICKRELL. Prwideat.' : 4R Bj-BW^AD,' Cashier. ?? DcposiU of ooe; dollar *nd upwarda repeiTwL wrf lix per oerit. allowed on deposits. - - - Deposit;- rewivotl saltfeof 10 check wRhout soticc and interest allowed oa same if -not checked on n?o? frcqueBtly than tvro or three times a week. interest on alJ deposits to commence ten dayt after date of deposit; ? riU ^ ; - - - Bank open every day from 9 o'clock A. M. till ? eH;JcckP.lkL,,and?ou Saturday from 4 P. M. till 8 ;; , A CHANCE BARGAINS.? -As I *SL ItftMjd to moVe away from 912^ Main street on tbe-20tli of wift sell ail my IMPORTED '"5NE STICUL ENGRAVINGS at one tbtrd le^s tbc pjruce foi' uuiriy days ; *i?o. my IMPORTED OMOS at hairerJctu All FRAMED and other h* at still lower prices thau heretofore. ; An aofcy cvill elicited from thote iu want. ? " ^Yf.DEmiS, AtXCVlOPi jpwiwre P?y?. By Goddln. Warren AC o , f: v Reai EM aic Agent* an d Auctioneers, No. 1106 Main street. #- ? - rj^HAT BEAUTIFUL AND PLEASANT- j LY-LOCATKD COUNTRY RESIDENCE ON THE NT.WN0RTR BOAT) AND RICHMOND AND HENRICO TURNPIKE, A QUARTER OF A MILE FROM THE CITY'OF I RICHMOND* FORMERLY THE \ A &Y. ? - v' . RESIDENCE OF DR. & E. i DOVE, FOlt SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. (OCftlTO HS ?WTC? JJXWVA*. f ? TAGE: tin roof;- nine rooms; papered and painted , throughout Id the best manner; porch all arotmd. Floe stable, carrlage-hou?e, and all neccssary out bouses ; fine well of water; TWENTY-oNE AND 1 A HALF ACHES BEST GARDEN-LAND; accew slble by two good nods; bold stream of wcierruns ihrougn the place; fine orchard, con.-litlngof about I 300 pear-trees, 250 plnms, apples, apricots, and cherries, fltic grapes, and other unall fTui's. Yard to house nicely enclosed. Agrrat variety of roses, magnolina, evergreens. *mall shrubbery. &c.. Ac. This ts irulj a delightful place, and should attract the attention v?f those seeking a pleasant home. Tgkxs: One fourth cash; residue at six, twelve, and eighteen months for negotiable notes, with ?lx , per cent. Interest added, and secured by a deed of trust. GODDIN, WAlfRF.N 4 CO.. \ iny 12 Auctiouters. By Wellington Goddln, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, corner of Eleventh and Bank streets. EXCELLENT BRICK DWELLING JD AND LARGE LOT ATTACHE I) AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF MONROE AND CATHERINE STREETS FOR SALE AT AUC TION.? At the request of the heirs or the late Mat IheSv M. L?oy. I .shall stll Jit auction, on the prem ises on THURSBAY the 15ih of May, G o'clock P. M., the large BRICK DWELLING lo cated as above. The LOT has a front of 38!? feet *nd a depth of 88 feet, with handsome sbane-trees, fruit-tree?, grape-vln<8, &c., and a well of excellent ?water. The HOUsE is remarkably well built: eon - tains six rooms, with two-story front portico, aad the usual out houses, aud has recently been put lu g-od repair. Teh jis : At sale. . W. GODDIN, ?i - Real Estate Auctioneer. P. H.? The property cau be bought privately be iorc day of sale. my 12 Bv W Godffln, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, copier of Eleventh and Bank streets. TRUSTEE'S SALEpOF FIVE HUN X DRF.D AND TWENTY ACRES {MORE OR LESS) OF WOOD-LAND IN KING WILLIAM COUNTY NEAR TO SWEET-HALL STATION, ON THE YORK RIVER RAILROAD, AND NEAR TO THE NAVIGABLE WATRRS OF THE PA MUNKEY AND MATTAl'ONI RIVEKS.-By vir tue of a decree of the Chancery Court of the cltj of Richmond, entered on >be 15th April, 1879, lu the case of "Stearns against Isaacs A .Johnston, trus tees," &c., Hie undersigned, Blair Burwtll, Jr., the trustee named lu the deed of trust from .Joseph Urumraell, dated 3 0th July, 1836, dniy re corded in King . William Count* Court'* on the 12th October, 1866, will offer for sale at public auction, .at the office of Wellington (joddln, real estaie auctioneer, in the city of Rich mond, corner of Batik and Eleventh streets, on TUESDAY the 20th May, 1879. at 1 o'clock P. M., the TRACT OF WOOD-LAND in KlDg William county, located as al>ovc, on tbe main road leading from the Courthouse to West Point, containing 520 ACRES (more or les?), being the same tract con veyed to. Joseph Brummell bv William Hill, dated leulanuary, 1864. known as ihe *? Wood- Farm " tract, adjoiniug a tract of laud known as ** Cherry Lane" on the north, where Willi <m Hill now or formerly resided ; on the east, lands now or former ly belonging to Miss Nannie L. Gregory; on the south, lands now 'or formerly known as the lauds of Samuel D. Pilcher: snd on the west. th ;main road 1 leadlpg from King William Courthouse to West Polht: also adjoining the lands of P. U. Slaughter and Mr. Thorne. The whole truct is covered by woods, of which it it estimated that there are from 150 to 200 cords flrst.quality pine wood.froin 1,500 to 2.0C0 cords second quality, from 1,000 to 1.500 oakrailroad ties, and a large qtianilty of chestnut and spruce-pluc. Tbe land la wlihin one mile of Sweet-Hall station, and about two tulles from good lanmnirs on the Mattaponl and Pamuukey rivers, so that ihe wood, Ac, can be easily aud cheaply transported to market. There arc two grist- and saw-mill* convenient to the tract, and the fact that itis so near a railroad station and navigation glve3 it additional va'ue. TKHJts: One fourth cash : balance at six. twelve, and eighteen months for bonds bearing interest, with approved personal sceurlly, and title retained fill all of the purchase-money is paid and a eovev ance oidvrcd by tie Court. The taxes tor 1879 to be paid by the purchaser. BLAIR BURWELL. Jr., my lO-lOt Trustee. By W. Gottdlu, Real Estate Auctioneer, corner Eleventh and Dank streets. TRUSTEE'S AND ASSIGNEE'S SALE I OF THREE-FOURTHS INTEREST IN A VALUABLE ESTATE ON YORK RIVER, IN JAMES CITY COUNTY, NEAR BURNT ORDI NARY. CALLED *' RICHARDSON'S." CON TAINING 1,388 3-10 ACRES.? The uudersigncd, Wolliustou Goddiu. trustee la a certain deed of trust executed by Benlamin Cottreli and others, dated 1st of March, ] 870, duly recorded in James City Couniv Court; and the undersiraed, Samuel P. Lathrop, assignee of rvenjamln Cottreli, bankrupt, boih of u* acting under an order of the District Court of ihe Untied States In the mattei of Benja min Cottreli, bankrupt, entered on the 10th April, 1879, will sell at public auciion. iu front of the Custom-house, in the city of BlchmondLon Bank between Tenth and Eleventh streets, on TUESDAY. 13th May, 1879. at 3*3 o'clock M.. aimiMttvldeU TH R E E-FO U R TJB S INTEREST IN THK TRACT OF LAND above referred to, containing 1,388 3-10 acres, according to a survey. This tract of land Is so well known In James City county that a further description is deemed unne cessary, but for the information of strangers who may wish to purchase It. it may not be improper to sav that St has a front on Yf-rk river of about two miles and extends back for more than a mile. The largest timber to Some extent has been cut from this land, but there is still on it a considerable quan tity of wood of small and larve growth. There Is on'lt a large X EW FRAME DWELLING of ample accommodations, together with the usual out build ings. Some of the laud is cleared and well adapted for trucklug-farms, and having so large a front on York liver, elves it great facHUUs for shipping its products tb tbe northern markets. As the property will positively be sold, person* imay attend the sale with the expectation, of buying a bargain. The pro perty could be so divided into several parts as to give river-fronts to them.. ; ... The deed of trust requires a cash sale, but we are authorized to sav that *ue fourth cash, baauceat six* twelve, and eighteen mouths, bearing interest, secured by a deed ofirust, will be accepted; the taxes for 1879 to be paid by the purchaser. W. GODDIN. Trustee, S. I'. LATH R OR. Assignee, Special Commissioners! United DistrlctCourt, in Bankruptcy, . ... P. S. I am authorized by the heirs of D. Lee Powell, who own the other: undivided one fourih. to 6av that they will bell their interest for a teasonnbie price. \V. GODDIN, Auctioneer, ap23-26.30Amy8,6.1fl&137t ? ' + ?' I By Grubbs & Williams and-Richardson & Co., Real Estate Agents .and Auctionsers< 'j MISSION E'rF^S ALE BY AUC \J TION"i FOR THE PURPOSE OP DIVISION, OF VALUABLE ICE-HOUSE -PROPERTY ON CARY STREET, AND LARGE LOT OF GROUND IN ROCKETTS.? Pursuant fo a decree of the Chancerv Court of .Richmond, entered oil the-29rn tkty of April, 1879. dn ilic suit by Mctiowan's ad ministratrix vs. KJug, Ac., the undersUned, eivclal commlssiouerfe named in nsld decree, will on TUES DAY, May 13. 1879, on the premises, Mil tjy public auotion, to ihe highest ?. bidder, ,t be fplJowlng-de scrib'ed REAL ESTATE at the' bburfc named-^o wit : At the hour or Po'cleek P. M. we will sell that LOT. OF GROUND, with the Improvements there on, situate on Cary street between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, fronting ' si venty-eifthl feet, more 'or less,. on Cary > street, runhlng thbougb to Dock street, beiug the .property- now occupied by airs. Jane King in carrying ou ihe lee business, and which Is believed to be the best locattorl for that business in the city o?_RIchmon(L-wlth a large building and other improvements tbereon.esrecia'Iy adapted to tLe purpose; and in' view ofthc early completion of the Richmond and Alleghany rall road^affortls an opportunity for a flrst-clas^iu vest ment rarely offered. And on tlie same- day, at 5 o'clock P.,;M.. we will sell, on the premise*, that LOT OF GROUND fronts | ing 100 feet on Seventh street between Louisiana and Denny street. In thut ' thriving part of the cltv kuow as I'ocketJs. Terms of Sale : One third cash, nnd the residue on a credit of six, twelve, and eighteen month*, the purchasers executing negotiable notes for the deferred payments, with Interest at the rate of six percculuni per annum added, and the logaltUleto be retained until the entire purchase-mone y is paid. THOMAS J. EVANS, F. P. TURNER, my 2 'Special Commissioners. By Gnibbc & Williams, Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, Eleventh tireet between Main and B#nk. nOMMISSlONER^SALE OF A TRACT OF 84 1-20 AORR8 OF LAND ON THE NEW HENRICO TURNPIKE, ABOUT TWO MILES . NORTH OF RICHMOND, AT AUCTION? In exe cution of a decree of the Circuit Court or Henrico couuty entered on the 21st of December, 1877, in the catc of Tomlln and ale. vs. Braxton^ adminis trator. &c., I will sell by auction, on the premise-, on MONDAY the 19th dav of May, 1879. at 4U o'clock P. M., the TRACT OF LAND of whleb Wil liam Ariulstead Br?xton died seized. It contains 84 1-20 ACRES, adJolui_t2:e land otG. W. Carter, J. T. Krisbmau, auri others, and Ufs opposite Straw berry HiU'(tbe farm of Messrs. Edmond & Daven port), from which it Is separated by Ihe. turnpike. Thislnud lies very well, has upon it some wood, and could be made a beautiful little farm, or ll may be sold In lots, ir des'red.- . > ? ~ Tjekms: One fourth cash ; balance at fcigbr, six teen, and twenty-four monihs: tbe credit payments 4o be for negotiable notes, with interest added, 'and secured by a deed of trust. * ? .:as > .-v. . JOHN B. XOUNG, Special Cfwnmisiloaer. .'^Gbpbds & Williams, Auctioneers. my 10 A DMINISTRATOR'S sale, of to -CL BAC CO-SCREWS, ?C.-WIU . bc sokl ftf the Planteri'W(tr<housevCary and iafleentliiireet, on WEDNESDAY the ?14tb-d*y of May, 1679, cora ttienctmr at 10 o'cloiik A'.:Mv, i ?* * : * One NEW BA8KKT-SLE1GH, a e pair SCALES, ~ rate lot JUNK* Ut:?f BUCKETS . . .,-m ..V TABEK aifd STO^TE; v One Jot GOOD BAltNESS, HSS.'u One DESK and STOOL*. . ? Oi?; SAMPLE-TABLE and two CHAIRS, . , . One WATER-COOLER,' ' m' One BRAKB-tiORSKy i . * .i. . Oue pair PAIR BANK'S STATIONARY SCALES, Three hogsheads 'SCREWS'and FRAMES. % JOHN W. WRIGHT. Sheriff, my 8 and administrator of Je?e T. Hatcheson. mv JOB WORK 1TKATLY KX A% XHE DlBPATCajTBOITINfl. \r>i sl.v tti ? I I'< ,'Ir ABCTIOS SAI^KW ? ymctro s>?y?> ; By Bobert B. Lyne, " Ceal Estate Agent and Auctioneer, HIP/ 1213 Main street, Richmond, V*. . ^1.' A'"?-; - f ?' QJ3ANP HOTEL PBOPEBT^ r.V INRICHMOND, VAm WITH FURNITURE, FIXTURES, HOBSES. OM - NIBUSES, AJTD EVERYTHING com pEete for the business. FRONTING CAPITOL STREET AXDCAPITOL SQUARE", ON NINTH STREET, TBE LOVELIEST SPOT IN THE SOUTH, . FOE SALE AT rUBLIC AUCTION.> . :> t :'VV^T^5 Wfi : : By request of Mesn*. Hunter APendlefon, omifrt or the "ST. CLAIRE HOTCT^ locatedon the northwest corner of Grace nird Ntnth streets ana now doing a large and raptdly-lncreaslne business, with a reputation fij'ial to any hole! in Richmond, I shall sell oy public auction, noon the premises , on THURSDAY THE 29m DAT OF MAY, 1879, AT 12 O'CLOCK M., the Hotel a? above de?rrii*d. with a front on Grace street of 88 3-12 feet and on Mulb street 163 4-12 feet, with a depth of 130 feet on its north. I nc, and a width on Its roar of 73 3-12 feet. 1 lit Hotel Is a ?partly four stories and partly t lire* basement. contains FTXTY-TnitEE itoo>t?. The FRAME DWELLING adjotntnjf. and fronting on Ninth sireet, which is Included ln.tbe sale, contains seven rooms, kitchcn, lnundnr, servant* 'Pert inents, stable, carriage-house, Ac., &c. . u*5 eu^ In the eeographlcal centre of the city, in front of the Stale Caultol square, with an elevation insuring healthful ulr aiuf fine views of the surrounding coun try. This Is justly considered the MOST DESIRABLE POSITION FOR A HOTEL in Richmond, located as it Is on one of the great thoroughfare* of tlie cliv, , Si*?8" pass! ug every few minutes, and within afew squares of the post-oGlre. custom-house, and all public places, and yet withal In a quiet, and de.ljrhlfal lo cality, where property is stcadi.y and continually improving in vilue. The sal# o; this properly should commend iiself to men of capital, and to hotel nu u at large, who may <k'?lre n?.w to secure permanent. v the location the best and moat desirable of all others for that business in Richmond and iu the entire ^Ihe' FURNITURE is comparatively mw. an/1 is ot good modern style? suCh as Is usually .ound in a ?Jret-eiass hotel. ? . . , , ? The fixtures, ?tc? required for the hotel business mllbeinelufled ihsnle-sneh a* china warr.Are., &c. The owners have concluded to sell positively on (he day na-ncl. P:irt ies may at tend expecting to sec the sale mnde on the dav named. ; THE TERMS WILL RE MADE EXCEEDING LY LIBERAL, AND WILL BE ANNOUNCED FULLY ON DAY AND HOUR 01 SALE. ROBERT B. LYNE, Auctioneer. If. B.? This advertisement will not in nny way in terfere with ihe business of the Hotel, and our friends and patrons will be made as comfortable and taken as good care of as heretofore. l* b HUNTER & PENDLETON, Pronrieiora of at- Claire Hotel. Rqheict B. LTXit. Auctioneer. ? my 1 By Robert B. Lytic, Real Eitate Agent and Auctioneer, 1212 Main street." ' COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF TWO VALUABLE MAIN STREET STORES. AND ONE BICICK STORE AND DWELLING CORNER OB' WILLIAMSBURG AVENUE AND GRAHAM STREET, AND TWO VACANT LOTS ADJOIN ING TUE ADOVE. AND FRONTING ON THE WEPT LINK OK GRAHAM STREET. TOWN OF FULTON. BY PUBLIC AUCTION.? In pur.uance ofadccice or the Chancery Court of the cltr of Richmond entered on i lie 5th day of May. 18/9 in suit therein pending styled Rose vs. Rose. 1 shall nrfteeed. in execution of said decree, to sell, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY the 21it day of May, 1879. commencing at *l!$o*eJock P. M.? First, at No. 1535 east Stain street, with the STORE and DW'ELLING over same, nowoccuple<l by David Rose, Esq., as a dry-iroods store and dwelling. This oropeny fronts ou the south side of Miilu btreet23? fcetrbetween Firteeuih and Seventeenth streets, and Is a goort locution for that business or any oilier, anu will at all times command good tenants. T be pro perty I* in very good order. The lot exteuds back to an alley in rear. ? _____ , second. Immediate!? after the above, STORE, and DWELLING over same. No. 20 If' cast Main street, east of and adjoiuintr the engine-house. The lot and building fronton south ?ldeof M*ln street between Twentieth and Twenty-tlrst streets 22 feet, and the dwelling overheat! contains about leu rooms, gas. watfr. ?rc. This store will pay a good in'ercst, ana Is worthy of attention. ? ? Third." lmmediaielv after the ah ire sale has been made? say at C o'e'ock? upon the premises, that LARGE AND NEW STOKE AND DWELLING ?Iiuatedon Wllllnm^bure avenue and Graham atn et. This is a well-built and desirable stand, and is amorest the best pjopcrtvln Rockett?. having cost Sir. Rose during his lifetime a considerable amount to build. I he More fronts on both tbi* avenue and Graham -trcet. Thedwd:lng overhead contains live rooms. The lot is 30 fe?-t front on Grahum street, andtxtends hack some ccnsldenible depth on the avenue. It has a lar/te stable, water, &c., on the P1Four?h. Imrot diate'y after the above I shall sell the TWO LOTS adjolnlug this sioreon its north. 25 feet in depth. These lots are really as pretty and as desirable for building purposes as any iu that loeal Jty. Terms: Under decree, will be one fourth cash ; re-'ldue at f-ix, twelve, aud eighteen months' credit, with negotiable note?, G per cent, interest added, and title retained until all ot' the purchase-moncy Is paid and a co iveyauee is ordered by the Court. Special attention Is Invited to the sale of this valu able property. The auctioneer will give any fur ther information required before dav of fale. A. M. KEILEi , .my 9-llt gpffhl Commissioner. By Robert IJT Line, , ;? Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, No. 3212 Malu street. Four very^desirable, CONVE NIENT. AND WELL-ARRANGED SEVEN ROOM. TWO-STORY STOCK-BRICK TENE MENTS, WITIi FRONT AND REAR PORCHES. BRICK KITCHENS. ,*C., SITUATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TWENTY-THIRD AND ('.RACE STREETS. WITH HALLS To EACH. FOR SALE BY AU< STIOJT.? By rcijucst of the owner, who resides out of the city and has de termined to sell. I will otter f?>r fate at public auc tion, on l he ur eu> fees, on WEDNESDAY NEXT thel4'h day of May, 1870. at 5!$ o'clock I'. 31., the abovi- VALU A CLE BRICK TENEMENTS, which have betd erected wlrhin the past fen*", years. The location and construction of these homes, coupled with their accessibility to the bit-dues-* ceiiliv, should attract i he attention of parti, s desiring to purchase unai! house?, which will yield a good in come upon a reasonah>c and small outlay. Tliey har? gas, culverts, and closets on the premises? being connretea with the public sewer, au advan tage which few houses on Church BUI pos?eSrf. Iiie teems will be reasonable and satisfactorv. The LOT fronts together on Grace street CGxlu6 feet lo a wide alley. ROBERT B. LYNE, my 8 Anetioiioer. ? ny Robert B. Lyne, Real Estate Auctioneer, 1212 Main street. Large, commodious, and well arranged FOC It -STORY BRICK TO BACCO- FACTORY. W 1 T II S P L E N D I D GROUNDS ATTACHED, FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION.? At the ri tjucst of the owner, who Is re siding] iiv Franec, I shall proceed to sell, upon the premises, on THURSDAY the ]5ih day of May, 1879, at o'clock I\ M.. Hie PROPERTY de scribe:!, situated on the east line of Twenty-fifth street between JM*iu nud Franklin, known as the ROYSTER FACTORY. The bniidiu g is a large ,oue, and admirably ?ulted lor a large manufacturing business: Iiuj a frame bulldinc on the south winch It connects with. , The building Is of great strength and convenience, and has a fine L< >T on its south. The main faciorv fronts about ,10 feet on T wenfy flftti street, and runs back the whole depth of the lot, about 175 feet. The large shod on the south occupies molt of the lot, .aud on which a very lar^e quantity of tobacco can be dried ai once. This fac tory. being situated in the m:dst of the tobacco busi ness and convenient lor shipping by railroads and steamboats, should command the attention of tliose wishing to purchase a truly deslraMe factory. Terms : Will be very liberal, and announced at sale.. - " ' ROBERT It. LYNE, inj 6.8,10.12,13.14113 Auctioneer. By Grubbs & Williams. ' R? al Esute Agents aud Auctioneers. Eleventh street between M^iti and Uauk. . TRUSTEES' SALE OF T1IE THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 208, ON TIIE NORTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET. BE TWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STREETS, AND A FINE BUILDING LOT ADJolNlNG.-Iu exe cution of a deed of tii>t from the iate Robert,!. Barksd.ile and wife lo the subscribers as trustees, dated 12th December, 1877, and recorded in Rich mond Chancery Court ?lllei, in D. B. Ill A, page 487. being thereto reouirtd by the holder oi the noteseenred, we will sell l>< uuc ion. upon ihe prem ises, on WEDNESDAY. May 14 h. a'. 5 o'clock I'. II., the following properly conveyed in suid deed, or so much of it as may t?c necessary for the of the trust? lo wli ; The THREE-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE -No. 208 east Main street, occupied by Mr. E. B. Beutley. It has about ten rooms, with bath-room, gas, and O'her conveniences, and n kitchen with four rooms. The lot is 31 1-12 bv 105H feet to an alley. Tlie VACANT. COT adjoluimr the above, and next to Mr. A. Harris's n?w block of buildings. It is 27 by 105J< feet lo an alley. The above property U near to the business part of the city. In a pleasant and improving neighborhood, and is desirable for residences. Teems : The deed antbeuize^a sole for cash suffi cient to defray the expenses ef sale and to pay off a note for *3.000, widen fell due on 15th December, 1878. aud the residue upon terms to be prescribed by the administrator or assigns of the grantor: but it is probable that bycondtnt of parties njore favor able terms of payment will be allowed. '* * DAVID N.WALKER, A. D. WILLIAMS, ^ Trustees. GgPRBS & Williams, Auctioneer?. my 3 ByD. Thompson Brown,' .. Real Estate Agent ahd Auctioneer, No. 1113 Main street. , : TRUSTEED S A L E O F * A . N ? A T X: BBICK COTTAGE ON . NORTH TENTH' STREET:: ALSO A VACANT LOT IN REAR, FRONTING ON' ELEVENTH STREET.? By vir toeofa decree enured 1st day or May, 1879. In Richmond Chancery Court, U?; a. suit, styled Mc CandlUh vs. Overton's exgcuhv and a/a., J will, as trustee; 6ell to the hlgkesi bidder upon the premises, Vm THURSDAY, 15th day of May, at 6% okslock P. M., the BRICK. COTTAGE -on the e?6t aide of Tenth' a'reet, compienelnx 00 fee* 60tuh of M street, and the loi'frnutg on safd street 33 feet, with a deott* of 118 feet to an allejuwelve feet wide. I -; ; y. ALSO, ? Ji> VAOAjSfT -LOT in rear ,?f the above, fronting 33 feet on west side of Eleventh street, hating a dentb of 1 J8 feet to an alley twelve feet wide. TERMfc : Cash as to amotmt fcufficiewt to pay the expense of 4ale, the cost of these proceeding*, and the feum of $1,711.34 with .Interest at. tight per ?sot. per annum from 25ttattev<?t Sentmber, 1878, untiljMld*; ? COURTNEY, Trustee. /. J. Ta0MT80JT BitOYfX, Auctioawri , ?j. 5 iV' .. ? ISSVRt JKE STATZJIKJTrS. f PUBLISH ED PCBSUASjrTOAClVO^^ (PUBLISHED I'CBBUAST TO ACT ur Aae?o*j?j,i i *-., *c.?v VIRGINIA STATE IlSSUKAtfCE C'OMPAKY. V * ? ?.-, -V.\,,-. - .. ? / , ; .. . J. ? ? - ??$ . ? ::?." - ..'????? * '> ;'vt '.. '' y " -ft v>'--~ "??? ? '' v. ' -" . J. L. BACON*, Ppesidbnt; TH03IAS TT. McCANCE, VICE-PRESIDENT J J. M. TATE, SECRETARY. ?? " ? . ' ? ? AN 5T7AL STATEMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAH ENDING TEE 31ST DAV OP DECEMBER, i 1878. <?F THE ACTUAL CONOITTON OF THE VIRGINIA STATE FIR E-IN^UR ANCE COMPANY. I ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. MADE TO THE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNT- FOR THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIBGINJA. rtHJbUANTTO AN A< TOK THE GENERAL A8FE2M BT Y REGULATING THE REPORT:} OF INSURANCE COMPANIES, AP- | TROVKD FEBRUARY 22, 1678. ' ..... - Name of the comi?any in full. Virginia State INSURANCE COMPANY. Home or principal i Inco of cold comnany, Ricimoxo. Va. Cli acacter of Me company? whrlhei?flre, fire and marine, or marine insurance company? Fire axd 3IARINE. " . President, J. L. Bacon. ? Vice-Precldeiu. Thomas W. 3IcCANCK. . ? ?* Secretary. J. M. Tate. Oigsnlzfd and incorporated, December 1-1, 1803. Commenced business, March 14, 1866. I. CAPITAL. L The amount of subscribed cstlfal stock at sueli corporation.. $200,000 00 II. The amount cf said capital stock paid up In ca.-h... 900.000 QQ II. ASSETS. IV. The assets of f aid company, and a detailed ita'.eiueut of how snd In what the same are Invested : 1. Value of real estate owned by the company ;???$ 2,000 00 2. Loans on oond and mortgage (duly recorded and being first liens on the fee simple), . upon which not more than one year's in'erest 1* due 76,356 92 3. Loans on bond and mor?*a*e {first Hens) upon which more than one year's Interest Is due (of which 46.318.46 ??> In process of foreclosure) 6,318 46 4. Interesi dwonall said bond aud mortgage loanr. $1,101: Interest accrued (hereon. *2,023,66 ? total 3,124 66 5. Value of lands mortgaged, exclusive of buildups and perishable Improve ments 9 99.5"0 6. Value of the bulldlncs mortgaged (insured for $68,000 as collateral) 129.500 7. Total value of said mortgaged nrcnuscp $229,000 8. account of stocks, Bonds, and Treasury Note? of the United States, AND OF THIS STAT F. AND OF OTHER STATES. AND ALSO OK STOCKS AND BONDS OF 1NCORPORATKD C ITIES IN THIS STATE AND OF ALL OTHER STOCKS AND Bonds owned absolutely by the Company. Total Par T' tnl Market Value. Value. ! "United States Government bonds $ 50.000 00 $ f>4,000 00 Richmond el'y bonds 68.500 00 77.325 t'O Chesapeake and Ohio Raliroad bonds 2P,6!>4 24 28.7?2 47 * North Carolina Slate bond's r>.500 00 825 00 State Bank of Virginia stock 5,000 00 4.000 CO Merchants and Piauters Bank stock 1,000 00 800 Oo 9. Total par and market valu*. carried out at market value $158,694 24 $165,732 47 165,732 47 10. A.MOUNT CF STOCKS, BONDS. AND ALL Ol IIER SECURITIES (EXCEPT MORTGAGES) HYPOTHECATED TO THE COMPANY AS COLLATERAL SECURITY FOR CASH AC TUALLY issued r.Y the Company, with the par and market value of .THE. SAME, AND THE AMOUNT LOANED ON EACH: Total Par Total Market Arn't Loaned Value. Value. , Thereon. Virginia and Tennessee Railroad bonds... $ 6.000 00 $ 5.340 00 $ 1,975 81 Virginia con sol bonds ' 3,000 00 1,665 oo 70o 00 ? City Savings Bank of Richmond..... 50fi 00 4(>0 00 3150 00 ' State Bank of Virginia nock 4,000 00 3.200 00 3.000 00 Richmond and Danville Railroad bonds... 2.CO0 00 1.600 00 1.300 00 11. Totsl par nrd market value, and amount loaucd thereon $15,500 00 412.205 00 * 7.335 81 7.335 81 12. Cash In the company's principal office 4s 214 18 13. L'a>-h belonging to the company deposited in the State Bank of Virginia 7.660 52 ,, . , , 7 87- 70 15. Interest due nnd accrued on collateral loans Tpfj 16. Grogs premising in course of collection not more than Three months due 4. <194 53 17. Bills receivable, not matured, taken for tire, marln', and inland risk* 1,677 94 18. AH other propertv belonging to ilit conu'sny? viz. : Ren's duo and accrual. : due from othrr companies for reinsurance on lotkc? already paid. (Insurance Company Vatley of Virginia. 4*400)': St. Paul'.- church. Richmond, secured by individual ?m dorccrs, ^3.6F8.81; bills reecivable, f 220. 05: office furniture aud iron-sare, ? ? $1,500 ? total 5,808 86 The grots amount of all the assets of the company 1*281,110 4 1 AOC.REOATE AMOUNT OF AI.L THE ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. STATED AT THEIR ACTUAL VALUE .1 1 0 41 Iir. LIABILITIES. V. The liabilities of said company : 1. Gross claims fcr adjusted and unpaid lo??s'due and to become due f4.18S 59 2. Gro?s;ios?eK in process of adjustment, or in suspense, including ?d reported und supposed losses. 2.811 41 3. Losses resisted, including luteresis, costs, and other expenses thereon 1.000 00 4. Total grois amount of claims for losses. ... 18,000 00 5. Deduct reinsurance thereon N'one 0. ICot amount of unpaid losses ,... 8.000 00 7. Gro=s premiums reeelved and receivable upon all unexpired fire risks running ova year or less from date of policy, including in terest premiums on perpetual tire risks, $24.634.87 ; unearned pre miums. i>?r cent $12;317 44 8. Gross premium* received aud receivable unoti ail unexpired tire rl*-k? run idnp wore than one year from d.t.e of policy, $16,958.13: unearned premiums, pro rata 9 514 1 1 milieu idu cnnirsieu-u?...-ii?<-.inj, ... (estimated): er.mmis'ioiis. brokerage, and other charges dit<? ami to become due to agents and brokers ou premiums paid and in course of collection, none: return premiums, none? total 1,296 28 37.527 S3 00 >urpius beyond capl al anu an oiner - 58 AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ALL LIABILITIES, INCLUDING PAID-CP CAPITAL STOCK, AND NET SURPLUS 21. Total amount of all liabilities except capital stock and n't surplus ? 37.527 Sf 22. .loinl stock capital actually paid up In cash 200.000 <)( 23. Surplus beyond cajil al anu all other liabilities 4.1..>b2 .?l IV. INCOME. VI. The income of said company during the i-recedimr twelve inonthf, and from what ?otircts derived : F<>r Marine <fc For Fire Hi. ks. Inland Risk*. 1. Gross premiums received in cash, without any de , ductlot 00 $600 97 2. Gro?s cash actually received on bills and notes taken for pieinlum?, without any deduction 2.131 14 3. Gross cash receipt* for premiums. 50,801 14 4. Deduct onlv reinsurance, rebate, abatemi-nr, and re turn premium? 4.916 18 5. Net cash actually received for premiums $45,884 96 $6t 0 97 46,485 93 6. BUN and notes received during Uie } ear lor premiums reuuinins unpaid, curried iu sldo + 1.677 94 7. Received for interest on bonds and mortgages 6,390 07 8. Received for interest and d?videuds on stacks and bonds, collateral loans, and from all other sources 10.839 70 9. Income received from all other sources? viz., Keuts, $401.09? total 401 09 12. AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF INCOME ACTUALLY TtECEIVKD DURING THE YEAR $ V. EXPENDITURES. On Marine and On Fire IJisks. Inland Ilisks. * VII. The expenditures of said company, giving a detailed statement of the same: 1. Gross amount actually paid for losses. Including $8. 566.36; loves occurring In previous years *1^,992 50 None Total deduction- None None 3. Xet amount paid during the year for losses f 18,99,4 ."50 4. Dividends actually paid stockholders (amount of stoekholden,' divldeuus declared du ring the >ear, $20,000) 20.000 00 6. Paid for commissions or brokerape 4.630 50 7. Paid for salaries, -fees, and all oth?r < har^e?i of officers, clerks, agents, and all other employees 9.483 90 8. Puid'l'or State, natiotal, aud local taxes in this and other States 2,879 7 7 Total $ 56 006 67 AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ACTUAL EXPENDITURES DURING THE TEAR * _56.0J10 f,7 State of Virginia, city of Richmond, rs. : Be it remembered. That on tin* L'S'b day of Jannaty, 1879, at the city <tfore?a id, before me. Robert II. Gilliam, a uotnry pidi.'ic re.-ldei't in tkesaid city, duly commissioned and ipidliled by tiie execuMve authority and under the law* ol the Stale of Virginia to t < ke acknowledgment or d?ed?, jfcf\, to be used or recorded therein, personalty appealed ,J. L. Macon, pre: unit, and ,J. 31. Tate, soerefary of! the Virginia state Fire-insurance company, of Richmond, who, being dulv sworn, depese and I sav, and each for hiinielf Mt)>, tl at Ihey are Hie :?tove-d"-cr!be<i officers of the said companv, aud that Ihe foregoing is a true *ml correct statr nient <d" thr actual condition of k.iid organization on the last day of lis fiscal year? to wit. the 31st day of December, 1878, uccordlng to tbe best ot tticlr Information, kndwledgr, and belief, respeciivelj. ? . In testimony v.iiereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the soal of mv office, on th" i {SEAL J 28>h day. of J-uuaiy, 1879. ItOBFRT H.GILLIAM, N. P. VIRGINIA STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE ON MAIN STREET. FIRST DOOR WEST OF THE POST-OFFICE, . . ; AND AGENTS IN ALL TilE TOWNS AND. VILLAGES OF VIRGINIA. . i r?>y io-6t] ' AUCTION SAl,ES~Fn*nre Bj Cbaffln, Staples A Co., Auctioneers, . . So. 1 north Tenth street. It RUST EE'S SALE OF A VALUABLE . FARM IK POWHATAN COUNT Y.? Hv Virtue of a (kc<l of trust executed to me by Joliu F. WUU- I field and wife, bearing dato the 21st day of Decern- ' ber, 1 876. ami recordca In the clerk's office of |v,w- j hatan fount y Court on lb* 23d day of December, 1876. 1 shall, at the request of the person secured j by sniddeeW, proceed to ;<e'l at public auction, on the J nremUes, at 12 o'clock 31.. on the 19T1I DAY <>F MAY. 1679. that, certain TRACT OF LAND de- I scrlbi d lu said deid as lying In I'owhatan county. Ya.. containing 1.017 ACRFS.more or I &?. now m the occupancy of said John F. Whitfield. The said tract consisted oiirinallv of two pan-els ? out- kno*n !t? '* i-armiugton." con'aiuingtbout 700 acres, con veyed to said Whitfield bv John M. My and wife, and tbe other, known as " Middlesex.*' eor.taiidi'K nboitt 317 acres, couveyed to said WhittJeld by John F. Lav. trustee; ihe" ent re tract of J,017 acre.*, more or "less, being hounded bv the lands of Augustine Roynil, Wilson Winfrcc, John C. Sorter's estate, the lauds lately owned i>v Dr. David Mcf'aw. and the lands of William II. Woaaonami ? Wllklpson. The fa id tract Is a valuable farm, about twenty-five Utiles from Richmond. well wooded and watered, and with *h EXCELLENT DWELLING- HOUSE, ocf- UtilWinc?, orchard, Ac. Tun MS : fcnOOgii 1 9 l^v fhe expends of sale and ii tmte for $i,S90, with Interest I rum th-j 30th day of December. 1878: and the residue on such terms as the said John F. Whitfield or his assigns uiay direct ; and In case of lii? or their fuilnre to ui ve sucu direction, the said residue shall be payable In three equal instalments at three, six, and twelve months, with interest added from day of sale, a dee?i of trust to be taken from the purchaser .to secure such deferred instalments. my 8 THQ3IAS II. GUNN. Trustee. By Robert B. Lyrie, Real Estate Agent and Auctioneer, ... 1212 Main6treet. riOtfMISSTONERS' SALE OF ABOUT TWENTY BUILDING LOTS ON SMITH'S HILL. PRONT1NGON SIXTH, SEVENTH. AND EIGHTH STREETS. NEAR CROUCH. PRESTON, AND OTHER SlTKEETS, IN THE CITY OF RICH MOND, BY AUCTION..? In pursuance ot a certain decree of th* Cbancerv Court of the city of Rich mond; .entered on. the 2c| day of July, 18*8. in the snlt styled Hu?lu*s vs. Knowles, Lea. ct als.. therein ponding, we, the undersigned, appointed sj)celal commUfloners for the purpo c, will oroceed tp sell, upon the premises, on FRIDAY the 10th day of May; 1870. commencing at 5 o'clock I*. M.. about TWENTY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, front ing about 80 feet e?ch bv 120 left deop. nils sale offers an uuusuuKy, vood opportunity to parties of small means and purchasers for specula tion or otherwise, being so situated that they will bu greatly Improved and enhanced in value bj the new grades aud.Toany new houses being erected hear to them, and being so contiguous to the central tor tlon of thfe city. Tins teem & under the dpcrte will 1h? one fourth ea'h; balance upon a credit of four, tight, and twelve months, the purchaser to pUo neeotlablc .notes, with sbc pvr cent, ini erect add ^d, and the title to be retained nntil all the purcb>je-moncy is paid aud a conveyance ordered by the Court. A plat of the ittonerty cau be seen at the office of the auctioneer. A. M. KKILKY. JOHN HUNTER, JB., JAMES H. DOOLEY, my 10 bpecial CointnU-doaera. - i/i'" -? it 1 <l ItAII.KOAft LI\ES. RICHMOND, r n KDKRICKSUCRO AND) ?Potomac ItULitOAD, I OFFICE GEN". TlCKK r AND FUKItill T ACT-. f RICHMOND. Va.. May 7. 1879. J /CHANGE OF S C II E D V L E Kj or FREIGHT TRAINS. A ftor SUSDA V NEXT freijrlit trains on till' r?ad will Ik: run as follows : Leave Richmond on Tnes cluys.TliiirsdaVh. and Saturdays at ij A. M.. uti<l re turning, arrive at Richir.on'l at 8:4"< I'. M. -anie days. ('. A. TAYLOR. my 8-I*' G? neni! Frelrlit Ascot. RICHMOND A N r> POTKUSISf ???- < ]{^|f uoau iVUMl'A.'iT. ( * i07.P-Xi.NC} ^ u SUNDAY, .May 11,1879, \J trains oh this ri?*d will xuu as follows: LEAVE K1CHM0V!) fiOL'TH. 1155 A. X., THROUGH MAIL dally, conueetbu for Cnaric-stou, ?;*Ta?nah, Au^uMa an?l Aiken {via ( harlcstouj. Ttaleigh, JacUsonvj|ic~t/UrIor crm to Wilminz tou. Stops only at Chester and Mau chestcr 7:04 A. M? ACCOMMO I) AT I O N* daily niak^ Close couuuclioii a;^ w(r: the Atlantic, MKsisvlpni mid Ohiu railroad for Hrl.+'ol, Chattanooga, Nashville, llunphts. Lvnchburf, Farm vi I ic, and utiit-r locai 6tirious nu that road, making sam* lime u.s by any other line. Stops at all regular station*. 4:55 P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN <!adj (excejit Sunday). Pasaeugcrs takSox Shte iraii; will make olase connection at Petirjlnirjf f-.r Norfolk. 10*35 P.M.. THROUGH MAIL dally, oounrctluo for Weldon. Wilmington, Ralel/li. Charhuton, Savannah, Augusta, Co lumbia, Atlanta, Macon, Monurouiery, Mol>'le, New Orleans, and ail poluis Sourh and Southwest. Pullman slefi iajE-car from Ronton for Wliuilujir ton, Savannah, and the Smth. Stop* ou I j at Manchester aud Chewier. LSAVK l-ryKUPBtBO NORTH. 0:40 A. Mm THROUGH MAIL dally. eonnectlat with Richmond, > r?<2*rickahurg sn3 Potomac railrOHu lVr? nil point? hortu. East, aod-W <r~u Stojk? at Man?;a<%* ? ? ? ' ' tex aud Chester, and ar Hatf-Way and at Drury's BluiT, ou tljrtial. 9:25 A. M., ACCOMMODATION. TRALN . dally (ftxct'Ut SunOay). Stops at all si* Uous. 7.10 P. M., ACCOMMODATION* TRAIN daily * (except Suuday)., Stopj ouly at Mau cnester and Chester. 3:45 P. SL THROUGH MA*. dally, connecting wltjb Zilch muud, Fredericksburg and Potomac railroad i'or all polala East and West, Also, making close cannec* tlou with the Cheaajxjake and Oftio railroad for the Ybgiuia tyriixipi and all points North and west. This train stoitf at Manchester and Cheater, and at Hall- Way and Drury'a Hinff, on slsmal. ALL TRAINS leaving Petewbnr* wtUatwt ftw? USlH^K?WtXci?&ION TRAINS leave Rich* mon?> 9:a0 A. M. a?d 3:30 P. M.J leave Peters I hurtf 0:25 A. M. nud 6:25 Pi. every 8unday. my 8 A. 8JUAW1 SuverfiuviMteuli 2ailki?ai> n?;3K3e WXOKD, tOUK KlVIH AND, ^ SCHEDULE OF THAW^^.ltA,W'0A:', ' O TAKING EFFECT APRIL 2. 1*73 THROUGH I'ASSENGKr. 3:00 P.M. leaves Richmond TO.sri a Y. T'?r ?a DAY.and SATURDAY rJ . *" West I'osui wuu st'.nrPCT IU?i'? V' *1 DOlltU nn V,.,v jf. ' ' ' 1 * 1,1 ' f ? nijrton, riiuaieipnia. N?*w y ton. nnd ail we*t?m at Richmond with train- o? Ulr:lfv , j and Petersburg aad Glicraw?>.?- ?ne Ohio railroads. THROUOll FRF.H'.RT. 5:40 A. M. T^eavca ItMinmrifl MONDAY. WP.P. NKSOAY. mid FRIDAY; an<] 5:00 A. M TTTF.?l>Ay, 1 HL'KMlAY, a:t<1 S\T UBflDAY. Connect t wltb ?:?trtKri at "West point for rivrr landings. Bal timore, snd al' wwtcra po'.ti'!. c?,:i. nectsat Richmond Th 'ralnxon p.lrft. mnnd an J Danville ralirotd.Rtchniond an.l lVteri.!i?>r/. and Ubesacxake *n<i railroads. LOCAL 3:30 P.M. Leave- Ktc)in><>ii?i MONDAY. ? fh. NESDAY.and Fill day. THROUGH PASsKMifcu. 10:C0 A. H. Arrive* at Rlchinoni T'*KSf)A Y. THURSDAY. andSATPltl; v , nects with tram-* on U'.eh3t<.i<4 , 1,'a Petervbur? and CHoaapna,-# juJouo railroads. ^tcjiu^r TI.ivmu !>., ,..k p?i tlrnore froir, Pier Ul l.i-tr MONDAY, WEONK5DAY, ! :0 K.'>. PAY, a' * P. M *?'.? trains from Phi!ailcl|tlib. >.>* yv,rt and wer'.cru jpMtiU. an<| ,-t \y. n ?with trains for Rich<u?>aJ tail >h* goxitk. " THROUGH FREIGHT. 3:25 P.M. 4irtv?*i?:ich)nou?l M')M?\Y.\VKD. NKSDAY, and FK1DAY ; a'id 5*50 P. M.TUESPAl. THURSDAY. *?.! .^at. URDAY. <"om>ect* with nr.* r ?? V,'c.*t point 'ionr. Ilal'hn- r necls with Richmond and li-utvnie, Richmond and P*ter>litirx. ? . ! < :l,'_a? Deakc anil Ohl* railroad*. LOCAL PASSF.NOKIC. i<W? A. id. Artfvwi at Richmond M ONI) A Y, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY. r.m. lif<:ts with Rlchiuoud a?i P<l?:r< Imrt' and (Jliesapt'aku and rail road*. No transferuf freight at IMcnmoinl to or from 30Uthnrn points. Lara run throtigli <*Hvri*u AtUnu and Wet't l'olut. Careful lianUlicffAn*] dilate):, wltli iowest r;?tn, jruarautwl. Toronith bills of :?>!!??, wt\li ^-l.tranVcd rn.v-4, failed to all northern >u:d we?t^iu point-.. Tljxoc^h tlckfts sold t? all ??..rt?>cr;if oa-'era. sn4 vrestcrn poluU?, and b?xr*zr. ??h?'<,k<- ?<! ihuvux. For ti^Kcti apply General i::itu<wd *i'!? '? r-l (if. Are. Main str?C?; at tlie f x<*han?r? H.ifi-l. -ud CoiMjianv's dfcjxjK cornrr Twcuty-talnl an 1 lx.<i atrtrts. Rlcbajoud, Va. ma"" H* T- '>orrOhAS.*iir*rlntnii1eat itlOL'MOXD. KTtKU'tt A POTOMAC li. K. ( OFFICE GKNKlCAt. Tli K KI A'.KST, 1 RICHMOND. Y.\? Apr?! US. ! /COMMENCING SI'NDAY, MAY l, is 79 \J tn-'.liis ou this road will run a* foilaws: NORTH BOUND. NO. 1?8:00 A. M.. leavts UTr<1-s?rr?t eta'Jon 10'y Sun-la)>) ; .in,. Iniriop, 1:10 ? .>l.; tLIrlini.rr 3:03 P. M.: I'fiil Hi- i ii; .-,ii P.M.: \e? Yor*. IOS'4 I'. M. NO. 3?5:00 P. M., leaves Pyrd-^n^tstatif 11 daily' diit> u* J? 55 p. if, Baltimore-, 11:55 I'. M. : I'lii t rlflphla. :i :t .*? A. M,S New Yor?. 6:45 A.M. NO. 7-4:00 P.M., A( (.OMMODATION Ti: \ I v for Junction. teav*H Hrv ?<(? StrsH-l stattoN daily \tx- ? ; ;5>:a daj-6). SOUTH BOUND. NO.2? 10.15 P. M., arriv?*5 a? r.vrd-s'r tt '?s'.Ufl rtany (exorpt Snmtiys). New York. >1:13 .v. l'!u .. <W-lp!iIa. 11 1.*. A M.; Italtl nH're. ,t:nu r. M. : \\ as!'! 11# t- ? Hi'jtU P. XL NO. 4 11:35 A. II., amTci at Bvri'-Si.'-* t sUMob tU'l*. l.i 'iV' - Vi v. V i.-i , If >0 P. M.; t'liltadclpiiii, |:lo v M.; Ka in more, a. k. Wasl-lmrl''!!. i'uoO A. M. No. 8-8:40 A. M., A* -COMM' ?D.\'I ION TPA1N, arri\?K *t Hr?>iyJ?^iri*K ?t.itl'.n dally (except Siii?*Ibv?i. A. TAYLOR. Gonom? Tlrket Ascot E. 7. D. Myeha, Gcntra^ .>uh riiit#?ic:. m. Cll KSA PEAK i: ANI> Oil tA if \II.WAY,? Richmond, Va.. Maix'ii 1:1. 1 ^ 7 *. ? . > ON" AND AFTKIt SUNDAY, M.MJJ II 10. 1^70. PASSENGER TRAINS WILE UL'N' AS FOLLOWS : j J 3 JrctUf I Mail. I <>i?y<tti< 1 WEST Dally Exorpij Kji. i/v?v. ' Dail* Bound, j Sunday. 1 i>Jii). Except I >iiti?li\. fi:00 A. M.l 1(>: 0 P. M. t '?) P.M. 8:44 A. M. 1 1):4 ? P. M. !:.'!> I". V. 0:05 A.M. U:i:il'.M. 4:.*?JP.M. 0:'Lr? A. M. 11:111 P. M . 7 P. M. 10::12 A. M.j 1U:4S A. M. 0:1 7 P.M. A 1 1:05 A.M.jB A. M.' 7::u> P. M. liJ:00 NoniiJ 'J -J5 A. V.; 12:in P. M. C 2:40 A. M I) 2:00 P. >1. K 4 :."?(? A. M F 3:41 P. M.l ?:I5 A. M 4:05I'.M. ?::i5A.M 5:35 P.M. fc:00 A..M White sul nliur.... 0:45 P.M. Pr.M A.M.! .. Illnton.... 10:20I'.M. 1 1 : 1 1? \ M Cliarli-Pn 5::i0 A. M.l :i:5y P. M Ji i) 11 C inx- i ton 0:00 A. M. O U::io P. M. I'orrsni'th. :H 10:30 P. M Cincinnati j '?/ A.M.-. East Uocm?. Malltr.tln.1rrlves.1t Klcliinor,.: d tiiy cept Sunday at P. M. Ex pros train arrives at L'ichmnitd il.nh at 7 :? 10 A.M. AccoiniiuMalloti li-aln arilvrs at Kicli inoiHl daily except Sunday a? ?< \. ">f. A mixed train leave* Mi.uii ' n 1 : '.h M., takliiL' pas^etDterd from Vliviu?4 .Miiiii I n.O i from Wa>liln:lon. and arrive* at t;li-!iin :i'i 1' :i j P. M. daily exc? pt .-tinili-r. A connects with Yhuini i Midland 1 1 : ? ??!. I'hv Inif at 11:05 A. M. for I.yi:chliu:v and All.inll'-. .Mls-lbflpjii Hud Olili) Railroad stai!"i:-. : ri ! wt.'i Virginia Midland railroad, l?.*as in^' m P. il. !? r Wa.' hln^ioii. II connect? with Vlr/fnln Mldlun I r tl'ri'-"!. 1- i^* ititf al-3:50 A. M. for Wasliln/foii. <? comiecls >v):li Virginia .Midl.tuJ railroad. P?v ln^ at. 2:50 A. M. for ?yncutmrK at.d A.Ian: :c, .'iu? isl-sippl and Ohio Railroad staiion^. I) couuecfs v> itli Valley railroad. Pvivlmr at o P M. for II an Jsouiiurj.'. E ??oiiiii o:h with Valley railroad, leaving at 1 A. M. lor llarpei'd Ferry. F eonuecta wllh slaae line for Lexington ? 1 ., points on the Ohio rlv?*r an<i L'Ih*1"' H connects wjth Scioto Y i'" - 'aili-./a Northwest. J connect* with ?n ijiw dlv? rifln? to ri - \\ '? Northwest, and Sou'h^st? M'. it. >. lit K.Jrtnerr and i n*. IJONVVAY U. Ho^AUD, (ifueral Pu-vn-nr- r *11 1 Tlckct Aytnii. __________ t>ichmo>d and dan vi li.?: i;a i i^ ROAD COMi'AN Y. 8CH.VCLE OF TRAINS TAKI-NG FFfEoT SUNDAY. JANUARY 5, 1^7?. I Train ,V??. 1. ' 7V*in S-. Dally. I I 'ally. Leave Richmond at.. 11:40 A.M.! 10:30 l'. H. Arrive at liurkevllle, Va 2:201*. 51 ! 1:17 A.M. Arrive at SutUerUn, i Va A 5:4 U P. Si 4:02 A. M. ArriT? al Danville, Va 0:34 P.M. 4:01 A. M Arrive at Grcen*t>o- < to'. X. V P:3B P. M 0:5" A. \i. Arrivnut J?a!vni, N. C.j 1J:1U 1*. M.( Arrive at Ka-cixb, X.| i < : i ! 1 - ?' i ?' ? ? 1 ? Arrive at Saii-hury,| i , ,, %.<? 1 0:40 I*. M. i? y:14A. M. Arrive at < h-riotte. 1 N. <? 12:50 A. II 1!:.' Arrive at Columbia, | S*. c ....0:00 A.M.' 4:1 'J 1*. M. Arrive at Charleston.' S. (' ' ' Arrive at Augusta. i Ga ....IC 10:00 A. >1 <- ?a01'.M Arrive at Savannal?J :|( (> A ? OS i. u Arrive at A'U<i:a, < ??. Arrive at Moutgi uie Arrlvvat AiUntn.i.u. K 12:00 M. K U'-i( I". M Arrive at Mom# me-' rv. Alai |K 7:20 P. M Anlvear Mobile, Ala. 2.00 A. M Arrive nt New Or-' lc.nn, l,a If; 8:30 A. M ; A connect* for Milton. X. C. it co&necu for Asdievllle and all pedals m W<-.t?:rn Noritj Carolina daily. except Sn:>w .\. C < onaccts for Macou and all pour* lu Geo ivia. D connects for Ja ksonvwle and all in Flo rida. fcconnccUfor Macou and all in >o:?thwes Georgia, and ChattatJkxxa, N\vdn Hie, J all Tex ?a |>olui?. P connects for Sdaia, Meridian, Jac*-?>!i. luJ Vick.-bur*. >CK?uurx. <j connect* for Galveston ,v )?1 jM T? xas Train* from ihe aftuve-uatned t*?lnt< <irr i'< ?? Hehmond at 4:43 P. M. and 7:43 A. M. Trul us between Grecusboro' ana Sulcui mo except Sunday. Pullman Palace Drawinx-roorn aud Sl.vr'.'n,' ?'sr* in through on Train No. I troin >r* i"?"k *?' run through on Iram .>v. t irvm - Klchuiwn J tt> Atlan/a, and from Uiwu-ikmo' t>? au ^n%ta.ami on I rain No. a from X?w \ u -iiu! Kich nsond to Savanna b. Tickets $o!d lo all points .*>u'li. ?.>?itiie?*f. auj southwest. an<t baagutfe ehrcSie*! Uin>n.-fi. ifruuht Train No. 9, leavin.* Richnu-ul at al.. and No. 10. arriving in Kiciuuoad ?'? y ? "111 have accommodations (or .? (? * <o uu-a.i>s lJa?sei)/e?'r?>, who tunsi purciia <? fieieM iK-furc tlnif on rhe tram. Xo tMUaeu^n * 111 l*e ?'? >*< J yU other freight train J. Xo lay-over cb?ck? given <?n local ti /A JOHN' It. M.M "MlHno. ? General Palaver Axeut. T* JL B. Talcott, General superintend* ot, SPECTACIBI, EYKdJUSXl S. J?" rrOHEGAlN Y<)L'H^itair^^^5~> -1 KOK 23c. call at 1H04 Main strwt aud xet a iKiir *1 K 1 *1 CfiE.S or EYK-Gf.ASSKS. A la?e a^.rimenj ol anperior quality alwav.son l and. Price 'r?'M -i'*' (upward*. SiWIfuliy adjuaUxl to tl??*ve t?v W. U. OOWAKP1N. PractSeal Opitclau, Watconjiker. *i'd ld04 Malu ?ftv?t.